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** Command & Conquer Renegade(tm)
** Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc.
** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program. If not, see <>.
*** C O N F I D E N T I A L --- W E S T W O O D S T U D I O S ***
* *
* Project Name : Command & Conquer *
* *
* $Archive:: /VSS_Sync/wwlib/xsurface.cpp $*
* *
* $Author:: Vss_sync $*
* *
* $Modtime:: 10/16/00 11:42a $*
* *
* $Revision:: 3 $*
* *
* Functions: *
* Blit_Clip -- Perform rectangle clipping in preparation for a blit. *
* XSurface::Blit_From -- Blit entire surface. *
* XSurface::Blit_From -- Blit from one surface to this one w/ clipping. *
* XSurface::Blit_From -- Blit one region to another. *
* XSurface::Blit_Plain -- Blit a plain rectangle from one surface to another. *
* XSurface::Blit_Trans -- Blit a rectangle with transparency checking. *
* XSurface::Draw_Line -- Draw a line and perform clipping. *
* XSurface::Draw_Line -- Draws a line upon the surface. *
* XSurface::Draw_Rect -- Draw a rectangle with an arbitrary clipping rectangle. *
* XSurface::Draw_Rect -- Draws a rectangle on the surface. *
* XSurface::Fill -- Fill the entire surface with the color specified. *
* XSurface::Fill_Rect -- Fill a rectangle but perform clipping on the fill. *
* XSurface::Fill_Rect -- Fills a rectangle with the color specified. *
* XSurface::Get_Pixel -- Fetches a pixel from the surface. *
* XSurface::Prep_For_Blit -- Clips and prepares pointers for a blit operation. *
* XSurface::Put_Pixel -- Stores a pixel at the location specified. *
* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
#include "always.h"
#include "blit.h"
#include "blitblit.h"
#include "bsurface.h"
#include "swap.h"
#include "xsurface.h"
//#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
* XSurface::Draw_Line -- Draws a line upon the surface. *
* *
* This routine will draw a line on the surface between the points specified. *
* *
* INPUT: startpoint -- Pixel coordinate of one end point to the line. *
* *
* endpoint -- Pixel coordinate of the other end point to the line. *
* *
* color -- The color to draw the line with. *
* *
* OUTPUT: bool; Was the line drawn without error? *
* *
* WARNINGS: This routine is currently very brain-dead. It only draws vertical or *
* horizontal lines. It needs to be updated to handle any angle lines and should *
* perform line-clipping rather than point-pushing if the line intersects the *
* clipping rectangle. *
* *
* 02/07/1997 JLB : Created. *
bool XSurface::Draw_Line(Point2D const & startpoint, Point2D const & endpoint, int color)
return(XSurface::Draw_Line(Get_Rect(), startpoint, endpoint, color));
* XSurface::Draw_Line -- Draw a line and perform clipping. *
* *
* Use this routine to draw a line on the surface but also clip the line draw against *
* an arbitrary sub-rectangle within the surface. *
* *
* INPUT: cliprect -- The clipping rectangle for this line draw. *
* *
* startpoint -- The starting point of the line draw. This point is relative to the *
* clipping rectangle. *
* *
* endpoint -- The ending point fo the line draw. This point is also relative to *
* the clipping rectangle. *
* *
* color -- The screen format color value to store for each pixel of the line. *
* *
* OUTPUT: bool; Was the line drawn? A 'false' return value would indicate that the line *
* was clipped away. *
* *
* WARNINGS: none *
* *
* 05/27/1997 JLB : Created. *
bool XSurface::Draw_Line(Rect const & xcliprect, Point2D const & startpoint, Point2D const & endpoint, int color)
** Ensure that the clipping rectangle is legal.
Rect cliprect = xcliprect.Intersect(Get_Rect());
** High-speed working variables for the clipping rectangle and clipping operation.
Point2D start = startpoint.Bias_To(cliprect);
Point2D end = endpoint.Bias_To(cliprect);
** Build bits that indicate which end points lie outside the clipping rectangle.
** Quick checks against these flag bits will speed the clipping process.
enum {
int sflag = 0;
int dflag = 0;
if (start.X < cliprect.X) sflag |= OFF_LEFT;
if (start.Y < cliprect.Y) sflag |= OFF_TOP;
if (start.X >= cliprect.X+cliprect.Width) sflag |= OFF_RIGHT;
if (start.Y >= cliprect.Y+cliprect.Height) sflag |= OFF_BOTTOM;
if (end.X < cliprect.X) dflag |= OFF_LEFT;
if (end.Y < cliprect.Y) dflag |= OFF_TOP;
if (end.X >= cliprect.X+cliprect.Width) dflag |= OFF_RIGHT;
if (end.Y >= cliprect.Y+cliprect.Height) dflag |= OFF_BOTTOM;
** Check to see if the line segment falls outside of the viewing rectangle.
if ((sflag & dflag) != 0) return(false);
** Clip the start point if necessary. This clipping should really check for
** line intersect rather than pushing the end-point within bounds.
if (sflag != 0) {
if (sflag & OFF_LEFT) start.X = cliprect.X;
if (sflag & OFF_RIGHT) start.X = cliprect.X+cliprect.Width-1;
if (sflag & OFF_TOP) start.Y = cliprect.Y;
if (sflag & OFF_BOTTOM) start.Y = cliprect.Y+cliprect.Height-1;
if (dflag != 0) {
if (dflag & OFF_LEFT) end.X = cliprect.X;
if (dflag & OFF_RIGHT) end.X = cliprect.X+cliprect.Width-1;
if (dflag & OFF_TOP) end.Y = cliprect.Y;
if (dflag & OFF_BOTTOM) end.Y = cliprect.Y+cliprect.Height-1;
** Force the line segment to be either vertical or horizontal. This is because
** we are not using brezenham's alogorithm (which we should be using instead here).
if (start.X != end.X) start.Y = end.Y;
** Ensure that the source point is always to the left and up
** from the dest point.
if (start.X > end.X || start.Y > end.Y) {
swap(start, end);
swap(sflag, dflag);
int bbp = Bytes_Per_Pixel();
void * buffer = Lock(start);
if (buffer != NULL) {
if (start.Y == end.Y) {
if (bbp == 1) {
memset(buffer, color, (end.X-start.X)+1);
} else {
for (int x = 0; x <= end.X-start.X; x++) {
((short *)buffer)[x] = (short)color;
} else {
for (int y = 0; y <= end.Y-start.Y; y++) {
if (bbp == 1) {
*(char*)buffer = (char)color;
} else {
*(short*)buffer = (short)color;
buffer = (void*)(((char*)buffer) + Stride());
* XSurface::Draw_Rect -- Draws a rectangle on the surface. *
* *
* This routine will draw a line around the rectangle specified. The line will lie just *
* within the rectangle. *
* *
* INPUT: crect -- The rectangle dimensions to use. *
* *
* color -- The color to draw the rectangle. *
* *
* OUTPUT: none *
* *
* WARNINGS: none *
* *
* 02/07/1997 JLB : Created. *
bool XSurface::Draw_Rect(Rect const & crect, int color)
return(XSurface::Draw_Rect(Get_Rect(), crect, color));
* XSurface::Draw_Rect -- Draw a rectangle with an arbitrary clipping rectangle. *
* *
* This routine will draw the rectangle but will also clip the draw against the clipping *
* rectangle provided. *
* *
* INPUT: cliprect -- The clipping rectangle to clip the draw against. *
* *
* rect -- The rectangle to draw. The coordinates are relative to the clipping *
* rectangle. *
* *
* color -- The color ot use for this rectangle draw. *
* *
* OUTPUT: none *
* *
* WARNINGS: none *
* *
* 05/27/1997 JLB : Created. *
bool XSurface::Draw_Rect(Rect const & cliprect, Rect const & crect, int color)
Point2D ul(crect.X, crect.Y);
Point2D ur(crect.X+crect.Width-1, crect.Y);
Point2D ll(crect.X, crect.Y+crect.Height-1);
Point2D lr(crect.X+crect.Width-1, crect.Y+crect.Height-1);
Draw_Line(cliprect, ul, ur, color);
Draw_Line(cliprect, ul, ll, color);
Draw_Line(cliprect, ur, lr, color);
Draw_Line(cliprect, ll, lr, color);
* XSurface::Get_Pixel -- Fetches a pixel from the surface. *
* *
* This routine will fetch a pixel element from the surface at the location specified. *
* *
* INPUT: point -- Coordinate to fetch the pixel from. *
* *
* OUTPUT: Returns with the pixel value at that coordinate. The interpretation of the return *
* value depends on the pixel format of the surface. *
* *
* WARNINGS: none *
* *
* 02/07/1997 JLB : Created. *
int XSurface::Get_Pixel(Point2D const & point) const
int color = 0;
void * pointer = ((Surface*)this)->Lock(point);
if (pointer != NULL) {
if (Bytes_Per_Pixel() == 2) {
color = *((unsigned short*)pointer);
} else {
color = *((unsigned char*)pointer);
* XSurface::Put_Pixel -- Stores a pixel at the location specified. *
* *
* This routine will store a pixel at the coordinate specified on the surface. *
* *
* INPUT: point -- The coordinate to place the pixel at. *
* *
* color -- The pixel data to store. *
* *
* OUTPUT: bool; Was the pixel stored? *
* *
* WARNINGS: The color value specified is the raw pixel value that will be stored. The *
* format of this value is dependant upon the pixel format of the surface. *
* *
* 02/07/1997 JLB : Created. *
bool XSurface::Put_Pixel(Point2D const & point, int color)
void * pointer = Lock(point);
if (pointer != NULL) {
if (Bytes_Per_Pixel() == 2) {
*((unsigned short*)pointer) = (unsigned short)color;
} else {
*((unsigned char*)pointer) = (unsigned char)color;
* XSurface::Fill_Rect -- Fills a rectangle with the color specified. *
* *
* This routine will fill the rectangle with a specified color. The rectangle filled will *
* be clipped appropriately. *
* *
* INPUT: fillrect -- The rectangle to fill. *
* *
* color -- The color to use when filling the rectangle. *
* *
* OUTPUT: bool; Was the rectangle filled without error? *
* *
* WARNINGS: none *
* *
* 02/07/1997 JLB : Created. *
bool XSurface::Fill_Rect(Rect const & fillrect, int color)
return(XSurface::Fill_Rect(fillrect, Get_Rect(), color));
* XSurface::Fill_Rect -- Fill a rectangle but perform clipping on the fill. *
* *
* This will fill a rectangle of the specified dimensions. The fill request will be *
* clipped against the clipping rectangle provided. *
* *
* INPUT: cliprect -- The clipping rectangle to use for this fill. *
* *
* fillrect -- The rectangle to fill with the specified color. The rectangle is *
* relative to the clipping rectangle coordinates. *
* *
* color -- The screen format pixel value to draw with. *
* *
* OUTPUT: bool; Was the fill request carried out? A 'false' return value would indicate *
* that the fill was clipped away. *
* *
* WARNINGS: none *
* *
* 05/27/1997 JLB : Created. *
bool XSurface::Fill_Rect(Rect const & cliprect, Rect const & fillrect, int color)
if (!fillrect.Is_Valid()) return(false);
** Ensure that the requested clipping rectangle is actually legal.
Rect wrect = cliprect.Intersect(Get_Rect());
** Clip the rectangle to be filled against the clipping rectangle supplied.
Rect crect = wrect.Intersect(fillrect.Bias_To(cliprect));
if (!crect.Is_Valid()) return(false);
void * buffer = Lock(crect.Top_Left());
if (buffer != NULL) {
if (Bytes_Per_Pixel() == 1) {
for (int y = 0; y < crect.Height; y++) {
memset(buffer, color, crect.Width);
buffer = ((char *)buffer) + Stride();
} else {
for (int y = 0; y < crect.Height; y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < crect.Width; x++) {
((unsigned short*)buffer)[x] = (unsigned short)color;
buffer = ((char *)buffer) + Stride();
* XSurface::Fill -- Fill the entire surface with the color specified. *
* *
* The color specified will be filled into the entire surface area (but limited by the *
* surface's current window). *
* *
* INPUT: color -- The pixel value to use when filling the surface. *
* *
* OUTPUT: bool; Was the surface fill performed without error? *
* *
* WARNINGS: none *
* *
* 02/07/1997 JLB : Created. *
bool XSurface::Fill(int color)
return(Fill_Rect(Get_Rect(), Get_Rect(), color));
* XSurface::Blit_From -- Blit entire surface. *
* *
* This routine will blit the entire surface. *
* *
* INPUT: source -- Pointer to the source surface to blit from. *
* *
* trans -- Perform a transparency aware blit? *
* *
* OUTPUT: bool; Was the surface blit performed without error? *
* *
* WARNINGS: none *
* *
* 02/07/1997 JLB : Created. *
bool XSurface::Blit_From(Surface const & source, bool trans)
Rect drect = Get_Rect();
drect.X = 0;
drect.Y = 0;
Rect srect = source.Get_Rect();
srect.X = 0;
srect.Y = 0;
bool result = Blit_From(drect, source, srect, trans);
* XSurface::Blit_From -- Blit one region to another. *
* *
* Use this routine to copy one rectangle of pixel data to another. The pixels being *
* copied may be processed according to the parameters specified. *
* *
* INPUT: destrect -- The destination rectangle to bit to. *
* *
* source -- Pointer to the source surface to blit from. *
* *
* sourcerect -- The source rectangle to blit from. *
* *
* trans -- Should transparent pixels be scanned for an skipped? *
* *
* OUTPUT: bool; Was the blit operation performed without error? *
* *
* WARNINGS: none *
* *
* 02/07/1997 JLB : Created. *
bool XSurface::Blit_From(Rect const & destrect, Surface const & source, Rect const & sourcerect, bool trans)
return(XSurface::Blit_From(Get_Rect(), destrect, source, source.Get_Rect(), sourcerect, trans));
* XSurface::Blit_From -- Blit from one surface to this one w/ clipping. *
* *
* This routine will blit a clipped rectangle from the specified surface to this one. *
* *
* INPUT: dcliprect -- The clipping rectangle to use for this (destination) surface. *
* *
* destrect -- The destanation rect of the blit. Coordinates are relative to the *
* destination clipping rectangle. *
* *
* source -- The source surface to blit from. *
* *
* scliprect -- The source clipping rectangle for the blit. *
* *
* sourcrect -- The source rectangle of the blit. The coordinates are relative to *
* the source clipping rectangle. *
* *
* trans -- Is this a transparent pixel aware blit request? *
* *
* OUTPUT: bool; Was a blit performed? A 'false' value would mean that the blit was clipped *
* away. *
* *
* WARNINGS: none *
* *
* 05/27/1997 JLB : Created. *
bool XSurface::Blit_From(Rect const & dcliprect, Rect const & destrect, Surface const & source, Rect const & scliprect, Rect const & sourcerect, bool trans)
Rect drect = destrect;
Rect srect = sourcerect;
** Perform any clipping against the clipping rectangles. Proceed with the blit only
** if there are pixels left unclipped.
if (Blit_Clip(drect, dcliprect, srect, scliprect)) {
if (trans) {
return(Blit_Trans(*this, drect, source, srect));
return(Blit_Plain(*this, drect, source, srect));
* Blit_Clip -- Perform rectangle clipping in preparation for a blit. *
* *
* This routine will take a source rectangle and a source clipping window and intersect *
* these with a dest rectangle and a dest clipping window. The effect will be to alter *
* the source and dest rectangles so that they will stay within the clipping rectangles *
* imposed upon the source and destination surfaces. The process clips the rectangles *
* rather than displacing them when performing its adjustment. It is possible that one *
* or both rectangles are clipped into oblivion by this routine. This condition will be *
* flagged with the return value. *
* *
* INPUT: drect -- Reference to the destination rectangle (relative coordinates to the *
* destination window). This is both an input and output parameter. *
* *
* dwindow -- The destination window to clip the dest rect against. *
* *
* srect -- Reference to the source rectangle (relative to the source window). *
* This is both an input and output parameter. *
* *
* swindow -- The source window to clip the srect against. *
* *
* OUTPUT: bool; Was the clip performed and the srect and drect parameters still valid. *
* i.e., they represent at least one pixel that has not been clipped away. *
* *
* WARNINGS: The rectangles may be clipped into nothingness by this routine. Be sure to *
* check the return value for this condition and perform no blit operation in *
* that case. *
* *
* 05/19/1997 JLB : Created. *
bool Blit_Clip(Rect & drect, Rect const & dwindow, Rect & srect, Rect const & swindow)
** If the rectangles are of the same dimensions, then a coordinated clipping process is
** possible. This results in an intelligent blit even if the source or destination
** rectangles is partially outside the clipping rectangle.
if (drect.Width == srect.Width && drect.Height == srect.Height) {
** Clip the left and top edges against the clipping window.
if (drect.X < 0) {
srect.X += -drect.X;
srect.Width -= -drect.X;
drect.Width -= -drect.X;
drect.X = 0;
if (drect.Y < 0) {
srect.Y += -drect.Y;
srect.Height -= -drect.Y;
drect.Height -= -drect.Y;
drect.Y = 0;
** Clip the right and bottom edges if they spill past the
** clipping window boundaries.
int rightspill = (drect.X+drect.Width) - dwindow.Width;
if (rightspill > 0) {
srect.Width -= rightspill;
drect.Width -= rightspill;
int bottomspill = (drect.Y+drect.Height) - dwindow.Height;
if (bottomspill > 0) {
srect.Height -= bottomspill;
drect.Height -= bottomspill;
** Clip the left and top edges against the clipping
** window.
if (srect.X < 0) {
drect.X += -srect.X;
srect.Width -= -srect.X;
drect.Width -= -srect.X;
srect.X = 0;
if (srect.Y < 0) {
drect.Y += -srect.Y;
srect.Height -= -srect.Y;
drect.Height -= -srect.Y;
srect.Y = 0;
** Clip the right and bottom edges agaist the clipping window.
rightspill = (srect.X+srect.Width) - swindow.Width;
if (rightspill > 0) {
srect.Width -= rightspill;
drect.Width -= rightspill;
bottomspill = (srect.Y+srect.Height) - swindow.Height;
if (bottomspill > 0) {
srect.Height -= bottomspill;
drect.Height -= bottomspill;
} else {
** Since the rectangles are not of the same dimensions, scaling is presumed. Clipping
** in such a case is merely a legality clip against the bounding rectangle. No coordinated
** adjustments can occur. For best results, boundary clipping should be performed prior to
** calling this routine.
drect = drect.Intersect(dwindow);
srect = srect.Intersect(swindow);
return(drect.Is_Valid() && srect.Is_Valid());
* XSurface::Prep_For_Blit -- Clips and prepares pointers for a blit operation. *
* *
* This performs the clipping operation required before a blit occurs. It examines the *
* source and destination coordinate constraints and performs clipping such that only *
* legal pixels will be blitted. As a consequence it can determine if the blit has been *
* completely clipped and thus can be skipped. *
* *
* INPUT: dest -- The destination surface rect for the blit. *
* *
* drect -- The rectangle within the destination surface rect for the blit. This *
* rectangle reference will be adjusted as necessary. *
* *
* source -- The source surface rect of the blit. *
* *
* srect -- The source rectangle within the source surface rect for the blit. *
* This rectangle reference will be adjusted as necessary. *
* *
* overlapped -- Output reference that stores the boolean answer to the question -- *
* are the blit rectangles overlapping on the same surface? *
* *
* dbuffer -- Output reference that stores a pointer to the locked destination *
* surface. It points to the upper left destination corner pixel. *
* *
* sbuffer -- Output reference that stores a pointer to the locked source surface. *
* It points to the upper left corner source pixel. *
* *
* OUTPUT: bool; Can the blit proceed since there is at least one pixel that has not been *
* clipped away? It can also fail if a lock could not be performed on the *
* source or destination surfaces. *
* *
* WARNINGS: The surfaces locked by this routine must be unlocked. If the return value is *
* 'true', then the surfaces must be unlocked. *
* *
* 05/19/1997 JLB : Created. *
bool XSurface::Prep_For_Blit(Surface & dest, Rect & drect, Surface const & source, Rect & srect, bool & overlapped, void * & dbuffer, void * & sbuffer)
return(XSurface::Prep_For_Blit(dest, dest.Get_Rect(), drect, source, source.Get_Rect(), srect, overlapped, dbuffer, sbuffer));
#ifdef NEVER
overlapped = false;
dbuffer = NULL;
sbuffer = NULL;
if (!drect.Is_Valid() || !srect.Is_Valid()) return(false);
** Perform the clipping of the desired blit rectangles against the surface clipping
** rectangles. If it happens that the blit is clipped into oblivion, then bail
** immediately -- there is nothing left to do.
Rect swindow = source.Get_Rect();
Rect dwindow = dest.Get_Rect();
if (!Blit_Clip(drect, dwindow, srect, swindow)) {
** Determine if the rectangles overlap such that a forward blit would
** be prohibited. This only occurs if the source and destination refer to the
** same surface and the rectangles overlap.
overlapped = false;
if (&source == &dest && srect.Is_Overlapping(drect)) {
if (srect.Y < drect.Y || (srect.Y == drect.Y && srect.X < drect.X)) {
overlapped = true;
** Fetch pointers to the source and dest upper left pixel. That is, the upper
** left pixel of the source and dest sub-rectangles within each surface
** respectively.
dbuffer = dest.Lock(drect.Point());
if (dbuffer == NULL) return(false);
sbuffer = ((Surface &)source).Lock(srect.Point());
if (sbuffer == NULL) {
* XSurface::Prep_For_Blit -- Clips and prepares pointers for a blit operation. *
* *
* This performs the clipping operation required before a blit occurs. It examines the *
* source and destination coordinate constraints and performs clipping such that only *
* legal pixels will be blitted. As a consequence it can determine if the blit has been *
* completely clipped and thus can be skipped. *
* *
* INPUT: dest -- The destination surface rect for the blit. *
* *
* dcliprect-- The destination clipping rectangle. *
* *
* drect -- The rectangle within the destination surface rect for the blit. This *
* rectangle reference will be adjusted as necessary. *
* *
* source -- The source surface rect of the blit. *
* *
* scliprect-- The source clipping rectangle. *
* *
* srect -- The source rectangle within the source surface rect for the blit. *
* This rectangle reference will be adjusted as necessary. *
* *
* overlapped -- Output reference that stores the boolean answer to the question -- *
* are the blit rectangles overlapping on the same surface? *
* *
* dbuffer -- Output reference that stores a pointer to the locked destination *
* surface. It points to the upper left destination corner pixel. *
* *
* sbuffer -- Output reference that stores a pointer to the locked source surface. *
* It points to the upper left corner source pixel. *
* *
* OUTPUT: bool; Can the blit proceed since there is at least one pixel that has not been *
* clipped away? It can also fail if a lock could not be performed on the *
* source or destination surfaces. *
* *
* WARNINGS: The surfaces locked by this routine must be unlocked. If the return value is *
* 'true', then the surfaces must be unlocked. *
* *
* 05/19/1997 JLB : Created. *
bool XSurface::Prep_For_Blit(Surface & dest, Rect const & dcliprect, Rect & drect, Surface const & source, Rect const & scliprect, Rect & srect, bool & overlapped, void * & dbuffer, void * & sbuffer)
overlapped = false;
dbuffer = NULL;
sbuffer = NULL;
if (!drect.Is_Valid() || !dcliprect.Is_Valid() || !srect.Is_Valid() || !scliprect.Is_Valid()) return(false);
** Perform the clipping of the desired blit rectangles against the surface clipping
** rectangles. If it happens that the blit is clipped into oblivion, then bail
** immediately -- there is nothing left to do.
if (!Blit_Clip(drect, dcliprect, srect, scliprect)) {
** Determine if the rectangles overlap such that a forward blit would
** be prohibited. This only occurs if the source and destination refer to the
** same surface and the rectangles overlap.
overlapped = false;
if (&source == &dest && srect.Is_Overlapping(drect)) {
if (srect.Y < drect.Y || (srect.Y == drect.Y && srect.X < drect.X)) {
overlapped = true;
** Fetch pointers to the source and dest upper left pixel. That is, the upper
** left pixel of the source and dest sub-rectangles within each surface
** respectively.
dbuffer = dest.Lock(dcliprect.Top_Left() + drect.Top_Left());
if (dbuffer == NULL) return(false);
sbuffer = source.Lock(scliprect.Top_Left() + srect.Top_Left());
if (sbuffer == NULL) {
* XSurface::Blit_Plain -- Blit a plain rectangle from one surface to another. *
* *
* This routine will perform a simple blit of a rectangle from one surface to another. *
* *
* INPUT: dest -- The destination surface for the blit. *
* *
* destrect -- The destination rectangle for the blit. *
* *
* source -- The source surface. *
* *
* sourcerect -- The rectangle in the source surface to blit from. *
* *
* OUTPUT: bool; Was the blit performed? *
* *
* WARNINGS: none *
* *
* 05/19/1997 JLB : Created. *
bool XSurface::Blit_Plain(Surface & dest, Rect const & destrect, Surface const & source, Rect const & sourcerect)
if (dest.Bytes_Per_Pixel() == 1) {
return(Bit_Blit(dest, destrect, source, sourcerect, BlitPlain<unsigned char>()));
return(Bit_Blit(dest, destrect, source, sourcerect, BlitPlain<unsigned short>()));
* XSurface::Blit_Trans -- Blit a rectangle with transparency checking. *
* *
* This routine will perform a simple blit of one rectangle to another on the surfaces *
* specified. *
* *
* INPUT: dest -- The destination surface. *
* *
* destrect -- The destination rectangle within the surface. *
* *
* source -- The source surface. *
* *
* sourcerect -- The source rectangle. *
* *
* OUTPUT: bool; Was the blit performed? *
* *
* WARNINGS: none *
* *
* 05/19/1997 JLB : Created. *
bool XSurface::Blit_Trans(Surface & dest, Rect const & destrect, Surface const & source, Rect const & sourcerect)
switch (dest.Bytes_Per_Pixel())
case 1:
return(Bit_Blit(dest, destrect, source, sourcerect, BlitTrans<unsigned char>()));
case 2:
return(Bit_Blit(dest, destrect, source, sourcerect, BlitTrans<unsigned short>()));
case 4:
return(Bit_Blit(dest, destrect, source, sourcerect, BlitTrans<unsigned int>()));