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532 lines
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** Command & Conquer Renegade(tm)
** Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc.
** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program. If not, see <>.
*** C O N F I D E N T I A L --- W E S T W O O D S T U D I O S ***
* *
* Project Name : wwui *
* *
* $Archive:: /Commando/Code/wwui/textmarqueectrl.cpp $*
* *
* Author:: Patrick Smith *
* *
* $Modtime:: 12/17/01 3:32p $*
* *
* $Revision:: 3 $*
* *
* Functions: *
* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
#include "textmarqueectrl.h"
#include "stylemgr.h"
#include "dialogmgr.h"
// TextMarqueeCtrlClass
TextMarqueeCtrlClass::TextMarqueeCtrlClass (void) :
ScrollPos (0),
PixelHeight (0),
ScrollRate (2.0F)
// Configure the renderers
StyleMgrClass::Assign_Font (&TextRenderers[0], StyleMgrClass::FONT_CREDITS);
StyleMgrClass::Assign_Font (&TextRenderers[1], StyleMgrClass::FONT_CREDITS_BOLD);
StyleMgrClass::Configure_Renderer (&ControlRenderer);
TextRenderers[0].Set_Texture_Size_Hint (256);
TextRenderers[1].Set_Texture_Size_Hint (256);
return ;
// ~TextMarqueeCtrlClass
TextMarqueeCtrlClass::~TextMarqueeCtrlClass (void)
return ;
// Create_Control_Renderer
TextMarqueeCtrlClass::Create_Control_Renderer (void)
Render2DClass &renderer = ControlRenderer;
// Configure this renderer
renderer.Reset ();
renderer.Enable_Texturing (false);
// Determine which color to draw the outline in
int color = StyleMgrClass::Get_Line_Color ();
int bkcolor = StyleMgrClass::Get_Bk_Color ();
if (IsEnabled == false) {
color = StyleMgrClass::Get_Disabled_Line_Color ();
bkcolor = StyleMgrClass::Get_Disabled_Bk_Color ();
if (Style & WS_BORDER) {
// Draw the control's outline
renderer.Add_Outline (Rect, 1.0F, color);
return ;
// Create_Text_Renderer
TextMarqueeCtrlClass::Create_Text_Renderer (void)
TextRenderers[0].Reset ();
TextRenderers[1].Reset ();
TextRenderers[0].Set_Clipping_Rect (ClientRect);
TextRenderers[1].Set_Clipping_Rect (ClientRect);
TextRenderers[0].Set_Wrapping_Width (0);
TextRenderers[1].Set_Wrapping_Width (0);
int row_count = CreditLines.Count ();
if (row_count <= 0) {
return ;
// Calculate where to start rendering text
int ctrl_height = ClientRect.Height ();
float start_height = (ScrollPos - ctrl_height);
float curr_height = 0;
for (int curr_row = 0; curr_row < CreditLines.Count (); curr_row ++) {
if ((curr_height + CreditLines[curr_row].Height) >= start_height) {
curr_height += CreditLines[curr_row].Height;
// Configure our starting text rectangle
RectClass text_rect = ClientRect;
text_rect.Top += curr_height - (ScrollPos - ctrl_height);
// Now, render the visible lines of text...
for ( int index = curr_row;
(index < CreditLines.Count ()) && (text_rect.Top < ClientRect.Bottom);
index ++)
CREDIT_LINE &line = CreditLines[index];
// Use the formatting parameters for this line...
Render2DSentenceClass *renderer = &TextRenderers[line.FontIndex];
int color = line.Color;
int shadow_color = StyleMgrClass::Get_Text_Shadow_Color ();
// Render this line of text centered
StyleMgrClass::Render_Text (line.Text, renderer, color, shadow_color,
text_rect, true, false, StyleMgrClass::CENTER_JUSTIFY, false);
// Move down to the next row...
text_rect.Top = int(text_rect.Top + line.Height);
return ;
// Render
TextMarqueeCtrlClass::Render (void)
// Recreate the renderers (if necessary)
if (IsDirty) {
Create_Control_Renderer ();
Create_Text_Renderer ();
// Render the image...
ControlRenderer.Render ();
TextRenderers[0].Render ();
TextRenderers[1].Render ();
DialogControlClass::Render ();
return ;
// Update_Client_Rect
TextMarqueeCtrlClass::Update_Client_Rect (void)
// Set the client area
ClientRect = Rect;
ClientRect.Inflate (Vector2 (-5.0F * StyleMgrClass::Get_X_Scale (), -3.75F * StyleMgrClass::Get_Y_Scale ()));
ClientRect.Left = int(ClientRect.Left);
ClientRect.Top = int(ClientRect.Top);
ClientRect.Right = int(ClientRect.Right);
ClientRect.Bottom = int(ClientRect.Bottom);
Set_Dirty ();
return ;
// Set_Text
TextMarqueeCtrlClass::Set_Text (const WCHAR *title)
DialogControlClass::Set_Text (title);
ScrollPos = 0.0F;
// Rebuild the data structures necessary for us to
// render formatted text
Build_Credit_Lines ();
// Count up the total height of all lines
for (int index = 0; index < CreditLines.Count (); index ++) {
PixelHeight += TextRenderers[CreditLines[index].FontIndex].Peek_Font ()->Get_Char_Height ();
// Add two blank pages
PixelHeight += ClientRect.Height () * 2;
return ;
// Build_Credit_Lines
TextMarqueeCtrlClass::Build_Credit_Lines (void)
CreditLines.Delete_All ();
if (Title.Get_Length () == 0) {
// Handy macro
#define COPY_LINE(dest, src_start, src_end) \
if (src_end == NULL) { \
dest = src_start; \
} else { \
uint32 bytes = ((uint32)src_end - (uint32)src_start); \
uint32 len = bytes / sizeof (WCHAR); \
::memcpy (dest.Get_Buffer (len + 1), src_start, bytes); \
dest.Peek_Buffer ()[len] = 0; \
int default_color = StyleMgrClass::Get_Text_Color ();
CREDIT_LINE default_line (L"", 0, default_color);
// Build an array of formatted text lines
const WCHAR *text = Title;
while (text != NULL) {
// Scan this line for formatting information
CREDIT_LINE line (default_line);
text = Read_Line (text, line);
// Determine which renderer to use...
Render2DSentenceClass *renderer = &TextRenderers[line.FontIndex];
renderer->Set_Wrapping_Width (ClientRect.Width ());
// Loop over all the lines of text and check for wrapping...
const WCHAR *line_start = renderer->Find_Row_Start (line.Text, 0);
while (line_start != NULL) {
// Lookup the start of the next line...
const WCHAR *line_end = renderer->Find_Row_Start (line_start, 1);
// Copy this line of text into the control
WideStringClass text;
COPY_LINE (text, line_start, line_end);
// Add this line to our list
CREDIT_LINE new_line (line);
new_line.Text = text;
new_line.Height = TextRenderers[new_line.FontIndex].Peek_Font ()->Get_Char_Height ();
CreditLines.Add (new_line);
// Advance to the next line...
line_start = line_end;
return ;
// Read_Tag
TextMarqueeCtrlClass::Read_Tag (const WCHAR *text, CREDIT_LINE &line)
int retval = -1;
const WCHAR *TAG_BOLD = L"bold";
const WCHAR *TAG_COLOR = L"color=";
if (text[0] == L'<') {
for (int index = 1; text[index] != 0; index ++) {
// Is this the 'end-tag' bracket?
if (text[index] == L'>') {
// What type of specifier did we find?
if (::_wcsnicmp (text+1, TAG_BOLD, ::wcslen (TAG_BOLD)) == 0) {
// We found the bold specifier
line.FontIndex = 1;
retval = index;
} else if (::_wcsnicmp (text+1, TAG_COLOR, ::wcslen (TAG_COLOR)) == 0) {
// We found the color specifier
int tag_len = ::wcslen (TAG_COLOR)+1;
text += tag_len;
// Copy the params to their own temp string
WideStringClass temp_buffer (index + 1, true);
// ::lstrcpynW (temp_buffer.Peek_Buffer (), text, (index + 1) - tag_len);
int length = ((index + 1) - tag_len);
WCHAR* tempPtr = temp_buffer.Peek_Buffer();
wcsncpy(tempPtr, text, length);
tempPtr[length - 1] = 0;
int color[3] = { 0 };
// Parse the params for the colors
WCHAR *buffer = temp_buffer.Peek_Buffer ();
for (int color_index = 0; color_index < 3; color_index ++) {
WCHAR *comma_str = ::wcschr (buffer, L',');
if (comma_str != NULL) {
comma_str[0] = 0;
color[color_index] = ::_wtoi (buffer);
buffer = &comma_str[1];
} else {
color[color_index] = ::_wtoi (buffer);
// Store the color
line.Color = RGB_TO_INT32 ((uint8)color[0], (uint8)color[1], (uint8)color[2]);
retval = index;
return retval;
// Read_Line
const WCHAR *
TextMarqueeCtrlClass::Read_Line (const WCHAR *text, CREDIT_LINE &line)
const WCHAR *text_start = text;
// Set some defaults
line.FontIndex = 0;
line.Color = StyleMgrClass::Get_Text_Color ();
// Loop over all the text in the control
bool keep_going = true;
WCHAR ch = *text;
// Check to see if this character ends the
if (ch == L'\n' || ch == 0) {
int len = text - text_start;
// ::lstrcpynW (line.Text.Get_Buffer (len + 1), text_start, len + 1);
WCHAR* buffer = line.Text.Get_Buffer(len + 1);
wcsncpy(buffer, text_start, len + 1);
buffer[len] = 0;
keep_going = false;
} else if (ch == L'<') {
// Did we find a tag?
int new_index = Read_Tag (text, line);
if (new_index != -1) {
text = &text[new_index];
text_start = text + 1;
// Move to the next character
if (ch != 0) {
text ++;
} while (keep_going);
return text[0] != 0 ? text : 0;
// On_Frame_Update
TextMarqueeCtrlClass::On_Frame_Update (void)
float char_height = TextRenderers[0].Peek_Font ()->Get_Char_Height ();
// Determine how many pixels to scroll
float time = DialogMgrClass::Get_Frame_Time () / 1000.0F;
float pixels_scrolled = time * ScrollRate * char_height;
// Update the scroll position
float old_pos = ScrollPos;
ScrollPos += pixels_scrolled;
if (ScrollPos >= PixelHeight) {
ScrollPos = 0;
// Update the view
if (int(old_pos) != int(ScrollPos)) {
Set_Dirty ();
return ;