Initial commit of original Tiberian Dawn and Red Alert source code converted to build as DLLs, and compatible with the release version of Command & Conquer Remastered.
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1012 lines
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// Copyright 2020 Electronic Arts Inc.
// TiberianDawn.DLL and RedAlert.dll and corresponding source code is free
// software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
// the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation,
// either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// TiberianDawn.DLL and RedAlert.dll and corresponding source code is distributed
// in the hope that it will be useful, but with permitted additional restrictions
// under Section 7 of the GPL. See the GNU General Public License in LICENSE.TXT
// distributed with this program. You should have received a copy of the
// GNU General Public License along with permitted additional restrictions
// with this program. If not, see
/* $Header: /CounterStrike/VECTOR.H 1 3/03/97 10:26a Joe_bostic $ */
*** C O N F I D E N T I A L --- W E S T W O O D S T U D I O S ***
* *
* Project Name : Command & Conquer *
* *
* File Name : VECTOR.H *
* *
* Programmer : Joe L. Bostic *
* *
* Start Date : 02/19/95 *
* *
* Last Update : March 13, 1995 [JLB] *
* *
* Functions: *
* VectorClass<T>::VectorClass -- Constructor for vector class. *
* VectorClass<T>::~VectorClass -- Default destructor for vector class. *
* VectorClass<T>::VectorClass -- Copy constructor for vector object. *
* VectorClass<T>::operator = -- The assignment operator. *
* VectorClass<T>::operator == -- Equality operator for vector objects. *
* VectorClass<T>::Clear -- Frees and clears the vector. *
* VectorClass<T>::Resize -- Changes the size of the vector. *
* DynamicVectorClass<T>::DynamicVectorClass -- Constructor for dynamic vector. *
* DynamicVectorClass<T>::Resize -- Changes the size of a dynamic vector. *
* DynamicVectorClass<T>::Add -- Add an element to the vector. *
* DynamicVectorClass<T>::Delete -- Remove the specified object from the vector. *
* DynamicVectorClass<T>::Delete -- Deletes the specified index from the vector. *
* VectorClass<T>::ID -- Pointer based conversion to index number. *
* VectorClass<T>::ID -- Finds object ID based on value. *
* DynamicVectorClass<T>::ID -- Find matching value in the dynamic vector. *
* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
#ifndef VECTOR_H
#define VECTOR_H
#ifdef NEVER
#ifndef false
#define false 0
#ifndef true
#define true 1
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stddef.h>
// ST - 5/8/1029
//inline void * operator new(size_t , void * pointer) {return(pointer);}
//inline void * operator new[](size_t , void * pointer) {return(pointer);}
** This is a general purpose vector class. A vector is defined by this
** class, as an array of arbitrary objects where the array can be dynamically
** sized. Because is deals with arbitrary object types, it can handle everything.
** As a result of this, it is not terribly efficient for integral objects (such
** as char or int). It will function correctly, but the copy constructor and
** equality operator could be highly optimized if the integral type were known.
** This efficiency can be implemented by deriving an integral vector template
** from this one in order to supply more efficient routines.
template<class T>
class VectorClass
VectorClass(NoInitClass const & ) {};
VectorClass(unsigned size=0, T const * array=0);
VectorClass(VectorClass<T> const &); // Copy constructor.
virtual ~VectorClass(void);
T & operator[](unsigned index) {return(Vector[index]);};
T const & operator[](unsigned index) const {return(Vector[index]);};
virtual VectorClass<T> & operator =(VectorClass<T> const &); // Assignment operator.
virtual int operator == (VectorClass<T> const &) const; // Equality operator.
virtual int Resize(unsigned newsize, T const * array=0);
virtual void Clear(void);
unsigned Length(void) const {return VectorMax;};
virtual int ID(T const * ptr); // Pointer based identification.
virtual int ID(T const & ptr); // Value based identification.
** This is a pointer to the allocated vector array of elements.
T * Vector;
** This is the maximum number of elements allowed in this vector.
unsigned VectorMax;
** Does the vector data pointer refer to memory that this class has manually
** allocated? If so, then this class is responsible for deleting it.
unsigned IsAllocated:1;
** This derivative vector class adds the concept of adding and deleting
** objects. The objects are packed to the beginning of the vector array.
** If this is instantiated for a class object, then the assignment operator
** and the equality operator must be supported. If the vector allocates its
** own memory, then the vector can grow if it runs out of room adding items.
** The growth rate is controlled by setting the growth step rate. A growth
** step rate of zero disallows growing.
template<class T>
class DynamicVectorClass : public VectorClass<T>
DynamicVectorClass(unsigned size=0, T const * array=0);
// Change maximum size of vector.
virtual int Resize(unsigned newsize, T const * array=0);
// Resets and frees the vector array.
virtual void Clear(void) {ActiveCount = 0;VectorClass<T>::Clear();};
// Fetch number of "allocated" vector objects.
int Count(void) const {return(ActiveCount);};
// Add object to vector (growing as necessary).
int Add(T const & object);
int Add_Head(T const & object);
// Delete object just like this from vector.
int Delete(T const & object);
// Delete object at this vector index.
int Delete(int index);
// Deletes all objects in the vector.
void Delete_All(void) {ActiveCount = 0;};
// Set amount that vector grows by.
int Set_Growth_Step(int step) {return(GrowthStep = step);};
// Fetch current growth step rate.
int Growth_Step(void) {return GrowthStep;};
virtual int ID(T const * ptr) {return(VectorClass<T>::ID(ptr));};
virtual int ID(T const & ptr);
** This is a count of the number of active objects in this
** vector. The memory array often times is bigger than this
** value.
int ActiveCount;
** If there is insufficient room in the vector array for a new
** object to be added, then the vector will grow by the number
** of objects specified by this value. This is controlled by
** the Set_Growth_Step() function.
int GrowthStep;
** A fixed-size array of dynamic vectors.
template<class T, int COUNT, int FIRST = 0, int DEFAULT = FIRST>
class DynamicVectorArrayClass
static const int COUNT = COUNT;
DynamicVectorArrayClass() : Active(DEFAULT) {}
void Set_Active_Context(int active)
Active = active;
void Clear_All()
for (int i = FIRST; i < COUNT; ++i)
void Clear()
int Count() const
return Count(Active);
int Add(T const & object)
return Add(Active, object);
int Add_Head(T const & object)
return Add_Head(Active, object);
int Delete(T const & object)
return Delete(Active, object);
int Delete_All(T const & object)
int count = 0;
for (int i = FIRST; i < COUNT; ++i)
count += Delete(i, object);
return count;
int Delete_All_Except(T const & object, int except)
int count = 0;
for (int i = FIRST; i < COUNT; ++i)
if (except != i)
count += Delete(i, object);
return count;
int Delete(int index)
return Delete(Active, index);
T & operator[](unsigned index)
return Collection[Active][index];
T const & operator[](unsigned index) const
return Collection[Active][index];
void Clear(int context)
int Count(int context) const
return Collection[context].Count();
int Add(int context, T const & object)
return Collection[context].Add(object);
int Add_Head(int context, T const & object)
return Collection[context].Add(object);
int Delete(int context, T const & object)
return Collection[context].Delete(object);
int Delete(int context, int index)
return Collection[context].Delete(index);
DynamicVectorClass<T> & Raw()
return Collection[Active];
DynamicVectorClass<T> & Raw(int context)
return Collection[context];
DynamicVectorClass<T> Collection[COUNT];
int Active;
** This is a derivative of a vector class that supports boolean flags. Since
** a boolean flag can be represented by a single bit, this class packs the
** array of boolean flags into an array of bytes containing 8 boolean values
** each. For large boolean arrays, this results in an 87.5% savings. Although
** the indexing "[]" operator is supported, DO NOT pass pointers to sub elements
** of this bit vector class. A pointer derived from the indexing operator is
** only valid until the next call. Because of this, only simple
** direct use of the "[]" operator is allowed.
class BooleanVectorClass
BooleanVectorClass(unsigned size=0, unsigned char * array=0);
BooleanVectorClass(BooleanVectorClass const & vector);
// Assignment operator.
BooleanVectorClass & operator =(BooleanVectorClass const & vector);
// Equivalency operator.
int operator == (BooleanVectorClass const & vector);
// Fetch number of boolean objects in vector.
int Length(void) {return BitCount;};
// Set all boolean values to false;
void Reset(void);
// Set all boolean values to true.
void Set(void);
// Resets vector to zero length (frees memory).
void Clear(void);
// Change size of this boolean vector.
int Resize(unsigned size);
// Fetch reference to specified index.
bool const & operator[](int index) const {
if (LastIndex != index) Fixup(index);
bool & operator[](int index) {
if (LastIndex != index) Fixup(index);
// Quick check on boolean state.
bool Is_True(int index) const {
if (index == LastIndex) return(Copy);
return(Get_Bit(&BitArray[0], index));
// Find first index that is false.
int First_False(void) const {
if (LastIndex != -1) Fixup(-1);
int retval = First_False_Bit(&BitArray[0]);
if (retval < BitCount) return(retval);
** Failure to find a false boolean value in the vector. Return this
** fact in the form of an invalid index number.
// Find first index that is true.
int First_True(void) const {
if (LastIndex != -1) Fixup(-1);
int retval = First_True_Bit(&BitArray[0]);
if (retval < BitCount) return(retval);
** Failure to find a true boolean value in the vector. Return this
** fact in the form of an invalid index number.
void Fixup(int index=-1) const;
** This is the number of boolean values in the vector. This value is
** not necessarily a multiple of 8, even though the underlying character
** vector contains a multiple of 8 bits.
int BitCount;
** This is a referential copy of an element in the bit vector. The
** purpose of this copy is to allow normal reference access to this
** object (for speed reasons). This hides the bit packing scheme from
** the user of this class.
bool Copy;
** This records the index of the value last fetched into the reference
** boolean variable. This index is used to properly restore the value
** when the reference copy needs updating.
int LastIndex;
** This points to the allocated bitfield array.
VectorClass<unsigned char> BitArray;
* DynamicVectorClass<T>::DynamicVectorClass -- Constructor for dynamic vector. *
* *
* This is the normal constructor for the dynamic vector class. It is similar to the normal *
* vector class constructor. The vector is initialized to contain the number of elements *
* specified in the "size" parameter. The memory is allocated from free store unless the *
* optional array parameter is provided. In this case it will place the vector at the *
* memory location specified. *
* *
* INPUT: size -- The maximum number of objects allowed in this vector. *
* *
* array -- Optional pointer to the memory area to place the vector at. *
* *
* OUTPUT: none *
* *
* WARNINGS: none *
* *
* 03/10/1995 JLB : Created. *
template<class T>
DynamicVectorClass<T>::DynamicVectorClass(unsigned size, T const * array)
: VectorClass<T>(size, array)
GrowthStep = 10;
ActiveCount = 0;
* DynamicVectorClass<T>::Resize -- Changes the size of a dynamic vector. *
* *
* Use this routine to change the size of the vector. The size changed is the maximum *
* number of allocated objects within this vector. If a memory buffer is provided, then *
* the vector will be located there. Otherwise, the memory will be allocated out of free *
* store. *
* *
* INPUT: newsize -- The desired maximum size of this vector. *
* *
* array -- Optional pointer to a previously allocated memory array. *
* *
* OUTPUT: bool; Was vector successfully resized according to specifications? *
* *
* WARNINGS: Failure to resize the vector could be the result of lack of free store. *
* *
* 03/10/1995 JLB : Created. *
template<class T>
int DynamicVectorClass<T>::Resize(unsigned newsize, T const * array)
if (VectorClass<T>::Resize(newsize, array)) {
if (Length() < (unsigned)ActiveCount) ActiveCount = Length();
* DynamicVectorClass<T>::ID -- Find matching value in the dynamic vector. *
* *
* Use this routine to find a matching object (by value) in the vector. Unlike the base *
* class ID function of similar name, this one restricts the scan to the current number *
* of valid objects. *
* *
* INPUT: object -- A reference to the object that a match is to be found in the *
* vector. *
* *
* OUTPUT: Returns with the index number of the object that is equivalent to the one *
* specified. If no equivalent object could be found then -1 is returned. *
* *
* WARNINGS: none *
* *
* 03/13/1995 JLB : Created. *
template<class T>
int DynamicVectorClass<T>::ID(T const & object)
for (int index = 0; index < Count(); index++) {
if ((*this)[index] == object) return(index);
* DynamicVectorClass<T>::Add -- Add an element to the vector. *
* *
* Use this routine to add an element to the vector. The vector will automatically be *
* resized to accomodate the new element IF the vector was allocated previously and the *
* growth rate is not zero. *
* *
* INPUT: object -- Reference to the object that will be added to the vector. *
* *
* OUTPUT: bool; Was the object added successfully? If so, the object is added to the end *
* of the vector. *
* *
* WARNINGS: none *
* *
* 03/10/1995 JLB : Created. *
template<class T>
int DynamicVectorClass<T>::Add(T const & object)
if (ActiveCount >= (int)Length()) {
if ((IsAllocated || !VectorMax) && GrowthStep > 0) {
if (!Resize(Length() + GrowthStep)) {
** Failure to increase the size of the vector is an error condition.
** Return with the error flag.
else {
** Increasing the size of this vector is not allowed! Bail this
** routine with the error code.
** There is room for the new object now. Add it to the end of the object vector.
(*this)[ActiveCount++] = object;
* DynamicVectorClass<T>::Add_Head -- Adds element to head of the list. *
* *
* This routine will add the specified element to the head of the vector. If necessary, *
* the vector will be expanded accordingly. *
* *
* INPUT: object -- Reference to the object to add to the head of this vector. *
* *
* OUTPUT: bool; Was the object added without error? *
* *
* WARNINGS: none *
* *
* 09/21/1995 JLB : Created. *
template<class T>
int DynamicVectorClass<T>::Add_Head(T const & object)
if (ActiveCount >= (int)Length()) {
if ((IsAllocated || !VectorMax) && GrowthStep > 0) {
if (!Resize(Length() + GrowthStep)) {
** Failure to increase the size of the vector is an error condition.
** Return with the error flag.
else {
** Increasing the size of this vector is not allowed! Bail this
** routine with the error code.
** There is room for the new object now. Add it to the end of the object vector.
if (ActiveCount) {
memmove(&(*this)[1], &(*this)[0], ActiveCount * sizeof(T));
(*this)[0] = object;
// (*this)[ActiveCount++] = object;
* DynamicVectorClass<T>::Delete -- Remove the specified object from the vector. *
* *
* This routine will delete the object referenced from the vector. All objects in the *
* vector that follow the one deleted will be moved "down" to fill the hole. *
* *
* INPUT: object -- Reference to the object in this vector that is to be deleted. *
* *
* OUTPUT: bool; Was the object deleted successfully? This should always be true. *
* *
* WARNINGS: Do no pass a reference to an object that is NOT part of this vector. The *
* results of this are undefined and probably catastrophic. *
* *
* 03/10/1995 JLB : Created. *
template<class T>
int DynamicVectorClass<T>::Delete(T const & object)
* DynamicVectorClass<T>::Delete -- Deletes the specified index from the vector. *
* *
* Use this routine to delete the object at the specified index from the objects in the *
* vector. This routine will move all the remaining objects "down" in order to fill the *
* hole. *
* *
* INPUT: index -- The index number of the object in the vector that is to be deleted. *
* *
* OUTPUT: bool; Was the object index deleted successfully? Failure might mean that the index *
* specified was out of bounds. *
* *
* WARNINGS: none *
* *
* 03/10/1995 JLB : Created. *
template<class T>
int DynamicVectorClass<T>::Delete(int index)
if (index >= 0 && index < ActiveCount) {
** If there are any objects past the index that was deleted, copy those
** objects down in order to fill the hole. A simple memory copy is
** not sufficient since the vector could contain class objects that
** need to use the assignment operator for movement.
for (int i = index; i < ActiveCount; i++) {
(*this)[i] = (*this)[i + 1];
* VectorClass<T>::VectorClass -- Constructor for vector class. *
* *
* This constructor for the vector class is passed the initial size of the vector and an *
* optional pointer to a preallocated block of memory that the vector will be placed in. *
* If this optional pointer is NULL (or not provided), then the vector is allocated out *
* of free store (with the "new" operator). *
* *
* INPUT: size -- The number of elements to initialize this vector to. *
* *
* array -- Optional pointer to a previously allocated memory block to hold the *
* vector. *
* *
* OUTPUT: none *
* *
* WARNINGS: none *
* *
* 03/10/1995 JLB : Created. *
template<class T>
VectorClass<T>::VectorClass(unsigned size, T const * array) :
** Allocate the vector. The default constructor will be called for every
** object in this vector.
if (size) {
if (array) {
Vector = new((void*)array) T[size];
else {
Vector = new T[size];
IsAllocated = true;
* VectorClass<T>::~VectorClass -- Default destructor for vector class. *
* *
* This is the default destructor for the vector class. It will deallocate any memory *
* that it may have allocated. *
* *
* INPUT: none *
* *
* OUTPUT: none *
* *
* WARNINGS: none *
* *
* 03/10/1995 JLB : Created. *
template<class T>
* VectorClass<T>::VectorClass -- Copy constructor for vector object. *
* *
* This is the copy constructor for the vector class. It will duplicate the provided *
* vector into the new vector being created. *
* *
* INPUT: vector -- Reference to the vector to use as a copy. *
* *
* OUTPUT: none *
* *
* WARNINGS: none *
* *
* 03/10/1995 JLB : Created. *
template<class T>
VectorClass<T>::VectorClass(VectorClass<T> const & vector) :
*this = vector;
* VectorClass<T>::operator = -- The assignment operator. *
* *
* This the the assignment operator for vector objects. It will alter the existing lvalue *
* vector to duplicate the rvalue one. *
* *
* INPUT: vector -- The rvalue vector to copy into the lvalue one. *
* *
* OUTPUT: Returns with reference to the newly copied vector. *
* *
* WARNINGS: none *
* *
* 03/10/1995 JLB : Created. *
template<class T>
VectorClass<T> & VectorClass<T>::operator =(VectorClass<T> const & vector)
if (this != &vector) {
VectorMax = vector.Length();
if (VectorMax) {
Vector = new T[VectorMax];
if (Vector) {
IsAllocated = true;
for (int index = 0; index < (int)VectorMax; index++) {
Vector[index] = vector[index];
else {
Vector = 0;
IsAllocated = false;
* VectorClass<T>::operator == -- Equality operator for vector objects. *
* *
* This operator compares two vectors for equality. It does this by performing an object *
* by object comparison between the two vectors. *
* *
* INPUT: vector -- The right vector expression. *
* *
* OUTPUT: bool; Are the two vectors essentially equal? (do they contain comparable elements *
* in the same order?) *
* *
* WARNINGS: The equality operator must exist for the objects that this vector contains. *
* *
* 03/10/1995 JLB : Created. *
template<class T>
int VectorClass<T>::operator == (VectorClass<T> const & vector) const
if (VectorMax == vector.Length()) {
for (int index = 0; index < (int)VectorMax; index++) {
if (Vector[index] != vector[index]) {
* VectorClass<T>::ID -- Pointer based conversion to index number. *
* *
* Use this routine to convert a pointer to an element in the vector back into the index *
* number of that object. This routine ONLY works with actual pointers to object within *
* the vector. For "equivalent" object index number (such as with similar integral values) *
* then use the "by value" index number ID function. *
* *
* INPUT: pointer -- Pointer to an actual object in the vector. *
* *
* OUTPUT: Returns with the index number for the object pointed to by the parameter. *
* *
* WARNINGS: This routine is only valid for actual pointers to object that exist within *
* the vector. All other object pointers will yield undefined results. *
* *
* 03/13/1995 JLB : Created. *
template<class T>
inline int VectorClass<T>::ID(T const * ptr)
return(((unsigned long)ptr - (unsigned long)&(*this)[0]) / sizeof(T));
* VectorClass<T>::ID -- Finds object ID based on value. *
* *
* Use this routine to find the index value of an object with equivalent value in the *
* vector. Typical use of this would be for integral types. *
* *
* INPUT: object -- Reference to the object that is to be looked up in the vector. *
* *
* OUTPUT: Returns with the index number of the object that is equivalent to the one *
* specified. If no matching value could be found then -1 is returned. *
* *
* WARNINGS: none *
* *
* 03/13/1995 JLB : Created. *
template<class T>
int VectorClass<T>::ID(T const & object)
for (int index = 0; index < (int)VectorMax; index++) {
if ((*this)[index] == object) {
* VectorClass<T>::Clear -- Frees and clears the vector. *
* *
* Use this routine to reset the vector to an empty (non-allocated) state. A vector will *
* free all allocated memory when this routine is called. In order for the vector to be *
* useful after this point, the Resize function must be called to give it element space. *
* *
* INPUT: none *
* *
* OUTPUT: none *
* *
* WARNINGS: none *
* *
* 03/10/1995 JLB : Created. *
template<class T>
void VectorClass<T>::Clear(void)
if (Vector && IsAllocated) {
delete[] Vector;
Vector = 0;
IsAllocated = false;
VectorMax = 0;
* VectorClass<T>::Resize -- Changes the size of the vector. *
* *
* This routine is used to change the size (usually to increase) the size of a vector. This *
* is the only way to increase the vector's working room (number of elements). *
* *
* INPUT: newsize -- The desired size of the vector. *
* *
* array -- Optional pointer to a previously allocated memory block that the *
* array will be located in. If this parameter is not supplied, then *
* the array will be allocated from free store. *
* *
* OUTPUT: bool; Was the array resized successfully? *
* *
* WARNINGS: Failure to succeed could be the result of running out of memory. *
* *
* 03/10/1995 JLB : Created. *
template<class T>
int VectorClass<T>::Resize(unsigned newsize, T const * array)
if (newsize) {
** Allocate a new vector of the size specified. The default constructor
** will be called for every object in this vector.
T * newptr;
if (!array) {
newptr = new T[newsize];
else {
newptr = new((void*)array) T[newsize];
if (!newptr) {
** If there is an old vector, then it must be copied (as much as is feasible)
** to the new vector.
if (Vector) {
** Copy as much of the old vector into the new vector as possible. This
** presumes that there is a functional assignment operator for each
** of the objects in the vector.
int copycount = (newsize < VectorMax) ? newsize : VectorMax;
for (int index = 0; index < copycount; index++) {
newptr[index] = Vector[index];
** Delete the old vector. This might cause the destructors to be called
** for all of the old elements. This makes the implementation of suitable
** assignment operator very important. The default assignment operator will
** only work for the simplest of objects.
if (IsAllocated) {
delete[] Vector;
Vector = 0;
** Assign the new vector data to this class.
Vector = newptr;
VectorMax = newsize;
IsAllocated = (Vector && !array);
else {
** Resizing to zero is the same as clearing the vector.