; Copyright 2020 Electronic Arts Inc.
; TiberianDawn.DLL and RedAlert.dll and corresponding source code is free 
; software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of 
; the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, 
; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

; TiberianDawn.DLL and RedAlert.dll and corresponding source code is distributed 
; in the hope that it will be useful, but with permitted additional restrictions 
; under Section 7 of the GPL. See the GNU General Public License in LICENSE.TXT 
; distributed with this program. You should have received a copy of the 
; GNU General Public License along with permitted additional restrictions 
; with this program. If not, see [https://github.com/electronicarts/CnC_Remastered_Collection]>.

;**      C O N F I D E N T I A L --- W E S T W O O D   S T U D I O S      **
;*                                                                         *
;*                 Project Name : Westwood 32 bit Library                  *
;*                                                                         *
;*                    File Name : TXTPRNT.ASM                              *
;*                                                                         *
;*                   Programmer : Phil W. Gorrow                           *
;*                                                                         *
;*                   Start Date : January 17, 1995                         *
;*                                                                         *
;*                  Last Update : January 17, 1995   [PWG]                 *
;*                                                                         *
;* Functions:                                                              *
;*   Buffer_Print -- Assembly text print to a buffer                       *
;* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *


;INCLUDE "mcgaprim.inc"
;INCLUDE ".\gbuffer.inc"

externdef C Buffer_Print : NEAR

GraphicViewPort STRUCT 
GVPOffset		DD		?		; offset to virtual viewport
GVPWidth		DD		?		; width of virtual viewport
GVPHeight		DD		?		; height of virtual viewport
GVPXAdd			DD		?		; x mod to get to next line
GVPXPos			DD		?		; x pos relative to Graphic Buff
GVPYPos			DD		?		; y pos relative to Graphic Buff
GVPPitch		DD		?		; modulo of graphic view port
GVPBuffPtr		DD		?		; ptr to associated Graphic Buff
GraphicViewPort ENDS

;* Extern the font pointer which is defined by the font class		   *
extern C	FontPtr:DWORD
extern C	FontXSpacing:DWORD
extern C	FontYSpacing:DWORD
externdef C	ColorXlat:byte

;* Define the necessary equates for structures and bounds checking	   *
; The header of the font file looks like this:
; 	UWORD	FontLength;		0
; 	BYTE	FontCompress;		2
;	BYTE	FontDataBlocks;		3
;	UWORD	InfoBlockOffset;	4
;	UWORD	OffsetBlockOffset;	6
;	UWORD	WidthBlockOffset;	8
;	UWORD	DataBlockOffset;	10
;	UWORD	HeightOffset;		12
; For this reason the following equates have these values:


;* Define the color xlate table in the data segment			   *

ColorXlat	DB	00H,01H,02H,03H,04H,05H,06H,07H
		DB	08H,09H,0AH,0BH,0CH,0DH,0EH,0FH

		DB	01H,00H,00H,00H,00H,00H,00H,00H
		DB	00H,00H,00H,00H,00H,00H,00H,00H

		DB	02H,00H,00H,00H,00H,00H,00H,00H
		DB	00H,00H,00H,00H,00H,00H,00H,00H

		DB	03H,00H,00H,00H,00H,00H,00H,00H
		DB	00H,00H,00H,00H,00H,00H,00H,00H

		DB	04H,00H,00H,00H,00H,00H,00H,00H
		DB	00H,00H,00H,00H,00H,00H,00H,00H

		DB	05H,00H,00H,00H,00H,00H,00H,00H
		DB	00H,00H,00H,00H,00H,00H,00H,00H

		DB	06H,00H,00H,00H,00H,00H,00H,00H
		DB	00H,00H,00H,00H,00H,00H,00H,00H

		DB	07H,00H,00H,00H,00H,00H,00H,00H
		DB	00H,00H,00H,00H,00H,00H,00H,00H

		DB	08H,00H,00H,00H,00H,00H,00H,00H
		DB	00H,00H,00H,00H,00H,00H,00H,00H

		DB	09H,00H,00H,00H,00H,00H,00H,00H
		DB	00H,00H,00H,00H,00H,00H,00H,00H

		DB	0AH,00H,00H,00H,00H,00H,00H,00H
		DB	00H,00H,00H,00H,00H,00H,00H,00H

		DB	0BH,00H,00H,00H,00H,00H,00H,00H
		DB	00H,00H,00H,00H,00H,00H,00H,00H

		DB	0CH,00H,00H,00H,00H,00H,00H,00H
		DB	00H,00H,00H,00H,00H,00H,00H,00H

		DB	0DH,00H,00H,00H,00H,00H,00H,00H
		DB	00H,00H,00H,00H,00H,00H,00H,00H

		DB	0EH,00H,00H,00H,00H,00H,00H,00H
		DB	00H,00H,00H,00H,00H,00H,00H,00H

		DB	0FH


;* Buffer_Print -- Assembly text print to graphic buffer routine           *
;*                                                                         *
;*                                                                         *
;*                                                                         *
;* INPUT:                                                                  *
;*                                                                         *
;* OUTPUT:                                                                 *
;*                                                                         *
;* PROTO:                                                                  *
;*                                                                         *
;* WARNINGS:                                                               *
;*                                                                         *
;* HISTORY:                                                                *
;*   01/17/1995 PWG : Created.                                             *
Buffer_Print proc C public USES ebx ecx edx esi edi this_object:DWORD, string:DWORD, x_pixel:DWORD, y_pixel:DWORD, fcolor:DWORD, bcolor:DWORD

	;PROC	Buffer_Print C near
	;USES	ebx,ecx,edx,esi,edi

	;ARG	this_object:DWORD
	;ARG	string:DWORD
	;ARG	x_pixel:DWORD
	;ARG	y_pixel:DWORD
	;ARG	fcolor:DWORD
	;ARG	bcolor:DWORD

	LOCAL	infoblock:DWORD		; pointer to info block
	LOCAL	offsetblock:DWORD	; pointer to offset block  (UWORD *)
	LOCAL	widthblock:DWORD	; pointer to width block   (BYTE  *)
	LOCAL	heightblock:DWORD	; pointer to height block  (UWORD *)

	LOCAL	curline:DWORD		; pointer to first column of current row.
	LOCAL	bufferwidth:DWORD    	; width of buffer (vpwidth + Xadd)
	LOCAL	nextdraw:DWORD		; bufferwidth - width of cur character.
	LOCAL	startdraw:DWORD		; where next character will start being drawn.

	LOCAL	char:DWORD		; current character value.

	LOCAL	maxheight:BYTE		; max height of characters in font.
	LOCAL	bottomblank:BYTE	; amount of empty space below current character.
	LOCAL	charheight:BYTE		; true height of current character.
	LOCAL	vpwidth:DWORD
	LOCAL	vpheight:DWORD
	LOCAL	original_x:DWORD	; Starting X position.

;-------------------------------- Where to draw -----------------------------------------------
	; Set up memory location to start drawing.
	mov  	ebx,[this_object]			; get a pointer to dest
	mov	eax,[ebx].GraphicViewPort.GVPHeight	; get height of viewport
	mov	[vpheight],eax				; save off height of viewport
	mov	eax,[ebx].GraphicViewPort.GVPWidth	; get width of viewport
	mov	[vpwidth],eax				; save it off for later
	add	eax,[ebx].GraphicViewPort.GVPXAdd	; add in xadd for bytes_per_line
	add	eax,[ebx].GraphicViewPort.GVPPitch	; add in pitch for direct daraw
	mov	[bufferwidth],eax     			; save it off for later use.

	mul	[y_pixel]				; multiply rowsize * y_pixel start.
	mov	edi,[ebx].GraphicViewPort.GVPOffset	; get start of the viewport
	add	edi,eax					; add y position to start of vp
	mov	[curline],edi				; save 0,y address for line feed stuff.
	add	edi,[x_pixel]				; add to get starting column in starting row.
	mov	[startdraw],edi				; save it off.

	mov	eax,[x_pixel]
	mov	[original_x],eax

;-------------------------------- Create block pointers ----------------------------------------
	; Get the pointer to the font.
	; We could check for NULL but why waste the time.
	; It is up to programmer to make sure it is set.
	mov	esi,[FontPtr]		; Get the font pointer
	or	esi,esi
	jz	overflow

	; Set up some pointers to the different memory blocks.
	; esi (FontPtr) is added to each to get the true address of each block.
	; Many registers are used for P5 optimizations.
	; ebx is used for InfoBlock which is then used in the next section.
	movzx	eax,WORD PTR [esi+FONTOFFSETBLOCK]	; get offset to offset block
	movzx	ebx,WORD PTR [esi+FONTINFOBLOCK]      	; get offset to info block (must be ebx for height test)
	movzx	ecx,WORD PTR [esi+FONTWIDTHBLOCK] 	; get offset to width block
	movzx	edx,WORD PTR [esi+FONTHEIGHTBLOCK]	; get offset to height block

	add	eax,esi				; add offset of FontPtr to offset block
	add	ebx,esi				; add offset of FontPtr to info block
	add	ecx,esi				; add offset of FontPtr to width block
	add	edx,esi				; add offset of FontPtr to height block

	mov	[offsetblock],eax		; save offset to offset block
	mov	[infoblock],ebx			; save offset to info block
	mov	[widthblock],ecx   		; save offset to width block
	mov	[heightblock],edx		; save offset to height block

;------------------------------------------ Test for fit ----------------------------------------------
	; Test to make sure the height of the max character will fit on this line
	; and and not fall out of the viewport.
	; remember we set ebx to FONTINFOBLOCK above.
	movzx	eax,BYTE PTR [ebx + FONTINFOMAXHEIGHT]; get the max height in font.
	mov	[maxheight],al			; save it for later use.
	add	eax,[y_pixel]			; add current y_value.
	cmp	eax,[vpheight]			; are we over the edge?
	jg	overflow			; if so, we're outa here.

	mov	[y_pixel],eax			; save for next line feed. y value for next line.

	cld					; Make sure we are always forward copying.

;------------------------ Set palette foreground and background ----------------------------------
	mov	eax,[fcolor]		; foreground color
	mov	byte ptr [ColorXlat+1],al
	mov	byte ptr [ColorXlat+16],al

	mov	eax,[bcolor]		; background color
	mov	byte ptr [ColorXlat],al

;----------------------------------------- Main loop ----------------------------------------------
	; Now we go into the main loop of reading each character in the string and doing
	; something with it.
	; while (*string++)
	xor	eax,eax				; zero out since we will just load al.
	mov	esi,[string]			; get address on next character.
	lodsb					; load the character into al.
	test	eax,0FFH			; test to see if character is a NULL
	jz	done				; character is NULL, get outa here.

	mov	edi,[startdraw]			; Load the starting address.

	mov	[string],esi			; save index into string. (incremented by lodsb)

	cmp	al,10				; is the character a line feed?
	je	line_feed			; if so, go to special case.

	cmp	al,13				; is the character a line feed?
	je	line_feed			; if so, go to special case.

	mov	[char],eax			; save the character off for later reference.
	mov	ebx,eax				; save it in ebx for later use also.

	add	eax,[widthblock]		; figure address of width of character.
	mov	ecx,[x_pixel]			; get current x_pixel.
	movzx	edx,BYTE PTR [eax]	 	; get the width of the character in dl.
	add	ecx,edx				; add width of char to current x_pixel.
	mov	eax,[FontXSpacing]
	add	ecx,eax
	add	[startdraw],edx			; save start draw for next character.
	add	[startdraw],eax			; adjust for the font spacing value

	cmp	ecx,[vpwidth]			; is the pixel greater then the vp width?
	jg	force_line_feed		; if so, force a line feed.

	mov	[x_pixel],ecx			; save value of start of next character.
	mov	ecx,[bufferwidth]		; get amount to next y same x (one row down)
	sub	ecx,edx				; take the current width off.
	mov	[nextdraw],ecx			; save it to add to edi when done with a row.

	; At this point we got the character. It is now time to find out specifics
	; about drawing the darn thing.
	; ebx = char so they can be used as an indexes.
	; edx = width of character for loop later.

	; get offset of data for character into esi.
	shl	ebx,1				; mult by 2 to later use as a WORD index.
	mov	esi,[offsetblock]		; get pointer to begining of offset block.
	add	esi,ebx				; index into offset block.
	movzx	esi,WORD PTR [esi]		; get true offset into data block from FontPtr.
	add	esi,[FontPtr]			; Now add FontPtr address to get true address.

	; Get top and bottom blank sizes and the true height of the character.
	add	ebx,[heightblock]		; point ebx to element in height array.
	mov	al,[ebx+1]			; load the data height into dl.
	mov	cl,[ebx]			; load the first data row into cl.
	mov	bl,[maxheight]			; get the max height of characters.
	mov	[charheight],al			; get number of rows with data.
	add	al,cl				; add the two heights.
	sub	bl,al				; subract topblank + char height from maxheight.
	mov	[bottomblank],bl		; save off the number of blank rows on the bottom.
	; leaving this section:
	; dl is still the width of the character.
	; cl is the height of the top blank area.

	mov	ebx,OFFSET ColorXlat		; setup ebx for xlat commands.
	mov	dh,dl				; save the width of the character to restore each loop.

	cmp	cl,0				; is there any blank rows on top?
	jz	draw_char			; if not go and draw the real character.

	xor	eax,eax				; get color 0 for background.
	xlat	;[ebx]				; get translated color into al
	test	al,al				; is it transparent black
	jnz	loop_top			; if not go and write the color

;----------------------------------------- skip Top blank area ----------------------------------------
	; this case, the top is transparrent, but we need to increase our dest pointer to correct row.
	movzx	eax,cl				; get number of rows into eax;
	mov	ecx,edx				; save width since edx will be destroyed by mul.
	mul	[bufferwidth]			; multiply that by the width of the buffer.
	mov	edx,ecx				; restore the width
	add	edi,eax				; update the pointer.
	jmp	short draw_char		; now go draw the character.

;----------------------------------------- fill Top blank area ----------------------------------------
	; edi was set a long time ago.
	; al is the translated color
	stosb					; store the value
	dec	dh				; decrement our width.
	jnz	loop_top			; if more width, continue on.

	add	edi,[nextdraw]			; add amount for entire row.

	dec	cl				; decrement or row count
	mov	dh,dl				; restore width in dh for loop.
	jz	draw_char			; we are done here, go draw the character.
	jmp	short loop_top		; go back to top of loop.

;----------------------------------------- Draw character ----------------------------------------------
	movzx	ecx,[charheight]		; get the height of character to count down rows.
	test	ecx,ecx				; is there any data? (blank would not have any)
	jz	next_char			; if no data, go on to next character.

	lodsb					; get byte value from font data
	mov	ah,al				; save hinibble
	and	eax,0F00FH	       		; mask of low nibble in al hi nibble in ah.
	xlat	;[ebx]				; get new color

	test	al,al				; is it a transparent?
	jz	short skiplo			; skip over write
	mov	[edi],al			; write it out
	inc	edi
	dec	dh				; decrement our width.
	jz	short nextrow			; check if done with width of char

	mov	al,ah				; restore to get
	; test the time difference between looking up in a large table when shr al,4 is not done as
	; compared to using only a 16 byte table when using the shr al,4
	;shr	al,4				; shift the hi nibble down to low nibble
	xlat	;[ebx]				; get new color

	test	al,al				; is it a transparent?
	jz	short skiphi			; skip over write
	mov	[edi],al			; write it out

	inc	edi
	dec	dh				; decrement our width.
	jnz	short while_data		; check if done with width of char

	add	edi,[nextdraw]			; go to next line.
	dec	ecx				; decrement the number of rows to go
	mov	dh,dl				; restore our column count for row.
	jnz	while_data			; more data for character.

	; Now it is time to setup for clearing out the bottom of the character.
	movzx	ecx,[bottomblank]		; get amount on bottom that is blank
	cmp	ecx,0				; if there is no blank bottom...
	jz	next_char			; then skip to go to next character

	xor	eax,eax				; get color 0 for background.
	xlat	;[ebx]				; get translated color into al
	test	al,al				; is it transparent black
	jz	next_char			; skip the top black section to let the background through

	mov	dh,dl				; restore width in dh for loop.

;----------------------------------------- Blank below character -----------------------------------
	stosb					; store the value
	dec	dh				; decrement our width.
	jnz	loop_bottom			; if more width, continue on.

	add	edi,[nextdraw]			; add amount for entire row.

	mov	dh,dl				; restore width in dh for loop.
	dec	cl				; decrement or row count
	jz	next_char			; we are done here, go to the next character.
	jmp	short loop_bottom		; go back to top of loop.

;----------------------------------- end of next_char (main) loop ------------------------------------

;----------------------------------- special case line feeds ----------------------------------------

	; decrement pointer *string so that it will be back at same character
	; when it goes through the loop.
	mov	eax,[string]			; get string pointer.
	dec	eax				; decrement it to point to previos char
	mov	[string],eax			; save it back off.
	xor	eax,eax
	; Now go into the line feed code.....

	mov	bl,al
	mov	edx,[y_pixel]			; get the current y pixel value.
	movzx	ecx,[maxheight]			; get max height for later use.
	add	ecx,[FontYSpacing]
	add	edx,ecx				; add max height to y_pixel
	cmp	edx,[vpheight]			; are we over the edge?
	jg	overflow			; if so, we are outa here.

	mov	eax,[bufferwidth]      		; get bytes to next line.
	mov	edi,[curline]			; get start of current line.
	mul	ecx				; mult max height * next line.

	add	edi,eax				; add adjustment to current line.
	add	[y_pixel],ecx			; increment to our next y position.
;;; DRD
	mov	[curline],edi			; save it off for next line_feed.

	; Move the cursor to either the left edge of the screen
	; or the left margin of the print position depending
	; on whether <CR> or <LF> was specified. <CR> = left margin
	; <LF> = left edge of screen
	xor	eax,eax
	cmp	bl,10
	je	lfeed
	mov	eax,[original_x]
	mov	[x_pixel],eax			; zero out x_pixel

	add	edi,eax
;;; DRD	mov	[curline],edi			; save it off for next line_feed.
	mov	[startdraw],edi			; save it off so we know where to draw next char.w

	jmp	next_char

	mov	[startdraw],0			; Indicate that there is no valid next pos.
	mov	eax,[startdraw]			; return this so calling routine
	ret					; can figure out where to draw next.

Buffer_Print endp

;* GET_FONT_PALETTE_PTR -- Returns a pointer to the 256 byte font palette  *
;*                                                                         *
;* INPUT:	none                                                       *
;*                                                                         *
;* OUTPUT:      none                                                       *
;*                                                                         *
;* PROTO:	void *Get_Font_Palette_Ptr(void);                          *
;*                                                                         *
;* HISTORY:								   *
;*   08/18/1995 PWG : Created.                                             *

Get_Font_Palette_Ptr proc C public

	;GLOBAL 	C Get_Font_Palette_Ptr:NEAR

	;PROC	Get_Font_Palette_Ptr C near

	mov	eax, OFFSET ColorXlat

Get_Font_Palette_Ptr endp