Initial commit of original Tiberian Dawn and Red Alert source code converted to build as DLLs, and compatible with the release version of Command & Conquer Remastered.
418 lines
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418 lines
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// Copyright 2020 Electronic Arts Inc.
// TiberianDawn.DLL and RedAlert.dll and corresponding source code is free
// software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
// the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation,
// either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// TiberianDawn.DLL and RedAlert.dll and corresponding source code is distributed
// in the hope that it will be useful, but with permitted additional restrictions
// under Section 7 of the GPL. See the GNU General Public License in LICENSE.TXT
// distributed with this program. You should have received a copy of the
// GNU General Public License along with permitted additional restrictions
// with this program. If not, see
/* $Header: /CounterStrike/TECHNO.H 1 3/03/97 10:25a Joe_bostic $ */
*** C O N F I D E N T I A L --- W E S T W O O D S T U D I O S ***
* *
* Project Name : Command & Conquer *
* *
* File Name : TECHNO.H *
* *
* Programmer : Joe L. Bostic *
* *
* Start Date : April 14, 1994 *
* *
* Last Update : April 14, 1994 [JLB] *
* *
* Functions: *
* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
#ifndef TECHNO_H
#define TECHNO_H
#include "radio.h"
#include "stage.h"
#include "cargo.h"
#include "flasher.h"
#include "house.h"
#include "target.h"
#include "bullet.h"
#include "door.h"
#include "crew.h"
** This is the common data between building and units.
class TechnoClass : public RadioClass,
public FlasherClass,
public StageClass,
public CargoClass,
public DoorClass
CrewClass Crew;
** If this techno object has detected that it has outlived its
** purpose, then this flag will be true. Such object will either
** be sold or sacrificed at the first opportunity.
unsigned IsUseless:1;
** This flag will be true if the object has been damaged with malice.
** Damage received due to friendly fire or wear and tear does not count.
** The computer is not allowed to sell a building unless it has been
** damaged with malice.
unsigned IsTickedOff:1;
** If this object has inherited the ability to cloak, then this bit will
** be set to true.
unsigned IsCloakable:1;
** If this object is designated as special then this flag will be true. For
** buildings, this means that it is the primary factory. For units, it means
** that the unit is the team leader.
unsigned IsLeader:1;
** Certain units are flagged as "loaners". These units are typically transports that
** are created solely for the purpose of delivering reinforcements. Such "loaner"
** units are not owned by the player and thus cannot be directly controlled. These
** units will leave the game as soon as they have fulfilled their purpose.
unsigned IsALoaner:1;
** Once a unit enters the map, then this flag is set. This flag is used to make
** sure that a unit doesn't leave the map once it enters the map.
unsigned IsLocked:1;
** Buildings and units with turrets usually have a recoil animation when they
** fire. If this flag is true, then the next rendering of the object will be
** in the "recoil state". The flag will then be cleared pending the next
** firing event.
unsigned IsInRecoilState:1;
** If this unit is "loosely attached" to another unit it is given special
** processing. A unit is in such a condition when it is in the process of
** unloading from a transport type object. During the unloading process
** the transport object must stay still until the unit is free and clear.
** At that time it radios the transport object and the "tether" is broken -
** freeing both the unit and the transport object.
unsigned IsTethered:1;
** Is this object owned by the player? If not, then it is owned by the computer
** or remote opponent. This flag facilitates the many logic differences when dealing
** with player's or computer's units or buildings.
unsigned IsOwnedByPlayer:1;
** The more sophisticated game objects must keep track of whether they are discovered
** or not. This is because the state of discovery can often control how the object
** behaves. In addition, this fact is used in radar and user I/O processing.
unsigned IsDiscoveredByPlayer:1;
** This is used to control the computer recognizing this object.
unsigned IsDiscoveredByComputer:1;
** Some game objects can be of the "lemon" variety. This means that they take damage
** even when everything is ok. This adds a little variety to the game.
unsigned IsALemon:1;
** This flag is used to control second shot processing for those units or buildings
** that fire two shots in quick succession. When this flag is true, it indicates that
** the second shot is ready to fire. After this shot is fired, regular rearm timing
** is used rather than the short rearm time.
unsigned IsSecondShot:1;
** This is the firepower and armor modifiers for this techno object. Normally,
** these values are fixed at 0x0100, but they can be modified by certain
** crate powerups.
fixed ArmorBias;
fixed FirepowerBias;
** Idle animations (if any are supported by the object type) are regulated by
** this timer. When the timer expires an idle animation occurs. Then the
** timer is reinitialized to some random (bounded) setting.
CDTimerClass<FrameTimerClass> IdleTimer;
** This timer keeps track of how long the unit is under the influence
** of the iron curtain.
CDTimerClass<FrameTimerClass> IronCurtainCountDown;
** This is a list of bits of which houses are spying on this building,
** if in fact this is a building.
unsigned SpiedBy;
** For units in area guard mode, this is the recorded home position. The guarding
** unit will try to stay near this location in the course of it's maneuvers. This is
** also used to record a pending transport for those passengers that are waiting for
** the transport to become available. It is also used by harvesters so that they know
** where to head back to after unloading.
TARGET ArchiveTarget;
** This is the house that the unit belongs to.
CCPtr<HouseClass> House;
** This records the current cloak state for this vehicle.
CloakType Cloak;
StageClass CloakingDevice;
CDTimerClass<FrameTimerClass> CloakDelay;
/* (Targeting Computer)
** This is the target value for the item that this vehicle should ATTACK. If this
** is a vehicle with a turret, then it may differ from its movement destination.
TARGET SuspendedTarCom;
** This is the visible facing for the unit or building.
FacingClass PrimaryFacing;
** This is the arming countdown. It represents the time necessary
** to reload the weapon.
CDTimerClass<FrameTimerClass> Arm;
** The number of shot this object can fire before running out of ammo. If this
** value is zero, then firing is not allowed. If -1, then there is no ammunition
** limit.
int Ammo;
** Used by the tesla to handle electric zap
int ElectricZapDelay;
COORDINATE ElectricZapTarget;
int ElectricZapWhich;
** This is the amount of money spent to produce this object. This value really
** only comes into play for the case of buildings that have special "free"
** objects available when purchased at the more expensive rate.
int PurchasePrice;
** Per-player view of whether a techno object is discovered. One bit for each house type. ST - 3/6/2019 11:15AM
unsigned int IsDiscoveredByPlayerMask;
** Some additional padding in case we need to add data to the class and maintain backwards compatibility for save/load
unsigned char SaveLoadPadding[16];
** Constructors, Destructors, and overloaded operators.
TechnoClass(RTTIType rtti, int id, HousesType house=HOUSE_NONE);
TechnoClass(NoInitClass const & x) : RadioClass(x), FlasherClass(x), StageClass(x), CargoClass(x), DoorClass(x), IdleTimer(x), IronCurtainCountDown(x), House(x), Crew(x), CloakDelay(x), PrimaryFacing(x), Arm(x) {};
TechnoClass(NoInitClass const & x) : RadioClass(x), FlasherClass(x), StageClass(x), CargoClass(x), DoorClass(x), IronCurtainCountDown(x), House(x), Crew(x), CloakDelay(x), PrimaryFacing(x), Arm(x) {};
virtual ~TechnoClass(void) {House=0;};
** Query functions.
bool Is_Allowed_To_Retaliate(TechnoClass const * source) const;
bool Can_Teleport_Here(CELL cell) const;
bool Is_In_Same_Zone(CELL cell) const;
virtual bool Is_Players_Army(void) const;
int Combat_Damage(int which=-1) const;
bool Is_Ready_To_Cloak(void) const;
virtual int How_Many_Survivors(void) const;
virtual DirType Turret_Facing(void) const {return(PrimaryFacing.Current());}
CELL Nearby_Location(TechnoClass const * from=NULL) const;
TechnoTypeClass * Techno_Type_Class(void) const {return((TechnoTypeClass *)&Class_Of());};
bool Is_Visible_On_Radar(void) const;
int Anti_Air(void) const;
int Anti_Armor(void) const;
int Anti_Infantry(void) const;
int Time_To_Build(void) const;
int What_Weapon_Should_I_Use(TARGET target) const;
virtual ActionType What_Action(CELL cell) const;
virtual ActionType What_Action(ObjectClass const * target) const;
virtual BuildingClass * Find_Docking_Bay(StructType b, bool friendly) const;
virtual CELL Find_Exit_Cell(TechnoClass const * techno) const;
virtual COORDINATE Fire_Coord(int which) const;
virtual DirType Desired_Load_Dir(ObjectClass * , CELL & moveto) const;
virtual DirType Fire_Direction(void) const;
virtual HousesType Owner(void) const;
virtual InfantryType Crew_Type(void) const;
virtual bool Can_Player_Fire(void) const;
virtual bool Can_Player_Move(void) const;
virtual bool Is_Allowed_To_Recloak(void) const;
virtual bool Can_Repair(void) const;
virtual bool Is_Weapon_Equipped(void) const;
virtual fixed Tiberium_Load(void) const;
virtual int Pip_Count(void) const;
virtual int Rearm_Delay(bool second=true, int which=0) const;
virtual int Refund_Amount(void) const;
virtual int Risk(void) const;
virtual int Threat_Range(int control) const;
virtual int Value(void) const;
virtual int Get_Ownable(void) const;
** User I/O.
virtual void Clicked_As_Target(HousesType house, int count = 7); // 2019/09/20 JAS - Added record of who clicked on the object
virtual bool Select(bool allow_mixed = false);
virtual void Response_Select(void);
virtual void Response_Move(void);
virtual void Response_Attack(void);
virtual void Player_Assign_Mission(MissionType order, TARGET target=TARGET_NONE, TARGET destination=TARGET_NONE);
** Combat related.
fixed Area_Modify(CELL cell) const;
virtual int Made_A_Kill(void) {return(Crew.Made_A_Kill());}
void Base_Is_Attacked(TechnoClass const *enemy);
void Kill_Cargo(TechnoClass * source);
virtual void Record_The_Kill(TechnoClass * source);
virtual bool Target_Something_Nearby(ThreatType threat=THREAT_NORMAL);
virtual void Stun(void);
virtual bool In_Range(COORDINATE coord, int which=0) const;
virtual bool In_Range(TARGET target, int which=0, bool reciprocal_check = true) const;
virtual bool In_Range(ObjectClass const * target, int which=0, bool reciprocal_check = true) const;
virtual void Death_Announcement(TechnoClass const * source=0) const = 0;
virtual FireErrorType Can_Fire(TARGET target, int which=0) const;
virtual TARGET Greatest_Threat(ThreatType threat) const;
virtual void Assign_Target(TARGET target);
virtual void Override_Mission(MissionType mission, TARGET tarcom, TARGET navcom);
virtual bool Restore_Mission(void);
virtual BulletClass * Fire_At(TARGET target, int which=0);
virtual int Weapon_Range(int which) const;
virtual bool Captured(HouseClass * newowner);
virtual ResultType Take_Damage(int & damage, int distance, WarheadType warhead, TechnoClass * source=0, bool forced=false);
bool Evaluate_Cell(ThreatType method, int mask, CELL cell, int range, TechnoClass const ** object, int & value, int zone=0) const;
bool Evaluate_Object(ThreatType method, int mask, int range, TechnoClass const * object, int & value, int zone=-1) const;
int Evaluate_Just_Cell(CELL cell) const;
virtual bool Electric_Zap (COORDINATE target_coord, int which, WindowNumberType window, COORDINATE source_coord=0L, unsigned char * remap=NULL) const;
** AI.
virtual void Renovate(void);
virtual void AI(void);
virtual bool Revealed(HouseClass * house);
virtual RadioMessageType Receive_Message(RadioClass * from, RadioMessageType message, long & param);
void Cloaking_AI(void);
** Scenario and debug support.
virtual void Debug_Dump(MonoClass *mono) const;
** File I/O.
virtual void Code_Pointers(void);
virtual void Decode_Pointers(void);
** Display and rendering support functionality. Supports imagery and how
** object interacts with the map and thus indirectly controls rendering.
virtual void const * Remap_Table(void) const;
VisualType Visual_Character(bool raw = false) const;
void Techno_Draw_Object(void const * shapefile, int shapenum, int x, int y, WindowNumberType window, DirType rotation=DIR_N, int scale=0x0100) const;
// Added. ST - 8/1/2019 5:37PM
void Techno_Draw_Object_Virtual(void const * shapefile, int shapenum, int x, int y, WindowNumberType window, DirType rotation=DIR_N, int scale=0x0100, const char *shape_name = NULL) const;
virtual void Draw_It(int x, int y, WindowNumberType window) const;
virtual void Draw_Pips(int x, int y, WindowNumberType window) const;
virtual void Hidden(void);
virtual bool Mark(MarkType mark=MARK_CHANGE);
virtual int Exit_Object(TechnoClass *);
virtual void Do_Uncloak(void);
virtual void Do_Cloak(void);
virtual void Do_Shimmer(void);
** Movement and animation.
virtual bool Is_Ready_To_Random_Animate(void) const;
virtual bool Random_Animate(void) {return(false);}
virtual void Assign_Destination(TARGET target);
virtual void Per_Cell_Process(PCPType why);
virtual void Enter_Idle_Mode(bool initial=false);
virtual void Look(bool incremental=false);
** Map entry and exit logic.
virtual bool Unlimbo(COORDINATE , DirType facing=DIR_N);
virtual void Detach(TARGET target, bool all);
** New functions for per-player discovery for multiplayer. ST - 3/6/2019 11:17AM
bool Is_Discovered_By_Player(HouseClass *player = NULL) const;
void Set_Discovered_By_Player(HouseClass *player = NULL);
void Clear_Discovered_By_Players();
bool Is_Owned_By_Player(HouseClass *player = NULL) const;
virtual unsigned Spied_By() const;
** Facing translation tables that fix the flaw with 3D studio when
** it renders 45 degree angles.
static int const BodyShape[32];
#endif |