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** Command & Conquer Renegade(tm)
** Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc.
** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program. If not, see <>.
/* $Header: /Commando/Code/wwmath/matrix3.h 36 5/11/01 7:11p Jani_p $ */
*** Confidential - Westwood Studios ***
* *
* Project Name : WW3D *
* *
* File Name : MATRIX3.H *
* *
* Programmer : Greg Hjelstrom *
* *
* Start Date : 06/02/97 *
* *
* Last Update : June 2, 1997 [GH] *
* *
* Functions: *
* Matrix3::Matrix3 -- Constructor, optionally initialize to Identitiy matrix *
* Matrix3::Matrix3 -- Copy Constructor *
* Matrix3::Matrix3 -- Convert a Matrix3D (fake 4x4) to a Matrix3 *
* Matrix3::Matrix3 -- Constructor *
* Matrix3::Transpose -- Returns transpose of the matrix *
* Matrix3::Inverse -- returns the inverse of the matrix *
* Matrix3::Determinant -- returns the determinant of the matrix *
* Matrix3::operator = -- assignment operator *
* Matrix3::operator += -- "plus equals" operator *
* Matrix3::operator-= -- "minus equals" operator *
* Matrix3::operator *= -- "times equals" operator *
* Matrix3::operator /= -- "divide equals" operator *
* Create_X_Rotation_Matrix3 -- creates a matrix3 which is a rotation about X *
* Create_Y_Rotation_Matrix3 -- Creates a Matrix3 which is a rotation about Y *
* Create_Z_Rotation_Matrix3 -- Creates a matrix3 which is a rotation about Z *
* Matrix3::Rotate_X -- Post-mutiplies an x rotation onto the current matrix *
* Matrix3::Rotate_Y -- Post-multiplies the matrix with a rotation about Y *
* Matrix3::Rotate_Z -- Post-multiplies the matrix with a rotation about Z *
* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#pragma once
#ifndef Matrix3_H
#define Matrix3_H
#include "always.h"
#include "vector3.h"
#include "wwdebug.h"
#ifdef _UNIX
#include "osdep.h"
class Matrix3D;
class Matrix4;
class Quaternion;
class Matrix3
** Constructors
WWINLINE Matrix3(void) {};
WWINLINE Matrix3(const Matrix3 & m);
WWINLINE explicit Matrix3(bool identity);
WWINLINE explicit Matrix3(const Vector3 & v0, const Vector3 & v1, const Vector3 & v2);
explicit Matrix3(const Matrix3D & m);
explicit Matrix3(const Matrix4 & m);
WWINLINE explicit Matrix3(
float m11,float m12,float m13,
float m21,float m22,float m23,
float m31,float m32,float m33
WWINLINE explicit Matrix3(const Vector3 & axis,float angle);
WWINLINE explicit Matrix3(const Vector3 & axis,float s_angle,float c_angle);
WWINLINE explicit Matrix3(const Quaternion & q);
** 'Set' functions
void Set(const Matrix3D & m);
void Set(const Matrix4 & m);
WWINLINE void Set(const Vector3 & v0, const Vector3 & v1, const Vector3 & v2);
WWINLINE void Set(
float m11,float m12,float m13,
float m21,float m22,float m23,
float m31,float m32,float m33
WWINLINE void Set(const Vector3 & axis,float angle);
WWINLINE void Set(const Vector3 & axis,float s_angle,float c_angle);
void Set(const Quaternion & q);
** Access operators
WWINLINE Vector3 & operator [] (int i) { return Row[i]; }
WWINLINE const Vector3 & operator [] (int i) const { return Row[i]; }
** Transpose and Inverse
WWINLINE Matrix3 Transpose (void) const;
WWINLINE Matrix3 Inverse (void) const;
WWINLINE float Determinant (void) const;
** Assignment operators
WWINLINE Matrix3 & operator = (const Matrix3 & m);
Matrix3 & operator = (const Matrix3D & m);
Matrix3 & operator = (const Matrix4 & m);
WWINLINE Matrix3 & operator += (const Matrix3 & m);
WWINLINE Matrix3 & operator -= (const Matrix3 & m);
WWINLINE Matrix3 & operator *= (float d);
WWINLINE Matrix3 & operator /= (float d);
WWINLINE void Make_Identity(void);
** Automatically concatenate a rotation onto the current matrix
WWINLINE void Rotate_X(float theta);
WWINLINE void Rotate_X(float s,float c);
WWINLINE void Rotate_Y(float theta);
WWINLINE void Rotate_Y(float s,float c);
WWINLINE void Rotate_Z(float theta);
WWINLINE void Rotate_Z(float s,float c);
** These functions will give you the approximate amount that the
** matrix has been rotated about a given axis. These functions
** cannot be used to re-build a matrx. Use the EulerAnglesClass
** to convert a matrix into a set of three Euler angles.
float Get_X_Rotation(void) const;
float Get_Y_Rotation(void) const;
float Get_Z_Rotation(void) const;
** These functions return a vector representing the direction an
** axis is pointing.
WWINLINE Vector3 Get_X_Vector(void) const;
WWINLINE Vector3 Get_Y_Vector(void) const;
WWINLINE Vector3 Get_Z_Vector(void) const;
WWINLINE void Get_X_Vector(Vector3 * set_x) const;
WWINLINE void Get_Y_Vector(Vector3 * set_y) const;
WWINLINE void Get_Z_Vector(Vector3 * set_z) const;
** Negation
WWINLINE friend Matrix3 operator - (const Matrix3& a);
** Scalar multiplication and division
WWINLINE friend Matrix3 operator * (const Matrix3& a,float d);
WWINLINE friend Matrix3 operator * (float d,const Matrix3& a);
WWINLINE friend Matrix3 operator / (const Matrix3& a,float d);
** matrix addition
WWINLINE friend Matrix3 operator + (const Matrix3& a, const Matrix3& b);
static WWINLINE void Add(const Matrix3 & a, const Matrix3 & b,Matrix3 * res);
** matrix subtraction
WWINLINE friend Matrix3 operator - (const Matrix3 & a, const Matrix3 & b);
static WWINLINE void Subtract(const Matrix3 & a, const Matrix3 & b,Matrix3 * res);
** matrix multiplication
WWINLINE friend Matrix3 operator * (const Matrix3 & a, const Matrix3 & b);
WWINLINE friend Matrix3 operator * (const Matrix3D & a, const Matrix3 & b);
WWINLINE friend Matrix3 operator * (const Matrix3 & a, const Matrix3D & b);
static void Multiply(const Matrix3 & a, const Matrix3 & b,Matrix3 * res);
static void Multiply(const Matrix3D & a, const Matrix3 & b,Matrix3 * res);
static void Multiply(const Matrix3 & a, const Matrix3D & b,Matrix3 * res);
** Matrix-Vector multiplication
WWINLINE friend Vector3 operator * (const Matrix3 & a, const Vector3 & v);
static WWINLINE void Rotate_Vector(const Matrix3 & tm,const Vector3 & in,Vector3 * out);
static WWINLINE void Transpose_Rotate_Vector(const Matrix3 & tm,const Vector3 & in,Vector3 * out);
** Comparison operators
WWINLINE friend int operator == (const Matrix3 & a, const Matrix3 & b);
WWINLINE friend int operator != (const Matrix3 & a, const Matrix3 & b);
** Swap two matrices in place
WWINLINE friend void Swap(Matrix3 & a,Matrix3 & b);
** Check whether a matrix is orthogonal, make it orthogonal
int Is_Orthogonal(void) const;
void Re_Orthogonalize(void);
** Miscellaneous
WWINLINE void Rotate_AABox_Extent(const Vector3 & extent,Vector3 * new_extent);
** Some useful pre-initialized Matrix3's
static const Matrix3 Identity;
static const Matrix3 RotateX90;
static const Matrix3 RotateX180;
static const Matrix3 RotateX270;
static const Matrix3 RotateY90;
static const Matrix3 RotateY180;
static const Matrix3 RotateY270;
static const Matrix3 RotateZ90;
static const Matrix3 RotateZ180;
static const Matrix3 RotateZ270;
Vector3 Row[3];
* Matrix3::Matrix3 -- Constructor, optionally initialize to Identitiy matrix *
* *
* INPUT: *
* *
* *
* *
* 06/02/1997 GH : Created. *
WWINLINE Matrix3::Matrix3(bool identity)
if (identity) {
* Matrix3::Matrix3 -- Copy Constructor *
* *
* INPUT: *
* *
* *
* *
* 06/02/1997 GH : Created. *
WWINLINE Matrix3::Matrix3(const Matrix3 & m)
Row[0] = m.Row[0]; Row[1] = m.Row[1]; Row[2] = m.Row[2];
* Matrix3::Matrix3 -- Constructor *
* *
* INPUT: *
* *
* *
* *
* 06/02/1997 GH : Created. *
WWINLINE Matrix3::Matrix3(const Vector3 & r0, const Vector3 & r1, const Vector3 & r2)
Row[0] = r0;
Row[1] = r1;
Row[2] = r2;
WWINLINE void Matrix3::Set(const Vector3 & r0, const Vector3 & r1, const Vector3 & r2)
Row[0] = r0;
Row[1] = r1;
Row[2] = r2;
WWINLINE void Matrix3::Make_Identity(void)
WWINLINE Matrix3::Matrix3
float m11,float m12,float m13,
float m21,float m22,float m23,
float m31,float m32,float m33
WWINLINE void Matrix3::Set
float m11,float m12,float m13,
float m21,float m22,float m23,
float m31,float m32,float m33
WWINLINE Matrix3::Matrix3(const Vector3 & axis,float angle)
WWINLINE Matrix3::Matrix3(const Vector3 & axis,float s_angle,float c_angle)
WWINLINE void Matrix3::Set(const Vector3 & axis,float angle)
WWINLINE void Matrix3::Set(const Vector3 & axis,float s,float c)
WWASSERT(WWMath::Fabs(axis.Length2() - 1.0f) < 0.001f);
(float)(axis[0]*axis[0] + c*(1.0f - axis[0]*axis[0])),
(float)(axis[0]*axis[1]*(1.0f - c) - axis[2]*s),
(float)(axis[2]*axis[0]*(1.0f - c) + axis[1]*s)
(float)(axis[0]*axis[1]*(1.0f - c) + axis[2]*s),
(float)(axis[1]*axis[1] + c*(1.0f - axis[1]*axis[1])),
(float)(axis[1]*axis[2]*(1.0f - c) - axis[0]*s)
(float)(axis[2]*axis[0]*(1.0f - c) - axis[1]*s),
(float)(axis[1]*axis[2]*(1.0f - c) + axis[0]*s),
(float)(axis[2]*axis[2] + c*(1 - axis[2]*axis[2]))
WWINLINE Matrix3::Matrix3(const Quaternion & q)
* Matrix3::Transpose -- Returns transpose of the matrix *
* *
* INPUT: *
* *
* *
* *
* 06/02/1997 GH : Created. *
WWINLINE Matrix3 Matrix3::Transpose() const
return Matrix3(
Vector3(Row[0][0], Row[1][0], Row[2][0]),
Vector3(Row[0][1], Row[1][1], Row[2][1]),
Vector3(Row[0][2], Row[1][2], Row[2][2])
* Matrix3::Inverse -- returns the inverse of the matrix *
* *
* INPUT: *
* *
* *
* *
* 06/02/1997 GH : Created. *
WWINLINE Matrix3 Matrix3::Inverse() const // Gauss-Jordan elimination with partial pivoting
Matrix3 a(*this); // As a evolves from original mat into identity
Matrix3 b(true); // b evolves from identity into inverse(a)
int i, j, i1;
// Loop over cols of a from left to right, eliminating above and below diagonal
for (j=0; j<3; j++) {
// Find largest pivot in column j among rows j..3
i1 = j;
for (i=j+1; i<3; i++) {
if (WWMath::Fabs(a[i][j]) > WWMath::Fabs(a[i1][j])) {
i1 = i;
// Swap rows i1 and j in a and b to put pivot on diagonal
Swap(a.Row[i1], a.Row[j]);
Swap(b.Row[i1], b.Row[j]);
// Scale row j to have a unit diagonal
if (a[j][j]==0.) {
//Matrix3::inverse: singular matrix; can't invert
b.Row[j] /= a.Row[j][j];
a.Row[j] /= a.Row[j][j];
// Eliminate off-diagonal elems in col j of a, doing identical ops to b
for (i=0; i<3; i++) {
if (i != j) {
b.Row[i] -= a[i][j] * b.Row[j];
a.Row[i] -= a[i][j] * a.Row[j];
return b;
* Matrix3::Determinant -- returns the determinant of the matrix *
* *
* INPUT: *
* *
* *
* *
* 1/7/20 DRM : Created. *
WWINLINE float Matrix3::Determinant(void) const
return Row[0][0] * (Row[1][1] * Row[2][2] - Row[1][2] * Row[2][1])
- Row[0][1] * (Row[1][0] * Row[2][2] - Row[1][2] * Row[2][0])
- Row[0][2] * (Row[1][0] * Row[2][1] - Row[1][1] * Row[2][0]);
* Matrix3::operator = -- assignment operator *
* *
* INPUT: *
* *
* *
* *
* 06/02/1997 GH : Created. *
WWINLINE Matrix3 & Matrix3::operator = (const Matrix3 & m)
Row[0] = m.Row[0]; Row[1] = m.Row[1]; Row[2] = m.Row[2];
return *this;
* Matrix3::operator += -- "plus equals" operator *
* *
* INPUT: *
* *
* *
* *
* 06/02/1997 GH : Created. *
WWINLINE Matrix3& Matrix3::operator += (const Matrix3 & m)
Row[0] += m.Row[0]; Row[1] += m.Row[1]; Row[2] += m.Row[2];
return *this;
* Matrix3::operator-= -- "minus equals" operator *
* *
* INPUT: *
* *
* *
* *
* 06/02/1997 GH : Created. *
WWINLINE Matrix3& Matrix3::operator -= (const Matrix3 & m)
Row[0] -= m.Row[0]; Row[1] -= m.Row[1]; Row[2] -= m.Row[2];
return *this;
* Matrix3::operator *= -- "times equals" operator *
* *
* INPUT: *
* *
* *
* *
* 06/02/1997 GH : Created. *
WWINLINE Matrix3& Matrix3::operator *= (float d)
Row[0] *= d; Row[1] *= d; Row[2] *= d;
return *this;
* Matrix3::operator /= -- "divide equals" operator *
* *
* INPUT: *
* *
* *
* *
* 06/02/1997 GH : Created. *
WWINLINE Matrix3& Matrix3::operator /= (float d)
Row[0] /= d; Row[1] /= d; Row[2] /= d;
return *this;
* Matrix3::Get_X_Rotation -- approximates the rotation about the X axis *
* *
* INPUT: *
* *
* *
* *
* 08/11/1997 GH : Created. *
WWINLINE float Matrix3::Get_X_Rotation(void) const
Vector3 v = (*this) * Vector3(0.0,1.0,0.0);
return WWMath::Atan2(v[2], v[1]);
* Matrix3::Get_Y_Rotation -- approximates the rotation about the Y axis *
* *
* INPUT: *
* *
* *
* *
* 08/11/1997 GH : Created. *
WWINLINE float Matrix3::Get_Y_Rotation(void) const
Vector3 v = (*this) * Vector3(0.0,0.0,1.0);
return WWMath::Atan2(v[0],v[2]);
* Matrix3::Get_Z_Rotation -- approximates the rotation about the Z axis *
* *
* INPUT: *
* *
* *
* *
* 08/11/1997 GH : Created. *
WWINLINE float Matrix3::Get_Z_Rotation(void) const
Vector3 v = (*this) * Vector3(1.0,0.0,0.0);
return WWMath::Atan2(v[1],v[0]);
WWINLINE Vector3 Matrix3::Get_X_Vector(void) const
return Vector3(Row[0][0], Row[1][0], Row[2][0]);
WWINLINE Vector3 Matrix3::Get_Y_Vector(void) const
return Vector3(Row[0][1], Row[1][1], Row[2][1]);
WWINLINE Vector3 Matrix3::Get_Z_Vector(void) const
return Vector3(Row[0][2], Row[1][2], Row[2][2]);
WWINLINE void Matrix3::Get_X_Vector(Vector3 * set) const
set->Set(Row[0][0], Row[1][0], Row[2][0]);
WWINLINE void Matrix3::Get_Y_Vector(Vector3 * set) const
set->Set(Row[0][1], Row[1][1], Row[2][1]);
WWINLINE void Matrix3::Get_Z_Vector(Vector3 * set) const
set->Set(Row[0][2], Row[1][2], Row[2][2]);
WWINLINE Matrix3 operator - (const Matrix3 & a)
return Matrix3(-a.Row[0], -a.Row[1], -a.Row[2]);
WWINLINE Matrix3 operator * (const Matrix3 & a, float d)
return Matrix3(a.Row[0] * d, a.Row[1] * d, a.Row[2] * d);
WWINLINE Matrix3 operator * (float d, const Matrix3 & a)
return a*d;
WWINLINE Matrix3 operator / (const Matrix3 & a, float d)
float ood = 1.0f / d;
return Matrix3(a.Row[0] * ood, a.Row[1] * ood, a.Row[2] * ood);
** matrix addition
WWINLINE Matrix3 operator + (const Matrix3 & a, const Matrix3 & b)
return Matrix3(
a.Row[0] + b.Row[0],
a.Row[1] + b.Row[1],
a.Row[2] + b.Row[2]
WWINLINE void Matrix3::Add(const Matrix3 & a, const Matrix3 & b,Matrix3 * c)
** matrix subtraction
WWINLINE Matrix3 operator - (const Matrix3 & a, const Matrix3 & b)
return Matrix3(
a.Row[0] - b.Row[0],
a.Row[1] - b.Row[1],
a.Row[2] - b.Row[2]
WWINLINE void Matrix3::Subtract(const Matrix3 & a, const Matrix3 & b,Matrix3 * c)
** matrix multiplication
WWINLINE Matrix3 operator * (const Matrix3 & a, const Matrix3 & b)
#define ROWCOL(i,j) a[i][0]*b[0][j] + a[i][1]*b[1][j] + a[i][2]*b[2][j]
return Matrix3(
Vector3(ROWCOL(0,0), ROWCOL(0,1), ROWCOL(0,2) ),
Vector3(ROWCOL(1,0), ROWCOL(1,1), ROWCOL(1,2) ),
Vector3(ROWCOL(2,0), ROWCOL(2,1), ROWCOL(2,2) )
#undef ROWCOL
** Multiply a Matrix3 by a Vector3. Yeilds a Vector3 result
WWINLINE Vector3 operator * (const Matrix3 & a, const Vector3 & v)
return Vector3(
a[0][0] * v[0] + a[0][1] * v[1] + a[0][2] * v[2],
a[1][0] * v[0] + a[1][1] * v[1] + a[1][2] * v[2],
a[2][0] * v[0] + a[2][1] * v[1] + a[2][2] * v[2]
WWINLINE int operator == (const Matrix3 & a, const Matrix3 & b)
return ((a [0] == b [0]) && (a [1] == b [1]) && (a [2] == b [2]));
WWINLINE int operator != (const Matrix3 & a, const Matrix3 & b)
return (!(a == b));
* Matrix3::Rotate_X -- Post-mutiplies an x rotation onto the current matrix *
* *
* INPUT: *
* *
* *
* *
* 08/26/1997 GH : Created. *
WWINLINE void Matrix3::Rotate_X(float theta)
WWINLINE void Matrix3::Rotate_X(float s,float c)
float tmp1,tmp2;
tmp1 = Row[0][1]; tmp2 = Row[0][2];
Row[0][1] = (float)( c*tmp1 + s*tmp2);
Row[0][2] = (float)(-s*tmp1 + c*tmp2);
tmp1 = Row[1][1]; tmp2 = Row[1][2];
Row[1][1] = (float)( c*tmp1 + s*tmp2);
Row[1][2] = (float)(-s*tmp1 + c*tmp2);
tmp1 = Row[2][1]; tmp2 = Row[2][2];
Row[2][1] = (float)( c*tmp1 + s*tmp2);
Row[2][2] = (float)(-s*tmp1 + c*tmp2);
* Matrix3::Rotate_Y -- Post-multiplies the matrix with a rotation about Y *
* *
* INPUT: *
* *
* *
* *
* 08/26/1997 GH : Created. *
WWINLINE void Matrix3::Rotate_Y(float theta)
WWINLINE void Matrix3::Rotate_Y(float s,float c)
float tmp1,tmp2;
tmp1 = Row[0][0]; tmp2 = Row[0][2];
Row[0][0] = (float)(c*tmp1 - s*tmp2);
Row[0][2] = (float)(s*tmp1 + c*tmp2);
tmp1 = Row[1][0]; tmp2 = Row[1][2];
Row[1][0] = (float)(c*tmp1 - s*tmp2);
Row[1][2] = (float)(s*tmp1 + c*tmp2);
tmp1 = Row[2][0]; tmp2 = Row[2][2];
Row[2][0] = (float)(c*tmp1 - s*tmp2);
Row[2][2] = (float)(s*tmp1 + c*tmp2);
* Matrix3::Rotate_Z -- Post-multiplies the matrix with a rotation about Z *
* *
* INPUT: *
* *
* *
* *
* 08/26/1997 GH : Created. *
WWINLINE void Matrix3::Rotate_Z(float theta)
WWINLINE void Matrix3::Rotate_Z(float s,float c)
float tmp1,tmp2;
tmp1 = Row[0][0]; tmp2 = Row[0][1];
Row[0][0] = (float)( c*tmp1 + s*tmp2);
Row[0][1] = (float)(-s*tmp1 + c*tmp2);
tmp1 = Row[1][0]; tmp2 = Row[1][1];
Row[1][0] = (float)( c*tmp1 + s*tmp2);
Row[1][1] = (float)(-s*tmp1 + c*tmp2);
tmp1 = Row[2][0]; tmp2 = Row[2][1];
Row[2][0] = (float)( c*tmp1 + s*tmp2);
Row[2][1] = (float)(-s*tmp1 + c*tmp2);
* Create_X_Rotation_Matrix3 -- creates a matrix3 which is a rotation about X *
* *
* INPUT: *
* *
* *
* *
* 08/26/1997 GH : Created. *
WWINLINE Matrix3 Create_X_Rotation_Matrix3(float s,float c)
Matrix3 mat;
mat[0][0] = 1.0f;
mat[0][1] = 0.0f;
mat[0][2] = 0.0f;
mat[1][0] = 0.0f;
mat[1][1] = c;
mat[1][2] = -s;
mat[2][0] = 0.0f;
mat[2][1] = s;
mat[2][2] = c;
return mat;
WWINLINE Matrix3 Create_X_Rotation_Matrix3(float rad)
return Create_X_Rotation_Matrix3(sinf(rad),cosf(rad));
* Create_Y_Rotation_Matrix3 -- Creates a Matrix3 which is a rotation about Y *
* *
* INPUT: *
* *
* *
* *
* 08/26/1997 GH : Created. *
WWINLINE Matrix3 Create_Y_Rotation_Matrix3(float s,float c)
Matrix3 mat;
mat[0][0] = c;
mat[0][1] = 0.0f;
mat[0][2] = s;
mat[1][0] = 0.0f;
mat[1][1] = 1.0f;
mat[1][2] = 0.0f;
mat[2][0] = -s;
mat[2][1] = 0.0f;
mat[2][2] = c;
return mat;
WWINLINE Matrix3 Create_Y_Rotation_Matrix3(float rad)
return Create_Y_Rotation_Matrix3(sinf(rad),cosf(rad));
* Create_Z_Rotation_Matrix3 -- Creates a matrix3 which is a rotation about Z *
* *
* INPUT: *
* *
* *
* *
* 08/26/1997 GH : Created. *
WWINLINE Matrix3 Create_Z_Rotation_Matrix3(float s,float c)
Matrix3 mat;
mat[0][0] = c;
mat[0][1] = -s;
mat[0][2] = 0.0f;
mat[1][0] = s;
mat[1][1] = c;
mat[1][2] = 0.0f;
mat[2][0] = 0.0f;
mat[2][1] = 0.0f;
mat[2][2] = 1.0f;
return mat;
WWINLINE Matrix3 Create_Z_Rotation_Matrix3(float rad)
return Create_Z_Rotation_Matrix3(sinf(rad),cosf(rad));
WWINLINE void Matrix3::Rotate_Vector(const Matrix3 & A,const Vector3 & in,Vector3 * out)
Vector3 tmp;
Vector3 * v;
// check for aliased parameters
if (out == &in) {
tmp = in;
v = &tmp;
} else {
v = (Vector3 *)&in; // whats the right way to do this...
out->X = (A[0][0] * v->X + A[0][1] * v->Y + A[0][2] * v->Z);
out->Y = (A[1][0] * v->X + A[1][1] * v->Y + A[1][2] * v->Z);
out->Z = (A[2][0] * v->X + A[2][1] * v->Y + A[2][2] * v->Z);
WWINLINE void Matrix3::Transpose_Rotate_Vector(const Matrix3 & A,const Vector3 & in,Vector3 * out)
Vector3 tmp;
Vector3 * v;
// check for aliased parameters
if (out == &in) {
tmp = in;
v = &tmp;
} else {
v = (Vector3 *)&in;
out->X = (A[0][0] * v->X + A[1][0] * v->Y + A[2][0] * v->Z);
out->Y = (A[0][1] * v->X + A[1][1] * v->Y + A[2][1] * v->Z);
out->Z = (A[0][2] * v->X + A[1][2] * v->Y + A[2][2] * v->Z);
WWINLINE void Matrix3::Rotate_AABox_Extent(const Vector3 & extent,Vector3 * set_extent)
// push each extent out to the projections of the original extents
for (int i=0; i<3; i++) {
// start the center out at the translation portion of the matrix
// and the extent at zero
(*set_extent)[i] = 0.0f;
for (int j=0; j<3; j++) {
(*set_extent)[i] += WWMath::Fabs(Row[i][j] * extent[j]);
#endif /*Matrix3_H*/