4707 lines
118 KiB
4707 lines
118 KiB
** Command & Conquer Renegade(tm)
** Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc.
** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* Mission09.cpp
* Mission 9 specific scripts
* Dan Etter
* $Author: Greg_h $
* $Revision: 106 $
* $Modtime: 1/20/02 11:10a $
* $Archive: /Commando/Code/Scripts/Mission09.cpp $
#include "scripts.h"
#include "toolkit.h"
#include "mission9.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
DECLARE_SCRIPT(M09_Objective_Controller, "") // Object Controller id: 2000071
bool objective [3];
int spawn_loc;
int block1, block2, block3, block4;
// Register variables to be Auto-Saved
// All variables must have a unique ID, less than 256, that never changes
SAVE_VARIABLE( spawn_loc, 1 );
SAVE_VARIABLE( block1, 2 );
SAVE_VARIABLE( block2, 3 );
SAVE_VARIABLE( block3, 4 );
SAVE_VARIABLE( block4, 5 );
void Created(GameObject * obj)
Commands->Set_Num_Tertiary_Objectives ( 1 );
Commands->Start_Timer (obj, this, 1.0f, HAVOCS_SCRIPT);
Commands->Enable_Hibernation(obj, false);
spawn_loc = 0;
for (int x = 0; x <= 2; x++)
objective [x] = false;
block1 = 0;
block2 = 0;
block3 = 0;
block4 = 0;
void Remove_Pog(int id)
switch (id)
// New Primary Mission Objective: Retrieve the Mobile Power Suit for Dr. Mobius
case 901:
Commands->Set_Objective_HUD_Info(id, -1, "POG_M09_1_01.tga", IDS_POG_RETRIEVE);
// New Primary Mission Objective: Escort Dr. Mobius to the Surface
case 902:
Commands->Set_Objective_HUD_Info(id, -1, "POG_M09_1_02.tga", IDS_POG_ESCORT);
// New Primary Mission Objective: Escort Dr. Mobius to the Rendezvous Point
case 903:
Commands->Set_Objective_HUD_Info(id, -1, "POG_M09_1_03.tga", IDS_POG_ESCORT);
void Add_An_Objective(int id)
GameObject *object;
switch (id)
// New Primary Mission Objective: Protect Mobius
case 900:
Commands->Add_Objective(900, OBJECTIVE_TYPE_PRIMARY, OBJECTIVE_STATUS_PENDING, IDS_Enc_ObjTitle_Primary_M09_04, NULL, IDS_Enc_Obj_Primary_M09_04);
object = Commands->Find_Object(2000010);
Commands->Set_Objective_Radar_Blip_Object(900, object);
Commands->Set_Objective_HUD_Info_Position( 900, 90, "POG_M09_1_02.tga", IDS_POG_PROTECT, Commands->Get_Position (object));
// New Primary Mission Objective: Retrieve the Mobile Power Suit for Dr. Mobius
case 901:
Commands->Add_Objective(901, OBJECTIVE_TYPE_PRIMARY, OBJECTIVE_STATUS_PENDING, IDS_Enc_ObjTitle_Primary_M09_01, NULL, IDS_Enc_Obj_Primary_M09_01);
object = Commands->Find_Object(2002239);
Commands->Set_Objective_Radar_Blip_Object(901, object);
Commands->Set_Objective_HUD_Info_Position( 901, 99, "POG_M09_1_01.tga", IDS_POG_RETRIEVE, Commands->Get_Position (object));
// New Primary Mission Objective: Escort Dr. Mobius to the Surface
case 902:
Commands->Add_Objective(902, OBJECTIVE_TYPE_PRIMARY, OBJECTIVE_STATUS_PENDING, IDS_Enc_ObjTitle_Primary_M09_02, NULL, IDS_Enc_Obj_Primary_M09_02);
object = Commands->Find_Object(2000955);
Commands->Set_Objective_Radar_Blip_Object(902, object);
Commands->Set_Objective_HUD_Info_Position( 902, 98, "POG_M08_1_03.tga", IDS_POG_ESCORT, Commands->Get_Position (object));
// New Primary Mission Objective: Escort Dr. Mobius to the Rendezvous Point
case 903:
Commands->Add_Objective(903, OBJECTIVE_TYPE_PRIMARY, OBJECTIVE_STATUS_PENDING, IDS_Enc_ObjTitle_Primary_M09_03, NULL, IDS_Enc_Obj_Primary_M09_03);
object = Commands->Find_Object(2000969);
Commands->Set_Objective_Radar_Blip_Object(903, object);
Commands->Set_Objective_HUD_Info_Position( 903, 97, "POG_M09_1_03.tga", IDS_POG_ESCORT, Commands->Get_Position (object));
// New Hidden Mission Objective: Eliminate the NOD Resistance at Checkpoint A
case 904:
Commands->Add_Objective(904, OBJECTIVE_TYPE_TERTIARY, OBJECTIVE_STATUS_HIDDEN, IDS_Enc_ObjTitle_Hidden_M09_01, NULL, IDS_Enc_Obj_Hidden_M09_04); }
// New Hidden Mission Objective: Comandeer the NOD Stealth Tank.
case 905:
// New Hidden Mission Objective: Comandeer the NOD Stealth Tank.
case 906:
case 1000:
void Custom(GameObject * obj, int type, int param, GameObject * sender)
if (type == BLOCK_ON)
if ((block1 != 0) && (block2 != 0) && (block3 != 0) && (block4 != 0)) {
Commands->Start_Timer (obj, this, 3.0f, 333);
GameObject *rub1 = Commands->Create_Object ("M08_Rubble_Stub", Vector3 (-108.066f, 483.917f, -191.022f));
block1 = Commands->Get_ID (rub1);
Commands->Set_Is_Rendered( rub1, false );
GameObject *rub2 = Commands->Create_Object ("M08_Rubble_Stub", Vector3 (-25.433f, 513.013f, -150.613f));
block2 = Commands->Get_ID (rub2);
Commands->Set_Is_Rendered( rub2, false );
GameObject *rub3 = Commands->Create_Object ("M08_Rubble_Stub", Vector3 (-47.948f, 535.216f, -103.284f));
block3 = Commands->Get_ID (rub3);
Commands->Set_Is_Rendered( rub3, false );
Commands->Set_Facing (rub3, -90.0);
GameObject *rub4 = Commands->Create_Object ("M08_Rubble_Stub", Vector3 (39.231f, 515.105f, -78.137f));
block4 = Commands->Get_ID (rub4);
Commands->Set_Is_Rendered( rub4, false );
if (type == BLOCK_OFF)
Commands->Destroy_Object (Commands->Find_Object (block1));
Commands->Destroy_Object (Commands->Find_Object (block2));
Commands->Destroy_Object (Commands->Find_Object (block3));
Commands->Destroy_Object (Commands->Find_Object (block4));
block1 = block2 = block3 = block4 = 0;
if (type == MOBIUS_KILLED)
Commands->Start_Timer (obj, this, 4.0f, 40);
if (type == check && param == check)
Commands->Send_Custom_Event (obj, sender, 901, objective [0], 0.0f);
Commands->Send_Custom_Event (obj, sender, 902, objective [1], 0.0f);
Commands->Send_Custom_Event (obj, sender, 903, objective [2], 0.0f);
if (type == 901 && param == 1)
objective [0] = true;
if (type == 902 && param == 1)
objective [1] = true;
if (type == 903 && param == 1)
objective [2] = true;
switch (param)
case 1:
//Commands->Clear_Radar_Marker (type);
Commands->Set_Objective_Status(type, OBJECTIVE_STATUS_ACCOMPLISHED);
case 2:
//Commands->Clear_Radar_Marker (type);
Commands->Set_Objective_Status(type, OBJECTIVE_STATUS_FAILED);
case 3:
case 4:
Commands->Set_Objective_Status(type, OBJECTIVE_STATUS_PENDING);
case 5:
Commands->Set_Objective_Status(type, OBJECTIVE_STATUS_HIDDEN);
if(type == 666 && param == 666)
Commands->Start_Timer (obj, this, 0.10f, M09_DEAD_HAVOC);
if (type == SPAWN_LOC && param == INCREMENT)
void Timer_Expired(GameObject * obj, int timer_id )
if (timer_id == 333)
Commands->Destroy_Object (Commands->Find_Object (block1));
Commands->Destroy_Object (Commands->Find_Object (block2));
Commands->Destroy_Object (Commands->Find_Object (block3));
Commands->Destroy_Object (Commands->Find_Object (block4));
block1 = block2 = block3 = block4 = 0;
if (timer_id == 40)
DECLARE_SCRIPT (M09_Havoc_Script, "")
void Created (GameObject *obj)
/*Commands->Give_PowerUp(obj, "Shotgun Weapon 3 Clips PU");
Commands->Give_PowerUp(obj, "FlameThrower_Weapon_PowerUp");
Commands->Give_PowerUp(obj, "Flame_Weapon_1_Clip_PowerUp");
Commands->Give_PowerUp(obj, "Flame_Weapon_1_Clip_PowerUp");
Commands->Give_PowerUp(obj, "ChemSprayer_Weapon_PowerUp");
Commands->Give_PowerUp(obj, "Chem_Weapon_1_Clip_PowerUp");
Commands->Give_PowerUp(obj, "Grenade Launcher Weapon PowerUps");
Commands->Give_PowerUp(obj, "GL_Weapon_1_Clip_PowerUp");
Commands->Give_PowerUp(obj, "Mine Weapons PowerUps");
Commands->Give_PowerUp(obj, "Remote Mine Weapon 1 Clip PU");
Commands->Give_PowerUp(obj, "Sniper Weapon 1 Clip PU");
Commands->Give_PowerUp(obj, "Sniper Weapon 1 Clip PU");
Commands->Give_PowerUp(obj, "MG Weapon 1 Clip PowerUp");
Commands->Give_PowerUp(obj, "MiniGun 2 Clips PU");
Commands->Give_PowerUp(obj, "Armor 100 PowerUp");
Commands->Give_PowerUp(obj, "RL Weapon 1 Clip PowerUp");*/
Commands->Start_Timer(obj, this, 0.5f, ACTIVATE);
//Commands->Grant_Key ( STAR, 10, true);
void Timer_Expired (GameObject *obj, int timer_id)
if (timer_id == ACTIVATE)
Commands->Grant_Key ( STAR, 10, true);
void Destroyed(GameObject * obj)
Commands->Send_Custom_Event (obj, Commands->Find_Object(2000071), 666, 666, 0.0f);
DECLARE_SCRIPT (M09_Mobius_Suit_Objective, "")
bool already_entered;
// Register variables to be Auto-Saved
// All variables must have a unique ID, less than 256, that never changes
SAVE_VARIABLE( already_entered, 1 );
void Created (GameObject * obj)
already_entered = false;
void Custom (GameObject *obj, int type, int param, GameObject *sender)
if (type == 8888)
GameObject *mobius = Commands->Find_Object (2000010);
Vector3 havoc_loc = Commands->Get_Position (Commands->Find_Object (1100497));
Vector3 mobius_loc = Commands->Get_Position (Commands->Find_Object (2002239));
Commands->Set_Position (STAR, havoc_loc );
Commands->Set_Position (mobius, mobius_loc );
void Entered (GameObject * obj, GameObject * enterer)
if (!already_entered)
GameObject *mobius = Commands->Find_Object (2000010);
already_entered = true;
//Commands->Destroy_Object (Commands->Find_Object (1202323));
if (mobius)
Vector3 havoc_loc = Commands->Get_Position (STAR);
Vector3 mobius_loc = Commands->Get_Position (mobius);
havoc_loc.Z += 7.0f;
mobius_loc.Z += 7.0f;
Commands->Action_Reset(mobius, 100);
Commands->Set_Position (STAR, havoc_loc );
Commands->Set_Position (mobius, mobius_loc );
//Commands->Send_Custom_Event (obj, Commands->Find_Object(2000071), SPAWN_LOC, INCREMENT, 0.0f);
//Commands->Send_Custom_Event (obj, Commands->Find_Object(2000071), 901, 1, 0.0f);
GameObject * powermob = Commands->Create_Object ( "Invisible_Object", Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
Commands->Set_Facing(powermob, 0.0f);
Commands->Attach_Script(powermob, "Test_Cinematic", "X9C_MIDTRO.txt");
Commands->Set_Model ( mobius, "c_ag_gdi_pmob" );
Commands->Give_PowerUp(mobius, "POW_LaserChaingun_AI");
Commands->Select_Weapon (mobius, "Weapon_LaserChaingun_Ai" );
Commands->Send_Custom_Event (obj, Commands->Find_Object(2000071), 901, 1, 0.0f);
Commands->Send_Custom_Event (obj, Commands->Find_Object(2000071), 902, 3, 0.0f);
Commands->Set_Health (mobius, 300.0f);
Commands->Attach_Script(mobius, "M09_Damage_Modifier", ".05");
void Animation_Complete(GameObject * obj, const char *anim)
if (stricmp(anim, "h_a_a0a0_l26da") == 0)
GameObject *mobius = Commands->Find_Object (2000010);
Commands->Set_Animation ( mobius, "h_a_a0a0_l26db", true);
const char *conv_name = ("IDS_M09_D11");
int conv_id = Commands->Create_Conversation (conv_name, 99, 200, false);
Commands->Join_Conversation(mobius, conv_id, false, false);
Commands->Join_Conversation(STAR, conv_id, false, false);
Commands->Start_Conversation (conv_id, 901);
Commands->Monitor_Conversation (obj, conv_id);
void Action_Complete(GameObject * obj, int action_id, ActionCompleteReason reason)
if(action_id == 900 && reason == ACTION_COMPLETE_CONVERSATION_ENDED)
/*GameObject *mobius = Commands->Find_Object (2000010);
Commands->Set_Model ( mobius, "c_ag_gdi_pmob" );
Commands->Give_PowerUp(mobius, "POW_LaserChaingun_AI");
Commands->Select_Weapon (mobius, "Weapon_LaserChaingun_Ai" );*/
//Commands->Set_Animation ( mobius, "h_a_a0a0_l26da", false);
if(action_id == 901 && reason == ACTION_COMPLETE_CONVERSATION_ENDED)
GameObject *mobius = Commands->Find_Object (2000010);
Commands->Set_Animation ( mobius, "h_a_a0a0_l26dc", false);
Commands->Send_Custom_Event (obj, Commands->Find_Object(2000071), 902, 3, 0.0f);
DECLARE_SCRIPT (M09_Surface_Objective, "")
bool already_entered;
// Register variables to be Auto-Saved
// All variables must have a unique ID, less than 256, that never changes
SAVE_VARIABLE( already_entered, 1 );
void Created (GameObject * obj)
already_entered = false;
void Entered (GameObject * obj, GameObject * enterer)
if (!already_entered)
already_entered = true;
//Commands->Send_Custom_Event (obj, Commands->Find_Object(2000071), SPAWN_LOC, INCREMENT, 0.0f);
Commands->Send_Custom_Event (obj, Commands->Find_Object(2000071), 902, 1, 0.0f);
Commands->Send_Custom_Event (obj, Commands->Find_Object(2000071), 903, 3, 0.0f);
Commands->Send_Custom_Event (obj, Commands->Find_Object(2000955), FLYOVER, 0, 0.0f);
//Commands->Send_Custom_Event (obj, Commands->Find_Object(2000071), 906, 3, 0.0f);
Commands->Destroy_Object ( Commands->Find_Object (2000614));
Commands->Destroy_Object ( Commands->Find_Object (2000954));
void Custom (GameObject *obj, int type, int param, GameObject *sender)
if (type == ENTERED && param == ENTERED)
already_entered = true;
DECLARE_SCRIPT (M09_Evac_Point_Objective, "")
bool star_in_zone;
bool mobius_in_zone;
SAVE_VARIABLE( star_in_zone, 1 );
SAVE_VARIABLE( mobius_in_zone, 2 );
void Created (GameObject * obj)
star_in_zone = false;
mobius_in_zone = false;
void Exited( GameObject * obj, GameObject * exiter )
GameObject * mobius = Commands->Find_Object (2000010);
if (exiter == STAR)
star_in_zone = false;
if (exiter == mobius)
mobius_in_zone = false;
void Entered (GameObject * obj, GameObject * enterer)
GameObject * mobius = Commands->Find_Object (2000010);
if (enterer == STAR)
star_in_zone = true;
if (mobius_in_zone)
Commands->Attach_Script(mobius, "M00_Damage_Modifier_DME", "0.05f, 1, 1, 0, 0");
Commands->Start_Timer (obj, this, 1.0f, M09_MISSION_COMPLETE);
if (!mobius_in_zone)
Commands->Send_Custom_Event( obj, mobius, FOLLOW, 2000969, 0.0f );
if (enterer == mobius)
mobius_in_zone = true;
if (star_in_zone)
Commands->Attach_Script(mobius, "M00_Damage_Modifier_DME", "0.05f, 1, 1, 0, 0");
Commands->Start_Timer (obj, this, 1.0f, M09_MISSION_COMPLETE);
/*GameObject *mobius = Commands->Find_Object (2000010);
float mobius_distance = Commands->Get_Distance(Commands->Get_Position (Commands->Find_Object (2000969)), Commands->Get_Position (mobius));
if (mobius_distance < 15.0f)
//Commands->Send_Custom_Event (obj, Commands->Find_Object(2000071), 903, 1, 0.0f);
Commands->Start_Timer (obj, this, 5.0f, M09_MISSION_COMPLETE);
GameObject * chin_loc = Commands->Find_Object (2000259);
float facing = Commands->Get_Facing (chin_loc);
GameObject * chinook_obj = Commands->Create_Object ( "Invisible_Object", Commands->Get_Position (chin_loc));
Commands->Set_Facing(chinook_obj, facing);
Commands->Attach_Script(chinook_obj, "Test_Cinematic", "M09_XG_EV4.txt");
ActionParamsStruct params;
params.Set_Basic( this, 99, MOBIUS_GOTO );
params.Set_Movement( Commands->Get_Position (Commands->Find_Object (2000969)), 1.2f, 0.8f );
Commands->Action_Goto (mobius, params);
Commands->Start_Timer (obj, this, 3.0f, TIMER_RESET);
void Timer_Expired(GameObject * obj, int timer_id )
if (timer_id == M09_MISSION_COMPLETE)
Commands->Mission_Complete ( true );
if (timer_id == TIMER_RESET)
GameObject *mobius = Commands->Find_Object (2000010);
float mobius_distance = Commands->Get_Distance(Commands->Get_Position (Commands->Find_Object (2000969)), Commands->Get_Position (mobius));
if (mobius_distance < 15.0f)
//Commands->Send_Custom_Event (obj, Commands->Find_Object(2000071), 903, 1, 0.0f);
Commands->Start_Timer (obj, this, 1.0f, M09_MISSION_COMPLETE);
GameObject * chin_loc = Commands->Find_Object (2000259);
float facing = Commands->Get_Facing (chin_loc);
GameObject * chinook_obj = Commands->Create_Object ( "Invisible_Object", Commands->Get_Position (chin_loc));
Commands->Set_Facing(chinook_obj, facing);
Commands->Attach_Script(chinook_obj, "Test_Cinematic", "M09_XG_EV4.txt");
ActionParamsStruct params;
params.Set_Basic( this, 99, MOBIUS_GOTO );
params.Set_Movement( Commands->Get_Position (Commands->Find_Object (2000969)), 1.2f, 0.8f );
Commands->Action_Goto (mobius, params);
Commands->Start_Timer (obj, this, 3.0f, TIMER_RESET);
DECLARE_SCRIPT (M09_LabRoom_Zones, "Mutant_Num:int, Mutant_Goto:int")
int mutant;
bool already_entered;
// Register variables to be Auto-Saved
// All variables must have a unique ID, less than 256, that never changes
SAVE_VARIABLE( already_entered, 1 );
SAVE_VARIABLE( mutant, 2 );
void Created (GameObject * obj)
mutant = Get_Int_Parameter("Mutant_Num");
int anim_loc = Get_Int_Parameter("Mutant_Goto");
//already_entered = false;
Commands->Send_Custom_Event (obj, Commands->Find_Object(mutant), GOTO, anim_loc, 4.0f);
void Entered (GameObject * obj, GameObject * enterer)
Commands->Send_Custom_Event (obj, Commands->Find_Object(2000279), CONVERSATION, TRIGGERED);
Commands->Action_Reset ( Commands->Find_Object (mutant), 100.0f );
void Exited( GameObject * obj, GameObject * exiter )
//Commands->Grant_Key ( STAR, 10, false);
void Custom(GameObject *obj, int type, int param, GameObject *sender)
if (type == ALREADY_ENTERED)
already_entered = true;
DECLARE_SCRIPT (M09_Animating_Mutant, "Animation=0:int")
float face;
void Custom(GameObject *obj, int type, int param, GameObject *sender)
if (type == GOTO)
//face = Commands->Get_Facing (Commands->Find_Object (param));
//Vector3 loc = Commands->Get_Position (Commands->Find_Object (param));
ActionParamsStruct params;
params.Set_Basic( this, 99, MUTANT_GOTO );
//params.Set_Movement( loc, RUN, 0.25f );
params.Set_Movement( Vector3(0,0,0), RUN, 0.5f);
params.WaypathID = param;
Commands->Action_Goto (obj, params);
if (type == ANIMATION && param == RESET)
Commands->Action_Reset ( obj, 100 );
void Action_Complete(GameObject * obj, int action_id, ActionCompleteReason reason)
int animation = Get_Int_Parameter ("Animation");
if (action_id == MUTANT_GOTO && reason == ACTION_COMPLETE_NORMAL)
if (animation == 0)
//Commands->Set_Facing (obj, face);
ActionParamsStruct params;
params.Set_Basic( this, 99, DOING_ANIMATION );
params.Set_Animation ("S_C_HUMAN.H_C_7001", true);
Commands->Action_Play_Animation (obj, params);
if (animation == 1)
ActionParamsStruct params;
params.Set_Basic( this, 99, DOING_ANIMATION );
params.Set_Animation ("S_C_HUMAN.H_C_7002", true);
Commands->Action_Play_Animation (obj, params);
DECLARE_SCRIPT (M09_LabRoom_Controller, "")
bool triggered;
bool mobius_ready;
SAVE_VARIABLE( triggered, 1 );
SAVE_VARIABLE( mobius_ready, 2 );
void Created (GameObject *obj)
triggered = false;
mobius_ready = false;
void Custom(GameObject *obj, int type, int param, GameObject *sender)
if (!triggered && mobius_ready)
if (type == CONVERSATION && param == TRIGGERED)
triggered = true;
GameObject *mobius = Commands->Find_Object (2000010);
const char *conv_name = ("M09CON014");
int conv_id = Commands->Create_Conversation (conv_name, 99, 200, false);
Commands->Join_Conversation(mobius, conv_id, true, true);
Commands->Join_Conversation(STAR, conv_id, true, true);
Commands->Start_Conversation (conv_id, 904);
Commands->Monitor_Conversation (mobius, conv_id);
if (type == CONVERSATION && param == ENDED)
mobius_ready = true;
DECLARE_SCRIPT (M09_Mobius_Initial_Conversation, "")
float max_health;
SAVE_VARIABLE( max_health, 1 );
void Created (GameObject *obj)
Commands->Start_Timer (obj, this, 5.0f, 20);
Commands->Send_Custom_Event (obj, Commands->Find_Object(2000071), 900, 3, 0.0f);
Commands->Innate_Disable ( obj );
max_health = Commands->Get_Health (obj);
void Timer_Expired(GameObject * obj, int timer_id )
if (timer_id == 20)
const char *conv_name = ("IDS_M09_D07");
int conv_id = Commands->Create_Conversation (conv_name, 99, 200, false);
Commands->Join_Conversation(obj, conv_id, false, false);
Commands->Join_Conversation(STAR, conv_id, false, false);
Commands->Start_Conversation (conv_id, 900);
Commands->Monitor_Conversation (obj, conv_id);
/*void Damaged (GameObject *obj, GameObject *damager, float amount)
Commands->Set_Health (obj, max_health);
void Killed(GameObject * obj, GameObject *killer )
Commands->Send_Custom_Event (obj, Commands->Find_Object(2000071), MOBIUS_KILLED, 0, 0.0f);
void Action_Complete(GameObject * obj, int action_id, ActionCompleteReason reason)
if(action_id == 900 && reason == ACTION_COMPLETE_CONVERSATION_ENDED)
const char *conv_name = ("IDS_M09_P01");
int conv_id = Commands->Create_Conversation (conv_name, 99, 200, false);
Commands->Join_Conversation(obj, conv_id, false, false);
Commands->Join_Conversation(STAR, conv_id, false, false);
Commands->Start_Conversation (conv_id, 903);
Commands->Monitor_Conversation (obj, conv_id);
if(action_id == 901 && reason == ACTION_COMPLETE_CONVERSATION_ENDED)
ActionParamsStruct params;
params.Set_Basic( this, 99, 101 );
params.Set_Movement( Vector3(0,0,0), WALK, 0.5f);
params.WaypathID = 2000275;
Commands->Action_Goto (obj, params);
if (action_id == 101)
/*ActionParamsStruct params;
params.Set_Basic( this, 99, 150 );
params.Set_Face_Location( Commands->Get_Position (STAR), 10.0f);
Commands->Action_Face_Location ( obj, params );
const char *conv_name = ("IDS_M09_D07");
int conv_id = Commands->Create_Conversation (conv_name, 99, 200, false);
Commands->Join_Conversation(obj, conv_id, false, false);
Commands->Join_Conversation(STAR, conv_id, false, false);
Commands->Start_Conversation (conv_id, 902);
Commands->Monitor_Conversation (obj, conv_id);
if(action_id == 902 && reason == ACTION_COMPLETE_CONVERSATION_ENDED)
const char *conv_name = ("IDS_M09_P01");
int conv_id = Commands->Create_Conversation (conv_name, 99, 200, false);
Commands->Join_Conversation(obj, conv_id, false, false);
Commands->Join_Conversation(STAR, conv_id, false, false);
Commands->Start_Conversation (conv_id, 903);
Commands->Monitor_Conversation (obj, conv_id);
if(action_id == 903 && reason == ACTION_COMPLETE_CONVERSATION_ENDED)
Commands->Send_Custom_Event (obj, Commands->Find_Object(2000071), 901, 3, 0.0f);
Commands->Attach_Script(Commands->Find_Object (2000010), "M09_Mobius_Follow", "");
Commands->Send_Custom_Event (obj, Commands->Find_Object(2000279), CONVERSATION, ENDED, 0.0f);
Commands->Send_Custom_Event( obj, Commands->Find_Object (2000010), FOLLOW, 2001012, 1.0f );
Commands->Give_PowerUp(obj, "POW_Pistol_AI");
Commands->Select_Weapon (obj, "Weapon_Pistol_Ai" );
DECLARE_SCRIPT (M09_Mobius_Follow, "") //Mobius (Pre-Suit): 2000010
int objective_901, objective_902, objective_903;
int cover_id [3];
int closest;
int attack_path;
int elev_num;
float cover_distance [3];
float current_health;
float last_health, damage_tally;
bool stationary;
bool nofollow;
SAVE_VARIABLE( objective_901, 1 );
SAVE_VARIABLE( objective_902, 2 );
SAVE_VARIABLE( objective_903, 3 );
SAVE_VARIABLE( closest, 4 );
SAVE_VARIABLE( current_health, 5 );
SAVE_VARIABLE( last_health, 6 );
SAVE_VARIABLE( damage_tally, 7 );
SAVE_VARIABLE( stationary, 8 );
SAVE_VARIABLE( attack_path, 9 );
SAVE_VARIABLE( nofollow, 10 );
SAVE_VARIABLE( elev_num, 11 );
void Follow_Function (GameObject * obj, int waypath_id)
attack_path = waypath_id;
//Vector3 loc = Commands->Get_Position (Commands->Find_Object (waypath_id));
ActionParamsStruct params;
params.Set_Basic( this, 96, MOBIUS_GOTO );
params.Set_Movement( Commands->Get_Position (Commands->Find_Object (waypath_id)), 1.2f, 0.8f );
Commands->Action_Goto (obj, params);
/*ActionParamsStruct params;
params.Set_Basic (this, (INNATE_PRIORITY_ENEMY_SEEN - 5), 1);
params.Set_Movement (STAR, RUN, 0.5f);
params.MoveFollow = true;
Commands->Action_Goto (obj, params);*/
/*void Enemy_Seen(GameObject * obj, GameObject *enemy )
ActionParamsStruct params;
params.Set_Basic( this, INNATE_PRIORITY_ENEMY_SEEN +5, 10 );
params.Set_Movement( Commands->Get_Position (Commands->Find_Object (attack_path)), 1.2f, 1.0f );
//params.WaypathID = attack_path;
params.Set_Attack(enemy, 100.0f, 1.0f, true);
params.AttackCheckBlocked = true;
params.AttackActive = true;
Commands->Action_Attack (obj, params);
void Killed(GameObject * obj, GameObject *killer )
Commands->Send_Custom_Event (obj, Commands->Find_Object(2000071), check, check, 0.0f);
if (objective_901 == false)
Commands->Send_Custom_Event (obj, Commands->Find_Object(2000071), 901, 2, 0.0f);
else if (objective_902 == false)
Commands->Send_Custom_Event (obj, Commands->Find_Object(2000071), 902, 2, 0.0f);
else if (objective_903 == false)
Commands->Send_Custom_Event (obj, Commands->Find_Object(2000071), 903, 2, 0.0f);
void Custom(GameObject * obj, int type, int param, GameObject * sender)
if (type == NO_FOLLOW)
if (param == ON)
nofollow = true;
if (param == OFF)
nofollow = false;
if (sender == (Commands->Find_Object (2000071)))
switch (type)
case 901:
objective_901 = param;
case 902:
objective_902 = param;
case 903:
objective_903 = param;
if (type == WAYPATH)
ActionParamsStruct params;
params.Set_Basic( this, 99, 951 );
params.Set_Movement( Commands->Find_Object (param), 1.2f, 0.5f);
Commands->Action_Goto( obj, params );
if (type == FOLLOW)
Follow_Function (obj, param);
if (type == ELEVATOR_EXIT)
attack_path = param;
ActionParamsStruct params;
params.Set_Basic( this, INNATE_PRIORITY_ENEMY_SEEN + 5, MOBIUS_GOTO );
params.Set_Movement( Commands->Get_Position (Commands->Find_Object (param)), 1.2f, 0.8f );
params.MovePathfind = false;
Commands->Action_Goto (obj, params);
if (type == ELEVATOR)
elev_num = Commands->Get_ID (sender);
Commands->Action_Reset ( obj, 100 );
ActionParamsStruct params;
params.Set_Basic( this, 99, ELEV_WAYPOINT );
params.Set_Movement( Commands->Get_Position (Commands->Find_Object (param)), 1.2f, 1.0f);
Commands->Action_Goto (obj, params);
if (type == ELEVATOR_DOWN)
elev_num = Commands->Get_ID (sender);
Commands->Action_Reset ( obj, 100 );
ActionParamsStruct params;
params.Set_Basic( this, 99, ELEV_WAYPOINT2 );
params.Set_Movement( Commands->Get_Position (Commands->Find_Object (param)), 1.2f, 1.0f);
Commands->Action_Goto (obj, params);
void Created (GameObject *obj)
Commands->Send_Custom_Event (obj, Commands->Find_Object(2000279), CONVERSATION, ENDED, 0.0f);
for (int x = 0; x <= 2; x++)
cover_distance [x] = 900;
cover_id [0] = 2000006;
cover_id [1] = 2000007;
cover_id [2] = 2000008;
objective_901 = false;
objective_902 = false;
objective_903 = false;
stationary = false;
nofollow = false;
closest = 0;
last_health = Commands->Get_Max_Health(obj);
damage_tally = 0;
Commands->Start_Timer (obj, this, 5.0f, TOO_FAR);
/*void Damaged( GameObject * obj, GameObject * damager, float amount )
current_health = Commands->Get_Health (obj);
float damage = ((last_health - current_health) + damage_tally);
float mod_damage = (damage * .15);
damage_tally += mod_damage;
Commands->Set_Health (obj, (last_health - mod_damage));
last_health = Commands->Get_Health (obj);
current_health = Commands->Get_Health (obj);
if (current_health <= 75)
Commands->Set_Innate_Aggressiveness ( obj, 0.0 );
Commands->Set_Innate_Take_Cover_Probability ( obj, 100.0 );
void Action_Complete(GameObject * obj, int action_id, ActionCompleteReason reason)
if((action_id == MOBIUS_GOTO) && (action_id != Commands->Get_Action_ID(obj)) && (!Commands->Is_Performing_Pathfind_Action(obj)) && (reason == ACTION_COMPLETE_LOW_PRIORITY))
Commands->Start_Timer (obj, this, 5.0f, RESEND_GOTO);
if (action_id == MOBIUS_GOTO && reason == ACTION_COMPLETE_PATH_BAD_DEST)
Commands->Start_Timer (obj, this, 0.5f, BAD_PATH);
/*if(action_id == 1 && reason == ACTION_COMPLETE_CONVERSATION_ENDED)
Follow_Function (obj);
if (action_id == 20)
Commands->Start_Timer (obj, this, 10.0f, 20);
if (action_id == 10000)
ActionParamsStruct params;
params.Set_Basic( this, 99, 10001);
params.Set_Animation( "H_A_J20b", true );
Commands->Action_Play_Animation (obj, params);
/*if (action_id == 951)
Commands->Set_Facing (obj, Commands->Get_Facing (Commands->Find_Object (2000462)));
Commands->Send_Custom_Event( obj, Commands->Find_Object (2000453), VERIFY, GO, 4.0f );
const char *conv_name = ("IDS_M09_D17");
int conv_id = Commands->Create_Conversation (conv_name, 99, 200, false);
Commands->Join_Conversation(obj, conv_id, false, false);
Commands->Join_Conversation(STAR, conv_id, false, false);
Commands->Start_Conversation (conv_id, 952);
Commands->Monitor_Conversation (obj, conv_id);
if(action_id == 952)
Commands->Start_Timer (obj, this, 0.0f, 953);
if (action_id == ELEV_WAYPOINT && reason == ACTION_COMPLETE_NORMAL)
Commands->Set_Innate_Is_Stationary ( obj, true );
Commands->Send_Custom_Event( obj, Commands->Find_Object (elev_num), SET_MOBIUS, 0);
if (action_id == ELEV_WAYPOINT2 && reason == ACTION_COMPLETE_NORMAL)
Commands->Set_Innate_Is_Stationary ( obj, true );
Commands->Send_Custom_Event( obj, Commands->Find_Object (elev_num), SET_MOBIUS, 0);
/*void Poked(GameObject * obj, GameObject * poker)
if (poker == STAR)
if (stationary == false)
stationary = true;
Commands->Set_Innate_Is_Stationary ( obj, true );
const char *conv_name = ("IDS_M09_D03");
int conv_id = Commands->Create_Conversation (conv_name);
Commands->Join_Conversation(obj, conv_id, false, true);
Commands->Start_Conversation (conv_id, 1);
Commands->Monitor_Conversation (obj, conv_id);
ActionParamsStruct params;
params.Set_Basic( this, 99, 10000);
params.Set_Animation( "H_A_J20a", false );
Commands->Action_Play_Animation (obj, params);
else if (stationary == true)
stationary = false;
Commands->Action_Reset ( obj, 100 );
Commands->Set_Innate_Is_Stationary ( obj, false );
const char *conv_name = ("IDS_M09_D04");
int conv_id = Commands->Create_Conversation (conv_name);
Commands->Join_Conversation(obj, conv_id, false, true);
Commands->Start_Conversation (conv_id, 1);
Commands->Monitor_Conversation (obj, conv_id);
ActionParamsStruct params;
params.Set_Basic( this, 99, 10002);
params.Set_Animation( "H_A_J20c", false );
Commands->Action_Play_Animation (obj, params);
//Follow_Function (GameObject * obj, int waypath_id);
void Timer_Expired(GameObject * obj, int timer_id )
if (timer_id == RESEND_GOTO)
ActionParamsStruct params;
params.Set_Basic( this, INNATE_PRIORITY_ENEMY_SEEN - 5, MOBIUS_GOTO );
params.Set_Movement( Commands->Get_Position (Commands->Find_Object (attack_path)), 1.2f, 1.0f );
Commands->Action_Goto (obj, params);
if (timer_id == BAD_PATH)
ActionParamsStruct params;
params.Set_Basic( this, INNATE_PRIORITY_ENEMY_SEEN - 5, MOBIUS_GOTO );
params.Set_Movement( Commands->Get_Position (Commands->Find_Object (attack_path)), 1.2f, 1.0f );
params.MovePathfind = false;
Commands->Action_Goto (obj, params);
if (timer_id == TOO_FAR)
if (!nofollow)
float distance = (Commands->Get_Distance ( Commands->Get_Position (STAR), Commands->Get_Position (Commands->Find_Object (2000010))) );
if (distance >= 25.0f)
ActionParamsStruct params;
params.Set_Basic( this, 96, MOBIUS_GOTO );
params.Set_Movement( Commands->Get_Position (STAR), 1.2f, 5.0f );
//params.MovePathfind = false;
Commands->Action_Goto (obj, params);
Commands->Start_Timer (obj, this, 5.0f, TOO_FAR);
/*if (stationary == false)
int poke_id = Commands->Get_Random_Int(1, 3);
Commands->Start_Timer (obj, this, 5.0f, CHECK_DISTANCE);
// Don't leave me here
if(timer_id == CHECK_DISTANCE && poke_id == 2)
Vector3 star_pos = Commands->Get_Position(STAR);
Vector3 mobius_pos = Commands->Get_Position(obj);
float distance_to_star = Commands->Get_Distance(star_pos, mobius_pos);
if(distance_to_star > 15.0f)
const char *conv_name = ("IDS_M09_D01");
int conv_id = Commands->Create_Conversation (conv_name);
Commands->Join_Conversation(obj, conv_id, false, true);
Commands->Start_Conversation (conv_id, 1);
Commands->Monitor_Conversation (obj, conv_id);
Follow_Function (obj);
// Hey! Wait for me!
else if(timer_id == CHECK_DISTANCE && poke_id == 1)
Vector3 star_pos = Commands->Get_Position(STAR);
Vector3 mobius_pos = Commands->Get_Position(obj);
float distance_to_star = Commands->Get_Distance(star_pos, mobius_pos);
if(distance_to_star > 15.0f)
const char *conv_name = ("IDS_M09_D02");
int conv_id = Commands->Create_Conversation (conv_name);
Commands->Join_Conversation(obj, conv_id, false, true);
Commands->Start_Conversation (conv_id, 1);
Commands->Monitor_Conversation (obj, conv_id);
Follow_Function (obj);
else if(timer_id == 20)
Follow_Function (obj);
if(timer_id == 953)
Commands->Send_Custom_Event( obj, Commands->Find_Object (2000453), VERIFY, STOP, 3.0f );
DECLARE_SCRIPT (M09_Stationary, "Reward_override=0:int")
int reward;
SAVE_VARIABLE( reward, 1 );
void Created(GameObject *obj)
Commands->Set_Innate_Is_Stationary ( obj, true );
reward = Commands->Get_Random_Int ( 1, 101 );
if (Get_Int_Parameter("Reward_override") == 1)
Commands->Set_Health ( obj, 5 );
void Enemy_Seen(GameObject * obj, GameObject *enemy )
Commands->Set_Innate_Is_Stationary ( obj, false );
/*void Killed( GameObject * obj, GameObject * killer )
if (Get_Int_Parameter("Reward_override") == 0)
if (reward > 25)
Vector3 powerup_loc = Commands->Get_Position (obj);
powerup_loc.Z += 1.0f;
Commands->Create_Object("Health 025 PowerUp", powerup_loc);
if (reward > 80)
Vector3 powerup_loc = Commands->Get_Position (obj);
powerup_loc.Z += 1.0f;
Commands->Create_Object("Armor 025 PowerUp", powerup_loc);
void Custom(GameObject * obj, int type, int param, GameObject * sender)
if (param == MUTANT)
Commands->Set_Player_Type ( obj, SCRIPT_PLAYERTYPE_MUTANT );
DECLARE_SCRIPT (M09_Stationary_Nod, "")
int reward;
SAVE_VARIABLE( reward, 1 );
void Created(GameObject *obj)
Commands->Set_Innate_Is_Stationary ( obj, true );
Commands->Set_Player_Type ( obj, SCRIPT_PLAYERTYPE_NOD );
reward = Commands->Get_Random_Int ( 1, 101 );
void Enemy_Seen(GameObject * obj, GameObject *enemy )
Commands->Set_Innate_Is_Stationary ( obj, false );
/*void Killed( GameObject * obj, GameObject * killer )
if (reward > 25)
Vector3 powerup_loc = Commands->Get_Position (obj);
powerup_loc.Z += 1.0f;
Commands->Create_Object("Health 025 PowerUp", powerup_loc);
if (reward > 80)
Vector3 powerup_loc = Commands->Get_Position (obj);
powerup_loc.Z += 1.0f;
Commands->Create_Object("Armor 025 PowerUp", powerup_loc);
void Custom(GameObject * obj, int type, int param, GameObject * sender)
if (param == MUTANT)
Commands->Set_Player_Type ( obj, SCRIPT_PLAYERTYPE_MUTANT );
DECLARE_SCRIPT (M09_Home_Location_10, "")
void Created (GameObject *obj)
Commands->Set_Innate_Soldier_Home_Location(obj, Commands->Get_Position(obj), 10.0f);
DECLARE_SCRIPT (M09_Mutant_Ambush_Zone_01, "")
bool already_entered;
// Register variables to be Auto-Saved
// All variables must have a unique ID, less than 256, that never changes
SAVE_VARIABLE( already_entered, 1 );
void Created (GameObject * obj)
already_entered = false;
void Entered (GameObject * obj, GameObject * enterer)
if ((Commands->Is_A_Star(enterer)) && (!already_entered))
already_entered = true;
Commands->Send_Custom_Event (obj, Commands->Find_Object(2000071), SPAWN_LOC, INCREMENT, 0.0f);
//Nod soldiers
Commands->Attach_Script(Commands->Find_Object (2000126), "M09_Nod_Damage_Mod_10", "");
Commands->Set_Innate_Is_Stationary ( Commands->Find_Object (2000126), false );
Commands->Attach_Script(Commands->Find_Object (2000127), "M09_Nod_Damage_Mod_10", "");
Commands->Set_Innate_Is_Stationary ( Commands->Find_Object (2000127), false );
Commands->Attach_Script(Commands->Find_Object (2000128), "M09_Nod_Damage_Mod_10", "");
Commands->Set_Innate_Is_Stationary ( Commands->Find_Object (2000128), false );
Commands->Attach_Script(Commands->Find_Object (2000129), "M09_Nod_Damage_Mod_10", "");
Commands->Set_Innate_Is_Stationary ( Commands->Find_Object (2000129), false );
//Mutant soldiers
Commands->Send_Custom_Event (obj, Commands->Find_Object (2000122), CHANGE_PLAYERTYPE, MUTANT, 0.0f);
Commands->Set_Innate_Is_Stationary ( Commands->Find_Object (2000122), false );
Commands->Attach_Script(Commands->Find_Object (2000122), "M09_Mutant_Damage_Mod_10", "");
Commands->Send_Custom_Event (obj, Commands->Find_Object (2000123), CHANGE_PLAYERTYPE, MUTANT, 0.0f);
Commands->Set_Innate_Is_Stationary ( Commands->Find_Object (2000123), false );
Commands->Attach_Script(Commands->Find_Object (2000123), "M09_Mutant_Damage_Mod_10", "");
Commands->Send_Custom_Event (obj, Commands->Find_Object (2000124), CHANGE_PLAYERTYPE, MUTANT, 0.0f);
Commands->Set_Innate_Is_Stationary ( Commands->Find_Object (2000124), false );
Commands->Attach_Script(Commands->Find_Object (2000124), "M09_Mutant_Damage_Mod_10", "");
Commands->Send_Custom_Event (obj, Commands->Find_Object (2000125), CHANGE_PLAYERTYPE, MUTANT, 0.0f);
Commands->Set_Innate_Is_Stationary ( Commands->Find_Object (2000125), false );
Commands->Attach_Script(Commands->Find_Object (2000125), "M09_Mutant_Damage_Mod_10", "");
DECLARE_SCRIPT (M09_Mutant_Damage_Mod_10, "")
float last_health, current_health, damage_tally;
SAVE_VARIABLE( last_health, 1 );
SAVE_VARIABLE( current_health, 2 );
SAVE_VARIABLE( damage_tally, 3 );
void Created (GameObject * obj)
last_health = Commands->Get_Max_Health(obj);
damage_tally = 0;
void Damaged( GameObject * obj, GameObject * damager, float amount )
if (damager != STAR)
current_health = Commands->Get_Health (obj);
float damage = ((last_health - current_health) + damage_tally);
float mod_damage = (damage * .10);
damage_tally += mod_damage;
Commands->Set_Health (obj, (last_health - mod_damage));
last_health = Commands->Get_Health (obj);
current_health = Commands->Get_Health (obj);
DECLARE_SCRIPT (M09_Mutant_Damage_Mod_50, "")
float last_health, current_health, damage_tally;
SAVE_VARIABLE( last_health, 1 );
SAVE_VARIABLE( current_health, 2 );
SAVE_VARIABLE( damage_tally, 3 );
void Created (GameObject * obj)
last_health = Commands->Get_Max_Health(obj);
damage_tally = 0;
void Damaged( GameObject * obj, GameObject * damager, float amount )
if (damager != STAR)
current_health = Commands->Get_Health (obj);
float damage = ((last_health - current_health) + damage_tally);
float mod_damage = (damage * .25);
damage_tally += mod_damage;
Commands->Set_Health (obj, (last_health - mod_damage));
last_health = Commands->Get_Health (obj);
current_health = Commands->Get_Health (obj);
DECLARE_SCRIPT (M09_Nod_Damage_Mod_10, "")
float last_health, current_health, damage_tally;
SAVE_VARIABLE( last_health, 1 );
SAVE_VARIABLE( current_health, 2 );
SAVE_VARIABLE( damage_tally, 3 );
void Created (GameObject * obj)
last_health = Commands->Get_Max_Health(obj);
damage_tally = 0;
void Damaged( GameObject * obj, GameObject * damager, float amount )
if (damager != STAR)
current_health = Commands->Get_Health (obj);
float damage = ((last_health - current_health) + damage_tally);
float mod_damage = (damage * .08);
damage_tally += mod_damage;
Commands->Set_Health (obj, (last_health - mod_damage));
last_health = Commands->Get_Health (obj);
current_health = Commands->Get_Health (obj);
DECLARE_SCRIPT (M09_Stealth_Tank_Pilot, "")
void Created (GameObject *obj)
Commands->Set_Facing(obj, 35.0f);
Commands->Innate_Disable ( obj );
void Enemy_Seen(GameObject * obj, GameObject *enemy )
if (enemy == STAR)
// Vector3 location = Commands->Get_Position (Commands->Find_Object (2000091));
ActionParamsStruct params;
params.Set_Basic( this, 99, RUN_TO_TANK );
params.Set_Movement( Commands->Find_Object (2000090), RUN, 4.0f );
Commands->Action_Goto( obj, params );
void Action_Complete(GameObject * obj, int action_id, ActionCompleteReason reason)
if (action_id == RUN_TO_TANK && reason == ACTION_COMPLETE_NORMAL)
Commands->Destroy_Object (obj);
Commands->Send_Custom_Event (obj, Commands->Find_Object (2000090), ATTACK, ATTACK, 0.0f);
DECLARE_SCRIPT (M09_Stationary_StealthTank, "")
void Custom(GameObject * obj, int type, int param, GameObject * sender)
if (type == ATTACK && param == ATTACK)
Vector3 stealth_loc = Commands->Get_Position (obj);
Commands->Destroy_Object (obj);
GameObject *stealth_tank;
stealth_tank = Commands->Create_Object ( "Nod_Stealth_Tank", stealth_loc );
Commands->Attach_Script (stealth_tank, "M09_Vehicle_Attack_01", "");
Commands->Attach_Script (stealth_tank, "M09_CheckpointA_Counter", "");
Commands->Send_Custom_Event (obj, Commands->Find_Object(2000071), 905, 3, 0.0f);
Commands->Send_Custom_Event (obj, Commands->Find_Object(2000071), 905, 1, 0.0f);
DECLARE_SCRIPT (M09_Vehicle_Attack_01, "")
bool attacking, charge, charging;
Vector3 current_loc;
Vector3 enemy_loc;
// Register variables to be Auto-Saved
// All variables must have a unique ID, less than 256, that never changes
SAVE_VARIABLE( attacking, 1 );
SAVE_VARIABLE( charge, 2 );
SAVE_VARIABLE( charging, 3 );
SAVE_VARIABLE( current_loc, 4 );
SAVE_VARIABLE( enemy_loc, 5 );
void Created(GameObject * obj)
Commands->Enable_Enemy_Seen( obj, true);
attacking = false;
charge = false;
charging = false;
ActionParamsStruct params;
params.Set_Basic( this, INNATE_PRIORITY_ENEMY_SEEN - 5, 10 );
params.Set_Movement( Vector3(0,0,0), 1.0f, 0 );
params.WaypathID = 2000095;
Commands->Action_Attack (obj, params);
void Enemy_Seen(GameObject * obj, GameObject *enemy )
current_loc = Commands->Get_Position ( obj );
enemy_loc = Commands->Get_Position ( enemy );
if (!attacking && !charge)
if ((Commands->Get_Distance(current_loc, enemy_loc)) < 65)
attacking = true;
ActionParamsStruct params;
params.Set_Basic( this, INNATE_PRIORITY_ENEMY_SEEN +5, 10 );
params.Set_Movement( Vector3(0,0,0), 1.0f, 0 );
params.WaypathID = 2000095;
params.Set_Attack(STAR, 100.0f, 5.0f, true);
params.AttackCheckBlocked = false;
params.AttackActive = true;
Commands->Modify_Action(obj, 10, params);
Commands->Start_Timer(obj, this, 5.0f, ATTACK_OVER);
if (!charging)
charging = true;
Commands->Start_Timer(obj, this, 16.0f, CHANGE_ATTACK);
void Timer_Expired (GameObject* obj, int timer_id)
ActionParamsStruct params;
if (timer_id == ATTACK_OVER)
attacking = false;
else if (timer_id == CHANGE_ATTACK)
if ((Commands->Get_Distance(current_loc, enemy_loc)) < 65)
Commands->Action_Reset ( obj, 100 );
charge = true;
ActionParamsStruct params;
params.Set_Basic( this, INNATE_PRIORITY_ENEMY_SEEN + 5, 10 );
params.Set_Movement( STAR, 1.5f, 0 );
params.Set_Attack(STAR, 100.0f, 5.0f, true);
params.AttackCheckBlocked = false;
params.AttackActive = true;
Commands->Action_Attack (obj, params);
Commands->Start_Timer(obj, this, 6.0f, CHARGE_COMPLETE);
else if (timer_id == CHARGE_COMPLETE)
charge = false;
charging = false;
ActionParamsStruct params;
params.Set_Basic( this, INNATE_PRIORITY_ENEMY_SEEN +5, 10 );
params.Set_Movement( Vector3(0,0,0), 1.0f, 0 );
params.WaypathID = 2000095;
params.Set_Attack(STAR, 100.0f, 5.0f, true);
params.AttackCheckBlocked = false;
params.AttackActive = true;
Commands->Action_Attack (obj, params);
DECLARE_SCRIPT (M09_Vehicle_Attack_02, "")
bool attacking, charge, charging;
Vector3 current_loc;
Vector3 enemy_loc;
// Register variables to be Auto-Saved
// All variables must have a unique ID, less than 256, that never changes
SAVE_VARIABLE( attacking, 1 );
SAVE_VARIABLE( charge, 2 );
SAVE_VARIABLE( charging, 3 );
SAVE_VARIABLE( current_loc, 4 );
SAVE_VARIABLE( enemy_loc, 5 );
void Created(GameObject * obj)
Commands->Set_Player_Type ( obj, SCRIPT_PLAYERTYPE_NOD );
Commands->Enable_Enemy_Seen( obj, true);
attacking = false;
charge = false;
charging = false;
void Enemy_Seen(GameObject * obj, GameObject *enemy )
current_loc = Commands->Get_Position ( obj );
enemy_loc = Commands->Get_Position ( enemy );
if (!attacking)
if ((Commands->Get_Distance(current_loc, enemy_loc)) < 200.0f)
attacking = true;
ActionParamsStruct params;
params.Set_Basic( this, INNATE_PRIORITY_ENEMY_SEEN + 5, 10 );
params.Set_Attack(STAR, 200.0f, 5.0f, true);
params.AttackCheckBlocked = false;
params.AttackActive = true;
Commands->Action_Attack (obj, params);
Commands->Start_Timer(obj, this, 1.0f, ATTACK_OVER);
void Timer_Expired (GameObject* obj, int timer_id)
ActionParamsStruct params;
if (timer_id == ATTACK_OVER)
attacking = false;
DECLARE_SCRIPT (M09_Sam_Engineer_1, "")
void Created(GameObject * obj)
ActionParamsStruct params;
params.Set_Basic( this, 99, 10 );
params.Set_Movement( Commands->Get_Position (Commands->Find_Object (2000102)), RUN, 1.5f );
Commands->Action_Goto (obj, params);
void Action_Complete(GameObject * obj, int action_id, ActionCompleteReason reason)
if (action_id == 10)
ActionParamsStruct params;
params.Set_Basic( this, 99, 1);
params.Set_Animation( "H_A_a0f0", true );
Commands->Action_Play_Animation (obj, params);
DECLARE_SCRIPT (M09_Sam_Engineer_2, "")
void Created(GameObject * obj)
ActionParamsStruct params;
params.Set_Basic( this, 99, 10 );
params.Set_Movement( Commands->Get_Position (Commands->Find_Object (2000103)), RUN, 1.5f );
Commands->Action_Goto (obj, params);
void Action_Complete(GameObject * obj, int action_id, ActionCompleteReason reason)
if (action_id == 10)
ActionParamsStruct params;
params.Set_Basic( this, 99, 1);
params.Set_Animation( "H_A_a0f0", true );
Commands->Action_Play_Animation (obj, params);
DECLARE_SCRIPT (M09_Excavation_Tunnel_Encounter_On, "")
void Entered (GameObject * obj, GameObject * enterer)
if (Commands->Is_A_Star(enterer))
Commands->Send_Custom_Event (obj, Commands->Find_Object (2000406), ACTIVATE, ACTIVATE, 0.0f);
DECLARE_SCRIPT (M09_Excavation_Tunnel_Encounter_Off, "")
void Entered (GameObject * obj, GameObject * enterer)
if (Commands->Is_A_Star(enterer))
Commands->Send_Custom_Event (obj, Commands->Find_Object (2000406), DEACTIVATE, DEACTIVATE, 0.0f);
DECLARE_SCRIPT (M09_Excavation_Tunnel_Controller, "") //2000406
void Custom(GameObject * obj, int type, int param, GameObject * sender)
if (type == ACTIVATE && param == ACTIVATE)
//nod spawners
Commands->Enable_Spawner(2000357, true);
Commands->Enable_Spawner(2000354, true);
Commands->Enable_Spawner(2000356, true);
//mutant spawners
Commands->Enable_Spawner(2000384, true);
Commands->Enable_Spawner(2000383, true);
Commands->Enable_Spawner(2000382, true);
Commands->Enable_Spawner(2000381, true);
if (type == DEACTIVATE && param == DEACTIVATE)
//nod spawners
Commands->Enable_Spawner(2000357, false);
Commands->Enable_Spawner(2000354, false);
Commands->Enable_Spawner(2000356, false);
//mutant spawners
Commands->Enable_Spawner(2000384, false);
Commands->Enable_Spawner(2000383, false);
Commands->Enable_Spawner(2000382, false);
Commands->Enable_Spawner(2000381, false);
DECLARE_SCRIPT (M09_Vehicle_Attack_03, "")
bool attacking, charge, charging;
Vector3 current_loc;
Vector3 enemy_loc;
// Register variables to be Auto-Saved
// All variables must have a unique ID, less than 256, that never changes
SAVE_VARIABLE( attacking, 1 );
SAVE_VARIABLE( charge, 2 );
SAVE_VARIABLE( charging, 3 );
SAVE_VARIABLE( current_loc, 4 );
SAVE_VARIABLE( enemy_loc, 5 );
void Created(GameObject * obj)
Commands->Set_Player_Type ( obj, SCRIPT_PLAYERTYPE_NOD );
Commands->Enable_Enemy_Seen( obj, true);
attacking = false;
charge = false;
charging = false;
void Enemy_Seen(GameObject * obj, GameObject *enemy )
current_loc = Commands->Get_Position ( obj );
enemy_loc = Commands->Get_Position ( enemy );
if (!attacking)
if ((Commands->Get_Distance(current_loc, enemy_loc)) < 200.0f)
attacking = true;
ActionParamsStruct params;
params.Set_Basic( this, INNATE_PRIORITY_ENEMY_SEEN + 5, 10 );
params.Set_Attack(enemy, 200.0f, 10.0f, true);
params.AttackCheckBlocked = false;
params.AttackActive = true;
Commands->Action_Attack (obj, params);
Commands->Start_Timer(obj, this, 10.0f, ATTACK_OVER);
void Timer_Expired (GameObject* obj, int timer_id)
ActionParamsStruct params;
if (timer_id == ATTACK_OVER)
attacking = false;
DECLARE_SCRIPT (M09_Tunnel_Spawner_357, "")
void Created (GameObject * obj)
ActionParamsStruct params;
params.Set_Basic( this, INNATE_PRIORITY_ENEMY_SEEN - 5, 10 );
params.Set_Movement( Vector3(0,0,0), RUN, 0 );
params.WaypathID = 2000364;
Commands->Action_Goto (obj, params);
void Action_Complete(GameObject * obj, int action_id, ActionCompleteReason reason)
if(action_id == 10)
Commands->Enable_Enemy_Seen( obj, true);
Commands->Set_Innate_Is_Stationary ( obj, true );
DECLARE_SCRIPT (M09_Tunnel_Spawner_354, "")
void Created (GameObject * obj)
ActionParamsStruct params;
params.Set_Basic( this, INNATE_PRIORITY_ENEMY_SEEN - 5, 10 );
params.Set_Movement( Vector3(0,0,0), RUN, 0 );
params.WaypathID = 2000370;
Commands->Action_Goto (obj, params);
void Action_Complete(GameObject * obj, int action_id, ActionCompleteReason reason)
if(action_id == 10)
Commands->Set_Innate_Is_Stationary ( obj, true );
DECLARE_SCRIPT (M09_Tunnel_Spawner_356, "")
void Created (GameObject * obj)
ActionParamsStruct params;
params.Set_Basic( this, INNATE_PRIORITY_ENEMY_SEEN - 5, 10 );
params.Set_Movement( Vector3(0,0,0), RUN, 0 );
params.WaypathID = 2000375;
Commands->Action_Goto (obj, params);
void Action_Complete(GameObject * obj, int action_id, ActionCompleteReason reason)
if(action_id == 10)
Commands->Set_Innate_Is_Stationary ( obj, true );
DECLARE_SCRIPT (M09_Tunnel_Spawner_384_382, "")
void Created (GameObject * obj)
Commands->Set_Innate_Aggressiveness ( obj, 1 );
ActionParamsStruct params;
params.Set_Basic( this, INNATE_PRIORITY_ENEMY_SEEN + 5, 10 );
params.Set_Movement( Vector3(0,0,0), RUN, 0.25f );
params.WaypathID = 2000385;
Commands->Action_Goto (obj, params);
void Action_Complete(GameObject * obj, int action_id, ActionCompleteReason reason)
Commands->Debug_Message("Action Complete on M09_Tunnel_Spawner_383_381 %d %d.\n", action_id, reason);
if(action_id == 10)
Commands->Action_Reset ( obj, 100 );
Commands->Enable_Enemy_Seen( obj, true);
DECLARE_SCRIPT (M09_Tunnel_Spawner_383_381, "")
void Created (GameObject * obj)
Commands->Set_Innate_Aggressiveness ( obj, 1 );
ActionParamsStruct params;
params.Set_Basic( this, INNATE_PRIORITY_ENEMY_SEEN + 5, 10 );
params.Set_Movement( Vector3(0,0,0), RUN, .25f );
params.WaypathID = 2000397;
Commands->Action_Goto (obj, params);
void Action_Complete(GameObject * obj, int action_id, ActionCompleteReason reason)
Commands->Debug_Message("Action Complete on M09_Tunnel_Spawner_383_381 %d %d.\n", action_id, reason);
if(action_id == 10)
Commands->Action_Reset ( obj, 100 );
Commands->Enable_Enemy_Seen( obj, true);
DECLARE_SCRIPT (M09_Excavation_Tunnel_3, "")
bool already_entered;
// Register variables to be Auto-Saved
// All variables must have a unique ID, less than 256, that never changes
SAVE_VARIABLE( already_entered, 1 );
void Created (GameObject * obj)
already_entered = false;
void Entered (GameObject * obj, GameObject * enterer)
if ((Commands->Is_A_Star(enterer)) && (!already_entered))
already_entered = true;
//Nod soldiers
Commands->Attach_Script(Commands->Find_Object (2000170), "M09_Nod_Damage_Mod_10", "");
Commands->Set_Innate_Is_Stationary ( Commands->Find_Object (2000170), false );
//Mutant soldiers
Commands->Attach_Script(Commands->Find_Object (2000171), "M09_Mutant_Damage_Mod_10", "");
Commands->Send_Custom_Event (obj, Commands->Find_Object (2000171), CHANGE_PLAYERTYPE, MUTANT, 0.0f);
Commands->Set_Innate_Is_Stationary ( Commands->Find_Object (2000171), false );
DECLARE_SCRIPT (M09_Entrance_Zone, "")
bool already_entered;
// Register variables to be Auto-Saved
// All variables must have a unique ID, less than 256, that never changes
SAVE_VARIABLE( already_entered, 1 );
void Created (GameObject * obj)
already_entered = false;
void Entered (GameObject * obj, GameObject * enterer)
if ((Commands->Is_A_Star(enterer)) && (!already_entered))
already_entered = true;
Commands->Enable_Spawner(2000105, true);
Commands->Enable_Spawner(2000106, true);
//Nod soldiers
Commands->Attach_Script(Commands->Find_Object (2000234), "M09_Nod_Damage_Mod_10", "");
Commands->Set_Innate_Is_Stationary ( Commands->Find_Object (2000234), false );
Commands->Attach_Script(Commands->Find_Object (2000235), "M09_Nod_Damage_Mod_10", "");
Commands->Set_Innate_Is_Stationary ( Commands->Find_Object (2000235), false );
Commands->Attach_Script(Commands->Find_Object (2000236), "M09_Nod_Damage_Mod_1", "");
Commands->Set_Innate_Is_Stationary ( Commands->Find_Object (2000236), false );
//Mutant soldiers
Commands->Attach_Script(Commands->Find_Object (2000216), "M09_Mutant_Damage_Mod_10", "");
Commands->Set_Innate_Is_Stationary ( Commands->Find_Object (2000216), false );
Commands->Attach_Script(Commands->Find_Object (2000217), "M09_Mutant_Damage_Mod_10", "");
Commands->Set_Innate_Is_Stationary ( Commands->Find_Object (2000217), false );
Commands->Attach_Script(Commands->Find_Object (2000218), "M09_Mutant_Damage_Mod_10", "");
Commands->Set_Innate_Is_Stationary ( Commands->Find_Object (2000218), false );
ActionParamsStruct params;
params.Set_Basic( this, INNATE_PRIORITY_ENEMY_SEEN + 5, 10 );
params.Set_Movement( Vector3(0,0,0), 1.0f, 0 );
params.WaypathID = 2000222;
Commands->Action_Goto (Commands->Find_Object (2000217), params);
params.Set_Basic( this, INNATE_PRIORITY_ENEMY_SEEN + 5, 11 );
params.Set_Movement( Vector3(0,0,0), 1.0f, 0 );
params.WaypathID = 2000230;
Commands->Action_Goto (Commands->Find_Object (2000216), params);
params.Set_Basic( this, INNATE_PRIORITY_ENEMY_SEEN + 5, 12 );
params.Set_Movement( Vector3(0,0,0), 1.0f, 0 );
params.WaypathID = 2000226;
Commands->Action_Goto (Commands->Find_Object (2000218), params);
DECLARE_SCRIPT (M09_CheckpointA_Controller, "") //2000969
int count;
SAVE_VARIABLE( count, 1 );
void Created (GameObject *obj)
count = 0;
void Custom(GameObject * obj, int type, int param, GameObject * sender)
if (type == COUNTER && param == COUNTER)
if (count++ >= 12)
Commands->Send_Custom_Event (obj, Commands->Find_Object(2000071), 904, 3, 0.0f);
Commands->Send_Custom_Event (obj, Commands->Find_Object(2000071), 904, 1, 0.0f);
DECLARE_SCRIPT (M09_CheckpointA_Counter, "")
void Killed( GameObject * obj, GameObject * killer )
Commands->Send_Custom_Event (obj, Commands->Find_Object(2000969), COUNTER, COUNTER, 0.0f);
DECLARE_SCRIPT(M09_Chinook_ParaDrop, "Preset:string")
int chinook_id;
bool dead;
int out;
SAVE_VARIABLE(chinook_id, 1);
void Created(GameObject * obj)
Vector3 loc = Commands->Get_Position(obj);
float facing = Commands->Get_Facing(obj);
GameObject *chinook_rail = Commands->Create_Object("Generic_Cinematic", loc);
Commands->Set_Model(chinook_rail, "X5D_Chinookfly");
Commands->Set_Facing(chinook_rail, facing);
Commands->Set_Animation(chinook_rail, "X5D_Chinookfly.X5D_Chinookfly", false);
GameObject *chinook = Commands->Create_Object("Nod_Chinook", loc);
Commands->Set_Facing(chinook, facing);
Commands->Set_Animation(chinook, "v_nod_chinook.vf_nod_chinook", true);
Commands->Attach_To_Object_Bone(chinook, chinook_rail, "BN_Chinook_1");
dead = false;
out = 0;
char params[10];
sprintf(params, "%d", Commands->Get_ID(obj));
Commands->Attach_Script(chinook, "M03_Reinforcement_Chinook", params);
chinook_id = Commands->Get_ID(chinook);
// Destroy Chinook
Commands->Start_Timer(obj, this, 280.0f/30.0f, 0);
// Parachutes
Commands->Start_Timer(obj, this, 169.0f/30.0f, 1);
Commands->Start_Timer(obj, this, 179.0f/30.0f, 2);
Commands->Start_Timer(obj, this, 198.0f/30.0f, 3);
// Soldiers
Commands->Start_Timer(obj, this, 145.0f/30.0f, 4);
Commands->Start_Timer(obj, this, 155.0f/30.0f, 5);
Commands->Start_Timer(obj, this, 165.0f/30.0f, 6);
void Timer_Expired(GameObject * obj, int timer_id)
Vector3 loc = Commands->Get_Position(obj);
const char * preset = Get_Parameter("Preset");
float facing = Commands->Get_Facing(obj);
switch (timer_id)
case 0:
GameObject *chinook;
chinook = Commands->Find_Object(chinook_id);
case 1:
if (out >= 1)
GameObject *para1;
para1 = Commands->Create_Object("Generic_Cinematic", loc);
Commands->Set_Facing(para1, facing);
Commands->Set_Model(para1, "X5D_Parachute");
Commands->Set_Animation(para1, "X5D_Parachute.X5D_ParaC_1", false);
Commands->Create_3D_Sound_At_Bone("parachute_open", para1, "ROOTTRANSFORM");
Commands->Attach_Script(para1, "M03_No_More_Parachute", "");
case 2:
if (out >= 2)
GameObject *para2;
para2 = Commands->Create_Object("Generic_Cinematic", loc);
Commands->Set_Facing(para2, facing);
Commands->Set_Model(para2, "X5D_Parachute");
Commands->Set_Animation(para2, "X5D_Parachute.X5D_ParaC_2", false);
Commands->Create_3D_Sound_At_Bone("parachute_open", para2, "ROOTTRANSFORM");
Commands->Attach_Script(para2, "M03_No_More_Parachute", "");
case 3:
if (out == 3)
GameObject *para3;
para3 = Commands->Create_Object("Generic_Cinematic", loc);
Commands->Set_Facing(para3, facing);
Commands->Set_Model(para3, "X5D_Parachute");
Commands->Set_Animation(para3, "X5D_Parachute.X5D_ParaC_3", false);
Commands->Create_3D_Sound_At_Bone("parachute_open", para3, "ROOTTRANSFORM");
Commands->Attach_Script(para3, "M03_No_More_Parachute", "");
case 4:
if (!dead)
GameObject *box1 = Commands->Create_Object("Generic_Cinematic", loc);
Commands->Set_Model(box1, "X5D_Box01");
Commands->Set_Facing(box1, facing);
Commands->Set_Animation(box1, "X5D_Box01.X5D_Box01", false);
GameObject *soldier1;
soldier1 = Commands->Create_Object_At_Bone(box1, preset, "Box01");
Commands->Set_Facing(soldier1, facing);
Commands->Attach_Script(soldier1, "RMV_Trigger_Killed", "1144444, 1000, 1000");
Commands->Attach_Script(soldier1, "M09_CheckpointA_Counter", "");
Commands->Attach_To_Object_Bone( soldier1, box1, "Box01" );
Commands->Set_Animation(soldier1, "s_a_human.H_A_X5D_ParaT_1", false);
if ((out - 1) == DIFFICULTY)
dead = true;
case 5:
if (!dead)
GameObject *box2 = Commands->Create_Object("Generic_Cinematic", loc);
Commands->Set_Model(box2, "X5D_Box02");
Commands->Set_Facing(box2, facing);
Commands->Set_Animation(box2, "X5D_Box02.X5D_Box02", false);
GameObject *soldier2;
soldier2 = Commands->Create_Object_At_Bone(box2, preset, "Box02");
Commands->Set_Facing(soldier2, facing);
Commands->Attach_Script(soldier2, "RMV_Trigger_Killed", "1144444, 1000, 1000");
Commands->Attach_Script(soldier2, "M09_CheckpointA_Counter", "");
Commands->Set_Animation(soldier2, "s_a_human.H_A_X5D_ParaT_2", false);
Commands->Attach_To_Object_Bone( soldier2, box2, "Box02" );
if ((out - 1) == DIFFICULTY)
dead = true;
case 6:
if (!dead)
GameObject *box3 = Commands->Create_Object("Generic_Cinematic", loc);
Commands->Set_Model(box3, "X5D_Box03");
Commands->Set_Facing(box3, facing);
Commands->Set_Animation(box3, "X5D_Box03.X5D_Box03", false);
GameObject *soldier3;
soldier3 = Commands->Create_Object_At_Bone(box3, preset, "Box03");
Commands->Set_Facing(soldier3, facing);
Commands->Attach_Script(soldier3, "RMV_Trigger_Killed", "1144444, 1000, 1000");
Commands->Attach_Script(soldier3, "M09_CheckpointA_Counter", "");
Commands->Set_Animation(soldier3, "s_a_human.H_A_X5D_ParaT_3", false);
Commands->Attach_To_Object_Bone( soldier3, box3, "Box03" );
if ((out - 1) == DIFFICULTY)
dead = true;
void Custom(GameObject * obj, int type, int param, GameObject * sender)
if (type == 23000 && param == 23000)
dead = true;
DECLARE_SCRIPT (M09_First_Mutant_Encounter_Zone, "")
bool already_entered;
// Register variables to be Auto-Saved
// All variables must have a unique ID, less than 256, that never changes
SAVE_VARIABLE( already_entered, 1 );
void Created (GameObject * obj)
already_entered = false;
void Entered (GameObject * obj, GameObject * enterer)
if (!already_entered)
GameObject *mutant1 = Commands->Find_Object (2000280);
if (mutant1)
Commands->Attach_Script (mutant1, "M09_First_Mutant_Encounter", "");
Commands->Start_Timer (obj, this, 1.0f, 100);
void Timer_Expired(GameObject * obj, int timer_id )
if (timer_id == 100)
GameObject *mutant2 = Commands->Find_Object (2000281);
Commands->Attach_Script (mutant2, "M09_First_Mutant_Encounter", "");
DECLARE_SCRIPT (M09_First_Mutant_Encounter, "")
void Created (GameObject *obj)
Commands->Start_Timer (obj, this, 2.0f, 20);
void Timer_Expired(GameObject * obj, int timer_id )
if (timer_id == 20)
ActionParamsStruct params;
params.Set_Basic( this, 99, 100);
params.Set_Animation( "H_A_J26C", false );
Commands->Action_Play_Animation (obj, params);
Commands->Start_Timer (obj, this, 2.0f, 20);
DECLARE_SCRIPT (M09_Immobile, "")
void Created (GameObject *obj)
Commands->Innate_Disable ( obj );
void Enemy_Seen(GameObject * obj, GameObject *enemy )
if (enemy == STAR)
ActionParamsStruct params;
params.Set_Attack( STAR, 50.0f, 5.0f, true );
Commands->Action_Attack( obj, params );
DECLARE_SCRIPT (M09_Mutant, "")
void Created (GameObject *obj)
Commands->Set_Player_Type ( obj, SCRIPT_PLAYERTYPE_MUTANT );
DECLARE_SCRIPT (M09_Explosion_Zone_Lab01, "")
bool already_entered;
// Register variables to be Auto-Saved
// All variables must have a unique ID, less than 256, that never changes
SAVE_VARIABLE( already_entered, 1 );
void Created (GameObject * obj)
already_entered = false;
void Entered (GameObject * obj, GameObject * enterer)
if (!already_entered)
already_entered = true;
Commands->Create_Explosion("Ground Explosions Twiddler", Vector3 (-102.560f, 483.462f ,-155.543f));
Commands->Start_Timer (obj, this, 1.0f, 100);
void Timer_Expired (GameObject *obj, int timer_id)
if (timer_id == 100)
/*Commands->Create_Explosion("Ground Explosions Twiddler", Vector3 (-102.560f, 483.462f ,-155.543f));
GameObject *blocker;
blocker = Commands->Create_Object ( "M08_Rubble_Stub", Vector3 (-102.560f, 483.462f ,-155.543f));*/
DECLARE_SCRIPT (M09_Explosion_Zone_Lab02, "")
bool already_entered;
// Register variables to be Auto-Saved
// All variables must have a unique ID, less than 256, that never changes
SAVE_VARIABLE( already_entered, 1 );
void Created (GameObject * obj)
already_entered = false;
void Entered (GameObject * obj, GameObject * enterer)
if (!already_entered)
already_entered = true;
Commands->Create_Explosion("Ground Explosions Twiddler", Vector3 (-6.151f, 494.846f ,-151.888f));
GameObject *blocker1;
blocker1 = Commands->Create_Object ( "M08_Rubble_Stub", Vector3 (-6.151f, 494.846f ,-151.888f));
Commands->Set_Facing ( blocker1, 60.0f );
DECLARE_SCRIPT (M09_Explosion_Zone_Tunnel01, "")
bool already_entered;
// Register variables to be Auto-Saved
// All variables must have a unique ID, less than 256, that never changes
SAVE_VARIABLE( already_entered, 1 );
void Created (GameObject * obj)
already_entered = false;
void Entered (GameObject * obj, GameObject * enterer)
if (!already_entered)
already_entered = true;
Commands->Send_Custom_Event (obj, Commands->Find_Object(2000071), SPAWN_LOC, INCREMENT, 0.0f);
Commands->Create_Explosion("Ground Explosions Twiddler", Vector3 (-70.356f, 475.905f ,-63.233f));
GameObject *blocker1;
blocker1 = Commands->Create_Object ( "M08_Rubble_Stub", Vector3 (-74.290f, 474.747f, -64.022f));
Commands->Set_Facing(blocker1, 90.0f);
DECLARE_SCRIPT (M09_Sam_Counter, "")
void Killed( GameObject * obj, GameObject * killer )
Commands->Send_Custom_Event (obj, Commands->Find_Object(2000331), COUNTER, COUNTER, 0.0f);
DECLARE_SCRIPT (M09_Sam_Controller, "") //2000331
int count;
SAVE_VARIABLE( count, 1 );
void Created (GameObject *obj)
count = 0;
void Custom(GameObject * obj, int type, int param, GameObject * sender)
if (type == COUNTER && param == COUNTER)
if (count >= 3)
Commands->Send_Custom_Event (obj, Commands->Find_Object(2000071), 906, 1, 0.0f);
DECLARE_SCRIPT (M09_Unteamed, "")
void Created (GameObject *obj)
Commands->Set_Player_Type ( obj, SCRIPT_PLAYERTYPE_SPECTATOR );
DECLARE_SCRIPT (M09_Mutant_Excavation_Zone_01, "")
bool already_entered;
// Register variables to be Auto-Saved
// All variables must have a unique ID, less than 256, that never changes
SAVE_VARIABLE( already_entered, 1 );
void Created (GameObject * obj)
already_entered = false;
void Entered (GameObject * obj, GameObject * enterer)
if ((Commands->Is_A_Star(enterer)) && (!already_entered))
already_entered = true;
//Mutant soldiers
Commands->Send_Custom_Event (obj, Commands->Find_Object (2000158), CHANGE_PLAYERTYPE, MUTANT, 0.0f);
Commands->Set_Innate_Is_Stationary ( Commands->Find_Object (2000158), false );
Commands->Send_Custom_Event (obj, Commands->Find_Object (2000159), CHANGE_PLAYERTYPE, MUTANT, 0.0f);
Commands->Set_Innate_Is_Stationary ( Commands->Find_Object (2000159), false );
Commands->Send_Custom_Event (obj, Commands->Find_Object (2000160), CHANGE_PLAYERTYPE, MUTANT, 0.0f);
Commands->Set_Innate_Is_Stationary ( Commands->Find_Object (2000160), false );
Commands->Send_Custom_Event (obj, Commands->Find_Object (2000161), CHANGE_PLAYERTYPE, MUTANT, 0.0f);
Commands->Set_Innate_Is_Stationary ( Commands->Find_Object (2000161), false );
Commands->Send_Custom_Event (obj, Commands->Find_Object (2000347), ATTACK, 2000158, 0.0f);
Commands->Send_Custom_Event (obj, Commands->Find_Object (2000175), ATTACK, 2000159, 0.0f);
Commands->Send_Custom_Event (obj, Commands->Find_Object (2000346), ATTACK, 2000160, 0.0f);
Commands->Send_Custom_Event (obj, Commands->Find_Object (2000174), ATTACK, 2000161, 0.0f);
DECLARE_SCRIPT (M09_Custom_Attack, "")
void Custom(GameObject * obj, int type, int param, GameObject * sender)
if (type == ATTACK)
Commands->Set_Innate_Is_Stationary ( obj, false );
ActionParamsStruct params;
params.Set_Basic( this, INNATE_PRIORITY_ENEMY_SEEN + 5, 10 );
params.Set_Attack(Commands->Find_Object (param), 200.0f, 5.0f, true);
params.AttackCheckBlocked = false;
params.AttackActive = true;
Commands->Action_Attack (obj, params);
DECLARE_SCRIPT (M09_Flamer_Attack_Zone, "")
bool already_entered;
// Register variables to be Auto-Saved
// All variables must have a unique ID, less than 256, that never changes
SAVE_VARIABLE( already_entered, 1 );
void Created (GameObject * obj)
already_entered = false;
void Entered (GameObject * obj, GameObject * enterer)
if ((Commands->Is_A_Star(enterer)) && (!already_entered))
already_entered = true;
//Flamer Customs
Commands->Send_Custom_Event (obj, Commands->Find_Object (2000185), ATTACK, (Commands->Get_ID (STAR)), 0.0f);
Commands->Send_Custom_Event (obj, Commands->Find_Object (2000186), ATTACK, (Commands->Get_ID (STAR)), 0.0f);
Commands->Send_Custom_Event (obj, Commands->Find_Object (2000187), ATTACK, (Commands->Get_ID (STAR)), 0.0f);
Commands->Send_Custom_Event (obj, Commands->Find_Object (2000188), ATTACK, (Commands->Get_ID (STAR)), 0.0f);
DECLARE_SCRIPT (M09_Cryo_Mutant_Zone_01, "")
bool already_entered;
SAVE_VARIABLE( already_entered, 1 );
void Created (GameObject *obj)
already_entered = false;
void Entered (GameObject * obj, GameObject * enterer)
if ((Commands->Is_A_Star(enterer)) && (!already_entered))
already_entered = true;
Commands->Start_Timer (obj, this, 1.0f, 1000);
Commands->Enable_Spawner(2000417, true);
Commands->Enable_Spawner(2000418, true);
void Timer_Expired (GameObject *obj, int timer_id)
if (timer_id == 1000)
Commands->Enable_Spawner(2000416, true);
Commands->Enable_Spawner(2000424, true);
DECLARE_SCRIPT (M09_Mutant_Path_01, "")
void Action_Complete(GameObject * obj, int action_id, ActionCompleteReason reason)
ActionParamsStruct params;
params.Set_Basic( this, 99, 101 );
params.Set_Movement( Vector3(0,0,0), RUN, 0.5f);
params.WaypathID = 2000425;
Commands->Action_Goto (obj, params);
DECLARE_SCRIPT (M09_Mutant_Path_02, "")
void Created (GameObject *obj)
ActionParamsStruct params;
params.Set_Basic( this, 99, 101 );
params.Set_Movement( Vector3(0,0,0), RUN, 0.5f);
params.WaypathID = 2000443;
Commands->Action_Goto (obj, params);
DECLARE_SCRIPT (M09_Key_Grant, "")
void Poked(GameObject * obj, GameObject * poker)
if (poker == STAR)
GameObject *key1 = Commands->Create_Object ( "Level_01_Keycard", Vector3 (-97.303f, 520.441f, -153.080f) );
Commands->Attach_Script (key1, "M09_Containment_Key_1", "");
DECLARE_SCRIPT (M09_Lab_Key_Controller, "") //2000452
int key_counter;
SAVE_VARIABLE( key_counter, 1 );
void Created (GameObject *obj)
key_counter = 0;
void Custom( GameObject * obj, int type, int param, GameObject * sender )
if ( type == KEY_COUNTER )
if (param == INCREMENT)
if (type == CHECK)
Commands->Send_Custom_Event( obj, sender, COUNT, key_counter, 0.0f );
DECLARE_SCRIPT (M09_Containment_Key_1, "")
void Custom( GameObject * obj, int type, int param, GameObject * sender )
Commands->Send_Custom_Event( obj, Commands->Find_Object (2000452), KEY_COUNTER, INCREMENT, 0.0f );
GameObject *mobius = Commands->Find_Object (2000010);
ActionParamsStruct params;
params.Set_Basic( this, 99, MOBIUS_GOTO );
params.Set_Movement( Commands->Get_Position (Commands->Find_Object (2000988)), 1.2f, 0.8f );
Commands->Action_Goto (mobius, params);
DECLARE_SCRIPT (M09_Containment_Key_2, "")
void Custom( GameObject * obj, int type, int param, GameObject * sender )
Commands->Send_Custom_Event( obj, Commands->Find_Object (2000452), KEY_COUNTER, INCREMENT, 0.0f );
GameObject *mobius = Commands->Find_Object (2000010);
ActionParamsStruct params;
params.Set_Basic( this, 99, MOBIUS_GOTO );
params.Set_Movement( Commands->Get_Position (Commands->Find_Object (2000988)), 1.2f, 0.8f );
Commands->Action_Goto (mobius, params);
Commands->Destroy_Object (Commands->Find_Object (2000699));
Commands->Destroy_Object (Commands->Find_Object (2001988));
Commands->Destroy_Object (Commands->Find_Object (2000457));
Commands->Destroy_Object (Commands->Find_Object (2000709));
Commands->Send_Custom_Event( obj, Commands->Find_Object (2000452), KEY_COUNTER, INCREMENT, 0.0f );
Commands->Send_Custom_Event( obj, Commands->Find_Object (2000709), GOAL, DECREMENT, 0.0f );
DECLARE_SCRIPT (M09_Key_Controller_Zones, "")
bool already_triggered;
int key_count;
// Register variables to be Auto-Saved
// All variables must have a unique ID, less than 256, that never changes
SAVE_VARIABLE( already_triggered, 1 );
SAVE_VARIABLE( key_count, 2);
void Created (GameObject * obj)
already_triggered = false;
void Entered (GameObject * obj, GameObject * enterer)
if (!already_triggered)
Commands->Send_Custom_Event( obj, Commands->Find_Object (2000452), CHECK, 0, 0.0f );
void Custom( GameObject * obj, int type, int param, GameObject * sender )
if ( type == COUNT )
key_count = param;
DECLARE_SCRIPT (M09_Key_Box, "")
bool poke;
bool opened;
SAVE_VARIABLE( poke, 1 );
SAVE_VARIABLE( opened, 2 );
void Created (GameObject *obj)
poke = false;
opened = false;
void Poked(GameObject * obj, GameObject * poker)
if (poke)
opened = true;
Commands->Static_Anim_Phys_Goto_Frame ( 1265140, 0, "lab_spn_door08.lab_spn_door08" );
GameObject *mobius;
mobius = Commands->Find_Object (2000010);
const char *conv_name = ("IDS_M09_D18");
int conv_id = Commands->Create_Conversation (conv_name, 99, 200, false);
Commands->Join_Conversation(mobius, conv_id, false, false);
Commands->Join_Conversation(STAR, conv_id, false, false);
Commands->Start_Conversation (conv_id, 999);
Commands->Monitor_Conversation (obj, conv_id);
void Action_Complete(GameObject * obj, int action_id, ActionCompleteReason reason)
if (action_id == 999)
Commands->Send_Custom_Event( obj, Commands->Find_Object (2000010), FOLLOW, 2000860, 0.0f );
void Custom( GameObject * obj, int type, int param, GameObject * sender )
if ( type == VERIFY )
if (param == GO)
poke = true;
if (param == STOP)
poke = false;
if (!opened)
GameObject *mobius;
mobius = Commands->Find_Object (2000010);
const char *conv_name = ("IDS_M09_D19");
int conv_id = Commands->Create_Conversation (conv_name, 99, 200, false);
Commands->Join_Conversation(mobius, conv_id, false, false);
Commands->Join_Conversation(STAR, conv_id, false, false);
Commands->Start_Conversation (conv_id, 900);
Commands->Monitor_Conversation (obj, conv_id);
Commands->Send_Custom_Event( obj, Commands->Find_Object (2000010), WAYPATH, 2000462, 0.0f );
DECLARE_SCRIPT (M09_MrShuman_Zone, "")
bool star_in_zone;
bool fired_off;
bool key;
// Register variables to be Auto-Saved
// All variables must have a unique ID, less than 256, that never changes
SAVE_VARIABLE( star_in_zone, 1);
SAVE_VARIABLE( fired_off, 2);
void Created (GameObject * obj)
star_in_zone = false;
fired_off = false;
key = false;
void Timer_Expired(GameObject * obj, int timer_id)
if (timer_id == DIST_CHECK && star_in_zone)
float mobius_distance = Commands->Get_Distance(Commands->Get_Position (STAR), Commands->Get_Position (Commands->Find_Object (2000010)));
if (mobius_distance <= 7.0 && star_in_zone && !fired_off)
fired_off = true;
GameObject *shuman = Commands->Find_Object (2000456);
GameObject *mobius = Commands->Find_Object (2000010);
Commands->Send_Custom_Event ( obj, shuman, CLARK_KENT, 0);
if (shuman)
const char *conv_name = ("IDS_M09_D14");
int conv_id = Commands->Create_Conversation (conv_name, 99, 200, false);
Commands->Join_Conversation(shuman, conv_id, false, true, true);
Commands->Join_Conversation(mobius, conv_id, false, true, true);
Commands->Join_Conversation(STAR, conv_id, false, false);
Commands->Start_Conversation (conv_id, 954);
Commands->Monitor_Conversation (obj, conv_id);
Commands->Start_Timer (obj, this, 2.0f, DIST_CHECK);
void Exited( GameObject * obj, GameObject * exiter )
star_in_zone = false;
void Custom(GameObject * obj, int type, int param, GameObject * sender)
if (type == LOCKBOX)
key = true;
void Entered (GameObject * obj, GameObject * enterer)
star_in_zone = true;
float mobius_distance = Commands->Get_Distance(Commands->Get_Position (STAR), Commands->Get_Position (Commands->Find_Object (2000010)));
if (mobius_distance <= 7.0 && star_in_zone && !fired_off)
fired_off = true;
GameObject *shuman = Commands->Find_Object (2000456);
GameObject *mobius = Commands->Find_Object (2000010);
Commands->Send_Custom_Event ( obj, shuman, CLARK_KENT, 0);
const char *conv_name = ("IDS_M09_D14");
int conv_id = Commands->Create_Conversation (conv_name, 99, 200, false);
Commands->Join_Conversation(shuman, conv_id, false, false);
Commands->Join_Conversation(mobius, conv_id, false, false);
Commands->Join_Conversation(STAR, conv_id, false, false);
Commands->Start_Conversation (conv_id, 954);
Commands->Monitor_Conversation (obj, conv_id);
Commands->Start_Timer (obj, this, 2.0f, DIST_CHECK);
void Action_Complete(GameObject * obj, int action_id, ActionCompleteReason reason)
if(action_id == 954)
/*GameObject *key2 = Commands->Create_Object ( "Level_02_Keycard", Vector3 (-76.473f, 457.493f, -153.807f) );
Commands->Attach_Script (key2, "M09_Containment_Key_2", "");*/
GameObject *shuman = Commands->Find_Object (2000456);
ActionParamsStruct params;
params.Set_Basic( this, 99, 101 );
params.Set_Movement( Vector3(0,0,0), RUN, 0.5f);
params.WaypathID = 1200474;
Commands->Action_Goto (shuman, params);
DECLARE_SCRIPT (M09_Invincible_MrShuman, "")
bool invincible;
void Created (GameObject *obj)
invincible = true;
void Custom (GameObject *obj, int type, int param, GameObject *sender)
if (type == CLARK_KENT)
invincible = false;
void Damaged (GameObject *obj, GameObject *damager, float amount)
if (invincible)
Commands->Set_Health (obj, 5.0f);
DECLARE_SCRIPT (M09_Elevator_Movement_Zone, "Direction:int, Anim_num:int, Elev_obj_num:int")
void Entered (GameObject * obj, GameObject * enterer)
char *elevators[9] =
if (enterer == STAR)
if (Get_Int_Parameter("Direction") == 0)
Commands->Static_Anim_Phys_Goto_Frame ( Get_Int_Parameter("Elev_obj_num"), 0, elevators [Get_Int_Parameter("Anim_num")] );
if (Get_Int_Parameter("Direction") == 1)
Commands->Static_Anim_Phys_Goto_Last_Frame ( Get_Int_Parameter("Elev_obj_num"), elevators [Get_Int_Parameter("Anim_num")] );
DECLARE_SCRIPT (M09_Elevator_All_Zone, "Controller_num:int")
bool star_in_zone;
bool mobius_in_zone;
GameObject * mobius;
SAVE_VARIABLE( star_in_zone, 1 );
SAVE_VARIABLE( mobius_in_zone, 2 );
void Created (GameObject *obj)
star_in_zone = false;
mobius = Commands->Find_Object (2000010);
void Entered (GameObject * obj, GameObject * enterer)
if (enterer == STAR)
star_in_zone = true;
Commands->Send_Custom_Event(obj, Commands->Find_Object(Get_Int_Parameter("Controller_num")), SET_STAR, ENTER);
void Exited(GameObject * obj, GameObject * exiter)
if (exiter == STAR)
star_in_zone = false;
Commands->Send_Custom_Event(obj, Commands->Find_Object(Get_Int_Parameter("Controller_num")), SET_STAR, EXIT);
DECLARE_SCRIPT (M09_Elevator_All_Controller, "Waypoint_num:int, Elev_obj_num:int, Anim_num:int, Direction = 0:int, Mobius_exit_goto:int")
bool star_in_zone;
bool mobius_in_zone;
bool transition;
int block1, block2, block3, block4;
GameObject *mobius;
SAVE_VARIABLE( star_in_zone, 1 );
SAVE_VARIABLE( mobius_in_zone, 2 );
SAVE_VARIABLE( transition, 3 );
SAVE_VARIABLE( block1, 4 );
SAVE_VARIABLE( block2, 5 );
SAVE_VARIABLE( block3, 6 );
SAVE_VARIABLE( block4, 7 );
void Created (GameObject *obj)
star_in_zone = false;
mobius_in_zone = false;
block1 = block2 = block3 = block4 = 0;
char *elevators[9] =
mobius = Commands->Find_Object (2000010);
Commands->Static_Anim_Phys_Goto_Last_Frame ( Get_Int_Parameter("Elev_obj_num"), elevators [Get_Int_Parameter("Anim_num")] );
void Timer_Expired(GameObject * obj, int timer_id)
if (timer_id == 333)
Commands->Destroy_Object (Commands->Find_Object (block1));
Commands->Destroy_Object (Commands->Find_Object (block2));
Commands->Destroy_Object (Commands->Find_Object (block3));
Commands->Destroy_Object (Commands->Find_Object (block4));
void Custom (GameObject * obj, int type, int param, GameObject * sender)
char *elevators[9] =
if (type == CHECK_STAR)
Commands->Send_Custom_Event(obj, sender, STAR_STATUS, star_in_zone);
if (type == CHECK_MOBIUS)
Commands->Send_Custom_Event(obj, sender, CHECK_MOBIUS, mobius_in_zone);
if (type == STAR_STATUS)
if (!param)
if (Get_Int_Parameter("Direction") == 0)
Commands->Send_Custom_Event(obj, Commands->Find_Object (2000010), ELEVATOR, (Get_Int_Parameter("Waypoint_num")));
if (Get_Int_Parameter("Direction") == 1)
Commands->Send_Custom_Event(obj, Commands->Find_Object (2000010), ELEVATOR_DOWN, (Get_Int_Parameter("Waypoint_num")));
if (type == SET_MOBIUS)
mobius_in_zone = true;
if (star_in_zone)
if (Get_Int_Parameter("Direction") == 0)
Commands->Send_Custom_Event( obj, obj, ACTIVATE, 0);
if (Get_Int_Parameter("Direction") == 1)
Commands->Send_Custom_Event( obj, obj, ACTIVATEDOWN, 0);
if (type == SET_STAR)
if (param == ENTER)
star_in_zone = true;
if (((Commands->Get_ID (obj)) != 2000607) && ((Commands->Get_ID (obj)) != 2000599))
if (Get_Int_Parameter("Direction") == 0)
Commands->Send_Custom_Event(obj, Commands->Find_Object (2000010), ELEVATOR, (Get_Int_Parameter("Waypoint_num")));
if (Get_Int_Parameter("Direction") == 1)
Commands->Send_Custom_Event(obj, Commands->Find_Object (2000010), ELEVATOR_DOWN, (Get_Int_Parameter("Waypoint_num")));
if ((Commands->Get_ID (obj)) == 2000607)
Commands->Send_Custom_Event(obj, Commands->Find_Object (2000599), CHECK_STAR, 0);
if ((Commands->Get_ID (obj)) == 2000599)
Commands->Send_Custom_Event(obj, Commands->Find_Object (2000607), CHECK_STAR, 0);
if (param == EXIT)
star_in_zone = false;
//Commands->Send_Custom_Event(obj, Commands->Find_Object (2000010), FOLLOW, Get_Int_Parameter("Mobius_exit_goto"));
if (type == ACTIVATE)
if (star_in_zone && mobius_in_zone)
Commands->Send_Custom_Event (obj, Commands->Find_Object(2000071), BLOCK_ON, 0, 0.0f);
/* Commands->Start_Timer (obj, this, 3.0f, 333);
GameObject *rub1 = Commands->Create_Object ("M08_Rubble_Stub", Vector3 (-108.916f, 483.904f, -191.022f));
block1 = Commands->Get_ID (rub1);
Commands->Set_Is_Rendered( rub1, false );
GameObject *rub2 = Commands->Create_Object ("M08_Rubble_Stub", Vector3 (-25.433f, 513.013f, -150.613f));
block2 = Commands->Get_ID (rub2);
Commands->Set_Is_Rendered( rub2, false );
GameObject *rub3 = Commands->Create_Object ("M08_Rubble_Stub", Vector3 (-47.948f, 535.216f, -103.284f));
block3 = Commands->Get_ID (rub3);
Commands->Set_Is_Rendered( rub3, false );
Commands->Set_Facing (rub3, -90.0);
GameObject *rub4 = Commands->Create_Object ("M08_Rubble_Stub", Vector3 (39.231f, 515.105f, -78.137f));
block4 = Commands->Get_ID (rub4);
Commands->Set_Is_Rendered( rub4, false );
*/ Commands->Static_Anim_Phys_Goto_Frame ( Get_Int_Parameter("Elev_obj_num"), 0, elevators [Get_Int_Parameter("Anim_num")] );
if (type == ACTIVATEDOWN)
if (star_in_zone && mobius_in_zone)
Commands->Static_Anim_Phys_Goto_Last_Frame ( Get_Int_Parameter("Elev_obj_num"), elevators [Get_Int_Parameter("Anim_num")] );
DECLARE_SCRIPT (M09_Block_Off, "")
void Entered (GameObject *obj, GameObject *enterer)
Commands->Send_Custom_Event (obj, Commands->Find_Object(2000071), BLOCK_OFF, 0, 0.0f);
DECLARE_SCRIPT (M09_Mutant_Attack, "Target_num:int")
int target;
void Created (GameObject *obj)
target = Get_Int_Parameter ("Target_num");
void Sound_Heard(GameObject* obj, const CombatSound & sound)
target = Get_Int_Parameter ("Target_num");
ActionParamsStruct params;
if ( sound.Type == M09_INNATE_ENABLE )
Vector3 loc = Commands->Get_Position (Commands->Find_Object (target));
Commands->Set_Innate_Aggressiveness ( obj, 100.0f );
Commands->Set_Innate_Take_Cover_Probability ( obj, 100.0 );
ActionParamsStruct params;
params.Set_Basic( this, 99, RUN_TO_TARGET );
params.Set_Movement( loc, 1.2f, 0.75f);
Commands->Action_Goto (obj, params);
void Action_Complete(GameObject * obj, int action_id, ActionCompleteReason reason)
float face = Commands->Get_Facing (Commands->Find_Object (target));
if (action_id == RUN_TO_TARGET)
Commands->Set_Facing (obj, face);
ActionParamsStruct params;
params.Set_Basic( this, INNATE_PRIORITY_ENEMY_SEEN - 5, ATTACKING );
params.Set_Attack (Commands->Find_Object (2000626), 3.0f, 0.0f, 1);
Commands->Action_Attack( obj, params );
DECLARE_SCRIPT (M09_Waypath_Run, "Waypath_num:int, Attacker_num:int, Controller_num:int")
int mutant_id;
int attackee_id;
SAVE_VARIABLE( mutant_id, 1 );
SAVE_VARIABLE( attackee_id, 2 );
void Created (GameObject *obj)
attackee_id = Commands->Get_ID(obj);
Commands->Send_Custom_Event(obj, Commands->Find_Object (Get_Int_Parameter("Controller_num")), MUTANT_ATTACKEE, attackee_id);
Commands->Start_Timer (obj, this, 1.0f, START);
if (Get_Int_Parameter("Waypath_num") != 0)
ActionParamsStruct params;
params.Set_Basic( this, 99, RUN_TO_TARGET );
params.Set_Movement( Vector3(0,0,0), RUN, 0.5f);
params.WaypathID = Get_Int_Parameter("Waypath_num");
Commands->Action_Goto (obj, params);
void Damaged( GameObject * obj, GameObject * damager, float amount )
Commands->Action_Reset ( obj, 100 );
ActionParamsStruct params;
params.Set_Basic( this, 100, ANIMATION );
params.Set_Animation ("h_a_891a", false);
Commands->Action_Play_Animation (obj, params);
void Action_Complete(GameObject * obj, int action_id, ActionCompleteReason reason)
if (action_id == ANIMATION)
if (Get_Int_Parameter("Waypath_num") != 0)
Commands->Action_Reset ( obj, 100 );
ActionParamsStruct params;
params.Set_Basic( this, 99, RUN_TO_TARGET );
params.Set_Movement( Vector3(0,0,0), RUN, 0.5f);
params.WaypathID = Get_Int_Parameter("Waypath_num");
Commands->Action_Goto ( obj, params );
void Killed(GameObject * obj, GameObject *killer )
Commands->Send_Custom_Event(obj, (Commands->Find_Object (mutant_id)), ATTACK_STAR, 0);
void Custom(GameObject * obj, int type, int param, GameObject * sender)
if (type == ATTACKER_CHECK)
mutant_id = param;
if (type == DEAD_MUTANT)
Commands->Action_Reset ( obj, 100 );
void Timer_Expired(GameObject * obj, int timer_id )
if(timer_id == START)
Commands->Send_Custom_Event(obj, Commands->Find_Object (Get_Int_Parameter("Controller_num")), ATTACKER_CHECK, 0);
DECLARE_SCRIPT (M09_Mutant_Encounter_Controller, "")
int mutant_id;
int attackee_id;
SAVE_VARIABLE( mutant_id, 1 );
SAVE_VARIABLE( attackee_id, 2 );
void Custom(GameObject * obj, int type, int param, GameObject * sender)
if (type == MUTANT_ATTACKER)
mutant_id = param;
if (type == MUTANT_ATTACKEE)
attackee_id = param;
if (type == ATTACKER_CHECK)
Commands->Send_Custom_Event(obj, sender, ATTACKER_CHECK, mutant_id);
if (type == ATTACKEE_CHECK)
Commands->Send_Custom_Event(obj, sender, ATTACKEE_CHECK, attackee_id);
DECLARE_SCRIPT (M09_Damage_Modifier, "Damage_multiplier:float")
float current_health, last_health, damage_tally;
SAVE_VARIABLE( current_health, 1 );
SAVE_VARIABLE( last_health, 2 );
SAVE_VARIABLE( damage_tally, 3 );
void Created (GameObject *obj)
last_health = Commands->Get_Health (obj);
damage_tally = 0;
void Damaged( GameObject * obj, GameObject * damager, float amount )
float damage;
if (damager == STAR)
last_health = Commands->Get_Health (obj);
if (damager != STAR)
current_health = Commands->Get_Health (obj);
if (current_health == 0)
damage = ((last_health - current_health) + damage_tally);
damage_tally = 0;
damage = (last_health - current_health);
damage_tally = 0;
float mod_damage = (damage * (Get_Float_Parameter("Damage_multiplier")));
damage_tally += mod_damage;
Commands->Set_Health (obj, (last_health - mod_damage));
last_health = Commands->Get_Health (obj);
current_health = Commands->Get_Health (obj);
DECLARE_SCRIPT (M09_Zone_Enabled_Mobius, "Waypath_id:int, Condition=0:int")
bool already_entered;
int goal;
// Register variables to be Auto-Saved
// All variables must have a unique ID, less than 256, that never changes
SAVE_VARIABLE( already_entered, 1 );
SAVE_VARIABLE( goal, 2 );
void Created (GameObject * obj)
already_entered = false;
goal = Get_Int_Parameter("Condition");
void Entered (GameObject * obj, GameObject * enterer)
if (goal <= 0)
Commands->Send_Custom_Event( obj, Commands->Find_Object (2000010), FOLLOW, Get_Int_Parameter("Waypath_id"), 0.0f );
goal = 1;
void Custom(GameObject * obj, int type, int param, GameObject * sender)
if (type == GOAL)
if (param == INCREMENT)
if (param == DECREMENT)
DECLARE_SCRIPT (M09_No_Obj_Damage, "")
float curr_health;
SAVE_VARIABLE( curr_health, 1 );
void Created (GameObject *obj)
curr_health = Commands->Get_Health (obj);
void Damaged( GameObject * obj, GameObject * damager, float amount )
Commands->Set_Health (obj, curr_health);
DECLARE_SCRIPT (M09_Flyover_Controller, "")
int last;
SAVE_VARIABLE( last, 1 );
void Created (GameObject *obj)
last = 0;
void Custom( GameObject * obj, int type, int param, GameObject * sender )
if (type == FLYOVER)
char *flyovers[8] =
int random = int(Commands->Get_Random(0, 8-WWMATH_EPSILON));
while (random == last) {
random = int(Commands->Get_Random(0, 8-WWMATH_EPSILON));
GameObject *controller = Commands->Create_Object("Invisible_Object", Vector3(0,0,0));
Commands->Attach_Script(controller, "Test_Cinematic", flyovers[random]);
last = random;
DECLARE_SCRIPT (M09_Flyover_Recycle, "")
void Destroyed(GameObject * obj)
Commands->Send_Custom_Event (obj, Commands->Find_Object(2000955), FLYOVER, 0, 0.0f);
DECLARE_SCRIPT (M09_Weather_On, "")
void Entered (GameObject * obj, GameObject * enterer)
Commands->Set_Fog_Enable ( true );
Commands->Set_Fog_Range (0.0, 150.0, 2.0);
Commands->Set_Lightning (0.25f, 0.0f, 0.2f, 265.0f, 0.3f, 2.0f);
Commands->Set_Rain ( 10.0, 2.0, false);
DECLARE_SCRIPT (M09_Weather_Off, "")
void Entered (GameObject * obj, GameObject * enterer)
//Commands->Set_Fog_Enable ( false );
Commands->Set_Fog_Range (0.0, 1000.0, 2.0);
Commands->Set_Lightning (0.0f, 0.0f, 0.2f, 265.0f, 0.3f, 2.0f);
Commands->Set_Rain ( 0.0, 2.0, false);
DECLARE_SCRIPT(M09_Evac_Transport, "") //2000969
bool already_entered;
float facing;
// Register variables to be Auto-Saved
// All variables must have a unique ID, less than 256, that never changes
SAVE_VARIABLE( already_entered, 1 );
SAVE_VARIABLE( facing, 2 );
void Created (GameObject * obj)
already_entered = false;
facing = 0.0f;
void Entered (GameObject * obj, GameObject * enterer)
if (!already_entered)
already_entered = true;
facing = Commands->Get_Facing (Commands->Find_Object (2000969));
Vector3 loc = Commands->Get_Position (Commands->Find_Object (2000969));
GameObject * bone = Commands->Create_Object ( "Invisible_Object", loc );
Commands->Set_Facing(bone, facing);
Commands->Attach_Script(bone, "M09_Evac_Bone", "");
Commands->Set_Model ( bone, "XG_TransprtBone" );
Commands->Set_Animation ( bone, "XG_TransprtBone.XG_EV2_PathA", false );
GameObject * chinook = Commands->Create_Object_At_Bone( bone, "GDI_Transport_Helicopter", "XG_TransprtBone" );
GameObject * troop = Commands->Create_Object_At_Bone( bone, "GDI_RocketSoldier_2SF", "SPAWNER" );
Commands->Attach_Script(troop, "M00_Damage_Modifier_DME", "0.05f, 1, 1, 0, 0");
char param1[10];
sprintf(param1, "%d", Commands->Get_ID(troop));
Commands->Set_Facing(chinook, facing);
Commands->Attach_Script(chinook, "M09_Evac_Helicopter", param1);
Commands->Attach_To_Object_Bone ( chinook, bone, "BN_Trajectory" );
Commands->Set_Animation ( chinook, "v_GDI_trnspt.XG_EV2_trnsA", false );
Commands->Attach_Script(troop, "M09_Gunner", "");
Commands->Attach_Script(chinook, "M09_No_Obj_Damage", "");
Commands->Attach_To_Object_Bone ( troop, chinook, "SPAWNER" );
//Commands->Set_Facing(troop, facing - 180.0);
DECLARE_SCRIPT(M09_Evac_Bone, "")
void Animation_Complete(GameObject * obj, const char *anim)
if (stricmp(anim, "XG_TransprtBone.XG_EV2_PathA") == 0)
Commands->Set_Animation ( obj, "XG_TransprtBone.XG_EV2_Pathloop", true );
DECLARE_SCRIPT(M09_Evac_Helicopter, "Gunner:int")
void Animation_Complete(GameObject * obj, const char *anim)
if (stricmp(anim, "v_GDI_trnspt.XG_EV2_trnsA") == 0)
int gunner_id = Get_Int_Parameter("Gunner");
Commands->Disable_Physical_Collisions ( obj );
Commands->Start_Timer (obj, this, 3.0f, COLLISION);
Commands->Send_Custom_Event (obj, Commands->Find_Object(gunner_id), GO, 0, 0.0f);
Commands->Set_Animation ( obj, "v_GDI_trnspt.XG_EV2_trnsloop", true );
void Killed(GameObject * obj, GameObject * killer)
void Timer_Expired (GameObject* obj, int timer_id)
if (timer_id == COLLISION)
Commands->Enable_Collisions ( obj );
DECLARE_SCRIPT(M09_Gunner, "")
float full_health;
void Created ( GameObject *obj)
full_health = Commands->Get_Health (obj);
void Custom(GameObject * obj, int type, int param, GameObject * sender)
if (type == GO)
Commands->Attach_To_Object_Bone( obj, NULL, NULL );
//Commands->Enable_Collisions ( obj );
ActionParamsStruct params;
params.Set_Basic( this, 99, 101 );
params.Set_Movement( Commands->Find_Object (2000970), RUN, 1.5f);
Commands->Action_Goto (obj, params);
//Commands->Set_Innate_Aggressiveness ( obj, 1.0f );
void Enemy_Seen(GameObject * obj, GameObject *enemy )
ActionParamsStruct params;
params.Set_Basic( this, INNATE_PRIORITY_ENEMY_SEEN +5, 10 );
params.Set_Attack(enemy, 100.0f, 5.0f, true);
params.AttackCheckBlocked = true;
params.AttackActive = true;
Commands->Modify_Action(obj, 10, params);
void Damaged( GameObject * obj, GameObject * damager, float amount )
Commands->Set_Health (obj, full_health);
DECLARE_SCRIPT(M09_Mobius_Goto, "GotoObject:int")
void Entered (GameObject *obj, GameObject *enterer)
GameObject * mobius = Commands->Find_Object (2000010);
Commands->Send_Custom_Event( obj, mobius, FOLLOW, Get_Int_Parameter("GotoObject"), 0.0f );
DECLARE_SCRIPT(M09_Innate_Disable, "")
float current_health, last_health, damage_tally;
//GameObject * mobius;
SAVE_VARIABLE( current_health, 1 );
SAVE_VARIABLE( last_health, 2 );
SAVE_VARIABLE( damage_tally, 3 );
void Created (GameObject *obj)
//GameObject * mobius = Commands->Find_Object (2000010);
last_health = Commands->Get_Health (obj);
damage_tally = 0;
void Sound_Heard(GameObject* obj, const CombatSound & sound)
ActionParamsStruct params;
if ( sound.Type == M09_INNATE_ENABLE )
Commands->Set_Innate_Aggressiveness ( obj, 100.0f );
//Commands->Innate_Force_State_Gunshots_Heard ( obj, Commands->Get_Position (obj) );
Vector3 projector = Commands->Get_Position (obj);
void Custom (GameObject *obj, int type, int param, GameObject *sender)
if (type == M09_INNATE_ENABLE )
Commands->Set_Innate_Aggressiveness ( obj, 100.0f );
//Commands->Innate_Force_State_Gunshots_Heard ( obj, Commands->Get_Position (obj) );
void Damaged( GameObject * obj, GameObject * damager, float amount )
GameObject * mobius = Commands->Find_Object (2000010);
if (damager == STAR || damager == mobius)
last_health = Commands->Get_Health (obj);
if (damager != STAR && damager != mobius)
current_health = Commands->Get_Health (obj);
float damage = ((last_health - current_health) + damage_tally);
float mod_damage = (damage * 0.05f);
damage_tally += mod_damage;
Commands->Set_Health (obj, (last_health - mod_damage));
last_health = Commands->Get_Health (obj);
current_health = Commands->Get_Health (obj);
DECLARE_SCRIPT(M09_Innate_Enable_Zone, "SoundProjector:int, Radius=7.0:float, Total_Enemies:int")
bool already_entered, all_checked_in;
int enemies;
// Register variables to be Auto-Saved
// All variables must have a unique ID, less than 256, that never changes
SAVE_VARIABLE( already_entered, 1 );
void Created (GameObject * obj)
already_entered = false;
enemies = 0;
/*void Sound_Heard(GameObject* obj, const CombatSound & sound)
if ( sound.Type == M09_CHECK_IN )
if (enemies == Get_Int_Parameter ("Total_Enemies"))
all_checked_in = true;
void Timer_Expired (GameObject* obj, int timer_id)
if (timer_id == INNATE_RECYCLE && !all_checked_in)
Vector3 projector = Commands->Get_Position (Commands->Find_Object (Get_Int_Parameter ("SoundProjector")));
float rad = Get_Float_Parameter("Radius");
Commands->Create_Logical_Sound (obj, M09_INNATE_ENABLE, projector, rad);
//Commands->Start_Timer (obj, this, 4.0f, INNATE_RECYCLE);
void Entered (GameObject * obj, GameObject * enterer)
if (!already_entered)
already_entered = true;
Vector3 projector = Commands->Get_Position (Commands->Find_Object (Get_Int_Parameter ("SoundProjector")));
float rad = Get_Float_Parameter("Radius");
Commands->Create_Logical_Sound (obj, M09_INNATE_ENABLE, projector, rad);
Commands->Start_Timer (obj, this, 4.0f, INNATE_RECYCLE);
DECLARE_SCRIPT(M09_Zone_Destroy, "")
void Entered (GameObject *obj, GameObject *enterer)
DECLARE_SCRIPT (M09_Lab_Powerup, "Target:int")
void Custom( GameObject * obj, int type, int param, GameObject * sender )
Commands->Grant_Key (Commands->Find_Object (Get_Int_Parameter("Target")), 10, true);
Commands->Debug_Message("Key granted to %d.\n", Get_Int_Parameter("Target"));
//Commands->Send_Custom_Event (obj, Commands->Find_Object (Get_Int_Parameter("Target")), 0, 0);
Commands->Action_Reset ( Commands->Find_Object (Get_Int_Parameter("Target")), 100 );
Commands->Attach_Script( Commands->Find_Object (Get_Int_Parameter("Target")), "M03_Goto_Star", "");
DECLARE_SCRIPT (M09_Ambient_Clutter, "")
int alarm;
Vector3 sound_loc;
SAVE_VARIABLE( alarm, 1 );
SAVE_VARIABLE( sound_loc, 2 );
void Created (GameObject *obj)
float delayTimer = Commands->Get_Random ( 1, 5 );
/*int chooser = Commands->Get_Random_Int (0, 7);
float rand_dist = Commands->Get_Random ( 15, 20 );
sound_loc = Commands->Get_Position (STAR);
sound_loc.X += rand_dist;
sound_loc.Y += rand_dist;
sound_loc.Z += rand_dist;
//Commands->Create_Sound ( ambients [chooser], sound_loc, obj );*/
Commands->Start_Timer(obj, this, (20.0f - delayTimer), AMB_SOUND);
Commands->Start_Timer(obj, this, (8.0f + delayTimer), AMB_EXPLOSION);
void Timer_Expired (GameObject* obj, int timer_id)
if (timer_id == AMB_SOUND)
char *ambients[7] =
int chooser = Commands->Get_Random_Int (0, 7);
float delayTimer = Commands->Get_Random ( 1, 5 );
float rand_dist = Commands->Get_Random ( 15, 30 );
sound_loc = Commands->Get_Position (STAR);
sound_loc.X += rand_dist;
sound_loc.Y += rand_dist;
sound_loc.Z += rand_dist;
Commands->Create_Sound ( ambients [chooser], sound_loc, obj );
Commands->Start_Timer(obj, this, (20.0f - delayTimer), AMB_SOUND);
if (timer_id == AMB_EXPLOSION)
int exp_point [5];
exp_point [0] = 2006120;
exp_point [1] = 2006121;
exp_point [2] = 2006122;
exp_point [3] = 2006123;
exp_point [4] = 2006124;
int exp_num = Commands->Get_Random_Int (0, 5);
Commands->Create_Explosion("Air Explosions Twiddler", Commands->Get_Position (Commands->Find_Object (exp_point [exp_num])));
float delayTimer = Commands->Get_Random ( 1, 5 );
Commands->Start_Timer(obj, this, (8.0f + delayTimer), AMB_EXPLOSION);
DECLARE_SCRIPT (M09_Scientist_Cower, "")
void Created (GameObject *obj)
float delay = Commands->Get_Random ( 1, 3 );
Commands->Start_Timer(obj, this, (delay), ANIM_DELAY);
void Timer_Expired (GameObject* obj, int timer_id)
if (timer_id == ANIM_DELAY)
ActionParamsStruct params;
params.Set_Basic( this, 99, DOING_ANIMATION );
params.Set_Animation ("S_A_HUMAN.H_A_A0A0_L51", true);
Commands->Action_Play_Animation (obj, params);
DECLARE_SCRIPT (M09_Destroy_Self_Zone, "")
bool already_entered;
// Register variables to be Auto-Saved
// All variables must have a unique ID, less than 256, that never changes
SAVE_VARIABLE( already_entered, 1 );
void Created (GameObject * obj)
already_entered = false;
void Entered (GameObject * obj, GameObject * enterer)
GameObject *mobius = Commands->Find_Object (2000010);
if (!already_entered)
already_entered = true;
Commands->Send_Custom_Event(obj, Commands->Find_Object (2000010), NO_FOLLOW, ON);
const char *conv_name = ("IDS_M09_D13");
int conv_id = Commands->Create_Conversation (conv_name, 99, 200, false);
Commands->Join_Conversation(NULL, conv_id, false, false);
Commands->Join_Conversation(mobius, conv_id, false, false);
Commands->Join_Conversation(STAR, conv_id, false, false);
Commands->Start_Conversation (conv_id, 900);
Commands->Monitor_Conversation (obj, conv_id);
DECLARE_SCRIPT (M09_KeyCard_Zone, "")
bool initiation;
GameObject *mobius;
float mobius_distance;
bool star_in_zone;
bool fired_off;
SAVE_VARIABLE( initiation, 1 );
SAVE_VARIABLE( mobius_distance, 2 );
SAVE_VARIABLE( star_in_zone, 3 );
SAVE_VARIABLE( fired_off, 4 );
void Created (GameObject *obj)
star_in_zone = false;
fired_off = false;
initiation = false;
mobius = Commands->Find_Object (2000010);
void Timer_Expired(GameObject * obj, int timer_id)
if (timer_id == DIST_CHECK && star_in_zone)
if (mobius_distance <= 15.0/* && !fired_off*/)
//fired_off = true;
Commands->Send_Custom_Event( obj, Commands->Find_Object (2000452), CHECK, 0, 0.0f );
Commands->Start_Timer (obj, this, 2.0f, DIST_CHECK);
void Entered (GameObject * obj, GameObject * enterer)
star_in_zone = true;
mobius = Commands->Find_Object (2000010);
mobius_distance = Commands->Get_Distance(Commands->Get_Position (STAR), Commands->Get_Position (mobius));
if (mobius_distance <= 15.0/* && !fired_off*/)
//fired_off = true;
Commands->Send_Custom_Event( obj, Commands->Find_Object (2000452), CHECK, 0, 0.0f );
Commands->Start_Timer (obj, this, 2.0f, DIST_CHECK);
void Exited( GameObject * obj, GameObject * exiter )
star_in_zone = false;
void Custom( GameObject * obj, int type, int param, GameObject * sender )
if (type == INITIATION)
//initiation = true;
if ( type == COUNT )
if (param == 0)
//initiation = true;
/*const char *conv_name = ("IDS_M09_D13");
int conv_id = Commands->Create_Conversation (conv_name, 99, 200, false);
Commands->Join_Conversation(NULL, conv_id, false, false);
Commands->Join_Conversation(mobius, conv_id, false, false);
Commands->Join_Conversation(STAR, conv_id, false, false);
Commands->Start_Conversation (conv_id, 900);
Commands->Monitor_Conversation (obj, conv_id);*/
if (param == 1)
//initiation = true;
const char *conv_name = ("IDS_M09_D15");
int conv_id = Commands->Create_Conversation (conv_name, 99, 200, false);
Commands->Join_Conversation(mobius, conv_id, false, false);
Commands->Join_Conversation(STAR, conv_id, false, false);
Commands->Start_Conversation (conv_id, 905);
Commands->Monitor_Conversation (obj, conv_id);
if (param == 2)
Commands->Send_Custom_Event( obj, Commands->Find_Object (2000452), KEY_COUNTER, INCREMENT, 0.0f );
Commands->Static_Anim_Phys_Goto_Frame ( 1265140, 0, "lab_spn_door08.lab_spn_door08" );
const char *conv_name = ("IDS_M09_D18");
int conv_id = Commands->Create_Conversation (conv_name, 99, 200, false);
Commands->Join_Conversation(mobius, conv_id, false, false);
Commands->Join_Conversation(STAR, conv_id, false, false);
Commands->Start_Conversation (conv_id, 910);
Commands->Monitor_Conversation (obj, conv_id);
void Action_Complete(GameObject * obj, int action_id, ActionCompleteReason reason)
mobius = Commands->Find_Object (2000010);
if(action_id == 900)
const char *conv_name = ("IDS_M09_D13");
int conv_id = Commands->Create_Conversation (conv_name, 99, 200, false);
Commands->Join_Conversation(mobius, conv_id, false, false);
Commands->Join_Conversation(STAR, conv_id, false, false);
Commands->Start_Conversation (conv_id, 950);
Commands->Monitor_Conversation (obj, conv_id);
//Commands->Send_Custom_Event( obj, Commands->Find_Object (2000010), FOLLOW, 0, 0.0f );
if(action_id == 906)
const char *conv_name = ("IDS_M09_D13");
int conv_id = Commands->Create_Conversation (conv_name, 99, 200, false);
Commands->Join_Conversation(mobius, conv_id, false, false);
Commands->Join_Conversation(STAR, conv_id, false, false);
Commands->Start_Conversation (conv_id, 908);
Commands->Monitor_Conversation (obj, conv_id);
//Commands->Send_Custom_Event( obj, Commands->Find_Object (2000010), FOLLOW, 0, 0.0f );
if(action_id == 907)
const char *conv_name = ("IDS_M09_D15");
int conv_id = Commands->Create_Conversation (conv_name, 99, 200, false);
Commands->Join_Conversation(mobius, conv_id, false, false);
Commands->Join_Conversation(STAR, conv_id, false, false);
Commands->Start_Conversation (conv_id, 909);
Commands->Monitor_Conversation (obj, conv_id);
//Commands->Send_Custom_Event( obj, Commands->Find_Object (2000010), FOLLOW, 0, 0.0f );
if(action_id == 908)
const char *conv_name = ("IDS_M09_D16");
int conv_id = Commands->Create_Conversation (conv_name, 99, 200, false);
Commands->Join_Conversation(mobius, conv_id, false, false);
Commands->Join_Conversation(STAR, conv_id, false, false);
Commands->Start_Conversation (conv_id, 910);
Commands->Monitor_Conversation (obj, conv_id);
/*if(action_id == 910)
Commands->Send_Custom_Event( obj, Commands->Find_Object (2000010), WAYPATH, 2000462, 0.0f );
DECLARE_SCRIPT (M09_Innate_Activate, "Target0=0:int, Target1=0:int, Target2=0:int, Target3=0:int, Target4=0:int, Target5=0:int, Target6=0:int, Target7=0:int, Target8=0:int, Target9=0:int")
int target [10];
bool already_entered;
SAVE_VARIABLE( already_entered, 1 );
SAVE_VARIABLE( target [0], 2 );
SAVE_VARIABLE( target [1], 3 );
SAVE_VARIABLE( target [2], 4 );
SAVE_VARIABLE( target [3], 5 );
SAVE_VARIABLE( target [4], 6 );
SAVE_VARIABLE( target [5], 7 );
SAVE_VARIABLE( target [6], 8 );
SAVE_VARIABLE( target [7], 9 );
SAVE_VARIABLE( target [8], 10 );
SAVE_VARIABLE( target [9], 11 );
void Created (GameObject *obj)
already_entered = false;
target [0] = Get_Int_Parameter ("Target0");
target [1] = Get_Int_Parameter ("Target1");
target [2] = Get_Int_Parameter ("Target2");
target [3] = Get_Int_Parameter ("Target3");
target [4] = Get_Int_Parameter ("Target4");
target [5] = Get_Int_Parameter ("Target5");
target [6] = Get_Int_Parameter ("Target6");
target [7] = Get_Int_Parameter ("Target7");
target [8] = Get_Int_Parameter ("Target8");
target [9] = Get_Int_Parameter ("Target9");
void Entered (GameObject *obj, GameObject *enterer)
if (!already_entered)
already_entered = true;
for (int x = 0; x < 10; x++)
if (target [x] != 0)
Commands->Send_Custom_Event(obj, Commands->Find_Object(target [x]), M09_INNATE_ENABLE, 0);
DECLARE_SCRIPT (M09_Camera_Activate, "Camera0=0:int, Camera1=0:int, Camera2=0:int, Camera3=0:int, Camera4=0:int")
int camera [5];
bool already_entered;
SAVE_VARIABLE( already_entered, 1 );
SAVE_VARIABLE( camera [0], 2 );
SAVE_VARIABLE( camera [1], 3 );
SAVE_VARIABLE( camera [2], 4 );
SAVE_VARIABLE( camera [3], 5 );
SAVE_VARIABLE( camera [4], 6 );
void Created (GameObject *obj)
already_entered = false;
camera [0] = Get_Int_Parameter ("Camera0");
camera [1] = Get_Int_Parameter ("Camera1");
camera [2] = Get_Int_Parameter ("Camera2");
camera [3] = Get_Int_Parameter ("Camera3");
camera [4] = Get_Int_Parameter ("Camera4");
void Entered (GameObject *obj, GameObject *enterer)
if (!already_entered)
already_entered = true;
for (int x = 0; x < 10; x++)
if (camera [x] != 0)
Commands->Attach_Script (Commands->Find_Object (camera [x]), "RMV_Camera_Behavior", "90.0, 0, 1, 0.0");
DECLARE_SCRIPT(M09_Level10Key, "")
void Entered (GameObject * obj, GameObject * enterer)
Commands->Grant_Key ( STAR, 10, true);
DECLARE_SCRIPT(M09_Destroy_Zone, "")
void Entered (GameObject * obj, GameObject * enterer)
Commands->Start_Timer (obj, this, 2.0f, 10);
void Timer_Expired(GameObject * obj, int timer_id )
if(timer_id == 10)
Commands->Destroy_Object (obj);
DECLARE_SCRIPT(M09_Elevator_Exit, "Mobius_exit_goto:int")
bool already_entered;
// Register variables to be Auto-Saved
// All variables must have a unique ID, less than 256, that never changes
SAVE_VARIABLE( already_entered, 1 );
void Created (GameObject * obj)
already_entered = false;
void Entered (GameObject * obj, GameObject * enterer)
//already_entered = true;
Commands->Send_Custom_Event(obj, Commands->Find_Object (2000010), ELEVATOR_EXIT, Get_Int_Parameter("Mobius_exit_goto"));
DECLARE_SCRIPT(M09_Attack_Blocked_False, "")
void Enemy_Seen(GameObject * obj, GameObject *enemy )
ActionParamsStruct params;
params.Set_Basic( this, INNATE_PRIORITY_ENEMY_SEEN, 1 );
params.Set_Attack (enemy, 200.0f, 5.0f, 1);
params.AttackCheckBlocked = false;
Commands->Action_Attack (obj, params);
DECLARE_SCRIPT(M09_Mobius_OnFollow, "")
void Entered (GameObject * obj, GameObject * enterer)
Commands->Send_Custom_Event(obj, Commands->Find_Object (2000010), NO_FOLLOW, OFF);
void Created (GameObject *obj)
/*ActionParamsStruct params;
params.Set_Basic( this, 99, DOING_ANIMATION );
params.Set_Animation ("S_A_HUMAN.H_A_X9C_SUIT", true);
Commands->Action_Play_Animation (obj, params);*/
Commands->Set_Animation ( obj, "S_A_HUMAN.H_A_X9C_SUIT", true, NULL, 0.0f, -1.0f, false );
void Custom (GameObject *obj, int type, int param, GameObject *sender)
if (type == 666)
Commands->Destroy_Object (obj);