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Raw Normal View History

** Command & Conquer Renegade(tm)
** Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc.
** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program. If not, see <>.
*** C O N F I D E N T I A L --- W E S T W O O D S T U D I O S ***
* *
* Project Name : WW3D *
* *
* $Archive:: /Commando/Code/ww3d2/render2d.h $*
* *
* Author:: Greg Hjelstrom *
* *
* $Modtime:: 12/17/01 11:47a $*
* *
* $Revision:: 26 $*
* *
* Functions: *
* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#pragma once
#ifndef RENDER2D_H
#define RENDER2D_H
#include "always.h"
//#include "simplevec.h"
#include "vector.h"
#include "vector2.h"
#include "shader.h"
#include "widestring.h"
#include "rect.h"
#include "bittype.h"
class Font3DInstanceClass;
class TextureClass;
class Vector3;
class Vector4;
** Macros
// Vector RGB to INT32 methods (normalized components)
#define VRGB_TO_INT32(rgb) (unsigned(rgb[0]*255.0f)<<16)|(unsigned(rgb[1]*255.0f)<<8)|(unsigned(rgb[2]*255.0f))|0xFF000000
#define VRGBA_TO_INT32(rgb) (unsigned(rgb[3]*255.0f)<<24)|(unsigned(rgb[0]*255.0f)<<16)|(unsigned(rgb[1]*255.0f)<<8)|(unsigned(rgb[2]*255.0f))
// RGB to INT32 methods (each component is a value from 0 - 255)
#define RGB_TO_INT32(r,g,b) (unsigned(r)<<16)|(unsigned(g)<<8)|(unsigned(b))|0xFF000000
#define RGBA_TO_INT32(r,g,b,a) (unsigned(a)<<24)|(unsigned(r)<<16)|(unsigned(g)<<8)|(unsigned(b))
// Float RGB to INT32 methods (each component is a float between 0.0 and 1.0)
#define FRGB_TO_INT32(r,g,b) (unsigned(r*255.0f)<<16)|(unsigned(g*255.0f)<<8)|(unsigned(b*255.0f))|0xFF000000
#define FRGBA_TO_INT32(r,g,b,a) (unsigned(a*255.0f)<<24)|(unsigned(r*255.0f)<<16)|(unsigned(g*255.0f)<<8)|(unsigned(b*255.0f))
// INT32 to Vector RGB methods
#define INT32_TO_VRGB(color, vrgb) \
vrgb[0] = ((color & 0x00FF0000) >> 16) / 256.0F; \
vrgb[1] = ((color & 0x0000FF00) >> 8) / 256.0F; \
vrgb[2] = ((color & 0x000000FF)) / 256.0F;
#define INT32_TO_VRGBA(color, vrgba) \
vrgba[0] = ((color & 0x00FF0000) >> 16) / 256.0F; \
vrgba[1] = ((color & 0x0000FF00) >> 8) / 256.0F; \
vrgba[2] = ((color & 0x000000FF)) / 256.0F; \
vrgba[3] = ((color & 0xFF000000) >> 24) / 256.0F;
** Render2DClass
class Render2DClass {
Render2DClass( TextureClass* tex = NULL );
virtual ~Render2DClass(void);
virtual void Reset(void);
void Render(void);
void Set_Coordinate_Range( const RectClass & range );
void Set_Texture(TextureClass* tex);
TextureClass * Peek_Texture( void ) { return Texture; }
void Set_Texture( const char * filename );
void Enable_Additive(bool b);
void Enable_Alpha(bool b);
void Enable_Texturing(bool b);
ShaderClass * Get_Shader( void ) { return &Shader; }
static ShaderClass Get_Default_Shader( void );
// Add Quad
void Add_Quad( const Vector2 & v0, const Vector2 & v1, const Vector2 & v2, const Vector2 & v3, const RectClass & uv, unsigned long color = 0xFFFFFFFF );
void Add_Quad_Backfaced( const Vector2 & v0, const Vector2 & v1, const Vector2 & v2, const Vector2 & v3, const RectClass & uv, unsigned long color = 0xFFFFFFFF );
void Add_Quad( const RectClass & screen, const RectClass & uv, unsigned long color = 0xFFFFFFFF );
void Add_Quad( const Vector2 & v0, const Vector2 & v1, const Vector2 & v2, const Vector2 & v3, unsigned long color = 0xFFFFFFFF );
void Add_Quad( const RectClass & screen, unsigned long color = 0xFFFFFFFF );
void Add_Quad_VGradient( const RectClass & screen, unsigned long top_color, unsigned long bottom_color );
void Add_Quad_HGradient( const RectClass & screen, unsigned long left_color, unsigned long right_color );
// Add Tri
void Add_Tri( const Vector2 & v0, const Vector2 & v1, const Vector2 & v2, const Vector2 & uv0, const Vector2 & uv1, const Vector2 & uv2, unsigned long color = 0xFFFFFFFF );
// Primitive support
void Add_Line( const Vector2 & a, const Vector2 & b, float width, unsigned long color = 0xFFFFFFFF );
void Add_Line( const Vector2 & a, const Vector2 & b, float width, const RectClass & uv, unsigned long color = 0xFFFFFFFF );
void Add_Outline( const RectClass & rect, float width = 1.0F, unsigned long color = 0xFFFFFFFF );
void Add_Outline( const RectClass & rect, float width, const RectClass & uv, unsigned long color = 0xFFFFFFFF );
void Add_Rect( const RectClass & rect, float border_width = 1.0F, uint32 border_color = 0xFF000000, uint32 fill_color = 0xFFFFFFFF);
void Set_Hidden( bool hide ) { IsHidden = hide; }
// Z-value support (this is usefull for playing tricks with the z-buffer)
void Set_Z_Value (float z_value) { ZValue = z_value; }
// Move all verts
void Move( const Vector2 & a );
// Force all alphas
void Force_Alpha( float alpha );
void Force_Color( int color );
// Color access
DynamicVectorClass<unsigned long> & Get_Color_Array (void) { return Colors; }
// statics to access the Screen Resolution in Pixels
static void Set_Screen_Resolution( const RectClass & screen );
static const RectClass & Get_Screen_Resolution( void ) { return ScreenResolution; }
Vector2 CoordinateScale;
Vector2 CoordinateOffset;
Vector2 BiasedCoordinateOffset;
TextureClass * Texture;
ShaderClass Shader;
DynamicVectorClass<unsigned short> Indices;
unsigned short PreAllocatedIndices[60];
DynamicVectorClass<Vector2> Vertices;
Vector2 PreAllocatedVertices[60];
DynamicVectorClass<Vector2> UVCoordinates;
Vector2 PreAllocatedUVCoordinates[60];
DynamicVectorClass<unsigned long> Colors;
unsigned long PreAllocatedColors[60];
bool IsHidden;
float ZValue;
static RectClass ScreenResolution;
Vector2 Convert_Vert( const Vector2 & v );
void Convert_Vert( Vector2 & vert_out, const Vector2 & vert_in );
void Convert_Vert( Vector2 & vert_out, float x_in, float y_in );
void Update_Bias( void );
void Internal_Add_Quad_Vertices( const Vector2 & v0, const Vector2 & v1, const Vector2 & v2, const Vector2 & v3 );
void Internal_Add_Quad_Vertices( const RectClass & screen );
void Internal_Add_Quad_UVs( const RectClass & uv );
void Internal_Add_Quad_Colors( unsigned long color );
void Internal_Add_Quad_VColors( unsigned long color1, unsigned long color2 );
void Internal_Add_Quad_HColors( unsigned long color1, unsigned long color2 );
void Internal_Add_Quad_Indicies( int start_vert_index, bool backfaced = false );
** Render2DTextClass
class Render2DTextClass : public Render2DClass {
Render2DTextClass(Font3DInstanceClass *font=NULL);
virtual void Reset(void);
Font3DInstanceClass * Peek_Font( void ) { return Font; }
void Set_Font( Font3DInstanceClass *font );
void Set_Location( const Vector2 & loc ) { Location = loc; Cursor = loc; }
void Set_Wrapping_Width (float width) { WrapWidth = width; }
// Clipping support
void Set_Clipping_Rect( const RectClass &rect ) { ClipRect = rect; IsClippedEnabled = true; }
bool Is_Clipping_Enabled( void ) const { return IsClippedEnabled; }
void Enable_Clipping( bool onoff ) { IsClippedEnabled = onoff; }
void Draw_Text( const char * text, unsigned long color = 0xFFFFFFFF );
void Draw_Text( const WCHAR * text, unsigned long color = 0xFFFFFFFF );
void Draw_Block( const RectClass & screen, unsigned long color = 0xFFFFFFFF );
const RectClass & Get_Draw_Extents( void ) { return DrawExtents; }
const RectClass & Get_Total_Extents( void ) { return TotalExtents; }
const Vector2 & Get_Cursor( void ) { return Cursor; }
Vector2 Get_Text_Extents( const WCHAR * text );
Font3DInstanceClass* Font;
Vector2 Location;
Vector2 Cursor;
float WrapWidth;
RectClass DrawExtents;
RectClass TotalExtents;
RectClass BlockUV;
RectClass ClipRect;
bool IsClippedEnabled;
void Draw_Char( WCHAR ch, unsigned long color );
#endif // RENDER2D_H