/* ** Command & Conquer Renegade(tm) ** Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc. ** ** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ** (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program. If not, see . */ /*********************************************************************************************** *** Confidential - Westwood Studios *** *********************************************************************************************** * * * Project Name : Commando * * * * $Archive:: /Commando/Code/Combat/explosion.cpp $* * * * $Author:: Steve_t $* * * * $Modtime:: 1/15/02 2:07p $* * * * $Revision:: 69 $* * * *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* * Functions: * * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */ #include "explosion.h" #include "debug.h" #include "damage.h" #include "combat.h" #include "sound3d.h" #include "combatchunkid.h" #include "simpledefinitionfactory.h" #include "persistfactory.h" #include "timeddecophys.h" #include "wwaudio.h" #include "gameobjmanager.h" #include "physicalgameobj.h" #include "crandom.h" #include "assets.h" #include "htree.h" #include "hanim.h" #include "smartgameobj.h" #include "building.h" #include "scexplosionevent.h" /* ** ExplosionDefinitionClass */ SimplePersistFactoryClass _ExplosionDefPersistFactory; DECLARE_DEFINITION_FACTORY(ExplosionDefinitionClass, CLASSID_DEF_EXPLOSION, "Explosion") _ExplosionDefDefFactory; uint32 ExplosionDefinitionClass::Get_Class_ID (void) const { return CLASSID_DEF_EXPLOSION; } const PersistFactoryClass & ExplosionDefinitionClass::Get_Factory (void) const { return _ExplosionDefPersistFactory; } ExplosionDefinitionClass::ExplosionDefinitionClass( void ) : PhysDefID( 0 ), SoundDefID( 0 ), DamageRadius( 0 ), DamageStrength( 0 ), DamageWarhead( 0 ), DamageIsScaled( true ), DecalSize( 10 ), AnimatedExplosion( true ), CameraShakeIntensity( 0.0f ), CameraShakeRadius( 25.0f ), CameraShakeDuration( 1.5f ) { #ifdef PARAM_EDITING_ON MODEL_DEF_PARAM( ExplosionDefinitionClass, PhysDefID, "TimedDecorationPhysDef" ); EDITABLE_PARAM( ExplosionDefinitionClass, ParameterClass::TYPE_SOUNDDEFINITIONID, SoundDefID ); EDITABLE_PARAM( ExplosionDefinitionClass, ParameterClass::TYPE_FLOAT, DamageRadius ); EDITABLE_PARAM( ExplosionDefinitionClass, ParameterClass::TYPE_FLOAT, DamageStrength ); // EDITABLE_PARAM( ExplosionDefinitionClass, ParameterClass::TYPE_INT, DamageWarhead ); EnumParameterClass *param; param = new EnumParameterClass( &DamageWarhead ); param->Set_Name ( "Warhead" ); for ( int i = 0; i < ArmorWarheadManager::Get_Num_Warhead_Types(); i++ ) { param->Add_Value ( ArmorWarheadManager::Get_Warhead_Name( i ), i ); } GENERIC_EDITABLE_PARAM(ExplosionDefinitionClass,param) EDITABLE_PARAM( ExplosionDefinitionClass, ParameterClass::TYPE_BOOL, DamageIsScaled ); EDITABLE_PARAM( ExplosionDefinitionClass, ParameterClass::TYPE_FILENAME, DecalFilename ); EDITABLE_PARAM( ExplosionDefinitionClass, ParameterClass::TYPE_FLOAT, DecalSize ); EDITABLE_PARAM( ExplosionDefinitionClass, ParameterClass::TYPE_BOOL, AnimatedExplosion ); FLOAT_EDITABLE_PARAM( ExplosionDefinitionClass, CameraShakeIntensity, 0.0f, 1.0f); FLOAT_UNITS_PARAM( ExplosionDefinitionClass, CameraShakeRadius, 0.01f, 1000.0f, "meters"); FLOAT_UNITS_PARAM( ExplosionDefinitionClass, CameraShakeDuration, 0.01f, 60.0f, "seconds"); #endif //PARAM_EDITING_ON } /* ** */ enum { CHUNKID_EXPLOSION_DEF_VARIABLES = 0317001525, CHUNKID_EXPLOSION_DEF_PARENT, MICROCHUNKID_EXPLOSION_DEF_PHYS_DEF_ID = 1, MICROCHUNKID_EXPLOSION_DEF_SOUND_DEF_ID, MICROCHUNKID_EXPLOSION_DEF_DAMAGE_RADIUS, MICROCHUNKID_EXPLOSION_DEF_DAMAGE_STRENGTH, MICROCHUNKID_EXPLOSION_DEF_DAMAGE_WARHEAD, MICROCHUNKID_EXPLOSION_DEF_DAMAGE_IS_SCALED, MICROCHUNKID_EXPLOSION_DEF_DECAL_FILENAME, MICROCHUNKID_EXPLOSION_DEF_DECAL_SIZE, XXXMICROCHUNKID_EXPLOSION_DEF_ANIMATION, MICROCHUNKID_EXPLOSION_DEF_ANIMATED_EXPLOLSION, MICROCHUNKID_EXPLOSION_DEF_CAMERASHAKEINTENSITY, MICROCHUNKID_EXPLOSION_DEF_CAMERASHAKERADIUS, MICROCHUNKID_EXPLOSION_DEF_CAMERASHAKEDURATION, }; bool ExplosionDefinitionClass::Save( ChunkSaveClass & csave ) { csave.Begin_Chunk( CHUNKID_EXPLOSION_DEF_PARENT ); DefinitionClass::Save( csave ); csave.End_Chunk(); csave.Begin_Chunk( CHUNKID_EXPLOSION_DEF_VARIABLES ); WRITE_MICRO_CHUNK( csave, MICROCHUNKID_EXPLOSION_DEF_PHYS_DEF_ID, PhysDefID ); WRITE_MICRO_CHUNK( csave, MICROCHUNKID_EXPLOSION_DEF_SOUND_DEF_ID, SoundDefID ); WRITE_MICRO_CHUNK( csave, MICROCHUNKID_EXPLOSION_DEF_DAMAGE_RADIUS, DamageRadius ) WRITE_MICRO_CHUNK( csave, MICROCHUNKID_EXPLOSION_DEF_DAMAGE_STRENGTH, DamageStrength ); WRITE_MICRO_CHUNK( csave, MICROCHUNKID_EXPLOSION_DEF_DAMAGE_WARHEAD, DamageWarhead ); WRITE_MICRO_CHUNK( csave, MICROCHUNKID_EXPLOSION_DEF_DAMAGE_IS_SCALED, DamageIsScaled ); WRITE_MICRO_CHUNK_WWSTRING( csave, MICROCHUNKID_EXPLOSION_DEF_DECAL_FILENAME, DecalFilename ); WRITE_MICRO_CHUNK( csave, MICROCHUNKID_EXPLOSION_DEF_DECAL_SIZE, DecalSize ); WRITE_MICRO_CHUNK( csave, MICROCHUNKID_EXPLOSION_DEF_ANIMATED_EXPLOLSION, AnimatedExplosion ); WRITE_MICRO_CHUNK( csave, MICROCHUNKID_EXPLOSION_DEF_CAMERASHAKEINTENSITY, CameraShakeIntensity); WRITE_MICRO_CHUNK( csave, MICROCHUNKID_EXPLOSION_DEF_CAMERASHAKERADIUS, CameraShakeRadius); WRITE_MICRO_CHUNK( csave, MICROCHUNKID_EXPLOSION_DEF_CAMERASHAKEDURATION, CameraShakeDuration); csave.End_Chunk(); return true; } bool ExplosionDefinitionClass::Load( ChunkLoadClass &cload ) { while (cload.Open_Chunk()) { switch(cload.Cur_Chunk_ID()) { case CHUNKID_EXPLOSION_DEF_PARENT: DefinitionClass::Load( cload ); break; case CHUNKID_EXPLOSION_DEF_VARIABLES: while (cload.Open_Micro_Chunk()) { switch(cload.Cur_Micro_Chunk_ID()) { READ_MICRO_CHUNK( cload, MICROCHUNKID_EXPLOSION_DEF_PHYS_DEF_ID, PhysDefID ); READ_MICRO_CHUNK( cload, MICROCHUNKID_EXPLOSION_DEF_SOUND_DEF_ID, SoundDefID ); READ_MICRO_CHUNK( cload, MICROCHUNKID_EXPLOSION_DEF_DAMAGE_RADIUS, DamageRadius ) READ_MICRO_CHUNK( cload, MICROCHUNKID_EXPLOSION_DEF_DAMAGE_STRENGTH, DamageStrength ); READ_MICRO_CHUNK( cload, MICROCHUNKID_EXPLOSION_DEF_DAMAGE_WARHEAD, DamageWarhead ); READ_MICRO_CHUNK( cload, MICROCHUNKID_EXPLOSION_DEF_DAMAGE_IS_SCALED, DamageIsScaled ); READ_MICRO_CHUNK_WWSTRING( cload, MICROCHUNKID_EXPLOSION_DEF_DECAL_FILENAME, DecalFilename ); READ_MICRO_CHUNK( cload, MICROCHUNKID_EXPLOSION_DEF_DECAL_SIZE, DecalSize ); READ_MICRO_CHUNK( cload, MICROCHUNKID_EXPLOSION_DEF_ANIMATED_EXPLOLSION, AnimatedExplosion ); READ_MICRO_CHUNK( cload, MICROCHUNKID_EXPLOSION_DEF_CAMERASHAKEINTENSITY, CameraShakeIntensity); READ_MICRO_CHUNK( cload, MICROCHUNKID_EXPLOSION_DEF_CAMERASHAKERADIUS, CameraShakeRadius); READ_MICRO_CHUNK( cload, MICROCHUNKID_EXPLOSION_DEF_CAMERASHAKEDURATION, CameraShakeDuration); default: Debug_Say(( "Unrecognized ExplosionDef Variable chunkID\n" )); break; } cload.Close_Micro_Chunk(); } break; default: Debug_Say(( "Unrecognized ExplosionDef chunkID\n" )); break; } cload.Close_Chunk(); } return true; } /* ** */ void ExplosionManager::Create_Explosion_At( int explosion_def_id, const Vector3 & pos, ArmedGameObj * damager, const Vector3 & blast_direction, DamageableGameObj * force_victim ) { Matrix3D up_tm(1); up_tm.Set_Translation( pos ); Create_Explosion_At( explosion_def_id, up_tm, damager, blast_direction, force_victim ); } void ExplosionManager::Create_Explosion_At( int explosion_def_id, const Matrix3D & up_tm, ArmedGameObj * damager, const Vector3 & blast_direction, DamageableGameObj * force_victim ) { // Make a camera convention transform pointing in the blast direction Vector3 pos = up_tm.Get_Translation(); #ifdef WWDEBUG if (blast_direction.Length2() < WWMATH_EPSILON) { WWDEBUG_SAY(("ExplosionManager::Create_Explosion_At - Invalid Blast Direction! %f %f %f\r\n",blast_direction.X,blast_direction.Y,blast_direction.Z)); } #endif Matrix3D blast_tm; blast_tm.Look_At( pos, pos + blast_direction, FreeRandom.Get_Float( 0, DEG_TO_RADF( 360 ) ) ); // Find Explosion Def ExplosionDefinitionClass * explosion_def = (ExplosionDefinitionClass *)DefinitionMgrClass::Find_Definition( explosion_def_id ); if ( explosion_def == NULL ) { Debug_Say(( "Explosion Def %d not found\n", explosion_def_id )); return; } WWASSERT( explosion_def ); // Make the Phys Object if ( explosion_def->PhysDefID != 0 ) { //if ( explosion_def->PhysDefID != 0 ) { PhysDefClass * phys_def = (PhysDefClass *)DefinitionMgrClass::Find_Definition( explosion_def->PhysDefID ); if ( phys_def != NULL ) { WWASSERT( phys_def ); WWASSERT( phys_def->Is_Type( "TimedDecorationPhysDef" ) ); TimedDecorationPhysClass * explosion = (TimedDecorationPhysClass *)phys_def->Create(); if ( explosion ) { RenderObjClass * model = explosion->Peek_Model(); WWASSERT(model != NULL); if (model != NULL) { explosion->Set_Transform( up_tm ); if (model->Get_HTree() != NULL && explosion_def->AnimatedExplosion) { // Auto play an explosion anim if we find it StringClass exp_anim_name; exp_anim_name.Format( "%s.%s", model->Get_HTree()->Get_Name(), model->Get_HTree()->Get_Name() ); WWASSERT(WW3DAssetManager::Get_Instance() != NULL); HAnimClass * anim = WW3DAssetManager::Get_Instance()->Get_HAnim( exp_anim_name ); if ( anim != NULL ) { model->Set_Animation( anim, 0, RenderObjClass::ANIM_MODE_ONCE ); anim->Release_Ref(); } } WWASSERT(COMBAT_SCENE != NULL); COMBAT_SCENE->Add_Dynamic_Object( explosion ); } explosion->Release_Ref(); } } } // Make the decal if ( !explosion_def->DecalFilename.Is_Empty() ) { StringClass new_name(true); ::Strip_Path_From_Filename( new_name, explosion_def->DecalFilename ); PhysicsSceneClass::Get_Instance()->Create_Decal( blast_tm, new_name, explosion_def->DecalSize, false, NULL ); } // Apply the damage // if ( CombatManager::I_Am_Server() ) Clients can create damage now... { float radius = explosion_def->DamageRadius; WWASSERT(WWMath::Is_Valid_Float(radius)); if (radius > 0.0f) { WWASSERT(pos.Is_Valid()); // Create an offense object to carry the damage information OffenseObjectClass offense( explosion_def->DamageStrength, explosion_def->DamageWarhead, damager ); // Loop over all game objects, appling damage to those close enough SLNode *objnode; for ( objnode = GameObjManager::Get_Game_Obj_List()->Head(); objnode; objnode = objnode->Next()) { PhysicalGameObj *obj = objnode->Data()->As_PhysicalGameObj(); // If this object is the force victim, give him it all! if ( objnode->Data() == force_victim ) { // physical objs take extended damage if ( obj != NULL ) { obj->Apply_Damage_Extended( offense ); } else { force_victim->Apply_Damage( offense ); } } else { if ( obj && obj->Peek_Physical_Object() ) { // zones have no phy obj CHANGE THIS if ( !obj->Takes_Explosion_Damage() ) { // Cinematics shouldn't take explosion damage continue; // Because that don't exist where they are drawn } Vector3 obj_pos,v; obj_pos = obj->Get_Bullseye_Position(); WWASSERT(obj_pos.Is_Valid()); v = obj_pos - pos; float dist = v.Length(); #ifdef WWDEBUG if (!WWMath::Is_Valid_Float(dist)) { WWDEBUG_SAY(("Explosion Distance Bug!\r\n")); Vector3 obj_pos; obj->Get_Position(&obj_pos); WWDEBUG_SAY((" explosion pos: %f, %f, %f object pos: %f, %f, %f\r\n",pos.X,pos.Y,pos.Z,obj_pos.X,obj_pos.Y,obj_pos.Z)); WWDEBUG_SAY((" object definition name: %s\r\n", obj->Get_Definition().Get_Name())); WWDEBUG_SAY((" explosion definition name; %s\r\n", explosion_def->Get_Name())); } #endif WWASSERT(WWMath::Is_Valid_Float(dist)); if ( dist <= radius ) { float scale = 1.0f; if ( explosion_def->DamageIsScaled ) { WWASSERT(radius > WWMATH_EPSILON); scale = 1.0 - (dist / radius); WWASSERT(WWMath::Is_Valid_Float(scale)); } // Check for collisions in the path of the object CastResultStruct res; LineSegClass ray(obj_pos,pos); PhysRayCollisionTestClass raytest(ray,&res,obj->Peek_Physical_Object()->Get_Collision_Group(),COLLISION_TYPE_PROJECTILE); raytest.CheckDynamicObjs = false; PhysicsSceneClass::Get_Instance()->Cast_Ray(raytest); if (res.Fraction < 1.0f - WWMATH_EPSILON) { scale *= 0.25f; } // Apply the damage obj->Apply_Damage_Extended( offense, scale, v ); } } } } } } // Make the Sound if ( explosion_def->SoundDefID != 0 ) { RefCountedGameObjReference *owner_ref = new RefCountedGameObjReference; owner_ref->Set_Ptr( damager ); WWAudioClass::Get_Instance()->Create_Instant_Sound( explosion_def->SoundDefID, up_tm, owner_ref ); REF_PTR_RELEASE( owner_ref ); } // Make the camera shake! if ( explosion_def->CameraShakeIntensity > 0.0f ) { COMBAT_SCENE->Add_Camera_Shake( pos, explosion_def->CameraShakeRadius, explosion_def->CameraShakeDuration, explosion_def->CameraShakeIntensity ); } } void ExplosionManager::Explosion_Damage_Building( int explosion_def_id, BuildingGameObj * building, bool mct_damage, ArmedGameObj * damager ) { // if ( CombatManager::I_Am_Server() ) Clients can make damage now { // Find Explosion Def ExplosionDefinitionClass * explosion_def = (ExplosionDefinitionClass *)DefinitionMgrClass::Find_Definition( explosion_def_id ); WWASSERT( explosion_def ); OffenseObjectClass offense( explosion_def->DamageStrength, explosion_def->DamageWarhead, damager ); building->Apply_Damage_Building( offense, mct_damage ); } } /* ** Broadcastes server explosion event */ void ExplosionManager::Server_Explode( int explosion_def_id, const Vector3 & pos, int owner_id, DamageableGameObj * force_victim ) { WWASSERT( CombatManager::I_Am_Server() ); cScExplosionEvent * event = new cScExplosionEvent(); if ( event ) { int victim_id = 0; if ( force_victim ) { victim_id = force_victim->Get_ID(); } event->Init( explosion_def_id, pos, owner_id, victim_id ); } } void ExplosionManager::Explode( int explosion_def_id, const Vector3 & pos, int owner_id, int victim_id ) { if ( explosion_def_id != 0 ) { ArmedGameObj * owner = NULL; if ( owner_id != 0 ) { owner = GameObjManager::Find_SmartGameObj( owner_id ); } DamageableGameObj * force_victim = NULL; if ( victim_id != 0 ) { force_victim = GameObjManager::Find_PhysicalGameObj( victim_id ); } Create_Explosion_At( explosion_def_id, pos, owner, Vector3( 0,0,-1), force_victim ); } } /* 04/23/01 - reenabling - in the hopes that sr was to blame #ifdef WWDEBUG char computer_name[200]; DWORD size = sizeof(computer_name); GetComputerName(computer_name, &size); if (cMiscUtil::Is_String_Same(computer_name, "TOMSS2")) { //return; is_enabled = false; } #endif // WWDEBUG /**/