// // Copyright 2020 Electronic Arts Inc. // // TiberianDawn.DLL and RedAlert.dll and corresponding source code is free // software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of // the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, // either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // TiberianDawn.DLL and RedAlert.dll and corresponding source code is distributed // in the hope that it will be useful, but with permitted additional restrictions // under Section 7 of the GPL. See the GNU General Public License in LICENSE.TXT // distributed with this program. You should have received a copy of the // GNU General Public License along with permitted additional restrictions // with this program. If not, see https://github.com/electronicarts/CnC_Remastered_Collection /* $Header: F:\projects\c&c\vcs\code\foot.cpv 2.17 16 Oct 1995 16:51:42 JOE_BOSTIC $ */ /*********************************************************************************************** *** C O N F I D E N T I A L --- W E S T W O O D S T U D I O S *** *********************************************************************************************** * * * Project Name : Command & Conquer * * * * File Name : FOOT.CPP * * * * Programmer : Joe L. Bostic * * * * Start Date : April 22, 1994 * * * * Last Update : August 13, 1995 [JLB] * * * *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* * Functions: * * FootClass::Active_Click_With -- Intiates attack or move according to target clicked on. * * FootClass::Active_Click_With -- Performs action as a result of left mouse click. * * FootClass::Approach_Target -- Sets the navigation computer to approach target object. * * FootClass::Assign_Destination -- Assigns specified destination to NavCom. * * FootClass::Assign_Mission -- Assign mission to foot class object. * * FootClass::Basic_Path -- Finds the basic path for a ground object. * * FootClass::Body_Facing -- Set the body rotation/facing. * * FootClass::Can_Demolish -- Checks to see if this object can be sold back. * * FootClass::Can_Enter_Cell -- Checks to see if the object can enter cell specified. * * FootClass::Death_Announcement -- Announces the death of a unit. * * FootClass::Debug_Dump -- Displays the status of the FootClass to the mono monitor. * * FootClass::Detach -- Detaches a target from tracking systems. * * FootClass::Detach_All -- Removes this object from the game system. * * FootClass::Enters_Building -- When unit enters a building for some reason. * * FootClass::FootClass -- Default constructor for foot class objects. * * FootClass::FootClass -- Normal constructor for the foot class object. * * FootClass::Greatest_Threat -- Fetches the greatest threat to this object. * * FootClass::Likely_Coord -- Fetches the coordinate the object will be at shortly. * * FootClass::Limbo -- Intercepts limbo event and handles FootClass processing. * * FootClass::Mark -- Unit interface to map rendering system. * * FootClass::Mission_Attack -- AI for heading towards and firing upon target. * * FootClass::Mission_Capture -- Handles the capture mission. * * FootClass::Mission_Enter -- Enter (cooperatively) mission handler. * * FootClass::Mission_Guard_Area -- Causes unit to guard an area about twice weapon range. * * FootClass::Mission_Hunt -- Handles the default hunt order. * * FootClass::Mission_Move -- AI process for moving a vehicle to its destination. * * FootClass::Offload_Tiberium_Bail -- Fetches the Tiberium to offload per step. * * FootClass::Override_Mission -- temporarily overides a units mission * * FootClass::Per_Cell_Process -- Perform action based on once-per-cell condition. * * FootClass::Receive_Message -- Movement related radio messages are handled here. * * FootClass::Rescue_Mission -- Calls this unit to the rescue. * * FootClass::Restore_Mission -- Restores an overidden mission * * FootClass::Sell_Back -- Causes this object to be sold back. * * FootClass::Set_Speed -- Initiate unit movement physics. * * FootClass::Sort_Y -- Determine the sort coordinate for foot class objects. * * FootClass::Start_Driver -- This starts the driver heading to the destination desired. * * FootClass::Stop_Driver -- This routine clears the driving state of the object. * * FootClass::Stun -- Prepares a ground travelling object for removal. * * FootClass::Take_Damage -- Handles taking damage to this object. * * FootClass::Unlimbo -- Unlimbos object and performs special fixups. * * FootClass::~FootClass -- Default destructor for foot class objects. * * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */ #include "function.h" /*********************************************************************************************** * FootClass::FootClass -- Default constructor for foot class objects. * * * * This is the default constructor for FootClass objects. It sets the foot class values to * * their default starting settings. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 11/23/1994 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ FootClass::FootClass(void) : Speed(0) { IsDriving = false; IsInitiated = false; IsPlanningToLook = false; IsDeploying = false; IsNewNavCom = false; IsFiring = false; IsRotating = false; IsUnloading = false; NavCom = TARGET_NONE; SuspendedNavCom = TARGET_NONE; Path[0] = FACING_NONE; HeadToCoord = NULL; Member = 0; Team = 0; PathDelay = 0; TryTryAgain = PATH_RETRY; if (House) { House->CurUnits++; } Group = -1; } /*********************************************************************************************** * FootClass::~FootClass -- Default destructor for foot class objects. * * * * At this level of the destruction process, the house record of the number of units * * currently in inventory is decremented to reflect this units destruction. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 01/10/1995 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ FootClass::~FootClass(void) { if (GameActive && House) { House->CurUnits--; } } /*********************************************************************************************** * FootClass::FootClass -- Normal constructor for the foot class object. * * * * This is the normal constructor used when creating a foot class object. * * * * INPUT: house -- The house that owns this object. * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 12/29/1994 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ FootClass::FootClass(HousesType house) : TechnoClass(house), Speed(0) { Member = 0; Team = 0; Path[0] = FACING_NONE; NavCom = TARGET_NONE; SuspendedNavCom = TARGET_NONE; IsUnloading = false; IsDriving = false; IsInitiated = false; IsRotating = false; IsFiring = false; IsDeploying = false; IsNewNavCom = false; IsPlanningToLook = false; HeadToCoord = 0L; PathDelay = 0; Group = -1; TryTryAgain = PATH_RETRY; House->CurUnits++; } #ifdef CHEAT_KEYS /*********************************************************************************************** * FootClass::Debug_Dump -- Displays the status of the FootClass to the mono monitor. * * * * This routine is used to output the current status of the foot class to the mono * * monitor. Through this display bugs may be tracked down or eliminated. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 06/02/1994 JLB : Created. * * 07/04/1995 JLB : Handles aircraft special case. * *=============================================================================================*/ void FootClass::Debug_Dump(MonoClass *mono) const { static char const * _p2c[9] = {"-","0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7"}; #define Path_To_String(a) _p2c[((ABS((int)a+1))%9)] /* ** Display the common data for all objects that inherity from FootClass. */ mono->Set_Cursor(63, 7); if (Team) { mono->Printf("%s(%d)", Team->Class->IniName, Teams.ID(Team)); } else { mono->Printf("(none)"); } mono->Set_Cursor(73, 7);mono->Printf("%04X", ArchiveTarget); mono->Set_Cursor(42, 1);mono->Printf("%04X", NavCom); mono->Set_Cursor(44, 3);mono->Printf("%d", Speed); /* ** Although aircraft inherit from FootClass, some of the variables are not ** used and thus should not be displayed. */ if (What_Am_I() != RTTI_AIRCRAFT) { mono->Set_Cursor(50, 3); mono->Printf("%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s", Path_To_String(Path[0]), Path_To_String(Path[1]), Path_To_String(Path[2]), Path_To_String(Path[3]), Path_To_String(Path[4]), Path_To_String(Path[5]), Path_To_String(Path[6]), Path_To_String(Path[7]), Path_To_String(Path[8]), Path_To_String(Path[9]), Path_To_String(Path[10]), Path_To_String(Path[11]), Path_To_String(Path[12])); mono->Set_Cursor(65, 1);mono->Printf("%08lX", Head_To_Coord()); mono->Text_Print("X", 16 + (IsDeploying?2:0), 12); mono->Text_Print("X", 16 + (IsRotating?2:0), 13); mono->Text_Print("X", 16 + (IsDriving?2:0), 15); mono->Text_Print("X", 16 + (IsFiring?2:0), 14); mono->Text_Print("X", 16 + (IsPlanningToLook?2:0), 16); } TechnoClass::Debug_Dump(mono); } #endif /*********************************************************************************************** * FootClass::Set_Speed -- Initiate unit movement physics. * * * * This routine is used to set a unit's velocity control structure. * * The game will then process the unit's movement during the momentum * * physics calculation. * * * * INPUT: unit -- Pointer to the unit to alter. * * * * speed -- Throttle setting (0=stop, 255=full throttle). * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 09/07/1992 JLB : Created. * * 09/24/1993 JLB : Revised for faster speed. * * 04/02/1994 JLB : Revised for new system. * * 04/15/1994 JLB : Converted to member function. * * 07/21/1994 JLB : Simplified. * *=============================================================================================*/ void FootClass::Set_Speed(int speed) { speed &= 0xFF; ((unsigned char &)Speed) = speed; } /*********************************************************************************************** * FootClass::Mark -- Unit interface to map rendering system. * * * * This routine is the interface function for units as they relate to * * the map rendering system. Whenever a unit's imagery changes, this * * function is called. * * * * INPUT: mark -- Type of image change (MARK_UP, _DOWN, _CHANGE) * * MARK_UP -- Unit is removed. * * MARK_CHANGE -- Unit alters image but doesn't move. * * MARK_DOWN -- Unit is overlaid onto existing icons. * * * * OUTPUT: bool; Did the marking operation succeed? Failure could be the result of marking * * down when it is already down, or visa versa. * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 09/14/1991 JLB : Created. * * 04/15/1994 JLB : Converted to member function. * * 12/23/1994 JLB : Performs low level check before processing. * *=============================================================================================*/ bool FootClass::Mark(MarkType mark) { if (TechnoClass::Mark(mark)) { CELL cell = Coord_Cell(Coord); /* ** Inform the map of the refresh, occupation, and overlap ** request. */ switch (mark) { case MARK_UP: Map.Pick_Up(cell, this); break; case MARK_DOWN: Map.Place_Down(cell, this); break; default: Map.Refresh_Cells(cell, Overlap_List()); Map.Refresh_Cells(cell, Occupy_List()); break; } return(true); } return(false); } /*********************************************************************************************** * FootClass::Basic_Path -- Finds the basic path for a ground object. * * * * This is a common routine used by both infantry and other ground travelling units. It * * will fill in the unit's basic path to the NavCom destination. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: bool; Was a path found? A failure to find a path means either the target cannot * * be found or the terrain prohibits the unit's movement. * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 10/17/1994 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ bool FootClass::Basic_Path(void) { PathType *path; // Pointer to path control structure. CELL cell; int skip_path = false; Path[0] = FACING_NONE; if (Target_Legal(NavCom)) { cell = As_Cell(NavCom); /* ** When the navigation computer is set to a location that is impassible, then ** find a nearby cell that can be entered and try to head toward that instead. ** EXCEPT when that cell is very close -- then just bail. */ // IsFindPath = true; if (Can_Enter_Cell(cell) == MOVE_NO && Distance(NavCom) > 0x0300) { static int _faceadjust[8] = {0, 1, -1, 2, -2, 3, -3, 4}; FacingType f2 = (FacingType)(((unsigned)::Direction(cell, Coord_Cell(Coord)))>>5); for (unsigned index = 0; index < (sizeof(_faceadjust) / sizeof(_faceadjust[0])); index++) { CELL cell2; cell2 = Adjacent_Cell(cell, (FacingType)((f2+_faceadjust[index])&0x7)); if (Can_Enter_Cell(cell2, FACING_NONE) <= MOVE_CLOAK) { cell = cell2; break; } } } // IsFindPath = false; #ifdef SPECIAL if (What_Am_I() == RTTI_INFANTRY) { CELL mycell = Coord_Cell(Center_Coord()); // Mark(MARK_UP); ObjectClass *obj = Map[mycell].Cell_Occupier(); while (obj) { if (obj != this && obj->What_Am_I() == RTTI_INFANTRY) { InfantryClass *inf = (InfantryClass *)obj; if (inf->NavCom == NavCom && inf->Path[0] != FACING_NONE) { if (Coord_Cell(inf->Head_To_Coord()) == Coord_Cell(inf->Coord)) { Mem_Copy(&inf->Path[1], Path, sizeof(Path)-sizeof(Path[0])); } else { Mem_Copy(inf->Path, Path, sizeof(Path)); } if (Path[0] != FACING_NONE) { skip_path = true; } break; } } obj = obj->Next; } // Mark(MARK_DOWN); } #endif if (!skip_path) { Mark(MARK_UP); Path[0] = FACING_NONE; // Probably not necessary, but... /* ** Try to find a path to the destination. If a failure occurs, then keep trying ** with greater determination until either a complete failure occurs, or a decent ** path was found. */ bool found1=false; // Found a best path yet? PathType path1; FacingType workpath1[200]; // Staging area for path list. FacingType workpath2[200]; // Staging area for path list. MoveType maxtype = MOVE_TEMP; if (!House->IsHuman) { maxtype = MOVE_DESTROYABLE; } else { /* ** For simple movement missions by the human player, then don't ** consider friendly units as passable if close to the destination. ** This will prevent a human controlled unit from just sitting next ** to a destination just because there is another friendly unit ** occupying the destination location. */ if (Mission == MISSION_MOVE && Distance(NavCom) < 0x0280) { maxtype = MOVE_DESTROYABLE; } } /* ** Determine if ANY path could be calculated by first examining the most ** aggressive case. If this fails, then no path will succeed. Further ** scanning is unnecessary. */ path = Find_Path(cell, &workpath1[0], sizeof(workpath1), maxtype); if (path && path->Cost) { memcpy(&path1, path, sizeof(path1)); found1 = true; /* ** Scan for the best path possible. If this succeeds, then do a simple ** comparison with the most agressive path. If they are very close, then ** go with the best (easiest) path method. */ path = Find_Path(cell, &workpath2[0], sizeof(workpath2), MOVE_CLOAK); if (path && path->Cost && path->Cost < MAX((path1.Cost + (path1.Cost/2)), 3)) { memcpy(&path1, path, sizeof(path1)); memcpy(workpath1, workpath2, sizeof(workpath1)); } else { /* ** The easiest path method didn't result in a satisfactory path. Scan through ** the rest of the path options, looking for the best one. */ for (MoveType move = MOVE_MOVING_BLOCK; move < maxtype; move++) { path = Find_Path(cell, &workpath2[0], sizeof(workpath2), move); if (path && path->Cost && path->Cost < MAX((path1.Cost + (path1.Cost/2)), 3)) { memcpy(&path1, path, sizeof(path1)); memcpy(workpath1, workpath2, sizeof(workpath1)); } } } } #ifdef OBSOLETE for (MoveType move = MOVE_CLOAK; move <= maxtype; move++) { if (!found1) { path = Find_Path(cell, &workpath1[0], sizeof(workpath1), move); if (path && path->Cost) { memcpy(&path1, path, sizeof(path1)); found1 = true; if (path1.Cost < 5) break; } } else { path = Find_Path(cell, &workpath2[0], sizeof(workpath2), move); if (path) { if (path->Cost && path->Cost <= path1.Cost/2) { memcpy(&path1, path, sizeof(path1)); memcpy(workpath1, workpath2, sizeof(workpath1)); } } } } #endif /* ** If a good path was found, then record it in the object's path ** list. */ if (found1) { Fixup_Path(&path1); memcpy(&Path[0], &workpath1[0], MIN(path->Length, (int)sizeof(Path))); } Mark(MARK_DOWN); } #ifdef NEVER /* ** Patch at this point to see if we are moving directly into a ** MOVE_TEMP. This allows units to bunch up at a bridge even if there ** is an enormously long way around. This also allows units to give ** up trying to move into the MOVE_TEMP using the normal movement ** retry logic. */ CELL cell = Adjacent_Cell(Coord_Cell(Coord), Path[0]); if (Can_Enter_Cell(cell, FACING_NONE) == MOVEF_TEMP) { Path[0] = FACING_NONE; } #endif PathDelay = PATH_DELAY; if (Path[0] != FACING_NONE) return(true); /* ** If a basic path couldn't be determined, then abort the navigation process. */ // NavCom = TARGET_NONE; Stop_Driver(); } return(false); } /*********************************************************************************************** * FootClass::Mission_Move -- AI process for moving a vehicle to its destination. * * * * This simple AI script handles moving the vehicle to its desired destination. Since * * simple movement is handled directly by the engine, this routine merely waits until * * the unit has reached its destination, and then causes the unit to enter idle mode. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: Returns with the delay before calling this routine again. * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/18/1994 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ int FootClass::Mission_Move(void) { if (!Target_Legal(NavCom) && !IsDriving && MissionQueue == MISSION_NONE) { Enter_Idle_Mode(); } if (!Target_Legal(TarCom) && !House->IsHuman) { Target_Something_Nearby(THREAT_RANGE); } return(TICKS_PER_SECOND+3); } /*********************************************************************************************** * FootClass::Mission_Capture -- Handles the capture mission. * * * * Capture missions are nearly the same as normal movement missions. The only difference * * is that the final destination is handled in a special way so that it is not marked as * * impassable. This allows the object (usually infantry) the ability to walk onto the * * object and thus capture it. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: Returns with the number of game ticks to delay before calling this routine. * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 03/19/1995 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ int FootClass::Mission_Capture(void) { if (!Target_Legal(NavCom) && !In_Radio_Contact()) { Enter_Idle_Mode(); if (Map[Coord_Cell(Center_Coord())].Cell_Building()) { Scatter(0, true); } } return(TICKS_PER_SECOND-2); } /*********************************************************************************************** * FootClass::Mission_Attack -- AI for heading towards and firing upon target. * * * * This AI routine handles heading to within range of the target and then firing upon * * it until it is destroyed. If the target is destroyed, then the unit will change * * missions to match its "idle mode" of operation (usually guarding). * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: Returns with the delay before calling this routine again. * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/18/1994 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ int FootClass::Mission_Attack(void) { if (Target_Legal(TarCom)) { Approach_Target(); } else { Enter_Idle_Mode(); } return(TICKS_PER_SECOND+2); } /*********************************************************************************************** * FootClass::Mission_Guard -- Handles the AI for guarding in place. * * * * Units that are performing stationary guard duty use this AI process. They will sit * * still and target any enemies that get within range. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: Returns with the delay before calling this routine again. * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/18/1994 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ int FootClass::Mission_Guard(void) { if (!Target_Something_Nearby(THREAT_RANGE)) { Random_Animate(); } return(TICKS_PER_SECOND+Random_Picky((int)0, (int)4, (char*)NULL, (int)0)); } /*********************************************************************************************** * FootClass::Mission_Hunt -- Handles the default hunt order. * * * * This routine is the default hunt order for game objects. It handles searching for a * * nearby object and heading toward it. The act of targetting will cause it to attack * * the target it selects. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: Returns the game tick delay before calling this routine again. * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 10/17/1994 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ int FootClass::Mission_Hunt(void) { if (!Target_Something_Nearby(THREAT_NORMAL)) { Random_Animate(); } else { if (What_Am_I() == RTTI_INFANTRY && ((InfantryTypeClass const &)Class_Of()).Type == INFANTRY_E7) { Assign_Destination(TarCom); Assign_Mission(MISSION_CAPTURE); } else { Approach_Target(); } } return(TICKS_PER_SECOND+5); } /*********************************************************************************************** * FootClass::Mission_Timed_Hunt -- This is the AI process for multiplayer computer units. * * * * For multiplayer games, the computer AI can't just blitz the human players; the humans * * need a little time to set up their base, or whatever. This state just waits for * * a certain period of time, then goes into hunt mode. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: Returns with the delay before calling this routine again. * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/18/1994 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ int FootClass::Mission_Timed_Hunt(void) { int rndmax; int changed = 0; // has the unit changed into Hunt mode? if (!House->IsHuman) { /* ** Jump into HUNT mode if we're supposed to Blitz, and the EndCountDown ** has expired, or if our owning house has lost more than 1/4 of its units ** (it gets mad at you) */ if ( (MPlayerBlitz && House->BlitzTime==0) || House->CurUnits < ((House->MaxUnit * 4) / 5)) { Assign_Mission(MISSION_HUNT); changed = 1; } /* ** Jump into HUNT mode on a random die roll; the computer units will periodically ** "snap out" of their daze, and begin hunting. Try to time it so that all ** units will be hunting within 10 minutes (600 calls to this routine). */ if (MPlayerBases) { rndmax = 5000; } else { rndmax = 1000; } if (IRandom(0,rndmax) == 1) { Assign_Mission(MISSION_HUNT); changed = 1; } /* ** If this unit is still just sitting in Timed Hunt mode, call Guard Area ** so it doesn't just sit there stupidly. */ if (!changed) { Mission_Guard_Area(); } } return(TICKS_PER_SECOND+Random_Pick(0, 4)); // call me back in 1 second. } /*********************************************************************************************** * FootClass::Stop_Driver -- This routine clears the driving state of the object. * * * * This is the counterpart routine to the Start_Driver function. It clears the driving * * status flags and destination coordinate record. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: bool; Was driving stopped? * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 10/17/1994 JLB : Created. * * 12/12/1994 JLB : Greatly simplified. * *=============================================================================================*/ bool FootClass::Stop_Driver(void) { if (HeadToCoord) { HeadToCoord = NULL; Set_Speed(0); IsDriving = false; return(true); } return(false); } /*********************************************************************************************** * FootClass::Start_Driver -- This starts the driver heading to the destination desired. * * * * Before a unit can move it must be started by this routine. This routine handles * * reserving the cell and setting the driving flag. * * * * INPUT: headto -- The coordinate of the immediate drive destination. This is one cell * * away from the unit's current location. * * * * OUTPUT: bool; Was driving initiated? * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 10/17/1994 JLB : Created. * * 12/12/1994 JLB : Uses simple spot index finder. * *=============================================================================================*/ bool FootClass::Start_Driver(COORDINATE &headto) { Stop_Driver(); if (headto) { HeadToCoord = headto; IsDriving = true; /* ** Check for crate goodie finder here. */ if (Map[Coord_Cell(headto)].Goodie_Check(this)) { return(true); } HeadToCoord = NULL; IsDriving = false; } return(false); } /*********************************************************************************************** * FootClass::Sort_Y -- Determine the sort coordinate for foot class objects. * * * * This routine will determine the sort coordinate for foot class object. This coordinate * * is usually the coordinate of the object. The exception is if the object is teathered. * * In this case (presumes offloading to the north), the sorting coordinate is adjusted * * so that the object will be drawn on top of the transport unit. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: Returns with the coordinate to use for sorting. * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 10/17/1994 JLB : Created. * * 11/04/1994 JLB : Sort value is different when unloading from aircraft. * *=============================================================================================*/ COORDINATE FootClass::Sort_Y(void) const { if (IsUnloading) { return(Coord_Add(Coord, 0x01000000L)); } if (In_Radio_Contact() && IsTethered && Contact_With_Whom()->What_Am_I() == RTTI_UNIT) { return(Coord_Add(Coord, 0x01000000L)); } return(Coord_Add(Coord, 0x00300000L)); } /*********************************************************************************************** * FootClass::Stun -- Prepares a ground travelling object for removal. * * * * This routine clears the units' navigation computer in preparation for removal from the * * game. This is probably called as a result of unit destruction in combat. Clearing the * * navigation computer ensures that the normal AI process won't start it moving again while * * the object is undergoing any death animations. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 12/23/1994 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ void FootClass::Stun(void) { Assign_Destination(TARGET_NONE); Path[0] = FACING_NONE; Stop_Driver(); TechnoClass::Stun(); } /*********************************************************************************************** * FootClass::Approach_Target -- Sets the navigation computer to approach target object. * * * * This routine will set the navigation computer to approach the target indicated by the * * targeting computer. It is through this function that the unit nears the target so * * that weapon firing may occur. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 05/31/1994 JLB : Created. * * 12/13/1994 JLB : Made part of TechnoClass. * * 12/22/1994 JLB : Enhanced search algorithm. * * 05/20/1995 JLB : Always approaches if the object is off the map. * *=============================================================================================*/ void FootClass::Approach_Target(void) { /* ** Determine that if there is an existing target it is still legal ** and within range. */ if (Target_Legal(TarCom)) { /* ** If the target is too far away then head toward it. */ int maxrange = MAX(Weapon_Range(0), Weapon_Range(1)); if (!Target_Legal(NavCom) && (!In_Range(TarCom) || !IsLocked)) { // if (!Target_Legal(NavCom) && (Distance(TarCom) > maxrange || !IsLocked)) { /* ** If the object that we are attacking is a building adjust the units ** max range so that people can stand far away from the buildings and ** hit them. */ BuildingClass * obj = As_Building(TarCom); if (obj) { maxrange += ((obj->Class->Width() + obj->Class->Height()) * (0x100 / 4)); } /* ** Adjust the max range of an infantry unit for where he is standing ** in the room. */ maxrange -= 0x00B7; #ifdef OBSOLETE if (What_Am_I() == RTTI_INFANTRY) { maxrange -= 0x0111; } else { maxrange -= 0x00B7; } #endif maxrange = MAX(maxrange, 0); COORDINATE tcoord = ::As_Coord(TarCom); COORDINATE trycoord = 0; CELL tcell = Coord_Cell(tcoord); CELL trycell = tcell; DirType dir = Direction256(tcoord, Center_Coord()); bool found = false; /* ** Sweep through the cells between the target and the unit, looking for ** a cell that the unit can enter but which is also within weapon range ** of the target. If after a reasonable search, no appropriate cell could ** be found, then the target will be assigned as the movement destination ** and let "the chips fall where they may." */ for (int range = maxrange; range > 0x0080; range -= 0x0100) { static int _angles[] = {0, 8, -8, 16, -16, 24, -24, 32, -32, 48, -48, 64, -64}; for (int index = 0; index < (sizeof(_angles)/sizeof(_angles[0])); index++) { trycoord = Coord_Move(tcoord, (DirType)(dir + _angles[index]), range); if (::Distance(trycoord, tcoord) < range) { trycell = Coord_Cell(trycoord); if (Can_Enter_Cell(trycell) <= MOVE_CLOAK && Map.In_Radar(trycell)) { found = true; break; } } } if (found) break; } /* ** If a suitable intermediate location was found, then head toward it. ** Otherwise, head toward the enemy unit directly. */ if (found) { Assign_Destination(::As_Target(trycell)); } else { Assign_Destination(TarCom); } } } } /*********************************************************************************************** * FootClass::Mission_Guard_Area -- Causes unit to guard an area about twice weapon range. * * * * This mission routine causes the unit to scan for targets out to twice its weapon range * * from the home point. If a target was found, then it will be attacked. The unit will * * chase the target until it gets up to to its weapon range from the home position. * * In that case, it will return to home position and start scanning for another target. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: Returns with time delay before calling this routine again. * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 12/23/1994 JLB : Created. * * 07/27/1995 JLB : Greatly simplified. * *=============================================================================================*/ int FootClass::Mission_Guard_Area(void) { if (What_Am_I() == RTTI_UNIT && ((UnitClass *)this)->Class->IsToHarvest) { Assign_Mission(MISSION_HARVEST); return(1+Random_Pick(1, 10)); } /* ** Ensure that the archive target is valid. */ if (!Target_Legal(ArchiveTarget)) { ArchiveTarget = ::As_Target(Coord_Cell(Coord)); } /* ** Make sure that the unit has not strayed too far from the home position. ** If it has, then race back to it. */ int maxrange = MAX(Weapon_Range(0), Weapon_Range(1))+0x0100; if (!Target_Legal(NavCom) && (Distance(ArchiveTarget) > maxrange || (!Target_Legal(TarCom) && Distance(ArchiveTarget) > 0x0200))) { Assign_Target(TARGET_NONE); Assign_Destination(ArchiveTarget); } if (!Target_Legal(TarCom)) { COORDINATE old = Coord; Coord = As_Coord(ArchiveTarget); Target_Something_Nearby(THREAT_AREA); Coord = old; if (Target_Legal(TarCom)) return(1); } else { Approach_Target(); } return(TICKS_PER_SECOND+Random_Picky((int)0, (int)4, (char*)NULL, (int)0)); } /*********************************************************************************************** * FootClass::Unlimbo -- Unlimbos object and performs special fixups. * * * * This routine will make sure that the home position for the foot class object gets * * reset. This is necessary since the home position may change depending on the unit's * * transition between limbo and non-limbo condition. * * * * INPUT: coord -- The coordinate to unlimbo the unit at. * * * * dir -- The initial direction to give the unit. * * * * OUTPUT: bool; Was the unit unlimboed successfully? * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 12/23/1994 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ bool FootClass::Unlimbo(COORDINATE coord, DirType dir) { /* ** Try to unlimbo the unit. */ if (TechnoClass::Unlimbo(coord, dir)) { /* ** Mobile units are always revealed to the house that owns them. */ Revealed(House); /* ** Start in a still (non-moving) state. */ Path[0] = FACING_NONE; return(true); } return(false); } /*********************************************************************************************** * FootClass::Assign_Mission -- Assign mission to foot class object. * * * * When a new mission is assigned, any precalculated path should be truncated. This is * * in anticipation that the new mission will result in a change of path. * * * * INPUT: order -- The new mission to assign to the unit. * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 12/29/1994 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ void FootClass::Assign_Mission(MissionType order) { if (What_Am_I() != RTTI_UNIT || *(UnitClass*)this != UNIT_GUNBOAT) { Path[0] = FACING_NONE; } TechnoClass::Assign_Mission(order); } /*********************************************************************************************** * FootClass::Limbo -- Intercepts limbo event and handles FootClass processing. * * * * When an object of FootClass type is limboed, then it must be removed from any team * * it may be a member of. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: bool; Was the object successfully limboed? * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 12/29/1994 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ bool FootClass::Limbo(void) { if (!IsInLimbo) { if (Team) { Team->Remove(this); } } return(TechnoClass::Limbo()); } /*********************************************************************************************** * FootClass::Take_Damage -- Handles taking damage to this object. * * * * This routine intercepts the damage assigned to this object and if this object is * * a member of a team, it informs the team that the damage has occurred. The team may * * change it's priority or action based on this event. * * * * INPUT: damage -- The damage points inflicted on the unit. * * * * distance -- The distance from the point of damage to the unit itself. * * * * warhead -- The type of damage that is inflicted. * * * * source -- The purpitrator of the damage. By knowing who caused the damage, * * the team know's who to "get even with". * * * * OUTPUT: Returns with the result type of the damage. * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 12/30/1994 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ ResultType FootClass::Take_Damage(int & damage, int distance, WarheadType warhead, TechnoClass * source) { ResultType result = TechnoClass::Take_Damage(damage, distance, warhead, source); if (result != RESULT_NONE && Team) { if (GameToPlay != GAME_NORMAL || (source && !House->Is_Ally(source))) { Team->Took_Damage(this, result, source); } } else { if (result != RESULT_DESTROYED) { /* ** Determine if the target that is current being attacked has a weapon that can ** do harm to a ground based unit. This information is needed so that an appropriate ** response will occur when damage is taken. */ WeaponType weap = WEAPON_NONE; if (As_Techno(TarCom)) { weap = As_Techno(TarCom)->Techno_Type_Class()->Primary; } bool tweap = (weap != WEAPON_NONE && weap != WEAPON_NIKE); /* ** This ensures that if a unit is in sticky mode, then it will snap out of ** it when it takes damage. */ if (source && Mission == MISSION_STICKY) { Enter_Idle_Mode(); } /* ** If this object is not part of a team and it can retaliate for the damage, then have ** it try to do so. This prevents it from just sitting there and taking damage. */ if ( source && !House->Is_Ally(source) && Techno_Type_Class()->Primary != WEAPON_NONE && (source->What_Am_I() != RTTI_AIRCRAFT || BulletTypeClass::As_Reference(Weapons[Techno_Type_Class()->Primary].Fires).IsAntiAircraft) && (!Target_Legal(TarCom) || ((!House->IsHuman || Special.IsSmartDefense) && (!tweap || !In_Range(TarCom)))) && // !Target_Legal(NavCom) && (Mission == MISSION_AMBUSH || Mission == MISSION_GUARD || Mission == MISSION_RESCUE || Mission == MISSION_GUARD_AREA || Mission == MISSION_ATTACK || Mission == MISSION_TIMED_HUNT)) { /* ** Assign the source of the damage as the new target. This occurs for the computer ** controled units. For the player, this only occurs if the source of the damage ** is within range. */ if (!House->IsHuman) { /* ** If this unit is in TIMED_HUNT (multiplayer computer-controlled) ** mode, "snap out of it" into HUNT mode; otherwise, assign ** HUNT as the next mission through the normal mission queue. */ if (Mission == MISSION_TIMED_HUNT) { Set_Mission(MISSION_HUNT); } else { Assign_Mission(MISSION_HUNT); } Assign_Target(source->As_Target()); } else { if (In_Range(source)) { Assign_Target(source->As_Target()); } else { /* ** Simple retaliation cannot occur because the source of the damage ** is too far away. If scatter logic is enabled, then scatter now. */ if (Special.IsScatter) { Scatter(0, true); } } } } else { /* ** If this object isn't doing anything important, then scatter. */ if (!IsDriving && !Target_Legal(TarCom) && !Target_Legal(NavCom) && Special.IsScatter && What_Am_I() != RTTI_AIRCRAFT) { Scatter(0, true); } } } } return(result); } /*********************************************************************************************** * FootClass::Active_Click_With -- Intiates attack or move according to target clicked on. * * * * At this level, the object is known to have the ability to attack or move to the * * target specified (in theory). Perform the attack or move as indicated. * * * * INPUT: target -- The target clicked upon that will precipitate action. * * * * OUTPUT: Returns with the type of action performed. * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 01/06/1995 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ void FootClass::Active_Click_With(ActionType action, ObjectClass * object) { switch (action) { case ACTION_GUARD_AREA: if (Can_Player_Fire() && Can_Player_Move()) { Player_Assign_Mission(MISSION_GUARD_AREA, object->As_Target()); } break; case ACTION_SELF: Player_Assign_Mission(MISSION_UNLOAD); break; case ACTION_ATTACK: if (Can_Player_Fire()) { Player_Assign_Mission(MISSION_ATTACK, object->As_Target()); } break; case ACTION_ENTER: if (Can_Player_Move() && object && object->Is_Techno() && !((RadioClass *)object)->In_Radio_Contact()) { Player_Assign_Mission(MISSION_ENTER, TARGET_NONE, object->As_Target()); } break; case ACTION_CAPTURE: if (Can_Player_Move()) { Player_Assign_Mission(MISSION_CAPTURE, TARGET_NONE, object->As_Target()); } break; case ACTION_SABOTAGE: if (Can_Player_Move()) { Player_Assign_Mission(MISSION_SABOTAGE, TARGET_NONE, object->As_Target()); } break; case ACTION_NOMOVE: case ACTION_MOVE: if (Can_Player_Move()) { Player_Assign_Mission(MISSION_MOVE, TARGET_NONE, object->As_Target()); } break; case ACTION_NO_DEPLOY: Speak(VOX_DEPLOY); break; default: break; } } /*********************************************************************************************** * FootClass::Active_Click_With -- Performs action as a result of left mouse click. * * * * This routine performs the action requested when the left mouse button was clicked over * * a cell. Typically, this is just a move command. * * * * INPUT: action -- The predetermined action that should occur. * * * * cell -- The cell number that the action should occur at. * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 01/19/1995 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ void FootClass::Active_Click_With(ActionType action, CELL cell) { switch (action) { case ACTION_HARVEST: Player_Assign_Mission(MISSION_HARVEST, TARGET_NONE, ::As_Target(cell)); break; case ACTION_MOVE: if (AllowVoice) { COORDINATE coord = Map.Pixel_To_Coord(Get_Mouse_X(), Get_Mouse_Y()); OutList.Add(EventClass(ANIM_MOVE_FLASH, PlayerPtr->Class->House, coord)); } // Fall into next case. case ACTION_NOMOVE: //using function for IsVisible so we have different results for different players - JAS 2019/09/30 if (What_Am_I() != RTTI_AIRCRAFT || Map[cell].Is_Visible(PlayerPtr)) { Player_Assign_Mission(MISSION_MOVE, TARGET_NONE, ::As_Target(cell)); } break; case ACTION_ATTACK: Player_Assign_Mission(MISSION_ATTACK, ::As_Target(cell)); break; // MBL 05.15.2020 - Adding support for CTRL+ALT clicking the ground to have units move to an area and guard it case ACTION_GUARD_AREA: if (Can_Player_Fire() && Can_Player_Move()) { Player_Assign_Mission(MISSION_GUARD_AREA, ::As_Target(cell)); } break; // END MBL 05.15.2020 } } /*********************************************************************************************** * FootClass::Per_Cell_Process -- Perform action based on once-per-cell condition. * * * * This routine is called as this object moves from cell to cell. When the center of the * * cell is reached, check to see if any trigger should be sprung. For moving units, reduce * * the path to the distance to the target. This forces path recalculation in an effort to * * avoid units passing each other. * * * * INPUT: center -- Is this the center of the cell? * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 05/08/1995 JLB : Created. * * 07/08/1995 JLB : Handles generic enter trigger event. * * 07/16/1995 JLB : If next to a scanner and cloaked, then shimmer. * *=============================================================================================*/ void FootClass::Per_Cell_Process(bool center) { // if (center) { /* ** Clear any unloading flag if necessary. */ IsUnloading = false; /* ** If adjacent to an enemy building that has the ability to reveal a stealth tank, ** then shimmer the cloaked object. */ if (Cloak == CLOAKED) { for (FacingType face = FACING_N; face < FACING_COUNT; face++) { CELL cell = Adjacent_Cell(Coord_Cell(Coord), face); if (Map.In_Radar(cell)) { TechnoClass const * techno = Map[cell].Cell_Techno(); if (techno && !House->Is_Ally(techno) && techno->Techno_Type_Class()->IsScanner) { Do_Shimmer(); break; } } } } /* ** Shorten the path if the target is now within weapon range of this ** unit and this unit is on an attack type mission. But only if the target ** is slow enough for leading to make sense. */ if (What_Am_I() != RTTI_UNIT || *((UnitClass *)this) != UNIT_GUNBOAT) { bool inrange = In_Range(TarCom); TechnoClass const * techno = As_Techno(TarCom); if (techno && techno->What_Am_I() != RTTI_BUILDING) { FootClass const * foot = (FootClass const *)techno; MPHType speed = ((TechnoTypeClass const &)techno->Class_Of()).MaxSpeed; COORDINATE rangecoord = (speed > MPH_SLOW) ? foot->Likely_Coord() : foot->Target_Coord(); inrange = In_Range(rangecoord); } if (Target_Legal(TarCom) && (Mission == MISSION_RESCUE || Mission == MISSION_GUARD_AREA || Mission == MISSION_ATTACK || Mission == MISSION_HUNT) && inrange) { Assign_Destination(TARGET_NONE); Path[0] = FACING_NONE; } } /* ** Trigger event associated with the player entering the cell. */ TriggerClass * trigger = Map[Coord_Cell(Coord)].Get_Trigger(); if (Cloak != CLOAKED && trigger && trigger->House == Owner()) { trigger->Spring(EVENT_PLAYER_ENTERED, Coord_Cell(Coord)); } // } TechnoClass::Per_Cell_Process(center); } /*************************************************************************** * FootClass::Override_Mission -- temporarily overides a units mission * * * * * * * * INPUT: MissionType mission - the mission we want to overide * * TARGET tarcom - the new target we want to overide * * TARGET navcom - the new navigation point to overide * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: If a mission is already overidden, the current mission is * * just re-assigned. * * * * HISTORY: * * 04/28/1995 PWG : Created. * *=========================================================================*/ void FootClass::Override_Mission(MissionType mission, TARGET tarcom, TARGET navcom) { SuspendedNavCom = NavCom; TechnoClass::Override_Mission(mission, tarcom, navcom); Assign_Destination(navcom); } /*************************************************************************** * FootClass::Restore_Mission -- Restores an overidden mission * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 04/28/1995 PWG : Created. * *=========================================================================*/ bool FootClass::Restore_Mission(void) { if (TechnoClass::Restore_Mission()) { Assign_Destination(SuspendedNavCom); return(true); } return(false); } /*********************************************************************************************** * FootClass::Receive_Message -- Movement related radio messages are handled here. * * * * This routine handles radio message that are related to movement. These are used for * * complex coordinated maneuvers. * * * * INPUT: from -- Pointer to the originator of this radio message. * * * * message -- The radio message that is being received. * * * * param -- The optional parameter (could be a movement destination). * * * * OUTPUT: Returns with the radio response appropriate to the message received. Usually the * * response is RADIO_ROGER. * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 05/14/1995 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ RadioMessageType FootClass::Receive_Message(RadioClass * from, RadioMessageType message, long & param) { switch (message) { /* ** Intercept the repair request and if this object is moving, then no repair ** is possible. */ case RADIO_REPAIR: if (Target_Legal(NavCom)) return(RADIO_NEGATIVE); break; /* ** Something bad has happened to the object in contact with. Abort any coordinated ** activity with this object. Basically, ... run away! Run away! */ case RADIO_RUN_AWAY: if (In_Radio_Contact()) { if (NavCom == Contact_With_Whom()->As_Target()) { Assign_Destination(TARGET_NONE); } } if (Mission == MISSION_SLEEP) { Assign_Mission(MISSION_GUARD); Commence(); } if (Mission == MISSION_ENTER) { Assign_Mission(MISSION_GUARD); } if (!IsRotating && !Target_Legal(NavCom)) { Scatter(0, true); } break; /* ** Checks to see if this unit needs to move somewhere. If it is already in motion, ** then it doesn't need furthur movement instructions. */ case RADIO_NEED_TO_MOVE: param = (long)NavCom; if (!Target_Legal(NavCom)) { return(RADIO_ROGER); } return(RADIO_NEGATIVE); /* ** Radio request to move to location specified. Typically this is used ** for complex loading and unloading missions. */ case RADIO_MOVE_HERE: if (NavCom != (TARGET)param) { if (::As_Target(Coord_Cell(Coord)) == (TARGET)param) { return(RADIO_YEA_NOW_WHAT); } else { if (Mission == MISSION_GUARD && MissionQueue == MISSION_NONE) { Assign_Mission(MISSION_MOVE); } Assign_Destination((TARGET)param); } } return(RADIO_ROGER); /* ** Requests if this unit is trying to cooperatively load up. Typically, this occurs ** for passengers and when vehicles need to be repaired. */ case RADIO_TRYING_TO_LOAD: if (Mission == MISSION_ENTER || MissionQueue == MISSION_ENTER) { TechnoClass::Receive_Message(from, message, param); return(RADIO_ROGER); } break; } return(TechnoClass::Receive_Message(from, message, param)); } /*********************************************************************************************** * FootClass::Mission_Enter -- Enter (cooperatively) mission handler. * * * * This mission handler will cooperatively coordinate the object to maneuver into the * * object it is in radio contact with. This is used by infantry when they wish to load * * into an APC as well as by vehicles when they wish to enter a repair facility. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: Returns the number of game ticks before this routine should be called again. * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 05/15/1995 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ int FootClass::Mission_Enter(void) { /* ** If radio contact has not yet been established with the transport, try to ** establish contact now. */ if (!In_Radio_Contact()) { TechnoClass * techno = As_Techno(ArchiveTarget); if (!techno) techno = As_Techno(NavCom); if (techno) { /* ** If the transport is already in radio contact, do nothing. Try to ** establish radio contact later. */ if (Transmit_Message(RADIO_HELLO, techno) == RADIO_ROGER) { Assign_Destination(TARGET_NONE); } } else { ArchiveTarget = TARGET_NONE; Enter_Idle_Mode(); } } else { /* ** Since radio contact exists with the transport, maintain a dialogue so that ** the transport can give proper instructions to the passenger. */ if (Transmit_Message(RADIO_DOCKING) != RADIO_ROGER) { Transmit_Message(RADIO_OVER_OUT); Enter_Idle_Mode(); } } return(TICKS_PER_SECOND/2); } /*********************************************************************************************** z * FootClass::Assign_Destination -- Assigns specified destination to NavCom. * * * * This routine will assign the specified target to the navigation computer. No legality * * checks are performed. * * * * INPUT: target -- The target value to assign to the navigation computer. * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/08/1995 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ void FootClass::Assign_Destination(TARGET target) { NavCom = target; } /*********************************************************************************************** * FootClass::Detach_All -- Removes this object from the game system. * * * * This routine will remove this object from the game system. This routine is called when * * this object is about to be deleted. All other objects should no longer reference this * * object in that case. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/08/1995 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ void FootClass::Detach_All(bool all) { if (Team) Team->Remove(this); Team = NULL; TechnoClass::Detach_All(all); } /*********************************************************************************************** * FootClass::Rescue_Mission -- Calls this unit to the rescue. * * * * This routine is called when the house determines that it should attack the specified * * target. This routine will determine if it can attack the target specified and if so, * * the amount of power it can throw at it. This returned power value is used to allow * * intelligent distribution of retaliation. * * * * INPUT: target -- The target that this object just might be assigned to attack and thus * * how much power it can bring to bear should be returned. * * * * OUTPUT: Returns with the amount of power that this object can bring to bear against the * * potential target specified. * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/08/1995 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ int FootClass::Rescue_Mission(TARGET tarcom) { /* ** If the target specified is not legal, then it cannot be attacked. Always return ** zero in this case. */ if (!Target_Legal(tarcom)) return(0); /* ** If the unit is already assigned to destroy the tarcom then we need ** to return a negative value which tells the computer to lower the ** desired threat rating. */ if (TarCom == tarcom) { return(-Risk()); } /* ** If the unit is currently attacking a target that has a weapon then we ** cannot abandon it as it will destroy us if we return to base. */ if (Target_Legal(TarCom)) { TechnoClass * techno = As_Techno(TarCom); if (techno && techno->Techno_Type_Class()->Primary != WEAPON_NONE) { return(0); } } /* ** If the unit is in a harvest mission or is currently attacking ** something, or is not very effective, then it will be of no help ** at all. */ if (Team || Mission == MISSION_HARVEST || !Risk()) { return(0); } /* ** Find the distance to the target modified by the range. If the ** the distance is 0, then things are ok. */ int dist = Distance(tarcom) - Weapon_Range(0); int threat = Risk() * 256; int speed = -1; if (dist > 0) { /* ** Next we need to figure out how fast the unit moves because this ** decreases the distance penalty. */ speed = Max((unsigned)Techno_Type_Class()->MaxSpeed, (unsigned)1); int ratio = (speed > 0) ? Max(dist / speed, 1) : 1; /* ** Finally modify the threat by the distance the unit is away. */ threat = Max(threat/ratio, 1); } return(threat); } /*********************************************************************************************** * FootClass::Death_Announcement -- Announces the death of a unit. * * * * This routine is called when a unit (infantry, vehicle, or aircraft) is destroyed. * * * * INPUT: source -- The purpetrator of this death. * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/01/1995 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ void FootClass::Death_Announcement(TechnoClass const * source) const { // Changed for multiplayer. ST - 3/13/2019 5:36PM if ((GameToPlay == GAME_GLYPHX_MULTIPLAYER && House->IsHuman) || (GameToPlay != GAME_GLYPHX_MULTIPLAYER && Is_Discovered_By_Player() || Is_Owned_By_Player())) { // ST //if (Is_Discovered_By_Player() || Is_Owned_By_Player()) { //if (IsDiscoveredByPlayer || IsOwnedByPlayer) { if (!source || source->What_Am_I() != RTTI_INFANTRY || *((InfantryClass const *)source) != INFANTRY_RAMBO) { if (What_Am_I() == RTTI_INFANTRY && ((InfantryTypeClass const &)Class_Of()).IsCivilian && !((InfantryClass *)this)->IsTechnician) { // if (Options.IsDeathAnnounce) Speak(VOX_DEAD_CIV); // MBL 02.06.2020 if (Options.IsDeathAnnounce) Speak(VOX_DEAD_CIV, House, Center_Coord()); } else { if (House != PlayerPtr && GameToPlay != GAME_NORMAL) { // if (Options.IsDeathAnnounce) Speak(VOX_ENEMY_UNIT); // MBL 02.06.2020 if (Options.IsDeathAnnounce) Speak(VOX_ENEMY_UNIT, House); } else { if (((GameToPlay == GAME_GLYPHX_MULTIPLAYER && House->IsHuman) || House == PlayerPtr) || Options.IsDeathAnnounce) { // ST if (!Options.IsDeathAnnounce) { // MBL 02.06.2020 // Speak(VOX_UNIT_LOST); Speak(VOX_UNIT_LOST, House, Center_Coord()); } else { switch (House->ActLike) { case HOUSE_GOOD: // Speak(VOX_DEAD_GDI); // MBL 02.06.2020 Speak(VOX_DEAD_GDI, House, Center_Coord()); break; case HOUSE_BAD: // Speak(VOX_DEAD_NOD); // MBL 02.06.2020 Speak(VOX_DEAD_NOD, House, Center_Coord()); break; default: break; } } } } } } } } /*********************************************************************************************** * FootClass::Greatest_Threat -- Fetches the greatest threat to this object. * * * * This routine will return with the greatest threat (best target) for this object. For * * movable ground object, they won't automatically return ANY target if this object is * * cloaked. Otherwise, cloaking is relatively useless. * * * * INPUT: method -- The request method (bit flags) to use when scanning for a target. * * * * OUTPUT: Returns with the best target to attack. If there is no target that qualifies, then * * TARGET_NONE is returned. * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/08/1995 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ TARGET FootClass::Greatest_Threat(ThreatType method) const { /* ** If this object can cloak, then it won't select a target automatically. */ if (House->IsHuman && IsCloakable && Mission == MISSION_GUARD) { return(TARGET_NONE); } if (Techno_Type_Class()->Primary != WEAPON_NONE && BulletTypeClass::As_Reference(Weapons[Techno_Type_Class()->Primary].Fires).IsAntiAircraft) { method = method | THREAT_AIR; } if (Techno_Type_Class()->Secondary != WEAPON_NONE && BulletTypeClass::As_Reference(Weapons[Techno_Type_Class()->Secondary].Fires).IsAntiAircraft) { method = method | THREAT_AIR; } return(TechnoClass::Greatest_Threat(method|THREAT_GROUND)); } /*********************************************************************************************** * FootClass::Detach -- Detaches a target from tracking systems. * * * * This routine will detach the specified target from the tracking systems of this object. * * It will be removed from the navigation computer and any queued mission record. * * * * INPUT: target -- The target to be removed from this object. * * * * all -- Is the unit really about to be eliminated? If this is true then even * * friendly contact (i.e., radio) must be eliminated. * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/18/1995 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ void FootClass::Detach(TARGET target, bool all) { TechnoClass::Detach(target, all); if (!SpecialFlag) { if (ArchiveTarget == target) { ArchiveTarget = TARGET_NONE; } } if (SuspendedNavCom == target) { SuspendedNavCom = TARGET_NONE; SuspendedMission = MISSION_NONE; } /* ** If the navigation computer is assigned to the target, then the navigation ** computer must be cleared. */ if (NavCom == target) { NavCom = TARGET_NONE; Path[0] = FACING_NONE; Restore_Mission(); } /* ** If targeting the specified object and this unit is obviously heading ** toward the target to get within range, then abort the path. */ if (TarCom == target && House->IsHuman) { Path[0] = FACING_NONE; } } /*********************************************************************************************** * FootClass::Offload_Tiberium_Bail -- Fetches the Tiberium to offload per step. * * * * This routine is called when a packet/package/bail of Tiberium needs to be offloaded * * from the object. This function is overridden for those objects that can contain * * Tiberium. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: Returns with the number of credits offloaded from the object. * * * * WARNINGS: This routine must be called multiple times in order to completely offload the * * Tiberium. When this routine return 0, all Tiberium has been offloaded. * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/19/1995 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ int FootClass::Offload_Tiberium_Bail(void) { return(0); } /*********************************************************************************************** * FootClass::Can_Enter_Cell -- Checks to see if the object can enter cell specified. * * * * This routine examines the specified cell to see if the object can enter it. This * * function is to be overridden for objects that could have the possibility of not being * * allowed to enter the cell. Typical objects at the FootClass level always return * * MOVE_OK. * * * * INPUT: cell -- The cell to examine. * * * * facing -- The direction that this cell might be entered from. * * * * OUTPUT: Returns with the move check result type. This will be MOVE_OK if there is not * * blockage. There are various other values that represent other blockage types. * * The value returned will indicatd the most severe reason why entry into the cell * * is blocked. * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/19/1995 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ MoveType FootClass::Can_Enter_Cell(CELL , FacingType) const { return MOVE_OK; } /*********************************************************************************************** * FootClass::Can_Demolish -- Checks to see if this object can be sold back. * * * * This routine determines if it is legal to sell the object back. A foot class object can * * only be sold back if it is sitting on a repair bay. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: Was the object successfully sold back? * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 08/13/1995 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ bool FootClass::Can_Demolish(void) const { switch (What_Am_I()) { case RTTI_UNIT: case RTTI_AIRCRAFT: if (In_Radio_Contact() && Contact_With_Whom()->What_Am_I() == RTTI_BUILDING && *((BuildingClass *)Contact_With_Whom()) == STRUCT_REPAIR && Distance(Contact_With_Whom()) < 0x0080) { return(true); } break; default: break; } return(TechnoClass::Can_Demolish()); } /*********************************************************************************************** * FootClass::Sell_Back -- Causes this object to be sold back. * * * * When an object is sold back, a certain amount of money is refunded to the owner and then * * the object is removed from the game system. * * * * INPUT: control -- The action to perform. The only supported action is "1", which means * * to sell back. * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 08/13/1995 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ void FootClass::Sell_Back(int control) { if (control != 0) { if (House == PlayerPtr) { Sound_Effect(VOC_CASHTURN); } House->Refund_Money(Refund_Amount()); Stun(); Limbo(); Delete_This(); } } /*********************************************************************************************** * FootClass::Likely_Coord -- Fetches the coordinate the object will be at shortly. * * * * This routine comes in handy when determining where a travelling object will be at * * when considering the amount of time it would take for a normal unit to travel one cell. * * Using this information, an intelligent "approach target" logic can be employed. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: Returns with the coordinate the object is at or soon will be. * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 08/13/1995 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ COORDINATE FootClass::Likely_Coord(void) const { if (Head_To_Coord()) { return(Head_To_Coord()); } return(Target_Coord()); }