// // Copyright 2020 Electronic Arts Inc. // // TiberianDawn.DLL and RedAlert.dll and corresponding source code is free // software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of // the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, // either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // TiberianDawn.DLL and RedAlert.dll and corresponding source code is distributed // in the hope that it will be useful, but with permitted additional restrictions // under Section 7 of the GPL. See the GNU General Public License in LICENSE.TXT // distributed with this program. You should have received a copy of the // GNU General Public License along with permitted additional restrictions // with this program. If not, see https://github.com/electronicarts/CnC_Remastered_Collection /* $Header: /CounterStrike/MAPEDIT.CPP 2 3/13/97 2:05p Steve_tall $ */ /*************************************************************************** ** C O N F I D E N T I A L --- W E S T W O O D S T U D I O S ** *************************************************************************** * * * Project Name : Command & Conquer * * * * File Name : MAPEDIT.CPP * * * * Programmer : Bill Randolph * * * * Start Date : October 20, 1994 * * * * Last Update : February 2, 1995 [BR] * * * *-------------------------------------------------------------------------* * Map Editor overloaded routines & utility routines * *-------------------------------------------------------------------------* * Map Editor modules: * * (Yes, they're all one huge class.) * * mapedit.cpp: overloaded routines, utility routines * * mapeddlg.cpp: map editor dialogs, most of the main menu options * * mapedplc.cpp: object-placing routines * * mapedsel.cpp: object-selection & manipulation routines * * mapedtm.cpp: team-editing routines * *-------------------------------------------------------------------------* * Functions: * * MapEditClass::AI -- The map editor's main logic * * MapEditClass::Read_INI -- overloaded Read_INI function * * MapEditClass::AI_Menu -- menu of AI options * * MapEditClass::Add_To_List -- adds a TypeClass to the chooseable list * * MapEditClass::Clear_List -- clears the internal chooseable object list* * MapEditClass::Cycle_House -- finds next valid house for object type * * MapEditClass::Draw_It -- overloaded Redraw routine * * MapEditClass::Fatal -- exits with error message * * MapEditClass::Main_Menu -- main menu processor for map editor * * MapEditClass::MapEditClass -- class constructor * * MapEditClass::Mouse_Moved -- checks for mouse motion * * MapEditClass::One_Time -- one-time initialization * * MapEditClass::Verify_House -- sees if given house can own given obj * * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */ #include "function.h" #ifdef SCENARIO_EDITOR /* ** Array of all missions supported by the map editor */ MissionType MapEditClass::MapEditMissions[] = { MISSION_GUARD, MISSION_STICKY, MISSION_HARMLESS, MISSION_HARVEST, MISSION_GUARD_AREA, MISSION_RETURN, MISSION_AMBUSH, MISSION_HUNT, MISSION_SLEEP, }; #define NUM_EDIT_MISSIONS (sizeof(MapEditClass::MapEditMissions) / sizeof(MapEditClass::MapEditMissions[0])) /* ** For menu processing */ extern int UnknownKey; // in menus.cpp char MapEditClass::HealthBuf[20]; /*************************************************************************** * MapEditClass::MapEditClass -- class constructor * * * * INPUT: * * none. * * * * OUTPUT: * * none. * * * * WARNINGS: * * none. * * * * HISTORY: * * 10/20/1994 BR : Created. * *=========================================================================*/ MapEditClass::MapEditClass(void) { /* ** Init data members. */ // ScenVar = SCEN_VAR_A; ObjCount = 0; LastChoice = 0; LastHouse = HOUSE_GOOD; GrabbedObject = 0; for (int i=0; i < NUM_EDIT_CLASSES; i++) { NumType[i] = 0; TypeOffset[i] = 0; } Scen.Waypoint[WAYPT_HOME] = 0; CurrentCell = 0; CurTeam = NULL; CurTrigger = NULL; Changed = 0; LMouseDown = 0; BaseBuilding = false; // BasePercent = 100; } /*************************************************************************** * MapEditClass::One_Time -- one-time initialization * * * * INPUT: * * none. * * * * OUTPUT: * * none. * * * * WARNINGS: * * none. * * * * HISTORY: * * 02/02/1995 BR : Created. * *=========================================================================*/ void MapEditClass::One_Time(void) { MouseClass::One_Time(); /* ** The map: a single large "button" */ #ifdef WIN32 MapArea = new ControlClass(MAP_AREA, 0, 8, 640-8, 400-8, GadgetClass::LEFTPRESS | GadgetClass::LEFTRELEASE, false); #else MapArea = new ControlClass(MAP_AREA, 0, 8, 312, 192, GadgetClass::LEFTPRESS | GadgetClass::LEFTRELEASE, false); #endif /* ** House buttons */ HouseList = new ListClass(POPUP_HOUSELIST, POPUP_HOUSE_X, POPUP_HOUSE_Y, POPUP_HOUSE_W, POPUP_HOUSE_H, TPF_EFNT|TPF_NOSHADOW, MFCD::Retrieve("EBTN-UP.SHP"), MFCD::Retrieve("EBTN-DN.SHP")); for (HousesType house = HOUSE_FIRST; house < HOUSE_COUNT; house++) { HouseList->Add_Item(HouseTypeClass::As_Reference(house).IniName); } /* ** The mission list box */ MissionList = new ListClass(POPUP_MISSIONLIST, POPUP_MISSION_X, POPUP_MISSION_Y, POPUP_MISSION_W, POPUP_MISSION_H, TPF_EFNT|TPF_NOSHADOW, MFCD::Retrieve("EBTN-UP.SHP"), MFCD::Retrieve("EBTN-DN.SHP")); for (int i = 0; i < NUM_EDIT_MISSIONS; i++) { MissionList->Add_Item(MissionClass::Mission_Name(MapEditMissions[i])); } /* ** The health bar */ HealthGauge = new TriColorGaugeClass(POPUP_HEALTHGAUGE, POPUP_HEALTH_X, POPUP_HEALTH_Y, POPUP_HEALTH_W, POPUP_HEALTH_H); HealthGauge->Use_Thumb(true); HealthGauge->Set_Maximum(0x100); HealthGauge->Set_Red_Limit(0x3f - 1); HealthGauge->Set_Yellow_Limit(0x7f - 1); /* ** The health text label */ HealthBuf[0] = 0; HealthText = new TextLabelClass(HealthBuf, POPUP_HEALTH_X + POPUP_HEALTH_W / 2, POPUP_HEALTH_Y + POPUP_HEALTH_H + 1, GadgetClass::Get_Color_Scheme(), TPF_CENTER | TPF_FULLSHADOW | TPF_EFNT); /* ** Building attribute buttons. */ Sellable = new TextButtonClass(POPUP_SELLABLE, TXT_SELLABLE, TPF_EBUTTON, 320-65, 200-25, 60); Rebuildable = new TextButtonClass(POPUP_REBUILDABLE, TXT_REBUILD, TPF_EBUTTON, 320-65, 200-15, 60); /* ** The facing dial */ FacingDial = new Dial8Class(POPUP_FACINGDIAL, POPUP_FACEBOX_X, POPUP_FACEBOX_Y, POPUP_FACEBOX_W, POPUP_FACEBOX_H, (DirType)0); /* ** The base percent-built slider & its label */ BaseGauge = new GaugeClass(POPUP_BASEPERCENT, POPUP_BASE_X, POPUP_BASE_Y, POPUP_BASE_W, POPUP_BASE_H); BaseLabel = new TextLabelClass ("Base:", POPUP_BASE_X - 3, POPUP_BASE_Y, GadgetClass::Get_Color_Scheme(), TPF_RIGHT | TPF_NOSHADOW | TPF_EFNT); BaseGauge->Set_Maximum(100); BaseGauge->Set_Value(Scen.Percent); } /*********************************************************************************************** * MapeditClass::Init_IO -- Reinitializes the radar map at scenario start. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 12/22/1994 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ void MapEditClass::Init_IO(void) { /* ** For normal game mode, jump to the parent's Init routine. */ if (!Debug_Map) { MouseClass::Init_IO(); } else { /* ** For editor mode, add the map area to the button input list */ Buttons = 0; Add_A_Button(*BaseGauge); Add_A_Button(*BaseLabel); Add_A_Button(*MapArea); } } /*************************************************************************** * MapEditClass::Clear_List -- clears the internal chooseable object list * * * * INPUT: * * none. * * * * OUTPUT: * * none. * * * * WARNINGS: * * none. * * * * HISTORY: * * 10/20/1994 BR : Created. * *=========================================================================*/ void MapEditClass::Clear_List(void) { /* ** Set # object type ptrs to 0, set NumType for each type to 0 */ ObjCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < NUM_EDIT_CLASSES; i++) { NumType[i] = 0; } } /*************************************************************************** * MapEditClass::Add_To_List -- adds a TypeClass to the chooseable list * * * * Use this routine to add an object to the game object selection list. * * This list is used by the Add_Object function. All items located in the * * list will appear and be chooseable by that function. Make sure to * * clear the list before adding a sequence of items to it. Clearing * * the list is accomplished by the Clear_List() function. * * * * INPUT: * * object ptr to ObjectTypeClass to add * * * * OUTPUT: * * bool: was the object added to the list? A failure could occur if * * NULL were passed in or the list is full. * * * * WARNINGS: * * none. * * * * HISTORY: * * 06/04/1994 JLB : Created. * *=========================================================================*/ bool MapEditClass::Add_To_List(ObjectTypeClass const * object) { /* ** Add the object if there's room. */ if (object && ObjCount < MAX_EDIT_OBJECTS) { Objects[ObjCount++] = object; /* ** Update type counters. */ switch (object->What_Am_I()) { case RTTI_TEMPLATETYPE: NumType[0]++; break; case RTTI_OVERLAYTYPE: NumType[1]++; break; case RTTI_SMUDGETYPE: NumType[2]++; break; case RTTI_TERRAINTYPE: NumType[3]++; break; case RTTI_UNITTYPE: NumType[4]++; break; case RTTI_INFANTRYTYPE: NumType[5]++; break; case RTTI_VESSELTYPE: NumType[6]++; break; case RTTI_BUILDINGTYPE: NumType[7]++; break; case RTTI_AIRCRAFTTYPE: NumType[8]++; break; } return(true); } return(false); } /*************************************************************************** * MapEditClass::AI -- The map editor's main logic * * * * This routine overloads the parent's (DisplayClass) AI function. * * It checks for any input specific to map editing, and calls the parent * * AI routine to handle scrolling and other mainstream map stuff. * * * * If this detects one of its special input keys, it sets 'input' to 0 * * before calling the parent AI routine; this prevents input conflict. * * * * SUPPORTED INPUT: * * General: * * F2/RMOUSE: main menu * * F6: toggles show-passable mode * * HOME: go to the Home Cell (scenario's start position)* * SHIFT-HOME: set the Home Cell to the current TacticalCell* * ESC: exits to DOS * * Object Placement: * * INSERT: go into placement mode * * ESC: exit placement mode * * LEFT/RIGHT: prev/next placement object * * PGUP/PGDN: prev/next placement category * * HOME: 1st placement object (clear template) * * h/H: toggle house of placement object * * LMOUSE: place the placement object * * MOUSE MOTION: "paint" with the placement object * * Object selection: * * LMOUSE: select & "grab" current object * * If no object is present where the mouse is * * clicked, the current object is de-selected * * If the same object is clicked on, it stays * * selected. Also displays the object-editing * * gadgets. * * LMOUSE RLSE: release currently-grabbed object * * MOUSE MOTION: if an object is grabbed, moves the object * * SHIFT|ALT|ARROW: moves object in that direction * * DELETE deletes currently-selected object * * Object-editing controls: * * POPUP_GDI: makes GDI the owner of this object * * POPUP_NOD: makes NOD the owner of this object * * POPUP_MISSIONLIST: sets that mission for this object * * POPUP_HEALTHGAUGE: sets that health value for this object * * POPUP_FACINGDIAL: sets the object's facing * * * * Changed is set when you: * * - place an object * * - move a grabbed object * * - delete an object * * - size the map * * - create a new scenario * * Changed is cleared when you: * * - Save the scenario * * - Load a scenario * * - Play the scenario * * * * INPUT: * * input KN_ value, 0 if none * * * * OUTPUT: * * none. * * * * WARNINGS: * * none. * * * * HISTORY: * * 10/20/1994 BR : Created. * *=========================================================================*/ void MapEditClass::AI(KeyNumType & input, int x, int y) { int rc; MissionType mission; int strength; CELL cell; int i; int found; // for removing a waypoint label int waypt_idx; // for labelling a waypoint BaseNodeClass * node; // for removing from an AI Base HousesType house; char wayname[4]; /* ** Trap 'F2' regardless of whether we're in game or editor mode */ if (Debug_Flag) { if ((input == KN_F2 && Session.Type == GAME_NORMAL) || input == (KN_F2 | KN_CTRL_BIT)) { ScenarioInit = 0; /* ** If we're in editor mode & Changed is set, prompt for saving changes */ if (Debug_Map && Changed) { rc = WWMessageBox().Process("Save Changes?", TXT_YES, TXT_NO); HidPage.Clear(); Flag_To_Redraw(true); Render(); /* ** User wants to save */ if (rc == 0) { /* ** If save cancelled, abort game */ if (Save_Scenario()!=0) { input = KN_NONE; } else { Changed = 0; Go_Editor(!Debug_Map); } } else { /* ** User doesn't want to save */ Go_Editor(!Debug_Map); } } else { /* ** If we're in game mode, set Changed to 0 (so if we didn't save our ** changes above, they won't keep coming back to haunt us with continual ** Save Changes? prompts!) */ if (!Debug_Map) { Changed = 0; } BaseGauge->Set_Value(Scen.Percent); Go_Editor(!Debug_Map); } } } /* ** For normal game mode, jump to the parent's AI routine. */ if (!Debug_Map) { MouseClass::AI(input, x, y); return; } ::Frame++; /* ** Do special mouse processing if the mouse is over the map */ if (Get_Mouse_X() > TacPixelX && Get_Mouse_X() < TacPixelX + Lepton_To_Pixel(TacLeptonWidth) && Get_Mouse_Y() > TacPixelY && Get_Mouse_Y() < TacPixelY + Lepton_To_Pixel(TacLeptonHeight)) { /* ** When the mouse moves over a scrolling edge, ScrollClass changes its ** shape to the appropriate arrow or NO symbol; it's our job to change it ** back to normal (or whatever the shape is set to by Set_Default_Mouse()) ** when it re-enters the map area. */ if (CurTrigger) { Override_Mouse_Shape(MOUSE_CAN_MOVE); } else { Override_Mouse_Shape(MOUSE_NORMAL); } } /* ** Set 'ZoneCell' to track the mouse cursor around over the map. Do this ** even if the map is scrolling. */ if (Get_Mouse_X() >= TacPixelX && Get_Mouse_X() <= TacPixelX + Lepton_To_Pixel(TacLeptonWidth) && Get_Mouse_Y() >= TacPixelY && Get_Mouse_Y() <= TacPixelY + Lepton_To_Pixel(TacLeptonHeight)) { cell = Click_Cell_Calc(Get_Mouse_X(), Get_Mouse_Y()); if (cell != -1) { Set_Cursor_Pos(cell); if (PendingObject) { Flag_To_Redraw(true); } } } /* ** Check for mouse motion while left button is down. */ rc = Mouse_Moved(); if (LMouseDown && rc) { /* ** "Paint" mode: place current object, and restart placement */ if (PendingObject) { Flag_To_Redraw(true); if (Place_Object() == 0) { Changed = 1; Start_Placement(); } } else { /* ** Move the currently-grabbed object */ if (GrabbedObject) { GrabbedObject->Mark(MARK_CHANGE); if (Move_Grabbed_Object() == 0) { Changed = 1; } } } } /* ** Trap special editing keys; if one is detected, set 'input' to 0 to ** prevent a conflict with parent's AI(). */ switch (input) { /* ** F2/RMOUSE = pop up main menu */ case KN_RMOUSE: /* ** Turn off placement mode */ if (PendingObject) { if (BaseBuilding) { Cancel_Base_Building(); } else { Cancel_Placement(); } } /* ** Turn off trigger placement mode */ if (CurTrigger) { Stop_Trigger_Placement(); } /* ** Unselect object & hide popup controls */ if (CurrentObject.Count()) { CurrentObject[0]->Unselect(); Popup_Controls(); } Main_Menu(); input = KN_NONE; break; /* ** F6 = toggle passable/impassable display */ case KN_F6: Debug_Passable = (Debug_Passable == false); HidPage.Clear(); Flag_To_Redraw(true); input = KN_NONE; break; /* ** INSERT = go into object-placement mode */ case KN_INSERT: if (!PendingObject) { /* ** Unselect current object, hide popup controls */ if (CurrentObject.Count()) { CurrentObject[0]->Unselect(); Popup_Controls(); } /* ** Go into placement mode */ Start_Placement(); } input = KN_NONE; break; /* ** ESC = exit placement mode, or exit to DOS */ case KN_ESC: /* ** Exit object placement mode */ if (PendingObject) { if (BaseBuilding) { Cancel_Base_Building(); } else { Cancel_Placement(); } input = KN_NONE; break; } else { /* ** Exit trigger placement mode */ if (CurTrigger) { Stop_Trigger_Placement(); input = KN_NONE; break; } else { rc = WWMessageBox().Process("Exit Scenario Editor?", TXT_YES, TXT_NO); HidPage.Clear(); Flag_To_Redraw(true); Render(); /* ** User doesn't want to exit; return to editor */ if (rc==1) { input = KN_NONE; break; } /* ** If changed, prompt for saving */ if (Changed) { rc = WWMessageBox().Process("Save Changes?", TXT_YES, TXT_NO); HidPage.Clear(); Flag_To_Redraw(true); Render(); /* ** User wants to save */ if (rc == 0) { /* ** If save cancelled, abort exit */ if (Save_Scenario()!=0) { input = KN_NONE; break; } else { Changed = 0; } } } } } //Prog_End(); Emergency_Exit(0); break; /* ** LEFT = go to previous placement object */ case KN_LEFT: if (PendingObject) { Place_Prev(); } input = KN_NONE; break; /* ** RIGHT = go to next placement object */ case KN_RIGHT: if (PendingObject) { Place_Next(); } input = KN_NONE; break; /* ** PGUP = go to previous placement category */ case KN_PGUP: if (PendingObject) { Place_Prev_Category(); } input = KN_NONE; break; /* ** PGDN = go to next placement category */ case KN_PGDN: if (PendingObject) { Place_Next_Category(); } input = KN_NONE; break; /* ** HOME = jump to first placement object, or go to Home Cell */ case KN_HOME: if (PendingObject) { Place_Home(); } else { /* ** Set map position */ ScenarioInit++; Set_Tactical_Position(Scen.Waypoint[WAYPT_HOME]); ScenarioInit--; /* ** Force map to redraw */ HidPage.Clear(); Flag_To_Redraw(true); Render(); } input = KN_NONE; break; /* ** SHIFT-HOME: set new Home Cell position */ case ((int)KN_HOME | (int)KN_SHIFT_BIT): if (CurrentCell != 0) { /* ** Unflag the old Home Cell, if there are no other waypoints ** pointing to it */ cell = Scen.Waypoint[WAYPT_HOME]; if (cell != -1) { found = 0; for (i = 0; i < WAYPT_COUNT; i++) { if (i != WAYPT_HOME && Scen.Waypoint[i]==cell) { found = 1; } } if (found==0) { (*this)[cell].IsWaypoint = 0; Flag_Cell(cell); } } /* ** Now set the new Home cell */ // Scen.Waypoint[WAYPT_HOME] = Coord_Cell(TacticalCoord); // (*this)[TacticalCoord].IsWaypoint = 1; // Flag_Cell(Coord_Cell(TacticalCoord)); Scen.Waypoint[WAYPT_HOME] = CurrentCell; (*this)[CurrentCell].IsWaypoint = 1; Flag_Cell(CurrentCell); Changed = 1; input = KN_NONE; } break; /* ** SHIFT-R: set new Reinforcement Cell position. Don't allow setting ** the Reinf. Cell to the same as the Home Cell (for display purposes.) */ case ((int)KN_R | (int)KN_SHIFT_BIT): if (CurrentCell==0 || CurrentCell==Scen.Waypoint[WAYPT_HOME]) { break; } /* ** Unflag the old Reinforcement Cell, if there are no other waypoints ** pointing to it */ cell = Scen.Waypoint[WAYPT_REINF]; if (cell != -1) { found = 0; for (i = 0; i < WAYPT_COUNT; i++) { if (i != WAYPT_REINF && Scen.Waypoint[i]==cell) { found = 1; } } if (found==0) { (*this)[cell].IsWaypoint = 0; Flag_Cell(cell); } } /* ** Now set the new Reinforcement cell */ Scen.Waypoint[WAYPT_REINF] = CurrentCell; (*this)[CurrentCell].IsWaypoint = 1; Flag_Cell(CurrentCell); Changed = 1; input = KN_NONE; break; /* ** ALT-Letter: Label a waypoint cell */ case ((int)KN_A | (int)KN_ALT_BIT): case ((int)KN_B | (int)KN_ALT_BIT): case ((int)KN_C | (int)KN_ALT_BIT): case ((int)KN_D | (int)KN_ALT_BIT): case ((int)KN_E | (int)KN_ALT_BIT): case ((int)KN_F | (int)KN_ALT_BIT): case ((int)KN_G | (int)KN_ALT_BIT): case ((int)KN_H | (int)KN_ALT_BIT): case ((int)KN_I | (int)KN_ALT_BIT): case ((int)KN_J | (int)KN_ALT_BIT): case ((int)KN_K | (int)KN_ALT_BIT): case ((int)KN_L | (int)KN_ALT_BIT): case ((int)KN_M | (int)KN_ALT_BIT): case ((int)KN_N | (int)KN_ALT_BIT): case ((int)KN_O | (int)KN_ALT_BIT): case ((int)KN_P | (int)KN_ALT_BIT): case ((int)KN_Q | (int)KN_ALT_BIT): case ((int)KN_R | (int)KN_ALT_BIT): case ((int)KN_S | (int)KN_ALT_BIT): case ((int)KN_T | (int)KN_ALT_BIT): case ((int)KN_U | (int)KN_ALT_BIT): case ((int)KN_V | (int)KN_ALT_BIT): case ((int)KN_W | (int)KN_ALT_BIT): case ((int)KN_X | (int)KN_ALT_BIT): case ((int)KN_Y | (int)KN_ALT_BIT): case ((int)KN_Z | (int)KN_ALT_BIT): if (CurrentCell != 0) { #ifdef WIN32 waypt_idx = (input & ~KN_ALT_BIT) - KN_A; #else waypt_idx = KN_To_KA(input & 0x00ff) - KA_a; #endif Update_Waypoint(waypt_idx); } input = KN_NONE; break; /* ** ALT-. : Designate an extended (2-letter) waypoint name */ case KN_PERIOD: case ((int)KN_PERIOD | (int)KN_ALT_BIT): if (CurrentCell != 0 && Get_Waypoint_Name(wayname)) { int waynm = 0; if (strlen(wayname)) { wayname[0] = toupper(wayname[0]); wayname[1] = toupper(wayname[1]); if (wayname[0] >= 'A' && wayname[0] <= 'Z') { waynm = wayname[0] - 'A'; if (wayname[1] >= 'A' && wayname[1] <= 'Z') { waynm = (waynm+1)*26 + (wayname[1] - 'A'); } if (waynm < WAYPT_HOME) Update_Waypoint(waynm); } } } input = KN_NONE; break; #ifdef OBSOLETE /* ** ALT-1-4: Designate a cell as a capture-the-flag cell. */ case ((int)KN_1 | (int)KN_ALT_BIT): case ((int)KN_2 | (int)KN_ALT_BIT): case ((int)KN_3 | (int)KN_ALT_BIT): case ((int)KN_4 | (int)KN_ALT_BIT): /* ** If there's a current cell, place the flag & waypoint there. */ if (CurrentCell != 0) { waypt_idx = (Keyboard->To_ASCII((KeyNumType)(input & 0xff)) - KA_1); // waypt_idx = (KN_To_KA(input & 0xff) - KA_1); house = (HousesType)(HOUSE_MULTI1 + waypt_idx); if (HouseClass::As_Pointer(house)) { HouseClass::As_Pointer(house)->Flag_Attach(CurrentCell, true); } } else { /* ** If there's a current object, attach the flag to it and clear the ** waypoint. */ if (CurrentObject[0] != 0) { waypt_idx = (Keyboard->To_ASCII((KeyNumType)(input & 0xff)) - KA_1); house = (HousesType)(HOUSE_MULTI1 + waypt_idx); if (HouseClass::As_Pointer(house) && CurrentObject[0]->What_Am_I() == RTTI_UNIT) { HouseClass::As_Pointer(house)->Flag_Attach((UnitClass *)CurrentObject[0], true); } } } input = KN_NONE; break; #endif /* ** ALT-Space: Remove a waypoint designation */ case ((int)KN_SPACE | (int)KN_ALT_BIT): if (CurrentCell != 0) { /* ** Loop through letter waypoints; if this cell is one of them, ** clear that waypoint. */ for (i = 0 ; i < WAYPT_HOME; i++) { if (Scen.Waypoint[i]==CurrentCell) Scen.Waypoint[i] = -1; } /* ** Loop through flag home values; if this cell is one of them, clear ** that waypoint. */ for (i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++) { house = (HousesType)(HOUSE_MULTI1 + i); if (HouseClass::As_Pointer(house) && CurrentCell == HouseClass::As_Pointer(house)->FlagHome) HouseClass::As_Pointer(house)->Flag_Remove(As_Target(CurrentCell), true); } /* ** If there are no more waypoints on this cell, clear the cell's ** waypoint designation. */ if (Scen.Waypoint[WAYPT_HOME]!=CurrentCell && Scen.Waypoint[WAYPT_REINF]!=CurrentCell) (*this)[CurrentCell].IsWaypoint = 0; Changed = 1; Flag_Cell(CurrentCell); } input = KN_NONE; break; /* ** 'H' = toggle current placement object's house */ case KN_H: case ((int)KN_H | (int)KN_SHIFT_BIT): if (PendingObject) { Toggle_House(); } input = KN_NONE; break; /* ** Left-mouse click: ** Button DOWN: ** - Toggle LMouseDown ** - If we're in placement mode, try to place the current object ** - If success, re-enter placement mode ** - Otherwise, try to select an object, and "grab" it if there is one ** - If no object, then select that cell as the "current" cell ** Button UP: ** - Toggle LMouseDown ** - release any grabbed object */ case ((int)MAP_AREA | (int)KN_BUTTON): /* ** Left Button DOWN */ if (Keyboard->Down(KN_LMOUSE)) { LMouseDown = 1; /* ** Placement mode: place an object */ if (PendingObject) { if (Place_Object()==0) { Changed = 1; Start_Placement(); } } else { /* ** Place a trigger */ if (CurTrigger) { Place_Trigger(); Changed = 1; } else { /* ** Select an object or a cell ** Check for double-click */ if (CurrentObject.Count() && ((TickCount - LastClickTime) < 15)) { ; // stub } else { /* ** Single-click: select object */ if (Select_Object()==0) { CurrentCell = 0; Grab_Object(); } else { /* ** No object: select the cell */ CurrentCell = Click_Cell_Calc(Keyboard->MouseQX, Keyboard->MouseQY); HidPage.Clear(); Flag_To_Redraw(true); Render(); } } } } LastClickTime = TickCount(); input = KN_NONE; } else { /* ** Left Button UP */ LMouseDown = 0; GrabbedObject = 0; input = KN_NONE; } break; /* ** SHIFT-ALT-Arrow: move the current object */ case (int)KN_UP | (int)KN_ALT_BIT | (int)KN_SHIFT_BIT: case (int)KN_DOWN | (int)KN_ALT_BIT | (int)KN_SHIFT_BIT: case (int)KN_LEFT | (int)KN_ALT_BIT | (int)KN_SHIFT_BIT: case (int)KN_RIGHT | (int)KN_ALT_BIT | (int)KN_SHIFT_BIT: if (CurrentObject.Count()) { CurrentObject[0]->Move(KN_To_Facing(input)); Changed = 1; } input = KN_NONE; break; /* ** DELETE: delete currently-selected object */ case KN_DELETE: /* ** Delete currently-selected object's trigger, or the object */ if (CurrentObject.Count()) { /* ** Delete trigger */ if (CurrentObject[0]->Trigger.Is_Valid()) { CurrentObject[0]->Trigger = NULL; } else { /* ** If the current object is part of the AI's Base, remove it ** from the Base's Node list. */ if (CurrentObject[0]->What_Am_I()==RTTI_BUILDING && Base.Is_Node((BuildingClass *)CurrentObject[0])) { node = Base.Get_Node((BuildingClass *)CurrentObject[0]); Base.Nodes.Delete(*node); } /* ** Delete current object */ delete CurrentObject[0]; /* ** Hide the popup controls */ Popup_Controls(); } /* ** Force a redraw */ HidPage.Clear(); Flag_To_Redraw(true); Changed = 1; } else { /* ** Remove trigger from current cell */ if (CurrentCell) { if ((*this)[CurrentCell].Trigger.Is_Valid()) { (*this)[CurrentCell].Trigger = NULL; // CellTriggers[CurrentCell] = NULL; /* ** Force a redraw */ HidPage.Clear(); Flag_To_Redraw(true); Changed = 1; } } } input = KN_NONE; break; /* ** TAB: select next object on the map */ case KN_TAB: Select_Next(); input = KN_NONE; break; /* ** Object-Editing button: House Button */ case POPUP_HOUSELIST|KN_BUTTON: /* ** Determine the house desired by examining the currently ** selected index in the house list gadget. */ house = HousesType(((ListClass *)Buttons->Extract_Gadget(POPUP_HOUSELIST))->Current_Index()); /* ** If that house doesn't own this object, try to transfer it */ if (CurrentObject[0]->Owner() != house) { if (Change_House(house)) { Changed = 1; } } // Set_House_Buttons(CurrentObject[0]->Owner(), Buttons, POPUP_FIRST); HidPage.Clear(); Buttons->Flag_List_To_Redraw(); Flag_To_Redraw(true); input = KN_NONE; break; // case (POPUP_GDI | KN_BUTTON): // case (POPUP_NOD | KN_BUTTON): // case (POPUP_NEUTRAL | KN_BUTTON): // case (POPUP_MULTI1 | KN_BUTTON): // case (POPUP_MULTI2 | KN_BUTTON): // case (POPUP_MULTI3 | KN_BUTTON): // case (POPUP_MULTI4 | KN_BUTTON): // // /* // ** Convert input value into a house value; assume HOUSE_GOOD is 0 // */ // house = (HousesType)( (input & (~KN_BUTTON)) - POPUP_FIRST); // // /* // ** If that house doesn't own this object, try to transfer it // */ // if (CurrentObject[0]->Owner()!=house) { // if (Change_House(house)) { // Changed = 1; // } // } // Set_House_Buttons(CurrentObject[0]->Owner(), Buttons, POPUP_FIRST); // HidPage.Clear(); // Flag_To_Redraw(true); // input = KN_NONE; // break; case POPUP_SELLABLE|KN_BUTTON: if (CurrentObject[0]->What_Am_I() == RTTI_BUILDING) { BuildingClass * building = (BuildingClass *)CurrentObject[0]; if (building->Class->Level != -1) { // if (building->Class->IsBuildable) { building->IsAllowedToSell = (building->IsAllowedToSell == false); building->Mark(MARK_CHANGE); } if (building->IsAllowedToSell) { Sellable->Turn_On(); } else { Sellable->Turn_Off(); } } break; case POPUP_REBUILDABLE|KN_BUTTON: if (CurrentObject[0]->What_Am_I() == RTTI_BUILDING) { BuildingClass * building = (BuildingClass *)CurrentObject[0]; if (building->Class->Level != -1) { // if (building->Class->IsBuildable) { building->IsToRebuild = (building->IsToRebuild == false); building->Mark(MARK_CHANGE); } if (building->IsToRebuild) { Rebuildable->Turn_On(); } else { Rebuildable->Turn_Off(); } } break; /* ** Object-Editing button: Mission */ case (POPUP_MISSIONLIST | KN_BUTTON): if (CurrentObject[0]->Is_Techno()) { /* ** Set new mission */ mission = MapEditMissions[MissionList->Current_Index()]; if (CurrentObject[0]->Get_Mission() != mission) { ((TechnoClass *)CurrentObject[0])->Set_Mission(mission); Changed = 1; Buttons->Flag_List_To_Redraw(); Flag_To_Redraw(true); } } input = KN_NONE; break; /* ** Object-Editing button: Health */ case (POPUP_HEALTHGAUGE | KN_BUTTON): if (CurrentObject[0]->Is_Techno()) { /* ** Derive strength from current gauge reading */ strength = CurrentObject[0]->Class_Of().MaxStrength * fixed(HealthGauge->Get_Value(), 256); // strength = Fixed_To_Cardinal((unsigned)CurrentObject[0]->Class_Of().MaxStrength, (unsigned)HealthGauge->Get_Value()); /* ** Clip to 1 */ if (strength <= 0) { strength = 1; } /* ** Set new strength */ if (strength != CurrentObject[0]->Strength) { CurrentObject[0]->Strength = strength; HidPage.Clear(); Flag_To_Redraw(true); Changed = 1; } /* ** Update text label */ sprintf(HealthBuf, "%d", strength); } input = KN_NONE; break; /* ** Object-Editing button: Facing */ case (POPUP_FACINGDIAL | KN_BUTTON): if (CurrentObject[0]->Is_Techno()) { /* ** Set new facing */ if (FacingDial->Get_Direction() != ((TechnoClass *)CurrentObject[0])->PrimaryFacing.Get()) { /* ** Set body's facing */ ((TechnoClass *)CurrentObject[0])->PrimaryFacing.Set(FacingDial->Get_Direction()); /* ** Set turret facing, if there is one */ if (CurrentObject[0]->What_Am_I()==RTTI_UNIT) { ((UnitClass *)CurrentObject[0])->SecondaryFacing.Set(FacingDial->Get_Direction()); } HidPage.Clear(); Flag_To_Redraw(true); Changed = 1; } } input = KN_NONE; break; /* ** Object-Editing button: Facing */ case (POPUP_BASEPERCENT | KN_BUTTON): if (BaseGauge->Get_Value() != Scen.Percent) { Scen.Percent = BaseGauge->Get_Value(); Build_Base_To(Scen.Percent); HidPage.Clear(); Flag_To_Redraw(true); } input = KN_NONE; break; default: break; } /* ** Call parent's AI routine */ MouseClass::AI(input, x, y); } /*************************************************************************** * MapEditClass::Draw_It -- overloaded Redraw routine * * * * INPUT: * * * * OUTPUT: * * * * WARNINGS: * * * * HISTORY: * * 11/17/1994 BR : Created. * *=========================================================================*/ void MapEditClass::Draw_It(bool forced) { char const * label; char buf[40]; char const * tptr; MouseClass::Draw_It(forced); if (!Debug_Map) { return; } /* ** Display the total value of all Tiberium on the map. */ Fancy_Text_Print("Tiberium=%ld ", 0, 0, GadgetClass::Get_Color_Scheme(), BLACK, TPF_EFNT | TPF_NOSHADOW, TotalValue); /* ** If there are no object controls displayed, just invoke parent's Redraw ** and return. */ if (!Buttons) { return; } /* ** Otherwise, if 'display' is set, invoke the parent's Redraw to refresh ** the HIDPAGE; then, update the buttons & text labels onto HIDPAGE; ** then invoke the parent's Redraw to blit the HIDPAGE to SEENPAGE. */ if (forced) { /* ** Update the text labels */ if (CurrentObject.Count()) { /* ** Display the object's name & ID */ label = Text_String(CurrentObject[0]->Full_Name()); tptr = label; sprintf(buf, "%s (%d)", tptr, CurrentObject[0]->As_Target()); /* ** print the label */ Fancy_Text_Print (buf, 160, 0, &ColorRemaps[PCOLOR_BROWN], TBLACK, TPF_CENTER | TPF_NOSHADOW | TPF_EFNT); } } } /*************************************************************************** * MapEditClass::Mouse_Moved -- checks for mouse motion * * * * Reports whether the mouse has moved or not. This varies based on the * * type of object currently selected. If there's an infantry object * * selected, mouse motion counts even within a cell; for all other types,* * mouse motion counts only if the mouse changes cells. * * * * The reason this routine is needed is to prevent Paint-Mode from putting* * gobs of trees and such into the same cell if the mouse moves just * * a little bit. * * * * INPUT: * * * * OUTPUT: * * * * WARNINGS: * * * * HISTORY: * * 11/08/1994 BR : Created. * *=========================================================================*/ bool MapEditClass::Mouse_Moved(void) { static int old_mx = 0; static int old_my = 0; static CELL old_zonecell = 0; const ObjectTypeClass * objtype = NULL; bool retcode = false; /* ** Return if no motion */ if (old_mx == Get_Mouse_X() && old_my == Get_Mouse_Y()) { return(false); } /* ** Get a ptr to ObjectTypeClass */ if (PendingObject) { objtype = PendingObject; } else { if (GrabbedObject) { objtype = &GrabbedObject->Class_Of(); } else { old_mx = Get_Mouse_X(); old_my = Get_Mouse_Y(); old_zonecell = ZoneCell; return(false); } } /* ** Infantry: mouse moved if any motion at all */ if (objtype->What_Am_I() == RTTI_INFANTRYTYPE) { retcode = true; } else { /* ** Others: mouse moved only if cell changed */ if (old_zonecell!=ZoneCell) { retcode = true; } else { retcode = false; } } old_mx = Get_Mouse_X(); old_my = Get_Mouse_Y(); old_zonecell = ZoneCell; return(retcode); } /*************************************************************************** * MapEditClass::Main_Menu -- main menu processor for map editor * * * * INPUT: * * none. * * * * OUTPUT: * * none. * * * * WARNINGS: * * none. * * * * HISTORY: * * 10/20/1994 BR : Created. * *=========================================================================*/ void MapEditClass::Main_Menu(void) { char const * _menus[MAX_MAIN_MENU_NUM + 1]; int selection; // option the user picks bool process; // menu stays up while true int rc; /* ** Fill in menu items */ _menus[0] = "New Scenario"; _menus[1] = "Load Scenario"; _menus[2] = "Save Scenario"; _menus[3] = "Size Map"; _menus[4] = "Add Game Object"; _menus[5] = "Scenario Options"; _menus[6] = "AI Options"; _menus[7] = "Play Scenario"; _menus[8] = NULL; /* ** Main Menu loop */ Override_Mouse_Shape(MOUSE_NORMAL); // display default mouse cursor process = true; while (process) { /* ** Invoke game callback, to update music */ Call_Back(); /* ** Invoke menu */ Hide_Mouse(); // Do_Menu assumes the mouse is already hidden selection = Do_Menu(&_menus[0], true); Show_Mouse(); if (UnknownKey==KN_ESC || UnknownKey==KN_LMOUSE || UnknownKey==KN_RMOUSE) { break; } /* ** Process selection */ switch (selection) { /* ** New scenario */ case 0: if (Changed) { rc = WWMessageBox().Process("Save Changes?", TXT_YES, TXT_NO); HidPage.Clear(); Flag_To_Redraw(true); Render(); if (rc==0) { if (Save_Scenario()!=0) { break; } else { Changed = 0; } } } if (New_Scenario()==0) { Scen.CarryOverMoney = 0; Changed = 1; } process = false; break; /* ** Load scenario */ case 1: if (Changed) { rc = WWMessageBox().Process("Save Changes?", TXT_YES, TXT_NO); HidPage.Clear(); Flag_To_Redraw(true); Render(); if (rc==0) { if (Save_Scenario()!=0) { break; } else { Changed = 0; } } } if (Load_Scenario()==0) { Scen.CarryOverMoney = 0; Changed = 0; } process = false; break; /* ** Save scenario */ case 2: if (Save_Scenario() == 0) { Changed = 0; } process = false; break; /* ** Edit map size */ case 3: if (Size_Map(MapCellX, MapCellY, MapCellWidth, MapCellHeight)==0) { process = false; Changed = 1; } break; /* ** Add an object */ case 4: if (Placement_Dialog() == 0) { Start_Placement(); process = false; } break; /* ** Scenario options */ case 5: if (Scenario_Dialog() == 0) { Changed = 1; process = false; } break; /* ** Other options */ case 6: AI_Menu(); process = false; break; /* ** Test-drive this scenario */ case 7: if (Changed) { rc = WWMessageBox().Process("Save Changes?", TXT_YES, TXT_NO, TXT_CANCEL); HidPage.Clear(); Flag_To_Redraw(true); Render(); if (rc == 2) return; if (rc==0) { if (Save_Scenario()!=0) { break; } else { Changed = 0; } } } Changed = 0; Debug_Map = false; Start_Scenario(Scen.ScenarioName); return; } } /* ** Restore the display: ** - Clear HIDPAGE to erase any spurious drawing done by the menu system ** - Invoke Flag_To_Redraw to tell DisplayClass to re-render the whole screen ** - Invoke Redraw() to update the display */ HidPage.Clear(); Flag_To_Redraw(true); Render(); } /*************************************************************************** * MapEditClass::AI_Menu -- menu of AI options * * * * INPUT: * * * * OUTPUT: * * * * WARNINGS: * * * * HISTORY: * * 11/29/1994 BR : Created. * *=========================================================================*/ void MapEditClass::AI_Menu(void) { int selection; // option the user picks bool process; // menu stays up while true char const * _menus[MAX_AI_MENU_NUM + 1]; /* ** Fill in menu strings */ _menus[0] = "Pre-Build a Base"; _menus[1] = "Edit Triggers"; _menus[2] = "Edit Teams"; _menus[3] = NULL; /* ** Main Menu loop */ Override_Mouse_Shape(MOUSE_NORMAL); // display default mouse cursor process = true; while (process) { /* ** Invoke game callback, to update music */ Call_Back(); /* ** Invoke menu */ Hide_Mouse(); // Do_Menu assumes the mouse is already hidden selection = Do_Menu(&_menus[0], true); Show_Mouse(); if (UnknownKey==KN_ESC || UnknownKey==KN_LMOUSE || UnknownKey==KN_RMOUSE) { break; } /* ** Process selection */ switch (selection) { /* ** Pre-Build a Base */ case 0: Start_Base_Building(); process = false; break; /* ** Trigger Editing */ case 1: Handle_Triggers(); /* ** Go into trigger placement mode */ if (CurTrigger) { Start_Trigger_Placement(); } process = false; break; /* ** Team Editing */ case 2: Handle_Teams("Teams"); process = false; break; } } } /*************************************************************************** * MapEditClass::Verify_House -- is this objtype ownable by this house? * * * * INPUT: * * house house to check * * objtype ObjectTypeClass to check * * * * OUTPUT: * * 0 = isn't ownable, 1 = it is * * * * WARNINGS: * * none. * * * * HISTORY: * * 11/16/1994 BR : Created. * *=========================================================================*/ bool MapEditClass::Verify_House(HousesType house, ObjectTypeClass const * objtype) { /* ** Verify that new house can own this object */ return((objtype->Get_Ownable() & (1 << house)) != 0); } /*************************************************************************** * MapEditClass::Cycle_House -- finds next valid house for object type * * * * INPUT: * * objtype ObjectTypeClass ptr to get house for * * curhouse current house value to start with * * * * OUTPUT: * * HousesType that's valid for this object type * * * * WARNINGS: * * none. * * * * HISTORY: * * 11/23/1994 BR : Created. * *=========================================================================*/ HousesType MapEditClass::Cycle_House(HousesType curhouse, ObjectTypeClass const *) { HousesType count; // prevents an infinite loop /* ** Loop through all house types, starting with the one after 'curhouse'; ** return the first one that's valid */ count = HOUSE_NONE; while (1) { /* ** Go to next house */ curhouse++; if (curhouse == HOUSE_COUNT) { curhouse = HOUSE_FIRST; } /* ** Count # iterations; don't go forever */ count++; if (count == HOUSE_COUNT) { curhouse = HOUSE_NONE; break; } /* ** Break if this is a valid house */ // if (HouseClass::As_Pointer(curhouse) && Verify_House(curhouse, objtype)) { break; // } } return(curhouse); } /*************************************************************************** * MapEditClass::Fatal -- exits with error message * * * * INPUT: * * code tells which message to display; this minimizes the * * use of character strings in the code. * * * * OUTPUT: * * none. * * * * WARNINGS: * * none. * * * * HISTORY: * * 12/12/1994 BR : Created. * *=========================================================================*/ void MapEditClass::Fatal(int txt) { //Prog_End(); printf("%s\n", txt); Emergency_Exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } bool MapEditClass::Scroll_Map(DirType facing, int & distance, bool really) { if (Debug_Map) { /* ** The popup gadgets require the entire map to be redrawn if we scroll. */ if (really) { Flag_To_Redraw(true); } } return(MouseClass::Scroll_Map(facing, distance, really)); } #ifdef OBSOLETE void MapEditClass::Flag_To_Redraw(bool complete) { MouseClass::Flag_To_Redraw(complete); } #endif void MapEditClass::Detach(ObjectClass * object) { if (GrabbedObject == object) { GrabbedObject = 0; } } bool MapEditClass::Get_Waypoint_Name(char wayptname[]) { /* ** Dialog & button dimensions */ enum { D_DIALOG_W = 100, // dialog width D_DIALOG_H = 56, // dialog height D_DIALOG_X = ((320 - D_DIALOG_W) / 2), // centered x-coord D_DIALOG_Y = ((200 - D_DIALOG_H) / 2), // centered y-coord D_DIALOG_CX = D_DIALOG_X + (D_DIALOG_W / 2), // coord of x-center D_TXT8_H = 11, // ht of 8-pt text D_MARGIN = 7, // margin width/height D_EDIT_W = D_DIALOG_W - (D_MARGIN * 2), D_EDIT_H = 13, D_EDIT_X = D_DIALOG_X + D_MARGIN, D_EDIT_Y = D_DIALOG_Y + 20, D_BUTTON_X = D_DIALOG_X + D_MARGIN, D_BUTTON_Y = D_DIALOG_Y + 40, D_BUTTON_W = 40, D_BUTTON_H = 13, D_CANCEL_X = D_DIALOG_X + 53, D_CANCEL_Y = D_DIALOG_Y + 40, D_CANCEL_W = 40, D_CANCEL_H = 13, }; /* ** Button enumerations */ enum { BUTTON_OK = 100, BUTTON_CANCEL, BUTTON_EDIT, }; /* ** Dialog variables */ bool cancel = false; // true = user cancels wayptname[0] = 0; /* ** Buttons */ ControlClass * commands = NULL; // the button list TextButtonClass button (BUTTON_OK, TXT_OK, TPF_EBUTTON, D_BUTTON_X, D_BUTTON_Y, D_BUTTON_W); TextButtonClass cancelbtn (BUTTON_CANCEL, TXT_CANCEL, TPF_EBUTTON, D_CANCEL_X, D_CANCEL_Y, D_CANCEL_W); EditClass editbtn (BUTTON_EDIT, wayptname, 3, TPF_EFNT|TPF_NOSHADOW, D_EDIT_X, D_EDIT_Y, D_EDIT_W, -1, EditClass::ALPHANUMERIC); /* ** Initialize. */ Set_Logic_Page(SeenBuff); /* ** Create the button list. */ commands = &button; cancelbtn.Add_Tail(*commands); editbtn.Add_Tail(*commands); editbtn.Set_Focus(); /* ** Main Processing Loop. */ bool firsttime = true; bool display = true; bool process = true; while (process) { /* ** Invoke game callback. */ if (Session.Type == GAME_NORMAL) { Call_Back(); } else if (Main_Loop()) { process = false; cancel = true; } /* ** Refresh display if needed. */ if (display) { /* ** Display the dialog box. */ Hide_Mouse(); if (display) { Dialog_Box(D_DIALOG_X, D_DIALOG_Y, D_DIALOG_W, D_DIALOG_H); // Draw_Caption(caption, D_DIALOG_X, D_DIALOG_Y, D_DIALOG_W); } /* ** Redraw the buttons. */ if (display) { commands->Flag_List_To_Redraw(); } Show_Mouse(); display = false; } /* ** Get user input. */ KeyNumType input = commands->Input(); /* ** The first time through the processing loop, set the edit ** gadget to have the focus. The ** focus must be set here since the gadget list has changed ** and this change will cause any previous focus setting to be ** cleared by the input processing routine. */ if (firsttime) { firsttime = false; editbtn.Set_Focus(); editbtn.Flag_To_Redraw(); } /* ** If the <RETURN> key was pressed, then default to the appropriate ** action button according to the style of this dialog box. */ if (input == KN_RETURN) { input = (KeyNumType)(BUTTON_OK|KN_BUTTON); } /* ** Process input. */ switch (input) { /* ** Load: if load fails, present a message, and stay in the dialog ** to allow the user to try another game */ case (BUTTON_OK | KN_BUTTON): Hide_Mouse(); SeenPage.Clear(); GamePalette.Set(); Show_Mouse(); process = false; cancel = false; break; /* ** ESC/Cancel: break */ case (KN_ESC): case (BUTTON_CANCEL | KN_BUTTON): Hide_Mouse(); SeenPage.Clear(); GamePalette.Set(); Show_Mouse(); cancel = true; process = false; break; default: break; } } Map.Flag_To_Redraw(true); if (cancel) return(false); return(true); } void MapEditClass::Update_Waypoint(int waypt_idx) { CELL cell; /* ** Unflag cell for this waypoint if there is one */ cell = Scen.Waypoint[waypt_idx]; if (cell != -1) { if (Scen.Waypoint[WAYPT_HOME] != cell && Scen.Waypoint[WAYPT_REINF] != cell) { (*this)[cell].IsWaypoint = 0; } Flag_Cell(cell); } Scen.Waypoint[waypt_idx] = CurrentCell; (*this)[CurrentCell].IsWaypoint = 1; Changed = 1; Flag_Cell(CurrentCell); } /*************************************************************************** * MapEditClass::Read_INI -- overloaded Read_INI function * * * * Overloading this function gives the map editor a chance to initialize * * certain values every time a new INI is read. * * * * INPUT: * * buffer INI staging area * * * * OUTPUT: * * none. * * * * WARNINGS: * * none. * * * * HISTORY: * * 11/16/1994 BR : Created. * *=========================================================================*/ void MapEditClass::Read_INI(CCINIClass & ini) { /* ** Invoke parent's Read_INI */ Mono_Printf("We are in Read_INI\n"); MouseClass::Read_INI(ini); BaseGauge->Set_Value(Scen.Percent); Mono_Clear_Screen(); Mono_Printf("Scen.Percent = %d", Scen.Percent); // BaseGauge->Set_Value(Scen.Percent); } void MapEditClass::Write_INI(CCINIClass & ini) { MouseClass::Write_INI(ini); // ini.Put_Int("Basic", "Percent", Scen.Percent); } #endif #include "mapedsel.cpp"