** Command & Conquer Renegade(tm)
** Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc.
** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program. If not, see .
*** C O N F I D E N T I A L --- W E S T W O O D S T U D I O S ***
* *
* Project Name : LevelEdit *
* *
* $Archive:: /Commando/Code/wwtranslatedb/translatedb.h $*
* *
* Author:: Patrick Smith *
* *
* $Modtime:: 11/12/01 11:43a $*
* *
* $Revision:: 23 $*
* *
* Functions: *
* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#pragma once
#ifndef __TRANSLATE_DB_H
#define __TRANSLATE_DB_H
#include "saveloadsubsystem.h"
#include "vector.h"
#include "bittype.h"
#include "translateobj.h"
#include "tdbcategory.h"
#include "hashtemplate.h"
// Singleton instance
extern class TranslateDBClass _TheTranslateDB;
// Typedefs
typedef DynamicVectorClass TDB_OBJ_LIST;
typedef DynamicVectorClass TDB_CATEGORY_LIST;
extern const WCHAR * STRING_NOT_FOUND;
extern const char * ENGLISH_STRING_NOT_FOUND;
// Useful macros
#define TRANSLATION TranslateDBClass::Get_String
#define TRANSLATE TranslateDBClass::Get_String
#define TRANSLATE_BY_DESC(desc) TranslateDBClass::Get_String (desc);
// TranslateDBClass
class TranslateDBClass : public SaveLoadSubSystemClass
// Public constants
typedef enum
// Public constructors/destructors
TranslateDBClass (void) { }
virtual ~TranslateDBClass (void) { }
// Public methods
// Initialization
static void Initialize (void);
static void Shutdown (void);
static uint32 Get_Version_Number (void);
static void Update_Version (void);
static bool Is_Loaded() {return (m_ObjectList.Count () > 0);}
// From SaveLoadSubSystemClass
virtual uint32 Chunk_ID (void) const;
virtual const char * Name (void) const { return "TranslateDBClass"; }
// C style header file support
static void Import_Strings (const char *filename);
static void Import_C_Header (const char *filename);
static void Export_C_Header (const char *filename);
static void Export_Table (const char *filename);
// Data access
static const WCHAR * Get_String (uint32 id);
static const WCHAR * Get_String (const char *id_desc);
static const char * Get_English_String (uint32 id);
WWINLINE static TDBObjClass * Find_Object (uint32 id);
WWINLINE static TDBObjClass * Find_Object (const char *id_desc);
// Content management
static bool Add_Object (TDBObjClass *new_obj);
static bool Remove_Object (int index);
static void Remove_All (void);
// Enumeration
static int Get_Object_Count (void);
static TDBObjClass * Get_Object (int index);
static TDBObjClass * Get_First_Object (uint32 category_id);
static TDBObjClass * Get_Next_Object (uint32 category_id, TDBObjClass *curr_obj);
// Category support
static int Get_Category_Count (void);
static TDBCategoryClass * Get_Category (int index);
static TDBCategoryClass * Find_Category (uint32 id);
static TDBCategoryClass * Find_Category (const char *name);
static TDBCategoryClass * Add_Category (const char *name);
static bool Add_Category (TDBCategoryClass *new_category, bool assign_id = true);
static bool Remove_Category (int index);
// Language support
static void Set_Current_Language (int lang_id) { m_LanguageID = lang_id; }
static uint32 Get_Current_Language (void) { return m_LanguageID; }
// Save/load options
static bool Is_Single_Language_Export_Enabled (void) { return IsSingleLanguageExport; }
static void Enable_Single_Language_Export (bool onoff) { IsSingleLanguageExport = onoff; }
static void Set_Export_Filter (FILTER_OPT filter, uint32 category_id);
// Protected methods
// Save/load stuff
virtual bool Contains_Data(void) const;
virtual bool Save (ChunkSaveClass &csave);
virtual bool Load (ChunkLoadClass &cload);
bool Load_Variables (ChunkLoadClass &cload);
bool Load_Objects (ChunkLoadClass &cload);
bool Load_Categories (ChunkLoadClass &cload);
static void Validate_Data (void);
static void Free_Objects (void);
static void Free_Categories (void);
// ID managment
static uint32 Find_Unique_ID (void);
// Protected data types
ID_MIN = 1000,
ID_MAX = 999999
// Private member data
static TDB_OBJ_LIST m_ObjectList;
static HashTemplateClass m_ObjectHash;
static TDB_CATEGORY_LIST m_CategoryList;
static uint32 m_VersionNumber;
static uint32 m_LanguageID;
static bool IsSingleLanguageExport;
static uint32 CategoryExportFilter;
static FILTER_OPT FilterType;
static uint32 FilterCategoryID;
// Get_String
inline const WCHAR *
TranslateDBClass::Get_String (uint32 id)
// ID of 0 (zero) is a special case NULL string.
if (id == 0) {
return NULL;
const WCHAR *string = STRING_NOT_FOUND;
// Check to make sure the database is loaded
WWASSERT (Is_Loaded());
// Calculate which index this ID refers to
int index = (id - ID_MIN);
// Check to see if the requested ID is in the range
// of loaded string objects.
WWASSERT (index >= 0 && index < m_ObjectList.Count ());
if (index >= 0 && index < m_ObjectList.Count ()) {
// Get the translation object
TDBObjClass *trans_obj = m_ObjectList[index];
WWASSERT (trans_obj != NULL);
if (trans_obj != NULL) {
// Get the string from the object and return it to the caller
string = trans_obj->Get_String ();
return string;
// Get_String
inline const WCHAR *
TranslateDBClass::Get_String (const char *id_desc)
// NULL description is a special case NULL string.
if (id_desc == NULL) {
return NULL;
const WCHAR *string = STRING_NOT_FOUND;
// Lookup the object based on its ID
TDBObjClass *translate_obj = Find_Object (id_desc);
if (translate_obj != NULL) {
// Get the string from the object and return it to the caller
string = translate_obj->Get_String ();
return string;
// Get_English_String
inline const char *
TranslateDBClass::Get_English_String (uint32 id)
// ID of 0 (zero) is a special case NULL string.
if (id == 0) {
return NULL;
const char *string = ENGLISH_STRING_NOT_FOUND;
// Check to make sure the database is loaded
WWASSERT (m_ObjectList.Count () > 0);
// Calculate which index this ID refers to
int index = (id - ID_MIN);
// Check to see if the requested ID is in the range
// of loaded string objects.
WWASSERT (index >= 0 && index < m_ObjectList.Count ());
if (index >= 0 && index < m_ObjectList.Count ()) {
// Get the translation object
TDBObjClass *trans_obj = m_ObjectList[index];
WWASSERT (trans_obj != NULL);
if (trans_obj != NULL) {
// Get the string from the object and return it to the caller
string = trans_obj->Get_English_String ();
return string;
// Find_Object
TranslateDBClass::Find_Object (const char *id_desc)
StringClass lower_case_name(id_desc,true);
return m_ObjectHash.Get(lower_case_name);
// Find_Object
TranslateDBClass::Find_Object (uint32 id)
TDBObjClass *object = NULL;
// Calculate which index this ID refers to
int index = (id - ID_MIN);
if (index >= 0 && index < m_ObjectList.Count ()) {
// Get the translation object
object = m_ObjectList[index];
// Make sure this is the object the caller requested
WWASSERT (object != NULL && object->Get_ID () == id);
if (object != NULL && object->Get_ID () != id) {
object = NULL;
return object;
#endif //__TRANSLATE_DB_H