3347 lines
87 KiB
3347 lines
87 KiB
** Command & Conquer Renegade(tm)
** Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc.
** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* MissionX0.cpp
* Mission X0 scripts
* Design Team
* $Author: Darren_k $
* $Revision: 25 $
* $Modtime: 2/08/02 9:15a $
* $Archive: /Commando/Code/Scripts/MissionX0.cpp $
#include "scripts.h"
#include "missionX0.h"
DECLARE_SCRIPT(MX0_MissionStart_DME, "") //1200001
int engineer1, engineer2, eng_num, count, sniper_1, sniper_2, curr_conv7;
bool SniperNotify;
SAVE_VARIABLE( engineer1, 1 );
SAVE_VARIABLE( engineer2, 2 );
SAVE_VARIABLE( eng_num, 3 );
SAVE_VARIABLE( count, 4 );
SAVE_VARIABLE( sniper_1, 5 );
SAVE_VARIABLE( sniper_2, 6 );
SAVE_VARIABLE( curr_conv7, 7 );
SAVE_VARIABLE( SniperNotify, 8 );
void Created (GameObject * obj)
Commands->Select_Weapon (STAR, NULL );
engineer1 = engineer2 = eng_num = count = sniper_1 = sniper_2 = curr_conv7 = 0;
SniperNotify = false;
Vector3 drop_loc = Commands->Get_Position ( Commands->Find_Object(1200001));
//float chin_face = Commands->Get_Facing ( Commands->Find_Object(1200001));
Commands->Fade_Background_Music ( "renegade_intro_no_vox.mp3", 0, 1 );
GameObject * intro = Commands->Create_Object ( "Invisible_Object", Vector3 (0, 0, 0));
//Commands->Set_Facing(intro, chin_face);
Commands->Attach_Script(intro, "Test_Cinematic", "X00_Intro.txt");
void Action_Complete (GameObject *obj, int action_id, ActionCompleteReason reason)
if (action_id == 100001)
Commands->Start_Timer(obj, this, 2.0f, INITIAL_CONV);
if (action_id == 100002)
Commands->Start_Timer(obj, this, 5.0f, PROMPT_LOOP);
if (action_id == 100004)
Commands->Send_Custom_Event( obj, Commands->Find_Object (1200015), SEND_EM, 0, 0.0f );
void Timer_Expired(GameObject * obj, int timer_id)
if (timer_id == STAY_HERE)
int id = Commands->Create_Conversation("MX0_ENGINEER1_048", 97, 2000, false);
Commands->Join_Conversation (Commands->Find_Object (engineer1), id, false, true, true );
Commands->Join_Conversation (STAR, id, true, true, true );
Commands->Start_Conversation(id, 100048);
Commands->Monitor_Conversation(obj, id);
if (timer_id == CROUCH_WANDER && Commands->Find_Object (sniper_1))
Commands->Send_Custom_Event( obj, Commands->Find_Object (engineer1), CROUCH_WANDER, sniper_1, 0.0f );
Commands->Send_Custom_Event( obj, Commands->Find_Object (engineer2), CROUCH_WANDER, sniper_1, 0.0f );
Commands->Start_Timer(obj, this, 3.0f, CROUCH_WANDER);
if (timer_id == SNIPER_EXCHANGE)
Commands->Send_Custom_Event( obj, Commands->Find_Object (MX0_A02_CONTROLLER_ID), MX0_A02_CUSTOM_TYPE_MAIN_STARTUP, 0, 0.0f );
if (timer_id == SNIPER_CREATE)
Vector3 sniper1_loc = Commands->Get_Position (Commands->Find_Object (1200043));
Vector3 sniper2_loc = Commands->Get_Position (Commands->Find_Object (1200044));
GameObject *sniper1 = Commands->Create_Object ("NOD_Minigunner_2SF", sniper1_loc);
Commands->Attach_Script(sniper1, "M00_Soldier_Powerup_Disable", "");
Commands->Attach_Script(sniper1, "M00_Send_Object_ID", "1200001, 1, 0.0f");
Commands->Attach_Script(sniper1, "MX0_SniperAction", "1200045");
Commands->Attach_Script(sniper1, "MX0_KillNotify", "");
sniper_1 = Commands->Get_ID (sniper1);
GameObject *sniper2 = Commands->Create_Object ("NOD_Minigunner_2SF", sniper2_loc);
Commands->Attach_Script(sniper2, "M00_Soldier_Powerup_Disable", "");
Commands->Attach_Script(sniper2, "M00_Send_Object_ID", "1200001, 2, 0.0f");
Commands->Attach_Script(sniper2, "MX0_SniperAction", "1200045");
sniper_2 = Commands->Get_ID (sniper2);
if (timer_id == SNIPER_REMINDER && Commands->Find_Object (sniper_1))
Commands->Send_Custom_Event( obj, Commands->Find_Object (1200001), 100007, 0, 0.0f );
if (timer_id == INITIAL_CONV)
Commands->Send_Custom_Event( obj, obj, 100002, 0, 0.0f );
if (timer_id == PROMPT_LOOP && count <= 1)
Commands->Send_Custom_Event( obj, obj, 100003, 0, 0.0f );
Commands->Start_Timer(obj, this, 5.0f, PROMPT_LOOP);
if (timer_id == MOUSE_HELP)
if (timer_id == WSAD_HELP)
if (timer_id == F1_HELP)
if (timer_id == EQUIP)
Commands->Set_Background_Music ( "Level0_pt1_music.mp3" );
Commands->Give_PowerUp (STAR, "POW_AutoRifle_Player", false);
Commands->Give_PowerUp (STAR, "POW_AutoRifle_Player", false);
Commands->Select_Weapon (STAR, "Weapon_AutoRifle_Player" );
Commands->Attach_Script(STAR, "Havoc_Script", "");
void Custom (GameObject *obj, int type, int param, GameObject *sender)
if (type == SNIPER1KILLED)
if (!SniperNotify)
int id = Commands->Create_Conversation("MX0CON018", 97, 2000, false);
Commands->Join_Conversation (Commands->Find_Object (engineer1), id, false, true, true );
Commands->Join_Conversation (STAR, id, true, true, true );
Commands->Start_Conversation(id, 100018);
Commands->Monitor_Conversation(obj, id);
Commands->Start_Timer(obj, this, 3.0f, STAY_HERE);
if (type == CROUCH_WANDER)
Commands->Start_Timer(obj, this, 2.0f, CROUCH_WANDER);
if (type == START_SNIPER)
Commands->Send_Custom_Event( obj, Commands->Find_Object (sniper_1), START_SNIPER, 0, 0.0f );
Commands->Send_Custom_Event( obj, Commands->Find_Object (sniper_2), START_SNIPER, 0, 0.0f );
if (type == MX0_A02_CUSTOM_TYPE_GET_SNIPER_01_ID)
Commands->Send_Custom_Event( obj, sender, type, sniper_1, 0.0f );
if (type == MX0_A02_CUSTOM_TYPE_GET_SNIPER_02_ID)
Commands->Send_Custom_Event( obj, sender, type, sniper_2, 0.0f );
if(type == M00_SEND_OBJECT_ID)
if(param == 1)
sniper_1 = Commands->Get_ID(sender);
if(param == 2)
sniper_2 = Commands->Get_ID(sender);
Commands->Start_Timer(obj, this, 2.0f, SNIPER_EXCHANGE);
if (type == 99)
count = 0;
// Vector3 drop_loc = Commands->Get_Position ( Commands->Find_Object(1200001));
// float chin_face = Commands->Get_Facing ( Commands->Find_Object(1200001));
// GameObject * chinook = Commands->Create_Object ( "Invisible_Object", drop_loc);
// Commands->Set_Facing(chinook, chin_face);
// Commands->Attach_Script(chinook, "Test_Cinematic", "MX0_TroopDrop_2X.txt");
GameObject * block1 = Commands->Create_Object ( "Large_Blocker", Vector3 (-148.071f,-31.267f,-0.306f));
Commands->Set_Facing(block1, -30.000f);
Commands->Set_Is_Rendered( block1, false );
GameObject * block2 = Commands->Create_Object ( "Large_Blocker", Vector3 (-148.234f,-31.542f,1.357f));
Commands->Set_Facing(block2, -30.000f);
Commands->Set_Is_Rendered( block2, false );
Commands->Start_Timer(obj, this, 0.5f, EQUIP);
Commands->Start_Timer(obj, this, 3.0f, MOUSE_HELP);
Commands->Start_Timer(obj, this, 6.0f, WSAD_HELP);
Commands->Start_Timer(obj, this, 9.0f, F1_HELP);
Commands->Start_Timer(obj, this, 1.0f, SNIPER_CREATE);
if (type == ENGINEER_RETURN)
Commands->Send_Custom_Event( obj, Commands->Find_Object (engineer1), RUN_AWAY, 0, 0.0f );
Commands->Send_Custom_Event( obj, Commands->Find_Object (engineer2), RUN_AWAY, 0, 0.0f );
if (type == ENGINEER_CROUCH)
Commands->Send_Custom_Event( obj, Commands->Find_Object (engineer1), ENGINEER_CROUCH, 0, 0.0f );
if (type == RUNNING_CONV)
/*int id = Commands->Create_Conversation("MX0CON005", 95, 2000, false);
Commands->Join_Conversation (Commands->Find_Object (engineer2), id, true, true, true );
Commands->Join_Conversation_Facing (Commands->Find_Object (engineer2), id, Commands->Get_ID (STAR));
Commands->Join_Conversation (STAR, id, true, true, true );
Commands->Start_Conversation(id, 100005);
Commands->Monitor_Conversation(obj, id);*/
if (type == KILL_SNIPER)
Commands->Send_Custom_Event( obj, Commands->Find_Object (engineer1), KILL, 0, 0.0f );
Commands->Send_Custom_Event( obj, Commands->Find_Object (engineer2), KILL, 0, 0.0f );
if (type == COUNTER)
count = param;
Commands->Send_Custom_Event( obj, Commands->Find_Object (engineer1), COUNT_UP, count, 0.0f );
Commands->Send_Custom_Event( obj, Commands->Find_Object (engineer2), COUNT_UP, count, 0.0f );
if (type == SET_ENGINEER)
if (eng_num == 0)
engineer1 = param;
engineer2 = param;
if (type == CHECK_ENGINEER)
if (param == 1)
Commands->Send_Custom_Event( obj, sender, RETURN_ENGINEER1, engineer1, 0.0f );
if (param == 2)
Commands->Send_Custom_Event( obj, sender, RETURN_ENGINEER2, engineer2, 0.0f );
if (type == 100001)
int id = Commands->Create_Conversation("MX0CON001", 99, 2000, false);
Commands->Join_Conversation (Commands->Find_Object (engineer2), id, false, true, true );
Commands->Start_Conversation(id, 100001);
Commands->Monitor_Conversation(obj, id);
if (type == 100002)
int id = Commands->Create_Conversation ("MX0CON002", 97, 2000, false);
Commands->Join_Conversation (Commands->Find_Object (engineer1), id, false, true, true );
Commands->Join_Conversation_Facing (Commands->Find_Object (engineer1), id, Commands->Get_ID (STAR));
Commands->Join_Conversation (Commands->Find_Object (engineer2), id, false, true, true );
Commands->Join_Conversation_Facing (Commands->Find_Object (engineer2), id, Commands->Get_ID (STAR));
Commands->Join_Conversation (STAR, id, true, true, true );
Commands->Start_Conversation(id, 100002);
Commands->Monitor_Conversation(obj, id);
if (type == 100003)
char *conv3[4] =
int rand_conv3 = Commands->Get_Random_Int (0, 4);
int id = Commands->Create_Conversation(conv3[rand_conv3], 97, 2000, false);
Commands->Join_Conversation (Commands->Find_Object (engineer2), id, false, true, true );
Commands->Join_Conversation_Facing (Commands->Find_Object (engineer2), id, Commands->Get_ID (STAR));
Commands->Join_Conversation (STAR, id, true, true, true );
Commands->Start_Conversation(id, 100003);
Commands->Monitor_Conversation(obj, id);
if (type == 100004)
int id = Commands->Create_Conversation("MX0CON004", 95, 2000, false);
Commands->Join_Conversation (Commands->Find_Object (engineer1), id, true, true, true );
Commands->Join_Conversation_Facing (Commands->Find_Object (engineer1), id, Commands->Get_ID (STAR));
Commands->Join_Conversation (STAR, id, true, true, true );
Commands->Start_Conversation(id, 100004);
Commands->Monitor_Conversation(obj, id);
Commands->Innate_Disable (Commands->Find_Object (engineer1));
Commands->Innate_Disable (Commands->Find_Object (engineer2));
if (type == 100005)
int id = Commands->Create_Conversation("MX0CON005", 97, 2000, false);
Commands->Join_Conversation (Commands->Find_Object (engineer2), id, false, true, true );
Commands->Join_Conversation_Facing (Commands->Find_Object (engineer2), id, Commands->Get_ID (STAR));
Commands->Join_Conversation (STAR, id, true, true, true );
Commands->Start_Conversation(id, 100005);
Commands->Monitor_Conversation(obj, id);
if (type == 100006)
if (Commands->Find_Object (sniper_1))
Commands->Send_Custom_Event( obj, Commands->Find_Object (engineer2), SNIPER_ANIM, 0, 0.0f );
Commands->Start_Timer(obj, this, 5.0f, SNIPER_REMINDER);
int id = Commands->Create_Conversation("MX0CON006", 97, 2000, false);
Commands->Join_Conversation (Commands->Find_Object (engineer2), id, false, true, true );
Commands->Join_Conversation_Facing (Commands->Find_Object (engineer2), id, Commands->Get_ID (STAR));
Commands->Join_Conversation (STAR, id, true, true, true );
Commands->Start_Conversation(id, 100006);
Commands->Monitor_Conversation(obj, id);
SniperNotify = true;
if (type == 100007)
if (Commands->Find_Object (sniper_1))
if (curr_conv7 == 0 || curr_conv7 == 2 || curr_conv7 == 4)
char *conv7[6] =
int id = Commands->Create_Conversation(conv7[curr_conv7], 97, 2000, false);
Commands->Join_Conversation (Commands->Find_Object (engineer1), id, false, true, true );
Commands->Join_Conversation (STAR, id, true, true, true );
Commands->Start_Conversation(id, 100007);
Commands->Monitor_Conversation(obj, id);
if (curr_conv7 == 1 || curr_conv7 == 3 || curr_conv7 == 5)
char *conv7[6] =
int id = Commands->Create_Conversation(conv7[curr_conv7], 97, 2000, false);
Commands->Join_Conversation (Commands->Find_Object (engineer2), id, false, true, true );
Commands->Join_Conversation (STAR, id, true, true, true );
Commands->Start_Conversation(id, 100007);
Commands->Monitor_Conversation(obj, id);
if (curr_conv7 < 5)
if (curr_conv7 >= 5)
curr_conv7 = 0;
Commands->Start_Timer(obj, this, 5.0f, SNIPER_REMINDER);
DECLARE_SCRIPT (Havoc_Script, "")
void Killed (GameObject *obj, GameObject *killer)
Commands->Mission_Complete (false);
DECLARE_SCRIPT (MX0_Engineer1, "Damage_multiplier:float")
float current_health, last_health;
int count, point_id;
bool doing_anim;
SAVE_VARIABLE( current_health, 1 );
SAVE_VARIABLE( last_health, 2 );
SAVE_VARIABLE( count, 3 );
SAVE_VARIABLE( point_id, 4 );
SAVE_VARIABLE( doing_anim, 5 );
void Created (GameObject *obj)
doing_anim = false;
count = 0;
point_id = 0;
last_health = Commands->Get_Health (obj);
Commands->Start_Timer(obj, this, 4.0f, STATIONARY);
Commands->Start_Timer(obj, this, 4.0f, POINT_ANIM);
Commands->Send_Custom_Event( obj, Commands->Find_Object (1200001), SET_ENGINEER, Commands->Get_ID (obj), 0.0f );
void Timer_Expired(GameObject * obj, int timer_id)
if (timer_id == RESEND_GOTO)
ActionParamsStruct params;
params.Set_Basic( this, 96, ENGINEER_GOTO );
params.Set_Movement( Commands->Get_Position (Commands->Find_Object (point_id)), RUN, 1.0f );
Commands->Action_Goto (obj, params);
if (timer_id == STATIONARY)
Commands->Set_Innate_Is_Stationary (obj, true);
if (timer_id == POINT_ANIM)
/*Commands->Set_Facing ( obj, Commands->Get_Facing (Commands->Find_Object (1200006)));
ActionParamsStruct params;
params.Set_Basic( this, 98, DOING_ANIMATION );
params.Set_Animation ("H_A_A0A0_L39", false);
Commands->Action_Play_Animation (obj, params);*/
ActionParamsStruct params;
params.Set_Basic( this, 96, ENGINEER_GOTO );
params.Set_Movement( Commands->Get_Position (Commands->Find_Object (1200029)), RUN, 0.8f );
Commands->Action_Goto (obj, params);
void Action_Complete (GameObject *obj, int action_id, ActionCompleteReason reason)
if (action_id == DOING_ANIMATION)
ActionParamsStruct params;
params.Set_Basic( this, 96, ENGINEER_GOTO );
params.Set_Movement( Commands->Get_Position (Commands->Find_Object (1200029)), RUN, 0.8f );
Commands->Action_Goto (obj, params);
if (action_id == HIT_ANIMATION)
doing_anim = false;
if((action_id == ENGINEER_GOTO) && (action_id != Commands->Get_Action_ID(obj)) && (!Commands->Is_Performing_Pathfind_Action(obj)) && (reason == ACTION_COMPLETE_LOW_PRIORITY))
Commands->Start_Timer (obj, this, 5.0f, RESEND_GOTO);
if (action_id == ENGINEER_GOTO && count == 3 && reason == ACTION_COMPLETE_NORMAL)
Commands->Send_Custom_Event( obj, Commands->Find_Object (1200001), 100004, 0, 0.0f );
void Damaged( GameObject * obj, GameObject * damager, float amount )
float damage;
current_health = Commands->Get_Health (obj);
if (current_health == 0)
damage = ((last_health - current_health));
damage = (last_health - current_health);
float mod_damage = (damage * (Get_Float_Parameter("Damage_multiplier")));
Commands->Set_Health (obj, (last_health - mod_damage));
last_health = Commands->Get_Health (obj);
current_health = Commands->Get_Health (obj);
if (damager == STAR && !doing_anim)
char *convs[4] =
int rand_conv = Commands->Get_Random_Int (0, 4);
int id = Commands->Create_Conversation(convs [rand_conv], 97, 2000, false);
Commands->Join_Conversation (obj, id, false, true, true );
Commands->Join_Conversation (STAR, id, true, true, true );
Commands->Start_Conversation(id, 100008);
Commands->Monitor_Conversation(obj, id);
doing_anim = true;
ActionParamsStruct params;
params.Set_Basic( this, 100, HIT_ANIMATION );
params.Set_Animation( "H_A_J21C", false );
Commands->Action_Play_Animation ( obj, params );
//Vector3 myPosition = Commands->Get_Position ( obj );
//Commands->Create_Sound ( "M04 PanicGuy 01 Twiddler", myPosition, obj );
void Animation_Complete(GameObject * obj, const char *anim)
if (stricmp(anim, "H_A_J21C") == 0)
doing_anim = false;
void Custom(GameObject * obj, int type, int param, GameObject * sender)
if (type == CROUCH_WANDER)
GameObject * sniper1 = Commands->Find_Object (param);
Commands->Unlock_Soldier_Facing (obj);
if (sniper1)
Commands->Lock_Soldier_Facing (obj, sniper1, true );
int crouch_goto [3];
crouch_goto [0] = 1200010;
crouch_goto [1] = 1200022;
crouch_goto [2] = 1200039;
int rand_goto = Commands->Get_Random_Int (0, 3);
ActionParamsStruct params;
params.Set_Basic( this, 97, CROUCH_GOTO );
params.Set_Movement( Commands->Find_Object (crouch_goto [rand_goto]), WALK, 0.2f, true );
params.AttackCrouched = true;
params.MoveCrouched = true;
Commands->Action_Goto ( obj, params );
if (type == RUN_AWAY)
Commands->Action_Reset ( obj, 100 );
ActionParamsStruct params;
params.Set_Basic( this, 97, RUN_AWAY );
params.Set_Movement( Commands->Find_Object (1200006), RUN, 1.0f, false );
Commands->Action_Goto ( obj, params );
if (type == ENGINEER_CROUCH)
Commands->Lock_Soldier_Facing (obj, STAR, true );
ActionParamsStruct params;
params.Set_Basic( this, 97, DOING_ANIMATION );
params.Set_Animation ("h_a_b0c0", true);
Commands->Action_Play_Animation (obj, params);
if (type == KILL)
ActionParamsStruct params;
params.Set_Basic( this, 95, 1 );
params.Set_Movement( Commands->Find_Object(1200021), 1.2f, 1.0f, true );
params.Set_Attack (Commands->Find_Object(1200017), 250.0f, 0.0f, 1);
params.AttackCheckBlocked = true;
Commands->Action_Attack( obj, params );
if (type == COUNT_UP)
count = param;
if (type == LEAD)
point_id = param;
ActionParamsStruct params;
params.Set_Basic( this, 96, ENGINEER_GOTO );
params.Set_Movement( Commands->Get_Position (Commands->Find_Object (point_id)), RUN, 0.8f );
Commands->Action_Goto (obj, params);
DECLARE_SCRIPT (MX0_Engineer2, "Damage_multiplier:float")
float current_health, last_health;
int count, point_id, sniper_1;
bool doing_anim;
SAVE_VARIABLE( current_health, 1 );
SAVE_VARIABLE( last_health, 2 );
SAVE_VARIABLE( count, 3 );
SAVE_VARIABLE( point_id, 4 );
SAVE_VARIABLE( doing_anim, 5 );
SAVE_VARIABLE( sniper_1, 6 );
void Created (GameObject *obj)
sniper_1 = 0;
count = 0;
point_id = 0;
last_health = Commands->Get_Health (obj);
doing_anim = false;
Commands->Start_Timer(obj, this, 4.0f, STATIONARY);
Commands->Start_Timer(obj, this, 3.5f, WAVE_ANIM);
Commands->Send_Custom_Event( obj, Commands->Find_Object (1200001), SET_ENGINEER, Commands->Get_ID (obj), 0.0f );
void Action_Complete (GameObject *obj, int action_id, ActionCompleteReason reason)
if (action_id == DOING_ANIMATION)
ActionParamsStruct params;
params.Set_Basic( this, 96, ENGINEER_GOTO );
params.Set_Movement( Commands->Get_Position (Commands->Find_Object (1200026)), RUN, 0.8f );
Commands->Action_Goto (obj, params);
Commands->Send_Custom_Event( obj, obj, 100005, 0, 0.6f );
if (action_id == HIT_ANIMATION)
doing_anim = false;
if((action_id == ENGINEER_GOTO) && (action_id != Commands->Get_Action_ID(obj)) && (!Commands->Is_Performing_Pathfind_Action(obj)) && (reason == ACTION_COMPLETE_LOW_PRIORITY || reason == ACTION_COMPLETE_PATH_BAD_DEST))
Commands->Start_Timer (obj, this, 5.0f, RESEND_GOTO);
if (action_id == ENGINEER_GOTO && count == 4 && reason == ACTION_COMPLETE_NORMAL)
Commands->Send_Custom_Event( obj, Commands->Find_Object (1200001), ENGINEER_CROUCH, 0, 0.0f );
Commands->Lock_Soldier_Facing (obj, STAR, true );
/*Vector3 direction = Commands->Get_Position (STAR) - Commands->Get_Position (obj);
float angle = RAD_TO_DEGF(WWMath::Atan2(direction.Y,direction.X));
Commands->Set_Facing ( obj, angle );*/
ActionParamsStruct params;
params.Set_Basic( this, 97, DOING_ANIMATION );
params.Set_Animation ("h_a_b0c0", true);
Commands->Action_Play_Animation (obj, params);
void Timer_Expired(GameObject * obj, int timer_id)
if (timer_id == CROUCH_GOTO)
GameObject * sniper1 = Commands->Find_Object (sniper_1);
Commands->Unlock_Soldier_Facing (obj);
if (sniper1)
Commands->Lock_Soldier_Facing (obj, sniper1, true );
int crouch_goto [3];
crouch_goto [0] = 1200011;
crouch_goto [1] = 1200021;
crouch_goto [2] = 1200040;
int rand_goto = Commands->Get_Random_Int (0, 3);
ActionParamsStruct params;
params.Set_Basic( this, 97, CROUCH_GOTO );
params.Set_Movement( Commands->Find_Object (crouch_goto [rand_goto]), WALK, 0.2f, true );
params.AttackCrouched = true;
params.MoveCrouched = true;
Commands->Action_Goto ( obj, params );
if (timer_id == RESEND_GOTO)
ActionParamsStruct params;
params.Set_Basic( this, 96, ENGINEER_GOTO );
params.Set_Movement( Commands->Get_Position (Commands->Find_Object (point_id)), RUN, 1.0f );
Commands->Action_Goto (obj, params);
if (timer_id == STATIONARY)
Commands->Set_Innate_Is_Stationary (obj, true);
/*if (timer_id == 990 && Commands->Find_Object (1200017))
Commands->Send_Custom_Event( obj, Commands->Find_Object (1200001), 100007, 0, 0.0f );
if (timer_id == 989 && Commands->Find_Object (1200017) && count == 5)
//Commands->Send_Custom_Event( obj, Commands->Find_Object (1200001), 100006, 0, 0.0f );
if (timer_id == WAVE_ANIM)
ActionParamsStruct params;
params.Set_Basic( this, 98, DOING_ANIMATION );
params.Set_Animation ("H_A_A0A0_L32", false);
Commands->Action_Play_Animation (obj, params);
void Damaged( GameObject * obj, GameObject * damager, float amount )
float damage;
current_health = Commands->Get_Health (obj);
if (current_health == 0)
damage = ((last_health - current_health));
damage = (last_health - current_health);
float mod_damage = (damage * (Get_Float_Parameter("Damage_multiplier")));
Commands->Set_Health (obj, (last_health - mod_damage));
last_health = Commands->Get_Health (obj);
current_health = Commands->Get_Health (obj);
if (damager == STAR && !doing_anim)
char *convs[4] =
int rand_conv = Commands->Get_Random_Int (0, 4);
int id = Commands->Create_Conversation(convs [rand_conv], 97, 2000, false);
Commands->Join_Conversation (obj, id, false, true, true );
Commands->Join_Conversation (STAR, id, true, true, true );
Commands->Start_Conversation(id, 100008);
Commands->Monitor_Conversation(obj, id);
doing_anim = true;
ActionParamsStruct params;
params.Set_Basic( this, 100, HIT_ANIMATION );
params.Set_Animation( "H_A_J21C", false );
Commands->Action_Play_Animation ( obj, params );
//Vector3 myPosition = Commands->Get_Position ( obj );
//Commands->Create_Sound ( "M04 PanicGuy 01 Twiddler", myPosition, obj );
void Animation_Complete(GameObject * obj, const char *anim)
if (stricmp(anim, "H_A_J21C") == 0)
doing_anim = false;
void Custom(GameObject * obj, int type, int param, GameObject * sender)
if (type == CROUCH_WANDER)
sniper_1 = param;
Commands->Start_Timer (obj, this, 5.0f, CROUCH_GOTO);
if (type == RUN_AWAY)
Commands->Action_Reset ( obj, 100 );
ActionParamsStruct params;
params.Set_Basic( this, 97, RUN_AWAY );
params.Set_Movement( Commands->Find_Object (1200007), RUN, 1.0f, false );
Commands->Action_Goto ( obj, params );
if (type == SNIPER_ANIM)
Vector3 direction = Commands->Get_Position (STAR) - Commands->Get_Position (obj);
float angle = RAD_TO_DEGF(WWMath::Atan2(direction.Y,direction.X));
Commands->Set_Facing ( obj, angle );
Commands->Action_Reset(obj, 100);
Commands->Set_Animation (obj, "H_A_A0A0_L53", false, NULL, 0.0F, -1.0F, true );
/*ActionParamsStruct params;
params.Set_Basic( this, 98, DOING_ANIMATION );
params.Set_Animation ("H_A_A0A0_L53", false);
Commands->Action_Play_Animation (obj, params);*/
if (type == KILL)
ActionParamsStruct params;
params.Set_Basic( this, 95, 1 );
params.Set_Movement( Commands->Find_Object(1200022), 1.2f, 1.0f, true );
params.Set_Attack (Commands->Find_Object(1200017), 250.0f, 0.0f, 1);
params.AttackCheckBlocked = true;
Commands->Action_Attack( obj, params );
if (type == COUNT_UP)
count = param;
if (type == LEAD)
point_id = param;
ActionParamsStruct params;
params.Set_Basic( this, 96, ENGINEER_GOTO );
params.Set_Movement( Commands->Get_Position (Commands->Find_Object (point_id)), RUN, 0.8f );
Commands->Action_Goto (obj, params);
DECLARE_SCRIPT(MX0_Engineer_Return, "")
bool already_entered;
SAVE_VARIABLE( already_entered, 1 );
void Created (GameObject * obj)
already_entered = false;
void Entered (GameObject * obj, GameObject * enterer)
if (!already_entered)
already_entered = true;
Commands->Send_Custom_Event( obj, Commands->Find_Object (1200001), ENGINEER_RETURN, 1, 0.0f );
DECLARE_SCRIPT(MX0_Engineer_Goto, "GotoDest1:int, GotoDest2:int, Count:int")
bool already_entered;
SAVE_VARIABLE( already_entered, 1 );
void Created (GameObject * obj)
already_entered = false;
void Custom (GameObject *obj, int type, int param, GameObject *sender)
if (type == RETURN_ENGINEER1)
Commands->Send_Custom_Event( obj, Commands->Find_Object (param), LEAD, Get_Int_Parameter("GotoDest1"), 0.0f );
if (type == RETURN_ENGINEER2)
Commands->Send_Custom_Event( obj, Commands->Find_Object (param), LEAD, Get_Int_Parameter("GotoDest2"), 0.0f );
void Entered (GameObject * obj, GameObject * enterer)
if (!already_entered)
already_entered = true;
Commands->Send_Custom_Event( obj, Commands->Find_Object (1200001), COUNTER, Get_Int_Parameter("Count"), 0.0f );
Commands->Send_Custom_Event( obj, Commands->Find_Object (1200001), CHECK_ENGINEER, 1, 0.0f );
Commands->Send_Custom_Event( obj, Commands->Find_Object (1200001), CHECK_ENGINEER, 2, 0.0f );
/*GameObject * engineer = Commands->Find_Object (Get_Int_Parameter("GotoObject"));
Commands->Send_Custom_Event( obj, engineer, LEAD, Get_Int_Parameter("GotoDest"), 0.0f );*/
DECLARE_SCRIPT(MX0_Engineer_Goto2, "GotoDest1:int, GotoDest2:int, Count:int")
bool already_entered;
SAVE_VARIABLE( already_entered, 1 );
void Created (GameObject * obj)
already_entered = false;
void Custom (GameObject *obj, int type, int param, GameObject *sender)
if (type == RETURN_ENGINEER1)
Commands->Send_Custom_Event( obj, Commands->Find_Object (param), LEAD, Get_Int_Parameter("GotoDest1"), 0.0f );
if (type == RETURN_ENGINEER2)
Commands->Send_Custom_Event( obj, Commands->Find_Object (param), LEAD, Get_Int_Parameter("GotoDest2"), 0.0f );
if (type == SEND_EM)
Commands->Send_Custom_Event( obj, Commands->Find_Object (1200001), RUNNING_CONV, 1, 0.0f );
Commands->Send_Custom_Event( obj, Commands->Find_Object (1200001), COUNTER, Get_Int_Parameter("Count"), 0.0f );
Commands->Send_Custom_Event( obj, Commands->Find_Object (1200001), CHECK_ENGINEER, 1, 0.0f );
Commands->Send_Custom_Event( obj, Commands->Find_Object (1200001), CHECK_ENGINEER, 2, 0.0f );
void Timer_Expired (GameObject* obj, int timer_id)
if (timer_id == FIRE_HELP)
void Entered (GameObject * obj, GameObject * enterer)
if (!already_entered)
if (Get_Int_Parameter("Count") != 5)
already_entered = true;
//Commands->Send_Custom_Event( obj, Commands->Find_Object (1200001), 100004, 1, 0.0f );
if (Get_Int_Parameter("Count") == 5)
already_entered = true;
Commands->Start_Timer(obj, this, 3.0f, FIRE_HELP);
Commands->Send_Custom_Event( obj, Commands->Find_Object (1200001), CROUCH_WANDER, 0, 0.0f );
Commands->Send_Custom_Event( obj, Commands->Find_Object (1200001), 100006, 1, 0.0f );
DECLARE_SCRIPT(MX0_Kill_Sniper, "")
bool already_entered;
SAVE_VARIABLE( already_entered, 1 );
void Created (GameObject * obj)
already_entered = false;
void Entered (GameObject * obj, GameObject * enterer)
if (!already_entered)
already_entered = true;
if (Commands->Find_Object (1200017))
Commands->Send_Custom_Event( obj, Commands->Find_Object (1200001), KILL_SNIPER, 0, 0.0f );
bool already_entered;
SAVE_VARIABLE( already_entered, 1 );
void Created (GameObject * obj)
already_entered = false;
void Timer_Expired (GameObject* obj, int timer_id)
if (timer_id == TROOP_DROP)
Vector3 drop_loc = Commands->Get_Position ( Commands->Find_Object(1200018));
float chin_face = Commands->Get_Facing ( Commands->Find_Object(1200018));
GameObject * chinook_obj = Commands->Create_Object ( "Invisible_Object", drop_loc);
Commands->Set_Facing(chinook_obj, chin_face);
Commands->Attach_Script(chinook_obj, "Test_Cinematic", "MX0_C130Troopdrop.txt");
drop_loc = Commands->Get_Position ( Commands->Find_Object(1200020));
chin_face = Commands->Get_Facing ( Commands->Find_Object(1200020));
GameObject * chinook_obj2 = Commands->Create_Object ( "Invisible_Object", drop_loc);
Commands->Set_Facing(chinook_obj2, chin_face);
Commands->Attach_Script(chinook_obj2, "Test_Cinematic", "MX0_C130Troopdrop2.txt");
void Entered (GameObject * obj, GameObject * enterer)
if (!already_entered)
already_entered = true;
Vector3 drop_loc = Commands->Get_Position ( Commands->Find_Object(1200018));
float chin_face = Commands->Get_Facing ( Commands->Find_Object(1200018));
GameObject * chinook_obj = Commands->Create_Object ( "Invisible_Object", drop_loc);
Commands->Set_Facing(chinook_obj, chin_face);
Commands->Attach_Script(chinook_obj, "Test_Cinematic", "MX0_C130Troopdrop.txt");
drop_loc = Commands->Get_Position ( Commands->Find_Object(1200020));
chin_face = Commands->Get_Facing ( Commands->Find_Object(1200020));
GameObject * chinook_obj2 = Commands->Create_Object ( "Invisible_Object", drop_loc);
Commands->Set_Facing(chinook_obj2, chin_face);
Commands->Attach_Script(chinook_obj2, "Test_Cinematic", "MX0_C130Troopdrop2.txt");
Commands->Start_Timer(obj, this, 3.0f, TROOP_DROP);
Commands->Send_Custom_Event( obj, Commands->Find_Object (1200001), START_SNIPER, 0, 0.0f );
DECLARE_SCRIPT (MX0_AmbientBattle, "")
int battle_sound;
SAVE_VARIABLE( battle_sound, 1 );
void Created (GameObject *obj)
Timer_Expired (obj, AMB_SOUND);
void Timer_Expired (GameObject* obj, int timer_id)
if (timer_id == AMB_SOUND)
battle_sound = Commands->Create_Sound ( "MX0_AmbientBattle_DME", Commands->Get_Position(obj), obj );
Commands->Monitor_Sound (obj, battle_sound);
void Custom (GameObject * obj, int type, int param, GameObject * sender)
if(type == CUSTOM_EVENT_SOUND_ENDED && param == battle_sound)
Commands->Start_Timer(obj, this, 3.0f, AMB_SOUND);
DECLARE_SCRIPT (MX0_SniperAction, "FaceObj:int")
float current_health, last_health;
SAVE_VARIABLE( current_health, 1 );
SAVE_VARIABLE( last_health, 2 );
void Created (GameObject *obj)
last_health = Commands->Get_Health (obj);
Commands->Innate_Disable (obj);
void Custom (GameObject * obj, int type, int param, GameObject * sender)
if(type == START_SNIPER)
Commands->Start_Timer(obj, this, 5.0f, SNIPE);
void Damaged( GameObject * obj, GameObject * damager, float amount )
Commands->Apply_Damage(obj, 10000.0f, "Blamokiller");
if ( damager == STAR )
Commands->Apply_Damage( obj, 10000.0f, "Blamokiller", STAR );
bool reveal = Commands->Reveal_Encyclopedia_Character( 41 );
if ( reveal == 1 )
Commands->Apply_Damage(obj, 10000.0f, "Blamokiller");
void Timer_Expired (GameObject* obj, int timer_id)
if (timer_id == SNIPE)
ActionParamsStruct params;
params.Set_Basic( this, 99, 1 );
params.Set_Movement( obj, 0.0, 5.0, true );
params.Set_Attack (Commands->Find_Object(Get_Int_Parameter("FaceObj")), 250.0f, 0.0f, 1);
params.AttackCheckBlocked = false;
Commands->Action_Attack( obj, params );
DECLARE_SCRIPT (MX0_KillNotify, "")
bool hit;
SAVE_VARIABLE( hit, 1 );
void Created (GameObject *obj)
hit = false;
void Damaged (GameObject *obj, GameObject *damager)
if (damager == STAR)
hit = true;
void Custom (GameObject *obj, int type, int param, GameObject *sender)
if(type == START_SNIPER)
Commands->Start_Timer(obj, this, 3.0f, SNIPE_CONV);
Commands->Start_Timer(obj, this, 7.0f, SNIPE_CONV2);
void Timer_Expired (GameObject* obj, int timer_id)
if (timer_id == SNIPE_CONV)
int id = Commands->Create_Conversation("MX0CON020", 95, 2000, false);
Commands->Join_Conversation (obj, id, true, true, true );
Commands->Start_Conversation(id, 100020);
Commands->Monitor_Conversation(obj, id);
if (timer_id == SNIPE_CONV2)
int id = Commands->Create_Conversation("MX0CON021", 99, 2000, false);
Commands->Join_Conversation (obj, id, true, true, true );
Commands->Start_Conversation(id, 100021);
Commands->Monitor_Conversation(obj, id);
Commands->Start_Timer(obj, this, 5.0f, SNIPE_CONV_DONE);
if (timer_id == SNIPE_CONV_DONE)
if (hit)
char *snipe_conv[6] =
int rand_conv_snipe = Commands->Get_Random_Int (0, 6);
int id = Commands->Create_Conversation(snipe_conv[rand_conv_snipe], 95, 2000, false);
Commands->Join_Conversation (obj, id, true, true, true );
Commands->Start_Conversation(id, 100021);
Commands->Monitor_Conversation(obj, id);
Commands->Start_Timer(obj, this, 5.0f, SNIPE_CONV_DONE);
void Killed (GameObject *obj, GameObject *killer)
if (killer == STAR)
Commands->Send_Custom_Event( obj, Commands->Find_Object (1200001), SNIPER1KILLED, 0, 0.0f );
DECLARE_SCRIPT(DAK_MX0_Sec_3_Humvee, "" )
void Entered ( GameObject *obj, GameObject *enterer )
ActionParamsStruct params;
params.Set_Basic( this, 100, 100 ); //MX0_HUMVEE_WAYPATH_01_DAK
params.Set_Movement( Vector3(0,0,0), 0.5f, 5 );
params.WaypathID = 1400037;
params.WaypointStartID = 1400038;
GameObject *humvee = Commands->Find_Object( 1400035 ); // gets pointer to section 3 Humvee
Commands->Action_Goto( humvee, params );
Commands->Debug_Message( "***** DAK_MX0_Sec_3_Humvee:Entered code exectued.\n" );
#include "scripts.h"
#include "MissionX0.h"
void Created( GameObject *obj )
Vector3 home_pos = Commands->Get_Position( obj );
Commands->Set_Innate_Soldier_Home_Location( obj, home_pos, 5);
// disable innate
Commands->Innate_Disable( obj );
Commands->Set_Innate_Is_Stationary(obj, true);
void Custom( GameObject *obj, int type, int param, GameObject *sender )
Commands->Innate_Enable ( obj );
Commands->Set_Innate_Is_Stationary(obj, false);
int Trooper_One_Id;
bool first_time;
SAVE_VARIABLE(first_time, 1);
void Created (GameObject *obj)
first_time = true;
void Action_Complete(GameObject * obj, int action_id, ActionCompleteReason reason)
if ( action_id == 1 )
// start orca Cinematic.
GameObject * orca = Commands->Create_Object ( "Invisible_Object", Vector3 (0, 0, 0));
Commands->Attach_Script ( orca, "Test_Cinematic", "X0F_Harvester.txt" );
// send custom to self to fire off orca "spotted harvester" conversation
Commands->Send_Custom_Event( obj, obj, 1, 0, 1.5 );
// send custom to harvester to damage self ( 1st time )
GameObject *harvester = Commands->Find_Object( MX0_A03_NOD_HARVESTER_ID );
Commands->Send_Custom_Event( obj, harvester, MX0_A03_CUSTOM_NOD_HARVESTER_DMG_SELF, 4, (1 + 198/30) );
// send custom to harvester to damage self ( 2nd time )
Commands->Send_Custom_Event( obj, harvester, MX0_A03_CUSTOM_NOD_HARVESTER_DMG_SELF, 3, (1 + 260/30) );
// send custom to harvester to damage self ( 3rd time )
Commands->Send_Custom_Event( obj, harvester, MX0_A03_CUSTOM_NOD_HARVESTER_DMG_SELF, 3, (1 + 272/30) );
// send custom to self to fire off orca "finished and departing" conversation
Commands->Send_Custom_Event( obj, obj, 2, 0, 9.5 );
void Entered ( GameObject *obj, GameObject *enterer )
if (first_time)
// start section 3 music.
Commands->Fade_Background_Music ( "Level 0 Tiberium.mp3", 2, 2 );
// "Eagle Base, we must be close. There's a NOD Harvester here..."
const char *conv_name = ("MX0_A03_02");
int conv_id = Commands->Create_Conversation (conv_name);
Commands->Join_Conversation(NULL, conv_id, true, true, true);
Commands->Start_Conversation (conv_id, 1);
Commands->Monitor_Conversation (obj, conv_id);
// bring in GDI Medium Tank
GameObject *Tank_Drop = Commands->Find_Object ( MX0_A03_GDI_TANK_DROP_ID );
if ( Tank_Drop )
// Commands->Debug_Message( "***** DAK ***** sending custom, dropping Medium tank\n" );
Commands->Attach_Script ( Tank_Drop, "Test_Cinematic", "XG_A03_Tank_Drop.txt" );
first_time = false;
void Custom( GameObject *obj, int type, int param, GameObject *sender )
if ( type == 1 )
// "Orca6: "Orca 6 to Eagle Base. I have visual on the harvester. Starting my run, now."
const char *conv_name = ("MX0_A03_03");
int conv_id = Commands->Create_Conversation (conv_name);
Commands->Join_Conversation(NULL, conv_id, true, true, true);
Commands->Start_Conversation (conv_id, 1);
if ( type == 2 )
// get Trooper 1
GameObject *controller = Commands->Find_Object( MX0_A03_CONTROLLER_ID );
if ( controller )
Commands->Send_Custom_Event( obj, controller , M00_SEND_OBJECT_ID, 12, 0 );
GameObject *Trooper_One = Commands->Find_Object( Trooper_One_Id );
// "Trooper1: Woah. "That Rocked!" Orca6: "This is Orca 6 -- bingo Fuel. Returning to Base..."
int conv_id = Commands->Create_Conversation ( "MX0_A03_04" );
Commands->Join_Conversation(Trooper_One, conv_id, false, false, true);
Commands->Join_Conversation(NULL, conv_id, true, true, true);
Commands->Start_Conversation (conv_id, 2);
// start Trooper1 attacking Buggie.
if (Trooper_One)
Commands->Send_Custom_Event( obj, Trooper_One, 5, 0, 0 );
// send custom to trooper1 to fire off "Blast that harvester for us sir!" after 10 seconds.
if (Trooper_One)
Commands->Send_Custom_Event( obj, Trooper_One, 3, 0, 10 );
if ( type == M00_SEND_OBJECT_ID )
Trooper_One_Id = param;
int troop_num;
SAVE_VARIABLE(troop_num, 1);
void Created ( GameObject *obj )
troop_num = Get_Int_Parameter( "troop_num" );
GameObject *controller = Commands->Find_Object( MX0_A03_CONTROLLER_ID );
if ( controller )
Commands->Send_Custom_Event( obj, controller, MX0_A03_CUSTOM_NOD_LEDGE_CREATED, 0, 0);
if (troop_num == 1 )
Commands->Attach_Script( obj, "M00_Send_Object_ID", "1400041,15,0"); // sending id to A03 Controller
Commands->Attach_Script( obj, "M00_Send_Object_ID", "1400041,17,0"); // sending id to A03 Controller
void Animation_Complete(GameObject * obj, const char *anim)
if (stricmp(anim, "S_A_Human.H_A_TroopDrop") == 0)
Commands->Send_Custom_Event( obj, obj, 1, 0, 0.33f );
void Action_Complete( GameObject *obj, int action_id, ActionCompleteReason complete_reason )
if ( action_id == 0 )
Commands->Set_Innate_Is_Stationary( obj, true );
void Custom ( GameObject *obj, int type, int param, GameObject *target )
if (type == 0) // GDI troop is attacking you! attack back!
if ( target )
ActionParamsStruct params;
params.Set_Basic(this, INNATE_PRIORITY_ENEMY_SEEN, 1);
params.Set_Attack(target, 100.0f, 0.75f, true);
Commands->Action_Attack( obj, params );
if (type == 1) // you've landed! move to your position.
Commands->Action_Reset( obj, 100 );
if (troop_num == 1 ) // move to left pos.
ActionParamsStruct params;
params.Set_Basic(this, INNATE_PRIORITY_ENEMY_SEEN, 0);
// Commands->Debug_Message( "***** DAK ***** Setting NOD Ledge Troop 1 to move to left position.\n" );
params.Set_Movement( Commands->Find_Object( MX0_A03_NOD_LEDGE_LEFT_LOC_ID ), RUN, 0.25f );
Commands->Action_Goto (obj, params);
else // move to right pos.
ActionParamsStruct params;
params.Set_Basic(this, INNATE_PRIORITY_ENEMY_SEEN, 0);
// Commands->Debug_Message( "***** DAK ***** Setting NOD Ledge Troop 2 to move to right position.\n" );
params.Set_Movement( Commands->Find_Object( MX0_A03_NOD_LEDGE_RIGHT_LOC_ID ), RUN, 0.25f );
Commands->Action_Goto (obj, params);
void Killed ( GameObject *obj, GameObject *killer )
GameObject *controller = Commands->Find_Object( MX0_A03_CONTROLLER_ID );
if ( controller )
Commands->Send_Custom_Event( obj, controller, MX0_A03_CUSTOM_NOD_LEDGE_KILLED, troop_num, 2);
DECLARE_SCRIPT(MX0_A03_GDI_INFANTRY, "troop_num:int" )
int troop_num;
int Current_Target;
SAVE_VARIABLE(troop_num, 1);
SAVE_VARIABLE(Current_Target, 2);
void Created ( GameObject *obj )
troop_num = Get_Int_Parameter( "troop_num" );
// disable inate
// Commands->Innate_Disable (obj);
Commands->Attach_Script( obj, "M00_Damage_Modifier_DME", "0.15,0,1,1,1"); // Setting Damage Modifier.
if ( troop_num == 1 )
// first Drop Troop stuff. GDI Minigunner Officer
// send id to controller.
Commands->Attach_Script( obj, "M00_Send_Object_ID", "1400041,3,0"); // sending first Drop Troop id to A03 Controller
// move to your Position
Commands->Action_Reset( obj, 100 );
ActionParamsStruct params;
params.Set_Basic ( this, 91, 0 );
params.Set_Movement( Commands->Find_Object( MX0_A03_DROP_TROOP_ONE_LOC_ID ), RUN, 0.25f );
Commands->Action_Goto (obj, params);
if ( troop_num == 2 )
// second Drop Troop stuff. GDI Minigunner
// send id to controller.
Commands->Attach_Script( obj, "M00_Send_Object_ID", "1400041,5,0"); // sending second Drop Troop id to A03 Controller.
// move to your Position
Commands->Action_Reset( obj, 100 );
ActionParamsStruct params;
params.Set_Basic ( this, 91, 0 );
params.Set_Movement( Commands->Find_Object( MX0_A03_DROP_TROOP_TWO_LOC_ID ), RUN, 0.25f );
Commands->Action_Goto (obj, params);
if ( troop_num == 3 )
// third Drop Troop stuff. GDI Rocket Soldier
// send id to controller.
Commands->Attach_Script( obj, "M00_Send_Object_ID", "1400041,7,0"); // sending third Drop Troop id to A03 Controller.
// set target
Current_Target = MX0_A03_NOD_HARVESTER_ID;
// move to your Position
Commands->Action_Reset( obj, 100 );
ActionParamsStruct params;
params.Set_Basic ( this, 91, 1 );
params.Set_Movement( Commands->Find_Object( MX0_A03_DROP_TROOP_THREE_LOC_ID ), RUN, 0.25f );
Commands->Action_Goto (obj, params);
void Action_Complete( GameObject *obj, int action_id, ActionCompleteReason complete_reason)
if (action_id == 0 ) // first movement finished. begin attacking.
Commands->Set_Innate_Is_Stationary( obj, true );
if (action_id == 1) // Rocket Launcher is finished moving. begin attacking
Commands->Set_Innate_Is_Stationary( obj, true );
Commands->Send_Custom_Event( obj, obj, 0, 0, 0 );
if (action_id == 2) // Rocket Launcher finished attacking harvester. attack buggie.
Current_Target = MX0_A03_NOD_BUGGIE_ID;
Commands->Send_Custom_Event( obj, obj, 0, 0, 0 );
void Custom ( GameObject *obj, int type, int param, GameObject *sender )
if ( type == 0 ) // Rocket troop attack
GameObject *target = Commands->Find_Object( Current_Target );
if ( target )
ActionParamsStruct params;
params.Set_Basic(this, INNATE_PRIORITY_ENEMY_SEEN, 2);
params.Set_Attack(target, 60.0f, 0.25f, true);
Commands->Action_Attack(obj, params);
bool First_Time;
SAVE_VARIABLE(First_Time, 1);
void Created ( GameObject *obj)
First_Time = true;
void Entered ( GameObject *obj, GameObject *enterer )
if ( First_Time )
GameObject *Troop_Drop = Commands->Find_Object ( MX0_A03_GDI_TROOP_DROP_ID );
if ( Troop_Drop )
// Commands->Debug_Message( "***** sending custom, dropping 3 infantry\n" );
Commands->Attach_Script ( Troop_Drop, "Test_Cinematic", "MX0_A03_GDI_TroopDrop.txt" );
First_Time = false;
bool First_Time;
SAVE_VARIABLE(First_Time, 1);
void Created ( GameObject *obj)
First_Time = true;
void Entered ( GameObject *obj, GameObject *enterer )
if ( First_Time )
// Fly in Med Tank and attack turrets
GameObject *Tank_Drop = Commands->Find_Object ( MX0_A03_GDI_TANK_DROP_ID );
if ( Tank_Drop )
// Commands->Debug_Message( "***** sending custom, dropping Medium tank\n" );
Commands->Attach_Script ( Tank_Drop, "Test_Cinematic", "XG_A03_Tank_Drop.txt" );
First_Time = false;
int Humvee_Id;
int Trooper_One_Id;
int Havoc_Tank_Id;
int GDI_Drop_Tank_Id;
int GDI_Drop_Troop_One_Id;
int GDI_Drop_Troop_Two_Id;
int GDI_Drop_Troop_Three_Id;
int num_NOD_Turret;
int num_Ledge_Troops;
int Nod_Ledge_One_Id;
int Nod_Ledge_Two_Id;
int target;
bool harvester_Dead;
bool buggie_Dead;
bool zone_not_finished;
int num_drops;
SAVE_VARIABLE(Humvee_Id, 1);
SAVE_VARIABLE(GDI_Drop_Troop_One_Id, 2);
SAVE_VARIABLE(GDI_Drop_Troop_Two_Id, 3);
SAVE_VARIABLE(GDI_Drop_Troop_Three_Id, 4);
SAVE_VARIABLE(Trooper_One_Id, 6);
SAVE_VARIABLE(Havoc_Tank_Id, 7);
SAVE_VARIABLE(num_NOD_Turret, 8);
SAVE_VARIABLE(num_Ledge_Troops, 9);
SAVE_VARIABLE(Nod_Ledge_One_Id, 10);
SAVE_VARIABLE(Nod_Ledge_Two_Id, 11);
SAVE_VARIABLE(target, 12);
SAVE_VARIABLE(harvester_Dead, 14);
SAVE_VARIABLE(num_drops, 15);
SAVE_VARIABLE(buggie_Dead, 16);
SAVE_VARIABLE(zone_not_finished, 17);
void Created( GameObject *obj )
num_drops = 1;
harvester_Dead = false;
buggie_Dead = false;
num_NOD_Turret = 0;
num_Ledge_Troops = 0;
zone_not_finished = true;
void Custom ( GameObject *obj, int type, int param, GameObject *sender )
if ( type == 0 )
// check to see if both buggie and harvester are dead.
if ( buggie_Dead && harvester_Dead )
if ( zone_not_finished )
Commands->Send_Custom_Event( obj, obj, MX0_A03_CUSTOM_TYPE_END_ZONE, 0, 0);
GameObject *end_zone = Commands->Find_Object (MX0_A03_END_ZONE_ID );
Commands->Send_Custom_Event( obj, end_zone, MX0_A03_CUSTOM_LOCK_END_ZONE, 0, 0 );
num_NOD_Turret = num_NOD_Turret + 1;
num_NOD_Turret = num_NOD_Turret - 1;
if ( num_NOD_Turret == 0 )
num_Ledge_Troops = num_Ledge_Troops + 1;
if ( type == MX0_A03_CUSTOM_NOD_LEDGE_KILLED )
num_Ledge_Troops = num_Ledge_Troops - 1;
if ( num_Ledge_Troops == 0 && num_drops < 5 && !harvester_Dead ) // all ledge troops have been killed. bring in some more
GameObject * minigunners = Commands->Create_Object ( "Invisible_Object", Commands->Get_Position( Commands->Find_Object ( MX0_A03_NOD_LEDGE_DROP_LOC_ID )));
Commands->Attach_Script ( minigunners, "Test_Cinematic", "MX0_A03_NOD_LedgeDrop.txt" );
if ( type == MX0_A03_CUSTOM_TYPE_END_ZONE )
zone_not_finished = false;
// Additional GDI troop drop
GameObject * chinook_obj2 = Commands->Create_Object ( "Invisible_Object", Commands->Get_Position(Commands->Find_Object(1500051)));
Commands->Set_Facing(chinook_obj2, 0.0f);
Commands->Attach_Script(chinook_obj2, "Test_Cinematic", "MX0_GDI_TroopDrop_Area4.txt");
// Move Drop Tank up to section 4
GameObject *tank = Commands->Find_Object( GDI_Drop_Tank_Id );
if ( tank )
Commands->Action_Reset( tank, 100 );
ActionParamsStruct params;
params.Set_Basic ( this, 91, 1 );
params.Set_Movement( Vector3(0,0,0), 1.0f, 1 );
params.WaypathID = MX0_A03_WAYPATH_TANK_ID;
Commands->Action_Goto (tank, params);
// Move Humvee up to Section 4
GameObject *humvee = Commands->Find_Object( Humvee_Id );
if (humvee)
Commands->Send_Custom_Event( obj, humvee, 3, 0, 1.25f);
// Move Trooper 1 up to Seciton 4
GameObject *trooper_one = Commands->Find_Object( Trooper_One_Id );
if ( trooper_one )
Commands->Send_Custom_Event( obj, trooper_one, 2, 0, 0);
//Commands->Debug_Message( "***** DAK ***** custom sent to trooper 1.\n" );
if ( type == MX0_A03_CUSTOM_TYPE_START_ZONE )
Commands->Scale_AI_Awareness( 2, 1 );
// create humvee
GameObject *humvee = Commands->Find_Object ( MX0_A03_HUMVEE_DROP_ID );
if ( humvee )
Commands->Debug_Message( "***** sending custom, dropping humvee, attaching script\n" );
Commands->Attach_Script ( humvee, "Test_Cinematic", "XG_A03_HumveeDrop_B.txt" );
// begin moving NOD Buggie
GameObject *buggie = Commands->Find_Object ( MX0_A03_NOD_BUGGIE_ID );
if ( buggie )
Commands->Send_Custom_Event( obj, buggie, 1, 0, 0 );
// attach my Trooper1 script to Trooper1 passed from rich.
GameObject *trooper_one = Commands->Find_Object( Trooper_One_Id );
if (trooper_one)
Commands->Attach_Script( trooper_one, "MX0_A03_GDI_TROOPER_ONE", "" );
// move trooper1 up to first A03 position.
Commands->Send_Custom_Event( obj, trooper_one, 1, 0, 2);
// enable placed minigunners
GameObject *minigunner_one = Commands->Find_Object ( MX0_A03_NOD_PLACED_MINIGUNNER_ONE_ID);
if (minigunner_one)
Commands->Send_Custom_Event( obj, minigunner_one, MX0_A03_CUSTOM_NOD_PLACED_MINIGUNNER_INNATE_ENABLE, 0, 0);
GameObject *minigunner_two = Commands->Find_Object ( MX0_A03_NOD_PLACED_MINIGUNNER_TWO_ID);
if (minigunner_two)
Commands->Send_Custom_Event( obj, minigunner_two, MX0_A03_CUSTOM_NOD_PLACED_MINIGUNNER_INNATE_ENABLE, 0, 0);
if ( type == MX0_A03_CUSTOM_BUGGIE_DEAD )
buggie_Dead = true;
/* if ( zone_not_finished )
GameObject *Trooper_One = Commands->Find_Object( Trooper_One_Id );
int rand = Commands->Get_Random_Int( 1, 2 );
if ( rand == 1 )
// Trooper1: "Standing in Tiberium...Not Smart.
int conv_id = Commands->Create_Conversation ( "MX0_A03_06" );
Commands->Join_Conversation( Trooper_One, conv_id, false, false, true);
Commands->Start_Conversation (conv_id, 0);
// Trooper1: "What was he thinking? Standing in a Tiberium field!"
int conv_id = Commands->Create_Conversation ( "MX0_A03_07" );
Commands->Join_Conversation( Trooper_One, conv_id, false, false, true);
Commands->Start_Conversation (conv_id, 0);
// send custom to controller to see if END zone.
Commands->Send_Custom_Event( obj, obj, 0, 0, 0 );
if ( type == MX0_A03_CUSTOM_HARVESTER_DEAD )
harvester_Dead = true;
GameObject *Trooper_One = Commands->Find_Object( Trooper_One_Id );
if ( zone_not_finished )
if (Trooper_One)
GameObject *Trooper_One = Commands->Find_Object( Trooper_One_Id );
// Trooper1: "Nice! That'll cost 'em!"
int conv_id = Commands->Create_Conversation ( "MX0_A03_08" );
Commands->Join_Conversation( Trooper_One, conv_id, false, false, true);
Commands->Start_Conversation (conv_id, 0);
// set trooper 1 to not play "Destroy Harvester havoc..." line
if (Trooper_One)
Commands->Send_Custom_Event( obj, Trooper_One, 4, 0, 0 );
// send custom to controller to see if END zone.
Commands->Send_Custom_Event( obj, obj, 0, 0, 0 );
if ( type == M00_SEND_OBJECT_ID )
if ( param == 1 )
Humvee_Id = Commands->Get_ID( sender ); // get humvee Id.
if ( param == 2 ) // send humvee Id.
Commands->Send_Custom_Event( obj, sender, M00_SEND_OBJECT_ID, Humvee_Id, 0 );
if ( param == 3 )
GDI_Drop_Troop_One_Id = Commands->Get_ID( sender ); // get GDI_Drop_Troop_One Id.
if ( param == 4 )
Commands->Send_Custom_Event( obj, sender, M00_SEND_OBJECT_ID, GDI_Drop_Troop_One_Id, 0 );
if ( param == 5 )
GDI_Drop_Troop_Two_Id = Commands->Get_ID( sender ); // get GDI_Drop_Troop_Two Id.
if ( param == 6 )
Commands->Send_Custom_Event( obj, sender, M00_SEND_OBJECT_ID, GDI_Drop_Troop_Two_Id, 0 );
if ( param == 7 )
GDI_Drop_Troop_Three_Id = Commands->Get_ID( sender ); // get GDI_Drop_Troop_Three Id.
if ( param == 8 )
Commands->Send_Custom_Event( obj, sender, M00_SEND_OBJECT_ID, GDI_Drop_Troop_Three_Id, 0 );
if ( param == 9 )
GDI_Drop_Tank_Id = Commands->Get_ID( sender ); // get GDI_Drop_Tank_Id Id.
if ( param == 10 )
Commands->Send_Custom_Event( obj, sender, M00_SEND_OBJECT_ID, GDI_Drop_Tank_Id, 0 );
if ( param == 11 )
Trooper_One_Id = Commands->Get_ID( sender );
Commands->Debug_Message( "***** DAK ***** A03: recieved trooper1 ID.\n" );
if ( param == 12 )
Commands->Send_Custom_Event( obj, sender, M00_SEND_OBJECT_ID, Trooper_One_Id, 0 );
if ( param == 13 )
Havoc_Tank_Id = Commands->Get_ID( sender );
Commands->Attach_Script( obj, "M00_Send_Object_ID", "1500017,10,1.0f"); // sending Havoc_Tank_Id to shuman.
if ( param == 14 )
Commands->Send_Custom_Event( obj, sender, M00_SEND_OBJECT_ID, Havoc_Tank_Id, 0 );
if ( param == 15 )
Nod_Ledge_One_Id = Commands->Get_ID( sender );
if ( param == 16 )
Commands->Send_Custom_Event( obj, sender, M00_SEND_OBJECT_ID, Nod_Ledge_One_Id, 0 );
if ( param == 17 )
Nod_Ledge_Two_Id = Commands->Get_ID( sender );
if ( param == 18 )
Commands->Send_Custom_Event( obj, sender, M00_SEND_OBJECT_ID, Nod_Ledge_Two_Id, 0 );
DECLARE_SCRIPT ( MX0_A03_HUMVEE, "" ) // moves humvee
int Target_Id[3];
int target;
int Current_Target;
SAVE_VARIABLE(Target_Id, 1);
SAVE_VARIABLE(target, 2);
SAVE_VARIABLE(Current_Target, 3);
void Created( GameObject *obj )
target = 1;
// set targets
Target_Id[1] = MX0_A03_NOD_BUGGIE_ID;
Target_Id[2] = MX0_A03_NOD_HARVESTER_ID;
// send id to controller.
Commands->Attach_Script( obj, "M00_Send_Object_ID", "1400041,1,0"); // sending humvee id to A03 Controller.
// send id to shuman fool.
Commands->Attach_Script( obj, "M00_Send_Object_ID", "1500017,1,1.0f"); // sending humvee id to shuman
Commands->Attach_Script( obj, "M00_Send_Object_ID", "1500020,1,1.0f");
const char *conv_name = ("MX0_A03_01");
int conv_id = Commands->Create_Conversation (conv_name);
Commands->Join_Conversation(NULL, conv_id, true, true, true);
Commands->Start_Conversation (conv_id, 1);
// set first movement.
ActionParamsStruct params;
params.Set_Basic ( this, INNATE_PRIORITY_ENEMY_SEEN, 0 );
params.Set_Movement( Vector3(0,0,0), 0.5f, 1 );
params.WaypathID = MX0_A03_WAYPATH_HUMVEE_ID;
Commands->Action_Goto (obj, params);
void Action_Complete( GameObject *obj, int action_id, ActionCompleteReason complete_reason)
if ( action_id == 0 ) // humvee at end of first waypath. begin attacking buggie.
// Commands->Debug_Message( "***** DAK ***** finding Object Buggie.\n" );
Current_Target = Target_Id[target];
GameObject *target = Commands->Find_Object( Current_Target );
if ( target )
ActionParamsStruct params;
params.Set_Basic(this, INNATE_PRIORITY_ENEMY_SEEN, 1);
params.Set_Attack(target, 60.0f, 0.25f, true);
Commands->Action_Attack(obj, params);
if ( action_id == 1 ) // humvee done with target. attack next target
target = target + 1;
Current_Target = Target_Id[target];
GameObject *target = Commands->Find_Object( Current_Target );
if ( target )
ActionParamsStruct params;
params.Set_Basic(this, INNATE_PRIORITY_ENEMY_SEEN, 1);
params.Set_Attack(target, 60.0f, 0.25f, true);
Commands->Action_Attack(obj, params);
else // no targets. attack whatever you can see.
Commands->Innate_Enable( obj );
void Custom ( GameObject *obj, int type, int param, GameObject *sender )
if ( type == 1 ) // halt fire for 1 - 3 seconds.
ActionParamsStruct params;
params.Set_Basic(this, INNATE_PRIORITY_ENEMY_SEEN, 1);
params.AttackActive = false;
Commands->Modify_Action( obj, 1, params, false, true );
float delay = Commands->Get_Random( 1, 3 );
Commands->Send_Custom_Event( obj, obj, 2, 0, delay );
if ( type == 2 ) // resume fire on buggy. halt after 3 - 6 seconds.
GameObject *target = Commands->Find_Object( Current_Target );
if ( target )
ActionParamsStruct params;
params.Set_Basic(this, INNATE_PRIORITY_ENEMY_SEEN, 1);
params.AttackActive = true;
Commands->Modify_Action( obj, 1, params, false, true );
// send custom to self to halt fire after 3 - 6 seconds
float delay = Commands->Get_Random( 3, 6 );
Commands->Send_Custom_Event( obj, obj, 1, 0, delay );
if ( type == 3 )
Commands->Debug_Message( "***** DAK ***** Humvee: Recieved custom to move to section 4.\n" );
// move Humvee to section 4
Commands->Action_Reset( obj, 100 );
ActionParamsStruct params;
params.Set_Basic ( this, INNATE_PRIORITY_ENEMY_SEEN, 2 );
params.Set_Movement( Vector3(0,0,0), 0.5f, 1 );
params.WaypathID = MX0_A03_WAYPATH_HUMVEE_TO_A04_ID;
Commands->Action_Goto (obj, params);
DECLARE_SCRIPT ( MX0_A03_TANK, "" ) // moves tank
int Target_Id[5];
int target;
int Current_Target;
SAVE_VARIABLE(Target_Id, 1);
SAVE_VARIABLE(target, 2);
SAVE_VARIABLE(Current_Target, 3);
void Created( GameObject *obj )
target = 1;
// send id to controller.
Commands->Attach_Script( obj, "M00_Send_Object_ID", "1400041,9,0"); // sending humvee id to A03 Controller.
// send Id to shuman
Commands->Attach_Script( obj, "M00_Send_Object_ID", "1500017,3,1.0f"); // sending tank id to A03 Controller.
Commands->Attach_Script( obj, "M00_Send_Object_ID", "1500020,3,1.0f"); // sending tank id to A03 Controller.
// set targets
Target_Id[1] = MX0_A03_NOD_TURRET_ONE;
Target_Id[2] = MX0_A03_NOD_TURRET_TWO;
Target_Id[4] = MX0_A03_NOD_HARVESTER_ID;
Target_Id[3] = MX0_A03_NOD_BUGGIE_ID;
// destroy NOD Turrets.
Commands->Send_Custom_Event ( obj, obj, 0, 0, 1); // attack Turret_One
void Action_Complete ( GameObject *obj, int action_id, ActionCompleteReason complete_reason )
if ( action_id == 0 ) // done attacking target. attack next target.
target = target + 1;
Commands->Send_Custom_Event ( obj, obj, 0, 0, 1); // attack next target.
void Custom( GameObject *obj, int type, int param, GameObject *sender )
if ( type == 0 ) // attack Target_Id[target]
Current_Target = Target_Id[target];
GameObject *target = Commands->Find_Object ( Current_Target );
if ( target )
ActionParamsStruct params;
params.Set_Basic(this, INNATE_PRIORITY_ENEMY_SEEN, 0);
params.Set_Attack( target, 60.0f, 0.25f, true);
Commands->Action_Attack(obj, params);
void Created( GameObject *obj )
void Custom( GameObject *obj, int type, int param, GameObject *sender )
if ( type == 1 )
// move buggie
ActionParamsStruct params;
params.Set_Basic ( this, 0, 0 );
params.Set_Movement( Vector3(0,0,0), 0.25f, 1 );
params.WaypathID = MX0_A03_WAYPATH_NOD_BUGGIE_ID;
Commands->Action_Goto (obj, params);
void Action_Complete( GameObject * obj, int action_id, ActionCompleteReason complete_reason )
if ( action_id == 0 )
// send buggy on waypath again.
ActionParamsStruct params;
params.Set_Basic ( this, 0, 0 );
params.Set_Movement( Vector3(0,0,0), 0.33f, 1 );
params.WaypathID = MX0_A03_WAYPATH_NOD_BUGGIE_ID;
Commands->Action_Goto (obj, params);
void Killed ( GameObject *obj, GameObject *killer )
// spawn a NOD minigunner and attack script to him for when he dies from tib.
Vector3 position = Commands->Get_Position ( obj );
GameObject *nod_trooper = Commands->Create_Object("Nod_Minigunner_0", position);
Commands->Attach_Script( nod_trooper, "MX0_A03_NOD_TROOPER_TIB_DEATH", "" );
int Trooper_One_Id;
void Killed ( GameObject *obj, GameObject *killer )
GameObject *controller = Commands->Find_Object( MX0_A03_CONTROLLER_ID );
if ( controller )
Commands->Send_Custom_Event( obj, controller, MX0_A03_CUSTOM_BUGGIE_DEAD, 0, 2);
void Custom( GameObject *obj, int type, int param, GameObject *sender )
if ( type == M00_SEND_OBJECT_ID )
Trooper_One_Id = param;
bool Is_Waypath_Complete;
int Trooper_One_Id;
SAVE_VARIABLE(Is_Waypath_Complete, 1);
SAVE_VARIABLE(Trooper_One_Id, 2);
void Created ( GameObject *obj )
// Commands->Attach_Script( obj, "M00_Damage_Modifier_DME", "0.25,1,1,0,0" );
Commands->Set_Health(obj, 1200);
Is_Waypath_Complete = false;
// begin moving harvester
ActionParamsStruct params;
params.Set_Basic ( this, 0, 0 );
params.Set_Movement( Vector3(0,0,0), 0.25f, 1 );
Commands->Action_Goto (obj, params);
void Action_Complete( GameObject * obj, int action_id, ActionCompleteReason complete_reason )
if ( obj )
Commands->Set_Animation( obj, "V_NOD_HRVSTR.V_NOD_HRVSTR", false);
void Animation_Complete(GameObject* obj, const char* name)
if ( Is_Waypath_Complete )
Is_Waypath_Complete = false;
// send harvester the other direction
ActionParamsStruct params;
params.Set_Basic ( this, 0, 0 );
params.Set_Movement( Vector3(0,0,0), 0.25f, 1 );
Commands->Action_Goto (obj, params);
Is_Waypath_Complete = true;
// send harvester the other direction
ActionParamsStruct params;
params.Set_Basic ( this, 0, 0 );
params.Set_Movement( Vector3(0,0,0), 0.25f, 1 );
params.WaypointStartID = 1400095;
params.WaypointEndID = 1400094;
Commands->Action_Goto (obj, params);
void Damaged ( GameObject *obj, GameObject *damager, float ammount )
void Custom( GameObject *obj, int type, int param, GameObject *sender )
// turn off damage modifier script.
// Commands->Send_Custom_Event( obj, obj, M00_ENABLE_DAMAGE_MOD, 0, 0 );
// apply damage to yourself based on param.
// Commands->Debug_Message( "***** DAK ***** Orcastrike: Damaging harvester.\n" );
// float health = Commands->Get_Health( obj );
// float damage = health / param;
Commands->Apply_Damage( obj, 200, "EXPLOSIVE", NULL );
void Killed( GameObject *obj, GameObject *killer )
GameObject *controller = Commands->Find_Object( MX0_A03_CONTROLLER_ID );
if ( controller )
Commands->Send_Custom_Event( obj, controller , MX0_A03_CUSTOM_HARVESTER_DEAD, 0, 0 );
bool Harvester_Not_Destroyed;
SAVE_VARIABLE(Harvester_Not_Destroyed, 1);
void Created( GameObject *obj )
Commands->Attach_Script( obj, "M00_Send_Object_ID", "1500017,3,1.0f"); // sending Trooper_One_Id to shuman.
Commands->Innate_Disable( obj );
Harvester_Not_Destroyed = true;
void Action_Complete( GameObject *obj, int action_id, ActionCompleteReason complete_reason )
if (action_id == 1) // trooper1 is at end of waypath B. open fire!
Commands->Set_Innate_Is_Stationary( obj, true );
Commands->Innate_Enable( obj );
void Custom( GameObject *obj, int type, int param, GameObject *sender )
if (type == 0) // move along MX0_A03_WAYPATH_GDI_TROOPER_ONE_B_ID
Commands->Action_Reset( obj, 100 );
ActionParamsStruct params;
params.Set_Basic ( this, 91, 1 );
params.Set_Movement( Vector3(0,0,0), RUN, 1 );
Commands->Action_Goto (obj, params);
if (type == 1)
// Commands->Debug_Message( "***** DAK ***** Trooper One: Custom Recieved. Moving along MX0_A03_WAYPATH_GDI_TROOPER_ONE_A_ID\n" );
Commands->Action_Reset( obj, 100 );
ActionParamsStruct params;
params.Set_Basic ( this, 91, 0 );
params.Set_Movement( Vector3(0,0,0), RUN, 1 );
Commands->Action_Goto (obj, params);
if (type == 2)
Commands->Action_Reset( obj, 100 );
ActionParamsStruct params;
params.Set_Basic ( this, 91, 2 );
params.Set_Movement( Vector3(0,0,0), RUN, 1 );
Commands->Action_Goto (obj, params);
if (type == 3)
if ( Harvester_Not_Destroyed )
// Trooper1: Blast that Harvester for us, sir!
int conv_id = Commands->Create_Conversation ( "MX0_A03_05" );
Commands->Join_Conversation( obj, conv_id, false, false, true);
Commands->Start_Conversation (conv_id, 0);
// send custom to self to repeat "Blast that Harvester..." line.
Commands->Send_Custom_Event( obj, obj, 3, 0, 7 );
if ( type == 4 )
Harvester_Not_Destroyed = false;
if ( type == 5 )
// start attacking Buggie.
Commands->Action_Reset( obj, 100 );
GameObject *buggie = Commands->Find_Object( MX0_A03_NOD_BUGGIE_ID );
if ( buggie )
ActionParamsStruct params;
params.Set_Basic(this, INNATE_PRIORITY_ENEMY_SEEN, 3);
params.Set_Attack(buggie, 60.0f, 0.25f, true);
Commands->Action_Attack(obj, params);
bool first_time;
SAVE_VARIABLE(first_time, 1);
void Custom( GameObject *obj, int type, int param, GameObject *sender )
if (first_time) // first time player enters tank. send trooper 1 ahead.
GameObject *controller = Commands->Find_Object ( MX0_A03_CONTROLLER_ID );
if ( controller )
// Commands->Debug_Message( "***** sending custom MX0_A03_CUSTOM_TYPE_START_ZONE\n" );
Commands->Send_Custom_Event ( obj, controller, MX0_A03_CUSTOM_TYPE_START_ZONE, 0, 0 );
first_time = false;
int Trooper_One_Id;
bool first_time;
SAVE_VARIABLE(Trooper_One_Id, 1);
SAVE_VARIABLE(first_time, 1);
void Created( GameObject *obj )
first_time = true;
void Entered ( GameObject *obj, GameObject *enterer )
if (first_time)
// reset trooper one and send him to MX0_A03_WAYPATH_GDI_TROOPER_ONE_B_ID
GameObject *controller = Commands->Find_Object( MX0_A03_CONTROLLER_ID );
if ( controller )
Commands->Send_Custom_Event( obj, controller , M00_SEND_OBJECT_ID, 12, 0 );
GameObject *trooper_one = Commands->Find_Object( Trooper_One_Id );
if (trooper_one)
Commands->Action_Reset( trooper_one, 100 );
// send custom to move trooper one along MX0_A03_WAYPATH_GDI_TROOPER_ONE_B_ID
Commands->Send_Custom_Event( obj, trooper_one, 0, 0, 0.0f);
// drop off first NOD minigunners.
GameObject * minigunners = Commands->Create_Object ( "Invisible_Object", Commands->Get_Position( Commands->Find_Object ( MX0_A03_NOD_LEDGE_DROP_LOC_ID )));
Commands->Attach_Script ( minigunners, "Test_Cinematic", "MX0_A03_NOD_LedgeDrop.txt" );
first_time = false;
void Custom( GameObject *obj, int type, int param, GameObject *sender )
if ( type == M00_SEND_OBJECT_ID )
Trooper_One_Id = param;
void Created (GameObject *obj )
Commands->Attach_Script( obj, "M00_Send_Object_ID", "1400041,11,0.0f"); // sending Trooper_One_Id to A03_Controller
void Created ( GameObject *obj )
GameObject *controller = Commands->Find_Object( MX0_A03_CONTROLLER_ID );
if ( controller )
Commands->Send_Custom_Event( obj, controller, MX0_A03_CUSTOM_NOD_TURRET_CREATED, 0, 0);
void Killed ( GameObject *obj, GameObject *killer )
GameObject *controller = Commands->Find_Object( MX0_A03_CONTROLLER_ID );
if ( controller )
Commands->Send_Custom_Event( obj, controller, MX0_A03_CUSTOM_NOD_TURRET_DESTROYED, 0, 0);
int Trooper_One_Id;
bool first_time;
SAVE_VARIABLE(first_time, 1);
void Created ( GameObject *obj )
first_time = true;
void Entered( GameObject *obj, GameObject *enterer )
if ( first_time )
// get Trooper 1
GameObject *controller = Commands->Find_Object( MX0_A03_CONTROLLER_ID );
if ( controller )
Commands->Send_Custom_Event( obj, controller , M00_SEND_OBJECT_ID, 12, 0 );
GameObject *Trooper_One = Commands->Find_Object( Trooper_One_Id );
// set trooper 1 to not play "Destroy Harvester havoc..." line
if (Trooper_One)
Commands->Send_Custom_Event( obj, Trooper_One, 4, 0, 0 );
if ( controller )
Commands->Send_Custom_Event( obj, controller, MX0_A03_CUSTOM_TYPE_END_ZONE, 1, 0);
first_time = false;
void Custom (GameObject *obj, int type, int param, GameObject *sender)
if (type == MX0_A03_CUSTOM_LOCK_END_ZONE )
first_time = false;
if ( type == M00_SEND_OBJECT_ID )
Trooper_One_Id = param;
DECLARE_SCRIPT (MX0_Triggered_Conv, "")
void Created (GameObject *obj)
char *ENGINEER1_Hit[5] =
char *ENGINEER1_Breath[3] =
char *ENGINEER1_FFire[9] =
char *ENGINEER2_Hit[12] =
char *ENGINEER2_Breath[4] =
char *ENGINEER2_FFire[7] =
char *GDITROOPER1_Hit[4] =
char *GDITROOPER1_Die[6] =
char *GDITROOPER1_Breath[3] =
char *GDITROOPER1_FFire[6] =
char *GDITROOPER1_DieBurn[3] =
char *GDITROOPER1_DieExplo[2] =
char *GDITROOPER2_Hit[9] =
char *GDITROOPER2_Die[2] =
char *GDITROOPER2_DieFire[2] =
char *GDITROOPER2_Breath[3] =
char *GDITROOPER2_FFire[6] =
char *GDITROOPER3_Hit[7] =
char *GDITROOPER3_Die[2] =
char *GDITROOPER3_Breath[3] =
char *GDITROOPER3_FFire[7] =
char *GDITROOPER4_Hit[3] =
char *GDITROOPER4_Breath[6] =
char *GDITROOPER4_FFire[10] =
char *HUM_VEESCOUT_Die[2] =
char *HUM_VEESCOUT_Breath[1] =
char *HUM_VEESCOUT_FFire[6] =
char *NODOFFICER_Hit[11] =
char *NODOFFICER_Die[3] =
char *NODOFFICER_DeathFire[2] =
char *NODSNIPER_Hit[4] =
char *NODSNIPER_Die[4] =
char *NODSNIPER_Alt[9] =
char *NODSOLDIER1_Hit[4] =
char *NODSOLDIER1_Die[12] =
char *NODSOLDIER2_Hit[5] =
char *NODSOLDIER2_Die[3] =
char *ROCKETTROOPER_Hit[3] =
char *ROCKETTROOPER_Breath[3] =
char *ROCKETTROOPER_FFire[5] =
char *GDITROOPER1_Alt[22] =
char *GDITROOPER2_Alt[20] =
char *GDITROOPER3_Alt[21] =
char *GDITROOPER4_Alt[18] =
char *ENGINEER1_Alt[7] =
char *ENGINEER2_Alt[12] =
char *ROCKETTROOPER_Alt[29] =
char *HUM_VEESCOUT_Alt[17] =
char *NODOFFICER_Alt[23] =
char *NODSOLDIER1_Alt[23] =
char *NODSOLDIER2_Alt[17] =
char *ORCA6_Alt[1] =
char *NODTROOPER1_Hit[6] =
char *NODTROOPER1_Fall[1] =
char *NODTROOPER1_Breath[1] =
char *NODTROOPER1_Death[2] =
char *NODTROOPER1_DeathFire[2] =
char *NODFALLINGGUY3_Fall[1] =
char *NODFALLINGGUY2_Die[1] =