/* ** Command & Conquer Renegade(tm) ** Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc. ** ** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ** (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program. If not, see . */ /*********************************************************************************************** *** C O N F I D E N T I A L --- W E S T W O O D S T U D I O S *** *********************************************************************************************** * * * Project Name : Command & Conquer * * * * $Archive:: /VSS_Sync/wwlib/int.h $* * * * $Author:: Vss_sync $* * * * $Modtime:: 3/21/01 12:01p $* * * * $Revision:: 8 $* * * *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* * Functions: * * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */ #if _MSC_VER >= 1000 #pragma once #endif // _MSC_VER >= 1000 #ifndef INT_H #define INT_H #include "mpmath.h" #include "straw.h" #include #include #include #ifdef __BORLANDC__ #pragma warn -inl #endif template struct RemainderTable; template T Gcd(const T & a, const T & n); #ifdef _UNIX #define FN_TEMPLATE <> #else #define FN_TEMPLATE #endif template class Int { public: /* ** Constructors and initializers. */ Int(void) {XMP_Init(®[0], 0, PRECISION);} Int(unsigned long value) {XMP_Init(®[0], value, PRECISION);} void Randomize(Straw & rng, int bitcount) {XMP_Randomize(®[0], rng, bitcount, PRECISION);} void Randomize(Straw & rng, const Int & minval, const Int & maxval) {XMP_Randomize_Bounded(®[0], rng, minval, maxval, PRECISION); reg[0] |= 1;} /* ** Convenient conversion operators to get at the underlying array of ** integers. Big number math is basically manipulation of arbitrary ** length arrays. */ operator digit * () {return & reg[0];} operator const digit * () const {return & reg[0];} /* ** Array access operator (references bit position). Bit 0 is the first bit. */ bool operator[](unsigned bit) const {return(XMP_Test_Bit(®[0], bit));} /* ** Unary operators. */ Int & operator ++ (void) {XMP_Inc(®[0], PRECISION);return(*this);} Int & operator -- (void) {XMP_Dec(®[0], PRECISION);return(*this);} int operator ! (void) const {return(XMP_Test_Eq_Int(®[0], 0, PRECISION));} Int operator ~ (void) {XMP_Not(®[0], PRECISION);return(*this);} Int operator - (void) const {Int a = *this;a.Negate();return (a);} /* ** Attribute query functions. */ int ByteCount(void) const {return(XMP_Count_Bytes(®[0], PRECISION));} int BitCount(void) const {return(XMP_Count_Bits(®[0], PRECISION));} bool Is_Negative(void) const {return(XMP_Is_Negative(®[0], PRECISION));} unsigned MaxBitPrecision() const {return PRECISION*(sizeof(unsigned long)*CHAR_BIT);} bool IsSmallPrime(void) const {return(XMP_Is_Small_Prime(®[0], PRECISION));} bool SmallDivisorsTest(void) const {return(XMP_Small_Divisors_Test(®[0], PRECISION));} bool FermatTest(unsigned rounds) const {return(XMP_Fermat_Test(®[0], rounds, PRECISION));} bool IsPrime(void) const {return(XMP_Is_Prime(®[0], PRECISION));} bool RabinMillerTest(Straw & rng, unsigned int rounds) const {return(XMP_Rabin_Miller_Test(rng, ®[0], rounds, PRECISION));} /* ** 'in-place' binary operators. */ Int & operator += (const Int & number) {Carry = XMP_Add(®[0], ®[0], number, 0, PRECISION);return(*this);} Int & operator -= (const Int & number) {Borrow = XMP_Sub(®[0], ®[0], number, 0, PRECISION);return(*this);} Int & operator *= (const Int & multiplier) {Remainder = *this;Error=XMP_Signed_Mult(®[0], Remainder, multiplier, PRECISION);return(*this);} Int & operator /= (const Int & t) {*this = (*this) / t;return *this;} Int & operator %= (const Int & t) {*this = (*this) % t;return *this;} Int & operator <<= (int bits) {XMP_Shift_Left_Bits(®[0], bits, PRECISION);return *this;} Int & operator >>= (int bits) {XMP_Shift_Right_Bits(®[0], bits, PRECISION);return *this;} /* ** Mathematical binary operators. */ Int operator + (const Int & number) const {Int term;Carry = XMP_Add(term, ®[0], number, 0, PRECISION);return(term);} Int operator + (unsigned short b) const {Int result;Carry=XMP_Add_Int(result, ®[0], b, 0, PRECISION);return(result);} Int operator - (const Int & number) const {Int term;Borrow = XMP_Sub(term, ®[0], number, 0, PRECISION);return(term);} Int operator - (unsigned short b) const {Int result;Borrow = XMP_Sub_Int(result, ®[0], b, 0, PRECISION);return(result);} Int operator * (const Int & multiplier) const {Int result;Error=XMP_Signed_Mult(result, ®[0], multiplier, PRECISION);return result;} Int operator * (unsigned short b) const {Int result;Error=XMP_Unsigned_Mult_Int(result, ®[0], b, PRECISION);return(result);} Int operator / (const Int & divisor) const {Int quotient = *this;XMP_Signed_Div(Remainder, quotient, ®[0], divisor, PRECISION);return (quotient);} Int operator / (unsigned long b) const {return(*this / Int(b));} Int operator / (unsigned short divisor) const {Int quotient;Error=XMP_Unsigned_Div_Int(quotient, ®[0], divisor, PRECISION);return(quotient);} Int operator % (const Int & divisor) const {Int remainder;XMP_Signed_Div(remainder, Remainder, ®[0], divisor, PRECISION);return(remainder);} Int operator % (unsigned long b) const {return(*this % Int(b));} unsigned short operator % (unsigned short divisor) const {return(XMP_Unsigned_Div_Int(Remainder, ®[0], divisor, PRECISION));} /* ** Bitwise binary operators. */ Int operator >> (int bits) const {Int result = *this; XMP_Shift_Right_Bits(result, bits, PRECISION);return result;} Int operator << (int bits) const {Int result = *this; XMP_Shift_Left_Bits(result, bits, PRECISION);return result;} /* ** Comparison binary operators. */ int operator == (const Int &b) const {return (memcmp(®[0], &b.reg[0], (MAX_BIT_PRECISION/CHAR_BIT))==0);} int operator != (const Int& b) const {return !(*this == b);} int operator > (const Int & number) const {return(XMP_Compare(®[0], number, PRECISION) > 0);} int operator >= (const Int & number) const {return(XMP_Compare(®[0], number, PRECISION) >= 0);} int operator < (const Int & number) const {return(XMP_Compare(®[0], number, PRECISION) < 0);} int operator <= (const Int & number) const {return(XMP_Compare(®[0], number, PRECISION) <= 0);} /* ** Misc. mathematical and logical functions. */ void Negate(void) {XMP_Neg(®[0], PRECISION);} Int Abs(void) {XMP_Abs(®[0], PRECISION);return(*this);} Int exp_b_mod_c(const Int & e, const Int & m) const { Int result; Error=XMP_Exponent_Mod(result, ®[0], e, m, PRECISION); return result; } void Set_Bit(int index) { XMP_Set_Bit(®[0], index); } static Int Unsigned_Mult(Int const & multiplicand, Int const & multiplier) {Int product;Error=XMP_Unsigned_Mult(&product.reg[0], &multiplicand.reg[0], &multiplier.reg[0], PRECISION);return(product);} static void Unsigned_Divide(Int & remainder, Int & quotient, const Int & dividend, const Int & divisor) {Error=XMP_Unsigned_Div(remainder, quotient, dividend, divisor, PRECISION);} static void Signed_Divide(Int & remainder, Int & quotient, const Int & dividend, const Int & divisor) {XMP_Signed_Div(remainder, quotient, dividend, divisor, PRECISION);} Int Inverse(const Int & modulus) const {Int result;XMP_Inverse_A_Mod_B(result, ®[0], modulus, PRECISION);return(result);} static Int Decode_ASCII(char const * string) {Int result;XMP_Decode_ASCII(string, result, PRECISION);return(result);} // Number (sign independand) inserted into buffer. int Encode(unsigned char *output) const {return(XMP_Encode(output, ®[0], PRECISION));} int Encode(unsigned char * output, unsigned length) const {return(XMP_Encode_Bounded(output, length, ®[0], PRECISION));} void Signed_Decode(const unsigned char * from, int frombytes) {XMP_Signed_Decode(®[0], from, frombytes, PRECISION);} void Unsigned_Decode(const unsigned char * from, int frombytes) {XMP_Unsigned_Decode(®[0], from, frombytes, PRECISION);} // encode Int using Distinguished Encoding Rules, returns size of output int DEREncode(unsigned char * output) const {return(XMP_DER_Encode(®[0], output, PRECISION));} void DERDecode(const unsigned char *input) {XMP_DER_Decode(®[0], input, PRECISION);} // Friend helper functions. friend Int Gcd FN_TEMPLATE (const Int &, const Int &); static int Error; // Carry result from last addition. static bool Carry; // Borrow result from last subtraction. static bool Borrow; // Remainder value from the various division routines. static Int Remainder; digit reg[PRECISION]; friend struct RemainderTable< Int >; }; template struct RemainderTable { RemainderTable(const T & p) : HasZeroEntry(false) { int primesize = XMP_Fetch_Prime_Size(); unsigned short const * primetable = XMP_Fetch_Prime_Table(); for (int i = 0; i < primesize; i++) { table[i] = p % primetable[i]; } } bool HasZero() const {return(HasZeroEntry);} void Increment(unsigned short increment = 1) { int primesize = XMP_Fetch_Prime_Size(); unsigned short const * primetable = XMP_Fetch_Prime_Table(); HasZeroEntry = false; for (int i = 0; i < primesize; i++) { table[i] += increment; while (table[i] >= primetable[i]) { table[i] -= primetable[i]; } HasZeroEntry = (HasZeroEntry || !table[i]); } } void Increment(const RemainderTable & rtQ) { HasZeroEntry = false; int primesize = XMP_Fetch_Prime_Size(); unsigned short const * primetable = XMP_Fetch_Prime_Table(); for (int i = 0; i < primesize; i++) { table[i] += rtQ.table[i]; if (table[i] >= primetable[i]) { table[i] -= primetable[i]; } HasZeroEntry = (HasZeroEntry || !table[i]); } } bool HasZeroEntry; unsigned short table[3511]; }; template T Gcd(const T & a, const T & n) { T g[3]={n, a, 0UL}; unsigned int i = 1; while (!!g[i%3]) { g[(i+1)%3] = g[(i-1)%3] % g[i%3]; i++; } return g[(i-1)%3]; } #if defined(__WATCOMC__) #pragma warning 604 9 #pragma warning 595 9 #endif template T Generate_Prime(Straw & rng, int pbits, T const *) { T minQ = (T(1UL) << (unsigned short)(pbits-(unsigned short)2)); T maxQ = ((T(1UL) << (unsigned short)(pbits-(unsigned short)1)) - (unsigned short)1); T q; T p; do { q.Randomize(rng, minQ, maxQ); p = (q*2) + (unsigned short)1; RemainderTable rtQ(q); RemainderTable rtP(p); while (rtQ.HasZero() || rtP.HasZero() || !q.IsPrime() || !p.IsPrime()) { q += 2; p += 4; if (q > maxQ) break; rtQ.Increment(2); rtP.Increment(4); } } while (q > maxQ); return(p); } #define UNITSIZE 32 #define MAX_BIT_PRECISION 2048 #define MAX_UNIT_PRECISION (MAX_BIT_PRECISION/UNITSIZE) typedef Int bignum; typedef Int BigInt; #endif