Initial commit of original Tiberian Dawn and Red Alert source code converted to build as DLLs, and compatible with the release version of Command & Conquer Remastered.
508 lines
17 KiB
508 lines
17 KiB
// Copyright 2020 Electronic Arts Inc.
// TiberianDawn.DLL and RedAlert.dll and corresponding source code is free
// software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
// the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation,
// either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// TiberianDawn.DLL and RedAlert.dll and corresponding source code is distributed
// in the hope that it will be useful, but with permitted additional restrictions
// under Section 7 of the GPL. See the GNU General Public License in LICENSE.TXT
// distributed with this program. You should have received a copy of the
// GNU General Public License along with permitted additional restrictions
// with this program. If not, see
/* $Header: /counterstrike/EXTERNS.H 2 3/10/97 6:23p Steve_tall $ */
*** C O N F I D E N T I A L --- W E S T W O O D S T U D I O S ***
* *
* Project Name : Command & Conquer *
* *
* File Name : EXTERNS.H *
* *
* Programmer : Joe L. Bostic *
* *
* Start Date : May 27, 1994 *
* *
* Last Update : May 27, 1994 [JLB] *
* *
* Functions: *
* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
#ifndef EXTERNS_H
#define EXTERNS_H
#include "cell.h"
#include "mapedit.h"
#include "techno.h"
#include "type.h"
#include "building.h"
#include "unit.h"
#include "credits.h"
#include "goptions.h"
#include "options.h"
#include "infantry.H"
#include "DSOUND.H"
extern char _staging_buffer[32000];
extern "C" {
void _PRO(void);
** Convenient alias for MixFileClass<CDFileClass> object. This allows
** easier entry into the code and less clutter.
typedef MixFileClass<CCFileClass> MFCD;
extern bool IsVQ640;
extern unsigned long GameVersion;
extern bool Debug_MotionCapture;
extern bool Debug_Rotate;
extern bool Debug_Quiet;
extern bool Debug_Cheat;
extern bool Debug_Remap;
extern bool Debug_Flag;
extern bool Debug_Lose;
extern bool Debug_Map;
extern bool Debug_Win;
extern bool Debug_Icon;
extern bool Debug_Passable;
extern bool Debug_Unshroud;
extern bool Debug_Threat;
extern bool Debug_Find_Path;
extern bool Debug_Check_Map;
extern bool Debug_Playtest;
extern bool Debug_Heap_Dump;
extern bool Debug_Smart_Print;
extern bool Debug_Trap_Check_Heap;
extern bool Debug_Modem_Dump;
extern bool Debug_Print_Events;
extern bool Debug_Force_Crash;
extern void const *LightningShapes;
extern int NewINIFormat;
extern bool AntsEnabled;
#ifdef FIXIT_CSII // checked - ajw 9/28/98
extern bool NewUnitsEnabled;
extern bool SecretUnitsEnabled;
extern int MTankDistance;
extern bool OverrideNewUnitsEnabled; // ST - 12/13/2019 12:19PM
#ifdef FIXIT_CARRIER // checked - ajw 9/28/98
extern int CarrierLaunchDelay;
extern char const * NameOverride[25];
extern int NameIDOverride[25];
#ifdef WIN32
extern bool GameInFocus;
extern unsigned char *InterpolatedPalettes[100];
extern BOOL PalettesRead;
extern unsigned PaletteCounter;
extern int AllDone;
extern HANDLE hInstance;
extern bool InMovie;
extern WinTimerClass * WindowsTimer;
extern WWMouseClass * WWMouse;
extern GraphicBufferClass HiddenPage;
#define SeenPage SeenBuff
extern GraphicBufferClass VisiblePage;
extern GraphicViewPortClass SeenBuff;
extern GraphicBufferClass SysMemPage;
extern LPDIRECTSOUND SoundObject;
extern LPDIRECTSOUNDBUFFER PrimaryBufferPtr;
extern int ScreenWidth;
extern int ScreenHeight;
extern GraphicBufferClass ModeXBuff;
extern VideoBufferClass SeenPage;
extern GraphicBufferClass SeenBuff;
extern GraphicBufferClass & VisiblePage;
** Dynamic global variables (these change or are initialized at run time).
extern MissionControlClass MissionControl[MISSION_COUNT];
extern char const * TutorialText[225];
extern Buffer * TheaterBuffer;
extern GetCDClass CDList;
extern CCINIClass RuleINI;
#ifdef FIXIT_CSII // checked - ajw 9/28/98
extern CCINIClass AftermathINI;
//extern Benchmark * Benches;
extern int MapTriggerID;
extern int LogicTriggerID;
extern PKey FastKey;
extern PKey SlowKey;
extern RulesClass Rule;
extern KeyboardClass * Keyboard;
extern RandomStraw CryptRandom;
extern RandomClass NonCriticalRandomNumber;
extern CarryoverClass * Carryover;
extern ScenarioClass Scen;
extern RemapControlType ColorRemaps[PCOLOR_COUNT];
extern RemapControlType MetalScheme;
extern RemapControlType GreyScheme;
extern VersionClass VerNum;
extern bool SlowPalette;
extern bool ScoresPresent;
extern bool AllowVoice;
extern NewConfigType NewConfig;
extern VoxType SpeakQueue;
extern bool PlayerWins;
extern bool PlayerLoses;
extern bool PlayerRestarts;
extern long Frame;
extern VoxType SpeechRecord[2];
extern void * SpeechBuffer[2];
extern int PreserveVQAScreen;
extern bool BreakoutAllowed;
extern bool Brokeout;
extern GameOptionsClass Options;
extern LogicClass Logic;
extern MapEditClass Map;
extern MouseClass Map;
extern ScoreClass Score;
extern MonoClass MonoArray[DMONO_COUNT];
extern MFCD * TheaterData;
extern MFCD * MoviesMix;
extern MFCD * GeneralMix;
extern MFCD * ScoreMix;
extern MFCD * MainMix;
extern MFCD * ConquerMix;
extern ThemeClass Theme;
extern SpecialClass Special;
** Game object allocation and tracking classes.
extern TFixedIHeapClass<AircraftClass> Aircraft;
extern TFixedIHeapClass<AnimClass> Anims;
extern TFixedIHeapClass<BuildingClass> Buildings;
extern TFixedIHeapClass<BulletClass> Bullets;
extern TFixedIHeapClass<FactoryClass> Factories;
extern TFixedIHeapClass<HouseClass> Houses;
extern TFixedIHeapClass<InfantryClass> Infantry;
extern TFixedIHeapClass<OverlayClass> Overlays;
extern TFixedIHeapClass<SmudgeClass> Smudges;
extern TFixedIHeapClass<TeamClass> Teams;
extern TFixedIHeapClass<TeamTypeClass> TeamTypes;
extern TFixedIHeapClass<TemplateClass> Templates;
extern TFixedIHeapClass<TerrainClass> Terrains;
extern TFixedIHeapClass<TriggerClass> Triggers;
extern TFixedIHeapClass<UnitClass> Units;
extern TFixedIHeapClass<VesselClass> Vessels;
extern TFixedIHeapClass<TriggerTypeClass> TriggerTypes;
extern TFixedIHeapClass<HouseTypeClass> HouseTypes;
extern TFixedIHeapClass<BuildingTypeClass> BuildingTypes;
extern TFixedIHeapClass<AircraftTypeClass> AircraftTypes;
extern TFixedIHeapClass<InfantryTypeClass> InfantryTypes;
extern TFixedIHeapClass<BulletTypeClass> BulletTypes;
extern TFixedIHeapClass<AnimTypeClass> AnimTypes;
extern TFixedIHeapClass<UnitTypeClass> UnitTypes;
extern TFixedIHeapClass<VesselTypeClass> VesselTypes;
extern TFixedIHeapClass<TemplateTypeClass> TemplateTypes;
extern TFixedIHeapClass<TerrainTypeClass> TerrainTypes;
extern TFixedIHeapClass<OverlayTypeClass> OverlayTypes;
extern TFixedIHeapClass<SmudgeTypeClass> SmudgeTypes;
extern FixedIHeapClass * HeapPointers[RTTI_COUNT];
extern TFixedIHeapClass<WeaponTypeClass> Weapons;
extern TFixedIHeapClass<WarheadTypeClass> Warheads;
extern QueueClass<EventClass, MAX_EVENTS> OutList;
extern QueueClass<EventClass, (MAX_EVENTS * 64)> DoList;
extern QueueClass<EventClass, (MAX_EVENTS * 64)> MirrorList;
typedef DynamicVectorArrayClass<ObjectClass *, HOUSE_COUNT, HOUSE_FIRST> SelectedObjectsType;
extern SelectedObjectsType CurrentObject;
extern DynamicVectorClass<TriggerClass *> LogicTriggers;
extern DynamicVectorClass<TriggerClass *> MapTriggers;
extern DynamicVectorClass<TriggerClass *> HouseTriggers[HOUSE_COUNT];
extern BaseClass Base;
/* These variables are used to keep track of the slowest speed of a team */
extern MPHType TeamMaxSpeed[MAX_TEAMS];
extern SpeedType TeamSpeed[MAX_TEAMS];
extern bool FormMove;
extern SpeedType FormSpeed;
extern MPHType FormMaxSpeed;
extern bool IsTanyaDead;
extern bool SaveTanya;
extern bool TimeQuake;
#ifdef FIXIT_CSII // checked - ajw 9/28/98
extern bool PendingTimeQuake;
extern TARGET TimeQuakeCenter;
extern fixed QuakeUnitDamage;
extern fixed QuakeBuildingDamage;
extern int QuakeInfantryDamage;
extern int QuakeDelay;
extern fixed ChronoTankDuration; // chrono override for chrono tanks
#ifdef FIXIT_ENGINEER // checked - ajw 9/28/98
extern fixed EngineerDamage; // Amount of damage an engineer does
extern fixed EngineerCaptureLevel; // Building damage level before engineer can capture
** Loaded data file pointers.
extern void const * Metal12FontPtr;
extern void const * MapFontPtr;
extern void const * VCRFontPtr;
extern void const * TypeFontPtr;
extern void const * Font3Ptr;
extern void const * Font6Ptr;
extern void const * EditorFont;
extern void const * Font8Ptr;
extern void const * FontLEDPtr;
extern void const * ScoreFontPtr;
extern void const * GradFont6Ptr;
extern char const * SystemStrings;
extern char const * DebugStrings;
** Miscellaneous globals.
extern ChronalVortexClass ChronalVortex;
extern TTimerClass<SystemTimerClass> TickCount;
extern bool PassedProximity; // used in display.cpp
extern HousesType Whom;
//extern _VQAConfig AnimControl;
extern long SpareTicks;
extern long PathCount;
extern long CellCount;
extern long TargetScan;
extern long SidebarRedraws;
extern DMonoType MonoPage;
extern bool GameActive;
extern bool SpecialFlag;
extern int ScenarioInit;
extern HouseClass * PlayerPtr;
extern PaletteClass CCPalette;
extern PaletteClass BlackPalette;
extern PaletteClass WhitePalette;
extern PaletteClass GamePalette;
//extern PaletteClass InGamePalette;
#define InGamePalette GamePalette
extern PaletteClass OriginalPalette;
extern PaletteClass ScorePalette;
extern int BuildLevel;
extern unsigned long ScenarioCRC;
extern bool bAftermathMultiplayer; // Is multiplayer game being played with Aftermath rules?
extern unsigned long PlayingAgainstVersion; // Negotiated version number
extern bool Version107InMix; // Is there a v1.07 in the game
#ifdef FIXIT_VERSION_3 // For endgame auto-sonar pulse.
extern bool bAutoSonarPulse;
extern CELL CurrentCell;
extern SessionClass Session;
//extern NullModemClass NullModem;
extern IPXManagerClass Ipx;
extern TenConnManClass *Ten;
extern MPlayerManClass *MPath;
extern int NewMaxAheadFrame1;
extern int NewMaxAheadFrame2;
extern int Seed;
extern int CustomSeed;
extern GroundType Ground[LAND_COUNT];
** Constant externs (data is not modified during game play).
extern char const * Missions[MISSION_COUNT];
extern char const Keys[];
extern char const * const VQName[VQ_COUNT];
extern int CrateData[CRATE_COUNT];
extern char const * const CrateNames[CRATE_COUNT];
extern int CrateShares[CRATE_COUNT];
extern AnimType CrateAnims[CRATE_COUNT];
extern char const * const SpecialWeaponName[SPC_COUNT];
extern int const SpecialWeaponHelp[SPC_COUNT];
extern char const * const SpecialWeaponFile[SPC_COUNT];
extern char const * const ArmorName[ARMOR_COUNT];
extern char const * const QuarryName[QUARRY_COUNT];
extern char const * const FormationName[FORMATION_COUNT];
extern unsigned long const PlayCodes[];
extern unsigned long const CheatCodes[];
//extern char const * const ProjectileNames[];
extern unsigned long const EditorCodes[];
extern char const * const SourceName[SOURCE_COUNT];
extern int const GroundColor[LAND_COUNT];
extern int const SnowColor[LAND_COUNT];
extern TheaterDataType const Theaters[THEATER_COUNT];
extern unsigned char const Facing32[256];
extern unsigned char const Facing16[256];
extern signed char const Rotation16[256];
extern unsigned char const Facing8[256];
extern unsigned char const Pixel2Lepton[24];
extern COORDINATE const StoppingCoordAbs[5];
extern CELL const AdjacentCell[FACING_COUNT];
extern COORDINATE const AdjacentCoord[FACING_COUNT];
extern unsigned char const RemapCiv2[];
extern unsigned char const RemapCiv4[];
extern unsigned char const RemapCiv5[];
extern unsigned char const RemapCiv6[];
extern unsigned char const RemapCiv7[];
extern unsigned char const RemapCiv8[];
extern unsigned char const RemapCiv9[];
extern unsigned char const RemapCiv10[];
extern unsigned char const RemapEmber[];
extern int SoundOn;
#ifdef WIN32
extern GraphicViewPortClass HidPage;
extern GraphicBufferClass HidPage;
extern int MenuList[][8];
extern CDTimerClass<SystemTimerClass> FrameTimer;
extern CDTimerClass<SystemTimerClass> CountDownTimer;
extern SpecialDialogType SpecialDialog;
extern int RequiredCD;
extern int CurrentCD;
extern int MouseInstalled;
extern int LogLevel;
extern unsigned long LogLevelTime[ MAX_LOG_LEVEL ];
extern unsigned long LogLastTime;
extern class DynamicVectorClass<EventChoiceClass> test2;
extern class DynamicVectorClass<ActionChoiceClass> test3;
extern bool LogDump_Print;
extern "C"{
extern bool IsTheaterShape;
extern void Reset_Theater_Shapes(void);
extern TheaterType LastTheater;
void Coordinate_Remap ( GraphicViewPortClass *inbuffer, int x, int y, int width, int height, unsigned char *remap_table);
void Do_Vortex (int x, int y, int frame);
** Win32 specific externs
#ifdef WIN32
extern int ReadyToQuit; //Are we about to exit cleanly
extern bool InDebugger; //Are we being run from a debugger
void Memory_Error_Handler(void); //Memory error handler function
void WWDebugString (char *string);
extern bool IsTheaterShape;
#endif //WIN32
** Internet specific externs
#ifdef WIN32
extern char PlanetWestwoodHandle[]; //Planet WW user name
extern char PlanetWestwoodPassword[]; //Planet WW password
extern char PlanetWestwoodIPAddress[]; //IP of server or other player
extern long PlanetWestwoodPortNumber; //Port number to send to
extern bool PlanetWestwoodIsHost; //Flag true if player has control of game options
extern unsigned long PlanetWestwoodGameID; //Game ID
extern HWND WChatHWND; //Handle to Wchat window.
extern bool GameStatisticsPacketSent;
extern bool ConnectionLost;
extern void *PacketLater;
extern bool SpawnedFromWChat;
extern int ShowCommand;
void Register_Game_Start_Time(void);
void Register_Game_End_Time(void);
void Send_Statistics_Packet(void);
void Check_From_WChat(char *wchat_name);
bool Do_The_Internet_Menu_Thang (void);
bool Server_Remote_Connect(void);
bool Client_Remote_Connect(void);
extern int UnitBuildPenalty;
#endif //WIN32
** From SENDFILE.CPP - externs for scenario file transfers
bool Receive_Remote_File ( char *file_name, unsigned int file_length, unsigned int crc, int gametype);
bool Send_Remote_File ( char *file_name, int gametype );
bool Get_Scenario_File_From_Host(char *return_name, int gametype);
bool Find_Local_Scenario (char *description, char *filename, unsigned int length, char *digest, bool official);
#ifdef MPEGMOVIE // Denzil 6/15/98
#ifdef MCIMPEG
#include "mcimovie.h"
extern MCIMovie* MciMovie;
#include "mpgset.h"
extern MPGSettings* MpgSettings;
extern "C" bool MMXAvailable;
extern bool ShareAllyVisibility;