MAPPER_NAME Description: What the mapper does Params: What to type in the argument space = (type) e.g. if it says UPerSec=(float) 0.0; it means you have to type in UPerSec=1.0; to get your U coordinate scrolling at one unit per second and it has to be a float. If you don't type anything the default value is 0.0. Types: (float) - any real number (int) - any integer (bool) - either TRUE or FALSE LINEAR_OFFSET Description: Makes the texture scroll at the speed specified Params: UPerSec=(float) 0.0; VPerSec=(float) 0.0; UScale=(float) 1.0; VScale=(float) 1.0; CLASSIC_ENVIRONMENT Description: Uses the Normals to look up the environment map ENVIRONMENT Description: Uses the Reflection direction to look up the environment map SCREEN Description: Projects takes the screen coordinate as the UV coordinate Params: UScale=(float) 1.0f; VScale=(float) 1.0f; SILHOUETTE Description: Obsolete, not supported SCALE Description: Scales the UV coordinates. Useful for detail mapping. Params: UScale=(float) 1.0f; VScale=(float) 1.0f; GRID Description: Given a texture that is divided up in to a grid, it animates the texture by looking up the texture from the topleft to the bottom right, going left to right and then top to bottom (the same way you would read English text). The texture map must be divided up evenly. Params: FPS=(float) 1.0f; The frames per second Log2Width=(int) 1; So 0=width 1, 1=width 2, 2=width 4. The default means animate using a texture divided up into quarters. Last=(int) GridWidth*GridWidth; The last frame to use ROTATE Description: Rotates a texture map counterclockwise about a specified center then scales the texture Params: Speed=(float) 0.1f; In Hertz. 1 = 1 rotate per second UCenter=(float) 0.0f; VCenter=(float) 0.0f; UScale=(float) 1.0; VScale=(float) 1.0; SINE_LINEAR_OFFSET Description: Moves the texture map in the shape of a Lissajous figure. Params: UAmp=(float) 1.0f; UFreq=(float) 1.0f; UPhase=(float) 0.0f; VAmp=(float) 1.0f; VFreq=(float) 1.0f; VPhase=(float) 0.0f; STEP_LINEAR_OFFSET Description: Similar to Linear Offset but moves stuff around in discrete steps Params: UStep=(float) 0.0f; VStep=(float) 0.0f; SPS=(float) 0.0f; Steps per second ZIGZAG_LINEAR_OFFSET Description: Similar to Linear Offset but reverses direction periodically. Params: UPerSec=(float) 0.0f; VPerSec=(float) 0.0f; Period=(float) 0.0f; Time it takes to make a zigzag in seconds WS_CLASSIC_ENVIRONMENT Description: World space normal environment map WS_ENVIRONMENT Description: World space reflection environment map GRID_CLASSIC_ENVIRONMENT Description: Animated normal environment map GRID_ENVIRONMENT Description: Animated reflection environtment map RANDOM Description: Randomly rotates and translates a texture with linear offset FPS=(float) 0.0f; Frames per second UPerSec=(float) 0.0; VPerSec=(float) 0.0; EDGE Description: Uses the Z-coordinate of the reflection or normal vector to access the U coordinate The V-coordinate is linear offset VPerSec=(float) 0.0 UseReflect=FALSE VStart=(float) 0.0 BUMPENV Description: Sets up and possibly animates the bump matrix, also has the LinearOffset features NOTE: even if you don't want to animate the bump matrix, you should use this mapper so that the matrix gets set up with the identity settings. BumpRotation = (float) 0.1f; In Hertz. 1 = 1 rotate per second (DEFAULT = 0.0) BumpScale = scale factor applied to the bumps (DEFAULT = 1.0) UPerSec=(float) 0.0; VPerSec=(float) 0.0; UScale=(float) 1.0; VScale=(float) 1.0; ----------- TODO: -the ability to affect the period of the zigzag in only one direction (V) while the other (U) continues to offset undisturbed in the original linear fashion. -groovy scaling -scale random -random mapper random time