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// Copyright 2020 Electronic Arts Inc.
// TiberianDawn.DLL and RedAlert.dll and corresponding source code is free
// software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
// the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation,
// either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// TiberianDawn.DLL and RedAlert.dll and corresponding source code is distributed
// in the hope that it will be useful, but with permitted additional restrictions
// under Section 7 of the GPL. See the GNU General Public License in LICENSE.TXT
// distributed with this program. You should have received a copy of the
// GNU General Public License along with permitted additional restrictions
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/* $Header: F:\projects\c&c\vcs\code\foot.h_v 2.20 16 Oct 1995 16:47:14 JOE_BOSTIC $ */
*** C O N F I D E N T I A L --- W E S T W O O D S T U D I O S ***
* *
* Project Name : Command & Conquer *
* *
* File Name : FOOT.H *
* *
* Programmer : Joe L. Bostic *
* *
* Start Date : April 14, 1994 *
* *
* Last Update : April 14, 1994 [JLB] *
* *
* Functions: *
* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
#ifndef FOOT_H
#define FOOT_H
#include "target.h"
#include "type.h"
#include "techno.h"
#include "ftimer.h"
class UnitClass;
class BuildingClass;
** Movable objects are handled by this class definition. Moveable objects
** cover everything except buildings.
class FootClass : public TechnoClass
** If this unit has officially joined the team's group, then this flag is
** true. A newly assigned unit to a team is not considered part of the
** team until it actually reaches the location where the team is. By
** using this flag, it allows a team to continue to intelligently attack
** a target without falling back to regroup the moment a distant member
** joins.
unsigned IsInitiated:1;
** When the player gives this object a navigation target AND that target
** does not result in any movement of the unit, then a beep should be
** sounded. This typically occurs when selecting an invalid location for
** movement. This flag is cleared if any movement was able to be performed.
** It never gets set for computer controlled units.
unsigned IsNewNavCom:1;
** There are certain cases where a unit should perform a full scan rather than
** the more efficient "ring scan". This situation occurs when a unit first
** appears on the map or when it finishes a multiple cell movement track.
unsigned IsPlanningToLook:1;
** Certain units have the ability to metamorphize into a building. When this
** operation begins, certain processes must occur. During these operations, this
** flag will be true. This ensures that any necessary special case code gets
** properly executed for this unit.
unsigned IsDeploying:1;
** This flag tells the system that the unit is doing a firing animation. This is
** critical to the firing logic.
unsigned IsFiring:1;
** This unit could be either rotating its body or rotating its turret. During the
** process of rotation, this flag is set. By examining this flag, unnecessary logic
** can be avoided.
unsigned IsRotating:1;
** If this object is current driving to a short range destination, this flag is
** true. A short range destination is either the next cell or the end of the
** current "curvy" track. An object that is driving is not allowed to do anything
** else until it reaches its destination. The exception is when infantry wish to
** head to a different destination, they are allowed to start immediately.
unsigned IsDriving:1;
** If this object is unloading from a hover transport, then this flag will be
** set to true. This handles the unusual case of an object disembarking from the
** hover lander yet not necessarily tethered but still located in an overlapping
** position. This flag will be cleared automatically when the object moves to the
** center of a cell.
unsigned IsUnloading:1;
** This is the "throttle setting" of the unit. It is a fractional value with 0 = stop
** and 255 = full speed.
unsigned char const Speed;
** This is the desired destination of the unit. The unit will attempt to head
** toward this target (avoiding intervening obstacles).
TARGET SuspendedNavCom;
** This points to the team that "owns" this object. This pointer is used to
** quickly process the team when this object is the source of the change. An
** example would be if this object were to be destroyed, it would inform the
** team of this fact by using this pointer.
TeamClass * Team;
** If this object is part of a pseudo-team that the player is managing, then
** this will be set to the team number (0 - 9). If it is not part of any
** pseudo-team, then the number will be -1.
unsigned char Group;
** This points to the next member in the team that this object is part of. This
** is used to quickly process each team member when the team class is the source
** of the change. An example would be if the team decided that everyone is going
** to move to a new location, it would inform each of the objects by chaining
** through this pointer.
FootClass * Member;
** Since all objects derived from this class move according to a path list.
** This is the path list. It specifies, as a simple list of facings, the
** path that the object should follow in order to reach its destination.
** This path list is limited in size, so it might require several generations
** of path lists before the ultimate destination is reached. The game logic
** handles regenerating the path list as necessary.
FacingType Path[CONQUER_PATH_MAX];
** When there is a complete findpath failure, this timer is initialized so
** that a findpath won't be calculated until this timer expires.
TCountDownTimerClass PathDelay;
int TryTryAgain; // Number of retry attempts remaining.
** If the object has recently attacked a base, then this timer will not
** have expired yet. It is used so a building does not keep calling
** for help from the same attacker.
TCountDownTimerClass BaseAttackTimer;
** Constructors, Destructors, and overloaded operators.
virtual ~FootClass(void);
FootClass(HousesType house);
** Member function prototypes.
bool Basic_Path(void);
virtual RadioMessageType Receive_Message(RadioClass * from, RadioMessageType message, long & param);
virtual bool Can_Demolish(void) const;
** Coordinate inquiry functions. These are used for both display and
** combat purposes.
virtual COORDINATE Sort_Y(void) const;
virtual COORDINATE Likely_Coord(void) const;
** Driver control support functions. These are used to control cell
** occupation flags and driver instructions.
COORDINATE Head_To_Coord(void) const {return (HeadToCoord);};
virtual bool Start_Driver(COORDINATE &headto);
virtual bool Stop_Driver(void);
virtual void Assign_Destination(TARGET target);
** Display and rendering support functionality. Supports imagery and how
** object interacts with the map and thus indirectly controls rendering.
virtual bool Unlimbo(COORDINATE , DirType dir = DIR_N);
virtual bool Limbo(void);
virtual bool Mark(MarkType mark);
** User I/O.
virtual void Active_Click_With(ActionType action, ObjectClass * object);
virtual void Active_Click_With(ActionType action, CELL cell);
** Combat related.
virtual void Stun(void);
virtual ResultType Take_Damage(int & damage, int distance, WarheadType warhead, TechnoClass * source=0);
virtual void Death_Announcement(TechnoClass const * source=0) const;
** AI.
virtual void Sell_Back(int control);
virtual int Offload_Tiberium_Bail(void);
virtual TARGET Greatest_Threat(ThreatType method) const;
virtual void Detach(TARGET target, bool all);
virtual void Detach_All(bool all=true);
virtual void Assign_Mission(MissionType order);
virtual int Mission_Enter(void);
virtual int Mission_Move(void);
virtual int Mission_Capture(void);
virtual int Mission_Attack(void);
virtual int Mission_Guard(void);
virtual int Mission_Hunt(void);
virtual int Mission_Timed_Hunt(void);
virtual int Mission_Guard_Area(void);
** Scenario and debug support.
virtual void Debug_Dump(MonoClass *mono) const;
** Movement and animation.
virtual void Per_Cell_Process(bool center);
virtual void Approach_Target(void);
virtual void Fixup_Path(PathType *) {};
virtual void Set_Speed(int speed);
virtual MoveType Can_Enter_Cell(CELL , FacingType =FACING_NONE) const;
int Optimize_Moves(PathType *path, MoveType threshhold);
virtual void Override_Mission(MissionType mission, TARGET tarcom, TARGET navcom);
virtual bool Restore_Mission(void);
** File I/O.
virtual void Code_Pointers(void);
virtual void Decode_Pointers(void);
CELL Safety_Point(CELL src, CELL dst, int start, int max);
int Rescue_Mission(TARGET tarcom);
int Passable_Cell(CELL cell, FacingType face, int threat, MoveType threshhold);
PathType * Find_Path(CELL dest, FacingType *final_moves, int maxlen, MoveType threshhold);
void Debug_Draw_Map(char *txt, CELL start, CELL dest, bool pause);
void Debug_Draw_Path(PathType *path);
bool Follow_Edge(CELL start, CELL target, PathType *path, FacingType search, FacingType olddir, int threat, int threat_stage, int max_cells, MoveType threshhold);
bool Register_Cell(PathType *path, CELL cell, FacingType dir, int cost, MoveType threshhold);
bool Unravel_Loop(PathType *path, CELL &cell, FacingType &dir, int sx, int sy, int dx, int dy, MoveType threshhold);
** This is the coordinate that the unit is heading to
** as an immediate destination. This coordinate is never further
** than once cell (or track) from the unit's location. When this coordinate
** is reached, then the next location in the path list becomes the
** next HeadTo coordinate.
** Some additional padding in case we need to add data to the class and maintain backwards compatibility for save/load
unsigned char SaveLoadPadding[16];