/* ** Command & Conquer Renegade(tm) ** Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc. ** ** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ** (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program. If not, see . */ /* this file contains the actual definitions of */ /* the IIDs and CLSIDs */ /* link this file in with the server and any clients */ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 5.01.0164 */ /* at Mon Nov 23 10:03:58 1998 */ /* Compiler settings for C:\TEMP\ssauto.odl: Os (OptLev=s), W1, Zp8, env=Win32, ms_ext, c_ext error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data */ //@@MIDL_FILE_HEADING( ) #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C"{ #endif #ifndef __IID_DEFINED__ #define __IID_DEFINED__ typedef struct _IID { unsigned long x; unsigned short s1; unsigned short s2; unsigned char c[8]; } IID; #endif // __IID_DEFINED__ #ifndef CLSID_DEFINED #define CLSID_DEFINED typedef IID CLSID; #endif // CLSID_DEFINED const IID LIBID_SourceSafeTypeLib = {0x783CD4E0,0x9D54,0x11cf,{0xB8,0xEE,0x00,0x60,0x8C,0xC9,0xA7,0x1F}}; const IID IID_IVSSItemOld = {0x783CD4E1,0x9D54,0x11cf,{0xB8,0xEE,0x00,0x60,0x8C,0xC9,0xA7,0x1F}}; const IID IID_IVSSItem = {0x2A0DE0E7,0x2E9F,0x11d0,{0x92,0x36,0x00,0xAA,0x00,0xA1,0xEB,0x95}}; const IID IID_IVSSItems = {0x783CD4E5,0x9D54,0x11cf,{0xB8,0xEE,0x00,0x60,0x8C,0xC9,0xA7,0x1F}}; const IID IID_IVSSVersions = {0x783CD4E7,0x9D54,0x11cf,{0xB8,0xEE,0x00,0x60,0x8C,0xC9,0xA7,0x1F}}; const IID IID_IVSSVersionOld = {0x783CD4E8,0x9D54,0x11cf,{0xB8,0xEE,0x00,0x60,0x8C,0xC9,0xA7,0x1F}}; const IID IID_IVSSVersion = {0x2A0DE0E9,0x2E9F,0x11d0,{0x92,0x36,0x00,0xAA,0x00,0xA1,0xEB,0x95}}; const IID IID_IVSSCheckouts = {0x8903A770,0xF55F,0x11cf,{0x92,0x27,0x00,0xAA,0x00,0xA1,0xEB,0x95}}; const IID IID_IVSSCheckout = {0x783CD4E6,0x9D54,0x11cf,{0xB8,0xEE,0x00,0x60,0x8C,0xC9,0xA7,0x1F}}; const IID IID_IVSSUsers = {0x2A0DE0E4,0x2E9F,0x11d0,{0x92,0x36,0x00,0xAA,0x00,0xA1,0xEB,0x95}}; const IID IID_IVSSUser = {0x2A0DE0E3,0x2E9F,0x11d0,{0x92,0x36,0x00,0xAA,0x00,0xA1,0xEB,0x95}}; const IID IID_IVSSDatabaseOld = {0x783CD4E2,0x9D54,0x11cf,{0xB8,0xEE,0x00,0x60,0x8C,0xC9,0xA7,0x1F}}; const IID IID_IVSSDatabase = {0x2A0DE0E2,0x2E9F,0x11d0,{0x92,0x36,0x00,0xAA,0x00,0xA1,0xEB,0x95}}; const CLSID CLSID_VSSItem = {0x783CD4E3,0x9D54,0x11cf,{0xB8,0xEE,0x00,0x60,0x8C,0xC9,0xA7,0x1F}}; const CLSID CLSID_VSSVersion = {0x783CD4EC,0x9D54,0x11cf,{0xB8,0xEE,0x00,0x60,0x8C,0xC9,0xA7,0x1F}}; const CLSID CLSID_VSSCheckout = {0x2A0DE0E0,0x2E9F,0x11d0,{0x92,0x36,0x00,0xAA,0x00,0xA1,0xEB,0x95}}; const CLSID CLSID_VSSDatabase = {0x783CD4E4,0x9D54,0x11cf,{0xB8,0xEE,0x00,0x60,0x8C,0xC9,0xA7,0x1F}}; const CLSID CLSID_VSSUser = {0x2A0DE0E5,0x2E9F,0x11d0,{0x92,0x36,0x00,0xAA,0x00,0xA1,0xEB,0x95}}; const IID IID_IVSSEventsOld = {0x783CD4E9,0x9D54,0x11cf,{0xB8,0xEE,0x00,0x60,0x8C,0xC9,0xA7,0x1F}}; const IID IID_IVSSEvents = {0x2A0DE0E8,0x2E9F,0x11d0,{0x92,0x36,0x00,0xAA,0x00,0xA1,0xEB,0x95}}; const IID IID_IVSS = {0x783CD4EB,0x9D54,0x11cf,{0xB8,0xEE,0x00,0x60,0x8C,0xC9,0xA7,0x1F}}; const IID IID_IVSSEventHandler = {0x783CD4EA,0x9D54,0x11cf,{0xB8,0xEE,0x00,0x60,0x8C,0xC9,0xA7,0x1F}}; const CLSID CLSID_VSSApp = {0x2A0DE0E1,0x2E9F,0x11d0,{0x92,0x36,0x00,0xAA,0x00,0xA1,0xEB,0x95}}; #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif