/* ** Command & Conquer Renegade(tm) ** Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc. ** ** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ** (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program. If not, see . */ /*********************************************************************************************** *** Confidential - Westwood Studios *** *********************************************************************************************** * * * Project Name : Commando * * * * $Archive:: /Commando/Code/Scripts/unitcombat.h $* * * * $Author:: David_y $* * * * $Modtime:: 4/27/00 10:54a $* * * * $Revision:: 1 $* * * *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*********************************************************************************************** * * Custom Event Type and Param Definitions * ************************************************************************************************/ // SCRIPT OVERRIDE CUSTOM DEFINITIONS // OV_CREATED = Sent by unit to control to let control know unit has been created. // OV_VERIFIED = Sent by unit to control to verify that control is currently handling the unit. // OV_ARRIVED = Sent by unit to control when the unit arrives at a destination. // OV_ANIMCOMPLETE = Sent by unit to control when an animation has been completed. // OV_OVERRIDE = Sent by control to unit when control wants to override combat code on the unit. // OV_REQUEST = Sent by control to unit when control wants to verify that it is currently handling the unit. #define OV_CREATED 1000 #define OV_CONFIRM 1001 #define OV_ARRIVED 1002 #define OV_ANIMCOMPLETE 1003 #define OV_OVERRIDE 1004 #define OV_VERIFY 1005 #define OV_DAMAGED 1006 #define OV_ENEMYSEEN 1007 #define OV_SOUNDHEARD 1008 #define OV_KILLED 1009 // OV_AWARE param is a bool. 0 turns awareness off, 1 sets it on. #define OV_AWARE 1010 // Zone Entering Confirmation to Controller Custom Definition #define ZONE_CONFIRM 1011 // Conversation queue custom send from conversation controller to object. #define CONVERSATION 1012 // Scoreboard Customs and Params #define HITDIRECTION 9910 #define HD_FRONTHIT 10 #define HD_BACKHIT 20 #define BODYLOCATION 9920 #define BL_HEAD 10 #define BL_CHEST 20 #define BL_GROIN 30 #define BL_RIGHTLEG 40 #define BL_LEFTLEG 50 #define BL_RIGHTARM 60 #define BL_LEFTARM 70 #define TALLY 9950 #define TALLY_KILL 10 #define TALLY_STRUCTURE 20 #define TALLY_CIVILIAN 30 // Secret_Level Tracks Completed Secrets in the Level // If Param is Under 100, it is used to register the total number for // a specific level. #define SECRET_LEVEL 9960 #define SL_COMPLETE 100 // Statistic Collection Custom Definitions #define STAT_CALL 9990 // MISSION CONTROL CUSTOM DEFINITONS: // MC_COMPLETE = Custom event register for reporting a completed objective. // MC_RESET = Custom event register for reporting a need to reset an objective. // MC_IPRIMARY = Custom event for sending objective primary/secondary. // MC_IPRIORITY = Custom event for sending objective priority. // MC_IINTROTEXT = Custom event for sending intro text record number. // MC_ISOLVETEXT = Custom event for sending immediate solve text record number. // MC_IOUTTEXT = Custom event for sending final solve text record number. // MC_IRESETTEXT = Custom event for sending objective reset text record number. #define MC_COMPLETE 1 #define MC_RESET 2 #define MC_IPRIMARY 3 #define MC_IPRIORITY 4 #define MC_IINTROTEXT 5 #define MC_ISOLVETEXT 6 #define MC_IOUTTEXT 7 #define MC_IRESETTEXT 8 #define MC_STARTGAME 9 // Movie Control ID's to and from Mission and Movie Controllers // Params between Intro (10) and Outro (99) are cutscenes #define MOVIE_PLAY 10 #define MP_INTRO 10 #define MP_OUTRO 99 // Mission 3 CONTROL CUSTOM DEFINITIONS: // M3_SAMOBJECTIVE = Secondary mission to destroy SAM sites in village completed. // M3_SAMDESTROYED = Secondary mission SAM destroyed, send in reinforcements. #define M3_SAMOBJECTIVE 11 #define M3_SAMDESTROYED 12 // Mission 1 Custom Definitions: // M1_SAMDESTROYED = Primary mission to destroy SAM sites completed. // M1_ACT1CONTROL = Custom sent from mission start to act 1 controller, animates nod soldier. // M1_BASEGATE = Custom Type sent to open and close Base Gate for Harvester #define M1_SAMDESTROYED 13 #define M1_ACT1CONTROL 14 #define M1_BASEGATE 15 #define BASEGATE_OPEN 10 #define BASEGATE_CLOSE 20 // Timer ID's (Unique. No Collision with other ScriptEvents) #define TIMER_IDLE_ANIM 6000 #define TIMER_ARRIVED_FLAG 6010 #define TIMER_SEARCH_LOCATION 6020 #define TIMER_CROUCH_ATTACK 6030 #define TIMER_COMBAT_SPEECH 6040 #define TIMER_TURRET_ATTACK 6050 #define TIMER_HARVESTER_REGEN 6060 //Scoreboard Timers #define TIMER_COMBO 6070 #define TIMER_COMBOEVA 6080 #define TIMER_STAT_CALL 6090 #define TIMER_MISSION 6100 //Mission Objective Timers #define TIMER_OBJECTIVE 6110 #define TIMER_EVASPEECH 6120 #define TIMER_MISSION_FAILURE 6130 #define TIMER_MISSION_SUCCESS 6140 //Movie Control Timers #define TIMER_REGISTER 6150 //Mission 1 Timers #define TIMER_M1_A1 102 #define TIMER_M1_A2 103 #define TIMER_TUTORIAL 104 #define TIMER_M1_A3 105 //Mission 1 Radar Events #define RADAR_M1_P1 150 //Mission 3 Timers #define TIMER_M3_A1T1 301 #define TIMER_M3_A1T2 302 #define TIMER_M3_A1T3 303 #define TIMER_M3_B1 304 #define TIMER_M3_B2 305 #define TIMER_M3_B3 306 #define TIMER_M3_A3T1 307 #define TIMER_M3_A3T2 308 #define TIMER_M3_A4T1 309 #define TIMER_M3_A2T1 310 #define TIMER_M3_A4T3 311 #define TIMER_M3_A5T1 312 #define TIMER_M3_A5T2 313 #define TIMER_M3_A4T2 314 #define TIMER_M3_A1T4 315 //Mission 2 Radar Events #define RADAR_M2_P1 250 #define RADAR_M2_P2 251 //Mission 3 Radar Events #define RADAR_M3_P1 350 #define RADAR_M3_P2 351 #define RADAR_M3_S1 352 #define RADAR_M3_S2 353 #define RADAR_M3_S3 354 //Custom Event Sound Responses #define CUSTOM_ALLY_INFO 7000 #define CUSTOM_TARGET_INFO 7010 //Designer Sound Types #define SOUND_ENEMY_SEEN SOUND_TYPE_DESIGNER + 5000 #define SOUND_DEATH SOUND_TYPE_DESIGNER + 5010