681 lines
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681 lines
23 KiB
// Copyright 2020 Electronic Arts Inc.
// The Command & Conquer Map Editor and corresponding source code is free
// software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
// the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation,
// either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// The Command & Conquer Map Editor and corresponding source code is distributed
// in the hope that it will be useful, but with permitted additional restrictions
// under Section 7 of the GPL. See the GNU General Public License in LICENSE.TXT
// distributed with this program. You should have received a copy of the
// GNU General Public License along with permitted additional restrictions
// with this program. If not, see https://github.com/electronicarts/CnC_Remastered_Collection
using MobiusEditor.Interface;
using MobiusEditor.Render;
using MobiusEditor.Utility;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Drawing2D;
using System.Linq;
using TGASharpLib;
namespace MobiusEditor.Model
public enum MapLayerFlag
None = 0,
Basic = 1 << 0,
Map = 1 << 1,
Template = 1 << 2,
Terrain = 1 << 3,
Resources = 1 << 4,
Walls = 1 << 5,
Overlay = 1 << 6,
Smudge = 1 << 7,
Waypoints = 1 << 8,
CellTriggers = 1 << 9,
Houses = 1 << 10,
Infantry = 1 << 11,
Units = 1 << 12,
Buildings = 1 << 13,
Boundaries = 1 << 14,
TechnoTriggers = 1 << 15,
OverlayAll = Resources | Walls | Overlay,
Technos = Terrain | Walls | Infantry | Units | Buildings,
All = int.MaxValue
public class MapContext : ITypeDescriptorContext
public IContainer Container { get; private set; }
public object Instance { get; private set; }
public PropertyDescriptor PropertyDescriptor { get; private set; }
public Map Map => Instance as Map;
public readonly bool FractionalPercentages;
public MapContext(Map map, bool fractionalPercentages)
Instance = map;
FractionalPercentages = fractionalPercentages;
public object GetService(Type serviceType) => null;
public void OnComponentChanged() { }
public bool OnComponentChanging() => true;
public class Map : ICloneable
private int updateCount = 0;
private bool updating = false;
private IDictionary<MapLayerFlag, ISet<Point>> invalidateLayers = new Dictionary<MapLayerFlag, ISet<Point>>();
private bool invalidateOverlappers;
public readonly BasicSection BasicSection;
public readonly MapSection MapSection = new MapSection();
public readonly BriefingSection BriefingSection = new BriefingSection();
public readonly SteamSection SteamSection = new SteamSection();
public TheaterType Theater { get => MapSection.Theater; set => MapSection.Theater = value; }
public Point TopLeft
get => new Point(MapSection.X, MapSection.Y);
set { MapSection.X = value.X; MapSection.Y = value.Y; }
public Size Size
get => new Size(MapSection.Width, MapSection.Height);
set { MapSection.Width = value.Width; MapSection.Height = value.Height; }
public Rectangle Bounds
get => new Rectangle(TopLeft, Size);
set { MapSection.X = value.Left; MapSection.Y = value.Top; MapSection.Width = value.Width; MapSection.Height = value.Height; }
public readonly Type HouseType;
public readonly HouseType[] HouseTypes;
public readonly List<TheaterType> TheaterTypes;
public readonly List<TemplateType> TemplateTypes;
public readonly List<TerrainType> TerrainTypes;
public readonly List<OverlayType> OverlayTypes;
public readonly List<SmudgeType> SmudgeTypes;
public readonly string[] EventTypes;
public readonly string[] ActionTypes;
public readonly string[] MissionTypes;
public readonly List<DirectionType> DirectionTypes;
public readonly List<InfantryType> InfantryTypes;
public readonly List<UnitType> UnitTypes;
public readonly List<BuildingType> BuildingTypes;
public readonly string[] TeamMissionTypes;
public readonly CellMetrics Metrics;
public readonly CellGrid<Template> Templates;
public readonly CellGrid<Overlay> Overlay;
public readonly CellGrid<Smudge> Smudge;
public readonly OccupierSet<ICellOccupier> Technos;
public readonly OccupierSet<ICellOccupier> Buildings;
public readonly OverlapperSet<ICellOverlapper> Overlappers;
public readonly Waypoint[] Waypoints;
public readonly CellGrid<CellTrigger> CellTriggers;
public readonly ObservableCollection<Trigger> Triggers;
public readonly List<TeamType> TeamTypes;
public House[] Houses;
public readonly List<string> MovieTypes;
public int TiberiumOrGoldValue { get; set; }
public int GemValue { get; set; }
public int TotalResources
int totalResources = 0;
foreach (var (cell, value) in Overlay)
if (value.Type.IsResource)
totalResources += (value.Icon + 1) * (value.Type.IsGem ? GemValue : TiberiumOrGoldValue);
return totalResources;
public Map(BasicSection basicSection, TheaterType theater, Size cellSize, Type houseType,
IEnumerable<HouseType> houseTypes, IEnumerable<TheaterType> theaterTypes, IEnumerable<TemplateType> templateTypes,
IEnumerable<TerrainType> terrainTypes, IEnumerable<OverlayType> overlayTypes, IEnumerable<SmudgeType> smudgeTypes,
IEnumerable<string> eventTypes, IEnumerable<string> actionTypes, IEnumerable<string> missionTypes,
IEnumerable<DirectionType> directionTypes, IEnumerable<InfantryType> infantryTypes, IEnumerable<UnitType> unitTypes,
IEnumerable<BuildingType> buildingTypes, IEnumerable<string> teamMissionTypes, IEnumerable<Waypoint> waypoints,
IEnumerable<string> movieTypes)
BasicSection = basicSection;
HouseType = houseType;
HouseTypes = houseTypes.ToArray();
TheaterTypes = new List<TheaterType>(theaterTypes);
TemplateTypes = new List<TemplateType>(templateTypes);
TerrainTypes = new List<TerrainType>(terrainTypes);
OverlayTypes = new List<OverlayType>(overlayTypes);
SmudgeTypes = new List<SmudgeType>(smudgeTypes);
EventTypes = eventTypes.ToArray();
ActionTypes = actionTypes.ToArray();
MissionTypes = missionTypes.ToArray();
DirectionTypes = new List<DirectionType>(directionTypes);
InfantryTypes = new List<InfantryType>(infantryTypes);
UnitTypes = new List<UnitType>(unitTypes);
BuildingTypes = new List<BuildingType>(buildingTypes);
TeamMissionTypes = teamMissionTypes.ToArray();
MovieTypes = new List<string>(movieTypes);
Metrics = new CellMetrics(cellSize);
Templates = new CellGrid<Template>(Metrics);
Overlay = new CellGrid<Overlay>(Metrics);
Smudge = new CellGrid<Smudge>(Metrics);
Technos = new OccupierSet<ICellOccupier>(Metrics);
Buildings = new OccupierSet<ICellOccupier>(Metrics);
Overlappers = new OverlapperSet<ICellOverlapper>(Metrics);
Triggers = new ObservableCollection<Trigger>();
TeamTypes = new List<TeamType>();
Houses = HouseTypes.Select(t => { var h = (House)Activator.CreateInstance(HouseType, t); h.SetDefault(); return h; }).ToArray();
Waypoints = waypoints.ToArray();
CellTriggers = new CellGrid<CellTrigger>(Metrics);
TopLeft = new Point(1, 1);
Size = Metrics.Size - new Size(2, 2);
Theater = theater;
Overlay.CellChanged += Overlay_CellChanged;
Technos.OccupierAdded += Technos_OccupierAdded;
Technos.OccupierRemoved += Technos_OccupierRemoved;
Buildings.OccupierAdded += Buildings_OccupierAdded;
Buildings.OccupierRemoved += Buildings_OccupierRemoved;
Triggers.CollectionChanged += Triggers_CollectionChanged;
public void BeginUpdate()
public void EndUpdate()
if (--updateCount == 0)
public void InitTheater(GameType gameType)
foreach (var templateType in TemplateTypes)
foreach (var smudgeType in SmudgeTypes)
foreach (var overlayType in OverlayTypes)
foreach (var terrainType in TerrainTypes)
foreach (var infantryType in InfantryTypes)
infantryType.Init(gameType, Theater, HouseTypes.Where(h => h.Equals(infantryType.OwnerHouse)).FirstOrDefault(), DirectionTypes.Where(d => d.Facing == FacingType.South).First());
foreach (var unitType in UnitTypes)
unitType.Init(gameType, Theater, HouseTypes.Where(h => h.Equals(unitType.OwnerHouse)).FirstOrDefault(), DirectionTypes.Where(d => d.Facing == FacingType.North).First());
foreach (var buildingType in BuildingTypes)
buildingType.Init(gameType, Theater, HouseTypes.Where(h => h.Equals(buildingType.OwnerHouse)).FirstOrDefault(), DirectionTypes.Where(d => d.Facing == FacingType.North).First());
private void Update()
updating = true;
if (invalidateLayers.TryGetValue(MapLayerFlag.Resources, out ISet<Point> locations))
if (invalidateLayers.TryGetValue(MapLayerFlag.Walls, out locations))
if (invalidateOverlappers)
foreach (var (location, techno) in Technos)
if (techno is ICellOverlapper)
Overlappers.Add(location, techno as ICellOverlapper);
invalidateOverlappers = false;
updating = false;
private void UpdateResourceOverlays(ISet<Point> locations)
var tiberiumCounts = new int[] { 0, 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11 };
var gemCounts = new int[] { 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2 };
foreach (var (cell, overlay) in Overlay.IntersectsWith(locations).Where(o => o.Value.Type.IsResource))
int count = 0;
foreach (var facing in CellMetrics.AdjacentFacings)
var adjacentTiberium = Overlay.Adjacent(cell, facing);
if (adjacentTiberium?.Type.IsResource ?? false)
overlay.Icon = overlay.Type.IsGem ? gemCounts[count] : tiberiumCounts[count];
private void UpdateWallOverlays(ISet<Point> locations)
foreach (var (cell, overlay) in Overlay.IntersectsWith(locations).Where(o => o.Value.Type.IsWall))
var northWall = Overlay.Adjacent(cell, FacingType.North);
var eastWall = Overlay.Adjacent(cell, FacingType.East);
var southWall = Overlay.Adjacent(cell, FacingType.South);
var westWall = Overlay.Adjacent(cell, FacingType.West);
int icon = 0;
if (northWall?.Type == overlay.Type)
icon |= 1;
if (eastWall?.Type == overlay.Type)
icon |= 2;
if (southWall?.Type == overlay.Type)
icon |= 4;
if (westWall?.Type == overlay.Type)
icon |= 8;
overlay.Icon = icon;
private void RemoveBibs(Building building)
var bibCells = Smudge.IntersectsWith(building.BibCells).Where(x => (x.Value.Type.Flag & SmudgeTypeFlag.Bib) != SmudgeTypeFlag.None).Select(x => x.Cell).ToArray();
foreach (var cell in bibCells)
Smudge[cell] = null;
private void AddBibs(Point location, Building building)
if (!building.Type.HasBib)
var bib1Type = SmudgeTypes.Where(t => t.Flag == SmudgeTypeFlag.Bib1).FirstOrDefault();
var bib2Type = SmudgeTypes.Where(t => t.Flag == SmudgeTypeFlag.Bib2).FirstOrDefault();
var bib3Type = SmudgeTypes.Where(t => t.Flag == SmudgeTypeFlag.Bib3).FirstOrDefault();
SmudgeType bibType = null;
switch (building.Type.Size.Width)
case 2:
bibType = bib3Type;
case 3:
bibType = bib2Type;
case 4:
bibType = bib1Type;
if (bibType != null)
int icon = 0;
for (var y = 0; y < bibType.Size.Height; ++y)
for (var x = 0; x < bibType.Size.Width; ++x, ++icon)
if (Metrics.GetCell(new Point(location.X + x, location.Y + building.Type.Size.Height + y - 1), out int subCell))
Smudge[subCell] = new Smudge
Type = bibType,
Icon = icon,
Data = 0,
Tint = building.Tint
public Map Clone()
var map = new Map(BasicSection, Theater, Metrics.Size, HouseType,
HouseTypes, TheaterTypes, TemplateTypes, TerrainTypes, OverlayTypes, SmudgeTypes,
EventTypes, ActionTypes, MissionTypes, DirectionTypes, InfantryTypes, UnitTypes,
BuildingTypes, TeamMissionTypes, Waypoints, MovieTypes)
TopLeft = TopLeft,
Size = Size
Array.Copy(Houses, map.Houses, map.Houses.Length);
foreach (var trigger in Triggers)
foreach (var (location, occupier) in Technos)
if (occupier is InfantryGroup infantryGroup)
var newInfantryGroup = new InfantryGroup();
Array.Copy(infantryGroup.Infantry, newInfantryGroup.Infantry, newInfantryGroup.Infantry.Length);
map.Technos.Add(location, newInfantryGroup);
else if (!(occupier is Building))
map.Technos.Add(location, occupier);
foreach (var (location, building) in Buildings)
map.Buildings.Add(location, building);
return map;
public TGA GeneratePreview(Size previewSize, bool sharpen)
var mapBounds = new Rectangle(
Bounds.Left * Globals.OriginalTileWidth,
Bounds.Top * Globals.OriginalTileHeight,
Bounds.Width * Globals.OriginalTileWidth,
Bounds.Height * Globals.OriginalTileHeight
var previewScale = Math.Min(previewSize.Width / (float)mapBounds.Width, previewSize.Height / (float)mapBounds.Height);
var scaledSize = new Size((int)(previewSize.Width / previewScale), (int)(previewSize.Height / previewScale));
using (var fullBitmap = new Bitmap(Metrics.Width * Globals.OriginalTileWidth, Metrics.Height * Globals.OriginalTileHeight))
using (var croppedBitmap = new Bitmap(previewSize.Width, previewSize.Height))
var locations = Bounds.Points().ToHashSet();
using (var g = Graphics.FromImage(fullBitmap))
MapRenderer.Render(GameType.None, this, g, locations, MapLayerFlag.Template | MapLayerFlag.Resources, 1);
using (var g = Graphics.FromImage(croppedBitmap))
Matrix transform = new Matrix();
transform.Scale(previewScale, previewScale);
transform.Translate((scaledSize.Width - mapBounds.Width) / 2, (scaledSize.Height - mapBounds.Height) / 2);
g.Transform = transform;
g.DrawImage(fullBitmap, new Rectangle(0, 0, mapBounds.Width, mapBounds.Height), mapBounds, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
if (sharpen)
using (var sharpenedImage = croppedBitmap.Sharpen(1.0f))
return TGA.FromBitmap(sharpenedImage);
return TGA.FromBitmap(croppedBitmap);
public TGA GenerateMapPreview()
return GeneratePreview(Globals.MapPreviewSize, false);
public TGA GenerateWorkshopPreview()
return GeneratePreview(Globals.WorkshopPreviewSize, true);
object ICloneable.Clone()
return Clone();
private void Overlay_CellChanged(object sender, CellChangedEventArgs<Overlay> e)
if (e.OldValue?.Type.IsWall ?? false)
if (e.Value?.Type.IsWall ?? false)
Buildings.Add(e.Location, e.Value);
if (updating)
foreach (var overlay in new Overlay[] { e.OldValue, e.Value })
if (overlay == null)
MapLayerFlag layer = MapLayerFlag.None;
if (overlay.Type.IsResource)
layer = MapLayerFlag.Resources;
else if (overlay.Type.IsWall)
layer = MapLayerFlag.Walls;
if (!invalidateLayers.TryGetValue(layer, out ISet<Point> locations))
locations = new HashSet<Point>();
invalidateLayers[layer] = locations;
locations.UnionWith(Rectangle.Inflate(new Rectangle(e.Location, new Size(1, 1)), 1, 1).Points());
if (updateCount == 0)
private void Technos_OccupierAdded(object sender, OccupierAddedEventArgs<ICellOccupier> e)
if (e.Occupier is ICellOverlapper overlapper)
if (updateCount == 0)
Overlappers.Add(e.Location, overlapper);
invalidateOverlappers = true;
private void Technos_OccupierRemoved(object sender, OccupierRemovedEventArgs<ICellOccupier> e)
if (e.Occupier is ICellOverlapper overlapper)
if (updateCount == 0)
invalidateOverlappers = true;
private void Buildings_OccupierAdded(object sender, OccupierAddedEventArgs<ICellOccupier> e)
if (e.Occupier is Building building)
Technos.Add(e.Location, e.Occupier, building.Type.BaseOccupyMask);
AddBibs(e.Location, building);
Technos.Add(e.Location, e.Occupier);
private void Buildings_OccupierRemoved(object sender, OccupierRemovedEventArgs<ICellOccupier> e)
if (e.Occupier is Building building)
private void Triggers_CollectionChanged(object sender, System.Collections.Specialized.NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e)
foreach (var (_, building) in Buildings.OfType<Building>())
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(building.Trigger))
if (Triggers.Where(t => building.Trigger.Equals(t.Name)).FirstOrDefault() == null)
building.Trigger = Trigger.None;