/* ** Command & Conquer Renegade(tm) ** Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc. ** ** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ** (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ // GraphicView.cpp : implementation of the CGraphicView class // #include "stdafx.h" #include "PhysTest.h" #include "PhysTestDoc.h" #include "GraphicView.h" #include "MainFrm.h" #include "mmsystem.h" #include "pscene.h" #include "ww3d.h" #include "camera.h" #include "quat.h" #include "rcfile.h" #include "assetmgr.h" #include "rbody.h" #include "chunkio.h" #ifdef _DEBUG #define new DEBUG_NEW #undef THIS_FILE static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif #define ORTHO_CAMERA 0 #define ORTHO_WIDTH 20 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // CHUNK ID's used by GraphicView // enum { GRAPHICVIEW_CHUNK_VARIABLES = 0x00789931, GRAPHICVIEW_VARIABLE_CAMERAMODE = 0x00, GRAPHICVIEW_VARIABLE_DISPLAYBOXES, GRAPHICVIEW_VARIABLE_RUNSIMULATION, GRAPHICVIEW_VARIABLE_CAMERATM, }; const float PIP_VIEW = 0.2f; // size of the pip viewport //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // TimerCallback // void CALLBACK TimerCallback ( UINT uID, UINT uMsg, DWORD dwUser, DWORD dw1, DWORD dw2 ) { HWND hwnd = (HWND)dwUser; if (IsWindow(hwnd)) { // Send this event off to the view to process (hackish, but fine for now) if ((GetProp (hwnd, "WaitingToProcess") == NULL) && (GetProp (hwnd, "Inactive") == NULL)) { SetProp (hwnd, "WaitingToProcess", (HANDLE)1); // Send the message to the view ::PostMessage (hwnd, WM_USER + 101, 0, 0L); } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // WindowProc // LRESULT CGraphicView::WindowProc ( UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { // Is this the repaint message we are expecting? if (message == WM_USER+101) { Timestep(); Repaint_View(); RemoveProp(m_hWnd,"WaitingToProcess"); } // Allow the base class to process this message return CView::WindowProc(message, wParam, lParam); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CGraphicView IMPLEMENT_DYNCREATE(CGraphicView, CView) BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CGraphicView, CView) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CGraphicView) ON_WM_SIZE() ON_WM_DESTROY() ON_WM_LBUTTONDOWN() ON_WM_LBUTTONUP() ON_WM_RBUTTONDOWN() ON_WM_RBUTTONUP() ON_WM_MOUSEMOVE() //}}AFX_MSG_MAP END_MESSAGE_MAP() ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CGraphicView construction/destruction CGraphicView::CGraphicView() : Initialized(false), Active(true), RunSimulation(false), DisplayBoxes(false), CameraMode(CAMERA_FLY), Camera(NULL), TimerID(0), LMouseDown(false), RMouseDown(false), LastPoint(0,0), PipCamera(NULL), PipScene(NULL), Axes(NULL) { } CGraphicView::~CGraphicView() { REF_PTR_RELEASE(Camera); REF_PTR_RELEASE(PipCamera); REF_PTR_RELEASE(PipScene); REF_PTR_RELEASE(Axes); } BOOL CGraphicView::PreCreateWindow(CREATESTRUCT& cs) { // TODO: Modify the Window class or styles here by modifying // the CREATESTRUCT cs return CView::PreCreateWindow(cs); } BOOL CGraphicView::Initialize_WW3D(int device,int bits) { // Assume failure BOOL ok = FALSE; if (device < 0) { return FALSE; } // Initialize the rendering engine with the information from // this window. RECT rect; GetClientRect (&rect); int cx = rect.right-rect.left; int cy = rect.bottom-rect.top; WW3DErrorType err = WW3D_ERROR_GENERIC; while (err != WW3D_ERROR_OK) { err = WW3D::Set_Render_Device(device,cx,cy,bits,true); if (err != WW3D_ERROR_OK) { device = (device + 1) % WW3D::Get_Render_Device_Count(); } } // Load some models that we're going to need into the asset manager ResourceFileClass point_file(NULL, "Point.w3d"); WW3DAssetManager::Get_Instance()->Load_3D_Assets(point_file); ResourceFileClass axes_file(NULL, "Axes.w3d"); WW3DAssetManager::Get_Instance()->Load_3D_Assets(axes_file); if (Camera == NULL) { Camera = NEW_REF(CameraClass,()); ASSERT(Camera); // Init the camera Matrix3D transform; transform.Look_At(Vector3(0.0f,-15.0f,5.0f),Vector3(0,0,0),0); Camera->Set_Transform(transform); // update the camera FOV settings // take the larger of the two dimensions, give it the // full desired FOV, then give the other dimension an // FOV proportional to its relative size double hfov,vfov; if (cy > cx) { vfov = (float)DEG_TO_RAD(45.0f); hfov = (double)cx / (double)cy * vfov; } else { hfov = (float)DEG_TO_RAD(45.0f); vfov = (double)cy / (double)cx * hfov; } // Reset the field of view Camera->Set_View_Plane(hfov,vfov); #if ORTHO_CAMERA Camera->Set_Projection_Type(CameraClass::ORTHO); Camera->Set_View_Plane(Vector2(-ORTHO_WIDTH,-ORTHO_WIDTH),Vector2(ORTHO_WIDTH,ORTHO_WIDTH)); #endif } if (PipCamera == NULL) { PipCamera = NEW_REF(CameraClass,()); ASSERT(PipCamera); PipCamera->Set_Viewport(Vector2(0.0f,1.0f - PIP_VIEW),Vector2(PIP_VIEW,1.0f)); PipCamera->Set_View_Plane(Camera->Get_Horizontal_FOV(),Camera->Get_Vertical_FOV()); Update_Pip_Camera(); } if (PipScene == NULL) { PipScene = NEW_REF(SimpleSceneClass,()); PipScene->Set_Ambient_Light(Vector3(1,1,1)); ASSERT(PipScene); } if (Axes == NULL) { Axes = WW3DAssetManager::Get_Instance()->Create_Render_Obj("Axes"); ASSERT(Axes); Axes->Set_Transform(Matrix3D(1)); PipScene->Add_Render_Object(Axes); } // Kick off a timer that we can use to update // the display (kinda like a game loop iterator) if (TimerID == 0) { #if 0 TimerID = (UINT)::timeSetEvent( 50, 50, TimerCallback, (DWORD)m_hWnd, TIME_PERIODIC); #else TimerID = (UINT)::timeSetEvent( 66, // only update 15 times a second 50, TimerCallback, (DWORD)m_hWnd, TIME_PERIODIC); #endif } Initialized = true; // Return the TRUE/FALSE result code return TRUE; } void CGraphicView::Save(ChunkSaveClass & csave) { Matrix3D cameratm = Camera->Get_Transform(); csave.Begin_Chunk(GRAPHICVIEW_CHUNK_VARIABLES); WRITE_MICRO_CHUNK(csave,GRAPHICVIEW_VARIABLE_CAMERAMODE,CameraMode); WRITE_MICRO_CHUNK(csave,GRAPHICVIEW_VARIABLE_DISPLAYBOXES,DisplayBoxes); WRITE_MICRO_CHUNK(csave,GRAPHICVIEW_VARIABLE_RUNSIMULATION,RunSimulation); WRITE_MICRO_CHUNK(csave,GRAPHICVIEW_VARIABLE_CAMERATM,cameratm); csave.End_Chunk(); } void CGraphicView::Load(ChunkLoadClass & cload) { Matrix3D cameratm(1); while (cload.Open_Chunk()) { switch(cload.Cur_Chunk_ID()) { case GRAPHICVIEW_CHUNK_VARIABLES: while(cload.Open_Micro_Chunk()) { switch(cload.Cur_Micro_Chunk_ID()) { READ_MICRO_CHUNK(cload,GRAPHICVIEW_VARIABLE_CAMERAMODE,CameraMode); READ_MICRO_CHUNK(cload,GRAPHICVIEW_VARIABLE_DISPLAYBOXES,DisplayBoxes); READ_MICRO_CHUNK(cload,GRAPHICVIEW_VARIABLE_RUNSIMULATION,RunSimulation); READ_MICRO_CHUNK(cload,GRAPHICVIEW_VARIABLE_CAMERATM,cameratm); } cload.Close_Micro_Chunk(); } break; default: WWDEBUG_SAY(("Unhandled chunk: %d File: %s Line: %d\n",cload.Cur_Chunk_ID(),__FILE__,__LINE__)); } cload.Close_Chunk(); } Camera->Set_Transform(cameratm); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CGraphicView drawing void CGraphicView::OnDraw(CDC* pDC) { Repaint_View(); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CGraphicView diagnostics #ifdef _DEBUG void CGraphicView::AssertValid() const { CView::AssertValid(); } void CGraphicView::Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const { CView::Dump(dc); } CPhysTestDoc* CGraphicView::GetDocument() // non-debug version is inline { ASSERT(m_pDocument->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(CPhysTestDoc))); return (CPhysTestDoc*)m_pDocument; } #endif //_DEBUG ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CGraphicView message handlers void CGraphicView::OnSize(UINT nType, int cx, int cy) { CView::OnSize(nType, cx, cy); if (Initialized) { // Change the resolution of the rendering device to // match that of the view's current dimensions WW3D::Set_Resolution (cx, cy, -1, true); // update the camera FOV settings // take the larger of the two dimensions, give it the // full desired FOV, then give the other dimension an // FOV proportional to its relative size double hfov,vfov; if (cy > cx) { vfov = (float)DEG_TO_RAD(45.0f); hfov = (double)cx / (double)cy * vfov; } else { hfov = (float)DEG_TO_RAD(45.0f); vfov = (double)cy / (double)cx * hfov; } // Reset the field of view ASSERT(Camera); Camera->Set_View_Plane(hfov, vfov); #if ORTHO_CAMERA Camera->Set_View_Plane(Vector2(-ORTHO_WIDTH,-ORTHO_WIDTH),Vector2(ORTHO_WIDTH,ORTHO_WIDTH)); #endif PipCamera->Set_View_Plane(hfov,vfov); // Force a repaint of the screen Repaint_View(); } } void CGraphicView::OnInitialUpdate() { CView::OnInitialUpdate(); CPhysTestDoc * doc = (CPhysTestDoc *)GetDocument(); if (doc) { // tell the document to create the scene doc->Init_Scene(); } } void CGraphicView::Timestep(void) { const float FLY_VELOCITY = 10.0f; // Compute the amount of time elapsed for this frame. CPhysTestDoc * doc = (CPhysTestDoc *)GetDocument(); DWORD curtime = ::GetTickCount(); DWORD elapsedtime = curtime - doc->LastTime; if (elapsedtime > 100) { elapsedtime = 100; } float dt = (float)elapsedtime / 1000.0f; doc->LastTime = curtime; // fly forward when control is held if (::GetAsyncKeyState('A') & 0x8000) { Matrix3D transform = Camera->Get_Transform(); transform.Translate(Vector3(0,0,-FLY_VELOCITY * dt)); Camera->Set_Transform(transform); } if (::GetAsyncKeyState('Z') & 0x8000) { Matrix3D transform = Camera->Get_Transform(); transform.Translate(Vector3(0,0,FLY_VELOCITY * dt)); Camera->Set_Transform(transform); } // if mode == follow and we have an object selected, look at it if (CameraMode == CAMERA_FOLLOW) { CMainFrame * wnd = (CMainFrame *)::AfxGetMainWnd(); PhysClass * obj = wnd->Peek_Selected_Object(); if (obj) { Vector3 target; obj->Get_Transform().Get_Translation(&target); Vector3 pos; Camera->Get_Transform().Get_Translation(&pos); Matrix3D tm; tm.Look_At(pos,target,0.0f); Camera->Set_Transform(tm); } } // if mode == tether and we have an object selected, tie the camera to it if ((CameraMode == CAMERA_TETHER) || (CameraMode == CAMERA_RIGID_TETHER)) { CMainFrame * wnd = (CMainFrame *)::AfxGetMainWnd(); PhysClass * obj = wnd->Peek_Selected_Object(); if (obj) { const float TETHER_DIST = 15.0f; const float TETHER_ANGLE = DEG_TO_RADF(-20.0f); Vector3 pos; float zrot = obj->Get_Transform().Get_Z_Rotation(); obj->Get_Transform().Get_Translation(&pos); Matrix3D tm(1); if (CameraMode == CAMERA_RIGID_TETHER) { tm = obj->Get_Transform(); } else { tm.Translate(pos); tm.Rotate_Z(zrot); } tm.Rotate_Y(DEG_TO_RADF(-90.0f)); tm.Rotate_Z(DEG_TO_RADF(-90.0f)); tm.Rotate_X(TETHER_ANGLE); tm.Translate(Vector3(0,0,TETHER_DIST)); Camera->Set_Transform(tm); } } // update the PIP camera transform Update_Pip_Camera(); // Allow the world to simulate (if enabled) if (RunSimulation) { doc->Scene->Update(1.0f/15.0f , 0); // 0.05f,0); //dt,0); } // DEBUG, print the contact point coordinates #if 0 Vector3 pt = _LastContactPoint; CString string; string.Format("Contact Point: %10.5f %10.5f %10.5f StartBad: %d",pt.X,pt.Y,pt.Z,_StartBad); ((CMainFrame *)::AfxGetMainWnd())->Set_Status_Bar_Text(string); #endif } void CGraphicView::Repaint_View(void) { static bool _already_painting = false; if (_already_painting) return; _already_painting = true; // Get the document to display CPhysTestDoc * doc = (CPhysTestDoc *)GetDocument(); // Are we in a valid state? if (Initialized && doc->Scene) { // Update the W3D frame times according to our elapsed tick count //WW3D::Sync(WW3D::Get_Sync_Time() + (ticks_elapsed * m_animationSpeed)); // Render the scenes WW3D::Begin_Render(TRUE, TRUE, Vector3(0,0,0)); WW3D::Render(doc->Scene,Camera,FALSE,FALSE); WW3D::Render(PipScene,PipCamera,FALSE,TRUE); WW3D::End_Render(); } _already_painting = false; } void CGraphicView::Set_Active(bool onoff) { Active = onoff; if (!Active) { ::SetProp(m_hWnd,"Inactive",(HANDLE)1); } else { RemoveProp(m_hWnd,"Inactive"); CPhysTestDoc * doc = (CPhysTestDoc *)GetDocument(); doc->LastTime = ::GetTickCount(); } } bool CGraphicView::Is_Collision_Box_Display_Enabled(void) { return DisplayBoxes; } void CGraphicView::Enable_Collision_Box_Display(bool onoff) { DisplayBoxes = onoff; if (DisplayBoxes) { WW3D::Set_Collision_Box_Display_Mask(COLLISION_TYPE_PHYSICAL); } else { WW3D::Set_Collision_Box_Display_Mask(0); } } void CGraphicView::OnDestroy() { // remove our properties ::RemoveProp(m_hWnd,"Inactive"); ::RemoveProp(m_hWnd,"WaitingToProcess"); CView::OnDestroy(); // Free the camera object REF_PTR_RELEASE(Camera); REF_PTR_RELEASE(PipScene); REF_PTR_RELEASE(PipCamera); REF_PTR_RELEASE(Axes); // Is there an update thread running? if (TimerID == 0) { // Stop the timer ::timeKillEvent((UINT)TimerID); TimerID = 0; } Initialized = FALSE; } void CGraphicView::OnLButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { // Capture all mouse messages SetCapture(); // Left mouse button is down LMouseDown = TRUE; LastPoint = point; // Allow the base class to process this message CView::OnLButtonDown(nFlags, point); } void CGraphicView::OnLButtonUp(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { // if both buttons are now up, release the mouse if (!RMouseDown) { ReleaseCapture(); } // Left mouse button is now up LMouseDown = false; CView::OnLButtonUp(nFlags, point); } void CGraphicView::OnRButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { // Capture all mouse messages SetCapture(); // Right mouse button is down RMouseDown = TRUE; LastPoint = point; CView::OnRButtonDown(nFlags, point); } void CGraphicView::OnRButtonUp(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { // if both buttons are now up, release the mouse if (!LMouseDown) { ReleaseCapture(); } // Right mouse button is now up RMouseDown = false; CView::OnRButtonUp(nFlags, point); } void CGraphicView::OnMouseMove(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { // Get the document to display CPhysTestDoc * doc = (CPhysTestDoc *)GetDocument(); WWASSERT(doc); #if 0 PhysicsSceneClass * scene = doc->Scene; WWASSERT(scene); #endif // When Only the Left mouse button is down, we "look-around" with // vertical locking (rotate about Z until Y points up) if ((LMouseDown) && (!RMouseDown)) { // Are we in a valid state? if (Initialized && doc->Scene) { RECT rect; GetClientRect (&rect); float mid_point_x = float(rect.right >> 1); float mid_point_y = float(rect.bottom >> 1); float last_point_x = ((float)LastPoint.x - mid_point_x) / mid_point_x; float last_point_y = (mid_point_y - (float)LastPoint.y) / mid_point_y; float point_x = ((float)point.x - mid_point_x) / mid_point_x; float point_y = (mid_point_y - (float)point.y) / mid_point_y; // invert the axes (being lazy here...) point_x = -point_x; point_y = -point_y; last_point_x = -last_point_x; last_point_y = -last_point_y; // Rotate around the object (orbit) using a 0.00F - 1.00F percentage of // the mouse coordinates Quaternion rotation = ::Trackball (last_point_x,last_point_y,point_x,point_y, 0.8F); // If we're not in CAMERA_FOLLOW mode, just rotate our view if (CameraMode != CAMERA_FOLLOW) { // Apply the rotation to the camera Matrix3D transform = Camera->Get_Transform (); Matrix3D::Multiply(transform,Build_Matrix3D(rotation),&transform); // Straighten out the Y axis Vector3 pos = transform.Get_Translation(); Vector3 target = transform * Vector3(0,0,-1); transform.Look_At(pos,target,0.0f); // Rotate and translate the camera Camera->Set_Transform (transform); } else { // We're in camera follow mode, this means the camera is always going // to point right at the object. We want to orbit the camera's position // around the object. Matrix3D camera_tm = Camera->Get_Transform(); Vector3 relative_obj_pos(0,0,-10); CMainFrame * wnd = (CMainFrame *)::AfxGetMainWnd(); PhysClass * obj = wnd->Peek_Selected_Object(); if (obj) { Vector3 obj_pos; obj->Get_Transform().Get_Translation(&obj_pos); Matrix3D::Inverse_Transform_Vector(camera_tm,obj_pos,&relative_obj_pos); } camera_tm.Translate(relative_obj_pos); Matrix3D rotation_tm; Build_Matrix3D(rotation).Get_Orthogonal_Inverse(rotation_tm); Matrix3D::Multiply(camera_tm,rotation_tm,&camera_tm); camera_tm.Translate(-relative_obj_pos); Camera->Set_Transform(camera_tm); } } } LastPoint = point; Update_Pip_Camera(); CView::OnMouseMove(nFlags, point); } void CGraphicView::Update_Pip_Camera(void) { if (PipCamera && Camera) { Matrix3D transform = Camera->Get_Transform(); transform.Set_Translation(Vector3(0,0,0)); transform.Translate(Vector3(0,0,4)); PipCamera->Set_Transform(transform); } }