/* ** Command & Conquer Renegade(tm) ** Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc. ** ** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ** (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program. If not, see . */ /****************************************************************************** * * FILE * Mission2.h * * DESCRIPTION * Mission 2 definitions * * PROGRAMMER * Design Team * * VERSION INFO * $Author: Rich_d $ * $Revision: 18 $ * $Modtime: 1/02/02 3:10p $ * $Archive: /Commando/Code/Scripts/Mission2.h $ * ******************************************************************************/ #ifndef _MISSION2_H_ #define _MISSION2_H_ // Defines and Includes #include "toolkit.h" // Predefined Constants #define M02_OBJCONTROLLER 1111112 #define M02_AREACOUNT 26 // Public Variables Vector3 Objective_Radar_Locations [20] = { Vector3 (1113.53f,877.16f,17.47f), // Destroy or Deactivate Obelisk Vector3 (1001.69f,903.86f,0.82f), // Destroy the Dam's MCT Vector3 (1209.60f,571.97f,18.15f), // Destroy the Hand of Nod Vector3 (1163.07f,513.01f,20.52f), // Commandeer the Nod Cargo Plane Vector3 (139.51f,-5.62f,-12.83f), // Destroy the Nod Helipad Vector3 (130.88f,21.10f,-8.49f), // Secure the Nod Guard Tower Vector3 (556.17f,23.18f,-53.88f), // Capture the Second House Vector3 (495.01f,114.70f,-55.84f), // Capture the First House Vector3 (648.77f,300.74f,-59.99f), // Capture the Third House Vector3 (425.43f,840.52f,8.09f), // Secure the Ski Resort Vector3 (468.59f,582.74f,-43.48f), // Destroy the First SAM Vector3 (493.76f,619.03f,-36.62f), // Destroy the Nod Convoy Vector3 (572.80f,873.57f,-2.83f), // Destroy the Second SAM Vector3 (801.57f,1054.95f,22.00f), // Destroy the Third SAM Vector3 (783.25f,945.26f,23.04f), // Destroy the Fourth SAM Vector3 (1062.0f,978.7f,-18.3f), // Destroy the Power Plant Vector3 (1300.2f,614.1f,19.2f), // Eliminate Tiberium Station C Vector3 (1310.1f,696.5f,19.5f), // Eliminate Tiberium Station A Vector3 (1342.2f,655.1f,19.3f), // Eliminate Tiberium Station B Vector3 (570.06f,261.47f,-60.0f) // Commandeer the GDI Mammoth Tank }; // Enumerations // Timer Enumerations typedef enum { M2TIMER_START = STIMER_MISSION2, } M2TIMER; inline void Send_Custom_To_SAM_Sites (GameObject * obj, int type, int param) { GameObject * sam = Commands->Find_Object(1100085); if (sam) { Commands->Send_Custom_Event(obj, sam, type, param, 0.5f); } sam = Commands->Find_Object(1100094); if (sam) { Commands->Send_Custom_Event(obj, sam, type, param, 0.5f); } sam = Commands->Find_Object(1100120); if (sam) { Commands->Send_Custom_Event(obj, sam, type, param, 0.5f); } sam = Commands->Find_Object(1100130); if (sam) { Commands->Send_Custom_Event(obj, sam, type, param, 0.5f); } } #endif // _MISSION2_H_