** Command & Conquer Renegade(tm)
** Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc.
** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program. If not, see .
* $Archive: /Commando/Code/WWOnline/WOLSession.h $
* WOLSession is the entryway to Westwood Online. An object of this type
* must exist in order to do anything WOL related. There should only be one
* instance of this; retrieve it via GetInstance.
* Steve Clinard & Denzil E. Long, Jr.
* $Author: Denzil_l $
* $Revision: 54 $
* $Modtime: 1/25/02 5:02p $
#ifndef __WOLSESSION_H__
#define __WOLSESSION_H__
#include "WOLLoginInfo.h"
#include "WOLUser.h"
#include "WOLChannel.h"
#include "WOLPing.h"
#include "WOLAgeCheck.h"
#include "WOLDownload.h"
#include "WOLPageMsg.h"
#include "RefPtr.h"
namespace WOL
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#pragma warning(push, 3)
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#pragma warning(pop)
class WaitCondition;
namespace WWOnline {
// The version of WOLAPI this product was build with.
class ChatObserver;
class NetUtilObserver;
class ServerError;
class ServerData;
class ChannelData;
class LadderServerData;
class GameResultsServerData;
class WDTServerData;
class GameOptionsMessage;
class GameStartEvent;
class SquadEvent;
class ChatMessage;
class ConnectWait;
class DisconnectWait;
class IRCServerData;
typedef std::vector< RefPtr > IRCServerList;
class MGLServerData;
typedef std::vector< RefPtr > MGLServerList;
class PingServerData;
typedef std::vector< RefPtr > PingServerList;
typedef std::vector< RefPtr > LadderList;
enum ConnectionStatus {ConnectionDisconnected, ConnectionDisconnecting, ConnectionConnecting, ConnectionConnected};
class MessageOfTheDayType;
typedef TypedEvent MessageOfTheDayEvent;
// Information request flags
#define REQUEST_LOCALE (1<<0L)
#define REQUEST_TEAMINFO (1<<2L)
#define REQUEST_NONE 0
class Session :
public RefCounted,
public Notifier,
public Notifier,
public Notifier,
public Notifier,
public Notifier,
public Notifier,
public Notifier,
public Notifier,
public Notifier,
public Notifier,
public Notifier,
public Notifier,
public Notifier,
public Notifier,
public Notifier,
public Notifier,
public Notifier,
public Notifier,
public Notifier,
public Notifier,
public Notifier
// Retrieve WWOnline session instance.
static RefPtr GetInstance(bool okToCreate = false);
void Reset(void);
// Yeild time for WWOnline processing.
virtual bool Process(void);
// Retrieve pointer to IChat object
const CComPtr& GetChatObject(void) const
{return mChat;}
// Retrieve pointer to INetUtil object
const CComPtr& GetNetUtilObject(void) const
{return mNetUtil;}
// Obtain current patch download list
DownloadList& GetPatchDownloadList(void)
{return mPatchFiles;}
// Retrieve connection status
ConnectionStatus GetConnectionStatus(void) const
{return mCurrentConnectionStatus;}
// Server Methods
// Retrieve new server list
RefPtr GetNewServerList(void);
// Submit request for new server list
bool RequestServerList(bool just_kidding = false);
// Obtain current server list
const IRCServerList& GetIRCServerList(void)
{return mIRCServers;}
const MGLServerList& GetManglerServerList(void)
{return mMGLServers;}
const PingServerList& GetPingServerList(void)
{return mPingServers;}
// Retrieve current server
const RefPtr& GetCurrentServer(void) const
{return mCurrentServer;}
// Retrieve current login
const RefPtr& GetCurrentLogin(void) const
{return mCurrentLogin;}
// Login into server
RefPtr LoginServer(const RefPtr&, const RefPtr&);
// Disconnection from current server.
RefPtr Logout(void);
// Retrieve message of the day
const WideStringClass& GetMessageOfTheDay(void) const
{return mMessageOfTheDay;}
// Channel Methods
bool EnableProgressiveChannelList(bool enable);
// Submit request for new channel list
bool RequestChannelList(int channelType, bool autoPing);
// Look for a channel with the specified name in the current channel list.
RefPtr FindChannel(const wchar_t* name);
RefPtr FindChannel(const char* name);
// Create a new channel
RefPtr CreateChannel(const wchar_t* channelName, const wchar_t* password, int type);
RefPtr CreateChannel(const RefPtr&, const wchar_t* password);
// Join a channel
RefPtr JoinChannel(const RefPtr& channel, const wchar_t* password);
RefPtr JoinChannel(const wchar_t* name, const wchar_t* password, int type);
bool RequestChannelJoin(const RefPtr& channel, const wchar_t* password);
// Leave the current channel.
RefPtr LeaveChannel(void);
bool RequestLeaveChannel(void);
// Obtain current channel
const RefPtr& GetCurrentChannel(void) const
{return mCurrentChannel;}
const char* GetChannelTopic(void) const;
// Send the current channels topic to the server.
bool SendChannelTopic(void);
// Send the current channels extra info to the server.
bool SendChannelExtraInfo(void);
// Retrieve current channel status
ChannelStatus GetChannelStatus(void) const
{return mCurrentChannelStatus;}
// Retrieve new chat channel list
RefPtr GetNewChatChannelList(void);
// Obtain current channel list.
const ChannelList& GetChatChannelList(void)
{return mChatChannels;}
RefPtr FindChatChannel(const wchar_t* name);
RefPtr FindChatChannel(const char* name);
// Retrieve new game channel list
RefPtr GetNewGameChannelList(void);
// Submit request for new game channel list.
bool RequestGameChannelList(void);
// Obtain current game channel list
const ChannelList& GetGameChannelList(void)
{return mGameChannels;}
RefPtr FindGameChannel(const wchar_t* name);
RefPtr FindGameChannel(const char* name);
// User Methods
// Request a new user list
bool RequestUserList(void);
// Obtian current user list
const UserList& GetUserList(void)
{return mUsers;}
// Find specified user
RefPtr FindUser(const wchar_t* userName);
// Obtain current user
RefPtr GetCurrentUser(void) const
{return mCurrentUser;}
// Test is specified user is the current one.
bool IsCurrentUser(const RefPtr&) const;
bool IsCurrentUser(const wchar_t* username) const;
// Change the locale for the user currently logged in.
bool ChangeCurrentUserLocale(WOL::Locale locale);
// Squelch / unsquelch user messages. Prevents messages from specified user.
bool SquelchUser(const RefPtr& user, bool squelched);
// Kick a user from the current channel. Kicking is only allowed for
// channel owners.
bool KickUser(const wchar_t* username);
// Ban / unban a user from the current channel. Banning is only allowed for
// channel owners.
bool BanUser(const wchar_t* username, bool banned);
// Send a page to a user.
bool PageUser(const wchar_t* userName, const wchar_t* message);
// Request a users online location
unsigned long GetAutoRequestFlags(void) const
{return mAutoRequestFlags;}
void SetAutoRequestFlags(unsigned long flags)
{mAutoRequestFlags = flags;}
void RequestUserDetails(const RefPtr& user, unsigned long requestFlags);
void RequestLocateUser(const wchar_t* userName);
void RequestLocateUser(const RefPtr& user);
// Request users locale
void RequestUserLocale(const wchar_t* userName);
// Request information about a squad by Squad ID
void RequestSquadInfoByID(unsigned long squadID);
// Request information about a squad by member name
void RequestSquadInfoByMemberName(const wchar_t* memberName);
// Request users team information
void RequestTeamInfo(const wchar_t* userName);
// Request users ladder information
void RequestLadderInfo(const wchar_t* name, unsigned long type);
// Buddy Methods
// Obtian current buddy list
const UserList& GetBuddyList(void) const
{return mBuddies;}
// Find specified buddy
RefPtr FindBuddy(const wchar_t* buddyName)
{return FindUserInList(buddyName, mBuddies);}
bool RequestBuddyList(void);
bool AddBuddy(const wchar_t* buddyName);
bool RemoveBuddy(const wchar_t* buddyName);
// Chatting Methods
bool AllowFindPage(bool allowFind, bool allowPage);
// Enable / disable filtering of bad language
bool SetBadLanguageFilter(bool enabled);
bool SendPublicMessage(const char* message);
bool SendPublicMessage(const wchar_t* message);
bool SendPublicAction(const char* action);
bool SendPublicAction(const wchar_t* action);
bool SendPrivateMessage(const wchar_t* username, const wchar_t* message);
bool SendPrivateMessage(const UserList& users, const char* message);
bool SendPrivateMessage(const UserList& users, const wchar_t* message);
bool SendPrivateAction(const UserList& users, const char* action);
bool SendPrivateAction(const UserList& users, const wchar_t* action);
bool SendPublicGameOptions(const char* options);
bool SendPrivateGameOptions(const wchar_t* user, const char* options);
bool SendPrivateGameOptions(const UserList& users, const char* options);
// Utility Methods
void GetLocaleStrings(std::vector& localeStrings);
void EnablePinging(bool enable);
void RequestPing(const char* address, int timeout = 1000);
unsigned int GetPendingPingCount(void) const
{return mPingsPending;}
bool SendGameResults(unsigned char* packet, unsigned long length);
bool RequestUserIP(char *user_name);
time_t GetServerTime(void)
{return mServerTime;}
// IGR (Internet Gaming Room) support
bool IsStoreLoginAllowed(void);
bool IsAutoLoginAllowed(void);
bool IsRunRegAppAllowed(void);
// Insider status support
void RequestInsiderStatus(void);
void RequestServerTime(void);
bool IsCurrUserInsider(void)
{return mIsInsider;}
// Event notification
friend ChatObserver;
friend NetUtilObserver;
friend Download;
friend ConnectWait;
friend DisconnectWait;
virtual ~Session();
// Disallow copy and assignment
Session(const Session&);
const Session& operator=(const Session&);
virtual void ReleaseReference(void);
bool FinalizeCreate(void);
void UpdatePingServerTime(const char* name, int time);
void AutoRequestUserDetails(const RefPtr& user);
RefPtr GetUserOrBuddy(const wchar_t*);
const CComPtr& GetIGRObject(void);
void ClearServers(void);
void MakeLocateUserRequests(void);
void MakeSquadRequests(void);
void MakeLocaleRequests(void);
void MakeTeamRequests(void);
void MakeLadderRequests(void);
void MakePingRequests(void);
CComPtr mChat;
CComPtr mChatEvents;
unsigned long mChatCookie;
CComPtr mNetUtil;
CComPtr mNetUtilEvents;
unsigned long mNetUtilCookie;
CComPtr mIGRObject;
// Server data
bool mRequestingServerList;
IRCServerList mIRCServers;
RefPtr mLadderServer;
RefPtr mGameResultsServer;
RefPtr mWDTServer;
MGLServerList mMGLServers;
PingServerList mPingServers;
bool mIgnoreServerLists;
// Insider status data
bool mIsInsider;
time_t mServerTime;
// Patch data
DownloadList mPatchFiles;
// Connection state
ConnectionStatus mCurrentConnectionStatus;
RefPtr mPendingServer;
RefPtr mCurrentServer;
RefPtr mPendingLogin;
RefPtr mCurrentLogin;
// Channel data
ChannelList mChatChannels;
ChannelList mGameChannels;
int mRequestedChannelType;
ChannelList mIncommingChatChannels;
ChannelList mIncommingGameChannels;
RefPtr mPendingChannel;
RefPtr mCurrentChannel;
ChannelStatus mCurrentChannelStatus;
// User data
UserList mUsers;
RefPtr mCurrentUser;
UserList mLocatePendingUsers;
RefPtr mLocatingUser;
UserList mBuddies;
unsigned long mAutoRequestFlags;
// Squad Request queues
typedef std::vector SquadRequestColl;
SquadRequestColl mSquadRequests;
SquadRequestColl mSquadPending;
typedef std::vector LocaleRequestColl;
LocaleRequestColl mLocaleRequests;
typedef std::vector TeamRequestColl;
TeamRequestColl mTeamRequests;
typedef std::list LadderRequestList;
LadderRequestList mLadderRequests;
unsigned long mLadderPending;
// Misc.
WideStringClass mMessageOfTheDay;
std::vector mPingRequests;
unsigned int mPingsPending;
int mPingEnable;
unsigned long mLastUserDataRequestTime;
static RefPtr _mInstance;
class ChatAdvisement :
public RefCounted
static RefPtr Create(const CComPtr&, const CComPtr&);
ChatAdvisement(const CComPtr&, const CComPtr&);
virtual ~ChatAdvisement();
// Prevent copy and assignment
ChatAdvisement(const ChatAdvisement&);
const ChatAdvisement& operator=(const ChatAdvisement&);
CComPtr mChat;
unsigned long mChatCookie;
} // using namespace WWOnline
#endif // __WOLSESSION_H__