/* ** Command & Conquer Renegade(tm) ** Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc. ** ** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ** (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ /*********************************************************************************************** *** C O N F I D E N T I A L --- W E S T W O O D S T U D I O S *** *********************************************************************************************** * * * Project Name : WWMath Test Program * * * * $Archive:: /Commando/Code/Tests/mathtest/main.cpp $* * * * $Author:: Greg_h $* * * * $Modtime:: 10/03/01 12:52p $* * * * $Revision:: 47 $* * * *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* * Functions: * * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */ #include "matrix4.h" #include "matrix3d.h" #include "vector3.h" #include "euler.h" #include "ode.h" #include "obbox.h" #include "plane.h" #include "colmath.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <math.h> #include <assert.h> #include "p_timer.h" #include "output.h" #include "odetest.h" #include "raytest.h" #include "aaboxtest.h" #include "obboxtest.h" #include "uarraytest.h" #include "lineseg.h" #include "mempooltest.h" #include "tri.h" #include "frustum.h" #include "jan_math.h" #include <windows.h> const double TOLERANCE = 0.00001; static int _Global; void test_lookat(void); void test_vectors(void); void test_eulers(void); void test_matrix3(void); void test_ode_systems(void); void test_quaternions(void); void test_planes(void); void test_animation(void); void test_concatenation(void); void test_sphere_intersection(void); void test_aabox_transform(void); void test_vector_quick_length(void); void test_sqrt_time(void); void test_windows(void); void test_point_containment(void); void test_fast_trig(void); float gaussian_function(float x); float integrate(float (*f)(float),float start,float end,int slices); Matrix3D random_matrix(void); void print_matrix(const Matrix3D & m); void Transform_Min_Max_AABox_Brute_Force(const Matrix3D & tm,const Vector3 & min,const Vector3 & max, Vector3 & newmin,Vector3 & newmax); void Bug_Function(const Matrix3D & A,const Matrix3D & B,Matrix3D * set_res); /* This really needs to become a rigorous test of the math library... So far, I've only added random stuff as I find bugs... */ void main(void) { WWMath::Init(); Matrix4 tm(1); tm[0][3] = 1.0f; tm[1][3] = 2.0f; tm[2][3] = 3.0f; Matrix4 invtm = tm.Inverse(); float area = integrate(gaussian_function,-10.0f,10.0f,1000); float e = exp(1.0f); #if 0 Vector3 array[3]; printf("%f",array[2].Y); array[1] = Vector3(1,1,1); array[2].X = 5.0f; for (int i=0; i<3; i++) { array[i].Set(rand() & 0xFF,rand() & 0xFF,rand() & 0xFF); } #endif #if 0 PlaneClass plane; plane.N.Set(rand() & 0xFF,rand() & 0xFF,rand() & 0xFF); plane.D = rand() & 0xFF; if (plane.In_Front(Vector3(5,5,5))) { printf("hi"); } else { printf("a"); } #endif test_fast_trig(); #if 0 Test_AABoxes(); test_point_containment(); Test_Rays(); test_mempool(); Test_OBBoxes(); test_lookat(); test_vectors(); test_eulers(); test_matrix3(); test_quaternions(); test_animation(); test_ode_systems(); Test_Rays(); test_planes(); test_concatenation(); Test_Uarray(); test_sphere_intersection(); test_aabox_transform(); test_vector_quick_length(); test_sqrt_time(); #endif WWMath::Shutdown(); } void test_fast_trig(void) { Print_Title("Testing table-based trig code."); float max_sin_error = 0.0f; float max_cos_error = 0.0f; float max_asin_error = 0.0f; float max_acos_error = 0.0f; const float STEPS=32000.0f; float START = -8.0f * WWMATH_PI; float STOP = 8.0f * WWMATH_PI; float error; for (float test=START; test < STOP; test+=(STOP-START) / STEPS) { error = WWMath::Fabs(WWMath::Sin(test) - WWMath::Fast_Sin(test)); if (error > max_sin_error) { max_sin_error = error; } error = WWMath::Fabs(WWMath::Cos(test) - WWMath::Fast_Cos(test)); if (error > max_cos_error) { max_cos_error = error; } } START=-1.0f; STOP=1.0f; for (test=START; test<STOP; test+=(STOP-START)/STEPS) { error = WWMath::Fabs(WWMath::Asin(test) - WWMath::Fast_Asin(test)); if (error > max_asin_error) { max_asin_error = error; } error = WWMath::Fabs(WWMath::Acos(test) - WWMath::Fast_Acos(test)); if (error > max_acos_error) { max_acos_error = error; } } printf("max cos error: %f\r\n",max_cos_error); printf("max sin error: %f\r\n",max_sin_error); printf("max acos error: %f\r\n",max_acos_error); printf("max asin error: %f\r\n",max_asin_error); } void test_vectors(void) { Print_Title("Testing matrix*vector code."); /* ** Matrix * Vector (this was demonstrating a compiler bug...) */ Vector3 vec(5.0,0.0,0.0); Matrix3D mat(1); Vector3 tvec = mat*vec; CHECK(0,((tvec - vec).Length() < TOLERANCE)); /* ** Timing the difference between operator + and Vector3::Add */ Vector3 tab[16000]; for (int i=0; i<16000; i++) { tab[i].Set(WWMath::Random_Float(),WWMath::Random_Float(),WWMath::Random_Float()); } Vector3 c; unsigned long op_cycles = Get_CPU_Clock(); for (i=0; i<16000; i++) { c = tab[0] + tab[i]; } op_cycles = Get_CPU_Clock() - op_cycles; c.Normalize(); printf("Vector3::operator + cycles: %d\n",op_cycles); unsigned long add_cycles = Get_CPU_Clock(); for (i=0; i<16000; i++) { Vector3::Add(tab[0],tab[i],&c); } add_cycles = Get_CPU_Clock() - add_cycles; c.Normalize(); printf("Vector3::Add cycles: %d\n",add_cycles); printf("Operator/Add ration: %f\n",(float)op_cycles / (float)add_cycles); } void test_lookat(void) { int check = 0; Print_Title("Testing matrix look-at code."); Matrix3D tm(1); Matrix3D invtm; tm.Look_At(Vector3(0,0,0),Vector3(-1,0,0),0); Quaternion q = Build_Quaternion(tm); CHECK(check++,(fabs(q[0] - 0.5) < TOLERANCE)); Vector3 pos; Vector3 tar; Vector3 test; pos.Set(0,0,0); tar.Set(30.0f,10.0f,3.0f); tm.Look_At(pos,tar,0.0f); tm.Get_Orthogonal_Inverse(invtm); test = invtm * tar; CHECK(check++,(Vector2(test.X,test.Y).Length() < 0.001f)); tar.Set(1,-2,1); tm.Obj_Look_At(pos,tar,0.0f); tm.Get_Orthogonal_Inverse(invtm); test = invtm * tar; CHECK(check++,(Vector2(test.Y,test.Z).Length() < 0.001f)); } void test_eulers(void) { Print_Title("Testing euler angle conversion code."); /* ** Testing Euler angles */ Matrix3D mat; float xrot,yrot,zrot; mat.Rotate_X(0.3f); mat.Rotate_Z(0.2f); mat.Rotate_Y(0.1f); EulerAnglesClass euler(mat,EulerOrderYXYr); euler.To_Matrix(mat); Matrix3D mat2(1); mat2.Rotate_Y(euler.Get_Angle(0)); mat2.Rotate_X(euler.Get_Angle(1)); mat2.Rotate_Y(euler.Get_Angle(2)); CHECK(0,(((mat2[0] - mat[0]).Length() < TOLERANCE) && ((mat2[1] - mat[1]).Length() < TOLERANCE) && ((mat2[2] - mat[2]).Length() < TOLERANCE))); mat.Make_Identity(); mat.Rotate_Y(DEG_TO_RADF(12.0f)); mat.Rotate_Z(DEG_TO_RADF(25.0f)); EulerAnglesClass euler2(mat,EulerOrderXYZr); xrot = euler2.Get_Angle(0); yrot = euler2.Get_Angle(1); zrot = euler2.Get_Angle(2); mat2.Make_Identity(); mat2.Rotate_X(xrot); mat2.Rotate_Y(yrot); mat2.Rotate_Z(zrot); CHECK(0,(((mat2[0] - mat[0]).Length() < TOLERANCE) && ((mat2[1] - mat[1]).Length() < TOLERANCE) && ((mat2[2] - mat[2]).Length() < TOLERANCE))); } void test_matrix3(void) { Print_Title("Testing Matrix3 Inversion"); /* ** Testing Matrix3 Inversion function */ Matrix3 mat; mat[0][0] = 6.0f; mat[0][1] = 4.5f; mat[0][2] = -1.2f; mat[1][0] = -3.0f; mat[1][1] = 0.0f; mat[1][2] = -1.3f; mat[2][0] = 2.1f; mat[2][1] = 1.5f; mat[2][2] = 17.2f; Matrix3 invmat = mat.Inverse(); Vector3 a(10.0, 20.0, 30.0); Vector3 b = mat * a; Vector3 c = invmat * b; CHECK(0,((a-c).Length() < TOLERANCE)); } void test_ode_systems(void) { Print_Title("Testing ODE Integrators"); /* ** Testing the new-style ODE solvers ** ** Suppose we have a point which is going to move around ** a 2-D circle. */ int i; float error = 0.0f; float maxerror[4] = {0,0,0,0}; ODETestClass circle_system; circle_system.Point.Set(1,0,0); for (i=0; i<100; i++) { IntegrationSystem::Euler_Integrate(&circle_system,1.0); error = circle_system.Point.Length() - 1.0; if (fabs(error) > maxerror[0]) { maxerror[0] = fabs(error); } } Print("Euler max error = %f\n",maxerror[0]); circle_system.Point.Set(1,0,0); for (i=0; i<100; i++) { IntegrationSystem::Midpoint_Integrate(&circle_system,1.0); error = circle_system.Point.Length() - 1.0; if (fabs(error) > maxerror[1]) { maxerror[1] = fabs(error); } } Print("Midpoint max error = %f\n",maxerror[1]); circle_system.Point.Set(1,0,0); for (i=0; i<100; i++) { IntegrationSystem::Runge_Kutta_Integrate(&circle_system,1.0); error = circle_system.Point.Length() - 1.0; if (fabs(error) > maxerror[2]) { maxerror[2] = fabs(error); } } Print("Runge_Kutta max error = %f\n",maxerror[2]); circle_system.Point.Set(1,0,0); for (i=0; i<100; i++) { IntegrationSystem::Runge_Kutta5_Integrate(&circle_system,1.0); error = circle_system.Point.Length() - 1.0; if (fabs(error) > maxerror[3]) { maxerror[3] = fabs(error); } } Print("Runge_Kutta5 max error = %f\n",maxerror[3]); } void test_quaternions(void) { Print_Title("Testing Quaternions"); int ci = 0; Quaternion q,p,pnew; Matrix3 tm; Vector3 vnew; // Testing rotation about the Z axis q = Axis_To_Quat(Vector3(0,0,1),DEG_TO_RAD(45.0f)); p.Set(1.0,0.0,0.0,0.0); pnew = q*p*Conjugate(q); vnew.Set(pnew.X,pnew.Y,pnew.Z); CHECK(ci++,((vnew - Vector3(0.707f,0.707f,0.0f)).Length() < 0.01f)); tm = Build_Matrix3(q); vnew = tm * Vector3(p.X,p.Y,p.Z); CHECK(ci++,((vnew - Vector3(0.707f,0.707f,0.0f)).Length() < 0.01f)); // Testing rotation about the Y axis q = Axis_To_Quat(Vector3(0,1,0),DEG_TO_RADF(45.0f)); p.Set(0.0f,0.0f,1.0f,0.0f); pnew = q*p*Conjugate(q); vnew.Set(pnew.X,pnew.Y,pnew.Z); CHECK(ci++,((vnew - Vector3(0.707f,0.0f,0.707f)).Length() < 0.01f)); tm = Build_Matrix3(q); vnew = tm * Vector3(p.X,p.Y,p.Z); CHECK(ci++,((vnew - Vector3(0.707f,0.0f,0.707f)).Length() < 0.01f)); // Testing rotation about the X axis q = Axis_To_Quat(Vector3(1,0,0),DEG_TO_RADF(45.0f)); p.Set(0.0f,1.0f,0.0f,0.0f); pnew = q*p*Conjugate(q); vnew.Set(pnew.X,pnew.Y,pnew.Z); CHECK(ci++,((vnew - Vector3(0.0f,0.707f,0.707f)).Length() < 0.01f)); tm = Build_Matrix3(q); vnew = tm * Vector3(p.X,p.Y,p.Z); CHECK(ci++,((vnew - Vector3(0.0f,0.707f,0.707f)).Length() < 0.01f)); // Testing Rigid Body Angular momentum: Vector3 testpoint(1.0,0.0,0.0); Vector3 newpoint; Quaternion orientation(0,0,0,1); Quaternion omega(0.0,0.0,DEG_TO_RAD(45.0f),0.0); // Euler integrate for 1 second at 45 deg/s for (int i=0; i<100; i++) { // deriviative of orientation: Quaternion dorient = 0.5 * omega * orientation; // dt dorient = 0.01f * dorient; // new orientation orientation = orientation + dorient; orientation.Normalize(); } // transform test point (should be 0.707,0.707,0): tm = Build_Matrix3(orientation); newpoint = tm * testpoint; CHECK(ci++,((newpoint - Vector3(0.707f,0.707f,0.0f)).Length() < 0.01f)); // Get ready for some speed tests unsigned cycles; Quaternion input_quats[256]; Quaternion output_quat; Matrix3D input_tms[256]; Vector3 input_vec(4.5f,-3.7f,2.3f); Quaternion input_quat(input_vec.X,input_vec.Y,input_vec.Z,0.0f); Vector3 output_vec; Matrix3D output_tm; for (i=0; i<256; i++) { input_quats[i].Randomize(); input_tms[i] = Build_Matrix3D(input_quats[i]); } // test speed of quaternion multiplication: cycles = Get_CPU_Clock(); for (i=0; i<256; i++) { output_quat = input_quats[i] * input_quats[(i+5) & 0xFF]; } cycles = Get_CPU_Clock() - cycles; Print("quaternion multiply cycles: %d\n",cycles / 256); // test speed of building a matrix from euler angles cycles = Get_CPU_Clock(); for (i=0; i<256; i++) { output_tm.Make_Identity(); output_tm.Rotate_Z(0.123f); output_tm.Rotate_Y(-0.342f); output_tm.Rotate_X(1.23f); } cycles = Get_CPU_Clock() - cycles; Print("building matrix cycles: %d\n",cycles / 256); // test speed of matrix-vector multiplication cycles = Get_CPU_Clock(); for (i=0; i<256; i++) { output_vec = input_tms[i] * input_vec; } cycles = Get_CPU_Clock() - cycles; Print("matrix-vector cycles: %d\n",cycles / 256); // test speed of convert matrix, then matrix-vector multiplication cycles = Get_CPU_Clock(); for (i=0; i<256; i++) { tm = Build_Matrix3D(input_quats[i]); output_vec = tm * input_vec; } cycles = Get_CPU_Clock() - cycles; Print("convert-matrix-vector cycles: %d\n",cycles / 256); // test speed of naive quat-vector transform cycles = Get_CPU_Clock(); for (i=0; i<256; i++) { output_quat = input_quats[i] * input_quat * Conjugate(input_quats[i]); } cycles = Get_CPU_Clock() - cycles; Print("naive quat-vector cycles: %d\n",cycles / 256); // test speed of quat-vector transform cycles = Get_CPU_Clock(); for (i=0; i<256; i++) { output_vec = input_quats[i].Rotate_Vector(input_vec); } cycles = Get_CPU_Clock() - cycles; Print("fast quat-vector cycles: %d\n",cycles / 256); // test accuracy of the quat-vector transform Vector3 verify_vec; Quaternion tmp0,tmp1; bool success = true; for (i=0; i<256; i++) { output_vec = input_quats[i].Rotate_Vector(input_vec); verify_vec = Build_Matrix3D(input_quats[i]) * input_vec; tmp0.X = input_vec.X; tmp0.Y = input_vec.Y; tmp0.Z = input_vec.Z; tmp0.W = 0.0f; tmp1 = input_quats[i] * tmp0 * Conjugate(input_quats[i]); float delta = (output_vec - verify_vec).Length(); if (delta > 0.001f) success = false; } CHECK(ci++,(success)); } void test_animation(void) { Print_Title("Testing animation speed"); int ci = 0; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Animation calculation for a node consists of the following steps: // // - concatenate the root transform and the base pose transform // - grab the translation (possible lerp), concatenate it in // - grab the rotation (possible slerp), concatenate it in /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int i; unsigned cycles; float percentage = 0.5f; Matrix3D root_tm; Matrix3D base_tm; Matrix3D tm; Matrix3D tmp; float euler_x0 = (float)DEG_TO_RAD(24.0f); float euler_y0 = (float)DEG_TO_RAD(30.0f); float euler_z0 = (float)DEG_TO_RAD(-12.0f); float euler_x1 = (float)DEG_TO_RAD(44.0f); float euler_y1 = (float)DEG_TO_RAD(23.0f); float euler_z1 = (float)DEG_TO_RAD(0.0f); float tx0 = 10.0f; float ty0 = -3.0f; float tz0 = 2.0f; float tx1 = 13.0f; float ty1 = -4.0f; float tz1 = 1.0f; Quaternion q0,q1; // initialization root_tm.Make_Identity(); root_tm.Rotate_X(DEG_TO_RAD(12.0f)); base_tm.Make_Identity(); base_tm.Rotate_Z(DEG_TO_RAD(-3.0f)); tmp.Make_Identity(); tmp.Rotate_X(euler_x0); tmp.Rotate_Y(euler_y0); tmp.Rotate_Z(euler_z0); q0 = Build_Quaternion(tmp); tmp.Make_Identity(); tmp.Rotate_X(euler_x1); tmp.Rotate_Y(euler_y1); tmp.Rotate_Z(euler_z1); q1 = Build_Quaternion(tmp); // anim method, Translation base and euler angles: cycles = Get_CPU_Clock(); for (i=0; i<256; i++) { tm = root_tm; tm.Translate(tx0,ty1,tz0); Vector3 trans0(tx0,ty0,tz0); Vector3 trans1(tx1,ty1,tz1); tm.Translate((1.0 - percentage) * trans0 + (percentage) * trans1); tm.Rotate_X((1.0 - percentage) * euler_x0 + (percentage) * euler_x1); tm.Rotate_Y((1.0 - percentage) * euler_y0 + (percentage) * euler_y1); tm.Rotate_Z((1.0 - percentage) * euler_z0 + (percentage) * euler_z1); } cycles = Get_CPU_Clock() - cycles; printf("Translation Base + Euler animation cycles: %d\n",cycles / 256); // anim method, Translation base and quaternions: cycles = Get_CPU_Clock(); for (i=0; i<256; i++) { tm = root_tm; tm.Translate(tx0,ty1,tz0); Vector3 trans0(tx0,ty0,tz0); Vector3 trans1(tx1,ty1,tz1); tm.Translate((1.0 - percentage) * trans0 + (percentage) * trans1); Quaternion q; Slerp(q,q0,q1,percentage); Matrix3D::Multiply(tm,Build_Matrix3D(q),&tm); } cycles = Get_CPU_Clock() - cycles; printf("Translation Base + Quaternion animation cycles: %d\n",cycles / 256); // anim method, Matrix3D base and euler angles: cycles = Get_CPU_Clock(); for (i=0; i<256; i++) { Matrix3D::Multiply(root_tm,base_tm,&tm); Vector3 trans0(tx0,ty0,tz0); Vector3 trans1(tx1,ty1,tz1); tm.Translate((1.0 - percentage) * trans0 + (percentage) * trans1); tm.Rotate_X((1.0 - percentage) * euler_x0 + (percentage) * euler_x1); tm.Rotate_Y((1.0 - percentage) * euler_y0 + (percentage) * euler_y1); tm.Rotate_Z((1.0 - percentage) * euler_z0 + (percentage) * euler_z1); } cycles = Get_CPU_Clock() - cycles; printf("Matrix3D Base + Euler animation cycles: %d\n",cycles / 256); // anim method, Matrix3D base and quaternions: cycles = Get_CPU_Clock(); for (i=0; i<256; i++) { Matrix3D::Multiply(root_tm,base_tm,&tm); Vector3 trans0(tx0,ty0,tz0); Vector3 trans1(tx1,ty1,tz1); tm.Translate((1.0 - percentage) * trans0 + (percentage) * trans1); Quaternion q; Slerp(q,q0,q1,percentage); Matrix3D::Multiply(tm,Build_Matrix3D(q),&tm); } cycles = Get_CPU_Clock() - cycles; printf("Matrix3D Base + Quaternion animation cycles: %d\n",cycles / 256); printf("\n"); } void test_planes(void) { int ci=0; Print_Title("Testing PlaneClass"); PlaneClass p0(Vector3(-1,0,0),-1); PlaneClass p1(Vector3(1,0,0),0); PlaneClass p2(Vector3(1,0,0),5); PlaneClass p3(Vector3(1,0,0),-5); SphereClass s0(Vector3(0,0,0),0.5f); SphereClass s1(Vector3(0,0,0),1.1f); CHECK(ci++,(p0.In_Front(s0))); CHECK(ci++,!(p0.In_Front(s1))); CHECK(ci++,(p0.In_Front_Or_Intersecting(s1))); CHECK(ci++,!(p1.In_Front(s0))); CHECK(ci++,!(p1.In_Front(s1))); CHECK(ci++,(p1.In_Front_Or_Intersecting(s0))); CHECK(ci++,(p1.In_Front_Or_Intersecting(s1))); CHECK(ci++,!(p2.In_Front_Or_Intersecting(s0))); CHECK(ci++,!(p2.In_Front_Or_Intersecting(s1))); } void test_concatenation(void) { Print_Title("Testing Matrix Concatenation Code"); unsigned operator_cycles; unsigned concatenate_cycles; unsigned i; Matrix3D a,b; Matrix3D res1,res2; bool ok; a.Make_Identity(); a.Rotate_X(20.0f); b.Make_Identity(); b.Rotate_X(20.0f); res1 = a*b; print_matrix(res1); // Result being placed into a third matrix printf("\nResult being placed into third matrix c = a*b\n\n"); for (i=0; i<10; i++) { a = random_matrix(); b = random_matrix(); operator_cycles = Get_CPU_Clock(); res1 = a*b; operator_cycles = Get_CPU_Clock() - operator_cycles; concatenate_cycles = Get_CPU_Clock(); Matrix3D::Multiply(a,b,&res2); concatenate_cycles = Get_CPU_Clock() - concatenate_cycles; ok = ( (((res1[0] - res2[0]).Length()) < 0.001f) && (((res1[1] - res2[1]).Length()) < 0.001f) && (((res1[2] - res2[2]).Length()) < 0.001f) ); printf("Test %3d op_cycles: %d\tc_cycles: %d\t",i,operator_cycles,concatenate_cycles); if (ok) { printf("passed\n"); } else { printf("<<FAILED!>>\n"); } } // result being placed into one of the operands. printf("\nResult being placed into one of the operands a = a*b\n\n"); Matrix3D a2,b2; for (i=0; i<10; i++) { a = random_matrix(); b = random_matrix(); a2 = a; b2 = b; operator_cycles = Get_CPU_Clock(); a = a*b; operator_cycles = Get_CPU_Clock() - operator_cycles; concatenate_cycles = Get_CPU_Clock(); Matrix3D::Multiply(a2,b2,&a2); concatenate_cycles = Get_CPU_Clock() - concatenate_cycles; bool ok = ( (((res1[0] - res2[0]).Length()) < 0.001f) && (((res1[1] - res2[1]).Length()) < 0.001f) && (((res1[2] - res2[2]).Length()) < 0.001f) ); printf("Test %3d op_cycles: %d\tc_cycles: %d\t",i+10,operator_cycles,concatenate_cycles); if (ok) { printf("passed\n"); } else { printf("<<FAILED!>>\n"); } } } void print_matrix(const Matrix3D & m) { for (int row = 0;row < 3; row++) { printf("%f %f %f %f\n",m[row][0],m[row][1],m[row][2],m[row][3]); } printf("\n"); } Matrix3D random_matrix(void) { Quaternion q; q.X = WWMath::Random_Float(); q.Y = WWMath::Random_Float(); q.Z = WWMath::Random_Float(); q.W = WWMath::Random_Float() + 0.0001f; q.Normalize(); Matrix3D m = Build_Matrix3D(q); m.Set_Translation(Vector3(WWMath::Random_Float(),WWMath::Random_Float(),WWMath::Random_Float())); return m; } void test_sphere_intersection(void) { Print_Title("Testing Sphere-LineSegment Intersection Code"); SphereClass sphere(Vector3(0,0,0),1.0f); LineSegClass seg(Vector3(2,1,0),Vector3(0,0,0)); CastResultStruct res; if (CollisionMath::Collide(seg,sphere,&res)) { printf("Test 1 Passed\n"); } else { printf("Test 1 Failed\n"); } } void test_aabox_transform(void) { int ci = 0; Print_Title("Testing AABox Transformation"); Vector3 vmin(-10,-10,-10); Vector3 vmax(10,10,10); Matrix3D tm(Matrix3D::RotateZ90); Vector3 newmin,newmax; tm.Transform_Min_Max_AABox(vmin,vmax,&newmin,&newmax); CHECK(ci++, ((newmin - Vector3(-10,-10,-10)).Length() < TOLERANCE) && ((newmax - Vector3(10,10,10)).Length() < TOLERANCE)); vmin.Set(-1,-10,-1); vmax.Set(1,10,1); tm = Matrix3D::RotateZ90; tm.Transform_Min_Max_AABox(vmin,vmax,&newmin,&newmax); CHECK(ci++, ((newmin - Vector3(-10,-1,-1)).Length() < TOLERANCE) && ((newmax - Vector3(10,1,1)).Length() < TOLERANCE)); vmin.Set(0,0,0); vmax.Set(5,3,2); tm.Make_Identity(); tm.Rotate_Z(DEG_TO_RAD(45.0)); tm.Transform_Min_Max_AABox(vmin,vmax,&newmin,&newmax); Vector3 center(0,0,0); Vector3 extent(1,1,1); Vector3 newcenter,newextent; tm.Make_Identity(); tm.Rotate_Z(DEG_TO_RAD(45.0f)); tm.Transform_Center_Extent_AABox(center,extent,&newcenter,&newextent); } void test_vector_quick_length(void) { const int LONGITUDE_SAMPLES = 64; const int LATITUDE_SAMPLES = 32; float error; float max_error = 0.0f; float avg_error = 0.0f; double longitude; double latitude; for (int long_index=0; long_index<LONGITUDE_SAMPLES; long_index++) { longitude = 2*WWMATH_PI*((float)long_index/(float)LONGITUDE_SAMPLES); for (int lat_index=0; lat_index<LATITUDE_SAMPLES; lat_index++) { latitude = -WWMATH_PI/2.0f + WWMATH_PI*((float)lat_index/(float)LATITUDE_SAMPLES); Matrix3D tm(1); tm.Rotate_Z(longitude); tm.Rotate_Y(latitude); Vector3 vec = tm * Vector3(1,0,0); float real_length = vec.Length(); float fake_length = vec.Quick_Length(); error = fabs(fake_length - real_length); avg_error += error; if (error > max_error) { max_error = error; } } } avg_error = avg_error / (LONGITUDE_SAMPLES * LATITUDE_SAMPLES); printf("Vector3::Quick_Length Average Error: %f\n",avg_error); } void test_sqrt_time(void) { Print_Title("Timing some built-in functions"); int i; unsigned int time; const int SAMPLES = 100; float results[SAMPLES]; time = 0; for (i=0; i<SAMPLES; i++) { float f = WWMath::Random_Float() * 20000.0f; unsigned long cycles = Get_CPU_Clock(); float val = sqrt(f); val+=sqrt(val); time += Get_CPU_Clock() - cycles; results[i] = val; } for (i=0; i<SAMPLES; i++) _Global+= results[i]; // keeping the compiler from optimizing this away printf("sqrt average cycles: %d\n",time / SAMPLES); time = 0; for (i=0; i<SAMPLES; i++) { float f = WWMath::Random_Float() * 6.28f; unsigned long cycles = Get_CPU_Clock(); float val = sin(f); time += Get_CPU_Clock() - cycles; results[i] = val; } for (i=0; i<SAMPLES; i++) _Global+= results[i]; printf("sin average cycles: %d\n",time / SAMPLES); time = 0; for (i=0; i<SAMPLES; i++) { float f = WWMath::Random_Float() * 6.28f; unsigned long cycles = Get_CPU_Clock(); float val = cos(f); time += Get_CPU_Clock() - cycles; results[i] = val; } for (i=0; i<SAMPLES; i++) _Global+= results[i]; printf("cos average cycles: %d\n",time / SAMPLES); // Time 100 multiplies time = Get_CPU_Clock(); for (i=0; i<SAMPLES; i++) { float val = results[i]*results[SAMPLES-i-1]; results[i] = val; } time = Get_CPU_Clock() - time; for (i=0; i<SAMPLES; i++) _Global+= results[i]; printf("multiply cycles: %d\n",time); // Time 100 adds time = Get_CPU_Clock(); for (i=0; i<SAMPLES; i++) { float val = results[i]+results[SAMPLES-i-1]; results[i] = val; } time = Get_CPU_Clock() - time; for (i=0; i<SAMPLES; i++) _Global+= results[i]; printf("add cycles: %d\n",time); // Time 100 multiplies time = Get_CPU_Clock(); for (i=0; i<SAMPLES; i++) { float val = results[i]*results[SAMPLES-i-1]; results[i] = val; } time = Get_CPU_Clock() - time; for (i=0; i<SAMPLES; i++) _Global+= results[i]; printf("multiply cycles: %d\n",time); // Time 100 adds time = Get_CPU_Clock(); for (i=0; i<SAMPLES; i++) { float val = results[i]+results[SAMPLES-i-1]; results[i] = val; } time = Get_CPU_Clock() - time; for (i=0; i<SAMPLES; i++) _Global+= results[i]; printf("add cycles: %d\n",time); } void Transform_Min_Max_AABox_Brute_Force ( const Matrix3D & tm, const Vector3 & min, const Vector3 & max, Vector3 & newmin, Vector3 & newmax ) { int i; Vector3 pts[8]; pts[0].Set(min.X,min.Y,min.Z); pts[1].Set(min.X,max.Y,min.Z); pts[2].Set(max.X,max.Y,min.Z); pts[3].Set(max.X,min.Y,min.Z); pts[4].Set(min.X,min.Y,max.Z); pts[5].Set(min.X,max.Y,max.Z); pts[6].Set(max.X,max.Y,max.Z); pts[7].Set(max.X,min.Y,max.Z); for (i=0; i<8; i++) { pts[i] = tm * pts[i]; } newmin = pts[0]; newmax = pts[0]; for (i=1; i<8; i++) { if (newmin.X >= pts[i].X) newmin.X = pts[i].X; if (newmin.Y >= pts[i].Y) newmin.Y = pts[i].Y; if (newmin.Z >= pts[i].Z) newmin.Z = pts[i].Z; if (newmax.X <= pts[i].X) newmax.X = pts[i].X; if (newmax.Y <= pts[i].Y) newmax.Y = pts[i].Y; if (newmax.Z <= pts[i].Z) newmax.Z = pts[i].Z; } } void test_point_containment(void) { TriClass tri0,tri1; Vector3 normal0,normal1; Vector3 points[4]; points[0].Set(10.6891f,23.5262f,-2.50006f); points[1].Set(1.0f,37.7164f,-2.50006f); points[2].Set(10.6566f,30.7858f,-2.50006f); points[3].Set(1.0f,16.0f,-2.50006f); for (int vi=0; vi<3; vi++) { tri0.V[vi] = &(points[vi]); tri1.V[vi] = &(points[vi+1]); } tri0.N = &normal0; tri1.N = &normal1; tri0.Compute_Normal(); tri1.Compute_Normal(); bool c0 = tri0.Contains_Point(Vector3(7.9999f,27.1883f,-2.50006f)); bool c1 = tri1.Contains_Point(Vector3(7.9999f,27.1883f,-2.50006f)); tri0.V[0] = &(points[1]); tri0.V[1] = &(points[0]); tri0.V[2] = &(points[2]); tri0.Compute_Normal(); bool alternate_contains = tri0.Contains_Point(Vector3(7.9999f,27.1883f,-2.50006f)); } float gaussian_function(float x) { return exp(-x*x); } float integrate(float (*f)(float),float start,float end,int slices) { float sum = 0.0f; float slice_width = (end-start)/slices; for (float sample = start; sample < end; sample += slice_width) { sum += f(sample) * slice_width; } return sum; }