/* ** Command & Conquer Renegade(tm) ** Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc. ** ** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ** (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program. If not, see . */ // // Filename: mathutil.cpp // Project: wwutil // Author: Tom Spencer-Smith // Date: June 1998 // Description: // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "mathutil.h" // I WANNA BE FIRST! #include #include #include "wwmath.h" #include "miscutil.h" #include "wwdebug.h" const double cMathUtil::PI = 3.1415927; const double cMathUtil::PI_2 = 1.5707963; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Returns a unit vector // void cMathUtil::Angle_To_Vector(double angle, double & dx, double & dy) { WWASSERT(angle > -WWMATH_EPSILON && angle < 360.0 + WWMATH_EPSILON); double angleRadians; if (angle >= 0 && angle < 90) { angleRadians = angle * PI / 180.0; dx = WWMath::Sin(angleRadians); dy = WWMath::Cos(angleRadians); } else if (angle >= 90 && angle < 180) { angleRadians = (angle - 90) * PI / 180.0; dx = WWMath::Cos(angleRadians); dy = -WWMath::Sin(angleRadians); } else if (angle >= 180 && angle < 270) { angleRadians = (angle - 180) * PI / 180.0; dx = -WWMath::Sin(angleRadians); dy = -WWMath::Cos(angleRadians); } else { angleRadians = (angle - 270) * PI / 180.0; dx = -WWMath::Cos(angleRadians); dy = WWMath::Sin(angleRadians); } double len; len = ::sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); WWASSERT(::fabs(len - 1) < 0.0005); // // Correction for Irish nature of windows y coords // dy *= -1; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cMathUtil::Vector_To_Angle(double dx, double dy, double & angle) { double theta; if (dx == 0 && dy == 0) { theta = 0; } if (dx == 0) { if (dy <= 0) { theta = 0; } else { theta = PI; } } else { theta = WWMath::Atan(-dy / dx); if (dx < 0) { theta += PI; } theta += 3 * PI_2; if (theta >= 2 * PI) { theta -= 2 * PI; } theta = 2 * PI - theta; if (theta == 2 * PI) { theta = 0; } } angle = theta * 180.0 / PI; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- double cMathUtil::Simple_Distance(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2) { double dx = x2 - x1; double dy = y2 - y1; return(::sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy)); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int cMathUtil::Round(double arg) { //return (int)(arg + 0.5); if (arg > MISCUTIL_EPSILON) { return (int) (arg + 0.5f); } else if (arg < -MISCUTIL_EPSILON) { return (int) (arg - 0.5f); } else { return 0; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void cMathUtil::Rotate_Vector(double & vx, double & vy, double angle) { double angle_radians = angle * PI / 180.0; double vx1 = vx; double vy1 = vy; vx = vx1 * ::WWMath::Cos(angle_radians) - vy1 * ::WWMath::Sin(angle_radians); vy = vx1 * ::WWMath::Sin(angle_radians) + vy1 * ::WWMath::Cos(angle_radians); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- double cMathUtil::Get_Uniform_Pdf_Double(double lower, double upper) { WWASSERT(upper - lower > -MISCUTIL_EPSILON); double x = lower + ::rand() / (double) RAND_MAX * (upper - lower); WWASSERT(x - lower > -MISCUTIL_EPSILON && upper - x > -MISCUTIL_EPSILON); return x; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- double cMathUtil::Get_Normalized_Uniform_Pdf_Double() { return Get_Uniform_Pdf_Double(0, 1); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int cMathUtil::Get_Uniform_Pdf_Int(int lower, int upper) { WWASSERT(lower <= upper); int x = lower + ::rand() % (upper - lower + 1); WWASSERT(x >= lower && upper >= x); return x; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- double cMathUtil::Get_Hat_Pdf_Double(double lower, double upper) { WWASSERT(upper - lower > -MISCUTIL_EPSILON); double x; if (::fabs(upper - lower) < MISCUTIL_EPSILON) { x = lower; } else { double dx = (upper - lower) / 2.0f; double dy = 1 / dx; double m = dy / dx; double c = -m * lower; x = Get_Uniform_Pdf_Double(lower, lower + dx); double y = Get_Uniform_Pdf_Double(0, dy); if (y > m * x + c) { x += dx; } } WWASSERT(x - lower > -MISCUTIL_EPSILON && upper - x > -MISCUTIL_EPSILON); return x; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- double cMathUtil::Get_Normalized_Hat_Pdf_Double() { return Get_Hat_Pdf_Double(0, 1); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int cMathUtil::Get_Hat_Pdf_Int(int lower, int upper) { return Round(Get_Hat_Pdf_Double(lower, upper)); }