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PG-SteveT fc5cd5a775 Command & Conquer Remastered post-launch patch
Improvements to harvester resource finding logic.

Don't allow the Advanced Comm Center to be capturable in skirmish or multiplayer.

Increased failed pathfinding fudge factor.

Buildings accept the Guard command if they can attack.

Don't allow force capturing of ally structures.

Fixes for laser Orcas in S3cr3t M1ss10n. Properly restore them after save. Reset Orcas after loads.

Fixed flag animation rendering in CTF.

Potentially fix a crash if aircraft are destroyed outside the map bounds.

Fixed legacy Obelisk line rendering.

Fix out-of-bounds crash in TD; issue was already fixed in RA.

Disable capture flag on Commandos.

Drop the flag when entering the limbo state.

Fixed end game race condition, winning team ID is always sent before individual player win/lose messages.

Fixed Chan spawn on SCB10EA.

Don't show enter cursor for enemy units on refineries and repair pads.

Changing right-click support for first put building on hold, and then subsequenct right-clicks to decrement that queue count for 1x or 5x; Then, 1x or 5x Left click will resume from hold.

Don't debug reveal legacy rendering when a player is defeated.

Fixed crash when loading saves of custom campaign maps.

Reset harvester archived target when given a direct harvest order.

Prevent NOD cargo planes from being force attacked.

Fixed unit selection on load.

Migrated queued repair pad functionality from RA to TD.

Randomly animate infantry in area guard mode.

Fixed crash accessing inactive objects.

Added some walls in SCG08EB to prevent civilians from killing themselves.

TD + RA: Audio: Overiding "Our base is under attack" cooldown timing from legacy from 2 minutes to 30 seconds, so it will be heard 4x as often.

Fixed adjacent cell out-of-bounds crash issues.

Kill player on disconnect

Fixed and improved build time calculations to be consistent between TD and RA.

Don't show health bars for cloaked Stealth Tanks in the legacy renderer.

Fix selection of individual control groups after mixed selection.

More adjustments to SCG08EB; switch C7 to C5, and add civilian AI to avoid Tiberium.

Extra safety checks for units that have no weapons and aircraft that can't hunt.

Fix loading of multiple infantry onto an APC.

Additional safety checks for invalid coordinates.

Prevent units from being instantly repaired.

Fix map passability.

Fail Allied mission 5B if the spy re-boards the starting transport (matches 5A and 5C behavior).

Fixed multiplayer formation move causing units to move at light speed.

Ignore movement destination checks if a unit is part of a mission-driven team.

Fix buffer overrun crash.

Ignore mines when determining win conditions.

Fixed river passability in Blue Lakes.
2020-06-22 09:43:21 -07:00

2290 lines
90 KiB

// Copyright 2020 Electronic Arts Inc.
// TiberianDawn.DLL and RedAlert.dll and corresponding source code is free
// software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
// the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation,
// either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// TiberianDawn.DLL and RedAlert.dll and corresponding source code is distributed
// in the hope that it will be useful, but with permitted additional restrictions
// under Section 7 of the GPL. See the GNU General Public License in LICENSE.TXT
// distributed with this program. You should have received a copy of the
// GNU General Public License along with permitted additional restrictions
// with this program. If not, see
/* $Header: F:\projects\c&c\vcs\code\drive.cpv 2.17 16 Oct 1995 16:51:16 JOE_BOSTIC $ */
*** C O N F I D E N T I A L --- W E S T W O O D S T U D I O S ***
* *
* Project Name : Command & Conquer *
* *
* File Name : DRIVE.CPP *
* *
* Programmer : Joe L. Bostic *
* *
* Start Date : April 22, 1994 *
* *
* Last Update : July 30, 1995 [JLB] *
* *
* Functions: *
* DriveClass::AI -- Processes unit movement and rotation. *
* DriveClass::Approach_Target -- Handles approaching the target in order to attack it. *
* DriveClass::Assign_Destination -- Set the unit's NavCom. *
* DriveClass::Class_Of -- Fetches a reference to the class type for this object. *
* DriveClass::Debug_Dump -- Displays status information to monochrome screen. *
* DriveClass::Do_Turn -- Tries to turn the vehicle to the specified direction. *
* DriveClass::DriveClass -- Constructor for drive class object. *
* DriveClass::Exit_Map -- Give the unit a movement order to exit the map. *
* DriveClass::Fixup_Path -- Adds smooth start path to normal movement path. *
* DriveClass::Force_Track -- Forces the unit to use the indicated track. *
* DriveClass::Lay_Track -- Handles track laying logic for the unit. *
* DriveClass::Offload_Tiberium_Bail -- Offloads one Tiberium quantum from the object. *
* DriveClass::Ok_To_Move -- Checks to see if this object can begin moving. *
* DriveClass::Overrun_Square -- Handles vehicle overrun of a cell. *
* DriveClass::Per_Cell_Process -- Handles when unit finishes movement into a cell. *
* DriveClass::Smooth_Turn -- Handles the low level coord calc for smooth turn logic. *
* DriveClass::Start_Of_Move -- Tries to get a unit to advance toward cell. *
* DriveClass::Tiberium_Load -- Determine the Tiberium load as a percentage. *
* DriveClass::While_Moving -- Processes unit movement. *
* DriveClass::Mark_Track -- Marks the midpoint of the track as occupied. *
* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
#include "function.h"
DriveClass::DriveClass(void) : Class(0), SimLeptonX(0), SimLeptonY(0) {}; // Added SimLeptonX and Y. ST - 4/30/2019 8:06AM
* DriveClass::Do_Turn -- Tries to turn the vehicle to the specified direction. *
* *
* This routine will set the vehicle to rotate to the direction specified. For tracked *
* vehicles, it is just a simple rotation. For wheeled vehicles, it performs a series *
* of short drives (three point turn) to face the desired direction. *
* *
* INPUT: dir -- The direction that this vehicle should face. *
* *
* OUTPUT: none *
* *
* WARNINGS: none *
* *
* 05/29/1995 JLB : Created. *
void DriveClass::Do_Turn(DirType dir)
if (dir != PrimaryFacing) {
** Special rotation track is needed for units that
** cannot rotate in place.
if (Special.IsThreePoint && TrackNumber == -1 && Class->Speed == SPEED_WHEEL) {
int facediff; // Signed difference between current and desired facing.
FacingType face; // Current facing (ordinal value).
facediff = PrimaryFacing.Difference(dir) >> 5;
facediff = Bound(facediff, -2, 2);
if (facediff) {
face = Dir_Facing(PrimaryFacing);
IsOnShortTrack = true;
Force_Track(face*FACING_COUNT + (face + facediff), Coord);
Path[0] = FACING_NONE;
Set_Speed(0xFF); // Full speed.
} else {
//if (Special.IsJurassic && AreThingiesEnabled && What_Am_I() == RTTI_UNIT && ((UnitClass *)this)->Class->IsPieceOfEight) PrimaryFacing.Set_Current(dir);
if (What_Am_I() == RTTI_UNIT && ((UnitClass *)this)->Class->IsPieceOfEight) PrimaryFacing.Set_Current(dir);
* DriveClass::Force_Track -- Forces the unit to use the indicated track. *
* *
* This override (nuclear bomb) style routine is to be used when a unit needs to start *
* on a movement track but is outside the normal movement system. This occurs when a *
* harvester starts driving off of a refinery. *
* *
* INPUT: track -- The track number to start on. *
* *
* coord -- The coordinate that the unit will end up at when the movement track *
* is completed. *
* *
* OUTPUT: none *
* *
* WARNINGS: none *
* *
* 03/17/1995 JLB : Created. *
void DriveClass::Force_Track(int track, COORDINATE coord)
TrackNumber = track;
TrackIndex = 0;
* DriveClass::Tiberium_Load -- Determine the Tiberium load as a percentage. *
* *
* Use this routine to determine what the Tiberium load is (as a fixed point percentage). *
* *
* INPUT: none *
* *
* OUTPUT: Returns with the current "fullness" rating for the object. This will be 0x0000 for *
* empty and 0x0100 for full. *
* *
* WARNINGS: none *
* *
* 03/17/1995 JLB : Created. *
int DriveClass::Tiberium_Load(void) const
if (*this == UNIT_HARVESTER) {
return(Cardinal_To_Fixed(UnitTypeClass::STEP_COUNT, Tiberium));
* DriveClass::Approach_Target -- Handles approaching the target in order to attack it. *
* *
* This routine will check to see if the target is infantry and it can be overrun. It will *
* try to overrun the infantry rather than attack it. This only applies to computer *
* controlled vehicles. If it isn't the infantry overrun case, then it falls into the *
* base class for normal (complex) approach algorithm. *
* *
* INPUT: none *
* *
* OUTPUT: none *
* *
* WARNINGS: none *
* *
* 03/17/1995 JLB : Created. *
* 07/12/1995 JLB : Flamethrower tanks don't overrun -- their weapon is better. *
void DriveClass::Approach_Target(void)
** Only if there is a legal target should the approach check occur.
if (!House->IsHuman && Target_Legal(TarCom) && !Target_Legal(NavCom)) {
** Special case:
** If this is for a unit that can crush infantry, and the target is
** infantry, AND the infantry is pretty darn close, then just try
** to drive over the infantry instead of firing on it.
TechnoClass * target = As_Techno(TarCom);
if (Class->Primary != WEAPON_FLAME_TONGUE && Class->IsCrusher && Distance(TarCom) < 0x0180 && target && ((TechnoTypeClass const &)(target->Class_Of())).IsCrushable) {
** In the other cases, uses the more complex "get to just within weapon range"
** algorithm.
* DriveClass::Overrun_Square -- Handles vehicle overrun of a cell. *
* *
* This routine is called when a vehicle enters a square or when it is about to enter a *
* square (controlled by parameter). When a vehicle that can crush infantry enters a *
* cell that contains infantry, then the infantry will be destroyed (regardless of *
* affiliation). When a vehicle threatens to overrun a square, all occupying infantry *
* will attempt to get out of the way. *
* *
* INPUT: cell -- The cell that is, or soon will be, entered by a vehicle. *
* *
* threaten -- Don't kill, but just threaten to enter the cell. *
* *
* OUTPUT: none *
* *
* WARNINGS: none *
* *
* 01/19/1995 JLB : Created. *
void DriveClass::Overrun_Square(CELL cell, bool threaten)
CellClass * cellptr = &Map[cell];
if (Class->IsCrusher) {
if (threaten) {
** If the cell contains infantry, then they will panic when a vehicle tries
** drive over them. Have the infantry run away instead.
if (cellptr->Flag.Composite & 0x1F) {
** Scattering is controlled by the game difficulty level.
if (((GameToPlay == GAME_NORMAL && PlayerPtr->Difficulty == DIFF_HARD) || Special.IsScatter || Scenario > 8) &&
!(GameToPlay == GAME_NORMAL && PlayerPtr->Difficulty == DIFF_EASY)) {
cellptr->Incoming(0, true);
} else {
ObjectClass * object = cellptr->Cell_Occupier();
int crushed = false;
while (object) {
if (object->Class_Of().IsCrushable && !House->Is_Ally(object) && Distance(object->Center_Coord()) < 0x80) {
ObjectClass * next = object->Next;
crushed = true;
** Record credit for the kill(s)
Sound_Effect(VOC_SQUISH2, Coord);
delete object;
new OverlayClass(OVERLAY_SQUISH, Coord_Cell(Coord));
object = next;
} else {
object = object->Next;
if (crushed) Do_Uncloak();
* DriveClass::DriveClass -- Constructor for drive class object. *
* *
* This will initialize the drive class to its default state. It is called as a result *
* of creating a unit. *
* *
* INPUT: classid -- The unit's ID class. It is passed on to the foot class constructor. *
* *
* OUTPUT: none *
* *
* WARNINGS: none *
* *
* 07/13/1994 JLB : Created. *
DriveClass::DriveClass(UnitType classid, HousesType house) :
** For two shooters, clear out the second shot flag -- it will be set the first time
** the object fires. For non two shooters, set the flag since it will never be cleared
** and the second shot flag tells the system that normal rearm times apply -- this is
** what is desired for non two shooters.
if (Class->IsTwoShooter) {
IsSecondShot = false;
} else {
IsSecondShot = true;
IsHarvesting = false;
IsTurretLockedDown = false;
IsOnShortTrack = false;
IsReturning = false;
TrackNumber = -1;
TrackIndex = 0;
SpeedAccum = 0;
Tiberium = 0;
Strength = Class->MaxStrength;
* DriveClass::Debug_Dump -- Displays status information to monochrome screen. *
* *
* This debug utility function will display the status of the drive class to the mono *
* screen. It is through this information that bugs can be tracked down. *
* *
* INPUT: none *
* *
* OUTPUT: none *
* *
* WARNINGS: none *
* *
* 05/31/1994 JLB : Created. *
void DriveClass::Debug_Dump(MonoClass *mono) const
mono->Set_Cursor(33, 7);
mono->Printf("%2d:%2d", TrackNumber, TrackIndex);
mono->Text_Print("X", 16 + (IsTurretLockedDown?2:0), 10);
// mono->Text_Print("X", 16 + (IsOnShortTrack?2:0), 11);
mono->Set_Cursor(41, 7);mono->Printf("%d", Fixed_To_Cardinal(100, Tiberium_Load()));
* DriveClass::Exit_Map -- Give the unit a movement order to exit the map. *
* *
* This routine is used to assign an appropriate movement destination for the unit so that *
* it will leave the map. The scripts are usually the one to call this routine when it *
* is determined that the unit has fulfilled its mission and must "depart". *
* *
* INPUT: none *
* *
* OUTPUT: none *
* *
* WARNINGS: none *
* *
* 05/31/1994 JLB : Created. *
void DriveClass::Exit_Map(void)
CELL cell; // Map exit cell number.
if (*this == UNIT_HOVER && !Target_Legal(NavCom)) {
** Scan a swath of cells from current position to the edge of the map and if
** there is any blocking object, just wait so to try again later.
for (int x = Cell_X(Coord_Cell(Center_Coord()))-1; x <= Cell_X(Coord_Cell(Center_Coord()))+1; x++) {
for (int y = Cell_Y(Coord_Cell(Center_Coord()))+1; y < Map.MapCellY+Map.MapCellHeight; y++) {
cell = XY_Cell(x, y);
if (Map[cell].Cell_Techno()) {
** A clear path to the map edge exists. Assign it as the navigation computer
** destination and let the transport move.
cell = XY_Cell(Cell_X(Coord_Cell(Coord)), Map.MapCellY+Map.MapCellHeight);
IsReturning = true;
* DriveClass::Smooth_Turn -- Handles the low level coord calc for smooth turn logic. *
* *
* This routine calculates the new coordinate value needed for the *
* smooth turn logic. The adjustment and flag values must be *
* determined prior to entering this routine. *
* *
* INPUT: adj -- The adjustment coordinate as lifted from the *
* correct smooth turn table. *
* *
* dir -- Pointer to dir for possible modification *
* according to the flag bits. *
* *
* OUTPUT: Returns with the coordinate the unit should positioned to. *
* *
* WARNINGS: none *
* *
* 03/14/1994 JLB : Created. *
* 07/13/1994 JLB : Converted to member function. *
COORDINATE DriveClass::Smooth_Turn(COORDINATE adj, DirType *dir)
DirType workdir = *dir;
int x,y;
int temp;
TrackControlType flags = TrackControl[TrackNumber].Flag;
x = Coord_X(adj);
y = Coord_Y(adj);
if (flags & F_T) {
temp = x;
x = y;
y = temp;
workdir = (DirType)(DIR_W - workdir);
if (flags & F_X) {
x = -x;
workdir = (DirType)-workdir;
if (flags & F_Y) {
y = -y;
workdir = (DirType)(DIR_S - workdir);
*dir = workdir;
return(XY_Coord( Coord_X(Head_To_Coord()) + x, Coord_Y(Head_To_Coord()) + y));
* DriveClass::Assign_Destination -- Set the unit's NavCom. *
* *
* This routine is used to set the unit's navigation computer to the *
* specified target. Once the navigation computer is set, the unit *
* will start planning and moving toward the destination. *
* *
* INPUT: target -- The destination target for the unit to head to. *
* *
* OUTPUT: none *
* *
* WARNINGS: none *
* *
* 09/07/1992 JLB : Created. *
* 04/15/1994 JLB : Converted to member function. *
void DriveClass::Assign_Destination(TARGET target)
** Abort early if there is anything wrong with the parameters
** or the unit already is assigned the specified destination.
if (target == NavCom) return;
#ifdef NEVER
UnitClass *tunit; // Destination unit pointer.
** When in move mode, a map position may really indicate
** a unit to guard.
if (Is_Target_Cell(target)) {
cell = As_Cell(target);
tunit = Map[cell].Cell_Unit();
if (tunit) {
** Prevent targeting of itself.
if (tunit != this) {
target = tunit->As_Target();
} else {
tbuilding = Map[cell].Cell_Building();
if (tbuilding) {
target = tbuilding->As_Target();
** For harvesting type vehicles, it might go into a dock and unload procedure
** when the harvester is full and an empty refinery is selected as a target.
BuildingClass * b = As_Building(target);
** Transport vehicles must tell all passengers that are about to load, that they
** cannot proceed. This is accomplished with a radio message to this effect.
//if (tunit && In_Radio_Contact() && Class->IsTransporter && Contact_With_Whom()->Is_Infantry()) {
if (In_Radio_Contact() && Class->IsTransporter && Contact_With_Whom()->Is_Infantry()) {
** If the player clicked on a friendly repair facility and the repair
** facility is currently not involved with some other unit (radio or unloading).
if (b && *b == STRUCT_REPAIR) {
if (b->In_Radio_Contact() && (b->Contact_With_Whom() != this)) {
ArchiveTarget = target;
} else {
** Establish radio contact protocol. If the facility responds correctly,
** then remain in radio contact and proceed toward the desired destination.
if (Transmit_Message(RADIO_HELLO, b) == RADIO_ROGER) {
** Last check to make sure that the loading square is free from permanent
** occupation (such as a building).
CELL cell = Coord_Cell(b->Center_Coord()) + (MAP_CELL_W-1);
if (Ground[Map[cell].Land_Type()].Cost[Class->Speed] ) {
if (Transmit_Message(RADIO_DOCKING) == RADIO_ROGER) {
Path[0] = FACING_NONE;
** Failure to establish a docking relationship with the refinery.
** Bail & await further instructions.
** Set the unit's navigation computer.
Path[0] = FACING_NONE; // Force recalculation of path.
if (!IsDriving) {
* DriveClass::While_Moving -- Processes unit movement. *
* *
* This routine is used to process movement for the units as they move. *
* It is called many times for each cell's worth of movement. This *
* routine only applies after the next cell HeadTo has been determined. *
* *
* INPUT: none *
* *
* OUTPUT: true/false; Should this routine be called again? *
* *
* WARNINGS: none *
* *
* 02/02/1992 JLB : Created. *
* 04/15/1994 JLB : Converted to member function. *
bool DriveClass::While_Moving(void)
int actual; // Working movement addition value.
** Perform quick legality checks.
if (!IsDriving || TrackNumber == -1 || (IsRotating && !Class->IsTurretEquipped)) {
SpeedAccum = 0; // Kludge? No speed should accumulate if movement is on hold.
** If enough movement has accumulated so that the unit can
** visibly move on the map, then process accordingly.
** Slow the unit down if he's carrying a flag.
MPHType maxspeed = MPHType(min((int)(Class->MaxSpeed * House->GroundspeedBias), (int)MPH_LIGHT_SPEED));
if (((UnitClass *)this)->Flagged != HOUSE_NONE) {
actual = SpeedAccum + Fixed_To_Cardinal(maxspeed /2, Speed);
} else {
actual = SpeedAccum + Fixed_To_Cardinal(maxspeed, Speed);
if (actual > PIXEL_LEPTON_W) {
TurnTrackType const *track; // Track control pointer.
TrackType const *ptr; // Pointer to coord offset values.
int tracknum; // The track number being processed.
FacingType nextface; // Next facing queued in path.
bool adj; // Is a turn coming up?
track = &TrackControl[TrackNumber];
if (IsOnShortTrack) {
tracknum = track->StartTrack;
} else {
tracknum = track->Track;
ptr = RawTracks[tracknum-1].Track;
nextface = Path[0];
** Determine if there is a turn coming up. If there is
** a turn, then track jumping might occur.
adj = false;
if (nextface != FACING_NONE && Dir_Facing(track->Facing) != nextface) {
adj = true;
** Skip ahead the number of track steps required (limited only
** by track length). Set the unit to the new position and
** flag the unit accordingly.
while (actual > PIXEL_LEPTON_W) {
DirType dir;
actual -= PIXEL_LEPTON_W;
offset = ptr[TrackIndex].Offset;
if (offset || !TrackIndex) {
dir = ptr[TrackIndex].Facing;
Coord = Smooth_Turn(offset, &dir);
** See if "per cell" processing is necessary.
if (TrackIndex && RawTracks[tracknum-1].Cell == TrackIndex) {
if (!IsActive) {
** The unit could "jump tracks". Check to see if the unit should
** do so.
if (*this != UNIT_GUNBOAT && nextface != FACING_NONE && adj && RawTracks[tracknum-1].Jump == TrackIndex && TrackIndex) {
TurnTrackType const *newtrack; // Proposed jump-to track.
int tnum;
tnum = Dir_Facing(track->Facing)*FACING_COUNT + nextface;
newtrack = &TrackControl[tnum];
if (newtrack->Track && RawTracks[newtrack->Track-1].Entry) {
COORDINATE c = Head_To_Coord();
int oldspeed = Speed;
c = Adjacent_Cell(c, nextface);
switch(Can_Enter_Cell(Coord_Cell(c), nextface)) {
case MOVE_OK:
IsOnShortTrack = false; // Shouldn't be necessary, but...
TrackNumber = tnum;
track = newtrack;
// Mono_Printf("**Jumping from track %d to track %d. **\n", tracknum, track->Track);Keyboard::Get();
tracknum = track->Track;
TrackIndex = RawTracks[tracknum-1].Entry-1; // Anticipate increment.
ptr = RawTracks[tracknum-1].Track;
adj = false;
if (Start_Driver(c)) {
memcpy(&Path[0], &Path[1], CONQUER_PATH_MAX-1);
} else {
Path[0] = FACING_NONE;
TrackNumber = -1;
actual = 0;
if (*this == UNIT_HARVESTER || !House->IsHuman) {
bool old = Special.IsScatter;
Special.IsScatter = true;
Map[Coord_Cell(c)].Incoming(0, true);
Special.IsScatter = old;
} else {
actual = 0;
Coord = Head_To_Coord();
TrackNumber = -1;
TrackIndex = NULL;
** Perform "per cell" activities.
if (IsActive) {
** NEW 4/30/2019 7:59AM
** When we don't have enough speed accumulated to move another pixel, it would be good to know at a sub-pixel (lepton) level
** how far we would move if we could. It didn't matter in the original when it was 320x200 pixels, but on a 3840x2160
** screen, what was half a pixel could now be several pixels.
** ST
if (actual && actual <= PIXEL_LEPTON_W) {
TurnTrackType const *track; // Track control pointer.
TrackType const *ptr; // Pointer to coord offset values.
int tracknum; // The track number being processed.
FacingType nextface; // Next facing queued in path.
bool adj; // Is a turn coming up?
track = &TrackControl[TrackNumber];
if (IsOnShortTrack) {
tracknum = track->StartTrack;
} else {
tracknum = track->Track;
ptr = RawTracks[tracknum-1].Track;
nextface = Path[0];
** Determine if there is a turn coming up. If there is
** a turn, then track jumping might occur.
adj = false;
if (nextface != FACING_NONE && Dir_Facing(track->Facing) != nextface) {
adj = true;
COORDINATE simulated_pos = Coord;
DirType dir;
offset = ptr[TrackIndex].Offset;
if (offset || !TrackIndex) {
dir = ptr[TrackIndex].Facing;
simulated_pos = Smooth_Turn(offset, &dir);
int x_diff = Coord_X(simulated_pos) - Coord_X(Coord);
int y_diff = Coord_Y(simulated_pos) - Coord_Y(Coord);
SimLeptonX = (x_diff * actual) / PIXEL_LEPTON_W;
SimLeptonY = (y_diff * actual) / PIXEL_LEPTON_W;
} else {
SimLeptonX = 0;
SimLeptonY = 0;
** Replace any remainder back into the unit's movement
** accumulator to be processed next pass.
SpeedAccum = actual;
* DriveClass::Per_Cell_Process -- Handles when unit finishes movement into a cell. *
* *
* This routine is called when a unit has mostly or completely *
* entered a cell. The unit might be in the middle of a movement track *
* when this routine is called. It's primary purpose is to perform *
* sighting and other "per cell" activities. *
* *
* INPUT: center -- Is the unit safely at the center of a cell? If it is merely "close" *
* to the center, then this parameter will be false. *
* *
* OUTPUT: none *
* *
* WARNINGS: none *
* *
* 11/03/1993 JLB : Created. *
* 03/30/1994 JLB : Revamped for track system. *
* 04/15/1994 JLB : Converted to member function. *
* 06/18/1994 JLB : Converted to virtual function. *
* 06/18/1994 JLB : Distinguishes between center and near-center conditions. *
void DriveClass::Per_Cell_Process(bool center)
CELL cell = Coord_Cell(Coord);
** Check to see if it has reached its destination. If so, then clear the NavCom
** regardless of the remaining path list.
if (center && As_Cell(NavCom) == cell) {
IsTurretLockedDown = false;
Path[0] = FACING_NONE;
#ifdef NEVER
** A "lemon" vehicle will have a tendency to break down as
** it moves about the terrain.
if (Is_A_Lemon) {
if (Random_Pick(1, 4) == 1) {
* DriveClass::Start_Of_Move -- Tries to get a unit to advance toward cell. *
* *
* This will try to start a unit advancing toward the cell it is *
* facing. It will check for and handle legality and reserving of the *
* necessary cell. *
* *
* INPUT: none *
* *
* OUTPUT: true/false; Should this routine be called again because *
* initial start operation is temporarily delayed? *
* *
* WARNINGS: none *
* *
* 02/02/1992 JLB : Created. *
* 10/18/1993 JLB : This should be called repeatedly until HeadTo is not NULL. *
* 03/16/1994 JLB : Revamped for track logic. *
* 04/15/1994 JLB : Converted to member function. *
* 06/19/1995 JLB : Fixed so that it won't fire on ground unnecessarily. *
* 07/13/1995 JLB : Handles bumping into cloaked objects. *
bool DriveClass::Start_Of_Move(void)
FacingType facing; // Direction movement will commence.
DirType dir; // Desired actual facing toward destination.
int facediff; // Difference between current and desired facing.
int speed; // Speed of unit.
CELL destcell; // Cell of destination.
LandType ground; // Ground unit is entering.
COORDINATE dest; // Destination coordinate.
facing = Path[0];
if (!Target_Legal(NavCom) && facing == FACING_NONE) {
IsTurretLockedDown = false;
if (Mission == MISSION_MOVE) {
return(false); // Why is it calling this routine!?!
#ifdef NEVER
** Movement start logic can't begin until a unit that requires
** a locked down turret gets to a locked down state (i.e., the
** turret rotation stops.
if (Is_Rotating) {
** Reduce the path length if the target is a unit and the
** range to the unit is less than the precalculated path steps.
if (facing != FACING_NONE) {
int dist;
if (Is_Target_Unit(NavCom) || Is_Target_Infantry(NavCom)) {
dist = Lepton_To_Cell(Distance(NavCom));
// if (dist > CELL_LEPTON_W ||
// !As_Techno(NavCom)->Techno_Type_Class()->IsCrushable ||
// !Class->IsCrusher) {
if (dist < CONQUER_PATH_MAX) {
Path[dist] = FACING_NONE;
facing = Path[0]; // Maybe needed.
// }
** If the path is invalid at this point, then generate one. If
** generating a new path fails, then abort NavCom.
if (facing == FACING_NONE) {
** If after a path search, there is still no valid path, then set the
** NavCom to null and let the script take care of assigning a new
** navigation target.
if (!PathDelay.Expired()) {
if (!Basic_Path()) {
if (Distance(NavCom) < 0x0280 && (Mission == MISSION_MOVE || Mission == MISSION_GUARD_AREA)) {
} else {
** If a basic path could be found, but the immediate move destination is
** blocked by a friendly temporary blockage, then cause that blockage
** to scatter.
CELL cell = Adjacent_Cell(Coord_Cell(Center_Coord()), PrimaryFacing.Current());
if (Map.In_Radar(cell)) {
if (Can_Enter_Cell(cell) == MOVE_TEMP) {
CellClass * cellptr = &Map[cell];
TechnoClass * blockage = cellptr->Cell_Techno();
if (blockage && House->Is_Ally(blockage)) {
bool old = Special.IsScatter;
Special.IsScatter = true;
cellptr->Incoming(0, true);
Special.IsScatter = old;
if (TryTryAgain) {
} else {
if (IsNewNavCom) Sound_Effect(VOC_SCOLD);
IsNewNavCom = false;
TrackNumber = -1;
IsTurretLockedDown = false;
** If a basic path could be found, but the immediate move destination is
** blocked by a friendly temporary blockage, then cause that blockage
** to scatter.
CELL cell = Adjacent_Cell(Coord_Cell(Center_Coord()), Path[0]);
if (Map.In_Radar(cell)) {
if (Can_Enter_Cell(cell) == MOVE_TEMP) {
CellClass * cellptr = &Map[cell];
TechnoClass * blockage = cellptr->Cell_Techno();
if (blockage && House->Is_Ally(blockage)) {
bool old = Special.IsScatter;
Special.IsScatter = true;
cellptr->Incoming(0, true);
Special.IsScatter = old;
TryTryAgain = PATH_RETRY;
facing = Path[0];
if (Class->IsLockTurret || !Class->IsTurretEquipped) {
IsTurretLockedDown = true;
#ifdef NEVER
** If the turret needs to match the body's facing before
** movement can occur, then start it's rotation and
** don't start a movement track until it is aligned.
if (!Ok_To_Move(BodyFacing)) {
** Determine the coordinate of the next cell to move into.
dest = Adjacent_Cell(Coord, facing);
dir = Facing_Dir(facing);
** Set the facing correctly if it isn't already correct. This
** means starting a rotation track if necessary.
facediff = PrimaryFacing.Difference(dir);
if (facediff) {
** Request a change of facing.
} else {
/* NOTE: Beyond this point, actual track assignment can begin.
** If the cell to move into is impassable (probably for some unexpected
** reason), then abort the path list and set the speed to zero. The
** next time this routine is called, a new path will be generated.
destcell = Coord_Cell(dest);
MoveType cando = Can_Enter_Cell(destcell, facing);
if (cando != MOVE_OK) {
if (Mission == MISSION_MOVE && House->IsHuman && Distance(NavCom) < 0x0200) {
** If a temporary friendly object is blocking the path, then cause it to
** get out of the way.
if (cando == MOVE_TEMP) {
bool old = Special.IsScatter;
Special.IsScatter = true;
Map[destcell].Incoming(0, true);
Special.IsScatter = old;
** If a cloaked object is blocking, then shimmer the cell.
if (cando == MOVE_CLOAK) {
if (cando != MOVE_MOVING_BLOCK) {
Path[0] = FACING_NONE; // Path is blocked!
** If blocked by a moving block then just exit start of move and
** try again next tick.
if (cando == MOVE_DESTROYABLE) {
if (Map[destcell].Cell_Object()) {
if (!House->Is_Ally(Map[destcell].Cell_Object())) {
Override_Mission(MISSION_ATTACK, Map[destcell].Cell_Object()->As_Target(), TARGET_NONE);
} else {
if (Map[destcell].Overlay != OVERLAY_NONE && OverlayTypeClass::As_Reference(Map[destcell].Overlay).IsWall) {
Override_Mission(MISSION_ATTACK, ::As_Target(destcell), TARGET_NONE);
} else {
if (IsNewNavCom) Sound_Effect(VOC_SCOLD);
IsNewNavCom = false;
TrackNumber = -1;
** Determine the speed that the unit can travel to the desired square.
ground = Map[destcell].Land_Type();
speed = Ground[ground].Cost[Class->Speed];
if (!speed) speed = 128;
#ifdef NEVER
** Set the jiggle flag if the terrain would cause the unit
** to jiggle when travelled over.
if (Ground[ground].Jiggle) {
** A damaged unit has a reduced speed.
if ((Class->MaxStrength>>1) > Strength) {
speed -= (speed>>2); // Three quarters speed.
if ((speed != Speed)/* || !SpeedAdd*/) {
Set_Speed(speed); // Full speed.
** Adjust speed depending on distance to ultimate movement target. The
** further away the target is, the faster the vehicle will travel.
int dist = Distance(NavCom);
if (dist < 0x0200) {
speed = Fixed_To_Cardinal(speed, 0x00A0);
} else {
if (dist < 0x0700) {
speed = Fixed_To_Cardinal(speed, 0x00D0);
** Reserve the destination cell so that it won't become
** occupied AS this unit is moving into it.
if (cando != MOVE_OK) {
Path[0] = FACING_NONE; // Path is blocked!
TrackNumber = -1;
dest = NULL;
} else {
Overrun_Square(Coord_Cell(dest), true);
** Determine which track to use (based on recorded path).
FacingType nextface = Path[1];
if (nextface == FACING_NONE) nextface = facing;
IsOnShortTrack = false;
TrackNumber = facing * FACING_COUNT + nextface;
if (TrackControl[TrackNumber].Track == 0) {
Path[0] = FACING_NONE;
TrackNumber = -1;
} else {
if (TrackControl[TrackNumber].Flag & F_D) {
** If the middle cell of a two cell track contains a crate,
** the check for goodies before movement starts.
if (!Map[destcell].Goodie_Check(this)) {
cando = MOVE_NO;
} else {
dest = Adjacent_Cell(dest, nextface);
destcell = Coord_Cell(dest);
cando = Can_Enter_Cell(destcell);
if (cando != MOVE_OK) {
** If a temporary friendly object is blocking the path, then cause it to
** get out of the way.
if (cando == MOVE_TEMP) {
bool old = Special.IsScatter;
Special.IsScatter = true;
Map[destcell].Incoming(0, true);
Special.IsScatter = old;
** If a cloaked object is blocking, then shimmer the cell.
if (cando == MOVE_CLOAK) {
Path[0] = FACING_NONE; // Path is blocked!
TrackNumber = -1;
dest = NULL;
if (cando == MOVE_DESTROYABLE) {
if (Map[destcell].Cell_Object()) {
if (!House->Is_Ally(Map[destcell].Cell_Object())) {
Override_Mission(MISSION_ATTACK, Map[destcell].Cell_Object()->As_Target(), TARGET_NONE);
} else {
if (Map[destcell].Overlay != OVERLAY_NONE && OverlayTypeClass::As_Reference(Map[destcell].Overlay).IsWall) {
Override_Mission(MISSION_ATTACK, ::As_Target(destcell), TARGET_NONE);
IsNewNavCom = false;
TrackIndex = 0;
} else {
memcpy(&Path[0], &Path[2], CONQUER_PATH_MAX-2);
IsPlanningToLook = true;
} else {
memcpy(&Path[0], &Path[1], CONQUER_PATH_MAX-1);
IsNewNavCom = false;
TrackIndex = 0;
if (!Start_Driver(dest)) {
TrackNumber = -1;
Path[0] = FACING_NONE;
* DriveClass::AI -- Processes unit movement and rotation. *
* *
* This routine is used to process unit movement and rotation. It *
* functions autonomously from the script system. Thus, once a unit *
* is give rotation command or movement path, it will follow this *
* until specifically instructed to stop. The advantage of this *
* method is that it allows smooth movement of units, faster game *
* execution, and reduced script complexity (since actual movement *
* dynamics need not be controlled directly by the scripts). *
* *
* INPUT: none *
* *
* OUTPUT: none *
* *
* WARNINGS: This routine relies on the process control bits for the *
* specified unit (for speed reasons). Thus, only setting *
* movement, rotation, or path list will the unit perform *
* any physics. *
* *
* 09/26/1993 JLB : Created. *
* 04/15/1994 JLB : Converted to member function. *
void DriveClass::AI(void)
** If the unit is following a track, then continue
** to do so -- mindlessly.
if (TrackNumber != -1) {
** Perform the movement accumulation.
if (!IsActive) return;
if (TrackNumber == -1 && (Target_Legal(NavCom) || Path[0] != FACING_NONE)) {
if (!IsActive) return;
} else {
** For tracked units that are rotating in place, perform the rotation now.
if ((Class->Speed == SPEED_FLOAT || Class->Speed == SPEED_HOVER || Class->Speed == SPEED_TRACK || (Class->Speed == SPEED_WHEEL && !Special.IsThreePoint)) && PrimaryFacing.Is_Rotating()) {
if (PrimaryFacing.Rotation_Adjust((int)(Class->ROT * House->GroundspeedBias))) {
if (!IsRotating) {
if (!IsActive) return;
} else {
** The unit has no track to follow, but if there
** is a navigation target or a remaining path,
** then start on a new track.
if (Mission != MISSION_GUARD || NavCom != TARGET_NONE) {
if (Target_Legal(NavCom) || Path[0] != FACING_NONE) {
if (!IsActive) return;
} else {
* DriveClass::Fixup_Path -- Adds smooth start path to normal movement path. *
* *
* This routine modifies the path of the specified unit so that it *
* will not start out with a rotation. This is necessary for those *
* vehicles that have difficulty with rotating in place. Typically, *
* this includes wheeled vehicles. *
* *
* INPUT: unit -- Pointer to the unit to adjust. *
* *
* path -- Pointer to path structure. *
* *
* OUTPUT: none *
* *
* WARNINGS: Only units that require a fixup get modified. The *
* modification only occurs, if there is a legal path to *
* do so. *
* *
* 04/03/1994 JLB : Created. *
* 04/06/1994 JLB : Uses path structure. *
* 04/10/1994 JLB : Diagonal smooth turn added. *
* 04/15/1994 JLB : Converted to member function. *
void DriveClass::Fixup_Path(PathType *path)
FacingType stage[6]={FACING_N,FACING_N,FACING_N,FACING_N,FACING_N,FACING_N}; // Prefix path elements.
int facediff; // The facing difference value (0..4 | 0..-4).
static FacingType _path[4][6] = {
static FacingType _dpath[4][6] = {
int index;
int counter; // Path addition
FacingType *ptr; // Path list pointer.
FacingType *ptr2; // Copy of new path list pointer.
FacingType nextpath; // Next path value.
CELL cell; // Working cell value.
bool ok;
** Verify that the unit is valid and there is a path problem to resolve.
if (!path || path->Command[0] == FACING_NONE) {
** Only wheeled vehicles need a path fixup -- to avoid 3 point turns.
if (!Special.IsThreePoint || Class->Speed != SPEED_WHEEL) {
** If the original path starts in the same direction as the unit, then
** there is no problem to resolve -- abort.
facediff = PrimaryFacing.Difference((DirType)(path->Command[0]<<5)) >> 5;
if (!facediff) return;
if (Dir_Facing(PrimaryFacing) & FACING_NE) {
ptr = &_dpath[(FacingType)ABS((int)facediff)-FACING_NE][1]; // Pointer to path adjust list.
counter = (int)_dpath[(FacingType)ABS((int)facediff)-FACING_NE][0]; // Number of path adjusts.
} else {
ptr = &_path[(FacingType)ABS((int)facediff)-FACING_NE][1]; // Pointer to path adjust list.
counter = (int)_path[(FacingType)ABS((int)facediff)-FACING_NE][0]; // Number of path adjusts.
ptr2 = ptr;
ok = true; // Presume adjustment is all ok.
cell = Coord_Cell(Coord); // Starting cell.
nextpath = Dir_Facing(PrimaryFacing); // Starting path.
for (index = 0; index < counter; index++) {
** Determine next path element and add it to the
** working path list.
if (facediff > 0) {
nextpath = nextpath + *ptr++;
} else {
nextpath = nextpath - *ptr++;
stage[index] = nextpath;
cell = Adjacent_Cell(cell, nextpath);
//cell = Coord_Cell(Adjacent_Cell(Cell_Coord(cell), nextpath));
** If it can't enter this cell, then abort the path
** building operation without adjusting the unit's
** path.
if (Can_Enter_Cell(cell, nextpath) != MOVE_OK) {
ok = false;
** If veering to the left was not successful, then try veering
** to the right. This only makes sense if the vehicle is trying
** to turn 180 degrees.
if (!ok && ABS(facediff) == 4) {
ptr = ptr2; // Pointer to path adjust list.
facediff = -facediff;
ok = true; // Presume adjustment is all ok.
cell = Coord_Cell(Coord); // Starting cell.
nextpath = Dir_Facing(PrimaryFacing); // Starting path.
for (index = 0; index < counter; index++) {
** Determine next path element and add it to the
** working path list.
if (facediff > 0) {
nextpath = nextpath + *ptr++;
} else {
nextpath = nextpath - *ptr++;
stage[index] = nextpath;
cell = Coord_Cell(Adjacent_Cell(Cell_Coord(cell), nextpath));
** If it can't enter this cell, then abort the path
** building operation without adjusting the unit's
** path.
if (Can_Enter_Cell(cell, nextpath) != MOVE_OK) {
ok = false;
** If a legal path addition was created, then install it in place
** of the first path value. The initial path entry is to be replaced
** with a sequence of path entries that create smooth turning.
if (ok) {
if (path->Length <= 1) {
movmem(&stage[0], path->Command, MAX(counter, 1));
path->Length = counter;
} else {
** Optimize the transition path step from the smooth turn
** first part as it joins with the rest of the normal
** path. The normal prefix path steps are NOT to be optimized.
if (counter) {
path->Command[0] = stage[counter];
Optimize_Moves(path, MOVE_OK);
** If there is more than one prefix path element, then
** insert the rest now.
if (counter) {
movmem(&path->Command[0], &path->Command[counter], 40-counter);
movmem(&stage[0], &path->Command[0], counter);
path->Length += counter;
path->Command[path->Length] = FACING_NONE;
* DriveClass::Lay_Track -- Handles track laying logic for the unit. *
* *
* This routine handles the track laying for the unit. This entails examining the unit's *
* current location as well as the direction and whether this unit is allowed to lay *
* tracks in the first place. *
* *
* INPUT: none *
* *
* OUTPUT: none *
* *
* WARNINGS: none *
* *
* 05/28/1994 JLB : Created. *
void DriveClass::Lay_Track(void)
#ifdef NEVER
static IconCommandType *_trackdirs[8] = {
if (!(ClassF & CLASSF_TRACKS)) return;
Icon_Install(Coord_Cell(Coord), _trackdirs[Facing_To_8(BodyFacing)]);
* DriveClass::Mark_Track -- Marks the midpoint of the track as occupied. *
* *
* This routine will ensure that the midpoint (if any) of the track that the unit is *
* following, will be marked according to the mark type specified. *
* *
* INPUT: headto -- The head to coordinate. *
* *
* type -- The type of marking to perform. *
* *
* OUTPUT: none *
* *
* WARNINGS: none *
* *
* 07/30/1995 JLB : Created. *
void DriveClass::Mark_Track(COORDINATE headto, MarkType type)
int value;
if (type == MARK_UP) {
value = false;
} else {
value = true;
if (headto) {
if (!IsOnShortTrack && TrackNumber != -1) {
** If we have not passed the per cell process point we need
** to deal with it.
int tracknum = TrackControl[TrackNumber].Track;
if (tracknum) {
TrackType const * ptr = RawTracks[tracknum - 1].Track;
int cellidx = RawTracks[tracknum - 1].Cell;
if (cellidx > -1) {
DirType dir = ptr[cellidx].Facing;
if (TrackIndex < cellidx && cellidx != -1) {
COORDINATE offset = Smooth_Turn(ptr[cellidx].Offset, &dir);
CELL cell = Coord_Cell(offset);
if ((unsigned)cell < MAP_CELL_TOTAL) {
Map[cell].Flag.Occupy.Vehicle = value;
CELL cell = Coord_Cell(headto);
if ((unsigned)cell < MAP_CELL_TOTAL) {
Map[cell].Flag.Occupy.Vehicle = value;
* DriveClass::Offload_Tiberium_Bail -- Offloads one Tiberium quantum from the object. *
* *
* This routine will offload one Tiberium packet/quantum/bail from the object. Multiple *
* calls to this routine are needed in order to fully offload all Tiberium. *
* *
* INPUT: none *
* *
* OUTPUT: Returns with the number of credits offloaded for the one call. If zero is returned,*
* then this indicates that all Tiberium has been offloaded. *
* *
* WARNINGS: none *
* *
* 07/19/1995 JLB : Created. *
int DriveClass::Offload_Tiberium_Bail(void)
if (Tiberium) {
if (House->IsHuman) {
return(UnitTypeClass::FULL_LOAD_CREDITS/UnitTypeClass::STEP_COUNT); // 25 in debugger
// MBL 05.14.2020: AI harvested credits fix for multiplayer, since they are miscalculated, and it's noticed
// return(UnitTypeClass::FULL_LOAD_CREDITS+(UnitTypeClass::FULL_LOAD_CREDITS/3)/UnitTypeClass::STEP_COUNT); 708 in debugger
if (GameToPlay == GAME_NORMAL) // Non-multiplayer game, keep the original calculation; 708 in debugger
return(UnitTypeClass::FULL_LOAD_CREDITS+(UnitTypeClass::FULL_LOAD_CREDITS/3)/UnitTypeClass::STEP_COUNT); // Original (708), wrong calcualation but preserving to not break missions
else // Multiplayer game, apply the 1/3 bonus credits correction, so not be as extreme; 33 in debugger
return((UnitTypeClass::FULL_LOAD_CREDITS+(UnitTypeClass::FULL_LOAD_CREDITS/3))/UnitTypeClass::STEP_COUNT); // Corrected calculation
* DriveClass::Ok_To_Move -- Checks to see if this object can begin moving. *
* *
* This routine is used to verify that this object is allowed to move. Some objects can *
* be temporarily occupied and thus cannot move until the situation permits. *
* *
* INPUT: direction -- The direction that movement would be desired. *
* *
* OUTPUT: Can the unit move in the direction specified? *
* *
* WARNINGS: none *
* *
* 07/29/1995 JLB : Created. *
bool DriveClass::Ok_To_Move(DirType ) const
return true;
* DriveClass::Class_Of -- Fetches a reference to the class type for this object. *
* *
* This routine will fetch a reference to the TypeClass of this object. *
* *
* INPUT: none *
* *
* OUTPUT: Returns with reference to the type class of this object. *
* *
* WARNINGS: none *
* *
* 07/29/1995 JLB : Created. *
ObjectTypeClass const & DriveClass::Class_Of(void) const
return *Class;
** Smooth turn track tables. These are coordinate offsets from the center
** of the destination cell. These are the raw tracks that are modified
** by negating the X and Y portions as necessary. Also for reverse travelling
** direction, the track list can be processed backward.
** Track 1 = N
** Track 2 = NE
** Track 3 = N->NE 45 deg (double path consumption)
** Track 4 = N->E 90 deg (double path consumption)
** Track 5 = NE->SE 90 deg (double path consumption)
** Track 6 = NE->N 45 deg (double path consumption)
** Track 7 = N->NE (facing change only)
** Track 8 = NE->E (facing change only)
** Track 9 = N->E (facing change only)
** Track 10= NE->SE (facing change only)
** Track 11= back up into refinery
** Track 12= drive out of refinery
//#pragma warn -ias
DriveClass::TrackType const DriveClass::Track1[24] = {
{0x007C0000L,(DirType)0}, // Track jump check here.
DriveClass::TrackType const DriveClass::Track2[] = {
{0x0080FF80L,(DirType)32}, // Track jump check here.
DriveClass::TrackType const DriveClass::Track3[] = {
{0x0175FF00L,(DirType)0}, // Jump entry point here.
{0x0107FF1FL,(DirType)13}, // Center cell processing here.
{0x0080FF80L,(DirType)32}, // Track jump check here.
DriveClass::TrackType const DriveClass::Track4[] = {
{0x0080FF14L,(DirType)5}, // Track entry here.
{0x0014FF82L,(DirType)60}, // Track jump here.
DriveClass::TrackType const DriveClass::Track5[] = {
{0xFF80FE80L,(DirType)32}, // Track entry here.
{0xFF80FF80L,(DirType)96}, // Track jump check here.
DriveClass::TrackType const DriveClass::Track6[] = {
{0x0080FE80L,(DirType)32}, // Jump entry point here.
{0x0000FF80L,(DirType)64}, // Track jump check here.
DriveClass::TrackType const DriveClass::Track7[] = {
DriveClass::TrackType const DriveClass::Track8[] = {
DriveClass::TrackType const DriveClass::Track9[] = {
DriveClass::TrackType const DriveClass::Track10[] = {
DriveClass::TrackType const DriveClass::Track11[] = {
DriveClass::TrackType const DriveClass::Track12[] = {
** Drive out of weapon's factory.
DriveClass::TrackType const DriveClass::Track13[] = {
** There are a limited basic number of tracks that a vehicle can follow. These
** are they. Each track can be interpreted differently but this is controlled
** by the TrackControl structure elaborated elsewhere.
DriveClass::RawTrackType const DriveClass::RawTracks[13] = {
{Track1, -1, 0, -1},
{Track2, -1, 0, -1},
{Track3, 37, 12, 22},
{Track4, 26, 11, 19},
{Track5, 45, 15, 31},
{Track6, 44, 16, 27},
{Track7, -1, 0, -1},
{Track8, -1, 0, -1},
{Track9, -1, 0, -1},
{Track10, -1, 0, -1},
{Track11, -1, 0, -1},
{Track12, -1, 0, -1},
{Track13, -1, 0, -1}
** Smooth turning control table. Given two directions in a path list, this
** table determines which track to use and what modifying operations need
** be performed on the track data.
DriveClass::TurnTrackType const DriveClass::TrackControl[67] = {
{1, 0, DIR_N, F_}, // 0-0
{3, 7, DIR_NE, F_D}, // 0-1 (raw chart)
{4, 9, DIR_E, F_D}, // 0-2 (raw chart)
{0, 0, DIR_SE, F_}, // 0-3 !
{0, 0, DIR_S, F_}, // 0-4 !
{0, 0, DIR_SW, F_}, // 0-5 !
{4, 9, DIR_W, (DriveClass::TrackControlType)(F_X|F_D)}, // 0-6
{3, 7, DIR_NW, (DriveClass::TrackControlType)(F_X|F_D)}, // 0-7
{6, 8, DIR_N, (DriveClass::TrackControlType)(F_T|F_X|F_Y|F_D)}, // 1-0
{2, 0, DIR_NE, F_}, // 1-1 (raw chart)
{6, 8, DIR_E, F_D}, // 1-2 (raw chart)
{5, 10, DIR_SE, F_D}, // 1-3 (raw chart)
{0, 0, DIR_S, F_}, // 1-4 !
{0, 0, DIR_SW, F_}, // 1-5 !
{0, 0, DIR_W, F_}, // 1-6 !
{5, 10, DIR_NW, (DriveClass::TrackControlType)(F_T|F_X|F_Y|F_D)}, // 1-7
{4, 9, DIR_N, (DriveClass::TrackControlType)(F_T|F_X|F_Y|F_D)}, // 2-0
{3, 7, DIR_NE, (DriveClass::TrackControlType)(F_T|F_X|F_Y|F_D)}, // 2-1
{1, 0, DIR_E, (DriveClass::TrackControlType)(F_T|F_X)}, // 2-2
{3, 7, DIR_SE, (DriveClass::TrackControlType)(F_T|F_X|F_D)}, // 2-3
{4, 9, DIR_S, (DriveClass::TrackControlType)(F_T|F_X|F_D)}, // 2-4
{0, 0, DIR_SW, F_}, // 2-5 !
{0, 0, DIR_W, F_}, // 2-6 !
{0, 0, DIR_NW, F_}, // 2-7 !
{0, 0, DIR_N, F_}, // 3-0 !
{5, 10, DIR_NE, (DriveClass::TrackControlType)(F_Y|F_D)}, // 3-1
{6, 8, DIR_E, (DriveClass::TrackControlType)(F_Y|F_D)}, // 3-2
{2, 0, DIR_SE, F_Y}, // 3-3
{6, 8, DIR_S, (DriveClass::TrackControlType)(F_T|F_X|F_D)}, // 3-4
{5, 10, DIR_SW, (DriveClass::TrackControlType)(F_T|F_X|F_D)}, // 3-5
{0, 0, DIR_W, F_}, // 3-6 !
{0, 0, DIR_NW, F_}, // 3-7 !
{0, 0, DIR_N, F_}, // 4-0 !
{0, 0, DIR_NE, F_}, // 4-1 !
{4, 9, DIR_E, (DriveClass::TrackControlType)(F_Y|F_D)}, // 4-2
{3, 7, DIR_SE, (DriveClass::TrackControlType)(F_Y|F_D)}, // 4-3
{1, 0, DIR_S, F_Y}, // 4-4
{3, 7, DIR_SW, (DriveClass::TrackControlType)(F_X|F_Y|F_D)}, // 4-5
{4, 9, DIR_W, (DriveClass::TrackControlType)(F_X|F_Y|F_D)}, // 4-6
{0, 0, DIR_NW, F_}, // 4-7 !
{0, 0, DIR_N, F_}, // 5-0 !
{0, 0, DIR_NE, F_}, // 5-1 !
{0, 0, DIR_E, F_}, // 5-2 !
{5, 10, DIR_SE, (DriveClass::TrackControlType)(F_T|F_D)}, // 5-3
{6, 8, DIR_S, (DriveClass::TrackControlType)(F_T|F_D)}, // 5-4
{2, 0, DIR_SW, F_T}, // 5-5
{6, 8, DIR_W, (DriveClass::TrackControlType)(F_X|F_Y|F_D)}, // 5-6
{5, 10, DIR_NW, (DriveClass::TrackControlType)(F_X|F_Y|F_D)}, // 5-7
{4, 9, DIR_N, (DriveClass::TrackControlType)(F_T|F_Y|F_D)}, // 6-0
{0, 0, DIR_NE, F_}, // 6-1 !
{0, 0, DIR_E, F_}, // 6-2 !
{0, 0, DIR_SE, F_}, // 6-3 !
{4, 9, DIR_S, (DriveClass::TrackControlType)(F_T|F_D)}, // 6-4
{3, 7, DIR_SW, (DriveClass::TrackControlType)(F_T|F_D)}, // 6-5
{1, 0, DIR_W, F_T}, // 6-6
{3, 7, DIR_NW, (DriveClass::TrackControlType)(F_T|F_Y|F_D)}, // 6-7
{6, 8, DIR_N, (DriveClass::TrackControlType)(F_T|F_Y|F_D)}, // 7-0
{5, 10, DIR_NE, (DriveClass::TrackControlType)(F_T|F_Y|F_D)}, // 7-1
{0, 0, DIR_E, F_}, // 7-2 !
{0, 0, DIR_SE, F_}, // 7-3 !
{0, 0, DIR_S, F_}, // 7-4 !
{5, 10, DIR_SW, (DriveClass::TrackControlType)(F_X|F_D)}, // 7-5
{6, 8, DIR_W, (DriveClass::TrackControlType)(F_X|F_D)}, // 7-6
{2, 0, DIR_NW, F_X}, // 7-7
{11, 11, DIR_SW, F_}, // Backup harvester into refinery.
{12, 12, DIR_SW_X2, F_}, // Drive back into refinery.
{13, 13, DIR_SW, F_} // Drive out of weapons factory.