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** Command & Conquer Renegade(tm)
** Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc.
** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program. If not, see <>.
*** C O N F I D E N T I A L --- W E S T W O O D S T U D I O S ***
* *
* Project Name : Combat *
* *
* $Archive:: /Commando/Code/wwui/mapctrl.cpp $*
* *
* Author:: Patrick Smith *
* *
* $Modtime:: 1/10/02 6:39p $*
* *
* $Revision:: 15 $*
* *
* Functions: *
* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
#include "mapctrl.h"
#include "assetmgr.h"
#include "refcount.h"
#include "font3d.h"
#include "mousemgr.h"
#include "ww3d.h"
#include "dialogmgr.h"
#include "dialogbase.h"
#include "stylemgr.h"
#include "ffactory.h"
// Local constants
static const float ZOOM_RATE = 2.0F;
static const float MARKER_WIDTH = 16.0F;
static const float MARKER_HEIGHT = 16.0F;
static const RectClass ZoomInUVRect (1, 33, 25, 57);
static const RectClass ZoomOutUVRect (26, 33, 53, 57);
static const Vector2 ButtonTextureSize (64, 64);
static const RectClass EdgeTopUVRect (1, 2, 31, 30);
static const RectClass EdgeRightUVRect (34, 1, 62, 31);
static const RectClass EdgeLeftUVRect (2, 31, 30, 63);
static const RectClass EdgeBottomUVRect (31, 34, 63, 62);
// MapCtrlClass
MapCtrlClass::MapCtrlClass (void) :
Zoom (1.0F),
ScrollPos (0, 0),
MapSize (0, 0),
IsDragging (false),
IsZoomingIn (false),
IsZoomingOut (false),
IsUsingOverlay (false),
InitialMousePos (0, 0),
InitialScrollPos (0, 0),
ZoomInButtonRect (0, 0, 0, 0),
ZoomOutButtonRect (0, 0, 0, 0),
MapCenterPoint (0, 0),
MapScale (1, 1),
CloudVector (NULL),
CloudSize (0, 0),
OverlayOpacity (1.0F),
PulseDirection (-1.0F)
// Configure the renderers
StyleMgrClass::Assign_Font (&TextRenderer, StyleMgrClass::FONT_CONTROLS);
StyleMgrClass::Configure_Renderer (&ControlRenderer);
StyleMgrClass::Configure_Renderer (&ButtonRenderer);
StyleMgrClass::Configure_Renderer (&MapRenderer);
StyleMgrClass::Configure_Renderer (&MapOverlayRenderer);
StyleMgrClass::Configure_Renderer (&CloudRenderer);
StyleMgrClass::Configure_Renderer (&EdgeRenderer);
StyleMgrClass::Configure_Renderer (&IconRenderer);
TextureClass *texture = WW3DAssetManager::Get_Instance ()->Get_Texture ("map_edges.tga", TextureClass::MIP_LEVELS_1);
EdgeRenderer.Set_Texture (texture);
REF_PTR_RELEASE (texture);
texture = WW3DAssetManager::Get_Instance ()->Get_Texture ("mapicons.tga", TextureClass::MIP_LEVELS_1);
ButtonRenderer.Set_Texture (texture);
REF_PTR_RELEASE (texture);
return ;
// ~MapCtrlClass
MapCtrlClass::~MapCtrlClass (void)
Free_Cloud_Data ();
return ;
// Create_Text_Renderers
MapCtrlClass::Create_Text_Renderers (void)
// Start fresh
TextRenderer.Reset ();
// Draw the text
//StyleMgrClass::Render_Text (Title, &TextRenderer, TextRect, true, true);
return ;
// Create_Control_Renderers
MapCtrlClass::Create_Control_Renderers (void)
Render2DClass &renderer = ControlRenderer;
// Configure this renderer
renderer.Reset ();
renderer.Enable_Texturing (false);
// Determine which color to draw the outline in
int color = StyleMgrClass::Get_Line_Color ();
int bkcolor = StyleMgrClass::Get_Bk_Color ();
if (IsEnabled == false) {
color = StyleMgrClass::Get_Disabled_Line_Color ();
bkcolor = StyleMgrClass::Get_Disabled_Bk_Color ();
// Draw the control's outline
renderer.Add_Outline (Rect, 1.0F, color);
renderer.Add_Outline (ZoomInButtonRect, 1.0F, color);
renderer.Add_Outline (ZoomOutButtonRect, 1.0F, color);
// Shrink the rectangle
RectClass rect = Rect;
rect.Right -= 1;
rect.Bottom -= 1;
// Calculate what the UV rectangle should be given the
// current scroll and zoom factors.
RectClass map_uv_rect (0, 0, 1, 1);
// Calculate the center of the image
Vector2 center = (MapSize / 2) + ScrollPos;
// Calculate the 'zoomed' rectangle (in pixels)
float width = Rect.Width ();
float height = Rect.Height ();
map_uv_rect.Left = center.X - ((width / 2) / Zoom);
map_uv_rect.Top = center.Y - ((height / 2) / Zoom);
map_uv_rect.Right = center.X + ((width / 2) / Zoom);
map_uv_rect.Bottom = center.Y + ((height / 2) / Zoom);
// Render any markers that are in view
IconRenderer.Reset ();
for (int index = 0; index < MarkerList.Count (); index ++) {
const MapMarkerClass &marker = MarkerList[index];
// Calculate what pixel position this marker is located at.
Vector2 map_pos;
map_pos.X = MapCenterPoint.X + (marker.Get_Position ().X * MapScale.X);
map_pos.Y = MapCenterPoint.Y - (marker.Get_Position ().Y * MapScale.Y);
// Is this marker currently visible?
if (map_uv_rect.Contains (map_pos)) {
// Calculate what percentage of the visible map the marker's position is
Vector2 percent;
percent.X = (map_pos.X - map_uv_rect.Left) / map_uv_rect.Width ();
percent.Y = (map_pos.Y - map_uv_rect.Top) / map_uv_rect.Height ();
// Convert the perctange into a screen position
Vector2 screen_pos;
screen_pos.X = rect.Left + (percent.X * rect.Width ());
screen_pos.Y = rect.Top + (percent.Y * rect.Height ());
// Build a screen rectangle we'll render into
RectClass screen_rect;
screen_rect.Left = int(screen_pos.X - (marker.Get_Rect ().Width () / 2));
screen_rect.Top = int(screen_pos.Y - (marker.Get_Rect ().Height () / 2));
screen_rect.Right = int(screen_rect.Left + marker.Get_Rect ().Width ());
screen_rect.Bottom = int(screen_rect.Top + marker.Get_Rect ().Height ());
// Convert the pixel coordinates into normalized UVs
RectClass marker_uv_rect = marker.Get_Rect ();
marker_uv_rect.Inverse_Scale (Vector2 (IconTextureSize.X, IconTextureSize.Y));
// Clip the rectangle as necessary
RectClass clipped_rect;
clipped_rect.Left = max (screen_rect.Left, Rect.Left);
clipped_rect.Right = min (screen_rect.Right, Rect.Right);
clipped_rect.Top = max (screen_rect.Top, Rect.Top);
clipped_rect.Bottom = min (screen_rect.Bottom, Rect.Bottom);
// Clip the texture to the specified area
RectClass clipped_uv_rect;
float clip_percent = ((clipped_rect.Left - screen_rect.Left) / screen_rect.Width ());
clipped_uv_rect.Left = marker_uv_rect.Left + (marker_uv_rect.Width () * clip_percent);
clip_percent = ((clipped_rect.Right - screen_rect.Left) / screen_rect.Width ());
clipped_uv_rect.Right = marker_uv_rect.Left + (marker_uv_rect.Width () * clip_percent);
clip_percent = ((clipped_rect.Top - screen_rect.Top) / screen_rect.Height ());
clipped_uv_rect.Top = marker_uv_rect.Top + (marker_uv_rect.Height () * clip_percent);
clip_percent = ((clipped_rect.Bottom - screen_rect.Top) / screen_rect.Height ());
clipped_uv_rect.Bottom = marker_uv_rect.Top + (marker_uv_rect.Height () * clip_percent);
// Use the clipped rectangles to render
screen_rect = clipped_rect;
marker_uv_rect = clipped_uv_rect;
// Render the marker
IconRenderer.Add_Quad (screen_rect, marker_uv_rect, marker.Get_Color ());
// Render the buttons
ButtonRenderer.Reset ();
RectClass temp_rect1;
temp_rect1.Left = int(ZoomInButtonRect.Center ().X - (ZoomInUVRect.Width () / 2));
temp_rect1.Top = int(ZoomInButtonRect.Center ().Y - (ZoomInUVRect.Height () / 2));
temp_rect1.Right = int(temp_rect1.Left + ZoomInUVRect.Width ());
temp_rect1.Bottom = int(temp_rect1.Top + ZoomInUVRect.Height ());
RectClass temp_rect2;
temp_rect2.Left = int(ZoomOutButtonRect.Center ().X - (ZoomInUVRect.Width () / 2));
temp_rect2.Top = int(ZoomOutButtonRect.Center ().Y - (ZoomInUVRect.Height () / 2));
temp_rect2.Right = int(temp_rect2.Left + ZoomInUVRect.Width ());
temp_rect2.Bottom = int(temp_rect2.Top + ZoomInUVRect.Height ());
RectClass temp_uv_rect1 = ZoomInUVRect;
RectClass temp_uv_rect2 = ZoomOutUVRect;
temp_uv_rect1.Inverse_Scale (Vector2 (ButtonTextureSize.X, ButtonTextureSize.Y));
temp_uv_rect2.Inverse_Scale (Vector2 (ButtonTextureSize.X, ButtonTextureSize.Y));
ButtonRenderer.Add_Quad (temp_rect1, temp_uv_rect1);
ButtonRenderer.Add_Quad (temp_rect2, temp_uv_rect2);
// Normalize the map UVs
map_uv_rect.Inverse_Scale (Vector2 (MapSize.X , MapSize.Y));
// Render the map
MapRenderer.Reset ();
MapOverlayRenderer.Reset ();
MapRenderer.Enable_Alpha (false);
MapOverlayRenderer.Enable_Alpha (true);
MapRenderer.Add_Quad (rect, map_uv_rect);
MapOverlayRenderer.Add_Quad (rect, map_uv_rect);
return ;
// Create_Cloud_Renderer
MapCtrlClass::Create_Cloud_Renderer (void)
CloudRenderer.Reset ();
EdgeRenderer.Reset ();
CloudRenderer.Enable_Texturing (false);
// Calculate the dimensions of the cloud at this zoom factor
float cloud_width = (MapSize.X / CloudSize.I) * Zoom;
float cloud_height = (MapSize.Y / CloudSize.J) * Zoom;
Vector2 center = (MapSize / 2) - ScrollPos;
float delta_x = ((MapSize.X * Zoom) - Rect.Width ()) / 2;
float delta_y = ((MapSize.Y * Zoom) - Rect.Height ()) / 2;
float cloud_x_pos = Rect.Left - (delta_x + (ScrollPos.X * Zoom));
float cloud_y_pos = Rect.Top - (delta_y + (ScrollPos.Y * Zoom));
// Loop over all the cells
for (int cell_y = 0; cell_y < CloudSize.J; cell_y ++) {
// Reset the x position
cloud_x_pos = Rect.Left - (delta_x + (ScrollPos.X * Zoom));
for (int cell_x = 0; cell_x < CloudSize.I; cell_x ++) {
// Build the rectangle for this cloud section
RectClass cloud_rect;
cloud_rect.Left = cloud_x_pos;
cloud_rect.Top = cloud_y_pos;
cloud_rect.Right = cloud_rect.Left + cloud_width;
cloud_rect.Bottom = cloud_rect.Top + cloud_height;
// Clip the rectangle
cloud_rect.Left = max (cloud_rect.Left, Rect.Left);
cloud_rect.Top = max (cloud_rect.Top, Rect.Top);
cloud_rect.Right = min (cloud_rect.Right, Rect.Right);
cloud_rect.Bottom = min (cloud_rect.Bottom, Rect.Bottom);
// Don't render anything if this cell is completely clipped.
if (cloud_rect.Width () > 0 && cloud_rect.Height () > 0) {
// Is this cell clouded?
if (Is_Cell_Shrouded (cell_x, cell_y)) {
// Render a black square in this cell
CloudRenderer.Add_Quad (cloud_rect, RGB_TO_INT32 (0, 0, 0));
} else {
RectClass delta_rect;
delta_rect.Left = ((cloud_rect.Left - cloud_x_pos) / cloud_width);
delta_rect.Top = ((cloud_rect.Top - cloud_y_pos) / cloud_height);
delta_rect.Right = ((cloud_rect.Right - (cloud_x_pos + cloud_width)) / cloud_width);
delta_rect.Bottom = ((cloud_rect.Bottom - (cloud_y_pos + cloud_height)) / cloud_height);
if (Is_Cell_Shrouded (cell_x - 1, cell_y)) {
RectClass uv_rect = EdgeLeftUVRect;
// Clip the uv-rectangle to fit the color rectangle
uv_rect.Left += uv_rect.Width () * delta_rect.Left;
uv_rect.Right += uv_rect.Width () * delta_rect.Right;
uv_rect.Top += uv_rect.Height () * delta_rect.Top;
uv_rect.Bottom += uv_rect.Height () * delta_rect.Bottom;
uv_rect.Inverse_Scale (Vector2 (64.0F, 64.0F));
EdgeRenderer.Add_Quad (cloud_rect, uv_rect);
if (Is_Cell_Shrouded (cell_x + 1, cell_y)) {
RectClass uv_rect = EdgeRightUVRect;
// Clip the uv-rectangle to fit the color rectangle
uv_rect.Left += uv_rect.Width () * delta_rect.Left;
uv_rect.Right += uv_rect.Width () * delta_rect.Right;
uv_rect.Top += uv_rect.Height () * delta_rect.Top;
uv_rect.Bottom += uv_rect.Height () * delta_rect.Bottom;
uv_rect.Inverse_Scale (Vector2 (64.0F, 64.0F));
EdgeRenderer.Add_Quad (cloud_rect, uv_rect);
if (Is_Cell_Shrouded (cell_x, cell_y - 1)) {
RectClass uv_rect = EdgeTopUVRect;
// Clip the uv-rectangle to fit the color rectangle
uv_rect.Left += uv_rect.Width () * delta_rect.Left;
uv_rect.Right += uv_rect.Width () * delta_rect.Right;
uv_rect.Top += uv_rect.Height () * delta_rect.Top;
uv_rect.Bottom += uv_rect.Height () * delta_rect.Bottom;
uv_rect.Inverse_Scale (Vector2 (64.0F, 64.0F));
EdgeRenderer.Add_Quad (cloud_rect, uv_rect);
if (Is_Cell_Shrouded (cell_x, cell_y + 1)) {
RectClass uv_rect = EdgeBottomUVRect;
// Clip the uv-rectangle to fit the color rectangle
uv_rect.Left += uv_rect.Width () * delta_rect.Left;
uv_rect.Right += uv_rect.Width () * delta_rect.Right;
uv_rect.Top += uv_rect.Height () * delta_rect.Top;
uv_rect.Bottom += uv_rect.Height () * delta_rect.Bottom;
uv_rect.Inverse_Scale (Vector2 (64.0F, 64.0F));
EdgeRenderer.Add_Quad (cloud_rect, uv_rect);
// Advance one column
cloud_x_pos += cloud_width;
// Advance one row
cloud_y_pos += cloud_height;
return ;
// On_Set_Cursor
MapCtrlClass::On_Set_Cursor (const Vector2 &mouse_pos)
// Change the mouse cursor
if ( ZoomInButtonRect.Contains (mouse_pos) ||
ZoomOutButtonRect.Contains (mouse_pos) ||
(::GetAsyncKeyState (VK_CONTROL) < 0) ||
Marker_From_Pos (mouse_pos) != -1)
MouseMgrClass::Set_Cursor (MouseMgrClass::CURSOR_ACTION);
} else {
MouseMgrClass::Set_Cursor (MouseMgrClass::CURSOR_PAN_UP);
return ;
// Update_Client_Rect
MapCtrlClass::Update_Client_Rect (void)
// Set the client area
ClientRect = Rect;
// Build the zoom button rectangles
ZoomOutButtonRect.Left = int(Rect.Right - (ZoomInUVRect.Width () + 2));
ZoomOutButtonRect.Top = int(Rect.Bottom - (ZoomInUVRect.Height () + 2));
ZoomOutButtonRect.Right = int(Rect.Right);
ZoomOutButtonRect.Bottom = int(Rect.Bottom);
ZoomInButtonRect = ZoomOutButtonRect;
ZoomInButtonRect.Left = int(ZoomInButtonRect.Left - (ZoomInUVRect.Width () + 2));
ZoomInButtonRect.Right = int(ZoomInButtonRect.Right - (ZoomInUVRect.Width () + 2));
Set_Dirty ();
return ;
// Render
MapCtrlClass::Render (void)
Update_Pulse ();
// Recreate the renderers (if necessary)
if (IsDirty) {
Create_Cloud_Renderer ();
Create_Control_Renderers ();
Create_Text_Renderers ();
// Render the background and text for the current state
TextRenderer.Render ();
MapRenderer.Render ();
if (IsUsingOverlay) {
MapOverlayRenderer.Render ();
IconRenderer.Render ();
CloudRenderer.Render ();
EdgeRenderer.Render ();
ButtonRenderer.Render ();
ControlRenderer.Render ();
DialogControlClass::Render ();
return ;
// On_LButton_Down
MapCtrlClass::On_LButton_Down (const Vector2 &mouse_pos)
IsDragging = false;
IsZoomingIn = false;
IsZoomingOut = false;
if (ZoomInButtonRect.Contains (mouse_pos)) {
IsZoomingIn = true;
Set_Capture ();
} else if (ZoomOutButtonRect.Contains (mouse_pos)) {
IsZoomingOut = true;
Set_Capture ();
} else {
// If the user held the control as they clicked, then
// notify the advise sinks that a position is being requested
if (::GetAsyncKeyState (VK_CONTROL) < 0) {
Vector3 world_pos = Position_To_Coord (mouse_pos);
ADVISE_NOTIFY (On_MapCtrl_Pos_Clicked (this, Get_ID (), world_pos));
} else {
// Begin panning
IsDragging = true;
Set_Capture ();
InitialMousePos = mouse_pos;
InitialScrollPos = ScrollPos;
return ;
// On_LButton_Up
MapCtrlClass::On_LButton_Up (const Vector2 &mouse_pos)
Release_Capture ();
IsDragging = false;
IsZoomingIn = false;
IsZoomingOut = false;
return ;
// Set_Map_Texture
MapCtrlClass::Set_Map_Texture (const char *filename)
// Load the texture
TextureClass *texture = WW3DAssetManager::Get_Instance ()->Get_Texture (filename, TextureClass::MIP_LEVELS_1);
if (texture != NULL) {
// Get the dimensions of the texture
MapSize.X = texture->Get_Width();
MapSize.Y = texture->Get_Height();
texture->Set_U_Addr_Mode (TextureClass::TEXTURE_ADDRESS_CLAMP);
texture->Set_V_Addr_Mode (TextureClass::TEXTURE_ADDRESS_CLAMP);
// Set the texture for the map
MapRenderer.Set_Texture (texture);
REF_PTR_RELEASE (texture);
// Force a repaint
Set_Dirty ();
// Try to find a texture to use as an overlay...
StringClass overlay_texture_name = filename;
int len = overlay_texture_name.Get_Length ();
overlay_texture_name.Erase (len - 4, 4);
overlay_texture_name += "a.tga";
// Check to see if the overlay exists
IsUsingOverlay = false;
FileClass *file = _TheFileFactory->Get_File (overlay_texture_name);
if (file != NULL) {
bool is_valid = true;
// If the file doesn't exist as a TGA try to find it as a DDS
if (file->Is_Available () == false) {
is_valid = false;
_TheFileFactory->Return_File (file);
len = overlay_texture_name.Get_Length ();
overlay_texture_name.Erase (len - 3, 3);
overlay_texture_name += "dds";
file = _TheFileFactory->Get_File (overlay_texture_name);
if (file != NULL && file->Is_Available ()) {
is_valid = true;
if (is_valid) {
texture = WW3DAssetManager::Get_Instance ()->Get_Texture (overlay_texture_name, TextureClass::MIP_LEVELS_1);
// Configure the overlay renderer
if (texture != NULL) {
texture->Set_U_Addr_Mode (TextureClass::TEXTURE_ADDRESS_CLAMP);
texture->Set_V_Addr_Mode (TextureClass::TEXTURE_ADDRESS_CLAMP);
MapOverlayRenderer.Set_Texture (texture);
REF_PTR_RELEASE (texture);
IsUsingOverlay = true;
if (file != NULL) {
_TheFileFactory->Return_File (file);
return ;
// On_Set_Focus
MapCtrlClass::On_Set_Focus (void)
DialogControlClass::On_Set_Focus ();
return ;
// On_Kill_Focus
MapCtrlClass::On_Kill_Focus (DialogControlClass *focus)
IsDragging = false;
IsZoomingIn = false;
IsZoomingOut = false;
DialogControlClass::On_Kill_Focus (focus);
return ;
// On_Mouse_Move
MapCtrlClass::On_Mouse_Move (const Vector2 &mouse_pos)
// Is the user "dragging" inside the control
if (HasFocus) {
if (IsDragging) {
Vector2 delta = (InitialMousePos - mouse_pos);
// Update the scroll position
ScrollPos.X = InitialScrollPos.X + (delta.X / Zoom);
ScrollPos.Y = InitialScrollPos.Y + (delta.Y / Zoom);
Clamp_Scroll_Pos ();
// Force a repaint
Set_Dirty ();
// Notify the parent
if (IsDragging == false) {
int index = Marker_From_Pos (mouse_pos);
ADVISE_NOTIFY (On_MapCtrl_Marker_Hilighted (this, Get_ID (), index));
return ;
// On_Frame_Update
MapCtrlClass::On_Frame_Update (void)
if (HasFocus) {
if (IsZoomingIn) {
// Zoom-In
Zoom += (DialogMgrClass::Get_Frame_Time () / 1000.F) * ZOOM_RATE;
Zoom = WWMath::Clamp (Zoom, 0.5F, 1.5F);
Set_Dirty ();
} else if (IsZoomingOut) {
// Zoom-Out
Zoom -= (DialogMgrClass::Get_Frame_Time () / 1000.0F) * ZOOM_RATE;
Zoom = WWMath::Clamp (Zoom, 0.5F, 1.5F);
Set_Dirty ();
return ;
// Add_Marker
const WCHAR * name,
const Vector3 & pos,
const RectClass & uv_rect,
int color
// Add this marker to our list
MapMarkerClass marker;
marker.Set_Name (name);
marker.Set_Position (pos);
marker.Set_Rect (uv_rect);
marker.Set_Color (color);
MarkerList.Add (marker);
// Return the new marker's index
return (MarkerList.Count () - 1);
// Get_Marker_Data
MapCtrlClass::Get_Marker_Data (int index)
return MarkerList[index].Get_User_Data ();
// Set_Marker_Data
MapCtrlClass::Set_Marker_Data (int index, uint32 user_data)
MarkerList[index].Set_User_Data (user_data);
return ;
// Remove_Marker
MapCtrlClass::Remove_Marker (int index)
MarkerList.Delete (index);
return ;
// Set_Marker_Texture
MapCtrlClass::Set_Marker_Texture (const char *filename)
// Load the texture
TextureClass *texture = WW3DAssetManager::Get_Instance ()->Get_Texture (filename, TextureClass::MIP_LEVELS_1);
if (texture != NULL) {
// Get the dimensions of the texture
// SurfaceClass::SurfaceDescription surface_desc;
// texture->Get_Level_Description (surface_desc);
// IconTextureSize.X = surface_desc.Width;
// IconTextureSize.Y = surface_desc.Height;
IconTextureSize.X = texture->Get_Width ();
IconTextureSize.Y = texture->Get_Height ();
// Set the texture for the map
IconRenderer.Set_Texture (texture);
REF_PTR_RELEASE (texture);
// Force a repaint
Set_Dirty ();
return ;
// Center_View_About_Marker
MapCtrlClass::Center_View_About_Marker (int marker_index)
const MapMarkerClass &marker = MarkerList[marker_index];
// Calculate what pixel position this marker is located at.
Vector2 map_pos;
map_pos.X = MapCenterPoint.X + (marker.Get_Position ().X * MapScale.X);
map_pos.Y = MapCenterPoint.Y - (marker.Get_Position ().Y * MapScale.Y);
// Now calculate what scroll offset we'd need to be centered
// about this position
ScrollPos = map_pos - (MapSize * 0.5F);
Clamp_Scroll_Pos ();
// Force a repaint
Set_Dirty ();
return ;
// Marker_From_Pos
MapCtrlClass::Marker_From_Pos (const Vector2 &mouse_pos)
int retval = -1;
Vector2 center = (MapSize / 2) + ScrollPos;
// Loop over all the markers in our list
for (int index = 0; index < MarkerList.Count (); index ++) {
const MapMarkerClass &marker = MarkerList[index];
// Calculate what texel position this marker is located at.
Vector2 map_pos;
map_pos.X = MapCenterPoint.X + (marker.Get_Position ().X * MapScale.X);
map_pos.Y = MapCenterPoint.Y - (marker.Get_Position ().Y * MapScale.Y);
// Get the screen position of this objective
Vector2 screen_pos = Rect.Center () + ((map_pos - center) * Zoom);
if (Rect.Contains (screen_pos)) {
// Build a screen rectangle of the marker
RectClass screen_rect;
screen_rect.Left = screen_pos.X - (marker.Get_Rect ().Width () / 2);
screen_rect.Top = screen_pos.Y - (marker.Get_Rect ().Height () / 2);
screen_rect.Right = screen_rect.Left + marker.Get_Rect ().Width ();
screen_rect.Bottom = screen_rect.Top + marker.Get_Rect ().Height ();
// Is the mouse over this marker?
if (screen_rect.Contains (mouse_pos)) {
retval = index;
return retval;
// Clamp_Scroll_Pos
MapCtrlClass::Clamp_Scroll_Pos (void)
float width = Rect.Width ();
float height = Rect.Height ();
// Determine what our scroll offset should be
// at this zoom factor
float max_x_offset = WWMath::Clamp (MapSize.X - width, 0, MapSize.X);
float max_y_offset = WWMath::Clamp (MapSize.Y - height, 0, MapSize.Y);
float offset_x = ScrollPos.X / Zoom;
float offset_y = ScrollPos.Y / Zoom;
offset_x = WWMath::Clamp (offset_x, -max_x_offset, max_x_offset);
offset_y = WWMath::Clamp (offset_y, -max_y_offset, max_y_offset);
// Re-adjust our scroll position so it doesn't go off the page
ScrollPos.X = offset_x * Zoom;
ScrollPos.Y = offset_y * Zoom;
return ;
// Initialize_Cloud
MapCtrlClass::Initialize_Cloud (int cells_x, int cells_y)
Free_Cloud_Data ();
CloudSize.I = cells_x;
CloudSize.J = cells_y;
// Allocate a bit vector large enough to hold the cells
CloudVector = new uint32[((CloudSize.I * CloudSize.J) / sizeof (uint32)) + 1];
return ;
// Reset_Cloud
MapCtrlClass::Reset_Cloud (void)
::memset (CloudVector, 0xFF, sizeof (uint32) * ((CloudSize.I * CloudSize.J) / sizeof (uint32)) + 1);
return ;
// Set_Cloud_Cell
MapCtrlClass::Set_Cloud_Cell (int cell_x, int cell_y, bool is_visible)
if (CloudVector == NULL) {
return ;
// Calculate where in our bit-vector the cell lies
int bit_offset = (cell_y * CloudSize.I) + cell_x;
int index = bit_offset / 32;
int bit = (bit_offset - (index * 32)) + 1;
// Set (or clear) the bit
if (is_visible) {
CloudVector[index] &= ~(1 << bit);
} else {
CloudVector[index] |= (1 << bit);
return ;
// Free_Cloud_Data
MapCtrlClass::Free_Cloud_Data (void)
if (CloudVector != NULL) {
delete CloudVector;
CloudVector = NULL;
CloudSize.Set (0, 0);
return ;
// Position_To_Coord
MapCtrlClass::Position_To_Coord (const Vector2 &mouse_pos)
Vector2 percent;
percent.X = (mouse_pos.X - Rect.Left) / Rect.Width ();
percent.Y = (mouse_pos.Y - Rect.Top) / Rect.Height ();
// Calculate the center of the image
RectClass map_uv_rect (0, 0, 1, 1);
Vector2 center = (MapSize / 2) + ScrollPos;
// Calculate the 'zoomed' rectangle (in pixels)
float width = Rect.Width ();
float height = Rect.Height ();
map_uv_rect.Left = center.X - ((width / 2) / Zoom);
map_uv_rect.Top = center.Y - ((height / 2) / Zoom);
map_uv_rect.Right = center.X + ((width / 2) / Zoom);
map_uv_rect.Bottom = center.Y + ((height / 2) / Zoom);
Vector2 map_pos;
map_pos.X = map_uv_rect.Left + (map_uv_rect.Width () * percent.X);
map_pos.Y = map_uv_rect.Top + (map_uv_rect.Height () * percent.Y);
// Now convert the map position into a world-space position
Vector3 result;
result.X = (map_pos.X - MapCenterPoint.X) / MapScale.X;
result.Y = (MapCenterPoint.Y - map_pos.Y) / MapScale.Y;
result.Z = 0;
return result;
// Update_Pulse
MapCtrlClass::Update_Pulse (void)
if (IsUsingOverlay == false) {
return ;
const float PULSE_RATE = 0.7F;
const float MIN_OPACITY = 0.5F;
const float MAX_OPACITY = 1.0F;
// Pulse the bar
float delta = PULSE_RATE * (DialogMgrClass::Get_Frame_Time () / 1000.0F);
OverlayOpacity += PulseDirection * delta;
// Clamp the opacity
if (OverlayOpacity <= MIN_OPACITY) {
OverlayOpacity = MIN_OPACITY;
PulseDirection = 1.0F;
} else if (OverlayOpacity >= MAX_OPACITY) {
OverlayOpacity = MAX_OPACITY;
PulseDirection = -1.0F;
int overlay_color = VRGBA_TO_INT32 (Vector4 (1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F, OverlayOpacity));
// Update the color vector array
DynamicVectorClass<unsigned long> &color_array = MapOverlayRenderer.Get_Color_Array ();
for (int index = 0; index < color_array.Count (); index ++) {
color_array[index] = overlay_color;
return ;