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** Command & Conquer Renegade(tm)
** Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc.
** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program. If not, see <>.
*** C O N F I D E N T I A L --- W E S T W O O D S T U D I O S ***
* *
* Project Name : WWAudio *
* *
* $Archive:: /Commando/Code/WWAudio/WWAudio.cpp $*
* *
* Author:: Patrick Smith *
* *
* $Modtime:: 1/30/02 2:47p $*
* *
* $Revision:: 76 $*
* *
* Functions: *
* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
#include "always.h"
#include <Windows.H>
#include "WWAudio.H"
#include "WWDebug.H"
#include "Utils.H"
#include "RealCRC.H"
#include "SoundBuffer.H"
#include "AudibleSound.H"
#include "Sound3D.H"
#include "RawFile.H"
#include "WW3D.H"
#include "SoundScene.H"
#include "SoundPseudo3D.H"
#include "FFactory.H"
#include "Registry.H"
#include "Threads.H"
#include "LogicalSound.h"
#include "LogicalListener.h"
#include "definitionclassids.h"
#include "wwmemlog.h"
#include "wwprofile.h"
#include "Ini.h"
#ifdef G_CODE_BASE
#include "..\wwlib\argv.h"
// Static member initialization
WWAudioClass *WWAudioClass::_theInstance = NULL;
HANDLE WWAudioClass::_TimerSyncEvent = NULL;
// Registry value names
const char *VALUE_NAME_IS_STEREO = "stereo";
const char *VALUE_NAME_BITS = "bits";
const char *VALUE_NAME_HERTZ = "hertz";
const char *VALUE_NAME_DEVICE_NAME = "device name";
const char *VALUE_NAME_MUSIC_ENABLED = "music enabled";
const char *VALUE_NAME_SOUND_ENABLED = "sound enabled";
const char *VALUE_NAME_DIALOG_ENABLED = "dialog enabled";
const char *VALUE_NAME_CINEMATIC_ENABLED = "cinematic enabled";
const char *VALUE_NAME_MUSIC_VOL = "music volume";
const char *VALUE_NAME_SOUND_VOL = "sound volume";
const char *VALUE_NAME_DIALOG_VOL = "dialog volume";
const char *VALUE_NAME_CINEMATIC_VOL = "cinematic volume";
const char *VALUE_NAME_SPEAKER_TYPE = "speaker type";
const int MAX_VIRTUAL_CHANNELS = 100;
// INI names
const char *WWAUDIO_INI_FILENAME = "WWAudio.ini";
const char *WWAUDIO_INI_RELATIVE_PATHNAME = "Data\\WWAudio.ini";
const char *INI_DEFAULT_VOLUME_SECTION = "Default Volume";
// Local inlines
__inline bool
WWAudioClass::Is_OK_To_Give_Handle (const AudibleSoundClass &sound_obj)
bool is_ok = false;
AudibleSoundClass::SOUND_TYPE type = sound_obj.Get_Type ();
if (m_AreNewSoundsEnabled) {
if (((type == AudibleSoundClass::TYPE_SOUND_EFFECT) && m_AreSoundEffectsEnabled) ||
((type == AudibleSoundClass::TYPE_MUSIC) && m_IsMusicEnabled) ||
((type == AudibleSoundClass::TYPE_DIALOG) && m_IsDialogEnabled) ||
((type == AudibleSoundClass::TYPE_CINEMATIC) && m_IsCinematicSoundEnabled))
is_ok = true;
return is_ok;
// WWAudioClass
// 1/25/2002 12:13PM ST. Added the 'lite' flag which causes us to go through the motions of
// creating the object (including theInstance) so it exists but disables
// the call that initialises Miles and doesn't create a sound scene.
WWAudioClass::WWAudioClass (bool lite)
: m_Driver2D (NULL),
m_Driver3D (NULL),
m_PlaybackRate (44100),
m_PlaybackBits (16),
m_PlaybackStereo (true),
m_SpeakerType (0),
m_UpdateTimer (-1),
m_Driver3DPseudo (NULL),
m_MusicVolume (DEF_MUSIC_VOL),
m_SoundVolume (DEF_SFX_VOL),
m_RealMusicVolume (DEF_MUSIC_VOL),
m_RealSoundVolume (DEF_SFX_VOL),
m_MaxCacheSize (DEF_CACHE_SIZE * 1024),
m_CurrentCacheSize (0),
m_Max2DSamples (DEF_2D_SAMPLE_COUNT),
m_Max3DSamples (DEF_3D_SAMPLE_COUNT),
m_Max2DBufferSize (DEF_MAX_2D_BUFFER_SIZE),
m_Max3DBufferSize (DEF_MAX_3D_BUFFER_SIZE),
m_SoundScene (NULL),
m_IsMusicEnabled (true),
m_IsDialogEnabled (true),
m_IsCinematicSoundEnabled (true),
m_AreSoundEffectsEnabled (true),
m_FileFactory (NULL),
m_EffectsLevel (0),
m_CurrPage (PAGE_PRIMARY),
m_AreNewSoundsEnabled (true),
m_BackgroundMusic (NULL),
m_NonDialogFadeTime (DEF_FADE_TIME),
m_FadeType (FADE_NONE),
m_FadeTimer (0),
m_CachedIsMusicEnabled (true),
m_CachedIsDialogEnabled (true),
m_CachedIsCinematicSoundEnabled (true),
m_CachedAreSoundEffectsEnabled (true),
AudioIni (NULL)
::InitializeCriticalSection (&MMSLockClass::_MSSLockCriticalSection);
m_ForceDisable = lite;
// Start Miles Sound System
if (!lite) {
AIL_startup ();
_theInstance = this;
_TimerSyncEvent = ::CreateEvent (NULL, TRUE, FALSE, "WWAUDIO_TIMER_SYNC");
// Set some default values
Set_Sound_Effects_Volume ();
Set_Music_Volume ();
// Allocate the virtual channels
for (int index = 0; index < MAX_VIRTUAL_CHANNELS; index ++) {
m_VirtualChannels.Add (NULL);
// Create a new sound scene to manage our 3D sounds...
if (!lite) {
m_SoundScene = new SoundSceneClass;
m_Max3DBufferSize = m_Max3DBufferSize * 2.0F;
// ~WWAudioClass
WWAudioClass::~WWAudioClass (void)
// Stop the background music
Set_Background_Music (NULL);
// Make sure the delayed-release thread is terminated
// before we exit (otherwise the process will crash).
WWAudioThreadsClass::End_Delayed_Release_Thread ();
Shutdown ();
_theInstance = NULL;
_TimerSyncEvent = NULL;
::DeleteCriticalSection (&MMSLockClass::_MSSLockCriticalSection);
// Free the list of logical "types".
Reset_Logical_Types ();
if (AudioIni != NULL) delete AudioIni;
// Flush_Cache
WWAudioClass::Flush_Cache (void)
// Loop through all the hash indicies
for (int hash_index = 0; hash_index < MAX_CACHE_HASH; hash_index ++) {
// Loop through all the buffers at this hash index and free them all
for (int index = 0; index < m_CachedBuffers[hash_index].Count (); index ++) {
CACHE_ENTRY_STRUCT &info = m_CachedBuffers[hash_index][index];
// Free the buffer data
SAFE_FREE (info.string_id);
REF_PTR_RELEASE (info.buffer);
// Remove all the entries for this hash index
m_CachedBuffers[hash_index].Delete_All ();
m_CurrentCacheSize = 0;
// Open_2D_Device
WWAudioClass::Open_2D_Device (LPWAVEFORMAT format)
MMSLockClass lock;
// Store the playback settings for future reference
m_PlaybackRate = format->nSamplesPerSec;
m_PlaybackBits = (format->nAvgBytesPerSec << 3) / (format->nChannels * format->nSamplesPerSec);
m_PlaybackStereo = bool(format->nChannels > 1);
// Assume we will open the DirectSound driver
// First close the current 2D device and take
// all the sound handles away from the sound objects.
Close_2D_Device ();
AIL_set_preference (AIL_LOCK_PROTECTION, NO);
// Try to use DirectSound if possible
S32 success = ::AIL_set_preference (DIG_USE_WAVEOUT, FALSE);
//WWASSERT (success == AIL_NO_ERROR); // This assert fires if there is no sound card.
// Open the driver
success = ::AIL_waveOutOpen (&m_Driver2D, NULL, 0, format);
// Do we need to switch from direct sound to waveout?
if ((success == AIL_NO_ERROR) &&
(m_Driver2D != NULL) &&
(m_Driver2D->emulated_ds == TRUE)) {
::AIL_waveOutClose (m_Driver2D);
success = 2;
WWDEBUG_SAY (("WWAudio: Detected 2D DirectSound emulation, switching to WaveOut.\r\n"));
// If we couldn't open the direct sound device, then use the
// default wave out device
if (success != AIL_NO_ERROR) {
// Try to use the default wave out driver
success = ::AIL_set_preference (DIG_USE_WAVEOUT, TRUE);
//WWASSERT (success == AIL_NO_ERROR); // This assert fires if there is no sound card.
// Open the driver
success = ::AIL_waveOutOpen (&m_Driver2D, NULL, 0, format);
// Allocate all the available handles if we were successful
if (success == AIL_NO_ERROR) {
Allocate_2D_Handles ();
ReAssign_2D_Handles ();
} else {
Close_2D_Device ();
WWDEBUG_SAY (("WWAudio: Error initializing 2D device.\r\n"));
// Return the opened device type
return type;
// Open_2D_Device
bool stereo,
int bits,
int hertz
// Build a wave format structure from the params
PCMWAVEFORMAT wave_format = { 0 }; = WAVE_FORMAT_PCM; = stereo ? 2 : 1; = hertz; = ( * * bits) >> 3; = ( * bits) >> 3;
wave_format.wBitsPerSample = bits;
while (((type = Open_2D_Device ((LPWAVEFORMAT)&wave_format)) == DRIVER2D_ERROR) &&
( >= 11025)) {
// Cut the playback rate in half and try again
// = >> 1; = ( * * bits) >> 3; = ( * bits) >> 3;
// Pass this structure onto the function that actually opens the device
return type;
// Close_2D_Device
WWAudioClass::Close_2D_Device (void)
MMSLockClass lock;
// Note: We MUST close the 3D device when we close the 2D device...
Close_3D_Device ();
// Free any 2D sound handles
Remove_2D_Sound_Handles ();
Release_2D_Handles ();
// Do we have an open driver handle to close?
bool retval = false;
if (m_Driver2D != NULL) {
// Close the driver
::AIL_waveOutClose (m_Driver2D);
m_Driver2D = NULL;
retval = true;
return retval;
// Close_3D_Device
WWAudioClass::Close_3D_Device (void)
MMSLockClass lock;
bool retval = false;
// Remove all the handles
Remove_3D_Sound_Handles ();
Release_3D_Handles ();
// Do we have an open driver handle to close?
if (m_Driver3D != NULL) {
::AIL_close_3D_provider (m_Driver3D);
m_Driver3D = NULL;
retval = true;
return retval;
// Get_Sound_Buffer
SoundBufferClass *
WWAudioClass::Get_Sound_Buffer (const char *filename, bool is_3d)
WWPROFILE ("Get_Sound_Buffer");
// Try to find the buffer in our cache, otherwise create a new buffer.
SoundBufferClass *buffer = Find_Cached_Buffer (filename);
if (buffer == NULL) {
FileClass *file = Get_File (filename);
if (file != NULL && file->Is_Available ()) {
buffer = Create_Sound_Buffer (*file, filename, is_3d);
} else {
static int count = 0;
if ( ++count < 10 ) {
WWDEBUG_SAY(( "Sound \"%s\" not found\r\n", filename ));
Return_File (file);
return buffer;
// Get_Sound_Buffer
SoundBufferClass *
WWAudioClass::Get_Sound_Buffer (FileClass &file, const char *string_id, bool is_3d)
// Try to find the buffer in our cache, otherwise create a new buffer.
SoundBufferClass *buffer = Find_Cached_Buffer (string_id);
if (buffer == NULL) {
buffer = Create_Sound_Buffer (file, string_id, is_3d);
return buffer;
// Find_Cached_Buffer
SoundBufferClass *
WWAudioClass::Find_Cached_Buffer (const char *string_id)
WWPROFILE ("Find_Cached_Buffer");
SoundBufferClass *sound_buffer = NULL;
// Param OK?
WWASSERT (string_id != NULL);
if (string_id != NULL) {
// Determine which index in our hash table to use
int hash_index = ::CRC_Stringi (string_id) & CACHE_HASH_MASK;
// Loop through all the buffers at this hash index and try to find
// one that matches the requested name
for (int index = 0; index < m_CachedBuffers[hash_index].Count (); index ++) {
// Is this the sound buffer we were looking for?
CACHE_ENTRY_STRUCT &info = m_CachedBuffers[hash_index][index];
if (::lstrcmpi (info.string_id, string_id) == 0) {
sound_buffer = info.buffer;
sound_buffer->Add_Ref ();
// Return a pointer to the cached sound buffer
return sound_buffer;
// Free_Cache_Space
WWAudioClass::Free_Cache_Space (int bytes)
int bytes_freed = 0;
// Loop through all the hash indicies
for (int hash_index = 0;
(hash_index < MAX_CACHE_HASH) && (bytes_freed < bytes);
hash_index ++) {
// Loop through all the buffers at this hash index
for (int index = 0;
(index < m_CachedBuffers[hash_index].Count ()) && (bytes_freed < bytes);
index ++) {
// Can we free this cached buffer?
CACHE_ENTRY_STRUCT &info = m_CachedBuffers[hash_index][index];
if ((info.buffer != NULL) && (info.buffer->Num_Refs () == 1)) {
// Add the size of this buffer to our count of bytes freed
bytes_freed += info.buffer->Get_Raw_Length ();
// Free the buffer data
SAFE_FREE (info.string_id);
REF_PTR_RELEASE (info.buffer);
// Remove this entry from the hash table
m_CachedBuffers[hash_index].Delete (index);
index --;
// Make sure to recompute out current cache size
m_CurrentCacheSize -= bytes_freed;
WWASSERT (m_CurrentCacheSize >= 0);
// Return true if we freed enough bytes in the cache
return (bytes_freed >= bytes);
// Cache_Buffer
SoundBufferClass *buffer,
const char *string_id
WWPROFILE ("Cache_Buffer");
// Assume failure
bool retval = false;
// Params OK?
WWASSERT (buffer != NULL);
WWASSERT (string_id != NULL);
if ((buffer != NULL) && (string_id != NULL)) {
// Attempt to free space in the cache (if needed)
/*int space_needed = (m_CurrentCacheSize + buffer->Get_Raw_Length ()) - (int)m_MaxCacheSize;
if (space_needed > 0) {
Free_Cache_Space (space_needed);
// Do we have enough space in the cache for this buffer?
//space_needed = (m_CurrentCacheSize + buffer->Get_Raw_Length ()) - (int)m_MaxCacheSize;
//if (space_needed <= 0) {
// Determine which index in our hash table to use
int hash_index = ::CRC_Stringi (string_id) & CACHE_HASH_MASK;
// Add this buffer to the hash table at the given index.
// Note: The assignment operator caused by the Add call
// will add a reference to the sound buffer.
info.string_id = (char *)string_id;
info.buffer = buffer;
m_CachedBuffers[hash_index].Add (info);
// Update our current cache size
m_CurrentCacheSize += buffer->Get_Raw_Length ();
retval = true;
if (retval == false) {
WWDEBUG_SAY (("Unable to cache sound: %s.\r\n", string_id));
// Return the true/false result code
return retval;
// Create_Sound_Buffer
SoundBufferClass *
FileClass & file,
const char *string_id,
bool is_3d
WWPROFILE ("Create_Sound_Buffer");
SoundBufferClass *sound_buffer = NULL;
// Determine how large this buffer can be
int max_size = is_3d ? m_Max3DBufferSize : m_Max2DBufferSize;
// Create a streaming sound buffer object if the
// file is too large to preload.
if (file.Size () > max_size) {
sound_buffer = new StreamSoundBufferClass;
} else {
sound_buffer = new SoundBufferClass;
// Create a new sound buffer from the provided file
bool success = sound_buffer->Load_From_File (file);
sound_buffer->Set_Filename (string_id);
WWASSERT (success);
// If we were successful in creating the sound buffer, then
// try to cache it as well, otherwise free the buffer and return NULL.
if (success && (string_id != NULL)) {
Cache_Buffer (sound_buffer, string_id);
} else if (success == false) {
REF_PTR_RELEASE (sound_buffer);
// Return a pointer to the new sound buffer
return sound_buffer;
// Create_Sound_Buffer
SoundBufferClass *
unsigned char * file_image,
unsigned long bytes,
const char * string_id,
bool is_3d
WWPROFILE ("Create_Sound_Buffer");
// Create a new sound buffer from the provided file
SoundBufferClass *sound_buffer = new SoundBufferClass;
// Initialize the sound from this piece of memory
bool success = sound_buffer->Load_From_Memory (file_image, bytes);
sound_buffer->Set_Filename (string_id);
WWASSERT (success);
// If we were successful in creating the sound buffer, then
// try to cache it as well, otherwise free the buffer and return NULL.
if (success && (string_id != NULL)) {
Cache_Buffer (sound_buffer, string_id);
} else if (success == false) {
REF_PTR_RELEASE (sound_buffer);
// Return a pointer to the new sound buffer
return sound_buffer;
// Create_Sound_Effect
AudibleSoundClass *
WWAudioClass::Create_Sound_Effect (FileClass &file, const char *string_id)
WWPROFILE ("Create_Sound_Effect");
// Create a new sound object
AudibleSoundClass *sound_obj = NEW_REF( AudibleSoundClass, () );
if (Is_Disabled () == false) {
// Try to find the buffer in our cache, otherwise create a new buffer.
SoundBufferClass *buffer = Get_Sound_Buffer (file, string_id, false);
// Pass the actual sound data onto the sound object
sound_obj->Set_Buffer (buffer);
// Return a pointer to the sound effect
return sound_obj;
// Create_Sound_Effect
AudibleSoundClass *
WWAudioClass::Create_Sound_Effect (const char *filename)
WWPROFILE ("Create_Sound_Effect");
// Assume failure
AudibleSoundClass *sound_obj = NULL;
if (Is_Disabled () == false) {
// Param OK?
WWASSERT (filename != NULL);
if (filename != NULL) {
// Create a file object and pass it onto the appropriate function
FileClass *file = Get_File (filename);
if (file && file->Is_Available()) {
sound_obj = Create_Sound_Effect (*file, filename);
} else {
WWDEBUG_SAY(( "Sound %s not found\r\n", filename ));
Return_File (file);
// Return a pointer to the sound effect
return sound_obj;
// Create_Sound_Effect
AudibleSoundClass *
const char * string_id,
unsigned char *raw_wave_data,
unsigned long bytes
WWPROFILE ("Create_Sound_Effect");
// Create a new sound object
AudibleSoundClass *sound_obj = NEW_REF( AudibleSoundClass, () );
if (Is_Disabled () == false) {
// Try to find the buffer in our cache, otherwise create a new buffer.
SoundBufferClass *buffer = Find_Cached_Buffer (string_id);
if (buffer == NULL) {
buffer = Create_Sound_Buffer (raw_wave_data, bytes, string_id, false);
// Pass the actual sound data onto the sound object
sound_obj->Set_Buffer (buffer);
// Return a pointer to the sound effect
return sound_obj;
// Create_3D_Sound
Sound3DClass *
WWAudioClass::Create_3D_Sound (FileClass &file, const char *string_id, int classid_hint)
WWPROFILE ("Create_3D_Sound (FileClass)");
Sound3DClass *sound_obj = NULL;
if (Is_Disabled () == false) {
// Try to find the buffer in our cache, otherwise create a new buffer.
SoundBufferClass *buffer = Get_Sound_Buffer (file, string_id, true);
// What type of sound object should we create? A true 3D sound or one of
// our pseudo-3d sounds? (volume and panning only)
if ( classid_hint == CLASSID_PSEUDO3D ||
Validate_3D_Sound_Buffer (buffer) == false)
sound_obj = new SoundPseudo3DClass;
sound_obj->Set_Buffer (buffer);
} else if (buffer != NULL) {
sound_obj = new Sound3DClass;
sound_obj->Set_Buffer (buffer);
// Return a pointer to the sound effect
return sound_obj;
// Create_3D_Sound
Sound3DClass *
const char * filename,
int classid_hint
WWPROFILE ("Create_3D_Sound (filename)");
// Assume failure
Sound3DClass *sound_obj = NULL;
if (Is_Disabled () == false) {
// Param OK?
WWASSERT (filename != NULL);
if (filename != NULL) {
// Try to find the buffer in our cache, otherwise create a new buffer.
SoundBufferClass *buffer = Get_Sound_Buffer (filename, true);
// What type of sound object should we create? A true 3D sound or one of
// our pseudo-3d sounds? (volume and panning only)
if ( classid_hint == CLASSID_PSEUDO3D ||
Validate_3D_Sound_Buffer (buffer) == false)
sound_obj = new SoundPseudo3DClass;
sound_obj->Set_Buffer (buffer);
} else if (buffer != NULL) {
sound_obj = new Sound3DClass;
sound_obj->Set_Buffer (buffer);
} else {
static int count = 0;
if ( ++count < 10 ) {
WWDEBUG_SAY(( "Sound File not Found \"%s\"\r\n", filename ));
// Return a pointer to the sound effect
return sound_obj;
// Create_3D_Sound
Sound3DClass *
const char * string_id,
unsigned char * raw_wave_data,
unsigned long bytes,
int classid_hint
WWPROFILE ("Create_3D_Sound (Raw)");
Sound3DClass *sound_obj = NULL;
if (Is_Disabled () == false) {
// Try to find the buffer in our cache, otherwise create a new buffer.
SoundBufferClass *buffer = Find_Cached_Buffer (string_id);
if (buffer == NULL) {
buffer = Create_Sound_Buffer (raw_wave_data, bytes, string_id, true);
// What type of sound object should we create? A true 3D sound or one of
// our pseudo-3d sounds? (volume and panning only)
if ( classid_hint == CLASSID_PSEUDO3D ||
Validate_3D_Sound_Buffer (buffer) == false)
sound_obj = new SoundPseudo3DClass;
sound_obj->Set_Buffer (buffer);
} else if (buffer != NULL) {
sound_obj = new Sound3DClass;
sound_obj->Set_Buffer (buffer);
// Return a pointer to the sound effect
return sound_obj;
// Create_Sound
AudibleSoundClass *
int definition_id,
RefCountClass *user_obj,
uint32 user_data,
int classid_hint
WWPROFILE ("Create_Sound");
AudibleSoundClass *sound = NULL;
// Find the definition
DefinitionClass *definition = DefinitionMgrClass::Find_Definition (definition_id);
if (definition != NULL ) {
// Make sure this is really a sound definition
WWASSERT (definition->Get_Class_ID () == CLASSID_SOUND);
if (definition->Get_Class_ID () == CLASSID_SOUND) {
AudibleSoundDefinitionClass *sound_def = reinterpret_cast<AudibleSoundDefinitionClass *> (definition);
// Create an instance of the sound
sound = sound_def->Create_Sound (classid_hint);
if (sound != NULL) {
sound->Set_User_Data (user_obj, user_data);
return sound;
// Create_Sound
AudibleSoundClass *
const char * def_name,
RefCountClass *user_obj,
uint32 user_data,
int classid_hint
WWPROFILE ("Create_Sound");
AudibleSoundClass *sound = NULL;
// Find the definition
DefinitionClass *definition = DefinitionMgrClass::Find_Typed_Definition (def_name, CLASSID_SOUND, true);
if (definition != NULL ) {
// Make sure this is really a sound definition
WWASSERT (definition->Get_Class_ID () == CLASSID_SOUND);
if (definition->Get_Class_ID () == CLASSID_SOUND) {
AudibleSoundDefinitionClass *sound_def = reinterpret_cast<AudibleSoundDefinitionClass *> (definition);
// Create an instance of the sound
sound = sound_def->Create_Sound (classid_hint);
if (sound != NULL) {
sound->Set_User_Data (user_obj, user_data);
return sound;
// Create_Continuous_Sound
AudibleSoundClass *
int definition_id,
RefCountClass *user_obj,
uint32 user_data,
int classid_hint
WWPROFILE ("Create_Continuous_Sound");
// Create an instance of the sound and play it
AudibleSoundClass *sound = Create_Sound (definition_id, user_obj, user_data, classid_hint);
if (sound != NULL) {
if (sound->Get_Loop_Count () != INFINITE_LOOPS) {
WWDEBUG_SAY (("Audio Error: Creating a continuous sound with a finite loop count!\r\n"));
return sound;
// Create_Instant_Sound
int definition_id,
const Matrix3D & tm,
RefCountClass * user_obj,
uint32 user_data,
int classid_hint
WWPROFILE ("Create_Instant_Sound");
int sound_id = 0;
// Create an instance of the sound and play it
AudibleSoundClass *sound = Create_Sound (definition_id, user_obj, user_data, classid_hint);
if (sound != NULL) {
if (sound->Get_Loop_Count () == INFINITE_LOOPS) {
WWDEBUG_SAY (("Audio Error: Creating an instant sound %s with an infinite loop count!\r\n",sound->Get_Definition()->Get_Name()));
sound_id = sound->Get_ID ();
sound->Set_Transform (tm);
sound->Add_To_Scene ();
sound->Release_Ref ();
return sound_id;
// Create_Continuous_Sound
AudibleSoundClass *
const char * def_name,
RefCountClass *user_obj,
uint32 user_data,
int classid_hint
WWPROFILE ("Create_Continuous_Sound");
// Create an instance of the sound and play it
AudibleSoundClass *sound = Create_Sound (def_name, user_obj, user_data, classid_hint);
if (sound != NULL) {
if (sound->Get_Loop_Count () != INFINITE_LOOPS) {
WWDEBUG_SAY (("Audio Error: Creating a continuous sound with a finite loop count!\r\n"));
return sound;
// Create_Instant_Sound
const char * def_name,
const Matrix3D & tm,
RefCountClass * user_obj,
uint32 user_data,
int classid_hint
WWPROFILE ("Create_Instant_Sound");
int sound_id = 0;
// Create an instance of the sound and play it
AudibleSoundClass *sound = Create_Sound (def_name, user_obj, user_data, classid_hint);
if (sound != NULL) {
if (sound->Get_Loop_Count () == INFINITE_LOOPS) {
WWDEBUG_SAY (("Audio Error: Creating an instant sound %s with an infinite loop count!\r\n",sound->Get_Definition()->Get_Name()));
sound_id = sound->Get_ID ();
sound->Set_Transform (tm);
sound->Add_To_Scene ();
sound->Release_Ref ();
return sound_id;
// Flush_Playlist
WWAudioClass::Flush_Playlist (SOUND_PAGE page)
// Loop through all the entries in this playlist
for (int index = 0; index < m_Playlist[page].Count (); index ++) {
AudibleSoundClass *sound_obj = m_Playlist[page][index];
if (sound_obj != NULL) {
sound_obj->Stop ();
sound_obj->Remove_From_Scene ();
//REF_PTR_RELEASE (sound_obj);
// Now, make sure to free any completed sounds
Free_Completed_Sounds ();
// Free the list structure
m_Playlist[page].Delete_All ();
return ;
// Flush_Playlist
WWAudioClass::Flush_Playlist (void)
Flush_Playlist (PAGE_PRIMARY);
Flush_Playlist (PAGE_SECONDARY);
return ;
// Free_Completed_Sounds
WWAudioClass::Free_Completed_Sounds (void)
if (m_CompletedSounds.Count () > 0) {
// Loop through all the entries in the completed sounds list
for (int index = 0; index < m_CompletedSounds.Count (); index ++) {
AudibleSoundClass *sound_obj = m_CompletedSounds[index];
WWASSERT(sound_obj != NULL); //TSS 05/24/99
// Be careful not to remove the sound from the playlist unless
// its really done playing
if (sound_obj->Get_State () == AudibleSoundClass::STATE_STOPPED) {
// Remove this sound from the playlist
bool found = false;
for (int page = 0; page < PAGE_COUNT && !found; page ++) {
for (int play_index = 0; (play_index < m_Playlist[page].Count ()) && !found; play_index ++) {
if (m_Playlist[page][play_index] == sound_obj) {
// Free our hold on this sound object
m_Playlist[page].Delete (play_index);
REF_PTR_RELEASE (sound_obj);
found = true;
// Free the list structure
m_CompletedSounds.Delete_All ();
// Try to give a play-handle back to a sound that was priority-bumped.
Reprioritize_Playlist ();
// Get_Playlist_Entry
AudibleSoundClass *
WWAudioClass::Get_Playlist_Entry (int index) const
AudibleSoundClass *sound_obj = NULL;
// Params OK?
WWASSERT (index >= 0 && index < m_Playlist[m_CurrPage].Count ());
if ((index >= 0) && (index < m_Playlist[m_CurrPage].Count ())) {
m_Playlist[m_CurrPage][index]->Add_Ref ();
// Return a pointer to the sound object
return sound_obj;
// Add_To_Playlist
WWAudioClass::Add_To_Playlist (AudibleSoundClass *sound)
bool retval = false;
WWASSERT (sound != NULL);
if (sound != NULL) {
// Loop through all the entries in the playlist
bool already_added = false;
for (int index = 0; (index < m_Playlist[m_CurrPage].Count ()) && (already_added == false); index ++) {
already_added = (sound == m_Playlist[m_CurrPage][index]);
// Add this sound to our playlist
if (already_added == false) {
sound->Add_Ref ();
m_Playlist[m_CurrPage].Add (sound);
return retval;
// Remove_From_Playlist
WWAudioClass::Remove_From_Playlist (AudibleSoundClass *sound_obj)
bool retval = false;
WWASSERT (sound_obj != NULL);
if (sound_obj != NULL) {
// Loop through all the entries in the playlist
for (int page = 0; page < PAGE_COUNT && !retval; page ++) {
for (int index = 0; (index < m_Playlist[page].Count ()) && !retval; index ++) {
// Is this the entry we are looking for?
if (sound_obj == m_Playlist[page][index]) {
// Add this sound to the 'completed' list
m_CompletedSounds.Add (sound_obj);
retval = true;
// Notify any callbacks that this sound is ending...
if (sound_obj->Get_Loop_Count () != INFINITE_LOOPS) {
for (int index = 0; index < m_EOSCallbackList.Count (); index ++) {
uint32 user_data = NULL;
LPFNEOSCALLBACK callback = m_EOSCallbackList.Get_Callback (index, &user_data);
if (callback != NULL) {
(*callback) (sound_obj, user_data);
return retval;
// Is_Sound_In_Playlist
WWAudioClass::Is_Sound_In_Playlist (AudibleSoundClass *sound_obj)
// Assume failure
bool retval = false;
// Loop through all the entries in the playlist
for (int index = 0; (index < m_Playlist[m_CurrPage].Count ()) && (retval == false); index ++) {
if (sound_obj == m_Playlist[m_CurrPage][index]) {
retval = true;
// Return the true/false result code
return retval;
// Reprioritize_Playlist
WWAudioClass::Reprioritize_Playlist (void)
AudibleSoundClass *sound_to_get_handle = NULL;
float hightest_priority = 0;
// Loop through all the entries in the playlist
for (int index = 0; index < m_Playlist[m_CurrPage].Count (); index ++) {
// Is this the highest priority without a miles handle?
AudibleSoundClass *sound_obj = m_Playlist[m_CurrPage][index];
if ((sound_obj->Get_Miles_Handle () == NULL) &&
(sound_obj->Is_Sound_Culled () == false) &&
(sound_obj->Get_Priority () > hightest_priority))
// This is now the highest priority sound effect without
// a play-handle.
sound_to_get_handle = sound_obj;
hightest_priority = sound_obj->Get_Priority ();
// Get a new handle for this sound if necessary
if (sound_to_get_handle != NULL) {
sound_to_get_handle->Allocate_Miles_Handle ();
// On_Frame_Update
WWAudioClass::On_Frame_Update (unsigned int milliseconds)
// Free any sounds we completed last frame
Free_Completed_Sounds ();
// Calculate the time in ms since the last frame
unsigned int time_delta = milliseconds;
if (time_delta == 0) {
time_delta = WW3D::Get_Frame_Time ();
// Update the sound scene as necessary
if (m_CurrPage == PAGE_PRIMARY && m_SoundScene != NULL) {
m_SoundScene->On_Frame_Update (milliseconds);
m_SoundScene->Collect_Logical_Sounds ();
//int dialog_count = 0;
// Loop through all the entries in the playlist
for (int index = 0; index < m_Playlist[m_CurrPage].Count (); index ++) {
// Update this sound object
AudibleSoundClass *sound_obj = m_Playlist[m_CurrPage][index];
sound_obj->On_Frame_Update (time_delta);
// Is this an important piece of dialog?
/*if ( sound_obj->Is_Sound_Culled () == false &&
sound_obj->Get_Type () == AudibleSoundClass::TYPE_DIALOG &&
sound_obj->Get_Priority () > 0.5F)
dialog_count ++;
// Fade sound fx and music when there's important dialog playing.
/*if (dialog_count == 0) {
Fade_Non_Dialog_In ();
} else {
Fade_Non_Dialog_Out ();
// Update any fading we have going on
//Update_Fade ();
// Release_2D_Handles
WWAudioClass::Release_2D_Handles (void)
MMSLockClass lock;
// Release our hold on all the samples we've allocated
for (int index = 0; index < m_2DSampleHandles.Count (); index ++) {
HSAMPLE sample = m_2DSampleHandles[index];
if (sample != NULL) {
::AIL_release_sample_handle (sample);
m_2DSampleHandles.Delete_All ();
// Allocate_2D_Handles
WWAudioClass::Allocate_2D_Handles (void)
MMSLockClass lock;
// Start fresh
Release_2D_Handles ();
if (m_Driver2D != NULL) {
// Attempt to allocate our share of 2D sample handles
for (int index = 0; index < m_Max2DSamples; index ++) {
HSAMPLE sample = ::AIL_allocate_sample_handle (m_Driver2D);
if (sample != NULL) {
::AIL_set_sample_user_data (sample, INFO_OBJECT_PTR, NULL);
m_2DSampleHandles.Add (sample);
// Record our actual number of available 2D sample handles
m_Max2DSamples = m_2DSampleHandles.Count ();
// Get_2D_Sample
WWAudioClass::Get_2D_Sample (const AudibleSoundClass &sound_obj)
if (Is_OK_To_Give_Handle (sound_obj) == false) {
MMSLockClass lock;
float lowest_priority = sound_obj.Get_Priority ();
float lowest_runtime_priority = sound_obj.Get_Runtime_Priority ();
AudibleSoundClass *lowest_pri_sound = NULL;
HSAMPLE lowest_pri_sample = NULL;
// Loop through all the available sample handles and try to find
// one that isn't being used to play a sound.
bool found = false;
for (int index = 0; (index < m_2DSampleHandles.Count ()) && !found; index ++) {
HSAMPLE sample = m_2DSampleHandles[index];
if (sample != NULL) {
// Get a pointer to the object that is currently using this sample
AudibleSoundClass *sound_obj = (AudibleSoundClass *)::AIL_sample_user_data (sample, INFO_OBJECT_PTR);
if (sound_obj == NULL) {
// Return this sample handle to the caller
free_sample = sample;
found = true;
} else {
// Determine if this sound's priority is lesser then the sound we want to play.
// This is done by comparing both the designer-specified priority and the current
// runtime priority (which is calculated by distance to the listener).
float priority = sound_obj->Get_Priority ();
float runtime_priority = sound_obj->Get_Runtime_Priority ();
if ( (priority < lowest_priority) ||
(priority == lowest_priority && runtime_priority <= lowest_runtime_priority))
lowest_priority = priority;
lowest_pri_sound = sound_obj;
lowest_pri_sample = sample;
lowest_runtime_priority = runtime_priority;
// Steal the sample handle from the lower priority
// sound and return the handle to the caller.
if ((found == false) && (lowest_pri_sound != NULL)) {
lowest_pri_sound->Free_Miles_Handle ();
free_sample = lowest_pri_sample;
// Return the free sample handle if we found one
return free_sample;
// Get_3D_Sample
WWAudioClass::Get_3D_Sample (const Sound3DClass &sound_obj)
if (Is_OK_To_Give_Handle (sound_obj) == false) {
MMSLockClass lock;
float lowest_priority = sound_obj.Get_Priority ();
float lowest_runtime_priority = sound_obj.Get_Runtime_Priority ();
AudibleSoundClass *lowest_pri_sound = NULL;
H3DSAMPLE lowest_pri_sample = NULL;
// Loop through all the available sample handles and try to find
// one that isn't being used to play a sound.
bool found = false;
for (int index = 0; (index < m_3DSampleHandles.Count ()) && !found; index ++) {
H3DSAMPLE sample = m_3DSampleHandles[index];
if (sample != NULL) {
// Get a pointer to the object that is currently using this sample
AudibleSoundClass *sound_obj = (AudibleSoundClass *)::AIL_3D_object_user_data (sample, INFO_OBJECT_PTR);
if (sound_obj == NULL) {
// Return this sample handle to the caller
free_sample = sample;
found = true;
} else {
// Determine if this sound's priority is lesser then the sound we want to play.
// This is done by comparing both the designer-specified priority and the current
// runtime priority (which is calculated by distance to the listener).
float priority = sound_obj->Get_Priority ();
float runtime_priority = sound_obj->Get_Runtime_Priority ();
if ( (priority < lowest_priority) ||
(priority == lowest_priority && runtime_priority <= lowest_runtime_priority))
lowest_priority = priority;
lowest_pri_sound = sound_obj;
lowest_pri_sample = sample;
lowest_runtime_priority = runtime_priority;
// Steal the sample handle from the lower priority
// sound and return the handle to the caller.
if ((found == false) && (lowest_pri_sound != NULL)) {
lowest_pri_sound->Free_Miles_Handle ();
free_sample = lowest_pri_sample;
// Return the free sample handle if we found one
return free_sample;
// Get_Listener_Handle
WWAudioClass::Get_Listener_Handle (void)
MMSLockClass lock;
return ::AIL_3D_open_listener (m_Driver3D);
// Build_3D_Driver_List
WWAudioClass::Build_3D_Driver_List (void)
MMSLockClass lock;
HPROVIDER provider = NULL;
char *name = NULL;
while (::AIL_enumerate_3D_providers (&next, &provider, &name) > 0) {
// Can we successfully open this provider?
if (::AIL_open_3D_provider (provider) == M3D_NOERR) {
info->driver = provider;
info->name = ::strdup (name);
m_Driver3DList.Add (info);
::AIL_close_3D_provider (provider);
} else {
char *error_info = ::AIL_last_error ();
WWDEBUG_SAY (("WWAudio: Unable to open %s.\r\n", name));
WWDEBUG_SAY (("WWAudio: Reason %s.\r\n", error_info));
// Attempt to select one of the known drivers (in the following order).
if ( (Select_3D_Device (DRIVER3D_PSEUDO) == false) &&
(Select_3D_Device (DRIVER3D_EAX) == false) &&
(Select_3D_Device (DRIVER3D_A3D) == false) &&
(Select_3D_Device (DRIVER3D_D3DSOUND) == false) &&
(Select_3D_Device (DRIVER3D_DOLBY) == false))
// Couldn't select a known driver, so just use the first possible.
if (m_Driver3DList.Count () > 0) {
Select_3D_Device ((int)0);
// Free_3D_Driver_List
WWAudioClass::Free_3D_Driver_List (void)
MMSLockClass lock;
// Remove all the handles
Remove_3D_Sound_Handles ();
Release_3D_Handles ();
// Loop through all the driver entries and free them all
for (int index = 0; index < m_Driver3DList.Count (); index ++) {
DRIVER_INFO_STRUCT *info = m_Driver3DList[index];
if (info != NULL) {
// Free the information we have stored with this driver
if (info->name != NULL) {
::free (info->name);
delete info;
if (m_Driver3D != NULL) {
::AIL_close_3D_provider (m_Driver3D);
m_Driver3D = NULL;
// Clear the list
m_Driver3DList.Delete_All ();
// Select_3D_Device
WWAudioClass::Select_3D_Device (const char *device_name)
bool retval = false;
// Loop through all the drivers until we've found the one we want
for (int index = 0; index < m_Driver3DList.Count (); index ++) {
DRIVER_INFO_STRUCT *info = m_Driver3DList[index];
if (info != NULL) {
// Is this the device we were looking for?
if (::lstrcmpi (info->name, device_name) == 0) {
retval = Select_3D_Device (device_name, info->driver);
return retval;
// Select_3D_Device
WWAudioClass::Select_3D_Device (const char *device_name, HPROVIDER provider)
bool retval = false;
if ((provider != NULL) && (provider != m_Driver3D)) {
Close_3D_Device ();
// Select this device and re-allocate all handles
if (::AIL_open_3D_provider (provider) == M3D_NOERR) {
m_Driver3D = provider;
m_SoundScene->Initialize ();
Allocate_3D_Handles ();
AIL_set_3D_speaker_type (provider, AIL_3D_2_SPEAKER);
// Adjust the effects level to 1.0 if this is an EAX based driver
StringClass lower_name = device_name;
::strlwr (lower_name.Peek_Buffer ());
if (::strstr (device_name, "eax") != 0) {
m_EffectsLevel = 1.0F;
} else {
m_EffectsLevel = 0.0F;
m_Driver3DName = device_name;
retval = true;
// Return true if we successfully selected the device
return retval;
// Select_3D_Device
WWAudioClass::Select_3D_Device (int index)
bool retval = false;
// Index valid?
if ((index >= 0) && (index < m_Driver3DList.Count ())) {
Select_3D_Device (m_Driver3DList[index]->name, m_Driver3DList[index]->driver);
WWDEBUG_SAY (("WWAudio: Selecting 3D sound device: %s.\r\n", m_Driver3DList[index]->name));
retval = true;
// Return true if we successfully selected the device
return retval;
// Select_3D_Device
WWAudioClass::Select_3D_Device (DRIVER_TYPE_3D type)
// Return true if we successfully selected the device
return Select_3D_Device (Find_3D_Device (type));
// Find_3D_Device
WWAudioClass::Find_3D_Device (DRIVER_TYPE_3D type)
// Determine which substring to search for in the
// name of the driver.
const char *sub_string = "RSX";
switch (type) {
sub_string = "DirectSound";
sub_string = "EAX";
case DRIVER3D_A3D:
sub_string = "A3D";
sub_string = "Fast";
sub_string = "Dolby";
// Loop through all the driver entries and free them all
int driver_index = -1;
for (int index = 0; (index < m_Driver3DList.Count ()) && (driver_index == -1); index ++) {
DRIVER_INFO_STRUCT *info = m_Driver3DList[index];
if ((info != NULL) && (info->name != NULL)) {
// Is this the driver we were looking for?
if (::strstr (info->name, sub_string) != NULL) {
driver_index = index;
// Return -1 if not found, otherwise the 0 based index
return driver_index;
// Allocate_3D_Handles
WWAudioClass::Allocate_3D_Handles (void)
MMSLockClass lock;
// Start fresh
Release_3D_Handles ();
if (m_Driver3D != NULL) {
// Attempt to allocate our share of 3D sample handles
for (int index = 0; index < m_Max3DSamples; index ++) {
H3DSAMPLE sample = ::AIL_allocate_3D_sample_handle (m_Driver3D);
if (sample != NULL) {
::AIL_set_3D_object_user_data (sample, INFO_OBJECT_PTR, NULL);
m_3DSampleHandles.Add (sample);
// Release_3D_Handles
WWAudioClass::Release_3D_Handles (void)
MMSLockClass lock;
// Release our hold on all the samples we've allocated
for (int index = 0; index < m_3DSampleHandles.Count (); index ++) {
H3DSAMPLE sample = m_3DSampleHandles[index];
if (sample != NULL) {
::AIL_release_3D_sample_handle (sample);
m_3DSampleHandles.Delete_All ();
// Validate_3D_Sound_Buffer
WWAudioClass::Validate_3D_Sound_Buffer (SoundBufferClass *buffer)
bool retval = false;
// 3D sound buffer MUST be uncompressed mono WAV data
if ((buffer != NULL) &&
(buffer->Get_Channels () == 1) &&
(buffer->Get_Type () == WAVE_FORMAT_PCM) &&
(buffer->Is_Streaming () == false))
retval = true;
// Return a true/false result code
return retval;
// ReAssign_2D_Handles
WWAudioClass::ReAssign_2D_Handles (void)
// Loop through all the entries in the playlist
for (int index = 0; index < m_Playlist[m_CurrPage].Count (); index ++) {
AudibleSoundClass *sound_obj = m_Playlist[m_CurrPage][index];
// If this is a 2D sound effect, then force it to 'get' a new
// sound handle.
if ((sound_obj->Get_Class_ID () == CLASSID_2D) ||
(sound_obj->Get_Class_ID () == CLASSID_PSEUDO3D) ||
(sound_obj->Get_Class_ID () == CLASSID_2DTRIGGER))
sound_obj->Free_Miles_Handle ();
sound_obj->Allocate_Miles_Handle ();
// ReAssign_3D_Handles
WWAudioClass::ReAssign_3D_Handles (void)
// Loop through all the entries in the playlist
for (int index = 0; index < m_Playlist[m_CurrPage].Count (); index ++) {
AudibleSoundClass *sound_obj = m_Playlist[m_CurrPage][index];
// If this is a 3D sound effect, then force it to 'get' a new
// sound handle.
if (sound_obj->Get_Class_ID () == CLASSID_3D) {
sound_obj->Free_Miles_Handle ();
sound_obj->Allocate_Miles_Handle ();
// Remove_2D_Sound_Handles
WWAudioClass::Remove_2D_Sound_Handles (void)
// Loop over all the 2D handles
for (int index = 0; index < m_2DSampleHandles.Count (); index ++) {
HSAMPLE sample = m_2DSampleHandles[index];
if (sample != NULL) {
// Get a pointer to the object that is currently using this sample
AudibleSoundClass *sound_obj = (AudibleSoundClass *)::AIL_sample_user_data (sample, INFO_OBJECT_PTR);
if (sound_obj != NULL) {
sound_obj->Free_Miles_Handle ();
// Remove_3D_Sound_Handles
WWAudioClass::Remove_3D_Sound_Handles (void)
// Loop over all the 3D handles
for (int index = 0; index < m_3DSampleHandles.Count (); index ++) {
H3DSAMPLE sample = m_3DSampleHandles[index];
if (sample != NULL) {
// Get a pointer to the object that is currently using this sample
AudibleSoundClass *sound_obj = (AudibleSoundClass *)::AIL_3D_object_user_data (sample, INFO_OBJECT_PTR);
if (sound_obj != NULL) {
sound_obj->Free_Miles_Handle ();
return ;
// Set_Dialog_Volume
WWAudioClass::Set_Dialog_Volume (float volume)
m_DialogVolume = volume;
m_DialogVolume = min (1.0F, m_DialogVolume);
m_DialogVolume = max (0.0F, m_DialogVolume);
// Update all the currently playing 'Dialog' to
// reflect this new volume
for (int index = 0; index < m_Playlist[m_CurrPage].Count (); index ++) {
AudibleSoundClass *sound_obj = m_Playlist[m_CurrPage][index];
if (sound_obj->Get_Type () == AudibleSoundClass::TYPE_DIALOG) {
sound_obj->Update_Volume ();
return ;
// Set_Cinematic_Volume
WWAudioClass::Set_Cinematic_Volume (float volume)
m_CinematicVolume = volume;
m_CinematicVolume = min (1.0F, m_CinematicVolume);
m_CinematicVolume = max (0.0F, m_CinematicVolume);
// Update all the currently playing cinematic-counds to
// reflect this new volume
for (int index = 0; index < m_Playlist[m_CurrPage].Count (); index ++) {
AudibleSoundClass *sound_obj = m_Playlist[m_CurrPage][index];
if (sound_obj->Get_Type () == AudibleSoundClass::TYPE_CINEMATIC) {
sound_obj->Update_Volume ();
return ;
// Set_Sound_Effects_Volume
WWAudioClass::Set_Sound_Effects_Volume (float volume)
m_RealSoundVolume = volume;
m_RealSoundVolume = min (1.0F, m_RealSoundVolume);
m_RealSoundVolume = max (0.0F, m_RealSoundVolume);
Internal_Set_Sound_Effects_Volume (m_RealSoundVolume);
return ;
// Set_Music_Volume
WWAudioClass::Set_Music_Volume (float volume)
m_RealMusicVolume = volume;
m_RealMusicVolume = min (1.0F, m_RealMusicVolume);
m_RealMusicVolume = max (0.0F, m_RealMusicVolume);
Internal_Set_Music_Volume (m_RealMusicVolume);
// Internal_Set_Sound_Effects_Volume
WWAudioClass::Internal_Set_Sound_Effects_Volume (float volume)
m_SoundVolume = volume;
m_SoundVolume = min (1.0F, m_SoundVolume);
m_SoundVolume = max (0.0F, m_SoundVolume);
// Update all the currently playing 'Sound Effects' to
// reflect this new volume
for (int index = 0; index < m_Playlist[m_CurrPage].Count (); index ++) {
AudibleSoundClass *sound_obj = m_Playlist[m_CurrPage][index];
if (sound_obj->Get_Type () == AudibleSoundClass::TYPE_SOUND_EFFECT) {
sound_obj->Update_Volume ();
return ;
// Internal_Set_Music_Volume
WWAudioClass::Internal_Set_Music_Volume (float volume)
m_MusicVolume = volume;
m_MusicVolume = min (1.0F, m_MusicVolume);
m_MusicVolume = max (0.0F, m_MusicVolume);
// Update all currently playing music to
// reflect this new volume
for (int index = 0; index < m_Playlist[m_CurrPage].Count (); index ++) {
AudibleSoundClass *sound_obj = m_Playlist[m_CurrPage][index];
if (sound_obj->Get_Type () == AudibleSoundClass::TYPE_MUSIC) {
sound_obj->Update_Volume ();
// Is_Disabled
WWAudioClass::Is_Disabled (void) const
static bool _firsttime = true;
static bool _disabled = false;
if (_firsttime) {
_firsttime = false;
#ifdef G_CODE_BASE
// Use command line arguement.
ArgvClass argv;
if (argv.Find("-NOAUDIO")) {
_disabled = true;
// Read the disabled key from the registry
RegistryClass registry ("SOFTWARE\\Westwood\\WWAudio");
if (registry.Is_Valid ()) {
if (registry.Get_Int ("Disabled", 0) == 1) {
_disabled = true;
WWDEBUG_SAY (("WWAudio: Audio system disabled in registry.\r\n"));
return (_disabled | m_ForceDisable);
// Initialize
WWAudioClass::Initialize (const char *registry_subkey_name)
if (Is_Disabled () == false) {
// Initialize the audio system from the registry settings
Load_From_Registry (registry_subkey_name);
// Grab the first (and only) filter for use with our 'tinny' effect.
char *name = NULL;
if (::AIL_enumerate_filters (&next, &m_ReverbFilter, &name) == 0) {
m_RealMusicVolume = m_MusicVolume;
m_RealSoundVolume = m_SoundVolume;
// Register the file callbacks so we can support streaming from MIX files...
::AIL_set_file_callbacks (File_Open_Callback, File_Close_Callback,
File_Seek_Callback, File_Read_Callback);
return ;
// Initialize
bool stereo,
int bits,
int hertz
// Open the default 2D device, then build a list of 3D
// devices and open the default.
if (Is_Disabled () == false) {
Open_2D_Device (stereo, bits, hertz);
Build_3D_Driver_List ();
// Grab the first (and only) filter for use with our 'tinny' effect.
char *name = NULL;
if (::AIL_enumerate_filters (&next, &m_ReverbFilter, &name) == 0) {
// Register the file callbacks so we can support streaming from MIX files...
::AIL_set_file_callbacks (File_Open_Callback, File_Close_Callback,
File_Seek_Callback, File_Read_Callback);
// Shutdown
WWAudioClass::Shutdown (void)
// If there is a timer running, then stop the timer...
if (m_UpdateTimer != -1) {
// Kill the timer
::AIL_stop_timer (m_UpdateTimer);
::AIL_release_timer_handle (m_UpdateTimer);
m_UpdateTimer = -1;
// Wait for the timer callback function to end
::WaitForSingleObject (_TimerSyncEvent, 20000);
::CloseHandle (_TimerSyncEvent);
_TimerSyncEvent = NULL;
// Stop the background music
Set_Background_Music (NULL);
// Stop all sounds from playing
Flush_Playlist ();
if (m_SoundScene != NULL) {
m_SoundScene->Flush_Scene ();
// Free all our cached sound buffers
Flush_Cache ();
// Close-out our hold on any driver resources
Remove_2D_Sound_Handles ();
Remove_3D_Sound_Handles ();
Release_2D_Handles ();
Release_3D_Handles ();
Free_3D_Driver_List ();
SAFE_DELETE (m_SoundScene);
Close_2D_Device ();
// Shutdown Miles Sound System
::AIL_shutdown ();
// Register_EOS_Callback
WWAudioClass::Register_EOS_Callback (LPFNEOSCALLBACK callback, DWORD user_param)
m_EOSCallbackList.Add_Callback (callback, user_param);
// UnRegister_EOS_Callback
WWAudioClass::UnRegister_EOS_Callback (LPFNEOSCALLBACK callback)
m_EOSCallbackList.Remove_Callback (callback);
// Register_Text_Callback
WWAudioClass::Register_Text_Callback (LPFNTEXTCALLBACK callback, DWORD user_param)
m_TextCallbackList.Add_Callback (callback, user_param);
// UnRegister_Text_Callback
WWAudioClass::UnRegister_Text_Callback (LPFNTEXTCALLBACK callback)
m_TextCallbackList.Remove_Callback (callback);
// Fire_Text_Callback
WWAudioClass::Fire_Text_Callback (AudibleSoundClass *sound_obj, const StringClass &text)
if (text.Get_Length () > 0) {
// Loop over all the text-callbacks that have been registered
for (int index = 0; index < m_TextCallbackList.Count (); index ++) {
uint32 user_data = 0L;
LPFNTEXTCALLBACK callback = m_TextCallbackList.Get_Callback (index, &user_data);
if (callback != NULL) {
// Fire the notification
(*callback) (sound_obj, text, user_data);
return ;
// Allow_Sound_Effects
WWAudioClass::Allow_Sound_Effects (bool onoff)
// Is the state changing?
if (m_AreSoundEffectsEnabled != onoff) {
m_AreSoundEffectsEnabled = onoff;
// Update all the currently playing 'Sound Effects' to
// reflect this new state.
if (m_AreSoundEffectsEnabled) {
for (int page = 0; page < PAGE_COUNT; page ++) {
Push_Active_Sound_Page ((WWAudioClass::SOUND_PAGE)page);
for (int index = 0; index < m_Playlist[page].Count (); index ++) {
AudibleSoundClass *sound_obj = m_Playlist[page][index];
if (sound_obj->Get_Type () == AudibleSoundClass::TYPE_SOUND_EFFECT) {
sound_obj->Allocate_Miles_Handle ();
Pop_Active_Sound_Page ();
} else {
for (int page = 0; page < PAGE_COUNT; page ++) {
for (int index = 0; index < m_Playlist[page].Count (); index ++) {
AudibleSoundClass *sound_obj = m_Playlist[page][index];
if (sound_obj->Get_Type () == AudibleSoundClass::TYPE_SOUND_EFFECT) {
sound_obj->Free_Miles_Handle ();
// Allow_Music
WWAudioClass::Allow_Music (bool onoff)
// Is the state changing?
if (m_IsMusicEnabled != onoff) {
m_IsMusicEnabled = onoff;
// Update all the currently playing 'music tracks' to
// reflect this new state.
if (m_IsMusicEnabled) {
for (int page = 0; page < PAGE_COUNT; page ++) {
Push_Active_Sound_Page ((WWAudioClass::SOUND_PAGE)page);
for (int index = 0; index < m_Playlist[page].Count (); index ++) {
AudibleSoundClass *sound_obj = m_Playlist[page][index];
if (sound_obj->Get_Type () == AudibleSoundClass::TYPE_MUSIC) {
sound_obj->Stop (false);
sound_obj->Play ();
Pop_Active_Sound_Page ();
} else {
for (int page = 0; page < PAGE_COUNT; page ++) {
for (int index = 0; index < m_Playlist[page].Count (); index ++) {
AudibleSoundClass *sound_obj = m_Playlist[page][index];
if (sound_obj->Get_Type () == AudibleSoundClass::TYPE_MUSIC) {
sound_obj->Free_Miles_Handle ();
// Allow_Dialog
WWAudioClass::Allow_Dialog (bool onoff)
// Is the state changing?
if (m_IsDialogEnabled != onoff) {
m_IsDialogEnabled = onoff;
// Update all the currently playing 'dialog' to
// reflect this new state.
if (m_IsDialogEnabled) {
for (int page = 0; page < PAGE_COUNT; page ++) {
Push_Active_Sound_Page ((WWAudioClass::SOUND_PAGE)page);
for (int index = 0; index < m_Playlist[page].Count (); index ++) {
AudibleSoundClass *sound_obj = m_Playlist[page][index];
if (sound_obj->Get_Type () == AudibleSoundClass::TYPE_DIALOG) {
sound_obj->Stop (false);
sound_obj->Play ();
Pop_Active_Sound_Page ();
} else {
for (int page = 0; page < PAGE_COUNT; page ++) {
for (int index = 0; index < m_Playlist[page].Count (); index ++) {
AudibleSoundClass *sound_obj = m_Playlist[page][index];
if (sound_obj->Get_Type () == AudibleSoundClass::TYPE_DIALOG) {
sound_obj->Free_Miles_Handle ();
// Allow_Cinematic_Sound
WWAudioClass::Allow_Cinematic_Sound (bool onoff)
// Is the state changing?
if (m_IsCinematicSoundEnabled != onoff) {
m_IsCinematicSoundEnabled = onoff;
// Update all the currently playing 'dialog' to
// reflect this new state.
if (m_IsCinematicSoundEnabled) {
for (int page = 0; page < PAGE_COUNT; page ++) {
Push_Active_Sound_Page ((WWAudioClass::SOUND_PAGE)page);
for (int index = 0; index < m_Playlist[page].Count (); index ++) {
AudibleSoundClass *sound_obj = m_Playlist[page][index];
if (sound_obj->Get_Type () == AudibleSoundClass::TYPE_CINEMATIC) {
sound_obj->Stop (false);
sound_obj->Play ();
Pop_Active_Sound_Page ();
} else {
for (int page = 0; page < PAGE_COUNT; page ++) {
for (int index = 0; index < m_Playlist[page].Count (); index ++) {
AudibleSoundClass *sound_obj = m_Playlist[page][index];
if (sound_obj->Get_Type () == AudibleSoundClass::TYPE_CINEMATIC) {
sound_obj->Free_Miles_Handle ();
// Simple_Play_2D_Sound_Effect
const char *filename,
float priority,
float volume
bool retval = false;
AudibleSoundClass *sound = Create_Sound_Effect (filename);
if (sound != NULL) {
sound->Set_Priority (priority);
sound->Set_Loop_Count (1);
sound->Play ();
sound->Release_Ref ();
sound = NULL;
retval = true;
return retval;
// Simple_Play_2D_Sound_Effect
FileClass &file,
float priority,
float volume
bool retval = false;
AudibleSoundClass *sound = Create_Sound_Effect (file);
if (sound != NULL) {
sound->Set_Priority (priority);
sound->Set_Loop_Count (1);
sound->Play ();
sound->Release_Ref ();
sound = NULL;
retval = true;
return retval;
// Get_File
FileClass *
WWAudioClass::Get_File (LPCTSTR filename)
FileClass *file = NULL;
if (m_FileFactory != NULL) {
file = m_FileFactory->Get_File (filename);
} else {
file = _TheFileFactory->Get_File(filename);
// Return a pointer to the file
return file;
// Return_File
WWAudioClass::Return_File (FileClass *file)
if (m_FileFactory != NULL) {
m_FileFactory->Return_File (file);
} else {
// Create_Logical_Sound
LogicalSoundClass *
WWAudioClass::Create_Logical_Sound (void)
return new LogicalSoundClass;
// Create_Logical_Listener
LogicalListenerClass *
WWAudioClass::Create_Logical_Listener (void)
return new LogicalListenerClass;
// Add_Logical_Type
WWAudioClass::Add_Logical_Type (int id, LPCTSTR display_name)
m_LogicalTypes.Add (LOGICAL_TYPE_STRUCT (id, display_name));
return ;
// Reset_Logical_Types
WWAudioClass::Reset_Logical_Types (void)
m_LogicalTypes.Delete_All ();
return ;
// Get_Logical_Type
WWAudioClass::Get_Logical_Type (int index, StringClass &name)
int type_id = 0;
WWASSERT (index >= 0 && index < m_LogicalTypes.Count ());
if (index >= 0 && index < m_LogicalTypes.Count ()) {
type_id = m_LogicalTypes[index].id;
name = m_LogicalTypes[index].display_name;
return type_id;
// Find_Sound_Object
SoundSceneObjClass *
WWAudioClass::Find_Sound_Object (uint32 sound_obj_id)
SoundSceneObjClass *sound_obj = NULL;
// Lookup the sound object and return it to the caller
int index = 0;
if (SoundSceneObjClass::Find_Sound_Object (sound_obj_id, &index)) {
sound_obj = SoundSceneObjClass::m_GlobalSoundList[index];
return sound_obj;
// Load_From_Registry
WWAudioClass::Load_From_Registry (const char *subkey_name)
bool retval = true;
StringClass device_name;
bool is_stereo = true;
int bits = 16;
int hertz = 44100;
// Load the settings from the registry
if (Load_From_Registry (subkey_name, device_name, is_stereo, bits, hertz,
m_AreSoundEffectsEnabled, m_IsMusicEnabled, m_IsDialogEnabled, m_IsCinematicSoundEnabled,
m_SoundVolume, m_MusicVolume, m_DialogVolume, m_CinematicVolume, m_SpeakerType))
// Close any open devices
Free_3D_Driver_List ();
Close_2D_Device ();
// Open the 2D device as specified
Open_2D_Device (is_stereo, bits, hertz);
// Find and open the 3D device specified
Build_3D_Driver_List ();
Select_3D_Device (device_name);
retval = true;
// Select the speaker type
Set_Speaker_Type (m_SpeakerType);
m_RealMusicVolume = m_MusicVolume;
m_RealSoundVolume = m_SoundVolume;
return retval;
// Load_From_Registry
const char * subkey_name,
StringClass & device_name,
bool & is_stereo,
int & bits,
int & hertz,
bool & sound_enabled,
bool & music_enabled,
bool & dialog_enabled,
bool & cinematic_enabled,
float & sound_volume,
float & music_volume,
float & dialog_volume,
float & cinematic_volume,
int & speaker_type
bool retval = false;
// Attempt to open the registry key
RegistryClass registry (subkey_name);
if (registry.Is_Valid ()) {
int defaultmusicvolume, defaultsoundvolume, defaultdialogvolume, defaultcinematicvolume;
// Read the device name into a string object
char temp_buffer[256] = { 0 };
registry.Get_String (VALUE_NAME_DEVICE_NAME, temp_buffer, sizeof (temp_buffer));
device_name = temp_buffer;
// Read the 2D settings
is_stereo = (registry.Get_Int (VALUE_NAME_IS_STEREO, true) == 1);
bits = registry.Get_Int (VALUE_NAME_BITS, 16);
hertz = registry.Get_Int (VALUE_NAME_HERTZ, 44100);
// Read the sound/music enabled settings
music_enabled = (registry.Get_Int (VALUE_NAME_MUSIC_ENABLED, 1) == 1);
sound_enabled = (registry.Get_Int (VALUE_NAME_SOUND_ENABLED, 1) == 1);
dialog_enabled = (registry.Get_Int (VALUE_NAME_DIALOG_ENABLED, 1) == 1);
cinematic_enabled = (registry.Get_Int (VALUE_NAME_CINEMATIC_ENABLED, 1) == 1);
Load_Default_Volume (defaultmusicvolume, defaultsoundvolume, defaultdialogvolume, defaultcinematicvolume);
// Read the volume information
music_volume = registry.Get_Int (VALUE_NAME_MUSIC_VOL, defaultmusicvolume) / 100.0F;
sound_volume = registry.Get_Int (VALUE_NAME_SOUND_VOL, defaultsoundvolume) / 100.0F;
dialog_volume = registry.Get_Int (VALUE_NAME_DIALOG_VOL, defaultdialogvolume) / 100.0F;
cinematic_volume = registry.Get_Int (VALUE_NAME_CINEMATIC_VOL, defaultcinematicvolume) / 100.0F;
music_volume = WWMath::Clamp (music_volume, 0, 1.0F);
sound_volume = WWMath::Clamp (sound_volume, 0, 1.0F);
dialog_volume = WWMath::Clamp (dialog_volume, 0, 1.0F);
cinematic_volume = WWMath::Clamp (cinematic_volume, 0, 1.0F);
// Misc
speaker_type = registry.Get_Int (VALUE_NAME_SPEAKER_TYPE, 0);
retval = true;
return retval;
// Save_To_Registry
WWAudioClass::Save_To_Registry (const char *subkey_name)
StringClass device_name;
// Get the name of the current 3D driver
for (int index = 0; index < m_Driver3DList.Count (); index ++) {
DRIVER_INFO_STRUCT *info = m_Driver3DList[index];
// Is this the device we were looking for?
if (info != NULL && info->driver == m_Driver3D) {
device_name = info->name;
// Save these settings to the registry
return Save_To_Registry (subkey_name, device_name, m_PlaybackStereo, m_PlaybackBits, m_PlaybackRate,
m_AreSoundEffectsEnabled, m_IsMusicEnabled, m_IsDialogEnabled, m_IsCinematicSoundEnabled,
m_SoundVolume, m_MusicVolume, m_DialogVolume, m_CinematicVolume, m_SpeakerType);
// Save_To_Registry
const char * subkey_name,
const StringClass & device_name,
bool is_stereo,
int bits,
int hertz,
bool sound_enabled,
bool music_enabled,
bool dialog_enabled,
bool cinematic_enabled,
float sound_volume,
float music_volume,
float dialog_volume,
float cinematic_volume,
int speaker_type
bool retval = false;
// Attempt to open the registry key
RegistryClass registry (subkey_name);
if (registry.Is_Valid ()) {
// Save the settings to the registry
registry.Set_String (VALUE_NAME_DEVICE_NAME, device_name);
registry.Set_Int (VALUE_NAME_IS_STEREO, is_stereo);
registry.Set_Int (VALUE_NAME_BITS, bits);
registry.Set_Int (VALUE_NAME_HERTZ, hertz);
registry.Set_Int (VALUE_NAME_MUSIC_ENABLED, music_enabled);
registry.Set_Int (VALUE_NAME_SOUND_ENABLED, sound_enabled);
registry.Set_Int (VALUE_NAME_DIALOG_ENABLED, dialog_enabled);
registry.Set_Int (VALUE_NAME_CINEMATIC_ENABLED, cinematic_enabled);
registry.Set_Int (VALUE_NAME_MUSIC_VOL, music_volume * 100);
registry.Set_Int (VALUE_NAME_SOUND_VOL, sound_volume * 100);
registry.Set_Int (VALUE_NAME_DIALOG_VOL, dialog_volume * 100);
registry.Set_Int (VALUE_NAME_CINEMATIC_VOL, cinematic_volume * 100);
registry.Set_Int (VALUE_NAME_SPEAKER_TYPE, speaker_type);
retval = true;
return retval;
// File_Open_Callback
WWAudioClass::File_Open_Callback (char const *filename, U32 *file_handle)
U32 retval = false;
if (Get_Instance () != NULL) {
// Open the file
FileClass *file = Get_Instance ()->Get_File (filename);
if (file != NULL && file->Open ()) {
(*file_handle) = (U32)file;
retval = true;
return retval;
// File_Close_Callback
WWAudioClass::File_Close_Callback (U32 file_handle)
if (Get_Instance () != NULL) {
// Close the file (if necessary)
FileClass *file = reinterpret_cast<FileClass *> (file_handle);
if (file != NULL) {
Get_Instance ()->Return_File (file);
return ;
// File_Seek_Callback
WWAudioClass::File_Seek_Callback (U32 file_handle, S32 offset, U32 type)
S32 retval = 0;
// Convert the handle to a file handle type
FileClass *file = reinterpret_cast<FileClass *> (file_handle);
if (file != NULL) {
// Convert the Miles seek type to one of our own
int seek_type = SEEK_CUR;
switch (type)
seek_type = SEEK_SET;
seek_type = SEEK_CUR;
seek_type = SEEK_END;
// Perform the seek
retval = file->Seek (offset, seek_type);
return retval;
// File_Read_Callback
WWAudioClass::File_Read_Callback (U32 file_handle, void *buffer, U32 bytes)
U32 retval = 0;
// Convert the handle to a file handle type
FileClass *file = reinterpret_cast<FileClass *> (file_handle);
if (file != NULL) {
// Read the bytes from the file
retval = file->Read (buffer, bytes);
return retval;
// Fade_Background_Music
WWAudioClass::Fade_Background_Music (const char *filename, int fade_out_time, int fade_in_time)
// Fade-out the background music (as necessary)
if (m_BackgroundMusic != NULL) {
m_BackgroundMusic->Fade_Out (fade_out_time);
REF_PTR_RELEASE (m_BackgroundMusic);
m_BackgroundMusicName = filename;
if (filename != NULL) {
// Create the sound
m_BackgroundMusic = Create_Sound_Effect (filename);
if (m_BackgroundMusic != NULL) {
// Configure the sound and start playing it
m_BackgroundMusic->Set_Priority (1.0F);
m_BackgroundMusic->Set_Runtime_Priority (1.0F);
m_BackgroundMusic->Set_Loop_Count (INFINITE_LOOPS);
m_BackgroundMusic->Set_Type (AudibleSoundClass::TYPE_MUSIC);
m_BackgroundMusic->Cull_Sound (false);
m_BackgroundMusic->Fade_In (fade_in_time);
return ;
// Set_Background_Music
WWAudioClass::Set_Background_Music (const char *filename)
// Stop the background music
if (m_BackgroundMusic != NULL) {
m_BackgroundMusic->Stop ();
REF_PTR_RELEASE (m_BackgroundMusic);
m_BackgroundMusicName = filename;
if (filename != NULL) {
// Create the sound
m_BackgroundMusic = Create_Sound_Effect (filename);
if (m_BackgroundMusic != NULL) {
// Configure the sound and start playing it
m_BackgroundMusic->Set_Priority (1.0F);
m_BackgroundMusic->Set_Runtime_Priority (1.0F);
m_BackgroundMusic->Set_Loop_Count (INFINITE_LOOPS);
m_BackgroundMusic->Set_Type (AudibleSoundClass::TYPE_MUSIC);
m_BackgroundMusic->Cull_Sound (false);
m_BackgroundMusic->Play ();
return ;
// Set_Active_Sound_Page
WWAudioClass::Set_Active_Sound_Page (SOUND_PAGE page)
if (page == m_CurrPage) {
return ;
// Pause any sounds that are playing in the old page
for (int index = 0; index < m_Playlist[m_CurrPage].Count ();index ++) {
m_Playlist[m_CurrPage][index]->Pause ();
// Resume any sounds that are playing in the new page
for (index = 0; index < m_Playlist[page].Count ();index ++) {
m_Playlist[page][index]->Resume ();
m_CurrPage = page;
return ;
// Fade_Non_Dialog_In
WWAudioClass::Fade_Non_Dialog_In (void)
if (m_FadeType == FADE_IN || m_FadeType == FADE_NONE) {
return ;
m_FadeType = FADE_IN;
m_FadeTimer = m_NonDialogFadeTime;
return ;
// Fade_Non_Dialog_Out
WWAudioClass::Fade_Non_Dialog_Out (void)
if (m_FadeType == FADE_OUT || m_FadeType == FADED_OUT) {
return ;
m_FadeType = FADE_OUT;
m_FadeTimer = m_NonDialogFadeTime;
return ;
// Update_Fade
WWAudioClass::Update_Fade (void)
if (m_FadeType == FADE_NONE || m_FadeType == FADED_OUT) {
return ;
m_FadeTimer -= (WW3D::Get_Frame_Time () / 1000.0F);
m_FadeTimer = max (m_FadeTimer, 0.0F);
// Determine what percent we should ramp up or down to...
float percent = (m_FadeTimer / m_NonDialogFadeTime);
percent = WWMath::Clamp (percent, 0.0F, 1.0F);
// Invert the percent if we're fading out
if (m_FadeType == FADE_IN) {
percent = 1.0F - percent;
// Determine what the current percent is
const float FADE_MAX = 0.6F;
percent = (1.0F - FADE_MAX) + (percent * FADE_MAX);
// Re-adjust the music and sound effect volumes
Internal_Set_Music_Volume (m_RealMusicVolume * percent);
Internal_Set_Sound_Effects_Volume (m_RealSoundVolume * percent);
// If we've done the fade, then return to the "no fade" stage
if (m_FadeTimer == 0) {
if (m_FadeType == FADE_OUT) {
m_FadeType = FADED_OUT;
} else {
m_FadeType = FADE_NONE;
return ;
// Peek_2D_Sample
AudibleSoundClass *
WWAudioClass::Peek_2D_Sample (int index)
if (index < 0 || index > m_2DSampleHandles.Count ()) {
return NULL;
MMSLockClass lock;
AudibleSoundClass *retval = NULL;
// Try to get the sound object associated with this handle
HSAMPLE sample = m_2DSampleHandles[index];
if (sample != NULL) {
retval = (AudibleSoundClass *)::AIL_sample_user_data (sample, INFO_OBJECT_PTR);
return retval;
// Peek_3D_Sample
AudibleSoundClass *
WWAudioClass::Peek_3D_Sample (int index)
if (index < 0 || index > m_3DSampleHandles.Count ()) {
return NULL;
MMSLockClass lock;
AudibleSoundClass *retval = NULL;
// Try to get the sound object associated with this handle
H3DSAMPLE sample = m_3DSampleHandles[index];
if (sample != NULL) {
retval = (AudibleSoundClass *)::AIL_3D_object_user_data (sample, INFO_OBJECT_PTR);
return retval;
// Acquire_Virtual_Channel
WWAudioClass::Acquire_Virtual_Channel (AudibleSoundClass *sound_obj, int channel_index)
// Verify parameters
channel_index --;
if (sound_obj == NULL || channel_index < 0 || channel_index >= MAX_VIRTUAL_CHANNELS) {
return false;
// Is there already a sound playing on this channel?
bool retval = true;
if (m_VirtualChannels[channel_index] != NULL) {
AudibleSoundClass *curr_sound = m_VirtualChannels[channel_index];
// If the new sound has overriding priority, then stop the sound
// that's currently playing on this channel
if (sound_obj->Get_Priority () >= curr_sound->Get_Priority ()) {
m_VirtualChannels[channel_index] = NULL;
curr_sound->Stop ();
REF_PTR_RELEASE (curr_sound);
} else {
retval = false;
// Store this sound in the virtual channel
if (retval) {
m_VirtualChannels[channel_index] = sound_obj;
sound_obj->Add_Ref ();
return retval;
// Release_Virtual_Channel
WWAudioClass::Release_Virtual_Channel (AudibleSoundClass *sound_obj, int channel_index)
// Verify parameters
channel_index --;
if (sound_obj == NULL || channel_index < 0 || channel_index >= MAX_VIRTUAL_CHANNELS) {
return ;
// Check to ensure this sound has control of the virtual channel
if (m_VirtualChannels[channel_index] == sound_obj) {
// Free the channel
m_VirtualChannels[channel_index] = NULL;
REF_PTR_RELEASE (sound_obj);
return ;
// Set_Speaker_Type
WWAudioClass::Set_Speaker_Type (int speaker_type)
m_SpeakerType = speaker_type;
// Pass the new speaker type onto miles
if (m_Driver3D != NULL) {
::AIL_set_3D_speaker_type (m_Driver3D, speaker_type);
return ;
// Get_Speaker_Type
WWAudioClass::Get_Speaker_Type (void) const
return m_SpeakerType;
// Push_Active_Sound_Page
WWAudioClass::Push_Active_Sound_Page (SOUND_PAGE page)
m_PageStack.Add (m_CurrPage);
Set_Active_Sound_Page (page);
return ;
// Pop_Active_Sound_Page
WWAudioClass::Pop_Active_Sound_Page (void)
if (m_PageStack.Count () > 0) {
SOUND_PAGE new_page = m_PageStack[m_PageStack.Count () - 1];
m_PageStack.Delete (m_PageStack.Count () - 1);
Set_Active_Sound_Page (new_page);
return ;
// Temp_Disable_Audio
WWAudioClass::Temp_Disable_Audio (bool onoff)
if (onoff) {
m_CachedIsMusicEnabled = m_IsMusicEnabled;
m_CachedIsDialogEnabled = m_IsDialogEnabled;
m_CachedIsCinematicSoundEnabled = m_IsCinematicSoundEnabled;
m_CachedAreSoundEffectsEnabled = m_AreSoundEffectsEnabled;
Allow_Sound_Effects (false);
Allow_Music (false);
Allow_Dialog (false);
Allow_Cinematic_Sound (false);
} else {
Allow_Sound_Effects (m_CachedAreSoundEffectsEnabled);
Allow_Music (m_CachedIsMusicEnabled);
Allow_Dialog (m_CachedIsDialogEnabled);
Allow_Cinematic_Sound (m_CachedIsCinematicSoundEnabled);
return ;
// Load_Default_Volume
void WWAudioClass::Load_Default_Volume (int &defaultmusicvolume, int &defaultsoundvolume, int &defaultdialogvolume, int &defaultcinematicvolume)
const int minsetting = 0;
const int maxsetting = 100;
// IML: If the audio INI has not yet been loaded then do it now.
if (AudioIni == NULL) {
AudioIni = new INIClass;
if (!AudioIni->Load (WWAUDIO_INI_FILENAME)) {
defaultmusicvolume = MIN (maxsetting, MAX (minsetting, AudioIni->Get_Int (INI_DEFAULT_VOLUME_SECTION, INI_MUSIC_VOLUME_ENTRY, 31)));
defaultsoundvolume = MIN (maxsetting, MAX (minsetting, AudioIni->Get_Int (INI_DEFAULT_VOLUME_SECTION, INI_SOUND_VOLUME_ENTRY, 43)));
defaultdialogvolume = MIN (maxsetting, MAX (minsetting, AudioIni->Get_Int (INI_DEFAULT_VOLUME_SECTION, INI_DIALOG_VOLUME_ENTRY, 50)));
defaultcinematicvolume = MIN (maxsetting, MAX (minsetting, AudioIni->Get_Int (INI_DEFAULT_VOLUME_SECTION, INI_CINEMATIC_VOLUME_ENTRY, 100)));