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; Copyright 2020 Electronic Arts Inc.
; TiberianDawn.DLL and RedAlert.dll and corresponding source code is free
; software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
; the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation,
; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
; TiberianDawn.DLL and RedAlert.dll and corresponding source code is distributed
; in the hope that it will be useful, but with permitted additional restrictions
; under Section 7 of the GPL. See the GNU General Public License in LICENSE.TXT
; distributed with this program. You should have received a copy of the
; GNU General Public License along with permitted additional restrictions
; with this program. If not, see []>.
; $Header: F:\projects\c&c\vcs\code\support.asv 2.13 16 Oct 1995 16:52:36 JOE_BOSTIC $
;** C O N F I D E N T I A L --- W E S T W O O D S T U D I O S **
;* *
;* Project Name : Command & Conquer *
;* *
;* File Name : SUPPORT.ASM *
;* *
;* Programmer : Joe L. Bostic *
;* *
;* Start Date : September 23, 1993 *
;* *
;* Last Update : May 10, 1994 [JLB] *
;* *
;* Functions: *
;* strtrim -- Remove the trailing white space from a string. *
;* Fat_Put_Pixel -- Draws a fat pixel. *
;* Conquer_Build_Fading_Table -- Builds custom shadow/light fading table.*
;* Remove_From_List -- Removes a pointer from a list of pointers. *
;* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *
DISPLAY "Command & Conquer assembly support routines."
;* strtrim -- Remove the trailing white space from a string. *
;* *
;* Use this routine to remove white space characters from the beginning *
;* and end of the string. The string is modified in place by *
;* this routine. *
;* *
;* INPUT: buffer -- Pointer to the string to modify. *
;* *
;* OUTPUT: none *
;* *
;* WARNINGS: none *
;* *
;* 10/07/1992 JLB : Created. *
; VOID cdecl strtrim(BYTE *buffer);
global C strtrim :NEAR
PROC strtrim C near
USES ax, edi, esi
ARG buffer:DWORD ; Pointer to string to modify.
cmp [buffer],0
je short ??fini
; Prepare for string scanning by loading pointers.
mov esi,[buffer]
mov edi,esi
; Strip white space from the start of the string.
cmp al,20h ; Space
je short ??looper
cmp al,9 ; TAB
je short ??looper
; Copy the rest of the string.
or al,al
jnz short ??gruntloop
dec edi
; Strip the white space from the end of the string.
mov [edi],al
dec edi
mov ah,[edi]
cmp ah,20h
je short ??looper2
cmp ah,9
je short ??looper2
ENDP strtrim
;* Fat_Put_Pixel -- Draws a fat pixel. *
;* *
;* Use this routine to draw a "pixel" that is bigger than 1 pixel *
;* across. This routine is faster than drawing a similar small shape *
;* and faster than calling Fill_Rect. *
;* *
;* INPUT: x,y -- Screen coordinates to draw the pixel's upper *
;* left corner. *
;* *
;* color -- The color to render the pixel in. *
;* *
;* size -- The number of pixels width of the big "pixel". *
;* *
;* page -- The pointer to a GraphicBuffer class or something *
;* *
;* OUTPUT: none *
;* *
;* WARNINGS: none *
;* *
;* 03/17/1994 JLB : Created. *
; VOID cdecl Fat_Put_Pixel(long x, long y, long color, long size, void *page)
global C Fat_Put_Pixel:NEAR
PROC Fat_Put_Pixel C near
USES eax, ebx, ecx, edx, edi, esi
ARG x:DWORD ; X coordinate of upper left pixel corner.
ARG y:DWORD ; Y coordinate of upper left pixel corner.
ARG color:DWORD ; Color to use for the "pixel".
ARG siz:DWORD ; Size of "pixel" to plot (square).
ARG gpage:DWORD ; graphic page address to plot onto
cmp [siz],0
je short ??exit
; Set EDI to point to start of logical page memory.
; Get the viewport information and put bytes per row in ecx
mov ebx,[gpage] ; get a pointer to viewport
mov edi,[(GraphicViewPort ebx).GVPOffset] ; get the correct offset
; Verify the the Y pixel offset is legal.
mov eax,[y]
cmp eax,[(GraphicViewPort ebx).GVPHeight] ;YPIXEL_MAX
jae short ??exit
mov ecx,[(GraphicViewPort ebx).GVPWidth]
add ecx,[(GraphicViewPort ebx).GVPXAdd]
add ecx,[(GraphicViewPort ebx).GVPPitch]
mul ecx
add edi,eax
; Verify the the X pixel offset is legal.
mov edx,[(GraphicViewPort ebx).GVPWidth]
cmp edx,[x]
mov edx,ecx
jbe short ??exit
add edi,[x]
; Write the pixel to the screen.
mov ebx,[siz] ; Copy of pixel size.
sub edx,ebx ; Modulo to reach start of next row.
mov eax,[color]
mov ecx,ebx
rep stosb
add edi,edx ; EDI points to start of next row.
dec [siz]
jnz short ??again
ENDP Fat_Put_Pixel
;* Conquer_Build_Fading_Table -- Builds custom shadow/light fading table. *
;* *
;* This routine is used to build a special fading table for C&C. There *
;* are certain colors that get faded to and cannot be faded again. *
;* With this rule, it is possible to draw a shadow multiple times and *
;* not have it get any lighter or darker. *
;* *
;* INPUT: palette -- Pointer to the 768 byte IBM palette to build from. *
;* *
;* dest -- Pointer to the 256 byte remap table. *
;* *
;* color -- Color index of the color to "fade to". *
;* *
;* frac -- The fraction to fade to the specified color *
;* *
;* OUTPUT: Returns with pointer to the remap table. *
;* *
;* WARNINGS: none *
;* *
;* 10/07/1992 JLB : Created. *
;VOID * cdecl Conquer_Build_Fading_Table(VOID *palette, VOID *dest, long color, long frac);
global C Conquer_Build_Fading_Table : NEAR
PROC Conquer_Build_Fading_Table C near
USES ebx, ecx, edi, esi
ARG palette:DWORD
LOCAL matchvalue:DWORD ; Last recorded match value.
LOCAL targetred:BYTE ; Target gun red.
LOCAL targetgreen:BYTE ; Target gun green.
LOCAL targetblue:BYTE ; Target gun blue.
LOCAL idealred:BYTE
LOCAL idealgreen:BYTE
LOCAL idealblue:BYTE
LOCAL matchcolor:BYTE ; Tentative match color.
; If the source palette is NULL, then just return with current fading table pointer.
cmp [palette],0
je ??fini1
cmp [dest],0
je ??fini1
; Fractions above 255 become 255.
mov eax,[frac]
cmp eax,0100h
jb short ??ok
mov [frac],0FFh
; Record the target gun values.
mov esi,[palette]
mov ebx,[color]
add esi,ebx
add esi,ebx
add esi,ebx
mov [targetred],al
mov [targetgreen],al
mov [targetblue],al
; Main loop.
xor ebx,ebx ; Remap table index.
; Transparent black never gets remapped.
mov edi,[dest]
mov [edi],bl
inc edi
; EBX = source palette logical number (1..255).
; EDI = running pointer into dest remap table.
inc ebx
mov esi,[palette]
add esi,ebx
add esi,ebx
add esi,ebx
mov edx,[frac]
shr edx,1
; new = orig - ((orig-target) * fraction);
lodsb ; orig
mov dh,al ; preserve it for later.
sub al,[targetred] ; al = (orig-target)
imul dl ; ax = (orig-target)*fraction
shl eax,1
sub dh,ah ; dh = orig - ((orig-target) * fraction)
mov [idealred],dh ; preserve ideal color gun value.
lodsb ; orig
mov dh,al ; preserve it for later.
sub al,[targetgreen] ; al = (orig-target)
imul dl ; ax = (orig-target)*fraction
shl eax,1
sub dh,ah ; dh = orig - ((orig-target) * fraction)
mov [idealgreen],dh ; preserve ideal color gun value.
lodsb ; orig
mov dh,al ; preserve it for later.
sub al,[targetblue] ; al = (orig-target)
imul dl ; ax = (orig-target)*fraction
shl eax,1
sub dh,ah ; dh = orig - ((orig-target) * fraction)
mov [idealblue],dh ; preserve ideal color gun value.
; Sweep through a limited set of existing colors to find the closest
; matching color.
mov eax,[color]
mov [matchcolor],al ; Default color (self).
mov [matchvalue],-1 ; Ridiculous match value init.
mov esi,[palette] ; Pointer to original palette.
add esi,(ALLOWED_START)*3
; BH = color index.
xor edx,edx ; Comparison value starts null.
; Build the comparison value based on the sum of the differences of the color
; guns squared.
sub al,[idealred]
mov ah,al
imul ah
add edx,eax
sub al,[idealgreen]
mov ah,al
imul ah
add edx,eax
sub al,[idealblue]
mov ah,al
imul ah
add edx,eax
jz short ??perfect ; If perfect match found then quit early.
cmp edx,[matchvalue]
jae short ??notclose
mov [matchvalue],edx ; Record new possible color.
mov [matchcolor],bh
inc bh ; Checking color index.
loop ??innerloop
mov bh,[matchcolor]
mov [matchcolor],bh
xor bh,bh ; Make BX valid main index again.
; When the loop exits, we have found the closest match.
mov al,[matchcolor]
jne ??mainloop
; Fill the remainder of the remap table with values
; that will remap the color to itself.
inc bl
mov al,bl
loop ??fillerloop
mov esi,[dest]
mov eax,esi
ENDP Conquer_Build_Fading_Table
;* Remove_From_List -- Removes a pointer from a list of pointers. *
;* *
;* This low level routine is used to remove a pointer from a list of *
;* pointers. The trailing pointers are moved downward to fill the *
;* hole. *
;* *
;* INPUT: list -- Pointer to list of pointer. *
;* *
;* index -- Pointer to length of pointer list. *
;* *
;* ptr -- The pointer value to search for and remove. *
;* *
;* OUTPUT: none *
;* *
;* WARNINGS: none *
;* *
;* 04/11/1994 JLB : Created. *
;* 04/22/1994 JLB : Convert to assembly language. *
;* 05/10/1994 JLB : Short pointers now. *
;VOID cdecl Remove_From_List(VOID **list, long *index, long ptr);
global C Remove_From_List:NEAR
PROC Remove_From_List C near
USES edi, esi, ecx, eax
ARG list:DWORD ; Pointer to list.
ARG index:DWORD ; Pointer to count.
ARG element:DWORD ; Element to remove.
; Fetch the number of elements in the list. If there are no
; elements, then just exit quickly.
mov edi,[index]
mov ecx,[edi]
jcxz short ??fini2
; Fetch pointer to list.
cmp [list],0
je short ??fini2
mov edi,[list]
; Loop through all elements searching for a match.
mov eax,[element]
repne scasd
jne short ??fini2 ; No match found.
; Copy all remaining elements down. If this is the
; last element in the list then nothing needs to be
; copied -- just decrement the list size.
jcxz short ??nocopy ; No copy necessary.
mov esi,edi
sub edi,4
rep movsd
; Reduce the list count by one.
mov edi,[index]
dec [DWORD PTR edi]
ENDP Remove_From_List
; long cdecl Get_EAX();
global C Get_EAX :NEAR
PROC Get_EAX C near