/* ** Command & Conquer Renegade(tm) ** Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc. ** ** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ** (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program. If not, see . */ //{{NO_DEPENDENCIES}} // Microsoft Developer Studio generated include file. // Used by LevelEdit.rc // #define IDR_MAINFRAME 2 #define IDC_RESET 3 #define IDI_VSS_USER 4 #define IDC_EDIT_STRINGS_DB 5 #define IDI_VSS 12 #define IDD_ABOUTBOX 100 #define IDD_LIBRARY 101 #define IDC_TEST_CUR 105 #define IDC_POINTER_COPY1 106 #define IDC_NODROP 108 #define IDC_LINK 109 #define IDR_LEVELETYPE 129 #define IDD_COLOR_PICKER 129 #define IDR_MAINFRAME2 129 #define IDC_OBJ_MOVE 130 #define IDB_MARKER 130 #define IDD_COLOR_FORM 130 #define IDB_KEYFRAME_V 131 #define IDB_KEYFRAME_H 132 #define IDD_DIALOG1 137 #define IDD_DATATYPE_LIST 137 #define IDD_LIGHT_AMBIENT_DIALOG 139 #define IDI_SCRIPT 139 #define IDD_RENDER_DEVICE_SELECTOR 140 #define IDI_FOLDER 140 #define IDD_TERRAIN_LIBRARY 141 #define IDD_UPDATING_DATABASE 142 #define IDD_OBJECT_LIBRARY 143 #define IDD_TILE_LIBRARY 144 #define IDR_BOTTOM_TOOLBAR 144 #define IDD_OUTPUT 145 #define IDD_ITEM_VISIBILITY 146 #define IDD_OBJECT_INFO 147 #define IDD_OBJECT_PROPS 148 #define IDD_PROP_SHEET_TEMPLATE 149 #define IDD_OBJECT_SCRIPTS 150 #define IDD_BACKGROUND_COLOR 151 #define IDD_CAMERA_SETTINGS 152 #define IDD_GLOBAL_PRESETS_FORM 153 #define IDD_BASE_INFO 154 #define IDD_WELCOME_PAGE 155 #define IDB_WELCOME_BMP 156 #define IDD_CHECKING_OUT 157 #define IDD_CHECKING_IN 158 #define IDD_CHECKIN_STYLE 159 #define IDR_FILECOPY_ANI 160 #define IDD_ZONE_INFO 160 #define IDD_TRANSITION_TRIGGERS 161 #define IDD_ANI_TOOLBAR 162 #define IDD_LINKS 163 #define IDR_ANI_TOOLBAR 165 #define IDR_PRESET_TOOLBAR 166 #define IDD_GENERATE_BASE 168 #define IDD_NODE_POSITION 169 #define IDB_CHECKBOX_STATES 169 #define IDD_INSTANCES_FORM 170 #define IDD_GOTO_OBJECT 171 #define IDI_GOTO 172 #define IDD_GROUPS_FORM 172 #define IDI_OPENFOLDER 173 #define IDD_ADD_GROUP 173 #define IDI_OBJECT 174 #define IDI_GROUP 175 #define IDD_CREATE_GROUP 176 #define IDD_GOTO_GROUP 177 #define IDI_LIGHT 177 #define IDD_LIGHT_SETTINGS 178 #define IDI_WAYPATH 178 #define IDD_COLOR_SEL 179 #define IDI_ZONE 179 #define IDI_TRANSITION 180 #define IDD_UPDATE_VSS_ASSET 180 #define IDI_TERRAIN 181 #define IDD_PERFORM_UPDATE 181 #define IDI_TILE 182 #define IDR_INSTANCES_TOOLBAR 182 #define IDD_ALWAYS_FORM 182 #define IDR_GROUPS_TOOLBAR 183 #define IDI_TEMP 183 #define IDD_ALWAYS_FORM2 183 #define IDR_PRESET_TOOLBAR1 184 #define IDR_OVERLAP_TOOLBAR 185 #define IDD_ALWAYS 186 #define IDR_CONVERSATION_TOOLBAR 186 #define IDI_3DFILE 187 #define IDD_SOUND_SETTINGS 187 #define IDI_3DFILES 188 #define IDI_FOLDER_TINY 189 #define IDI_SOUND 190 #define IDI_PRI_LOW 191 #define IDD_BACKGROUND 191 #define IDI_PRI_HIGH 192 #define IDI_VOL_LOW 193 #define IDI_VOL_HIGH 194 #define IDD_SUNLIGHT 195 #define IDI_SUNLIGHT 196 #define IDI_VISPOINT 198 #define IDD_AUTO_GEN_VIS 199 #define IDD_GENERATING_VIS 200 #define IDI_CHECK 201 #define IDD_VISUAL_OPTS 202 #define IDI_PATHFIND 202 #define IDD_GLOBAL_PRESETS_FORM1 203 #define IDD_PLAY_SOUND_EFFECT 204 #define IDD_VIS_ERRORS 205 #define IDD_TERRAIN_LOD_SETTINGS 206 #define IDB_RT_ARROW 207 #define IDB_LT_ARROW 208 #define IDB_RT_ARROW_D 209 #define IDB_LT_ARROW_D 210 #define IDB_AXIS_BMP 211 #define IDB_AXIS_SEL_BMP 212 #define IDD_LOD_SETTINGS 216 #define IDD_NEW_LIBRARY 217 #define IDD_PRESETS_FORM 218 #define IDD_PRESET_GENERAL_TAB 219 #define IDD_PRESET_SETTINGS_TAB 220 #define IDD_PHYSICS_OBJECT_EDIT 221 #define IDD_PRESET_SCRIPT 222 #define IDD_TRANSITION_EDIT 224 #define IDD_TRANSITION_LIST 225 #define IDD_SKY_LAYERS 234 #define IDI_SKY 235 #define IDD_SKY_LAYER 236 #define IDB_SPLASH 237 #define IDR_XTRA_POPUP 238 #define IDB_CHECKBOX_STATES1 238 #define IDI_PLAY 239 #define IDI_CONVERT 240 #define IDI_UPDATE 241 #define IDI_PHYS 242 #define IDD_GENERATING_SECTORS 243 #define IDI_MARKER 243 #define IDD_PHYSICS_OBJECT_EDIT_CONTAINER 244 #define IDD_WAYPOINT_INFO 245 #define IDI_WAYPOINT 249 #define IDD_PRESET_LIST 250 #define IDI_LIST 251 #define IDD_OVERLAP_FORM 251 #define IDI_NAVIGATOR 252 #define IDI_PLUS 253 #define IDI_PLUS_OVERLAY 254 #define IDD_GOTO_LOCATION 255 #define IDD_COVERSPOT_INFO 256 #define IDD_VIS_STATS 258 #define IDD_NODE_START_ID 260 #define IDI_ID 261 #define IDD_PRESET_DEPENDENCIES_TAB 261 #define IDI_BUILDING 262 #define IDD_PARAMETER_INHERITANCE 264 #define IDI_HEIRARCHY 265 #define IDI_PARAM 266 #define IDD_PRESET_SELECT 267 #define IDI_PRESET_TINY 267 #define IDI_NULL 268 #define IDD_VECTOR3 268 #define IDD_ZONE_EDIT 269 #define IDI_RAND 270 #define IDD_ZONE_LIST 270 #define IDD_OPTIMIZING_VIS 271 #define IDD_STRING_LIBRARY 272 #define IDD_GENERATING_EDGE_SAMPLED_VIS 273 #define IDD_GENERATING_LIGHT_VIS 274 #define IDI_MANUAL_VIS 275 #define IDI_DIALOGUE 286 #define IDD_EDIT_DIALOGUE 287 #define IDD_EDIT_REMARK 288 #define IDD_EDIT_FILENAME_LIST 289 #define IDD_CONVERSATION_LIST 290 #define IDD_EDIT_CONVERSATION 291 #define IDD_EDIT_CONVERSATION_REMARK 292 #define IDD_GENERIC_TEXT_DIALOG 294 #define IDI_EYE2 295 #define IDD_BACKGROUND_MUSIC 296 #define IDD_BACKGROUND_WEATHER 297 #define IDD_BACKGROUND_SKY 298 #define IDD_MEMLOG 299 #define IDD_STRINGS_CATEGORY_VIEW 300 #define IDD_STRING_CATEGORY 301 #define IDI_ORATOR1 302 #define IDI_LOCK 303 #define IDD_GOTO_OBJECT_BY_ID 304 #define IDD_EXPORT_PRESET_SETTINGS 305 #define IDD_PRESET_REMAP_DIALOG 306 #define IDD_STRING_PICKER_DIALOG 307 #define IDD_CONVERSATION_PICKER 308 #define IDD_CONVERSATION_WEIGHT 309 #define IDD_VIS_WINDOW 311 #define IDI_DELETE 312 #define IDC_HAND_POINTER 313 #define IDD_EDIT_STRING 314 #define IDI_TRANSLATE 315 #define IDD_GENERATING_MANUAL_VIS 316 #define IDI_ICON1 317 #define IDD_PRESET_DIALOGUE_TAB 318 #define IDD_STRING_LIBRARY_VIEW 319 #define IDI_ORATOR2 320 #define IDI_ORATOR3 321 #define IDD_CONVERSATION_FORM 322 #define IDI_ORATOR4 323 #define IDI_ORATOR5 324 #define IDI_ORATOR6 325 #define IDI_ORATOR7 326 #define IDD_LEVEL_SETTINGS 327 #define IDD_IMPORT_TRANSLATION 328 #define IDD_EDIT_STRING_TWIDDLER 329 #define IDR_STRINGS_LIBRARY_MENU 330 #define IDD_EXPORT_MISSING_TRANSLATIONS 330 #define IDD_EXPORT_LANGUAGE 331 #define IDD_FORMVIEW 332 #define IDD_CHOOSE_MOD_PACKAGE 333 #define IDD_NEW_PACKAGE_NAME 334 #define IDD_GENERATING_LIGHT_SOLVE 338 #define IDD_LIGHT_SOLVE_OPTIONS 339 #define IDD_HEIGHTFIELD_FORM 335 #define IDD_HEIGHTFIELD_MATERIAL_SETTINGS 336 #define IDD_HEIGHTFIELD_CREATE 337 #define IDC_LIBRARY_TAB 1000 #define IDC_HUE_PICKER 1000 #define IDC_WHITENESS_BAR 1001 #define IDC_RED_BAR 1002 #define IDC_LIST_CTRL 1003 #define IDC_OPACITY_BAR 1003 #define IDC_GREEN_BAR 1003 #define IDC_OUTPUT_EDIT 1004 #define IDC_BLUE_BAR 1004 #define IDC_LIST1 1005 #define IDC_RED_EDIT 1005 #define IDC_RENDER_DEVICE_COMBO 1006 #define IDC_ADD 1006 #define IDC_LEVEL_INCLUDE_LIST 1006 #define IDC_GREEN_EDIT 1006 #define IDC_REMOVE 1007 #define IDC_INSERT 1007 #define IDC_BLUE_EDIT 1007 #define IDC_DEVICE_NAME_STATIC 1008 #define IDC_MODIFY 1008 #define IDC_RENAME 1008 #define IDC_RED_SPIN 1008 #define IDC_DEVICE_VENDOR_STATIC 1009 #define IDC_GREEN_SPIN 1009 #define IDC_DEVICE_PLATFORM_STATIC 1010 #define IDC_ADD_TEMP 1010 #define IDC_BLUE_SPIN 1010 #define IDC_DRIVER_NAME_STATIC 1011 #define IDC_NAME_EDIT 1011 #define IDC_ORIG_COLOR_BAR 1011 #define IDC_DRIVER_VENDOR_STATIC 1012 #define IDC_BROWSE_FOR_MODEL 1012 #define IDC_PRESET_ID_EDIT 1012 #define IDC_CURRENT_COLOR_BAR 1012 #define IDC_DRIVER_VERSION_STATIC 1013 #define IDC_HARDWARE_NAME_STATIC 1014 #define IDC_BROWSE 1014 #define IDC_HARDWARE_VENDOR_STATIC 1015 #define IDC_MODELNAME_EDIT 1015 #define IDC_SKY_TEXTURE_BROWSE 1015 #define IDC_PLAY 1015 #define IDC_HARDWARE_CHIPSET_STATIC 1016 #define IDC_FILENAME_EDIT 1016 #define IDC_COLORDEPTH_16 1017 #define IDC_ID_EDIT 1017 #define IDC_SKY_TEXTURE_EDIT 1017 #define IDC_COLORDEPTH_24 1018 #define IDC_COMMENTS_EDIT 1018 #define IDC_PROPERTY_LIST 1019 #define IDC_DRIVER_NAME 1019 #define IDC_PROPNAME_EDIT 1020 #define IDC_PROPVALUE_EDIT 1021 #define IDC_PROPVALUE_COMBO 1022 #define IDC_TABCTRL 1023 #define IDC_DELETE_BUTTON 1023 #define IDC_CHECK1 1024 #define IDC_SLIDER_RED 1024 #define IDC_DONT_ASK_AGAIN 1024 #define IDC_DONT_ASK_ME_AGAIN 1024 #define IDC_EDIT_POS_BUTTON 1024 #define IDC_RESTRICT_CHECK 1024 #define IDC_PARAM_VALUE_BOOL_CHECK 1024 #define IDC_INFINITE_LOOPS_CHECK 1024 #define IDC_IGNORE_TRANSPARENCY_CHECK 1024 #define IDC_WIREFRAME_CHECK 1024 #define IDC_SHOW_ZONE 1024 #define IDC_TWOWAY_CHECK 1024 #define IDC_FOG_CHECK 1024 #define IDC_PROPOGATE_DIALOGUE 1024 #define IDC_INNATE_CHECK 1024 #define IDC_ALLOW_VTOL_CHECK 1335 #define IDC_LIGHT_SOLVE_OCCLUSION 1336 #define IDC_MIRROR_CHECK 1337 #define IDC_CHECK2 1025 #define IDC_RED_GRADIENT 1025 #define IDC_ELEMENTLOCK_CHECK 1025 #define IDC_APPLY_TO_CHILDREN 1025 #define IDC_SEL_ONLY_CHECK 1025 #define IDC_SHOW_CHARACTER 1025 #define IDC_LOOPING_CHECK 1025 #define IDC_IGNORE_VIS_BIAS 1025 #define IDC_ORATOR1_CHECK 1025 #define IDC_LIGHTNING_CHECK 1025 #define IDC_LIGHT_SOLVE_FILTERING 1025 #define IDC_ORATOR2_CHECK 1026 #define IDC_CHECK3 1026 #define IDC_SLIDER_GREEN 1026 #define IDC_LOCK_ELEMENTS 1026 #define IDC_HUMAN_CHECK 1026 #define IDC_USE_EDGE_SAMPLING 1026 #define IDC_LIGHT_SOLVE_FILTERING2 1026 #define IDC_ORATOR3_CHECK 1027 #define IDC_CHECK4 1027 #define IDC_GREEN_GRADIENT 1027 #define IDC_GROUND_VEHICLE_CHECK 1027 #define IDC_SELECTION_ONLY 1027 #define IDC_ORATOR4_CHECK 1028 #define IDC_CHECK5 1028 #define IDC_SLIDER_BLUE 1028 #define IDC_AIR_VEHICLE_CHECK 1028 #define IDC_ORATOR5_CHECK 1029 #define IDC_CHECK6 1029 #define IDC_BLUE_GRADIENT 1029 #define IDC_JUMP_CHECK 1029 #define IDC_ORATOR6_CHECK 1030 #define IDC_EDIT1 1030 #define IDC_INNATE_PATHFIND_CHECK 1030 #define IDC_SPIN1 1031 #define IDC_STRING_VALUE 1031 #define IDC_XPOS_EDIT 1031 #define IDC_INNER_ATTEN_EDIT 1031 #define IDC_PARAM_VALUE_NUMBER_SPIN 1031 #define IDC_SCROLL_SPEED_SPIN 1031 #define IDC_LOD_COUNT_SPIN 1031 #define IDC_DISTANCE_SPIN 1031 #define IDC_PITCH_EDIT 1031 #define IDC_ID_SPIN 1031 #define IDC_X_SPIN 1031 #define IDC_STRING_EDIT 1031 #define IDC_SILENCE_WEIGHT_SPIN 1031 #define IDC_ORATORID_SPIN 1031 #define IDC_PRECIPITATION_DENSITY_SPIN 1031 #define IDC_MAP_PIXEL_OFFSETY_SPIN 1031 #define IDC_KEY_CONVESATION_CHECK 1031 #define IDC_HEIGHT_EDIT 1031 #define IDC_OK 1032 #define IDC_NUM_VALUE 1032 #define IDC_ZPOS_EDIT 1032 #define IDC_OUTER_ATTEN_EDIT 1032 #define IDC_FOG_START_EDIT 1032 #define IDC_Y_EDIT 1032 #define IDC_SOUND_PRESET_EDIT 1032 #define IDC_SELECTED_WEIGHT_SPIN 1032 #define IDC_MAP_SCALEY_SPIN 1032 #define IDC_POSY_EDIT 1033 #define IDC_XROT_EDIT 1033 #define IDC_FOG_START_SPIN 1033 #define IDC_FACING_EDIT 1033 #define IDC_Y_SPIN 1033 #define IDC_ANIMATION_NAME_EDIT 1033 #define IDC_MAP_SCALEX_SPIN 1033 #define IDC_POSZ_EDIT 1034 #define IDC_YROT_EDIT 1034 #define IDC_CLIP_EDIT 1034 #define IDC_Z_EDIT 1034 #define IDC_MAP_PIXEL_OFFSETX_SPIN 1034 #define IDC_GRAYSCALE_CHECK 1035 #define IDC_ROTATEX_EDIT 1035 #define IDC_ZROT_EDIT 1035 #define IDC_CLIP_SPIN 1035 #define IDC_Z_SPIN 1035 #define IDC_VALUE_TYPE_COMBO 1036 #define IDC_ROTATEY_EDIT 1036 #define IDC_FOG_END_EDIT 1036 #define IDC_ADD_MOD_BUTTON 1037 #define IDC_ROTATEZ_EDIT 1037 #define IDC_FOG_END_SPIN 1037 #define IDC_EDIT_TYPE_BUTTON 1038 #define IDC_DEPTH_EDIT 1038 #define IDC_MODIFY_BUTTON 1038 #define IDC_LIST_EDIT 1039 #define IDC_AUTOLEVEL_CHECK 1040 #define IDC_POSX_EDIT 1041 #define IDC_DEPTH_SPIN 1042 #define IDC_PRESETS_TREE 1043 #define IDC_PARENTS_EDIT 1044 #define IDC_PROPNAME_COMBO 1045 #define IDC_DELETE 1053 #define IDC_SCRIPTLIST 1054 #define IDC_SCRIPT_NAME 1055 #define IDC_BUTTON1 1056 #define IDC_PARAM_NAME_COMBO 1056 #define IDC_DIFFUSE_BUTTON 1057 #define IDC_PARAM_VALUE_LIST_COMBO 1057 #define IDC_NEXT_ERROR 1057 #define IDC_ZENITH_COLOR 1057 #define IDC_VALUESTATIC 1058 #define IDC_SPECULAR_BUTTON 1058 #define IDC_BMP 1059 #define IDC_NO_RADIO 1060 #define IDC_YES_RADIO 1061 #define IDC_ASSET_TREE_LOCATION 1062 #define IDC_UPDATE_LATER 1064 #define IDC_UPDATE_NOW 1065 #define IDC_ANMATION_CTRL 1065 #define IDC_TRIGGER_LIST 1066 #define IDC_TRIGGER_COMBO 1067 #define IDC_FUNCTION_COMBO 1068 #define IDC_CHILD_LINK_LIST 1068 #define IDC_ANIMATION_COMBO 1069 #define IDC_PARENT_LINK 1069 #define IDC_BUILD_PRESET 1070 #define IDC_PRESET_NAME 1071 #define IDC_UPDATE_PRESET 1071 #define IDC_XPOS_SPIN 1072 #define IDC_BREAK_PRESET 1072 #define IDC_YPOS_SPIN 1073 #define IDC_ZPOS_SPIN 1074 #define IDC_XROT_SPIN 1075 #define IDC_YROT_SPIN 1076 #define IDC_ZROT_SPIN 1077 #define IDC_YPOS_EDIT 1078 #define IDC_GOTO 1079 #define IDC_EDIT 1080 #define IDC_SHOWALL 1081 #define IDC_INSTANCE_TREE 1082 #define IDC_OBJECT_LIST 1083 #define IDC_GROUP_TREE 1084 #define IDC_GROUP_LIST 1087 #define IDC_INTENSITY_SLIDER 1088 #define IDC_INNER_ATTEN_SLIDER 1089 #define IDC_VOLUME_SLIDER 1089 #define IDC_OUTER_ATTEN_SLIDER 1090 #define IDC_AMBIENT_BUTTON 1091 #define IDC_COLOR_WINDOW 1092 #define IDC_PARAM_VALUE_STRING_EDIT 1093 #define IDC_PARAM_VALUE_NUMBER_EDIT 1097 #define IDC_GLOBAL_INCLUDE_LIST 1098 #define IDC_INCLUDES_TREE 1099 #define IDC_INCLUDE_TREE 1100 #define IDC_ADD_REMOVE_BUTTON 1101 #define IDC_SPEC_EDIT 1102 #define IDC_SPEC_STATIC 1103 #define IDC_PRIORITY_SLIDER 1104 #define IDC_DROP_OFF_EDIT 1105 #define IDC_MAX_VOL_EDIT 1106 #define IDC_2D_RADIO 1107 #define IDC_START_OFFSET_EDIT 1107 #define IDC_3D_RADIO 1108 #define IDC_PITCH_FACTOR_EDIT 1108 #define IDC_SOUNDEFFECT_RADIO 1109 #define IDC_MUSIC_RADIO 1110 #define IDC_YAW_SLIDER 1110 #define IDC_PITCH_SLIDER 1111 #define IDC_COLOR 1113 #define IDC_FOG_COLOR 1114 #define IDC_BK_COLOR 1115 #define IDC_SCROLL_SPEED_EDIT 1116 #define IDC_GRANULARITY_SLIDER 1117 #define IDC_GRANULARITY_EDIT 1118 #define IDC_PROGRESS_CTRL 1119 #define IDC_SAMPLEHEIGHT_EDIT 1119 #define IDC_BUILD_LIST_CHECK_ICON 1120 #define IDC_SAMPLEHEIGHT_SLIDER 1120 #define IDC_RENDER_LIST_CHECK_ICON 1121 #define IDC_STATUS_TEXT 1122 #define IDC_ELAPSED_TIME_TEXT 1123 #define IDC_TEXTURE_SIZE_SLIDER 1126 #define IDC_PLAY_SOUND_EFFECT 1127 #define IDC_STOP_SOUND_EFFECT 1129 #define IDC_TRIGGER_RADIUS_EDIT 1129 #define IDC_FILENAME 1130 #define IDC_STATS_WINDOW 1131 #define IDC_ZOOM_SLIDER 1132 #define IDC_PREV_ERROR 1133 #define IDC_HISTOGRAM 1134 #define IDC_CURRENT_POINT 1135 #define IDC_CURRENT_PERCENT 1136 #define IDC_VIS_POINTS 1137 #define IDC_BAD_POINTS 1138 #define IDC_PERCENT_BAD 1139 #define IDC_MAX_POINTS 1140 #define IDC_CURRENT_POINT_STATUS 1141 #define IDC_AXIS_AREA 1143 #define IDC_LOD_COUNT_EDIT 1144 #define IDC_LOD_LIST 1145 #define IDC_DISTANCE_EDIT 1146 #define IDC_TYPE_COMBO 1148 #define IDC_SETTINGS_GROUP 1150 #define IDC_ANIMATION_LIST 1156 #define IDC_TOP 1157 #define IDC_FRONT 1158 #define IDC_LEFT 1159 #define IDC_RIGHT 1160 #define IDC_EDIT_ZONE 1161 #define IDC_3D_WINDOW 1162 #define IDC_TOOLBAR 1163 #define IDC_LAST_FRAME 1163 #define IDC_ADD_BUTTON 1164 #define IDC_EDIT_CHAR 1164 #define IDC_TRANSITION_LIST 1165 #define IDC_SIZE_ZONE 1165 #define IDC_ZONE_STATUS 1166 #define IDC_ROTATE_CHAR 1167 #define IDC_YAW_EDIT 1167 #define IDC_FIRST_FRAME 1167 #define IDC_CHAR_STATUS 1168 #define IDC_LAYER_LIST 1168 #define IDC_SCROLL_SPEED 1173 #define IDC_HORIZON_COLOR 1174 #define IDC_FILE_GROUP 1175 #define IDC_PROGRESS_BAR 1176 #define IDC_FLOODFILL_MARK 1177 #define IDC_COMPRESSING_MARK 1178 #define IDC_EDIT_AREA 1179 #define IDC_SPEED_SLIDER 1181 #define IDC_SPEED_EDIT 1182 #define IDC_PRESET_TREE 1183 #define IDC_PRESET_LIST 1184 #define IDC_OVERLAP_TREE 1185 #define IDC_INSTANCE_LIST 1186 #define IDC_FACING_SPIN 1187 #define IDC_CROUCH_CHECK 1188 #define IDC_ADD_ATTACK_LOCATION 1189 #define IDC_SECTOR_LIST 1190 #define IDC_ID 1191 #define IDC_DEPENCY_LIST 1192 #define IDC_CHILD_TREE 1193 #define IDC_PARAMETER_LIST 1194 #define IDC_PROPAGATE 1195 #define IDC_MESSAGE 1197 #define IDC_X_STATIC 1198 #define IDC_Y_STATIC 1199 #define IDC_Z_STATIC 1200 #define IDC_X_EDIT 1201 #define IDC_ZONE_LIST 1204 #define IDC_INITIAL_BIT_COUNT_TEXT 1205 #define IDC_INITIAL_SECTOR_COUNT_TEXT 1206 #define IDC_STRING_LIST 1206 #define IDC_FINAL_BIT_COUNT_TEXT 1207 #define IDC_CODEID_EDIT 1207 #define IDC_FINAL_SECTOR_COUNT_TEXT 1208 #define IDC_TOTAL_EDGE_COUNT 1208 #define IDC_INITIAL_OBJECT_COUNT_TEXT 1209 #define IDC_TOTAL_SAMPLE_COUNT 1209 #define IDC_FINAL_OBJECT_COUNT_TEXT 1210 #define IDC_AVG_SAMPLES_PER_NODE 1210 #define IDC_INITIAL_DYNAMIC_CELL_COUNT_TEXT 1211 #define IDC_EDGE_COUNT 1211 #define IDC_FINAL_DYNAMIC_CELL_COUNT_TEXT 1212 #define IDC_SAMPLE_COUNT 1212 #define IDC_DYNAMIC_CELLS_REMOVED_COUNT_TEXT 1213 #define IDC_OBJECTS_MERGED_TEXT 1214 #define IDC_SECTORS_MERGED_TEXT 1215 #define IDC_DIALOGUE_LIST 1218 #define IDC_REMARK_LIST 1219 #define IDC_SILENCE_WEIGHT_EDIT 1220 #define IDC_STRINGS_LIST 1221 #define IDC_SELECTED_WEIGHT_EDIT 1221 #define IDC_WEIGHT_EDIT 1222 #define IDC_WEIGHT_SPIN 1223 #define IDC_FILENAME_LIST_CTRL 1224 #define IDC_CONVERSATION_LIST 1225 #define IDC_CONVERSATION_NAME 1226 #define IDC_ORATORID_EDIT 1227 #define IDC_OBJECT_ID 1227 #define IDC_GENERIC_ICON 1228 #define IDC_DESCRIPTION 1229 #define IDC_TEXT 1230 #define IDC_MUSIC_PATHNAME 1231 #define IDC_MUSIC_BROWSE 1232 #define IDC_SKY_CLOUD_COVER 1237 #define IDC_SKY_CLOUD_GLOOMINESS 1238 #define IDC_SKY_LIGHT_SUN 1239 #define IDC_SKY_LIGHT_MOON 1240 #define IDC_SKY_TIME_OF_DAY 1242 #define IDC_SKY_MOON_FULL 1244 #define IDC_SKY_MOON_PARTIAL 1245 #define IDC_MEM_USAGE_LIST 1246 #define IDC_CATEGROY_COMBO 1247 #define IDC_STATE_COMBO 1247 #define IDC_TAB_CTRL 1248 #define IDC_NAME 1249 #define IDC_PICKER_AREA 1250 #define IDC_ORATOR1_COMBO 1251 #define IDC_ORATOR2_COMBO 1252 #define IDC_ORATOR3_COMBO 1253 #define IDC_ORATOR4_COMBO 1254 #define IDC_ORATOR5_COMBO 1255 #define IDC_ORATOR6_COMBO 1256 #define IDC_ORATOR1_RADIO 1257 #define IDC_ORATOR2_RADIO 1258 #define IDC_ORATOR3_RADIO 1259 #define IDC_ORATOR4_RADIO 1260 #define IDC_ORATOR5_RADIO 1261 #define IDC_ORATOR6_RADIO 1262 #define IDC_ORATOR7_RADIO 1263 #define IDC_OBJECT_ID_EDIT 1264 #define IDC_TREE_CTRL 1265 #define IDC_CONVERSATION_TREE 1267 #define IDC_ANIMATION_NAME 1268 #define IDC_LOCKED_CHECK 1269 #define IDC_ORATOR1_VISBLE_CHECK 1270 #define IDC_ORATOR3_VISBLE_CHECK 1271 #define IDC_LIGHTNING_START_DISTANCE 1271 #define IDC_ORATOR5_VISBLE_CHECK 1272 #define IDC_LIGHTNING_INTENSITY 1272 #define IDC_ORATOR2_VISBLE_CHECK 1273 #define IDC_LIGHTNING_HEADING 1273 #define IDC_ORATOR4_VISBLE_CHECK 1274 #define IDC_LIGHTNING_DISTRIBUTION 1274 #define IDC_ORATOR6_VISBLE_CHECK 1275 #define IDC_LIGHTNING_END_DISTANCE 1275 #define IDC_LIGHTNING_START_DISTANCE_VALUE 1278 #define IDC_LIGHTNING_END_DISTANCE_VALUE 1279 #define IDC_LIGHTNING_HEADING_VALUE 1280 #define IDC_LIGHTNING_DISTRIBUTION_VALUE 1281 #define IDC_LIGHTNING_INTENSITY_VALUE 1282 #define IDC_PRECIPITATION_NONE 1283 #define IDC_PRECIPITATION_RAIN 1284 #define IDC_PRECIPITATION_SNOW 1285 #define IDC_PRECIPITATION_ASH 1286 #define IDC_WIND_SPEED 1287 #define IDC_WIND_HEADING 1288 #define IDC_WIND_HEADING_VALUE 1289 #define IDC_WIND_VARIABILITY 1290 #define IDC_WIND_VARIABILITY_VALUE 1291 #define IDC_WIND_SPEED_SPIN 1292 #define IDC_PRECIPITATION_DENSITY_EDIT 1293 #define IDC_PROPVALUE_FILE 1294 #define IDC_RESTART_SCRIPT_COMBO 1295 #define IDC_RESPAWN_SCRIPT_COMBO 1296 #define IDC_MAP_PIXEL_OFFSETX_EDIT 1297 #define IDC_MAP_PIXEL_OFFSETY_EDIT 1298 #define IDC_MAP_SCALEX_EDIT 1299 #define IDC_MAP_SCALEY_EDIT 1300 #define IDC_MAP_TITLE_EDIT 1301 #define IDC_LIGHTNING_LIGHTNING 1302 #define IDC_MAP_FILENAME_EDIT 1302 #define IDC_LIGHTNING_NONE 1303 #define IDC_LIGHTNING_WAR_BLITZ 1304 #define IDC_VOLUME_EDIT 1305 #define IDC_LANG_COMBO 1306 #define IDC_LISTCTRL 1307 #define IDC_NEW_BUTTON 1308 #define IDC_MOD_LIST_CTRL 1309 #define IDC_PACKAGE_NAME_EDIT 1310 #define IDC_TOTAL_OBJECT_COUNT 1330 #define IDC_CURRENT_OBJECT 1331 #define IDC_CURRENT_MESH_NAME 1332 #define IDC_VERTEX_COUNT 1333 #define IDC_CURRENT_VERTEX 1334 #define IDC_DENSITY_EDIT 1311 #define IDC_BRUSH_INNER_RADIUS_EDIT 1312 #define IDC_WIDTH_EDIT 1313 #define IDC_CREATE_NEW_BUTTON 1314 #define IDC_FIELD_LIST_COMBO 1315 #define IDC_BRUSH_OUTTER_RADIUS_EDIT 1316 #define IDC_BRUSH_AMOUNT_EDIT 1317 #define IDC_BRUSH_TYPE_COMBO 1318 #define IDC_MATERIAL_SETTINGS_BUTTON 1319 #define IDC_TEXTURE0_BUTTON 1320 #define IDC_TEXTURE1_BUTTON 1321 #define IDC_METERS_PER_TILE_EDIT 1321 #define IDC_TEXTURE2_BUTTON 1322 #define IDC_TEXTURE_FILENAME 1322 #define IDC_TEXTURE3_BUTTON 1323 #define IDC_BMP_FILENAME_EDIT 1323 #define IDC_TEXTURE4_BUTTON 1324 #define IDC_HEIGHT_SCALE_EDIT 1324 #define IDC_TEXTURE5_BUTTON 1325 #define IDC_SURFACE_TYPE_COMBO 1325 #define IDC_TEXTURE6_BUTTON 1326 #define IDC_TEXTURE7_BUTTON 1327 #define IDC_TEXTURE8_BUTTON 1328 #define IDC_TEXTURE9_BUTTON 1329 #define IDM_GENERATE_OBSTACLE_VOLUMES 32770 #define IDM_AUTOLEVEL 32771 #define IDM_MODE_CAMERA 32772 #define IDM_OBJECT_MANIPULATE 32773 #define IDM_DELETE_SELECTION 32774 #define IDM_MODE_ORBIT 32775 #define IDM_COORD_WORLD 32776 #define IDM_COORD_OBJECT 32777 #define IDM_COORD_VIEW 32778 #define IDM_RESTRICT_X 32779 #define IDM_RESTRICT_Y 32781 #define IDM_RESTRICT_Z 32782 #define IDM_CAMERA_TOP 32783 #define IDM_CAMERA_FRONT 32784 #define IDM_CAMERA_BACK 32785 #define IDM_CAMERA_LEFT 32786 #define IDM_CAMERA_RIGHT 32787 #define IDM_CAMERA_BOTTOM 32788 #define IDM_DROP_TO_GROUND 32789 #define IDM_MODE_WALKTHROUGH 32790 #define IDM_VIEW_CHANGE_DEVICE 32791 #define IDM_LEVEL_EXPORT 32792 #define IDM_LEVEL_IMPORT 32793 #define IDM_TOGGLE_PERFORMANCE_SAMPLING 32794 #define IDM_VIEW_AMBIENT_LIGHT_DLG 32795 #define IDM_VIEW_TOOLBAR_CAMERA_SETTINGS 32796 #define IDM_CAMERA_DEPTH_LESS 32797 #define IDM_CAMERA_DEPTH_MORE 32798 #define IDM_SAVE_PRESETS 32799 #define IDM_TOGGLE_SNAPPOINTS 32800 #define IDM_ALWAYS_EXPORT 32801 #define IDM_VIEW_FULLSCREEN 32807 #define IDM_CAM_TURN_LEFT 32808 #define IDM_CHANGE_BASE 32809 #define IDM_CAM_TURN_RIGHT 32810 #define IDM_CAM_BKWD 32812 #define IDM_CAM_FWD 32813 #define IDM_CAM_ELEVATE_UP 32814 #define IDM_CAM_ELEVATE_DN 32815 #define IDM_CAM_LOOK_UP 32816 #define IDM_CAM_LOOK_DN 32817 #define IDM_CAM_SPEED_INCREASE 32818 #define IDM_CAM_SPEED_DECREASE 32819 #define IDM_CAM_RESET 32820 #define IDM_GEN_VIS 32821 #define IDM_TOGGLE_VIS_WINDOW 32822 #define IDM_ANI_FIRST_FRAME 32823 #define IDM_ANI_BACK_FRAME 32824 #define IDM_ANI_PLAY 32825 #define IDM_ANI_PAUSE 32826 #define IDM_ANI_STOP 32827 #define IDM_ANI_FWD_FRAME 32828 #define IDM_ANI_LAST_FRAME 32829 #define IDM_CREATE_GROUP 32831 #define IDM_TOGGLE_LIGHTS 32832 #define IDM_REPARTITION 32833 #define IDC_UPDATE_VSS 32834 #define IDM_ALLOW_AUTO_UPDATES 32835 #define IDC_SELECT 32840 #define IDM_ROTATE_LEFT 32842 #define IDM_ROTATE_RIGHT 32843 #define IDM_CALC_ALL_LIGHTS 32844 #define IDM_CALC_SEL_LIGHTS 32845 #define IDM_UNLOCK_OBJECTS 32848 #define IDM_LOCK_OBJECTS 32849 #define IDM_EDIT_INCLUDES 32850 #define IDM_VOL_DEC 32851 #define IDM_VOL_INC 32852 #define IDM_BACKGROUND_SETTINGS 32853 #define IDM_TOGGLE_MUSIC 32854 #define IDM_TOGGLE_SOUNDS 32855 #define IDM_VIEW_AGGREGATE_CHILDREN 32856 #define IDM_TOGGLE_SUNLIGHT 32857 #define IDM_EDIT_SUNLIGHT 32858 #define IDM_AUTO_GEN_VIS 32859 #define IDM_VISUAL_OPTIONS 32860 #define IDM_VIS_INVERT 32861 #define IDM_VIEW_VIS_POINTS 32862 #define IDM_SPECIFY_ASSET_DATABASE 32863 #define IDM_TOGGLE_WIREFRAME_MODE 32864 #define ID_BUTTON32866 32866 #define IDM_TOGGLE_BACKFACES 32868 #define IDM_VIEW_VIS_ERRORS 32869 #define IDM_USE_VIS_CAMERA 32870 #define IDM_VIS_DISABLE 32872 #define ID_VIS_DISABLE 32874 #define IDM_DISPLAY_PATHS 32875 #define IDM_TEST_PATHFIND 32876 #define IDM_DISPLAY_PATHFIND_SECTORS 32877 #define IDM_DISPLAY_PATHFIND_PORTALS 32878 #define IDM_DISPLAY_PATHFIND_RAW_DATA 32879 #define IDM_EXPORT_PATHFIND 32880 #define IDM_IMPORT_PATHFIND 32881 #define IDM_LOAD_PRESETS 32882 #define IDC_MAKE 32883 #define IDM_BUILD_DYNA_CULLSYS 32884 #define IDM_IMPORT_VIS 32885 #define IDM_EXPORT_VIS 32886 #define IDM_VIEW_VIS_WINDOW 32887 #define IDM_TOGGLE_MAN_VIS_POINTS 32888 #define IDM_DISCARD_PATHFIND 32889 #define IDM_EXPORT_SOUNDS 32890 #define IDM_IMPORT_SOUNDS 32891 #define IDM_IMPORT_DYN_OBJS 32892 #define IDM_EXPORT_DYN_OBJS 32893 #define IDM_EDIT_SKY 32894 #define IDC_INFO 32895 #define IDC_EXTRA 32898 #define IDC_CONVERT 32899 #define IDM_TEST_GOTO 32901 #define IDM_IMPORT_STATIC 32902 #define IDM_EXPORT_STATIC 32903 #define IDM_DISPLAY_FULL_PATHS 32904 #define IDM_DISPLAY_WEB 32905 #define IDM_ESCAPE 32906 #define IDM_DISPLAY_VIS_SECTORS 32907 #define IDM_DISPLAY_VIS_GRID 32908 #define ID_LIGHTING 32909 #define IDM_PRELIT_VERTEX 32910 #define IDM_PRELIT_MULTIPASS 32911 #define IDM_PRELIT_MULTITEX 32912 #define IDM_DEBUG_SCRIPTS_MODE 32913 #define IDM_IMPORT_LIGHTS 32914 #define IDM_BATCH_IMPORT_TERRAIN 32915 #define IDM_VIEW_SOUND_SPHERES 32916 #define IDM_VIEW_LIGHT_SPHERES 32917 #define IDM_IMPORT_SUNLIGHT 32918 #define IDC_REFRESH 32919 #define IDM_DISCARD_VIS 32920 #define IDM_INCREASE_SPHERE 32921 #define IDM_DECREASE_SPHERE 32922 #define IDM_RUN_JOB 32923 #define IDM_GOTO_LOCATION -32612 #define IDM_EXPORT_THUMBNAILS 32925 #define IDM_VIS_STATS 32926 #define IDM_SET_NODE_ID_START 32927 #define IDM_IMPORT_VIS_REMAP_DATA 32928 #define IDM_EXPORT_VIS_REMAP_DATA 32929 #define IDM_BULK_REPLACE 32930 #define IDM_CHECK_IDS 32931 #define IDM_EXPORT_LIGHTS 32932 #define IDM_OPTIMIZE_VIS_DATA 32933 #define IDM_DISPLAY_VIS_GRID_LITTLE_BOXES 32934 #define IDM_EDIT_STRINGS_TABLE 32935 #define IDM_IMPORT_STRING_IDS 32936 #define IDM_EXPORT_STRING_IDS 32937 #define IDM_EXPORT_TRANSLATION_DATA 32938 #define IDM_IMPORT_TRANSLATION_DATA 32939 #define IDM_BUILD_FLIGHT_INFO 32940 #define IDM_TOGGLE_ATTENUATION_SPHERES 32941 #define IDM_FIX_ID_COLLISIONS 32943 #define IDM_RESET_DYNA_CULL_SYSTEM 32944 #define IDM_DISPLAY_LIGHT_VECTORS 32945 #define IDM_DISPLAY_STATIC_ANIM_OBJECTS 32946 #define ID_EDIT_REPARTITIONCULLINGSYSTEMS 32947 #define IDM_EDIT_CONVERSATIONS 32948 #define IDM_BUILDING_POWER_ON 32949 #define IDM_CREATE_PROXIES 32950 #define IDM_AUTO_PRESET_CHECKIN 32951 #define IDM_IMMEDIATE_PRESET_CHECKIN 32952 #define IDM_CHECK_IN_PRESET_CHANGES 32953 #define IDM_REMAP_IDS 32954 #define IDM_VERIFY_CULLING 32955 #define IDM_ENABLE_VIS_SECTOR_FALLBACK 32956 #define IDM_RUN_MANUAL_VIS_POINTS 32957 #define IDM_SHOW_EDITOR_OBJECTS 32958 #define IDM_ADD_CHILD_NODE 32960 #define IDM_CHECK_MEMLOG 32961 #define IDM_MAKE_VIS_POINT 32962 #define IDM_EXPORT_STRING_TABLE 32963 #define IDM_GOTO_OBJECT 32965 #define IDM_EXPORT_PRESETS 32966 #define IDM_IMPORT_PRESETS 32967 #define IDM_BATCH_EXPORT 32968 #define IDM_VIS_LOCKSAMPLEPOINT 32970 #define IDM_LOCK_VIS_SAMPLE_POINT 32971 #define IDC_SWAP 32976 #define IDM_TOGGLE_TERRAIN_SELECTION 32977 #define IDM_EXPORT_PRESET_FILE_DEPENDENCIES 32978 #define IDM_IMPORT_STRINGS 32979 #define IDM_UPDATE_EMBEDDED_NODE_LIST 32980 #define IDM_CLEAR_EMBEDDED_NODE_LIST 32981 #define IDM_EXPORT_TILE_LIST 32982 #define IDM_REMAP_UNIMPORTANT_IDS 32983 #define IDM_EDIT_LEVEL_SETTINGS 32984 #define IDM_MODE_TWIDDLER 32988 #define IDM_MODE_STRING 32989 #define IDM_COMPRESS_TEXTURES 32990 #define IDM_EXPORT_FILE_USAGE_REPORT 32991 #define IDM_EXPORT_MISSING_TRANSLATION_REPORT 32992 #define IDM_EXPORT_LANGUAGE 32993 #define IDM_FIRST_CAM_PROFILE 32994 #define IDM_LAST_CAM_PROFILE 33994 #define IDM_ALWAYS_LOCAL_EXPORT 33995 #define IDM_EXPORT_INSTALLER_LANGUAGE_VERSION 33996 #define IDM_EXTRACT_RC_STRINGS 33997 #define IDM_EXTRACT_INSTALLER_RC_STRINGS 33998 #define IDM_CAMERA_PERSPECTIVE 33999 #define IDM_CAMERA_ORTHOGRAPHIC 34000 #define IDM_MOD_EXPORT 34001 #define IDM_SAVE_LEVEL 34002 #define IDM_COMPUTE_VERTEX_SOLVE 34003 #define IDM_MODE_HEIGHT_EDIT 34004 #define IDS_NO_GLOBAL_PRESET_LIB_MESSAGE 61204 #define IDS_NO_GLOBAL_PRESET_LIB_TITLE 61205 #define IDS_BASE_INFO_NONAME_TITLE 61206 #define IDS_BASE_INFO_NONAME_MSG 61207 #define IDS_SAVE_PRESETS_MSG 61208 #define IDS_SAVE_PRESETS_TITLE 61209 #define IDS_CANT_INSTANTIATE_MSG 61210 #define IDS_CANT_INSTANTIATE_TITLE 61211 #define IDS_LOAD_ERROR_MSG 61212 #define IDS_LOAD_ERROR_TITLE 61213 #define IDS_SAVE_ERROR_MSG 61214 #define IDS_SAVE_ERROR_TITLE 61215 #define IDS_CANT_EXPORT_MSG 61216 #define IDS_CANT_EXPORT_TITLE 61217 #define IDS_DELETE_PRESET_MSG 61218 #define IDS_DELETE_PRESET_TITLE 61219 #define IDS_NOVSS_MSG 61220 #define IDS_NOVSS_TITLE 61221 #define IDS_INVALID_MODEL_PATH_MSG 61222 #define IDS_INVALID_MODEL_PATH_TITLE 61223 #define IDS_NOVSSUSER_MSG 61224 #define IDS_VSS_READONLY_MSG 61225 #define IDS_READ_ONLY_MSG 61226 #define IDS_READ_ONLY_TITLE 61227 #define IDS_LIBRARY_CHECKED_OUT_TO_USER_MSG 61228 #define IDS_CANT_CHECK_OUT_TITLE 61229 #define IDS_CHECK_OUT_ERROR 61230 #define IDS_CANT_CHECK_IN_TITLE 61231 #define IDS_CHECK_IN_ERROR 61232 #define IDS_ANIM_FRAMES 61233 #define IDS_PRESET_PARENT_REMOVED_MSG 61234 #define IDS_PRESET_PARENT_REMOVED_TITLE 61235 #define IDS_FILENAMES_MUST_MATCH_MSG 61236 #define IDS_FILENAMES_MUST_MATCH_TITLE 61237 #define IDS_DELETE_CONFIRM_MSG 61238 #define IDS_DELETE_CONFIRM_TITLE 61239 #define IDS_CAM_LOCATION 61240 #define IDS_CANT_CREATE_OBJECT_MSG 61241 #define IDS_CANT_CREATE_OBJECT_TITLE 61242 #define IDS_POLY_COUNT 61243 #define IDS_VERSION_ERROR_MSG 61244 #define IDS_VERSION_ERROR_TITLE 61245 #define IDS_TEXTURE_MEM 61246 // Next default values for new objects // #ifdef APSTUDIO_INVOKED #ifndef APSTUDIO_READONLY_SYMBOLS #define _APS_3D_CONTROLS 1 #define _APS_NEXT_RESOURCE_VALUE 337 #define _APS_NEXT_COMMAND_VALUE 34004 #define _APS_NEXT_CONTROL_VALUE 1340 #define _APS_NEXT_SYMED_VALUE 101 #endif #endif