This document is going to be a place to put descriptions of our reasoning for any "confusing" design decisions made during the conversion to DX8. TODO: WRITE PROPER DESCRIPTIONS FOR ALL OF THE FOLLOWING!!! Lighting -------- The user has two choices regarding lighting. SimpleSceneClass will just install the first four LightClasses into DX8 and let them affect all objects. Otherwise, you need to implement a SceneClass which wraps each top-level render object and associates a LightEnvironmentClass with it. In your 'Customized_Render' function you need to update each object's LightEnvironment object from the lights around it. Mesh Rendering System --------------------- Grouped by FVF format and material settings. Many meshes can share a single VB and IB... MeshModel Sharing ----------------- It would be nice if MeshClass just Add_Ref'd the same mesh model whenever we re-use a mesh. The problems with this are: - the transform which is used during deffered rendering and during decal rendering - instance specific light environment pointer is in the mesh model class - lots of other stuff <-- FILL THIS IN!