// // Copyright 2020 Electronic Arts Inc. // // TiberianDawn.DLL and RedAlert.dll and corresponding source code is free // software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of // the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, // either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // TiberianDawn.DLL and RedAlert.dll and corresponding source code is distributed // in the hope that it will be useful, but with permitted additional restrictions // under Section 7 of the GPL. See the GNU General Public License in LICENSE.TXT // distributed with this program. You should have received a copy of the // GNU General Public License along with permitted additional restrictions // with this program. If not, see https://github.com/electronicarts/CnC_Remastered_Collection /* $Header: /CounterStrike/TECHNO.CPP 5 3/17/97 1:28a Steve_tall $ */ /*********************************************************************************************** *** C O N F I D E N T I A L --- W E S T W O O D S T U D I O S *** *********************************************************************************************** * * * Project Name : Command & Conquer * * * * File Name : BASE.CPP * * * * Programmer : Joe L. Bostic * * * * Start Date : May 8, 1994 * * * * Last Update : November 1, 1996 [JLB] * * * *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* * Functions: * * TechnoClass::AI -- Handles AI processing for techno object. * * TechnoClass::Anti_Air -- Determines the anti-aircraft strength of the object. * * TechnoClass::Anti_Armor -- Determines the anti-armor strength of the object. * * TechnoClass::Anti_Infantry -- Calculates the anti-infantry strength of this object. * * TechnoClass::Area_Modify -- Determine the area scan modifier for the cell. * * TechnoClass::Assign_Destination -- Assigns movement destination to the object. * * TechnoClass::Assign_Target -- Assigns the targeting computer with specified target. * * TechnoClass::Base_Is_Attacked -- Handle panic response to base being attacked. * * TechnoClass::Can_Fire -- Determines if this techno object can fire. * * TechnoClass::Can_Player_Fire -- Determines if the player can give this object a fire order* * TechnoClass::Can_Player_Move -- Determines if the object can move be moved by player. * * TechnoClass::Can_Repair -- Determines if the object can and should be repaired. * * TechnoClass::Can_Teleport_Here -- Checks cell to see if a valid teleport destination. * * TechnoClass::Captured -- Handles capturing this object. * * TechnoClass::Clicked_As_Target -- Sets the flash count for this techno object. * * TechnoClass::Cloaking_AI -- Perform the AI maintenance for a cloaking device. * * TechnoClass::Combat_Damage -- Fetch the amount of damage infliced by the specified weapon.* * TechnoClass::Crew_Type -- Fetches the kind of crew this object contains. * * TechnoClass::Debug_Dump -- Displays the base class data to the monochrome screen. * * TechnoClass::Desired_Load_Dir -- Fetches loading parameters for this object. * * TechnoClass::Detach -- Handles removal of target from tracking system. * * TechnoClass::Do_Cloak -- Start the object into cloaking stage. * * TechnoClass::Do_Shimmer -- Causes this object to shimmer if it is cloaked. * * TechnoClass::Do_Uncloak -- Cause the stealth tank to uncloak. * * TechnoClass::Draw_It -- Draws the health bar (if necessary). * * TechnoClass::Draw_Pips -- Draws the transport pips and other techno graphics. * * TechnoClass::Electric_Zap -- Fires electric zap at the target specified. * * TechnoClass::Enter_Idle_Mode -- Object enters its default idle condition. * * TechnoClass::Evaluate_Cell -- Determine the value and object of specified cell. * * TechnoClass::Evaluate_Just_Cell -- Evaluate a cell as a target by itself. * * TechnoClass::Evaluate_Object -- Determines score value of specified object. * * TechnoClass::Exit_Object -- Causes specified object to leave this object. * * TechnoClass::Find_Docking_Bay -- Searches for a close docking bay. * * TechnoClass::Find_Exit_Cell -- Finds an appropriate exit cell for this object. * * TechnoClass::Fire_At -- Fires projectile at target specified. * * TechnoClass::Fire_Coord -- Determine the coordinate where bullets appear. * * TechnoClass::Fire_Direction -- Fetches the direction projectile fire will take. * * TechnoClass::Get_Ownable -- Fetches the ownable bits for this object. * * TechnoClass::Greatest_Threat -- Determines best target given search criteria. * * TechnoClass::Hidden -- Returns the object back into the hidden state. * * TechnoClass::How_Many_Survivors -- Determine the number of survivors to escape. * * TechnoClass::In_Range -- Determines if specified target is within weapon range. * * TechnoClass::In_Range -- Determines if specified target is within weapon range. * * TechnoClass::In_Range -- Determines if the specified coordinate is within range. * * TechnoClass::Is_Allowed_To_Recloak -- Can this object recloak? * * TechnoClass::Is_Allowed_To_Retaliate -- Checks object to see if it can retaliate. * * TechnoClass::Is_In_Same_Zone -- Determine if specified cell is in same zone as object. * * TechnoClass::Is_Players_Army -- Determines if this object is part of the player's army. * * TechnoClass::Is_Ready_To_Cloak -- Determines if this object is ready to begin cloaking. * * TechnoClass::Is_Ready_To_Random_Animate -- Determines if the object should random animate.* * TechnoClass::Is_Visible_On_Radar -- Is this object visible on player's radar screen? * * TechnoClass::Is_Weapon_Equipped -- Determines if this object has a combat weapon. * * TechnoClass::Kill_Cargo -- Destroys any cargo attached to this object. * * TechnoClass::Look -- Performs a look around (map reveal) action. * * TechnoClass::Mark -- Handles marking of techno objects. * * TechnoClass::Nearby_Location -- Radiates outward looking for clear cell nearby. * * TechnoClass::Owner -- Who is the owner of this object? * * TechnoClass::Per_Cell_Process -- Handles once-per-cell operations for techno type objects.* * TechnoClass::Pip_Count -- Fetches the number of pips to display on this object. * * TechnoClass::Player_Assign_Mission -- Assigns a mission as result of player input. * * TechnoClass::Rearm_Delay -- Calculates the delay before firing can occur. * * TechnoClass::Receive_Message -- Handles inbound message as appropriate. * * TechnoClass::Record_The_Kill -- Records the death of this object. * * TechnoClass::Refund_Amount -- Returns with the money to refund if this object is sold. * * TechnoClass::Remap_Table -- Fetches the appropriate remap table to use. * * TechnoClass::Renovate -- Heal a building to maximum * * TechnoClass::Response_Attack -- Handles the voice response when given attack order. * * TechnoClass::Response_Move -- Handles the voice response to a movement request. * * TechnoClass::Response_Select -- Handles the voice response when selected. * * TechnoClass::Revealed -- Handles revealing an object to the house specified. * * TechnoClass::Risk -- Fetches the risk associated with this object. * * TechnoClass::Select -- Selects object and checks to see if can be selected. * * TechnoClass::Set_Mission -- Forced mission set (used by editor). * * TechnoClass::Stun -- Prepares the object for removal from the game. * * TechnoClass::Take_Damage -- Records damage assessed to this object. * * TechnoClass::Target_Something_Nearby -- Handles finding and assigning a nearby target. * * TechnoClass::TechnoClass -- Constructor for techno type objects. * * TechnoClass::Techno_Draw_Object -- General purpose draw object routine. * * TechnoClass::Threat_Range -- Returns the range to scan based on threat control. * * TechnoClass::Tiberium_Load -- Fetches the current tiberium load percentage. * * TechnoClass::Time_To_Build -- Determines the time it would take to build this. * * TechnoClass::Unlimbo -- Performs unlimbo process for all techno type objects. * * TechnoClass::Value -- Fetches the target value for this object. * * TechnoClass::Visual_Character -- Determine the visual character of the object. * * TechnoClass::Weapon_Range -- Determines the maximum range for the weapon. * * TechnoClass::What_Action -- Determines action to perform if cell is clicked on. * * TechnoClass::What_Action -- Determines what action to perform if object is selected. * * TechnoClass::What_Weapon_Should_I_Use -- Determines what is the best weapon to use. * * TechnoTypeClass::Cost_Of -- Fetches the cost of this object type. * * TechnoTypeClass::Get_Cameo_Data -- Fetches the cameo image for this object type. * * TechnoTypeClass::Get_Ownable -- Fetches the ownable bits for this object type. * * TechnoTypeClass::Is_Two_Shooter -- Determines if this object is a double shooter. * * TechnoTypeClass::Raw_Cost -- Fetches the raw (base) cost of the object. * * TechnoTypeClass::Read_INI -- Reads the techno type data from the INI database. * * TechnoTypeClass::Repair_Cost -- Fetches the cost to repair one step. * * TechnoTypeClass::Repair_Step -- Fetches the health to repair one step. * * TechnoTypeClass::TechnoTypeClass -- Constructor for techno type objects. * * TechnoTypeClass::Time_To_Build -- Fetches the time to build this object. * * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */ #include "function.h" /*************************************************************************** ** Cloaking control values. */ #define MAX_UNCLOAK_STAGE 38 //Added for getting the input for special character keys from the client // - 6/26/2019 JAS extern bool DLL_Export_Get_Input_Key_State(KeyNumType key); /*************************************************************************** ** These are the pointers to the special shape data that the units may need. */ void const * TechnoTypeClass::WakeShapes = 0; void const * TechnoTypeClass::TurretShapes = 0; void const * TechnoTypeClass::SamShapes = 0; void const * TechnoTypeClass::MGunShapes = 0; //Xlat Tables for French and German // For name overriding //#define NEWNAMES 22 #ifdef GERMAN const char* NewName[] = { "Scout Ant", "Kundschafter-Ameise", "Warrior Ant", "Krieger-Ameise", "Fire Ant", "Feuer-Ameise", "Queen Ant", "Ameisenk�nigin", "ATS", "Angriffs-U-Boot", "Tesla Tank", "Telsapanzer", "Volkov", "Modell Volkov", "Chitzkoi", "Roboterhund", "Stavros", "Stavros", "F-A Longbow", "Jagdhubschrauber Longbow", "Civilian Specialist", "Wissenschaftler", "Alloy Facility", "Legierungswerk", NULL, }; #endif #ifdef FRENCH const char* NewName[] = { "Scout Ant", "Fourmi de Reconnaissance", "Warrior Ant", "Fourmi Guerri�re", "Fire Ant", "Fourmi Lance-Flammes", "Queen Ant", "Reine des Fourmis", "ATS", "SMTA", "Tesla Tank", "Tank Tesla", "Volkov", "Volkov", "Chitzkoi", "Cyber-Chien", "Stavros", "Stavros", "F-A Longbow", "HAA (H�licopt�re d'Assaut Avanc�)", "Civilian Specialist", "Sp�cialiste Civil", "Alloy Facility", "Usine M�tallurgique", NULL, }; #endif /*************************************************************************** ** Which shape to use depending on which facing is controlled by these arrays. */ int const TechnoClass::BodyShape[32] = {0,31,30,29,28,27,26,25,24,23,22,21,20,19,18,17,16,15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1}; /*********************************************************************************************** * TechnoClass::Is_Players_Army -- Determines if this object is part of the player's army. * * * * The player's army is considered to be all those mobile units that can be selected * * and controlled by the player (they may or may not have weapons in the traditional * * sense). * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: bool; Is this object part of the player's selectable controllable army? * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 09/23/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ bool TechnoClass::Is_Players_Army(void) const { /* ** An object that is dead (or about to be) is not considered part of ** the player's army. */ if (Strength <= 0) { return(false); } /* ** If the object is not yet on the map or is otherwise indisposed, then ** don't consider it. */ if (IsInLimbo || !IsLocked) { return(false); } /* ** Buildings, although sometimes serving a combat purpose, are not part ** of the player's army. */ if (What_Am_I() == RTTI_BUILDING) { return(false); } /* ** If not discoverd by the player, then don't consider it part of the ** player's army (yet). */ if (!Is_Discovered_By_Player()) { return(false); } /* ** If not selectable, then not really part of the player's active army. */ if (!Techno_Type_Class()->IsSelectable) { return(false); } /* ** If not under player control, then it isn't part of the player's army. */ if (!House->IsPlayerControl) { return(false); } return(true); } /*********************************************************************************************** * TechnoClass::Can_Teleport_Here -- Checks cell to see if a valid teleport destination. * * * * Use this routine to examine the cell specified and if the cell could be a valid * * destination for a teleport, then return true. * * * * INPUT: cell -- The cell to examine as a possible legal teleport destination. * * * * OUTPUT: bool; Is the specified cell a legal teleport destination? * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 10/08/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ bool TechnoClass::Can_Teleport_Here(CELL cell) const { /* ** Infantry are never allowed to teleport. */ if (What_Am_I() == RTTI_INFANTRY) { return(false); } /* ** The destination cell must be on the playfield. */ if (!Map.In_Radar(cell)) { return(false); } /* ** Teleporting directly onto the flag spot is not allowed. This is due to the ** requirement that entering that location must proceed under normal channels. */ if (Map[cell].Overlay == OVERLAY_FLAG_SPOT) { return(false); } /* ** Determine if the object could enter the cell by normal means. If the ** cell is impassable, then it can't be teleported there. */ TechnoTypeClass const * ttype = Techno_Type_Class(); if (!Map[cell].Is_Clear_To_Move(ttype->Speed, true, true, -1, ttype->Speed == SPEED_FLOAT ? MZONE_WATER : MZONE_NORMAL)) { return(false); } return(true); } /*********************************************************************************************** * TechnoClass::What_Weapon_Should_I_Use -- Determines what is the best weapon to use. * * * * This routine will compare the weapons this object is equipped with verses the * * candidate target object. The best weapon to use against the target will be returned. * * Special emphasis is given to weapons that can fire on the target without requiring * * this object to move within range. * * * * INPUT: target -- The candidate target to determine which weapon is best against. * * * * OUTPUT: Returns with an identifier the specifies what weapon to use against the target. * * The return value will be "0" for the primary weapon and "1" for the secondary. * * * * WARNINGS: This routine is called very frequently. It should be as efficient as possible. * * * * HISTORY: * * 08/12/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ int TechnoClass::What_Weapon_Should_I_Use(TARGET target) const { if (!Target_Legal(target)) return(0); /* ** Fetch the armor of the candidate target object. Presume that if the target ** is not an object, then its armor is equivalent to wood. Who knows why? */ ArmorType armor = ARMOR_WOOD; if (Is_Target_Object(target)) { armor = As_Object(target)->Class_Of().Armor; } TechnoTypeClass const * ttype = Techno_Type_Class(); /* ** Get the value of the primary weapon verses the candidate target. Increase the ** value of the weapon if it happens to be in range. */ int w1 = 0; WeaponTypeClass const * wptr = ttype->PrimaryWeapon; if (wptr != NULL && wptr->WarheadPtr != NULL) w1 = wptr->WarheadPtr->Modifier[armor] * 1000; if (In_Range(target, 0)) w1 *= 2; FireErrorType ok = Can_Fire(target, 0); if (ok == FIRE_CANT || ok == FIRE_ILLEGAL) w1 = 0; /* ** Calculate a similar value for the secondary weapon. */ int w2 = 0; wptr = ttype->SecondaryWeapon; if (wptr != NULL && wptr->WarheadPtr != NULL) w2 = wptr->WarheadPtr->Modifier[armor] * 1000; if (In_Range(target, 1)) w2 *= 2; ok = Can_Fire(target, 1); if (ok == FIRE_CANT || ok == FIRE_ILLEGAL) w2 = 0; /* ** Return with the weapon identifier that should be used to fire upon the ** candidate target. */ if (w2 > w1) return(1); return(0); } /*********************************************************************************************** * TechnoClass::How_Many_Survivors -- Determine the number of survivors to escape. * * * * This routine will determine the number of survivors that should run from this object * * when it is destroyed. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: Returns with the maximum number of survivors that should run from this object * * when the object gets destroyed. * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 08/04/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ int TechnoClass::How_Many_Survivors(void) const { if (Techno_Type_Class()->IsCrew) { return(1); } return(0); } /*********************************************************************************************** * TechnoClass::Combat_Damage -- Fetch the amount of damage infliced by the specified weapon. * * * * This routine will examine the specified weapon of this object and determine how much * * damage it could inflict -- best case. * * * * INPUT: which -- Which weapon to consider. If -1 is specified, then the average of both * * weapon types (if present) is returned. * * * * OUTPUT: Returns with the combat damage that could be inflicted by the specified weapon. * * * * WARNINGS: This routine could return a negative number if a medic is scanned. * * * * HISTORY: * * 09/16/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ int TechnoClass::Combat_Damage(int which) const { TechnoTypeClass const * ttype = Techno_Type_Class(); int divisor = 0; int value = 0; if (which == 0 || which == -1) { if (ttype->PrimaryWeapon != NULL) { value += ttype->PrimaryWeapon->Attack; divisor += 1; } } if (which == 1 || which == -1) { if (ttype->SecondaryWeapon != NULL) { value += ttype->SecondaryWeapon->Attack; divisor += 1; } } if (divisor > 1) { return(value / divisor); } return(value); } /*********************************************************************************************** * TechnoClass::Is_Allowed_To_Recloak -- Can this object recloak? * * * * Determine is this object can recloak now and returns that info. Usually the answer is * * yes, but it can be overridden be derived classes. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: bool; Can this object recloak now? (presumes it has the ability to cloak) * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/29/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ bool TechnoClass::Is_Allowed_To_Recloak(void) const { return(true); } /*********************************************************************************************** * TechnoClass::Fire_Coord -- Determine the coordinate where bullets appear. * * * * This routine will determine the coordinate to use when this object fires. The coordinate * * is the location where bullets appear (or fire effects appear) when the object fires * * its weapon. * * * * INPUT: which -- Which weapon is the coordinate to be calculated for? 0 means primary * * weapon, 1 means secondary weapon. * * * * OUTPUT: Returns with the coordinate that any bullets fired from the specified weapon * * should appear. * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/29/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ COORDINATE TechnoClass::Fire_Coord(int which) const { assert(IsActive); DirType dir = Turret_Facing(); TechnoTypeClass const * tclass = Techno_Type_Class(); int dist = 0; int lateral = 0; if (which == 0) { dist = tclass->PrimaryOffset; lateral = tclass->PrimaryLateral; } else { dist = tclass->SecondaryOffset; lateral = tclass->SecondaryLateral; } COORDINATE coord = Coord_Move(Center_Coord(), DIR_N, tclass->VerticalOffset + Height); coord = Coord_Move(coord, DIR_E, tclass->HorizontalOffset); if (IsSecondShot) { coord = Coord_Move(coord, (DirType)(dir+DIR_E), lateral); } else { coord = Coord_Move(coord, (DirType)(dir+DIR_W), lateral); } coord = Coord_Move(coord, dir, dist); return(coord); } #ifdef CHEAT_KEYS /*********************************************************************************************** * TechnoClass::Debug_Dump -- Displays the base class data to the monochrome screen. * * * * This routine is used to dump the status of the object class to the monochrome screen. * * This display can be used to track down or prevent bugs. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 06/02/1994 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ void TechnoClass::Debug_Dump(MonoClass * mono) const { assert(IsActive); mono->Set_Cursor(10, 7);mono->Printf("%2d", Fetch_Rate()); mono->Set_Cursor(14, 7);mono->Printf("%2d", Fetch_Stage()); mono->Set_Cursor(49, 1);mono->Printf("%3d", Ammo); mono->Set_Cursor(71, 1);mono->Printf("$%4d", PurchasePrice); mono->Set_Cursor(54, 1);mono->Printf("%3d", (long)Arm); if (Is_Something_Attached()) { mono->Set_Cursor(1, 5);mono->Printf("%08X", Attached_Object()); } if (Target_Legal(TarCom)) { mono->Set_Cursor(29, 3);mono->Printf("%08X", TarCom); } if (Target_Legal(SuspendedTarCom)) { mono->Set_Cursor(38, 3);mono->Printf("%08X", SuspendedTarCom); } if (Target_Legal(ArchiveTarget)) { mono->Set_Cursor(69, 5);mono->Printf("%08X", ArchiveTarget); } mono->Set_Cursor(47, 3);mono->Printf("%02X:%02X", PrimaryFacing.Current(), PrimaryFacing.Desired()); mono->Set_Cursor(64, 1);mono->Printf("%d(%d)", Cloak, CloakingDevice); mono->Fill_Attrib(14, 15, 12, 1, IsUseless ? MonoClass::INVERSE : MonoClass::NORMAL); mono->Fill_Attrib(14, 16, 12, 1, IsTickedOff ? MonoClass::INVERSE : MonoClass::NORMAL); mono->Fill_Attrib(14, 17, 12, 1, IsCloakable ? MonoClass::INVERSE : MonoClass::NORMAL); mono->Fill_Attrib(27, 13, 12, 1, IsLeader ? MonoClass::INVERSE : MonoClass::NORMAL); mono->Fill_Attrib(27, 14, 12, 1, IsALoaner ? MonoClass::INVERSE : MonoClass::NORMAL); mono->Fill_Attrib(27, 15, 12, 1, IsLocked ? MonoClass::INVERSE : MonoClass::NORMAL); mono->Fill_Attrib(27, 16, 12, 1, IsInRecoilState ? MonoClass::INVERSE : MonoClass::NORMAL); mono->Fill_Attrib(27, 17, 12, 1, IsTethered ? MonoClass::INVERSE : MonoClass::NORMAL); mono->Fill_Attrib(40, 13, 12, 1, IsOwnedByPlayer ? MonoClass::INVERSE : MonoClass::NORMAL); mono->Fill_Attrib(40, 14, 12, 1, IsDiscoveredByPlayer ? MonoClass::INVERSE : MonoClass::NORMAL); mono->Fill_Attrib(40, 15, 12, 1, IsDiscoveredByComputer ? MonoClass::INVERSE : MonoClass::NORMAL); mono->Fill_Attrib(40, 16, 12, 1, IsALemon ? MonoClass::INVERSE : MonoClass::NORMAL); mono->Set_Cursor(47, 17);mono->Printf("%3d", (long)IronCurtainCountDown); mono->Fill_Attrib(40, 17, 12, 1, IronCurtainCountDown > 0 ? MonoClass::INVERSE : MonoClass::NORMAL); RadioClass::Debug_Dump(mono); } #endif /*********************************************************************************************** * TechnoClass::TechnoClass -- Default constructor for techno objects. * * * * This default constructor for techno objects is used to reset all internal variables to * * their default state. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 12/09/1994 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ TechnoClass::TechnoClass(RTTIType rtti, int id, HousesType house) : RadioClass(rtti, id), IsUseless(false), IsTickedOff(false), IsCloakable(false), IsLeader(false), IsALoaner(false), IsLocked(false), IsInRecoilState(false), IsTethered(false), IsOwnedByPlayer(false), IsDiscoveredByPlayer(false), IsDiscoveredByComputer(false), IsALemon(false), IsSecondShot(true), ArmorBias(1), FirepowerBias(1), IdleTimer(0), IronCurtainCountDown(0), SpiedBy(0), ArchiveTarget(TARGET_NONE), House(HouseClass::As_Pointer(house)), Cloak(UNCLOAKED), TarCom(TARGET_NONE), SuspendedTarCom(TARGET_NONE), PrimaryFacing(DIR_N), Arm(0), Ammo(-1), ElectricZapDelay(-1), ElectricZapTarget(0), ElectricZapWhich(0), PurchasePrice(0) { //IsOwnedByPlayer = (PlayerPtr == House); // Added for multiplayer changes. ST - 4/24/2019 10:40AM IsDiscoveredByPlayerMask = 0; if (Session.Type == GAME_NORMAL) { IsOwnedByPlayer = (PlayerPtr == House); } else { IsOwnedByPlayer = House->IsHuman; } } /*********************************************************************************************** * TechnoClass::Is_Visible_On_Radar -- Is this object visible on player's radar screen? * * * * Use this routine to determine if this object should be visible on the player's radar * * screen. This routine doesn't take into consideration mapped terrain or whether the * * radar is active. It merely checks to see that if all else is functioning correctly, * * is this unit invisible or visible on the radar map. Typically, cloaked vehicles will * * not be visible. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: bool; Is this object nominally visible on the player's radar screen? * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 05/27/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ bool TechnoClass::Is_Visible_On_Radar(void) const { /* ** Hack: MRJ is invisible to radar, unless it's allied with the player. */ if (What_Am_I() == RTTI_UNIT) { if(*((UnitClass *)this) == UNIT_MRJ) { if(!House->Is_Ally(PlayerPtr)) { return(false); } } } if (!Techno_Type_Class()->IsInvisible && (Cloak != CLOAKED || House->Is_Ally(PlayerPtr))) { return(true); } return(false); } /*********************************************************************************************** * TechnoClass::Revealed -- Handles revealing an object to the house specified. * * * * When a unit moves out from under the shroud or when it gets delivered into already * * explored terrain, then it must be "revealed". Objects that are revealed may be * * announced to the player. The discovered bit updated accordingly. * * * * INPUT: house -- The house that this object is revealed to. * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 06/02/1994 JLB : Created. * * 12/27/1994 JLB : Discovered trigger event processing. * *=============================================================================================*/ bool TechnoClass::Revealed(HouseClass * house) { assert(IsActive); /* Replaced by client/server version from TD. ST - 8/7/2019 11:09AM if (house == PlayerPtr && IsDiscoveredByPlayer) return(false); if (house != PlayerPtr) { if (IsDiscoveredByComputer) return(false); IsDiscoveredByComputer = true; } */ if (house == NULL) { return false; } if (Is_Discovered_By_Player(house)) { return false; } if (house->IsHuman == false) { if (IsDiscoveredByComputer) { return false; } IsDiscoveredByComputer = true; } if (RadioClass::Revealed(house)) { /* ** An enemy object that is discovered will go into hunt mode if ** its current mission is to ambush. */ if (!house->IsHuman && Mission == MISSION_AMBUSH) { Assign_Mission(MISSION_HUNT); } if (Session.Type == GAME_NORMAL) { if (house == PlayerPtr) { IsDiscoveredByPlayer = true; if (!IsOwnedByPlayer) { /* ** If there is a trigger event associated with this object, then process ** it for discovery purposes. */ if (!ScenarioInit && Trigger.Is_Valid()) { Trigger->Spring(TEVENT_DISCOVERED, this); } /* ** Alert the enemy house to presence of the friendly side. */ House->IsDiscovered = true; if (house->IsHuman) { Set_Discovered_By_Player(house); } else { IsDiscoveredByComputer = true; } } else { if (house->IsHuman) { Set_Discovered_By_Player(house); } else { IsDiscoveredByComputer = true; } /* ** A newly revealed object will always perform a look operation. */ Look(); } } else { IsDiscoveredByComputer = true; } } else { if (house->IsHuman) { Set_Discovered_By_Player(house); } Look(); } return(true); } return(false); } /*********************************************************************************************** * TechnoClass::Hidden -- Returns the object back into the hidden state. * * * * This routine is called for every object that returns to the darkness shroud or when * * it gets destroyed. This also occurs when an object enters another (such as infantry * * entering a transport helicopter). * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 06/02/1994 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ void TechnoClass::Hidden(void) { assert(IsActive); //if (!IsDiscoveredByPlayer) return; if (!Is_Discovered_By_Player()) { // ST - 8/7/2019 11:17AM return; } if (!House->IsHuman) { Clear_Discovered_By_Players(); } } /*********************************************************************************************** * TechnoClass::Mark -- Handles marking of techno objects. * * * * On the Techno-level, marking handles transmission of the redraw command to any object * * that it is 'connected' with. This only occurs during loading and unloading. * * * * INPUT: mark -- The marking method. This routine just passes this on to base classes. * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 10/17/1994 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ bool TechnoClass::Mark(MarkType mark) { assert(IsActive); if (RadioClass::Mark(mark)) { /* ** When redrawing an object, if there is another object tethered to this one, ** redraw it as well. */ if (IsTethered) { Transmit_Message(RADIO_REDRAW); } return(true); } return(false); } /*********************************************************************************************** * TechnoClass::Receive_Message -- Handles inbound message as appropriate. * * * * This routine is used to handle inbound radio messages. It only handles those messages * * that deal with techno objects. Typically, these include loading and unloading. * * * * INPUT: from -- Pointer to the originator of the radio message. * * * * message -- The inbound radio message. * * * * param -- Reference to optional parameter that might be used to transfer * * more information than is possible with the simple radio message * * type. * * * * OUTPUT: Returns with the radio response. * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 10/17/1994 JLB : Created. * * 06/17/1995 JLB : Handles tether contact messages. * *=============================================================================================*/ RadioMessageType TechnoClass::Receive_Message(RadioClass * from, RadioMessageType message, long & param) { assert(IsActive); switch (message) { /* ** Just received instructions to attack the specified target. */ case RADIO_ATTACK_THIS: if (Techno_Type_Class()->PrimaryWeapon != NULL) { Assign_Target(param); Assign_Mission(MISSION_ATTACK); return(RADIO_ROGER); } break; /* ** Establish a tethered connection to the object in radio contact. */ case RADIO_TETHER: if (!IsTethered) { IsTethered = true; Transmit_Message(RADIO_TETHER, from); return(RADIO_ROGER); } break; /* ** Break the tethered connection to the object in radio contact. */ case RADIO_UNTETHER: if (IsTethered) { IsTethered = false; Transmit_Message(RADIO_UNTETHER, from); return(RADIO_ROGER); } break; /* ** A tethered unit has reached it's destination. All is ** clear, so radio contact can be broken. */ case RADIO_UNLOADED: Transmit_Message(RADIO_UNTETHER, from); return(Transmit_Message(RADIO_OVER_OUT, from)); /* ** When this message is received, it means that the other object ** has already turned its radio off. Turn this radio off as well. */ case RADIO_OVER_OUT: Transmit_Message(RADIO_UNTETHER, from); RadioClass::Receive_Message(from, message, param); return(RADIO_ROGER); /* ** Request to be informed when unloaded. This message is transmitted ** by the transport unit to the transported unit as it is about to be ** unloaded. It is saying, "All is clear. Drive off now." */ case RADIO_UNLOAD: case RADIO_BACKUP_NOW: case RADIO_HOLD_STILL: Transmit_Message(RADIO_TETHER, from); RadioClass::Receive_Message(from, message, param); return(RADIO_ROGER); /* ** Handle reloading one ammo point for this unit. */ case RADIO_RELOAD: if (Ammo == Techno_Type_Class()->MaxAmmo) return(RADIO_NEGATIVE); /*BG*/ Mark(MARK_CHANGE_REDRAW); Ammo++; return(RADIO_ROGER); /* ** Handle repair of this unit. */ case RADIO_REPAIR: /* ** If it's a mine layer, re-arm him if he's empty. This always takes precedence ** over repair, since this operation is free. */ if (What_Am_I() == RTTI_UNIT && *((UnitClass *)this) == UNIT_MINELAYER && ((UnitClass *)this)->Ammo < ((UnitClass *)this)->Class->MaxAmmo) { ((UnitClass *)this)->Ammo = ((UnitClass *)this)->Class->MaxAmmo; return(RADIO_NEGATIVE); } /* ** Determine if this unit can be repaired becaause it is under strength. If so, then ** proceed with the repair process. */ if (Health_Ratio() < Rule.ConditionGreen) { int cost = Techno_Type_Class()->Repair_Cost(); cost = max(cost, 1); int step = Techno_Type_Class()->Repair_Step(); step = max(step, 1); /* ** If there is sufficient money to repair the unit one step, then do so. ** Otherwise return with a "can't complete" radio response. */ if (House->Available_Money() >= cost) { House->Spend_Money(cost); Strength += step; /* ** Return with either an all ok or mission accomplished radio message. This ** lets the repairing object know if it should abort the repair control process ** or continue it. */ if (Health_Ratio() < Rule.ConditionGreen) { return(RADIO_ROGER); } else { Strength = Techno_Type_Class()->MaxStrength; return(RADIO_ALL_DONE); } } else { return(RADIO_CANT); } } return(RADIO_NEGATIVE); default: break; } return(RadioClass::Receive_Message(from, message, param)); } /*********************************************************************************************** * TechnoClass::Per_Cell_Process -- Handles once-per-cell operations for techno type objects. * * * * This routine handles marking a game object as not a loaner. It is set only if the unit * * is not player owned and is on the regular map. This is necessary so that enemy objects * * can exist off-map but as soon as they move onto the map, are flagged so that can never * * leave it again. * * * * INPUT: why -- Specifies the circumstances under which this routine was called. * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 10/17/1994 JLB : Created. * * 10/26/94 JLB : Handles scanner units. * * 12/27/1994 JLB : Checks for an processes any trigger in cell. * *=============================================================================================*/ void TechnoClass::Per_Cell_Process(PCPType why) { assert(IsActive); if (why == PCP_END) { CELL cell = Coord_Cell(Center_Coord()); /* ** When enemy units enter the proper map area from off map, they are ** flagged so that they won't travel back off the map again. */ if (!IsLocked && Map.In_Radar(cell)) { IsLocked = true; } /* ** If this object somehow moves into mapped terrain, but is not yet ** discovered, then flag it to be discovered. */ // Change for client/server multiplayer ST - 8/7/2019 11:19AM //if (!IsDiscoveredByPlayer && Map[cell].IsVisible) { //Revealed(PlayerPtr); if (!Is_Discovered_By_Player() && Map[cell].Is_Visible(House)) { Revealed(House); } } } /*********************************************************************************************** * TechnoClass::Draw_It -- Draws the health bar (if necessary). * * * * This routine will draw the common elements for techno type objects. This element is * * the health bar. The main game object has already been rendered by the time this * * routine is called. * * * * INPUT: x,y -- The coordinate of the center of the unit. * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 10/17/1994 JLB : Created. * * 10/26/94 JLB : Knows about radar scanned cells. * * 12/13/1994 JLB : Clips health bar against map edge. * * 01/23/1995 JLB : Dynamic selected object rectangle. * *=============================================================================================*/ void TechnoClass::Draw_It(int x, int y, WindowNumberType window) const { assert(IsActive); /* ** Tells the door logic that it has been drawn. */ ((TechnoClass *)this)->Clear_Redraw_Flag(); /* ** Draw electric zap */ if ((ElectricZapDelay >= 0) && ElectricZapTarget) { Electric_Zap(ElectricZapTarget, ElectricZapWhich, window); } int width, height; Class_Of().Dimensions(width, height); const bool show_health_bar = (Strength > 0) && (Is_Selected_By_Player() || ((Rule.HealthBarDisplayMode == RulesClass::HB_DAMAGED) && (Strength < Techno_Type_Class()->MaxStrength)) || (Rule.HealthBarDisplayMode == RulesClass::HB_ALWAYS)); /* ** Draw the selected object graphic. */ int lx = width / 2; int ly = height / 2; int dx = width / 5; int dy = height / 5; int fudge = show_health_bar ? 4 : 0; if (What_Am_I() == RTTI_VESSEL) { lx = width / 2; } //if (IsSelected) { if (Is_Selected_By_Player() || show_health_bar) { GraphicViewPortClass draw_window( LogicPage->Get_Graphic_Buffer(), WindowList[window][WINDOWX] + LogicPage->Get_XPos(), WindowList[window][WINDOWY] + LogicPage->Get_YPos(), WindowList[window][WINDOWWIDTH], WindowList[window][WINDOWHEIGHT]); /* ** The infantry select box should be a bit higher than normal. */ if (What_Am_I() == RTTI_INFANTRY) { y -= 6; } if (What_Am_I() == RTTI_BUILDING && ((BuildingTypeClass const &)Class_Of()).Type == STRUCT_BARRACKS) { y -= 5; } /* ** Fetch the dimensions of the object. These dimensions will be used to draw ** the selection box and the health bar. */ if (show_health_bar) { fixed ratio = Health_Ratio(); int pwidth; // Pixel width of bar interior. int color; // The color to give the interior of the bargraph. int xx = x-width/2; int yy = y-(height/2); /* ** Draw the outline of the bargraph. */ draw_window.Remap(xx+1, yy+1, width-1, 3-1, Map.FadingShade); draw_window.Draw_Rect(xx, yy, xx+width-1, yy+3, BLACK); /* ** Determine the width of the interior strength ** graph. */ pwidth = (width-2) * ratio; pwidth = Bound(pwidth, 1, width-2); color = LTGREEN; if (ratio <= Rule.ConditionYellow) { color = YELLOW; } if (ratio <= Rule.ConditionRed) { color = RED; } draw_window.Fill_Rect(xx+1, yy+1, xx+pwidth, yy+(3-1), color); } /* ** Draw the selected object graphic. */ if (Is_Selected_By_Player()) { // Upper left corner. draw_window.Draw_Line(x - lx, fudge + y - ly, x - lx + dx, fudge + y - ly, WHITE); draw_window.Draw_Line(x - lx, fudge + y - ly, x - lx, fudge + y - ly + dy, WHITE); // Upper right corner. draw_window.Draw_Line(x + lx, fudge + y - ly, x + lx - dx, fudge + y - ly, WHITE); draw_window.Draw_Line(x + lx, fudge + y - ly, x + lx, fudge + y - ly + dy, WHITE); // Lower right corner. draw_window.Draw_Line(x + lx, y + ly, x + lx - dx, y + ly, WHITE); draw_window.Draw_Line(x + lx, y + ly, x + lx, y + ly - dy, WHITE); // Lower left corner. draw_window.Draw_Line(x - lx, y + ly, x - lx + dx, y + ly, WHITE); draw_window.Draw_Line(x - lx, y + ly, x - lx, y + ly - dy, WHITE); } } // MBL 04.21.2020 bool selected = Is_Selected_By_Player() || Rule.ResourceBarDisplayMode == RulesClass::RB_ALWAYS; // if ((window == WINDOW_VIRTUAL) || (Is_Selected_By_Player() && (House->Is_Ally(PlayerPtr) || (Spied_By() & (1 << (PlayerPtr->Class->House)))))) if ((window == WINDOW_VIRTUAL) || (selected && (House->Is_Ally(PlayerPtr) || (Spied_By() & (1 << (PlayerPtr->Class->House)))))) { Draw_Pips((x-lx)+5, y+ly-3, window); } } /*********************************************************************************************** * TechnoClass::Unlimbo -- Performs unlimbo process for all techno type objects. * * * * This routine handles the common operation between techno objects when they are * * unlimboed. This includes revealing the map. * * * * INPUT: coord -- The coordinate to unlimbo object at. * * * * dir (optional) -- initial facing direction for this object * * * * OUTPUT: bool; Was the unlimbo successful? * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 11/14/1994 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ bool TechnoClass::Unlimbo(COORDINATE coord, DirType dir) { assert(IsActive); if (RadioClass::Unlimbo(coord, dir)) { PrimaryFacing = dir; Enter_Idle_Mode(true); Commence(); IsLocked = Map.In_Radar(Coord_Cell(coord)); return(true); } return(false); } /*********************************************************************************************** * TechnoClass::In_Range -- Determines if specified target is within weapon range. * * * * This routine is used to compare the distance to the specified target with the range * * of the weapon. If the target is outside of weapon range, then false is returned. * * * * INPUT: target -- The target to check if it is within weapon range. * * * * which -- Which weapon to use in determining range. 0=primary, 1=secondary. * * * * OUTPUT: bool; Is the specified target within weapon range? * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 11/14/1994 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ bool TechnoClass::In_Range(TARGET target, int which, bool reciprocal_check) const { assert(IsActive); if (IsLocked && Target_Legal(target)) { int range = Weapon_Range(which); BuildingClass const * building = As_Building(target); if (building != NULL) { range += ((building->Class->Width() + building->Class->Height()) * (ICON_LEPTON_W / 4)); } if (::Distance(Fire_Coord(which), As_Coord(target)) <= range) { return(true); } /* ** There's a longstanding bug where enemy units aligned north/south may have different perceptions of whether they ** are in range of each other due to the turrets offset on the unit. This check will say that if either considers the ** the other to be in range, then they both do. ST - 3/18/2020 10:44AM */ if (reciprocal_check && !building) { ObjectClass *target_object = As_Object(target); if (target_object) { RTTIType my_type = What_Am_I(); if (target_object->What_Am_I() == my_type) { if (range == target_object->Weapon_Range(which)) { TechnoClass *tech = As_Techno(target); if (tech->In_Range(As_Target(), which, false)) { return true; } } } } } } return(false); } /*********************************************************************************************** * TechnoClass::In_Range -- Determines if specified target is within weapon range. * * * * This routine will determine if the pointer to the target object passed into this * * routine is within weapon range. * * * * INPUT: target -- Pointer to the target object to check if within weapon range. * * * * which -- Which weapon to use in determining range. 0=primary, 1=secondary. * * * * OUTPUT: bool; Is the target within weapon range? * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 11/14/1994 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ bool TechnoClass::In_Range(ObjectClass const * target, int which, bool reciprocal_check) const { assert(IsActive); if (IsLocked && target) { int range = Weapon_Range(which); if (target->What_Am_I() == RTTI_BUILDING) { BuildingClass const * building = (BuildingClass const *)target; range += ((building->Class->Width() + building->Class->Height()) * (ICON_LEPTON_W / 4)); } if (::Distance(Fire_Coord(which), target->Center_Coord()) <= range) { return(true); } /* ** There's a longstanding bug where enemy units aligned north/south may have different perceptions of whether they ** are in range of each other due to the turrets offset on the unit. This check will say that if either considers the ** the other to be in range, then they both do. ST - 3/18/2020 10:44AM */ if (reciprocal_check) { RTTIType my_type = What_Am_I(); if (my_type != RTTI_BUILDING) { if (target->What_Am_I() == my_type) { if (range == target->Weapon_Range(which)) { if (((TechnoClass*)target)->In_Range(this, which, false)) { return true; } } } } } } return(false); } /*********************************************************************************************** * TechnoClass::In_Range -- Determines if the specified coordinate is within range. * * * * Use this routine to determine if the specified coordinate is within weapon range. * * * * INPUT: coord -- The coordinate to examine against the object to determine range. * * * * which -- The weapon to consider when determining range. 0=primary, 1=secondary. * * * * OUTPUT: bool; Is the weapon within range? * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 03/16/1995 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ bool TechnoClass::In_Range(COORDINATE coord, int which) const { assert(IsActive); return(IsLocked && ::Distance(Fire_Coord(which), coord) <= Weapon_Range(which)); } /*********************************************************************************************** * TechnoClass::Area_Modify -- Determine the area scan modifier for the cell. * * * * This routine scans around the cell specified and if there are any friendly buildings * * nearby, the multiplier return value will be reduced. If there are no friendly buildings * * nearby, then the return value will be 1. It checks to see if the primary weapon is * * supposed to perform this scan and if so, the scan will be performed. Otherwise the * * default value is quickly returned. * * * * INPUT: cell -- The cell where the potential target lies. An area around this cell will * * be scanned for friendly buildings. * * * * OUTPUT: Returns with the multiplier to be multiplied by the potential target score value. * * For less opportune targets, the multiplier fraction will be less than one. For * * all other cases, it will return the default value of 1. * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 08/23/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ fixed TechnoClass::Area_Modify(CELL cell) const { // assert(Techno_Type_Class()->PrimaryWeapon != NULL); if (Techno_Type_Class()->PrimaryWeapon == NULL || !Techno_Type_Class()->PrimaryWeapon->IsSupressed) return(1); int crange = Lepton_To_Cell(Rule.SupressRadius); fixed odds = 1; for (int radius = 1; radius < crange; radius++) { /* ** Scan the top and bottom rows of the "box". */ for (int x = -radius; x <= radius; x++) { CELL newcell; if ((Cell_X(cell) + x) < Map.MapCellX) continue; if ((Cell_X(cell) + x) >= (Map.MapCellX+Map.MapCellWidth)) continue; if ((Cell_Y(cell) - radius) >= Map.MapCellY) { newcell = XY_Cell(Cell_X(cell) + x, Cell_Y(cell)-radius); BuildingClass const * building = Map[newcell].Cell_Building(); if (building != NULL && House->Is_Ally(building)) { odds /= 2; } } if ((Cell_Y(cell) + radius) < (Map.MapCellY+Map.MapCellHeight)) { newcell = XY_Cell(Cell_X(cell)+x, Cell_Y(cell)+radius); BuildingClass const * building = Map[newcell].Cell_Building(); if (building != NULL && House->Is_Ally(building)) { odds /= 2; } } } /* ** Scan the left and right columns of the "box". */ for (int y = -(radius-1); y < radius; y++) { CELL newcell; if ((Cell_Y(cell) + y) < Map.MapCellY) continue; if ((Cell_Y(cell) + y) >= (Map.MapCellY+Map.MapCellHeight)) continue; if ((Cell_X(cell) - radius) >= Map.MapCellX) { newcell = XY_Cell(Cell_X(cell)-radius, Cell_Y(cell)+y); BuildingClass const * building = Map[newcell].Cell_Building(); if (building != NULL && House->Is_Ally(building)) { odds /= 2; } } if ((Cell_X(cell) + radius) < (Map.MapCellX+Map.MapCellWidth)) { newcell = XY_Cell(Cell_X(cell)+radius, Cell_Y(cell)+y); BuildingClass const * building = Map[newcell].Cell_Building(); if (building != NULL && House->Is_Ally(building)) { odds /= 2; } } } } return(odds); } /*********************************************************************************************** * TechnoClass::Evaluate_Object -- Determines score value of specified object. * * * * This routine is used to determine the score value (value as a potential target) of the * * object specified. This routine will check the specified object for all the various * * legality checks that threat scanning requires. This is the main workhorse routine for * * target searching. * * * * INPUT: method -- The threat method requested. This is a combined bitflag value that * * not only specifies the kind of targets to consider, but how far away * * they are allowed to be. * * * * mask -- This is an RTTI mask to use for quickly eliminating object types. * * The mask is created outside of this routine because this routine is * * usually called from within a loop and this value is constant in that * * context. * * * * range -- The range at which potential target objects are rejected. * * 0 = must be within weapon range. * * >0 = must be within this lepton distance. * * <0 = range doesn't matter. * * * * object -- Pointer to the object itself. * * * * value -- Reference to the value variable that this routine will fill in. The * * higher the value the more likely this object will be selected as best. * * * * zone -- The zone restriction if any. A -1 means no zone check required. * * * * OUTPUT: Did the target pass all legality checks? If this value is returned true, then the * * value parameter will be filled in correctly. * * * * WARNINGS: This routine is time consuming. Don't call unless necessary. * * * * HISTORY: * * 06/30/1995 JLB : Created. * * 07/14/1995 JLB : Forces SAM site to not fire on landed aircraft. * * 09/22/1995 JLB : Zone checking enabled. * * 10/05/1995 JLB : Gives greater weight to designated enemy house targets. * * 02/16/1996 JLB : Added additional threat checks. * *=============================================================================================*/ bool TechnoClass::Evaluate_Object(ThreatType method, int mask, int range, TechnoClass const * object, int & value, int zone) const { assert(IsActive); assert(object != NULL); BStart(BENCH_EVAL_OBJECT); /* ** An object in limbo can never be a valid target. */ if (object == NULL || object->IsInLimbo) { BEnd(BENCH_EVAL_OBJECT); return(false); } /* ** If the object is cloaked, then it isn't a legal target. */ if (object->Cloak == CLOAKED) { BEnd(BENCH_EVAL_OBJECT); return(false); } /* ** If the object is in a "harmless" state, then don't bother to consider it ** a threat. */ if (MissionControl[object->Mission].IsNoThreat) { BEnd(BENCH_EVAL_OBJECT); return(false); } /* ** If the object is not within the desired zone, then ignore it, but only if ** zone checking is desired. */ COORDINATE objectcoord = object->Center_Coord(); if (zone != -1 && Map[objectcoord].Zones[Techno_Type_Class()->MZone] != zone) { BEnd(BENCH_EVAL_OBJECT); return(false); } /* ** Friendly units are never considered a good target. Bail if this ** object is a friend. Unless we're a medic, of course. But then, ** only consider it a target if it's injured. */ if (House->Is_Ally(object)) { if (Combat_Damage() < 0) { if (object->Health_Ratio() == Rule.ConditionGreen) { BEnd(BENCH_EVAL_OBJECT); return(false); } } else { BEnd(BENCH_EVAL_OBJECT); return(false); } } /* ** If the object is further away than allowed, bail. */ int dist = Distance(object); if (range > 0 && dist > range) { BEnd(BENCH_EVAL_OBJECT); return(false); } if (range == 0) { int primary = What_Weapon_Should_I_Use(object->As_Target()); if (!In_Range(object, primary)) { BEnd(BENCH_EVAL_OBJECT); return(false); } } /* ** If the object is not visible, then bail. Human controlled units ** are always considered to be visible. */ if (!object->IsOwnedByPlayer && !object->IsDiscoveredByPlayer && Session.Type == GAME_NORMAL && object->What_Am_I() != RTTI_AIRCRAFT) { BEnd(BENCH_EVAL_OBJECT); return(false); } /* ** Quickly eliminate all unit types that are not allowed according to the mask ** value. */ RTTIType otype = object->What_Am_I(); if (!((1 << otype) & mask)) { BEnd(BENCH_EVAL_OBJECT); return(false); // Mask failure. } /* ** Determine if the target is theoretically allowed to be a target. If ** not, then bail. */ TechnoTypeClass const * tclass = object->Techno_Type_Class(); if (!tclass->IsLegalTarget) { BEnd(BENCH_EVAL_OBJECT); return(false); // Legality failure. } /* ** Never consider a spy to be a valid target, unless you're a dog */ if (otype == RTTI_INFANTRY && ((InfantryTypeClass const *)tclass)->Type == INFANTRY_SPY) { if (What_Am_I() == RTTI_INFANTRY && ((InfantryClass *)this)->Class->IsDog) { // continue executing... } else { BEnd(BENCH_EVAL_OBJECT); return(false); } } /* ** Special case so that SAM site doesn't fire on aircraft that are landed. */ if (otype == RTTI_AIRCRAFT && What_Am_I() == RTTI_BUILDING && *((BuildingClass *)this) == STRUCT_SAM) { if (((AircraftClass *)object)->Height == 0) { BEnd(BENCH_EVAL_OBJECT); return(false); } } /* ** If only allowed to attack civilians, then eliminate all other types. */ if ((method & THREAT_CIVILIANS) && object->Owner() != HOUSE_NEUTRAL) { BEnd(BENCH_EVAL_OBJECT); return(false); } /* ** If the scan is limited to capturable buildings only, then bail if the examined ** object isn't a capturable building. */ if ((method & THREAT_CAPTURE) && (otype != RTTI_BUILDING || !((BuildingTypeClass const *)tclass)->IsCaptureable)) { BEnd(BENCH_EVAL_OBJECT); return(false); } /* ** If we're a sub and the subject is a structure, bail if the structure ** is other than a sub pen or shipyard. */ if (otype == RTTI_BUILDING && What_Am_I() == RTTI_VESSEL && *(VesselClass *)this == VESSEL_SS) { StructType ostruc = *(BuildingClass *)object; if (ostruc != STRUCT_SUB_PEN && ostruc != STRUCT_SHIP_YARD) { BEnd(BENCH_EVAL_OBJECT); return(false); } } /* ** SPECIAL CASE: Friendly units won't automatically fire on buildings ** if the building is not aggressive. That is, unless it is part of a team. A team ** is allowed to pick any target it so chooses. */ if ((!Is_Foot() || !((FootClass *)this)->Team.Is_Valid()) && (House->IsHuman || (House->IsPlayerControl && Session.Type == GAME_NORMAL)) && otype == RTTI_BUILDING && tclass->PrimaryWeapon == NULL) { #ifdef OBSOLETE if ((!Is_Foot() || ((FootClass *)this)->Team.Is_Valid()) && House->IsHuman && otype == RTTI_BUILDING && tclass->PrimaryWeapon == NULL) { #endif BEnd(BENCH_EVAL_OBJECT); return(false); } /* ** Player-controlled demo trucks never automatically target. */ if ((House->IsHuman || (House->IsPlayerControl && Session.Type == GAME_NORMAL)) && What_Am_I() == RTTI_UNIT && *(UnitClass *)this == UNIT_DEMOTRUCK) { BEnd(BENCH_EVAL_OBJECT); return(false); } /* ** If the search is restricted to Tiberium processing objects, then ** perform the special qualification check now. */ if (method & THREAT_TIBERIUM) { switch (otype) { case RTTI_UNIT: if (!((UnitTypeClass const *)tclass)->IsToHarvest) { BEnd(BENCH_EVAL_OBJECT); return(false); } break; case RTTI_BUILDING: if (!((BuildingTypeClass const *)tclass)->Capacity && Session.Type != GAME_NORMAL) { BEnd(BENCH_EVAL_OBJECT); return(false); } break; default: BEnd(BENCH_EVAL_OBJECT); return(false); } } /* ** If this target value is better than the previously recorded best ** target value then record this target for possible return as the ** best. */ int rawval = object->Value(); value = rawval + object->Crew.Kills; /* ** If the candidate object is owned by the designated enemy of this house, then ** give it a higher value. This will tend to gravitate attacks toward the main ** antagonist of this house. */ if (House->Enemy != HOUSE_NONE && House->Enemy == object->House->Class->House) { value += 500; value *= 3; } /* ** If the object is outside of the protective umbrella of the enemy base, then give it ** a target boost value. */ if (object->House->Which_Zone(object) == ZONE_NONE) { value *= 2; } /* ** If fake buildings are considered to be a greater target option, then boost ** the fake building's value. */ if ((method & THREAT_FAKES) && otype == RTTI_BUILDING) { //switch (!((BuildingTypeClass const *)tclass)->Type) { //The '!' in front of the expression means we are switching on a bool instead of the type. Going to remove it so it compiles, but it might change behavior depending on what Watcom original made of this. //Might be better to remove this switch altogether //ST - 5/9/2019 switch (((BuildingTypeClass const *)tclass)->Type) { case STRUCT_FAKECONST: case STRUCT_FAKEWEAP: case STRUCT_FAKE_YARD: case STRUCT_FAKE_PEN: case STRUCT_FAKE_RADAR: break; /* ** Ignore all non-fake buildings. */ default: value = 0; break; } } /* ** If power plants are to be considered a greater threat, then increase ** their value here. Buildings that produce no power are not considered ** a threat. */ if ((method & THREAT_POWER) && otype == RTTI_BUILDING) { if (((BuildingTypeClass const *)tclass)->Power > 0) { value += ((BuildingTypeClass const *)tclass)->Power * 1000; } else { value = 0; } } /* ** If factories are to be considered a greater threat, then don't ** consider any non-factory building. */ if ((method & THREAT_FACTORIES) && otype == RTTI_BUILDING) { if (((BuildingTypeClass const *)tclass)->ToBuild == RTTI_NONE) { value = 0; } } /* ** If base defensive structures are to be considered a greater threat, then ** don't consider an unarmed building to be a threat. */ if ((method & THREAT_BASE_DEFENSE) /*&& otype == RTTI_BUILDING*/) { if (tclass->PrimaryWeapon == NULL) { value = 0; } } /* ** Possibly cause a reduction of the target's value if it is nearby friendly ** structures and the primary weapon of this object is flagged for ** friendly fire supression special check logic. */ fixed areamod = Area_Modify(Coord_Cell(object->Center_Coord())); if (areamod != 1) { value = areamod * value; } /* ** Adjust the target value upward if it is in the 'nervous zone' of the ** owning base. This will tend to protect the base more thoroughly than ** an unmodified scan would. */ if (House->Which_Zone(object) != ZONE_NONE) { value *= Rule.NervousBias; } /* ** Lessen threat as a factor of distance. */ if (value) { // if (rawval) { value = (value * 32000) / ((dist/ICON_LEPTON_W)+1); // value = (value * 32000) / (((dist/ICON_LEPTON_W)*(dist/ICON_LEPTON_W))+1); // if (value < MAP_CELL_W*2) value = dist/ICON_LEPTON_W; value = max(value, 1); BEnd(BENCH_EVAL_OBJECT); return(true); } value = 0; BEnd(BENCH_EVAL_OBJECT); return(false); } /*********************************************************************************************** * TechnoClass::Evaluate_Cell -- Determine the value and object of specified cell. * * * * This routine will examine the specified cell and return with the potential target * * object it contains and the value of it. Use this routine when searching for threats. * * * * INPUT: method -- The scan method to use for target searching. * * * * mask -- Prebuilt mask of object RTTI types acceptable for scanning. * * * * range -- Scan range limit to use for elimination purposes. This ensures that * * objects in the "corner" of a square scan get properly discarded. * * * * object -- Pointer to object pointer to be filled in with the object at this * * cell as a valid target. * * * * value -- Reference to the value of the object in this cell. It will be set * * according to the object's value. * * * * zone -- The zone restriction if any. A -1 means no zone check required. * * * * OUTPUT: Was a valid potential target found in this cell? * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 06/19/1995 JLB : Created. * * 09/22/1995 JLB : Zone checking enabled. * *=============================================================================================*/ bool TechnoClass::Evaluate_Cell(ThreatType method, int mask, CELL cell, int range, TechnoClass const * * object, int & value, int zone) const { assert(IsActive); BStart(BENCH_EVAL_CELL); *object = NULL; value = 0; /* ** If the cell is not on the legal map, then always ignore it. */ if ((unsigned)cell > MAP_CELL_TOTAL) { BEnd(BENCH_EVAL_CELL); return(false); } if (!Map.In_Radar(cell)) { BEnd(BENCH_EVAL_CELL); return(false); } /* ** Fetch the techno object from the cell. If there is no ** techno object there, then bail. */ CellClass * cellptr = &Map[cell]; /* ** Don't consider for evaluation a cell that is not within the same zone. Only ** perform this check if zone checking is required. */ if (zone != -1 && cellptr->Zones[Techno_Type_Class()->MZone] != zone) { BEnd(BENCH_EVAL_CELL); return(false); } TechnoClass const * tentative = (TechnoClass const *)cellptr->Cell_Occupier(); while (tentative != NULL) { if (tentative != this) { if (tentative->Is_Techno()) { if (Combat_Damage() < 0) { if (tentative->Health_Ratio() < Rule.ConditionGreen && House->Is_Ally(tentative)) break; } else { if (!House->Is_Ally(tentative)) break; } } } tentative = (TechnoClass const *)(ObjectClass *)tentative->Next; } if (tentative == NULL) { BEnd(BENCH_EVAL_CELL); return(false); } *object = tentative; bool result = Evaluate_Object(method, mask, range, tentative, value); BEnd(BENCH_EVAL_CELL); return(result); } /*********************************************************************************************** * TechnoClass::Evaluate_Just_Cell -- Evaluate a cell as a target by itself. * * * * This will examine the cell (as if it contained no sentient objects) and determine a * * target value to assign to it. Typically, this is only useful for wall destroyable * * weapons when dealing with enemy walls. * * * * INPUT: cell -- The cell to examine and evaluate. * * * * OUTPUT: Returns with the target value to assign to this cell. * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 09/10/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ int TechnoClass::Evaluate_Just_Cell(CELL cell) const { BStart(BENCH_EVAL_WALL); /* ** Ships don't scan for walls. */ if (What_Am_I() == RTTI_VESSEL) { return(0); } /* ** First, only computer objects are allowed to automatically scan for walls. */ if (House->IsHuman) { BEnd(BENCH_EVAL_WALL); return(0); } /* ** Even then, if the difficulty indicates that it shouldn't search for wall ** targets, then don't allow it to do so. */ if (!Rule.Diff[House->Difficulty].IsWallDestroyer) { BEnd(BENCH_EVAL_WALL); return(0); } /* ** Determine if, in fact, a wall is located at this cell location. */ CellClass const * cellptr = &Map[cell]; if (cellptr->Overlay == OVERLAY_NONE || !OverlayTypeClass::As_Reference(cellptr->Overlay).IsWall) { BEnd(BENCH_EVAL_WALL); return(0); } /* ** As a convenience to the target scanning logic, don't consider any wall to be ** a target if it isn't in range of the primary weapon. */ int primary = What_Weapon_Should_I_Use(::As_Target(cell)); if (!In_Range(Cell_Coord(cell), primary)) { BEnd(BENCH_EVAL_WALL); return(0); } /* ** See if the object has a weapon that can damage walls. */ TechnoTypeClass const * ttype = (TechnoTypeClass const *)Techno_Type_Class(); if (ttype->PrimaryWeapon == NULL || ttype->PrimaryWeapon->WarheadPtr == NULL) { BEnd(BENCH_EVAL_WALL); return(0); } /* ** If the weapon cannot deal with ground based targets, then don't consider ** this a valid cell target. */ if (ttype->PrimaryWeapon->Bullet != NULL && !ttype->PrimaryWeapon->Bullet->IsAntiGround) { BEnd(BENCH_EVAL_WALL); return(0); } /* ** If the primary weapon cannot destroy a wall, then don't give the cell any ** value as a target. */ if (!ttype->PrimaryWeapon->WarheadPtr->IsWallDestroyer) { BEnd(BENCH_EVAL_WALL); return(0); } /* ** If this is a friendly wall, then don't attack it. */ if (House->Is_Ally(cellptr->Owner)) { BEnd(BENCH_EVAL_WALL); return(0); } /* ** Since a wall was found, then return a value adjusted according to the range the wall ** is from the object. The greater the range, the lesser the value returned. */ BEnd(BENCH_EVAL_WALL); return(Weapon_Range(0) - Distance(Cell_Coord(cell))); } /*********************************************************************************************** * TechnoClass::Greatest_Threat -- Determines best target given search criteria. * * * * This routine will scan game objects looking for the best target. It is used by the * * general target searching processes. The type of target scan to perform is controlled * * by the method control parameter. * * * * INPUT: method -- The method control parameter is used to control the type of target * * scan performed. It consists of a series of bit flags (see ThreatType) * * that are combined to form the target scan desired. * * * * OUTPUT: Returns the target value of a suitable target. If no target was found then the * * value TARGET_NONE is returned. * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 11/14/1994 JLB : Created. * * 06/20/1995 JLB : Greatly optimized scan method. * * 09/22/1995 JLB : Takes into account the zone (if necessary). * * 05/30/1996 JLB : Tighter elimination mask checking. * *=============================================================================================*/ TARGET TechnoClass::Greatest_Threat(ThreatType method) const { assert(IsActive); BStart(BENCH_GREATEST_THREAT); ObjectClass const * bestobject = NULL; int bestval = -1; int zone = -1; TargetScan++; /* ** Determine the zone that the target must be in. For aircraft and gunboats, they ** ignore zones since they either can fly over any zone or are designed to fire into ** other zones. If scanning for targets that are within range, then zone checking need ** not be performed -- range checking is much more thorough and effective. */ if (!(method & THREAT_RANGE) && What_Am_I() != RTTI_VESSEL && What_Am_I() != RTTI_BUILDING && What_Am_I() != RTTI_AIRCRAFT) { zone = Map[Center_Coord()].Zones[Techno_Type_Class()->MZone]; } /* ** Hack for dogs, 'cause they can only consider infantrymen to be a ** threat. Medics also. */ if (What_Am_I() == RTTI_INFANTRY) { if (((InfantryClass *)this)->Class->IsDog || Combat_Damage() < 0) { method = THREAT_INFANTRY | (method & (THREAT_RANGE | THREAT_AREA)); #ifdef FIXIT_CSII // checked - ajw 9/28/98 if(*(InfantryClass *)this == INFANTRY_MECHANIC) { method = (THREAT_VEHICLES | THREAT_AIR) | (method & (THREAT_RANGE | THREAT_AREA)); } #endif } } /* ** Build a quick elimination mask. If the RTTI of the object doesn't ** qualify with this mask, then we KNOW that it shouldn't be considered. */ int mask = 0; if (method & THREAT_CIVILIANS) mask |= ((1 << RTTI_BUILDING) | (1 << RTTI_INFANTRY) | (1 << RTTI_UNIT)); if (method & THREAT_AIR) mask |= (1 << RTTI_AIRCRAFT); if (method & THREAT_CAPTURE) mask |= (1 << RTTI_BUILDING); if (method & (THREAT_CIVILIANS|THREAT_BUILDINGS|THREAT_FACTORIES|THREAT_POWER|THREAT_FAKES|THREAT_BASE_DEFENSE|THREAT_TIBERIUM)) mask |= (1 << RTTI_BUILDING); if (method & (THREAT_CIVILIANS|THREAT_INFANTRY|THREAT_BASE_DEFENSE)) mask |= (1 << RTTI_INFANTRY); if (method & THREAT_VEHICLES) mask |= (1 << RTTI_UNIT); if (method & THREAT_BASE_DEFENSE) mask |= (1 << RTTI_BUILDING); if (method & THREAT_BOATS) mask |= (1 << RTTI_VESSEL); /* ** Limit area target scans use a method where the actual map cells are ** examined for occupants. The occupant is then examined in turn. The ** best target within the area is returned as a target. */ if (method & (THREAT_AREA|THREAT_RANGE)) { int range = Threat_Range((method & THREAT_RANGE) ? 0 : 1); int crange = range / ICON_LEPTON_W; if (range == 0) { crange = max(Weapon_Range(0), Weapon_Range(1)) / ICON_LEPTON_W; crange++; } CELL cell = Coord_Cell(Fire_Coord(0)); /* ** BG: Miserable hack to get the stupid doctor to actually do area ** guarding. */ if (Combat_Damage() < 0) { /*if (method & THREAT_AREA)*/ crange++; } /* ** If aircraft are a legal target, then scan through all of them at this time. ** Scanning by cell is not possible for aircraft since they are not recorded ** at the cell level. */ if (method & THREAT_AIR) { for (int index = 0; index < Aircraft.Count(); index++) { TechnoClass * object = Aircraft.Ptr(index); int value = 0; if (object->In_Which_Layer() != LAYER_GROUND && Evaluate_Object(method, mask, range, object, value)) { if (value > bestval) { bestobject = object; bestval = value; } } } } /* ** When scanning the ground, always consider landed aircraft as a valid ** potential target. This is only true if vehicles are considered a ** valid target. A landed aircraft is considered a vehicle. */ if (method & THREAT_VEHICLES) { mask |= (1 << RTTI_AIRCRAFT); } /* ** Radiate outward from the object's location, looking for the best ** target. */ CELL bestcell = -1; int bestcellvalue = 0; TechnoClass const * object; int value; // int rad = 1; // BG: Medics need to be able to look in their own cell too. // if (Combat_Damage() < 0 || (What_Am_I() == RTTI_INFANTRY && ((InfantryClass*)this)->Class->IsDog)) { // rad = 0; // } for (int radius = 0; radius < crange; radius++) { /* ** Scan the top and bottom rows of the "box". */ for (int x = -radius; x <= radius; x++) { CELL newcell; if ((Cell_X(cell) + x) < Map.MapCellX) continue; if ((Cell_X(cell) + x) >= (Map.MapCellX+Map.MapCellWidth)) continue; if ((Cell_Y(cell) - radius) >= Map.MapCellY) { newcell = XY_Cell(Cell_X(cell) + x, Cell_Y(cell)-radius); if (Evaluate_Cell(method, mask, newcell, range, &object, value, zone)) { if (bestval < value) { bestobject = object; } } if (bestobject == NULL) { value = Evaluate_Just_Cell(newcell); if (bestcellvalue < value) { bestcellvalue = value; bestcell = newcell; } } } if ((Cell_Y(cell) + radius) < (Map.MapCellY+Map.MapCellHeight)) { newcell = XY_Cell(Cell_X(cell)+x, Cell_Y(cell)+radius); if (Evaluate_Cell(method, mask, newcell, range, &object, value, zone)) { if (bestval < value) { bestobject = object; } } if (bestobject == NULL) { value = Evaluate_Just_Cell(newcell); if (bestcellvalue < value) { bestcellvalue = value; bestcell = newcell; } } } } /* ** Scan the left and right columns of the "box". */ for (int y = -(radius-1); y < radius; y++) { CELL newcell; if ((Cell_Y(cell) + y) < Map.MapCellY) continue; if ((Cell_Y(cell) + y) >= (Map.MapCellY+Map.MapCellHeight)) continue; if ((Cell_X(cell) - radius) >= Map.MapCellX) { newcell = XY_Cell(Cell_X(cell)-radius, Cell_Y(cell)+y); if (Evaluate_Cell(method, mask, newcell, range, &object, value, zone)) { if (bestval < value) { bestobject = object; } } if (bestobject == NULL) { value = Evaluate_Just_Cell(newcell); if (bestcellvalue < value) { bestcellvalue = value; bestcell = newcell; } } } if ((Cell_X(cell) + radius) < (Map.MapCellX+Map.MapCellWidth)) { newcell = XY_Cell(Cell_X(cell)+radius, Cell_Y(cell)+y); if (Evaluate_Cell(method, mask, newcell, range, &object, value, zone)) { if (bestval < value) { bestobject = object; } } if (bestobject == NULL) { value = Evaluate_Just_Cell(newcell); if (bestcellvalue < value) { bestcellvalue = value; bestcell = newcell; } } } } /* ** Bail early if a target has already been found and the range is at ** one of the breaking points (i.e., normal range or range * 2). */ if (bestobject != NULL) { if (radius == crange/4) { return(bestobject->As_Target()); } if (radius == crange/2) { return(bestobject->As_Target()); } } if (bestcell != -1) { return(::As_Target(bestcell)); } } } else { /* ** A full map scan was requested. First scan through aircraft. The top map layer ** is NOT scanned since that layer will probably contain more bullets and animations ** than aircraft. */ if (mask & (1L << RTTI_AIRCRAFT)) { for (int index = 0; index < Aircraft.Count(); index++) { TechnoClass * object = Aircraft.Ptr(index); int value = 0; if (Evaluate_Object(method, mask, -1, object, value)) { if (value > bestval) { bestobject = object; bestval = value; } } } } /* ** When scanning the ground, always consider landed aircraft as a valid ** potential target. This is only true if vehicles are considered a ** valid target. A landed aircraft is considered a vehicle. */ if (method & THREAT_VEHICLES) { mask |= (1 << RTTI_AIRCRAFT); } /* ** Now scan through the entire ground layer. This is painful, but what other ** choice is there? */ for (int index = 0; index < Map.Layer[LAYER_GROUND].Count(); index++) { ObjectClass const * object = Map.Layer[LAYER_GROUND][index]; int value = 0; if (object->Is_Techno() && Evaluate_Object(method, mask, -1, (TechnoClass const *)object, value, zone)) { if (value > bestval) { bestobject = object; bestval = value; } } } } BEnd(BENCH_GREATEST_THREAT); /* ** If a good target object was found, then return with the target value ** of it. */ if (bestobject != NULL) { return(bestobject->As_Target()); } return(TARGET_NONE); } /*********************************************************************************************** * TechnoClass::Owner -- Who is the owner of this object? * * * * Use this routine to examine this object and return who the owner is. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: Returns with the house number of the owner of this object. * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 12/09/1994 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ HousesType TechnoClass::Owner(void) const { assert(IsActive); return(House->Class->House); } /*********************************************************************************************** * TechnoClass::Clicked_As_Target -- Sets the flash count for this techno object. * * * * Use this routine to set the flash count for the object. This flash count is the number * * of times the object will "flash". Typically it is called as a result of the player * * clicking on this object in order to make it the target of a move or attack. * * * * INPUT: count -- The number of times the object should flash. * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 12/09/1994 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ void TechnoClass::Clicked_As_Target(HousesType house, int count) // 2019/09/20 JAS - Added record of who clicked on the object { assert(IsActive); FlashCount = count; // 2019/09/20 JAS - Flashing info needs to exist per player if (house < HOUSE_COUNT) { FlashCountPerPlayer[house] = count; } else { //receiving HOUSE_COUNT means do it for every player for (int i = 0; i < HOUSE_COUNT; ++i) { FlashCountPerPlayer[i] = count; } } } /*********************************************************************************************** * TechnoClass::AI -- Handles AI processing for techno object. * * * * This routine handles AI processing for techno objects. Typically, this merely dispatches * * to the appropriate AI routines for the base classes. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: Make sure that this routine is only called ONCE per game tick. * * * * HISTORY: * * 12/09/1994 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ void TechnoClass::AI(void) { assert(IsActive); /* ** Handle recoil recovery here. */ if (IsInRecoilState) { IsInRecoilState = false; Mark(MARK_CHANGE_REDRAW); } /* ** If this building is being spied on by the player, need to redraw if selected ** since the money amount is rendering. */ if (Is_Selected_By_Player()) { if (What_Am_I() == RTTI_BUILDING) { int spiedby = Spied_By() & (1<<(PlayerPtr->Class->House)); if (spiedby) { if (((BuildingClass *)this)->Class->Capacity) { Mark(MARK_CHANGE_REDRAW); } } } } CargoClass::AI(); RadioClass::AI(); if (!IsActive || (Height > 0 && What_Am_I() != RTTI_AIRCRAFT)) return; DoorClass::AI(); /* ** If this is a vehicle that heals itself (e.g., Mammoth Tank), then it will perform ** the heal logic here. */ if (Techno_Type_Class()->IsSelfHealing && (Frame % (Rule.RepairRate * TICKS_PER_MINUTE)) == 0 && Health_Ratio() <= Rule.ConditionYellow) { Strength++; Mark(MARK_CHANGE); } /* ** Cloaking device processing. */ Cloaking_AI(); /* ** If for some strange reason, the computer is firing upon itself, then ** tell it not to. */ if (!House->IsHuman && As_Techno(TarCom) && As_Techno(TarCom)->House->Is_Ally(this)) { //#ifdef FIXIT_CSII // checked - ajw 9/28/98 (commented out) //if(What_Am_I() == RTTI_INFANTRY && *(InfantryClass *)this==INFANTRY_GENERAL && Session.Type==GAME_NORMAL && House->Class->House==HOUSE_UKRAINE) { //} else //#endif Assign_Target(TARGET_NONE); } /* ** Perform a maintenance check to see that if somehow this object is trying to fire ** upon an object it can never hit (because it can't reach it), then abort the tarcom */ if (What_Am_I() != RTTI_AIRCRAFT && Target_Legal(TarCom) && (!Is_Foot() || !((FootClass *)this)->Team.Is_Valid()) && (!Is_Foot() || !Is_In_Same_Zone(As_Cell(TarCom)))) { int primary = What_Weapon_Should_I_Use(TarCom); if (!In_Range(TarCom, primary)) { Assign_Target(TARGET_NONE); } } /* ** Update the animation timer system. If the animation stage ** changes, then flag the object to be redrawn as well as determine ** if the current animation process needs to change. */ if (What_Am_I() != RTTI_BUILDING) { if (StageClass::About_To_Change()) { Mark(MARK_CHANGE_REDRAW); } if (StageClass::Graphic_Logic() || Time_To_Redraw()) { Mark(MARK_CHANGE_REDRAW); } } /* ** If the object is flashing and a change of flash state has occurred, then mark the ** object to be redrawn. */ if (FlasherClass::Process()) { Mark(MARK_CHANGE); } /* ** Handle electric zap delay logic. */ if (ElectricZapDelay >= 0) { Map.Flag_To_Redraw(true); if (--ElectricZapDelay < 0) { ElectricZapTarget = 0; ElectricZapWhich = 0; } } } /*********************************************************************************************** * TechnoClass::Cloaking_AI -- Perform the AI maintenance for a cloaking device. * * * * This routine handles the cloaking device logic for this object. It will handle the * * transition effects as the object cloaks or decloaks. It will also try to start an * * object to cloak if possible. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 09/09/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ void TechnoClass::Cloaking_AI(void) { /* ** Handle decision to re-cloak here. Process the cloaking/decloaking operation. */ if (IsCloakable) { /* ** If this object is uncloaked, but it can be cloaked and it thinks that it ** is a good time do so, then begin cloaking. */ if (Cloak == UNCLOAKED) { #ifdef PREDATOR // Changed for multiplayer so we can visually see the different players in the original renderer. ST - 3/13/2019 5:40PM //if (IsOwnedByPlayer) Mark(MARK_CHANGE); if (Is_Owned_By_Player()) Mark(MARK_CHANGE); #endif CloakingDevice.Graphic_Logic(); if (Is_Ready_To_Cloak()) { if (Health_Ratio() > Rule.ConditionRed) { Do_Cloak(); } else { if (Percent_Chance(4)) { Do_Cloak(); } } } } else { CloakingDevice.Graphic_Logic(); switch (Cloak) { /* ** Handle the uncloaking process. Always mark to redraw ** the object and when cloaking is complete, stabilize into ** the normal uncloaked state. */ case UNCLOAKING: Mark(MARK_CHANGE); if (Visual_Character(true) == VISUAL_NORMAL) { CloakingDevice.Set_Rate(0); CloakingDevice.Set_Stage(0); // re-start the stage counter Cloak = UNCLOAKED; CloakDelay = Rule.CloakDelay * TICKS_PER_MINUTE; Mark(MARK_CHANGE); } break; /* ** Handle the cloaking process. Always mark to redraw the object ** and when the cloaking process is complete, stabilize into the ** normal cloaked state. */ case CLOAKING: Mark(MARK_CHANGE); if(!CloakingDevice.Fetch_Rate()) { CloakingDevice.Set_Rate(1); } switch (Visual_Character(true)) { /* ** If badly damaged, then it can never fully cloak. */ case VISUAL_DARKEN: if (Health_Ratio() <= Rule.ConditionRed && Percent_Chance(25)) { Cloak = UNCLOAKING; } break; case VISUAL_HIDDEN: Cloak = CLOAKED; CloakingDevice.Set_Rate(0); CloakingDevice.Set_Stage(0); Mark(MARK_CHANGE); Map[Center_Coord()].Redraw_Objects(true); Map.RadarClass::Flag_To_Redraw(true); /* ** Special check to ensure that if the unit is carrying a captured ** flag, it will never fully cloak. */ if (What_Am_I() == RTTI_UNIT && ((UnitClass *)this)->Flagged != HOUSE_NONE) { Do_Shimmer(); } else { Detach_All(false); } /* ** A computer controlled unit will try to scatter if possible so ** that it will be much harder to locate. */ if (What_Am_I() == RTTI_UNIT && !House->IsHuman) { Scatter(0, true); } break; } break; /* ** A cloaked object will always be redrawn if it is owned by the ** player. This ensures that the shimmering effect will animate. */ case CLOAKED: #ifdef PREDATOR //if (IsOwnedByPlayer) { // Changed for multiplayer so we can visually see the different players in the original renderer. ST - 3/13/2019 5:40PM if (Is_Owned_By_Player()) { Mark(MARK_CHANGE); } #endif break; } } } } /*********************************************************************************************** * TechnoClass::Is_Ready_To_Cloak -- Determines if this object is ready to begin cloaking. * * * * This routine will examine this object and determine if it can and is ready and able * * to begin cloaking. It will also check to make sure it appears to be a good time to cloak * * as well. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: bool; Is this unit ready and able to start cloaking? * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 09/09/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ bool TechnoClass::Is_Ready_To_Cloak(void) const { /* ** If it is already cloaked or in the process of cloaking, then it can't start cloaking. */ if (Cloak == CLOAKED || (Cloak == CLOAKING && CloakingDevice.Fetch_Rate())) { return(false); } /* ** If the object cannot recloak, then it certainly is not allowed to start. */ if (!IsCloakable || !Is_Allowed_To_Recloak()) { return(false); } /* ** If the object is currently rearming, then don't begin to recloak. */ if (Arm != 0) { return(false); } /* ** If it seems like this object is about to fire on a target, then don't begin ** cloaking either. */ if (Target_Legal(TarCom) && In_Range(TarCom)) { return(false); } /* ** Recloaking can only begin if the cloaking device is not already operating. */ if (CloakingDevice.Fetch_Stage() != 0) { return(false); } /* ** If the arbitrary cloak delay value is still counting down, then don't ** allow recloaking just yet. */ if (CloakDelay != 0) { return(false); } /* ** All tests passed, so this object is allowed to begin cloaking. */ return(true); } /*********************************************************************************************** * TechnoClass::Select -- Selects object and checks to see if can be selected. * * * * This function checks to see if this techno object can be selected. If it can, then it * * is selected. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 12/11/1994 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ bool TechnoClass::Select(bool allow_mixed) { assert(IsActive); //if (!IsDiscoveredByPlayer && !House->IsPlayerControl && !Debug_Unshroud) { // ST - 8/7/2019 11:24AM if (!Is_Discovered_By_Player() && !House->IsPlayerControl && !Debug_Unshroud) { return(false); } if (RadioClass::Select(allow_mixed)) { /* ** Speak a confirmation of selection. */ if (House->IsPlayerControl && AllowVoice) { Response_Select(); } return(true); } return(false); } /*********************************************************************************************** * TechnoClass::Can_Fire -- Determines if this techno object can fire. * * * * This performs a simple check to make sure that this techno object can fire. At this * * level, the only thing checked for is the rearming delay. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: Returns with the fire legality control code. * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 12/23/1994 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ FireErrorType TechnoClass::Can_Fire(TARGET target, int which) const { assert(IsActive); /* ** Don't allow firing if the target is illegal. */ if (!Target_Legal(target)) { return(FIRE_ILLEGAL); } ObjectClass * object = As_Object(target); /* ** If the object is completely cloaked, then you can't fire on it. */ if (object != NULL && object->Is_Techno() && ((TechnoClass *)object)->Cloak == CLOAKED) { return(FIRE_CANT); } /* ** A falling object is too busy falling to fire. */ if (IsFalling) { return(FIRE_CANT); } /* ** If there is no weapon, then firing is not allowed. */ WeaponTypeClass const * weapon = ((which == 0) ? Techno_Type_Class()->PrimaryWeapon : Techno_Type_Class()->SecondaryWeapon); if (weapon == NULL) { return(FIRE_CANT); } /* ** Can only fire anti-aircraft weapons against aircraft unless the aircraft is ** sitting on the ground. */ if (object != NULL && object->What_Am_I() == RTTI_AIRCRAFT && !weapon->Bullet->IsAntiAircraft && ((AircraftClass *)object)->Height > 0) { return(FIRE_CANT); } /* ** If the object is on the ground, then don't allow firing if it can't fire upon ground objects. */ #ifdef FIXIT_CSII // checked - ajw 9/28/98 if (object != NULL && object->Height == 0 && (object->What_Am_I() != RTTI_VESSEL || (*((VesselClass*)object) != VESSEL_SS && *((VesselClass*)object) != VESSEL_MISSILESUB )) && #else if (object != NULL && object->Height == 0 && (object->What_Am_I() != RTTI_VESSEL || *((VesselClass*)object) != VESSEL_SS) && #endif !weapon->Bullet->IsAntiGround) { return(FIRE_CANT); } if (Is_Target_Cell(target) && !weapon->Bullet->IsAntiGround) { return(FIRE_CANT); } /* ** Don't allow firing if still rearming. */ if (Arm != 0) return(FIRE_REARM); /* ** The target must be within range in order to allow firing. */ if (!In_Range(target, which)) { return(FIRE_RANGE); } /* ** If there is no ammo left, then it can't fire. */ if (!Ammo) { return(FIRE_AMMO); } /* ** If cloaked, then firing is disabled. */ if (Cloak != UNCLOAKED) { #ifdef FIXIT_CSII // checked - ajw 9/28/98 // Special hack for John Archer's Hunt-The-Wumpus multiplayer mission... if // the object firing is a cloaked civilian, don't require uncloaking before // allowing firing. if (What_Am_I()==RTTI_INFANTRY && ((InfantryClass *)this)->Class->IsCivilian ) { return(FIRE_OK); } #endif return(FIRE_CLOAKED); } return(FIRE_OK); } /*********************************************************************************************** * TechnoClass::Stun -- Prepares the object for removal from the game. * * * * This routine handles cleaning up this techno object from the game system so that when * * it is subsequently removed, it doesn't leave any loose ends. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 12/23/1994 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ void TechnoClass::Stun(void) { assert(IsActive); Assign_Target(TARGET_NONE); Assign_Destination(TARGET_NONE); Transmit_Message(RADIO_OVER_OUT); Detach_All(); //Unselect(); //When an object is stunned it needs to be deselected from all players, not just the current PlayerPtr. // - 8/18/2019 JAS Unselect_All_Players(); } /*********************************************************************************************** * TechnoClass::Assign_Target -- Assigns the targeting computer with specified target. * * * * Use this routine to set the targeting computer for this object. It checks to make sure * * that targeting of itself is prohibited. * * * * INPUT: target -- The target for this object to attack. * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 12/23/1994 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ void TechnoClass::Assign_Target(TARGET target) { assert(IsActive); if (target == TarCom) return; if (!Target_Legal(target)) { target = TARGET_NONE; } else { /* ** Prevent targeting of self. */ if (target == As_Target()) { target = ::As_Target(Coord_Cell(Coord)); } else { /* ** Make sure that the target is not already dead. */ ObjectClass * object = As_Object(target); if (object != NULL && (object->IsActive == false || object->Strength == 0)) { target = TARGET_NONE; } } } /* ** Set the unit's targeting computer. */ TarCom = target; } /*********************************************************************************************** * TechnoClass::Rearm_Delay -- Calculates the delay before firing can occur. * * * * This function calculates the delay between shots. It determines this from the standard * * rate of fire (ROF) of the base class and modifies it according to game speed and * * whether this is the first or second shot. All single shot attackers consider their * * shots to be "second" since the second shot is the one handled normally. The first shot * * usually gets assigned a much shorter delay time before the next shot can fire. * * * * INPUT: second -- bool; Is this the second of a two shot salvo? * * * * OUTPUT: Returns with the number of game frames to delay before the next shot may fire. * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 12/26/1994 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ int TechnoClass::Rearm_Delay(bool second, int which) const { assert(IsActive); if (What_Am_I() == RTTI_BUILDING && Ammo > 1) { return(1); } WeaponTypeClass const * weapon = (which == 0) ? Techno_Type_Class()->PrimaryWeapon : Techno_Type_Class()->SecondaryWeapon; if (second && weapon != NULL) { return(weapon->ROF * House->ROFBias); } return(3); } /*********************************************************************************************** * TechnoClass::Electric_Zap -- Fires electric zap at the target specified. * * * * This routine is used to fire an electric zap at the target specified. * * * * INPUT: target -- The target to fire the zap at. * * * * which -- Which weapon is this zap associated with (0=primary, 1=secondary). * * * * window -- The clipping window to use when rendering. * * * * source_coord -- The coordinate that the zap is to originate from. This is an * * override value and if not specifide, the normal fire coordinate * * is used. * * * * remap -- Pointer to the zap animation remap override table. If not specified * * then the zap remains the normal blue white color. * * * * OUTPUT: bool; Does this object need to redraw? * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 09/30/1996 BWG : Created. * * 09/30/1996 JLB : Uses standard facing conversion and distance routines. * *=============================================================================================*/ bool TechnoClass::Electric_Zap(COORDINATE target_coord, int which, WindowNumberType window, COORDINATE source_coord, unsigned char * remap) const { //int x,y,x1,y1; //PG init variables int x = 0; int y = 0; int x1 = 0; int y1 = 0; COORDINATE source; if (source_coord != 0) { source = source_coord; } else { source = Fire_Coord(which); } if (What_Am_I() == RTTI_BUILDING) { ((BuildingClass *)this)->IsCharging = false; } bool gonnadraw = false; if (SpecialDialog == SDLG_NONE) { Map.Coord_To_Pixel(source, x, y); Map.Coord_To_Pixel(target_coord, x1, y1); x += Map.TacPixelX; x1 += Map.TacPixelX; y += Map.TacPixelY; y1 += Map.TacPixelY; gonnadraw = true; } static int _shape[]={ 2, 3, 1, 0, 2, 3, 1, 0}; static int _xadd[8][8]={ { 0, 8, 8, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0}, { 0, 8, 8, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0}, { 0, 8, 8, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0}, { 0, 8, 8, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0}, { 0, 8, 8, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {-8, 0, 0, 0,-8,-8,-8,-8}, {-8, 0, 0, 0,-8,-8,-8,-8}, {-8, 0, 0, 0,-8,-8,-8,-8} }; static int _yadd[8][8]={ {-8,-8,-8, 0, 0, 0,-8,-8}, {-8,-8,-8, 0, 0, 0,-8,-8}, { 0, 0, 0, 8, 8, 8, 0, 0}, { 0, 0, 0, 8, 8, 8, 0, 0}, { 0, 0, 0, 8, 8, 8, 0, 0}, { 0, 0, 0, 8, 8, 8, 0, 0}, { 0, 0, 0, 8, 8, 8, 0, 0}, {-8,-8,-8, 0, 0, 0,-8,-8} }; int savex = x, savey = y; if (gonnadraw) { for (int shots = 0; shots < 3; shots++) { x = savex; y = savey; int lastfacing = 0; while (::Distance(x, y, x1, y1) > 8) { /* ** Determine true (0..7) facing from current position to ** destination (actually the source coordinate of the zap). */ int facing = Dir_Facing(Desired_Facing8(x, y, x1, y1)); /* ** If there's quite a bit of distance to go, ** we may vary the desired facing to give the ** bolt some randomness. */ if (::Distance(x, y, x1, y1) > 40) { switch (Sim_Random_Pick(1, 3 + ((shots==0) ? 3 : 0))) { case 1: facing++; break; case 2: facing--; break; default: break; } facing &= 7; } /* ** Now that we have the direction of the bolt, ** draw it and move the x & y coords in the right ** direction for the next piece. */ // Electric zap coordinates are always tactical, so don't use the partial window if passed - SKY x += _xadd[facing][lastfacing]; y += _yadd[facing][lastfacing]; if (remap != NULL) { CC_Draw_Shape(this, "LITNING", LightningShapes, _shape[facing]+(shots ? 4 : 0), x, y, (window != WINDOW_PARTIAL) ? window : WINDOW_TACTICAL, SHAPE_FADING|SHAPE_CENTER|SHAPE_WIN_REL, remap); } else { CC_Draw_Shape(this, "LITNING", LightningShapes, _shape[facing]+(shots ? 4 : 0), x, y, (window != WINDOW_PARTIAL) ? window : WINDOW_TACTICAL, SHAPE_CENTER|SHAPE_WIN_REL); } lastfacing = facing; } } } return (gonnadraw); } /*********************************************************************************************** * TechnoClass::Fire_At -- Fires projectile at target specified. * * * * This is the main projectile firing code. Buildings, units, and infantry route fire * * requests through this function. * * * * INPUT: target -- The target that the projectile is to be fired at. * * * * which -- Which weapon to fire. * * * * OUTPUT: Returns with a pointer to the projectile object that was fired. If no projectile * * could be created or there was some other illegality detected, the return value * * will be NULL. * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 12/26/1994 JLB : Created. * * 07/03/1995 JLB : Moving platforms fire inaccurate projectiles. * * 02/22/1996 JLB : Handles camera "weapon" case. * *=============================================================================================*/ BulletClass * TechnoClass::Fire_At(TARGET target, int which) { assert(IsActive); BulletClass * bullet; // Projectile. DirType dir; // The facing to impart upon the projectile. COORDINATE target_coord; // Coordinate of the target. COORDINATE fire_coord; // Coordinate of firing position. TechnoTypeClass const & tclass = *Techno_Type_Class(); ObjectClass * object; WeaponTypeClass const * weapon = (which == 0) ? tclass.PrimaryWeapon : tclass.SecondaryWeapon; /* ** If this object doesn't have a weapon, then it is obvious that firing ** cannot ever succeed. Return with failure flag. */ if (weapon == NULL) return(NULL); BulletTypeClass const & btype = *weapon->Bullet; /* ** Perform a quick legality check to see if firing can occur. */ if (Debug_Map || !Target_Legal(target)) { return(NULL); } /* ** Fetch the target coordinate for the target specified. */ object = As_Object(target); if (object != NULL) { target_coord = object->Target_Coord(); } else { target_coord = As_Coord(target); } /* ** Get the location where the projectile should appear. */ fire_coord = Fire_Coord(which); /* ** If the projectile is a homing type (such as a missile), then it will ** launch in the direction the turret is facing, NOT necessarily the same ** direction as the target. */ if (btype.ROT != 0 || btype.IsDropping) { dir = Fire_Direction(); if (btype.IsDropping) { fire_coord = Center_Coord(); } } else { dir = ::Direction(fire_coord, target_coord); } /* ** Create the projectile. Then process any special operations that ** need to be performed according to the style of projectile ** created. */ int firepower = weapon->Attack; if (firepower > 0) { firepower = weapon->Attack * FirepowerBias * House->FirepowerBias; } /* ** Give the bullet a boost of speed if the weapon indicates that this is required. Only ** need to perform this check if the target is an aircraft. */ int firespeed = weapon->MaxSpeed; if (weapon->IsTurboBoosted && Is_Target_Aircraft(target)) { firespeed *= Rule.TurboBoost; } bullet = new BulletClass(weapon->Bullet->Type, target, this, firepower, WarheadType(weapon->WarheadPtr->ID), firespeed); if (bullet != NULL) { /* ** If this is firing from a moving platform, then the projectile is inaccurate. */ if (Is_Foot() && ((FootClass const *)this)->IsDriving) { bullet->IsInaccurate = true; } if (bullet->Unlimbo(fire_coord, dir)) { } else { delete bullet; } if (tclass.IsTurretEquipped) { IsInRecoilState = true; Mark(MARK_CHANGE_REDRAW); } Arm = Rearm_Delay(IsSecondShot, which); if (tclass.Is_Two_Shooter()) { IsSecondShot = (IsSecondShot == false); } /* ** Perform any animation effect for this weapon. */ AnimType a = weapon->Anim; switch (a) { case ANIM_GUN_N: a = AnimType(a + Dir_Facing(Fire_Direction())); break; case ANIM_SAM_N: a = AnimType(ANIM_SAM_N + Dir_Facing(PrimaryFacing.Current())); break; } /* ** Play any sound effect tied to this weapon type. */ Sound_Effect(weapon->Sound, Fire_Coord(which)); /* ** If there is a special firing animation, then create and attach it ** now. */ if (a != ANIM_NONE) { AnimClass * anim = new AnimClass(a, Fire_Coord(which)); if (anim != NULL) { anim->Attach_To(this); } } /* ** Electric zap animation. */ if (weapon->IsElectric) { ElectricZapDelay = 3; ElectricZapTarget = target_coord; ElectricZapWhich = which; #ifdef FIXIT_CSII // checked - ajw 9/28/98 if(What_Am_I() != RTTI_INFANTRY) { Set_Stage(0); Set_Rate(0); } #else Set_Stage(0); Set_Rate(0); #endif if (Ammo <= 1 && What_Am_I() == RTTI_BUILDING) { ((BuildingClass *)this)->IsCharged = false; } TechnoClass * tech = As_Techno(target); if (tech != NULL) { tech->Clicked_As_Target(PlayerPtr->Class->House, 4); // 2019/09/20 JAS - Added record of who clicked on the object } } /* ** Reduce ammunition for this object. */ if (Ammo > 0) { Ammo--; } /* ** Firing will in all likelihood, require the unit to be redrawn. Flag it to be ** redrawn here. */ Mark(MARK_CHANGE); /* ** If a projectile was fired from a unit that is hidden in the darkness, ** reveal that unit and a little area around it. ** For multiplayer games, only reveal the unit if the target is the ** local player. */ #if (0) if ((!IsOwnedByPlayer && !IsDiscoveredByPlayer) || (!Map[Center_Coord()].IsMapped && (What_Am_I()!=RTTI_AIRCRAFT || !IsOwnedByPlayer)) ) { if (Session.Type == GAME_NORMAL) { Map.Sight_From(Coord_Cell(Center_Coord()), 2, PlayerPtr, false); } else { ObjectClass * obj = As_Object(target); if (obj != NULL) { HousesType tgt_owner = obj->Owner(); if (PlayerPtr->Class->House == tgt_owner) { Map.Sight_From(Coord_Cell(Center_Coord()), 2, PlayerPtr, false); } } } } #else /* ** For client/server multiplayer, we need to reveal for any human player that is the target. ST - 3/13/2019 5:43PM */ ObjectClass *obj = As_Object(target); if (obj) { HousesType tgt_owner = obj->Owner(); HouseClass *player = HouseClass::As_Pointer(tgt_owner); if ((player != NULL) && player->IsHuman) { if ((!Is_Owned_By_Player(player) && !Is_Discovered_By_Player(player)) || (!Map[Coord_Cell(Center_Coord())].Is_Mapped(House) && (What_Am_I()!=RTTI_AIRCRAFT || !Is_Owned_By_Player(player))) ) { Map.Sight_From(Coord_Cell(Center_Coord()), 1, player, false); } } } #endif } return(bullet); } /*********************************************************************************************** * TechnoClass::Player_Assign_Mission -- Assigns a mission as result of player input. * * * * This routine is called when the mission for an object needs to change as a result of * * player input. The basic operation would be to queue the event and let the action * * occur at the frame dictated by the queuing system. However, if a voice response is * * indicated, then perform it at this time. This will give a greater illusion of * * immediate response. * * * * INPUT: mission -- The mission order to assign to this object. * * * * target -- The target of this object. This will be used for combat and attack. * * * * destination -- The movement destination for this object. * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 05/22/1995 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ void TechnoClass::Player_Assign_Mission(MissionType mission, TARGET target, TARGET destination) { assert(IsActive); if (AllowVoice) { if (mission == MISSION_ATTACK) { Response_Attack(); } else { Response_Move(); } } if (FormMove) { SpeedType speed = FormSpeed; MPHType maxspeed = FormMaxSpeed; if (Is_Foot()) { const FootClass* foot = (const FootClass*)this; if (foot->Group < MAX_TEAMS) { TeamFormDataStruct& team_form_data = TeamFormData[foot->Owner()]; speed = team_form_data.TeamSpeed[foot->Group]; maxspeed = team_form_data.TeamMaxSpeed[foot->Group]; } } Queue_Mission(TargetClass(this), mission, target, destination, speed, maxspeed); } else { /* ** Cooerce the movement mission into a queued movement mission if the ALT key was ** held down. */ // // MBL 04.14.2020 Original code KO, since is still active and can still hit // // if (mission == MISSION_MOVE && (Keyboard->Down(Options.KeyQueueMove1) || Keyboard->Down(Options.KeyQueueMove2))) { // mission = MISSION_QMOVE; // } // // MBL 04.14.2020 - Apply the same logic as above, using what is assigned as hotkeys // if (PlayerPtr && House) { if (PlayerPtr == House) { if (mission == MISSION_MOVE && PlayerPtr->IsQueuedMovementToggle) { mission = MISSION_QMOVE; } } } Queue_Mission(TargetClass(this), mission, target, destination); } } /*********************************************************************************************** * TechnoClass::What_Action -- Determines what action to perform if object is selected. * * * * This routine will examine the object specified and return with the action that will * * be performed if the mouse button were clicked over the object. * * * * INPUT: object -- The object that the mouse button might be clicked on. * * * * OUTPUT: Returns with the action that will be performed if the object was clicked on. * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 01/19/1995 JLB : Created. * * 03/21/1995 JLB : Special target control for trees. * *=============================================================================================*/ ActionType TechnoClass::What_Action(ObjectClass const * object) const { assert(IsActive); if (object != NULL) { /* ** Return the ACTION_SELF flag if clicking on itself. However, if this ** object cannot do anything special with itself, then just return with ** the no action flag. */ if (object == this && CurrentObject.Count() == 1 && House->IsPlayerControl) { return(ACTION_SELF); } //bool altdown = (Keyboard->Down(Options.KeyForceMove1) || Keyboard->Down(Options.KeyForceMove2)); //bool ctrldown = (Keyboard->Down(Options.KeyForceAttack1) || Keyboard->Down(Options.KeyForceAttack2)); //bool shiftdown = (Keyboard->Down(Options.KeySelect1) || Keyboard->Down(Options.KeySelect2)); //Added for getting the input for special character keys from the client // - 6/26/2019 JAS bool altdown = DLL_Export_Get_Input_Key_State(KN_LALT); bool ctrldown = DLL_Export_Get_Input_Key_State(KN_LCTRL); bool shiftdown = DLL_Export_Get_Input_Key_State(KN_LSHIFT); /* ** Special guard area mission is possible if both the control and the ** alt keys are held down. */ if (House->IsPlayerControl && ctrldown && altdown && Can_Player_Move() /*KO && Can_Player_Fire()*/) { // if (House->IsPlayerControl && ctrldown && altdown && Can_Player_Move() && Can_Player_Fire()) { return(ACTION_GUARD_AREA); } /* ** Special override to force a move regardless of what is occupying the location. */ if (altdown) { if (House->IsPlayerControl && Can_Player_Move()) { return(ACTION_MOVE); } } /* ** Override so that toggled select state can be performed while the <SHIFT> key ** is held down. */ bool is_a_loaner = object->Is_Techno() && ((TechnoClass*)object)->IsALoaner; if (shiftdown) { if (!is_a_loaner) { return(ACTION_TOGGLE_SELECT); } } /* ** If the weapon is blatantly disallowed from firing on the object specified, then ** don't allow the attach check logic to proceed. */ TechnoTypeClass const * ttype = Techno_Type_Class(); if (Is_Weapon_Equipped() && ttype->PrimaryWeapon->Bullet != NULL && ttype->PrimaryWeapon->Bullet->IsSubSurface && Map[object->Target_Coord()].Land_Type() != LAND_WATER) { // Do nothing. } else { /* ** If firing is possible and legal, then return this action potential. */ if (House->IsPlayerControl && (ctrldown || !House->Is_Ally(object)) && (ctrldown || object->Class_Of().IsLegalTarget || (Rule.IsTreeTarget && object->What_Am_I() == RTTI_TERRAIN))) { if (Is_Weapon_Equipped() || (What_Am_I() == RTTI_INFANTRY && (((InfantryTypeClass const *)ttype)->IsBomber || ((InfantryTypeClass const *)ttype)->IsCapture) )) { // Check for anti-air capability int primary = What_Weapon_Should_I_Use(object->As_Target()); WeaponTypeClass const * weapon = (primary == 0) ? Techno_Type_Class()->PrimaryWeapon : Techno_Type_Class()->SecondaryWeapon; if ((object->What_Am_I() != RTTI_AIRCRAFT) || ((weapon != NULL) && weapon->Bullet->IsAntiAircraft) || (object->Is_Techno() && (((TechnoClass *)object)->Height == 0))) { if (Can_Player_Move() || In_Range(object, primary)) { if (In_Range(object, primary) || (What_Am_I() == RTTI_INFANTRY && ((InfantryClass *)this)->Class->IsCapture && object->What_Am_I() == RTTI_BUILDING && ((BuildingClass *)object)->Class->IsCaptureable)) { return(ACTION_ATTACK); } else { if (!Can_Player_Move()) { return(ACTION_NONE); } else { return(ACTION_ATTACK); } } } } } } } /* ** Possibly try to select the specified object, if that is warranted. */ if (!Is_Weapon_Equipped() || !House->IsPlayerControl || object->Owner() == Owner()) { if ((!is_a_loaner || !Is_Owned_By_Player()) && object->Class_Of().IsSelectable && (!object->Is_Selected_By_Player() || CurrentObject.Count())) { return(ACTION_SELECT); } return(ACTION_NONE); } } return(ACTION_NONE); } /*********************************************************************************************** * TechnoClass::What_Action -- Determines action to perform if cell is clicked on. * * * * Use this routine to determine what action will be performed if the specified cell * * is clicked on. Usually this action is either a ACTION_MOVE or ACTION_NOMOVE. The action * * nomove is used to perform special case checking for nearby cells if in fact the mouse * * is clicked over the cell. * * * * INPUT: cell -- The cell to check for being clicked over. * * * * OUTPUT: Returns with the action that will occur if the cell is clicked on. * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 01/19/1995 JLB : Created. * * 07/10/1995 JLB : Force fire for buildings is explicitly disabled. * *=============================================================================================*/ ActionType TechnoClass::What_Action(CELL cell) const { assert(IsActive); CellClass const * cellptr = &Map[cell]; OverlayTypeClass const * optr = NULL; //bool altdown = (Keyboard->Down(Options.KeyForceMove1) || Keyboard->Down(Options.KeyForceMove2)); //bool ctrldown = (Keyboard->Down(Options.KeyForceAttack1) || Keyboard->Down(Options.KeyForceAttack2)); //bool shiftdown = (Keyboard->Down(Options.KeySelect1) || Keyboard->Down(Options.KeySelect2)); //Added for getting the input for special character keys from the client // - 6/26/2019 JAS bool altdown = DLL_Export_Get_Input_Key_State(KN_LALT); bool ctrldown = DLL_Export_Get_Input_Key_State(KN_LCTRL); bool shiftdown = DLL_Export_Get_Input_Key_State(KN_LSHIFT); /* ** Disable recognizing the <CTRL> key forced fire option when dealing with buildings. */ if (What_Am_I() == RTTI_BUILDING) ctrldown = false; /* ** Disable recognizing the <CTRL> key forced fire option when dealing with submarines. */ if(What_Am_I() == RTTI_VESSEL) { WeaponTypeClass const * weapon = ((VesselClass *)this)->Class->PrimaryWeapon; if (weapon && weapon->Bullet->IsSubSurface) ctrldown = false; } if (cellptr->Overlay != OVERLAY_NONE) { optr = &OverlayTypeClass::As_Reference(cellptr->Overlay); } /* ** Special guard area mission is possible if both the control and the ** alt keys are held down. */ if (House->IsPlayerControl && ctrldown && altdown && Can_Player_Move() && Can_Player_Fire()) { return(ACTION_GUARD_AREA); } if (House->IsPlayerControl && Techno_Type_Class()->PrimaryWeapon != NULL && (ctrldown || (optr && optr->IsLegalTarget))) { WarheadTypeClass const * whead = Techno_Type_Class()->PrimaryWeapon->WarheadPtr; // To be fixed for firing on ore by accounting for ore and ignoring the overlay in that case. if (optr == NULL || (optr->IsWall && (whead->IsWallDestroyer || (whead->IsWoodDestroyer && optr->IsWooden)))) { int primary = What_Weapon_Should_I_Use(::As_Target(cell)); if (Can_Player_Move() || In_Range(::As_Target(cell), primary)) { return(ACTION_ATTACK); } } } if (House->IsPlayerControl && Can_Player_Move()) { /* ** Special override to force a move regardless of what is occupying the location. */ if (shiftdown) { return(ACTION_MOVE); } /* ** If the object can enter the cell specified, then allow ** movement to it. */ if (Can_Enter_Cell(cell) <= MOVE_CLOAK) { return(ACTION_MOVE); } return(ACTION_NOMOVE); } return(ACTION_NONE); } /*********************************************************************************************** * TechnoClass::Can_Player_Move -- Determines if the object can move be moved by player. * * * * Use this routine to determine whether a movement order can be given to this object. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: bool; Can this object be given a movement order by the player? * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 01/19/1995 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ bool TechnoClass::Can_Player_Move(void) const { assert(IsActive); return(House->IsPlayerControl); } /*********************************************************************************************** * TechnoClass::Can_Player_Fire -- Determines if the player can give this object a fire order. * * * * Call this routine to determine if this object can be given a fire order by the player. * * Such objects will affect the mouse cursor accordingly -- usually causes the targeting * * cursor to appear. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: bool; Can this object be given firing orders by the player? * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 01/23/1995 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ bool TechnoClass::Can_Player_Fire(void) const { assert(IsActive); if (House->IsPlayerControl && Is_Techno() && Techno_Type_Class()->PrimaryWeapon != NULL) { return(true); } return(false); } /*********************************************************************************************** * TechnoClass::Is_Weapon_Equipped -- Determines if this object has a combat weapon. * * * * Use this routine to determine if this object is equipped with a combat weapon. Such * * determination is used by the AI system to gauge the threat potential of the object. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: bool; Is this object equipped with a combat weapon? * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 01/23/1995 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ bool TechnoClass::Is_Weapon_Equipped(void) const { assert(IsActive); return(Techno_Type_Class()->PrimaryWeapon != NULL); } /*********************************************************************************************** * TechnoClass::Can_Repair -- Determines if the object can and should be repaired. * * * * Use this routine to determine if the specified object is a candidate for repair. In * * order to qualify, the object must be allowed to be repaired (in theory) and it must * * be below full strength. If these conditions are met, then it can be repaired. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: bool; May this unit be repaired? A return value of false may mean that the object * * is not allowed to be repaired, or it might be full strength already. * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 01/23/1995 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ bool TechnoClass::Can_Repair(void) const { assert(IsActive); /* ** Temporary hack to disable repair cursor over non-buildings. */ if (What_Am_I() != RTTI_BUILDING) { return(false); } return(Techno_Type_Class()->IsRepairable && Strength != Class_Of().MaxStrength); } /*********************************************************************************************** * TechnoClass::Weapon_Range -- Determines the maximum range for the weapon. * * * * Use this routine to determine the maximum range for the weapon indicated. * * * * INPUT: which -- Which weapon to use when determining the range. 0=primary, 1=secondary. * * * * OUTPUT: Returns with the range of the weapon (in leptons). * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 03/19/1995 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ int TechnoClass::Weapon_Range(int which) const { assert(IsActive); assert((unsigned)which < 2); WeaponTypeClass const * weapon = NULL; TechnoTypeClass const & ttype = *Techno_Type_Class(); switch (which) { case 0: weapon = ttype.PrimaryWeapon; break; case 1: weapon = ttype.SecondaryWeapon; break; } if (weapon != NULL) { return(weapon->Range); } return(0); } /*************************************************************************** * TechnoClass::Override_Mission -- temporarily overrides a units mission * * * * * * * * INPUT: MissionType mission - the mission we want to override * * TARGET tarcom - the new target we want to override * * TARGET navcom - the new navigation point to override* * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: If a mission is already overridden, the current mission is * * just re-assigned. * * * * HISTORY: * * 04/28/1995 PWG : Created. * *=========================================================================*/ void TechnoClass::Override_Mission(MissionType mission, TARGET tarcom, TARGET navcom) { assert(IsActive); SuspendedTarCom = TarCom; RadioClass::Override_Mission(mission, tarcom, navcom); Assign_Target(tarcom); } /*************************************************************************** * TechnoClass::Restore_Mission -- Restores an overridden mission * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 04/28/1995 PWG : Created. * *=========================================================================*/ bool TechnoClass::Restore_Mission(void) { assert(IsActive); if (RadioClass::Restore_Mission()) { Assign_Target(SuspendedTarCom); return(true); } return(false); } /*********************************************************************************************** * TechnoClass::Renovate -- Heal a building to maximum * * * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 04/15/1996 BWG : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ void TechnoClass::Renovate(void) { assert(IsActive); Mark(MARK_CHANGE); Strength = Techno_Type_Class()->MaxStrength; if (What_Am_I() == RTTI_BUILDING) { ((BuildingClass *)this)->Repair(0); } } /*********************************************************************************************** * TechnoClass::Captured -- Handles capturing this object. * * * * This routine is called when this object gets captured by the house specified. It handles * * removing this object from any targeting computers and then changes the ownership of * * the object to the new house. * * * * INPUT: newowner -- Pointer to the house that is now the new owner. * * * * OUTPUT: Was the object captured? Failure would mean that it is already under control of * * the house specified. * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 05/08/1995 JLB : Created. * * 09/29/1995 JLB : Keeps track of quantity records. * *=============================================================================================*/ bool TechnoClass::Captured(HouseClass * newowner) { assert(IsActive); if (newowner != House) { /* ** Capture attempt springs any "entered" trigger. The entered trigger ** occurs first since there may be a special trigger attached to this ** object that flags a capture as a win and a destroy as a loss. This ** order is necessary because the object is recorded as a kill as well. */ if (Trigger.Is_Valid()) { Trigger->Spring(TEVENT_PLAYER_ENTERED, this); } /* ** Record this as a kill. */ Record_The_Kill(NULL); /* ** Special kill record logic for capture process. */ House->Tracking_Remove(this); newowner->Tracking_Add(this); switch (What_Am_I()) { case RTTI_BUILDING: newowner->BuildingsKilled[Owner()]++; break; case RTTI_AIRCRAFT: case RTTI_INFANTRY: case RTTI_UNIT: case RTTI_VESSEL: newowner->UnitsKilled[Owner()]++; break; default: break; } House->WhoLastHurtMe = newowner->Class->House; /* ** Remove from targeting computers. */ Detach_All(false); /* ** Change ownership now. */ House = newowner; IsOwnedByPlayer = (House == PlayerPtr); return(true); } return(false); } /*********************************************************************************************** * TechnoClass::Take_Damage -- Records damage assessed to this object. * * * * This routine is called when this object has taken damage. It handles recording whether * * this object has been destroyed. If it has, then mark the appropriate kill records as * * necessary. * * * * INPUT: * * * * OUTPUT: * * * * WARNINGS: * * * * HISTORY: * * 06/20/1995 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ ResultType TechnoClass::Take_Damage(int & damage, int distance, WarheadType warhead, TechnoClass * source, bool forced) { assert(IsActive); ResultType result = RESULT_NONE; /* ** If not a forced damage condition, adjust damage according to house override armor ** value. */ if (!forced && damage > 0) { damage = damage * ArmorBias * House->ArmorBias; } if (IronCurtainCountDown == 0) { result = ObjectClass::Take_Damage(damage, distance, warhead, source, forced); } switch (result) { case RESULT_DESTROYED: Transmit_Message(RADIO_OVER_OUT); Stun(); /* ** If this object explodes with violent damage, then perform the explosion ** now and use the warhead type and full strength as the explosion values. */ if (Techno_Type_Class()->IsExploding) { /* ** The warhead to use is based on the weapon this object is equipped with. */ WarheadType wh = WARHEAD_HE; if (Techno_Type_Class()->PrimaryWeapon != NULL) { wh = WarheadType(Techno_Type_Class()->PrimaryWeapon->WarheadPtr->ID); } int damage = Techno_Type_Class()->MaxStrength; new AnimClass(Combat_Anim(damage, wh, Map[Center_Coord()].Land_Type()), Center_Coord()); int radius = damage * Rule.ExplosionSpread; // int radius = damage/2; Wide_Area_Damage(Center_Coord(), radius, damage, source, wh); } if (this == (TechnoClass *)::As_Object(House->UnitToTeleport)) { House->UnitToTeleport = 0; if (!Scen.IsFadingColor) { Scen.IsFadingBW = false; Scen.IsFadingColor = true; Scen.FadeTimer = GRAYFADETIME; } if (Map.IsTargettingMode == SPC_CHRONO2) { KeyNumType input = KN_RMOUSE; Map.AI(input, 0, 0); } } /* ** May trigger an achievement. ST - 11/14/2019 1:56PM */ if (Session.Type == GAME_NORMAL && !House->IsHuman && source && source->House && source->House->IsHuman) { TechnoTypeClass const *object_type = Techno_Type_Class(); if (object_type) { RTTIType what = What_Am_I(); if (what == RTTI_AIRCRAFT || what == RTTI_INFANTRY || what == RTTI_UNIT || what == RTTI_VESSEL) { On_Achievement_Event(source->House, "UNIT_DESTROYED", object_type->IniName); } } } break; /* ** If some damage was received and this object is cloaked, shimmer ** the cloak a bit. */ default: if (source != NULL && !House->Is_Ally(source)) { IsTickedOff = true; } Do_Shimmer(); break; case RESULT_NONE: break; } return(result); } /*********************************************************************************************** * TechnoClass::Record_The_Kill -- Records the death of this object. * * * * This routine is used to record the death of this object. It will handle updating the * * owner house with the kill record as well as springing any trigger events associated with * * this object's death. * * * * INPUT: source -- Pointer to the source of this object's death (if there is a source). * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/08/1995 JLB : Created. * * 08/23/1995 JLB : Building loss is only counted if it received damage. * *=============================================================================================*/ void TechnoClass::Record_The_Kill(TechnoClass * source) { assert(IsActive); int total_recorded = 0; int points = Techno_Type_Class()->Points; /* ** Handle any trigger event associated with this object. */ if (Trigger.Is_Valid() && source) Trigger->Spring(TEVENT_ATTACKED, this); if (Trigger.Is_Valid() && source) Trigger->Spring(TEVENT_DISCOVERED, this); if (Trigger.Is_Valid()) Trigger->Spring(TEVENT_DESTROYED, this); if (source != NULL) { Crew.Made_A_Kill(); House->WhoLastHurtMe = source->Owner(); /* ** Add up the score for killing this unit */ source->House->PointTotal += points; } #ifdef FIXIT_CSII // checked - ajw 9/28/98 // Hack check: if they were trying to teleport this unit when it died, take // the map mode out of teleportation mode. if(IsOwnedByPlayer && Map.IsTargettingMode == SPC_CHRONO2 && House->UnitToTeleport == As_Target()) { Map.IsTargettingMode = SPC_NONE; } #endif switch (What_Am_I()) { case RTTI_BUILDING: { StructType bldg = *(BuildingClass *)this; if (bldg != STRUCT_BARREL && bldg != STRUCT_BARREL3 && bldg != STRUCT_APMINE && bldg != STRUCT_AVMINE) { if (((BuildingClass *)this)->WhoLastHurtMe != HOUSE_NONE) { House->BuildingsLost++; } if (source != NULL) { if (Session.Type == GAME_INTERNET) { source->House->DestroyedBuildings->Increment_Unit_Total( ((BuildingClass*)this)->Class->Type ); } source->House->BuildingsKilled[Owner()]++; } /* ** If the map is displaying the multiplayer player names & their ** # of kills, tell it to redraw. */ if (Map.Is_Player_Names()) { Map.Player_Names(true); } } } break; case RTTI_AIRCRAFT: if (source != NULL && Session.Type == GAME_INTERNET) { source->House->DestroyedAircraft->Increment_Unit_Total( ((AircraftClass*)this)->Class->Type ); total_recorded++; } //Fall through..... case RTTI_INFANTRY: if (source != NULL && !total_recorded && Session.Type == GAME_INTERNET) { source->House->DestroyedInfantry->Increment_Unit_Total( ((InfantryClass*)this)->Class->Type ); total_recorded++; } //Fall through..... case RTTI_UNIT: if (source != NULL && !total_recorded && Session.Type == GAME_INTERNET) { source->House->DestroyedUnits->Increment_Unit_Total( ((UnitClass*)this)->Class->Type ); total_recorded++; } //Fall through..... case RTTI_VESSEL: if (source != NULL && !total_recorded && Session.Type == GAME_INTERNET) { source->House->DestroyedUnits->Increment_Unit_Total( ((VesselClass*)this)->Class->Type ); } House->UnitsLost++; if (source != NULL) source->House->UnitsKilled[Owner()]++; /* ** If the map is displaying the multiplayer player names & their ** # of kills, tell it to redraw. */ if (Map.Is_Player_Names()) { Map.Player_Names(true); } break; default: break; } /* ** Since we lost an object, we lose the associated points as well. */ House->PointTotal -= points; } /*********************************************************************************************** * TechnoClass::Nearby_Location -- Radiates outward looking for clear cell nearby. * * * * This routine is used to find a nearby location from center of this object. It can lean * * toward finding a location closest to an optional object. * * * * INPUT: object -- Optional object that the finding algorithm will try to find a close * * spot to. * * * * OUTPUT: Returns with the cell that is closest to this object. * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/06/1995 JLB : Created. * * 09/28/1995 JLB : Uses map scan function. * *=============================================================================================*/ CELL TechnoClass::Nearby_Location(TechnoClass const * techno) const { assert(IsActive); SpeedType speed = Techno_Type_Class()->Speed; if (speed == SPEED_WINGED) { speed = SPEED_TRACK; } CELL cell = 0; if (techno != NULL) { cell = Coord_Cell(techno->Center_Coord()); } else { cell = Coord_Cell(Center_Coord()); } return(Map.Nearby_Location(cell, speed, Map[cell].Zones[Techno_Type_Class()->MZone], Techno_Type_Class()->MZone)); } /*********************************************************************************************** * TechnoClass::Do_Uncloak -- Cause the stealth tank to uncloak. * * * * This routine will start the stealth tank to uncloak. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 05/08/1995 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ void TechnoClass::Do_Uncloak(void) { assert(IsActive); if (IsCloakable && (Cloak == CLOAKED || Cloak == CLOAKING)) { if (Cloak == CLOAKED) { Map.RadarClass::Flag_To_Redraw(true); } Cloak = UNCLOAKING; CloakingDevice.Set_Stage(0); CloakingDevice.Set_Rate(1); #ifdef FIXIT_CSII // checked - ajw 9/28/98 if(What_Am_I() == RTTI_VESSEL) { Sound_Effect(VOC_SUBSHOW, Coord); } else { Sound_Effect(VOC_IRON1, Coord); } #else Sound_Effect(VOC_SUBSHOW, Coord); #endif } } /*********************************************************************************************** * TechnoClass::Do_Cloak -- Start the object into cloaking stage. * * * * This routine will start the object into its cloaking state. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/08/1995 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ void TechnoClass::Do_Cloak(void) { assert(IsActive); if (IsCloakable && (Cloak == UNCLOAKED || Cloak == UNCLOAKING)) { Detach_All(false); if (Cloak == UNCLOAKED) { Map.RadarClass::Flag_To_Redraw(true); } Cloak = CLOAKING; CloakingDevice.Set_Stage(0); CloakingDevice.Set_Rate(1); #ifdef FIXIT_CSII // checked - ajw 9/28/98 if(What_Am_I() == RTTI_VESSEL) { Sound_Effect(VOC_SUBSHOW, Coord); } else { Sound_Effect(VOC_IRON1, Coord); } #else Sound_Effect(VOC_SUBSHOW, Coord); #endif } } /*********************************************************************************************** * TechnoClass::Do_Shimmer -- Causes this object to shimmer if it is cloaked. * * * * This routine is called when this object should shimmer. If the object is cloaked, then * * a shimmering effect (partial decloak) occurs. For objects that are not cloaked, no * * effect occurs. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/29/1995 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ void TechnoClass::Do_Shimmer(void) { assert(IsActive); #if(0) if (IsCloakable && Cloak == CLOAKED) { Cloak = CLOAKING; CloakingDevice.Set_Stage(MAX_UNCLOAK_STAGE/2); CloakingDevice.Set_Rate(1); } #else Do_Uncloak(); #endif } /*********************************************************************************************** * TechnoClass::Visual_Character -- Determine the visual character of the object. * * * * This routine will determine how this object should be drawn. Typically, this is the * * unmodified visible state, but cloaked objects have a different character. * * * * INPUT: raw -- Should the check be based on the unmodified cloak condition of the * * object? If false, then an object owned by the player will never become * * completely invisible. * * * * OUTPUT: Returns with the visual character to use when displaying this object. * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/07/1995 JLB : Created. * * 05/27/1996 JLB : Knows about invisible objects. * *=============================================================================================*/ VisualType TechnoClass::Visual_Character(bool raw) const { assert(IsActive); if (Techno_Type_Class()->IsInvisible) { if ((Session.Type != GAME_NORMAL) || Is_Owned_By_Player()) return(VISUAL_NORMAL); if (!Debug_Map) return(VISUAL_HIDDEN); } /* ** When uncloaked or in map editor mode, always draw the object normally. */ if (Cloak == UNCLOAKED || Debug_Map) return(VISUAL_NORMAL); /* ** A cloaked unit will not be visible at all unless it is owned ** by the player. */ if (Cloak == CLOAKED) { // Changed for multiplayer. Not needed except to test in the old renderer. ST - 3/13/2019 5:56PM if (!raw && Is_Owned_By_Player()) return(VISUAL_SHADOWY); //if (!raw && IsOwnedByPlayer) return(VISUAL_SHADOWY); return(VISUAL_HIDDEN); } int stage = CloakingDevice.Fetch_Stage(); if (Cloak == UNCLOAKING) stage = MAX_UNCLOAK_STAGE - stage; if (stage <= 0) { return(VISUAL_NORMAL); } stage = fixed(stage, MAX_UNCLOAK_STAGE) * 256; if (stage < 0x0040) return(VISUAL_INDISTINCT); if (stage < 0x0080) return(VISUAL_DARKEN); if (stage < 0x00C0) return(VISUAL_SHADOWY); //if (!raw && IsOwnedByPlayer) return(VISUAL_SHADOWY); if (!raw && Is_Owned_By_Player()) return(VISUAL_SHADOWY); // Changed for multiplayer. Not needed except to test in the old renderer. ST - 3/13/2019 5:56PM if (stage < 0x00FF) return(VISUAL_RIPPLE); return(VISUAL_HIDDEN); } /*********************************************************************************************** * TechnoClass::Techno_Draw_Object -- General purpose draw object routine. * * * * This routine is used to draw the object. It will handle any remapping or cloaking * * effects required. This logic is isolated here since all techno object share the same * * render logic when it comes to remapping and cloaking. * * * * INPUT: shapefile -- Pointer to the shape file that the shape will be drawn from. * * * * shapenum -- The shape number of the object in the file to use. * * * * x,y -- Center pixel coordinate to use for rendering this object. * * * * window -- The clipping window to use when rendering. * * * * rotation -- The rotation of the object. * * * * scale -- The scaling factor to use (24.8 fixed point). * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/08/1995 JLB : Created. * * 01/11/1996 JLB : Added rotation and scaling. * *=============================================================================================*/ void TechnoClass::Techno_Draw_Object(void const * shapefile, int shapenum, int x, int y, WindowNumberType window, DirType rotation, int scale) const { assert(IsActive); if (rotation != DIR_N || scale != 0x0100) { Disable_Uncompressed_Shapes(); } if (shapefile != NULL) { VisualType visual = Visual_Character(); void const * remap = Remap_Table(); void const * shadow = Map.UnitShadow; #ifdef PARTIAL /* ** Create a minimum shape rectangle if one hasn't already been ** calculated and the shape file matches the one that the ** class thinks it should be using. This check is necessary because ** the dimension rectangle pointer is referenced from the type class ** object on the presumption that the shapefile pointer passed to this ** routine matches. If it doesn't match, then the wrong rectangle information ** will be stored into the type class object. */ TechnoTypeClass * ttype = Techno_Type_Class(); if (shapefile == ttype->Get_Image_Data() && shapenum < Get_Build_Frame_Count(shapefile)-1) { if (ttype->DimensionData == NULL) { ttype->DimensionData = new Rect [Get_Build_Frame_Count(shapefile)]; } if (ttype->DimensionData != NULL && !ttype->DimensionData[shapenum].Is_Valid()) { ttype->DimensionData[shapenum] = Shape_Dimensions(shapefile, shapenum); } } #endif if (Height > 0) { shadow = Map.UnitShadowAir; } y -= Lepton_To_Pixel(Height); /* ** If they're viewing a spy, and the spy belongs to some other house, ** make it look like an infantryman from our house */ if (What_Am_I() == RTTI_INFANTRY) { if (!IsOwnedByPlayer) { if (*(InfantryClass *)this == INFANTRY_SPY) remap = PlayerPtr->Remap_Table(); } if (((InfantryClass *)this)->Class->IsRemapOverride) { remap = ((InfantryClass *)this)->Class->OverrideRemap; } } /* ** Check for the special visual effect for the iron curtain */ if (IronCurtainCountDown > 0) { // remap = RemapEmber; remap = DisplayClass::FadingRed; } #ifdef PREDATOR if (visual != VISUAL_HIDDEN && visual != VISUAL_RIPPLE) { if (visual == VISUAL_SHADOWY) { CC_Draw_Shape(shapefile, shapenum, x, y, window, SHAPE_CENTER|SHAPE_WIN_REL|SHAPE_FADING|SHAPE_PREDATOR, NULL, Map.FadingShade, rotation, scale); } else { CC_Draw_Shape(shapefile, shapenum, x, y, window, SHAPE_CENTER|SHAPE_WIN_REL|SHAPE_FADING|SHAPE_GHOST, remap, shadow, rotation, scale); } if (visual == VISUAL_DARKEN) { CC_Draw_Shape(shapefile, shapenum, x, y, window, SHAPE_PREDATOR|SHAPE_CENTER|SHAPE_WIN_REL|SHAPE_FADING, remap, Map.FadingShade, rotation, scale); } } if (visual != VISUAL_NORMAL && visual != VISUAL_HIDDEN) { CC_Draw_Shape(shapefile, shapenum, x, y, window, SHAPE_PREDATOR|SHAPE_CENTER|SHAPE_WIN_REL, NULL, NULL, rotation, scale); } #else switch (visual) { case VISUAL_NORMAL: // Add 'this' parameter to call new shape draw intercept. ST - 5/22/2019 CC_Draw_Shape(this, shapefile, shapenum, x, y, window, SHAPE_CENTER|SHAPE_WIN_REL|SHAPE_FADING|SHAPE_GHOST, remap, shadow, rotation, scale); break; case VISUAL_INDISTINCT: case VISUAL_DARKEN: // Add 'this' parameter to call new shape draw intercept. ST - 5/22/2019 CC_Draw_Shape(this, shapefile, shapenum, x, y, window, SHAPE_FADING|SHAPE_CENTER|SHAPE_WIN_REL, remap, Map.FadingShade, rotation, scale); break; case VISUAL_SHADOWY: case VISUAL_RIPPLE: // Add 'this' parameter to call new shape draw intercept. ST - 5/22/2019 CC_Draw_Shape(this, shapefile, shapenum, x, y, window, SHAPE_PREDATOR|SHAPE_FADING|SHAPE_CENTER|SHAPE_WIN_REL, NULL, Map.FadingShade, rotation, scale); break; case VISUAL_HIDDEN: // Server still needs to "render" hidden objects to the virtual window, so objects get created properly - SKY if (window == WINDOW_VIRTUAL) { CC_Draw_Shape(this, shapefile, shapenum, x, y, window, SHAPE_PREDATOR|SHAPE_FADING|SHAPE_CENTER|SHAPE_WIN_REL, NULL, Map.FadingShade, rotation, scale); } break; } #endif } Enable_Uncompressed_Shapes(); } /*********************************************************************************************** * TechnoClass::Techno_Draw_Object_Virtual -- Draw object with virtual window support * * * * INPUT: shapefile -- Pointer to the shape file that the shape will be drawn from. * * * * shapenum -- The shape number of the object in the file to use. * * * * x,y -- Center pixel coordinate to use for rendering this object. * * * * window -- The clipping window to use when rendering. * * * * rotation -- The rotation of the object. * * * * scale -- The scaling factor to use (24.8 fixed point). * * * * shape_name -- The name of the shapefile * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 8/1/2019 5:32PM - ST : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ void TechnoClass::Techno_Draw_Object_Virtual(void const * shapefile, int shapenum, int x, int y, WindowNumberType window, DirType rotation, int scale, const char *shape_name) const { assert(IsActive); if (shape_name == NULL || *shape_name == 0) { /* ** If there's no override shape name, then call the regular draw */ Techno_Draw_Object(shapefile, shapenum, x, y, window, rotation, scale); return; } if (shapefile != NULL) { VisualType visual = Visual_Character(); void const * remap = Remap_Table(); void const * shadow = Map.UnitShadow; #ifdef PARTIAL /* ** Create a minimum shape rectangle if one hasn't already been ** calculated and the shape file matches the one that the ** class thinks it should be using. This check is necessary because ** the dimension rectangle pointer is referenced from the type class ** object on the presumption that the shapefile pointer passed to this ** routine matches. If it doesn't match, then the wrong rectangle information ** will be stored into the type class object. */ TechnoTypeClass * ttype = Techno_Type_Class(); if (shapefile == ttype->Get_Image_Data() && shapenum < Get_Build_Frame_Count(shapefile)-1) { if (ttype->DimensionData == NULL) { ttype->DimensionData = new Rect [Get_Build_Frame_Count(shapefile)]; } if (ttype->DimensionData != NULL && !ttype->DimensionData[shapenum].Is_Valid()) { ttype->DimensionData[shapenum] = Shape_Dimensions(shapefile, shapenum); } } #endif if (Height > 0) { shadow = Map.UnitShadowAir; } y -= Lepton_To_Pixel(Height); /* ** If they're viewing a spy, and the spy belongs to some other house, ** make it look like an infantryman from our house */ if (What_Am_I() == RTTI_INFANTRY) { if (!IsOwnedByPlayer) { if (*(InfantryClass *)this == INFANTRY_SPY) remap = PlayerPtr->Remap_Table(); } if (((InfantryClass *)this)->Class->IsRemapOverride) { remap = ((InfantryClass *)this)->Class->OverrideRemap; } } /* ** Check for the special visual effect for the iron curtain */ if (IronCurtainCountDown > 0) { // remap = RemapEmber; remap = DisplayClass::FadingRed; } #ifdef PREDATOR if (visual != VISUAL_HIDDEN && visual != VISUAL_RIPPLE) { if (visual == VISUAL_SHADOWY) { CC_Draw_Shape(shapefile, shapenum, x, y, window, SHAPE_CENTER|SHAPE_WIN_REL|SHAPE_FADING|SHAPE_PREDATOR, NULL, Map.FadingShade, rotation, scale); } else { CC_Draw_Shape(shapefile, shapenum, x, y, window, SHAPE_CENTER|SHAPE_WIN_REL|SHAPE_FADING|SHAPE_GHOST, remap, shadow, rotation, scale); } if (visual == VISUAL_DARKEN) { CC_Draw_Shape(shapefile, shapenum, x, y, window, SHAPE_PREDATOR|SHAPE_CENTER|SHAPE_WIN_REL|SHAPE_FADING, remap, Map.FadingShade, rotation, scale); } } if (visual != VISUAL_NORMAL && visual != VISUAL_HIDDEN) { CC_Draw_Shape(shapefile, shapenum, x, y, window, SHAPE_PREDATOR|SHAPE_CENTER|SHAPE_WIN_REL, NULL, NULL, rotation, scale); } #else switch (visual) { case VISUAL_NORMAL: // Add 'this' parameter to call new shape draw intercept. ST - 5/22/2019 CC_Draw_Shape(this, shape_name, shapefile, shapenum, x, y, window, SHAPE_CENTER|SHAPE_WIN_REL|SHAPE_FADING|SHAPE_GHOST, remap, shadow, rotation, scale); break; case VISUAL_INDISTINCT: case VISUAL_DARKEN: // Add 'this' parameter to call new shape draw intercept. ST - 5/22/2019 CC_Draw_Shape(this, shape_name, shapefile, shapenum, x, y, window, SHAPE_FADING|SHAPE_CENTER|SHAPE_WIN_REL, remap, Map.FadingShade, rotation, scale); break; case VISUAL_SHADOWY: case VISUAL_RIPPLE: // Add 'this' parameter to call new shape draw intercept. ST - 5/22/2019 CC_Draw_Shape(this, shape_name, shapefile, shapenum, x, y, window, SHAPE_PREDATOR|SHAPE_FADING|SHAPE_CENTER|SHAPE_WIN_REL, NULL, Map.FadingShade, rotation, scale); break; case VISUAL_HIDDEN: // Server still needs to "render" hidden objects to the virtual window, so objects get created properly - SKY if (window == WINDOW_VIRTUAL) { CC_Draw_Shape(this, shape_name, shapefile, shapenum, x, y, window, SHAPE_PREDATOR|SHAPE_FADING|SHAPE_CENTER|SHAPE_WIN_REL, NULL, Map.FadingShade, rotation, scale); } break; } #endif } } /*********************************************************************************************** * TechnoClass::Remap_Table -- Fetches the appropriate remap table to use. * * * * This routine is used to fetch the appropriate remap table to use for this object. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: Returns with a pointer to the remap table to use for this object. * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/08/1995 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ void const * TechnoClass::Remap_Table(void) const { assert(IsActive); if (Techno_Type_Class()->IsRemappable) { return(House->Remap_Table(IsBlushing, Techno_Type_Class()->Remap)); } return(ColorRemaps[PCOLOR_GOLD].RemapTable); } /*********************************************************************************************** * TechnoClass::Detach -- Handles removal of target from tracking system. * * * * This routine is called when the specified object is about to be removed from the game * * system. The target object is removed from any tracking computers that this object may * * have. * * * * INPUT: target -- The target object (as a target value) that is being removed from the * * game. * * * * all -- Is the target about to die? A false value might indicate that the * * object is merely cloaking. In such a case, radio contact will not * * be affected. * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/29/1995 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ void TechnoClass::Detach(TARGET target, bool all) { assert(IsActive); RadioClass::Detach(target, all); if (SuspendedMission != MISSION_NONE && SuspendedTarCom == target) { SuspendedMission = MISSION_NONE; SuspendedTarCom = TARGET_NONE; } /* ** If the targeting computer is assigned to the target, then the targeting ** computer must be cleared. */ if (TarCom == target) { Assign_Target(TARGET_NONE); Restore_Mission(); } /* ** If it is in radio contact with another object, then that radio contact ** must be broken. */ if (all && In_Radio_Contact() && Contact_With_Whom()->As_Target() == target) { Transmit_Message(RADIO_OVER_OUT); } } /*********************************************************************************************** * TechnoClass::Kill_Cargo -- Destroys any cargo attached to this object. * * * * This routine handles the destruction of any cargo this object may contain. Typical of * * this would be when a transport helicopter gets destroyed. * * * * INPUT: source -- The source of the destruction of the cargo. * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/29/1995 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ void TechnoClass::Kill_Cargo(TechnoClass * source) { assert(IsActive); while (Is_Something_Attached()) { FootClass * foot = Detach_Object(); if (foot != NULL) { foot->Record_The_Kill(source); delete foot; } } } /*********************************************************************************************** * TechnoClass::Crew_Type -- Fetches the kind of crew this object contains. * * * * This routine is called when generating survivors to this object. This routine returns * * the type of survivor to generate. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: Returns the infantry type of a survivor. * * * * WARNINGS: This routine is designed to be called repeatedly. Once for each survivor to * * generate. * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/29/1995 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ InfantryType TechnoClass::Crew_Type(void) const { assert(IsActive); /* ** If this object contains no crew, then there can be no ** crew inside, duh... return this news. */ if (!Techno_Type_Class()->IsCrew) { return(INFANTRY_NONE); } /* ** The normal infantry survivor is the standard issue ** minigunner. Certain buildings, especially neutral ones, tend to have ** civilians exit them instead. */ InfantryType infantry = INFANTRY_E1; if (House->ActLike == HOUSE_NEUTRAL) { infantry = Random_Pick(INFANTRY_C1, INFANTRY_C9); } else { if (Techno_Type_Class()->PrimaryWeapon == NULL && Percent_Chance(15)) { if (Percent_Chance(50)) { infantry = INFANTRY_C1; } else { infantry = INFANTRY_C7; } } } return(infantry); } /*********************************************************************************************** * TechnoClass::Value -- Fetches the target value for this object. * * * * This routine is used to fetch the target value for this object. The greater the value * * returned, the better this object is as a target. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: Returns with the target value for this object. * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/29/1995 JLB : Created. * * 08/16/1995 JLB : Adjusted for early mission lame-out. * *=============================================================================================*/ int TechnoClass::Value(void) const { assert(IsActive); int value = 0; /* ** In early missions, contents of transports are not figured ** into the total value. */ if (Rule.Diff[House->Difficulty].IsContentScan || House->IQ >= Rule.IQContentScan) { if (Is_Something_Attached()) { FootClass * object = Attached_Object(); while (object != NULL) { value += object->Value(); object = (FootClass *)(ObjectClass *)object->Next; } } } #ifdef TOFIX /* ** Increase the value of power producing object when there is power critical ** defensive structures. */ if (What_Am_I() == RTTI_BUILDING && ((BuildingClass *)this)->Class->Power) { if (House->BScan & (STRUCTF_ATOWER|STRUCTF_OBELISK)) { value += Techno_Type_Class()->Reward; } } #endif return Risk() + Techno_Type_Class()->Reward + value; } /*********************************************************************************************** * TechnoClass::Threat_Range -- Returns the range to scan based on threat control. * * * * This routine will return the range to scan based on the control value specified. The * * value returned by this routine is typically used when scanning for enemies. * * * * INPUT: control -- The range control parameter. * * 0 = Use weapon range (zero is returned in this special case). * * -1 = Scan without range restrictions (-1 is returned in this case). * * 1 = Scan up to twice weapon range. * * * * OUTPUT: Returns with a range (or special value) that can be used in the threat scan * * process. If zero is returned, then always check threat against In_Range(). If * * -1 is returned, then no range limitation restriction exists. * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/29/1995 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ int TechnoClass::Threat_Range(int control) const { assert(IsActive); /* ** Threat range means nothing if scanning the whole map. In such a case, just ** return with the same control flag specified. */ if (control == -1) return(-1); /* ** If simple guard range is requested, then return "0" since ** this is a special control value that is calculated as the object's ** weapon range. */ if (control == 0) { /* ** For normal guard mode or for area guard mode, use the override ** threat range value as specified by the object's type class. */ if (Techno_Type_Class()->ThreatRange != 0) { return(Techno_Type_Class()->ThreatRange); } return(0); } /* ** Area guard range is specified, so figure twice the weapon range of the ** longest range weapon this object is equipped with. */ int range = Techno_Type_Class()->ThreatRange; if (range == 0) { range = max(Weapon_Range(0), Weapon_Range(1)); } range *= 2; range = Bound(range, 0x0000, 0x0A00); return(range); } /*********************************************************************************************** * TechnoClass::Is_In_Same_Zone -- Determine if specified cell is in same zone as object. * * * * This will examine the specified cell to determine if it is in the same zone as this * * object's location. * * * * INPUT: cell -- The cell that is to be checked against this object's current location. * * * * OUTPUT: bool; Is the specified cell in the same zone as this object is? * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 10/06/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ bool TechnoClass::Is_In_Same_Zone(CELL cell) const { MZoneType zone = Techno_Type_Class()->MZone; return(Map[cell].Zones[zone] == Map[Center_Coord()].Zones[zone]); } /*********************************************************************************************** * TechnoClass::Base_Is_Attacked -- Handle panic response to base being attacked. * * * * This routine is called when the base is being attacked. It will pull units off of the * * field and send them back to defend the base. This routine will make taking an enemy * * base much more difficult. * * * * INPUT: enemy -- Pointer to the enemy object that did the damage on the base. * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: This routine can drastically affect the game play. The computer will probably * * call off its attacks as a result. * * * * HISTORY: * * 06/25/1995 JLB : Commented. * * 10/15/1996 JLB : Alternates between guard area and attack. * * 11/01/1996 JLB : Allow recruit of guard area units in multiplay. * *=============================================================================================*/ void TechnoClass::Base_Is_Attacked(TechnoClass const * enemy) { assert(IsActive); FootClass * defender[6]; memset(defender, '\0', sizeof(defender)); int value[ARRAY_SIZE(defender)]; memset(value, '\0', sizeof(value)); int count = 0; int weakest = 0; int desired = enemy->Risk() * House->Control.TechLevel; int risktotal = 0; int zone = Map[Center_Coord()].Zones[Techno_Type_Class()->MZone]; /* ** Humans have to deal with their own base is attacked problems. */ if (enemy == NULL || House->Is_Ally(enemy) || House->IsHuman) { return; } /* ** Don't overreact if this building can defend itself. */ if (Session.Type == GAME_NORMAL && Techno_Type_Class()->PrimaryWeapon != NULL) return; /* ** If the enemy is not an infantry or a unit there is not much we can ** do about it. */ if (enemy->What_Am_I() != RTTI_INFANTRY && enemy->What_Am_I() != RTTI_UNIT) { return; } /* ** If we are a certain type of building, such as a barrel or land mine, ** ignore the attack. */ if (Techno_Type_Class()->IsInsignificant) { return; } /* ** If the threat has already been dealt with then we don't need to do ** any work. Check for that here. */ if (enemy->Is_Foot() && ((FootClass *)enemy)->BaseAttackTimer != 0) { return; } /* ** We will need units to defend our base. We need to suspend teams until ** the situation has been dealt with. */ TeamClass::Suspend_Teams(Rule.SuspendPriority, House); /* ** Loop through the infantry looking for those who are capable of going ** on a rescue mission. */ for (int index = 0; index < Infantry.Count() && desired > 0; index++) { InfantryClass * infantry = Infantry.Ptr(index); if (infantry != NULL && infantry->Owner() == Owner()) { /* ** Never recruit sticky guard units to defend a base. */ if (!infantry->Is_Weapon_Equipped() || (!MissionControl[infantry->Mission].IsRecruitable && Session.Type == GAME_NORMAL)) continue; // (Mission != MISSION_GUARD_AREA || Session.Type == GAME_NORMAL)) continue; /* ** Don't allow a response if it doesn't have a weapon that will affect the ** enemy object. */ if (infantry->Class->PrimaryWeapon->WarheadPtr->Modifier[enemy->Techno_Type_Class()->Armor] == 0) { continue; } /* ** Don't try to help if the building is on another planet. */ if (Map[infantry->Center_Coord()].Zones[infantry->Class->MZone] != Map[Center_Coord()].Zones[infantry->Class->MZone]) continue; /* ** Find the amount of threat that this unit can apply to the ** enemy. */ int threat = infantry->Rescue_Mission(enemy->As_Target()); /* ** If it can't apply any threat then do just skip it and do not ** add it to the list. */ if (!threat) { continue; } /* ** Greatly increase the threat value if this unit is already assigned to protect ** the target. */ if (ArchiveTarget == As_Target()) { threat *= 100; } /* ** If the value returned is negative then this unit is already ** assigned to fighting the enemy, so subtract its value from ** the enemy's desired value. */ if (threat < 0) { desired += threat; continue; } if (count < ARRAY_SIZE(defender)) { defender[count] = infantry; value[count] = threat; count++; continue; } if (threat > weakest) { int newweakest = threat; for (int lp = 0; lp < count; lp++) { if (value[lp] == weakest) { value[lp] = threat; defender[lp] = (FootClass *) infantry; continue; } if (value[lp] < newweakest) { newweakest = value[lp]; } } weakest = newweakest; } } } /* ** Loop through the units looking for those who are capable of going ** on a rescue mission. */ for (int index = 0; index < Units.Count() && desired > 0; index++) { UnitClass * unit = Units.Ptr(index); if (unit != NULL && unit->Owner() == Owner()) { /* ** Never recruit sticky guard units to defend a base. */ if (!unit->Is_Weapon_Equipped() || (!MissionControl[unit->Mission].IsRecruitable && Session.Type == GAME_NORMAL)) continue; /* ** Don't allow a response if it doesn't have a weapon that will affect the ** enemy object. */ if (unit->Class->PrimaryWeapon->WarheadPtr->Modifier[enemy->Techno_Type_Class()->Armor] == 0) { continue; } /* ** Don't try to help if the building is on another planet. */ if (Map[unit->Center_Coord()].Zones[unit->Class->MZone] != Map[Center_Coord()].Zones[unit->Class->MZone]) continue; /* ** Find the amount of threat that this unit can apply to the ** enemy. */ int threat = unit->Rescue_Mission(enemy->As_Target()); /* ** If it can't apply any threat then do just skip it and do not ** add it to the list. */ if (!threat) { continue; } /* ** Greatly increase the threat value if this unit is already assigned to protect ** the target. */ if (threat > 0 && ArchiveTarget == As_Target()) { threat *= 10; } /* ** If the value returned is negative then this unit is already ** assigned to fighting the enemy, so subtract its value from ** the enemy's desired value. */ if (threat < 0) { desired += threat; continue; } if (count < ARRAY_SIZE(defender)) { defender[count] = unit; value[count] = threat; count++; continue; } if (threat > weakest) { int newweakest = threat; for (int lp = 0; lp < count; lp ++) { if (value[lp] == weakest) { value[lp] = threat; defender[lp] = (FootClass *) unit; continue; } if (value[lp] < newweakest) { // if (value[count] < newweakest) { newweakest = value[lp]; } } weakest = newweakest; } } } if (desired > 0) { /* ** Sort the defenders by value, this doesn't take very long and will ** help the closest defenders to respond. */ for (int lp = 0; lp < count - 1; lp ++) { for (int lp2 = lp + 1; lp2 < count; lp2++) { if (value[lp] < value[lp2]) { value[lp] ^= value[lp2]; value[lp2] ^= value[lp]; value[lp] ^= value[lp2]; FootClass *temp; temp = defender[lp]; defender[lp] = defender[lp2]; defender[lp2] = temp; } } } for (int lp = 0; lp < count; lp ++) { if (Percent_Chance(50)) { defender[lp]->Assign_Mission(MISSION_RESCUE); } else { defender[lp]->Assign_Mission(MISSION_GUARD_AREA); defender[lp]->ArchiveTarget = As_Target(); } defender[lp]->Assign_Target(enemy->As_Target()); risktotal += defender[lp]->Risk(); if (risktotal > desired) { break; } } } if (risktotal > desired && enemy->Is_Foot()) { ((FootClass *)enemy)->BaseAttackTimer = TICKS_PER_MINUTE * Rule.BaseDefenseDelay; } } /*********************************************************************************************** * TechnoClass::Is_Allowed_To_Retaliate -- Checks object to see if it can retaliate. * * * * This routine is called when this object has suffered some damage and it needs to know * * if it should fight back. The object that caused the damage is specifed as a parameter. * * * * INPUT: source -- The points to the object that was the source of the damage applied * * to this object. * * * * OUTPUT: bool; Should retaliation occur? * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 10/19/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ bool TechnoClass::Is_Allowed_To_Retaliate(TechnoClass const * source) const { /* ** If there is no source of the damage, then retaliation cannot occur. */ if (source == NULL) return(false); /* ** If the mission precludes retaliation, then don't retaliate. */ if (!MissionControl[Mission].IsRetaliate) return(false); /* ** Fixed wing aircraft are not responsive enough to retaliate to damage recieved. */ if (What_Am_I() == RTTI_AIRCRAFT && ((AircraftClass *)this)->Class->IsFixedWing) { return(false); } /* ** If the source of the damage is an ally, then retaliation shouldn't ** occur either. */ if (House->Is_Ally(source)) return(false); /* ** Only objects that have a damaging weapon are allowed to retaliate. */ if (Combat_Damage() <= 0 || !Is_Weapon_Equipped()) return(false); /* ** If this is not equipped with a weapon that can attack the molester, then ** don't allow retaliation. */ TechnoTypeClass const * ttype = Techno_Type_Class(); if (ttype->PrimaryWeapon->WarheadPtr != NULL && ttype->PrimaryWeapon->WarheadPtr->Modifier[source->Techno_Type_Class()->Armor] == 0) { return(false); } /* ** One can never retaliate against a dog because of their peculiar nature of attacking. ** Dogs must be attacked using normal target processing. */ if (source->What_Am_I() == RTTI_INFANTRY && ((InfantryClass *)source)->Class->IsDog) return(false); /* ** Don't allow retaliation if it isn't equipped with a weapon that can deal with the threat. */ if (source->What_Am_I() == RTTI_AIRCRAFT && !ttype->PrimaryWeapon->Bullet->IsAntiAircraft) return(false); /* ** Tanya is not allowed to retaliate against buildings in the normal sense while in guard mode. That ** is, unless it is owned by the computer. Normally, Tanya can't do anything substantial to a building ** except to blow it up. */ if ((House->IsHuman || (Session.Type == GAME_NORMAL && House->IsPlayerControl)) && source->What_Am_I() == RTTI_BUILDING && What_Am_I() == RTTI_INFANTRY && ((InfantryTypeClass const *)ttype)->IsBomber) { return(false); } /* ** If a human house is not allowed to retaliate automatically, then don't */ if (House->IsHuman && !Rule.IsSmartDefense && (What_Am_I() != RTTI_INFANTRY || *((InfantryClass*)this) != INFANTRY_TANYA || source->What_Am_I() != RTTI_INFANTRY)) return(false); /* ** If this object is part of a team that prevents retaliation then don't allow retaliation. */ if (Is_Foot() && ((FootClass *)this)->Team.Is_Valid() && ((FootClass *)this)->Team->Class->IsSuicide) { return(false); } /* ** Compare potential threat of the current target and the potential new target. Don't retaliate ** if it is currently attacking the greater threat. */ if (!House->IsHuman && Percent_Chance(50)) { fixed source_val = 0; int primary = What_Weapon_Should_I_Use(source->As_Target()); WeaponTypeClass const * weapon = (primary == 0) ? source->Techno_Type_Class()->PrimaryWeapon : source->Techno_Type_Class()->SecondaryWeapon; if (weapon != NULL && weapon->WarheadPtr != NULL && In_Range(source, primary)) { source_val = weapon->WarheadPtr->Modifier[Techno_Type_Class()->Armor]; } fixed current_val = 0; TechnoClass const * tech = As_Techno(TarCom); if (tech != NULL) { primary = What_Weapon_Should_I_Use(tech->As_Target()); weapon = (primary == 0) ? source->Techno_Type_Class()->PrimaryWeapon : source->Techno_Type_Class()->SecondaryWeapon; if (weapon != NULL && weapon->WarheadPtr != NULL && In_Range(tech, primary)) { current_val = weapon->WarheadPtr->Modifier[Techno_Type_Class()->Armor]; } } if (source_val <= current_val) return(false); } /* ** If it is already busy attacking another target, then don't retaliate. */ // if (In_Range(TarCom)) return(false); /* ** All checks passed, so return that retaliation is allowed. */ return(true); } /*********************************************************************************************** * TechnoClass::Get_Ownable -- Fetches the ownable bits for this object. * * * * This routine will return the ownable bits for this object. The ownable bits represent * * the houses that are allowed to own this object. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: Returns the ownable bits for this object. * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/29/1995 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ int TechnoClass::Get_Ownable(void) const { assert(IsActive); return ((TechnoTypeClass const &)Class_Of()).Get_Ownable(); // return ((TechnoTypeClass const &)Class_Of()).Ownable; } /*********************************************************************************************** * TechnoClass::Risk -- Fetches the risk associated with this object. * * * * This routine is called when the risk value for this object needs to be determined. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: Returns with the risk value for this object. * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/29/1995 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ int TechnoClass::Risk(void) const { assert(IsActive); return(Techno_Type_Class()->Risk); } /*********************************************************************************************** * TechnoClass::Tiberium_Load -- Fetches the current tiberium load percentage. * * * * This routine will return the current Tiberium load (expressed as a fixed point fraction) * * that this object currently contains. Typical implementor of this function would be * * the harvester. Any object that can return a non-zero value should derive from this * * function in order to return the appropriate value. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: Returns with the current Tiberium load expressed as a fixed point number. * * 0x0000 = empty * * 0x0080 = half full * * 0x0100 = full * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/29/1995 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ fixed TechnoClass::Tiberium_Load(void) const { assert(IsActive); return(0); } /*********************************************************************************************** * TechnoClass::Desired_Load_Dir -- Fetches loading parameters for this object. * * * * This routine is called when an object desires to load up on this object. The object * * desiring to load is specified. The cell that the loading object should move to is * * determined. The direction that this object should face is also calculated. This routine * * will be overridden by those objects that can actually load up passengers. * * * * INPUT: object -- The object that is desiring to load up. * * * * moveto -- Reference to the cell that the loading object should move to before * * the final load process occurs (this value will be filled in). * * * * OUTPUT: Returns with the direction that the transport object should face. * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/29/1995 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ DirType TechnoClass::Desired_Load_Dir(ObjectClass * , CELL & moveto) const { assert(IsActive); moveto = 0; return(DIR_N); } /*********************************************************************************************** * TechnoClass::Pip_Count -- Fetches the number of pips to display on this object. * * * * This routine will return the number of pips to display on this object when the object * * is selected. The default condition is to return no pips at all. This routine is * * derived for those objects that can have pips. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: Returns with the number of pips to display on this object when selected. * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/29/1995 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ int TechnoClass::Pip_Count(void) const { assert(IsActive); return(0); } /*********************************************************************************************** * TechnoClass::Fire_Direction -- Fetches the direction projectile fire will take. * * * * This routine will fetch the direction that a fired projectile will take. This is * * usually the facing of the object's weapon. This routine will be derived for the objects * * that have their weapon barrel facing a different direction than the body. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: Returns with the direction a fired projectile will take. * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/29/1995 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ DirType TechnoClass::Fire_Direction(void) const { assert(IsActive); return(Turret_Facing()); } /*********************************************************************************************** * TechnoClass::Response_Select -- Handles the voice response when selected. * * * * This routine is called when a voice response to a select action is desired. This routine * * should be overridden for any object that actually has a voice response. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: This routine can generate an audio response. * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/29/1995 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ void TechnoClass::Response_Select(void) { assert(IsActive); } /*********************************************************************************************** * TechnoClass::Response_Move -- Handles the voice response to a movement request. * * * * This routine is called when a voice response to a movement order is desired. This * * routine should be overridden for any object that actually has a voice response. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: This can generate an audio response. * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/29/1995 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ void TechnoClass::Response_Move(void) { assert(IsActive); } /*********************************************************************************************** * TechnoClass::Response_Attack -- Handles the voice response when given attack order. * * * * This routine is called when a voice response to an attack order is desired. This routine * * should be overridden for any object that actually have a voice response. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: This can generate an audio response. * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/29/1995 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ void TechnoClass::Response_Attack(void) { assert(IsActive); } /*********************************************************************************************** * TechnoClass::Target_Something_Nearby -- Handles finding and assigning a nearby target. * * * * This routine will search for a nearby target and assign it to this object's TarCom. * * The method to use when scanning for a target is controlled by the parameter passed. * * * * INPUT: threat -- The threat control parameter used to control the range searched. The * * only values recognized are THREAT_RANGE and THREAT_AREA. * * * * OUTPUT: Was a suitable target acquired and assigned to the TarCom? * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/29/1995 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ bool TechnoClass::Target_Something_Nearby(ThreatType threat) { assert(IsActive); threat = threat & (THREAT_RANGE|THREAT_AREA); /* ** Determine that if there is an existing target it is still legal ** and within range. */ if (Target_Legal(TarCom)) { if ((threat & THREAT_RANGE)) { int primary = What_Weapon_Should_I_Use(TarCom); if (!In_Range(TarCom, primary)) { Assign_Target(TARGET_NONE); } } } /* ** If there is no target, then try to find one and assign it as ** the target for this unit. */ if (!Target_Legal(TarCom)) { Assign_Target(Greatest_Threat(threat)); } /* ** Return with answer to question: Does this unit now have a target? */ return(Target_Legal(TarCom)); } /*********************************************************************************************** * TechnoClass::Exit_Object -- Causes specified object to leave this object. * * * * This routine is called when there is an attached object that should detach and leave * * this object. Typical of this would be the refinery and APC. * * * * INPUT: object -- The object that is trying to leave this object. * * * * OUTPUT: Was the object successfully launched from this object? Failure might indicate that * * there is insufficient room to detach the specified object. * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/24/1995 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ int TechnoClass::Exit_Object(TechnoClass *) { assert(IsActive); return(0); } /*********************************************************************************************** * TechnoClass::Is_Ready_To_Random_Animate -- Determines if the object should random animate. * * * * This will examine this object to determine if it is time and ready to perform some * * kind of random animation. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: bool; Is it time to perform an random animation? * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 10/19/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ bool TechnoClass::Is_Ready_To_Random_Animate(void) const { assert(IsActive); return(IdleTimer == 0); } /*********************************************************************************************** * TechnoClass::Assign_Destination -- Assigns movement destination to the object. * * * * This routine is called when the object needs to have a new movement destination * * assigned. This routine must be overridden since at this level, movement is not allowed. * * * * INPUT: destination -- The destination to assign to this object. * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/24/1995 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ void TechnoClass::Assign_Destination(TARGET ) { assert(IsActive); } /*********************************************************************************************** * TechnoClass::Enter_Idle_Mode -- Object enters its default idle condition. * * * * This routine is called when the object should intelligently revert to an idle state. * * Typically this routine is called after some mission has completed. This routine must * * be overridden by the various object types. It is located at this level merely to provide * * a virtual function entry point. * * * * INPUT: initial -- Is this called when the unit just leaves a factory or is initially * * or is initially placed on the map? * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/24/1995 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ void TechnoClass::Enter_Idle_Mode(bool ) { assert(IsActive); } /*********************************************************************************************** * TechnoClass::Draw_Pips -- Draws the transport pips and other techno graphics. * * * * This routine is used to render the small transportation pip (occupant feedback graphic) * * used for transporter object. It will also display if the techno object is "primary" * * if necessary. * * * * INPUT: x,y -- The pixel coordinate for the center of the first pip. Subsequent pips * * are drawn rightward. * * * * window-- The window that pip clipping is relative to. * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 08/08/1995 JLB : Created. * * 10/06/1995 JLB : Displays the team group number. * * 09/10/1996 JLB : Medic hack for red pip. * *=============================================================================================*/ void TechnoClass::Draw_Pips(int x, int y, WindowNumberType window) const { assert(IsActive); /* ** Transporter type objects have a different graphic representation for the pips. The ** pip color represents the type of occupant. */ bool carrying_passengers = (Techno_Type_Class()->Max_Passengers() > 0) && ((What_Am_I() != RTTI_AIRCRAFT) || (*(AircraftClass*)this != AIRCRAFT_BADGER) || (Mission != MISSION_HUNT)); if (carrying_passengers) { ObjectClass const * object = Attached_Object(); for (int index = 0; index < Class_Of().Max_Pips(); index++) { PipEnum pip = PIP_EMPTY; if (object != NULL) { pip = PIP_FULL; if (object->What_Am_I() == RTTI_INFANTRY) { pip = ((InfantryClass *)object)->Class->Pip; } #ifdef FIXIT_CARRIER // checked - ajw 9/28/98 if (What_Am_I() == RTTI_VESSEL && *(VesselClass *)this == VESSEL_CARRIER) { if (object->What_Am_I() == RTTI_AIRCRAFT) { AircraftClass *heli = (AircraftClass *)object; if (heli->Ammo != heli->Techno_Type_Class()->MaxAmmo) { pip = PIP_ENGINEER; if (!heli->Ammo) { pip = PIP_COMMANDO; } } } } #endif object = object->Next; } CC_Draw_Pip(this, Class_Of().PipShapes, pip, x+index*3, y, window, SHAPE_CENTER|SHAPE_WIN_REL); } } else { /* ** Display number of how many attached objects there are. This is also used ** to display the fullness rating for a harvester. */ int pips = Pip_Count(); /* ** Check if it's a harvester, to show the right type of pips for the ** various minerals it could have harvested. */ if (What_Am_I() == RTTI_UNIT && *(UnitClass *)this == UNIT_HARVESTER) { UnitClass * harv = (UnitClass *)this; int iron = harv->Gems; int nickel = harv->Gold; int graypips = pips * fixed(iron, Rule.BailCount); int greenpips = pips * fixed(nickel, Rule.BailCount); while (greenpips + graypips < pips) { int ironnickelmax = max(iron, nickel); if (iron > nickel) { graypips++; } else { greenpips++; } } for (int index = 0; index < Class_Of().Max_Pips(); index++) { int shape = PIP_EMPTY; if (index < pips) { if (greenpips) { shape = PIP_FULL; greenpips--; } else { shape = PIP_COMMANDO; graypips--; } } CC_Draw_Pip(this, Class_Of().PipShapes, shape, x+index*3, y, window, SHAPE_CENTER|SHAPE_WIN_REL); } } #ifdef FIXIT_CSII // checked - ajw 9/28/98 /* ** Check if it's a Chrono tank, to show the recharge gauge. */ else if (What_Am_I() == RTTI_UNIT && *(UnitClass *)this == UNIT_CHRONOTANK) { for (int index = 0; index < 5; index++) { int shape = PIP_EMPTY; if (index < pips) { switch(index) { case 0: case 1: shape = PIP_COMMANDO; break; case 2: case 3: shape = PIP_ENGINEER; break; case 4: shape = PIP_FULL; default: break; } } CC_Draw_Pip(this, Class_Of().PipShapes, shape, x+index*3, y, window, SHAPE_CENTER|SHAPE_WIN_REL); } #endif } else { bool building = false; int pip = PIP_FULL; // green if(!IsOwnedByPlayer && What_Am_I() == RTTI_BUILDING) { if(*(BuildingClass *)this==STRUCT_POWER || *(BuildingClass *)this==STRUCT_ADVANCED_POWER) { building = true; if (House->Power_Fraction() < 1) { pip = PIP_ENGINEER; // gold if (House->Drain > (House->Power * 2) ) { pip = PIP_COMMANDO; } } } } // Ally/spied power display is handled separately in the virtual window if (!building || (window != WINDOW_VIRTUAL)) { for (int index = 0; index < (building ? 5 : Class_Of().Max_Pips()); index++) { if (building) { CC_Draw_Pip(this, Class_Of().PipShapes, pip, x, y-index*3, window, SHAPE_CENTER|SHAPE_WIN_REL); } else { CC_Draw_Pip(this, Class_Of().PipShapes, (index < pips) ? PIP_FULL : PIP_EMPTY, x+index*3, y, window, SHAPE_CENTER|SHAPE_WIN_REL); } } //BG for (int index = 0; index < Class_Of().Max_Pips(); index++) { //BG CC_Draw_Shape(Class_Of().PipShapes, (index < pips) ? PIP_FULL : PIP_EMPTY, x+index*3, y, window, SHAPE_CENTER|SHAPE_WIN_REL); //BG } } } } /* ** Special hack to display a red pip on the medic. */ if (What_Am_I() == RTTI_INFANTRY && Combat_Damage() < 0) { CC_Draw_Shape(Class_Of().PipShapes, PIP_MEDIC, x+8, y, window, SHAPE_CENTER|SHAPE_WIN_REL); } /* ** Display whether this unit is a leader unit or not. */ if (IsLeader && (window != WINDOW_VIRTUAL)) { PipEnum prishape = PIP_PRIMARY; if(What_Am_I() == RTTI_BUILDING) { if(*((BuildingClass *)this) == STRUCT_KENNEL) { prishape = PIP_PRI; } } CC_Draw_Shape(Class_Of().PipShapes, prishape, x-2, y-3, window, /*SHAPE_CENTER|*/SHAPE_WIN_REL); } /* ** Display what group this unit belongs to. This corresponds to the team ** number assigned with the <CTRL> key. */ if (Is_Foot() && ((FootClass *)this)->Group != 0xFF && ((FootClass *)this)->Group < 10) { int yval = -1; int group = ((FootClass *)this)->Group; if (Class_Of().Max_Pips()) yval -= 4; if (group == 10) group = 0; CC_Draw_Shape(Class_Of().PipShapes, PIP_NUMBERS+group, x+2, y+yval, window, SHAPE_CENTER|SHAPE_WIN_REL); /* ** If this unit is part of a formation, draw an 'F' after the group ** number. */ if ( ((FootClass *)this)->XFormOffset != 0x80000000UL) { CC_Draw_Shape(Class_Of().PipShapes, PIP_LETTERF, x+8, y+yval, window, SHAPE_CENTER|SHAPE_WIN_REL); } } /* ** If this building is being spied on by the player, draw the money or ** factory-producing item or whatever. */ if (What_Am_I() == RTTI_BUILDING) { int spiedby = Spied_By() & (1<<(PlayerPtr->Class->House)); /* ** Print word "Decoy" above buildings that are spied upon or fake */ if (((BuildingClass *)this)->Class->IsFake) { if (spiedby || IsOwnedByPlayer) { CC_Draw_Shape(Class_Of().PipShapes, PIP_DECOY, x, y-16, window, SHAPE_WIN_REL); } } /* ** See if we should print the credits for a spied refinery */ if (spiedby) { // If it's a refinery/silo, print the enemy's money if (((BuildingClass *)this)->Class->Capacity) { long money = House->Available_Money(); /* ** Determine how many digits will be printed. */ int digits; int factor = 10; for (digits = 1; digits < 9; digits++) { if (money < factor) break; factor *= 10; } int startx = x + 6 * digits - 3;// + 6 * 8; while (money) { int xdigit = money % 10; money /= 10; CC_Draw_Shape(Class_Of().PipShapes, PIP_NUMBERS + xdigit, startx, y-6, window, SHAPE_CENTER|SHAPE_WIN_REL); startx -= 6; } } } } } /*********************************************************************************************** * TechnoClass::Find_Docking_Bay -- Searches for a close docking bay. * * * * This routine will be used to find a building that can serve as a docking bay. The * * closest building that qualifies will be returned. If no building could be found then * * return with NULL. * * * * INPUT: b -- The structure type to look for. * * * * friendly -- Allow searching for allied buildings as well. * * * * OUTPUT: Returns with a pointer to the building that can serve as the best docking bay. * * * * WARNINGS: This routine might return NULL even if there are buildings of the specified * * type available. This is the case when the building(s) are currently busy and * * cannot serve as a docking bay at the moment. * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/18/1995 JLB : Created. * * 08/13/1995 JLB : Recognizes the "IsLeader" method of building preference. * *=============================================================================================*/ BuildingClass * TechnoClass::Find_Docking_Bay(StructType b, bool friendly) const { assert(IsActive); BuildingClass * best = 0; /* ** First check to see if there are ANY buildings of the specified ** type in this house's inventory. If not, then don't bother to scan ** for one. */ if (House->Get_Quantity(b) != 0) { int bestval = -1; /* ** Loop through all the buildings and find the one that matches the specification ** and is willing to dock with this object. */ for (int index = 0; index < Buildings.Count(); index++) { BuildingClass * building = Buildings.Ptr(index); /* ** Check to see if the building qualifies (preliminary scan). */ if (building != NULL && (friendly ? building->House->Is_Ally(this) : building->House == House) && !building->IsInLimbo && *building == b && (What_Am_I() == RTTI_AIRCRAFT || Map[building->Center_Coord()].Zones[Techno_Type_Class()->MZone] == Map[Center_Coord()].Zones[Techno_Type_Class()->MZone]) && ((TechnoClass *)this)->Transmit_Message(RADIO_CAN_LOAD, building) == RADIO_ROGER) { /* ** If the building qualifies and this building is better than the ** last qualifying building (as rated by distance), then record ** this building and keep scanning. */ if (bestval == -1 || Distance(building) < bestval || building->IsLeader) { best = building; bestval = Distance(building); } } } } return(best); } /*********************************************************************************************** * TechnoClass::Find_Exit_Cell -- Finds an appropriate exit cell for this object. * * * * This routine is called when an object would like to exit from this (presumed) transport. * * A suitable cell should be returned by this routine. The specified object will probably * * be unloaded at that cell. * * * * INPUT: techno -- Pointer to the object that would like to unload. This is used to * * determine suitability for placement. * * * * OUTPUT: Returns with the cell that is recommended for object exit. * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 08/12/1995 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ CELL TechnoClass::Find_Exit_Cell(TechnoClass const * ) const { assert(IsActive); return(Coord_Cell(Docking_Coord())); } /*********************************************************************************************** * TechnoClass::Refund_Amount -- Returns with the money to refund if this object is sold. * * * * This routine is used by the selling back mechanism in order to credit the owning house * * with some refund credits. The value returned is the credits to refund to the owner. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: Returns with the credits to refund to the owner. * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 08/13/1995 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ int TechnoClass::Refund_Amount(void) const { assert(IsActive); int cost = Techno_Type_Class()->Raw_Cost() * House->CostBias; #ifdef TOFIX /* ** If the object is carrying Tiberium directly (i.e., the harvester), then ** account for the credits of the load. */ // cost += Fixed_To_Cardinal(UnitTypeClass::FULL_LOAD_CREDITS, Tiberium_Load())/2; #endif if (House->IsHuman) { cost = cost * Rule.RefundPercent; // cost /= 2; } return(cost); } /*********************************************************************************************** * TechnoClass::Anti_Air -- Determines the anti-aircraft strength of the object. * * * * This routine will calculate and return the anti-aircraft strength of this object. * * Typical users of this strength value is the base defense expert system AI. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: Returns with the anti-aircraft defense value of this object. The value returned * * is an abstract number to be used for relative comparisons only. * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 10/02/1995 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ int TechnoClass::Anti_Air(void) const { assert(IsActive); if (Is_Weapon_Equipped()) { WeaponTypeClass const * weapon = Techno_Type_Class()->PrimaryWeapon; BulletTypeClass const * bullet = weapon->Bullet; WarheadTypeClass const * warhead = weapon->WarheadPtr; if (bullet->IsAntiAircraft) { int value = ((weapon->Attack * warhead->Modifier[ARMOR_ALUMINUM]) * weapon->Range) / weapon->ROF; if (Techno_Type_Class()->Is_Two_Shooter()) { value *= 2; } return(value/50); } } return(0); } /*********************************************************************************************** * TechnoClass::Anti_Armor -- Determines the anti-armor strength of the object. * * * * This routine is used to examine and calculate the anti-armor strength of this object. * * Typical user user of this would be the expert system base defense AI. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: Returns with the relative anti-armor combat value for this object. The value * * is abstract and is only to be used in relative comparisons. * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 10/02/1995 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ int TechnoClass::Anti_Armor(void) const { assert(IsActive); if (Is_Weapon_Equipped()) { if (!Techno_Type_Class()->PrimaryWeapon->Bullet->IsAntiGround) return(0); WeaponTypeClass const * weapon = Techno_Type_Class()->PrimaryWeapon; BulletTypeClass const * bullet = weapon->Bullet; WarheadTypeClass const * warhead = weapon->WarheadPtr; int mrange = min(weapon->Range, 0x0400); int value = ((weapon->Attack * warhead->Modifier[ARMOR_STEEL]) * mrange * warhead->SpreadFactor) / weapon->ROF; if (Techno_Type_Class()->Is_Two_Shooter()) { value *= 2; } if (bullet->IsInaccurate) { value /= 2; } return(value/50); } return(0); } /*********************************************************************************************** * TechnoClass::Anti_Infantry -- Calculates the anti-infantry strength of this object. * * * * This routine is used to determine the anti-infantry strength of this object. The * * typical user of this routine is the expert system base defense AI. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: Returns with the anti-infantry strength of this object. The value returned is * * abstract and should only be used for relative comparisons. * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 10/02/1995 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ int TechnoClass::Anti_Infantry(void) const { assert(IsActive); if (Is_Weapon_Equipped()) { if (!Techno_Type_Class()->PrimaryWeapon->Bullet->IsAntiGround) return(0); WeaponTypeClass const * weapon = Techno_Type_Class()->PrimaryWeapon; BulletTypeClass const * bullet = weapon->Bullet; WarheadTypeClass const * warhead = weapon->WarheadPtr; int mrange = min(weapon->Range, 0x0400); int value = ((weapon->Attack * warhead->Modifier[ARMOR_NONE]) * mrange * warhead->SpreadFactor) / weapon->ROF; if (Techno_Type_Class()->Is_Two_Shooter()) { value *= 2; } if (bullet->IsInaccurate) { value /= 2; } return(value/50); } return(0); } /*********************************************************************************************** * TechnoClass::Look -- Performs a look around (map reveal) action. * * * * This routine will reveal the map around this object. * * * * INPUT: incremental -- This parameter can enable a more efficient map reveal logic. * * If it is absolutely known that the object has only moved one * * cell from its previous location that it performed a Look() at, * * then set this parameter to TRUE. It will only perform the look * * check on the perimeter cells. * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: This routine is slow, try to call it only when necessary. * * * * HISTORY: * * 03/14/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ void TechnoClass::Look(bool incremental) { assert(IsActive); assert(!IsInLimbo); int sight_range = Techno_Type_Class()->SightRange; if (sight_range) { Map.Sight_From(Coord_Cell(Coord), sight_range, House, incremental); #if (0) // Leaving this here for posterity, in case we need it for revealing allies. ST - 10/17/2019 10:51AM /* ** Changed this function to reveal for the appropriate players in GlyphX multiplayer. ST - 8/7/2019 11:34AM */ if (Session.Type != GAME_GLYPHX_MULTIPLAYER) { Map.Sight_From(Coord_Cell(Coord), sight_range, House, incremental); } else { for (int i = 0; i < Session.Players.Count(); i++) { HousesType house_type = Session.Players[i]->Player.ID; HouseClass *house = HouseClass::As_Pointer(house_type); if (Is_Owned_By_Player(house) || Is_Discovered_By_Player(house)) { Map.Sight_From(Coord_Cell(Center_Coord()), sight_range, house, incremental); } } } #endif } } //********************************************************************************************** // MODULE SEPARATION -- TechnoTypeClass member functions follow. //********************************************************************************************** /*********************************************************************************************** * TechnoTypeClass::TechnoTypeClass -- Constructor for techno type objects. * * * * This is the normal constructor for techno type objects. It is called in the process of * * constructing all the object type (constant) data for the various techno type objects. * * * * INPUT: see below... * * * * OUTPUT: none * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 03/19/1995 JLB : Created. * * 05/11/1996 JLB : Moderated risk calc so range doesn't dominate. * *=============================================================================================*/ TechnoTypeClass::TechnoTypeClass( RTTIType rtti, int id, int name, char const * ininame, RemapType remap, int verticaloffset, int primaryoffset, int primarylateral, int secondaryoffset, int secondarylateral, bool is_nominal, bool is_stealthy, bool is_selectable, bool is_legal_target, bool is_insignificant, bool is_immune, bool is_theater, bool is_turret_equipped, bool is_remappable, bool is_footprint, int rotation, SpeedType speed, int horizontaloffset) : ObjectTypeClass( rtti, id, true, is_stealthy, is_selectable, is_legal_target, is_insignificant, is_immune, is_footprint, name, ininame), Remap(remap), IsDoubleOwned(false), IsInvisible(false), IsLeader(false), IsScanner(false), IsNominal(is_nominal), IsTheater(is_theater), IsTurretEquipped(is_turret_equipped), IsCrew(false), IsRepairable(true), IsRemappable(is_remappable), IsCloakable(false), IsSelfHealing(false), IsExploding(false), MZone(MZONE_NORMAL), ThreatRange(0), MaxPassengers(0), SightRange(0), Cost(0), Level(-1), Prerequisite(STRUCTF_NONE), Risk(0),Reward(0), MaxSpeed(MPH_IMMOBILE), Speed(speed), MaxAmmo(-1), Ownable(0), CameoData(NULL), Rotation(rotation), ROT(0), PrimaryWeapon(NULL), SecondaryWeapon(NULL), HorizontalOffset(horizontaloffset), VerticalOffset(verticaloffset), PrimaryOffset(primaryoffset), PrimaryLateral(primarylateral), SecondaryOffset(secondaryoffset), SecondaryLateral(secondarylateral), Points(0) { } /*********************************************************************************************** * TechnoTypeClass::Raw_Cost -- Fetches the raw (base) cost of the object. * * * * This routine is used to find the underlying cost for this object. The underlying cost * * does not include any free items that normally come with the object when purchased * * directly. Example: The raw cost of a refinery is the normal cost minus the cost of a * * harvester. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: Returns with the credit cost of the base object type. * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 08/13/1995 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ int TechnoTypeClass::Raw_Cost(void) const { return(Cost); } /*********************************************************************************************** * TechnoTypeClass::Get_Ownable -- Fetches the ownable bits for this object type. * * * * This routine will return the ownable bits for this object type. The ownable bits are * * a bitflag composite of the houses that can own (build) this object type. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: Returns with the ownable bits for this object type. * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/29/1995 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ int TechnoTypeClass::Get_Ownable(void) const { if (IsDoubleOwned && Session.Type != GAME_NORMAL) { return(Ownable | HOUSEF_SOVIET | HOUSEF_ALLIES); } return(Ownable); } /*********************************************************************************************** * TechnoTypeClass::Time_To_Build -- Fetches the time to build this object. * * * * This routine will return the time it takes to construct this object. Usually the time * * to produce is directly related to cost. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: Returns with the time to produce this object type. The time is expressed in the * * form of game ticks. * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/29/1995 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ //#define UNIT_BUILD_BIAS fixed(5,4) //#define UNIT_BUILD_BIAS fixed(6,4) #define UNIT_BUILD_BIAS fixed(1,1) //#define UNIT_BUILD_BIAS fixed(5,1) extern int UnitBuildPenalty; int TechnoTypeClass::Time_To_Build(HousesType house) const { int time = Cost * Rule.BuildSpeedBias * fixed(TICKS_PER_MINUTE, 1000); HouseClass* hptr = HouseClass::As_Pointer(house); if (!hptr || !hptr->IsActive) { return time; } #ifdef FIXIT_VERSION_3 if (Session.Type == GAME_NORMAL) { #else if (Session.Type == GAME_NORMAL || PlayingAgainstVersion == VERSION_RED_ALERT_104 || PlayingAgainstVersion == VERSION_RED_ALERT_107) { #endif time *= hptr->BuildSpeedBias; } else { if (What_Am_I() == RTTI_BUILDINGTYPE || What_Am_I() == RTTI_INFANTRYTYPE) { time *= hptr->BuildSpeedBias; } else { time *= hptr->BuildSpeedBias * fixed(UnitBuildPenalty, 100); //UNIT_BUILD_BIAS; } } /* ** Adjust time according to IQ setting of computer controlled house. The ** build time will range from double normal time at the slowest to ** just normal time at the fastest. */ if (!hptr->IsHuman && Rule.Diff[hptr->Difficulty].IsBuildSlowdown) { time = time * Inverse(fixed(hptr->IQ + Rule.MaxIQ, Rule.MaxIQ * 2)); } /* ** Adjust the time to build based on the power output of the owning house. */ fixed power = hptr->Power_Fraction(); fixed scale(1); if (power == 0) { scale = fixed(4, 1); } else if (power < fixed::_1_2) { scale = fixed(5, 2); } else if (power < 1) { scale = fixed(3, 2); } time *= scale; int divisor = hptr->Factory_Count(What_Am_I()); if (divisor != 0) { #ifdef FIXIT_CSII // checked - ajw 9/28/98 // Hack: allow the multiple-factory bonus, but only up to two factories if // this is an AM<->AM game. if (NewUnitsEnabled) { time /= min(divisor, 2); } else { time /= divisor; } #else time /= divisor; #endif } return(time); } /*********************************************************************************************** * TechnoTypeClass::Cost_Of -- Fetches the cost of this object type. * * * * This routine will return the cost to produce an object of this type. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: Returns with the cost to produce one object of this type. * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/29/1995 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ int TechnoTypeClass::Cost_Of(void) const { return(Cost); } /*********************************************************************************************** * TechnoTypeClass::Get_Cameo_Data -- Fetches the cameo image for this object type. * * * * This routine will fetch the cameo (sidebar small image) shape of this object type. * * If there is no cameo data available (typical for non-produceable units), then NULL will * * be returned. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: Returns with a pointer to the cameo data for this object type if present. * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/29/1995 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ void const * TechnoTypeClass::Get_Cameo_Data(void) const { return(CameoData); } /*********************************************************************************************** * TechnoTypeClass::Repair_Cost -- Fetches the cost to repair one step. * * * * This routine will return the cost to repair one step. At the TechnoTypeClass level, * * this merely serves as a placeholder function. The derived classes will provide a * * functional version of this routine. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: Returns with the cost to repair one step. * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/29/1995 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ int TechnoTypeClass::Repair_Cost(void) const { // MBL 04.28.2020 "Fix" for RA Barracks structures coming back with a repair cost of 0, and repairing for free // // if (Is_Foot()) { // return((Raw_Cost()/(MaxStrength/Rule.URepairStep)) * Rule.URepairPercent); // } // return((Raw_Cost()/(MaxStrength/Rule.RepairStep)) * Rule.RepairPercent); // int repair_cost = 0; if (Is_Foot()) { repair_cost = ((Raw_Cost()/(MaxStrength/Rule.URepairStep)) * Rule.URepairPercent); } else { repair_cost = ((Raw_Cost()/(MaxStrength/Rule.RepairStep)) * Rule.RepairPercent); } repair_cost = MAX(repair_cost, 1); return repair_cost; } /*********************************************************************************************** * TechnoTypeClass::Repair_Step -- Fetches the health to repair one step. * * * * This routine merely serves as placeholder virtual function. The various type classes * * will override this routine to return the number of health points to repair in one * * "step". * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: Returns with the number of health points to repair in one step. * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/29/1995 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ int TechnoTypeClass::Repair_Step(void) const { if (Is_Foot()) { return(Rule.URepairStep); } return(Rule.RepairStep); } /*********************************************************************************************** * TechnoTypeClass::Is_Two_Shooter -- Determines if this object is a double shooter. * * * * Some objects fire two shots in quick succession. If this is true for this object, then * * a 'true' value will be returned from this routine. * * * * INPUT: none * * * * OUTPUT: bool; Is this object a two shooter? * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/29/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ bool TechnoTypeClass::Is_Two_Shooter(void) const { if (PrimaryWeapon != NULL && (PrimaryWeapon == SecondaryWeapon || PrimaryWeapon->Burst > 1)) { return(true); } return(false); } /*********************************************************************************************** * _Scale_To_256 -- Scales a 1..100 number into a 1..255 number. * * * * This is a helper routine that will take a decimal percentage number and convert it * * into a game based fixed point number. * * * * INPUT: val -- Decimal percent number to convert. * * * * OUTPUT: Returns with the decimal percent number converted to a game fixed point number. * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 06/17/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ static inline int _Scale_To_256(int val) { val = min(val, 100); val = max(val, 0); val = ((val * 256) / 100); val = min(val, 255); return(val); } /*********************************************************************************************** * TechnoTypeClass::Read_INI -- Reads the techno type data from the INI database. * * * * Use this routine to fill in the data for this techno type class object from the * * database specified. Typical use of this is for the rules parsing. * * * * INPUT: ini -- Reference to the INI database that the information will be lifted from. * * * * OUTPUT: bool; Was the database used to extract information? A failure (false) response * * would mean that the database didn't contain a section that applies to this * * techno class object. * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 07/19/1996 JLB : Created. * *=============================================================================================*/ bool TechnoTypeClass::Read_INI(CCINIClass & ini) { if (ini.Is_Present(Name())) { #ifdef FIXIT_NAME_OVERRIDE char buffer[256]; int id = ((RTTI+1) * 100) + ID; ini.Get_String(Name(), "Name", "", buffer, sizeof(buffer)); if (strlen(buffer) > 0) { #if defined (GERMAN)||(FRENCH) for(int xx=0; NewName[xx] != NULL; xx++){ if(!strcmp(NewName[xx], buffer)){ memcpy(buffer, "", sizeof(buffer)); memcpy(buffer, NewName[xx+1], sizeof(buffer)); break; } } #endif /* ** Insert the new name text into the buffer list. */ for (int index = 0; index < ARRAY_SIZE(NameOverride); index++) { if (NameIDOverride[index] == 0) { NameOverride[index] = strdup(buffer); NameIDOverride[index] = id; // FullName = -(index+1); break; } } } #endif IsDoubleOwned = ini.Get_Bool(Name(), "DoubleOwned", IsDoubleOwned); ThreatRange = ini.Get_Lepton(Name(), "GuardRange", ThreatRange); IsExploding = ini.Get_Bool(Name(), "Explodes", IsExploding); PrimaryWeapon = WeaponTypeClass::As_Pointer(ini.Get_WeaponType(Name(), "Primary", PrimaryWeapon != NULL ? (WeaponType)(PrimaryWeapon->ID) : WEAPON_NONE)); SecondaryWeapon = WeaponTypeClass::As_Pointer(ini.Get_WeaponType(Name(), "Secondary", SecondaryWeapon != NULL ? (WeaponType)(SecondaryWeapon->ID) : WEAPON_NONE)); IsCloakable = ini.Get_Bool(Name(), "Cloakable", IsCloakable); IsCrushable = ini.Get_Bool(Name(), "Crushable", IsCrushable); IsScanner = ini.Get_Bool(Name(), "Sensors", IsScanner); Armor = ini.Get_ArmorType(Name(), "Armor", Armor); Prerequisite = ini.Get_Buildings(Name(), "Prerequisite", Prerequisite); MaxStrength = ini.Get_Int(Name(), "Strength", MaxStrength); SightRange = ini.Get_Int(Name(), "Sight", SightRange); Level = ini.Get_Int(Name(), "TechLevel", Level); MaxSpeed = MPHType(_Scale_To_256(ini.Get_Int(Name(), "Speed", fixed(MaxSpeed, 256) * 100))); Cost = ini.Get_Int(Name(), "Cost", Cost); MaxAmmo = ini.Get_Int(Name(), "Ammo", MaxAmmo); Risk = Reward = Points = ini.Get_Int(Name(), "Points", Points); Ownable = ini.Get_Owners(Name(), "Owner", Ownable); IsCrew = ini.Get_Bool(Name(), "Crewed", IsCrew); IsRepairable = ini.Get_Bool(Name(), "Repairable", IsRepairable); IsInvisible = ini.Get_Bool(Name(), "Invisible", IsInvisible); IsSelfHealing = ini.Get_Bool(Name(), "SelfHealing", IsSelfHealing); ROT = ini.Get_Int(Name(), "ROT", ROT); MaxPassengers = ini.Get_Int(Name(), "Passengers", MaxPassengers); //Mono_Printf("before image=: %s\n",GraphicName); ini.Get_String(Name(), "Image", GraphicName, GraphicName, sizeof(GraphicName)); //Mono_Printf("after image=: %s\n",GraphicName);if(Random_Pick(0,4)) Keyboard->Get(); IsLeader = false; if (PrimaryWeapon != NULL && PrimaryWeapon->Attack > 0) { IsLeader = true; } /* ** Check to see what zone this object should recognize. */ if (PrimaryWeapon != NULL && PrimaryWeapon->WarheadPtr != NULL && PrimaryWeapon->WarheadPtr->IsWallDestroyer) { MZone = MZONE_DESTROYER; } if (Speed == SPEED_FLOAT) { MZone = MZONE_WATER; } return(true); } return(false); } int TechnoTypeClass::Legal_Placement(CELL pos) const { if (pos == -1) return(0); /* ** Normal buildings must check to see that every foundation square is free of ** obstacles. If this check passes for all foundation squares, only then does the ** routine return that it is legal to place. */ short const * offset = Occupy_List(true); bool build = (What_Am_I() == RTTI_BUILDINGTYPE); while (offset != NULL && *offset != REFRESH_EOL) { CELL cell = pos + *offset++; if (!Map.In_Radar(cell)) return(false); if (build) { if (!Map[cell].Is_Clear_To_Build(Speed)) { return(0); } } else { if (!Map[cell].Is_Clear_To_Move(Speed, false, false)) { return(0); } } } return(1); } /* ** Additions to TechnoClass to track discovery per-player. ST - 3/6/2019 11:18AM ** ** ** ** ** */ /*********************************************************************************************** * TechnoClass::Is_Discovered_By_Player -- Has this object been disovered by the given player * * * * INPUT: Player pointer * * * * OUTPUT: True if discovered by that player * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 3/6/2019 11:20AM - ST * *=============================================================================================*/ bool TechnoClass::Is_Discovered_By_Player(HouseClass *player) const { if (player && player->Class) { int shift = (int) player->Class->House; return (IsDiscoveredByPlayerMask & (1 << shift)) ? true : false; } else { int shift = (int) PlayerPtr->Class->House; return (IsDiscoveredByPlayerMask & (1 << shift)) ? true : false; } return false; } /*********************************************************************************************** * TechnoClass::Set_Discovered_By_Player -- Mark that this object been disovered by the player * * * * INPUT: Player pointer * * * * OUTPUT: * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 3/6/2019 11:23AM - ST * *=============================================================================================*/ void TechnoClass::Set_Discovered_By_Player(HouseClass *player) { int shift = 0; if (player && player->Class) { shift = (int) player->Class->House; } else { shift = (int)PlayerPtr->Class->House; } IsDiscoveredByPlayerMask |= (1 << shift); if (Session.Type == GAME_NORMAL && player == PlayerPtr) { IsDiscoveredByPlayer = true; } } /*********************************************************************************************** * TechnoClass::Clear_Discovered_By_Players -- Clear player discovery flags * * * * INPUT: Player pointer * * * * OUTPUT: * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 4/27/2020 - SKY * *=============================================================================================*/ void TechnoClass::Clear_Discovered_By_Players() { IsDiscoveredByPlayerMask = 0; IsDiscoveredByPlayer = false; } /*********************************************************************************************** * TechnoClass::Is_Owned_By_Player -- Is this object owned by the active human player * * * * INPUT: Player pointer * * * * OUTPUT: * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 3/13/2019 5:00PM - ST * *=============================================================================================*/ bool TechnoClass::Is_Owned_By_Player(HouseClass *player) const { if (player == NULL) { return (PlayerPtr == House) ? true : false; } return (player == House) ? true : false; } /*********************************************************************************************** * TechnoClass::Spied_By -- Spied by flags for this object * * * * INPUT: Player pointer * * * * OUTPUT: * * * * WARNINGS: none * * * * HISTORY: * * 10/31/2019 - SKY * *=============================================================================================*/ unsigned TechnoClass::Spied_By() const { return SpiedBy; }