// // Copyright 2020 Electronic Arts Inc. // // TiberianDawn.DLL and RedAlert.dll and corresponding source code is free // software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of // the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, // either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // TiberianDawn.DLL and RedAlert.dll and corresponding source code is distributed // in the hope that it will be useful, but with permitted additional restrictions // under Section 7 of the GPL. See the GNU General Public License in LICENSE.TXT // distributed with this program. You should have received a copy of the // GNU General Public License along with permitted additional restrictions // with this program. If not, see https://github.com/electronicarts/CnC_Remastered_Collection /* $Header: /CounterStrike/DEFINES.H 4 3/07/97 9:55a Joe_bostic $ */ /*********************************************************************************************** *** C O N F I D E N T I A L --- W E S T W O O D S T U D I O S *** *********************************************************************************************** * * * Project Name : Command & Conquer * * * * File Name : DEFINES.H * * * * Programmer : Joe L. Bostic * * * * Start Date : September 10, 1993 * * * * Last Update : September 10, 1993 [JLB] * * * *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */ #ifndef DEFINES_H #define DEFINES_H /********************************************************************** ** Language control: define the desired language for this build. */ //#define ENGLISH 1 //#define FRENCH 1 //#define GERMAN 1 //#define SPAIN 1 (never used) // - Language define is now passed in from the makefile. - /********************************************************************** ** Controls the nature of the game and its abilities. Only define ** one of these values. ** ** Internal version -- complete with scenario editor. ** Playtest version -- no editor but does have minimal cheat keys. ** Release version -- no editor or cheat keys -- all debugging info removed. */ //#define INTERNAL_VERSION //#define PLAYTEST_VERSION #define RELEASE_VERSION /********************************************************************** ** ColinM ** Set this to enable dongle protection */ //#define DONGLE // Enable 640x400 VQ movie capability in WIN32 mode #define MOVIE640 //#if (GERMAN | FRENCH) //#define BOGUSCD //#endif #define FIXIT_SCORE_CRASH // Fixes score screen crash #define FIXIT_MULTI_SAVE // Fixes multiplayer save/load #define FIXIT_NO_COMP_ALLY // Prevent ally with computer #define FIXIT_DESTNET // Fixes -destnet parameter in Win95 #define FIXIT_RANDOM_GAME // Fixes random seed at start of multiplayer games #define FIXIT_FORCE_CD // Forces correct CD load after scenario #1 #define FIXIT_IP_CRASH // Fixes crash if internet game aborts too quickly #define FIXIT_IP_STATS // Fixes so vessels show up in internet stat info #define FIXIT_NAME_OVERRIDE // Allows changing of unit names #define FIXIT_RADAR_JAMMED // Fixes unjamming by merely starting to build a radar facility #define FIXIT_CAPTURE_BIB // Fixes so that if fake is captured, you still can't build off of it. #define FIXIT_BASE_ANNOUNCE // Fixes so player controlled buildings count as base when attacked. #define FIXIT_APTIVA_MODEM // Fixes crash with Aptiva modem. #define FIXIT_FLAG_CHECK // Disable placing building over a flag. #define FIXIT_ANTS // Adds Ant Units #define FIXIT_CSII // Adds Aftermath CounterStrike II units // ajw 9/28/98 - Note about FIXIT_CSII. Changes seem to have been made for Aftermath ("Counterstrike II") that: a) were // bug fixes that should never be rolled back, b) change the nature of the game, at least in multi-player. This meant // that the "Red Alert" executable ( == Counterstrike executable ) could no longer be built. Apparently, at the time, // this was justified, as it was believed that no further patches to the RA executable would ever be necessary. // Given that Denzil's DVD changes and my WOLAPI integration are essentially a patch, we've got a problem. // We've decided to level the field and make sure every who gets or patches to the new version of Red Alert, CS, AM, (and // their DVD equivalent(s)) will have the same executable. So we're assuming that all of the FIXIT_CSII changes are // permanent (as, in fact, all prior FIXIT_'s are - makes me wonder why the old non-compiling code has to hang around // forever), and fixing the code so that the assumption "this is an Aftermath game" is no longer hard-coded, but can // change at runtime. (Which is what should have been done when Aftermath was created.) // <This goes for the following three defines as well.> #define FIXIT_CARRIER // Adds Aftermath aircraft carrier #define FIXIT_PHASETRANSPORT // Adds Aftermath cloaking APC // ajw - Discovered that engineer changing fields were specifically left out of aftrmath.ini, thus this has no effect. // Engineer changes (and other game rule changes) are in mplayer.ini, which was loaded before aftermath-only mplayer games. #define FIXIT_ENGINEER // Adds Engineer rules.ini overrides //#define FIXIT_FAST_LOAD // Enables faster INI loading // These fixes will cause the game to go out of sync. //#define FIXIT_ENGINEER_CAPTURE // If building not allied, will still capture if engineer not allied with building. //#define FIXIT_HELI_LANDING // Fixes so new helicopters land at free helipad //#define FIXIT_MINE_PASSABLE // Fixes units not driving onto mines /* Turn on these changes for the 1.08 patch */ #define FIXIT_PATCH_108 #ifdef FIXIT_PATCH_108 #define STEVES_LOAD_OVERRIDE // Allows loading of CONQUER.ENG instead of from mix file. #define FIXIT_DIFFICULTY // Fixes no difficulty level for CStrike missions #define FIXIT_VERSION // Fixes version playability for 1.04, 1.07 & 1.08 #define FIXIT_MODEM_LOAD_CRASH // Fixes crash after loading a modem game when names are the same #define FIXIT_PHONELIST_CRASH // Fixes crash when clicking on an empty phonelist #endif // Denotes changes made for version 3 - reunification of all existing versions and undoing of Aftermath divergence. - ajw #define FIXIT_VERSION_3 #define DVD // Define DVD to turn on RADVD additions/changes - Denzil #ifdef DVD //#define INTERNET_OFF //#define MPEGMOVIE //PG //#define MCIMPEG #endif // Test to see if partial object drawing is any faster. //#define PARTIAL #define SORTDRAW /********************************************************************** ** If the scenario editor to to be active in this build then uncomment ** the following #define line. */ #ifdef INTERNAL_VERSION #define SCENARIO_EDITOR #endif /********************************************************************** ** This define enables the full set of cheat keys and special ** command line options. */ #if defined(INTERNAL_VERSION) || defined(PLAYTEST_VERSION) #define CHEAT_KEYS #endif /********************************************************************** ** If this is defined, the special Virgin limited cheat keys ** are enabled. This allows the "cheat" parameter and then only ** allows the ALT-W to win the mission. */ #ifdef PLAYTEST_VERSION #define VIRGIN_CHEAT_KEYS #endif /********************************************************************** ** If this is defined, then the network code will be enabled. */ #define NETWORK #define TIMING_FIX 1 /********************************************************************** ** Define this to 1 to enable MPath-specific code. Do not define ** TEN at the same time. */ #define MPATH 0 /********************************************************************** ** Define this to 1 to enable TEN-specific code. Do not define ** MPATH at the same time. */ #define TEN 0 /********************************************************************** ** If this is defined, the DoList is "mirrored", for memory trasher ** detection. */ #ifdef CHEAT_KEYS //#define MIRROR_QUEUE #endif /********************************************************************** ** This define tells the Version Number class to use the date/time-based ** version numbering system. If this define is not set, the actual ** major/minor version numbers will be used. */ //#define DEV_VERSION //#define DEV_VER_NAME /********************************************************************** ** This define enables a special additional foreign-version-number ** after the other version number, for display purposes only. */ #if !defined(ENGLISH) #define FOREIGN_VERSION #define FOREIGN_VERSION_NUMBER 7 #endif /********************************************************************** ** This is the multiplier factor to convert low resution coordinates ** into their actual resolution counterparts. */ #ifdef WIN32 #define RESFACTOR 2 #else //#undef SCENARIO_EDITOR #define RESFACTOR 1 #endif #define SIDEBAR_WID 80 /********************************************************************** ** Optional parameter control for special options. */ /* ** Enable the set of limited cheat key options. */ #ifdef VIRGIN_CHEAT_KEYS #define PARM_PLAYTEST 0xF7DDC227 // "PLAYTEST" #endif /* ** Enable the full set of cheat key options. */ #ifdef CHEAT_KEYS #ifndef PARM_PLAYTEST #define PARM_PLAYTEST 0xF7DDC227 // "PLAYTEST" #endif #endif #define PARM_INSTALL 0xD95C68A2 // "FROMINSTALL" // // Allow normal game play in the MPath version // #if(MPATH) #define PARM_ALLOW_SOLO 0xc901c9db // AllowSoloPlayOptions #endif // // Allow normal game play in the TEN version // #if(TEN) #define PARM_ALLOW_SOLO 0xc901c9db // AllowSoloPlayOptions #endif /********************************************************************** ** Defines for verifying free disk space */ #define INIT_FREE_DISK_SPACE 8388608 #define SAVE_GAME_DISK_SPACE (INIT_FREE_DISK_SPACE - (1024*4096)) //#define SAVE_GAME_DISK_SPACE 100000 /********************************************************************** ** This is the complete list of VQs allowed to be played in the game. */ typedef enum VQType { VQ_NONE=-1, VQ_AAGUN, VQ_MIG, VQ_SFROZEN, VQ_AIRFIELD, VQ_BATTLE, VQ_BMAP, VQ_BOMBRUN, VQ_DPTHCHRG, VQ_GRVESTNE, VQ_MONTPASS, VQ_MTNKFACT, VQ_CRONTEST, VQ_OILDRUM, VQ_ALLYEND, VQ_RADRRAID, VQ_SHIPYARD, VQ_SHORBOMB, VQ_SITDUCK, VQ_SLNTSRVC, VQ_SNOWBASE, VQ_EXECUTE, VQ_TITLE, // Low res. VQ_NUKESTOK, VQ_V2ROCKET, VQ_SEARCH, VQ_BINOC, VQ_ELEVATOR, VQ_FROZEN, VQ_MCV, VQ_SHIPSINK, VQ_SOVMCV, VQ_TRINITY, VQ_ALLYMORF, VQ_APCESCPE, VQ_BRDGTILT, VQ_CRONFAIL, VQ_STRAFE, VQ_DESTROYR, VQ_DOUBLE, VQ_FLARE, VQ_SNSTRAFE, VQ_LANDING, VQ_ONTHPRWL, VQ_OVERRUN, VQ_SNOWBOMB, VQ_SOVCEMET, VQ_TAKE_OFF, VQ_TESLA, VQ_SOVIET8, VQ_SPOTTER, VQ_SCENE1, VQ_SCENE2, VQ_SCENE4, VQ_SOVFINAL, VQ_ASSESS, VQ_SOVIET10, VQ_DUD, VQ_MCV_LAND, VQ_MCVBRDGE, VQ_PERISCOP, VQ_SHORBOM1, VQ_SHORBOM2, VQ_SOVBATL, VQ_SOVTSTAR, VQ_AFTRMATH, VQ_SOVIET11, VQ_MASASSLT, VQ_REDINTRO, // High res VQ_SOVIET1, VQ_SOVIET2, VQ_SOVIET3, VQ_SOVIET4, VQ_SOVIET5, VQ_SOVIET6, VQ_SOVIET7, VQ_INTRO_MOVIE, VQ_AVERTED, VQ_COUNTDWN, VQ_MOVINGIN, VQ_ALLIED10, VQ_ALLIED12, VQ_ALLIED5, VQ_ALLIED6, VQ_ALLIED8, VQ_TANYA1, VQ_TANYA2, VQ_ALLY10B, VQ_ALLY11, VQ_ALLY14, VQ_ALLY9, VQ_SPY, VQ_TOOFAR, VQ_SOVIET12, VQ_SOVIET13, VQ_SOVIET9, VQ_BEACHEAD, VQ_SOVIET14, VQ_SIZZLE, VQ_SIZZLE2, VQ_ANTEND, VQ_ANTINTRO, //2019/11/12 JAS - Added for Retaliation movies VQ_RETALIATION_ALLIED1, VQ_RETALIATION_ALLIED2, VQ_RETALIATION_ALLIED3, VQ_RETALIATION_ALLIED4, VQ_RETALIATION_ALLIED5, VQ_RETALIATION_ALLIED6, VQ_RETALIATION_ALLIED7, VQ_RETALIATION_ALLIED8, VQ_RETALIATION_ALLIED9, VQ_RETALIATION_ALLIED10, VQ_RETALIATION_SOVIET1, VQ_RETALIATION_SOVIET2, VQ_RETALIATION_SOVIET3, VQ_RETALIATION_SOVIET4, VQ_RETALIATION_SOVIET5, VQ_RETALIATION_SOVIET6, VQ_RETALIATION_SOVIET7, VQ_RETALIATION_SOVIET8, VQ_RETALIATION_SOVIET9, VQ_RETALIATION_SOVIET10, VQ_RETALIATION_WINA, VQ_RETALIATION_WINS, VQ_RETALIATION_ANTS, VQ_COUNT, VQ_FIRST=0 } VQType; /********************************************************************** ** These enumerations are used to implement RTTI. The target system ** uses these and thus there can be no more RTTI types than can fit ** in the exponent of a target value. */ typedef enum RTTIType : unsigned char { RTTI_NONE=0, RTTI_AIRCRAFT, RTTI_AIRCRAFTTYPE, RTTI_ANIM, RTTI_ANIMTYPE, RTTI_BUILDING, RTTI_BUILDINGTYPE, RTTI_BULLET, RTTI_BULLETTYPE, RTTI_CELL, RTTI_FACTORY, RTTI_HOUSE, RTTI_HOUSETYPE, RTTI_INFANTRY, RTTI_INFANTRYTYPE, RTTI_OVERLAY, RTTI_OVERLAYTYPE, RTTI_SMUDGE, RTTI_SMUDGETYPE, RTTI_SPECIAL, RTTI_TEAM, RTTI_TEAMTYPE, RTTI_TEMPLATE, RTTI_TEMPLATETYPE, RTTI_TERRAIN, RTTI_TERRAINTYPE, RTTI_TRIGGER, RTTI_TRIGGERTYPE, RTTI_UNIT, RTTI_UNITTYPE, RTTI_VESSEL, RTTI_VESSELTYPE, RTTI_COUNT } RTTIType; /********************************************************************** ** These are the difficulty settings of the game. */ typedef enum DiffType : unsigned char { DIFF_EASY, DIFF_NORMAL, DIFF_HARD, DIFF_COUNT, DIFF_FIRST=0 } DiffType; /********************************************************************** ** This is the size of the speech buffer. This value should be as large ** as the largest speech sample, plus a few bytes for overhead ** (16 bytes is sufficient). */ #define SPEECH_BUFFER_SIZE 50000L /********************************************************************** ** The theater mixfiles are cached into a buffer of this size. Ensure ** that the size specified is at least as large as the largest ** theater mixfile data block. */ #define THEATER_BUFFER_SIZE 1100000L /********************************************************************** ** This is the size of the shape buffer. This buffer is used as a staging ** buffer for the shape drawing technology. It MUST be as big as the ** largest shape (uncompressed) that will be drawn. If this value is ** changed, be sure to update the makefile and rebuild all of the shape ** data files. */ #define SHAPE_BUFFER_SIZE 131072L /********************************************************************** ** Filenames of the data files it can create at run time. */ #define FAME_FILE_NAME "HALLFAME.DAT" #define NET_SAVE_FILE_NAME "SAVEGAME.NET" #define CONFIG_FILE_NAME "REDALERT.INI" /********************************************************************** ** Map controls. The map is composed of square elements called 'cells'. ** All larger elements are build upon these. */ #define HIGH_COORD_MASK 0x80008000L // Size of the map in cells. #define MAP_CELL_W 128 #define MAP_CELL_H 128 #define MAP_CELL_TOTAL (MAP_CELL_W*MAP_CELL_H) #define REFRESH_EOL 32767 // This number ends a refresh/occupy offset list. #define REFRESH_SIDEBAR 32766 // This number flags that sidebar needs refreshing. /**************************************************************************** ** These are custom C&C specific types. The CELL is used for map coordinate ** with cell resolution. The COORDINATE type is used for map coordinates that ** have a lepton resolution. CELL is more efficient when indexing into the map ** and when size is critical. COORDINATE is more efficient when dealing with ** accuracy and object movement. */ typedef unsigned short LEPTON; typedef union { LEPTON Raw; struct { #ifdef BIG_ENDIAN unsigned char Cell; unsigned char Lepton; #else unsigned char Lepton; unsigned char Cell; #endif } Sub; } LEPTON_COMPOSITE; typedef unsigned long COORDINATE; typedef union { COORDINATE Coord; struct { #ifdef BIG_ENDIAN LEPTON_COMPOSITE Y; LEPTON_COMPOSITE X; #else LEPTON_COMPOSITE X; LEPTON_COMPOSITE Y; #endif } Sub; } COORD_COMPOSITE; typedef signed short CELL; #define SLUFF_BITS (sizeof(CELL)*CHAR_BIT)-(14) typedef union { CELL Cell; struct { #ifdef BIG_ENDIAN #if SLUFF_BITS /* ** Unused upper bits will cause problems on a big-endian machine unless they ** are deliberately accounted for. */ unsigned sluff:SLUF_BITS; #endif unsigned Y:7; unsigned X:7; #else unsigned X:7; unsigned Y:7; #endif } Sub; } CELL_COMPOSITE; typedef int WAYPOINT; /********************************************************************** ** This is the target composit information. Notice that with an RTTI_NONE ** and an index value of 0, the target value returned is identical with ** TARGET_NONE. This is by design and is necessary. */ typedef long TARGET; #define TARGET_MANTISSA 24 // Bits of value precision. #define TARGET_EXPONENT 8 typedef union { TARGET Target; struct { #ifdef BIG_ENDIAN unsigned Exponent:TARGET_EXPONENT; unsigned Mantissa:TARGET_MANTISSA; #else unsigned Mantissa:TARGET_MANTISSA; unsigned Exponent:TARGET_EXPONENT; #endif } Sub; } TARGET_COMPOSITE; inline TARGET Build_Target(RTTIType kind, int value) { TARGET_COMPOSITE target; target.Target = 0; target.Sub.Exponent = kind; target.Sub.Mantissa = value; return(target.Target); } #define TARGET_NONE ((TARGET)0) /* ** The map is broken down into regions of this specified dimensions. */ #define REGION_WIDTH 4 #define REGION_HEIGHT 4 #define MAP_REGION_WIDTH (((MAP_CELL_W + (REGION_WIDTH -1)) / REGION_WIDTH)+2) #define MAP_REGION_HEIGHT (((MAP_CELL_H + (REGION_WIDTH -1)) / REGION_HEIGHT)+2) #define MAP_TOTAL_REGIONS (MAP_REGION_WIDTH * MAP_REGION_HEIGHT) /********************************************************************** ** This enumerates the various known fear states for infantry units. ** At these stages, certain events or recovery actions are performed. */ typedef enum FearType : unsigned char { FEAR_NONE=0, // No fear at all (default state). FEAR_ANXIOUS=10, // Something makes them scared. FEAR_SCARED=100, // Scared enough to take cover. FEAR_PANIC=200, // Run away! Run away! FEAR_MAXIMUM=255 // Scared to death. } FearType; /********************************************************************** ** When a moving object moves, the Per_Cell_Process function is called ** at various times during the move. Certain operations must be ** performed at different stages of the move. This enum specifies the ** different conditions under which the Per_Cell_Process function is ** called. */ typedef enum PCPType : unsigned char { PCP_ROTATION, // When sitting in place and performing rotations. PCP_DURING, // While moving between two cells. PCP_END, // When the 'center' of a cell is reached during movement. } PCPType; /********************************************************************** ** A base is broken up into several zones. This type enumerates the ** various zones. */ typedef enum ZoneType : char { ZONE_CORE, // Center of base. ZONE_NORTH, // North section. ZONE_EAST, // East section. ZONE_SOUTH, // South section. ZONE_WEST, // West section. ZONE_COUNT, ZONE_FIRST=0, ZONE_NONE=-1 } ZoneType; /********************************************************************** ** The map is prescanned to mark of movement zones according to certain ** movement characteristics. This enum specifies those characteristics ** and movement zones kept track of. */ typedef enum MZoneType : unsigned char { MZONE_NORMAL, // Normal terrestrial objects (can't crush walls). MZONE_CRUSHER, // Can crush crushable wall types. MZONE_DESTROYER, // Can destroy walls. MZONE_WATER, // Water based objects. MZONE_COUNT, MZONE_FIRST=0 } MZoneType; #define MZONEF_NORMAL (1<<MZONE_NORMAL) #define MZONEF_CRUSHER (1<<MZONE_CRUSHER) #define MZONEF_DESTROYER (1<<MZONE_DESTROYER) #define MZONEF_WATER (1<<MZONE_WATER) #define MZONEF_ALL (MZONEF_NORMAL|MZONEF_CRUSHER|MZONEF_DESTROYER|MZONEF_WATER) /********************************************************************** ** This records the current state of the computer controlled base. The ** AI will respond according to this state in order to control ** production and unit orders. */ typedef enum StateType : unsigned char { STATE_BUILDUP, // Base is building up (defensive buildup stage). STATE_BROKE, // Low on money, need cash or income source. STATE_THREATENED, // Enemy units are designated to move close by. STATE_ATTACKED, // Base is under direct attack. STATE_ENDGAME // Resistance is futile. } StateType; /********************************************************************** ** Urgency rating used to determine what action to perform. The greater ** the urgency the more likely the corresponding action will be chosen. ** These values are assigned to each potential desired action the house ** is to perform. */ typedef enum UrgencyType : unsigned char { URGENCY_NONE, // No action on this matter is needed or desired. URGENCY_LOW, // Minimal attention requested. URGENCY_MEDIUM, // Normal attention requested. URGENCY_HIGH, // High attention requested. URGENCY_CRITICAL, // This matter must be addressed immediately. URGENCY_COUNT, URGENCY_FIRST=URGENCY_CRITICAL } UrgencyType; /********************************************************************** ** These are the various actions a house may perform. These actions refer ** to global events that encompass selling and production. Low level house ** specific actions of choosing targets is handled elsewhere. */ typedef enum StrategyType : unsigned char { STRATEGY_BUILD_POWER, // Power is low, build more. STRATEGY_BUILD_DEFENSE, // Defense needs boosting. STRATEGY_BUILD_INCOME, // Income is low or in jeopardy, raise it. STRATEGY_FIRE_SALE, // Situation hopeless, sell and attack. STRATEGY_BUILD_ENGINEER, // An engineer is needed. STRATEGY_BUILD_OFFENSE, // Offensive weapons are needed. STRATEGY_RAISE_MONEY, // Money is low, emergency raise cash. STRATEGY_RAISE_POWER, // Money is low, raise power by selling. STRATEGY_LOWER_POWER, // Too much power, sell power plants. STRATEGY_ATTACK, // General charge the enemy attack logic. STRATEGY_COUNT, STRATEGY_FIRST=STRATEGY_BUILD_POWER } StrategyType; /********************************************************************** ** These are the various return conditions that production may ** produce. */ typedef enum ProdFailType : unsigned char { PROD_OK, // Production request successful. PROD_LIMIT, // Failed with production capacity limit reached. PROD_ILLEGAL, // Failed because of illegal request. PROD_CANT // Failed because unable to comply (busy or occupied). } ProdFailType; /********************************************************************** ** When performing a landing operation, the aircraft must pass through ** navigation checkpoints. These enumerations specify the check points. */ typedef enum CheckPointType : unsigned char { CHECK_STACK, // Holding area far away from airfield. CHECK_DOWNWIND, // Downwind leg of approach. CHECK_CROSSWIND // Crosswind leg of approach. } CheckPointType; /********************************************************************** ** These enumerate the various crate powerups that are available. */ typedef enum CrateType : unsigned char { CRATE_MONEY, CRATE_UNIT, CRATE_PARA_BOMB, CRATE_HEAL_BASE, CRATE_CLOAK, CRATE_EXPLOSION, CRATE_NAPALM, CRATE_SQUAD, CRATE_DARKNESS, CRATE_REVEAL, CRATE_SONAR, CRATE_ARMOR, CRATE_SPEED, CRATE_FIREPOWER, CRATE_ICBM, CRATE_TIMEQUAKE, CRATE_INVULN, CRATE_VORTEX, CRATE_COUNT, CRATE_FIRST=0 } CrateType; /********************************************************************** ** These are the special weapons that can be used in the game. The common thread ** with these weapons is that they are controlled through the sidebar ** mechanism. */ typedef enum SpecialWeaponType : char { SPC_NONE=-1, SPC_SONAR_PULSE, // Momentarily reveals submarines. SPC_NUCLEAR_BOMB, // Tactical nuclear weapon. SPC_CHRONOSPHERE, // Paradox device, for teleportation SPC_PARA_BOMB, // Parachute bomb delivery. SPC_PARA_INFANTRY, // Parachute reinforcement delivery. SPC_SPY_MISSION, // Spy plane to take photo recon mission. SPC_IRON_CURTAIN, // Bestow invulnerability on a unit/building SPC_GPS, // give allies free unjammable radar. SPC_COUNT, SPC_FIRST=0, SPC_ANY=1 } SpecialWeaponType; #define SPC_CHRONO2 (SPC_COUNT) /********************************************************************** ** The computer AI is categorized by the following enumerations. If ** the player is controlling a house, then the IQ rating is zero. When ** the IQ rating is at maximum, then the computer has complete control ** of the house. */ //typedef enum IQType { // IQ_DEAD=0x0000, // Player controlled (computer does nothing). // IQ_IDIOT=0x0040, // IQ_IMBECILE=0x0080, // IQ_MORON=0x00C0, // IQ_MENSA=0x0100 // Complete computer control -- look out! //} IQType; /********************************************************************** ** These are the response values when checking to see if an object ** can enter or exist at a specified location. By examining this ** return value, appropriate action may be chosen. ** NOTE: If this changes, update the static array in Find_Path module. */ typedef enum MoveType : unsigned char { MOVE_OK, // No blockage. MOVE_CLOAK, // A cloaked blocking enemy object. MOVE_MOVING_BLOCK, // Blocked, but only temporarily. MOVE_DESTROYABLE, // Enemy unit or building is blocking. MOVE_TEMP, // Blocked by friendly unit. MOVE_NO, // Strictly prohibited terrain. MOVE_COUNT } MoveType; /********************************************************************** ** These are the themes that the game can play. They must be in exact ** same order as specified in the CONQUER.TXT file as well as the filename ** list located in the ThemeClass. */ typedef enum ThemeType : char { THEME_QUIET=-3, THEME_PICK_ANOTHER=-2, THEME_NONE=-1, THEME_BIGF, THEME_CRUS, THEME_FAC1, THEME_FAC2, THEME_HELL, THEME_RUN1, THEME_SMSH, THEME_TREN, THEME_WORK, THEME_AWAIT, THEME_DENSE_R, THEME_FOGGER1A, THEME_MUD1A, THEME_RADIO2, THEME_ROLLOUT, THEME_SNAKE, THEME_TERMINAT, THEME_TWIN, THEME_VECTOR1A, THEME_MAP, THEME_SCORE, THEME_INTRO, THEME_CREDITS, THEME_2ND_HAND, THEME_ARAZOID, THEME_BACKSTAB, THEME_CHAOS2, THEME_SHUT_IT, THEME_TWINMIX1, THEME_UNDER3, THEME_VR2, #ifdef FIXIT_CSII // checked - ajw 9/28/98 THEME_BOG, THEME_FLOAT_V2, THEME_GLOOM, THEME_GRNDWIRE, THEME_RPT, THEME_SEARCH, THEME_TRACTION, THEME_WASTELND, #endif THEME_COUNT, THEME_LAST=(int)THEME_COUNT-1, THEME_FIRST=0 } ThemeType; //PG inline ThemeType operator++(ThemeType &, int); /********************************************************************** ** This is the various threat scan methods that can be used when looking ** for targets. */ typedef enum ThreatType : unsigned short { THREAT_NORMAL=0x0000, // Any distance threat scan? THREAT_RANGE=0x0001, // Limit scan to weapon range? THREAT_AREA=0x0002, // Limit scan to general area (twice weapon range)? THREAT_AIR=0x0004, // Scan for air units? THREAT_INFANTRY=0x0008, // Scan for infantry units? THREAT_VEHICLES=0x0010, // Scan for vehicles? THREAT_BUILDINGS=0x0020, // Scan for buildings? THREAT_TIBERIUM=0x0040, // Limit scan to Tiberium processing objects? THREAT_BOATS=0x0080, // Scan for gunboats? THREAT_CIVILIANS=0x0100, // Consider civilians to be primary target? THREAT_CAPTURE=0x0200, // Consider capturable buildings only? THREAT_FAKES=0x0400, // Consider fake buildings a greater target? THREAT_POWER=0x0800, // Consider power generating facilities a greater target? THREAT_FACTORIES=0x1000, // Consider factories a greater target? THREAT_BASE_DEFENSE=0x2000, // Consider base defense buildings a greater target? } ThreatType; //PG //inline ThreatType operator |(ThreatType, ThreatType); //inline ThreatType operator &(ThreatType, ThreatType); //inline ThreatType operator ~(ThreatType); inline ThreatType operator|(ThreatType a, ThreatType b) {return static_cast<ThreatType>(static_cast<int>(a) | static_cast<int>(b));} inline ThreatType operator&(ThreatType a, ThreatType b) {return static_cast<ThreatType>(static_cast<int>(a) & static_cast<int>(b));} inline ThreatType operator~(ThreatType a) {return static_cast<ThreatType>(~static_cast<int>(a));} #define THREAT_GROUND (THREAT_VEHICLES|THREAT_BUILDINGS|THREAT_INFANTRY) /********************************************************************** ** These return values are used when determine if firing is legal. ** By examining this value it can be determined what should be done ** to fix the reason why firing wasn't allowed. */ typedef enum FireErrorType : unsigned char{ FIRE_OK, // Weapon is allowed to fire. FIRE_AMMO, // No ammo available to fire? FIRE_FACING, // Not correctly facing target? FIRE_REARM, // It is busy rearming? FIRE_ROTATING, // Is it in process of rotating? FIRE_ILLEGAL, // Is it targeting something illegal? FIRE_CANT, // Is this unit one that cannot fire anything? FIRE_MOVING, // Is it moving and not allowed to fire while moving? FIRE_RANGE, // Is the target out of range? FIRE_CLOAKED, // Is the shooter currently cloaked? FIRE_BUSY // Is shooter currently doing something else? } FireErrorType; /********************************************************************** ** If an object can cloak, then it will be in one of these states. ** For objects that cannot cloak, they will always be in the ** UNCLOAKED state. This state controls how the object transitions between ** cloaked and uncloaked conditions. */ typedef enum CloakType : unsigned char { UNCLOAKED, // Completely visible (normal state). CLOAKING, // In process of cloaking. CLOAKED, // Completely cloaked (invisible). UNCLOAKING // In process of uncloaking. } CloakType; /********************************************************************** ** For units that are cloaking, these value specify the visual character ** of the object. */ typedef enum VisualType : unsigned char{ VISUAL_NORMAL, // Completely visible -- normal. VISUAL_INDISTINCT, // The edges shimmer and become indistinct. VISUAL_DARKEN, // Color and texture is muted along with shimmering. VISUAL_SHADOWY, // Body is translucent in addition to shimmering. VISUAL_RIPPLE, // Just a ripple (true predator effect). VISUAL_HIDDEN // Nothing at all is visible. } VisualType; /********************************************************************** ** These missions enumerate the various state machines that can apply to ** a game object. Only one of these state machines is active at any one ** time. */ typedef enum MissionType : char { MISSION_NONE=-1, MISSION_SLEEP, // Do nothing whatsoever. MISSION_ATTACK, // Attack nearest enemy. MISSION_MOVE, // Guard location or unit. MISSION_QMOVE, // A queue list movement mission. MISSION_RETREAT, // Return home for R & R. MISSION_GUARD, // Stay still. MISSION_STICKY, // Stay still -- never recruit. MISSION_ENTER, // Move into object cooperatively. MISSION_CAPTURE, // Move into in order to capture. MISSION_HARVEST, // Hunt for and collect nearby Tiberium. MISSION_GUARD_AREA, // Active guard of area. MISSION_RETURN, // Head back to refinery. MISSION_STOP, // Sit still. MISSION_AMBUSH, // Wait until discovered. MISSION_HUNT, // Active search and destroy. MISSION_UNLOAD, // Search for and deliver cargo. MISSION_SABOTAGE, // Move into in order to destroy. MISSION_CONSTRUCTION, // Building buildup operation. MISSION_DECONSTRUCTION, // Building builddown operation. MISSION_REPAIR, // Repair process mission. MISSION_RESCUE, MISSION_MISSILE, MISSION_HARMLESS, // Sit around and don't appear like a threat. MISSION_COUNT, MISSION_FIRST=0 } MissionType; /********************************************************************** ** These are the enumerated animation sequences that a building may ** be processing. These serve to control the way that a building ** appears. */ typedef enum BStateType : char { BSTATE_NONE=-1, BSTATE_CONSTRUCTION, // Construction animation. BSTATE_IDLE, // Idle animation. BSTATE_ACTIVE, // Animation when building is "doing its thing". BSTATE_FULL, // Special alternate active state. BSTATE_AUX1, // Auxiliary animation. BSTATE_AUX2, // Auxiliary animation. BSTATE_COUNT } BStateType; /********************************************************************** ** Whenever a unit is selected and a click occurs over another object ** or terrain element, there is some action to initiate. This specifies ** the different types of actions possible. This also controls how the ** mouse cursor looks when "hovering" over the spot that clicking would ** occur at. */ typedef enum ActionType : unsigned char { ACTION_NONE, // Either undefined action or "do nothing". ACTION_MOVE, // Can move there or at least try to. ACTION_NOMOVE, // Special case for movable object, but illegal mouse position. ACTION_ENTER, // Special case for infantry->APC or vehicle->Repair facility. ACTION_SELF, // Self select special case. ACTION_ATTACK, // Can attack or fire upon it in some fashion. ACTION_HARVEST, // Special harvest mode. ACTION_SELECT, // Would change selection to specified object. ACTION_TOGGLE_SELECT,// Toggles select state of the object. ACTION_CAPTURE, // The unit will try to capture the object. ACTION_REPAIR, // The target object should be repaired. ACTION_SELL, // The target building should be sold back. ACTION_SELL_UNIT, // The target unit should be sold back. ACTION_NO_SELL, // No sell or no repair. ACTION_NO_REPAIR, // No sell or no repair. ACTION_SABOTAGE, // The unit will try to sabotage/destroy the object. ACTION_PARA_BOMB, // Parachute bomb strike. ACTION_PARA_INFANTRY,// Parachute infantry strike. ACTION_PARA_SABOTEUR,// Parachute saboteur strike. ACTION_NUKE_BOMB, // That target object should be blasted. ACTION_AIR_STRIKE, // That target object should be blasted. ACTION_CHRONOSPHERE, // That target object should be teleported. ACTION_CHRONO2, // Teleport it to the given coordinates now. ACTION_IRON_CURTAIN, // That target object should be invulnerable. ACTION_SPY_MISSION, // Photo recon mission. ACTION_GUARD_AREA, // Guard the area/object clicked on. ACTION_HEAL, // Heal the infantryman clicked on. ACTION_DAMAGE, // Enter and damage building. ACTION_GREPAIR, // Enter and complete repair building. ACTION_NO_DEPLOY, ACTION_NO_ENTER, ACTION_NO_GREPAIR, ACTION_TOGGLE_PRIMARY, // Toggle the primary status of the factory. ACTION_COUNT } ActionType; /********************************************************************** ** When a unit gets damaged, the result of the damage is returned as ** this type. It can range from no damage taken to complete destruction. */ typedef enum ResultType : unsigned char { RESULT_NONE, // No damage was taken by the target. RESULT_LIGHT, // Some damage was taken, but no state change occurred. RESULT_HALF, // Damaged to below half strength (only returned on transition). RESULT_MAJOR, // Damaged down to 1 hit point. RESULT_DESTROYED // Damaged to complete destruction. } ResultType; #ifdef OBSOLETE /********************************************************************** ** These are the special concrete control defines. They enumerate the ** sequence order of the concrete icons in the concrete art file. */ // DEBUG === convert this to be zero based so that a nulled cell is the // default cell. enum ConcreteEnum { C_NONE=-1, C_LEFT=0, C_RIGHT=1, C_RIGHT_UPDOWN=2, C_LEFT_UPDOWN=3, C_UP_RIGHT=4, C_UP_LEFT=5, C_DOWN_RIGHT=6, C_DOWN_LEFT=7, C_RIGHT_DOWN=8, C_LEFT_DOWN=9, C_RIGHT_UP=10, C_LEFT_UP=11, C_UPDOWN_RIGHT=12, C_UPDOWN_LEFT=13 }; #endif /********************************************************************** ** Units that move can move at different speeds. These enumerate the ** different speeds that a unit can move. */ typedef enum MPHType : unsigned char { MPH_IMMOBILE=0, MPH_VERY_SLOW=5, // 2 MPH_KINDA_SLOW=6, // 3 MPH_SLOW=8, // 4 MPH_SLOW_ISH=10, // 5 MPH_MEDIUM_SLOW=12, // 6 MPH_MEDIUM=18, // 9 MPH_MEDIUM_FAST=30, // 12 MPH_MEDIUM_FASTER=35, // 14 MPH_FAST=40, // 16 MPH_ROCKET=60, // 24 MPH_VERY_FAST=100, // 40 MPH_LIGHT_SPEED=255 // 100 } MPHType; /********************************************************************** ** The houses that can be played are listed here. Each has their own ** personality and strengths. */ typedef enum HousesType : char { HOUSE_NONE=-1, HOUSE_SPAIN, // Gold (unremapped) HOUSE_GREECE, // LtBlue HOUSE_USSR, // Red HOUSE_ENGLAND, // Green HOUSE_UKRAINE, // Orange HOUSE_GERMANY, // Grey HOUSE_FRANCE, // Blue HOUSE_TURKEY, // Brown HOUSE_GOOD, // Global Defense Initiative HOUSE_BAD, // Brotherhood of Nod HOUSE_NEUTRAL, // Civilians HOUSE_JP, // Disaster Containment Team HOUSE_MULTI1, // Multi-Player house #1 HOUSE_MULTI2, // Multi-Player house #2 HOUSE_MULTI3, // Multi-Player house #3 HOUSE_MULTI4, // Multi-Player house #4 HOUSE_MULTI5, // Multi-Player house #5 HOUSE_MULTI6, // Multi-Player house #6 HOUSE_MULTI7, // Multi-Player house #7 HOUSE_MULTI8, // Multi-Player house #8 HOUSE_COUNT, HOUSE_FIRST=0 } HousesType; //inline HousesType operator++(HousesType &, int) {return (HousesType)(int; inline HousesType operator++(HousesType &ht) { ht = (HousesType)(((int)ht)+1); return ht; } #define HOUSEF_ALLIES (HOUSEF_ENGLAND|HOUSEF_SPAIN|HOUSEF_GREECE|HOUSEF_GERMANY|HOUSEF_FRANCE|HOUSEF_TURKEY|HOUSEF_GOOD) #define HOUSEF_SOVIET (HOUSEF_USSR|HOUSEF_UKRAINE|HOUSEF_BAD) #define HOUSEF_OTHERS (HOUSEF_NEUTRAL|HOUSEF_JP|HOUSEF_MULTI1|HOUSEF_MULTI2|HOUSEF_MULTI3|HOUSEF_MULTI4|HOUSEF_MULTI5|HOUSEF_MULTI6|HOUSEF_MULTI7|HOUSEF_MULTI8) #define HOUSEF_NONE 0 #define HOUSEF_ENGLAND (1L<<HOUSE_ENGLAND) #define HOUSEF_SPAIN (1L<<HOUSE_SPAIN) #define HOUSEF_GREECE (1L<<HOUSE_GREECE) #define HOUSEF_USSR (1L<<HOUSE_USSR) #define HOUSEF_UKRAINE (1L<<HOUSE_UKRAINE) #define HOUSEF_GERMANY (1L<<HOUSE_GERMANY) #define HOUSEF_FRANCE (1L<<HOUSE_FRANCE) #define HOUSEF_TURKEY (1L<<HOUSE_TURKEY) #define HOUSEF_GOOD (1L<<HOUSE_GOOD) #define HOUSEF_BAD (1L<<HOUSE_BAD) #define HOUSEF_NEUTRAL (1L<<HOUSE_NEUTRAL) #define HOUSEF_JP (1L<<HOUSE_JP) #define HOUSEF_MULTI1 (1L<<HOUSE_MULTI1) #define HOUSEF_MULTI2 (1L<<HOUSE_MULTI2) #define HOUSEF_MULTI3 (1L<<HOUSE_MULTI3) #define HOUSEF_MULTI4 (1L<<HOUSE_MULTI4) #define HOUSEF_MULTI5 (1L<<HOUSE_MULTI5) #define HOUSEF_MULTI6 (1L<<HOUSE_MULTI6) #define HOUSEF_MULTI7 (1L<<HOUSE_MULTI7) #define HOUSEF_MULTI8 (1L<<HOUSE_MULTI8) typedef enum PlayerColorType : char { PCOLOR_NONE = -1, PCOLOR_GOLD, PCOLOR_LTBLUE, PCOLOR_RED, PCOLOR_GREEN, PCOLOR_ORANGE, PCOLOR_BLUE, //This is actually the red scheme used in the dialogs PCOLOR_GREY, PCOLOR_BROWN, PCOLOR_TYPE, PCOLOR_REALLY_BLUE, PCOLOR_DIALOG_BLUE, PCOLOR_COUNT, PCOLOR_FIRST=0, PCOLOR_LAST=PCOLOR_COUNT-1 } PlayerColorType; /********************************************************************** ** This enumerates the remap logic to be applied to an object type when ** it appears in the construction sidebar. */ typedef enum RemapType : unsigned char { REMAP_NONE, REMAP_NORMAL, REMAP_ALTERNATE } RemapType; /********************************************************************** ** These are the types of games that can be played. GDI & NOD are the ** usual human-vs-computer games; 2-Player games are network or modem, ** with 2 players; multi-player games are network with > 2 players. */ typedef enum ScenarioPlayerEnum : char { SCEN_PLAYER_NONE = -1, SCEN_PLAYER_SPAIN, SCEN_PLAYER_GREECE, SCEN_PLAYER_USSR, SCEN_PLAYER_JP, SCEN_PLAYER_2PLAYER, SCEN_PLAYER_MPLAYER, SCEN_PLAYER_COUNT, SCEN_PLAYER_FIRST = 0 } ScenarioPlayerType; inline ScenarioPlayerType operator++(ScenarioPlayerType &, int); /********************************************************************** ** These are the directional parameters for a scenario. */ typedef enum ScenarioDirEnum : char { SCEN_DIR_NONE = -1, SCEN_DIR_EAST, SCEN_DIR_WEST, SCEN_DIR_COUNT, SCEN_DIR_FIRST = 0 } ScenarioDirType; inline ScenarioDirType operator++(ScenarioDirType &, int); /********************************************************************** ** These are the random variations of a scenario. */ typedef enum ScenarioVarEnum : char { SCEN_VAR_NONE = -1, SCEN_VAR_A, SCEN_VAR_B, SCEN_VAR_C, SCEN_VAR_D, SCEN_VAR_COUNT, // comes before the Lose value! SCEN_VAR_LOSE, SCEN_VAR_FIRST = 0 } ScenarioVarType; //inline ScenarioVarType operator++(ScenarioVarType &, int); inline ScenarioVarType operator++(ScenarioVarType &n) { n = (ScenarioVarType)(((int)n) + 1); return n; } /********************************************************************** ** The objects to be drawn on the map are grouped into layers. These ** enumerated values specify those layers. The ground layer is sorted ** from back to front. */ typedef enum LayerType : char { LAYER_NONE=-1, LAYER_SURFACE, // Flat on the ground (no sorting or apparent vertical height). LAYER_GROUND, // Touching the ground type object (units & buildings). LAYER_AIR, // Flying above the ground (explosions & flames). LAYER_TOP, // Topmost layer (aircraft & bullets). LAYER_COUNT, LAYER_FIRST=0 } LayerType; //PG inline LayerType operator++(LayerType &, int); inline LayerType operator++(LayerType &n) { n = (LayerType)(((int)n) + 1); return n; } /********************************************************************** ** This enumerates the various bullet types. These types specify bullet's ** visual and explosive characteristics. */ typedef enum BulletType : char { BULLET_NONE=-1, BULLET_INVISIBLE, BULLET_CANNON, BULLET_ACK, BULLET_TORPEDO, BULLET_FROG, BULLET_HEAT_SEEKER, BULLET_LASER_GUIDED, BULLET_LOBBED, BULLET_BOMBLET, BULLET_BALLISTIC, BULLET_PARACHUTE, BULLET_FIREBALL, BULLET_DOG, BULLET_CATAPULT, BULLET_AAMISSILE, BULLET_GPS_SATELLITE, BULLET_NUKE_UP, BULLET_NUKE_DOWN, BULLET_COUNT, BULLET_FIRST=0 } BulletType; //PG inline BulletType operator++(BulletType &, int); inline BulletType operator++(BulletType &n) { n = (BulletType)(((int)n) + 1); return n; } /********************************************************************** ** All game buildings (structures) are enumerated here. This includes ** civilian structures as well. */ typedef enum StructType : char { STRUCT_NONE=-1, STRUCT_ADVANCED_TECH, STRUCT_IRON_CURTAIN, STRUCT_WEAP, STRUCT_CHRONOSPHERE, STRUCT_PILLBOX, STRUCT_CAMOPILLBOX, STRUCT_RADAR, STRUCT_GAP, STRUCT_TURRET, STRUCT_AAGUN, STRUCT_FLAME_TURRET, STRUCT_CONST, STRUCT_REFINERY, STRUCT_STORAGE, STRUCT_HELIPAD, STRUCT_SAM, STRUCT_AIRSTRIP, STRUCT_POWER, STRUCT_ADVANCED_POWER, STRUCT_SOVIET_TECH, STRUCT_HOSPITAL, STRUCT_BARRACKS, STRUCT_TENT, STRUCT_KENNEL, STRUCT_REPAIR, STRUCT_BIO_LAB, STRUCT_MISSION, STRUCT_SHIP_YARD, STRUCT_SUB_PEN, STRUCT_MSLO, STRUCT_FORWARD_COM, STRUCT_TESLA, /* ** All buildings that are never used as a prerequisite ** for construction, follow this point. Typically, this is ** limited to civilian structures. Also, the following ** buildings are NEVER used in the availability bit field ** record that each house maintains. i.e., STRUCTF_???? ** bit checking will never occur with the following ** building types. */ STRUCT_FAKEWEAP, STRUCT_FAKECONST, STRUCT_FAKE_YARD, STRUCT_FAKE_PEN, STRUCT_FAKE_RADAR, STRUCT_SANDBAG_WALL, STRUCT_CYCLONE_WALL, STRUCT_BRICK_WALL, STRUCT_BARBWIRE_WALL, STRUCT_WOOD_WALL, STRUCT_FENCE, STRUCT_AVMINE, STRUCT_APMINE, STRUCT_V01, STRUCT_V02, STRUCT_V03, STRUCT_V04, STRUCT_V05, STRUCT_V06, STRUCT_V07, STRUCT_V08, STRUCT_V09, STRUCT_V10, STRUCT_V11, STRUCT_V12, STRUCT_V13, STRUCT_V14, STRUCT_V15, STRUCT_V16, STRUCT_V17, STRUCT_V18, STRUCT_PUMP, STRUCT_V20, STRUCT_V21, STRUCT_V22, STRUCT_V23, STRUCT_V24, STRUCT_V25, STRUCT_V26, STRUCT_V27, STRUCT_V28, STRUCT_V29, STRUCT_V30, STRUCT_V31, STRUCT_V32, STRUCT_V33, STRUCT_V34, STRUCT_V35, STRUCT_V36, STRUCT_V37, STRUCT_BARREL, STRUCT_BARREL3, #ifdef FIXIT_ANTS STRUCT_QUEEN, STRUCT_LARVA1, STRUCT_LARVA2, #endif STRUCT_COUNT, STRUCT_FIRST=0 } StructType; //PG inline StructType operator++(StructType &, int); inline StructType operator++(StructType &n) { n = (StructType)(((int)n) + 1); return n; } #define STRUCTF_NONE 0L #define STRUCTF_ADVANCED_TECH (1L << STRUCT_ADVANCED_TECH) #define STRUCTF_IRON_CURTAIN (1L << STRUCT_IRON_CURTAIN) #define STRUCTF_WEAP (1L << STRUCT_WEAP) #define STRUCTF_CHRONOSPHERE (1L << STRUCT_CHRONOSPHERE) #define STRUCTF_PILLBOX (1L << STRUCT_PILLBOX) #define STRUCTF_CAMOPILLBOX (1L << STRUCT_CAMOPILLBOX) #define STRUCTF_RADAR (1L << STRUCT_RADAR) #define STRUCTF_GAP (1L << STRUCT_GAP) #define STRUCTF_TURRET (1L << STRUCT_TURRET) #define STRUCTF_AAGUN (1L << STRUCT_AAGUN) #define STRUCTF_FLAME_TURRET (1L << STRUCT_FLAME_TURRET) #define STRUCTF_CONST (1L << STRUCT_CONST) #define STRUCTF_REFINERY (1L << STRUCT_REFINERY) #define STRUCTF_STORAGE (1L << STRUCT_STORAGE) #define STRUCTF_HELIPAD (1L << STRUCT_HELIPAD) #define STRUCTF_SAM (1L << STRUCT_SAM) #define STRUCTF_AIRSTRIP (1L << STRUCT_AIRSTRIP) #define STRUCTF_POWER (1L << STRUCT_POWER) #define STRUCTF_ADVANCED_POWER (1L << STRUCT_ADVANCED_POWER) #define STRUCTF_SOVIET_TECH (1L << STRUCT_SOVIET_TECH) #define STRUCTF_HOSPITAL (1L << STRUCT_HOSPITAL) #define STRUCTF_BARRACKS (1L << STRUCT_BARRACKS) #define STRUCTF_TENT (1L << STRUCT_TENT) #define STRUCTF_KENNEL (1L << STRUCT_KENNEL) #define STRUCTF_REPAIR (1L << STRUCT_REPAIR) #define STRUCTF_BIO_LAB (1L << STRUCT_BIO_LAB) #define STRUCTF_MISSION (1L << STRUCT_MISSION) #define STRUCTF_SHIP_YARD (1L << STRUCT_SHIP_YARD) #define STRUCTF_SUB_PEN (1L << STRUCT_SUB_PEN) #define STRUCTF_MSLO (1L << STRUCT_MSLO) #define STRUCTF_FAKECONST (1L << STRUCT_FAKECONST) #define STRUCTF_FAKEWEAP (1L << STRUCT_FAKEWEAP) /********************************************************************** ** The overlays are enumerated here. An overlay functions similarly to ** a transparent icon. It is placed over the terrain but usually falls ** "under" buildings, trees, and units. */ typedef enum OverlayType : char { OVERLAY_NONE=-1, OVERLAY_SANDBAG_WALL, // Piled sandbags. OVERLAY_CYCLONE_WALL, // Chain-link fence. OVERLAY_BRICK_WALL, // Solid concrete wall. OVERLAY_BARBWIRE_WALL, // Barbed-wire wall. OVERLAY_WOOD_WALL, // Wooden fence. OVERLAY_GOLD1, OVERLAY_GOLD2, OVERLAY_GOLD3, OVERLAY_GOLD4, OVERLAY_GEMS1, OVERLAY_GEMS2, OVERLAY_GEMS3, OVERLAY_GEMS4, OVERLAY_V12, // Haystacks OVERLAY_V13, // Haystack OVERLAY_V14, // Wheat field OVERLAY_V15, // Fallow field OVERLAY_V16, // Corn field OVERLAY_V17, // Celery field OVERLAY_V18, // Potato field OVERLAY_FLAG_SPOT, // Flag start location. OVERLAY_WOOD_CRATE, // Wooden goodie crate. OVERLAY_STEEL_CRATE, // Steel goodie crate. OVERLAY_FENCE, // New fangled fence. OVERLAY_WATER_CRATE, // Water goodie crate. OVERLAY_COUNT, OVERLAY_FIRST=0 } OverlayType; //PG inline OverlayType operator++(OverlayType &, int); /********************************************************************** ** This specifies the infantry in the game. The "E" designation is ** similar to the army classification of enlisted soldiers. */ typedef enum InfantryType : char { INFANTRY_NONE=-1, INFANTRY_E1, // Mini-gun armed. INFANTRY_E2, // Grenade thrower. INFANTRY_E3, // Rocket launcher. INFANTRY_E4, // Flame thrower equipped. INFANTRY_RENOVATOR, // Engineer. INFANTRY_TANYA, // Saboteur. INFANTRY_SPY, // Spy. INFANTRY_THIEF, // Thief. INFANTRY_MEDIC, // Field Medic. INFANTRY_GENERAL, // Field Marshal. INFANTRY_DOG, // Soviet attack dog INFANTRY_C1, // Civilian INFANTRY_C2, // Civilian INFANTRY_C3, // Civilian INFANTRY_C4, // Civilian INFANTRY_C5, // Civilian INFANTRY_C6, // Civilian INFANTRY_C7, // Civilian INFANTRY_C8, // Civilian INFANTRY_C9, // Civilian INFANTRY_C10, // Nikumba INFANTRY_EINSTEIN, // Einstein INFANTRY_DELPHI, // Agent "Delphi" INFANTRY_CHAN, // Dr. Chan #ifdef FIXIT_CSII // checked - ajw 9/28/98 // CounterStrike II only! INFANTRY_SHOCK, // Shock Trooper INFANTRY_MECHANIC, #endif INFANTRY_COUNT, INFANTRY_FIRST=0 #ifdef FIXIT_CSII // checked - ajw 9/28/98 , INFANTRY_RA_COUNT = INFANTRY_SHOCK #endif } InfantryType; #define INFANTRYF_DOG (1L << INFANTRY_DOG) //PG inline InfantryType operator++(InfantryType &, int); /********************************************************************** ** The game units are enumerated here. These include not only traditional ** vehicles, but also hovercraft and gunboats. */ typedef enum UnitType : char { UNIT_NONE=-1, UNIT_HTANK, // Mammoth tank. UNIT_MTANK, // Heavy tank. UNIT_MTANK2, // Medium tank. UNIT_LTANK, // Light tank ('Bradly'). UNIT_APC, // APC. UNIT_MINELAYER, // Mine-laying vehicle. UNIT_JEEP, // 4x4 jeep replacement. UNIT_HARVESTER, // Resource gathering vehicle. UNIT_ARTY, // Artillery unit. UNIT_MRJ, // Mobile Radar Jammer. UNIT_MGG, // Mobile Gap Generator UNIT_MCV, // Mobile construction vehicle. UNIT_V2_LAUNCHER, // V2 rocket launcher. UNIT_TRUCK, // Convoy truck #ifdef FIXIT_ANTS UNIT_ANT1, // Warrior ant. UNIT_ANT2, // Warrior ant. UNIT_ANT3, // Warrior ant. #endif #ifdef FIXIT_CSII // checked - ajw 9/28/98 // CS II ONLY! UNIT_CHRONOTANK, // Chrono-shifting tank UNIT_TESLATANK, // Tesla-equipped tank UNIT_MAD, // Timequake tank UNIT_DEMOTRUCK, // Jihad truck #ifdef FIXIT_PHASETRANSPORT // checked - ajw 9/28/98 UNIT_PHASE, // cloaking APC for special missions #endif #endif UNIT_COUNT, UNIT_FIRST=0 #ifdef FIXIT_CSII // checked - ajw 9/28/98 , UNIT_RA_COUNT = UNIT_CHRONOTANK #endif } UnitType; //PG inline UnitType operator++(UnitType &, int); #define UNITF_HTANK (1L<<UNIT_HTANK) #define UNITF_MTANK (1L<<UNIT_MTANK) #define UNITF_MTANK2 (1L<<UNIT_MTANK2) #define UNITF_LTANK (1L<<UNIT_LTANK) #define UNITF_STANK (1L<<UNIT_STANK) #define UNITF_APC (1L<<UNIT_APC) #define UNITF_MLRS (1L<<UNIT_MLRS) #define UNITF_JEEP (1L<<UNIT_JEEP) #define UNITF_HARVESTER (1L<<UNIT_HARVESTER) #define UNITF_ARTY (1L<<UNIT_ARTY) #define UNITF_MCV (1L<<UNIT_MCV) /********************************************************************** ** The naval vessels are enumerated below. */ typedef enum VesselType : char { VESSEL_NONE=-1, VESSEL_SS, // Submarine VESSEL_DD, // Medium weapon patrol craft VESSEL_CA, // Heavy weapon patrol craft VESSEL_TRANSPORT, // Unit transporter VESSEL_PT, // Light weapon patrol craft #ifdef FIXIT_CSII // checked - ajw 9/28/98 // CS II ONLY VESSEL_MISSILESUB, // Missile-equipped submarine #endif #ifdef FIXIT_CARRIER // checked - ajw 9/28/98 VESSEL_CARRIER, #endif VESSEL_COUNT, VESSEL_FIRST=0 #ifdef FIXIT_CSII // checked - ajw 9/28/98 , VESSEL_RA_COUNT = VESSEL_MISSILESUB #endif } VesselType; //inline VesselType operator++(VesselType &, int); #define VESSELF_SS (1L<<VESSEL_SS) #define VESSELF_DD (1L<<VESSEL_DD) #define VESSELF_CA (1L<<VESSEL_CA) #define VESSELF_TRANSPORT (1L<<VESSEL_TRANSPORT) #define VESSELF_PT (1L<<VESSEL_PT) /********************************************************************** ** The various aircraft types are enumerated here. These include helicopters ** as well as traditional aircraft. */ typedef enum AircraftType : char { AIRCRAFT_TRANSPORT, // Transport helicopter. AIRCRAFT_BADGER, // Badger bomber. AIRCRAFT_U2, // Photo recon plane. AIRCRAFT_MIG, // Mig attack plane. AIRCRAFT_YAK, // Yak attack plane. AIRCRAFT_LONGBOW, // Apache gunship. AIRCRAFT_HIND, // Soviet attach helicopter. AIRCRAFT_COUNT, AIRCRAFT_NONE=-1, AIRCRAFT_FIRST=0 } AircraftType; #define AIRCRAFTF_TRANSPORT (1L << AIRCRAFT_TRANSPORT) #define AIRCRAFTF_BADGER (1L << AIRCRAFT_BADGER) #define AIRCRAFTF_U2 (1L << AIRCRAFT_U2) #define AIRCRAFTF_MIG (1L << AIRCRAFT_MIG) #define AIRCRAFTF_YAK (1L << AIRCRAFT_YAK) #define AIRCRAFTF_LONGBOW (1L << AIRCRAFT_LONGBOW) #define AIRCRAFTF_HIND (1L << AIRCRAFT_HIND) //PG inline AircraftType operator++(AircraftType &, int); /********************************************************************** ** The game templates are enumerated here. These are the underlying ** terrain art. This includes everything from water to cliffs. If the ** terrain is broken up into icons, is not transparent, and is drawn ** as the bottom most layer, then it is a template. */ typedef enum TemplateType : unsigned short { TEMPLATE_CLEAR1, TEMPLATE_WATER, // This must be the first non-clear template. TEMPLATE_WATER2, TEMPLATE_SHORE01, TEMPLATE_SHORE02, TEMPLATE_SHORE03, TEMPLATE_SHORE04, TEMPLATE_SHORE05, TEMPLATE_SHORE06, TEMPLATE_SHORE07, TEMPLATE_SHORE08, TEMPLATE_SHORE09, TEMPLATE_SHORE10, TEMPLATE_SHORE11, TEMPLATE_SHORE12, TEMPLATE_SHORE13, TEMPLATE_SHORE14, TEMPLATE_SHORE15, TEMPLATE_SHORE16, TEMPLATE_SHORE17, TEMPLATE_SHORE18, TEMPLATE_SHORE19, TEMPLATE_SHORE20, TEMPLATE_SHORE21, TEMPLATE_SHORE22, TEMPLATE_SHORE23, TEMPLATE_SHORE24, TEMPLATE_SHORE25, TEMPLATE_SHORE26, TEMPLATE_SHORE27, TEMPLATE_SHORE28, TEMPLATE_SHORE29, TEMPLATE_SHORE30, TEMPLATE_SHORE31, TEMPLATE_SHORE32, TEMPLATE_SHORE33, TEMPLATE_SHORE34, TEMPLATE_SHORE35, TEMPLATE_SHORE36, TEMPLATE_SHORE37, TEMPLATE_SHORE38, TEMPLATE_SHORE39, TEMPLATE_SHORE40, TEMPLATE_SHORE41, TEMPLATE_SHORE42, TEMPLATE_SHORE43, TEMPLATE_SHORE44, TEMPLATE_SHORE45, TEMPLATE_SHORE46, TEMPLATE_SHORE47, TEMPLATE_SHORE48, TEMPLATE_SHORE49, TEMPLATE_SHORE50, TEMPLATE_SHORE51, TEMPLATE_SHORE52, TEMPLATE_SHORE53, TEMPLATE_SHORE54, TEMPLATE_SHORE55, TEMPLATE_SHORE56, TEMPLATE_SHORECLIFF01, TEMPLATE_SHORECLIFF02, TEMPLATE_SHORECLIFF03, TEMPLATE_SHORECLIFF04, TEMPLATE_SHORECLIFF05, TEMPLATE_SHORECLIFF06, TEMPLATE_SHORECLIFF07, TEMPLATE_SHORECLIFF08, TEMPLATE_SHORECLIFF09, TEMPLATE_SHORECLIFF10, TEMPLATE_SHORECLIFF11, TEMPLATE_SHORECLIFF12, TEMPLATE_SHORECLIFF13, TEMPLATE_SHORECLIFF14, TEMPLATE_SHORECLIFF15, TEMPLATE_SHORECLIFF16, TEMPLATE_SHORECLIFF17, TEMPLATE_SHORECLIFF18, TEMPLATE_SHORECLIFF19, TEMPLATE_SHORECLIFF20, TEMPLATE_SHORECLIFF21, TEMPLATE_SHORECLIFF22, TEMPLATE_SHORECLIFF23, TEMPLATE_SHORECLIFF24, TEMPLATE_SHORECLIFF25, TEMPLATE_SHORECLIFF26, TEMPLATE_SHORECLIFF27, TEMPLATE_SHORECLIFF28, TEMPLATE_SHORECLIFF29, TEMPLATE_SHORECLIFF30, TEMPLATE_SHORECLIFF31, TEMPLATE_SHORECLIFF32, TEMPLATE_SHORECLIFF33, TEMPLATE_SHORECLIFF34, TEMPLATE_SHORECLIFF35, TEMPLATE_SHORECLIFF36, TEMPLATE_SHORECLIFF37, TEMPLATE_SHORECLIFF38, TEMPLATE_BOULDER1, TEMPLATE_BOULDER2, TEMPLATE_BOULDER3, TEMPLATE_BOULDER4, TEMPLATE_BOULDER5, TEMPLATE_BOULDER6, TEMPLATE_PATCH01, TEMPLATE_PATCH02, TEMPLATE_PATCH03, TEMPLATE_PATCH04, TEMPLATE_PATCH07, TEMPLATE_PATCH08, TEMPLATE_PATCH13, TEMPLATE_PATCH14, TEMPLATE_PATCH15, TEMPLATE_RIVER01, TEMPLATE_RIVER02, TEMPLATE_RIVER03, TEMPLATE_RIVER04, TEMPLATE_RIVER05, TEMPLATE_RIVER06, TEMPLATE_RIVER07, TEMPLATE_RIVER08, TEMPLATE_RIVER09, TEMPLATE_RIVER10, TEMPLATE_RIVER11, TEMPLATE_RIVER12, TEMPLATE_RIVER13, TEMPLATE_FALLS1, TEMPLATE_FALLS1A, TEMPLATE_FALLS2, TEMPLATE_FALLS2A, TEMPLATE_FORD1, TEMPLATE_FORD2, TEMPLATE_BRIDGE1, TEMPLATE_BRIDGE1D, TEMPLATE_BRIDGE2, TEMPLATE_BRIDGE2D, TEMPLATE_SLOPE01, TEMPLATE_SLOPE02, TEMPLATE_SLOPE03, TEMPLATE_SLOPE04, TEMPLATE_SLOPE05, TEMPLATE_SLOPE06, TEMPLATE_SLOPE07, TEMPLATE_SLOPE08, TEMPLATE_SLOPE09, TEMPLATE_SLOPE10, TEMPLATE_SLOPE11, TEMPLATE_SLOPE12, TEMPLATE_SLOPE13, TEMPLATE_SLOPE14, TEMPLATE_SLOPE15, TEMPLATE_SLOPE16, TEMPLATE_SLOPE17, TEMPLATE_SLOPE18, TEMPLATE_SLOPE19, TEMPLATE_SLOPE20, TEMPLATE_SLOPE21, TEMPLATE_SLOPE22, TEMPLATE_SLOPE23, TEMPLATE_SLOPE24, TEMPLATE_SLOPE25, TEMPLATE_SLOPE26, TEMPLATE_SLOPE27, TEMPLATE_SLOPE28, TEMPLATE_SLOPE29, TEMPLATE_SLOPE30, TEMPLATE_SLOPE31, TEMPLATE_SLOPE32, TEMPLATE_SLOPE33, TEMPLATE_SLOPE34, TEMPLATE_SLOPE35, TEMPLATE_SLOPE36, TEMPLATE_SLOPE37, TEMPLATE_SLOPE38, TEMPLATE_ROAD01, TEMPLATE_ROAD02, TEMPLATE_ROAD03, TEMPLATE_ROAD04, TEMPLATE_ROAD05, TEMPLATE_ROAD06, TEMPLATE_ROAD07, TEMPLATE_ROAD08, TEMPLATE_ROAD09, TEMPLATE_ROAD10, TEMPLATE_ROAD11, TEMPLATE_ROAD12, TEMPLATE_ROAD13, TEMPLATE_ROAD14, TEMPLATE_ROAD15, TEMPLATE_ROAD16, TEMPLATE_ROAD17, TEMPLATE_ROAD18, TEMPLATE_ROAD19, TEMPLATE_ROAD20, TEMPLATE_ROAD21, TEMPLATE_ROAD22, TEMPLATE_ROAD23, TEMPLATE_ROAD24, TEMPLATE_ROAD25, TEMPLATE_ROAD26, TEMPLATE_ROAD27, TEMPLATE_ROAD28, TEMPLATE_ROAD29, TEMPLATE_ROAD30, TEMPLATE_ROAD31, TEMPLATE_ROAD32, TEMPLATE_ROAD33, TEMPLATE_ROAD34, TEMPLATE_ROAD35, TEMPLATE_ROAD36, TEMPLATE_ROAD37, TEMPLATE_ROAD38, TEMPLATE_ROAD39, TEMPLATE_ROAD40, TEMPLATE_ROAD41, TEMPLATE_ROAD42, TEMPLATE_ROAD43, TEMPLATE_ROUGH01, TEMPLATE_ROUGH02, TEMPLATE_ROUGH03, TEMPLATE_ROUGH04, TEMPLATE_ROUGH05, TEMPLATE_ROUGH06, TEMPLATE_ROUGH07, TEMPLATE_ROUGH08, TEMPLATE_ROUGH09, TEMPLATE_ROUGH10, TEMPLATE_ROUGH11, TEMPLATE_ROAD44, TEMPLATE_ROAD45, TEMPLATE_RIVER14, TEMPLATE_RIVER15, TEMPLATE_RIVERCLIFF01, TEMPLATE_RIVERCLIFF02, TEMPLATE_RIVERCLIFF03, TEMPLATE_RIVERCLIFF04, TEMPLATE_BRIDGE_1A, TEMPLATE_BRIDGE_1B, TEMPLATE_BRIDGE_1C, TEMPLATE_BRIDGE_2A, TEMPLATE_BRIDGE_2B, TEMPLATE_BRIDGE_2C, TEMPLATE_BRIDGE_3A, TEMPLATE_BRIDGE_3B, TEMPLATE_BRIDGE_3C, TEMPLATE_BRIDGE_3D, TEMPLATE_BRIDGE_3E, TEMPLATE_BRIDGE_3F, TEMPLATE_F01, TEMPLATE_F02, TEMPLATE_F03, TEMPLATE_F04, TEMPLATE_F05, TEMPLATE_F06, // Custom interior pieces. TEMPLATE_ARRO0001, TEMPLATE_ARRO0002, TEMPLATE_ARRO0003, TEMPLATE_ARRO0004, TEMPLATE_ARRO0005, TEMPLATE_ARRO0006, TEMPLATE_ARRO0007, TEMPLATE_ARRO0008, TEMPLATE_ARRO0009, TEMPLATE_ARRO0010, TEMPLATE_ARRO0011, TEMPLATE_ARRO0012, TEMPLATE_ARRO0013, TEMPLATE_ARRO0014, TEMPLATE_ARRO0015, TEMPLATE_FLOR0001, TEMPLATE_FLOR0002, TEMPLATE_FLOR0003, TEMPLATE_FLOR0004, TEMPLATE_FLOR0005, TEMPLATE_FLOR0006, TEMPLATE_FLOR0007, TEMPLATE_GFLR0001, TEMPLATE_GFLR0002, TEMPLATE_GFLR0003, TEMPLATE_GFLR0004, TEMPLATE_GFLR0005, TEMPLATE_GSTR0001, TEMPLATE_GSTR0002, TEMPLATE_GSTR0003, TEMPLATE_GSTR0004, TEMPLATE_GSTR0005, TEMPLATE_GSTR0006, TEMPLATE_GSTR0007, TEMPLATE_GSTR0008, TEMPLATE_GSTR0009, TEMPLATE_GSTR0010, TEMPLATE_GSTR0011, TEMPLATE_LWAL0001, TEMPLATE_LWAL0002, TEMPLATE_LWAL0003, TEMPLATE_LWAL0004, TEMPLATE_LWAL0005, TEMPLATE_LWAL0006, TEMPLATE_LWAL0007, TEMPLATE_LWAL0008, TEMPLATE_LWAL0009, TEMPLATE_LWAL0010, TEMPLATE_LWAL0011, TEMPLATE_LWAL0012, TEMPLATE_LWAL0013, TEMPLATE_LWAL0014, TEMPLATE_LWAL0015, TEMPLATE_LWAL0016, TEMPLATE_LWAL0017, TEMPLATE_LWAL0018, TEMPLATE_LWAL0019, TEMPLATE_LWAL0020, TEMPLATE_LWAL0021, TEMPLATE_LWAL0022, TEMPLATE_LWAL0023, TEMPLATE_LWAL0024, TEMPLATE_LWAL0025, TEMPLATE_LWAL0026, TEMPLATE_LWAL0027, TEMPLATE_STRP0001, TEMPLATE_STRP0002, TEMPLATE_STRP0003, TEMPLATE_STRP0004, TEMPLATE_STRP0005, TEMPLATE_STRP0006, TEMPLATE_STRP0007, TEMPLATE_STRP0008, TEMPLATE_STRP0009, TEMPLATE_STRP0010, TEMPLATE_STRP0011, TEMPLATE_WALL0001, TEMPLATE_WALL0002, TEMPLATE_WALL0003, TEMPLATE_WALL0004, TEMPLATE_WALL0005, TEMPLATE_WALL0006, TEMPLATE_WALL0007, TEMPLATE_WALL0008, TEMPLATE_WALL0009, TEMPLATE_WALL0010, TEMPLATE_WALL0011, TEMPLATE_WALL0012, TEMPLATE_WALL0013, TEMPLATE_WALL0014, TEMPLATE_WALL0015, TEMPLATE_WALL0016, TEMPLATE_WALL0017, TEMPLATE_WALL0018, TEMPLATE_WALL0019, TEMPLATE_WALL0020, TEMPLATE_WALL0021, TEMPLATE_WALL0022, TEMPLATE_WALL0023, TEMPLATE_WALL0024, TEMPLATE_WALL0025, TEMPLATE_WALL0026, TEMPLATE_WALL0027, TEMPLATE_WALL0028, TEMPLATE_WALL0029, TEMPLATE_WALL0030, TEMPLATE_WALL0031, TEMPLATE_WALL0032, TEMPLATE_WALL0033, TEMPLATE_WALL0034, TEMPLATE_WALL0035, TEMPLATE_WALL0036, TEMPLATE_WALL0037, TEMPLATE_WALL0038, TEMPLATE_WALL0039, TEMPLATE_WALL0040, TEMPLATE_WALL0041, TEMPLATE_WALL0042, TEMPLATE_WALL0043, TEMPLATE_WALL0044, TEMPLATE_WALL0045, TEMPLATE_WALL0046, TEMPLATE_WALL0047, TEMPLATE_WALL0048, TEMPLATE_WALL0049, TEMPLATE_BRIDGE1H, TEMPLATE_BRIDGE2H, TEMPLATE_BRIDGE_1AX, TEMPLATE_BRIDGE_2AX, TEMPLATE_BRIDGE1X, TEMPLATE_BRIDGE2X, TEMPLATE_XTRA0001, TEMPLATE_XTRA0002, TEMPLATE_XTRA0003, TEMPLATE_XTRA0004, TEMPLATE_XTRA0005, TEMPLATE_XTRA0006, TEMPLATE_XTRA0007, TEMPLATE_XTRA0008, TEMPLATE_XTRA0009, TEMPLATE_XTRA0010, TEMPLATE_XTRA0011, TEMPLATE_XTRA0012, TEMPLATE_XTRA0013, TEMPLATE_XTRA0014, TEMPLATE_XTRA0015, TEMPLATE_XTRA0016, #ifdef FIXIT_ANTS TEMPLATE_HILL01, #endif TEMPLATE_COUNT, TEMPLATE_NONE=65535, TEMPLATE_FIRST=0 } TemplateType; //PG inline TemplateType operator++(TemplateType &, int); inline TemplateType operator++(TemplateType &n) { n = (TemplateType)(((int)n) + 1); return n; } /********************************************************************** ** The three dimensional terrain objects are enumerated here. These ** objects function similar to buildings in that they can be driven ** behind and can take damage on an individual basis. */ typedef enum TerrainType : char { TERRAIN_NONE=-1, TERRAIN_TREE1, TERRAIN_TREE2, TERRAIN_TREE3, TERRAIN_TREE5, TERRAIN_TREE6, TERRAIN_TREE7, TERRAIN_TREE8, TERRAIN_TREE10, TERRAIN_TREE11, TERRAIN_TREE12, TERRAIN_TREE13, TERRAIN_TREE14, TERRAIN_TREE15, TERRAIN_TREE16, TERRAIN_TREE17, TERRAIN_CLUMP1, TERRAIN_CLUMP2, TERRAIN_CLUMP3, TERRAIN_CLUMP4, TERRAIN_CLUMP5, TERRAIN_ICE01, TERRAIN_ICE02, TERRAIN_ICE03, TERRAIN_ICE04, TERRAIN_ICE05, TERRAIN_BOXES01, TERRAIN_BOXES02, TERRAIN_BOXES03, TERRAIN_BOXES04, TERRAIN_BOXES05, TERRAIN_BOXES06, TERRAIN_BOXES07, TERRAIN_BOXES08, TERRAIN_BOXES09, TERRAIN_MINE, TERRAIN_COUNT, TERRAIN_FIRST=0 } TerrainType; //PG inline TerrainType operator++(TerrainType &, int); /********************************************************************** ** Smudges are enumerated here. Smudges are transparent icons that are ** drawn over the underlying terrain in order to give the effect of ** alterations to the terrain. Craters are a good example of this. */ typedef enum SmudgeType : char { SMUDGE_NONE=-1, SMUDGE_CRATER1, SMUDGE_CRATER2, SMUDGE_CRATER3, SMUDGE_CRATER4, SMUDGE_CRATER5, SMUDGE_CRATER6, SMUDGE_SCORCH1, SMUDGE_SCORCH2, SMUDGE_SCORCH3, SMUDGE_SCORCH4, SMUDGE_SCORCH5, SMUDGE_SCORCH6, SMUDGE_BIB1, SMUDGE_BIB2, SMUDGE_BIB3, SMUDGE_COUNT, SMUDGE_FIRST=0 } SmudgeType; //PG inline SmudgeType operator++(SmudgeType &, int); /********************************************************************** ** Animations are enumerated here. Animations are the high speed and ** short lived effects that occur with explosions and fire. */ typedef enum AnimType : char { ANIM_NONE=-1, ANIM_FBALL1, // Large fireball explosion (bulges rightward). ANIM_FBALL_FADE, // Fading fireball puff. ANIM_FRAG1, // Medium fragment throwing explosion -- short decay. ANIM_VEH_HIT1, // Small fireball explosion (bulges rightward). ANIM_VEH_HIT2, // Small fragment throwing explosion -- pop & sparkles. ANIM_VEH_HIT3, // Small fragment throwing explosion -- burn/exp mix. ANIM_ART_EXP1, // Large fragment throwing explosion -- many sparkles. ANIM_NAPALM1, // Small napalm burn. ANIM_NAPALM2, // Medium napalm burn. ANIM_NAPALM3, // Large napalm burn. ANIM_SMOKE_PUFF, // Small rocket smoke trail puff. ANIM_PIFF, // Machine gun impact piffs. ANIM_PIFFPIFF, // Chaingun impact piffs. ANIM_FIRE_SMALL, // Small flame animation. ANIM_FIRE_MED, // Medium flame animation. ANIM_FIRE_MED2, // Medium flame animation (oranger). ANIM_FIRE_TINY, // Very tiny flames. ANIM_MUZZLE_FLASH, // Big cannon flash (with translucency). ANIM_SMOKE_M, // Smoke rising from ground. ANIM_BURN_SMALL, // Small combustible fire effect (with trail off). ANIM_BURN_MED, // Medium combustible fire effect (with trail off). ANIM_BURN_BIG, // Large combustible fire effect (with trail off). ANIM_ON_FIRE_SMALL, // Burning effect for buildings. ANIM_ON_FIRE_MED, // Burning effect for buildings. ANIM_ON_FIRE_BIG, // Burning effect for buildings. ANIM_SAM_N, ANIM_SAM_NE, ANIM_SAM_E, ANIM_SAM_SE, ANIM_SAM_S, ANIM_SAM_SW, ANIM_SAM_W, ANIM_SAM_NW, ANIM_GUN_N, ANIM_GUN_NE, ANIM_GUN_E, ANIM_GUN_SE, ANIM_GUN_S, ANIM_GUN_SW, ANIM_GUN_W, ANIM_GUN_NW, ANIM_LZ_SMOKE, ANIM_CRATE_DEVIATOR, // Red finned missile. ANIM_CRATE_DOLLAR, // Dollar sign. ANIM_CRATE_EARTH, // Cracked Earth. ANIM_CRATE_EMPULSE, // Plasma ball. ANIM_CRATE_INVUN, // Orange sphere with green rings. ANIM_CRATE_MINE, // Spiked mine. ANIM_CRATE_RAPID, // Red skull. ANIM_CRATE_STEALTH, // Cloaking sphere. ANIM_CRATE_MISSILE, // Green finned missile. ANIM_MOVE_FLASH, ANIM_OILFIELD_BURN, ANIM_ELECT_DIE, // Electrocution infantryman death from Tesla coil ANIM_PARACHUTE, // Parachute (designed to be attached to object). ANIM_DOG_ELECT_DIE, // Electrocution dog death from Tesla coil ANIM_CORPSE1, ANIM_CORPSE2, ANIM_CORPSE3, ANIM_SPUTDOOR, ANIM_ATOM_BLAST, ANIM_CHRONO_BOX, ANIM_GPS_BOX, ANIM_INVUL_BOX, ANIM_PARA_BOX, ANIM_SONAR_BOX, ANIM_TWINKLE1, ANIM_TWINKLE2, ANIM_TWINKLE3, ANIM_FLAK, ANIM_WATER_EXP1, ANIM_WATER_EXP2, ANIM_WATER_EXP3, ANIM_CRATE_ARMOR, ANIM_CRATE_SPEED, ANIM_CRATE_FPOWER, ANIM_CRATE_TQUAKE, ANIM_PARA_BOMB, ANIM_MINE_EXP1, ANIM_FLAG, #ifdef FIXIT_ANTS ANIM_ANT1_DEATH, ANIM_ANT2_DEATH, ANIM_ANT3_DEATH, #endif ANIM_FIRE_SMALL_VIRTUAL, // Small flame animation. ANIM_FIRE_MED_VIRTUAL, // Medium flame animation. ANIM_FIRE_MED2_VIRTUAL, // Medium flame animation (oranger). ANIM_FIRE_TINY_VIRTUAL, // Very tiny flames. ANIM_COUNT, ANIM_FIRST=0 } AnimType; inline AnimType operator++(AnimType &, int); /**************************************************************************** ** Infantry can be performing various activities. These can range from simple ** idle animations to physical hand to hand combat. */ typedef enum DoType : char { DO_NOTHING=-1, // Not performing any choreographed sequence. DO_STAND_READY=0, DO_STAND_GUARD, DO_PRONE, DO_WALK, DO_FIRE_WEAPON, DO_LIE_DOWN, DO_CRAWL, DO_GET_UP, DO_FIRE_PRONE, DO_IDLE1, DO_IDLE2, DO_GUN_DEATH, DO_EXPLOSION_DEATH, DO_EXPLOSION2_DEATH, DO_GRENADE_DEATH, DO_FIRE_DEATH, DO_GESTURE1, DO_SALUTE1, DO_GESTURE2, DO_SALUTE2, DO_DOG_MAUL, DO_COUNT, DO_FIRST=0 } DoType; inline DoType operator++(DoType &, int); /* ** This structure is associated with each maneuver type. It tells whether the ** maneuver can be interrupted and the frame rate. */ typedef struct { unsigned Interrupt:1; // Can it be interrupted? unsigned IsMobile:1; // Can it move while doing this? unsigned RandomStart:1; // Should animation be "randomized"? unsigned char Rate; // Frame rate. } DoStruct; typedef struct { int Frame; // Starting frame of the animation. unsigned char Count; // Number of frames of animation. unsigned char Jump; // Frames to jump between facings. } DoInfoStruct; /**************************************************************************** ** These are the various radio message that can be transmitted between ** units and buildings. Some of these require a response from the receiver ** and some don't. */ typedef enum RadioMessageType : unsigned char { RADIO_STATIC, // "hisssss" -- non-message RADIO_ROGER, // "Roger." RADIO_HELLO, // "Come in. I wish to talk." RADIO_OVER_OUT, // "Something came up, bye." RADIO_PICK_UP, // "Please pick me up." RADIO_ATTACH, // "Attach to transport." RADIO_DELIVERY, // "I've got a delivery for you." RADIO_HOLD_STILL, // "I'm performing load/unload maneuver. Be careful." RADIO_UNLOADED, // "I'm clear." RADIO_UNLOAD, // "You are clear to unload. Please start driving off now." RADIO_NEGATIVE, // "Am unable to comply." RADIO_BUILDING, // "I'm starting construction now... act busy." RADIO_COMPLETE, // "I've finished construction. You are free." RADIO_REDRAW, // "Oops, sorry. I might have bumped you a little." RADIO_DOCKING, // "I'm trying to load up now." RADIO_CAN_LOAD, // "May I become a passenger?" RADIO_ARE_REFINERY, // "Are you a refinery ready to take shipment?" RADIO_TRYING_TO_LOAD, // "Are you trying to become a passenger?" RADIO_MOVE_HERE, // "Move to location X." RADIO_NEED_TO_MOVE, // "Do you need to move somewhere?" RADIO_YEA_NOW_WHAT, // "All right already. Now what?" RADIO_IM_IN, // "I'm a passenger now." RADIO_BACKUP_NOW, // "Begin backup into refinery now." RADIO_RUN_AWAY, // "Run away! Run away!" RADIO_TETHER, // "Establish tether contact." RADIO_UNTETHER, // "Break tether contact." RADIO_REPAIR, // "Repair one step." RADIO_PREPARED, // "Are you prepared to fight?" RADIO_ATTACK_THIS, // "Attack this target please." RADIO_RELOAD, // "Reload one step please." RADIO_CANT, // "Circumstances prevent success." RADIO_ALL_DONE, // "I have completed the task." RADIO_NEED_REPAIR, // "Are you in need of service depot work?" RADIO_ON_DEPOT, // "Are you sitting on a service depot?" RADIO_COUNT } RadioMessageType; /**************************************************************************** ** Various trigger events and actions require additional data. This enumeration is ** used to indicate what kind of additional data is required. This is also used ** for team mission types that might need additional data. */ typedef enum NeedType : unsigned char { NEED_NONE, // No additional data is required. NEED_THEME, // Need a musical theme. NEED_MOVIE, // Need a movie to play. NEED_SOUND, // Sound effect. NEED_SPEECH, // Speech from EVA. NEED_INFANTRY, // Infantry type class. NEED_UNIT, // Unit type class. NEED_AIRCRAFT, // Aircraft type class. NEED_STRUCTURE, // Structure type class. NEED_WAYPOINT, // Waypoint letter. NEED_NUMBER, // General number. NEED_TRIGGER, // Trigger object reference. NEED_TEAM, // Team type class. NEED_HOUSE, // House type number. NEED_TIME, // Time delay value required. NEED_QUARRY, // Quarry type is needed. NEED_FORMATION, // A formation type is needed. NEED_BOOL, // Boolean value is needed. NEED_SPECIAL, // Special weapon ability. NEED_MISSION, // General unit mission type. NEED_HEX_NUMBER // General number. } NeedType; /**************************************************************************** ** There are various target types that teams and special weapons can be ** assigned to attack. These are general target categories since the actual ** disposition of potential targets cannot be precisely predicted -- thus these ** serve as guidelines for the computer AI. */ typedef enum QuarryType : unsigned char { QUARRY_NONE, QUARRY_ANYTHING, // Attack any enemy (same as "hunt"). QUARRY_BUILDINGS, // Attack buildings (in general). QUARRY_HARVESTERS, // Attack harvesters or refineries. QUARRY_INFANTRY, // Attack infantry. QUARRY_VEHICLES, // Attack combat vehicles. QUARRY_VESSELS, // Attach ships. QUARRY_FACTORIES, // Attack factories (all types). QUARRY_DEFENSE, // Attack base defense buildings. QUARRY_THREAT, // Attack enemies near friendly base. QUARRY_POWER, // Attack power facilities. QUARRY_FAKES, // Prefer to attack fake buildings. QUARRY_COUNT, QUARRY_FIRST=0 } QuarryType; /**************************************************************************** ** Teams can be assigned formations. This specifies the various formations that ** a team can be composed into. */ typedef enum FormationType : unsigned char { FORMATION_NONE, FORMATION_TIGHT, // Tight grouping (vulnerable units in center). FORMATION_LOOSE, // Loose grouping (one cell separation between units). FORMATION_WEDGE_N, // Wedge shape. FORMATION_WEDGE_E, // Wedge shape. FORMATION_WEDGE_S, // Wedge shape. FORMATION_WEDGE_W, // Wedge shape. FORMATION_LINE_NS, // Column formation. FORMATION_LINE_EW, // Line formation. FORMATION_COUNT, FORMATION_FIRST=0 } FormationType; /**************************************************************************** ** Selected units have a special selected unit box around them. These are the ** defines for the two types of selected unit boxes. One is for infantry and ** the other is for regular units. */ typedef enum SelectEnum : char { SELECT_NONE=-1, SELECT_INFANTRY, // Small infantry selection box. SELECT_UNIT, // Big unit selection box. SELECT_BUILDING=SELECT_UNIT, // Custom box for buildings. SELECT_TERRAIN=SELECT_UNIT, // Custom box for terrain objects. SELECT_WRENCH, // A building is repairing overlay graphic. SELECT_COUNT } SelectEnum; /**************************************************************************** ** The pip shapes and text shapes are enumerated according to the following ** type. These special shapes are drawn over special objects or in other places ** where shape technology is needed. */ typedef enum PipEnum : unsigned char { PIP_EMPTY, // Empty pip spot. PIP_FULL, // Full pip spot. PIP_PRIMARY, // "Primary" building marker. PIP_READY, // "Ready" construction information tag. PIP_HOLDING, // "Hold"ing construction information tag. PIP_ENGINEER, // Full pip with engineer coloring. PIP_CIVILIAN, // Full pip with civilian coloring. PIP_COMMANDO, // Full pip with commando coloring. PIP_NUMBERS, // digit 0 PIP_NUMBER1, // digit 1 PIP_NUMBER2, // digit 2 PIP_NUMBER3, // digit 3 PIP_NUMBER4, // digit 4 PIP_NUMBER5, // digit 5 PIP_NUMBER6, // digit 6 PIP_NUMBER7, // digit 7 PIP_NUMBER8, // digit 8 PIP_NUMBER9, // digit 9 PIP_DECOY, // word "Decoy" for fake buildings PIP_LETTERF, // letter 'F' for signifying in-formation PIP_MEDIC, // Little medic red cross. PIP_PRI // Abbreviated "Primary" for kennel } PipEnum; /**************************************************************************** ** The radar map can be in one of several states depending on the presense of ** certain structures and power levels. */ typedef enum RadarEnum : unsigned char { RADAR_NONE, // Radar map doesn't exist at all RADAR_OFF, // Radar map is present, but displayed as off and non-interactive RADAR_ON // Radar map is present, visible, and fully interactive } RadarEnum; /**************************************************************************** ** The mouse cursor can be in different states. These states are listed ** below. Some of these represent animating mouse cursors. The mouse ** is controlled by passing one of these values to the appropriate ** MouseClass member function. */ typedef enum MouseType : unsigned char { MOUSE_NORMAL, MOUSE_N, MOUSE_NE, MOUSE_E, MOUSE_SE, MOUSE_S, MOUSE_SW, MOUSE_W, MOUSE_NW, MOUSE_NO_N, MOUSE_NO_NE, MOUSE_NO_E, MOUSE_NO_SE, MOUSE_NO_S, MOUSE_NO_SW, MOUSE_NO_W, MOUSE_NO_NW, MOUSE_NO_MOVE, MOUSE_CAN_MOVE, MOUSE_ENTER, MOUSE_DEPLOY, MOUSE_CAN_SELECT, MOUSE_CAN_ATTACK, MOUSE_SELL_BACK, MOUSE_SELL_UNIT, MOUSE_REPAIR, MOUSE_NO_REPAIR, MOUSE_NO_SELL_BACK, MOUSE_RADAR_CURSOR, MOUSE_NUCLEAR_BOMB, MOUSE_AIR_STRIKE, MOUSE_DEMOLITIONS, MOUSE_AREA_GUARD, MOUSE_HEAL, MOUSE_DAMAGE, // Engineer entering building to damage it. MOUSE_GREPAIR, // Engineer entering friendly building to heal it. MOUSE_STAY_ATTACK, MOUSE_NO_DEPLOY, MOUSE_NO_ENTER, MOUSE_NO_GREPAIR, MOUSE_CHRONO_SELECT, MOUSE_CHRONO_DEST, MOUSE_COUNT } MouseType; /********************************************************************** ** This structure is used to control the box relief style drawn by ** the Draw_Box() function. */ typedef struct { int Filler; // Center box fill color. int Shadow; // Shadow color (darker). int Highlight; // Highlight color (lighter). int Corner; // Corner color (transition). } BoxStyleType; typedef enum BoxStyleEnum : unsigned char { BOXSTYLE_DOWN, // Typical depressed edge border. BOXSTYLE_RAISED, // Typical raised edge border. BOXSTYLE_DIS_DOWN, // Disabled but depressed. BOXSTYLE_DIS_RAISED, // Disabled but raised. BOXSTYLE_BOX, // list box. BOXSTYLE_BORDER, // main dialog box. BOXSTYLE_COUNT } BoxStyleEnum; /********************************************************************** ** Damage, as inflicted by projectiles, has different characteristics. ** These are the different "warhead" types that can be assigned to the ** various projectiles in the game. */ typedef enum WarheadType : char { WARHEAD_NONE=-1, WARHEAD_SA, // Small arms -- good against infantry. WARHEAD_HE, // High explosive -- good against buildings & infantry. WARHEAD_AP, // Armor piercing -- good against armor. WARHEAD_FIRE, // Incendiary -- Good against flammables. WARHEAD_HOLLOW_POINT, // Sniper bullet type. WARHEAD_TESLA, // Electrocution warhead for infantrymen WARHEAD_DOG, // Slavering attack beast mauling infantryman WARHEAD_NUKE, // Nuclear missile #ifdef FIXIT_CSII // checked - ajw 9/28/98 WARHEAD_MECHANICAL, // repair weapon for vehicles #endif WARHEAD_COUNT, WARHEAD_FIRST=0 } WarheadType; /********************************************************************** ** This enumerates the various weapon types. The weapon is characterized ** by the projectile it launches, the damage it does, and the rate of ** fire. */ typedef enum WeaponType : char { WEAPON_NONE=-1, WEAPON_COLT45, WEAPON_ACK_ACK, WEAPON_VULCAN, WEAPON_MAVERICK, WEAPON_CAMERA, WEAPON_FIREBALL, WEAPON_RIFLE, WEAPON_CHAIN_GUN, WEAPON_PISTOL, WEAPON_M16, WEAPON_DRAGON, WEAPON_HELLFIRE, WEAPON_GRENADE, WEAPON_75MM, WEAPON_90MM, WEAPON_105MM, WEAPON_120MM, WEAPON_TURRET_GUN, WEAPON_MAMMOTH_TUSK, WEAPON_155MM, WEAPON_M60MG, WEAPON_NAPALM, WEAPON_TESLA_ZAP, WEAPON_NIKE, WEAPON_8INCH, WEAPON_STINGER, WEAPON_TORPEDO, WEAPON_2INCH, WEAPON_DEPTH_CHARGE, WEAPON_PARA_BOMB, WEAPON_DOGJAW, WEAPON_HEAL, WEAPON_SCUD, WEAPON_FLAMER, WEAPON_REDEYE, #ifdef FIXIT_ANTS WEAPON_MANDIBLE, #endif #ifdef FIXIT_CSII // checked - ajw 9/28/98 WEAPON_PORTATESLA, WEAPON_GOODWRENCH, WEAPON_SUBSCUD, WEAPON_TTANKZAP, WEAPON_APTUSK, WEAPON_DEMOCHARGE, #endif #ifdef FIXIT_CARRIER // checked - ajw 9/28/98 WEAPON_CARRIER, #endif WEAPON_COUNT, WEAPON_FIRST=0 } WeaponType; /********************************************************************** ** The various armor types are best suited to defend against a limited ** kind of warheads. The game strategy revolves around proper ** combination of armor and weaponry. Each vehicle or building has armor ** rated according to one of the following types. */ typedef enum ArmorType : unsigned char { ARMOR_NONE, // Vulnerable to SA and HE. ARMOR_WOOD, // Vulnerable to HE and Fire. ARMOR_ALUMINUM, // Vulnerable to AP and SA. ARMOR_STEEL, // Vulnerable to AP. ARMOR_CONCRETE, // Vulnerable to HE and AP. ARMOR_COUNT, ARMOR_FIRST=0 } ArmorType; /********************************************************************** ** These are the identifiers for the various monochrome debug screens. */ typedef enum DMonoType : unsigned char { DMONO_OBJECT, DMONO_HOUSE, DMONO_STRESS, DMONO_EVENTS, DMONO_COUNT, DMONO_FIRST=0 } DMonoType; /* ** Performance benchmark tracking identifiers. */ typedef enum BenchType : unsigned char { BENCH_GAME_FRAME, // Whole game frame (used for normalizing). BENCH_FINDPATH, // Find path calls. BENCH_GREATEST_THREAT, // Greatest threat calculation. BENCH_AI, // Object AI calls. BENCH_CELL, // Cell draw it function. BENCH_SIDEBAR, // Sidebar (just cameo section) drawing. BENCH_RADAR, // Radar map drawing. BENCH_TACTICAL, // Whole tactical map. BENCH_PCP, // Per cell process. BENCH_EVAL_OBJECT, // Evaluate object as potential target. BENCH_EVAL_CELL, // Evaluate entire cell for potential targets. BENCH_EVAL_WALL, // Evaluate wall in cell as potential target. BENCH_POWER, // Power bar drawing. BENCH_TABS, // Tab section (top) drawing. BENCH_SHROUD, // Shroud layer drawing. BENCH_ANIMS, // Animations drawing. BENCH_OBJECTS, // All game object drawing. BENCH_PALETTE, // Color cycling palette adjustments. BENCH_GSCREEN_RENDER, // Rendering of the whole map layered system (with blits). BENCH_BLIT_DISPLAY, // DirectX or shadow blit of hidpage to seenpage. BENCH_MISSION, // Mission list processing. BENCH_RULES, // Processing of the rules.ini file. BENCH_SCENARIO, // Processing of the scenario.ini file. BENCH_COUNT, BENCH_FIRST=0 } BenchType; #ifdef CHEAT_KEYS #define BStart(a) if (Benches != NULL) Benches[a].Begin() #define BEnd(a) if (Benches != NULL) Benches[a].End() #else #define BStart(a) #define BEnd(a) #endif /********************************************************************** ** Working MCGA colors that give a pleasing effect for beveled edges and ** other purposes. */ #define MAGIC_COL_COUNT 13 // Translucent color count. #define SHADOW_COL_COUNT 4 // Terrain shroud translucent color count. #define USHADOW_COL_COUNT 1 // Unit shadow special ghost colors. /********************************************************************** ** Color cycling range that is used for water effects. */ #define CYCLE_COLOR_START (6*16) #define CYCLE_COLOR_COUNT 7 /********************************************************************** ** Magic color fading pulsing effect limits -- color gun value. */ #define CC_PULSE_COLOR 255 #define CC_EMBER_COLOR (CYCLE_COLOR_START+CYCLE_COLOR_COUNT) /********************************************************************** ** These are the control flags for Fancy_Text_Print function. */ typedef enum TextPrintType : unsigned short { TPF_LASTPOINT =0x0000, // Use previous font point value. TPF_6POINT =0x0001, // Use 6 point font. TPF_8POINT =0x0002, // Use 8 point font. TPF_3POINT =0x0003, // Use 3 point font. TPF_LED =0x0004, // Use LED font. TPF_VCR =0x0005, // Use VCR font. TPF_6PT_GRAD =0x0006, // Use 6 point gradient font. TPF_MAP =0x0007, // Font used for popup help text. TPF_METAL12 =0x0008, // Use 12 point tab font TPF_EFNT =0x0009, // Use scenario editor font. TPF_TYPE =0x000A, // Use teletype font TPF_SCORE =0x000B, // Use score screen font. TPF_LASTSHADOW =0x0000, // Use previous font palette. TPF_NOSHADOW =0x0010, // Don't have any shadow. TPF_DROPSHADOW =0x0020, // Use a simple drop shadow. TPF_FULLSHADOW =0x0040, // Use a full outline shadow. TPF_LIGHTSHADOW =0x0080, // Use engraved drop 'shadow' color. TPF_CENTER =0x0100, // Center about the X axis. TPF_RIGHT =0x0200, // Right justify text. TPF_MEDIUM_COLOR =0x1000, // Use medium color for all text gradient TPF_BRIGHT_COLOR =0x2000, // Use bright color for all text gradient TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL =0x4000 // Use a gradient palette based on fore color } TextPrintType; //PG //inline TextPrintType operator |(TextPrintType, TextPrintType); //inline TextPrintType operator &(TextPrintType, TextPrintType); //inline TextPrintType operator ~(TextPrintType); inline TextPrintType operator|(TextPrintType a, TextPrintType b) {return static_cast<TextPrintType>(static_cast<int>(a) | static_cast<int>(b));} inline TextPrintType operator&(TextPrintType a, TextPrintType b) {return static_cast<TextPrintType>(static_cast<int>(a) & static_cast<int>(b));} inline TextPrintType operator~(TextPrintType a) {return static_cast<TextPrintType>(~static_cast<int>(a));} // Standard button text print flags. #define TPF_BUTTON (TPF_CENTER|TPF_6PT_GRAD|TPF_NOSHADOW) #define TPF_EBUTTON (TPF_CENTER|TPF_EFNT|TPF_NOSHADOW) #define TPF_TEXT (TPF_6PT_GRAD|TPF_NOSHADOW) /********************************************************************** ** These control the maximum number of objects in the game. Make sure that these ** maximums never exceed the maximum value for the "ID" element in the ** object class. */ #define BUILDING_MAX 500 // Lasts for hours. #define HOUSE_MAX (HOUSE_COUNT+1) // Lasts entire scenario. #define INFANTRY_MAX 500 // Lasts for minutes. #define UNIT_MAX 500 // Lasts for minutes. #define VESSEL_MAX 100 // Lasts for minutes. #define TEAMTYPE_MAX 60 // Lasts forever. // Save filename description. #define DESCRIP_MAX 44 // 40 chars + CR + LF + CTRL-Z + NULL #define CONQUER_PATH_MAX 12 // Number of cells to look ahead for movement. #define EACH_INFANTRY_MAX (INFANTRY_MAX/5) // Default maximum any one player can have. #define EACH_UNIT_MAX (UNIT_MAX/5) // Default maximum any one player can have. #define EACH_BUILDING_MAX (BUILDING_MAX/5) // Default maximum any one player can build. #define EACH_VESSEL_MAX (VESSEL_MAX/5) // Default maximum any one player can build. /********************************************************************** ** Terrain can be of these different classes. At any point in the game ** a particular piece of ground must fall under one of these classifications. ** This is true, even if it is undergoing a temporary transition. */ typedef enum LandType : char { LAND_CLEAR, // "Clear" terrain. LAND_ROAD, // Road terrain. LAND_WATER, // Water. LAND_ROCK, // Impassable rock. LAND_WALL, // Wall (blocks movement). LAND_TIBERIUM, // Tiberium field. LAND_BEACH, // Beach terrain. LAND_ROUGH, // Rocky terrain. LAND_RIVER, // Rocky riverbed. LAND_COUNT, LAND_NONE=-1, LAND_FIRST=0 } LandType; /********************************************************************** ** The theaters of operation are as follows. */ typedef enum TheaterType : char { THEATER_NONE=-1, THEATER_TEMPERATE, THEATER_SNOW, THEATER_INTERIOR, THEATER_COUNT, THEATER_FIRST=0 } TheaterType; //inline TheaterType operator++(TheaterType &, int); inline TheaterType operator++(TheaterType &n) { n = (TheaterType)(((int)n)+1); return n; } #define THEATERF_TEMPERATE (1<<THEATER_TEMPERATE) #define THEATERF_SNOW (1<<THEATER_SNOW) #define THEATERF_INTERIOR (1<<THEATER_INTERIOR) typedef struct { char Name[16]; char Root[10]; char Suffix[4]; } TheaterDataType; /********************************************************************** ** Each building has a predetermined size. These are the size numbers. ** The trailing number is this define is the width and height (respectively) ** of the building in cells. */ typedef enum BSizeType : char { BSIZE_NONE=-1, BSIZE_11=0, BSIZE_21, BSIZE_12, BSIZE_22, BSIZE_23, BSIZE_32, BSIZE_33, BSIZE_42, BSIZE_55, BSIZE_COUNT } BSizeType; inline BSizeType operator++(BSizeType &, int); /********************************************************************** ** When objects are manipulated on the map that are marked as being ** removed (up), placed down (down), or just to be redrawn (change); ** or when an object's rendering (not logical) size changes, due to ** its being selected or having an animation attached (overlap up/down). */ typedef enum MarkType : unsigned char { MARK_UP, // Removed from the map. MARK_DOWN, // Placed on the map. MARK_CHANGE, // Altered in place on the map. MARK_CHANGE_REDRAW, // Redraw because of animation change. MARK_OVERLAP_DOWN, // Mark overlap cells on the map MARK_OVERLAP_UP // Clear overlap cells on the map } MarkType; /**************************************************************************** ** Window number definition list. Each window should be referred to by ** the value given in this list. */ // Allow window number enums to be passed to library functions. typedef enum WindowNumberType : unsigned char { WINDOW_MAIN, // Full screen window. WINDOW_ERROR, // Library error window. WINDOW_TACTICAL, // Tactical map window. WINDOW_MENU, // Main selection menu. WINDOW_SIDEBAR, // Sidebar (buildable list) window. WINDOW_EDITOR, // Scenario editor window. WINDOW_PARTIAL, // Partial object draw sub-window. WINDOW_CUSTOM, // Window that can be altered depending on circumstances WINDOW_VIRTUAL // Window that is used when we want to capture rendering information without actually rendering. ST - 1/15/2019 3:03PM } WindowNumberType; /**************************************************************************** ** For every cell there are 8 adjacent cells. Use these direction numbers ** when referring to adjacent cells. This comes into play when moving ** between cells and in the Desired_Facing() algorithm. */ typedef enum FacingType : char { FACING_NONE=-1, FACING_N, // North FACING_NE, // North-East FACING_E, // East FACING_SE, // South-East FACING_S, // South FACING_SW, // South-West FACING_W, // West FACING_NW, // North-West FACING_COUNT, // Total of 8 directions (0..7). FACING_FIRST=0 } FacingType; //inline FacingType operator++(FacingType &, int); inline FacingType operator + (FacingType f1, FacingType f2) { return (FacingType)(((int)f1 + (int)f2) & 0x07); } inline FacingType operator + (FacingType f1, int f2) { return (FacingType)(((int)f1 + (int)f2) & 0x07); } inline FacingType operator - (FacingType f1, FacingType f2) { return (FacingType)(((int)f1 - (int)f2) & 0x07); } inline FacingType operator - (FacingType f1, int f2) { return (FacingType)(((int)f1 - (int)f2) & 0x07); } inline FacingType operator += (FacingType & f1, FacingType f2) { f1 = (FacingType)(((int)f1 + (int)f2) & 0x07); return(f1); } inline FacingType operator += (FacingType & f1, int f2) { f1 = (FacingType)(((int)f1 + (int)f2) & 0x07); return(f1); } inline int operator * (FacingType f1, FacingType f2) { return((int)f1 * (int)f2); } #ifdef NEVER typedef enum DirType { DIR_MIN=0, DIR_N=0, DIR_NE=1<<5, DIR_E=2<<5, DIR_SE=3<<5, DIR_S=4<<5, DIR_SW=5<<5, DIR_SW_X1=(5<<5)-8, // Direction of harvester while unloading. DIR_SW_X2=(5<<5)-16, // Direction of harvester while unloading. DIR_W=6<<5, DIR_NW=7<<5, DIR_MAX=255 } DirType; inline DirType operator + (DirType f1, DirType f2) { return (DirType)(((int)f1 + (int)f2) & 0x00FF); } inline DirType operator + (DirType f1, int f2) { return (DirType)(((int)f1 + (int)f2) & 0x00FF); } #endif #define DIR_SW_X1 DirType((5<<5)-8) #define DIR_SW_X2 DirType((5<<5)-16) /**************************************************************************** ** Timer constants. These are used when setting the countdown timer. ** Note that this is based upon a timer that ticks every 60th of a second. */ #define TIMER_SECOND 60 #define TIMER_MINUTE (TIMER_SECOND*60) #define FADE_PALETTE_FAST (TIMER_SECOND/8) #define FADE_PALETTE_MEDIUM (TIMER_SECOND/4) #define FADE_PALETTE_SLOW (TIMER_SECOND/2) #define TICKS_PER_SECOND 15 #define TICKS_PER_MINUTE (TICKS_PER_SECOND * 60) #define TICKS_PER_HOUR (TICKS_PER_MINUTE * 60) #define GRAYFADETIME (1 * TICKS_PER_SECOND) /**************************************************************************** ** Each vehicle is give a speed rating. This is a combination of not only ** its physical speed, but the means by which it travels (wheels, tracks, ** wings, etc). This is used to determine the movement table. */ typedef enum SpeedType : char { SPEED_NONE=-1, SPEED_FOOT, // Bipedal. SPEED_TRACK, // Tracked locomotion. SPEED_WHEEL, // Balloon tires. SPEED_WINGED, // Lifter's, 'thopters, and rockets. SPEED_FLOAT, // Ships. SPEED_COUNT, SPEED_FIRST=SPEED_FOOT } SpeedType; /********************************************************************** ** These are the sound effect digitized sample file names. */ typedef enum VocType : short { VOC_NONE=-1, VOC_GIRL_OKAY, // "okay" VOC_GIRL_YEAH, // "yeah?" VOC_GUY_OKAY, // "okay" VOC_GUY_YEAH, // "yeah?" VOC_MINELAY1, // mine layer sound VOC_ACKNOWL, // "acknowledged" VOC_AFFIRM, // "affirmative" VOC_AWAIT, // "awaiting orders" VOC_ENG_AFFIRM, // Engineer: "affirmative" VOC_ENG_ENG, // Engineer: "engineering" VOC_NO_PROB, // "not a problem" VOC_READY, // "ready and waiting" VOC_REPORT, // "reporting" VOC_RIGHT_AWAY, // "right away sir" VOC_ROGER, // "roger" VOC_UGOTIT, // "you got it" VOC_VEHIC, // "vehicle reporting" VOC_YESSIR, // "yes sir" VOC_SCREAM1, // short infantry scream VOC_SCREAM3, // short infantry scream VOC_SCREAM4, // short infantry scream VOC_SCREAM5, // short infantry scream VOC_SCREAM6, // short infantry scream VOC_SCREAM7, // short infantry scream VOC_SCREAM10, // short infantry scream VOC_SCREAM11, // short infantry scream VOC_YELL1, // long infantry scream VOC_CHRONO, // Chronosphere sound. VOC_CANNON1, // Cannon sound (medium). VOC_CANNON2, // Cannon sound (short). VOC_IRON1, VOC_ENG_MOVEOUT, // Engineer: "movin' out" VOC_SONAR, // sonar pulse VOC_SANDBAG, // sand bag crunch VOC_MINEBLOW, VOC_CHUTE1, // wind swoosh sound VOC_DOG_BARK, // dog bark VOC_DOG_WHINE, // dog whine VOC_DOG_GROWL2, // strong dog growl VOC_FIRE_LAUNCH, // fireball launch sound VOC_FIRE_EXPLODE, // fireball explode sound VOC_GRENADE_TOSS, // grenade toss VOC_GUN_5, // 5 round gun burst (slow). VOC_GUN_7, // 7 round gun burst (fast). VOC_ENG_YES, // Engineer: "yes sir" VOC_GUN_RIFLE, // Rifle shot. VOC_HEAL, // Healing effect. VOC_DOOR, // Hyrdrolic door. VOC_INVULNERABLE, // Invulnerability effect. VOC_KABOOM1, // Long explosion (muffled). VOC_KABOOM12, // Very long explosion (muffled). VOC_KABOOM15, // Very long explosion (muffled). VOC_SPLASH, // Water splash VOC_KABOOM22, // Long explosion (sharp). VOC_AACANON3, // AA-Cannon VOC_TANYA_DIE, // Tanya: scream VOC_GUN_5F, // 5 round gun burst (fast). VOC_MISSILE_1, // Missile with high tech effect. VOC_MISSILE_2, // Long missile launch. VOC_MISSILE_3, // Short missile launch. VOC_x6, VOC_GUN_5R, // 5 round gun burst (rattles). VOC_BEEP, // Generic beep sound. VOC_CLICK, // Generic click sound. VOC_SILENCER, // Silencer. VOC_CANNON6, // Long muffled cannon shot. VOC_CANNON7, // Sharp mechanical cannon fire. VOC_TORPEDO, // Torpedo launch. VOC_CANNON8, // Sharp cannon fire. VOC_TESLA_POWER_UP, // Hum charge up. VOC_TESLA_ZAP, // Tesla zap effect. VOC_SQUISH, // Squish effect. VOC_SCOLD, // Scold bleep. VOC_RADAR_ON, // Powering up electronics. VOC_RADAR_OFF, // B movie power down effect. VOC_PLACE_BUILDING_DOWN, // Building slam down sound. VOC_KABOOM30, // Short explosion (HE). VOC_KABOOM25, // Short growling explosion. VOC_x7, VOC_DOG_HURT, // Dog whine. VOC_DOG_YES, // Dog 'yes sir'. VOC_CRUMBLE, // Building crumble. VOC_MONEY_UP, // Rising money tick. VOC_MONEY_DOWN, // Falling money tick. VOC_CONSTRUCTION, // Building construction sound. VOC_GAME_CLOSED, // Long bleep. VOC_INCOMING_MESSAGE, // Soft happy warble. VOC_SYS_ERROR, // Sharp soft warble. VOC_OPTIONS_CHANGED, // Mid range soft warble. VOC_GAME_FORMING, // Long warble. VOC_PLAYER_LEFT, // Chirp sequence. VOC_PLAYER_JOINED, // Reverse chirp sequence. VOC_DEPTH_CHARGE, // Distant explosion sound. VOC_CASHTURN, // Airbrake. VOC_TANYA_CHEW, // Tanya: "Chew on this" VOC_TANYA_ROCK, // Tanya: "Let's rock" VOC_TANYA_LAUGH, // Tanya: "ha ha ha" VOC_TANYA_SHAKE, // Tanya: "Shake it baby" VOC_TANYA_CHING, // Tanya: "Cha Ching" VOC_TANYA_GOT, // Tanya: "That's all you got" VOC_TANYA_KISS, // Tanya: "Kiss it bye bye" VOC_TANYA_THERE, // Tanya: "I'm there" VOC_TANYA_GIVE, // Tanya: "Give it to me" VOC_TANYA_YEA, // Tanya: "Yea?" VOC_TANYA_YES, // Tanya: "Yes sir?" VOC_TANYA_WHATS, // Tanya: "What's up." VOC_WALLKILL2, // Crushing wall sound. VOC_x8, VOC_TRIPLE_SHOT, // Three quick shots in succession. VOC_SUBSHOW, // Submarine surfacing. VOC_E_AH, // Einstein "ah" VOC_E_OK, // Einstein "ok" VOC_E_YES, // Einstein "yes" VOC_TRIP_MINE, // mine explosion sound VOC_SPY_COMMANDER, // Spy: "commander?" VOC_SPY_YESSIR, // Spy: "yes sir" VOC_SPY_INDEED, // Spy: "indeed" VOC_SPY_ONWAY, // Spy: "on my way" VOC_SPY_KING, // Spy: "for king and country" VOC_MED_REPORTING, // Medic: "reporting" VOC_MED_YESSIR, // Medic: "yes sir" VOC_MED_AFFIRM, // Medic: "affirmative" VOC_MED_MOVEOUT, // Medic: "movin' out" VOC_BEEP_SELECT, // map selection beep VOC_THIEF_YEA, // Thief: "yea?" #ifdef FIXIT_ANTS VOC_ANTDIE, VOC_ANTBITE, #else VOC_x9, VOC_x10, #endif VOC_THIEF_MOVEOUT, // Thief: "movin' out" VOC_THIEF_OKAY, // Thief: "ok" VOC_x11, VOC_THIEF_WHAT, // Thief: "what" VOC_THIEF_AFFIRM, // Thief: "affirmative" VOC_STAVCMDR, VOC_STAVCRSE, VOC_STAVYES, VOC_STAVMOV, VOC_BUZZY1, VOC_RAMBO1, VOC_RAMBO2, VOC_RAMBO3, #ifdef FIXIT_CSII // checked - ajw 9/28/98 VOC_MECHYES1, VOC_MECHHOWDY1, VOC_MECHRISE1, VOC_MECHHUH1, VOC_MECHHEAR1, VOC_MECHLAFF1, VOC_MECHBOSS1, VOC_MECHYEEHAW1, VOC_MECHHOTDIG1, VOC_MECHWRENCH1, VOC_STBURN1, VOC_STCHRGE1, VOC_STCRISP1, VOC_STDANCE1, VOC_STJUICE1, VOC_STJUMP1, VOC_STLIGHT1, VOC_STPOWER1, VOC_STSHOCK1, VOC_STYES1, VOC_CHRONOTANK1, VOC_MECH_FIXIT1, VOC_MAD_CHARGE, VOC_MAD_EXPLODE, VOC_SHOCK_TROOP1, #endif VOC_COUNT, VOC_FIRST=0 } VocType; /* ** EVA voices are specified by these identifiers. */ typedef enum VoxType : char { VOX_NONE=-1, VOX_ACCOMPLISHED, // mission accomplished VOX_FAIL, // your mission has failed VOX_NO_FACTORY, // unable to comply, building in progress VOX_CONSTRUCTION, // construction complete VOX_UNIT_READY, // unit ready VOX_NEW_CONSTRUCT, // new construction options VOX_DEPLOY, // cannot deploy here VOX_STRUCTURE_DESTROYED, // structure destroyed VOX_INSUFFICIENT_POWER, // insufficient power VOX_NO_CASH, // insufficient funds VOX_CONTROL_EXIT, // battle control terminated VOX_REINFORCEMENTS, // reinforcements have arrived VOX_CANCELED, // canceled VOX_BUILDING, // building VOX_LOW_POWER, // low power VOX_NEED_MO_MONEY, // need more funds VOX_BASE_UNDER_ATTACK, // our base is under attack VOX_UNABLE_TO_BUILD, // unable to build more VOX_PRIMARY_SELECTED, // primary building selected #ifdef ENGLISH VOX_MADTANK_DEPLOYED, // M.A.D. Tank Deployed #else VOX_none3, #endif VOX_none4, VOX_UNIT_LOST, // unit lost VOX_SELECT_TARGET, // select target VOX_PREPARE, // enemy approaching VOX_NEED_MO_CAPACITY, // silos needed VOX_SUSPENDED, // on hold VOX_REPAIRING, // repairing VOX_none5, VOX_none6, VOX_AIRCRAFT_LOST, VOX_none7, VOX_ALLIED_FORCES_APPROACHING, VOX_ALLIED_APPROACHING, VOX_none8, VOX_none9, VOX_BUILDING_INFILTRATED, VOX_CHRONO_CHARGING, VOX_CHRONO_READY, VOX_CHRONO_TEST, VOX_HQ_UNDER_ATTACK, VOX_CENTER_DEACTIVATED, VOX_CONVOY_APPROACHING, VOX_CONVOY_UNIT_LOST, VOX_EXPLOSIVE_PLACED, VOX_MONEY_STOLEN, VOX_SHIP_LOST, VOX_SATALITE_LAUNCHED, VOX_SONAR_AVAILABLE, VOX_none10, VOX_SOVIET_FORCES_APPROACHING, VOX_SOVIET_REINFORCEMENTS, VOX_TRAINING, VOX_ABOMB_READY, VOX_ABOMB_LAUNCH, VOX_ALLIES_N, VOX_ALLIES_S, VOX_ALLIES_E, VOX_ALLIES_W, VOX_OBJECTIVE1, VOX_OBJECTIVE2, VOX_OBJECTIVE3, VOX_IRON_CHARGING, VOX_IRON_READY, VOX_RESCUED, VOX_OBJECTIVE_NOT, VOX_SIGNAL_N, VOX_SIGNAL_S, VOX_SIGNAL_E, VOX_SIGNAL_W, VOX_SPY_PLANE, VOX_FREED, VOX_UPGRADE_ARMOR, VOX_UPGRADE_FIREPOWER, VOX_UPGRADE_SPEED, VOX_MISSION_TIMER, VOX_UNIT_FULL, VOX_UNIT_REPAIRED, VOX_TIME_40, VOX_TIME_30, VOX_TIME_20, VOX_TIME_10, VOX_TIME_5, VOX_TIME_4, VOX_TIME_3, VOX_TIME_2, VOX_TIME_1, VOX_TIME_STOP, VOX_UNIT_SOLD, VOX_TIMER_STARTED, VOX_TARGET_RESCUED, VOX_TARGET_FREED, VOX_TANYA_RESCUED, VOX_STRUCTURE_SOLD, VOX_SOVIET_FORCES_FALLEN, VOX_SOVIET_SELECTED, VOX_SOVIET_EMPIRE_FALLEN, VOX_OPERATION_TERMINATED, VOX_OBJECTIVE_REACHED, VOX_OBJECTIVE_NOT_REACHED, VOX_OBJECTIVE_MET, VOX_MERCENARY_RESCUED, VOX_MERCENARY_FREED, VOX_KOSOYGEN_FREED, VOX_FLARE_DETECTED, VOX_COMMANDO_RESCUED, VOX_COMMANDO_FREED, VOX_BUILDING_IN_PROGRESS, VOX_ATOM_PREPPING, VOX_ALLIED_SELECTED, VOX_ABOMB_PREPPING, VOX_ATOM_LAUNCHED, VOX_ALLIED_FORCES_FALLEN, VOX_ABOMB_AVAILABLE, VOX_ALLIED_REINFORCEMENTS, VOX_SAVE1, VOX_LOAD1, VOX_COUNT, VOX_FIRST=0 } VoxType; /**************************************************************************** ** Game reinforcements are each controlled by the following structure. The ** data originates in the scenario INI file but is then carried throughout ** any saved games. */ typedef enum SourceType : char { SOURCE_NONE=-1, // No defined source (error condition). SOURCE_NORTH, // From north edge. SOURCE_EAST, // From east edge. SOURCE_SOUTH, // From south edge. SOURCE_WEST, // From west edge. SOURCE_AIR, // Dropped by air (someplace). SOURCE_COUNT, SOURCE_FIRST=0 } SourceType; /**************************************************************************** ** This entry defines a complete color scheme, with the player's remap table, ** the font remap table, and a color scheme for dialog boxes and buttons. */ typedef struct RemapControlType { unsigned char BrightColor; // Highlight (bright) color index. unsigned char Color; // Normal color index. unsigned char RemapTable[256]; // Actual remap table. unsigned char FontRemap[16]; // Remap table for gradient font. unsigned char Shadow; // Color of shadowed edge of a raised button. unsigned char Background; // Background fill color for buttons. unsigned char Corners; // Transition color between shadow and highlight. unsigned char Highlight; // Bright edge of raised button. unsigned char Box; // Color for dialog box border. unsigned char Bright; // Color used for highlighted text. unsigned char Underline; // Color for underlining dialog box titles. unsigned char Bar; // Selected entry list box background color. } RemapControlType; /**************************************************************************** ** Each type of terrain has certain characteristics. These are indicated ** by the structure below. For every element of terrain there is a ** corresponding GroundType structure. */ typedef struct { fixed Cost[SPEED_COUNT]; // Terrain effect cost (normal). bool Build; // Can build on this terrain? } GroundType; /************************************************************************** ** Find_Path returns with a pointer to this structure. */ typedef struct { CELL Start; // Starting cell number. int Cost; // Accumulated terrain cost. int Length; // Command string length. FacingType *Command; // Pointer to command string. unsigned long *Overlap; // Pointer to overlap list CELL LastOverlap; // stores position of last overlap CELL LastFixup; // stores position of last overlap } PathType; /********************************************************************** ** These are special indices into the Waypoint array; slots 0-25 are ** reserved for letter-designated Waypoints, the others are special. */ typedef enum WaypointEnum : unsigned char { WAYPT_HOME = 98, // Home-cell for this scenario WAYPT_REINF, // cell where reinforcements arrive WAYPT_SPECIAL, // Used by special airdrop reinforcements. WAYPT_COUNT } WaypointType; /**************************************************************************** ** This is the max number of events supported on one frame. */ #define MAX_EVENTS 256 typedef enum : unsigned char { KF_NUMBER = 0x08, KF_LCW = 0x10, KF_DELTA = 0x20, KF_KEYDELTA = 0x40, KF_KEYFRAME = 0x80, KF_MASK = 0xF0 } KeyFrameType; /* ** New Config structure for .CFG files */ typedef struct { unsigned DigitCard; // SoundCardType. unsigned Port; // SoundCardType. unsigned IRQ; // SoundCardType. unsigned DMA; // SoundCardType. unsigned BitsPerSample; // bits per sound sample unsigned Channels; // stereo/mono sound card unsigned Speed; // stereo/mono sound card bool Reverse; // Reverse left/right speakers char Language[4]; } NewConfigType; /**************************************************************************** ** These are the types of dialogs that can pop up outside of the main loop, ** an call the game in the background. */ typedef enum : unsigned char { SDLG_NONE, SDLG_OPTIONS, SDLG_SURRENDER, SDLG_SPECIAL } SpecialDialogType; typedef enum : unsigned char { CC_MOUSE_COLOR=16 } CCPaletteType; /**************************************************************************** ** These specify the shape numbers in the OPTIONS.SHP file. These shapes ** are used to dress up the dialog boxes. Many of these shapes come in pairs. ** For dialog box shapes, they are left image / right image paired. For buttons, ** they are up / down paired. */ typedef enum OptionControlType : char { OPTION_NONE=-1, // No fancy shmancy shape. OPTION_DIALOG=0, // Small dialog boxes. OPTION_CONTROLS=2, // Large dialog boxes, game controls. OPTION_DELETE=4, // Delete,Load,Save game. OPTION_SERIAL=6, // Serial dialog. OPTION_PHONE=8, // Phone dialog. OPTION_VISUAL=10, // Visual dialog. OPTION_NETWORK=12, // Network dialog. OPTION_JOIN_NETWORK=14, // Join network dialog. OPTION_SOUND=16, // Sound controls. OPTION_COUNT } OptionControlType; /**************************************************************************** ** Used to store firing data for a unit. */ typedef struct { COORDINATE Center; int Distance; } FireDataType; #define size_of(typ,id) sizeof(((typ*)0)->id) #define MAX_LOG_LEVEL 10 // Maximum number of multi players possible. #define MAX_PLAYERS 8 // max # of players we can have // Maximum number of teams #define MAX_TEAMS 10 #endif