539 lines
16 KiB
539 lines
16 KiB
** Command & Conquer Red Alert(tm)
** Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc.
** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
/* $Header: /CounterStrike/LZW.CPP 1 3/03/97 10:25a Joe_bostic $ */
*** C O N F I D E N T I A L --- W E S T W O O D S T U D I O S ***
* *
* Project Name : Command & Conquer *
* *
* File Name : LZW.CPP *
* *
* Programmer : Joe L. Bostic *
* *
* Start Date : 08/28/96 *
* *
* Last Update : August 28, 1996 [JLB] *
* *
* Functions: *
* Find_Child_Node -- Find a matching dictionary entry. *
* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "xstraw.h"
#include "xpipe.h"
#include "buff.h"
#include "lzw.h"
void LZWEngine::Reset(void)
for (int i = 0; i < TABLE_SIZE; i++) {
int LZWEngine::Compress(Buffer const & input, Buffer const & output)
BufferStraw instraw(input);
BufferPipe outpipe(output);
int outcount = 0;
CodeType string_code = END_OF_STREAM;
CodeType next_code = FIRST_CODE;
string_code = 0;
if (instraw.Get(&string_code, sizeof(char)) == 0) {
string_code = END_OF_STREAM;
for (;;) {
** Fetch a character from the source data stream. If exhausted,
** then break out of the process loop so that the final code
** can be written out.
unsigned char character;
if (instraw.Get(&character, sizeof(character)) == 0) break;
** See if there is a match for the current code and current
** character. A match indicates that there is already a
** dictionary entry that fully represents the character
** sequence.
int index = Find_Child_Node(string_code, character);
** If a code match was found, then set the current code
** value to this code value that represents the concatenation
** of the previous code value and the current character.
if (index != -1 && dict[index].CodeValue != -1) {
string_code = dict[index].CodeValue;
} else {
** Since no exact match was found, then create a new code
** entry that represents the current code and character
** value concatenated. This presumes there is room in the
** code table.
if (index != -1 && next_code <= MAX_CODE) {
dict[index] = CodeClass(next_code, string_code, character);
** Output the code to the compression stream and reset the
** current code value to match the current character. This
** has the effect of clearing out the current character
** sequence scan in preparation for building a new one. It
** also ensures that the character will be written out.
outcount += outpipe.Put(&string_code, sizeof(string_code));
string_code = character;
outcount += outpipe.Put(&string_code, sizeof(string_code));
if (string_code != END_OF_STREAM) {
string_code = END_OF_STREAM;
outcount += outpipe.Put(&string_code, sizeof(string_code));
int LZWEngine::Uncompress(Buffer const & input, Buffer const & output)
int outcount = 0;
BufferStraw instraw(input);
BufferPipe outpipe(output);
CodeType old_code;
if (instraw.Get(&old_code, sizeof(old_code)) == 0) {
unsigned char character = (unsigned char)old_code;
outcount += outpipe.Put(&character, sizeof(character));
unsigned int count;
CodeType new_code;
CodeType next_code = FIRST_CODE;
for (;;) {
if (instraw.Get(&new_code, sizeof(new_code)) == 0) break;
if (new_code == END_OF_STREAM) break;
** case which generates an undefined code. It handles it by decoding
** the last code, and adding a single character to the end of the decode string.
if (new_code >= next_code) {
decode_stack[0] = character;
count = 1;
count += Decode_String(&decode_stack[1], old_code);
} else {
count = Decode_String(decode_stack, new_code);
character = decode_stack[count-1];
while (count > 0) {
outcount += outpipe.Put(&decode_stack[count], sizeof(decode_stack[0]));
** Add the new code sequence to the dictionary (presuming there is still
** room).
if (next_code <= MAX_CODE) {
dict[next_code] = CodeClass(next_code, old_code, character);
old_code = new_code;
int LZWEngine::Make_LZW_Hash(CodeType code, char character)
return((((int)(unsigned char)character) << ( BITS - 8 ) ) ^ (int)code);
int LZWEngine::Find_Child_Node(CodeType parent_code, char child_character)
** Fetch the first try index for the code and character.
int hash_index = Make_LZW_Hash(parent_code, child_character);
** Base the hash-miss-try-again-displacement value on the current
** index. [Shouldn't the value be some large prime number???].
int offset = 1;
if (hash_index != 0) {
offset = TABLE_SIZE - hash_index;
** Keep offsetting through the dictionary until an exact match is
** found for the code and character specified.
int initial = hash_index;
while (!dict[hash_index].Is_Matching(parent_code, child_character)) {
** Stop searching if an unused index is found since this means that
** a match doesn't exist in the table at all.
if (dict[hash_index].Is_Unused()) break;
** Bump the hash index to another value such that sequential bumps
** will not result in the same index value until all of the table
** has been scanned.
hash_index -= offset;
if (hash_index < 0) {
hash_index += TABLE_SIZE;
** If the entire table has been scanned and no match or unused
** entry was found, then return a special value indicating this
** condition.
if (initial == hash_index) {
hash_index = -1;
int LZWEngine::Decode_String(char * ptr, CodeType code)
int count = 0;
while (code > 255) {
*ptr++ = dict[code].CharValue;
code = dict[code].ParentCode;
*ptr = (char)code;
int LZW_Uncompress(Buffer const & inbuff, Buffer const & outbuff)
LZWEngine lzw;
return(lzw.Uncompress(inbuff, outbuff));
int LZW_Compress(Buffer const & inbuff, Buffer const & outbuff)
LZWEngine lzw;
return(lzw.Compress(inbuff, outbuff));
#ifdef NEVER
* Constants used throughout the program. BITS defines how many bits
* will be in a code. TABLE_SIZE defines the size of the dictionary
* table.
#define BITS 12
#define MAX_CODE ( ( 1 << BITS ) - 1 )
#define TABLE_SIZE 5021
#define END_OF_STREAM 256
#define FIRST_CODE 257
#define UNUSED -1
typedef unsigned short CodeType;
* This data structure defines the dictionary. Each entry in the dictionary
* has a code value. This is the code emitted by the compressor. Each
* code is actually made up of two pieces: a parent_code, and a
* character. Code values of less than 256 are actually plain
* text codes.
struct CodeClass
CodeType CodeValue;
CodeType ParentCode;
char CharValue;
CodeClass(void) {}
CodeClass(CodeType code, CodeType parent, char c) : CodeValue(code), ParentCode(parent), CharValue(c) {}
void Make_Unused(void) {CodeValue = UNUSED;}
bool Is_Unused(void) const {return(CodeValue == UNUSED);}
bool Is_Matching(CodeType code, char c) const {return(ParentCode == code && CharValue == c);}
CodeClass dict[TABLE_SIZE];
char decode_stack[TABLE_SIZE];
inline int Make_LZW_Hash(CodeType code, char character)
return((((int)(unsigned char)character) << ( BITS - 8 ) ) ^ (int)code);
* Find_Child_Node -- Find a matching dictionary entry. *
* *
* This hashing routine is responsible for finding the table location *
* for a string/character combination. The table index is created *
* by using an exclusive OR combination of the prefix and character. *
* This code also has to check for collisions, and handles them by *
* jumping around in the table. *
* *
* INPUT: parent_code -- The code of the parent string sequence. *
* *
* character -- The current character. *
* *
* OUTPUT: Returns with the index for the matching dictionary entry. If no matching index *
* could be found, then it returns with the index to an unused dictionary entry. If *
* there are also no unused entries in the dictionary, then -1 is returned. *
* *
* WARNINGS: none *
* *
* 08/28/1996 JLB : Created. *
static int Find_Child_Node(CodeType parent_code, char child_character)
** Fetch the first try index for the code and character.
int hash_index = Make_LZW_Hash(parent_code, child_character);
** Base the hash-miss-try-again-displacement value on the current
** index. [Shouldn't the value be some large prime number???].
int offset = 1;
if (hash_index != 0) {
offset = TABLE_SIZE - hash_index;
** Keep offsetting through the dictionary until an exact match is
** found for the code and character specified.
int initial = hash_index;
while (!dict[hash_index].Is_Matching(parent_code, child_character)) {
** Stop searching if an unused index is found since this means that
** a match doesn't exist in the table at all.
if (dict[hash_index].Is_Unused()) break;
** Bump the hash index to another value such that sequential bumps
** will not result in the same index value until all of the table
** has been scanned.
hash_index -= offset;
if (hash_index < 0) {
hash_index += TABLE_SIZE;
** If the entire table has been scanned and no match or unused
** entry was found, then return a special value indicating this
** condition.
if (initial == hash_index) {
hash_index = -1;
* This routine decodes a string from the dictionary, and stores it
* in the decode_stack data structure. It returns a count to the
* calling program of how many characters were placed in the stack.
static int Decode_String(char * ptr, CodeType code)
int count = 0;
while (code > 255) {
*ptr++ = dict[code].CharValue;
code = dict[code].ParentCode;
*ptr = (char)code;
* The compressor is short and simple. It reads in new symbols one
* at a time from the input file. It then checks to see if the
* combination of the current symbol and the current code are already
* defined in the dictionary. If they are not, they are added to the
* dictionary, and we start over with a new one symbol code. If they
* are, the code for the combination of the code and character becomes
* our new code.
int LZW_Compress(Buffer & inbuff, Buffer & outbuff)
BufferStraw input(inbuff);
BufferPipe output(outbuff);
for (int i = 0; i < TABLE_SIZE; i++) {
// dict[i].code_value = UNUSED;
int outcount = 0;
CodeType string_code = END_OF_STREAM;
CodeType next_code = FIRST_CODE;
for (;;) {
char character;
if (input.Get(&character, sizeof(character)) == 0) break;
int index = Find_Child_Node(string_code, character);
if (index == -1) {
string_code = character;
outcount += output.Put(&string_code, sizeof(string_code));
} else {
if (dict[index].CodeValue != -1) {
string_code = dict[ index ].CodeValue;
} else {
if (next_code <= MAX_CODE) {
dict[index] = CodeClass(next_code++, string_code, character);
outcount += output.Put(&string_code, sizeof(string_code));
string_code = character;
outcount += output.Put(&string_code, sizeof(string_code));
string_code = END_OF_STREAM;
outcount += output.Put(&string_code, sizeof(string_code));
* The file expander operates much like the encoder. It has to
* read in codes, the convert the codes to a string of characters.
* The only catch in the whole operation occurs when the encoder
* encounters a CHAR+STRING+CHAR+STRING+CHAR sequence. When this
* occurs, the encoder outputs a code that is not presently defined
* in the table. This is handled as an exception.
int LZW_Uncompress(Buffer & inbuff, Buffer & outbuff)
int outcount = 0;
BufferStraw input(inbuff);
BufferPipe output(outbuff);
CodeType old_code;
if (input.Get(&old_code, sizeof(old_code)) == 0) {
char character = (char)old_code;
outcount += output.Put(&character, sizeof(character));
unsigned int count;
CodeType new_code;
CodeType next_code = FIRST_CODE;
for (;;) {
if (input.Get(&new_code, sizeof(new_code)) == 0) break;
** case which generates an undefined code. It handles it by decoding
** the last code, and adding a single character to the end of the decode string.
if (new_code >= next_code) {
decode_stack[0] = character;
count = 1;
count += Decode_String(&decode_stack[1], old_code);
} else {
count = Decode_String(decode_stack, new_code);
character = decode_stack[count-1];
while (count > 0) {
outcount += output.Put(&decode_stack[count], sizeof(decode_stack[0]));
** Add the new code sequence to the dictionary (presuming there is still
** room).
if (next_code <= MAX_CODE) {
dict[next_code] = CodeClass(next_code, old_code, character);
old_code = new_code;