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** Command & Conquer Renegade(tm)
** Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc.
** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program. If not, see <>.
*** C O N F I D E N T I A L --- W E S T W O O D S T U D I O S ***
* *
* Project Name : wwui *
* *
* $Archive:: /Commando/Code/wwui/treectrl.h $*
* *
* Author:: Patrick Smith *
* *
* $Modtime:: 9/18/01 1:47p $*
* *
* $Revision:: 2 $*
* *
* Functions: *
* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#pragma once
#ifndef __TREECTRL_H
#define __TREECTRL_H
#include "dialogcontrol.h"
#include "vector.h"
#include "render2dsentence.h"
#include "scrollbarctrl.h"
#include "listiconmgr.h"
// Forward declarations
class TreeItemClass;
class TreeCtrlClass;
// Typedefs
typedef DynamicVectorClass<TreeItemClass *> TREE_ITEM_LIST;
typedef int (CALLBACK *TREECTRL_SORT_CALLBACK) (TreeCtrlClass *tree_ctrl, TreeItemClass *item1, TreeItemClass *item2, uint32 user_param);
// TreeCtrlClass
class TreeCtrlClass : public DialogControlClass
// Public constants
typedef enum
static const char *ICON_FOLDER;
static const char *ICON_FOLDER_OPEN;
// Public constructors/destructors
TreeCtrlClass (void);
~TreeCtrlClass (void);
// RTTI.
virtual TreeCtrlClass * As_TreeCtrlClass (void) { return this; }
// Public methods
// Inherited
void Render (void);
void On_VScroll (ScrollBarCtrlClass *, int, int new_position);
// Content control
TreeItemClass * Insert_Item (const WCHAR *name, const char *icon_name, const char *selected_icon_name, TreeItemClass *parent);
void Delete_Item (TreeItemClass *item);
void Delete_All_Items (void);
void Select_Item (TreeItemClass *item);
TreeItemClass * Get_Selected_Item (void);
// Sort support
void Sort_Children_Alphabetically (TreeItemClass *parent);
void Sort_Children (TreeItemClass *parent, TREECTRL_SORT_CALLBACK sort_callback, uint32 user_param);
// Misc
TreeItemClass * Hit_Test (const Vector2 &mouse_pos, HITTYPE &type);
void Ensure_Visible (TreeItemClass *tree_item);
// Protected methods
void On_LButton_Down (const Vector2 &mouse_pos);
void On_LButton_DblClk (const Vector2 &mouse_pos);
void On_LButton_Up (const Vector2 &mouse_pos);
void On_Mouse_Wheel (int direction);
void On_Set_Cursor (const Vector2 &mouse_pos);
void On_Set_Focus (void);
void On_Kill_Focus (DialogControlClass *focus);
bool On_Key_Down (uint32 key_id, uint32 key_data);
void On_Create (void);
void Update_Client_Rect (void);
void On_Expanded (TreeItemClass *item);
void Create_Control_Renderers (void);
void Create_Text_Renderers (void);
void Set_Scroll_Pos (int new_pos);
void Update_Scroll_Bar_Visibility (void);
int Count_Visible_Rows (void);
int Count_Visible_Rows (TreeItemClass *item);
TreeItemClass * Get_Prev_Sibling (TreeItemClass *item);
TreeItemClass * Get_Next_Sibling (TreeItemClass *item);
TreeItemClass * Find_Prev_Visible (TreeItemClass *item);
TreeItemClass * Find_Next_Visible (TreeItemClass *item);
TreeItemClass * Find_Top_Item (void);
TreeItemClass * Find_Last_Visible_Item (void);
bool Render_Item (TreeItemClass *item, float x_pos, float &y_pos, int &row_index, int level);
static int __cdecl Sort_Callback (const void *elem1, const void *elem2);
static int CALLBACK Alphabetic_Sort_Callback (TreeCtrlClass *tree_ctrl, TreeItemClass *item1, TreeItemClass *item2, uint32 user_param);
// Protected member data
Render2DClass HilightRenderer;
Render2DSentenceClass TextRenderer;
Render2DClass ControlRenderer;
Render2DClass PlusRenderer;
Render2DClass IconRenderer;
TreeItemClass * SelectedItem;
ListIconMgrClass IconMgr;
float RowHeight;
int RowsPerPage;
int ScrollPos;
ScrollBarCtrlClass ScrollBarCtrl;
bool IsScrollBarDisplayed;
static TREECTRL_SORT_CALLBACK CurrentSortCallback;
static TreeCtrlClass * CurrentSorter;
static uint32 CurrentSortUserData;
friend class TreeItemClass;
// TreeItemClass
class TreeItemClass
// Public constructors/destructors
TreeItemClass (TreeCtrlClass *ctrl) :
TreeCtrl (ctrl),
Parent (NULL),
UserData (0),
IsExpanded (false),
NeedsChildren (false) {}
virtual ~TreeItemClass (void) {}
// Public methods
// Name access
void Set_Name (const WCHAR *name);
const WCHAR * Get_Name (void) const { return Name; }
// Icon access
void Set_Icon (const char *texture_name);
const char * Get_Icon (void) const { return IconName; }
void Set_Selected_Icon (const char *texture_name);
const char * Get_Selected_Icon (void) const { return SelectedIconName; }
// User data access
void Set_User_Data (uint32 data) { UserData = data; }
uint32 Get_User_Data (void) const { return UserData; }
// Selection control
void Select (void) { TreeCtrl->Select_Item (this); }
bool Is_Selected (void) { return (TreeCtrl->Get_Selected_Item () == this); }
// Expanded access
void Expand (bool onoff);
bool Is_Expanded (void) const { return IsExpanded; }
// Child access
void Add_Child (TreeItemClass *child) { ChildList.Add (child); NeedsChildren = false; }
void Remove_Child (int index) { ChildList.Delete (index); }
void Remove_Child (TreeItemClass *child);
bool Needs_Children (void) const { return NeedsChildren; }
void Set_Needs_Children (bool onoff);
int Get_Child_Count (void) const { return ChildList.Count (); }
TreeItemClass * Get_Child (int index) { return ChildList[index]; }
TREE_ITEM_LIST & Get_Child_List (void) { return ChildList; }
TreeItemClass * Get_Last_Child (void);
// Parent access
TreeItemClass * Get_Prev_Child (TreeItemClass *child);
TreeItemClass * Get_Next_Child (TreeItemClass *child);
void Set_Parent (TreeItemClass *parent) { Parent = parent; }
TreeItemClass * Get_Parent (void) const { return Parent; }
// Indent access
int Get_Indent_Level (void);
// Protected methods
// Protected member data
TreeCtrlClass * TreeCtrl;
TreeItemClass * Parent;
WideStringClass Name;
StringClass IconName;
StringClass SelectedIconName;
uint32 UserData;
bool IsExpanded;
bool NeedsChildren;
#endif //__TREECTRL_H