288 lines
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288 lines
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** Command & Conquer Renegade(tm)
** Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc.
** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
*** Confidential - Westwood Studios ***
* *
* Project Name : Commando *
* *
* $Archive:: /Commando/Code/Combat/physicalgameobj.h $*
* *
* $Author:: Greg_h $*
* *
* $Modtime:: 1/08/02 6:39p $*
* *
* $Revision:: 126 $*
* *
* Functions: *
* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
#ifndef ALWAYS_H
#include "always.h"
#include "damageablegameobj.h"
#include "combatphysobserver.h"
#ifndef WWPACKET_H
#include "wwpacket.h"
#ifndef PHYS_H
#include "phys.h"
class SoldierGameObj;
class VehicleGameObj;
class PowerUpGameObj;
class ArmedGameObj;
class C4GameObj;
class BeaconGameObj;
class AnimControlClass;
class CinematicGameObj;
class SimpleGameObj;
class ActiveConversationClass;
** PhysicalGameObjDef - Defintion class for a PhysicalGameObj
class PhysicalGameObjDef : public DamageableGameObjDef
PhysicalGameObjDef( void );
virtual bool Save( ChunkSaveClass &csave );
virtual bool Load( ChunkLoadClass &cload );
virtual bool Is_Valid_Config (StringClass &message);
int Get_Phys_Def_ID( void ) const { return PhysDefID; }
int Get_Orator_Type( void ) const { return OratorType; }
DECLARE_EDITABLE( PhysicalGameObjDef, DamageableGameObjDef );
int Type;
int RadarBlipType;
float BullseyeOffsetZ;
StringClass Animation;
int PhysDefID;
int KilledExplosion;
bool DefaultHibernationEnable;
bool AllowInnateConversations;
int OratorType;
bool UseCreationEffect;
friend class PhysicalGameObj;
class PhysicalGameObj : public DamageableGameObj, public CombatPhysObserverClass {
// Constructor and Destructor
PhysicalGameObj( void );
virtual ~PhysicalGameObj( void );
// Definitions
void Init( const PhysicalGameObjDef & definition );
void Copy_Settings( const PhysicalGameObjDef & definition );
void Re_Init( const PhysicalGameObjDef & definition );
const PhysicalGameObjDef & Get_Definition( void ) const ;
// Save / Load
virtual bool Save( ChunkSaveClass & csave );
virtual bool Load( ChunkLoadClass & cload );
virtual void On_Post_Load(void);
virtual void Startup( void ) {}
// Physics
WWINLINE PhysClass * Peek_Physical_Object( void ) const { return PhysObj; }
void Attach_To_Object_Bone( PhysicalGameObj * host, const char * bone_name );
bool Is_Attached_To_An_Object( void ) { return (HostGameObj.Get_Ptr () != NULL); }
void Teleport_To_Host_Bone( void );
void Set_Transform(const Matrix3D & tm);
const Matrix3D & Get_Transform(void) const;
virtual void Get_Position(Vector3 * set_pos) const;
void Set_Position(const Vector3 & pos);
float Get_Facing(void) const;
// Display
WWINLINE RenderObjClass * Peek_Model( void ) { return Peek_Physical_Object()->Peek_Model(); }
AnimControlClass* Get_Anim_Control( void );
void Set_Anim_Control( AnimControlClass * anim_control );
// Note: Set_Animation calls will force an AnimControl to be created, if needed
virtual void Set_Animation( const char *animation_name, bool looping = true, float frame_offset = 0.0f );
virtual void Set_Animation_Frame ( const char *animation_name, int frame );
// Targeting
float Get_Bullseye_Offset_Z( void ) const { return Get_Definition().BullseyeOffsetZ; }
virtual Vector3 Get_Bullseye_Position( void );
virtual void Get_Information( StringClass & string );
// Damage
virtual void Apply_Damage( const OffenseObjectClass & damager, float scale = 1.0f, int alternate_skin = -1 );
virtual void Apply_Damage_Extended( const OffenseObjectClass & offense, float scale = 1.0f,
const Vector3 & direction = Vector3( 0,0,0 ), const char * collision_box_name = NULL );
virtual void Completely_Damaged( const OffenseObjectClass & damager );
bool Is_Soft( void );
virtual bool Takes_Explosion_Damage( void ) { return true; }
// Game Object Type
int Get_Type() const { return Get_Definition().Type; }
// Thinking
virtual void Post_Think();
// Collision
void Set_Collision_Group( int group );
virtual ExpirationReactionType Object_Expired( PhysClass * observed_obj ) { Set_Delete_Pending(); return EXPIRATION_APPROVED; }
// Type identification
virtual PhysicalGameObj *As_PhysicalGameObj( void ) { return this; }
virtual DamageableGameObj *As_DamageableGameObj( void ) { return this; } // Re-implement for CombatPhysObserverClass
virtual SoldierGameObj *As_SoldierGameObj( void ) { return (SoldierGameObj *)NULL; }
virtual PowerUpGameObj *As_PowerUpGameObj( void ) { return (PowerUpGameObj *)NULL; }
virtual VehicleGameObj *As_VehicleGameObj( void ) { return (VehicleGameObj *)NULL; }
virtual C4GameObj *As_C4GameObj( void ) { return (C4GameObj *)NULL; }
virtual BeaconGameObj *As_BeaconGameObj (void) { return (BeaconGameObj *)NULL; }
virtual ArmedGameObj *As_ArmedGameObj( void ) { return (ArmedGameObj *)NULL; }
virtual CinematicGameObj *As_CinematicGameObj( void ) { return NULL; }
virtual SimpleGameObj *As_SimpleGameObj( void ) { return NULL; }
// Network diagnostics
BYTE Get_Server_Skips(void) {return ServerUpdateSkips;}
void Reset_Server_Skips(BYTE value);
void Increment_Server_Skips(void);
// Color Tinting
void Set_Tint(Vector3 color);
const Vector3 & Get_Tint(void) {return TintColor;}
// Hibernation
virtual bool Is_Hibernating( void ) { return HibernationTimer <= 0; }
void Enable_Hibernation( bool enable ) { HibernationEnable = enable; if ( Is_Hibernating() ) HibernationTimer = 1;}
void Reset_Hibernating( void );
void Do_Not_Hibernate( void ) { if ( HibernationTimer < 1 ) HibernationTimer = 1; }
virtual void Begin_Hibernation( void );
virtual void End_Hibernation( void );
// Radar Blips
int Get_Radar_Blip_Shape_Type( void ) { return RadarBlipShapeType; }
void Set_Radar_Blip_Shape_Type( int type ) { RadarBlipShapeType = type; }
void Reset_Radar_Blip_Shape_Type( void ) { RadarBlipShapeType = Get_Definition().RadarBlipType; }
int Get_Radar_Blip_Color_Type( void ) { return RadarBlipColorType; }
void Set_Radar_Blip_Color_Type( int type ) { RadarBlipColorType = type; }
void Reset_Radar_Blip_Color_Type( void );
float Get_Radar_Blip_Intensity( void ) { return RadarBlipIntensity; }
void Set_Radar_Blip_Intensity( float value ) { RadarBlipIntensity = value; }
// Network support
virtual void Export_Creation( BitStreamClass &packet );
virtual void Import_Creation( BitStreamClass &packet );
virtual void Export_Rare( BitStreamClass &packet );
virtual void Import_Rare( BitStreamClass &packet );
virtual void Export_Frequent( BitStreamClass &packet );
virtual void Import_Frequent( BitStreamClass &packet );
virtual int Get_Vis_ID(void);
virtual bool Get_World_Position (Vector3 &pos) const { Get_Position (&pos); return true; }
// Conversation support
bool Are_Innate_Conversations_Enabled( void ) { return Get_Definition().AllowInnateConversations && IsInnateConversationsEnabled; }
void Enable_Innate_Conversations( bool enable ) { IsInnateConversationsEnabled = enable; }
bool Is_In_Conversation( void ) const { return ActiveConversation != NULL; }
void Set_Conversation( ActiveConversationClass *conversation );
void Hide_Muzzle_Flashes( bool hide = true );
void Enable_HUD_Pokable_Indicator( bool enable );
bool Is_HUD_Pokable_Indicator_Enabled( void ) { return HUDPokableIndicatorEnabled; }
virtual void Set_Player_Type(int type);
// Phys Observer support
virtual void Object_Shattered_Something(PhysClass * observed_obj, PhysClass * shattered_obj, int surface_type);
// Conversation stuff
ActiveConversationClass *ActiveConversation;
PhysClass * PhysObj;
AnimControlClass * AnimControl;
// Networking bandwidth stuff
BYTE ServerUpdateSkips;
//Vector3 TintColor;
float HibernationTimer;
bool HibernationEnable;
GameObjReference HostGameObj;
int HostGameObjBone;
// Radar Blips
int RadarBlipShapeType;
int RadarBlipColorType;
float RadarBlipIntensity;
// Pending Host Obj
int PendingHostObjID;
bool HUDPokableIndicatorEnabled;
bool IsInnateConversationsEnabled;