/* ** Command & Conquer Renegade(tm) ** Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc. ** ** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ** (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program. If not, see . */ /*********************************************************************************************** *** C O N F I D E N T I A L --- W E S T W O O D S T U D I O S *** *********************************************************************************************** * * * Project Name : WW3D * * * * $Archive:: /Commando/Code/ww3d2/w3d_util.cpp $* * * * Author:: Greg Hjelstrom * * * * $Modtime:: 7/23/01 5:31p $* * * * $Revision:: 5 $* * * *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* * Functions: * * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */ #include "w3d_util.h" #include "vector3.h" #include "vector4.h" #include "quat.h" #include "shader.h" void W3dUtilityClass::Convert_Vector(const W3dVectorStruct & v,Vector3 * set) { set->X = v.X; set->Y = v.Y; set->Z = v.Z; } void W3dUtilityClass::Convert_Vector(const Vector3 & v,W3dVectorStruct * set) { set->X = v.X; set->Y = v.Y; set->Z = v.Z; } void W3dUtilityClass::Convert_Quaternion(const W3dQuaternionStruct & q,Quaternion * set) { set->X = q.Q[0]; set->Y = q.Q[1]; set->Z = q.Q[2]; set->W = q.Q[3]; } void W3dUtilityClass::Convert_Quaternion(const Quaternion & q,W3dQuaternionStruct * set) { set->Q[0] = q.X; set->Q[1] = q.Y; set->Q[2] = q.Z; set->Q[3] = q.W; } void W3dUtilityClass::Convert_Color(const W3dRGBStruct & rgb,Vector3 * set) { set->X = (float)rgb.R / 255.0f; set->Y = (float)rgb.G / 255.0f; set->Z = (float)rgb.B / 255.0f; } void W3dUtilityClass::Convert_Color(const Vector3 & v,W3dRGBStruct * color) { color->R = (uint8)(255.0f * v.X); color->G = (uint8)(255.0f * v.Y); color->B = (uint8)(255.0f * v.Z); color->pad = 0; } void W3dUtilityClass::Convert_Color(const W3dRGBAStruct & rgb,Vector4 * set) { set->X = (float)rgb.R / 255.0f; set->Y = (float)rgb.G / 255.0f; set->Z = (float)rgb.B / 255.0f; set->W = (float)rgb.A / 255.0f; } void W3dUtilityClass::Convert_Color(const Vector4 & v,W3dRGBAStruct * color) { color->R = (uint8)(255.0f * v.X); color->G = (uint8)(255.0f * v.Y); color->B = (uint8)(255.0f * v.Z); color->A = (uint8)(255.0f * v.W); } void W3dUtilityClass::Convert_Shader(const W3dShaderStruct & shader,ShaderClass * set) { set->Set_Depth_Compare ((ShaderClass::DepthCompareType)W3d_Shader_Get_Depth_Compare(&shader)); set->Set_Depth_Mask ((ShaderClass::DepthMaskType)W3d_Shader_Get_Depth_Mask(&shader)); set->Set_Color_Mask (ShaderClass::COLOR_WRITE_ENABLE); set->Set_Dst_Blend_Func ((ShaderClass::DstBlendFuncType)W3d_Shader_Get_Dest_Blend_Func(&shader)); set->Set_Fog_Func (ShaderClass::FOG_DISABLE); set->Set_Primary_Gradient ((ShaderClass::PriGradientType)W3d_Shader_Get_Pri_Gradient(&shader)); set->Set_Secondary_Gradient((ShaderClass::SecGradientType)W3d_Shader_Get_Sec_Gradient(&shader)); set->Set_Src_Blend_Func ((ShaderClass::SrcBlendFuncType)W3d_Shader_Get_Src_Blend_Func(&shader)); set->Set_Texturing ((ShaderClass::TexturingType)W3d_Shader_Get_Texturing(&shader)); set->Set_Alpha_Test ((ShaderClass::AlphaTestType)W3d_Shader_Get_Alpha_Test(&shader)); // Jani: No cull mode settings for w3d shader - problem? // set->Set_Dither_Mask (ShaderClass::DITHER_ENABLE); // The tools do not enable setting post-detail stuff, and in any case we probably wouldn't // want to confuse the artists with the distinction between detail and post-detail settings at // this point, so we just copy the detail settings into the post-detail settings. // set->Set_Post_Detail_Color_Func ((ShaderClass::DetailColorFuncType) W3d_Shader_Get_Post_Detail_Color_Func (&shader)); // set->Set_Post_Detail_Alpha_Func ((ShaderClass::DetailAlphaFuncType) W3d_Shader_Get_Post_Detail_Alpha_Func (&shader)); set->Set_Post_Detail_Color_Func ((ShaderClass::DetailColorFuncType) W3d_Shader_Get_Detail_Color_Func (&shader)); set->Set_Post_Detail_Alpha_Func ((ShaderClass::DetailAlphaFuncType) W3d_Shader_Get_Detail_Alpha_Func (&shader)); } void W3dUtilityClass::Convert_Shader(const ShaderClass & shader,W3dShaderStruct * set) { W3d_Shader_Reset(set); W3d_Shader_Set_Depth_Compare(set,shader.Get_Depth_Compare()); W3d_Shader_Set_Depth_Mask(set,shader.Get_Depth_Mask()); W3d_Shader_Set_Dest_Blend_Func(set,shader.Get_Dst_Blend_Func()); W3d_Shader_Set_Pri_Gradient(set,shader.Get_Primary_Gradient()); W3d_Shader_Set_Sec_Gradient(set,shader.Get_Secondary_Gradient()); W3d_Shader_Set_Src_Blend_Func(set,shader.Get_Src_Blend_Func()); W3d_Shader_Set_Texturing(set,shader.Get_Texturing()); W3d_Shader_Set_Alpha_Test(set,shader.Get_Alpha_Test()); W3d_Shader_Set_Post_Detail_Color_Func(set,shader.Get_Post_Detail_Color_Func()); W3d_Shader_Set_Post_Detail_Alpha_Func(set,shader.Get_Post_Detail_Alpha_Func()); }