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PG-SteveT e37e174be1 C&C Remastered Map Editor
Initial commit of C&C Remastered Map Editor code
2020-09-10 11:12:58 -07:00

2493 lines
125 KiB

// This file is provided under The MIT License as part of Steamworks.NET.
// Copyright (c) 2013-2019 Riley Labrecque
// Please see the included LICENSE.txt for additional information.
// This file is automatically generated.
// Changes to this file will be reverted when you update Steamworks.NET
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using IntPtr = System.IntPtr;
namespace Steamworks {
// callbacks
// Purpose: Sent when a new app is installed
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamAppListCallbacks + 1)]
public struct SteamAppInstalled_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamAppListCallbacks + 1;
public AppId_t m_nAppID; // ID of the app that installs
// Purpose: Sent when an app is uninstalled
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamAppListCallbacks + 2)]
public struct SteamAppUninstalled_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamAppListCallbacks + 2;
public AppId_t m_nAppID; // ID of the app that installs
// callbacks
// Purpose: posted after the user gains ownership of DLC & that DLC is installed
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamAppsCallbacks + 5)]
public struct DlcInstalled_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamAppsCallbacks + 5;
public AppId_t m_nAppID; // AppID of the DLC
// Purpose: response to RegisterActivationCode()
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamAppsCallbacks + 8)]
public struct RegisterActivationCodeResponse_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamAppsCallbacks + 8;
public ERegisterActivationCodeResult m_eResult;
public uint m_unPackageRegistered; // package that was registered. Only set on success
// Purpose: posted after the user gains executes a Steam URL with command line or query parameters
// such as steam://run/<appid>//-commandline/?param1=value1&param2=value2&param3=value3 etc
// while the game is already running. The new params can be queried
// with GetLaunchQueryParam and GetLaunchCommandLine
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value, Size = 1)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamAppsCallbacks + 14)]
public struct NewUrlLaunchParameters_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamAppsCallbacks + 14;
// Purpose: response to RequestAppProofOfPurchaseKey/RequestAllProofOfPurchaseKeys
// for supporting third-party CD keys, or other proof-of-purchase systems.
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamAppsCallbacks + 21)]
public struct AppProofOfPurchaseKeyResponse_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamAppsCallbacks + 21;
public EResult m_eResult;
public uint m_nAppID;
public uint m_cchKeyLength;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = Constants.k_cubAppProofOfPurchaseKeyMax)]
public string m_rgchKey;
// Purpose: response to GetFileDetails
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamAppsCallbacks + 23)]
public struct FileDetailsResult_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamAppsCallbacks + 23;
public EResult m_eResult;
public ulong m_ulFileSize; // original file size in bytes
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 20)]
public byte[] m_FileSHA; // original file SHA1 hash
public uint m_unFlags; //
// callbacks
// Purpose: called when a friends' status changes
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamFriendsCallbacks + 4)]
public struct PersonaStateChange_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamFriendsCallbacks + 4;
public ulong m_ulSteamID; // steamID of the friend who changed
public EPersonaChange m_nChangeFlags; // what's changed
// Purpose: posted when game overlay activates or deactivates
// the game can use this to be pause or resume single player games
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamFriendsCallbacks + 31)]
public struct GameOverlayActivated_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamFriendsCallbacks + 31;
public byte m_bActive; // true if it's just been activated, false otherwise
// Purpose: called when the user tries to join a different game server from their friends list
// game client should attempt to connect to specified server when this is received
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamFriendsCallbacks + 32)]
public struct GameServerChangeRequested_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamFriendsCallbacks + 32;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 64)]
public string m_rgchServer; // server address ("", "")
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 64)]
public string m_rgchPassword; // server password, if any
// Purpose: called when the user tries to join a lobby from their friends list
// game client should attempt to connect to specified lobby when this is received
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamFriendsCallbacks + 33)]
public struct GameLobbyJoinRequested_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamFriendsCallbacks + 33;
public CSteamID m_steamIDLobby;
// The friend they did the join via (will be invalid if not directly via a friend)
// On PS3, the friend will be invalid if this was triggered by a PSN invite via the XMB, but
// the account type will be console user so you can tell at least that this was from a PSN friend
// rather than a Steam friend.
public CSteamID m_steamIDFriend;
// Purpose: called when an avatar is loaded in from a previous GetLargeFriendAvatar() call
// if the image wasn't already available
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 4)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamFriendsCallbacks + 34)]
public struct AvatarImageLoaded_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamFriendsCallbacks + 34;
public CSteamID m_steamID; // steamid the avatar has been loaded for
public int m_iImage; // the image index of the now loaded image
public int m_iWide; // width of the loaded image
public int m_iTall; // height of the loaded image
// Purpose: marks the return of a request officer list call
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamFriendsCallbacks + 35)]
public struct ClanOfficerListResponse_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamFriendsCallbacks + 35;
public CSteamID m_steamIDClan;
public int m_cOfficers;
public byte m_bSuccess;
// Purpose: callback indicating updated data about friends rich presence information
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 4)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamFriendsCallbacks + 36)]
public struct FriendRichPresenceUpdate_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamFriendsCallbacks + 36;
public CSteamID m_steamIDFriend; // friend who's rich presence has changed
public AppId_t m_nAppID; // the appID of the game (should always be the current game)
// Purpose: called when the user tries to join a game from their friends list
// rich presence will have been set with the "connect" key which is set here
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamFriendsCallbacks + 37)]
public struct GameRichPresenceJoinRequested_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamFriendsCallbacks + 37;
public CSteamID m_steamIDFriend; // the friend they did the join via (will be invalid if not directly via a friend)
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = Constants.k_cchMaxRichPresenceValueLength)]
public string m_rgchConnect;
// Purpose: a chat message has been received for a clan chat the game has joined
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 4)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamFriendsCallbacks + 38)]
public struct GameConnectedClanChatMsg_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamFriendsCallbacks + 38;
public CSteamID m_steamIDClanChat;
public CSteamID m_steamIDUser;
public int m_iMessageID;
// Purpose: a user has joined a clan chat
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamFriendsCallbacks + 39)]
public struct GameConnectedChatJoin_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamFriendsCallbacks + 39;
public CSteamID m_steamIDClanChat;
public CSteamID m_steamIDUser;
// Purpose: a user has left the chat we're in
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 1)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamFriendsCallbacks + 40)]
public struct GameConnectedChatLeave_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamFriendsCallbacks + 40;
public CSteamID m_steamIDClanChat;
public CSteamID m_steamIDUser;
public bool m_bKicked; // true if admin kicked
public bool m_bDropped; // true if Steam connection dropped
// Purpose: a DownloadClanActivityCounts() call has finished
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamFriendsCallbacks + 41)]
public struct DownloadClanActivityCountsResult_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamFriendsCallbacks + 41;
public bool m_bSuccess;
// Purpose: a JoinClanChatRoom() call has finished
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 4)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamFriendsCallbacks + 42)]
public struct JoinClanChatRoomCompletionResult_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamFriendsCallbacks + 42;
public CSteamID m_steamIDClanChat;
public EChatRoomEnterResponse m_eChatRoomEnterResponse;
// Purpose: a chat message has been received from a user
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 4)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamFriendsCallbacks + 43)]
public struct GameConnectedFriendChatMsg_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamFriendsCallbacks + 43;
public CSteamID m_steamIDUser;
public int m_iMessageID;
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 4)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamFriendsCallbacks + 44)]
public struct FriendsGetFollowerCount_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamFriendsCallbacks + 44;
public EResult m_eResult;
public CSteamID m_steamID;
public int m_nCount;
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 4)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamFriendsCallbacks + 45)]
public struct FriendsIsFollowing_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamFriendsCallbacks + 45;
public EResult m_eResult;
public CSteamID m_steamID;
public bool m_bIsFollowing;
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 4)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamFriendsCallbacks + 46)]
public struct FriendsEnumerateFollowingList_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamFriendsCallbacks + 46;
public EResult m_eResult;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = Constants.k_cEnumerateFollowersMax)]
public CSteamID[] m_rgSteamID;
public int m_nResultsReturned;
public int m_nTotalResultCount;
// Purpose: reports the result of an attempt to change the user's persona name
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamFriendsCallbacks + 47)]
public struct SetPersonaNameResponse_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamFriendsCallbacks + 47;
public bool m_bSuccess; // true if name change succeeded completely.
public bool m_bLocalSuccess; // true if name change was retained locally. (We might not have been able to communicate with Steam)
public EResult m_result; // detailed result code
// Purpose: Invoked when the status of unread messages changes
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value, Size = 1)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamFriendsCallbacks + 48)]
public struct UnreadChatMessagesChanged_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamFriendsCallbacks + 48;
// callbacks
// callback notification - A new message is available for reading from the message queue
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamGameCoordinatorCallbacks + 1)]
public struct GCMessageAvailable_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamGameCoordinatorCallbacks + 1;
public uint m_nMessageSize;
// callback notification - A message failed to make it to the GC. It may be down temporarily
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value, Size = 1)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamGameCoordinatorCallbacks + 2)]
public struct GCMessageFailed_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamGameCoordinatorCallbacks + 2;
// won't enforce authentication of users that connect to the server.
// Useful when you run a server where the clients may not
// be connected to the internet but you want them to play (i.e LANs)
// callbacks
// client has been approved to connect to this game server
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamGameServerCallbacks + 1)]
public struct GSClientApprove_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamGameServerCallbacks + 1;
public CSteamID m_SteamID; // SteamID of approved player
public CSteamID m_OwnerSteamID; // SteamID of original owner for game license
// client has been denied to connection to this game server
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 4)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamGameServerCallbacks + 2)]
public struct GSClientDeny_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamGameServerCallbacks + 2;
public CSteamID m_SteamID;
public EDenyReason m_eDenyReason;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 128)]
public string m_rgchOptionalText;
// request the game server should kick the user
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 4)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamGameServerCallbacks + 3)]
public struct GSClientKick_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamGameServerCallbacks + 3;
public CSteamID m_SteamID;
public EDenyReason m_eDenyReason;
// NOTE: callback values 4 and 5 are skipped because they are used for old deprecated callbacks,
// do not reuse them here.
// client achievement info
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamGameServerCallbacks + 6)]
public struct GSClientAchievementStatus_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamGameServerCallbacks + 6;
public ulong m_SteamID;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 128)]
public string m_pchAchievement;
public bool m_bUnlocked;
// received when the game server requests to be displayed as secure (VAC protected)
// m_bSecure is true if the game server should display itself as secure to users, false otherwise
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamUserCallbacks + 15)]
public struct GSPolicyResponse_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamUserCallbacks + 15;
public byte m_bSecure;
// GS gameplay stats info
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamGameServerCallbacks + 7)]
public struct GSGameplayStats_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamGameServerCallbacks + 7;
public EResult m_eResult; // Result of the call
public int m_nRank; // Overall rank of the server (0-based)
public uint m_unTotalConnects; // Total number of clients who have ever connected to the server
public uint m_unTotalMinutesPlayed; // Total number of minutes ever played on the server
// send as a reply to RequestUserGroupStatus()
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 1)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamGameServerCallbacks + 8)]
public struct GSClientGroupStatus_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamGameServerCallbacks + 8;
public CSteamID m_SteamIDUser;
public CSteamID m_SteamIDGroup;
public bool m_bMember;
public bool m_bOfficer;
// Sent as a reply to GetServerReputation()
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamGameServerCallbacks + 9)]
public struct GSReputation_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamGameServerCallbacks + 9;
public EResult m_eResult; // Result of the call;
public uint m_unReputationScore; // The reputation score for the game server
public bool m_bBanned; // True if the server is banned from the Steam
// master servers
// The following members are only filled out if m_bBanned is true. They will all
// be set to zero otherwise. Master server bans are by IP so it is possible to be
// banned even when the score is good high if there is a bad server on another port.
// This information can be used to determine which server is bad.
public uint m_unBannedIP; // The IP of the banned server
public ushort m_usBannedPort; // The port of the banned server
public ulong m_ulBannedGameID; // The game ID the banned server is serving
public uint m_unBanExpires; // Time the ban expires, expressed in the Unix epoch (seconds since 1/1/1970)
// Sent as a reply to AssociateWithClan()
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamGameServerCallbacks + 10)]
public struct AssociateWithClanResult_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamGameServerCallbacks + 10;
public EResult m_eResult; // Result of the call;
// Sent as a reply to ComputeNewPlayerCompatibility()
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamGameServerCallbacks + 11)]
public struct ComputeNewPlayerCompatibilityResult_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamGameServerCallbacks + 11;
public EResult m_eResult; // Result of the call;
public int m_cPlayersThatDontLikeCandidate;
public int m_cPlayersThatCandidateDoesntLike;
public int m_cClanPlayersThatDontLikeCandidate;
public CSteamID m_SteamIDCandidate;
// callbacks
// Purpose: called when the latests stats and achievements have been received
// from the server
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 4)]
public struct GSStatsReceived_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamGameServerStatsCallbacks;
public EResult m_eResult; // Success / error fetching the stats
public CSteamID m_steamIDUser; // The user for whom the stats are retrieved for
// Purpose: result of a request to store the user stats for a game
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 4)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamGameServerStatsCallbacks + 1)]
public struct GSStatsStored_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamGameServerStatsCallbacks + 1;
public EResult m_eResult; // success / error
public CSteamID m_steamIDUser; // The user for whom the stats were stored
// Purpose: Callback indicating that a user's stats have been unloaded.
// Call RequestUserStats again to access stats for this user
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamUserStatsCallbacks + 8)]
public struct GSStatsUnloaded_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamUserStatsCallbacks + 8;
public CSteamID m_steamIDUser; // User whose stats have been unloaded
// callbacks
// Purpose: The browser is ready for use
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamHTMLSurfaceCallbacks + 1)]
public struct HTML_BrowserReady_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamHTMLSurfaceCallbacks + 1;
public HHTMLBrowser unBrowserHandle; // this browser is now fully created and ready to navigate to pages
// Purpose: the browser has a pending paint
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamHTMLSurfaceCallbacks + 2)]
public struct HTML_NeedsPaint_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamHTMLSurfaceCallbacks + 2;
public HHTMLBrowser unBrowserHandle; // the browser that needs the paint
public IntPtr pBGRA; // a pointer to the B8G8R8A8 data for this surface, valid until SteamAPI_RunCallbacks is next called
public uint unWide; // the total width of the pBGRA texture
public uint unTall; // the total height of the pBGRA texture
public uint unUpdateX; // the offset in X for the damage rect for this update
public uint unUpdateY; // the offset in Y for the damage rect for this update
public uint unUpdateWide; // the width of the damage rect for this update
public uint unUpdateTall; // the height of the damage rect for this update
public uint unScrollX; // the page scroll the browser was at when this texture was rendered
public uint unScrollY; // the page scroll the browser was at when this texture was rendered
public float flPageScale; // the page scale factor on this page when rendered
public uint unPageSerial; // incremented on each new page load, you can use this to reject draws while navigating to new pages
// Purpose: The browser wanted to navigate to a new page
// NOTE - you MUST call AllowStartRequest in response to this callback
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamHTMLSurfaceCallbacks + 3)]
public struct HTML_StartRequest_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamHTMLSurfaceCallbacks + 3;
public HHTMLBrowser unBrowserHandle; // the handle of the surface navigating
public string pchURL; // the url they wish to navigate to
public string pchTarget; // the html link target type (i.e _blank, _self, _parent, _top )
public string pchPostData; // any posted data for the request
public bool bIsRedirect; // true if this was a http/html redirect from the last load request
// Purpose: The browser has been requested to close due to user interaction (usually from a javascript window.close() call)
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamHTMLSurfaceCallbacks + 4)]
public struct HTML_CloseBrowser_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamHTMLSurfaceCallbacks + 4;
public HHTMLBrowser unBrowserHandle; // the handle of the surface
// Purpose: the browser is navigating to a new url
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamHTMLSurfaceCallbacks + 5)]
public struct HTML_URLChanged_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamHTMLSurfaceCallbacks + 5;
public HHTMLBrowser unBrowserHandle; // the handle of the surface navigating
public string pchURL; // the url they wish to navigate to
public string pchPostData; // any posted data for the request
public bool bIsRedirect; // true if this was a http/html redirect from the last load request
public string pchPageTitle; // the title of the page
public bool bNewNavigation; // true if this was from a fresh tab and not a click on an existing page
// Purpose: A page is finished loading
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamHTMLSurfaceCallbacks + 6)]
public struct HTML_FinishedRequest_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamHTMLSurfaceCallbacks + 6;
public HHTMLBrowser unBrowserHandle; // the handle of the surface
public string pchURL; //
public string pchPageTitle; //
// Purpose: a request to load this url in a new tab
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamHTMLSurfaceCallbacks + 7)]
public struct HTML_OpenLinkInNewTab_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamHTMLSurfaceCallbacks + 7;
public HHTMLBrowser unBrowserHandle; // the handle of the surface
public string pchURL; //
// Purpose: the page has a new title now
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamHTMLSurfaceCallbacks + 8)]
public struct HTML_ChangedTitle_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamHTMLSurfaceCallbacks + 8;
public HHTMLBrowser unBrowserHandle; // the handle of the surface
public string pchTitle; //
// Purpose: results from a search
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamHTMLSurfaceCallbacks + 9)]
public struct HTML_SearchResults_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamHTMLSurfaceCallbacks + 9;
public HHTMLBrowser unBrowserHandle; // the handle of the surface
public uint unResults; //
public uint unCurrentMatch; //
// Purpose: page history status changed on the ability to go backwards and forward
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamHTMLSurfaceCallbacks + 10)]
public struct HTML_CanGoBackAndForward_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamHTMLSurfaceCallbacks + 10;
public HHTMLBrowser unBrowserHandle; // the handle of the surface
public bool bCanGoBack; //
public bool bCanGoForward; //
// Purpose: details on the visibility and size of the horizontal scrollbar
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamHTMLSurfaceCallbacks + 11)]
public struct HTML_HorizontalScroll_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamHTMLSurfaceCallbacks + 11;
public HHTMLBrowser unBrowserHandle; // the handle of the surface
public uint unScrollMax; //
public uint unScrollCurrent; //
public float flPageScale; //
public bool bVisible; //
public uint unPageSize; //
// Purpose: details on the visibility and size of the vertical scrollbar
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamHTMLSurfaceCallbacks + 12)]
public struct HTML_VerticalScroll_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamHTMLSurfaceCallbacks + 12;
public HHTMLBrowser unBrowserHandle; // the handle of the surface
public uint unScrollMax; //
public uint unScrollCurrent; //
public float flPageScale; //
public bool bVisible; //
public uint unPageSize; //
// Purpose: response to GetLinkAtPosition call
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamHTMLSurfaceCallbacks + 13)]
public struct HTML_LinkAtPosition_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamHTMLSurfaceCallbacks + 13;
public HHTMLBrowser unBrowserHandle; // the handle of the surface
public uint x; // NOTE - Not currently set
public uint y; // NOTE - Not currently set
public string pchURL; //
public bool bInput; //
public bool bLiveLink; //
// Purpose: show a Javascript alert dialog, call JSDialogResponse
// when the user dismisses this dialog (or right away to ignore it)
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamHTMLSurfaceCallbacks + 14)]
public struct HTML_JSAlert_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamHTMLSurfaceCallbacks + 14;
public HHTMLBrowser unBrowserHandle; // the handle of the surface
public string pchMessage; //
// Purpose: show a Javascript confirmation dialog, call JSDialogResponse
// when the user dismisses this dialog (or right away to ignore it)
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamHTMLSurfaceCallbacks + 15)]
public struct HTML_JSConfirm_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamHTMLSurfaceCallbacks + 15;
public HHTMLBrowser unBrowserHandle; // the handle of the surface
public string pchMessage; //
// Purpose: when received show a file open dialog
// then call FileLoadDialogResponse with the file(s) the user selected.
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamHTMLSurfaceCallbacks + 16)]
public struct HTML_FileOpenDialog_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamHTMLSurfaceCallbacks + 16;
public HHTMLBrowser unBrowserHandle; // the handle of the surface
public string pchTitle; //
public string pchInitialFile; //
// Purpose: a new html window is being created.
// IMPORTANT NOTE: at this time, the API does not allow you to acknowledge or
// render the contents of this new window, so the new window is always destroyed
// immediately. The URL and other parameters of the new window are passed here
// to give your application the opportunity to call CreateBrowser and set up
// a new browser in response to the attempted popup, if you wish to do so.
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamHTMLSurfaceCallbacks + 21)]
public struct HTML_NewWindow_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamHTMLSurfaceCallbacks + 21;
public HHTMLBrowser unBrowserHandle; // the handle of the current surface
public string pchURL; // the page to load
public uint unX; // the x pos into the page to display the popup
public uint unY; // the y pos into the page to display the popup
public uint unWide; // the total width of the pBGRA texture
public uint unTall; // the total height of the pBGRA texture
public HHTMLBrowser unNewWindow_BrowserHandle_IGNORE;
// Purpose: change the cursor to display
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamHTMLSurfaceCallbacks + 22)]
public struct HTML_SetCursor_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamHTMLSurfaceCallbacks + 22;
public HHTMLBrowser unBrowserHandle; // the handle of the surface
public uint eMouseCursor; // the EMouseCursor to display
// Purpose: informational message from the browser
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamHTMLSurfaceCallbacks + 23)]
public struct HTML_StatusText_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamHTMLSurfaceCallbacks + 23;
public HHTMLBrowser unBrowserHandle; // the handle of the surface
public string pchMsg; // the EMouseCursor to display
// Purpose: show a tooltip
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamHTMLSurfaceCallbacks + 24)]
public struct HTML_ShowToolTip_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamHTMLSurfaceCallbacks + 24;
public HHTMLBrowser unBrowserHandle; // the handle of the surface
public string pchMsg; // the EMouseCursor to display
// Purpose: update the text of an existing tooltip
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamHTMLSurfaceCallbacks + 25)]
public struct HTML_UpdateToolTip_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamHTMLSurfaceCallbacks + 25;
public HHTMLBrowser unBrowserHandle; // the handle of the surface
public string pchMsg; // the EMouseCursor to display
// Purpose: hide the tooltip you are showing
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamHTMLSurfaceCallbacks + 26)]
public struct HTML_HideToolTip_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamHTMLSurfaceCallbacks + 26;
public HHTMLBrowser unBrowserHandle; // the handle of the surface
// Purpose: The browser has restarted due to an internal failure, use this new handle value
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamHTMLSurfaceCallbacks + 27)]
public struct HTML_BrowserRestarted_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamHTMLSurfaceCallbacks + 27;
public HHTMLBrowser unBrowserHandle; // this is the new browser handle after the restart
public HHTMLBrowser unOldBrowserHandle; // the handle for the browser before the restart, if your handle was this then switch to using unBrowserHandle for API calls
// callbacks
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iClientHTTPCallbacks + 1)]
public struct HTTPRequestCompleted_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iClientHTTPCallbacks + 1;
// Handle value for the request that has completed.
public HTTPRequestHandle m_hRequest;
// Context value that the user defined on the request that this callback is associated with, 0 if
// no context value was set.
public ulong m_ulContextValue;
// This will be true if we actually got any sort of response from the server (even an error).
// It will be false if we failed due to an internal error or client side network failure.
public bool m_bRequestSuccessful;
// Will be the HTTP status code value returned by the server, k_EHTTPStatusCode200OK is the normal
// OK response, if you get something else you probably need to treat it as a failure.
public EHTTPStatusCode m_eStatusCode;
public uint m_unBodySize; // Same as GetHTTPResponseBodySize()
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iClientHTTPCallbacks + 2)]
public struct HTTPRequestHeadersReceived_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iClientHTTPCallbacks + 2;
// Handle value for the request that has received headers.
public HTTPRequestHandle m_hRequest;
// Context value that the user defined on the request that this callback is associated with, 0 if
// no context value was set.
public ulong m_ulContextValue;
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iClientHTTPCallbacks + 3)]
public struct HTTPRequestDataReceived_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iClientHTTPCallbacks + 3;
// Handle value for the request that has received data.
public HTTPRequestHandle m_hRequest;
// Context value that the user defined on the request that this callback is associated with, 0 if
// no context value was set.
public ulong m_ulContextValue;
// Offset to provide to GetHTTPStreamingResponseBodyData to get this chunk of data
public uint m_cOffset;
// Size to provide to GetHTTPStreamingResponseBodyData to get this chunk of data
public uint m_cBytesReceived;
// SteamInventoryResultReady_t callbacks are fired whenever asynchronous
// results transition from "Pending" to "OK" or an error state. There will
// always be exactly one callback per handle.
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iClientInventoryCallbacks + 0)]
public struct SteamInventoryResultReady_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iClientInventoryCallbacks + 0;
public SteamInventoryResult_t m_handle;
public EResult m_result;
// SteamInventoryFullUpdate_t callbacks are triggered when GetAllItems
// successfully returns a result which is newer / fresher than the last
// known result. (It will not trigger if the inventory hasn't changed,
// or if results from two overlapping calls are reversed in flight and
// the earlier result is already known to be stale/out-of-date.)
// The normal ResultReady callback will still be triggered immediately
// afterwards; this is an additional notification for your convenience.
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iClientInventoryCallbacks + 1)]
public struct SteamInventoryFullUpdate_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iClientInventoryCallbacks + 1;
public SteamInventoryResult_t m_handle;
// A SteamInventoryDefinitionUpdate_t callback is triggered whenever
// item definitions have been updated, which could be in response to
// LoadItemDefinitions() or any other async request which required
// a definition update in order to process results from the server.
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value, Size = 1)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iClientInventoryCallbacks + 2)]
public struct SteamInventoryDefinitionUpdate_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iClientInventoryCallbacks + 2;
// Returned
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iClientInventoryCallbacks + 3)]
public struct SteamInventoryEligiblePromoItemDefIDs_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iClientInventoryCallbacks + 3;
public EResult m_result;
public CSteamID m_steamID;
public int m_numEligiblePromoItemDefs;
public bool m_bCachedData; // indicates that the data was retrieved from the cache and not the server
// Triggered from StartPurchase call
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iClientInventoryCallbacks + 4)]
public struct SteamInventoryStartPurchaseResult_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iClientInventoryCallbacks + 4;
public EResult m_result;
public ulong m_ulOrderID;
public ulong m_ulTransID;
// Triggered from RequestPrices
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iClientInventoryCallbacks + 5)]
public struct SteamInventoryRequestPricesResult_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iClientInventoryCallbacks + 5;
public EResult m_result;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 4)]
public string m_rgchCurrency;
// Callbacks for ISteamMatchmaking (which go through the regular Steam callback registration system)
// Purpose: a server was added/removed from the favorites list, you should refresh now
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamMatchmakingCallbacks + 2)]
public struct FavoritesListChanged_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamMatchmakingCallbacks + 2;
public uint m_nIP; // an IP of 0 means reload the whole list, any other value means just one server
public uint m_nQueryPort;
public uint m_nConnPort;
public uint m_nAppID;
public uint m_nFlags;
public bool m_bAdd; // true if this is adding the entry, otherwise it is a remove
public AccountID_t m_unAccountId;
// Purpose: Someone has invited you to join a Lobby
// normally you don't need to do anything with this, since
// the Steam UI will also display a '<user> has invited you to the lobby, join?' dialog
// if the user outside a game chooses to join, your game will be launched with the parameter "+connect_lobby <64-bit lobby id>",
// or with the callback GameLobbyJoinRequested_t if they're already in-game
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamMatchmakingCallbacks + 3)]
public struct LobbyInvite_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamMatchmakingCallbacks + 3;
public ulong m_ulSteamIDUser; // Steam ID of the person making the invite
public ulong m_ulSteamIDLobby; // Steam ID of the Lobby
public ulong m_ulGameID; // GameID of the Lobby
// Purpose: Sent on entering a lobby, or on failing to enter
// m_EChatRoomEnterResponse will be set to k_EChatRoomEnterResponseSuccess on success,
// or a higher value on failure (see enum EChatRoomEnterResponse)
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamMatchmakingCallbacks + 4)]
public struct LobbyEnter_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamMatchmakingCallbacks + 4;
public ulong m_ulSteamIDLobby; // SteamID of the Lobby you have entered
public uint m_rgfChatPermissions; // Permissions of the current user
public bool m_bLocked; // If true, then only invited users may join
public uint m_EChatRoomEnterResponse; // EChatRoomEnterResponse
// Purpose: The lobby metadata has changed
// if m_ulSteamIDMember is the steamID of a lobby member, use GetLobbyMemberData() to access per-user details
// if m_ulSteamIDMember == m_ulSteamIDLobby, use GetLobbyData() to access lobby metadata
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamMatchmakingCallbacks + 5)]
public struct LobbyDataUpdate_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamMatchmakingCallbacks + 5;
public ulong m_ulSteamIDLobby; // steamID of the Lobby
public ulong m_ulSteamIDMember; // steamID of the member whose data changed, or the room itself
public byte m_bSuccess; // true if we lobby data was successfully changed;
// will only be false if RequestLobbyData() was called on a lobby that no longer exists
// Purpose: The lobby chat room state has changed
// this is usually sent when a user has joined or left the lobby
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamMatchmakingCallbacks + 6)]
public struct LobbyChatUpdate_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamMatchmakingCallbacks + 6;
public ulong m_ulSteamIDLobby; // Lobby ID
public ulong m_ulSteamIDUserChanged; // user who's status in the lobby just changed - can be recipient
public ulong m_ulSteamIDMakingChange; // Chat member who made the change (different from SteamIDUserChange if kicking, muting, etc.)
// for example, if one user kicks another from the lobby, this will be set to the id of the user who initiated the kick
public uint m_rgfChatMemberStateChange; // bitfield of EChatMemberStateChange values
// Purpose: A chat message for this lobby has been sent
// use GetLobbyChatEntry( m_iChatID ) to retrieve the contents of this message
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamMatchmakingCallbacks + 7)]
public struct LobbyChatMsg_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamMatchmakingCallbacks + 7;
public ulong m_ulSteamIDLobby; // the lobby id this is in
public ulong m_ulSteamIDUser; // steamID of the user who has sent this message
public byte m_eChatEntryType; // type of message
public uint m_iChatID; // index of the chat entry to lookup
// Purpose: A game created a game for all the members of the lobby to join,
// as triggered by a SetLobbyGameServer()
// it's up to the individual clients to take action on this; the usual
// game behavior is to leave the lobby and connect to the specified game server
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamMatchmakingCallbacks + 9)]
public struct LobbyGameCreated_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamMatchmakingCallbacks + 9;
public ulong m_ulSteamIDLobby; // the lobby we were in
public ulong m_ulSteamIDGameServer; // the new game server that has been created or found for the lobby members
public uint m_unIP; // IP & Port of the game server (if any)
public ushort m_usPort;
// Purpose: Number of matching lobbies found
// iterate the returned lobbies with GetLobbyByIndex(), from values 0 to m_nLobbiesMatching-1
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamMatchmakingCallbacks + 10)]
public struct LobbyMatchList_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamMatchmakingCallbacks + 10;
public uint m_nLobbiesMatching; // Number of lobbies that matched search criteria and we have SteamIDs for
// Purpose: posted if a user is forcefully removed from a lobby
// can occur if a user loses connection to Steam
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamMatchmakingCallbacks + 12)]
public struct LobbyKicked_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamMatchmakingCallbacks + 12;
public ulong m_ulSteamIDLobby; // Lobby
public ulong m_ulSteamIDAdmin; // User who kicked you - possibly the ID of the lobby itself
public byte m_bKickedDueToDisconnect; // true if you were kicked from the lobby due to the user losing connection to Steam (currently always true)
// Purpose: Result of our request to create a Lobby
// m_eResult == k_EResultOK on success
// at this point, the lobby has been joined and is ready for use
// a LobbyEnter_t callback will also be received (since the local user is joining their own lobby)
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamMatchmakingCallbacks + 13)]
public struct LobbyCreated_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamMatchmakingCallbacks + 13;
public EResult m_eResult; // k_EResultOK - the lobby was successfully created
// k_EResultNoConnection - your Steam client doesn't have a connection to the back-end
// k_EResultTimeout - you the message to the Steam servers, but it didn't respond
// k_EResultFail - the server responded, but with an unknown internal error
// k_EResultAccessDenied - your game isn't set to allow lobbies, or your client does haven't rights to play the game
// k_EResultLimitExceeded - your game client has created too many lobbies
public ulong m_ulSteamIDLobby; // chat room, zero if failed
// Purpose: Result of our request to create a Lobby
// m_eResult == k_EResultOK on success
// at this point, the lobby has been joined and is ready for use
// a LobbyEnter_t callback will also be received (since the local user is joining their own lobby)
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamMatchmakingCallbacks + 16)]
public struct FavoritesListAccountsUpdated_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamMatchmakingCallbacks + 16;
public EResult m_eResult;
// Callbacks for ISteamGameSearch (which go through the regular Steam callback registration system)
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamGameSearchCallbacks + 1)]
public struct SearchForGameProgressCallback_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamGameSearchCallbacks + 1;
public ulong m_ullSearchID; // all future callbacks referencing this search will include this Search ID
public EResult m_eResult; // if search has started this result will be k_EResultOK, any other value indicates search has failed to start or has terminated
public CSteamID m_lobbyID; // lobby ID if lobby search, invalid steamID otherwise
public CSteamID m_steamIDEndedSearch; // if search was terminated, steamID that terminated search
public int m_nSecondsRemainingEstimate;
public int m_cPlayersSearching;
// notification to all players searching that a game has been found
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamGameSearchCallbacks + 2)]
public struct SearchForGameResultCallback_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamGameSearchCallbacks + 2;
public ulong m_ullSearchID;
public EResult m_eResult; // if game/host was lost this will be an error value
// if m_bGameFound is true the following are non-zero
public int m_nCountPlayersInGame;
public int m_nCountAcceptedGame;
// if m_steamIDHost is valid the host has started the game
public CSteamID m_steamIDHost;
public bool m_bFinalCallback;
// ISteamGameSearch : Game Host API callbacks
// callback from RequestPlayersForGame when the matchmaking service has started or ended search
// callback will also follow a call from CancelRequestPlayersForGame - m_bSearchInProgress will be false
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamGameSearchCallbacks + 11)]
public struct RequestPlayersForGameProgressCallback_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamGameSearchCallbacks + 11;
public EResult m_eResult; // m_ullSearchID will be non-zero if this is k_EResultOK
public ulong m_ullSearchID; // all future callbacks referencing this search will include this Search ID
// callback from RequestPlayersForGame
// one of these will be sent per player
// followed by additional callbacks when players accept or decline the game
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamGameSearchCallbacks + 12)]
public struct RequestPlayersForGameResultCallback_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamGameSearchCallbacks + 12;
public EResult m_eResult; // m_ullSearchID will be non-zero if this is k_EResultOK
public ulong m_ullSearchID;
public CSteamID m_SteamIDPlayerFound; // player steamID
public CSteamID m_SteamIDLobby; // if the player is in a lobby, the lobby ID
public PlayerAcceptState_t m_ePlayerAcceptState;
public int m_nPlayerIndex;
public int m_nTotalPlayersFound; // expect this many callbacks at minimum
public int m_nTotalPlayersAcceptedGame;
public int m_nSuggestedTeamIndex;
public ulong m_ullUniqueGameID;
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamGameSearchCallbacks + 13)]
public struct RequestPlayersForGameFinalResultCallback_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamGameSearchCallbacks + 13;
public EResult m_eResult;
public ulong m_ullSearchID;
public ulong m_ullUniqueGameID;
// this callback confirms that results were received by the matchmaking service for this player
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamGameSearchCallbacks + 14)]
public struct SubmitPlayerResultResultCallback_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamGameSearchCallbacks + 14;
public EResult m_eResult;
public ulong ullUniqueGameID;
public CSteamID steamIDPlayer;
// this callback confirms that the game is recorded as complete on the matchmaking service
// the next call to RequestPlayersForGame will generate a new unique game ID
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamGameSearchCallbacks + 15)]
public struct EndGameResultCallback_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamGameSearchCallbacks + 15;
public EResult m_eResult;
public ulong ullUniqueGameID;
// Steam has responded to the user request to join a party via the given Beacon ID.
// If successful, the connect string contains game-specific instructions to connect
// to the game with that party.
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamPartiesCallbacks + 1)]
public struct JoinPartyCallback_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamPartiesCallbacks + 1;
public EResult m_eResult;
public PartyBeaconID_t m_ulBeaconID;
public CSteamID m_SteamIDBeaconOwner;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 256)]
public string m_rgchConnectString;
// Response to CreateBeacon request. If successful, the beacon ID is provided.
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamPartiesCallbacks + 2)]
public struct CreateBeaconCallback_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamPartiesCallbacks + 2;
public EResult m_eResult;
public PartyBeaconID_t m_ulBeaconID;
// Someone has used the beacon to join your party - they are in-flight now
// and we've reserved one of the open slots for them.
// You should confirm when they join your party by calling OnReservationCompleted().
// Otherwise, Steam may timeout their reservation eventually.
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamPartiesCallbacks + 3)]
public struct ReservationNotificationCallback_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamPartiesCallbacks + 3;
public PartyBeaconID_t m_ulBeaconID;
public CSteamID m_steamIDJoiner;
// Response to ChangeNumOpenSlots call
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamPartiesCallbacks + 4)]
public struct ChangeNumOpenSlotsCallback_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamPartiesCallbacks + 4;
public EResult m_eResult;
// The list of possible Party beacon locations has changed
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value, Size = 1)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamPartiesCallbacks + 5)]
public struct AvailableBeaconLocationsUpdated_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamPartiesCallbacks + 5;
// The list of active beacons may have changed
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value, Size = 1)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamPartiesCallbacks + 6)]
public struct ActiveBeaconsUpdated_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamPartiesCallbacks + 6;
// callbacks
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value, Size = 1)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamMusicCallbacks + 1)]
public struct PlaybackStatusHasChanged_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamMusicCallbacks + 1;
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamMusicCallbacks + 2)]
public struct VolumeHasChanged_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamMusicCallbacks + 2;
public float m_flNewVolume;
// callbacks
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value, Size = 1)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamMusicRemoteCallbacks + 1)]
public struct MusicPlayerRemoteWillActivate_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamMusicRemoteCallbacks + 1;
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value, Size = 1)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamMusicRemoteCallbacks + 2)]
public struct MusicPlayerRemoteWillDeactivate_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamMusicRemoteCallbacks + 2;
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value, Size = 1)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamMusicRemoteCallbacks + 3)]
public struct MusicPlayerRemoteToFront_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamMusicRemoteCallbacks + 3;
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value, Size = 1)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamMusicRemoteCallbacks + 4)]
public struct MusicPlayerWillQuit_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamMusicRemoteCallbacks + 4;
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value, Size = 1)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamMusicRemoteCallbacks + 5)]
public struct MusicPlayerWantsPlay_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamMusicRemoteCallbacks + 5;
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value, Size = 1)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamMusicRemoteCallbacks + 6)]
public struct MusicPlayerWantsPause_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamMusicRemoteCallbacks + 6;
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value, Size = 1)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamMusicRemoteCallbacks + 7)]
public struct MusicPlayerWantsPlayPrevious_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamMusicRemoteCallbacks + 7;
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value, Size = 1)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamMusicRemoteCallbacks + 8)]
public struct MusicPlayerWantsPlayNext_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamMusicRemoteCallbacks + 8;
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamMusicRemoteCallbacks + 9)]
public struct MusicPlayerWantsShuffled_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamMusicRemoteCallbacks + 9;
public bool m_bShuffled;
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamMusicRemoteCallbacks + 10)]
public struct MusicPlayerWantsLooped_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamMusicRemoteCallbacks + 10;
public bool m_bLooped;
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamMusicCallbacks + 11)]
public struct MusicPlayerWantsVolume_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamMusicCallbacks + 11;
public float m_flNewVolume;
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamMusicCallbacks + 12)]
public struct MusicPlayerSelectsQueueEntry_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamMusicCallbacks + 12;
public int nID;
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamMusicCallbacks + 13)]
public struct MusicPlayerSelectsPlaylistEntry_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamMusicCallbacks + 13;
public int nID;
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamMusicRemoteCallbacks + 14)]
public struct MusicPlayerWantsPlayingRepeatStatus_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamMusicRemoteCallbacks + 14;
public int m_nPlayingRepeatStatus;
// callbacks
// callback notification - a user wants to talk to us over the P2P channel via the SendP2PPacket() API
// in response, a call to AcceptP2PPacketsFromUser() needs to be made, if you want to talk with them
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamNetworkingCallbacks + 2)]
public struct P2PSessionRequest_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamNetworkingCallbacks + 2;
public CSteamID m_steamIDRemote; // user who wants to talk to us
// callback notification - packets can't get through to the specified user via the SendP2PPacket() API
// all packets queued packets unsent at this point will be dropped
// further attempts to send will retry making the connection (but will be dropped if we fail again)
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 1)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamNetworkingCallbacks + 3)]
public struct P2PSessionConnectFail_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamNetworkingCallbacks + 3;
public CSteamID m_steamIDRemote; // user we were sending packets to
public byte m_eP2PSessionError; // EP2PSessionError indicating why we're having trouble
// callback notification - status of a socket has changed
// used as part of the CreateListenSocket() / CreateP2PConnectionSocket()
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 4)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamNetworkingCallbacks + 1)]
public struct SocketStatusCallback_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamNetworkingCallbacks + 1;
public SNetSocket_t m_hSocket; // the socket used to send/receive data to the remote host
public SNetListenSocket_t m_hListenSocket; // this is the server socket that we were listening on; NULL if this was an outgoing connection
public CSteamID m_steamIDRemote; // remote steamID we have connected to, if it has one
public int m_eSNetSocketState; // socket state, ESNetSocketState
// Purpose: Callback for querying UGC
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_ISteamParentalSettingsCallbacks + 1)]
public struct SteamParentalSettingsChanged_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_ISteamParentalSettingsCallbacks + 1;
// callbacks
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamRemotePlayCallbacks + 1)]
public struct SteamRemotePlaySessionConnected_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamRemotePlayCallbacks + 1;
public uint m_unSessionID;
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamRemotePlayCallbacks + 2)]
public struct SteamRemotePlaySessionDisconnected_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamRemotePlayCallbacks + 2;
public uint m_unSessionID;
// callbacks
// Purpose: sent when the local file cache is fully synced with the server for an app
// That means that an application can be started and has all latest files
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iClientRemoteStorageCallbacks + 1)]
public struct RemoteStorageAppSyncedClient_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iClientRemoteStorageCallbacks + 1;
public AppId_t m_nAppID;
public EResult m_eResult;
public int m_unNumDownloads;
// Purpose: sent when the server is fully synced with the local file cache for an app
// That means that we can shutdown Steam and our data is stored on the server
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iClientRemoteStorageCallbacks + 2)]
public struct RemoteStorageAppSyncedServer_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iClientRemoteStorageCallbacks + 2;
public AppId_t m_nAppID;
public EResult m_eResult;
public int m_unNumUploads;
// Purpose: Status of up and downloads during a sync session
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iClientRemoteStorageCallbacks + 3)]
public struct RemoteStorageAppSyncProgress_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iClientRemoteStorageCallbacks + 3;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = Constants.k_cchFilenameMax)]
public string m_rgchCurrentFile; // Current file being transferred
public AppId_t m_nAppID; // App this info relates to
public uint m_uBytesTransferredThisChunk; // Bytes transferred this chunk
public double m_dAppPercentComplete; // Percent complete that this app's transfers are
public bool m_bUploading; // if false, downloading
// IMPORTANT! k_iClientRemoteStorageCallbacks + 4 is used, see iclientremotestorage.h
// Purpose: Sent after we've determined the list of files that are out of sync
// with the server.
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iClientRemoteStorageCallbacks + 5)]
public struct RemoteStorageAppSyncStatusCheck_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iClientRemoteStorageCallbacks + 5;
public AppId_t m_nAppID;
public EResult m_eResult;
// Purpose: The result of a call to FileShare()
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iClientRemoteStorageCallbacks + 7)]
public struct RemoteStorageFileShareResult_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iClientRemoteStorageCallbacks + 7;
public EResult m_eResult; // The result of the operation
public UGCHandle_t m_hFile; // The handle that can be shared with users and features
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = Constants.k_cchFilenameMax)]
public string m_rgchFilename; // The name of the file that was shared
// k_iClientRemoteStorageCallbacks + 8 is deprecated! Do not reuse
// Purpose: The result of a call to PublishFile()
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iClientRemoteStorageCallbacks + 9)]
public struct RemoteStoragePublishFileResult_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iClientRemoteStorageCallbacks + 9;
public EResult m_eResult; // The result of the operation.
public PublishedFileId_t m_nPublishedFileId;
public bool m_bUserNeedsToAcceptWorkshopLegalAgreement;
// Purpose: The result of a call to DeletePublishedFile()
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iClientRemoteStorageCallbacks + 11)]
public struct RemoteStorageDeletePublishedFileResult_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iClientRemoteStorageCallbacks + 11;
public EResult m_eResult; // The result of the operation.
public PublishedFileId_t m_nPublishedFileId;
// Purpose: The result of a call to EnumerateUserPublishedFiles()
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iClientRemoteStorageCallbacks + 12)]
public struct RemoteStorageEnumerateUserPublishedFilesResult_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iClientRemoteStorageCallbacks + 12;
public EResult m_eResult; // The result of the operation.
public int m_nResultsReturned;
public int m_nTotalResultCount;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = Constants.k_unEnumeratePublishedFilesMaxResults)]
public PublishedFileId_t[] m_rgPublishedFileId;
// Purpose: The result of a call to SubscribePublishedFile()
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iClientRemoteStorageCallbacks + 13)]
public struct RemoteStorageSubscribePublishedFileResult_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iClientRemoteStorageCallbacks + 13;
public EResult m_eResult; // The result of the operation.
public PublishedFileId_t m_nPublishedFileId;
// Purpose: The result of a call to EnumerateSubscribePublishedFiles()
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iClientRemoteStorageCallbacks + 14)]
public struct RemoteStorageEnumerateUserSubscribedFilesResult_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iClientRemoteStorageCallbacks + 14;
public EResult m_eResult; // The result of the operation.
public int m_nResultsReturned;
public int m_nTotalResultCount;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = Constants.k_unEnumeratePublishedFilesMaxResults)]
public PublishedFileId_t[] m_rgPublishedFileId;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = Constants.k_unEnumeratePublishedFilesMaxResults)]
public uint[] m_rgRTimeSubscribed;
// Purpose: The result of a call to UnsubscribePublishedFile()
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iClientRemoteStorageCallbacks + 15)]
public struct RemoteStorageUnsubscribePublishedFileResult_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iClientRemoteStorageCallbacks + 15;
public EResult m_eResult; // The result of the operation.
public PublishedFileId_t m_nPublishedFileId;
// Purpose: The result of a call to CommitPublishedFileUpdate()
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iClientRemoteStorageCallbacks + 16)]
public struct RemoteStorageUpdatePublishedFileResult_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iClientRemoteStorageCallbacks + 16;
public EResult m_eResult; // The result of the operation.
public PublishedFileId_t m_nPublishedFileId;
public bool m_bUserNeedsToAcceptWorkshopLegalAgreement;
// Purpose: The result of a call to UGCDownload()
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iClientRemoteStorageCallbacks + 17)]
public struct RemoteStorageDownloadUGCResult_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iClientRemoteStorageCallbacks + 17;
public EResult m_eResult; // The result of the operation.
public UGCHandle_t m_hFile; // The handle to the file that was attempted to be downloaded.
public AppId_t m_nAppID; // ID of the app that created this file.
public int m_nSizeInBytes; // The size of the file that was downloaded, in bytes.
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = Constants.k_cchFilenameMax)]
public string m_pchFileName; // The name of the file that was downloaded.
public ulong m_ulSteamIDOwner; // Steam ID of the user who created this content.
// Purpose: The result of a call to GetPublishedFileDetails()
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iClientRemoteStorageCallbacks + 18)]
public struct RemoteStorageGetPublishedFileDetailsResult_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iClientRemoteStorageCallbacks + 18;
public EResult m_eResult; // The result of the operation.
public PublishedFileId_t m_nPublishedFileId;
public AppId_t m_nCreatorAppID; // ID of the app that created this file.
public AppId_t m_nConsumerAppID; // ID of the app that will consume this file.
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = Constants.k_cchPublishedDocumentTitleMax)]
public string m_rgchTitle; // title of document
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = Constants.k_cchPublishedDocumentDescriptionMax)]
public string m_rgchDescription; // description of document
public UGCHandle_t m_hFile; // The handle of the primary file
public UGCHandle_t m_hPreviewFile; // The handle of the preview file
public ulong m_ulSteamIDOwner; // Steam ID of the user who created this content.
public uint m_rtimeCreated; // time when the published file was created
public uint m_rtimeUpdated; // time when the published file was last updated
public ERemoteStoragePublishedFileVisibility m_eVisibility;
public bool m_bBanned;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = Constants.k_cchTagListMax)]
public string m_rgchTags; // comma separated list of all tags associated with this file
public bool m_bTagsTruncated; // whether the list of tags was too long to be returned in the provided buffer
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = Constants.k_cchFilenameMax)]
public string m_pchFileName; // The name of the primary file
public int m_nFileSize; // Size of the primary file
public int m_nPreviewFileSize; // Size of the preview file
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = Constants.k_cchPublishedFileURLMax)]
public string m_rgchURL; // URL (for a video or a website)
public EWorkshopFileType m_eFileType; // Type of the file
public bool m_bAcceptedForUse; // developer has specifically flagged this item as accepted in the Workshop
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iClientRemoteStorageCallbacks + 19)]
public struct RemoteStorageEnumerateWorkshopFilesResult_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iClientRemoteStorageCallbacks + 19;
public EResult m_eResult;
public int m_nResultsReturned;
public int m_nTotalResultCount;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = Constants.k_unEnumeratePublishedFilesMaxResults)]
public PublishedFileId_t[] m_rgPublishedFileId;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = Constants.k_unEnumeratePublishedFilesMaxResults)]
public float[] m_rgScore;
public AppId_t m_nAppId;
public uint m_unStartIndex;
// Purpose: The result of GetPublishedItemVoteDetails
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iClientRemoteStorageCallbacks + 20)]
public struct RemoteStorageGetPublishedItemVoteDetailsResult_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iClientRemoteStorageCallbacks + 20;
public EResult m_eResult;
public PublishedFileId_t m_unPublishedFileId;
public int m_nVotesFor;
public int m_nVotesAgainst;
public int m_nReports;
public float m_fScore;
// Purpose: User subscribed to a file for the app (from within the app or on the web)
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iClientRemoteStorageCallbacks + 21)]
public struct RemoteStoragePublishedFileSubscribed_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iClientRemoteStorageCallbacks + 21;
public PublishedFileId_t m_nPublishedFileId; // The published file id
public AppId_t m_nAppID; // ID of the app that will consume this file.
// Purpose: User unsubscribed from a file for the app (from within the app or on the web)
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iClientRemoteStorageCallbacks + 22)]
public struct RemoteStoragePublishedFileUnsubscribed_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iClientRemoteStorageCallbacks + 22;
public PublishedFileId_t m_nPublishedFileId; // The published file id
public AppId_t m_nAppID; // ID of the app that will consume this file.
// Purpose: Published file that a user owns was deleted (from within the app or the web)
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iClientRemoteStorageCallbacks + 23)]
public struct RemoteStoragePublishedFileDeleted_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iClientRemoteStorageCallbacks + 23;
public PublishedFileId_t m_nPublishedFileId; // The published file id
public AppId_t m_nAppID; // ID of the app that will consume this file.
// Purpose: The result of a call to UpdateUserPublishedItemVote()
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iClientRemoteStorageCallbacks + 24)]
public struct RemoteStorageUpdateUserPublishedItemVoteResult_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iClientRemoteStorageCallbacks + 24;
public EResult m_eResult; // The result of the operation.
public PublishedFileId_t m_nPublishedFileId; // The published file id
// Purpose: The result of a call to GetUserPublishedItemVoteDetails()
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iClientRemoteStorageCallbacks + 25)]
public struct RemoteStorageUserVoteDetails_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iClientRemoteStorageCallbacks + 25;
public EResult m_eResult; // The result of the operation.
public PublishedFileId_t m_nPublishedFileId; // The published file id
public EWorkshopVote m_eVote; // what the user voted
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iClientRemoteStorageCallbacks + 26)]
public struct RemoteStorageEnumerateUserSharedWorkshopFilesResult_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iClientRemoteStorageCallbacks + 26;
public EResult m_eResult; // The result of the operation.
public int m_nResultsReturned;
public int m_nTotalResultCount;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = Constants.k_unEnumeratePublishedFilesMaxResults)]
public PublishedFileId_t[] m_rgPublishedFileId;
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iClientRemoteStorageCallbacks + 27)]
public struct RemoteStorageSetUserPublishedFileActionResult_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iClientRemoteStorageCallbacks + 27;
public EResult m_eResult; // The result of the operation.
public PublishedFileId_t m_nPublishedFileId; // The published file id
public EWorkshopFileAction m_eAction; // the action that was attempted
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iClientRemoteStorageCallbacks + 28)]
public struct RemoteStorageEnumeratePublishedFilesByUserActionResult_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iClientRemoteStorageCallbacks + 28;
public EResult m_eResult; // The result of the operation.
public EWorkshopFileAction m_eAction; // the action that was filtered on
public int m_nResultsReturned;
public int m_nTotalResultCount;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = Constants.k_unEnumeratePublishedFilesMaxResults)]
public PublishedFileId_t[] m_rgPublishedFileId;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = Constants.k_unEnumeratePublishedFilesMaxResults)]
public uint[] m_rgRTimeUpdated;
// Purpose: Called periodically while a PublishWorkshopFile is in progress
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iClientRemoteStorageCallbacks + 29)]
public struct RemoteStoragePublishFileProgress_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iClientRemoteStorageCallbacks + 29;
public double m_dPercentFile;
public bool m_bPreview;
// Purpose: Called when the content for a published file is updated
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iClientRemoteStorageCallbacks + 30)]
public struct RemoteStoragePublishedFileUpdated_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iClientRemoteStorageCallbacks + 30;
public PublishedFileId_t m_nPublishedFileId; // The published file id
public AppId_t m_nAppID; // ID of the app that will consume this file.
public ulong m_ulUnused; // not used anymore
// Purpose: Called when a FileWriteAsync completes
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iClientRemoteStorageCallbacks + 31)]
public struct RemoteStorageFileWriteAsyncComplete_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iClientRemoteStorageCallbacks + 31;
public EResult m_eResult; // result
// Purpose: Called when a FileReadAsync completes
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iClientRemoteStorageCallbacks + 32)]
public struct RemoteStorageFileReadAsyncComplete_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iClientRemoteStorageCallbacks + 32;
public SteamAPICall_t m_hFileReadAsync; // call handle of the async read which was made
public EResult m_eResult; // result
public uint m_nOffset; // offset in the file this read was at
public uint m_cubRead; // amount read - will the <= the amount requested
// callbacks
// Purpose: Screenshot successfully written or otherwise added to the library
// and can now be tagged
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamScreenshotsCallbacks + 1)]
public struct ScreenshotReady_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamScreenshotsCallbacks + 1;
public ScreenshotHandle m_hLocal;
public EResult m_eResult;
// Purpose: Screenshot has been requested by the user. Only sent if
// HookScreenshots() has been called, in which case Steam will not take
// the screenshot itself.
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value, Size = 1)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamScreenshotsCallbacks + 2)]
public struct ScreenshotRequested_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamScreenshotsCallbacks + 2;
// Purpose: Callback for querying UGC
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iClientUGCCallbacks + 1)]
public struct SteamUGCQueryCompleted_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iClientUGCCallbacks + 1;
public UGCQueryHandle_t m_handle;
public EResult m_eResult;
public uint m_unNumResultsReturned;
public uint m_unTotalMatchingResults;
public bool m_bCachedData; // indicates whether this data was retrieved from the local on-disk cache
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = Constants.k_cchPublishedFileURLMax)]
public string m_rgchNextCursor; // If a paging cursor was used, then this will be the next cursor to get the next result set.
// Purpose: Callback for requesting details on one piece of UGC
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iClientUGCCallbacks + 2)]
public struct SteamUGCRequestUGCDetailsResult_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iClientUGCCallbacks + 2;
public SteamUGCDetails_t m_details;
public bool m_bCachedData; // indicates whether this data was retrieved from the local on-disk cache
// Purpose: result for ISteamUGC::CreateItem()
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iClientUGCCallbacks + 3)]
public struct CreateItemResult_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iClientUGCCallbacks + 3;
public EResult m_eResult;
public PublishedFileId_t m_nPublishedFileId; // new item got this UGC PublishFileID
public bool m_bUserNeedsToAcceptWorkshopLegalAgreement;
// Purpose: result for ISteamUGC::SubmitItemUpdate()
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iClientUGCCallbacks + 4)]
public struct SubmitItemUpdateResult_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iClientUGCCallbacks + 4;
public EResult m_eResult;
public bool m_bUserNeedsToAcceptWorkshopLegalAgreement;
public PublishedFileId_t m_nPublishedFileId;
// Purpose: a Workshop item has been installed or updated
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iClientUGCCallbacks + 5)]
public struct ItemInstalled_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iClientUGCCallbacks + 5;
public AppId_t m_unAppID;
public PublishedFileId_t m_nPublishedFileId;
// Purpose: result of DownloadItem(), existing item files can be accessed again
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iClientUGCCallbacks + 6)]
public struct DownloadItemResult_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iClientUGCCallbacks + 6;
public AppId_t m_unAppID;
public PublishedFileId_t m_nPublishedFileId;
public EResult m_eResult;
// Purpose: result of AddItemToFavorites() or RemoveItemFromFavorites()
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iClientUGCCallbacks + 7)]
public struct UserFavoriteItemsListChanged_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iClientUGCCallbacks + 7;
public PublishedFileId_t m_nPublishedFileId;
public EResult m_eResult;
public bool m_bWasAddRequest;
// Purpose: The result of a call to SetUserItemVote()
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iClientUGCCallbacks + 8)]
public struct SetUserItemVoteResult_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iClientUGCCallbacks + 8;
public PublishedFileId_t m_nPublishedFileId;
public EResult m_eResult;
public bool m_bVoteUp;
// Purpose: The result of a call to GetUserItemVote()
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iClientUGCCallbacks + 9)]
public struct GetUserItemVoteResult_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iClientUGCCallbacks + 9;
public PublishedFileId_t m_nPublishedFileId;
public EResult m_eResult;
public bool m_bVotedUp;
public bool m_bVotedDown;
public bool m_bVoteSkipped;
// Purpose: The result of a call to StartPlaytimeTracking()
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iClientUGCCallbacks + 10)]
public struct StartPlaytimeTrackingResult_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iClientUGCCallbacks + 10;
public EResult m_eResult;
// Purpose: The result of a call to StopPlaytimeTracking()
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iClientUGCCallbacks + 11)]
public struct StopPlaytimeTrackingResult_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iClientUGCCallbacks + 11;
public EResult m_eResult;
// Purpose: The result of a call to AddDependency
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iClientUGCCallbacks + 12)]
public struct AddUGCDependencyResult_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iClientUGCCallbacks + 12;
public EResult m_eResult;
public PublishedFileId_t m_nPublishedFileId;
public PublishedFileId_t m_nChildPublishedFileId;
// Purpose: The result of a call to RemoveDependency
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iClientUGCCallbacks + 13)]
public struct RemoveUGCDependencyResult_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iClientUGCCallbacks + 13;
public EResult m_eResult;
public PublishedFileId_t m_nPublishedFileId;
public PublishedFileId_t m_nChildPublishedFileId;
// Purpose: The result of a call to AddAppDependency
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iClientUGCCallbacks + 14)]
public struct AddAppDependencyResult_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iClientUGCCallbacks + 14;
public EResult m_eResult;
public PublishedFileId_t m_nPublishedFileId;
public AppId_t m_nAppID;
// Purpose: The result of a call to RemoveAppDependency
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iClientUGCCallbacks + 15)]
public struct RemoveAppDependencyResult_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iClientUGCCallbacks + 15;
public EResult m_eResult;
public PublishedFileId_t m_nPublishedFileId;
public AppId_t m_nAppID;
// Purpose: The result of a call to GetAppDependencies. Callback may be called
// multiple times until all app dependencies have been returned.
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iClientUGCCallbacks + 16)]
public struct GetAppDependenciesResult_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iClientUGCCallbacks + 16;
public EResult m_eResult;
public PublishedFileId_t m_nPublishedFileId;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 32)]
public AppId_t[] m_rgAppIDs;
public uint m_nNumAppDependencies; // number returned in this struct
public uint m_nTotalNumAppDependencies; // total found
// Purpose: The result of a call to DeleteItem
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iClientUGCCallbacks + 17)]
public struct DeleteItemResult_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iClientUGCCallbacks + 17;
public EResult m_eResult;
public PublishedFileId_t m_nPublishedFileId;
// callbacks
// Purpose: called when a connections to the Steam back-end has been established
// this means the Steam client now has a working connection to the Steam servers
// usually this will have occurred before the game has launched, and should
// only be seen if the user has dropped connection due to a networking issue
// or a Steam server update
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value, Size = 1)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamUserCallbacks + 1)]
public struct SteamServersConnected_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamUserCallbacks + 1;
// Purpose: called when a connection attempt has failed
// this will occur periodically if the Steam client is not connected,
// and has failed in it's retry to establish a connection
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamUserCallbacks + 2)]
public struct SteamServerConnectFailure_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamUserCallbacks + 2;
public EResult m_eResult;
public bool m_bStillRetrying;
// Purpose: called if the client has lost connection to the Steam servers
// real-time services will be disabled until a matching SteamServersConnected_t has been posted
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamUserCallbacks + 3)]
public struct SteamServersDisconnected_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamUserCallbacks + 3;
public EResult m_eResult;
// Purpose: Sent by the Steam server to the client telling it to disconnect from the specified game server,
// which it may be in the process of or already connected to.
// The game client should immediately disconnect upon receiving this message.
// This can usually occur if the user doesn't have rights to play on the game server.
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamUserCallbacks + 13)]
public struct ClientGameServerDeny_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamUserCallbacks + 13;
public uint m_uAppID;
public uint m_unGameServerIP;
public ushort m_usGameServerPort;
public ushort m_bSecure;
public uint m_uReason;
// Purpose: called when the callback system for this client is in an error state (and has flushed pending callbacks)
// When getting this message the client should disconnect from Steam, reset any stored Steam state and reconnect.
// This usually occurs in the rare event the Steam client has some kind of fatal error.
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamUserCallbacks + 17)]
public struct IPCFailure_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamUserCallbacks + 17;
public byte m_eFailureType;
// Purpose: Signaled whenever licenses change
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value, Size = 1)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamUserCallbacks + 25)]
public struct LicensesUpdated_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamUserCallbacks + 25;
// callback for BeginAuthSession
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 4)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamUserCallbacks + 43)]
public struct ValidateAuthTicketResponse_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamUserCallbacks + 43;
public CSteamID m_SteamID;
public EAuthSessionResponse m_eAuthSessionResponse;
public CSteamID m_OwnerSteamID; // different from m_SteamID if borrowed
// Purpose: called when a user has responded to a microtransaction authorization request
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamUserCallbacks + 52)]
public struct MicroTxnAuthorizationResponse_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamUserCallbacks + 52;
public uint m_unAppID; // AppID for this microtransaction
public ulong m_ulOrderID; // OrderID provided for the microtransaction
public byte m_bAuthorized; // if user authorized transaction
// Purpose: Result from RequestEncryptedAppTicket
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamUserCallbacks + 54)]
public struct EncryptedAppTicketResponse_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamUserCallbacks + 54;
public EResult m_eResult;
// callback for GetAuthSessionTicket
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamUserCallbacks + 63)]
public struct GetAuthSessionTicketResponse_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamUserCallbacks + 63;
public HAuthTicket m_hAuthTicket;
public EResult m_eResult;
// Purpose: sent to your game in response to a steam://gamewebcallback/ command
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamUserCallbacks + 64)]
public struct GameWebCallback_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamUserCallbacks + 64;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 256)]
public string m_szURL;
// Purpose: sent to your game in response to ISteamUser::RequestStoreAuthURL
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamUserCallbacks + 65)]
public struct StoreAuthURLResponse_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamUserCallbacks + 65;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 512)]
public string m_szURL;
// Purpose: sent in response to ISteamUser::GetMarketEligibility
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamUserCallbacks + 66)]
public struct MarketEligibilityResponse_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamUserCallbacks + 66;
public bool m_bAllowed;
public EMarketNotAllowedReasonFlags m_eNotAllowedReason;
public RTime32 m_rtAllowedAtTime;
public int m_cdaySteamGuardRequiredDays; // The number of days any user is required to have had Steam Guard before they can use the market
public int m_cdayNewDeviceCooldown; // The number of days after initial device authorization a user must wait before using the market on that device
// Purpose: sent for games with enabled anti indulgence / duration control, for
// enabled users. Lets the game know whether persistent rewards or XP should be
// granted at normal rate, half rate, or zero rate.
// This callback is fired asynchronously in response to timers triggering.
// It is also fired in response to calls to GetDurationControl().
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamUserCallbacks + 67)]
public struct DurationControl_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamUserCallbacks + 67;
public EResult m_eResult; // result of call (always k_EResultOK for asynchronous timer-based notifications)
public AppId_t m_appid; // appid generating playtime
public bool m_bApplicable; // is duration control applicable to user + game combination
public int m_csecsLast5h; // playtime in trailing 5 hour window plus current session, in seconds
public EDurationControlProgress m_progress; // recommended progress
public EDurationControlNotification m_notification; // notification to show, if any (always k_EDurationControlNotification_None for API calls)
// callbacks
// Purpose: called when the latests stats and achievements have been received
// from the server
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamUserStatsCallbacks + 1)]
public struct UserStatsReceived_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamUserStatsCallbacks + 1;
public ulong m_nGameID; // Game these stats are for
public EResult m_eResult; // Success / error fetching the stats
public CSteamID m_steamIDUser; // The user for whom the stats are retrieved for
// Purpose: result of a request to store the user stats for a game
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamUserStatsCallbacks + 2)]
public struct UserStatsStored_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamUserStatsCallbacks + 2;
public ulong m_nGameID; // Game these stats are for
public EResult m_eResult; // success / error
// Purpose: result of a request to store the achievements for a game, or an
// "indicate progress" call. If both m_nCurProgress and m_nMaxProgress
// are zero, that means the achievement has been fully unlocked.
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamUserStatsCallbacks + 3)]
public struct UserAchievementStored_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamUserStatsCallbacks + 3;
public ulong m_nGameID; // Game this is for
public bool m_bGroupAchievement; // if this is a "group" achievement
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = Constants.k_cchStatNameMax)]
public string m_rgchAchievementName; // name of the achievement
public uint m_nCurProgress; // current progress towards the achievement
public uint m_nMaxProgress; // "out of" this many
// Purpose: call result for finding a leaderboard, returned as a result of FindOrCreateLeaderboard() or FindLeaderboard()
// use CCallResult<> to map this async result to a member function
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamUserStatsCallbacks + 4)]
public struct LeaderboardFindResult_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamUserStatsCallbacks + 4;
public SteamLeaderboard_t m_hSteamLeaderboard; // handle to the leaderboard serarched for, 0 if no leaderboard found
public byte m_bLeaderboardFound; // 0 if no leaderboard found
// Purpose: call result indicating scores for a leaderboard have been downloaded and are ready to be retrieved, returned as a result of DownloadLeaderboardEntries()
// use CCallResult<> to map this async result to a member function
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamUserStatsCallbacks + 5)]
public struct LeaderboardScoresDownloaded_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamUserStatsCallbacks + 5;
public SteamLeaderboard_t m_hSteamLeaderboard;
public SteamLeaderboardEntries_t m_hSteamLeaderboardEntries; // the handle to pass into GetDownloadedLeaderboardEntries()
public int m_cEntryCount; // the number of entries downloaded
// Purpose: call result indicating scores has been uploaded, returned as a result of UploadLeaderboardScore()
// use CCallResult<> to map this async result to a member function
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamUserStatsCallbacks + 6)]
public struct LeaderboardScoreUploaded_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamUserStatsCallbacks + 6;
public byte m_bSuccess; // 1 if the call was successful
public SteamLeaderboard_t m_hSteamLeaderboard; // the leaderboard handle that was
public int m_nScore; // the score that was attempted to set
public byte m_bScoreChanged; // true if the score in the leaderboard change, false if the existing score was better
public int m_nGlobalRankNew; // the new global rank of the user in this leaderboard
public int m_nGlobalRankPrevious; // the previous global rank of the user in this leaderboard; 0 if the user had no existing entry in the leaderboard
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamUserStatsCallbacks + 7)]
public struct NumberOfCurrentPlayers_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamUserStatsCallbacks + 7;
public byte m_bSuccess; // 1 if the call was successful
public int m_cPlayers; // Number of players currently playing
// Purpose: Callback indicating that a user's stats have been unloaded.
// Call RequestUserStats again to access stats for this user
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamUserStatsCallbacks + 8)]
public struct UserStatsUnloaded_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamUserStatsCallbacks + 8;
public CSteamID m_steamIDUser; // User whose stats have been unloaded
// Purpose: Callback indicating that an achievement icon has been fetched
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamUserStatsCallbacks + 9)]
public struct UserAchievementIconFetched_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamUserStatsCallbacks + 9;
public CGameID m_nGameID; // Game this is for
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = Constants.k_cchStatNameMax)]
public string m_rgchAchievementName; // name of the achievement
public bool m_bAchieved; // Is the icon for the achieved or not achieved version?
public int m_nIconHandle; // Handle to the image, which can be used in SteamUtils()->GetImageRGBA(), 0 means no image is set for the achievement
// Purpose: Callback indicating that global achievement percentages are fetched
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamUserStatsCallbacks + 10)]
public struct GlobalAchievementPercentagesReady_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamUserStatsCallbacks + 10;
public ulong m_nGameID; // Game this is for
public EResult m_eResult; // Result of the operation
// Purpose: call result indicating UGC has been uploaded, returned as a result of SetLeaderboardUGC()
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamUserStatsCallbacks + 11)]
public struct LeaderboardUGCSet_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamUserStatsCallbacks + 11;
public EResult m_eResult; // The result of the operation
public SteamLeaderboard_t m_hSteamLeaderboard; // the leaderboard handle that was
// Purpose: callback indicating global stats have been received.
// Returned as a result of RequestGlobalStats()
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamUserStatsCallbacks + 12)]
public struct GlobalStatsReceived_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamUserStatsCallbacks + 12;
public ulong m_nGameID; // Game global stats were requested for
public EResult m_eResult; // The result of the request
// callbacks
// Purpose: The country of the user changed
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value, Size = 1)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamUtilsCallbacks + 1)]
public struct IPCountry_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamUtilsCallbacks + 1;
// Purpose: Fired when running on a laptop and less than 10 minutes of battery is left, fires then every minute
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamUtilsCallbacks + 2)]
public struct LowBatteryPower_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamUtilsCallbacks + 2;
public byte m_nMinutesBatteryLeft;
// Purpose: called when a SteamAsyncCall_t has completed (or failed)
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamUtilsCallbacks + 3)]
public struct SteamAPICallCompleted_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamUtilsCallbacks + 3;
public SteamAPICall_t m_hAsyncCall;
public int m_iCallback;
public uint m_cubParam;
// called when Steam wants to shutdown
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value, Size = 1)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamUtilsCallbacks + 4)]
public struct SteamShutdown_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamUtilsCallbacks + 4;
// callback for CheckFileSignature
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamUtilsCallbacks + 5)]
public struct CheckFileSignature_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamUtilsCallbacks + 5;
public ECheckFileSignature m_eCheckFileSignature;
// k_iSteamUtilsCallbacks + 13 is taken
// Big Picture gamepad text input has been closed
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iSteamUtilsCallbacks + 14)]
public struct GamepadTextInputDismissed_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iSteamUtilsCallbacks + 14;
public bool m_bSubmitted; // true if user entered & accepted text (Call ISteamUtils::GetEnteredGamepadTextInput() for text), false if canceled input
public uint m_unSubmittedText;
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iClientVideoCallbacks + 11)]
public struct GetVideoURLResult_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iClientVideoCallbacks + 11;
public EResult m_eResult;
public AppId_t m_unVideoAppID;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 256)]
public string m_rgchURL;
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = Packsize.value)]
[CallbackIdentity(Constants.k_iClientVideoCallbacks + 24)]
public struct GetOPFSettingsResult_t {
public const int k_iCallback = Constants.k_iClientVideoCallbacks + 24;
public EResult m_eResult;
public AppId_t m_unVideoAppID;