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** Command & Conquer Renegade(tm)
** Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc.
** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program. If not, see <>.
*** Confidential - Westwood Studios ***
* *
* Project Name : Commando *
* *
* $Archive:: /Commando/Code/Combat/building.h $*
* *
* $Author:: Patrick $*
* *
* $Modtime:: 1/07/02 3:52p $*
* *
* $Revision:: 42 $*
* *
* Functions: *
* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#pragma once
#ifndef BUILDING_H
#define BUILDING_H
#include "always.h"
#include "damageablegameobj.h"
#include "combatphysobserver.h"
#include "buildingaggregate.h"
#include "lightphys.h"
#include "playertype.h"
** Forward declarations
class AudibleSoundClass;
class BaseControllerClass;
class BuildingMonitorClass;
class PowerPlantGameObj;
class SoldierFactoryGameObj;
class VehicleFactoryGameObj;
class AirStripGameObj;
class WarFactoryGameObj;
class RefineryGameObj;
class ComCenterGameObj;
class RepairBayGameObj;
** BuildingConstants
** Convienent namespace declaration for the constants used with buildings
namespace BuildingConstants
typedef enum
} BuildingType;
typedef enum
} LegacyBuildingTeam;
typedef enum
** Building Game Obj Def
** This class is an editable definition for a building. It contains all constant data needed to initialize
** a BuildingGameObj.
class BuildingGameObjDef : public DamageableGameObjDef
BuildingGameObjDef( void );
virtual uint32 Get_Class_ID( void ) const;
virtual PersistClass * Create( void ) const ;
virtual bool Save( ChunkSaveClass &csave );
virtual bool Load( ChunkLoadClass &cload );
virtual const PersistFactoryClass & Get_Factory( void ) const;
DECLARE_EDITABLE( BuildingGameObjDef, DamageableGameObjDef );
void Set_Type (BuildingConstants::BuildingType type) { Type = type; }
BuildingConstants::BuildingType Get_Type (void) const { return Type; }
const StringClass & Get_Mesh_Prefix (void) const { return MeshPrefix; }
int Get_Damage_Report(int team) const;
int Get_Destroy_Report(int team) const;
StringClass MeshPrefix;
ArmorType MCTSkin;
BuildingConstants::BuildingType Type;
int GDIDamageReportID;
int NodDamageReportID;
int GDIDestroyReportID;
int NodDestroyReportID;
friend class BuildingGameObj;
** Building Game Obj
** This class encapsulates the basic building functionality.
** At initialization, the following things need to happen.
** - Collects all of the meshes that are part of the building using proximity, prefix matching
** and the "house" naming convention (# indicates an interior mesh, ^ indicates an exterior mesh).
** - Collect all of the BuildingAggregates that are part of the building using proximity and
** prefix matching.
** - Collect all light sources associated with the building using proximity and prefix matching.
** - Install itself as an observer into each StaticPhysClass (meshes and aggregates) that is part
** of the building.
** During gameplay, the building code does the following things:
** - Responds to all bullet collisions and explosions on any of its meshes/aggregates by
** applying damage to the building.
** - When destroyed, applies the alternate materials on its exterior meshes
** - When the power goes out, applies the alternate materials on its interior meshes
** - When the state changes (power on/off, health 100,75,50,25,0) switches the behaviors of
** all aggregates.
class BuildingGameObj : public DamageableGameObj, public CombatPhysObserverClass
// Constructor and Destructor
BuildingGameObj( void );
virtual ~BuildingGameObj( void );
// Definitions
virtual void Init( void );
void Init( const BuildingGameObjDef & definition );
const BuildingGameObjDef & Get_Definition( void ) const ;
// Save / Load
virtual bool Save( ChunkSaveClass & csave );
virtual bool Load( ChunkLoadClass & cload );
virtual const PersistFactoryClass & Get_Factory( void ) const;
// Type identification
virtual BuildingGameObj * As_BuildingGameObj( void ) { return this; }
virtual DamageableGameObj * As_DamageableGameObj( void ) { return this; }
virtual PowerPlantGameObj * As_PowerPlantGameObj (void) { return NULL; }
virtual SoldierFactoryGameObj * As_SoldierFactoryGameObj (void) { return NULL; }
virtual VehicleFactoryGameObj * As_VehicleFactoryGameObj (void) { return NULL; }
virtual AirStripGameObj * As_AirStripGameObj (void) { return NULL; }
virtual WarFactoryGameObj * As_WarFactoryGameObj (void) { return NULL; }
virtual RefineryGameObj * As_RefineryGameObj (void) { return NULL; }
virtual ComCenterGameObj * As_ComCenterGameObj (void) { return NULL; }
virtual RepairBayGameObj * As_RepairBayGameObj (void) { return NULL; }
** Position interface, the position of the building controller influences which meshes
** and other components are automatically assigned to this building. When there are two
** BuildingGameObj's that can accept a particular component, the closest one wins.
void Get_Position(Vector3 * pos) const { *pos = Position; }
void Set_Position(const Vector3 & pos) { Position = pos; CollectionSphere.Center = pos; }
** Damage interface, designed to work similarly to a game object
virtual void Apply_Damage( const OffenseObjectClass & damager,
float scale = 1.0f,
int alternate_skin = -1 );
void Apply_Damage_Building( const OffenseObjectClass & offense,
StaticPhysClass * component );
void Apply_Damage_Building( const OffenseObjectClass & offense,
bool mct_damage );
void Set_Normalized_Health (float health);
** Power interface, turn the power on and off
void Enable_Power(bool onoff);
bool Is_Power_Enabled(void) const { return IsPowerOn; }
** Building announcment support
void Play_Announcement( int text_id, bool broadcast );
void Stop_Current_Announcement( void );
** Utility functions for the building mesh naming convention.
** Exterior meshes contain a ^ as the first character following their prefix.
** Interior meshes contain a # as the first character following their prefix.
bool Name_Prefix_Matches_This_Building(const char * name);
static bool Is_Interior_Mesh_Name(const char * name);
static bool Is_Exterior_Mesh_Name(const char * name);
const char * Get_Name_Prefix (void) const { return Get_Definition().MeshPrefix; }
** Building component support
void Collect_Building_Components (void);
void Get_Collection_Sphere (SphereClass *sphere) const { *sphere = CollectionSphere; }
void Set_Collection_Sphere (const SphereClass &sphere) { CollectionSphere = sphere; }
** CnC mode suport
virtual void CnC_Initialize (BaseControllerClass *base);
virtual void On_Destroyed (void);
virtual void On_Damaged (void);
bool Is_Destroyed (void) const { return IsDestroyed; }
** Network support
virtual void Import_Rare (BitStreamClass &packet);
virtual void Export_Rare (BitStreamClass &packet);
virtual void Export_Creation (BitStreamClass &packet);
virtual void Import_Creation (BitStreamClass &packet);
static void Set_Precision (void);
virtual bool Get_World_Position (Vector3 &pos) const { pos = Position; return true; }
//virtual float Compute_Object_Priority (int client_id, const Vector3 &client_pos);
//virtual void Get_Extended_Information( StringClass & description );
virtual void Get_Description( StringClass & description );
virtual bool Is_Tagged(void) { return false; }
bool Is_GDI( void ) { return Get_Player_Type() == PLAYERTYPE_GDI; }
bool Is_Nod( void ) { return Get_Player_Type() == PLAYERTYPE_NOD; }
static void Set_Can_Repair_Buildings(bool flag) {CanRepairBuildings = flag;}
static bool Get_Can_Repair_Buildings(void) {return CanRepairBuildings;}
// Informational
void Find_Closest_Poly (const Vector3 &pos, float *distance2);
** CnC mode stuff
BuildingMonitorClass * BuildingMonitor;
BaseControllerClass * BaseController;
bool IsDestroyed;
Vector3 Position;
bool IsPowerOn;
int CurrentState; // derived from the health and IsPowerOn
AudibleSoundClass * CurrentAnnouncement;
SphereClass AnnouncementSphere;
SphereClass CollectionSphere;
RefMultiListClass<StaticPhysClass> InteriorMeshes;
RefMultiListClass<StaticPhysClass> ExteriorMeshes;
RefMultiListClass<BuildingAggregateClass> Aggregates;
RefMultiListClass<LightPhysClass> PowerOnLights;
RefMultiListClass<LightPhysClass> PowerOffLights;
static bool CanRepairBuildings;
void Initialize_Building(void);
void Reset_Components(void);
void Add_Mesh(StaticPhysClass * terrain);
void Remove_Mesh(StaticPhysClass * terrain);
void Add_Aggregate(BuildingAggregateClass * aggregate);
void Remove_Aggregate(BuildingAggregateClass * aggregate);
void Add_Light(LightPhysClass * light);
void Find_Closest_Poly_For_Model (RenderObjClass *model, const Vector3 &pos, float *distance2);
void Update_State(bool force_update = false);
void Enable_Alternate_Materials(RefMultiListClass<StaticPhysClass> & models, bool onoff);
void Enable_Alternate_Materials(RenderObjClass * model,bool onoff);
friend class GameObjManager;
#endif // BUILDING_H