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PG-SteveT 03416d24e1 Initial Source Code commit
Initial commit of original Tiberian Dawn and Red Alert source code converted to build as DLLs, and compatible with the release version of Command & Conquer Remastered.
2020-05-27 12:16:20 -07:00

957 lines
30 KiB

// Copyright 2020 Electronic Arts Inc.
// TiberianDawn.DLL and RedAlert.dll and corresponding source code is free
// software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
// the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation,
// either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// TiberianDawn.DLL and RedAlert.dll and corresponding source code is distributed
// in the hope that it will be useful, but with permitted additional restrictions
// under Section 7 of the GPL. See the GNU General Public License in LICENSE.TXT
// distributed with this program. You should have received a copy of the
// GNU General Public License along with permitted additional restrictions
// with this program. If not, see
/* $Header: /CounterStrike/HOUSE.H 1 3/03/97 10:24a Joe_bostic $ */
*** C O N F I D E N T I A L --- W E S T W O O D S T U D I O S ***
* *
* Project Name : Command & Conquer *
* *
* File Name : HOUSE.H *
* *
* Programmer : Joe L. Bostic *
* *
* Start Date : May 21, 1994 *
* *
* Last Update : May 21, 1994 [JLB] *
* *
* Functions: *
* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
#ifndef HOUSE_H
#define HOUSE_H
#include "type.h"
#include "region.h"
#include "vector.h"
#include "Credits.h"
class TriggerClass;
class FootClass;
class FactoryClass;
#define HOUSE_NAME_MAX 12
** Certain aspects of the house "country" are initially set by the scenario
** control file. This information is static for the duration of the current
** scenario, but is dynamic between scenarios. As such, it can't be placed in
** the static HouseTypeClass structure, but is embedded into the house
** class instead.
class HouseStaticClass {
HouseStaticClass(NoInitClass const & ) {};
** This value indicates the degree of smartness to assign to this house.
** A value is zero is presumed for human controlled houses.
int IQ;
** This is the buildable tech level for this house. This value is used
** for when the computer is deciding what objects to build.
int TechLevel;
** This is the original ally specification to use at scenario
** start. Various forces during play may adjust the ally state
** of this house.
int Allies;
** This is the maximum number allowed to be built by this house. The
** value depends on the scenario being played.
unsigned MaxUnit;
unsigned MaxBuilding;
unsigned MaxInfantry;
unsigned MaxVessel;
unsigned MaxAircraft;
** This records the initial credits assigned to this house when the scenario
** was loaded.
long InitialCredits;
** For generic (unspecified) reinforcements, they arrive by a common method. This
** specifies which method is to be used.
SourceType Edge;
** Player control structure. Each player (computer or human) has one of
** these structures associated. These are located in a global array.
class HouseClass {
int ID;
** Pointer to the HouseTypeClass that this house is "owned" by.
** All constant data for a house type is stored in that class.
CCPtr<HouseTypeClass> Class;
** This is the handicap (difficulty level) assigned to this house.
DiffType Difficulty;
** Override handicap control values.
fixed FirepowerBias;
fixed GroundspeedBias;
fixed AirspeedBias;
fixed ArmorBias;
fixed ROFBias;
fixed CostBias;
fixed BuildSpeedBias;
fixed RepairDelay;
fixed BuildDelay;
** The initial house data as loaded from the scenario control file is
** stored here. Although this data changes for each scenario, it remains
** static for the duration of the current scenario.
HouseStaticClass Control;
** This is the house type that this house object should act like. This
** value controls production choices and radar cover plate imagery.
HousesType ActLike;
** Is this player active? Usually that answer is true, but for civilians, it
** might possibly be false.
unsigned IsActive:1;
** If this house is controlled by the player, then this flag will be true. The
** computer controls all other active houses.
unsigned IsHuman:1;
unsigned WasHuman:1;
** If the player can control units of this house even if the player doesn't
** own units of this house, then this flag will be true.
unsigned IsPlayerControl:1;
** This flag enables production. If the flag is false, production is disabled.
** By timing when this flag gets set, the player can be given some breathing room.
unsigned IsStarted:1;
** When alerted, the house will create teams of the special "auto" type and
** will generate appropriate units to fill those team types.
unsigned IsAlerted:1;
** If automatic base building is on, then this flag will be set to true.
unsigned IsBaseBuilding:1;
** If the house has been discovered, then this flag will be set
** to true. However, the trigger even associated with discovery
** will only be executed during the next house AI process.
unsigned IsDiscovered:1;
** If Tiberium storage is maxed out, then this flag will be set. At some point
** the player is told of this fact and then this flag is cleared. This allows the
** player to be told, but only occasionally rather than continuously.
unsigned IsMaxedOut:1;
** If this house is played by a human in a multiplayer game, this flag
** keeps track of whether this house has been defeated or not.
unsigned IsDefeated:1;
** These flags are used in conjunction with the BorrowedTime timer. When
** that timer expires and one of these flags are set, then that event is
** applied to the house. This allows a dramatic pause between the event
** trigger and the result.
unsigned IsToDie:1;
unsigned IsToWin:1;
unsigned IsToLose:1;
** This flag is set when a transport carrying a civilian has been
** successfully evacuated. It is presumed that a possible trigger
** event will be sprung by this event.
unsigned IsCivEvacuated:1;
** If potentially something changed that might affect the sidebar list of
** buildable objects, then this flag indicates that at the first LEGAL opportunity,
** the sidebar will be recalculated.
unsigned IsRecalcNeeded:1;
** If the map has been completely revealed to the player, then this flag
** will be set to true. By examining this flag, a second "reveal all map"
** crate won't be given to the player.
unsigned IsVisionary:1;
** This flag is set to true when the house has determined that
** there is insufficient Tiberium to keep the harvesters busy.
** In such a case, the further refinery/harvester production
** should cease. This is one of the first signs that the endgame
** has begun.
unsigned IsTiberiumShort:1;
** These flags are used for the general house trigger events of being
** spied and thieved. The appropriate flag will be set when the event
** occurs.
unsigned IsSpied:1;
unsigned IsThieved:1;
** This flag is used to control non-human repairing of buildings. Each
** house gets to repair one building per loop, and this flag controls
** whether this house has 'spent' its repair option this time through.
unsigned DidRepair:1;
** This flag is used to control whether or not this house has the GPS
** satellite in orbit. If the satellite's there, they have unlimited
** radar and the map is fully revealed.
unsigned IsGPSActive:1;
** If the JustBuilt??? variable has changed, then this flag will
** be set to true.
unsigned IsBuiltSomething:1;
** Did this house lose via resignation?
unsigned IsResigner:1;
** Did this house lose because the player quit?
unsigned IsGiverUpper:1;
** If this computer controlled house has reason to be mad at humans,
** then this flag will be true. Such a condition prevents alliances with
** a human and encourages the computers players to ally amongst themselves.
unsigned IsParanoid:1;
** A gap generator shrouded cells and all units of this house must perform
** a look just in case their look radius intersects the shroud area.
unsigned IsToLook:1;
** MBL 03.23.2020 - Support for queued movement mode (informed from the client)
unsigned IsQueuedMovementToggle:1;
** This value indicates the degree of smartness to assign to this house.
** A value of zero indicates that the player controls everything.
int IQ;
** This records the current state of the base. This state is used to control
** what action the base will perform and directly affects production and
** unit disposition. The state will change according to time and combat
** events.
StateType State;
** These super weapon control objects are used to control the recharge
** and availability of these special weapons to this house.
SuperClass SuperWeapon[SPC_COUNT];
** This is a record of the last building that was built. For buildings that
** were built as a part of scenario creation, it will be the last one
** discovered.
StructType JustBuiltStructure;
InfantryType JustBuiltInfantry;
UnitType JustBuiltUnit;
AircraftType JustBuiltAircraft;
VesselType JustBuiltVessel;
** This records the number of triggers associated with this house that are
** blocking a win condition. A win will only occur if all the blocking
** triggers have been deleted.
int Blockage;
** For computer controlled houses, there is an artificial delay between
** performing repair actions. This timer regulates that delay. If the
** timer has not expired, then no repair initiation is allowed.
CDTimerClass<FrameTimerClass> RepairTimer;
** This timer controls the computer auto-attack logic. When this timer expires
** and the house has been alerted, then it will create a set of attack
** teams.
CDTimerClass<FrameTimerClass> AlertTime;
** This timer is used to handle the delay between some catastrophic
** event trigger and when it is actually carried out.
CDTimerClass<FrameTimerClass> BorrowedTime;
** This is the last working scan bits for buildings. If a building is
** active and owned by this house, it will have a bit set in this element
** that corresponds to the building type number. Since this value is
** accumulated over time, the "New" element contains the under-construction
** version.
unsigned long BScan;
unsigned long ActiveBScan;
unsigned long OldBScan;
** This is the last working scan bits for units. For every existing unit
** type owned by this house, a corresponding bit is set in this element. As
** the scan bits are being constructed, they are built into the "New" element
** and then duplicated into the regular element at the end of every logic cycle.
unsigned long UScan;
unsigned long ActiveUScan;
unsigned long OldUScan;
** Infantry type existence bits. Similar to unit and building bits.
unsigned long IScan;
unsigned long ActiveIScan;
unsigned long OldIScan;
** Aircraft type existence bits. Similar to unit and building bits.
unsigned long AScan;
unsigned long ActiveAScan;
unsigned long OldAScan;
** Vessel type existence bits. Similar to unit and building bits.
unsigned long VScan;
unsigned long ActiveVScan;
unsigned long OldVScan;
** Record of gains and losses for this house during the course of the
** scenario.
unsigned CreditsSpent;
unsigned HarvestedCredits;
int StolenBuildingsCredits;
** This is the running count of the number of units owned by this house. This
** value is used to keep track of ownership limits.
unsigned CurUnits;
unsigned CurBuildings;
unsigned CurInfantry;
unsigned CurVessels;
unsigned CurAircraft;
** This is the running total of the number of credits this house has accumulated.
long Tiberium;
long Credits;
long Capacity;
** Stuff to keep track of the total number of units built by this house.
UnitTrackerClass * AircraftTotals;
UnitTrackerClass * InfantryTotals;
UnitTrackerClass * UnitTotals;
UnitTrackerClass * BuildingTotals;
UnitTrackerClass * VesselTotals;
** Total number of units destroyed by this house
UnitTrackerClass * DestroyedAircraft;
UnitTrackerClass * DestroyedInfantry;
UnitTrackerClass * DestroyedUnits;
UnitTrackerClass * DestroyedBuildings;
UnitTrackerClass * DestroyedVessels;
** Total number of enemy buildings captured by this house
UnitTrackerClass * CapturedBuildings;
** Total number of crates found by this house
UnitTrackerClass * TotalCrates;
** Records the number of infantry and vehicle factories active. This value is
** used to regulate the speed of production.
int AircraftFactories;
int InfantryFactories;
int UnitFactories;
int VesselFactories;
int BuildingFactories;
** This is the accumulation of the total power and drain factors. From these
** values a ratio can be derived. This ratio is used to control the rate
** of building decay.
int Power; // Current power output.
int Drain; // Power consumption.
** For human controlled houses, only one type of unit can be produced
** at any one instant. These factory objects control this production.
int AircraftFactory;
int InfantryFactory;
int UnitFactory;
int VesselFactory;
int BuildingFactory;
** For human controlled houses, the current state of the radar map
RadarEnum Radar;
** This target value specifies where the flag is located. It might be a cell
** or it might be an object.
TARGET FlagLocation;
** This is the flag-home-cell for this house. This is where we must bring
** another house's flag back to, to defeat that house.
CELL FlagHome;
** For multiplayer games, each house needs to keep track of how many
** objects of each other house they've killed.
unsigned UnitsKilled[HOUSE_COUNT];
unsigned UnitsLost;
unsigned BuildingsKilled[HOUSE_COUNT];
unsigned BuildingsLost;
** This keeps track of the last house to destroy one of my units.
** It's used for scoring multiplayer games.
HousesType WhoLastHurtMe;
** Start location (waypoint index) passed in from GlyphX
int StartLocationOverride;
** This records information about the location and size of
** the base.
COORDINATE Center; // Center of the base.
int Radius; // Average building distance from center (leptons).
struct {
int AirDefense;
int ArmorDefense;
int InfantryDefense;
} ZoneInfo[ZONE_COUNT];
** This records information about the last time a building of this
** side was attacked. This information is used to determine proper
** response.
int LATime; // Time of attack.
RTTIType LAType; // Type of attacker.
ZoneType LAZone; // Last zone that was attacked.
HousesType LAEnemy; // Owner of attacker.
** This target value is the building that must be captured as soon as possible.
** Typically, this will be one of the buildings of this house that has been
** captured and needs to be recaptured.
TARGET ToCapture;
** This value shows who is spying on this house's radar facilities.
** This is used for the other side to be able to update their radar
** map based on the cells that this house's units reveal.
int RadarSpied;
** Running score, based on units destroyed and units lost.
int PointTotal;
** This is the targeting directions for when this house gets a
** special weapon.
QuarryType PreferredTarget;
** Screen shake timer.
CDTimerClass<FrameTimerClass> ScreenShakeTime;
** Tracks number of each building type owned by this house. Even if the
** building is in construction, it will be reflected in this total.
int BQuantity[STRUCT_COUNT-3];
#ifdef FIXIT_CSII // checked - ajw 9/28/98
int UQuantity[UNIT_RA_COUNT-3];
int UQuantity[UNIT_COUNT-3];
int BQuantity[STRUCT_COUNT];
int UQuantity[UNIT_COUNT];
#ifdef FIXIT_CSII // checked - ajw 9/28/98
int IQuantity[INFANTRY_COUNT];
int AQuantity[AIRCRAFT_COUNT];
#ifdef FIXIT_CSII // checked - ajw 9/28/98
int VQuantity[VESSEL_RA_COUNT];
int VQuantity[VESSEL_COUNT];
** This timer keeps track of when an all out attack should be performed.
** When this timer expires, send most of this house's units in an
** attack.
CDTimerClass<FrameTimerClass> Attack;
** This records the overriding enemy that the computer will try to
** destroy. Typically, this is the last house to attack, but can be
** influenced by nearness.
HousesType Enemy;
** The house expert system is regulated by this timer. Each computer controlled
** house will process the Expert System AI at intermittent intervals. Not only will
** this distribute the overhead more evenly, but will add variety to play.
CDTimerClass<FrameTimerClass> AITimer;
** For the moebius effect, this is a pointer to the unit that we
** selected to teleport. Only one teleporter should be active per house.
TARGET UnitToTeleport;
** This elaborates the suggested objects to construct. When the specified object
** is constructed, then this corresponding value will be reset to nill state. The
** expert system decides what should be produced, and then records the
** recommendation in these variables.
StructType BuildStructure;
UnitType BuildUnit;
InfantryType BuildInfantry;
AircraftType BuildAircraft;
VesselType BuildVessel;
** Constructors, Destructors, and overloaded operators.
static void * operator new(size_t size);
static void * operator new(size_t , void * ptr) {return(ptr);};
static void operator delete(void *ptr);
HouseClass(HousesType house);
HouseClass(NoInitClass const & x) : Class(x), Control(x), AlertTime(x), BorrowedTime(x), Attack(x), AITimer(x), DamageTime(x), TeamTime(x), TriggerTime(x), SpeakAttackDelay(x), SpeakPowerDelay(x), SpeakMoneyDelay(x), SpeakMaxedDelay(x) {};
operator HousesType(void) const;
** Member function prototypes.
CELL Random_Cell_In_Zone(ZoneType zone) const;
static void Computer_Paranoid(void);
bool Is_Allowed_To_Ally(HousesType house) const;
void Do_All_To_Hunt(void) const;
void Super_Weapon_Handler(void);
int * Factory_Counter(RTTIType rtti);
int Factory_Count(RTTIType rtti) const;
DiffType Assign_Handicap(DiffType handicap);
TARGET Find_Juicy_Target(COORDINATE coord) const;
void Print_Zone_Stats(int x, int y, ZoneType zone, MonoClass * mono) const;
CELL Where_To_Go(FootClass const * object) const;
CELL Zone_Cell(ZoneType zone) const;
ZoneType Which_Zone(COORDINATE coord) const;
ZoneType Which_Zone(ObjectClass const * object) const;
ZoneType Which_Zone(CELL cell) const;
CELL Find_Cell_In_Zone(TechnoClass const * techno, ZoneType zone) const;
ProdFailType Begin_Production(RTTIType type, int id);
ProdFailType Suspend_Production(RTTIType type);
ProdFailType Abandon_Production(RTTIType type);
bool Place_Object(RTTIType type, CELL cell);
bool Manual_Place(BuildingClass * builder, BuildingClass * object);
void Special_Weapon_AI(SpecialWeaponType id);
bool Place_Special_Blast(SpecialWeaponType id, CELL cell);
bool Flag_Attach(CELL cell, bool set_home = false);
bool Flag_Attach(UnitClass * object, bool set_home = false);
bool Flag_Remove(TARGET target, bool set_home = false);
void Init_Data(PlayerColorType color, HousesType house, int credits);
COORDINATE Find_Build_Location(BuildingClass * building) const;
BuildingClass * Find_Building(StructType type, ZoneType zone=ZONE_NONE) const;
char const * Name(void) const {return(Class->Name());}
// Added so the ally flags could be sent to client machines - 09 / 12 / 2019 JAS
unsigned Get_Ally_Flags();
bool Fire_Sale(void);
bool Is_Hack_Prevented(RTTIType rtti, int value) const;
bool Is_No_YakMig(void) const;
int Expert_AI(void);
void Production_Begun(TechnoClass const * rtti);
void Sell_Wall(CELL cell);
bool Flag_To_Die(void);
bool Flag_To_Win(void);
bool Flag_To_Lose(void);
void Make_Ally(HousesType house);
void Make_Ally(ObjectClass * object) {if (object) Make_Ally(object->Owner());};
void Make_Enemy(HousesType house);
void Make_Enemy(ObjectClass * object) {if (object) Make_Enemy(object->Owner());};
bool Is_Ally(HousesType house) const;
bool Is_Ally(HouseClass const * house) const;
bool Is_Ally(ObjectClass const * object) const;
void Debug_Dump(MonoClass *mono) const;
void AI(void);
bool Can_Build(RTTIType rtti, int type, HousesType house) const;
// Factory controls.
FactoryClass * Fetch_Factory(RTTIType rtti) const;
void Set_Factory(RTTIType rtti, FactoryClass * factory);
bool Can_Build(ObjectTypeClass const * type, HousesType house) const;
int Get_Quantity(AircraftType aircraft);
int Get_Quantity(StructType building);
unsigned char const * Remap_Table(bool blushing=false, RemapType remap=REMAP_NORMAL) const;
TechnoTypeClass const * Suggest_New_Object(RTTIType objectype, bool kennel=false) const;
BuildingTypeClass const * Suggest_New_Building(void) const;
void Recalc_Center(void);
bool Does_Enemy_Building_Exist(StructType) const;
void Harvested(unsigned tiberium);
void Stole(unsigned worth);
long Available_Money(void) const;
void Spend_Money(unsigned money);
void Refund_Money(unsigned money);
void Attacked(BuildingClass* source);
void Adjust_Power(int adjust);
void Adjust_Drain(int adjust);
void Update_Spied_Power_Plants(void);
int Adjust_Capacity(int adjust, bool inanger=false);
fixed Power_Fraction(void) const;
fixed Tiberium_Fraction(void) const;
void Begin_Production(void) {IsStarted = true;};
TeamTypeClass const * Suggested_New_Team(bool alertcheck = false);
void Adjust_Threat(int region, int threat);
void Tracking_Remove(TechnoClass const * techno);
void Tracking_Add(TechnoClass const * techno);
void Active_Remove(TechnoClass const * techno);
void Active_Add(TechnoClass const * techno);
UrgencyType Check_Attack(void) const;
UrgencyType Check_Build_Power(void) const;
UrgencyType Check_Build_Defense(void) const;
UrgencyType Check_Build_Offense(void) const;
UrgencyType Check_Build_Income(void) const;
UrgencyType Check_Fire_Sale(void) const;
UrgencyType Check_Build_Engineer(void) const;
UrgencyType Check_Raise_Money(void) const;
UrgencyType Check_Raise_Power(void) const;
UrgencyType Check_Lower_Power(void) const;
bool AI_Attack(UrgencyType urgency);
bool AI_Build_Power(UrgencyType urgency) const;
bool AI_Build_Defense(UrgencyType urgency) const;
bool AI_Build_Offense(UrgencyType urgency) const;
bool AI_Build_Income(UrgencyType urgency) const;
bool AI_Fire_Sale(UrgencyType urgency);
bool AI_Build_Engineer(UrgencyType urgency) const;
bool AI_Raise_Money(UrgencyType urgency) const;
bool AI_Raise_Power(UrgencyType urgency) const;
bool AI_Lower_Power(UrgencyType urgency) const;
bool Can_Make_Money(void) const {
return(Available_Money() > 300 || (BScan & STRUCTF_REFINERY));
static void Init(void);
static void One_Time(void);
static HouseClass * As_Pointer(HousesType house);
static void Recalc_Attributes(void);
** New default win mode to avoid griefing. ST - 1/31/2020 3:33PM
void Check_Pertinent_Structures(void);
void Init_Unit_Trackers(void);
void Free_Unit_Trackers(void);
** File I/O.
static void Read_INI(CCINIClass & ini);
static void Write_INI(CCINIClass & ini);
static void Read_Flag_INI(char *buffer);
static void Write_Flag_INI(char *buffer);
bool Load(Straw & file);
bool Save(Pipe & file) const;
void Code_Pointers(void);
void Decode_Pointers(void);
** Special house actions.
void Detach(TARGET target, bool all);
** This vector holds the recorded status of the map regions. It is through
** this region information that team paths are calculated.
RegionClass Regions[MAP_TOTAL_REGIONS];
** This count down timer class decrements and then changes
** the Atomic Bomb state.
CELL NukeDest;
** Per-house credits class to track the visible credits state for each house. Redundant in the original game, but needed
** to preserve the exact credits count behavior in the GlyphX client. ST - 10/16/2019 2:31PM
CreditClass VisibleCredits;
bool DebugUnlockBuildables;
** This routine completely removes this house & all its objects from the game.
void Clobber_All(void);
** This routine blows up everything in this house. Fun!
void Blowup_All(void);
** This routine gets called in multiplayer games when every unit, building,
** and infantry for a house is destroyed.
void MPlayer_Defeated(void);
** When the game's over, this routine assigns everyone their score.
void Tally_Score(void);
friend class MapEditClass;
void Silo_Redraw_Check(long oldtib, long oldcap);
int AI_Building(void);
int AI_Unit(void);
int AI_Vessel(void);
int AI_Infantry(void);
int AI_Aircraft(void);
** This is a bit field record of all the other houses that are allies with
** this house. It is presumed that any house that isn't an ally, is therefore
** an enemy. A house is always considered allied with itself.
unsigned Allies;
** General low-power related damaged is doled out whenever this timer
** expires.
CDTimerClass<FrameTimerClass> DamageTime;
** Team creation is done whenever this timer expires.
CDTimerClass<FrameTimerClass> TeamTime;
** This controls the rate that the trigger time logic is processed.
CDTimerClass<FrameTimerClass> TriggerTime;
** At various times, the computer may announce the player's condition. The following
** variables are used as countdown timers so that these announcements are paced
** far enough apart to reduce annoyance.
CDTimerClass<FrameTimerClass> SpeakAttackDelay;
CDTimerClass<FrameTimerClass> SpeakPowerDelay;
CDTimerClass<FrameTimerClass> SpeakMoneyDelay;
CDTimerClass<FrameTimerClass> SpeakMaxedDelay;
** This structure is used to record a build request as determined by
** the house AI processing. Higher priority build requests take precidence.
struct BuildChoiceClass {
static void * operator new(size_t, void * ptr) {return(ptr);};
UrgencyType Urgency; // The urgency of the build request.
StructType Structure; // The type of building to produce.
BuildChoiceClass(UrgencyType u, StructType s) : Urgency(u), Structure(s) {};
BuildChoiceClass(NoInitClass const & ) {};
int Save(Pipe &) const {return(true);};
int Load(Straw &) {return(true);};
void Code_Pointers(void) {};
void Decode_Pointers(void) {};
static TFixedIHeapClass<BuildChoiceClass> BuildChoice;
** These values are for multiplay only.
** For multiplayer games, each house instance has a remap table; the table
** in the HousesTypeClass isn't used. This variable is set to the remap
** table for the color the player wants to play.
PlayerColorType RemapColor;
** This is the name ("handle") the player has chosen for himself.
char IniName[HOUSE_NAME_MAX];
// For Internet games only, unchanging name of player when game began.
// This name does not get changed to "Computer" if computer takes over for player.
char InitialName[HOUSE_NAME_MAX];
int QuantityB(int index) {return(BQuantity[index]);}
#ifdef FIXIT_CSII // checked - ajw 9/28/98
int QuantityU(int index) {
if(index >= UNIT_RA_COUNT) index -= UNIT_RA_COUNT;
int QuantityI(int index) {
int QuantityA(int index) {return(AQuantity[index]);}
int QuantityV(int index) {
if(index >= VESSEL_RA_COUNT) index -= VESSEL_RA_COUNT;
int QuantityU(int index) {return(UQuantity[index]);}
int QuantityI(int index) {return(IQuantity[index]);}
int QuantityA(int index) {return(AQuantity[index]);}
int QuantityV(int index) {return(VQuantity[index]);}
** Some additional padding in case we need to add data to the class and maintain backwards compatibility for save/load
unsigned char SaveLoadPadding[256];