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** Command & Conquer Renegade(tm)
** Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc.
** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program. If not, see <>.
*** C O N F I D E N T I A L --- W E S T W O O D S T U D I O S ***
* *
* Project Name : WWUI *
* *
* $Archive:: /Commando/Code/wwui/merchandisectrl.cpp $*
* *
* Author:: Patrick Smith *
* *
* $Modtime:: 1/10/02 2:55p $*
* *
* $Revision:: 8 $*
* *
* Functions: *
* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
#include "merchandisectrl.h"
#include "stylemgr.h"
#include "mousemgr.h"
#include "assetmgr.h"
#include "texture.h"
#include "dialogbase.h"
#include "vector4.h"
// Local constants
static const float BUTTON_WIDTH = 16.0F;
static const float BUTTON_HEIGHT = 16.0F;
// MerchandiseCtrlClass
MerchandiseCtrlClass::MerchandiseCtrlClass (void) :
UserData (0),
Cost (0),
CurrentTextureIndex (0),
Count (0)
// Set the font for the text renderer
StyleMgrClass::Assign_Font (&NameTextRenderer, StyleMgrClass::FONT_TOOLTIPS);
StyleMgrClass::Assign_Font (&CostTextRenderer, StyleMgrClass::FONT_HEADER);
StyleMgrClass::Assign_Font (&CountTextRenderer, StyleMgrClass::FONT_TOOLTIPS);
StyleMgrClass::Configure_Renderer (&ControlRenderer);
StyleMgrClass::Configure_Renderer (&TextureRenderer);
StyleMgrClass::Configure_Renderer (&ButtonRenderer);
StyleMgrClass::Configure_Renderer (&HilightRenderer);
StyleMgrClass::Configure_Hilighter (&HilightRenderer);
TextureRenderer.Enable_Texturing (true);
ButtonRenderer.Enable_Texturing (true);
// Pass the texture onto the renderer
TextureClass *texture = WW3DAssetManager::Get_Instance ()->Get_Texture ("hud_cnc_Button.tga", TextureClass::MIP_LEVELS_1);
ButtonRenderer.Set_Texture (texture);
REF_PTR_RELEASE (texture);
return ;
// ~MerchandiseCtrlClass
MerchandiseCtrlClass::~MerchandiseCtrlClass (void)
return ;
// Create_Text_Renderer
MerchandiseCtrlClass::Create_Text_Renderer (void)
// Convert the cost to a string
WideStringClass cost_text;
cost_text.Format (L"%d", Cost);
// Render the text
NameTextRenderer.Reset ();
CostTextRenderer.Reset ();
CountTextRenderer.Reset ();
StyleMgrClass::Render_Text (Title, &NameTextRenderer, RGB_TO_INT32 (255, 255, 255), RGB_TO_INT32 (0, 0, 0), TextRect, true, true, StyleMgrClass::LEFT_JUSTIFY, true);
StyleMgrClass::Render_Text (cost_text, &CostTextRenderer, RGB_TO_INT32 (255, 255, 255), RGB_TO_INT32 (0, 0, 0), CostRect, true, true, StyleMgrClass::LEFT_JUSTIFY, true);
// Render the counter (if necessary)
if (Count > 1) {
// Convert the count to a string
WideStringClass count_text;
count_text.Format (L"%d", Count);
StyleMgrClass::Render_Text (count_text, &CountTextRenderer, RGB_TO_INT32 (255, 255, 255), RGB_TO_INT32 (0, 0, 0), CountRect, true, true, StyleMgrClass::CENTER_JUSTIFY, true);
return ;
// Render
MerchandiseCtrlClass::Render (void)
// Update the text renderer (if necessary)
if (IsDirty) {
Create_Text_Renderer ();
Create_Control_Renderer ();
Create_Texture_Renderer ();
// Render the parts of the control
TextureRenderer.Render ();
ControlRenderer.Render ();
NameTextRenderer.Render ();
CostTextRenderer.Render ();
CountTextRenderer.Render ();
ButtonRenderer.Render ();
HilightRenderer.Render ();
DialogControlClass::Render ();
return ;
// Update_Client_Rect
MerchandiseCtrlClass::Update_Client_Rect (void)
// Set the client area
ClientRect = Rect;
ClientRect.Inflate (Vector2 (-1, -1));
// Make the texture rectangle the 2/3 of the space
TextureRect = Rect;
TextureRect.Bottom = int(TextureRect.Top + (Rect.Height () * 0.667F));
// Make the cost rect use up 60% of the remaining space
CostRect = Rect;
CostRect.Top = int(TextureRect.Bottom + 1);
CostRect.Bottom = CostRect.Top + int((Rect.Bottom - TextureRect.Bottom) * 0.6F);
// The rest of the space goes to the text rect
TextRect = Rect;
TextRect.Top = CostRect.Bottom;
// The counter lives in the upper-right corner
CountRect = Rect;
CountRect.Left = CountRect.Left + int(Rect.Width () * 0.75F);
CountRect.Bottom = CountRect.Top + int(TextureRect.Height () * 0.25F);
Set_Dirty ();
return ;
// On_Set_Cursor
MerchandiseCtrlClass::On_Set_Cursor (const Vector2 &mouse_pos)
// Change the mouse cursor
MouseMgrClass::Set_Cursor (MouseMgrClass::CURSOR_ACTION);
return ;
// Create_Control_Renderer
MerchandiseCtrlClass::Create_Control_Renderer (void)
Render2DClass &renderer = ControlRenderer;
// Configure this renderer
renderer.Reset ();
HilightRenderer.Reset ();
ButtonRenderer.Reset ();
renderer.Enable_Texturing (false);
// Determine which color to draw the outline in
int color = StyleMgrClass::Get_Line_Color ();
int bkcolor = StyleMgrClass::Get_Bk_Color ();
if (IsEnabled == false) {
color = StyleMgrClass::Get_Disabled_Line_Color ();
bkcolor = StyleMgrClass::Get_Disabled_Bk_Color ();
// Draw the outlines
if (Count > 0) {
StyleMgrClass::Render_Hilight (&HilightRenderer, Rect);
// Draw the cycle button in the upper right corner...
if (TextureNameList.Count () > 1) {
// Draw the button
RectClass button_rect;
button_rect.Right = Rect.Right - 1;
button_rect.Top = Rect.Top + 2;
button_rect.Left = int(button_rect.Right - (BUTTON_WIDTH * StyleMgrClass::Get_X_Scale ()));
button_rect.Bottom = int(button_rect.Top + (BUTTON_HEIGHT * StyleMgrClass::Get_Y_Scale ()));
ButtonRenderer.Add_Quad (button_rect);
// Convert the cost to a string
WideStringClass cost_text;
cost_text.Format (L"%d", Cost);
// Get the dimensions of the text
Vector2 name_extents = NameTextRenderer.Get_Text_Extents (Title);
Vector2 cost_extents = CostTextRenderer.Get_Text_Extents (cost_text);
// Build rectangles for the backdrops of the cost and text
RectClass text_rect = TextRect;
RectClass cost_rect = CostRect;
text_rect.Right = int(text_rect.Left + name_extents.X + 4.0F);
cost_rect.Right = int(cost_rect.Left + cost_extents.X + 4.0F);
// Clip the backdrop to the bounding rectangle
text_rect.Right = min (text_rect.Right, Rect.Right);
cost_rect.Right = min (cost_rect.Right, Rect.Right);
// Render the text backdrops
Vector4 vector_color;
INT32_TO_VRGBA (color, vector_color);
vector_color.W = 0.0F;
renderer.Add_Quad_HGradient (text_rect, color, VRGBA_TO_INT32 (vector_color));
renderer.Add_Quad_HGradient (cost_rect, color, VRGBA_TO_INT32 (vector_color));
return ;
// Create_Texture_Renderer
MerchandiseCtrlClass::Create_Texture_Renderer (void)
/*float smallest_dim = min (TextureRect.Width (), TextureRect.Height ());
RectClass rect;
rect.Left = int(TextureRect.Left + (TextureRect.Width () * 0.5F) - (smallest_dim * 0.5F));
rect.Top = int(TextureRect.Top + (TextureRect.Height () * 0.5F) - (smallest_dim * 0.5F));
rect.Right = int(rect.Left + smallest_dim);
rect.Bottom = int(rect.Top + smallest_dim);*/
// Darken the bitmap if its disabled
int color = 0xFFFFFFFF;
if (IsEnabled == false) {
color = RGB_TO_INT32 (96, 96, 96);
// Configure this renderer
TextureRenderer.Reset ();
TextureRenderer.Add_Quad (Rect, color);
return ;
// Set_Texture
MerchandiseCtrlClass::Set_Texture (const char *texture_name)
CurrentTextureIndex = 0;
// Cache the texture name
TextureNameList.Delete_All ();
TextureNameList.Add (texture_name);
// Pass the texture onto the renderer
TextureClass *texture = WW3DAssetManager::Get_Instance ()->Get_Texture (texture_name, TextureClass::MIP_LEVELS_1);
TextureRenderer.Set_Texture (texture);
REF_PTR_RELEASE (texture);
return ;
// Add_Alternate_Texture
MerchandiseCtrlClass::Add_Alternate_Texture (const char *texture_name)
TextureNameList.Add (texture_name);
Set_Dirty ();
return ;
// On_LButton_Down
MerchandiseCtrlClass::On_LButton_Down (const Vector2 &mouse_pos)
RectClass button_rect;
button_rect.Right = Rect.Right - 1;
button_rect.Top = Rect.Top + 2;
button_rect.Left = int(button_rect.Right - (BUTTON_WIDTH * StyleMgrClass::Get_X_Scale ()));
button_rect.Bottom = int(button_rect.Top + (BUTTON_HEIGHT * StyleMgrClass::Get_Y_Scale ()));
// Did the user click in the cycle button?
if (TextureNameList.Count () > 1 && button_rect.Contains (mouse_pos)) {
// Cycle to the next texture
CurrentTextureIndex ++;
if (CurrentTextureIndex >= TextureNameList.Count ()) {
CurrentTextureIndex = 0;
// Pass the texture onto the renderer
TextureClass *texture = WW3DAssetManager::Get_Instance ()->Get_Texture (TextureNameList[CurrentTextureIndex], TextureClass::MIP_LEVELS_1);
if (texture != NULL) {
TextureRenderer.Set_Texture (texture);
REF_PTR_RELEASE (texture);
Set_Dirty ();
} else {
// Notify the owner that this item has been purchased
ADVISE_NOTIFY (On_Merchandise_Selected (this, Get_ID ()));
return ;
// On_LButton_DblClk
MerchandiseCtrlClass::On_LButton_DblClk (const Vector2 &mouse_pos)
RectClass button_rect;
button_rect.Right = Rect.Right - 1;
button_rect.Top = Rect.Top + 2;
button_rect.Left = int(button_rect.Right - (BUTTON_WIDTH * StyleMgrClass::Get_X_Scale ()));
button_rect.Bottom = int(button_rect.Top + (BUTTON_HEIGHT * StyleMgrClass::Get_Y_Scale ()));
// Did the user click in the cycle button?
if (TextureNameList.Count () == 0 || button_rect.Contains (mouse_pos) == false) {
// Notify the owner that this item has been double-clicked
ADVISE_NOTIFY (On_Merchandise_DblClk (this, Get_ID ()));
return ;