// // Copyright 2020 Electronic Arts Inc. // // TiberianDawn.DLL and RedAlert.dll and corresponding source code is free // software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of // the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, // either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // TiberianDawn.DLL and RedAlert.dll and corresponding source code is distributed // in the hope that it will be useful, but with permitted additional restrictions // under Section 7 of the GPL. See the GNU General Public License in LICENSE.TXT // distributed with this program. You should have received a copy of the // GNU General Public License along with permitted additional restrictions // with this program. If not, see https://github.com/electronicarts/CnC_Remastered_Collection /* $Header: /counterstrike/NULLMGR.CPP 2 3/07/97 6:40p Steve_tall $ */ /*************************************************************************** *** C O N F I D E N T I A L --- W E S T W O O D S T U D I O S *** *************************************************************************** * * * Project Name : Command & Conquer * * * * File Name : NULLMGR.CPP * * * * Programmer : Bill Randolph * * * * Start Date : April 5, 1995 * * * * Last Update : May 1, 1995 [BRR] * * * *-------------------------------------------------------------------------* * Functions: * * NullModemClass::NullModemClass -- class constructor * * NullModemClass::~NullModemClass -- class destructor * * NullModemClass::Init -- initialization * * NullModemClass::Send_Message -- sends a message * * NullModemClass::Get_Message -- polls the Queue for a message * * NullModemClass::Service -- main polling routine * * NullModemClass::Num_Send -- Returns # of unACK'd send entries * * NullModemClass::Num_Receive -- Returns # entries in the receive queue * * NullModemClass::Response_Time -- Returns Queue's avg response time * * NullModemClass::Reset_Response_Time -- Resets response time computatio* * NullModemClass::Oldest_Send -- Returns ptr to oldest unACK'd send buf * * NullModemClass::Detect_Modem -- Detects and initializes the modem * * NullModemClass::Dial_Modem -- dials a number passed * * NullModemClass::Answer_Modem -- waits for call and answers * * NullModemClass::Hangup_Modem -- hangs up the modem * * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */ #if (0)//PG #include "function.h" #ifdef WIN32 #include "wincomm.h" #include "modemreg.h" extern ModemRegistryEntryClass *ModemRegistry; #endif //WIN32 #include "i86.h" // Turn off "expression is not meaningful". #pragma warning 628 9 // the following line was taken from Greenleaf's <ibmkeys.h> <asciidef.h> // because of other define conflicts #define ESC 27 #define NOKEY 0xffff #define INIT_COMMAND_RETRIES 2 // this time is in milliseconds #define DEFAULT_TIMEOUT 1500 // // the following is for a fix around a greenleaf bug // where they do not check for the value of abortkey // to determine whether or not they call the abort modem function. // extern "C" { extern void (*_AbortModemFunctionPtr)(int); } static void (*NullModemClass::OrigAbortModemFunc)(int); static KeyNumType NullModemClass::Input; static GadgetClass *NullModemClass::Commands; // button list /* ** Ugly hack: this string stores the string received from the modem */ char ModemRXString[80]; /*************************************************************************** * NullModemClass::NullModemClass -- class constructor * * * * INPUT: * * numsend # desired entries for the send queue * * numreceive # desired entries for the receive queue * * maxlen application's max packet length * * magicnum application-specific magic # (so we don't * * accidentally end up talking to another one of our own * * products using the same protocol) * * * * OUTPUT: * * none. * * * * WARNINGS: * * none. * * * * HISTORY: * * 12/20/1994 BR : Created. * *=========================================================================*/ NullModemClass::NullModemClass (int numsend, int numreceive, int maxlen, unsigned short magicnum) : ConnManClass() { /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ Init Port to NULL; we haven't opened Greenleaf yet. ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifdef WIN32 PortHandle = NULL; #else //WIN32 Port = NULL; #endif //WIN32 Connection = NULL; NumSend = numsend; NumReceive = numreceive; MaxLen = maxlen; MagicNum = magicnum; RXBuf = 0; BuildBuf = 0; EchoSize = 500; EchoBuf = 0; OldIRQPri = -1; ModemVerboseOn = false; // default true ModemEchoOn = false; // default true ModemWaitCarrier = 50000; // default 50 * 1000ms = 50 secs ModemCarrierDetect = 600; // default 6 * 100ms = .6 secs ModemCarrierLoss = 1400; // default 14 * 100ms = 1.4 secs ModemHangupDelay = 20000; // default 20 * 1000ms = 20 secs ModemGuardTime = 1000; // default 50 * 20ms = 1 sec ModemEscapeCode = '+'; // default ASCII 43 SendOverflows = 0; ReceiveOverflows = 0; CRCErrors = 0; NumConnections = 0; /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ Init timing parameters ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ RetryDelta = 60; // 60 ticks between retries MaxRetries = -1; // disregard # retries Timeout = 1200; // report bad connection after 20 seconds } /* end of NullModemClass */ /*************************************************************************** * NullModemClass::~NullModemClass -- class destructor * * * * INPUT: * * none. * * * * OUTPUT: * * none. * * * * WARNINGS: * * none. * * * * HISTORY: * * 12/20/1994 BR : Created. * *=========================================================================*/ NullModemClass::~NullModemClass () { Delete_Connection(); } /* end of ~NullModemClass */ /*************************************************************************** * NullModemClass::Init -- initialization * * * * INPUT: * * port address * * irq 2-15 * * dev_name name of communications device (win32 only) * * baud 300, 1200, 9600, etc * * parity 'O' (odd), 'E' (even), 'N' (none), 'S' (space), * * 'M' (mark) * * wordlength 5, 6, 7, or 8 * * stopbits 1 or 2 * * * * OUTPUT: * * 1 = OK, 0 = error * * * * WARNINGS: * * none. * * * * HISTORY: * * 12/20/1994 BR : Created. * * 10/9/1996 ST : Modified to take device name in win32 * *=========================================================================*/ int NullModemClass::Init (int port, int irq, char *dev_name, int baud, char parity, int wordlen, int stopbits, int flowcontrol) { int com; #ifdef WIN32 /* ** Get rid of the 'no reference to' warning */ irq = irq; /* ** Make sure the port is closed before we start */ if (PortHandle) { CloseHandle (PortHandle); PortHandle = NULL; } if (!Connection) { #else //WIN32 int irqnum; int address; int status; /* ** Get rid of the 'no reference to' warning */ dev_name = dev_name; if (Port) { PortClose(Port); Port = NULL; }else { #endif //WIN32 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ Init our Connection ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ Connection = new NullModemConnClass (NumSend, NumReceive, MaxLen, MagicNum); Connection->Set_Retry_Delta (RetryDelta); Connection->Set_Max_Retries (MaxRetries); Connection->Set_TimeOut (Timeout); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------- Allocate our packet parsing buffer; make it the same # of packets as the # of receive queue entries the application has requested. Use the "Actual" maximum packet size, given from the connection; this allows for both headers that get added to the packet. ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ RXSize = Connection->Actual_Max_Packet() * NumReceive; RXBuf = new char [RXSize]; BuildBuf = new char [MaxLen]; EchoBuf = new char [ EchoSize ]; } RXCount = 0; EchoCount = 0; /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ This call allocates all necessary queue buffers ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ switch (port) { case 0x3f8: com = COM1; break; case 0x2f8: com = COM2; break; case 0x3e8: com = COM3; break; case 0x2e8: com = COM4; break; default: com = COM5; break; } #ifdef WIN32 int i; /* ** Create a new modem class for our com port */ if (!SerialPort) { SerialPort = new WinModemClass; } /* ** Shift up the baud rate to sensible values */ // if (baud == 14400) baud = 19200; // if (baud == 28800) baud = 38400; static char com_ids[9][5]={ "COM1", "COM2", "COM3", "COM4", "COM5", "COM6", "COM7", "COM8", "COM9" }; char *device; switch ( port ) { case 0x3f8: device = com_ids[0]; break; case 0x2f8: device = com_ids[1]; break; case 0x3e8: device = com_ids[2]; break; case 0x2e8: device = com_ids[3]; break; case 1: /* ** 1 is a special value. It means use the device name not the port address. */ device = dev_name; /* ** If we can match a registry entry with the device name then use that, otherwise use ** the device name directly to open the port with. */ if (ModemRegistry){ delete ModemRegistry; ModemRegistry = NULL; } for ( i=0 ; i<10 ; i++ ){ ModemRegistry = new ModemRegistryEntryClass (i); if (ModemRegistry->Get_Modem_Name()){ if (!strcmp (dev_name, ModemRegistry->Get_Modem_Name() )){ device = ModemRegistry->Get_Modem_Device_Name(); break; } } delete ModemRegistry; ModemRegistry = NULL; } break; default: device = NULL; } /* ** Open the com port */ PortHandle = SerialPort->Serial_Port_Open (device, baud, parity, wordlen, stopbits, flowcontrol); if (PortHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { Shutdown(); return(false); } Connection->Init (PortHandle); #else //WIN32 status = FastGetPortHardware( com, &irqnum, &address ); if (status == ASSUCCESS) { if (port != address || irq != irqnum) { status = FastSetPortHardware( com, irq, port ); if (status < ASSUCCESS) { Mono_Printf( "Unable to set Com port status %d\n", status ); Mono_Printf( "Com port number %d with address %x, irq %d\n", com + 1, port, irq ); } else { Mono_Printf( "Changed Com port number %d to address %x, irq %d\n", com + 1, port, irq ); } } else { Mono_Printf( "No changes to Com port number %d with address %x, irq %d\n", com + 1, port, irq ); } } else { Mono_Printf( "Com port number %d\n", com + 1 ); } if (status != ASSUCCESS) { Delete_Connection(); return(false); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ Open the Greenleaf port ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ Port = PortOpenGreenleafFast (com, baud, parity, wordlen, stopbits); if (Port->status != ASSUCCESS) { Shutdown(); return(false); } // UseRtsCts( Port, 1 ); // use RTS CTS hardware flow control /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ Init the Connection ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ Connection->Init(Port); //because Watcom is so stupid flowcontrol = flowcontrol; #endif //WIN32 NumConnections = 1; return(true); } /*********************************************************************************************** * NMC::Num_Connections -- returns NumConnections member * * * * * * * * INPUT: Nothing * * * * OUTPUT: NumConnections * * * * WARNINGS: None * * * * HISTORY: * * 8/2/96 11:44AM ST : Documented / Win32 support * *=============================================================================================*/ int NullModemClass::Num_Connections( void ) { return(NumConnections); } /*********************************************************************************************** * NMC::Delete_Connection -- removes the connection * * * * * * * * INPUT: Nothing * * * * OUTPUT: true * * * * WARNINGS: None * * * * HISTORY: * * 8/2/96 11:44AM ST : Documented / Win32 support * *=============================================================================================*/ int NullModemClass::Delete_Connection( void ) { if (Connection) { delete Connection; Connection = NULL; } if (RXBuf) { delete [] RXBuf; RXBuf = NULL; } if (BuildBuf) { delete [] BuildBuf; BuildBuf = NULL; } if (EchoBuf) { delete [] EchoBuf; EchoBuf = NULL; } NumConnections = 0; return( true ); } /* end of Delete_Connection */ /*********************************************************************************************** * NMC::Init_Send_Queue -- Initialises the connections send queue * * * * * * * * INPUT: Nothing * * * * OUTPUT: true * * * * WARNINGS: None * * * * HISTORY: * * 8/2/96 11:46AM ST : Documented / Win32 support * *=============================================================================================*/ int NullModemClass::Init_Send_Queue( void ) { /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ Init the send queue ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ if ( Connection ) { Connection->Queue->Init_Send_Queue(); } return(true); } /*********************************************************************************************** * NMC::Detect_Port -- Checks that the specified com port exists * * * * * * * * INPUT: ptr to SerialSettingsType * * * * OUTPUT: true if port is valid * * * * WARNINGS: Win32 version always returns true as win95 shouldnt allow us to open the * * port if it doesnt exist or is in use by the mouse * * * * HISTORY: * * 8/2/96 11:47AM ST : Documented / Win32 support * *=============================================================================================*/ DetectPortType NullModemClass::Detect_Port( SerialSettingsType *settings ) { #ifdef WIN32 static char com_ids[9][5]={ "COM1", "COM2", "COM3", "COM4", "COM5", "COM6", "COM7", "COM8", "COM9" }; int i; /* ** Create a new modem class for our com port */ if (!SerialPort) { SerialPort = new WinModemClass; }else{ SerialPort->Serial_Port_Close(); } /* ** Shift up the baud rate to sensible values */ int baud = settings->Baud; // if (baud == 14400) baud = 19200; // if (baud == 28800) baud = 38400; /* ** Translate the port address into a usable device name */ char *device; switch ( settings->Port ) { case 0x3f8: device = com_ids[0]; break; case 0x2f8: device = com_ids[1]; break; case 0x3e8: device = com_ids[2]; break; case 0x2e8: device = com_ids[3]; break; case 1: /* ** 1 is a special value. It means use the device name not the port address. */ device = settings->ModemName; /* ** If we can match a registry entry with the device name then use that, otherwise use ** the device name directly to open the port with. */ if (ModemRegistry){ delete ModemRegistry; ModemRegistry = NULL; } for ( i=0 ; i<10 ; i++){ ModemRegistry = new ModemRegistryEntryClass (i); if (ModemRegistry->Get_Modem_Name()){ if (!strcmp (device, ModemRegistry->Get_Modem_Name() )){ /* ** Got a match. Break out leaving the registry info intact. */ device = ModemRegistry->Get_Modem_Device_Name(); break; } } delete ModemRegistry; ModemRegistry = NULL; } break; default: return (PORT_INVALID); } /* ** Open the com port */ HANDLE porthandle = SerialPort->Serial_Port_Open (device, baud, 0, 8, 1, settings->HardwareFlowControl); if (porthandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE){ return (PORT_INVALID); } SerialPort->Serial_Port_Close(); return (PORT_VALID); #else //WIN32 union REGS regs ; int com; int irqnum; int address; int status; // shutdown previous port Shutdown(); if (settings->IRQ > 0xf) { return( PORT_INVALID ); } // // check if the IRQ is the same as the mouse // call mouse func to get mouse IRQ number // regs.x.eax = 0x0024; int386( 0x33, ®s, ®s ); // // check for error // if (regs.w.ax != 0xffff) { // // is the mouse IRQ the same as that they selected // if (regs.h.cl == 0) { // PS/2 IRQ 0xc if (settings->IRQ == 0xc) { return( PORT_IRQ_INUSE ); } } else if (regs.h.cl == (unsigned char)(settings->IRQ)) { return( PORT_IRQ_INUSE ); } } if (settings->IRQ < 2 // 0 timer, 1 keyboard || settings->IRQ == 6 // floppy disk || settings->IRQ == 8 // CMOS real-time clock || settings->IRQ == 0xd // math coprocessor error || settings->IRQ == 0xe) { // hard disk return( PORT_IRQ_INUSE ); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ This call allocates all necessary queue buffers ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ switch ( settings->Port ) { case 0x3f8: com = COM1; break; case 0x2f8: com = COM2; break; case 0x3e8: com = COM3; break; case 0x2e8: com = COM4; break; default: com = COM5; break; } status = FastGetPortHardware( com, &irqnum, &address ); if (status == ASSUCCESS) { if (settings->Port != address || settings->IRQ != irqnum) { status = FastSetPortHardware( com, settings->IRQ, settings->Port ); } } if (status != ASSUCCESS) { return( PORT_INVALID ); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ Open the Greenleaf port ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ Port = PortOpenGreenleafFast (com, settings->Baud, 'N', 8, 1); status = Port->status; PortClose(Port); Port = NULL; if (status == ASIRQINUSE) { return( PORT_IRQ_INUSE ); } else if (status != ASSUCCESS) { return( PORT_INVALID ); } return( PORT_VALID ); #endif //WIN32 } /*********************************************************************************************** * NullModemClass::ShutDown -- Closes serial port and removes the connection * * * * * * * * INPUT: Nothing * * * * OUTPUT: Nothing * * * * WARNINGS: None * * * * HISTORY: * * 8/2/96 11:43AM ST : Documented / Win32 support * *=============================================================================================*/ void NullModemClass::Shutdown ( void ) { #ifdef WIN32 if (PortHandle && SerialPort) { SerialPort->Serial_Port_Close(); delete SerialPort; SerialPort = NULL; PortHandle = NULL; Delete_Connection(); } #else //WIN32 if (Port) { PortClose(Port); Port = NULL; Delete_Connection(); } #endif //WIN32 } /* end of Shutdown */ /*************************************************************************** * NullModemClass::Set_Timing -- sets timing for all connections * * * * This will set the timing parameters. This allows an application to * * measure the Response_Time while running, and adjust timing accordingly. * * * * INPUT: * * retrydelta value to set for retry delta * * maxretries value to set for max # retries * * timeout value to set for connection timeout * * * * OUTPUT: * * none. * * * * WARNINGS: * * none. * * * * HISTORY: * * 08/07/1995 DRD : Created. * *=========================================================================*/ void NullModemClass::Set_Timing (unsigned long retrydelta, unsigned long maxretries, unsigned long timeout) { RetryDelta = retrydelta; MaxRetries = maxretries; Timeout = timeout; Connection->Set_Retry_Delta (RetryDelta); Connection->Set_Max_Retries (MaxRetries); Connection->Set_TimeOut (Timeout); } /* end of Set_Timing */ /*************************************************************************** * NullModemClass::Send_Message -- sends a message * * * * For clarity's sake, here's what happens to the buffer passed in: * * - It gets passed to the Connection's Send_Packet() routine * * - The CommHeaderType header gets tacked onto it * * - The resulting buffer gets added to the Connection's Send Queue * * - When Service() determines that it needs to send the data, it * * copies the entire packet (CommHeaderType and all) into its local * * SendBuf, adds the packet start ID, length, and CRC, then sends it out.* * * * The ack_req argument will almost always be '1' (the default). The only * * reason to use 0 is if you don't know whether the other system is * * ready or not, so you have to periodically send out a query packet, * * and wait for a response. (Using the connection's built-in retry * * system would just blast out useless data if the other system isn't * * even there.) * * * * INPUT: * * buf buffer to send * * buflen length of buffer * * ack_req 1 = ACK is required; 0 = not * * * * OUTPUT: * * 1 = OK; 0 = error * * * * WARNINGS: * * none. * * * * HISTORY: * * 12/20/1994 BR : Created. * *=========================================================================*/ int NullModemClass::Send_Message (void *buf, int buflen, int ack_req) { int rc; if (NumConnections == 0) { return( false ); } rc = Connection->Send_Packet(buf,buflen,ack_req); if (!rc) SendOverflows++; return(rc); } /* end of Send_Message */ /*************************************************************************** * NullModemClass::Get_Message -- polls the Queue for a message * * * * INPUT: * * buf buffer to store message in * * buflen ptr filled in with length of message * * * * OUTPUT: * * 1 = message was received; 0 = wasn't * * * * WARNINGS: * * none. * * * * HISTORY: * * 12/20/1994 BR : Created. * *=========================================================================*/ int NullModemClass::Get_Message (void *buf, int *buflen) { if (NumConnections == 0) { return( false ); } return( Connection->Get_Packet( buf, buflen ) ); } /*************************************************************************** * NullModemClass::Service -- main polling routine * * * * INPUT: * * none. * * * * OUTPUT: * * 1 = OK, 0 = connection has gone bad * * * * WARNINGS: * * none. * * * * HISTORY: * * 12/20/1994 BR : Created. * * 8/2/96 ST : Win32 support * *=========================================================================*/ int NullModemClass::Service (void) { int pos; // current position in RXBuf int i; // loop counter unsigned short length; SerialHeaderType *header; // decoded packet start, length SerialCRCType *crc; // decoded packet CRC char moredata = 0; if (NumConnections == 0) { return( false ); } #ifdef WIN32 RXCount += SerialPort->Read_From_Serial_Port((unsigned char*)(RXBuf + RXCount), int(RXSize - RXCount) ); #else //WIN32 int status; static unsigned long last_time = 0; /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ First, copy all the bytes we can from the Greenleaf RX buffer to our own buffer. (For Win95, only call GetLineStatus() 60 times a second at most. Otherwise, we don't receive any packets!) ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ if ( (TickCount - last_time) > 0) { if ( GetLineStatus( Port ) ) { Mono_Set_Cursor(0,0); ClearLineStatus( Port ); } last_time = TickCount; } status = SpaceUsedInRXBuffer( Port ); if ( status < ASSUCCESS) { // Smart_Printf( "SpaceUsedInRXBuffer status = %d, port status = %d \n", status, Port->status ); if ( Port->status < ASSUCCESS ) { ClearError( Port ); } } else if (status > 0) { status = ReadBuffer( Port, RXBuf + RXCount, RXSize - RXCount ); #if (CONN_DEBUG) printf( "ReadBuffer status = %d, port status = %d, count = %d \n", status, Port->status, Port->count ); #endif // Smart_Printf( "ReadBuffer status = %d, port status = %d, count = %d \n", status, Port->status, Port->count ); if (status < ASSUCCESS && status != ASBUFREMPTY) { // Smart_Printf( "ReadBuffer ERRRRRRORRRRRR! \n" ); } else { moredata = 1; } if ( Port->status < ASSUCCESS ) { ClearError( Port ); } RXCount += Port->count; } #endif //WIN32 // minimum packet size if ( RXCount < (PACKET_SERIAL_OVERHEAD_SIZE + 1) ) { return( Connection->Service() ); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ Now scan the buffer for the start of a packet. ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ pos = -1; for (i = 0; i <= RXCount - sizeof( short ); i++) { if ( *((unsigned short *)(RXBuf + i)) == PACKET_SERIAL_START ) { pos = i; break; } } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ No start code was found; throw away all bytes except the last few, and return. ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ if (pos==-1) { // Smart_Printf( "No magic number found \n" ); /*..................................................................... move the remaining, un-checked bytes to the start of the buffer .....................................................................*/ memmove (RXBuf, RXBuf + i, sizeof( short ) - 1); RXCount = sizeof( short ) - 1; return( Connection->Service() ); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ Check to see if there are enough bytes for the header to be decoded ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ if ( (RXCount - pos) < sizeof( SerialHeaderType ) ) { memmove (RXBuf, RXBuf + pos, RXCount - pos); RXCount -= pos; return(Connection->Service()); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ A start code was found; check the packet's length & CRC ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ header = (SerialHeaderType *)(RXBuf + pos); /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ If we lost a byte in the length, we may end up waiting a very long time for the buffer to get to the right length; check the verify value to make sure this didn't happen. ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ if ( header->MagicNumber2 != PACKET_SERIAL_VERIFY ) { // Smart_Printf( "Verify failed\n"); // Hex_Dump_Data( (RXBuf + pos), PACKET_SERIAL_OVERHEAD_SIZE ); pos += sizeof ( short ); // throw away the bogus start code memmove (RXBuf, RXBuf + pos, RXCount - pos); RXCount -= pos; return(Connection->Service()); } length = header->Length; /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ Special case: if the length comes out too long for us to process: - Assume the packet is bad - Throw away the bogus packet-start code - Return; we'll search for another packet-start code next time. ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ if (length > MaxLen) { #if (CONN_DEBUG) printf( "length too lonnng\n" ); #endif // Smart_Printf( "length too lonnng %d, max %d \n", length, MaxLen ); pos += sizeof ( short ); // throw away the bogus start code memmove (RXBuf, RXBuf + pos, RXCount - pos); RXCount -= pos; return(Connection->Service()); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ If the entire packet isn't stored in our buffer, copy the remaining bytes to the front of the buffer & return. ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ if ( (pos + length + PACKET_SERIAL_OVERHEAD_SIZE) > RXCount) { if ( moredata ) { // Smart_Printf( "waiting for more data %d, pos = %d \n", ((length + PACKET_SERIAL_OVERHEAD_SIZE) - (RXCount - pos)), pos ); } if (pos) { memmove (RXBuf, RXBuf + pos, RXCount - pos); RXCount -= pos; } return(Connection->Service()); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ Now grab the CRC value in the packet, & compare it to the CRC value computed from the actual data. If they don't match, throw away the bogus start-code, move the rest to the front of the buffer, & return. We'll continue parsing this data when we're called next time. ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ crc = (SerialCRCType *)(RXBuf + pos + sizeof( SerialHeaderType ) + length); if (NullModemConnClass::Compute_CRC(RXBuf + pos + sizeof( SerialHeaderType ), length) != crc->SerialCRC) { CRCErrors++; #if (CONN_DEBUG) printf( "CRC check failed\n" ); #endif // Smart_Printf( "CRC check failed for packet of length %d \n", length ); // if (length < 100) { // Hex_Dump_Data( (RXBuf + pos), (PACKET_SERIAL_OVERHEAD_SIZE + length) ); // } pos += sizeof ( short ); // throw away the bogus start code memmove (RXBuf, RXBuf + pos, RXCount - pos); RXCount -= pos; return(Connection->Service()); } #if(0) // Mono_Printf( "received %d bytes \n", sendlen ); Debug_Modem_Dump = true; Smart_Printf( "Received tick=%d, Protocol=%d \n", TickCount, Session.CommProtocol ); Hex_Dump_Data( (RXBuf + pos), (sizeof( SerialHeaderType) + length) ); Debug_Modem_Dump = false; #endif /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ Give the new packet to the Connection to process. ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ if (!Connection->Receive_Packet(RXBuf + pos + sizeof( SerialHeaderType ), length)) { ReceiveOverflows++; // Smart_Printf( "Received overflows %d \n", ReceiveOverflows ); } #if(0) else { // Mono_Printf( "added packet \n", sendlen ); Debug_Modem_Dump = true; Smart_Printf( "Received Packet \n" ); Debug_Modem_Dump = false; } #endif #if (0) Hex_Dump_Data( (RXBuf + pos), (PACKET_SERIAL_OVERHEAD_SIZE + length) ); #endif /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ Move all data past this packet to the front of the buffer. ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ pos += (PACKET_SERIAL_OVERHEAD_SIZE + length); memmove (RXBuf, RXBuf + pos, RXCount - pos); RXCount -= pos; /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ Now, service the connection's Queue's; this will handle ACK & Retries. ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ return(Connection->Service()); } /* end of Service */ /*************************************************************************** * NullModemClass::Num_Send -- Returns # of unACK'd send entries * * * * INPUT: * * * * OUTPUT: * * * * WARNINGS: * * * * HISTORY: * * 05/01/1995 BRR : Created. * *=========================================================================*/ int NullModemClass::Num_Send(void) { if (Connection) return( Connection->Queue->Num_Send() ); else return (0); } /* end of Num_Send */ /*************************************************************************** * NullModemClass::Num_Receive -- Returns # entries in the receive queue * * * * INPUT: * * * * OUTPUT: * * * * WARNINGS: * * * * HISTORY: * * 05/01/1995 BRR : Created. * *=========================================================================*/ int NullModemClass::Num_Receive(void) { if (Connection) return( Connection->Queue->Num_Receive() ); else return (0); } /* end of Num_Receive */ /*************************************************************************** * NullModemClass::Response_Time -- Returns Queue's avg response time * * * * INPUT: * * * * OUTPUT: * * * * WARNINGS: * * * * HISTORY: * * 05/01/1995 BRR : Created. * *=========================================================================*/ unsigned long NullModemClass::Response_Time(void) { if (Connection) return( Connection->Queue->Avg_Response_Time() ); else return (0); } /* end of Response_Time */ /*************************************************************************** * NullModemClass::Reset_Response_Time -- Resets response time computation * * * * INPUT: * * * * OUTPUT: * * * * WARNINGS: * * * * HISTORY: * * 05/01/1995 BRR : Created. * *=========================================================================*/ void NullModemClass::Reset_Response_Time(void) { if (Connection) Connection->Queue->Reset_Response_Time(); } /* end of Reset_Response_Time */ /*************************************************************************** * Oldest_Send -- Returns ptr to oldest unACK'd send buffer * * * * INPUT: * * * * OUTPUT: * * * * WARNINGS: * * * * HISTORY: * * 05/01/1995 BRR : Created. * *=========================================================================*/ void * NullModemClass::Oldest_Send(void) { int i; SendQueueType *send_entry; // ptr to send entry header CommHeaderType *packet; void *buf = NULL; for (i = 0; i < Connection->Queue->Num_Send(); i++) { send_entry = Connection->Queue->Get_Send(i); if (send_entry) { packet = (CommHeaderType *)send_entry->Buffer; if (packet->Code == ConnectionClass::PACKET_DATA_ACK && send_entry->IsACK == 0) { buf = send_entry->Buffer; break; } } } return(buf); } /* end of Oldest_Send */ /*************************************************************************** * NullModemClass::Configure_Debug -- sets up special debug values * * * * Mono_Debug_Print2() can look into a packet to pull out a particular * * ID, and can print both that ID and a string corresponding to * * that ID. This routine configures these values so it can find * * and decode the ID. This ID is used in addition to the normal * * CommHeaderType values. * * * * INPUT: * * index (not used) * * type_offset ID's byte offset into packet * * type_size size of ID, in bytes; 0 if none * * names ptr to array of names; use ID as an index into this * * namestart numerical start of the 1st name value * * namecount # in the names array; 0 if none. * * * * OUTPUT: * * none. * * * * WARNINGS: * * Names shouldn't be longer than 12 characters. * * * * HISTORY: * * 05/31/1995 BRR : Created. * *=========================================================================*/ void NullModemClass::Configure_Debug(int, int type_offset, int type_size, char **names, int namestart, int namecount) { if (Connection) Connection->Queue->Configure_Debug (type_offset, type_size, names, namestart, namecount); } #ifdef CHEAT_KEYS /*************************************************************************** * Mono_Debug_Print -- Debug output routine * * * * INPUT: * * index (not used) * * refresh 1 = clear screen & completely refresh * * * * OUTPUT: * * none. * * * * WARNINGS: * * none. * * * * HISTORY: * * 05/02/1995 BRR : Created. * *=========================================================================*/ void NullModemClass::Mono_Debug_Print(int,int refresh) { if (!Connection) return; Connection->Queue->Mono_Debug_Print (refresh); if (refresh) { Mono_Set_Cursor (31,1); Mono_Printf ("Serial Port Queues"); Mono_Set_Cursor (9,2); Mono_Printf ("Average Response Time:"); Mono_Set_Cursor (20,3); Mono_Printf ("CRC Errors:"); Mono_Set_Cursor (43,2); Mono_Printf ("Send Overflows:"); Mono_Set_Cursor (40,3); Mono_Printf ("Receive Overflows:"); } Mono_Set_Cursor (32,2); Mono_Printf ("%d ", Connection->Queue->Avg_Response_Time()); Mono_Set_Cursor (32,3); Mono_Printf ("%d ", CRCErrors); Mono_Set_Cursor (59,2); Mono_Printf ("%d ", SendOverflows); Mono_Set_Cursor (59,3); Mono_Printf ("%d ", ReceiveOverflows); Mono_Set_Cursor (2,5); Mono_Printf ("%d ", Num_Send()); Mono_Set_Cursor (41,5); Mono_Printf ("%d ", Num_Receive()); } /* end of Mono_Debug_Print */ #endif /*************************************************************************** * NullModemClass::Detect_Modem -- Detects and initializes the modem * * * * INPUT: * * settings ptr to SerialSettings structure * * * * OUTPUT: * * -1 init string invalid * * 0 no modem found * * 1 modem found * * * * WARNINGS: * * none. * * * * HISTORY: * * 06/02/1995 DRD : Created. * * 8/2/96 ST : Added Win32 support * *=========================================================================*/ int NullModemClass::Detect_Modem( SerialSettingsType *settings, bool reconnect ) { /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ Button Enumerations ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int status; int error_count = 0; int x,y,width,height; // dialog dimensions char buffer[80*3]; /* ** Get resolution factor */ // int factor = SeenBuff.Get_Width()/320; /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ Determine the dimensions of the text to be used for the dialog box. These dimensions will control how the dialog box looks. ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ strcpy( buffer, Text_String( TXT_INITIALIZING_MODEM ) ); Fancy_Text_Print(TXT_NONE, 0, 0, TBLACK, TBLACK, TPF_TEXT); int lines = Format_Window_String(buffer, SeenBuff.Get_Height(), width, height); width = max(width, 90 * RESFACTOR); width += 40 * RESFACTOR; height += 40 * RESFACTOR; x = (SeenBuff.Get_Width() - width) / 2; y = (SeenBuff.Get_Height() - height) / 2; /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ Initialize ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ Set_Logic_Page(SeenBuff); /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ Draw the dialog ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ Hide_Mouse(); if ( !reconnect ) { Load_Title_Page(true); } Dialog_Box(x, y, width, height); Draw_Caption(TXT_NONE, x, y, width); if (lines == 1) { Fancy_Text_Print(buffer, x + width/2, y + 25, GadgetClass::Get_Color_Scheme(), TBLACK, TPF_TEXT|TPF_CENTER); } else { Fancy_Text_Print(buffer, x + 20*RESFACTOR, y + 25, GadgetClass::Get_Color_Scheme(), TBLACK, TPF_TEXT); } Show_Mouse(); HMWaitForOK( 0, NULL ); /* ** OK, lets not mess about any more. Just turn on echo, verbose, and result codes ** before we even begin. At least this way when we get an error later on we have already ** removed all the steps we use to try and recover. ** The timeouts need to be quite small in case the modem is turned off. */ /* ** Turn on result codes. */ Send_Modem_Command ( "ATQ0", '\r', buffer, 81, DEFAULT_TIMEOUT / 2, 2); /* ** Make result codes verbose. */ Send_Modem_Command ( "ATV1", '\r', buffer, 81, DEFAULT_TIMEOUT / 2, 2); /* ** Turn on echo. */ Send_Modem_Command ( "ATE1", '\r', buffer, 81, DEFAULT_TIMEOUT / 2, 2); ModemVerboseOn = true; ModemEchoOn = true; /* ** Try sending a plain old AT command to the modem. Now that we have theoretically ** turned on verbose result codes we should get an 'OK' back. ** */ status = Send_Modem_Command( "AT", '\r', buffer, 81, DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, 2 ); if (status < ASSUCCESS) { #ifdef FIXIT_MULTI_SAVE return(false); #else if (WWMessageBox().Process(TXT_ERROR_NO_RESP, TXT_IGNORE, TXT_CANCEL)) return( false ); error_count++; #endif } /* ** Send the user supplied modem init string */ if (settings->InitStringIndex == -1) { status = Send_Modem_Command( "", '\r', buffer, 81, 300, 1 ); } else { /* ** Split up the init string into seperate strings if it contains one or more '|' characters. ** This character acts as a carriage return/pause. */ char *istr = new char [2 + strlen( Session.InitStrings [settings->InitStringIndex] )]; char *tokenptr; strcpy (istr, Session.InitStrings [settings->InitStringIndex] ); /* ** Tokenise the string and send it in chunks */ tokenptr = strtok ( istr, "|" ); while ( tokenptr ) { status = Send_Modem_Command( tokenptr, '\r', buffer, 81, 3000, 1 ); /* ** Handle error case. */ if (status < ASSUCCESS) { if (WWMessageBox().Process(TXT_ERROR_NO_INIT, TXT_IGNORE, TXT_CANCEL)) { delete istr; return( false ); } #ifdef WIN32 error_count++; #endif //WIN32 break; } tokenptr = strtok ( NULL, "|"); } } #ifdef WIN32 if (settings->Port == 1 && ModemRegistry) { /* ** Send the init strings from the registry if available */ char send_string[256] = {"AT"}; /* ** Send the init string for hardware flow control */ if (settings->HardwareFlowControl){ if (ModemRegistry->Get_Modem_Hardware_Flow_Control()) { strcpy (&send_string[2], ModemRegistry->Get_Modem_Hardware_Flow_Control()); status = Send_Modem_Command (send_string, '\r', buffer, 81, 300, 1); if (status != MODEM_CMD_OK && status != MODEM_CMD_0) { if (WWMessageBox().Process(TXT_NO_FLOW_CONTROL_RESPONSE, TXT_IGNORE, TXT_CANCEL)) return (false); } } }else{ /* ** Send the init string for no flow control */ if (ModemRegistry->Get_Modem_No_Flow_Control()) { strcpy (&send_string[2], ModemRegistry->Get_Modem_No_Flow_Control()); status = Send_Modem_Command (send_string, '\r', buffer, 81, DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, 1); if (status != MODEM_CMD_OK && status != MODEM_CMD_0) { if (WWMessageBox().Process(TXT_NO_FLOW_CONTROL_RESPONSE, TXT_IGNORE, TXT_CANCEL)) return (false); } } } /* ** Send the string for data compresseion */ if (settings->Compression){ if (ModemRegistry->Get_Modem_Compression_Enable()) { strcpy (&send_string[2], ModemRegistry->Get_Modem_Compression_Enable()); Send_Modem_Command (send_string, '\r', buffer, 81, DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, 1); if (status != MODEM_CMD_OK && status != MODEM_CMD_0) { if (WWMessageBox().Process(TXT_NO_COMPRESSION_RESPONSE, TXT_IGNORE, TXT_CANCEL)) return (false); } } }else{ if (ModemRegistry->Get_Modem_Compression_Disable()) { strcpy (&send_string[2], ModemRegistry->Get_Modem_Compression_Disable()); Send_Modem_Command (send_string, '\r', buffer, 81, DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, 1); if (status != MODEM_CMD_OK && status != MODEM_CMD_0) { if (WWMessageBox().Process(TXT_NO_COMPRESSION_RESPONSE, TXT_IGNORE, TXT_CANCEL)) return (false); } } } /* ** Send the string for error correction */ if (settings->ErrorCorrection){ if (ModemRegistry->Get_Modem_Error_Correction_Enable()) { strcpy (&send_string[2], ModemRegistry->Get_Modem_Error_Correction_Enable()); Send_Modem_Command (send_string, '\r', buffer, 81, DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, 1); if (status != MODEM_CMD_OK && status != MODEM_CMD_0) { if (WWMessageBox().Process(TXT_NO_ERROR_CORRECTION_RESPONSE, TXT_IGNORE, TXT_CANCEL)) return (false); } } }else{ if (ModemRegistry->Get_Modem_Error_Correction_Disable()) { strcpy (&send_string[2], ModemRegistry->Get_Modem_Error_Correction_Disable()); Send_Modem_Command (send_string, '\r', buffer, 81, DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, 1); if (status != MODEM_CMD_OK && status != MODEM_CMD_0) { if (WWMessageBox().Process(TXT_NO_ERROR_CORRECTION_RESPONSE, TXT_IGNORE, TXT_CANCEL)) return (false); } } } } #endif //WIN32 /* ** We require that auto-answer be disabled so turn it off now. */ status = Send_Modem_Command( "ATS0=0", '\r', buffer, 81, DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, INIT_COMMAND_RETRIES ); if (status != MODEM_CMD_OK) { if (WWMessageBox().Process(TXT_ERROR_NO_DISABLE, TXT_IGNORE, TXT_CANCEL)) return( false ); error_count++; } /* ** If we had an unreasonable number of ignored errors then return failure */ if (error_count >= 3) { WWMessageBox().Process(TXT_ERROR_TOO_MANY, TXT_OK); return (false); } return( true ); } /*************************************************************************** * NullModemClass::Dial_Modem -- dials a number passed * * * * INPUT: * * settings ptr to SerialSettings structure * * * * OUTPUT: * * status DialStatus * * * * WARNINGS: * * none. * * * * HISTORY: * * 06/02/1995 DRD : Created. * * 8/2/96 ST : Win32 support * *=========================================================================*/ DialStatusType NullModemClass::Dial_Modem( char *string, DialMethodType method, bool reconnect ) { /* ** Get the resolution factor */ // int factor = SeenBuff.Get_Width()/320; /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ Button Enumerations ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ enum { BUTTON_CANCEL = 100, }; /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dialog variables ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ bool process = true; // process while true #ifndef WIN32 int status; #endif //WIN32 int delay; DialStatusType dialstatus; int x,y,width,height; // dialog dimensions char buffer[80*3]; /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ Determine the dimensions of the text to be used for the dialog box. These dimensions will control how the dialog box looks. ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ if (reconnect) { strcpy( buffer, Text_String( TXT_MODEM_CONNERR_REDIALING ) ); } else { strcpy( buffer, Text_String( TXT_DIALING ) ); } Fancy_Text_Print(TXT_NONE,0,0,TBLACK,TBLACK,TPF_TEXT); Format_Window_String(buffer, SeenBuff.Get_Height(), width, height); int text_width = width; width = max(width, 90 * RESFACTOR); width += 40 * RESFACTOR; height += 60 * RESFACTOR; x = (SeenBuff.Get_Width() - width) / 2; y = (SeenBuff.Get_Height() - height) / 2; TextButtonClass cancelbtn(BUTTON_CANCEL, TXT_CANCEL, TPF_BUTTON, x + ((width - (String_Pixel_Width( Text_String( TXT_CANCEL ) ) + 8 * RESFACTOR)) >> 1), y + height - (FontHeight + FontYSpacing + 2 * RESFACTOR) - 10 * RESFACTOR); /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ Initialize ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ Set_Logic_Page(SeenBuff); /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ Create the list ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ Commands = &cancelbtn; Commands->Flag_List_To_Redraw(); /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ Draw the dialog ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ Hide_Mouse(); if ( !reconnect ) { Load_Title_Page(true); } Dialog_Box(x, y, width, height); Draw_Caption(TXT_NONE, x, y, width); Fancy_Text_Print(buffer, SeenBuff.Get_Width()/2 - text_width/2, y + 25 *RESFACTOR, GadgetClass::Get_Color_Scheme(), TBLACK, TPF_TEXT); Commands->Draw_All(); Show_Mouse(); /* ** Start waiting for connection response */ #ifdef WIN32 SerialPort->Set_Modem_Dial_Type((WinCommDialMethodType) method); /* ** Clear out any old modem results that might be hanging around */ SerialPort->Get_Modem_Result(60, buffer, 81); /* ** Dial that sucker */ SerialPort->Dial_Modem(string); #else //WIN32 HMSetDialingMethod( Port, (int)method ); status = HMDial( Port, string ); #endif //WIN32 /* ** Sets up the ability to abort modem commands when any input is in the ** Keyboard buffer. This also calls the game CallBack(). */ Setup_Abort_Modem(); /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ Main Processing Loop ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ process = true; delay = ModemWaitCarrier; while (process) { #ifdef WIN32 /* ** If we have just received input focus again after running in the background then ** we need to redraw. */ if (AllSurfaces.SurfacesRestored) { AllSurfaces.SurfacesRestored=FALSE; Commands->Draw_All(); } delay = SerialPort->Get_Modem_Result(delay, buffer, 81); #else //WIN32 delay = HMInputLine( Port, delay, buffer, 81 ); #endif //WIN32 /*..................................................................... Process input .....................................................................*/ switch (Input) { case (KN_ESC): case (BUTTON_CANCEL | KN_BUTTON): dialstatus = DIAL_CANCELED; process = false; break; default: break; } if (process) { if ( strncmp( buffer, "CON", 3 ) == 0 ) { memset (ModemRXString, 0, 80); strncpy (ModemRXString, buffer, 79); dialstatus = DIAL_CONNECTED; process = false; } else if ( strncmp( buffer, "BUSY", 4 ) == 0 ) { dialstatus = DIAL_BUSY; process = false; } else if ( strncmp( buffer, "NO C", 4 ) == 0 ) { dialstatus = DIAL_NO_CARRIER; process = false; } else if ( strncmp( buffer, "NO D", 4 ) == 0 ) { dialstatus = DIAL_NO_DIAL_TONE; process = false; } else if ( strncmp( buffer, "ERRO", 4 ) == 0 ) { dialstatus = DIAL_ERROR; process = false; } } if (delay <= 0) { process = false; } } Remove_Abort_Modem(); return( dialstatus ); } /* end of Dial_Modem */ /*************************************************************************** * NullModemClass::Answer_Modem -- waits for call and answers * * * * INPUT: * * reconnect whether this is to reconnect * * * * OUTPUT: * * status DialStatus * * * * WARNINGS: * * none. * * * * HISTORY: * * 06/02/1995 DRD : Created. * * 8/2/96 ST : Added Win32 support * *=========================================================================*/ DialStatusType NullModemClass::Answer_Modem( bool reconnect ) { /* ** Get the resolution factor */ // int factor = (SeenBuff.Get_Width() == 320) ? 1 : 2; /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ Button Enumerations ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ enum { BUTTON_CANCEL = 100, }; /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ Redraw values: in order from "top" to "bottom" layer of the dialog ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ typedef enum { REDRAW_NONE = 0, REDRAW_BUTTONS, REDRAW_BACKGROUND, REDRAW_ALL = REDRAW_BACKGROUND } RedrawType; /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dialog variables ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ RedrawType display = REDRAW_ALL; // redraw level bool process = true; // process while true #ifndef WIN32 int status; #endif //WIN32 int delay; DialStatusType dialstatus; bool ring = false; int x,y,width,height; // dialog dimensions int text_width; char text_buffer[80*3]; char comm_buffer[80*3]; /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ Determine the dimensions of the text to be used for the dialog box. These dimensions will control how the dialog box looks. ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ if (reconnect) { strcpy( text_buffer, Text_String( TXT_MODEM_CONNERR_WAITING ) ); } else { strcpy( text_buffer, Text_String( TXT_WAITING_FOR_CALL ) ); } Fancy_Text_Print(TXT_NONE, 0, 0, TBLACK, TBLACK, TPF_TEXT); Format_Window_String(text_buffer, SeenBuff.Get_Height(), width, height); text_width = width; width = max(width, 90 * RESFACTOR); width += 40 * RESFACTOR; height += 60 * RESFACTOR; x = (SeenBuff.Get_Width() - width) / 2; y = (SeenBuff.Get_Height() - height) / 2; TextButtonClass cancelbtn(BUTTON_CANCEL, TXT_CANCEL, TPF_BUTTON, x + ((width - (String_Pixel_Width( Text_String( TXT_CANCEL ) ) + 8 * RESFACTOR)) >> 1), y + height - (FontHeight + FontYSpacing + 2 * RESFACTOR) - 10 * RESFACTOR); /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ Initialize ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ Set_Logic_Page(SeenBuff); Load_Title_Page(true); Input = KN_NONE; /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ Create the list ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ Commands = &cancelbtn; Commands->Flag_List_To_Redraw(); /* ** Sets up the ability to abort modem commands when any input is in the ** Keyboard buffer. This also calls the game CallBack() and Input(). */ Setup_Abort_Modem(); /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ Main Processing Loop ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ process = true; delay = 60000; while (process) { #ifdef WIN32 /* ** If we have just received input focus again after running in the background then ** we need to redraw. */ if (AllSurfaces.SurfacesRestored) { AllSurfaces.SurfacesRestored=FALSE; display=REDRAW_ALL; } #endif //WIN32 /*..................................................................... Refresh display if needed .....................................................................*/ if (display) { Hide_Mouse(); if (display >= REDRAW_BACKGROUND) { /*............................................................... Refresh the backdrop ...............................................................*/ if ( !reconnect ) { Load_Title_Page(true); } /*............................................................... Draw the background ...............................................................*/ Dialog_Box(x, y, width, height); /*............................................................... Draw the labels ...............................................................*/ Draw_Caption(TXT_NONE, x, y, width); Fancy_Text_Print(text_buffer, SeenBuff.Get_Width()/2 - text_width/2, y + 25 * RESFACTOR, GadgetClass::Get_Color_Scheme(), TBLACK, TPF_TEXT); Commands->Draw_All(); } Show_Mouse(); display = REDRAW_NONE; } #ifdef WIN32 delay = SerialPort->Get_Modem_Result(delay, comm_buffer, 81); #else //WIN32 delay = HMInputLine( Port, delay, comm_buffer, 81 ); #endif //WIN32 /*..................................................................... Process input .....................................................................*/ if (!Input) Input = Commands->Input(); switch (Input) { case (KN_ESC): case (BUTTON_CANCEL | KN_BUTTON): dialstatus = DIAL_CANCELED; process = false; break; default: break; } if (process) { if ( strncmp( comm_buffer, "RING", 4 ) == 0 ) { strcpy( text_buffer, Text_String( TXT_ANSWERING ) ); Fancy_Text_Print(TXT_NONE,0,0,TBLACK,TBLACK,TPF_TEXT); Format_Window_String(text_buffer, SeenBuff.Get_Height(), width, height); text_width = width; width = max(width, 90 * RESFACTOR); width += 40 * RESFACTOR; height += 60 * RESFACTOR; x = (SeenBuff.Get_Width() - width) / 2; y = (SeenBuff.Get_Height() - height) / 2; #ifdef WIN32 SerialPort->Write_To_Serial_Port ((unsigned char*)"ATA\r", strlen("ATA\r")); #else //WIN32 PortKillTime( Port, 100 ); HMWaitForOK( 0, NULL ); status = HMAnswer( Port ); #endif //WIN32 ring = true; delay = ModemWaitCarrier; display = REDRAW_ALL; } else if ( strncmp( comm_buffer, "CON", 3 ) == 0 ) { memset (ModemRXString, 0, 80); strncpy (ModemRXString, comm_buffer, 79); dialstatus = DIAL_CONNECTED; process = false; } else if ( strncmp( comm_buffer, "BUSY", 4 ) == 0 ) { dialstatus = DIAL_BUSY; process = false; } else if ( strncmp( comm_buffer, "NO C", 4 ) == 0 ) { dialstatus = DIAL_NO_CARRIER; process = false; } else if ( strncmp( comm_buffer, "ERRO", 4 ) == 0 ) { dialstatus = DIAL_ERROR; WWMessageBox().Process(TXT_ERROR_ERROR, TXT_OK); process = false; } } #ifdef WIN32 if (delay <= 0) { if (ring) { if (SerialPort->Get_Modem_Status() & CD_SET) { sprintf(ModemRXString, "%s", "Connected"); dialstatus = DIAL_CONNECTED; } else { dialstatus = DIAL_ERROR; WWMessageBox().Process(TXT_ERROR_TIMEOUT, TXT_OK); } process = false; } else { delay = 60000; } } #else //WIN32 if (delay <= 0) { if (ring) { process = false; } else { delay = 60000; } } #endif //WIN32 } Remove_Abort_Modem(); return( dialstatus ); } /* end of Answer_Modem */ /*************************************************************************** * NullModemClass::Hangup_Modem -- hangs up the modem * * * * INPUT: * * none * * * * OUTPUT: * * status successful or not * * * * WARNINGS: * * none. * * * * HISTORY: * * 06/02/1995 DRD : Created. * * 8/2/96 : Added Win32 support * *=========================================================================*/ bool NullModemClass::Hangup_Modem( void ) { int status; int delay; char buffer[81]; char escape[4]; /* ** Turn modem servicing off in the callback routine. */ Session.ModemService = false; status = Send_Modem_Command( "AT", '\r', buffer, 81, DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, 1 ); if (status == MODEM_CMD_OK) { Session.ModemService = true; return( true ); } /* ** Toggle DTR low then high */ #ifdef WIN32 SerialPort->Set_Serial_DTR(FALSE); Delay(3200/60); SerialPort->Set_Serial_DTR(TRUE); #else //WIN32 SetDtr( Port, 0 ); PortKillTime( Port, 3200 ); SetDtr( Port, 1 ); #endif //WIN32 status = Send_Modem_Command( "AT", '\r', buffer, 81, DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, 1 ); if (status == MODEM_CMD_OK) { Session.ModemService = true; return( true ); } delay = ModemGuardTime; while ( delay > 0 ) { #ifdef WIN32 delay = SerialPort->Get_Modem_Result(delay, buffer, 81); #else //WIN32 delay = HMInputLine( Port, delay, buffer, 81 ); #endif //WIN32 } /* ** Send modem break commmand */ escape[0] = ModemEscapeCode; escape[1] = ModemEscapeCode; escape[2] = ModemEscapeCode; escape[3] = 0; #ifdef WIN32 SerialPort->Write_To_Serial_Port((unsigned char*)escape, 3); #else //WIN32 status = HMSendStringNoWait( Port, escape, -1 ); #endif //WIN32 delay = ModemGuardTime; while ( delay > 0 ) { #ifdef WIN32 delay = SerialPort->Get_Modem_Result(delay, buffer, 81); #else //WIN32 delay = HMInputLine( Port, delay, buffer, 81 ); #endif //WIN32 if ( strncmp( buffer, "OK", 2 ) == 0 ) { break; } } /* ** Send the hangup command */ status = Send_Modem_Command( "ATH", '\r', buffer, 81, ModemHangupDelay, 1 ); if (status == MODEM_CMD_OK) { } else { Session.ModemService = true; return( false ); } /* ** Send spurious ATZ command for no apparent reason */ status = Send_Modem_Command( "ATZ", '\r', buffer, 81, 5000, 1 ); if (status != MODEM_CMD_OK) { Session.ModemService = true; return( false ); } Session.ModemService = true; return( true ); } /* end of Hangup_Modem */ /*********************************************************************************************** * NMC::Setup_Modem_Echo -- Sets the echo callback function pointer * * * * * * * * INPUT: Ptr to callback function * * * * OUTPUT: Nothing * * * * WARNINGS: None * * * * HISTORY: * * 8/2/96 12:48PM ST : Documented and added WIn32 support * *=============================================================================================*/ void NullModemClass::Setup_Modem_Echo( void ( *func )( char c) ) { #ifdef WIN32 SerialPort->Set_Echo_Function(func); #else //WIN32 HMSetUpEchoRoutine( func ); #endif //WIN32 } /* end of Setup_Modem_Echo */ /*********************************************************************************************** * NMC::Remove_Modem_Echo -- Set the echo function callback pointer to null * * * * * * * * INPUT: Nothing * * * * OUTPUT: Nothing * * * * WARNINGS: None * * * * HISTORY: * * 8/2/96 12:50PM ST : Documented / Win32 support added * *=============================================================================================*/ void NullModemClass::Remove_Modem_Echo( void ) { // Smart_Printf( "Remove Echo modem code\n" ); HMSetUpEchoRoutine( NULL ); } /* end of Remove_Modem_Echo */ /*********************************************************************************************** * NMC::Print_EchoBuf -- Print out the contents of the echo buffer * * * * * * * * INPUT: Nothing * * * * OUTPUT: Nothing * * * * WARNINGS: None * * * * HISTORY: * * 8/2/96 12:51PM ST : Documented * *=============================================================================================*/ void NullModemClass::Print_EchoBuf( void ) { for (int i = 0; i < strlen(NullModem.EchoBuf); i++) { if (NullModem.EchoBuf[i] == '\r') { NullModem.EchoBuf[i] = 1; } else { if (NullModem.EchoBuf[i] == '\n') { NullModem.EchoBuf[i] = 2; } } } // Smart_Printf( "Echo buffer length %d (%s)\n", NullModem.EchoCount, NullModem.EchoBuf ); } /*********************************************************************************************** * NMC::Reset_EchoBuf -- Empties the echo buffer * * * * * * * * INPUT: Nothing * * * * OUTPUT: Nothing * * * * WARNINGS: None * * * * HISTORY: * * 8/2/96 12:51PM ST : Documented * *=============================================================================================*/ void NullModemClass::Reset_EchoBuf( void ) { *EchoBuf = 0; EchoCount = 0; } /*********************************************************************************************** * NMC::Abort_Modem -- Checks for user input so that modem operations can be aborted * * * * * * * * INPUT: Nothing * * * * OUTPUT: ASUSERABORT if abort key pressed. ASSUCESS otherwise. * * * * WARNINGS: None * * * * HISTORY: * * 8/2/96 12:52PM ST : Documented * *=============================================================================================*/ int NullModemClass::Abort_Modem( PORT * ) { /* ** Button Enumerations */ enum { BUTTON_CANCEL = 100, }; /* ** Invoke game callback */ Call_Back(); /* ** Get user input */ Input = Commands->Input(); switch ( Input ) { case (KN_ESC): case (BUTTON_CANCEL | KN_BUTTON): return( ASUSERABORT ); } return( ASSUCCESS ); } /* end of Abort_Modem */ /*********************************************************************************************** * NMC::Setup_Abort_Modem -- sets the modem abort function pointer * * * * * * * * INPUT: Nothing * * * * OUTPUT: Nothing * * * * WARNINGS: None * * * * HISTORY: * * 8/2/96 2:59PM ST : Documented / Win32 support added * *=============================================================================================*/ void NullModemClass::Setup_Abort_Modem( void ) { #ifdef WIN32 SerialPort->Set_Abort_Function((int(*)(void))Abort_Modem); #else //WIN32 /* ** save off original abort modem function to later restore */ OrigAbortModemFunc = _AbortModemFunctionPtr; HMSetUpAbortKey( ESC ); SetAbortModemFunctionPtr( Abort_Modem ); #endif //WIN32 } /* end of Setup_Abort_Modem */ /*********************************************************************************************** * NMC::Remove_Abort_Modem -- Removes the modem abort function pointer * * * * * * * * INPUT: Nothing * * * * OUTPUT: Nothing * * * * WARNINGS: None * * * * HISTORY: * * 8/2/96 3:01PM ST : Documented / Win32 support added * *=============================================================================================*/ void NullModemClass::Remove_Abort_Modem( void ) { #ifdef WIN32 SerialPort->Set_Abort_Function(NULL); #else //WIN32 HMSetUpAbortKey( NOKEY ); /* ** Restore the original abort modem function */ _AbortModemFunctionPtr = OrigAbortModemFunc; #endif //WIN32 } /* end of Remove_Abort_Modem */ /*********************************************************************************************** * NMC::Change_IRQ_Priority -- Increases the priority of the serial interrupt * * * * * * * * INPUT: Interrupt request number * * * * OUTPUT: ASSUCCESS if changed * * * * WARNINGS: The Win32 version of this function does nothing. * * Priorities are controlled by windoze * * * * HISTORY: * * 8/2/96 3:03PM ST : Documented / Win32 support added * *=============================================================================================*/ int NullModemClass::Change_IRQ_Priority( int irq ) { #ifdef WIN32 irq = irq; return ( ASSUCCESS ); #else //WIN32 if (irq != OldIRQPri) { OldIRQPri = irq; return( Change8259Priority( irq ) ); } else { return( ASSUCCESS ); } #endif //WIN32 } /* end of Change_IRQ_Priority */ /*********************************************************************************************** * NMC::Get_Modem_Status -- returns status of modem control bits * * * * * * * * INPUT: Nothing * * * * OUTPUT: Modem status * * * * WARNINGS: None * * * * HISTORY: * * 8/2/96 3:06PM ST : Documented / Win32 support added * *=============================================================================================*/ int NullModemClass::Get_Modem_Status( void ) { int modemstatus; int status; char buffer[81]; #ifdef WIN32 modemstatus = SerialPort->Get_Modem_Status(); #else //WIN32 modemstatus = GetModemStatus( Port ); #endif //WIN32 status = Send_Modem_Command( "AT", '\r', buffer, 81, DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, 1 ); if (status == MODEM_CMD_OK) { modemstatus &= (~CD_SET); } return( modemstatus ); } /* end of Get_Modem_Status */ /*********************************************************************************************** * NMC::Send_Modem_Command -- Sends an 'AT' command to the modem and gets the response * * * * * * * * INPUT: command to send to modem. e.g. 'ATZ' * * terminator byte for command string * * buffer to put modem response into * * length of above buffer * * delay to wait for response * * number of times to retry when modem doesnt respond * * * * OUTPUT: input delay less the time it took the modem to respond * * * * WARNINGS: None * * * * HISTORY: * * 8/2/96 3:09PM ST : Documented / Win32 support added * *=============================================================================================*/ int NullModemClass::Send_Modem_Command( char *command, char terminator, char *buffer, int buflen, int delay, int retries ) { #ifdef WIN32 return (SerialPort->Send_Command_To_Modem(command, terminator, buffer, buflen, delay, retries)); #else //WIN32 int status, tmpdelay, retry; char tempbuf[81]; *buffer = 0; for ( retry = 0; retry < retries; retry++ ) { PortKillTime( Port, 100 ); status = HMSendStringNoWait( Port, command, terminator ); if (status < ASSUCCESS) { return( status ); } tmpdelay = delay; while ( tmpdelay > 0 ) { tmpdelay = HMInputLine( Port, tmpdelay, tempbuf, 81 ); if ( strcmp( tempbuf, "OK" ) == 0 ) { return( MODEM_CMD_OK ); } else if ( strcmp( tempbuf, "0" ) == 0 ) { return( MODEM_CMD_0 ); } else if ( strcmp( tempbuf, "ERROR" ) == 0 ) { return( MODEM_CMD_ERROR ); } else if ( tempbuf[0] != 0 ) { strncpy( buffer, tempbuf, buflen ); } } PortKillTime( Port, 100 ); /* ** Send and extra return to help clear out any problems with the modem (if any). */ HMWaitForOK( 300, NULL ); status = HMSendString( Port, "" ); HMWaitForOK( 0, NULL ); } return( tmpdelay ); #endif //WIN32 } /*********************************************************************************************** * NMC::Verify_And_Convert_To_Int -- converts a text string of numbers to an int * * * * * * * * INPUT: ptr to buffer * * * * OUTPUT: value of text number in buffer * * * * WARNINGS: None * * * * HISTORY: * * 8/2/96 3:13PM ST : Documented * *=============================================================================================*/ int NullModemClass::Verify_And_Convert_To_Int( char *buffer ) { int value = 0; int len = strlen(buffer); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { if ( !isdigit( *(buffer + i) ) ) { value = -1; break; } } if (value == 0) { value = atoi( buffer ); } return( value ); } /* end of Verify_And_Convert_To_Int */ /*************************** end of nullmgr.cpp ****************************/ #endif