// // Copyright 2020 Electronic Arts Inc. // // TiberianDawn.DLL and RedAlert.dll and corresponding source code is free // software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of // the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, // either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // TiberianDawn.DLL and RedAlert.dll and corresponding source code is distributed // in the hope that it will be useful, but with permitted additional restrictions // under Section 7 of the GPL. See the GNU General Public License in LICENSE.TXT // distributed with this program. You should have received a copy of the // GNU General Public License along with permitted additional restrictions // with this program. If not, see https://github.com/electronicarts/CnC_Remastered_Collection /* $Header: F:\projects\c&c\vcs\code\mapeddlg.cpv 2.18 16 Oct 1995 16:49:00 JOE_BOSTIC $ */ /*************************************************************************** ** C O N F I D E N T I A L --- W E S T W O O D S T U D I O S ** *************************************************************************** * * * Project Name : Command & Conquer * * * * File Name : MAPEDDLG.CPP * * * * Programmer : Bill Randolph * * * * Start Date : November 18, 1994 * * * * Last Update : December 12, 1994 [BR] * * * *-------------------------------------------------------------------------* * Map Editor dialogs & main menu options * *-------------------------------------------------------------------------* * Functions: * * MapEditClass::New_Scenario -- creates a new scenario * * MapEditClass::Load_Scenario -- loads a scenario INI file * * MapEditClass::Save_Scenario -- saves current scenario to an INI file * * MapEditClass::Pick_Scenario -- dialog for choosing scenario * * MapEditClass::Size_Map -- lets user set size & location of map * * MapEditClass::Scenario_Dialog -- scenario global parameters dialog * * MapEditClass::Handle_Triggers -- processes the trigger dialogs * * MapEditClass::Select_Trigger -- lets user select a trigger * * MapEditClass::Edit_Trigger -- lets user edit a [new] trigger * * MapEditClass::Import_Triggers -- lets user import triggers * * MapEditClass::Import_Teams -- lets user import teams * * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */ #include "function.h" #ifdef SCENARIO_EDITOR /*************************************************************************** * MapEditClass::New_Scenario -- creates a new scenario * * * * - Prompts user for scenario data (house, scenario #); sets globals * * PlayerPtr (for house) & Scenario (for scenario #) * * - Prompts user for map size * * - Initializes the scenario by calling Clear_Scenario(), which calls * * everybody's Init() routine * * * * INPUT: * * none. * * * * OUTPUT: * * 0 = new scenario created, -1 = not * * * * WARNINGS: * * none. * * * * HISTORY: * * 10/21/1994 BR : Created. * *=========================================================================*/ int MapEditClass::New_Scenario(void) { int scen_num = Scenario; ScenarioPlayerType player = ScenPlayer; ScenarioDirType dir = ScenDir; ScenarioVarType var = ScenVar; int rc; HousesType house; /* ------------------------ Prompt for scenario info ------------------------ */ rc = Pick_Scenario("New Scenario", &scen_num, &player, &dir, &var, 1); if (rc != 0) { return(-1); } /* -------------------------- Blow away everything -------------------------- */ Clear_Scenario(); /* ----------------------------- Set parameters ----------------------------- */ Scenario = scen_num; ScenPlayer = player; ScenDir = dir; ScenVar = var; Set_Scenario_Name(ScenarioName,scen_num,player,dir,var); /* ----------------------------- Create houses ------------------------------ */ for (house = HOUSE_FIRST; house < HOUSE_COUNT; house++) { new HouseClass(house); } if (ScenPlayer == SCEN_PLAYER_MPLAYER) { PlayerPtr = HouseClass::As_Pointer(HOUSE_MULTI1); PlayerPtr->IsHuman = true; LastHouse = HOUSE_MULTI1; } else { if (player == SCEN_PLAYER_GDI) { PlayerPtr = HouseClass::As_Pointer(HOUSE_GOOD); PlayerPtr->IsHuman = true; Base.House = HOUSE_BAD; } else { if (player == SCEN_PLAYER_NOD) { PlayerPtr = HouseClass::As_Pointer(HOUSE_BAD); PlayerPtr->IsHuman = true; Base.House = HOUSE_GOOD; } else { PlayerPtr = HouseClass::As_Pointer(HOUSE_MULTI4); PlayerPtr->IsHuman = true; Base.House = HOUSE_MULTI4; } } LastHouse = HOUSE_GOOD; } /* -------------------------- Init the entire map --------------------------- */ Init_Clear(); Fill_In_Data(); /* -------------------------- Prompt for map size --------------------------- */ Size_Map(-1,-1,20,20); /* ------ Set the Home & Reinforcement Cells to the center of the map ------- */ Waypoint[WAYPT_REINF] = XY_Cell(MapCellX + MapCellWidth / 2, MapCellY + MapCellHeight / 2); Waypoint[WAYPT_HOME] = XY_Cell(MapCellX + MapCellWidth / 2, MapCellY + MapCellHeight / 2); (*this)[Coord_Cell(TacticalCoord)].IsWaypoint = 1; Flag_Cell(Coord_Cell(TacticalCoord)); ScenarioInit++; Set_Tactical_Position(Cell_Coord(Waypoint[WAYPT_HOME])); ScenarioInit--; return(0); } /*************************************************************************** * MapEditClass::Load_Scenario -- loads a scenario INI file * * * * - Prompts user for scenario data (house, scenario #); sets globals * * PlayerPtr (for house) & Scenario (for scenario #) * * - Loads the INI file for that scenario * * * * INPUT: * * none. * * * * OUTPUT: * * 0. * * * * WARNINGS: * * none. * * * * HISTORY: * * 10/21/1994 BR : Created. * *=========================================================================*/ int MapEditClass::Load_Scenario(void) { int scen_num = Scenario; ScenarioPlayerType player = ScenPlayer; ScenarioDirType dir = ScenDir; ScenarioVarType var = ScenVar; int rc; /* ------------------------ Prompt for scenario info ------------------------ */ rc = Pick_Scenario("Load Scenario", &scen_num, &player, &dir, &var, 1); if (rc != 0) { return(-1); } /* ----------------------------- Set parameters ----------------------------- */ Scenario = scen_num; ScenPlayer = player; ScenDir = dir; ScenVar = var; Set_Scenario_Name(ScenarioName,scen_num,player,dir,var); /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ Read_Scenario_Ini() must be able to set PlayerPtr to the right house: - Reading the INI will create the house objects - PlayerPtr must be set before any Techno objects are created - For GDI or NOD scenarios, PlayerPtr is set by reading the INI; but for multiplayer, it's set via the MPlayerLocalID; so, here we have to set various multiplayer variables to fool the Assign_Houses() routine into working properly. ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ if (ScenPlayer == SCEN_PLAYER_MPLAYER) { MPlayerLocalID = Build_MPlayerID(2,HOUSE_GOOD); MPlayerCount = 1; LastHouse = HOUSE_MULTI1; } else if (ScenPlayer==SCEN_PLAYER_JP) { PlayerPtr = HouseClass::As_Pointer(HOUSE_MULTI4); PlayerPtr->IsHuman = true; Base.House = HOUSE_MULTI4; } else { LastHouse = HOUSE_GOOD; } /* -------------------------- Blow away everything -------------------------- */ Clear_Scenario(); /* ------------------------------ Read the INI ------------------------------ */ if (Read_Scenario_Ini(ScenarioName) == 0) { CCMessageBox().Process("Unable to read scenario!"); HiddenPage.Clear(); Flag_To_Redraw(true); Render(); } else { Fill_In_Data(); Set_Palette(GamePalette); } return(0); } /*************************************************************************** * MapEditClass::Save_Scenario -- saves current scenario to an INI file * * * * - Prompts user for scenario data (house, scenario #); sets globals * * PlayerPtr (for house) & Scenario (for scenario #) * * - Saves the INI file for this scenario * * * * INPUT: * * none. * * * * OUTPUT: * * 0 = OK, -1 = error/cancel * * * * WARNINGS: * * none. * * * * HISTORY: * * 10/21/1994 BR : Created. * *=========================================================================*/ int MapEditClass::Save_Scenario(void) { int scen_num = Scenario; ScenarioPlayerType player = ScenPlayer; ScenarioDirType dir = ScenDir; ScenarioVarType var = ScenVar; int rc; FILE *fp; char fname[13]; /* ------------------------ Prompt for scenario info ------------------------ */ rc = Pick_Scenario("Save Scenario", &scen_num, &player, &dir, &var, 0); if (rc != 0) { return(-1); } /* ------------------- Warning if scenario already exists ------------------- */ Set_Scenario_Name(fname, scen_num, player, dir, var); fp = fopen(fname,"rb"); if (fp) { fclose(fp); rc = CCMessageBox().Process("File exists. Replace?", TXT_YES, TXT_NO); HiddenPage.Clear(); Flag_To_Redraw(true); Render(); if (rc==1) return(-1); } /* ----------------------------- Set parameters ----------------------------- */ Scenario = scen_num; ScenPlayer = player; ScenDir = dir; ScenVar = var; Set_Scenario_Name(ScenarioName,scen_num,player,dir,var); /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ Player may have changed from GDI to NOD, so change playerptr accordingly ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ if (ScenPlayer == SCEN_PLAYER_GDI || ScenPlayer==SCEN_PLAYER_NOD) { if (ScenPlayer==SCEN_PLAYER_GDI) { PlayerPtr = HouseClass::As_Pointer(HOUSE_GOOD); PlayerPtr->IsHuman = true; Base.House = HOUSE_BAD; } else { if (ScenPlayer == SCEN_PLAYER_NOD) { PlayerPtr = HouseClass::As_Pointer(HOUSE_BAD); PlayerPtr->IsHuman = true; Base.House = HOUSE_GOOD; } else { PlayerPtr = HouseClass::As_Pointer(HOUSE_MULTI4); PlayerPtr->IsHuman = true; Base.House = HOUSE_MULTI4; } } LastHouse = HOUSE_GOOD; } /* ----------------------------- Write the INI ------------------------------ */ Write_Scenario_Ini(ScenarioName); return(0); } /*************************************************************************** * MapEditClass::Pick_Scenario -- dialog for choosing scenario * * * * Prompts user for: * * - House (GDI, NOD) * * - Scenario # * * * * ����������������������������������Ŀ * * � Caption � * * � � * * � Scenario ___ � * * � Version ___ � * * � � * * � [East] [West] � * * � � * * � [ GDI ] � * * � [ NOD ] � * * � [Multi-Player] � * * � � * * � [OK] [Cancel] � * * � � * * ������������������������������������ * * * * INPUT: * * caption string to use as a title * * scen_nump output: ptr to scenario # * * playerp output: ptr to player type * * dirp output: ptr to direction * * varp output: ptr to variation * * multi 1 = allow to change single/multiplayer; 0 = not * * * * OUTPUT: * * 0 = OK, -1 = cancel * * * * WARNINGS: * * none. * * * * HISTORY: * * 10/21/1994 BR : Created. * *=========================================================================*/ int MapEditClass::Pick_Scenario(char const * caption, int *scen_nump, ScenarioPlayerType *playerp, ScenarioDirType *dirp, ScenarioVarType *varp, int multi) { /*........................................................................ Dialog & button dimensions ........................................................................*/ enum { D_DIALOG_W = 400, // dialog width D_DIALOG_H = 328, // dialog height D_DIALOG_X = ((640 - D_DIALOG_W) / 2), // centered x-coord D_DIALOG_Y = ((400 - D_DIALOG_H) / 2), // centered y-coord D_DIALOG_CX = D_DIALOG_X + (D_DIALOG_W / 2), // coord of x-center D_TXT8_H = 22, // ht of 8-pt text D_MARGIN = 14, // margin width/height D_SCEN_W = 90, // Scenario # width D_SCEN_H = 18, // Scenario # height D_SCEN_X = D_DIALOG_CX + 5, // Scenario # x D_SCEN_Y = D_DIALOG_Y + D_MARGIN + D_TXT8_H + D_MARGIN, // Scenario # y D_VARA_W = 26, // Version A width D_VARA_H = 18, // Version A height D_VARA_X = D_DIALOG_CX - (D_VARA_W * 5) / 2, // Version A x D_VARA_Y = D_SCEN_Y + D_SCEN_H + D_MARGIN, // Version A y D_VARB_W = 26, // Version B width D_VARB_H = 18, // Version B height D_VARB_X = D_VARA_X + D_VARA_W, // Version B x D_VARB_Y = D_SCEN_Y + D_SCEN_H + D_MARGIN, // Version B y D_VARC_W = 26, // Version C width D_VARC_H = 18, // Version C height D_VARC_X = D_VARB_X + D_VARB_W, // Version C x D_VARC_Y = D_SCEN_Y + D_SCEN_H + D_MARGIN, // Version C y D_VARD_W = 26, // Version D width D_VARD_H = 18, // Version D height D_VARD_X = D_VARC_X + D_VARC_W, // Version D x D_VARD_Y = D_SCEN_Y + D_SCEN_H + D_MARGIN, // Version D y D_VARLOSE_W = 26, // Version Lose width D_VARLOSE_H = 18, // Version Lose height D_VARLOSE_X = D_VARD_X + D_VARD_W, // Version Lose x D_VARLOSE_Y = D_SCEN_Y + D_SCEN_H + D_MARGIN, // Version Lose y D_EAST_W = 100, // EAST width D_EAST_H = 18, // EAST height D_EAST_X = D_DIALOG_CX - D_EAST_W - 5, // EAST x D_EAST_Y = D_VARLOSE_Y + D_VARLOSE_H + D_MARGIN,// EAST y D_WEST_W = 100, // WEST width D_WEST_H = 18, // WEST height D_WEST_X = D_DIALOG_CX + 5, // WEST x D_WEST_Y = D_VARLOSE_Y + D_VARLOSE_H + D_MARGIN,// EAST y D_GDI_W = 140, // GDI width D_GDI_H = 18, // GDI height D_GDI_X = D_DIALOG_CX - (D_GDI_W / 2), // GDI x D_GDI_Y = D_EAST_Y + D_EAST_H + D_MARGIN, // GDI y D_NOD_W = 140, // NOD width D_NOD_H = 18, // NOD height D_NOD_X = D_DIALOG_CX - (D_NOD_W / 2), // NOD x D_NOD_Y = D_GDI_Y + D_GDI_H, // NOD y D_NEU_W = 140, // Neutral width D_NEU_H = 18, // Neutral height D_NEU_X = D_DIALOG_CX - (D_NOD_W / 2), // Neutral x D_NEU_Y = D_NOD_Y + D_NOD_H, // Neutral y D_MPLAYER_W = 140, // Multi-Player width D_MPLAYER_H = 18, // Multi-Player height D_MPLAYER_X = D_DIALOG_CX - (D_MPLAYER_W / 2), // Multi-Player x D_MPLAYER_Y = D_NEU_Y + D_NEU_H, // Multi-Player y D_OK_W = 90, // OK width D_OK_H = 18, // OK height D_OK_X = D_DIALOG_CX - D_OK_W - 5, // OK x D_OK_Y = D_DIALOG_Y + D_DIALOG_H - D_OK_H - D_MARGIN, // OK y D_CANCEL_W = 90, // Cancel width D_CANCEL_H = 18, // Cancel height D_CANCEL_X = D_DIALOG_CX + 5, // Cancel x D_CANCEL_Y = D_DIALOG_Y + D_DIALOG_H - D_CANCEL_H - D_MARGIN, // Cancel y }; /*........................................................................ Button enumerations ........................................................................*/ enum { BUTTON_GDI=100, BUTTON_NOD, BUTTON_NEUTRAL, BUTTON_MPLAYER, BUTTON_EAST, BUTTON_WEST, BUTTON_OK, BUTTON_CANCEL, BUTTON_SCENARIO, BUTTON_VAR_A, BUTTON_VAR_B, BUTTON_VAR_C, BUTTON_VAR_D, BUTTON_VAR_L, }; /*........................................................................ Redraw values: in order from "top" to "bottom" layer of the dialog ........................................................................*/ typedef enum { REDRAW_NONE = 0, REDRAW_BUTTONS, REDRAW_BACKGROUND, REDRAW_ALL = REDRAW_BACKGROUND } RedrawType; /*........................................................................ Dialog variables ........................................................................*/ RedrawType display; // requested redraw level bool process; // loop while true KeyNumType input; bool cancel = false; // true = user cancels /*........................................................................ Other Variables ........................................................................*/ char scen_buf[10]={0}; // buffer for editing scenario # /*........................................................................ Buttons ........................................................................*/ ControlClass *commands = NULL; // the button list EditClass editbtn (BUTTON_SCENARIO, scen_buf, 5, TPF_6PT_GRAD | TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL | TPF_NOSHADOW, D_SCEN_X, D_SCEN_Y, D_SCEN_W, D_SCEN_H, EditClass::NUMERIC); TextButtonClass varabtn (BUTTON_VAR_A, "A", TPF_CENTER | TPF_6PT_GRAD | TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL | TPF_NOSHADOW, D_VARA_X, D_VARA_Y, D_VARA_W, D_VARA_H); TextButtonClass varbbtn (BUTTON_VAR_B, "B", TPF_CENTER | TPF_6PT_GRAD | TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL | TPF_NOSHADOW, D_VARB_X, D_VARB_Y, D_VARB_W, D_VARB_H); TextButtonClass varcbtn (BUTTON_VAR_C, "C", TPF_CENTER | TPF_6PT_GRAD | TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL | TPF_NOSHADOW, D_VARC_X, D_VARC_Y, D_VARC_W, D_VARC_H); TextButtonClass vardbtn (BUTTON_VAR_D, "D", TPF_CENTER | TPF_6PT_GRAD | TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL | TPF_NOSHADOW, D_VARD_X, D_VARD_Y, D_VARD_W, D_VARD_H); TextButtonClass varlbtn (BUTTON_VAR_L, "L", TPF_CENTER | TPF_6PT_GRAD | TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL | TPF_NOSHADOW, D_VARLOSE_X, D_VARLOSE_Y, D_VARLOSE_W, D_VARLOSE_H); TextButtonClass gdibtn (BUTTON_GDI, "GDI", TPF_CENTER | TPF_6PT_GRAD | TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL | TPF_NOSHADOW, D_GDI_X, D_GDI_Y, D_GDI_W, D_GDI_H); TextButtonClass nodbtn (BUTTON_NOD, "NOD", TPF_CENTER | TPF_6PT_GRAD | TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL | TPF_NOSHADOW, D_NOD_X, D_NOD_Y, D_NOD_W, D_NOD_H); TextButtonClass playermbtn (BUTTON_MPLAYER, "Multi Player", TPF_CENTER | TPF_6PT_GRAD | TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL | TPF_NOSHADOW, D_MPLAYER_X, D_MPLAYER_Y, D_MPLAYER_W, D_MPLAYER_H); TextButtonClass eastbtn (BUTTON_EAST, "East", TPF_CENTER | TPF_6PT_GRAD | TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL | TPF_NOSHADOW, D_EAST_X, D_EAST_Y, D_EAST_W, D_EAST_H); TextButtonClass westbtn (BUTTON_WEST, "West", TPF_CENTER | TPF_6PT_GRAD | TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL | TPF_NOSHADOW, D_WEST_X, D_WEST_Y, D_WEST_W, D_WEST_H); TextButtonClass okbtn (BUTTON_OK, TXT_OK, TPF_CENTER | TPF_6PT_GRAD | TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL | TPF_NOSHADOW, D_OK_X, D_OK_Y, D_OK_W, D_OK_H); TextButtonClass cancelbtn (BUTTON_CANCEL, TXT_CANCEL, TPF_CENTER | TPF_6PT_GRAD | TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL | TPF_NOSHADOW, D_CANCEL_X, D_CANCEL_Y, D_CANCEL_W, D_CANCEL_H); /* ------------------------------- Initialize ------------------------------- */ Set_Logic_Page(SeenBuff); sprintf(scen_buf,"%d",(*scen_nump)); // init edit buffer editbtn.Set_Text(scen_buf,5); varabtn.Turn_Off(); varbbtn.Turn_Off(); varcbtn.Turn_Off(); vardbtn.Turn_Off(); varlbtn.Turn_Off(); switch (*varp) { case SCEN_VAR_A: varabtn.Turn_On(); break; case SCEN_VAR_B: varbbtn.Turn_On(); break; case SCEN_VAR_C: varcbtn.Turn_On(); break; case SCEN_VAR_D: vardbtn.Turn_On(); break; case SCEN_VAR_LOSE: varlbtn.Turn_On(); break; } /* ......................... Create the button list ......................... */ commands = &editbtn; varabtn.Add_Tail(*commands); varbbtn.Add_Tail(*commands); varcbtn.Add_Tail(*commands); vardbtn.Add_Tail(*commands); varlbtn.Add_Tail(*commands); if (multi) { gdibtn.Add_Tail(*commands); nodbtn.Add_Tail(*commands); playermbtn.Add_Tail(*commands); } else { if ((*playerp) == SCEN_PLAYER_MPLAYER) { playermbtn.Add_Tail(*commands); } else { gdibtn.Add_Tail(*commands); nodbtn.Add_Tail(*commands); } } eastbtn.Add_Tail(*commands); westbtn.Add_Tail(*commands); okbtn.Add_Tail(*commands); cancelbtn.Add_Tail(*commands); /* ......................... Init the button states ......................... */ if ((*playerp) == SCEN_PLAYER_GDI) { gdibtn.Turn_On(); nodbtn.Turn_Off(); playermbtn.Turn_Off(); } else { if ((*playerp) == SCEN_PLAYER_NOD) { gdibtn.Turn_Off(); nodbtn.Turn_On(); playermbtn.Turn_Off(); } else { gdibtn.Turn_Off(); nodbtn.Turn_Off(); playermbtn.Turn_On(); } } if ((*dirp)==SCEN_DIR_EAST) { eastbtn.Turn_On(); westbtn.Turn_Off(); } else { eastbtn.Turn_Off(); westbtn.Turn_On(); } /* -------------------------- Main Processing Loop -------------------------- */ display = REDRAW_ALL; process = true; while (process) { /* ** If we have just received input focus again after running in the background then ** we need to redraw. */ if (AllSurfaces.SurfacesRestored){ AllSurfaces.SurfacesRestored=FALSE; display=REDRAW_ALL; } /* ........................ Invoke game callback ......................... */ Call_Back(); /* ...................... Refresh display if needed ...................... */ if (display) { /* ...................... Display the dialog box ...................... */ Hide_Mouse(); if (display >= REDRAW_BACKGROUND) { Dialog_Box(D_DIALOG_X, D_DIALOG_Y, D_DIALOG_W, D_DIALOG_H); Draw_Caption(TXT_NONE, D_DIALOG_X, D_DIALOG_Y, D_DIALOG_W); /* ....................... Draw the captions ....................... */ Fancy_Text_Print(caption, D_DIALOG_CX, D_DIALOG_Y + D_MARGIN, CC_GREEN, TBLACK, TPF_CENTER | TPF_6PT_GRAD | TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL | TPF_NOSHADOW); Fancy_Text_Print("Scenario", D_DIALOG_CX - 5, D_SCEN_Y, CC_GREEN, TBLACK, TPF_RIGHT | TPF_6PT_GRAD | TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL | TPF_NOSHADOW); } /* ........................ Redraw the buttons ........................ */ if (display >= REDRAW_BUTTONS) { commands->Draw_All(); } Show_Mouse(); display = REDRAW_NONE; } /* ........................... Get user input ............................ */ input = commands->Input(); /* ............................ Process input ............................ */ switch (input) { case (BUTTON_VAR_A | KN_BUTTON): (*varp) = SCEN_VAR_A; varabtn.Turn_On(); varbbtn.Turn_Off(); varcbtn.Turn_Off(); vardbtn.Turn_Off(); varlbtn.Turn_Off(); break; case (BUTTON_VAR_B | KN_BUTTON): (*varp) = SCEN_VAR_B; varabtn.Turn_Off(); varbbtn.Turn_On(); varcbtn.Turn_Off(); vardbtn.Turn_Off(); varlbtn.Turn_Off(); break; case (BUTTON_VAR_C | KN_BUTTON): (*varp) = SCEN_VAR_C; varabtn.Turn_Off(); varbbtn.Turn_Off(); varcbtn.Turn_On(); vardbtn.Turn_Off(); varlbtn.Turn_Off(); break; case (BUTTON_VAR_D | KN_BUTTON): (*varp) = SCEN_VAR_D; varabtn.Turn_Off(); varbbtn.Turn_Off(); varcbtn.Turn_Off(); vardbtn.Turn_On(); varlbtn.Turn_Off(); break; case (BUTTON_VAR_L | KN_BUTTON): (*varp) = SCEN_VAR_LOSE; varabtn.Turn_Off(); varbbtn.Turn_Off(); varcbtn.Turn_Off(); vardbtn.Turn_Off(); varlbtn.Turn_On(); break; case (BUTTON_EAST | KN_BUTTON): (*dirp) = SCEN_DIR_EAST; eastbtn.Turn_On(); westbtn.Turn_Off(); break; case (BUTTON_WEST | KN_BUTTON): (*dirp) = SCEN_DIR_WEST; eastbtn.Turn_Off(); westbtn.Turn_On(); break; case (BUTTON_GDI | KN_BUTTON): (*playerp) = SCEN_PLAYER_GDI; gdibtn.Turn_On(); nodbtn.Turn_Off(); playermbtn.Turn_Off(); break; case (BUTTON_NOD | KN_BUTTON): (*playerp) = SCEN_PLAYER_NOD; gdibtn.Turn_Off(); nodbtn.Turn_On(); playermbtn.Turn_Off(); break; case (BUTTON_MPLAYER | KN_BUTTON): (*playerp) = SCEN_PLAYER_MPLAYER; gdibtn.Turn_Off(); nodbtn.Turn_Off(); playermbtn.Turn_On(); break; case (KN_RETURN): case (BUTTON_OK | KN_BUTTON): cancel = false; process = false; break; case (KN_ESC): case (BUTTON_CANCEL | KN_BUTTON): cancel = true; process = false; break; case (BUTTON_SCENARIO | KN_BUTTON): break; default: break; } } /* --------------------------- Redraw the display --------------------------- */ HiddenPage.Clear(); Flag_To_Redraw(true); Render(); /* ------------------------- If cancel, just return ------------------------- */ if (cancel) return(-1); /* ------------------------ Save selections & return ------------------------ */ (*scen_nump) = atoi(scen_buf); return(0); } /*************************************************************************** * MapEditClass::Size_Map -- lets user set size & location of map * * * * Lets the user select a side of the map and expand/shrink it to the * * desired size, or move the whole map around the available map area. * * * * The entire available map area is displayed, but the map is limited such * * that there's always one blank cell around the map; this lets objects * * properly exit the screen, since they have a blank undisplayed cell to * * exit onto. * * * * �����������������������������������������������������Ŀ * * � � * * � ���������������������Ŀ Clear Terrain � * * � � � Water � * * � � � Tiberium � * * � � � Rock/Wall/Road � * * � � (Map Area) � GDI Unit � * * � � � NOD Unit � * * � � � Neutral Unit � * * � � � Terrain Object � * * � � � Starting Cell � * * � ����������������������� � * * � � * * � X Y Width Height � * * � ## ## ## ## � * * � � * * � � * * � [OK] [Cancel] � * * � � * * ������������������������������������������������������� * * * * INPUT: * * x,y,w,h: initial size parameters (-1 = center the thing) * * * * OUTPUT: * * 0 = OK, -1 = cancel * * * * WARNINGS: * * none. * * * * HISTORY: * * 10/21/1994 BR : Created. * *=========================================================================*/ int MapEditClass::Size_Map(int x, int y, int w, int h) { /*........................................................................ Dialog & button dimensions ........................................................................*/ enum { D_DIALOG_W = 480, // dialog width D_DIALOG_H = 280, // dialog height D_DIALOG_X = ((640 - D_DIALOG_W) / 2), // centered x-coord D_DIALOG_Y = ((400 - D_DIALOG_H) / 2), // centered y-coord D_DIALOG_CX = D_DIALOG_X + (D_DIALOG_W / 2), // coord of x-center D_TXT8_H = 22, // ht of 8-pt text D_MARGIN = 14, // margin width/height D_BORD_X1 = D_DIALOG_X + (D_DIALOG_W / 2 - MAP_CELL_W) / 2, D_BORD_Y1 = D_DIALOG_Y + 10, D_BORD_X2 = D_BORD_X1 + MAP_CELL_W + 1, D_BORD_Y2 = D_BORD_Y1 + MAP_CELL_H + 1, D_OK_W = 90, // OK width D_OK_H = 18, // OK height D_OK_X = D_DIALOG_CX - D_OK_W - 5, // OK x D_OK_Y = D_DIALOG_Y + D_DIALOG_H - D_OK_H - D_MARGIN, // OK y D_CANCEL_W = 90, // Cancel width D_CANCEL_H = 18, // Cancel height D_CANCEL_X = D_DIALOG_CX + 5, // Cancel x D_CANCEL_Y = D_DIALOG_Y + D_DIALOG_H - D_CANCEL_H - D_MARGIN, // Cancel y }; /*........................................................................ Button enumerations: ........................................................................*/ enum { BUTTON_OK=100, BUTTON_CANCEL, }; /*........................................................................ Redraw values: in order from "top" to "bottom" layer of the dialog ........................................................................*/ typedef enum { REDRAW_NONE = 0, REDRAW_MAP, // includes map interior & coord values REDRAW_BACKGROUND, // includes box, map bord, key, coord labels, btns REDRAW_ALL = REDRAW_BACKGROUND } RedrawType; /*........................................................................ Dialog variables: ........................................................................*/ bool process; // Loop while true RedrawType display; // requested redraw level bool cancel = false; // true = user cancels KeyNumType input; // user input int grabbed = 0; // 1=TLeft,2=TRight,3=BRight,4=BLeft int map_x1; // map coords x1, pixel coords int map_x2; // map coords x2, pixel coords int map_y1; // map coords y1, pixel coords int map_y2; // map coords y2, pixel coords int delta1, delta2; // mouse-click proximity int mx,my; // last-saved mouse coords char txt[40]; int txt_x,txt_y; // for displaying text unsigned index; // for drawing map symbology CELL cell; // for drawing map symbology int color; // for drawing map symbology ObjectClass * occupier; // cell's occupier /*........................................................................ Buttons ........................................................................*/ ControlClass *commands = NULL; TextButtonClass okbtn (BUTTON_OK, TXT_OK, TPF_CENTER | TPF_6PT_GRAD | TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL | TPF_NOSHADOW, D_OK_X, D_OK_Y, D_OK_W, D_OK_H); TextButtonClass cancelbtn (BUTTON_CANCEL, TXT_CANCEL, TPF_CENTER | TPF_6PT_GRAD | TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL | TPF_NOSHADOW, D_CANCEL_X, D_CANCEL_Y, D_CANCEL_W, D_CANCEL_H); /* ------------------------------- Initialize ------------------------------- */ Set_Logic_Page(SeenBuff); /*........................................................................ Set up the actual map area relative to the map's border coords ........................................................................*/ if (x==-1) { map_x1 = D_BORD_X1 + (MAP_CELL_W - w) / 2 + 1; } else { map_x1 = D_BORD_X1 + x + 1; } if (y==-1) { map_y1 = D_BORD_Y1 + (MAP_CELL_H - h) / 2 + 1; } else { map_y1 = D_BORD_Y1 + y + 1; } map_x2 = map_x1 + w - 1; map_y2 = map_y1 + h - 1; /* ------------------------- Build the button list -------------------------- */ commands = &okbtn; cancelbtn.Add_Tail(*commands); /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ Main processing loop ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ display = REDRAW_ALL; process = true; while (process) { /* ** If we have just received input focus again after running in the background then ** we need to redraw. */ if (AllSurfaces.SurfacesRestored){ AllSurfaces.SurfacesRestored=FALSE; display=REDRAW_ALL; } /* ------------------------ Invoke game callback ------------------------- */ Call_Back(); /* ---------------------- Refresh display if needed ---------------------- */ if (display) { Hide_Mouse(); /*------------------------------------------------------------------ Redraw the background, map border, key, and coord labels ------------------------------------------------------------------*/ if (display >= REDRAW_BACKGROUND) { /* .......................... Background ........................... */ Dialog_Box(D_DIALOG_X, D_DIALOG_Y, D_DIALOG_W, D_DIALOG_H); Draw_Caption(TXT_NONE, D_DIALOG_X, D_DIALOG_Y, D_DIALOG_W); /* ..................... Draw the map border ....................... */ LogicPage->Lock(); LogicPage->Draw_Rect(D_BORD_X1, D_BORD_Y1, D_BORD_X2, D_BORD_Y2, CC_GREEN_SHADOW); for (index = D_BORD_X1; index < D_BORD_X2; index += (320/ICON_PIXEL_W)) { LogicPage->Put_Pixel(index, D_BORD_Y1-1, CC_GREEN_SHADOW); LogicPage->Put_Pixel(index, D_BORD_Y2+1, CC_GREEN_SHADOW); } for (index = D_BORD_Y1; index < D_BORD_Y2-8; index += (200/ICON_PIXEL_H)) { LogicPage->Put_Pixel(D_BORD_X1-1, index, CC_GREEN_SHADOW); LogicPage->Put_Pixel(D_BORD_X2+1, index, CC_GREEN_SHADOW); } /*............................................................... Draw the map "key" ...............................................................*/ txt_x = D_DIALOG_CX; txt_y = D_DIALOG_Y + 8; Fancy_Text_Print("Clear Terrain", txt_x, txt_y, LTGREY, TBLACK, TPF_DROPSHADOW | TPF_6POINT); txt_y += 16; Fancy_Text_Print("Water", txt_x, txt_y, BLUE, TBLACK, TPF_DROPSHADOW | TPF_6POINT); txt_y += 16; Fancy_Text_Print("Tiberium", txt_x, txt_y, GREY, TBLACK, TPF_DROPSHADOW | TPF_6POINT); txt_y += 16; Fancy_Text_Print("Rock/Wall/Road", txt_x, txt_y, BROWN, TBLACK, TPF_DROPSHADOW | TPF_6POINT); txt_y += 16; Fancy_Text_Print("GDI Unit", txt_x, txt_y, YELLOW, TBLACK, TPF_DROPSHADOW | TPF_6POINT); txt_y += 16; Fancy_Text_Print("Nod Unit", txt_x, txt_y, RED, TBLACK, TPF_DROPSHADOW | TPF_6POINT); txt_y += 16; Fancy_Text_Print("Neutral Unit", txt_x, txt_y, PURPLE, TBLACK, TPF_DROPSHADOW | TPF_6POINT); txt_y += 16; Fancy_Text_Print("Terrain Object", txt_x, txt_y, DKGREEN, TBLACK, TPF_DROPSHADOW | TPF_6POINT); txt_y += 16; Fancy_Text_Print("Starting Cell", txt_x, txt_y, WHITE, TBLACK, TPF_DROPSHADOW | TPF_6POINT); /* .................. Draw the coordinate labels ................... */ txt_x = D_DIALOG_X + D_DIALOG_W / 8; txt_y = D_DIALOG_Y + D_DIALOG_H - D_OK_H - 10 - 33; Fancy_Text_Print("X", txt_x, txt_y, CC_GREEN, TBLACK, TPF_CENTER | TPF_6PT_GRAD | TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL | TPF_NOSHADOW); txt_x += (D_DIALOG_W - 20) / 4; Fancy_Text_Print("Y", txt_x, txt_y, CC_GREEN, TBLACK, TPF_CENTER | TPF_6PT_GRAD | TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL | TPF_NOSHADOW); txt_x += (D_DIALOG_W - 20) / 4; Fancy_Text_Print("Width", txt_x, txt_y, CC_GREEN, TBLACK, TPF_CENTER | TPF_6PT_GRAD | TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL | TPF_NOSHADOW); txt_x += (D_DIALOG_W - 20) / 4; Fancy_Text_Print("Height", txt_x, txt_y, CC_GREEN, TBLACK, TPF_CENTER | TPF_6PT_GRAD | TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL | TPF_NOSHADOW); LogicPage->Unlock(); /* ...................... Redraw the buttons ....................... */ commands->Flag_List_To_Redraw(); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------ Redraw the map symbology & location ------------------------------------------------------------------*/ if (display >= REDRAW_MAP) { LogicPage->Lock(); /* .................... Erase the map interior ..................... */ LogicPage->Fill_Rect(D_BORD_X1 + 1, D_BORD_Y1 + 1, D_BORD_X2 - 1, D_BORD_Y2 - 1, BLACK); /*............................................................... Draw Land map symbols (use color according to Ground[] array). ...............................................................*/ for (cell=0; cell < MAP_CELL_TOTAL; cell++) { occupier = (*this)[cell].Cell_Occupier(); if (occupier == NULL) { color = Ground[(*this)[cell].Land_Type()].Color; LogicPage->Put_Pixel(D_BORD_X1 + Cell_X(cell) + 1, D_BORD_Y1 + Cell_Y(cell) + 1, color); } } LogicPage->Unlock(); /* ................. Draw the actual map location .................. */ LogicPage->Draw_Rect(map_x1, map_y1, map_x2, map_y2, WHITE); switch (grabbed) { case 1: LogicPage->Draw_Line(map_x1, map_y1, map_x1 + 5, map_y1, BLUE); LogicPage->Draw_Line(map_x1, map_y1, map_x1, map_y1 + 5, BLUE); break; case 2: LogicPage->Draw_Line(map_x2, map_y1, map_x2 - 5, map_y1, BLUE); LogicPage->Draw_Line(map_x2, map_y1, map_x2, map_y1 + 5, BLUE); break; case 3: LogicPage->Draw_Line(map_x2, map_y2, map_x2 - 5, map_y2, BLUE); LogicPage->Draw_Line(map_x2, map_y2, map_x2, map_y2 - 5, BLUE); break; case 4: LogicPage->Draw_Line(map_x1, map_y2, map_x1 + 5, map_y2, BLUE); LogicPage->Draw_Line(map_x1, map_y2, map_x1, map_y2 - 5, BLUE); break; case 5: LogicPage->Draw_Rect(map_x1, map_y1, map_x2, map_y2, BLUE); break; default: break; } /*............................................................... Draw Unit map symbols (Use the radar map color according to that specified in the house type class object. DKGREEN = terrain object ...............................................................*/ for (cell=0; cell < MAP_CELL_TOTAL; cell++) { occupier = (*this)[cell].Cell_Occupier(); if (occupier) { color = DKGREEN; if (occupier && occupier->Owner() != HOUSE_NONE) { color = HouseClass::As_Pointer(occupier->Owner())->Class->Color; } LogicPage->Put_Pixel(D_BORD_X1 + Cell_X(cell) + 1, D_BORD_Y1 + Cell_Y(cell) + 1, color); } } /* ...................... Draw Home location ....................... */ LogicPage->Put_Pixel(D_BORD_X1 + Cell_X(Waypoint[WAYPT_HOME]) + 1, D_BORD_Y1 + Cell_Y(Waypoint[WAYPT_HOME]) + 1, WHITE); /* ..................... Erase old coordinates ..................... */ LogicPage->Fill_Rect( D_DIALOG_X + 7, D_DIALOG_Y + D_DIALOG_H - D_OK_H - 10 - 22, D_DIALOG_X + D_DIALOG_W - 7, D_DIALOG_Y + D_DIALOG_H - D_OK_H - 10 - 22 + 10, BLACK); /* ..................... Draw the coordinates ...................... */ txt_x = D_DIALOG_X + D_DIALOG_W / 8; txt_y = D_DIALOG_Y + D_DIALOG_H - D_OK_H - 10 - 22; sprintf(txt,"%d",map_x1 - D_BORD_X1 - 1); Fancy_Text_Print(txt, txt_x, txt_y, CC_GREEN, TBLACK, TPF_CENTER | TPF_6PT_GRAD | TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL | TPF_NOSHADOW); txt_x += (D_DIALOG_W - 20) / 4; sprintf(txt,"%d",map_y1 - D_BORD_Y1 - 1); Fancy_Text_Print(txt, txt_x, txt_y, CC_GREEN, TBLACK, TPF_CENTER | TPF_6PT_GRAD | TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL | TPF_NOSHADOW); txt_x += (D_DIALOG_W - 20) / 4; sprintf(txt,"%d",map_x2 - map_x1 + 1); Fancy_Text_Print(txt, txt_x, txt_y, CC_GREEN, TBLACK, TPF_CENTER | TPF_6PT_GRAD | TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL | TPF_NOSHADOW); txt_x += (D_DIALOG_W - 20) / 4; sprintf(txt,"%d",map_y2 - map_y1 + 1); Fancy_Text_Print(txt, txt_x, txt_y, CC_GREEN, TBLACK, TPF_CENTER | TPF_6PT_GRAD | TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL | TPF_NOSHADOW); } Show_Mouse(); display = REDRAW_NONE; } /* ------------------------- Process user input -------------------------- */ input = commands->Input(); /*..................................................................... Normal button processing: This is done when the mouse button is NOT being held down ('grabbed' is 0). .....................................................................*/ if (grabbed == 0) { switch (input) { case (KN_RETURN): case (BUTTON_OK | KN_BUTTON): cancel = false; process = false; break; case (KN_ESC): case (BUTTON_CANCEL | KN_BUTTON): cancel = true; process = false; break; case KN_LMOUSE: /* ....................... Grab top left ........................ */ delta1 = abs(_Kbd->MouseQX - map_x1); delta2 = abs(_Kbd->MouseQY - map_y1); if (delta1 < 3 && delta2 < 3) { grabbed = 1; mx = _Kbd->MouseQX; my = _Kbd->MouseQY; display = REDRAW_MAP; break; } /* ...................... Grab top right ........................ */ delta1 = abs(_Kbd->MouseQX - map_x2); delta2 = abs(_Kbd->MouseQY - map_y1); if (delta1 < 3 && delta2 < 3) { grabbed = 2; mx = _Kbd->MouseQX; my = _Kbd->MouseQY; display = REDRAW_MAP; break; } /* ..................... Grab bottom right ...................... */ delta1 = abs(_Kbd->MouseQX - map_x2); delta2 = abs(_Kbd->MouseQY - map_y2); if (delta1 < 3 && delta2 < 3) { grabbed = 3; mx = _Kbd->MouseQX; my = _Kbd->MouseQY; display = REDRAW_MAP; break; } /* ..................... Grab bottom left ....................... */ delta1 = abs(_Kbd->MouseQX - map_x1); delta2 = abs(_Kbd->MouseQY - map_y2); if (delta1 < 3 && delta2 < 3) { grabbed = 4; mx = _Kbd->MouseQX; my = _Kbd->MouseQY; display = REDRAW_MAP; break; } /* ..................... Grab the whole map ..................... */ delta1 = abs(_Kbd->MouseQX - ((map_x1 + map_x2) / 2)); delta2 = abs(_Kbd->MouseQY - ((map_y1 + map_y2) / 2)); if (delta1 < (map_x2 - map_x1) / 4 && delta2 < (map_y2 - map_y1) / 4) { grabbed = 5; mx = _Kbd->MouseQX; my = _Kbd->MouseQY; display = REDRAW_MAP; } break; default: break; } } else { /*..................................................................... Mouse motion processing: This is done while the left mouse button IS being held down. - First, check for the button release; if detected, un-grab - Then, handle mouse motion. WWLIB doesn't pass through a KN_MOUSE_MOVE value while the button is being held down, so this case must be trapped as a default. .....................................................................*/ switch (input) { case ((int)KN_LMOUSE | (int)KN_RLSE_BIT): grabbed = 0; display = REDRAW_MAP; break; default: delta1 = Get_Mouse_X() - mx; delta2 = Get_Mouse_Y() - my; if (delta1==0 && delta2==0) { break; } /* ....................... Move top left ........................ */ if (grabbed==1) { map_x1 += delta1; if (map_x1 > map_x2 - 2) { map_x1 = map_x2 - 2; } else { if (map_x1 < D_BORD_X1 + 2) { map_x1 = D_BORD_X1 + 2; } } map_y1 += delta2; if (map_y1 > map_y2 - 2) { map_y1 = map_y2 - 2; } else { if (map_y1 < D_BORD_Y1 + 2) { map_y1 = D_BORD_Y1 + 2; } } display = REDRAW_MAP; mx = Get_Mouse_X(); my = Get_Mouse_Y(); } /* ....................... Move top right ....................... */ if (grabbed==2) { map_x2 += delta1; if (map_x2 < map_x1 + 2) { map_x2 = map_x1 + 2; } else { if (map_x2 > D_BORD_X2 - 2) { map_x2 = D_BORD_X2 - 2; } } map_y1 += delta2; if (map_y1 > map_y2 - 2) { map_y1 = map_y2 - 2; } else { if (map_y1 < D_BORD_Y1 + 2) { map_y1 = D_BORD_Y1 + 2; } } display = REDRAW_MAP; mx = Get_Mouse_X(); my = Get_Mouse_Y(); } /* ..................... Move bottom right ...................... */ if (grabbed==3) { map_x2 += delta1; if (map_x2 < map_x1 + 2) { map_x2 = map_x1 + 2; } else { if (map_x2 > D_BORD_X2 - 2) { map_x2 = D_BORD_X2 - 2; } } map_y2 += delta2; if (map_y2 < map_y1 + 2) { map_y2 = map_y1 + 2; } else { if (map_y2 > D_BORD_Y2 - 2) { map_y2 = D_BORD_Y2 - 2; } } display = REDRAW_MAP; mx = Get_Mouse_X(); my = Get_Mouse_Y(); } /* ...................... Move bottom left ...................... */ if (grabbed==4) { map_x1 += delta1; if (map_x1 > map_x2 - 2) { map_x1 = map_x2 - 2; } else { if (map_x1 < D_BORD_X1 + 2) { map_x1 = D_BORD_X1 + 2; } } map_y2 += delta2; if (map_y2 < map_y1 + 2) { map_y2 = map_y1 + 2; } else { if (map_y2 > D_BORD_Y2 - 2) { map_y2 = D_BORD_Y2 - 2; } } display = REDRAW_MAP; mx = Get_Mouse_X(); my = Get_Mouse_Y(); } /* ....................... Move whole map ....................... */ if (grabbed==5) { if (map_x1 + delta1 > D_BORD_X1 + 1 && map_x2 + delta1 < D_BORD_X2 - 1) { map_x1 += delta1; map_x2 += delta1; } if (map_y1 + delta2 > D_BORD_Y1 + 1 && map_y2 + delta2 < D_BORD_Y2 - 1) { map_y1 += delta2; map_y2 += delta2; } display = REDRAW_MAP; mx = Get_Mouse_X(); my = Get_Mouse_Y(); } break; } } } /* --------------------------- Redraw the display --------------------------- */ HiddenPage.Clear(); Flag_To_Redraw(true); Render(); /* ------------------------- If cancel, just return ------------------------- */ if (cancel) { return(-1); } /* ---------------------------- Save selections ----------------------------- */ MapCellX = map_x1 - D_BORD_X1 - 1; MapCellY = map_y1 - D_BORD_Y1 - 1; MapCellWidth = map_x2 - map_x1 + 1; MapCellHeight = map_y2 - map_y1 + 1; /* --------------------- Clip Home Cell to new map size --------------------- */ if (Cell_X(Waypoint[WAYPT_HOME]) < MapCellX) { Waypoint[WAYPT_HOME] = XY_Cell(MapCellX, Cell_Y(Waypoint[WAYPT_HOME])); } if (Cell_X(Waypoint[WAYPT_HOME]) > MapCellX + MapCellWidth - 1) { Waypoint[WAYPT_HOME] = XY_Cell(MapCellX + MapCellWidth - 1, Cell_Y(Waypoint[WAYPT_HOME])); } if (Cell_Y(Waypoint[WAYPT_HOME]) < MapCellY) { Waypoint[WAYPT_HOME] = XY_Cell(Cell_X(Waypoint[WAYPT_HOME]), MapCellY); } if (Cell_Y(Waypoint[WAYPT_HOME]) > MapCellY + MapCellHeight - 1) { Waypoint[WAYPT_HOME] = XY_Cell(Cell_X(Waypoint[WAYPT_HOME]), MapCellY + MapCellHeight - 1); } return(0); } /*************************************************************************** * MapEditClass::Scenario_Dialog -- scenario global parameters dialog * * * * Lets the user edit the Theater, starting credits for houses, and the * * Edge for HOUSE_GOOD & HOUSE_BAD. * * * * ���������������������������������������������������������������������Ŀ * * � Theater Credits / 1000 � * * � ���������������Ŀ � * * � � Temperate � GDI: _____ � * * � � Desert � NOD: _____ � * * � � Jungle � Neutral: _____ � * * � � � � * * � ����������������� � * * � Build Level:___ � * * � � * * � Reinforcements � * * � � * * � GDI NOD � * * � � * * � � * * � <- -> <- -> � * * � � * * � � * * � � * * � [OK] [Cancel] � * * � � * * ����������������������������������������������������������������������� * * * * INPUT: * * none. * * * * OUTPUT: * * 0 = OK, -1 = cancel * * * * WARNINGS: * * Uses HIDBUFF. * * * * HISTORY: * * 11/14/1994 BR : Created. * *=========================================================================*/ int MapEditClass::Scenario_Dialog(void) { /*........................................................................ Dialog & button dimensions ........................................................................*/ enum { D_DIALOG_W = 544, D_DIALOG_H = 320, D_DIALOG_X = ((640 - D_DIALOG_W) / 2), D_DIALOG_Y = ((400 - D_DIALOG_H) / 2), D_DIALOG_CX = D_DIALOG_X + (D_DIALOG_W / 2), D_TXT8_H = 22, D_MARGIN = 14, D_THEATER_W = 200, D_THEATER_H = 68, D_THEATER_X = D_DIALOG_X + D_MARGIN, D_THEATER_Y = D_DIALOG_Y + D_MARGIN + D_TXT8_H, D_LEVEL_W = 80, D_LEVEL_H = 18, D_LEVEL_X = D_THEATER_X + D_THEATER_W - D_LEVEL_W, D_LEVEL_Y = D_THEATER_Y + D_THEATER_H + D_MARGIN, D_GDICRED_W = 120, D_GDICRED_H = 18, D_GDICRED_X = D_DIALOG_X + D_DIALOG_W - D_MARGIN - D_GDICRED_W, D_GDICRED_Y = D_DIALOG_Y + D_MARGIN + D_TXT8_H, D_NODCRED_W = 120, D_NODCRED_H = 18, D_NODCRED_X = D_GDICRED_X, D_NODCRED_Y = D_GDICRED_Y + D_GDICRED_H, D_NEUTCRED_W = 120, D_NEUTCRED_H = 18, D_NEUTCRED_X = D_GDICRED_X, D_NEUTCRED_Y = D_NODCRED_Y + D_NODCRED_H, D_GDIN_W = 26, D_GDIN_H = 18, D_GDIN_X = D_DIALOG_CX - 5 - D_GDIN_W * 2, D_GDIN_Y = D_LEVEL_Y + D_LEVEL_H + D_MARGIN + D_TXT8_H + D_MARGIN + D_TXT8_H, D_GDIS_W = 26, D_GDIS_H = 18, D_GDIS_X = D_GDIN_X, D_GDIS_Y = D_GDIN_Y + D_GDIN_H * 2, D_GDIW_W = 26, D_GDIW_H = 18, D_GDIW_X = D_DIALOG_CX - 5 - D_GDIN_W * 3, D_GDIW_Y = D_GDIN_Y + D_GDIN_H, D_GDIE_W = 26, D_GDIE_H = 18, D_GDIE_X = D_DIALOG_CX - 5 - D_GDIN_W, D_GDIE_Y = D_GDIN_Y + D_GDIN_H, D_NODN_W = 26, D_NODN_H = 18, D_NODN_X = D_DIALOG_CX + 5 + D_NODN_W, D_NODN_Y = D_LEVEL_Y + D_LEVEL_H + D_MARGIN + D_TXT8_H + D_MARGIN + D_TXT8_H, D_NODS_W = 26, D_NODS_H = 18, D_NODS_X = D_NODN_X, D_NODS_Y = D_NODN_Y + D_NODN_H * 2, D_NODW_W = 26, D_NODW_H = 18, D_NODW_X = D_DIALOG_CX + 5, D_NODW_Y = D_NODN_Y + D_NODN_H, D_NODE_W = 26, D_NODE_H = 18, D_NODE_X = D_DIALOG_CX + 5 + D_NODN_W * 2, D_NODE_Y = D_NODN_Y + D_NODN_H, D_OK_W = 90, D_OK_H = 18, D_OK_X = D_DIALOG_CX - D_OK_W - 5, D_OK_Y = D_DIALOG_Y + D_DIALOG_H - D_OK_H - D_MARGIN, D_CANCEL_W = 90, D_CANCEL_H = 18, D_CANCEL_X = D_DIALOG_CX + 5, D_CANCEL_Y = D_DIALOG_Y + D_DIALOG_H - D_CANCEL_H - D_MARGIN, }; /*........................................................................ Button enumerations: ........................................................................*/ enum { LIST_THEATER=100, TEDIT_LEVEL, TEDIT_GDICRED, TEDIT_NODCRED, TEDIT_NEUTCRED, BUTTON_GDI_N, BUTTON_GDI_E, BUTTON_GDI_S, BUTTON_GDI_W, BUTTON_NOD_N, BUTTON_NOD_E, BUTTON_NOD_S, BUTTON_NOD_W, BUTTON_OK, BUTTON_CANCEL, }; /*........................................................................ Redraw values: in order from "top" to "bottom" layer of the dialog ........................................................................*/ typedef enum { REDRAW_NONE = 0, REDRAW_BUTTONS, // includes map interior & coord values REDRAW_BACKGROUND, // includes box, map bord, key, coord labels, btns REDRAW_ALL = REDRAW_BACKGROUND } RedrawType; /*........................................................................ Dialog variables: ........................................................................*/ KeyNumType input; // input from user bool process; // loop while true RedrawType display; // true = re-draw everything bool cancel = false; // true = user cancels /* .......................... Scenario parameters ........................... */ TheaterType theater; // DisplayClass::Theater TheaterType orig_theater; // original theater long gdi_credits; // HouseClass::As_Pointer(HouseType)->Credits long nod_credits; // HouseClass::As_Pointer(HouseType)->Credits long neut_credits; // HouseClass::As_Pointer(HouseType)->Credits SourceType gdi_edge; // HouseClass::As_Pointer(HouseType)->Edge SourceType nod_edge; // HouseClass::As_Pointer(HouseType)->Edge char level_buf[10] = {0}; char gdicred_buf[10] = {0}; char nodcred_buf[10] = {0}; char neutcred_buf[10] = {0}; /* ....................... Theater-changing variables ....................... */ unsigned char theater_mask; // template/terrain mask TerrainClass * terrain; // cell's terrain pointer CELL i; // loop counter /*........................................................................ Buttons ........................................................................*/ ControlClass *commands = NULL; // the button list ListClass theaterbtn (LIST_THEATER, D_THEATER_X, D_THEATER_Y, D_THEATER_W, D_THEATER_H, TPF_6PT_GRAD | TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL | TPF_NOSHADOW, Hires_Retrieve("BTN-UP.SHP"), Hires_Retrieve("BTN-DN.SHP")); EditClass leveledt (TEDIT_GDICRED, level_buf, 4, TPF_6PT_GRAD | TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL | TPF_NOSHADOW, D_LEVEL_X, D_LEVEL_Y, D_LEVEL_W, D_LEVEL_H, EditClass::NUMERIC); EditClass gdicred (TEDIT_GDICRED, gdicred_buf, 8, TPF_6PT_GRAD | TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL | TPF_NOSHADOW, D_GDICRED_X, D_GDICRED_Y, D_GDICRED_W, D_GDICRED_H, EditClass::NUMERIC); EditClass nodcred (TEDIT_NODCRED, nodcred_buf, 8, TPF_6PT_GRAD | TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL | TPF_NOSHADOW, D_NODCRED_X, D_NODCRED_Y, D_NODCRED_W, D_NODCRED_H, EditClass::NUMERIC); EditClass neutcred (TEDIT_NEUTCRED, neutcred_buf, 8, TPF_6PT_GRAD | TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL | TPF_NOSHADOW, D_NEUTCRED_X, D_NEUTCRED_Y, D_NEUTCRED_W, D_NEUTCRED_H, EditClass::NUMERIC); TextButtonClass gdinbtn (BUTTON_GDI_N, TXT_UP, TPF_CENTER | TPF_6PT_GRAD | TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL | TPF_NOSHADOW, D_GDIN_X, D_GDIN_Y, D_GDIN_W, D_GDIN_H); TextButtonClass gdiebtn (BUTTON_GDI_E, TXT_RIGHT, TPF_CENTER | TPF_6PT_GRAD | TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL | TPF_NOSHADOW, D_GDIE_X, D_GDIE_Y, D_GDIE_W, D_GDIE_H); TextButtonClass gdisbtn (BUTTON_GDI_S, TXT_DOWN, TPF_CENTER | TPF_6PT_GRAD | TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL | TPF_NOSHADOW, D_GDIS_X, D_GDIS_Y, D_GDIS_W, D_GDIS_H); TextButtonClass gdiwbtn (BUTTON_GDI_W, TXT_LEFT, TPF_CENTER | TPF_6PT_GRAD | TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL | TPF_NOSHADOW, D_GDIW_X, D_GDIW_Y, D_GDIW_W, D_GDIW_H); TextButtonClass nodnbtn (BUTTON_NOD_N, TXT_UP, TPF_CENTER | TPF_6PT_GRAD | TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL | TPF_NOSHADOW, D_NODN_X, D_NODN_Y, D_NODN_W, D_NODN_H); TextButtonClass nodebtn (BUTTON_NOD_E, TXT_RIGHT, TPF_CENTER | TPF_6PT_GRAD | TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL | TPF_NOSHADOW, D_NODE_X, D_NODE_Y, D_NODE_W, D_NODE_H); TextButtonClass nodsbtn (BUTTON_NOD_S, TXT_DOWN, TPF_CENTER | TPF_6PT_GRAD | TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL | TPF_NOSHADOW, D_NODS_X, D_NODS_Y, D_NODS_W, D_NODS_H); TextButtonClass nodwbtn (BUTTON_NOD_W, TXT_LEFT, TPF_CENTER | TPF_6PT_GRAD | TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL | TPF_NOSHADOW, D_NODW_X, D_NODW_Y, D_NODW_W, D_NODW_H); TextButtonClass okbtn (BUTTON_OK, TXT_OK, TPF_CENTER | TPF_6PT_GRAD | TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL | TPF_NOSHADOW, D_OK_X, D_OK_Y, D_OK_W, D_OK_H); TextButtonClass cancelbtn (BUTTON_CANCEL, TXT_CANCEL, TPF_CENTER | TPF_6PT_GRAD | TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL | TPF_NOSHADOW, D_CANCEL_X, D_CANCEL_Y, D_CANCEL_W, D_CANCEL_H); /* ------------------------------- Initialize ------------------------------- */ Set_Logic_Page(SeenBuff); /* .......................... Fill in theater items ......................... */ theaterbtn.Add_Item("Desert"); theaterbtn.Add_Item("Jungle"); theaterbtn.Add_Item("Temperate"); theaterbtn.Add_Item("Winter"); /* ............................ Init parameters ............................. */ orig_theater = theater = Theater; if (ScenPlayer != SCEN_PLAYER_MPLAYER) { gdi_credits = HouseClass::As_Pointer(HOUSE_GOOD)->Credits / 1000L; nod_credits = HouseClass::As_Pointer(HOUSE_BAD)->Credits / 1000L; neut_credits = HouseClass::As_Pointer(HOUSE_NEUTRAL)->Credits / 1000L; gdi_edge = HouseClass::As_Pointer(HOUSE_GOOD)->Edge; nod_edge = HouseClass::As_Pointer(HOUSE_BAD)->Edge; } else { gdi_credits = 0; nod_credits = 0; neut_credits = 0; gdi_edge = SOURCE_NONE; nod_edge = SOURCE_NONE; } /* ............................ Create the list ............................. */ commands = &theaterbtn; leveledt.Add_Tail(*commands); gdicred.Add_Tail(*commands); nodcred.Add_Tail(*commands); neutcred.Add_Tail(*commands); gdinbtn.Add_Tail(*commands); gdiebtn.Add_Tail(*commands); gdisbtn.Add_Tail(*commands); gdiwbtn.Add_Tail(*commands); nodnbtn.Add_Tail(*commands); nodebtn.Add_Tail(*commands); nodsbtn.Add_Tail(*commands); nodwbtn.Add_Tail(*commands); okbtn.Add_Tail(*commands); cancelbtn.Add_Tail(*commands); /* ...................... Init GDI Edge button states ....................... */ if (gdi_edge==SOURCE_NORTH) gdinbtn.Turn_On(); if (gdi_edge==SOURCE_EAST) gdiebtn.Turn_On(); if (gdi_edge==SOURCE_SOUTH) gdisbtn.Turn_On(); if (gdi_edge==SOURCE_WEST) gdiwbtn.Turn_On(); /* ...................... Init NOD Edge button states ....................... */ if (nod_edge==SOURCE_NORTH) nodnbtn.Turn_On(); if (nod_edge==SOURCE_EAST) nodebtn.Turn_On(); if (nod_edge==SOURCE_SOUTH) nodsbtn.Turn_On(); if (nod_edge==SOURCE_WEST) nodwbtn.Turn_On(); /* .......................... Init credits buffers .......................... */ sprintf(level_buf,"%ld",BuildLevel); leveledt.Set_Text(level_buf,4); sprintf(gdicred_buf,"%ld",gdi_credits); gdicred.Set_Text(gdicred_buf,8); sprintf(nodcred_buf,"%ld",nod_credits); nodcred.Set_Text(nodcred_buf,8); sprintf(neutcred_buf,"%ld",neut_credits); neutcred.Set_Text(neutcred_buf,8); theaterbtn.Set_Selected_Index(orig_theater - THEATER_NONE - 1); /* -------------------------- Main Processing Loop -------------------------- */ display = REDRAW_ALL; process = true; while (process) { /* ** If we have just received input focus again after running in the background then ** we need to redraw. */ if (AllSurfaces.SurfacesRestored){ AllSurfaces.SurfacesRestored=FALSE; display=REDRAW_ALL; } /* ........................ Invoke game callback ......................... */ Call_Back(); /* ...................... Refresh display if needed ...................... */ if (display) { Hide_Mouse(); if (display >= REDRAW_BACKGROUND) { /* ..................... Draw the background ....................... */ Dialog_Box(D_DIALOG_X, D_DIALOG_Y, D_DIALOG_W, D_DIALOG_H); Draw_Caption(TXT_NONE, D_DIALOG_X, D_DIALOG_Y, D_DIALOG_W); /* ....................... Draw the labels ......................... */ Fancy_Text_Print("Theater", D_THEATER_X + D_THEATER_W / 2, D_THEATER_Y - D_TXT8_H, CC_GREEN, TBLACK, TPF_CENTER | TPF_6PT_GRAD | TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL | TPF_NOSHADOW); Fancy_Text_Print("Build Level", D_LEVEL_X, D_LEVEL_Y, CC_GREEN, TBLACK, TPF_RIGHT | TPF_6PT_GRAD | TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL | TPF_NOSHADOW); Fancy_Text_Print("Credits/1000", D_GDICRED_X + D_GDICRED_W / 2, D_GDICRED_Y - D_TXT8_H, CC_GREEN, TBLACK, TPF_CENTER | TPF_6PT_GRAD | TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL | TPF_NOSHADOW); Fancy_Text_Print ("GDI", D_GDICRED_X - 5, D_GDICRED_Y, CC_GREEN, TBLACK, TPF_RIGHT | TPF_6PT_GRAD | TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL | TPF_NOSHADOW); Fancy_Text_Print ("NOD", D_NODCRED_X - 5, D_NODCRED_Y, CC_GREEN, TBLACK, TPF_RIGHT | TPF_6PT_GRAD | TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL | TPF_NOSHADOW); Fancy_Text_Print ("Neutral", D_NEUTCRED_X - 5, D_NEUTCRED_Y, CC_GREEN, TBLACK, TPF_RIGHT | TPF_6PT_GRAD | TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL | TPF_NOSHADOW); Fancy_Text_Print ("Reinforcements", D_DIALOG_CX, D_LEVEL_Y + D_LEVEL_H + D_MARGIN, CC_GREEN, TBLACK, TPF_CENTER | TPF_6PT_GRAD | TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL | TPF_NOSHADOW); Fancy_Text_Print ("GDI", D_GDIN_X + D_GDIN_W / 2, D_GDIN_Y - D_TXT8_H, CC_GREEN, TBLACK, TPF_CENTER | TPF_6PT_GRAD | TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL | TPF_NOSHADOW); Fancy_Text_Print ("NOD", D_NODN_X + D_NODN_W / 2, D_NODN_Y - D_TXT8_H, CC_GREEN, TBLACK, TPF_CENTER | TPF_6PT_GRAD | TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL | TPF_NOSHADOW); } Show_Mouse(); display = REDRAW_NONE; } /* ........................... Get user input ............................ */ input = commands->Input(); /* ............................ Process input ............................ */ switch (input) { /*.................................................................. Credit edit boxes: no need for any action ..................................................................*/ case (TEDIT_GDICRED | KN_BUTTON): break; case (TEDIT_NODCRED | KN_BUTTON): break; case (TEDIT_NEUTCRED | KN_BUTTON): break; /*.................................................................. GDI Edge buttons: turn this one on, others off, save the edge value ..................................................................*/ case (BUTTON_GDI_N | KN_BUTTON): gdi_edge = SOURCE_NORTH; gdinbtn.Turn_On(); gdiebtn.Turn_Off(); gdisbtn.Turn_Off(); gdiwbtn.Turn_Off(); break; case (BUTTON_GDI_E | KN_BUTTON): gdi_edge = SOURCE_EAST; gdinbtn.Turn_Off(); gdiebtn.Turn_On(); gdisbtn.Turn_Off(); gdiwbtn.Turn_Off(); break; case (BUTTON_GDI_S | KN_BUTTON): gdi_edge = SOURCE_SOUTH; gdinbtn.Turn_Off(); gdiebtn.Turn_Off(); gdisbtn.Turn_On(); gdiwbtn.Turn_Off(); break; case (BUTTON_GDI_W | KN_BUTTON): gdi_edge = SOURCE_WEST; gdinbtn.Turn_Off(); gdiebtn.Turn_Off(); gdisbtn.Turn_Off(); gdiwbtn.Turn_On(); break; /*.................................................................. NOD Edge buttons: turn this one on, others off, save the edge value ..................................................................*/ case (BUTTON_NOD_N | KN_BUTTON): nod_edge = SOURCE_NORTH; nodnbtn.Turn_On(); nodebtn.Turn_Off(); nodsbtn.Turn_Off(); nodwbtn.Turn_Off(); break; case (BUTTON_NOD_E | KN_BUTTON): nod_edge = SOURCE_EAST; nodnbtn.Turn_Off(); nodebtn.Turn_On(); nodsbtn.Turn_Off(); nodwbtn.Turn_Off(); break; case (BUTTON_NOD_S | KN_BUTTON): nod_edge = SOURCE_SOUTH; nodnbtn.Turn_Off(); nodebtn.Turn_Off(); nodsbtn.Turn_On(); nodwbtn.Turn_Off(); break; case (BUTTON_NOD_W | KN_BUTTON): nod_edge = SOURCE_WEST; nodnbtn.Turn_Off(); nodebtn.Turn_Off(); nodsbtn.Turn_Off(); nodwbtn.Turn_On(); break; case (KN_RETURN): case (BUTTON_OK | KN_BUTTON): cancel = false; process = false; break; case (KN_ESC): case (BUTTON_CANCEL | KN_BUTTON): cancel = true; process = false; break; default: break; } } /* ----------------------------- Redraw the map ----------------------------- */ HiddenPage.Clear(); Flag_To_Redraw(true); Render(); /* ------------------------- If cancel, just return ------------------------- */ if (cancel) { return(-1); } /* ------------------------ Save selections & return ------------------------ */ if (ScenPlayer != SCEN_PLAYER_MPLAYER) { /* .............................. Credits ................................ */ gdi_credits = atol(gdicred_buf); nod_credits = atol(nodcred_buf); neut_credits = atol(neutcred_buf); HouseClass::As_Pointer(HOUSE_GOOD)->Credits = gdi_credits * 1000L; HouseClass::As_Pointer(HOUSE_BAD)->Credits = nod_credits * 1000L; HouseClass::As_Pointer(HOUSE_NEUTRAL)->Credits = neut_credits * 1000L; /* ............................... Edges ................................. */ HouseClass::As_Pointer(HOUSE_GOOD)->Edge = gdi_edge; HouseClass::As_Pointer(HOUSE_BAD)->Edge = nod_edge; } /* ........................... Sidebar build level .......................... */ BuildLevel = atoi(level_buf); /*........................................................................ Change the theater: - 1st set the Theater global - scan all cells to check their TType for compatibility with the new theater; if not compatible, set TType to TEMPLATE_NONE & TIcon to 0 - Then, re-initialize the TypeClasses for the new Theater ........................................................................*/ theater = (TheaterType)(THEATER_NONE + 1 + theaterbtn.Current_Index()); if (theater != orig_theater) { /* ....................... Loop through all cells ........................ */ for (i =0;i<MAP_CELL_TOTAL; i++) { /*.................................................................. If this cell has a template icon & that template isn't compatible with this theater, set the icon to NONE ..................................................................*/ if ((*this)[i].TType != TEMPLATE_NONE) { theater_mask = TemplateTypeClass::As_Reference((*this)[i].TType).Theater; if ( (theater_mask & (1 << theater))==0) { (*this)[i].TType = TEMPLATE_NONE; (*this)[i].TIcon = 0; } } /*.................................................................. If this cell has terrain in it, and that terrain isn't compatible with this theater, delete the terrain object. ..................................................................*/ terrain = (*this)[i].Cell_Terrain(); if (terrain) { theater_mask = terrain->Class->Theater; if ( (theater_mask & (1<<theater))==0) { delete terrain; } } } /*..................................................................... Re-init the object Type Classes for this theater .....................................................................*/ Init_Theater(theater); TerrainTypeClass::Init(theater); TemplateTypeClass::Init(theater); OverlayTypeClass::Init(theater); UnitTypeClass::Init(theater); InfantryTypeClass::Init(theater); BuildingTypeClass::Init(theater); BulletTypeClass::Init(theater); AnimTypeClass::Init(theater); AircraftTypeClass::Init(theater); SmudgeTypeClass::Init(theater); } return(0); } /*************************************************************************** * Handle_Triggers -- processes the trigger dialogs * * * * INPUT: * * none. * * * * OUTPUT: * * none. * * * * WARNINGS: * * none. * * * * HISTORY: * * 11/29/1994 BR : Created. * *=========================================================================*/ void MapEditClass::Handle_Triggers(void) { int rc; /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ Trigger dialog processing loop: - Invoke the trigger selection dialog. If a trigger's selected, break & return - If user wants to edit the current trigger, do so - If user wants to create new trigger, new a TriggerClass & edit it - If user wants to delete trigger, delete the current trigger - Keep looping until 'OK' ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ while (1) { /* ........................... Select trigger ............................ */ rc = Select_Trigger(); /* ............................. 'OK'; break ............................. */ if (rc==0) break; /* ............................... 'Edit' ................................ */ if (rc==1 && CurTrigger) { if (Edit_Trigger()==0) { Changed = 1; } } /* ................................ 'New' ................................ */ if (rc==2) { /* ..................... Create a new trigger ...................... */ CurTrigger = new TriggerClass(); if (CurTrigger) { /* ................... delete it if user cancels ................... */ if (Edit_Trigger()==-1) { delete CurTrigger; CurTrigger = NULL; } else { Changed = 1; } } else { /* ................. Unable to create; issue warning .................. */ CCMessageBox().Process("No more triggers available."); HiddenPage.Clear(); Flag_To_Redraw(true); Render(); } } /* .............................. 'Delete' ............................... */ if (rc==3) { if (CurTrigger) { CurTrigger->Remove(); CurTrigger = NULL; Changed = 1; } } } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ Don't allow trigger placement if the trigger is house-specific; such triggers cannot be "placed". ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ if (CurTrigger) { if (!TriggerClass::Event_Need_Object(CurTrigger->Event)) { CurTrigger = NULL; } } } /*************************************************************************** * MapEditClass::Select_Trigger -- lets user select a trigger * * * * CurTrigger can be NULL when this function is called. * * * * ��������������������������������������������������������Ŀ * * � Triggers � * * � ����������������������������������������������Ŀ � * * � � Name Event Action House Team �� � * * � � Name Event Action House Team �Ĵ � * * � � Name Event Action House Team � � � * * � � Name Event Action House Team � � � * * � � � � � * * � � � � � * * � � �Ĵ � * * � � �� � * * � ������������������������������������������������ � * * � � * * � [Edit] [New] [Delete] [OK] � * * � � * * ���������������������������������������������������������� * * * * INPUT: * * none. * * * * OUTPUT: * * 0 = OK, 1 = Edit, 2 = New, 3 = Delete * * * * WARNINGS: * * Uses HIDBUFF. * * * * HISTORY: * * 11/29/1994 BR : Created. * *=========================================================================*/ int MapEditClass::Select_Trigger(void) { /*........................................................................ Dialog & button dimensions ........................................................................*/ enum { D_DIALOG_W = 640, D_DIALOG_H = 290, D_DIALOG_X = ((640 - D_DIALOG_W) / 2), D_DIALOG_Y = ((400 - D_DIALOG_H) / 2), D_DIALOG_CX = D_DIALOG_X + (D_DIALOG_W / 2), D_TXT8_H = 22, D_MARGIN = 14, D_LIST_W = 612, D_LIST_H = 208, D_LIST_X = D_DIALOG_X + D_MARGIN, D_LIST_Y = D_DIALOG_Y + D_MARGIN + D_TXT8_H, D_EDIT_W = 90, D_EDIT_H = 18, D_EDIT_X = D_DIALOG_X + (D_DIALOG_W / 8) - (D_EDIT_W / 2), D_EDIT_Y = D_DIALOG_Y + D_DIALOG_H - D_MARGIN - D_EDIT_H, D_NEW_W = 90, D_NEW_H = 18, D_NEW_X = D_DIALOG_X + (D_DIALOG_W / 8) * 3 - (D_NEW_W / 2), D_NEW_Y = D_DIALOG_Y + D_DIALOG_H - D_MARGIN - D_NEW_H, D_DELETE_W = 90, D_DELETE_H = 18, D_DELETE_X = D_DIALOG_X + (D_DIALOG_W / 8) * 5 - (D_DELETE_W / 2), D_DELETE_Y = D_DIALOG_Y + D_DIALOG_H - D_MARGIN - D_DELETE_H, D_OK_W = 90, D_OK_H = 18, D_OK_X = D_DIALOG_X + (D_DIALOG_W / 8) * 7 - (D_OK_W / 2), D_OK_Y = D_DIALOG_Y + D_DIALOG_H - D_MARGIN - D_OK_H, }; /*........................................................................ Button enumerations: ........................................................................*/ enum { TRIGGER_LIST=100, BUTTON_EDIT, BUTTON_NEW, BUTTON_DELETE, BUTTON_OK, }; /*........................................................................ Redraw values: in order from "top" to "bottom" layer of the dialog ........................................................................*/ typedef enum { REDRAW_NONE = 0, REDRAW_BUTTONS, REDRAW_BACKGROUND, REDRAW_ALL = REDRAW_BACKGROUND } RedrawType; /*........................................................................ Dialog variables: ........................................................................*/ RedrawType display; // requested redraw level bool process; // loop while true char *trigtext[TRIGGER_MAX + 1]; // text for defined triggers KeyNumType input; // user input bool edit_trig = false; // true = user wants to edit bool new_trig = false; // true = user wants to new bool del_trig = false; // true = user wants to new int i; // loop counter int def_idx; // default list index static int tabs[] = {70, 240, 390, 440}; // list box tab stops /*........................................................................ Buttons ........................................................................*/ ControlClass *commands = NULL; // the button list ListClass triggerlist (TRIGGER_LIST, D_LIST_X, D_LIST_Y, D_LIST_W, D_LIST_H, TPF_6PT_GRAD | TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL | TPF_NOSHADOW, Hires_Retrieve("BTN-UP.SHP"), Hires_Retrieve("BTN-DN.SHP")); TextButtonClass editbtn (BUTTON_EDIT, "Edit", TPF_CENTER|TPF_6PT_GRAD|TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL|TPF_NOSHADOW, D_EDIT_X, D_EDIT_Y, D_EDIT_W, D_EDIT_H); TextButtonClass newbtn (BUTTON_NEW, "New", TPF_CENTER|TPF_6PT_GRAD|TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL|TPF_NOSHADOW, D_NEW_X, D_NEW_Y, D_NEW_W, D_NEW_H); TextButtonClass deletebtn (BUTTON_DELETE, "Delete", TPF_CENTER|TPF_6PT_GRAD|TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL|TPF_NOSHADOW, D_DELETE_X, D_DELETE_Y, D_DELETE_W, D_DELETE_H); TextButtonClass okbtn (BUTTON_OK, TXT_OK, TPF_CENTER|TPF_6PT_GRAD|TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL|TPF_NOSHADOW, D_OK_X, D_OK_Y, D_OK_W, D_OK_H); /* ------------------------------- Initialize ------------------------------- */ Set_Logic_Page(SeenBuff); /* ......................... Fill in trigger names .......................... */ def_idx = 0; for (i = 0; i < Triggers.Count(); i++) { /*..................................................................... Generate string for this trigger - Name can be up to 4 characters - Event can be up to 15 characters - Action can be up to 15 characters - House is 3 characters - Team name is up to 11 characters .....................................................................*/ //trigtext[i] = (char *)HidPage.Get_Graphic_Buffer()->Get_Buffer() + 60 * i; trigtext[i] = new char[255]; sprintf(trigtext[i],"%s\t%s\t%s\t", Triggers.Ptr(i)->Get_Name(), TriggerClass::Name_From_Event(Triggers.Ptr(i)->Event), TriggerClass::Name_From_Action(Triggers.Ptr(i)->Action)); /* ......................... Add on the house ID ......................... */ if (TriggerClass::Event_Need_House(Triggers.Ptr(i)->Event)) { if (Triggers.Ptr(i)->House != HOUSE_NONE) { strcat(trigtext[i], HouseTypeClass::As_Reference(Triggers.Ptr(i)->House).Suffix); } else { strcat(trigtext[i], "!!!"); } } else { strcat(trigtext[i]," "); } /* .......................... Add the team name .......................... */ strcat(trigtext[i],"\t"); if (TriggerClass::Action_Need_Team(Triggers.Ptr(i)->Action)) { if (Triggers.Ptr(i)->Team) { strcat(trigtext[i],Triggers.Ptr(i)->Team->IniName); } else { strcat(trigtext[i], "!!!"); } } /* ................. Set def_idx if this is CurTrigger ................... */ if (Triggers.Ptr(i) == CurTrigger) { def_idx = i; } } /* .......................... Fill in the list box .......................... */ for (i = 0; i < Triggers.Count(); i++) { triggerlist.Add_Item(trigtext[i]); } triggerlist.Set_Selected_Index(def_idx); /* ....................... Set CurTrigger if it isn't ....................... */ if (Triggers.Count()==0) { CurTrigger = NULL; } else { if (!CurTrigger) { CurTrigger = Triggers.Ptr(def_idx); } } /* ............................ Create the list ............................. */ commands = &triggerlist; editbtn.Add_Tail(*commands); newbtn.Add_Tail(*commands); deletebtn.Add_Tail(*commands); okbtn.Add_Tail(*commands); /* ------------------------ Init tab stops for list ------------------------- */ triggerlist.Set_Tabs(tabs); /* -------------------------- Main Processing Loop -------------------------- */ display = REDRAW_ALL; process = true; while (process) { /* ** If we have just received input focus again after running in the background then ** we need to redraw. */ if (AllSurfaces.SurfacesRestored){ AllSurfaces.SurfacesRestored=FALSE; display=REDRAW_ALL; } /* ........................ Invoke game callback ......................... */ Call_Back(); /* ...................... Refresh display if needed ...................... */ if (display) { /* ...................... Display the dialog box ...................... */ Hide_Mouse(); if (display >= REDRAW_BACKGROUND) { Dialog_Box(D_DIALOG_X, D_DIALOG_Y, D_DIALOG_W, D_DIALOG_H); Draw_Caption(TXT_NONE, D_DIALOG_X, D_DIALOG_Y, D_DIALOG_W); /* ....................... Draw the captions ....................... */ Fancy_Text_Print("Triggers", D_DIALOG_CX, D_DIALOG_Y + D_MARGIN, CC_GREEN, TBLACK, TPF_CENTER|TPF_6PT_GRAD|TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL|TPF_NOSHADOW); } /* ........................ Redraw the buttons ........................ */ if (display >= REDRAW_BUTTONS) { commands->Draw_All(); } Show_Mouse(); display = REDRAW_NONE; } /* ........................... Get user input ............................ */ input = commands->Input(); /* ............................ Process input ............................ */ switch (input) { case (TRIGGER_LIST | KN_BUTTON): def_idx = triggerlist.Current_Index(); if (def_idx < Triggers.Count()) { CurTrigger = Triggers.Ptr(def_idx); } break; case (BUTTON_EDIT | KN_BUTTON): if (CurTrigger) { // only allow if there's one selected process = false; edit_trig = true; } break; case (BUTTON_NEW | KN_BUTTON): process = false; new_trig = true; break; case (BUTTON_DELETE | KN_BUTTON): process = false; del_trig = true; break; case (KN_RETURN): case (BUTTON_OK | KN_BUTTON): process = false; break; } } /* --------------------------- Redraw the display --------------------------- */ HiddenPage.Clear(); Flag_To_Redraw(true); Render(); for (i = 0; i < Triggers.Count(); i++) { delete [] trigtext[i]; } if (edit_trig) return(1); if (new_trig) return(2); if (del_trig) return(3); return(0); } /*************************************************************************** * MapEditClass::Edit_Trigger -- lets user edit a [new] trigger * * * * ���������������������������������������������������������������������Ŀ * * � Trigger Editor � * * � � * * � Events Actions � * * � ��������������������������Ŀ ���������������������������Ŀ � * * � � �� � �� � * * � � �Ĵ � �Ĵ � * * � � � � � � � � * * � � � � � � � � * * � � �Ĵ � �Ĵ � * * � � �� � �� � * * � ���������������������������� ����������������������������� � * * � � * * � Name: _______ [ Volatile ] � * * � [GDI] [ Persistent ] � * * � Time / Credits: _______ [NOD] [SemiPersistent] � * * � � * * � [Team] Team_Name � * * � � * * � [OK] [Cancel] � * * ����������������������������������������������������������������������� * * * * INPUT: * * none. * * * * OUTPUT: * * 0 = OK, -1 = cancel * * * * WARNINGS: * * CurTrigger must NOT be NULL when this function is called. * * * * HISTORY: * * 11/29/1994 BR : Created. * *=========================================================================*/ int MapEditClass::Edit_Trigger(void) { /*........................................................................ Dialog & button dimensions ........................................................................*/ enum { D_DIALOG_W = 528, D_DIALOG_H = 376, D_DIALOG_X = ((640 - D_DIALOG_W) / 2), D_DIALOG_Y = ((400 - D_DIALOG_H) / 2), D_DIALOG_CX = D_DIALOG_X + (D_DIALOG_W / 2), D_TXT8_H = 22, D_MARGIN = 14, D_EVENT_W = 240, D_EVENT_H = 88, D_EVENT_X = D_DIALOG_X + D_MARGIN, D_EVENT_Y = D_DIALOG_Y + D_MARGIN + D_TXT8_H + D_MARGIN + D_TXT8_H, D_ACTION_W = 240, D_ACTION_H = 88, D_ACTION_X = D_DIALOG_X + D_DIALOG_W - D_MARGIN - D_ACTION_W, D_ACTION_Y = D_DIALOG_Y + D_MARGIN + D_TXT8_H + D_MARGIN + D_TXT8_H, D_NAME_W = 80, D_NAME_H = 18, D_NAME_X = D_EVENT_X + (D_EVENT_W / 2) - 10, D_NAME_Y = D_EVENT_Y + D_EVENT_H + D_MARGIN, D_DATA_W = 80, D_DATA_H = 18, D_DATA_X = D_NAME_X, D_DATA_Y = D_NAME_Y + D_NAME_H + D_MARGIN, D_TEAM_W = 80, D_TEAM_H = 18, D_TEAM_X = D_NAME_X - D_TEAM_W - 5, D_TEAM_Y = D_DATA_Y + D_DATA_H + D_MARGIN, D_GDI_W = 90, D_GDI_H = 18, D_GDI_X = D_DIALOG_CX - (D_GDI_W / 2), D_GDI_Y = D_NAME_Y, D_NOD_W = 90, D_NOD_H = 18, D_NOD_X = D_GDI_X, D_NOD_Y = D_GDI_Y + D_GDI_H, D_NEU_W = 90, D_NEU_H = 18, D_NEU_X = D_NOD_X, D_NEU_Y = D_NOD_Y + D_NOD_H, D_MULTI1_W = 44, D_MULTI1_H = 18, D_MULTI1_X = D_GDI_X, D_MULTI1_Y = D_GDI_Y, D_MULTI2_W = 44, D_MULTI2_H = 18, D_MULTI2_X = D_GDI_X + D_MULTI1_W, D_MULTI2_Y = D_GDI_Y, D_MULTI3_W = 44, D_MULTI3_H = 18, D_MULTI3_X = D_NOD_X, D_MULTI3_Y = D_NOD_Y, D_MULTI4_W = 44, D_MULTI4_H = 18, D_MULTI4_X = D_NOD_X + D_MULTI1_W, D_MULTI4_Y = D_NOD_Y, D_VOLATILE_W = 100, D_VOLATILE_H = 18, D_VOLATILE_X = D_ACTION_X + (D_ACTION_W / 2) - (D_VOLATILE_W / 2) + 10, D_VOLATILE_Y = D_NAME_Y, D_PERSIST_W = 100, D_PERSIST_H = 18, D_PERSIST_X = D_ACTION_X + (D_ACTION_W / 2) - (D_PERSIST_W / 2) + 10, D_PERSIST_Y = D_VOLATILE_Y + D_VOLATILE_H, D_SEMIPERSIST_W = 100, D_SEMIPERSIST_H = 18, D_SEMIPERSIST_X = D_ACTION_X + (D_ACTION_W / 2) - (D_SEMIPERSIST_W / 2) + 10, D_SEMIPERSIST_Y = D_PERSIST_Y + D_PERSIST_H, D_OK_W = 90, D_OK_H = 18, D_OK_X = D_DIALOG_CX - 5 - D_OK_W, D_OK_Y = D_DIALOG_Y + D_DIALOG_H - D_MARGIN - D_OK_H, D_CANCEL_W = 90, D_CANCEL_H = 18, D_CANCEL_X = D_DIALOG_CX + 5, D_CANCEL_Y = D_DIALOG_Y + D_DIALOG_H - D_MARGIN - D_CANCEL_H, }; /*........................................................................ Button enumerations: ........................................................................*/ enum { EVENT_LIST=100, ACTION_LIST, NAME_EDIT, DATA_EDIT, BUTTON_TEAM, BUTTON_GDI, BUTTON_NOD, BUTTON_NEUTRAL, BUTTON_JP, // placeholder BUTTON_MULTI1, BUTTON_MULTI2, BUTTON_MULTI3, BUTTON_MULTI4, BUTTON_MULTI5, BUTTON_MULTI6, BUTTON_VOLATILE, BUTTON_PERSIST, BUTTON_SEMIPERSIST, BUTTON_OK, BUTTON_CANCEL, }; /*........................................................................ Redraw values: in order from "top" to "bottom" layer of the dialog ........................................................................*/ typedef enum { REDRAW_NONE = 0, REDRAW_BUTTONS, REDRAW_BACKGROUND, REDRAW_ALL = REDRAW_BACKGROUND } RedrawType; /*........................................................................ Dialog variables: ........................................................................*/ RedrawType display; // requested redraw level bool process; // loop while true KeyNumType input; // user input bool cancel = false; // true = user cancels int i; // loop counter EventType event_idx; // index for event list TriggerClass::ActionType action_idx; // index for action list char namebuf[5]; // name of this trigger char databuf[10]; // for credit/time-based triggers HousesType house; // house for this trigger const char *eventnames[EVENT_COUNT + 1]; // names of events const char *actionnames[TriggerClass::ACTION_COUNT + 1]; // names of actions TriggerClass::PersistantType persistant; // trigger's persistence level /*........................................................................ These flags enable various controls for each EventType. ........................................................................*/ // static char data_enabled[EVENT_COUNT] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,0,0}; // static char house_enabled[EVENT_COUNT] = {1,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1}; // static char team_enabled[TriggerClass::ACTION_COUNT] = {0,0,0,1,1,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}; /*........................................................................ Buttons ........................................................................*/ ControlClass *commands = NULL; // the button list ListClass eventlist(EVENT_LIST, D_EVENT_X, D_EVENT_Y, D_EVENT_W, D_EVENT_H, TPF_6PT_GRAD | TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL | TPF_NOSHADOW, Hires_Retrieve("BTN-UP.SHP"), Hires_Retrieve("BTN-DN.SHP")); ListClass actionlist(ACTION_LIST, D_ACTION_X, D_ACTION_Y, D_ACTION_W, D_ACTION_H, TPF_6PT_GRAD | TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL | TPF_NOSHADOW, Hires_Retrieve("BTN-UP.SHP"), Hires_Retrieve("BTN-DN.SHP")); EditClass name_edt(NAME_EDIT, namebuf, 5, TPF_6PT_GRAD | TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL | TPF_NOSHADOW, D_NAME_X, D_NAME_Y, D_NAME_W, D_NAME_H, EditClass::ALPHANUMERIC); EditClass data_edt(DATA_EDIT, databuf, 8, TPF_6PT_GRAD | TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL | TPF_NOSHADOW, D_DATA_X, D_DATA_Y, D_DATA_W, D_DATA_H, EditClass::ALPHANUMERIC); TextButtonClass teambtn(BUTTON_TEAM, "Team", TPF_CENTER | TPF_6PT_GRAD | TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL | TPF_NOSHADOW, D_TEAM_X, D_TEAM_Y, D_TEAM_W, D_TEAM_H); TextButtonClass gdibtn(BUTTON_GDI, "GDI", TPF_CENTER | TPF_6PT_GRAD | TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL | TPF_NOSHADOW, D_GDI_X, D_GDI_Y, D_GDI_W, D_GDI_H); TextButtonClass nodbtn(BUTTON_NOD, "NOD", TPF_CENTER | TPF_6PT_GRAD | TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL | TPF_NOSHADOW, D_NOD_X, D_NOD_Y, D_NOD_W, D_NOD_H); TextButtonClass neutralbtn(BUTTON_NEUTRAL, "Neutral", TPF_CENTER | TPF_6PT_GRAD | TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL | TPF_NOSHADOW, D_NEU_X, D_NEU_Y, D_NEU_W, D_NEU_H); TextButtonClass multi1btn(BUTTON_MULTI1, "M1", TPF_CENTER | TPF_6PT_GRAD | TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL | TPF_NOSHADOW, D_MULTI1_X, D_MULTI1_Y, D_MULTI1_W, D_MULTI1_H); TextButtonClass multi2btn(BUTTON_MULTI2, "M2", TPF_CENTER | TPF_6PT_GRAD | TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL | TPF_NOSHADOW, D_MULTI2_X, D_MULTI2_Y, D_MULTI2_W, D_MULTI2_H); TextButtonClass multi3btn(BUTTON_MULTI3, "M3", TPF_CENTER | TPF_6PT_GRAD | TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL | TPF_NOSHADOW, D_MULTI3_X, D_MULTI3_Y, D_MULTI3_W, D_MULTI3_H); TextButtonClass multi4btn(BUTTON_MULTI4, "M4", TPF_CENTER | TPF_6PT_GRAD | TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL | TPF_NOSHADOW, D_MULTI4_X, D_MULTI4_Y, D_MULTI4_W, D_MULTI4_H); TextButtonClass volatilebtn(BUTTON_VOLATILE, "Volatile", TPF_CENTER | TPF_6PT_GRAD | TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL | TPF_NOSHADOW, D_VOLATILE_X, D_VOLATILE_Y, D_VOLATILE_W, D_VOLATILE_H); TextButtonClass persistbtn(BUTTON_PERSIST, "Persistant", TPF_CENTER | TPF_6PT_GRAD | TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL | TPF_NOSHADOW, D_PERSIST_X, D_PERSIST_Y, D_PERSIST_W, D_PERSIST_H); TextButtonClass semipersistbtn(BUTTON_SEMIPERSIST, "SemiPersistant", TPF_CENTER | TPF_6PT_GRAD | TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL | TPF_NOSHADOW, D_SEMIPERSIST_X, D_SEMIPERSIST_Y, D_SEMIPERSIST_W, D_SEMIPERSIST_H); TextButtonClass okbtn(BUTTON_OK, TXT_OK, TPF_CENTER | TPF_6PT_GRAD | TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL | TPF_NOSHADOW, D_OK_X, D_OK_Y, D_OK_W, D_OK_H); TextButtonClass cancelbtn(BUTTON_CANCEL, TXT_CANCEL, TPF_CENTER | TPF_6PT_GRAD | TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL | TPF_NOSHADOW, D_CANCEL_X, D_CANCEL_Y, D_CANCEL_W, D_CANCEL_H); /* ------------------------------- Initialize ------------------------------- */ Set_Logic_Page(SeenBuff); /* ....................... Set default button states ........................ */ event_idx = CurTrigger->Event; // event list if (event_idx == EVENT_NONE) event_idx = EVENT_FIRST; action_idx = CurTrigger->Action; // action list if (action_idx == TriggerClass::ACTION_NONE) action_idx = TriggerClass::ACTION_FIRST; strcpy(namebuf,CurTrigger->Get_Name()); // Name name_edt.Set_Text(namebuf,5); if (TriggerClass::Event_Need_Data(event_idx)) { sprintf(databuf,"%ld",CurTrigger->Data); // Credits/Time data_edt.Set_Text(databuf,8); } house = CurTrigger->House; // House persistant = CurTrigger->IsPersistant; volatilebtn.Turn_Off(); persistbtn.Turn_Off(); semipersistbtn.Turn_Off(); switch (CurTrigger->IsPersistant) { case TriggerClass::VOLATILE: volatilebtn.Turn_On(); break; case TriggerClass::SEMIPERSISTANT: semipersistbtn.Turn_On(); break; case TriggerClass::PERSISTANT: persistbtn.Turn_On(); break; } /* ......................... Fill in the list boxes ......................... */ for (i = 0; i < EVENT_COUNT; i++) { eventnames[i] = TriggerClass::Name_From_Event( (EventType)i); eventlist.Add_Item(eventnames[i]); } eventlist.Set_Selected_Index(event_idx); for (i = 0; i < TriggerClass::ACTION_COUNT; i++) { actionnames[i] = TriggerClass::Name_From_Action( (TriggerClass::ActionType)i); actionlist.Add_Item(actionnames[i]); } actionlist.Set_Selected_Index(action_idx); /* -------------------------- Main Processing Loop -------------------------- */ display = REDRAW_ALL; process = true; while (process) { /* ** If we have just received input focus again after running in the background then ** we need to redraw. */ if (AllSurfaces.SurfacesRestored){ AllSurfaces.SurfacesRestored=FALSE; display=REDRAW_ALL; } /* ........................ Invoke game callback ......................... */ Call_Back(); /* ...................... Refresh display if needed ...................... */ if (display) { /* ...................... Display the dialog box ...................... */ Hide_Mouse(); if (display >= REDRAW_BACKGROUND) { Dialog_Box(D_DIALOG_X, D_DIALOG_Y, D_DIALOG_W, D_DIALOG_H); Draw_Caption(TXT_NONE, D_DIALOG_X, D_DIALOG_Y, D_DIALOG_W); /* ....................... Draw the captions ....................... */ Fancy_Text_Print("Trigger Editor", D_DIALOG_CX, D_DIALOG_Y + D_MARGIN, CC_GREEN, TBLACK, TPF_CENTER | TPF_6PT_GRAD | TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL | TPF_NOSHADOW); Fancy_Text_Print("Events", D_EVENT_X + D_EVENT_W / 2, D_EVENT_Y - D_TXT8_H, CC_GREEN, TBLACK, TPF_CENTER | TPF_6PT_GRAD | TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL | TPF_NOSHADOW); Fancy_Text_Print("Actions", D_ACTION_X + D_ACTION_W / 2, D_ACTION_Y - D_TXT8_H, CC_GREEN, TBLACK, TPF_CENTER | TPF_6PT_GRAD | TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL | TPF_NOSHADOW); Fancy_Text_Print("Name", D_NAME_X - 5, D_NAME_Y, CC_GREEN, TBLACK, TPF_RIGHT | TPF_6PT_GRAD | TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL | TPF_NOSHADOW); if ((EventType)event_idx==EVENT_CREDITS) { // use 'Data' for Credits Fancy_Text_Print("Credits", D_DATA_X - 5, D_DATA_Y, CC_GREEN, TBLACK, TPF_RIGHT | TPF_6PT_GRAD | TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL | TPF_NOSHADOW); } else { if ((EventType)event_idx==EVENT_TIME) { // use 'Data' for Time Fancy_Text_Print("1/10 Min", D_DATA_X - 5, D_DATA_Y, CC_GREEN, TBLACK, TPF_RIGHT | TPF_6PT_GRAD | TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL | TPF_NOSHADOW); } } if (TriggerClass::Action_Need_Team(action_idx)) { if (CurTrigger->Team) { Fancy_Text_Print(CurTrigger->Team->IniName, D_TEAM_X + D_TEAM_W + 5, D_TEAM_Y, CC_GREEN, TBLACK, TPF_6PT_GRAD | TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL | TPF_NOSHADOW); } else { Fancy_Text_Print( "!!!", D_TEAM_X + D_TEAM_W + 5, D_TEAM_Y, CC_GREEN, TBLACK, TPF_6PT_GRAD | TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL | TPF_NOSHADOW); } } } /* ..................... Rebuild the button list ...................... */ eventlist.Zap(); actionlist.Zap(); name_edt.Zap(); data_edt.Zap(); teambtn.Zap(); gdibtn.Zap(); nodbtn.Zap(); neutralbtn.Zap(); volatilebtn.Zap(); persistbtn.Zap(); semipersistbtn.Zap(); okbtn.Zap(); cancelbtn.Zap(); commands = &okbtn; cancelbtn.Add_Tail(*commands); eventlist.Add_Tail(*commands); actionlist.Add_Tail(*commands); name_edt.Add_Tail(*commands); volatilebtn.Add_Tail(*commands); persistbtn.Add_Tail(*commands); semipersistbtn.Add_Tail(*commands); if (TriggerClass::Event_Need_Data(event_idx)) { data_edt.Add_Tail(*commands); sprintf(databuf,"%ld",CurTrigger->Data); data_edt.Set_Text(databuf,8); } if (TriggerClass::Event_Need_House(event_idx)) { gdibtn.Add_Tail(*commands); nodbtn.Add_Tail(*commands); neutralbtn.Add_Tail(*commands); Set_House_Buttons(house, commands, BUTTON_GDI); } if (TriggerClass::Action_Need_Team(action_idx)) teambtn.Add_Tail(*commands); /* ........................ Redraw the buttons ........................ */ if (display >= REDRAW_BUTTONS) { commands->Flag_List_To_Redraw(); } Show_Mouse(); display = REDRAW_NONE; } /* ........................... Get user input ............................ */ input = commands->Input(); /* ............................ Process input ............................ */ switch (input) { case (EVENT_LIST | KN_BUTTON): if (eventlist.Current_Index() != event_idx) { event_idx = EventType(eventlist.Current_Index()); databuf[0] = 0; CurTrigger->Data = 0; if (!TriggerClass::Event_Need_House(event_idx)) { CurTrigger->House = HOUSE_NONE; } display = REDRAW_ALL; } break; case (ACTION_LIST | KN_BUTTON): if (actionlist.Current_Index() != action_idx) { action_idx = TriggerClass::ActionType(actionlist.Current_Index()); display = REDRAW_ALL; } break; case (NAME_EDIT | KN_BUTTON): break; case (DATA_EDIT | KN_BUTTON): break; case (BUTTON_GDI | KN_BUTTON): case (BUTTON_NOD | KN_BUTTON): case (BUTTON_NEUTRAL | KN_BUTTON): case (BUTTON_MULTI1 | KN_BUTTON): case (BUTTON_MULTI2 | KN_BUTTON): case (BUTTON_MULTI3 | KN_BUTTON): case (BUTTON_MULTI4 | KN_BUTTON): case (BUTTON_MULTI5 | KN_BUTTON): case (BUTTON_MULTI6 | KN_BUTTON): house = (HousesType)( (input & (~KN_BUTTON)) - BUTTON_GDI); Set_House_Buttons(house, commands, BUTTON_GDI); break; case (BUTTON_TEAM | KN_BUTTON): Handle_Teams("Select a Team"); if (CurTeam) { CurTrigger->Team = CurTeam; } HiddenPage.Clear(); Flag_To_Redraw(true); Render(); display = REDRAW_ALL; break; case (BUTTON_VOLATILE | KN_BUTTON): persistant = TriggerClass::VOLATILE; volatilebtn.Turn_On(); persistbtn.Turn_Off(); semipersistbtn.Turn_Off(); break; case (BUTTON_PERSIST | KN_BUTTON): persistant = TriggerClass::PERSISTANT; volatilebtn.Turn_Off(); persistbtn.Turn_On(); semipersistbtn.Turn_Off(); break; case (BUTTON_SEMIPERSIST | KN_BUTTON): persistant = TriggerClass::SEMIPERSISTANT; volatilebtn.Turn_Off(); persistbtn.Turn_Off(); semipersistbtn.Turn_On(); break; case (KN_RETURN): case (BUTTON_OK | KN_BUTTON): process = false; break; case (KN_ESC): case (BUTTON_CANCEL | KN_BUTTON): cancel = true; process = false; break; default: break; } } /* ------------------------------ Save values ------------------------------- */ if (!cancel) { /* .......................... Get list indices ........................... */ event_idx = EventType(eventlist.Current_Index()); action_idx = TriggerClass::ActionType(actionlist.Current_Index()); /* ......................... Set Event & Action .......................... */ CurTrigger->Event = EventType(event_idx); CurTrigger->Action = TriggerClass::ActionType(action_idx); /* .............................. Set name ............................... */ if (strlen(namebuf)==0) { CurTrigger->Set_Name("____"); } else { CurTrigger->Set_Name(namebuf); } /* .............................. Set Data ............................... */ if (TriggerClass::Event_Need_Data(event_idx)) { CurTrigger->Data = atol(databuf); } /* .............................. Set House .............................. */ if (TriggerClass::Event_Need_House(event_idx)) { CurTrigger->House = house; } else { CurTrigger->House = HOUSE_NONE; } /* ........................... Set Persistence .......................... */ CurTrigger->IsPersistant = persistant; } /* --------------------------- Redraw the display --------------------------- */ HiddenPage.Clear(); Flag_To_Redraw(true); Render(); if (cancel) { return(-1); } else { return(0); } } /*************************************************************************** * MapEditClass::Import_Triggers -- lets user import triggers * * * * �������������������������������������������������Ŀ * * � Triggers � * * � ����������������������������������������Ŀ � * * � �x Name Event Action House �� � * * � � Name Event Action House �Ĵ � * * � �x Name Event Action House � � � * * � � Name Event Action House � � � * * � � � � � * * � � � � � * * � � �Ĵ � * * � � �� � * * � ������������������������������������������ � * * � � * * � [OK] [Cancel] � * * � � * * ��������������������������������������������������� * * * * INPUT: * * none. * * * * OUTPUT: * * 0 = OK, -1 = user cancelled * * * * WARNINGS: * * none. * * * * HISTORY: * * 03/29/1995 BRR : Created. * *=========================================================================*/ int MapEditClass::Import_Triggers(void) { /*........................................................................ Dialog & button dimensions ........................................................................*/ enum { D_DIALOG_W = 480, D_DIALOG_H = 290, D_DIALOG_X = ((640 - D_DIALOG_W) / 2), D_DIALOG_Y = ((400 - D_DIALOG_H) / 2), D_DIALOG_CX = D_DIALOG_X + (D_DIALOG_W / 2), D_TXT8_H = 22, D_MARGIN = 14, D_LIST_W = 452, D_LIST_H = 208, D_LIST_X = D_DIALOG_X + D_MARGIN, D_LIST_Y = D_DIALOG_Y + D_MARGIN + D_TXT8_H, D_OK_W = 90, D_OK_H = 18, D_OK_X = D_DIALOG_CX - D_OK_W - 5, D_OK_Y = D_DIALOG_Y + D_DIALOG_H - D_MARGIN - D_OK_H, D_CANCEL_W = 90, D_CANCEL_H = 18, D_CANCEL_X = D_DIALOG_CX + 5, D_CANCEL_Y = D_DIALOG_Y + D_DIALOG_H - D_MARGIN - D_OK_H, }; /*........................................................................ Button enumerations: ........................................................................*/ enum { TRIGGER_LIST=100, BUTTON_OK, BUTTON_CANCEL, }; /*........................................................................ Redraw values: in order from "top" to "bottom" layer of the dialog ........................................................................*/ typedef enum { REDRAW_NONE = 0, REDRAW_BUTTONS, REDRAW_BACKGROUND, REDRAW_ALL = REDRAW_BACKGROUND } RedrawType; /*........................................................................ Dialog variables: ........................................................................*/ RedrawType display; // requested redraw level bool process; // loop while true KeyNumType input; // user input bool cancel = false; static int tabs[] = {70, 220, 370, 420}; // list box tab stops DynamicVectorClass<char *> trignames; // list of INI trigger names char *inibuf; // working INI buffer CCFileClass file; // file for reading the INI file char buf[128]; // for reading an INI entry char *tbuffer; // Accumulation buffer of trigger IDs. int len; // Length of data in buffer. TriggerClass *trigger; // Working trigger pointer. char *item; // for adding to list box char *eventptr; char *actionptr; char *houseptr; int i; /*........................................................................ Buttons ........................................................................*/ ControlClass *commands = NULL; // the button list CheckListClass triggerlist (TRIGGER_LIST, D_LIST_X, D_LIST_Y, D_LIST_W, D_LIST_H, TPF_6PT_GRAD | TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL | TPF_NOSHADOW, Hires_Retrieve("BTN-UP.SHP"), Hires_Retrieve("BTN-DN.SHP")); TextButtonClass okbtn (BUTTON_OK, TXT_OK, TPF_CENTER | TPF_6PT_GRAD | TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL | TPF_NOSHADOW, D_OK_X, D_OK_Y, D_OK_W, D_OK_H); TextButtonClass cancelbtn (BUTTON_CANCEL, TXT_CANCEL, TPF_CENTER | TPF_6PT_GRAD | TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL | TPF_NOSHADOW, D_CANCEL_X, D_CANCEL_Y, D_CANCEL_W, D_CANCEL_H); Set_Logic_Page(SeenBuff); /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ Read the MASTER.INI file ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*........................................................................ Read the file into the staging buffer ........................................................................*/ inibuf = new char [30000]; memset(inibuf, '\0', 30000); file.Set_Name("MASTER.INI"); if (!file.Is_Available()) { file.Close(); delete [] inibuf; return(-1); } else { file.Read(inibuf, 30000 - 1); } file.Close(); /*........................................................................ Read all entry names in the Triggers section into a temp buffer ........................................................................*/ len = strlen(inibuf) + 2; tbuffer = inibuf + len; WWGetPrivateProfileString(TriggerClass::INI_Name(), NULL, NULL, tbuffer, 30000 - len, inibuf); /*........................................................................ For each entry in the INI section: - Get the entry - Generate a string describing the trigger - Add that string to the list box - Add a ptr to the INI entry name to our 'trignames' list ........................................................................*/ while (*tbuffer != '\0') { WWGetPrivateProfileString(TriggerClass::INI_Name(), tbuffer, NULL, buf, sizeof(buf)-1, inibuf); item = new char [60]; /* ** Parse the INI entry */ eventptr = strtok(buf,","); actionptr = strtok(NULL,","); strtok(NULL,","); houseptr = strtok(NULL,","); /* ** Generate the descriptive string */ sprintf(item, " %s\t%s\t%s\t", tbuffer, eventptr, actionptr); /* ** Add house name if needed */ if (TriggerClass::Event_Need_House(TriggerClass::Event_From_Name(eventptr))) { HousesType house = HouseTypeClass::From_Name(houseptr); if (house != HOUSE_NONE) { strcat(item, HouseTypeClass::As_Reference(house).Suffix); } else { strcat(item, "!!!"); } } else { strcat(item," "); } /* ** Add the item to the list box */ triggerlist.Add_Item(item); /* ** Add the name to our internal name list */ trignames.Add(tbuffer); tbuffer += strlen(tbuffer)+1; } /* ............................ Create the list ............................. */ commands = &triggerlist; okbtn.Add_Tail(*commands); cancelbtn.Add_Tail(*commands); /* ------------------------ Init tab stops for list ------------------------- */ triggerlist.Set_Tabs(tabs); /* -------------------------- Main Processing Loop -------------------------- */ display = REDRAW_ALL; process = true; while (process) { /* ** If we have just received input focus again after running in the background then ** we need to redraw. */ if (AllSurfaces.SurfacesRestored){ AllSurfaces.SurfacesRestored=FALSE; display=REDRAW_ALL; } /* ........................ Invoke game callback ......................... */ Call_Back(); /* ...................... Refresh display if needed ...................... */ if (display) { /* ...................... Display the dialog box ...................... */ Hide_Mouse(); if (display >= REDRAW_BACKGROUND) { Dialog_Box(D_DIALOG_X, D_DIALOG_Y, D_DIALOG_W, D_DIALOG_H); Draw_Caption(TXT_NONE, D_DIALOG_X, D_DIALOG_Y, D_DIALOG_W); /* ....................... Draw the captions ....................... */ Fancy_Text_Print("Import Triggers", D_DIALOG_CX, D_DIALOG_Y + D_MARGIN, CC_GREEN, TBLACK, TPF_CENTER | TPF_6PT_GRAD | TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL | TPF_NOSHADOW); } /* ........................ Redraw the buttons ........................ */ if (display >= REDRAW_BUTTONS) commands->Flag_List_To_Redraw(); Show_Mouse(); display = REDRAW_NONE; } /* ........................... Get user input ............................ */ input = commands->Input(); /* ............................ Process input ............................ */ switch (input) { case (TRIGGER_LIST | KN_BUTTON): break; case (KN_RETURN): case (BUTTON_OK | KN_BUTTON): process = false; break; case (KN_ESC): case (BUTTON_CANCEL | KN_BUTTON): cancel = true; process = false; break; } } /* --------------------------- Redraw the display --------------------------- */ HiddenPage.Clear(); Flag_To_Redraw(true); Render(); /*........................................................................ Re-parse the INI section; if any item is checked in the list box, create that trigger for this scenario. ........................................................................*/ if (!cancel) { tbuffer = inibuf + len; i = 0; while (*tbuffer != '\0') { /* ** If this item is checked on the list, create a new trigger ** and fill it in. */ if (triggerlist.Is_Checked(i)) { WWGetPrivateProfileString(TriggerClass::INI_Name(), tbuffer, NULL, buf, sizeof(buf)-1, inibuf); trigger = new TriggerClass(); trigger->Fill_In(tbuffer, buf); if (trigger->House != HOUSE_NONE) HouseTriggers[trigger->House].Add(trigger); } tbuffer += strlen(tbuffer)+1; i++; } } /*........................................................................ Clean up memory ........................................................................*/ trignames.Clear(); while (triggerlist.Count()) { item = (char *)triggerlist.Get_Item(0); triggerlist.Remove_Item(item); delete [] item; } delete [] inibuf; if (cancel) { return(-1); } else { return(0); } } /*************************************************************************** * MapEditClass::Import_Teams -- lets the user import teams * * * * ��������������������������������������������������������Ŀ * * � Teams � * * � ����������������������������������������������Ŀ � * * � � Name House Class:Count,Class:Count �� � * * � � Name House Class:Count,Class:Count �Ĵ � * * � � Name House Class:Count,Class:Count � � � * * � � Name House Class:Count,Class:Count � � � * * � � � � � * * � � � � � * * � � �Ĵ � * * � � �� � * * � ������������������������������������������������ � * * � � * * � [OK] [Cancel] � * * � � * * ���������������������������������������������������������� * * * * INPUT: * * none. * * * * OUTPUT: * * 0 = OK, -1 = user cancelled * * * * WARNINGS: * * Uses HIDBUFF. * * * * HISTORY: * * 12/08/1994 BR : Created. * *=========================================================================*/ int MapEditClass::Import_Teams(void) { /*........................................................................ Dialog & button dimensions ........................................................................*/ enum { D_DIALOG_W = 528, D_DIALOG_H = 290, D_DIALOG_X = ((640 - D_DIALOG_W) / 2), D_DIALOG_Y = ((400 - D_DIALOG_H) / 2), D_DIALOG_CX = D_DIALOG_X + (D_DIALOG_W / 2), D_TXT8_H = 22, D_MARGIN = 14, D_LIST_W = 500, D_LIST_H = 208, D_LIST_X = D_DIALOG_X + D_MARGIN, D_LIST_Y = D_DIALOG_Y + D_MARGIN + D_TXT8_H, D_OK_W = 90, D_OK_H = 18, D_OK_X = D_DIALOG_CX - D_OK_W - 5, D_OK_Y = D_DIALOG_Y + D_DIALOG_H - D_MARGIN - D_OK_H, D_CANCEL_W = 90, D_CANCEL_H = 18, D_CANCEL_X = D_DIALOG_CX + 5, D_CANCEL_Y = D_DIALOG_Y + D_DIALOG_H - D_MARGIN - D_OK_H, TEAMTXT_LEN = 43, // max length of a team entry }; /*........................................................................ Button enumerations: ........................................................................*/ enum { TEAM_LIST=100, BUTTON_OK, BUTTON_CANCEL, }; /*........................................................................ Redraw values: in order from "top" to "bottom" layer of the dialog ........................................................................*/ typedef enum { REDRAW_NONE = 0, REDRAW_BUTTONS, REDRAW_BACKGROUND, REDRAW_ALL = REDRAW_BACKGROUND } RedrawType; /*........................................................................ Dialog variables: ........................................................................*/ RedrawType display; // requested redraw level bool process; // loop while true KeyNumType input; // user input bool cancel = false; static int tabs[] = {120, 180}; // list box tab stops DynamicVectorClass<char *> teamnames; // list of INI team names char *inibuf; // working INI buffer CCFileClass file; // file for reading the INI file char buf[128]; // for reading an INI entry char *tbuffer; // Accumulation buffer of team IDs. int len; // Length of data in buffer. TeamTypeClass *team; // Working team pointer. char *item; // for adding to list box char *houseptr; char *classptr; int numclasses; int i; /*........................................................................ Buttons ........................................................................*/ ControlClass *commands = NULL; // the button list CheckListClass teamlist (TEAM_LIST, D_LIST_X, D_LIST_Y, D_LIST_W, D_LIST_H, TPF_6PT_GRAD | TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL | TPF_NOSHADOW, Hires_Retrieve("BTN-UP.SHP"), Hires_Retrieve("BTN-DN.SHP")); TextButtonClass okbtn (BUTTON_OK, TXT_OK, TPF_CENTER | TPF_6PT_GRAD | TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL | TPF_NOSHADOW, D_OK_X, D_OK_Y, D_OK_W, D_OK_H); TextButtonClass cancelbtn (BUTTON_CANCEL, TXT_CANCEL, TPF_CENTER | TPF_6PT_GRAD | TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL | TPF_NOSHADOW, D_CANCEL_X, D_CANCEL_Y, D_CANCEL_W, D_CANCEL_H); Set_Logic_Page(SeenBuff); /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ Read the MASTER.INI file ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*........................................................................ Read the file into the staging buffer ........................................................................*/ inibuf = new char [30000]; memset(inibuf, '\0', 30000); file.Set_Name("MASTER.INI"); if (!file.Is_Available()) { file.Close(); delete [] inibuf; return(-1); } else { file.Read(inibuf, 30000 - 1); } file.Close(); /*........................................................................ Read all entry names in the TeamTypes section into a temp buffer ........................................................................*/ len = strlen(inibuf) + 2; tbuffer = inibuf + len; WWGetPrivateProfileString(TeamTypeClass::INI_Name(), NULL, NULL, tbuffer, 30000 - len, inibuf); /*........................................................................ For each entry in the INI section: - Get the entry - Generate a string describing the team - Add that string to the list box - Add a ptr to the INI entry name to our 'teamnames' list ........................................................................*/ while (*tbuffer != '\0') { WWGetPrivateProfileString(TeamTypeClass::INI_Name(), tbuffer, NULL, buf, sizeof(buf)-1, inibuf); item = new char [60]; /* ** Parse the INI entry */ houseptr = strtok(buf,","); for (i = 0; i < 9; i++) { strtok(NULL,","); } numclasses = atoi(strtok(NULL,",")); /* ** Generate the descriptive string */ sprintf(item," %s\t",tbuffer); HousesType house = HouseTypeClass::From_Name(houseptr); if (house != HOUSE_NONE) { strcat(item, HouseTypeClass::As_Reference(house).Suffix); } else { strcat(item, "!!!"); } strcat(item, "\t"); classptr = strtok(NULL,","); for (i = 0; i < numclasses; i++) { if (strlen(item) + strlen(classptr) < 60) { strcat(item,classptr); classptr = strtok(NULL,","); } else { break; } } /* ** Add the item to the list box */ teamlist.Add_Item(item); /* ** Add the name to our internal name list */ teamnames.Add(tbuffer); tbuffer += strlen(tbuffer)+1; } /* ............................ Create the list ............................. */ commands = &teamlist; okbtn.Add_Tail(*commands); cancelbtn.Add_Tail(*commands); /* ------------------------ Init tab stops for list ------------------------- */ teamlist.Set_Tabs(tabs); /* -------------------------- Main Processing Loop -------------------------- */ display = REDRAW_ALL; process = true; while (process) { /* ** If we have just received input focus again after running in the background then ** we need to redraw. */ if (AllSurfaces.SurfacesRestored){ AllSurfaces.SurfacesRestored=FALSE; display=REDRAW_ALL; } /* ........................ Invoke game callback ......................... */ Call_Back(); /* ...................... Refresh display if needed ...................... */ if (display) { /* ...................... Display the dialog box ...................... */ Hide_Mouse(); if (display >= REDRAW_BACKGROUND) { Dialog_Box(D_DIALOG_X, D_DIALOG_Y, D_DIALOG_W, D_DIALOG_H); Draw_Caption(TXT_NONE, D_DIALOG_X, D_DIALOG_Y, D_DIALOG_W); /* ....................... Draw the captions ....................... */ Fancy_Text_Print("Import Teams", D_DIALOG_CX, D_DIALOG_Y + D_MARGIN, CC_GREEN, TBLACK, TPF_CENTER | TPF_6PT_GRAD | TPF_USE_GRAD_PAL | TPF_NOSHADOW); } /* ........................ Redraw the buttons ........................ */ if (display >= REDRAW_BUTTONS) commands->Flag_List_To_Redraw(); Show_Mouse(); display = REDRAW_NONE; } /* ........................... Get user input ............................ */ input = commands->Input(); /* ............................ Process input ............................ */ switch (input) { case (TEAM_LIST | KN_BUTTON): break; case (KN_RETURN): case (BUTTON_OK | KN_BUTTON): process = false; break; case (KN_ESC): case (BUTTON_CANCEL | KN_BUTTON): cancel = true; process = false; break; } } /* --------------------------- Redraw the display --------------------------- */ HiddenPage.Clear(); Flag_To_Redraw(true); Render(); /*........................................................................ Re-parse the INI section; if any item is checked in the list box, create that team for this scenario. ........................................................................*/ if (!cancel) { tbuffer = inibuf + len; i = 0; while (*tbuffer != '\0') { /* ** If this item is checked on the list, create a new team ** and fill it in. */ if (teamlist.Is_Checked(i)) { WWGetPrivateProfileString(TeamTypeClass::INI_Name(), tbuffer, NULL, buf, sizeof(buf)-1, inibuf); team = new TeamTypeClass(); team->Fill_In(tbuffer,buf); } tbuffer += strlen(tbuffer)+1; i++; } } /*........................................................................ Clean up memory ........................................................................*/ teamnames.Clear(); while (teamlist.Count()) { item = (char *)teamlist.Get_Item(0); teamlist.Remove_Item(item); delete [] item; } delete [] inibuf; if (cancel) { return(-1); } else { return(0); } } #endif