// // Copyright 2020 Electronic Arts Inc. // // TiberianDawn.DLL and RedAlert.dll and corresponding source code is free // software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of // the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, // either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // TiberianDawn.DLL and RedAlert.dll and corresponding source code is distributed // in the hope that it will be useful, but with permitted additional restrictions // under Section 7 of the GPL. See the GNU General Public License in LICENSE.TXT // distributed with this program. You should have received a copy of the // GNU General Public License along with permitted additional restrictions // with this program. If not, see https://github.com/electronicarts/CnC_Remastered_Collection #include <stdio.h> //#include <iostream> //#include <fstream> #include "function.h" #include "externs.h" #include "DLLInterface.h" #include "Gadget.h" #include "defines.h" // VOC_COUNT, VOX_COUNT #include "SidebarGlyphx.h" #include "TEMPLATE.H" extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) int __cdecl CNC_Editor_Startup(); extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) int __cdecl CNC_Editor_Cleanup(); extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) int __cdecl CNC_Editor_Load_Map(char* cncdata_directory, char* house_name, int scenario_index, char* east_west, char* variant); extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) int __cdecl CNC_Editor_Load_Map_By_Scenario_Name(char* cncdata_directory, char* scenario_name); extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) int __cdecl CNC_Editor_Clear_Map(); extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) int __cdecl CNC_Editor_Get_Map_Stats(int& map_width, int& map_height, int& theater); extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) int __cdecl CNC_Editor_Get_Cell_Data_By_Index(int cell_index, char* cell_name, unsigned long cell_name_size, int& template_type, int& template_icon_index); extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) int __cdecl CNC_Editor_Get_Cell_Data(int x, int y, char* cell_name, unsigned long cell_name_size, int& template_type, int& template_icon_index); extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) int __cdecl CNC_Editor_Get_Cell_Texture_Buffer(int x, int y, int& out_width, int& out_height, SAFEARRAY*& out_texture_array); extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) int __cdecl CNC_Editor_Get_Scenario_Names(char* cncdata_directory, int CD); extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) int __cdecl CNC_Editor_Get_Template_Data(int template_type_index, SAFEARRAY*& template_points); char EditorMapINIBuffer[SHAPE_BUFFER_SIZE]; bool EditorMapInitialized = false; const static int EDITOR_COMMMAND_SUCCESS = 0; const static int EDITOR_COMMMAND_FAILURE = 1; const static char* MixFileNames[] = { "GENERAL.MIX", "SC-000.MIX", "SC-001.MIX", "DESERT.MIX", "TEMPERAT.MIX", "WINTER.MIX" }; extern MixFileClass *TheaterIcons; extern bool Read_Movies_From_Scenario_Ini(char *root, bool fresh); /************************************************************************************************** * CNC_Editor_Startup * Initializes the system to allow map loading for the editor **************************************************************************************************/ extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) int __cdecl CNC_Editor_Startup() { BlackPalette = new(MEM_CLEAR | MEM_REAL) unsigned char[768]; GamePalette = new(MEM_CLEAR | MEM_REAL) unsigned char[768]; OriginalPalette = new(MEM_CLEAR | MEM_REAL) unsigned char[768]; WhitePalette = new(MEM_CLEAR | MEM_REAL) unsigned char[768]; memset(WhitePalette, 63, 768); Set_Palette(GamePalette); TheaterData = 0; TheaterIcons = 0; LowTheaterData = 0; return EDITOR_COMMMAND_SUCCESS; } /************************************************************************************************** * CNC_Editor_Cleanup * Cleans up systems initialized by the editor **************************************************************************************************/ extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) int __cdecl CNC_Editor_Cleanup() { if (BlackPalette) { delete[] BlackPalette; } if (GamePalette) { delete[] GamePalette; } if (OriginalPalette) { delete[] OriginalPalette; } if (WhitePalette) { delete[] WhitePalette; } return EDITOR_COMMMAND_SUCCESS; } /************************************************************************************************** * CNC_Editor_Load_Mix_Files * Loads all the Mix files for Tiberian Dawn **************************************************************************************************/ void CNC_Editor_Load_Mix_Files() { int count = sizeof(MixFileNames) / sizeof(MixFileNames[0]); for (int i = count - 1; i >= 0; --i) { MixFileClass::Free(MixFileNames[i]); } for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { new MixFileClass(MixFileNames[i]); MixFileClass::Cache(MixFileNames[i]); } } /************************************************************************************************** * CNC_Editor_Setup_Content_Directory * Sets up where the system should load map data from. **************************************************************************************************/ void CNC_Editor_Setup_Content_Directory(char* cncdata_directory, char* cd_directory) { char content_directory[_MAX_PATH]; sprintf(content_directory, "%s\\TIBERIAN_DAWN\\%s\\", cncdata_directory, cd_directory); if (strlen(content_directory) != 0) { CCFileClass::Clear_Search_Drives(); CCFileClass::Reset_Raw_Path(); char *dll_dir = strdup(content_directory); CCFileClass::Set_Search_Drives(dll_dir); free(dll_dir); } } void CNC_Editor_Setup_Content_Directory(char* cncdata_directory, int CD_index) { char cd_name[_MAX_PATH]; sprintf(cd_name, "CD%i", CD_index); CNC_Editor_Setup_Content_Directory(cncdata_directory, cd_name); } /************************************************************************************************** * CNC_Editor_Load_Map * Loads the map with the given parameters. * * cncdata_directory: path of the base CNC data directory * faction: the name of the faction we are loading the map for * scenario_index: int scenario index * east_west: * variant: * * returns EDITOR_COMMMAND_SUCCESS on success, all other values are failure **************************************************************************************************/ extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) int __cdecl CNC_Editor_Load_Map( char* cncdata_directory, char* house_name, int scenario_index, char* east_west, char* variant) { CNC_Editor_Clear_Map(); int CD = 1; if (stricmp(house_name, "GDI") == 0) { ScenPlayer = SCEN_PLAYER_GDI; GameToPlay = GAME_NORMAL; if (scenario_index == 30 || scenario_index == 90) { CD = 5; } else if (scenario_index >= 60 && scenario_index <= 72) { CD = 4; } else if (scenario_index >= 20 && scenario_index < 60) { CD = 3; } } if (stricmp(house_name, "NOD") == 0) { ScenPlayer = SCEN_PLAYER_NOD; GameToPlay = GAME_NORMAL; CD = 2; // Hack a fix for scenario 21 since the same mission number is used in Covert Ops and N64 if (scenario_index == 81 || scenario_index == 22) { CD = 5; if (scenario_index == 81) { scenario_index = 21; } } else if (scenario_index >= 60 && scenario_index <= 61) { CD = 4; } else if (scenario_index >= 20 && scenario_index < 60) { CD = 3; } } if (stricmp(house_name, "MULTI") == 0) { ScenPlayer = SCEN_PLAYER_MPLAYER; GameToPlay = GAME_GLYPHX_MULTIPLAYER; } if (stricmp(house_name, "JUR") == 0) { ScenPlayer = SCEN_PLAYER_JP; GameToPlay = GAME_NORMAL; } switch (CD) { case 4: CNC_Editor_Setup_Content_Directory(cncdata_directory, "CONSOLE_1"); break; case 5: CNC_Editor_Setup_Content_Directory(cncdata_directory, "CONSOLE_2"); break; default: CNC_Editor_Setup_Content_Directory(cncdata_directory, CD); break; } CNC_Editor_Load_Mix_Files(); Scenario = scenario_index; BuildLevel = 7; if (stricmp(east_west, "w") == 0) { ScenDir = SCEN_DIR_WEST; } else { ScenDir = SCEN_DIR_EAST; } ScenarioVarType variant_enum; if (stricmp(variant, "b") == 0) { variant_enum = SCEN_VAR_B; } else if (stricmp(variant, "c") == 0) { variant_enum = SCEN_VAR_C; } else if (stricmp(variant, "d") == 0) { variant_enum = SCEN_VAR_D; } else { variant_enum = SCEN_VAR_A; } Set_Scenario_Name(ScenarioName, Scenario, ScenPlayer, ScenDir, variant_enum); char fname[_MAX_FNAME + _MAX_EXT]; sprintf(fname, "%s.INI", ScenarioName); CCFileClass file(fname); if (!file.Is_Available()) { return(EDITOR_COMMMAND_FAILURE); } else { memset(EditorMapINIBuffer, 0, SHAPE_BUFFER_SIZE); file.Read(EditorMapINIBuffer, SHAPE_BUFFER_SIZE - 1); } Map.One_Time_Editor(); Map.Read_INI(EditorMapINIBuffer); if (Map.Read_Binary(ScenarioName, &ScenarioCRC)) { EditorMapInitialized = true; return EDITOR_COMMMAND_SUCCESS; } else { return EDITOR_COMMMAND_FAILURE; } } extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) int __cdecl CNC_Editor_Load_Map_By_Scenario_Name(char* cncdata_directory, char* scenario_name) { return EDITOR_COMMMAND_FAILURE; } /************************************************************************************************** * CNC_Editor_Clear_Map * Deletes the data for the currently loaded map. * * returns EDITOR_COMMMAND_SUCCESS on success, all other values are failure **************************************************************************************************/ extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) int __cdecl CNC_Editor_Clear_Map() { if (EditorMapInitialized) { Map.Init_Clear(); int count = sizeof(MixFileNames) / sizeof(MixFileNames[0]); for (int i = count - 1; i >= 0; --i) { MixFileClass::Free(MixFileNames[i]); } EditorMapInitialized = false; TheaterData = nullptr; TheaterIcons = nullptr; return EDITOR_COMMMAND_SUCCESS; } else { return EDITOR_COMMMAND_FAILURE; } } /************************************************************************************************** * CNC_Editor_Get_Map_Stats * Gets the stats for the currently loaded map * * map_width: out parameter storing the width of the map * map_height: out parameter storing the height of the map * theater: out paramter storing the theater of the map * * returns EDITOR_COMMMAND_SUCCESS on success, all other values are failure **************************************************************************************************/ extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) int __cdecl CNC_Editor_Get_Map_Stats(int& map_width, int& map_height, int& theater) { if (EditorMapInitialized) { map_width = Map.MapCellWidth + 1; map_height = Map.MapCellHeight + 1; theater = Map.Theater; return EDITOR_COMMMAND_SUCCESS; } map_width = -1; map_height = -1; theater = -1; return EDITOR_COMMMAND_FAILURE; } /************************************************************************************************** * CNC_Editor_Get_Cell_Data_By_Index * Get the data from the given cell. * * cell_index: The index of the desired cell. * cell_name: out buffer to be filled with the name of the given cell. * cell_name_size: the size of the cell name buffer. * * * returns EDITOR_COMMMAND_SUCCESS on success, all other values are failure **************************************************************************************************/ extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) int __cdecl CNC_Editor_Get_Cell_Data_By_Index(int cell_index, char* cell_name, unsigned long cell_name_size, int& template_type, int& template_icon_index) { CellClass * cellptr = &Map[cell_index]; cell_name[0] = 0; int icon = 0; void *image_data = 0; char template_name[10]; if (cellptr->Get_Template_Info(template_name, icon, image_data)) { snprintf(cell_name, cell_name_size, "%s-%04d", template_name, icon); template_type = cellptr->TType; template_icon_index = icon; return EDITOR_COMMMAND_SUCCESS; } return EDITOR_COMMMAND_FAILURE; } /************************************************************************************************** * CNC_Editor_Get_Cell_Data * Get the data from the given cell. * * x,y: The corrdinates of the desired cell. * cell_name: out buffer to be filled with the name of the given cell. * cell_name_size: the size of the cell name buffer. * * returns EDITOR_COMMMAND_SUCCESS on success, all other values are failure **************************************************************************************************/ extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) int __cdecl CNC_Editor_Get_Cell_Data(int x, int y, char* cell_name, unsigned long cell_name_size, int& template_type, int& template_icon_index) { if (!EditorMapInitialized) { return EDITOR_COMMMAND_FAILURE; } int map_cell_x = Map.MapCellX; int map_cell_y = Map.MapCellY; int map_cell_width = Map.MapCellWidth; int map_cell_height = Map.MapCellHeight; if (map_cell_x > 0) { map_cell_x--; map_cell_width++; } if (map_cell_width < MAP_MAX_CELL_WIDTH) { map_cell_width++; } if (map_cell_y > 0) { map_cell_y--; map_cell_height++; } if (map_cell_height < MAP_MAX_CELL_HEIGHT) { map_cell_height++; } CELL cell = XY_Cell(map_cell_x + x, map_cell_y + y); return CNC_Editor_Get_Cell_Data_By_Index((int)cell, cell_name, cell_name_size, template_type, template_icon_index); } /************************************************************************************************** * CNC_Editor_Get_Cell_Texture_Buffer * * x,y: * out_width, out_height: dimensions of the outputed texture array * out_texture_array: output array of unsigned chars storing the color data for the requested object, * every 3 chars is a set of RGB values **************************************************************************************************/ extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) int __cdecl CNC_Editor_Get_Cell_Texture_Buffer(int x, int y, int& out_width, int& out_height, SAFEARRAY*& out_texture_array) { int map_cell_x = Map.MapCellX; int map_cell_y = Map.MapCellY; int map_cell_width = Map.MapCellWidth; int map_cell_height = Map.MapCellHeight; if (map_cell_x > 0) { map_cell_x--; map_cell_width++; } if (map_cell_width < MAP_MAX_CELL_WIDTH) { map_cell_width++; } if (map_cell_y > 0) { map_cell_y--; map_cell_height++; } if (map_cell_height < MAP_MAX_CELL_HEIGHT) { map_cell_height++; } CELL cell = XY_Cell(map_cell_x + x, map_cell_y + y); CellClass * cellptr = &Map[cell]; char cell_name[_MAX_PATH]; int icon = 0; void *image_data = 0; if (cellptr->Get_Template_Info(cell_name, icon, image_data)) { GraphicBufferClass temp_gbuffer(24, 24); GraphicViewPortClass temp_viewport(&temp_gbuffer, 0, 0, 24, 24); WindowList[WINDOW_CUSTOM][WINDOWX] = 0; WindowList[WINDOW_CUSTOM][WINDOWY] = 0; WindowList[WINDOW_CUSTOM][WINDOWWIDTH] = 24; WindowList[WINDOW_CUSTOM][WINDOWHEIGHT] = 24; temp_viewport.Draw_Stamp(image_data, icon, 0, 0, NULL, WINDOW_CUSTOM); out_width = temp_viewport.Get_Width(); out_height = temp_viewport.Get_Height(); const int COLOR_SIZE = 3; SAFEARRAYBOUND Bound; Bound.lLbound = 0; Bound.cElements = out_width * out_height * COLOR_SIZE; out_texture_array = SafeArrayCreate(VT_UI1, 1, &Bound); unsigned char* out_buffer; HRESULT hr = SafeArrayAccessData(out_texture_array, (void **)&out_buffer); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { GraphicBufferClass* Graphic_Buffer = temp_viewport.Get_Graphic_Buffer(); int VP_Scan_Line = temp_viewport.Get_Width() + temp_viewport.Get_XAdd(); char * start_ptr; start_ptr = (char *)Graphic_Buffer->Get_Buffer(); start_ptr += ((temp_viewport.Get_YPos() * VP_Scan_Line) + temp_viewport.Get_XPos()); for (int y = 0; y < out_height; ++y) { unsigned char* scanline_ptr = (unsigned char*)start_ptr + y * VP_Scan_Line; unsigned char* out_buffer_y_ptr = out_buffer + (y * out_width * COLOR_SIZE); for (int x = 0; x < out_width; ++x) { unsigned char* pallete_index_ptr = scanline_ptr + x; unsigned char* out_buffer_ptr = out_buffer_y_ptr + (x * COLOR_SIZE); int red_palette_index = (*pallete_index_ptr) * COLOR_SIZE; out_buffer_ptr[0] = GamePalette[red_palette_index] << 2; out_buffer_ptr[1] = GamePalette[red_palette_index + 1] << 2; out_buffer_ptr[2] = GamePalette[red_palette_index + 2] << 2; } } SafeArrayUnaccessData(out_texture_array); return EDITOR_COMMMAND_SUCCESS; } } return EDITOR_COMMMAND_FAILURE; } /************************************************************************************************** * CNC_Editor_Get_Template_Data * Get the data from the given tile template type. * * template_type_index: The index of the template type to use. should come from the Get_Cell_Data function. * template_points: Out buffer to be filled with the list of positions of the tiles as offsets from the origin of the template. * This data is store is an X, Y, X, Y, X, Y format. * * returns EDITOR_COMMMAND_SUCCESS on success, all other values are failure **************************************************************************************************/ extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) int __cdecl CNC_Editor_Get_Template_Data(int template_type_index, SAFEARRAY*& template_points) { if (template_type_index >= TEMPLATE_COUNT || template_type_index == TEMPLATE_NONE) { return EDITOR_COMMMAND_FAILURE; } const TemplateTypeClass& template_type = TemplateTypeClass::As_Reference((TemplateType)template_type_index); if (template_type.Get_Image_Data() == nullptr) { return EDITOR_COMMMAND_FAILURE; } short const * occupy_list = template_type.Occupy_List(); short const * counter = occupy_list; while (counter && *counter != REFRESH_EOL) { counter++; } int occupy_list_size = counter - occupy_list; SAFEARRAYBOUND bounds; bounds.lLbound = 0; bounds.cElements = occupy_list_size * 2; template_points = SafeArrayCreate(VT_I4, 1, &bounds); int *pData; HRESULT hr = SafeArrayAccessData(template_points, (void **)&pData); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { for (int i = 0; i < occupy_list_size; i++) { CELL cell = occupy_list[i]; int x = Cell_X(cell); int y = Cell_Y(cell); pData[i * 2] = x; pData[i * 2 + 1] = y; } SafeArrayUnaccessData(template_points); return EDITOR_COMMMAND_SUCCESS; } return EDITOR_COMMMAND_FAILURE; } /************************************************************************************************** * CNC_Editor_Get_Scenario_Names * **************************************************************************************************/ extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) int __cdecl CNC_Editor_Get_Scenario_Names(char* cncdata_directory, int CD) { unsigned char read_buffer[SHAPE_BUFFER_SIZE]; Set_Shape_Buffer(read_buffer, SHAPE_BUFFER_SIZE); char team_ids[] = { 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z', }; /* { 'g', 'b', 'm', 'j' }; */ const int team_count = sizeof(team_ids) / sizeof(char); char direction_ids[] = { 'e', 'w' }; const int direction_count = sizeof(direction_ids) / sizeof(char); char variant_ids[] = { 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd' }; const int variant_count = sizeof(variant_ids) / sizeof(char); const int min_scenario_index = 1; const int max_scenario_index = 99; char scenario_name[_MAX_FNAME + _MAX_EXT]; char file_name[_MAX_FNAME + _MAX_EXT]; CNC_Editor_Setup_Content_Directory(cncdata_directory, CD); CNC_Editor_Load_Mix_Files(); char output_file_name[256]; snprintf(output_file_name, 256, "d:\\TD_Disk%d_Names.txt", CD); FILE * names_file = fopen(output_file_name, "w+"); for (int team_index = 0; team_index < team_count; team_index++) { for (int scenario_index = min_scenario_index; scenario_index <= max_scenario_index; ++scenario_index) { for (int direction_index = 0; direction_index < direction_count; direction_index++) { for (int variant_index = 0; variant_index < variant_count; variant_index++) { sprintf(scenario_name, "sc%c%.2d%c%c", team_ids[team_index], scenario_index, direction_ids[direction_index], variant_ids[variant_index]); sprintf(file_name, "%s.INI", scenario_name); CCFileClass file(file_name); if (file.Is_Available()) { if (Read_Movies_From_Scenario_Ini(scenario_name, false)) { //fprintf(names_file, "%s - \t$Intro:%s \t\t$Brief:%s \t\t$Win:%s \t\t$Lose:%s \t\t$Action:%s \t\t$Theme:%s", scenario_name, IntroMovie, BriefMovie, WinMovie, LoseMovie, ActionMovie, MovieThemeName); fprintf(names_file, "------------------%s-------------- %s \n", scenario_name, MovieThemeName); if (stricmp("x", IntroMovie) != 0) { fprintf(names_file, "<IntroMovieName network=\"client\">%s</IntroMovieName>\n", IntroMovie); } if (stricmp("x", BriefMovie) != 0) { fprintf(names_file, "<BriefMovieName network=\"client\">%s</BriefMovieName>\n", BriefMovie); } if (stricmp("x", ActionMovie) != 0) { fprintf(names_file, "<ActionMovieName network=\"client\">%s</ActionMovieName>\n", ActionMovie); } if (stricmp("x", WinMovie) != 0) { fprintf(names_file, "<WinMovieName network=\"client\">%s</WinMovieName>\n", WinMovie); } } fprintf(names_file, "\n"); } } } } } fclose(names_file); return EDITOR_COMMMAND_SUCCESS; }