// Copyright 2020 Electronic Arts Inc.
// TiberianDawn.DLL and RedAlert.dll and corresponding source code is free 
// software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of 
// the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, 
// either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

// TiberianDawn.DLL and RedAlert.dll and corresponding source code is distributed 
// in the hope that it will be useful, but with permitted additional restrictions 
// under Section 7 of the GPL. See the GNU General Public License in LICENSE.TXT 
// distributed with this program. You should have received a copy of the 
// GNU General Public License along with permitted additional restrictions 
// with this program. If not, see https://github.com/electronicarts/CnC_Remastered_Collection

/* $Header: /CounterStrike/SIDEBAR.H 1     3/03/97 10:25a Joe_bostic $ */
 ***              C O N F I D E N T I A L  ---  W E S T W O O D  S T U D I O S               ***
 *                                                                                             *
 *                 Project Name : Command & Conquer                                            *
 *                                                                                             *
 *                    File Name : SIDEBAR.H                                                    *
 *                                                                                             *
 *                   Programmer : Joe L. Bostic                                                *
 *                                                                                             *
 *                   Start Date : October 20, 1994                                             *
 *                                                                                             *
 *                  Last Update : October 20, 1994   [JLB]                                     *
 *                                                                                             *
 * Functions:                                                                                  *
 * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */

#ifndef SIDEBAR_H
#define SIDEBAR_H

#include	"function.h"
#include	"power.h"
#include	"factory.h"

class InitClass {};

class SidebarClass: public PowerClass
		**	These constants are used to control the sidebar rendering. They are instantiated
		**	as enumerations since C++ cannot use "const" in this context.
		enum SideBarClassEnums {
			BUTTON_ACTIVATOR=100,			// Button ID for the activator.
			SIDE_X=320-80,					// The X position of sidebar upper left corner.
			SIDE_Y=7+70,	// The Y position of sidebar upper left corner.
			SIDE_WIDTH=SIDEBAR_WID,			// Width of the entire sidebar (in pixels).
			SIDE_HEIGHT=200-(7+70),			// Height of the entire sidebar (in pixels).
			TOP_HEIGHT=13,						// Height of top section (with repair/sell buttons).
			COLUMN_ONE_X=(320-80)+8,			// Sidestrip upper left coordinates...

//BGA: changes to all buttons
#ifdef GERMAN
			BUTTON_ONE_WIDTH=20,				// Button width.
			BUTTON_TWO_WIDTH=27,				// Button width.
			BUTTON_THREE_WIDTH=26,			// Button width.
			BUTTON_HEIGHT=9,					// Button height.
			BUTTON_ONE_X=SIDE_X+2,			// Left button X coordinate.
			BUTTON_ONE_Y=SIDE_Y+2,			// Left button Y coordinate.
			BUTTON_TWO_X=SIDE_X+24,			// Right button X coordinate.
			BUTTON_TWO_Y=SIDE_Y+2,			// Right button Y coordinate.
			BUTTON_THREE_X=SIDE_X+53,			// Right button X coordinate.
			BUTTON_THREE_Y=SIDE_Y+2,			// Right button Y coordinate.

#ifdef FRENCH
			BUTTON_ONE_WIDTH=20,				// Button width.
			BUTTON_TWO_WIDTH=27,				// Button width.
			BUTTON_THREE_WIDTH=26,			// Button width.
			BUTTON_HEIGHT=9,					// Button height.
			BUTTON_ONE_X=SIDE_X+2,			// Left button X coordinate.
			BUTTON_ONE_Y=SIDE_Y+2,			// Left button Y coordinate.
			BUTTON_TWO_X=SIDE_X+24,			// Right button X coordinate.
			BUTTON_TWO_Y=SIDE_Y+2,			// Right button Y coordinate.
			BUTTON_THREE_X=SIDE_X+53,			// Right button X coordinate.
			BUTTON_THREE_Y=SIDE_Y+2,			// Right button Y coordinate.

#ifdef ENGLISH
			BUTTON_ONE_WIDTH=32,				// Button width.
			BUTTON_TWO_WIDTH=20,				// Button width.
			BUTTON_THREE_WIDTH=20,			// Button width.
			BUTTON_HEIGHT=9,					// Button height.
			BUTTON_ONE_X=(int)SIDE_X+2,			// Left button X coordinate.
			BUTTON_ONE_Y=(int)SIDE_Y+2,			// Left button Y coordinate.
			BUTTON_TWO_X=(int)SIDE_X+36,			// Right button X coordinate.
			BUTTON_TWO_Y=(int)SIDE_Y+2,			// Right button Y coordinate.
			BUTTON_THREE_X=(int)SIDE_X+58,			// Right button X coordinate.
			BUTTON_THREE_Y=(int)SIDE_Y+2,			// Right button Y coordinate.

			COLUMNS=2							// Number of side strips on sidebar.

		static void * SidebarShape;
		static void * SidebarMiddleShape;	//Only used in Win95 version
		static void * SidebarBottomShape;	//Only used in Win95 version

		SidebarClass(NoInitClass const & x);

		** Initialization
		virtual void One_Time(void);							// One-time inits
		virtual void Init_Clear(void);						// Clears all to known state
		virtual void Init_IO(void);							// Inits button list
		virtual void Init_Theater(TheaterType theater);	// Theater-specific inits
		void Reload_Sidebar(void);								// Loads house-specific sidebar art

		virtual void AI(KeyNumType & input, int x, int y);
		virtual void Draw_It(bool complete);
		virtual void Refresh_Cells(CELL cell, short const *list);

		void Zoom_Mode_Control(void);
		bool Abandon_Production(RTTIType type, int factory);
		bool Activate(int control);
		bool Add(RTTIType type, int ID, bool via_capture = false);		// Added via_capture for new sidebar functionality. ST - 9/24/2019 3:15PM  );
		bool Sidebar_Click(KeyNumType & input, int x, int y);
		void Recalc(void);
		bool Factory_Link(int factory, RTTIType type, int id);

		**	Each side strip is managed by this class. It handles all strip specific
		**	actions.
		class StripClass : public StageClass
			class SelectClass : public ControlClass
					SelectClass(NoInitClass const & x) : ControlClass(x) {};

					void Set_Owner(StripClass & strip, int index);

					StripClass * Strip;
					int Index;

					virtual int Action(unsigned flags, KeyNumType & key);

				StripClass(void) {}
				StripClass(InitClass const &);
				StripClass(NoInitClass const & ) {};

				bool Add(RTTIType type, int ID, bool via_capture);		// Added via_capture for new sidebar functionality. ST - 9/24/2019 3:15PM  );
				bool Abandon_Production(int factory);
				bool Scroll(bool up);
				bool AI(KeyNumType & input, int x, int y);
				void Draw_It(bool complete);
				void One_Time(int id);
				void Init_Clear(void);
				void Init_IO(int id);
				void Init_Theater(TheaterType theater);
				void Reload_LogoShapes(void);
				bool Recalc(void);
				void Activate(void);
				void Deactivate(void);
				void Flag_To_Redraw(void);
				bool Factory_Link(int factory, RTTIType type, int id);
				void const * Get_Special_Cameo(SpecialWeaponType type);

				**	File I/O.
				bool Load(Straw & file);
				bool Save(Pipe & file) const;

				**	Working numbers used when rendering and processing the side strip.
				enum SideBarGeneralEnums {
					MAX_BUILDABLES=75,			// Maximum number of object types in sidebar.
					OBJECT_HEIGHT=24,				// Pixel height of each buildable object.
					OBJECT_WIDTH=32,				// Pixel width of each buildable object.
					STRIP_WIDTH=35,				// Width of strip (not counting border lines).
					MAX_VISIBLE=4,					// Number of object slots visible at any one time.
#ifdef WIN32
					SCROLL_RATE=12,				// The pixel jump while scrolling (larger is faster).
					SCROLL_RATE=8,					// The pixel jump while scrolling (larger is faster).
					UP_X_OFFSET=2,					// Scroll up arrow coordinates.
#ifdef WIN32
					DOWN_X_OFFSET=18,				// Scroll down arrow coordinates.
					SBUTTON_WIDTH=16,				// Width of the mini-scroll button.
					SBUTTON_HEIGHT=12,				// Height of the mini-scroll button.
					LEFT_EDGE_OFFSET=2,			// Offset from left edge for building shapes.
					TEXT_X_OFFSET=18,				// X offset to print "ready" text.
					TEXT_Y_OFFSET=15,				// Y offset to print "ready" text.
					TEXT_COLOR=255					// Color to use for the "Ready" text.

				**	This is the coordinate of the upper left corner that this side strip
				**	uses for rendering.
				int X,Y;

				**	This is a unique identifier for the sidebar strip. Using this identifier,
				**	it is possible to differentiate the button messages that arrive from the
				**	common input button list.  It >MUST< be equal to the strip's index into
				** the Column[] array, because the strip uses it to access the stripclass
				** buttons.
				int ID;

				**	Shape numbers for the shapes in the STRIP.SHP file.
				enum SideBarStipShapeEnums {
					SB_BLANK,			// The blank rectangle to use if there are no objects present.

				**	If this particular side strip needs to be redrawn, then this flag
				**	will be true.
				unsigned IsToRedraw:1;

				**	If construction is in progress (no other objects in this strip can
				**	be started), then this flag will be true. It will be cleared when
				**	the strip is free to start production again.
				unsigned IsBuilding:1;

				**	This controls the sidebar slide direction. If this is true, then the sidebar
				**	will scroll downward -- revealing previous objects.
				unsigned IsScrollingDown:1;

				**	If the sidebar is scrolling, then this flag is true. Otherwise it is false.
				unsigned IsScrolling:1;

				**	This is the object (sidebar slot) that is flashing. Only one slot can be flashing
				**	at any one instant. This is usually the result of a click on the slot and construction
				**	has commenced.
				int Flasher;

				**	As the sidebar scrolls up and down, this variable holds the index for the topmost
				**	visible sidebar slot.
				int TopIndex;

				**	This is the queued scroll direction and amount. The sidebar
				**	will scroll the number of slots indicated by this value. This
				**	value is set according to the scroll buttons.
				int Scroller;

				**	The sidebar has smooth scrolling. This is the number of pixels the sidebar
				**	has slide down. Thus, if this value were 5, then there would be 5 pixels of
				**	the TopIndex-1 sidebar object visible. When the Slid value reaches 24, then
				**	the value resets to zero and the TopIndex is decremented. For sliding in the
				**	opposite direction, change the IsScrollingDown flag.
				int Slid;

				** The value of Slid the last time we rendered the sidebar.
				int LastSlid;

				**	This is the count of the number of sidebar slots that are active.
				int BuildableCount;

				**	This is the array of buildable object types. This array is sorted in the order
				**	that it is to be displayed. This array keeps track of which objects are building
				**	and ready to be placed. The very nature of this method precludes simultaneous
				**	construction of the same object type.
				typedef struct BuildType {
					int BuildableID;
					RTTIType BuildableType;
					int Factory;								// Production manager.
					bool BuildableViaCapture;				// Added for new sidebar functionality. ST - 9/24/2019 3:10PM
				} BuildType;
				BuildType Buildables[MAX_BUILDABLES];

				**	Pointer to the shape data for small versions of the logos. These are used as
				**	placeholder pieces on the side bar.
				static void * LogoShapes;

				**	This points to the animation sequence of frames used to mark the passage of time
				**	as an object is undergoing construction.
				static void const * ClockShapes;

				** This points to the animation sequence which deals with special
				** shapes which handle non-production based icons.
				static void const * SpecialShapes[SPC_COUNT];

				**	This is the last theater that the special palette remap table was loaded
				**	for. If the current theater differs from this recorded value, then the
				**	remap tables are reloaded.
//				static TheaterType LastTheater;

				static ShapeButtonClass UpButton[COLUMNS];
				static ShapeButtonClass DownButton[COLUMNS];
				static SelectClass SelectButton[COLUMNS][MAX_VISIBLE];

				**	This points to the shapes that are used for the clock overlay. This displays
				**	progress of construction.
				static char ClockTranslucentTable[(1+1)*256];

		} Column[COLUMNS];

		**	If the sidebar is active then this flag is true.
		unsigned IsSidebarActive:1;

		**	This flag tells the rendering system that the sidebar needs to be redrawn.
		unsigned IsToRedraw:1;

		class SBGadgetClass: public GadgetClass {
//#ifdef WIN32
				SBGadgetClass(void) : GadgetClass((int)((int)SIDE_X+8)*RESFACTOR, (int)SIDE_Y*RESFACTOR, (int)((int)SIDE_WIDTH-1)*RESFACTOR-1, (int)((int)SIDE_HEIGHT-1)*RESFACTOR, LEFTUP) {};
//				SBGadgetClass(void) : GadgetClass((int)SIDE_X+8, (int)SIDE_Y, (int)SIDE_WIDTH-1, (int)SIDE_HEIGHT-1, LEFTUP) {};
				virtual int Action(unsigned flags, KeyNumType & key);

		**	This is the button that is used to collapse and expand the sidebar.
		** These buttons must be available to derived classes, for Save/Load.
		static ShapeButtonClass Repair;
		static ShapeButtonClass Upgrade;
		static ShapeButtonClass Zoom;
		static SBGadgetClass Background;

		bool Scroll(bool up, int column);

		bool Activate_Repair(int control);
		bool Activate_Upgrade(int control);
		bool Activate_Demolish(int control);
		int Which_Column(RTTIType type);

		unsigned IsRepairActive:1;
		unsigned IsUpgradeActive:1;
		unsigned IsDemolishActive:1;
