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PG-SteveT ae72fce5dd August 6th Patch Update
Accumulated DLL source code changes since June 22nd patch
2020-08-06 09:44:54 -07:00

2298 lines
90 KiB

// Copyright 2020 Electronic Arts Inc.
// TiberianDawn.DLL and RedAlert.dll and corresponding source code is free
// software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
// the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation,
// either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// TiberianDawn.DLL and RedAlert.dll and corresponding source code is distributed
// in the hope that it will be useful, but with permitted additional restrictions
// under Section 7 of the GPL. See the GNU General Public License in LICENSE.TXT
// distributed with this program. You should have received a copy of the
// GNU General Public License along with permitted additional restrictions
// with this program. If not, see
/* $Header: F:\projects\c&c\vcs\code\drive.cpv 2.17 16 Oct 1995 16:51:16 JOE_BOSTIC $ */
*** C O N F I D E N T I A L --- W E S T W O O D S T U D I O S ***
* *
* Project Name : Command & Conquer *
* *
* File Name : DRIVE.CPP *
* *
* Programmer : Joe L. Bostic *
* *
* Start Date : April 22, 1994 *
* *
* Last Update : July 30, 1995 [JLB] *
* *
* Functions: *
* DriveClass::AI -- Processes unit movement and rotation. *
* DriveClass::Approach_Target -- Handles approaching the target in order to attack it. *
* DriveClass::Assign_Destination -- Set the unit's NavCom. *
* DriveClass::Class_Of -- Fetches a reference to the class type for this object. *
* DriveClass::Debug_Dump -- Displays status information to monochrome screen. *
* DriveClass::Do_Turn -- Tries to turn the vehicle to the specified direction. *
* DriveClass::DriveClass -- Constructor for drive class object. *
* DriveClass::Exit_Map -- Give the unit a movement order to exit the map. *
* DriveClass::Fixup_Path -- Adds smooth start path to normal movement path. *
* DriveClass::Force_Track -- Forces the unit to use the indicated track. *
* DriveClass::Lay_Track -- Handles track laying logic for the unit. *
* DriveClass::Offload_Tiberium_Bail -- Offloads one Tiberium quantum from the object. *
* DriveClass::Ok_To_Move -- Checks to see if this object can begin moving. *
* DriveClass::Overrun_Square -- Handles vehicle overrun of a cell. *
* DriveClass::Per_Cell_Process -- Handles when unit finishes movement into a cell. *
* DriveClass::Smooth_Turn -- Handles the low level coord calc for smooth turn logic. *
* DriveClass::Start_Of_Move -- Tries to get a unit to advance toward cell. *
* DriveClass::Tiberium_Load -- Determine the Tiberium load as a percentage. *
* DriveClass::While_Moving -- Processes unit movement. *
* DriveClass::Mark_Track -- Marks the midpoint of the track as occupied. *
* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
#include "function.h"
DriveClass::DriveClass(void) : Class(0), SimLeptonX(0), SimLeptonY(0) {}; // Added SimLeptonX and Y. ST - 4/30/2019 8:06AM
* DriveClass::Do_Turn -- Tries to turn the vehicle to the specified direction. *
* *
* This routine will set the vehicle to rotate to the direction specified. For tracked *
* vehicles, it is just a simple rotation. For wheeled vehicles, it performs a series *
* of short drives (three point turn) to face the desired direction. *
* *
* INPUT: dir -- The direction that this vehicle should face. *
* *
* OUTPUT: none *
* *
* WARNINGS: none *
* *
* 05/29/1995 JLB : Created. *
void DriveClass::Do_Turn(DirType dir)
if (dir != PrimaryFacing) {
** Special rotation track is needed for units that
** cannot rotate in place.
if (Special.IsThreePoint && TrackNumber == -1 && Class->Speed == SPEED_WHEEL) {
int facediff; // Signed difference between current and desired facing.
FacingType face; // Current facing (ordinal value).
facediff = PrimaryFacing.Difference(dir) >> 5;
facediff = Bound(facediff, -2, 2);
if (facediff) {
face = Dir_Facing(PrimaryFacing);
IsOnShortTrack = true;
Force_Track(face*FACING_COUNT + (face + facediff), Coord);
Path[0] = FACING_NONE;
Set_Speed(0xFF); // Full speed.
} else {
//if (Special.IsJurassic && AreThingiesEnabled && What_Am_I() == RTTI_UNIT && ((UnitClass *)this)->Class->IsPieceOfEight) PrimaryFacing.Set_Current(dir);
if (What_Am_I() == RTTI_UNIT && ((UnitClass *)this)->Class->IsPieceOfEight) PrimaryFacing.Set_Current(dir);
* DriveClass::Force_Track -- Forces the unit to use the indicated track. *
* *
* This override (nuclear bomb) style routine is to be used when a unit needs to start *
* on a movement track but is outside the normal movement system. This occurs when a *
* harvester starts driving off of a refinery. *
* *
* INPUT: track -- The track number to start on. *
* *
* coord -- The coordinate that the unit will end up at when the movement track *
* is completed. *
* *
* OUTPUT: none *
* *
* WARNINGS: none *
* *
* 03/17/1995 JLB : Created. *
void DriveClass::Force_Track(int track, COORDINATE coord)
TrackNumber = track;
TrackIndex = 0;
* DriveClass::Tiberium_Load -- Determine the Tiberium load as a percentage. *
* *
* Use this routine to determine what the Tiberium load is (as a fixed point percentage). *
* *
* INPUT: none *
* *
* OUTPUT: Returns with the current "fullness" rating for the object. This will be 0x0000 for *
* empty and 0x0100 for full. *
* *
* WARNINGS: none *
* *
* 03/17/1995 JLB : Created. *
int DriveClass::Tiberium_Load(void) const
if (*this == UNIT_HARVESTER) {
return(Cardinal_To_Fixed(UnitTypeClass::STEP_COUNT, Tiberium));
* DriveClass::Approach_Target -- Handles approaching the target in order to attack it. *
* *
* This routine will check to see if the target is infantry and it can be overrun. It will *
* try to overrun the infantry rather than attack it. This only applies to computer *
* controlled vehicles. If it isn't the infantry overrun case, then it falls into the *
* base class for normal (complex) approach algorithm. *
* *
* INPUT: none *
* *
* OUTPUT: none *
* *
* WARNINGS: none *
* *
* 03/17/1995 JLB : Created. *
* 07/12/1995 JLB : Flamethrower tanks don't overrun -- their weapon is better. *
void DriveClass::Approach_Target(void)
** Only if there is a legal target should the approach check occur.
if (!House->IsHuman && Target_Legal(TarCom) && !Target_Legal(NavCom)) {
** Special case:
** If this is for a unit that can crush infantry, and the target is
** infantry, AND the infantry is pretty darn close, then just try
** to drive over the infantry instead of firing on it.
TechnoClass * target = As_Techno(TarCom);
if (Class->Primary != WEAPON_FLAME_TONGUE && Class->IsCrusher && Distance(TarCom) < 0x0180 && target && ((TechnoTypeClass const &)(target->Class_Of())).IsCrushable) {
** In the other cases, uses the more complex "get to just within weapon range"
** algorithm.
* DriveClass::Overrun_Square -- Handles vehicle overrun of a cell. *
* *
* This routine is called when a vehicle enters a square or when it is about to enter a *
* square (controlled by parameter). When a vehicle that can crush infantry enters a *
* cell that contains infantry, then the infantry will be destroyed (regardless of *
* affiliation). When a vehicle threatens to overrun a square, all occupying infantry *
* will attempt to get out of the way. *
* *
* INPUT: cell -- The cell that is, or soon will be, entered by a vehicle. *
* *
* threaten -- Don't kill, but just threaten to enter the cell. *
* *
* OUTPUT: none *
* *
* WARNINGS: none *
* *
* 01/19/1995 JLB : Created. *
void DriveClass::Overrun_Square(CELL cell, bool threaten)
CellClass * cellptr = &Map[cell];
if (Class->IsCrusher) {
if (threaten) {
** If the cell contains infantry, then they will panic when a vehicle tries
** drive over them. Have the infantry run away instead.
if (cellptr->Flag.Composite & 0x1F) {
** Scattering is controlled by the game difficulty level.
if (((GameToPlay == GAME_NORMAL && PlayerPtr->Difficulty == DIFF_HARD) || Special.IsScatter || Scenario > 8) &&
!(GameToPlay == GAME_NORMAL && PlayerPtr->Difficulty == DIFF_EASY)) {
cellptr->Incoming(0, true);
} else {
ObjectClass * object = cellptr->Cell_Occupier();
int crushed = false;
while (object) {
if (object->Class_Of().IsCrushable && !House->Is_Ally(object) && Distance(object->Center_Coord()) < 0x80) {
ObjectClass * next = object->Next;
crushed = true;
** Record credit for the kill(s)
Sound_Effect(VOC_SQUISH2, Coord);
delete object;
new OverlayClass(OVERLAY_SQUISH, Coord_Cell(Coord));
object = next;
} else {
object = object->Next;
if (crushed) Do_Uncloak();
* DriveClass::DriveClass -- Constructor for drive class object. *
* *
* This will initialize the drive class to its default state. It is called as a result *
* of creating a unit. *
* *
* INPUT: classid -- The unit's ID class. It is passed on to the foot class constructor. *
* *
* OUTPUT: none *
* *
* WARNINGS: none *
* *
* 07/13/1994 JLB : Created. *
DriveClass::DriveClass(UnitType classid, HousesType house) :
** For two shooters, clear out the second shot flag -- it will be set the first time
** the object fires. For non two shooters, set the flag since it will never be cleared
** and the second shot flag tells the system that normal rearm times apply -- this is
** what is desired for non two shooters.
if (Class->IsTwoShooter) {
IsSecondShot = false;
} else {
IsSecondShot = true;
IsHarvesting = false;
IsTurretLockedDown = false;
IsOnShortTrack = false;
IsReturning = false;
TrackNumber = -1;
TrackIndex = 0;
SpeedAccum = 0;
Tiberium = 0;
Strength = Class->MaxStrength;
* DriveClass::Debug_Dump -- Displays status information to monochrome screen. *
* *
* This debug utility function will display the status of the drive class to the mono *
* screen. It is through this information that bugs can be tracked down. *
* *
* INPUT: none *
* *
* OUTPUT: none *
* *
* WARNINGS: none *
* *
* 05/31/1994 JLB : Created. *
void DriveClass::Debug_Dump(MonoClass *mono) const
mono->Set_Cursor(33, 7);
mono->Printf("%2d:%2d", TrackNumber, TrackIndex);
mono->Text_Print("X", 16 + (IsTurretLockedDown?2:0), 10);
// mono->Text_Print("X", 16 + (IsOnShortTrack?2:0), 11);
mono->Set_Cursor(41, 7);mono->Printf("%d", Fixed_To_Cardinal(100, Tiberium_Load()));
* DriveClass::Exit_Map -- Give the unit a movement order to exit the map. *
* *
* This routine is used to assign an appropriate movement destination for the unit so that *
* it will leave the map. The scripts are usually the one to call this routine when it *
* is determined that the unit has fulfilled its mission and must "depart". *
* *
* INPUT: none *
* *
* OUTPUT: none *
* *
* WARNINGS: none *
* *
* 05/31/1994 JLB : Created. *
void DriveClass::Exit_Map(void)
CELL cell; // Map exit cell number.
if (*this == UNIT_HOVER && !Target_Legal(NavCom)) {
** Scan a swath of cells from current position to the edge of the map and if
** there is any blocking object, just wait so to try again later.
for (int x = Cell_X(Coord_Cell(Center_Coord()))-1; x <= Cell_X(Coord_Cell(Center_Coord()))+1; x++) {
for (int y = Cell_Y(Coord_Cell(Center_Coord()))+1; y < Map.MapCellY+Map.MapCellHeight; y++) {
cell = XY_Cell(x, y);
if (Map[cell].Cell_Techno()) {
** A clear path to the map edge exists. Assign it as the navigation computer
** destination and let the transport move.
cell = XY_Cell(Cell_X(Coord_Cell(Coord)), Map.MapCellY+Map.MapCellHeight);
IsReturning = true;
* DriveClass::Smooth_Turn -- Handles the low level coord calc for smooth turn logic. *
* *
* This routine calculates the new coordinate value needed for the *
* smooth turn logic. The adjustment and flag values must be *
* determined prior to entering this routine. *
* *
* INPUT: adj -- The adjustment coordinate as lifted from the *
* correct smooth turn table. *
* *
* dir -- Pointer to dir for possible modification *
* according to the flag bits. *
* *
* OUTPUT: Returns with the coordinate the unit should positioned to. *
* *
* WARNINGS: none *
* *
* 03/14/1994 JLB : Created. *
* 07/13/1994 JLB : Converted to member function. *
COORDINATE DriveClass::Smooth_Turn(COORDINATE adj, DirType *dir)
DirType workdir = *dir;
int x,y;
int temp;
TrackControlType flags = TrackControl[TrackNumber].Flag;
x = Coord_X(adj);
y = Coord_Y(adj);
if (flags & F_T) {
temp = x;
x = y;
y = temp;
workdir = (DirType)(DIR_W - workdir);
if (flags & F_X) {
x = -x;
workdir = (DirType)-workdir;
if (flags & F_Y) {
y = -y;
workdir = (DirType)(DIR_S - workdir);
*dir = workdir;
return(XY_Coord( Coord_X(Head_To_Coord()) + x, Coord_Y(Head_To_Coord()) + y));
* DriveClass::Assign_Destination -- Set the unit's NavCom. *
* *
* This routine is used to set the unit's navigation computer to the *
* specified target. Once the navigation computer is set, the unit *
* will start planning and moving toward the destination. *
* *
* INPUT: target -- The destination target for the unit to head to. *
* *
* OUTPUT: none *
* *
* WARNINGS: none *
* *
* 09/07/1992 JLB : Created. *
* 04/15/1994 JLB : Converted to member function. *
void DriveClass::Assign_Destination(TARGET target)
** Abort early if there is anything wrong with the parameters
** or the unit already is assigned the specified destination.
if (target == NavCom) return;
#ifdef NEVER
UnitClass *tunit; // Destination unit pointer.
** When in move mode, a map position may really indicate
** a unit to guard.
if (Is_Target_Cell(target)) {
cell = As_Cell(target);
tunit = Map[cell].Cell_Unit();
if (tunit) {
** Prevent targeting of itself.
if (tunit != this) {
target = tunit->As_Target();
} else {
tbuilding = Map[cell].Cell_Building();
if (tbuilding) {
target = tbuilding->As_Target();
** For harvesting type vehicles, it might go into a dock and unload procedure
** when the harvester is full and an empty refinery is selected as a target.
BuildingClass * b = As_Building(target);
** Transport vehicles must tell all passengers that are about to load, that they
** cannot proceed. This is accomplished with a radio message to this effect.
//if (tunit && In_Radio_Contact() && Class->IsTransporter && Contact_With_Whom()->Is_Infantry()) {
if (In_Radio_Contact() && Class->IsTransporter && Contact_With_Whom()->Is_Infantry()) {
** If the player clicked on a friendly repair facility and the repair
** facility is currently not involved with some other unit (radio or unloading).
if (b && *b == STRUCT_REPAIR) {
if (b->In_Radio_Contact() && (b->Contact_With_Whom() != this)) {
ArchiveTarget = target;
} else {
** Establish radio contact protocol. If the facility responds correctly,
** then remain in radio contact and proceed toward the desired destination.
if (Transmit_Message(RADIO_HELLO, b) == RADIO_ROGER) {
** Last check to make sure that the loading square is free from permanent
** occupation (such as a building).
CELL cell = Coord_Cell(b->Center_Coord()) + (MAP_CELL_W-1);
if (Ground[Map[cell].Land_Type()].Cost[Class->Speed] ) {
if (Transmit_Message(RADIO_DOCKING) == RADIO_ROGER) {
Path[0] = FACING_NONE;
** Failure to establish a docking relationship with the refinery.
** Bail & await further instructions.
** Set the unit's navigation computer.
Path[0] = FACING_NONE; // Force recalculation of path.
if (!IsDriving) {
* DriveClass::While_Moving -- Processes unit movement. *
* *
* This routine is used to process movement for the units as they move. *
* It is called many times for each cell's worth of movement. This *
* routine only applies after the next cell HeadTo has been determined. *
* *
* INPUT: none *
* *
* OUTPUT: true/false; Should this routine be called again? *
* *
* WARNINGS: none *
* *
* 02/02/1992 JLB : Created. *
* 04/15/1994 JLB : Converted to member function. *
bool DriveClass::While_Moving(void)
int actual; // Working movement addition value.
** Perform quick legality checks.
if (!IsDriving || TrackNumber == -1 || (IsRotating && !Class->IsTurretEquipped)) {
SpeedAccum = 0; // Kludge? No speed should accumulate if movement is on hold.
** If enough movement has accumulated so that the unit can
** visibly move on the map, then process accordingly.
** Slow the unit down if he's carrying a flag.
MPHType maxspeed = MPHType(min((int)(Class->MaxSpeed * House->GroundspeedBias), (int)MPH_LIGHT_SPEED));
if (((UnitClass *)this)->Flagged != HOUSE_NONE) {
actual = SpeedAccum + Fixed_To_Cardinal(maxspeed /2, Speed);
} else {
actual = SpeedAccum + Fixed_To_Cardinal(maxspeed, Speed);
if (actual > PIXEL_LEPTON_W) {
TurnTrackType const *track; // Track control pointer.
TrackType const *ptr; // Pointer to coord offset values.
int tracknum; // The track number being processed.
FacingType nextface; // Next facing queued in path.
bool adj; // Is a turn coming up?
track = &TrackControl[TrackNumber];
if (IsOnShortTrack) {
tracknum = track->StartTrack;
} else {
tracknum = track->Track;
ptr = RawTracks[tracknum-1].Track;
nextface = Path[0];
** Determine if there is a turn coming up. If there is
** a turn, then track jumping might occur.
adj = false;
if (nextface != FACING_NONE && Dir_Facing(track->Facing) != nextface) {
adj = true;
** Skip ahead the number of track steps required (limited only
** by track length). Set the unit to the new position and
** flag the unit accordingly.
while (actual > PIXEL_LEPTON_W) {
DirType dir;
actual -= PIXEL_LEPTON_W;
offset = ptr[TrackIndex].Offset;
if (offset || !TrackIndex) {
dir = ptr[TrackIndex].Facing;
Coord = Smooth_Turn(offset, &dir);
** See if "per cell" processing is necessary.
if (TrackIndex && RawTracks[tracknum-1].Cell == TrackIndex) {
if (!IsActive) {
** The unit could "jump tracks". Check to see if the unit should
** do so.
if (*this != UNIT_GUNBOAT && nextface != FACING_NONE && adj && RawTracks[tracknum-1].Jump == TrackIndex && TrackIndex) {
TurnTrackType const *newtrack; // Proposed jump-to track.
int tnum;
tnum = Dir_Facing(track->Facing)*FACING_COUNT + nextface;
newtrack = &TrackControl[tnum];
if (newtrack->Track && RawTracks[newtrack->Track-1].Entry) {
COORDINATE c = Head_To_Coord();
int oldspeed = Speed;
c = Adjacent_Cell(c, nextface);
switch(Can_Enter_Cell(Coord_Cell(c), nextface)) {
case MOVE_OK:
IsOnShortTrack = false; // Shouldn't be necessary, but...
TrackNumber = tnum;
track = newtrack;
// Mono_Printf("**Jumping from track %d to track %d. **\n", tracknum, track->Track);Keyboard::Get();
tracknum = track->Track;
TrackIndex = RawTracks[tracknum-1].Entry-1; // Anticipate increment.
ptr = RawTracks[tracknum-1].Track;
adj = false;
if (Start_Driver(c)) {
memcpy(&Path[0], &Path[1], CONQUER_PATH_MAX-1);
} else {
Path[0] = FACING_NONE;
TrackNumber = -1;
actual = 0;
if (*this == UNIT_HARVESTER || !House->IsHuman) {
bool old = Special.IsScatter;
Special.IsScatter = true;
Map[Coord_Cell(c)].Incoming(0, true);
Special.IsScatter = old;
} else {
actual = 0;
Coord = Head_To_Coord();
TrackNumber = -1;
TrackIndex = NULL;
** Perform "per cell" activities.
if (IsActive) {
** NEW 4/30/2019 7:59AM
** When we don't have enough speed accumulated to move another pixel, it would be good to know at a sub-pixel (lepton) level
** how far we would move if we could. It didn't matter in the original when it was 320x200 pixels, but on a 3840x2160
** screen, what was half a pixel could now be several pixels.
** ST
if (actual && actual <= PIXEL_LEPTON_W) {
TurnTrackType const *track; // Track control pointer.
TrackType const *ptr; // Pointer to coord offset values.
int tracknum; // The track number being processed.
FacingType nextface; // Next facing queued in path.
bool adj; // Is a turn coming up?
track = &TrackControl[TrackNumber];
if (IsOnShortTrack) {
tracknum = track->StartTrack;
} else {
tracknum = track->Track;
ptr = RawTracks[tracknum-1].Track;
nextface = Path[0];
** Determine if there is a turn coming up. If there is
** a turn, then track jumping might occur.
adj = false;
if (nextface != FACING_NONE && Dir_Facing(track->Facing) != nextface) {
adj = true;
COORDINATE simulated_pos = Coord;
DirType dir;
offset = ptr[TrackIndex].Offset;
if (offset || !TrackIndex) {
dir = ptr[TrackIndex].Facing;
simulated_pos = Smooth_Turn(offset, &dir);
int x_diff = Coord_X(simulated_pos) - Coord_X(Coord);
int y_diff = Coord_Y(simulated_pos) - Coord_Y(Coord);
SimLeptonX = (x_diff * actual) / PIXEL_LEPTON_W;
SimLeptonY = (y_diff * actual) / PIXEL_LEPTON_W;
} else {
SimLeptonX = 0;
SimLeptonY = 0;
** Replace any remainder back into the unit's movement
** accumulator to be processed next pass.
SpeedAccum = actual;
* DriveClass::Per_Cell_Process -- Handles when unit finishes movement into a cell. *
* *
* This routine is called when a unit has mostly or completely *
* entered a cell. The unit might be in the middle of a movement track *
* when this routine is called. It's primary purpose is to perform *
* sighting and other "per cell" activities. *
* *
* INPUT: center -- Is the unit safely at the center of a cell? If it is merely "close" *
* to the center, then this parameter will be false. *
* *
* OUTPUT: none *
* *
* WARNINGS: none *
* *
* 11/03/1993 JLB : Created. *
* 03/30/1994 JLB : Revamped for track system. *
* 04/15/1994 JLB : Converted to member function. *
* 06/18/1994 JLB : Converted to virtual function. *
* 06/18/1994 JLB : Distinguishes between center and near-center conditions. *
void DriveClass::Per_Cell_Process(bool center)
CELL cell = Coord_Cell(Coord);
** Check to see if it has reached its destination. If so, then clear the NavCom
** regardless of the remaining path list.
if (center && As_Cell(NavCom) == cell) {
IsTurretLockedDown = false;
Path[0] = FACING_NONE;
#ifdef NEVER
** A "lemon" vehicle will have a tendency to break down as
** it moves about the terrain.
if (Is_A_Lemon) {
if (Random_Pick(1, 4) == 1) {
* DriveClass::Start_Of_Move -- Tries to get a unit to advance toward cell. *
* *
* This will try to start a unit advancing toward the cell it is *
* facing. It will check for and handle legality and reserving of the *
* necessary cell. *
* *
* INPUT: none *
* *
* OUTPUT: true/false; Should this routine be called again because *
* initial start operation is temporarily delayed? *
* *
* WARNINGS: none *
* *
* 02/02/1992 JLB : Created. *
* 10/18/1993 JLB : This should be called repeatedly until HeadTo is not NULL. *
* 03/16/1994 JLB : Revamped for track logic. *
* 04/15/1994 JLB : Converted to member function. *
* 06/19/1995 JLB : Fixed so that it won't fire on ground unnecessarily. *
* 07/13/1995 JLB : Handles bumping into cloaked objects. *
bool DriveClass::Start_Of_Move(void)
FacingType facing; // Direction movement will commence.
DirType dir; // Desired actual facing toward destination.
int facediff; // Difference between current and desired facing.
int speed; // Speed of unit.
CELL destcell; // Cell of destination.
LandType ground; // Ground unit is entering.
COORDINATE dest; // Destination coordinate.
facing = Path[0];
if (!Target_Legal(NavCom) && facing == FACING_NONE) {
IsTurretLockedDown = false;
if (Mission == MISSION_MOVE) {
return(false); // Why is it calling this routine!?!
#ifdef NEVER
** Movement start logic can't begin until a unit that requires
** a locked down turret gets to a locked down state (i.e., the
** turret rotation stops.
if (Is_Rotating) {
** Reduce the path length if the target is a unit and the
** range to the unit is less than the precalculated path steps.
if (facing != FACING_NONE) {
int dist;
if (Is_Target_Unit(NavCom) || Is_Target_Infantry(NavCom)) {
dist = Lepton_To_Cell(Distance(NavCom));
// if (dist > CELL_LEPTON_W ||
// !As_Techno(NavCom)->Techno_Type_Class()->IsCrushable ||
// !Class->IsCrusher) {
if (dist < CONQUER_PATH_MAX) {
Path[dist] = FACING_NONE;
facing = Path[0]; // Maybe needed.
// }
** If the path is invalid at this point, then generate one. If
** generating a new path fails, then abort NavCom.
if (facing == FACING_NONE) {
** If after a path search, there is still no valid path, then set the
** NavCom to null and let the script take care of assigning a new
** navigation target.
if (!PathDelay.Expired()) {
if (!Basic_Path()) {
if (Distance(NavCom) < 0x0280 && (Mission == MISSION_MOVE || Mission == MISSION_GUARD_AREA)) {
} else {
** If a basic path could be found, but the immediate move destination is
** blocked by a friendly temporary blockage, then cause that blockage
** to scatter. If the destination is also one cell away, then scatter
** regardless of direction.
CELL ourcell = Coord_Cell(Center_Coord());
CELL navcell = As_Cell(NavCom);
CELL cell = -1;
if (::Distance(ourcell, navcell) < 2) {
cell = navcell;
} else {
cell = Adjacent_Cell(ourcell, PrimaryFacing.Current());
if (Map.In_Radar(cell)) {
if (Can_Enter_Cell(cell) == MOVE_TEMP) {
CellClass * cellptr = &Map[cell];
TechnoClass * blockage = cellptr->Cell_Techno();
if (blockage && House->Is_Ally(blockage)) {
bool old = Special.IsScatter;
Special.IsScatter = true;
cellptr->Incoming(0, true);
Special.IsScatter = old;
if (TryTryAgain) {
} else {
if (IsNewNavCom) Sound_Effect(VOC_SCOLD);
IsNewNavCom = false;
TrackNumber = -1;
IsTurretLockedDown = false;
** If a basic path could be found, but the immediate move destination is
** blocked by a friendly temporary blockage, then cause that blockage
** to scatter.
CELL cell = Adjacent_Cell(Coord_Cell(Center_Coord()), Path[0]);
if (Map.In_Radar(cell)) {
if (Can_Enter_Cell(cell) == MOVE_TEMP) {
CellClass * cellptr = &Map[cell];
TechnoClass * blockage = cellptr->Cell_Techno();
if (blockage && House->Is_Ally(blockage)) {
bool old = Special.IsScatter;
Special.IsScatter = true;
cellptr->Incoming(0, true);
Special.IsScatter = old;
TryTryAgain = PATH_RETRY;
facing = Path[0];
if (Class->IsLockTurret || !Class->IsTurretEquipped) {
IsTurretLockedDown = true;
#ifdef NEVER
** If the turret needs to match the body's facing before
** movement can occur, then start it's rotation and
** don't start a movement track until it is aligned.
if (!Ok_To_Move(BodyFacing)) {
** Determine the coordinate of the next cell to move into.
dest = Adjacent_Cell(Coord, facing);
dir = Facing_Dir(facing);
** Set the facing correctly if it isn't already correct. This
** means starting a rotation track if necessary.
facediff = PrimaryFacing.Difference(dir);
if (facediff) {
** Request a change of facing.
} else {
/* NOTE: Beyond this point, actual track assignment can begin.
** If the cell to move into is impassable (probably for some unexpected
** reason), then abort the path list and set the speed to zero. The
** next time this routine is called, a new path will be generated.
destcell = Coord_Cell(dest);
MoveType cando = Can_Enter_Cell(destcell, facing);
if (cando != MOVE_OK) {
if (Mission == MISSION_MOVE && House->IsHuman && Distance(NavCom) < 0x0200) {
** If a temporary friendly object is blocking the path, then cause it to
** get out of the way.
if (cando == MOVE_TEMP) {
bool old = Special.IsScatter;
Special.IsScatter = true;
Map[destcell].Incoming(0, true);
Special.IsScatter = old;
** If a cloaked object is blocking, then shimmer the cell.
if (cando == MOVE_CLOAK) {
if (cando != MOVE_MOVING_BLOCK) {
Path[0] = FACING_NONE; // Path is blocked!
** If blocked by a moving block then just exit start of move and
** try again next tick.
if (cando == MOVE_DESTROYABLE) {
if (Map[destcell].Cell_Object()) {
if (!House->Is_Ally(Map[destcell].Cell_Object())) {
Override_Mission(MISSION_ATTACK, Map[destcell].Cell_Object()->As_Target(), TARGET_NONE);
} else {
if (Map[destcell].Overlay != OVERLAY_NONE && OverlayTypeClass::As_Reference(Map[destcell].Overlay).IsWall) {
Override_Mission(MISSION_ATTACK, ::As_Target(destcell), TARGET_NONE);
} else {
if (IsNewNavCom) Sound_Effect(VOC_SCOLD);
IsNewNavCom = false;
TrackNumber = -1;
** Determine the speed that the unit can travel to the desired square.
ground = Map[destcell].Land_Type();
speed = Ground[ground].Cost[Class->Speed];
if (!speed) speed = 128;
#ifdef NEVER
** Set the jiggle flag if the terrain would cause the unit
** to jiggle when travelled over.
if (Ground[ground].Jiggle) {
** A damaged unit has a reduced speed.
if ((Class->MaxStrength>>1) > Strength) {
speed -= (speed>>2); // Three quarters speed.
if ((speed != Speed)/* || !SpeedAdd*/) {
Set_Speed(speed); // Full speed.
** Adjust speed depending on distance to ultimate movement target. The
** further away the target is, the faster the vehicle will travel.
int dist = Distance(NavCom);
if (dist < 0x0200) {
speed = Fixed_To_Cardinal(speed, 0x00A0);
} else {
if (dist < 0x0700) {
speed = Fixed_To_Cardinal(speed, 0x00D0);
** Reserve the destination cell so that it won't become
** occupied AS this unit is moving into it.
if (cando != MOVE_OK) {
Path[0] = FACING_NONE; // Path is blocked!
TrackNumber = -1;
dest = NULL;
} else {
Overrun_Square(Coord_Cell(dest), true);
** Determine which track to use (based on recorded path).
FacingType nextface = Path[1];
if (nextface == FACING_NONE) nextface = facing;
IsOnShortTrack = false;
TrackNumber = facing * FACING_COUNT + nextface;
if (TrackControl[TrackNumber].Track == 0) {
Path[0] = FACING_NONE;
TrackNumber = -1;
} else {
if (TrackControl[TrackNumber].Flag & F_D) {
** If the middle cell of a two cell track contains a crate,
** the check for goodies before movement starts.
if (!Map[destcell].Goodie_Check(this)) {
cando = MOVE_NO;
} else {
dest = Adjacent_Cell(dest, nextface);
destcell = Coord_Cell(dest);
cando = Can_Enter_Cell(destcell);
if (cando != MOVE_OK) {
** If a temporary friendly object is blocking the path, then cause it to
** get out of the way.
if (cando == MOVE_TEMP) {
bool old = Special.IsScatter;
Special.IsScatter = true;
Map[destcell].Incoming(0, true);
Special.IsScatter = old;
** If a cloaked object is blocking, then shimmer the cell.
if (cando == MOVE_CLOAK) {
Path[0] = FACING_NONE; // Path is blocked!
TrackNumber = -1;
dest = NULL;
if (cando == MOVE_DESTROYABLE) {
if (Map[destcell].Cell_Object()) {
if (!House->Is_Ally(Map[destcell].Cell_Object())) {
Override_Mission(MISSION_ATTACK, Map[destcell].Cell_Object()->As_Target(), TARGET_NONE);
} else {
if (Map[destcell].Overlay != OVERLAY_NONE && OverlayTypeClass::As_Reference(Map[destcell].Overlay).IsWall) {
Override_Mission(MISSION_ATTACK, ::As_Target(destcell), TARGET_NONE);
IsNewNavCom = false;
TrackIndex = 0;
} else {
memcpy(&Path[0], &Path[2], CONQUER_PATH_MAX-2);
IsPlanningToLook = true;
} else {
memcpy(&Path[0], &Path[1], CONQUER_PATH_MAX-1);
IsNewNavCom = false;
TrackIndex = 0;
if (!Start_Driver(dest)) {
TrackNumber = -1;
Path[0] = FACING_NONE;
* DriveClass::AI -- Processes unit movement and rotation. *
* *
* This routine is used to process unit movement and rotation. It *
* functions autonomously from the script system. Thus, once a unit *
* is give rotation command or movement path, it will follow this *
* until specifically instructed to stop. The advantage of this *
* method is that it allows smooth movement of units, faster game *
* execution, and reduced script complexity (since actual movement *
* dynamics need not be controlled directly by the scripts). *
* *
* INPUT: none *
* *
* OUTPUT: none *
* *
* WARNINGS: This routine relies on the process control bits for the *
* specified unit (for speed reasons). Thus, only setting *
* movement, rotation, or path list will the unit perform *
* any physics. *
* *
* 09/26/1993 JLB : Created. *
* 04/15/1994 JLB : Converted to member function. *
void DriveClass::AI(void)
** If the unit is following a track, then continue
** to do so -- mindlessly.
if (TrackNumber != -1) {
** Perform the movement accumulation.
if (!IsActive) return;
if (TrackNumber == -1 && (Target_Legal(NavCom) || Path[0] != FACING_NONE)) {
if (!IsActive) return;
} else {
** For tracked units that are rotating in place, perform the rotation now.
if ((Class->Speed == SPEED_FLOAT || Class->Speed == SPEED_HOVER || Class->Speed == SPEED_TRACK || (Class->Speed == SPEED_WHEEL && !Special.IsThreePoint)) && PrimaryFacing.Is_Rotating()) {
if (PrimaryFacing.Rotation_Adjust((int)(Class->ROT * House->GroundspeedBias))) {
if (!IsRotating) {
if (!IsActive) return;
} else {
** The unit has no track to follow, but if there
** is a navigation target or a remaining path,
** then start on a new track.
if (Mission != MISSION_GUARD || NavCom != TARGET_NONE) {
if (Target_Legal(NavCom) || Path[0] != FACING_NONE) {
if (!IsActive) return;
} else {
* DriveClass::Fixup_Path -- Adds smooth start path to normal movement path. *
* *
* This routine modifies the path of the specified unit so that it *
* will not start out with a rotation. This is necessary for those *
* vehicles that have difficulty with rotating in place. Typically, *
* this includes wheeled vehicles. *
* *
* INPUT: unit -- Pointer to the unit to adjust. *
* *
* path -- Pointer to path structure. *
* *
* OUTPUT: none *
* *
* WARNINGS: Only units that require a fixup get modified. The *
* modification only occurs, if there is a legal path to *
* do so. *
* *
* 04/03/1994 JLB : Created. *
* 04/06/1994 JLB : Uses path structure. *
* 04/10/1994 JLB : Diagonal smooth turn added. *
* 04/15/1994 JLB : Converted to member function. *
void DriveClass::Fixup_Path(PathType *path)
FacingType stage[6]={FACING_N,FACING_N,FACING_N,FACING_N,FACING_N,FACING_N}; // Prefix path elements.
int facediff; // The facing difference value (0..4 | 0..-4).
static FacingType _path[4][6] = {
static FacingType _dpath[4][6] = {
int index;
int counter; // Path addition
FacingType *ptr; // Path list pointer.
FacingType *ptr2; // Copy of new path list pointer.
FacingType nextpath; // Next path value.
CELL cell; // Working cell value.
bool ok;
** Verify that the unit is valid and there is a path problem to resolve.
if (!path || path->Command[0] == FACING_NONE) {
** Only wheeled vehicles need a path fixup -- to avoid 3 point turns.
if (!Special.IsThreePoint || Class->Speed != SPEED_WHEEL) {
** If the original path starts in the same direction as the unit, then
** there is no problem to resolve -- abort.
facediff = PrimaryFacing.Difference((DirType)(path->Command[0]<<5)) >> 5;
if (!facediff) return;
if (Dir_Facing(PrimaryFacing) & FACING_NE) {
ptr = &_dpath[(FacingType)ABS((int)facediff)-FACING_NE][1]; // Pointer to path adjust list.
counter = (int)_dpath[(FacingType)ABS((int)facediff)-FACING_NE][0]; // Number of path adjusts.
} else {
ptr = &_path[(FacingType)ABS((int)facediff)-FACING_NE][1]; // Pointer to path adjust list.
counter = (int)_path[(FacingType)ABS((int)facediff)-FACING_NE][0]; // Number of path adjusts.
ptr2 = ptr;
ok = true; // Presume adjustment is all ok.
cell = Coord_Cell(Coord); // Starting cell.
nextpath = Dir_Facing(PrimaryFacing); // Starting path.
for (index = 0; index < counter; index++) {
** Determine next path element and add it to the
** working path list.
if (facediff > 0) {
nextpath = nextpath + *ptr++;
} else {
nextpath = nextpath - *ptr++;
stage[index] = nextpath;
cell = Adjacent_Cell(cell, nextpath);
//cell = Coord_Cell(Adjacent_Cell(Cell_Coord(cell), nextpath));
** If it can't enter this cell, then abort the path
** building operation without adjusting the unit's
** path.
if (Can_Enter_Cell(cell, nextpath) != MOVE_OK) {
ok = false;
** If veering to the left was not successful, then try veering
** to the right. This only makes sense if the vehicle is trying
** to turn 180 degrees.
if (!ok && ABS(facediff) == 4) {
ptr = ptr2; // Pointer to path adjust list.
facediff = -facediff;
ok = true; // Presume adjustment is all ok.
cell = Coord_Cell(Coord); // Starting cell.
nextpath = Dir_Facing(PrimaryFacing); // Starting path.
for (index = 0; index < counter; index++) {
** Determine next path element and add it to the
** working path list.
if (facediff > 0) {
nextpath = nextpath + *ptr++;
} else {
nextpath = nextpath - *ptr++;
stage[index] = nextpath;
cell = Coord_Cell(Adjacent_Cell(Cell_Coord(cell), nextpath));
** If it can't enter this cell, then abort the path
** building operation without adjusting the unit's
** path.
if (Can_Enter_Cell(cell, nextpath) != MOVE_OK) {
ok = false;
** If a legal path addition was created, then install it in place
** of the first path value. The initial path entry is to be replaced
** with a sequence of path entries that create smooth turning.
if (ok) {
if (path->Length <= 1) {
movmem(&stage[0], path->Command, MAX(counter, 1));
path->Length = counter;
} else {
** Optimize the transition path step from the smooth turn
** first part as it joins with the rest of the normal
** path. The normal prefix path steps are NOT to be optimized.
if (counter) {
path->Command[0] = stage[counter];
Optimize_Moves(path, MOVE_OK);
** If there is more than one prefix path element, then
** insert the rest now.
if (counter) {
movmem(&path->Command[0], &path->Command[counter], 40-counter);
movmem(&stage[0], &path->Command[0], counter);
path->Length += counter;
path->Command[path->Length] = FACING_NONE;
* DriveClass::Lay_Track -- Handles track laying logic for the unit. *
* *
* This routine handles the track laying for the unit. This entails examining the unit's *
* current location as well as the direction and whether this unit is allowed to lay *
* tracks in the first place. *
* *
* INPUT: none *
* *
* OUTPUT: none *
* *
* WARNINGS: none *
* *
* 05/28/1994 JLB : Created. *
void DriveClass::Lay_Track(void)
#ifdef NEVER
static IconCommandType *_trackdirs[8] = {
if (!(ClassF & CLASSF_TRACKS)) return;
Icon_Install(Coord_Cell(Coord), _trackdirs[Facing_To_8(BodyFacing)]);
* DriveClass::Mark_Track -- Marks the midpoint of the track as occupied. *
* *
* This routine will ensure that the midpoint (if any) of the track that the unit is *
* following, will be marked according to the mark type specified. *
* *
* INPUT: headto -- The head to coordinate. *
* *
* type -- The type of marking to perform. *
* *
* OUTPUT: none *
* *
* WARNINGS: none *
* *
* 07/30/1995 JLB : Created. *
void DriveClass::Mark_Track(COORDINATE headto, MarkType type)
int value;
if (type == MARK_UP) {
value = false;
} else {
value = true;
if (headto) {
if (!IsOnShortTrack && TrackNumber != -1) {
** If we have not passed the per cell process point we need
** to deal with it.
int tracknum = TrackControl[TrackNumber].Track;
if (tracknum) {
TrackType const * ptr = RawTracks[tracknum - 1].Track;
int cellidx = RawTracks[tracknum - 1].Cell;
if (cellidx > -1) {
DirType dir = ptr[cellidx].Facing;
if (TrackIndex < cellidx && cellidx != -1) {
COORDINATE offset = Smooth_Turn(ptr[cellidx].Offset, &dir);
CELL cell = Coord_Cell(offset);
if ((unsigned)cell < MAP_CELL_TOTAL) {
Map[cell].Flag.Occupy.Vehicle = value;
CELL cell = Coord_Cell(headto);
if ((unsigned)cell < MAP_CELL_TOTAL) {
Map[cell].Flag.Occupy.Vehicle = value;
* DriveClass::Offload_Tiberium_Bail -- Offloads one Tiberium quantum from the object. *
* *
* This routine will offload one Tiberium packet/quantum/bail from the object. Multiple *
* calls to this routine are needed in order to fully offload all Tiberium. *
* *
* INPUT: none *
* *
* OUTPUT: Returns with the number of credits offloaded for the one call. If zero is returned,*
* then this indicates that all Tiberium has been offloaded. *
* *
* WARNINGS: none *
* *
* 07/19/1995 JLB : Created. *
int DriveClass::Offload_Tiberium_Bail(void)
if (Tiberium) {
if (House->IsHuman) {
return(UnitTypeClass::FULL_LOAD_CREDITS/UnitTypeClass::STEP_COUNT); // 25 in debugger
// MBL 05.14.2020: AI harvested credits fix for multiplayer, since they are miscalculated, and it's noticed
// return(UnitTypeClass::FULL_LOAD_CREDITS+(UnitTypeClass::FULL_LOAD_CREDITS/3)/UnitTypeClass::STEP_COUNT); 708 in debugger
if (GameToPlay == GAME_NORMAL) // Non-multiplayer game, keep the original calculation; 708 in debugger
return(UnitTypeClass::FULL_LOAD_CREDITS+(UnitTypeClass::FULL_LOAD_CREDITS/3)/UnitTypeClass::STEP_COUNT); // Original (708), wrong calcualation but preserving to not break missions
else // Multiplayer game, apply the 1/3 bonus credits correction, so not be as extreme; 33 in debugger
return((UnitTypeClass::FULL_LOAD_CREDITS+(UnitTypeClass::FULL_LOAD_CREDITS/3))/UnitTypeClass::STEP_COUNT); // Corrected calculation
* DriveClass::Ok_To_Move -- Checks to see if this object can begin moving. *
* *
* This routine is used to verify that this object is allowed to move. Some objects can *
* be temporarily occupied and thus cannot move until the situation permits. *
* *
* INPUT: direction -- The direction that movement would be desired. *
* *
* OUTPUT: Can the unit move in the direction specified? *
* *
* WARNINGS: none *
* *
* 07/29/1995 JLB : Created. *
bool DriveClass::Ok_To_Move(DirType ) const
return true;
* DriveClass::Class_Of -- Fetches a reference to the class type for this object. *
* *
* This routine will fetch a reference to the TypeClass of this object. *
* *
* INPUT: none *
* *
* OUTPUT: Returns with reference to the type class of this object. *
* *
* WARNINGS: none *
* *
* 07/29/1995 JLB : Created. *
ObjectTypeClass const & DriveClass::Class_Of(void) const
return *Class;
** Smooth turn track tables. These are coordinate offsets from the center
** of the destination cell. These are the raw tracks that are modified
** by negating the X and Y portions as necessary. Also for reverse travelling
** direction, the track list can be processed backward.
** Track 1 = N
** Track 2 = NE
** Track 3 = N->NE 45 deg (double path consumption)
** Track 4 = N->E 90 deg (double path consumption)
** Track 5 = NE->SE 90 deg (double path consumption)
** Track 6 = NE->N 45 deg (double path consumption)
** Track 7 = N->NE (facing change only)
** Track 8 = NE->E (facing change only)
** Track 9 = N->E (facing change only)
** Track 10= NE->SE (facing change only)
** Track 11= back up into refinery
** Track 12= drive out of refinery
//#pragma warn -ias
DriveClass::TrackType const DriveClass::Track1[24] = {
{0x007C0000L,(DirType)0}, // Track jump check here.
DriveClass::TrackType const DriveClass::Track2[] = {
{0x0080FF80L,(DirType)32}, // Track jump check here.
DriveClass::TrackType const DriveClass::Track3[] = {
{0x0175FF00L,(DirType)0}, // Jump entry point here.
{0x0107FF1FL,(DirType)13}, // Center cell processing here.
{0x0080FF80L,(DirType)32}, // Track jump check here.
DriveClass::TrackType const DriveClass::Track4[] = {
{0x0080FF14L,(DirType)5}, // Track entry here.
{0x0014FF82L,(DirType)60}, // Track jump here.
DriveClass::TrackType const DriveClass::Track5[] = {
{0xFF80FE80L,(DirType)32}, // Track entry here.
{0xFF80FF80L,(DirType)96}, // Track jump check here.
DriveClass::TrackType const DriveClass::Track6[] = {
{0x0080FE80L,(DirType)32}, // Jump entry point here.
{0x0000FF80L,(DirType)64}, // Track jump check here.
DriveClass::TrackType const DriveClass::Track7[] = {
DriveClass::TrackType const DriveClass::Track8[] = {
DriveClass::TrackType const DriveClass::Track9[] = {
DriveClass::TrackType const DriveClass::Track10[] = {
DriveClass::TrackType const DriveClass::Track11[] = {
DriveClass::TrackType const DriveClass::Track12[] = {
** Drive out of weapon's factory.
DriveClass::TrackType const DriveClass::Track13[] = {
** There are a limited basic number of tracks that a vehicle can follow. These
** are they. Each track can be interpreted differently but this is controlled
** by the TrackControl structure elaborated elsewhere.
DriveClass::RawTrackType const DriveClass::RawTracks[13] = {
{Track1, -1, 0, -1},
{Track2, -1, 0, -1},
{Track3, 37, 12, 22},
{Track4, 26, 11, 19},
{Track5, 45, 15, 31},
{Track6, 44, 16, 27},
{Track7, -1, 0, -1},
{Track8, -1, 0, -1},
{Track9, -1, 0, -1},
{Track10, -1, 0, -1},
{Track11, -1, 0, -1},
{Track12, -1, 0, -1},
{Track13, -1, 0, -1}
** Smooth turning control table. Given two directions in a path list, this
** table determines which track to use and what modifying operations need
** be performed on the track data.
DriveClass::TurnTrackType const DriveClass::TrackControl[67] = {
{1, 0, DIR_N, F_}, // 0-0
{3, 7, DIR_NE, F_D}, // 0-1 (raw chart)
{4, 9, DIR_E, F_D}, // 0-2 (raw chart)
{0, 0, DIR_SE, F_}, // 0-3 !
{0, 0, DIR_S, F_}, // 0-4 !
{0, 0, DIR_SW, F_}, // 0-5 !
{4, 9, DIR_W, (DriveClass::TrackControlType)(F_X|F_D)}, // 0-6
{3, 7, DIR_NW, (DriveClass::TrackControlType)(F_X|F_D)}, // 0-7
{6, 8, DIR_N, (DriveClass::TrackControlType)(F_T|F_X|F_Y|F_D)}, // 1-0
{2, 0, DIR_NE, F_}, // 1-1 (raw chart)
{6, 8, DIR_E, F_D}, // 1-2 (raw chart)
{5, 10, DIR_SE, F_D}, // 1-3 (raw chart)
{0, 0, DIR_S, F_}, // 1-4 !
{0, 0, DIR_SW, F_}, // 1-5 !
{0, 0, DIR_W, F_}, // 1-6 !
{5, 10, DIR_NW, (DriveClass::TrackControlType)(F_T|F_X|F_Y|F_D)}, // 1-7
{4, 9, DIR_N, (DriveClass::TrackControlType)(F_T|F_X|F_Y|F_D)}, // 2-0
{3, 7, DIR_NE, (DriveClass::TrackControlType)(F_T|F_X|F_Y|F_D)}, // 2-1
{1, 0, DIR_E, (DriveClass::TrackControlType)(F_T|F_X)}, // 2-2
{3, 7, DIR_SE, (DriveClass::TrackControlType)(F_T|F_X|F_D)}, // 2-3
{4, 9, DIR_S, (DriveClass::TrackControlType)(F_T|F_X|F_D)}, // 2-4
{0, 0, DIR_SW, F_}, // 2-5 !
{0, 0, DIR_W, F_}, // 2-6 !
{0, 0, DIR_NW, F_}, // 2-7 !
{0, 0, DIR_N, F_}, // 3-0 !
{5, 10, DIR_NE, (DriveClass::TrackControlType)(F_Y|F_D)}, // 3-1
{6, 8, DIR_E, (DriveClass::TrackControlType)(F_Y|F_D)}, // 3-2
{2, 0, DIR_SE, F_Y}, // 3-3
{6, 8, DIR_S, (DriveClass::TrackControlType)(F_T|F_X|F_D)}, // 3-4
{5, 10, DIR_SW, (DriveClass::TrackControlType)(F_T|F_X|F_D)}, // 3-5
{0, 0, DIR_W, F_}, // 3-6 !
{0, 0, DIR_NW, F_}, // 3-7 !
{0, 0, DIR_N, F_}, // 4-0 !
{0, 0, DIR_NE, F_}, // 4-1 !
{4, 9, DIR_E, (DriveClass::TrackControlType)(F_Y|F_D)}, // 4-2
{3, 7, DIR_SE, (DriveClass::TrackControlType)(F_Y|F_D)}, // 4-3
{1, 0, DIR_S, F_Y}, // 4-4
{3, 7, DIR_SW, (DriveClass::TrackControlType)(F_X|F_Y|F_D)}, // 4-5
{4, 9, DIR_W, (DriveClass::TrackControlType)(F_X|F_Y|F_D)}, // 4-6
{0, 0, DIR_NW, F_}, // 4-7 !
{0, 0, DIR_N, F_}, // 5-0 !
{0, 0, DIR_NE, F_}, // 5-1 !
{0, 0, DIR_E, F_}, // 5-2 !
{5, 10, DIR_SE, (DriveClass::TrackControlType)(F_T|F_D)}, // 5-3
{6, 8, DIR_S, (DriveClass::TrackControlType)(F_T|F_D)}, // 5-4
{2, 0, DIR_SW, F_T}, // 5-5
{6, 8, DIR_W, (DriveClass::TrackControlType)(F_X|F_Y|F_D)}, // 5-6
{5, 10, DIR_NW, (DriveClass::TrackControlType)(F_X|F_Y|F_D)}, // 5-7
{4, 9, DIR_N, (DriveClass::TrackControlType)(F_T|F_Y|F_D)}, // 6-0
{0, 0, DIR_NE, F_}, // 6-1 !
{0, 0, DIR_E, F_}, // 6-2 !
{0, 0, DIR_SE, F_}, // 6-3 !
{4, 9, DIR_S, (DriveClass::TrackControlType)(F_T|F_D)}, // 6-4
{3, 7, DIR_SW, (DriveClass::TrackControlType)(F_T|F_D)}, // 6-5
{1, 0, DIR_W, F_T}, // 6-6
{3, 7, DIR_NW, (DriveClass::TrackControlType)(F_T|F_Y|F_D)}, // 6-7
{6, 8, DIR_N, (DriveClass::TrackControlType)(F_T|F_Y|F_D)}, // 7-0
{5, 10, DIR_NE, (DriveClass::TrackControlType)(F_T|F_Y|F_D)}, // 7-1
{0, 0, DIR_E, F_}, // 7-2 !
{0, 0, DIR_SE, F_}, // 7-3 !
{0, 0, DIR_S, F_}, // 7-4 !
{5, 10, DIR_SW, (DriveClass::TrackControlType)(F_X|F_D)}, // 7-5
{6, 8, DIR_W, (DriveClass::TrackControlType)(F_X|F_D)}, // 7-6
{2, 0, DIR_NW, F_X}, // 7-7
{11, 11, DIR_SW, F_}, // Backup harvester into refinery.
{12, 12, DIR_SW_X2, F_}, // Drive back into refinery.
{13, 13, DIR_SW, F_} // Drive out of weapons factory.