** Command & Conquer Renegade(tm)
** Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc.
** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program. If not, see .
*** Confidential - Westwood Studios ***
* *
* Project Name : Commando *
* *
* $Archive:: /Commando/Code/Commando/systemsettings.cpp $*
* *
* $Author:: Byon_g $*
* *
* $Modtime:: 2/21/02 10:49a $*
* *
* $Revision:: 38 $*
* *
* Functions: *
* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
#include "systemsettings.h"
#include "registry.h"
//#include "menuentry.h"
#include "_globals.h"
#include "combat.h"
#include "pscene.h"
#include "consolefunction.h"
#include "ccamera.h"
#include "phys.h"
#include "dx8wrapper.h"
#include "dx8caps.h"
#include "surfaceeffects.h"
#include "dlgconfigvideotab.h"
#include "wwstring.h"
DynamicVectorClass SystemSettings::SettingList;
void SystemSettings::Apply_All( void )
for ( int index = 0; index < SettingList.Count(); index++ ) {
SettingList[ index ]->Apply();
void SystemSettings::Registry_Save( const char * sub_key )
RegistryClass registry( sub_key );
if ( registry.Is_Valid() ) {
for ( int index = 0; index < SettingList.Count(); index++ ) {
SettingList[ index ]->Registry_Save( registry );
void SystemSettings::Registry_Load( const char * sub_key )
RegistryClass registry( sub_key );
if ( registry.Is_Valid() ) {
for ( int index = 0; index < SettingList.Count(); index++ ) {
SettingList[ index ]->Registry_Load( registry );
void SystemSettings::Add_Console_Functions( DynamicVectorClass & list )
#ifdef WWDEBUG
for ( int index = 0; index < SettingList.Count(); index++ ) {
list.Add( SettingList[ index ]->Create_Console_Function() );
/** BOOL ENTRY *********************************************************************************/
class ConsoleFunctionSettingBool : public ConsoleFunctionClass {
ConsoleFunctionSettingBool( SystemSettingEntryBool * entry ) : Entry( entry ) {}
virtual const char * Get_Name( void ) { return Entry->Get_Name(); }
virtual const char * Get_Help( void ) { return Entry->Get_Help(); }
virtual void Activate( const char * input ) {
Entry->Set_State( !Entry->Get_State() );
Print( "%s %s\n", Entry->Get_Name(), Entry->Get_State() ? "ON" : "OFF" );
SystemSettingEntryBool * Entry;
SystemSettingEntryBool::SystemSettingEntryBool( void ) :
State( false )
void SystemSettingEntryBool::Apply( void )
State = Get_Bool();
void SystemSettingEntryBool::Registry_Save( RegistryClass & registry )
registry.Set_Bool( Get_Name(), Get_State() );
void SystemSettingEntryBool::Registry_Load( RegistryClass & registry )
State = Get_Bool();
Set_State( registry.Get_Bool( Get_Name(), Get_State() ) );
ConsoleFunctionClass * SystemSettingEntryBool::Create_Console_Function()
return new ConsoleFunctionSettingBool( this );
bool SystemSettingEntryBool::Get_State( void )
return State;
void SystemSettingEntryBool::Set_State( bool state )
State = state;
Set_Bool( State );
State = Get_Bool();
/** SLIDER ENTRY *********************************************************************************/
class ConsoleFunctionSettingSlider : public ConsoleFunctionClass {
ConsoleFunctionSettingSlider( SystemSettingEntrySlider * entry ) : Entry( entry ) {}
virtual const char * Get_Name( void ) { return Entry->Get_Name(); }
virtual const char * Get_Help( void ) { return Entry->Get_Help(); }
virtual void Activate( const char * input ) {
Entry->Set_Value( atoi( input ) );
Print( "%s = %d\n", Entry->Get_Name(), Entry->Get_Value() );
SystemSettingEntrySlider * Entry;
SystemSettingEntrySlider::SystemSettingEntrySlider( void ) :
Value( 0 ),
Min( 0 ),
Max ( 10 ),
StepSize( 1 )
void SystemSettingEntrySlider::Apply( void )
Value = Get_Slider();
void SystemSettingEntrySlider::Registry_Save( RegistryClass & registry )
registry.Set_Int( Get_Name(), Get_Value() );
void SystemSettingEntrySlider::Registry_Load( RegistryClass & registry )
Set_Value( registry.Get_Int( Get_Name(), Get_Value() ) );
ConsoleFunctionClass * SystemSettingEntrySlider::Create_Console_Function()
return new ConsoleFunctionSettingSlider( this );
int SystemSettingEntrySlider::Get_Value( void )
return Value;
void SystemSettingEntrySlider::Set_Value( int value )
Value = (value > Max ) ? Max : ((value < Min) ? Min : value);
Set_Slider( Value );
Value = Get_Slider();
/** ENUM ENTRY *********************************************************************************/
class ConsoleFunctionSettingEnum : public ConsoleFunctionClass {
ConsoleFunctionSettingEnum( SystemSettingEntryEnum * entry ) : Entry( entry ) {}
virtual const char * Get_Name( void ) { return Entry->Get_Name(); }
virtual const char * Get_Help( void ) { return Entry->Get_Help(); }
virtual void Activate( const char * input ) {
Entry->Set_Selection( input );
Print( "%s = %s\n", Entry->Get_Name(), Entry->Get_Enum_Name( Entry->Get_Selection() ) );
SystemSettingEntryEnum * Entry;
SystemSettingEntryEnum::SystemSettingEntryEnum( void ) :
Selection( 0 )
void SystemSettingEntryEnum::Apply( void )
Selection = Get_Enum();
void SystemSettingEntryEnum::Registry_Save( RegistryClass & registry )
registry.Set_Int( Get_Name(), Get_Selection() );
void SystemSettingEntryEnum::Registry_Load( RegistryClass & registry )
Set_Selection( registry.Get_Int( Get_Name(), Get_Selection() ) );
ConsoleFunctionClass * SystemSettingEntryEnum::Create_Console_Function()
return new ConsoleFunctionSettingEnum( this );
int SystemSettingEntryEnum::Get_Selection( void )
return Selection;
void SystemSettingEntryEnum::Set_Selection( int selection )
Selection = (selection >= Get_Enum_Count() ) ? Get_Enum_Count()-1 : ((selection < 0) ? 0 : selection);
Set_Enum( Selection );
Selection = Get_Enum();
void SystemSettingEntryEnum::Set_Selection( const char * name )
bool found = false;
for ( int i = 0; i < Get_Enum_Count(); i++ ) {
if ( stricmp( name, Get_Enum_Name( i ) ) == 0 ) {
Set_Selection( i );
found = true;
if ( !found ) {
Set_Selection( atoi( name ) );
class SystemSettingEntryStaticProjectors : public SystemSettingEntryBool {
const char * Get_Name( void ) { return "Static_Projectors"; }
const char * Get_Help( void ) { return "STATIC_PROJECTORS - toggles static projectors."; }
virtual bool Get_Bool( void ) { if ( COMBAT_SCENE ) return COMBAT_SCENE->Are_Static_Projectors_Enabled(); return State; }
virtual void Set_Bool( bool state ) { if ( COMBAT_SCENE ) COMBAT_SCENE->Enable_Static_Projectors( state ); }
class SystemSettingEntryDynamicProjectors : public SystemSettingEntryBool {
const char * Get_Name( void ) { return "Dynamic_Projectors"; }
const char * Get_Help( void ) { return "DYNAMIC_PROJECTORS - toggles dynamic projectors."; }
virtual bool Get_Bool( void ) { if ( COMBAT_SCENE ) return COMBAT_SCENE->Are_Dynamic_Projectors_Enabled(); return State; }
virtual void Set_Bool( bool state ) { if ( COMBAT_SCENE ) COMBAT_SCENE->Enable_Dynamic_Projectors( state ); }
class SystemSettingEntryWeaponHelp : public SystemSettingEntryBool {
const char * Get_Name( void ) { return "Enable_Weapon_Help"; }
const char * Get_Help( void ) { return "ENABLE_WEAPON_HELP - toggles weapon aiming help."; }
virtual bool Get_Bool( void ) { if ( COMBAT_CAMERA ) return COMBAT_CAMERA->Is_Weapon_Help_Enabled(); return State; }
virtual void Set_Bool( bool state ) { if ( COMBAT_CAMERA ) COMBAT_CAMERA->Enable_Weapon_Help( state ); }
class SystemSettingEntryAutoTransitions : public SystemSettingEntryBool {
const char * Get_Name( void ) { return "Enable_Auto_Transitions"; }
const char * Get_Help( void ) { return "ENABLE_AUTO_TRANSITIONS - toggles automatic doors and transitions."; }
virtual bool Get_Bool( void ) { return CombatManager::Are_Transitions_Automatic(); }
virtual void Set_Bool( bool state ) { CombatManager::Set_Transitions_Automatic( state ); }
class SystemSettingEntryGammaLevel : public SystemSettingEntrySlider {
SystemSettingEntryGammaLevel( void ) {
Set_Step_Size( 1 );
const char * Get_Name( void ) { return "Gamma_Correction"; }
const char * Get_Help( void ) { formatstring.Format ("GAMMA_CORRECTION [%d..%d] - Adjusts gamma correction curve for the display.", GAMMA_SLIDER_MIN, GAMMA_SLIDER_MAX); return (formatstring); }
int Get_Slider( void ) { Value = DlgConfigVideoTabClass::Get_Gamma (); return Value; }
void Set_Slider( int value ) { DlgConfigVideoTabClass::Set_Gamma (value); }
void Registry_Save ( RegistryClass & registry ) { registry.Set_Int (Get_Name (), Get_Slider ()); }
StringClass formatstring;
class SystemSettingEntryBrightnessLevel : public SystemSettingEntrySlider {
SystemSettingEntryBrightnessLevel( void ) {
Set_Step_Size( 1 );
const char * Get_Name( void ) { return "Brightness"; }
const char * Get_Help( void ) { formatstring.Format ("BRIGHTNESS [%d..%d] - Adjusts brightness for the display.", BRIGHTNESS_SLIDER_MIN, BRIGHTNESS_SLIDER_MAX); return (formatstring); }
int Get_Slider( void ) { Value = DlgConfigVideoTabClass::Get_Brightness (); return Value; }
void Set_Slider( int value ) { DlgConfigVideoTabClass::Set_Brightness (value); }
void Registry_Save ( RegistryClass & registry ) { registry.Set_Int (Get_Name (), Get_Slider ()); }
StringClass formatstring;
class SystemSettingEntryContrastLevel : public SystemSettingEntrySlider {
SystemSettingEntryContrastLevel( void ) {
Set_Step_Size( 1 );
const char * Get_Name( void ) { return "Contrast"; }
const char * Get_Help( void ) { formatstring.Format ("CONTRAST [%d..%d] - Adjusts contrast for the display.", CONTRAST_SLIDER_MIN, CONTRAST_SLIDER_MAX); return (formatstring); }
int Get_Slider( void ) { Value = DlgConfigVideoTabClass::Get_Contrast (); return Value; }
void Set_Slider( int value ) { DlgConfigVideoTabClass::Set_Contrast (value); }
void Registry_Save ( RegistryClass & registry ) { registry.Set_Int (Get_Name (), Get_Slider ()); }
StringClass formatstring;
class SystemSettingEntryTextureResolution : public SystemSettingEntrySlider {
SystemSettingEntryTextureResolution( void ) {
Set_Range( 0, 7 );
Set_Step_Size( 1 );
Set_Value( 0 );
const char * Get_Name( void ) { return "Texture_Resolution"; }
const char * Get_Help( void ) { return "TEXTURE_RESOLUTION [0..7] - sets the texture resolution."; }
virtual int Get_Slider( void ) { return WW3D::Get_Texture_Reduction(); }
virtual void Set_Slider( int value ) { if ( WW3D::Get_Texture_Reduction() != value ) { WW3D::Set_Texture_Reduction( value ); } }
class SystemSettingEntryDynamicLODBudget : public SystemSettingEntrySlider {
SystemSettingEntryDynamicLODBudget( void ) {
Set_Range( 100, 100000 );
Set_Step_Size( 100 );
Set_Value( 10000 );
const char * Get_Name( void ) { return "Dynamic_LOD_Budget"; }
const char * Get_Help( void ) { return "DYNAMIC_LOD_BUDGET - sets the Dynamic LOD Budget."; }
virtual int Get_Slider( void ) {
int scount,dcount = Value;
if ( PhysicsSceneClass::Get_Instance() ) {
return dcount;
virtual void Set_Slider( int value ) {
if ( PhysicsSceneClass::Get_Instance() ) {
int scount,dcount;
class SystemSettingEntryStaticLODBudget : public SystemSettingEntrySlider {
SystemSettingEntryStaticLODBudget( void ) {
Set_Range( 100, 10000 );
Set_Step_Size( 100 );
Set_Value( 3000 );
const char * Get_Name( void ) { return "Static_LOD_Budget"; }
const char * Get_Help( void ) { return "STATIC_LOD_BUDGET - sets the Static LOD Budget."; }
virtual int Get_Slider( void ) {
int dcount,scount = Value;
if ( PhysicsSceneClass::Get_Instance() ) {
return scount;
virtual void Set_Slider( int value ) {
if ( PhysicsSceneClass::Get_Instance() ) {
int scount,dcount;
class SystemSettingEntryShadowMode : public SystemSettingEntryEnum {
const char * Get_Name( void ) { return "Shadow_Mode"; }
const char * Get_Help( void ) { return "SHADOW_MODE - 0=none 1=blobs 2=blobs+ 3=projected textures"; }
virtual int Get_Enum( void ) { if (COMBAT_SCENE) return COMBAT_SCENE->Get_Shadow_Mode(); return Selection; }
virtual void Set_Enum( int selection ) { if (COMBAT_SCENE) COMBAT_SCENE->Set_Shadow_Mode( (PhysicsSceneClass::ShadowEnum)selection ); }
virtual int Get_Enum_Count( void ) { return 4; }
virtual const char * Get_Enum_Name( int selection ) {
static const char * names[ 4 ] = { "None", "Blobs", "Blobs+", "Projections" };
return names[ selection ];
class SystemSettingEntrySurfaceEffectDetail: public SystemSettingEntryEnum {
const char * Get_Name( void ) { return "Surface_Effect_Detail"; }
const char * Get_Help( void ) { return "SURFACE_EFFECT_DETAIL - 0=off 1=no emitters 2=full"; }
virtual int Get_Enum( void ) { return SurfaceEffectsManager::Get_Mode (); }
virtual void Set_Enum( int value ) { SurfaceEffectsManager::Set_Mode ((SurfaceEffectsManager::MODE)value); }
virtual int Get_Enum_Count( void ) { return 3; }
virtual const char * Get_Enum_Name( int selection ) {
static const char * names[ 3 ] = { "Off", "No Emitters", "Full" };
return names[ selection ];
class SystemSettingEntryMeshDrawMode : public SystemSettingEntryEnum {
static const char * names[7];
const char * Get_Name( void ) { return "Mesh_Draw_Mode"; }
const char * Get_Help( void ) { return "MESH_DRAW_MODE - 0=old 1=new 2=debug 3=debug clip 4=box 5=none 6=dx8 only"; }
virtual int Get_Enum( void ) { return WW3D::Get_Mesh_Draw_Mode(); }
virtual void Set_Enum( int selection ) {
WW3D::Set_Mesh_Draw_Mode( (WW3D::MeshDrawModeEnum) selection );
virtual int Get_Enum_Count( void ) { return sizeof(names)/sizeof(char*); }
virtual const char * Get_Enum_Name( int selection ) {
WWASSERT(selection>=0 && selection - 0=disabled 1=enabled 2=force"; }
virtual int Get_Enum( void ) { return WW3D::Get_NPatches_Gap_Filling_Mode(); }
virtual void Set_Enum( int selection ) {
WW3D::Set_NPatches_Gap_Filling_Mode( (WW3D::NPatchesGapFillingModeEnum) selection );
virtual int Get_Enum_Count( void ) { return sizeof(names)/sizeof(char*); }
virtual const char * Get_Enum_Name( int selection ) {
WWASSERT(selection>=0 && selection - 1=default, 8=max"; }
virtual int Get_Enum( void ) { return WW3D::Get_NPatches_Level(); }
virtual void Set_Enum( int selection ) {
WW3D::Set_NPatches_Level( selection );
if (DX8Wrapper::Get_Current_Caps() && !DX8Wrapper::Get_Current_Caps()->Support_NPatches()) {
virtual int Get_Enum_Count( void ) { return sizeof(names)/sizeof(char*); }
virtual const char * Get_Enum_Name( int selection ) {
WWASSERT(selection>=0 && selection - 0=vertex 1=multi-pass 2=multi-texture."; }
virtual int Get_Enum( void ) { return WW3D::Get_Prelit_Mode(); }
virtual void Set_Enum( int selection ) {
if ( WW3D::Supports_Prelit_Mode( (WW3D::PrelitModeEnum) selection ) ) {
WW3D::Set_Prelit_Mode( (WW3D::PrelitModeEnum) selection );
virtual int Get_Enum_Count( void ) { return 3; }
virtual const char * Get_Enum_Name( int selection ) {
static const char * names[ 3 ] = { "Vertex", "Multi-pass", "Multi-texture" };
return names[ selection ];
class SystemSettingEntryTextureFilterMode : public SystemSettingEntryEnum {
const char * Get_Name( void ) { return "Texture_Filter_Mode"; }
const char * Get_Help( void ) { return "TEXTURE_FILTER_MODE - 0=bilinear 1=trilinear 2=anisotropic."; }
virtual int Get_Enum( void ) { return WW3D::Get_Texture_Filter(); }
virtual void Set_Enum( int selection ) {
WW3D::Set_Texture_Filter( selection );
virtual int Get_Enum_Count( void ) { return 3; }
virtual const char * Get_Enum_Name( int selection ) {
static const char * names[ 3 ] = { "Bilinear", "Trilinear", "Anisotropic" };
return names[ selection ];
class SystemSettingEntryDifficulty : public SystemSettingEntryEnum {
SystemSettingEntryDifficulty( void ) { Selection = Get_Enum(); }
const char * Get_Name( void ) { return "Difficulty"; }
const char * Get_Help( void ) { return "DIFFICULTY [0..2] - sets the difficulty level."; }
virtual int Get_Enum( void ) { return CombatManager::Get_Difficulty_Level(); }
virtual void Set_Enum( int value ) { CombatManager::Set_Difficulty_Level( value ); }
virtual int Get_Enum_Count( void ) { return 3; }
virtual const char * Get_Enum_Name( int selection ) {
static const char * names[ 3 ] = { "Easy", "Average", "Difficult" };
return names[ selection ];
void SystemSettings::Init( void )
Add_Setting( new SystemSettingEntryStaticProjectors );
Add_Setting( new SystemSettingEntryDynamicProjectors );
Add_Setting( new SystemSettingEntryTextureResolution );
Add_Setting( new SystemSettingEntryDynamicLODBudget );
Add_Setting( new SystemSettingEntryStaticLODBudget );
Add_Setting( new SystemSettingEntryShadowMode );
Add_Setting( new SystemSettingEntryPrelitMode );
Add_Setting( new SystemSettingEntryMeshDrawMode );
Add_Setting( new SystemSettingEntryNPatches );
Add_Setting( new SystemSettingEntryNPatchGapFillingMode );
// Add_Setting( new SystemSettingEntryTextureCompressionMode );
Add_Setting( new SystemSettingEntryTextureFilterMode );
// Add_Setting( new SystemSettingEntryTextureThumbnailMode );
// Add_Setting( new SystemSettingEntryWeaponHelp );
Add_Setting( new SystemSettingEntryAutoTransitions );
Add_Setting( new SystemSettingEntryDifficulty );
Add_Setting( new SystemSettingEntrySurfaceEffectDetail ) ;
Add_Setting( new SystemSettingEntryGammaLevel ) ;
Add_Setting( new SystemSettingEntryBrightnessLevel ) ;
Add_Setting( new SystemSettingEntryContrastLevel ) ;
void SystemSettings::Shutdown( void )
** Free the system setting so they don't look like memory leaks when we exit. ST - 6/11/2001 8:32PM
while (SettingList.Count()) {
delete SettingList[0];
MenuEntryClass * SystemSettings::Create_Menu_Entry( const char * setting_name )
for ( int index = 0; index < SettingList.Count(); index++ ) {
if ( !stricmp( SettingList[ index ]->Get_Name(), setting_name ) ) {
MenuEntryClass * entry = SettingList[ index ]->Create_Menu_Entry();
if ( entry ) {
entry->Set_Name( setting_name );
return entry;
return NULL;
#endif //DEADMENU
class MenuEntrySettingBool : public MenuEntryToggleClass {
MenuEntrySettingBool( SystemSettingEntryBool * entry ) : Entry( entry ) {}
virtual bool Get_State( void ) { return Entry->Get_State(); }
virtual void Toggle( void ) { Entry->Set_State( !Entry->Get_State() ); }
SystemSettingEntryBool * Entry;
#endif // DEADMENU
MenuEntryClass * SystemSettingEntryBool::Create_Menu_Entry( void )
return new MenuEntrySettingBool( this );
#endif // DEADMENU
class MenuEntrySettingSlider : public MenuEntryIntSliderClass {
MenuEntrySettingSlider( SystemSettingEntrySlider * entry ) : Entry( entry ) {}
virtual int Get_Value( void ) { return Entry->Get_Value(); }
virtual void Set_Value( int value ) { Entry->Set_Value( value ); }
virtual int Get_Step_Size( void ) { return Entry->Get_Step_Size(); }
SystemSettingEntrySlider * Entry;
#endif // DEADMENU
MenuEntryClass * SystemSettingEntrySlider::Create_Menu_Entry( void )
return new MenuEntrySettingSlider( this );
#endif // DEADMENU
class MenuEntrySettingEnum : public MenuEntryEnumClass {
MenuEntrySettingEnum( SystemSettingEntryEnum * entry ) : Entry( entry ) {}
virtual const char * Get_Selection_Name( void )
return Entry->Get_Enum_Name( Entry->Get_Selection() );
virtual void Activate( void )
int selection = Entry->Get_Selection() + 1;
if ( selection == Entry->Get_Enum_Count() ) {
selection = 0;
Entry->Set_Selection( selection );
SystemSettingEntryEnum * Entry;
#endif // DEADMENU
MenuEntryClass * SystemSettingEntryEnum::Create_Menu_Entry( void )
return new MenuEntrySettingEnum( this );
#endif // DEADMENU