/* ** Command & Conquer Renegade(tm) ** Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc. ** ** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ** (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program. If not, see . */ /*************************************************************************** *** C O N F I D E N T I A L --- W E S T W O O D S T U D I O S *** *************************************************************************** * * * Project Name : G * * * * $Archive:: /VSS_Sync/ww3d2/part_buf.cpp $* * * * $Author:: Vss_sync $* * * * $Modtime:: 10/26/01 2:56p $* * * * $Revision:: 21 $* * * *-------------------------------------------------------------------------* * Functions: * * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */ #include "part_buf.h" #include "part_emt.h" #include "ww3d.h" #include "rinfo.h" #include "scene.h" #include "camera.h" #include "predlod.h" #include "pot.h" #include "bound.h" #include "simplevec.h" #include "sphere.h" #include "wwprofile.h" #include #include "vp.h" #include "texture.h" #include "dx8wrapper.h" #include "vector3.h" // A random permutation of the numbers 0 to 15 - used for LOD particle decimation. // It was generated by the amazingly high-tech method of pulling numbers out of a hat. const unsigned int ParticleBufferClass::PermutationArray[16] = { 11, 3, 7, 14, 0, 13, 1, 2, 5, 12, 15, 6, 9, 8, 4, 10 }; // Maximum size of randomizer tables const static unsigned int MAX_RANDOM_ENTRIES = 32; // MUST be power of two! // Total Active Particle Buffer Count unsigned int ParticleBufferClass::TotalActiveCount = 0; // Static array of screen-size clamps for the 17 possible LOD levels a particle buffer can have. // We can change these from being global to being per-buffer later if we wish. Default is // NO_MAX_SCREEN_SIZE. float ParticleBufferClass::LODMaxScreenSizes[17] = { NO_MAX_SCREEN_SIZE, NO_MAX_SCREEN_SIZE, NO_MAX_SCREEN_SIZE, NO_MAX_SCREEN_SIZE, NO_MAX_SCREEN_SIZE, NO_MAX_SCREEN_SIZE, NO_MAX_SCREEN_SIZE, NO_MAX_SCREEN_SIZE, NO_MAX_SCREEN_SIZE, NO_MAX_SCREEN_SIZE, NO_MAX_SCREEN_SIZE, NO_MAX_SCREEN_SIZE, NO_MAX_SCREEN_SIZE, NO_MAX_SCREEN_SIZE, NO_MAX_SCREEN_SIZE, NO_MAX_SCREEN_SIZE, NO_MAX_SCREEN_SIZE }; static Random4Class rand_gen; const float oo_intmax = 1.0f / (float)INT_MAX; // Default Line Emitter Properties static const W3dEmitterLinePropertiesStruct _DefaultLineEmitterProps= { 0,0,0.0f,1.5f,1.0f,0.0f,0.0f,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 }; ParticleBufferClass::ParticleBufferClass ( ParticleEmitterClass *emitter, unsigned int buffer_size, ParticlePropertyStruct &color, ParticlePropertyStruct &opacity, ParticlePropertyStruct &size, ParticlePropertyStruct &rotation, float orient_rnd, ParticlePropertyStruct &frame, ParticlePropertyStruct &blurtime, Vector3 accel, float max_age, TextureClass *tex, ShaderClass shader, bool pingpong, int render_mode, int frame_mode, const W3dEmitterLinePropertiesStruct * line_props ) : NewParticleQueue(NULL), NewParticleQueueStart(0U), NewParticleQueueEnd(0U), NewParticleQueueCount(0U), RenderMode(render_mode), FrameMode(frame_mode), MaxAge(1000.0f * max_age), LastUpdateTime(WW3D::Get_Sync_Time()), IsEmitterDead(false), MaxSize(0.0f), MaxNum(buffer_size), Start(0U), End(0U), NewEnd(0U), NonNewNum(0), NewNum(0), BoundingBox(Vector3(0,0,0),Vector3(0,0,0)), BoundingBoxDirty(true), NumColorKeyFrames(0), ColorKeyFrameTimes(NULL), ColorKeyFrameValues(NULL), ColorKeyFrameDeltas(NULL), NumAlphaKeyFrames(0), AlphaKeyFrameTimes(NULL), AlphaKeyFrameValues(NULL), AlphaKeyFrameDeltas(NULL), NumSizeKeyFrames(0), SizeKeyFrameTimes(NULL), SizeKeyFrameValues(NULL), SizeKeyFrameDeltas(NULL), NumRotationKeyFrames(0), RotationKeyFrameTimes(NULL), RotationKeyFrameValues(NULL), HalfRotationKeyFrameDeltas(NULL), OrientationKeyFrameValues(NULL), NumFrameKeyFrames(0), FrameKeyFrameTimes(NULL), FrameKeyFrameValues(NULL), FrameKeyFrameDeltas(NULL), NumBlurTimeKeyFrames(0), BlurTimeKeyFrameTimes(NULL), BlurTimeKeyFrameValues(NULL), BlurTimeKeyFrameDeltas(NULL), NumRandomColorEntriesMinus1(0), RandomColorEntries(NULL), NumRandomAlphaEntriesMinus1(0), RandomAlphaEntries(NULL), NumRandomSizeEntriesMinus1(0), RandomSizeEntries(NULL), ColorRandom(0, 0, 0), OpacityRandom(0), SizeRandom(0), RotationRandom(0), FrameRandom(0), InitialOrientationRandom(0), NumRandomRotationEntriesMinus1(0), RandomRotationEntries(NULL), NumRandomOrientationEntriesMinus1(0), RandomOrientationEntries(NULL), NumRandomFrameEntriesMinus1(0), RandomFrameEntries(NULL), NumRandomBlurTimeEntriesMinus1(0), RandomBlurTimeEntries(NULL), PointGroup(NULL), LineRenderer(NULL), LineGroup(NULL), Diffuse(NULL), TailDiffuse(NULL), Color(NULL), Alpha(NULL), Size(NULL), Orientation(NULL), Frame(NULL), UCoord(NULL), TailPosition(NULL), APT(NULL), PingPongPosition(pingpong), Velocity(NULL), TimeStamp(NULL), Emitter(emitter), DecimationThreshold(0U), ProjectedArea(0.0f), DefaultTailDiffuse(0,0,0,0) { LodCount = 17; LodBias = 1.0f; Position[0] = NULL; Position[1] = NULL; // Create color array, keyframes and randomizer table (if needed) Reset_Colors(color); // Create alpha array, keyframes and randomizer table (if needed) Reset_Opacity(opacity); // Create size array, keyframes and randomizer table (if needed) Reset_Size(size); // Create the rotation array, keyframes, and randomizer table (if needed) Reset_Rotations(rotation, orient_rnd); // Create the frame array, keyframes, and randomizer table (if needed) Reset_Frames(frame); // Create the blur time array, keyframes, and randomizer table if needed Reset_Blur_Times(blurtime); // We do not add a ref for the emitter (see DTor for detailed explanation) // if (Emitter) Emitter->Add_Ref(); // Set up new particle queue: NewParticleQueue = new NewParticleStruct[MaxNum]; // These inputs don't need to be range-checked (emitter did that). Accel = accel; HasAccel = (accel.X != 0.0f) || (accel.Y != 0.0f) || (accel.Z != 0.0f); shader.Enable_Fog ("ParticleBufferClass"); switch (RenderMode) { case W3D_EMITTER_RENDER_MODE_TRI_PARTICLES: { // Set up worldspace point group PointGroup = new PointGroupClass(); PointGroup->Set_Flag(PointGroupClass::TRANSFORM, true); PointGroup->Set_Texture(tex); PointGroup->Set_Shader(shader); PointGroup->Set_Frame_Row_Column_Count_Log2(frame_mode); PointGroup->Set_Point_Mode(PointGroupClass::TRIS); } break; case W3D_EMITTER_RENDER_MODE_QUAD_PARTICLES: { // Set up worldspace point group PointGroup = new PointGroupClass(); PointGroup->Set_Flag(PointGroupClass::TRANSFORM, true); PointGroup->Set_Texture(tex); PointGroup->Set_Shader(shader); PointGroup->Set_Frame_Row_Column_Count_Log2(frame_mode); PointGroup->Set_Point_Mode(PointGroupClass::QUADS); } break; case W3D_EMITTER_RENDER_MODE_LINE: { LineRenderer = new SegLineRendererClass; LineRenderer->Init(*line_props); LineRenderer->Set_Texture(tex); LineRenderer->Set_Shader(shader); LineRenderer->Set_Width(Get_Particle_Size()); if (line_props != NULL) { LineRenderer->Init(*line_props); } else { // This code should not be run, but if it does, // set line emitters to some reasonable value so // it doesn't crash WWASSERT(0); LineRenderer->Init(_DefaultLineEmitterProps); } } break; case W3D_EMITTER_RENDER_MODE_LINEGRP_TETRA: { LineGroup=new LineGroupClass(); LineGroup->Set_Flag(LineGroupClass::TRANSFORM, true); LineGroup->Set_Texture(tex); LineGroup->Set_Shader(shader); LineGroup->Set_Line_Mode(LineGroupClass::TETRAHEDRON); TailPosition = NEW_REF( ShareBufferClass , (MaxNum) ); // TODO: Change TailPosition to Kinematic state and add // tail positions to bounding box Set_Force_Visible(1); } break; case W3D_EMITTER_RENDER_MODE_LINEGRP_PRISM: { LineGroup=new LineGroupClass(); LineGroup->Set_Flag(LineGroupClass::TRANSFORM, true); LineGroup->Set_Texture(tex); LineGroup->Set_Shader(shader); LineGroup->Set_Line_Mode(LineGroupClass::PRISM); TailPosition = NEW_REF( ShareBufferClass , (MaxNum) ); // TODO: Change TailPosition to Kinematic state and add // tail positions to bounding box Set_Force_Visible(1); } break; default: WWASSERT(0); break; } // Set up circular buffer. Contents are not initialized because the // start/end indices currently indicate the buffer is empty. Position[0] = NEW_REF( ShareBufferClass , (MaxNum) ); if (PingPongPosition) { Position[1] = NEW_REF( ShareBufferClass , (MaxNum) ); } APT = NEW_REF( ShareBufferClass , (MaxNum) ); Velocity = new Vector3[MaxNum]; TimeStamp = new unsigned int[MaxNum]; // So that the object is ready for use after construction, we will // complete its initialization by initializing its cost and value arrays // according to a screen area of 1. int minlod = Calculate_Cost_Value_Arrays(1.0f, Value, Cost); // Ensure lod is no less than minimum allowed if (Get_LOD_Level() < minlod) Set_LOD_Level(minlod); // Update Global Count TotalActiveCount++; } ParticleBufferClass::ParticleBufferClass(const ParticleBufferClass & src) : RenderObjClass(src), NewParticleQueue(NULL), NewParticleQueueStart(0U), NewParticleQueueEnd(0U), NewParticleQueueCount(0U), RenderMode(src.RenderMode), FrameMode(src.FrameMode), MaxAge(src.MaxAge), LastUpdateTime(WW3D::Get_Sync_Time()), IsEmitterDead(false), MaxSize(src.MaxSize), MaxNum(src.MaxNum), Start(0U), End(0U), NewEnd(0U), NonNewNum(0), NewNum(0), BoundingBox(Vector3(0,0,0),Vector3(0,0,0)), BoundingBoxDirty(true), NumColorKeyFrames(src.NumColorKeyFrames), ColorKeyFrameTimes(NULL), ColorKeyFrameValues(NULL), ColorKeyFrameDeltas(NULL), NumAlphaKeyFrames(src.NumAlphaKeyFrames), AlphaKeyFrameTimes(NULL), AlphaKeyFrameValues(NULL), AlphaKeyFrameDeltas(NULL), NumSizeKeyFrames(src.NumSizeKeyFrames), SizeKeyFrameTimes(NULL), SizeKeyFrameValues(NULL), SizeKeyFrameDeltas(NULL), NumRotationKeyFrames(src.NumRotationKeyFrames), RotationKeyFrameTimes(NULL), RotationKeyFrameValues(NULL), HalfRotationKeyFrameDeltas(NULL), OrientationKeyFrameValues(NULL), NumFrameKeyFrames(src.NumFrameKeyFrames), FrameKeyFrameTimes(NULL), FrameKeyFrameValues(NULL), FrameKeyFrameDeltas(NULL), NumBlurTimeKeyFrames(src.NumBlurTimeKeyFrames), BlurTimeKeyFrameTimes(NULL), BlurTimeKeyFrameValues(NULL), BlurTimeKeyFrameDeltas(NULL), RandomColorEntries(NULL), RandomAlphaEntries(NULL), RandomSizeEntries(NULL), ColorRandom(src.ColorRandom), OpacityRandom(src.OpacityRandom), SizeRandom(src.SizeRandom), RotationRandom(src.RotationRandom), FrameRandom(src.FrameRandom), InitialOrientationRandom(src.InitialOrientationRandom), NumRandomRotationEntriesMinus1(0), RandomRotationEntries(NULL), NumRandomOrientationEntriesMinus1(0), RandomOrientationEntries(NULL), NumRandomFrameEntriesMinus1(0), RandomFrameEntries(NULL), NumRandomBlurTimeEntriesMinus1(0), RandomBlurTimeEntries(NULL), PointGroup(NULL), LineRenderer(NULL), LineGroup(NULL), Diffuse(NULL), TailDiffuse(NULL), Color(NULL), Alpha(NULL), Size(NULL), Orientation(NULL), Frame(NULL), UCoord(NULL), TailPosition(NULL), APT(NULL), PingPongPosition(src.PingPongPosition), Velocity(NULL), TimeStamp(NULL), Emitter(src.Emitter), DecimationThreshold(src.DecimationThreshold), ProjectedArea(0.0f), DefaultTailDiffuse(src.DefaultTailDiffuse) { Position[0] = NULL; Position[1] = NULL; unsigned int i; LodCount = MIN(MaxNum, 17); LodBias = src.LodBias; /* ** Create visual state arrays, copy keyframes and randomizer tables. */ NumRandomColorEntriesMinus1 = src.NumRandomColorEntriesMinus1; if (src.Color) { // Create color array Color = NEW_REF( ShareBufferClass , (MaxNum) ); // Copy color keyframes ColorKeyFrameTimes = new unsigned int [NumColorKeyFrames]; ColorKeyFrameValues = new Vector3 [NumColorKeyFrames]; ColorKeyFrameDeltas = new Vector3 [NumColorKeyFrames]; for (i = 0; i < NumColorKeyFrames; i++) { ColorKeyFrameTimes[i] = src.ColorKeyFrameTimes[i]; ColorKeyFrameValues[i] = src.ColorKeyFrameValues[i]; ColorKeyFrameDeltas[i] = src.ColorKeyFrameDeltas[i]; } // Copy color randomizer table if (src.RandomColorEntries) { RandomColorEntries = new Vector3 [NumRandomColorEntriesMinus1 + 1]; for (unsigned int j = 0; j <= NumRandomColorEntriesMinus1; j++) { RandomColorEntries[j] = src.RandomColorEntries[j]; } } } else { ColorKeyFrameValues = new Vector3 [1]; ColorKeyFrameValues[0] = src.ColorKeyFrameValues[0]; } NumRandomAlphaEntriesMinus1 = src.NumRandomAlphaEntriesMinus1; if (src.Alpha) { // Create alpha array Alpha = NEW_REF( ShareBufferClass , (MaxNum) ); // Copy alpha keyframes AlphaKeyFrameTimes = new unsigned int [NumAlphaKeyFrames]; AlphaKeyFrameValues = new float [NumAlphaKeyFrames]; AlphaKeyFrameDeltas = new float [NumAlphaKeyFrames]; for (i = 0; i < NumAlphaKeyFrames; i++) { AlphaKeyFrameTimes[i] = src.AlphaKeyFrameTimes[i]; AlphaKeyFrameValues[i] = src.AlphaKeyFrameValues[i]; AlphaKeyFrameDeltas[i] = src.AlphaKeyFrameDeltas[i]; } // Copy alpha randomizer table if (src.RandomAlphaEntries) { RandomAlphaEntries = new float [NumRandomAlphaEntriesMinus1 + 1]; for (unsigned int j = 0; j <= NumRandomAlphaEntriesMinus1; j++) { RandomAlphaEntries[j] = src.RandomAlphaEntries[j]; } } } else { AlphaKeyFrameValues = new float [1]; AlphaKeyFrameValues[0] = src.AlphaKeyFrameValues[0]; } NumRandomSizeEntriesMinus1 = src.NumRandomSizeEntriesMinus1; if (src.Size) { // Create size array Size = NEW_REF( ShareBufferClass , (MaxNum) ); // Copy size keyframes SizeKeyFrameTimes = new unsigned int [NumSizeKeyFrames]; SizeKeyFrameValues = new float [NumSizeKeyFrames]; SizeKeyFrameDeltas = new float [NumSizeKeyFrames]; for (i = 0; i < NumSizeKeyFrames; i++) { SizeKeyFrameTimes[i] = src.SizeKeyFrameTimes[i]; SizeKeyFrameValues[i] = src.SizeKeyFrameValues[i]; SizeKeyFrameDeltas[i] = src.SizeKeyFrameDeltas[i]; } // Copy size randomizer table if (src.RandomSizeEntries) { RandomSizeEntries = new float [NumRandomSizeEntriesMinus1 + 1]; for (unsigned int j = 0; j <= NumRandomSizeEntriesMinus1; j++) { RandomSizeEntries[j] = src.RandomSizeEntries[j]; } } } else { SizeKeyFrameValues = new float [1]; SizeKeyFrameValues[0] = src.SizeKeyFrameValues[0]; } // Set up the rotation / orientation keyframes NumRandomRotationEntriesMinus1 = src.NumRandomRotationEntriesMinus1; NumRandomOrientationEntriesMinus1 = src.NumRandomOrientationEntriesMinus1; if (src.Orientation) { // Create orientation array Orientation = NEW_REF( ShareBufferClass , (MaxNum) ); // Copy rotation / orientation keyframes RotationKeyFrameTimes = new unsigned int [NumRotationKeyFrames]; RotationKeyFrameValues = new float [NumRotationKeyFrames]; HalfRotationKeyFrameDeltas = new float [NumRotationKeyFrames]; OrientationKeyFrameValues = new float [NumRotationKeyFrames]; for (i = 0; i < NumRotationKeyFrames; i++) { RotationKeyFrameTimes[i] = src.RotationKeyFrameTimes[i]; RotationKeyFrameValues[i] = src.RotationKeyFrameValues[i]; HalfRotationKeyFrameDeltas[i] = src.HalfRotationKeyFrameDeltas[i]; OrientationKeyFrameValues[i] = src.OrientationKeyFrameValues[i]; } // Copy rotation randomizer table if (src.RandomRotationEntries) { RandomRotationEntries = new float [NumRandomRotationEntriesMinus1 + 1]; for (unsigned int j = 0; j <= NumRandomRotationEntriesMinus1; j++) { RandomRotationEntries[j] = src.RandomRotationEntries[j]; } } // Copy starting orientation randomizer table if (src.RandomOrientationEntries) { RandomOrientationEntries = new float [NumRandomOrientationEntriesMinus1 + 1]; for (unsigned int j = 0; j <= NumRandomOrientationEntriesMinus1; j++) { RandomOrientationEntries[j] = src.RandomOrientationEntries[j]; } } } else { // Unlike other properties, if there is no Orientation array then all the arrays are NULL // (including the Values array) - there is an implicit starting value of 0. } // Set up the frame keyframes // Frame and UCoord both use Frame Key Frames for the source data NumRandomFrameEntriesMinus1 = src.NumRandomFrameEntriesMinus1; if (src.Frame || src.UCoord) { // Create frame array if (src.Frame) { Frame = NEW_REF( ShareBufferClass , (MaxNum) ); } else { UCoord = NEW_REF( ShareBufferClass, (MaxNum) ); } // Copy frame keyframes FrameKeyFrameTimes = new unsigned int [NumFrameKeyFrames]; FrameKeyFrameValues = new float [NumFrameKeyFrames]; FrameKeyFrameDeltas = new float [NumFrameKeyFrames]; for (i = 0; i < NumFrameKeyFrames; i++) { FrameKeyFrameTimes[i] = src.FrameKeyFrameTimes[i]; FrameKeyFrameValues[i] = src.FrameKeyFrameValues[i]; FrameKeyFrameDeltas[i] = src.FrameKeyFrameDeltas[i]; } // Copy frame randomizer table if (src.RandomFrameEntries) { RandomFrameEntries = new float [NumRandomFrameEntriesMinus1 + 1]; for (unsigned int j = 0; j <= NumRandomFrameEntriesMinus1; j++) { RandomFrameEntries[j] = src.RandomFrameEntries[j]; } } } else { FrameKeyFrameValues = new float [1]; FrameKeyFrameValues[0] = src.FrameKeyFrameValues[0]; } // Set up the blur times keyframes NumRandomBlurTimeEntriesMinus1 = src.NumRandomBlurTimeEntriesMinus1; if (NumBlurTimeKeyFrames > 0) { // Copy blur time keyframes BlurTimeKeyFrameTimes = new unsigned int [NumBlurTimeKeyFrames]; BlurTimeKeyFrameValues = new float [NumBlurTimeKeyFrames]; BlurTimeKeyFrameDeltas = new float [NumBlurTimeKeyFrames]; for (i = 0; i < NumBlurTimeKeyFrames; i++) { BlurTimeKeyFrameTimes[i] = src.BlurTimeKeyFrameTimes[i]; BlurTimeKeyFrameValues[i] = src.BlurTimeKeyFrameValues[i]; BlurTimeKeyFrameDeltas[i] = src.BlurTimeKeyFrameDeltas[i]; } // Copy blur time randomizer table if (src.RandomBlurTimeEntries) { RandomBlurTimeEntries = new float [NumRandomBlurTimeEntriesMinus1 + 1]; for (unsigned int j = 0; j <= NumRandomBlurTimeEntriesMinus1; j++) { RandomBlurTimeEntries[j] = src.RandomBlurTimeEntries[j]; } } } else { BlurTimeKeyFrameValues = new float [1]; BlurTimeKeyFrameValues[0] = src.BlurTimeKeyFrameValues[0]; } // We do not add a ref for the emitter (see DTor for detailed explanation) // if (Emitter) Emitter->Add_Ref(); // Set up new particle queue: NewParticleQueue = new NewParticleStruct[MaxNum]; // Inputs don't need to be range-checked (emitter did that). Accel = src.Accel; HasAccel = src.HasAccel; switch (RenderMode) { case W3D_EMITTER_RENDER_MODE_TRI_PARTICLES: { // Set up worldspace point group WWASSERT(src.PointGroup); PointGroup = new PointGroupClass(); PointGroup->Set_Flag(PointGroupClass::TRANSFORM, true); PointGroup->Set_Texture(src.PointGroup->Peek_Texture()); PointGroup->Set_Shader(src.PointGroup->Get_Shader()); PointGroup->Set_Point_Mode(PointGroupClass::TRIS); PointGroup->Set_Frame_Row_Column_Count_Log2(src.PointGroup->Get_Frame_Row_Column_Count_Log2()); } break; case W3D_EMITTER_RENDER_MODE_QUAD_PARTICLES: { // Set up worldspace point group WWASSERT(src.PointGroup); PointGroup = new PointGroupClass(); PointGroup->Set_Flag(PointGroupClass::TRANSFORM, true); PointGroup->Set_Texture(src.PointGroup->Peek_Texture()); PointGroup->Set_Shader(src.PointGroup->Get_Shader()); PointGroup->Set_Point_Mode(PointGroupClass::QUADS); PointGroup->Set_Frame_Row_Column_Count_Log2(src.PointGroup->Get_Frame_Row_Column_Count_Log2()); } break; case W3D_EMITTER_RENDER_MODE_LINE: { WWASSERT(src.LineRenderer); LineRenderer = new SegLineRendererClass(*src.LineRenderer); } break; case W3D_EMITTER_RENDER_MODE_LINEGRP_TETRA: { WWASSERT(src.LineGroup); LineGroup=new LineGroupClass(); LineGroup->Set_Flag(LineGroupClass::TRANSFORM, true); LineGroup->Set_Texture(src.LineGroup->Peek_Texture()); LineGroup->Set_Shader(src.LineGroup->Get_Shader()); LineGroup->Set_Line_Mode(LineGroupClass::TETRAHEDRON); TailPosition = NEW_REF( ShareBufferClass , (MaxNum) ); // TODO: Change TailPosition to Kinematic state and add // tail positions to bounding box Set_Force_Visible(1); } break; case W3D_EMITTER_RENDER_MODE_LINEGRP_PRISM: { WWASSERT(src.LineGroup); LineGroup=new LineGroupClass(); LineGroup->Set_Flag(LineGroupClass::TRANSFORM, true); LineGroup->Set_Texture(src.LineGroup->Peek_Texture()); LineGroup->Set_Shader(src.LineGroup->Get_Shader()); LineGroup->Set_Line_Mode(LineGroupClass::PRISM); TailPosition = NEW_REF( ShareBufferClass , (MaxNum) ); // TODO: Change TailPosition to Kinematic state and add // tail positions to bounding box Set_Force_Visible(1); } break; default: WWASSERT(0); break; } // Set up circular buffer. Contents are not initialized because the // start/end indices currently indicate the buffer is empty. Position[0] = NEW_REF( ShareBufferClass , (MaxNum) ); if (PingPongPosition) { Position[1] = NEW_REF( ShareBufferClass , (MaxNum) ); } APT = NEW_REF( ShareBufferClass , (MaxNum) ); Velocity = new Vector3[MaxNum]; TimeStamp = new unsigned int[MaxNum]; // So that the object is ready for use after construction, we will // complete its initialization by initializing its cost and value arrays // according to a screen area of 1. int minlod = Calculate_Cost_Value_Arrays(1.0f, Value, Cost); // Ensure lod is no less than minimum allowed if (Get_LOD_Level() < minlod) Set_LOD_Level(minlod); // Update Global Count TotalActiveCount++; } ParticleBufferClass & ParticleBufferClass::operator = (const ParticleBufferClass & that) { RenderObjClass::operator = (that); if (this != &that) { assert(0); // TODO: if you hit this assert, please implement me !!!;-) } return * this; } ParticleBufferClass::~ParticleBufferClass(void) { if (NewParticleQueue) delete [] NewParticleQueue; if (ColorKeyFrameTimes) delete [] ColorKeyFrameTimes; if (ColorKeyFrameValues) delete [] ColorKeyFrameValues; if (ColorKeyFrameDeltas) delete [] ColorKeyFrameDeltas; if (AlphaKeyFrameTimes) delete [] AlphaKeyFrameTimes; if (AlphaKeyFrameValues) delete [] AlphaKeyFrameValues; if (AlphaKeyFrameDeltas) delete [] AlphaKeyFrameDeltas; if (SizeKeyFrameTimes) delete [] SizeKeyFrameTimes; if (SizeKeyFrameValues) delete [] SizeKeyFrameValues; if (SizeKeyFrameDeltas) delete [] SizeKeyFrameDeltas; if (RotationKeyFrameTimes) delete [] RotationKeyFrameTimes; if (RotationKeyFrameValues) delete [] RotationKeyFrameValues; if (HalfRotationKeyFrameDeltas) delete [] HalfRotationKeyFrameDeltas; if (OrientationKeyFrameValues) delete [] OrientationKeyFrameValues; if (FrameKeyFrameTimes) delete [] FrameKeyFrameTimes; if (FrameKeyFrameValues) delete [] FrameKeyFrameValues; if (FrameKeyFrameDeltas) delete [] FrameKeyFrameDeltas; if (BlurTimeKeyFrameTimes) delete [] BlurTimeKeyFrameTimes; if (BlurTimeKeyFrameValues) delete [] BlurTimeKeyFrameValues; if (BlurTimeKeyFrameDeltas) delete [] BlurTimeKeyFrameDeltas; if (RandomColorEntries) delete [] RandomColorEntries; if (RandomAlphaEntries) delete [] RandomAlphaEntries; if (RandomSizeEntries) delete [] RandomSizeEntries; if (RandomRotationEntries) delete [] RandomRotationEntries; if (RandomOrientationEntries) delete [] RandomOrientationEntries; if (RandomFrameEntries) delete [] RandomFrameEntries; if (RandomBlurTimeEntries) delete [] RandomBlurTimeEntries; if (PointGroup) delete PointGroup; if (LineRenderer) delete LineRenderer; if (LineGroup) delete LineGroup; REF_PTR_RELEASE(Position[0]); REF_PTR_RELEASE(Position[1]); REF_PTR_RELEASE(Diffuse); REF_PTR_RELEASE(TailDiffuse); REF_PTR_RELEASE(Color); REF_PTR_RELEASE(Alpha); REF_PTR_RELEASE(Size); REF_PTR_RELEASE(Orientation); REF_PTR_RELEASE(Frame); REF_PTR_RELEASE(UCoord); REF_PTR_RELEASE(TailPosition); REF_PTR_RELEASE(APT); if (Velocity) delete [] Velocity; if (TimeStamp) delete [] TimeStamp; if (Emitter) { // We should not have an emitter at this point, since the emitter // should still have a live ref to us if it still exists which would // prevent us from getting killed. assert(0); // We do not release-ref the emitter pointer because we did not add a // ref for it to begin with; the ref is not needed (if the emitter gets // deleted it will tell us to clear our emitter pointer) and actually // harmful (if emitter and buffer each have refcounted pointers to the // other neither would ever get deleted). // Emitter->Release_Ref(); Emitter = NULL; } // Update Global Count TotalActiveCount--; } RenderObjClass * ParticleBufferClass::Clone(void) const { return new ParticleBufferClass(*this); } int ParticleBufferClass::Get_Num_Polys(void) const { // Currently in particle buffers, the cost happens to be equal to thwe polygon count. return (int)Get_Cost(); } int ParticleBufferClass::Get_Particle_Count(void) const { return NonNewNum + NewNum; } void ParticleBufferClass::Render(RenderInfoClass & rinfo) { WWPROFILE("ParticleBuffer::Render"); unsigned int sort_level = SORT_LEVEL_NONE; if (!WW3D::Is_Sorting_Enabled()) sort_level=Get_Shader().Guess_Sort_Level(); if (WW3D::Are_Static_Sort_Lists_Enabled() && sort_level!=SORT_LEVEL_NONE) { WW3D::Add_To_Static_Sort_List(this, sort_level); } else { // Ensure particles' kinematic state is updated Update_Kinematic_Particle_State(); // Since we are rendering the particles, visual state needs to be updated (but not if the // entire particle buffer is decimated away) if (DecimationThreshold < LodCount - 1) { Update_Visual_Particle_State(); } switch( RenderMode ) { case W3D_EMITTER_RENDER_MODE_TRI_PARTICLES: case W3D_EMITTER_RENDER_MODE_QUAD_PARTICLES: Render_Particles(rinfo); break; case W3D_EMITTER_RENDER_MODE_LINE: Render_Line(rinfo); break; case W3D_EMITTER_RENDER_MODE_LINEGRP_TETRA: case W3D_EMITTER_RENDER_MODE_LINEGRP_PRISM: Render_Line_Group(rinfo); break; } } } void ParticleBufferClass::Generate_APT(ShareBufferClass **apt,unsigned int &active_point_count) { if (NonNewNum < (int)MaxNum || DecimationThreshold > 0) { // In the general case, a range in a circular buffer can be composed of up // to two subranges. Find the Start - End subranges. // This differs from other similar code segments because we want to access // the subranges in memory order (rather than in queue order) this time. unsigned int sub1_start; // Start of subrange 1. unsigned int sub1_end; // End of subrange 1. unsigned int sub2_start; // Start of subrange 2. unsigned int sub2_end; // End of subrange 2. unsigned int i; // Loop index. if ((Start < End) || ((Start == End) && NonNewNum == 0)) { sub1_start = Start; sub1_end = End; sub2_start = End; sub2_end = End; } else { sub1_start = 0; sub1_end = End; sub2_start = Start; sub2_end = MaxNum; } // Generate APT: unsigned int *apt_ptr = APT->Get_Array(); for (i = sub1_start; i < sub1_end; i++) { if (PermutationArray[i & 0xF] >= DecimationThreshold) { apt_ptr[active_point_count++] = i; } } for (i = sub2_start; i < sub2_end; i++) { if (PermutationArray[i & 0xF] >= DecimationThreshold) { apt_ptr[active_point_count++] = i; } } *apt = APT; } else { active_point_count = NonNewNum; } } void ParticleBufferClass::Combine_Color_And_Alpha() { // Temporary array copying to combine diffuse and alpha to one array. if (Color || Alpha) { unsigned cnt=MaxNum; if (!Diffuse) { Diffuse = NEW_REF( ShareBufferClass , (MaxNum) ); } if (Color && Alpha) { VectorProcessorClass::Copy( Diffuse->Get_Array(), Color->Get_Array(), Alpha->Get_Array(), cnt); } else if (Color) { VectorProcessorClass::Copy( Diffuse->Get_Array(), Color->Get_Array(), 1.0f, cnt); } else { VectorProcessorClass::Copy( Diffuse->Get_Array(), Vector3(1.0f,1.0f,1.0f), Alpha->Get_Array(), cnt); } VectorProcessorClass::Clamp( Diffuse->Get_Array(), Diffuse->Get_Array(), 0.0f, 1.0f, cnt); } else if (Diffuse) { Diffuse->Release_Ref(); Diffuse=NULL; } } void ParticleBufferClass::Render_Particles(RenderInfoClass & rinfo) { // If the number of active points is less than the maximum or we need to decimate particles // (for LOD purposes), build the active point table: ShareBufferClass *apt = NULL; unsigned int active_point_count = 0; Generate_APT(&apt,active_point_count); // Set color, alpha, size defaults if array not present: if (!Color) { PointGroup->Set_Point_Color(ColorKeyFrameValues[0]); } if (!Alpha) { PointGroup->Set_Point_Alpha(AlphaKeyFrameValues[0]); } if (!Size) { PointGroup->Set_Point_Size(SizeKeyFrameValues[0]); } if (!Orientation) { // The rotation keyframes are used to derive the orientation indirectly, as well as the // starting orientation randomizer. If there is no Orientation array that means both are // absent so the orientation should just be set to 0. PointGroup->Set_Point_Orientation(0); } if (!Frame) { PointGroup->Set_Point_Frame(((int)(FrameKeyFrameValues[0])) & 0xFF); } // Pass the point buffer to the point group and render it. // If we are using pingpong position buffers pass the right one int pingpong = 0; if (PingPongPosition) { pingpong = WW3D::Get_Frame_Count() & 0x1; } Combine_Color_And_Alpha(); PointGroup->Set_Arrays(Position[pingpong], Diffuse, apt, Size, Orientation, Frame, active_point_count); Update_Bounding_Box(); PointGroup->Render(rinfo); } void ParticleBufferClass::Render_Line(RenderInfoClass & rinfo) { // Look up the array to use int pingpong = 0; if (PingPongPosition) { pingpong = WW3D::Get_Frame_Count() & 0x1; } // Unroll the circular buffer while skipping LOD'd particles static SimpleDynVecClass tmp_points; Vector3 * positions = Position[pingpong]->Get_Array(); unsigned int sub1_end; // End of subrange 1. unsigned int sub2_start; // Start of subrange 2. unsigned int i; // Loop index. if ((Start < End) || ((Start == End) && NonNewNum ==0)) { sub1_end = End; sub2_start = End; } else { sub1_end = MaxNum; sub2_start = 0; } tmp_points.Delete_All(false); for (i = Start; i < sub1_end; i++) { if (PermutationArray[i & 0xF] >= DecimationThreshold) { tmp_points.Add(positions[i]); } } for (i = sub2_start; i < End; i++) { if (PermutationArray[i & 0xF] >= DecimationThreshold) { tmp_points.Add(positions[i]); } } // If we got any points, render them if (tmp_points.Count() > 0) { SphereClass bounding_sphere; Get_Obj_Space_Bounding_Sphere(bounding_sphere); LineRenderer->Render(rinfo, Transform, tmp_points.Count(), &(tmp_points[0]), bounding_sphere); } } void ParticleBufferClass::Render_Line_Group(RenderInfoClass & rinfo) { // If the number of active points is less than the maximum or we need to decimate particles // (for LOD purposes), build the active point table: ShareBufferClass *apt = NULL; unsigned int active_point_count = 0; Generate_APT(&apt,active_point_count); // Set color, alpha, size defaults if array not present: if (!Color) { LineGroup->Set_Line_Color(ColorKeyFrameValues[0]); } if (!Alpha) { LineGroup->Set_Line_Alpha(AlphaKeyFrameValues[0]); } if (!Size) { LineGroup->Set_Line_Size(SizeKeyFrameValues[0]); } if (!Frame) { LineGroup->Set_Line_UCoord(FrameKeyFrameValues[0]); } // Pass the point buffer to the line group and render it. // If we are using pingpong position buffers pass the right one int pingpong = 0; if (PingPongPosition) { pingpong = WW3D::Get_Frame_Count() & 0x1; } Combine_Color_And_Alpha(); TailDiffuseTypeEnum tailtype=Determine_Tail_Diffuse(); switch (tailtype) { case BLACK: REF_PTR_RELEASE(TailDiffuse); DefaultTailDiffuse.Set(0,0,0,0); break; case WHITE: REF_PTR_RELEASE(TailDiffuse); DefaultTailDiffuse.Set(1,1,1,1); break; case SAME_AS_HEAD_ALPHA_ZERO: // if head is all one color, set tail the same way if (!Diffuse) { REF_PTR_RELEASE(TailDiffuse); DefaultTailDiffuse.Set(ColorKeyFrameValues[0].X,ColorKeyFrameValues[0].Y,ColorKeyFrameValues[0].Z,0); } else { // otherwise allocate and copy tail diffuse if (!TailDiffuse) TailDiffuse=NEW_REF(ShareBufferClass,(MaxNum)); for (unsigned int i=0; iGet_Element(i); elt.W=0; TailDiffuse->Set_Element(i,elt); } } break; case SAME_AS_HEAD: // if head is all one color, set tail the same way if (!Diffuse) { REF_PTR_RELEASE(TailDiffuse); DefaultTailDiffuse.Set(ColorKeyFrameValues[0].X,ColorKeyFrameValues[0].Y,ColorKeyFrameValues[0].Z,AlphaKeyFrameValues[0]); } else { // otherwise allocate and copy tail diffuse if (!TailDiffuse) TailDiffuse=NEW_REF(ShareBufferClass,(MaxNum)); VectorProcessorClass::Copy(TailDiffuse->Get_Array(),Diffuse->Get_Array(),MaxNum); } break; default: WWASSERT(0); break; } if (!TailDiffuse) LineGroup->Set_Tail_Diffuse(DefaultTailDiffuse); LineGroup->Set_Arrays(Position[pingpong], TailPosition,Diffuse,TailDiffuse, apt, Size, UCoord, active_point_count); Update_Bounding_Box(); LineGroup->Render(rinfo); } // Scales the size of the individual particles but doesn't affect their // position (and therefore the size of the particle system as a whole) void ParticleBufferClass::Scale(float scale) { // Scale all size keyframes, keyframe deltas, random size entries, // MaxSize and SizeRandom. unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < NumSizeKeyFrames; i++) { SizeKeyFrameValues[i] *= scale; SizeKeyFrameDeltas[i] *= scale; } if (RandomSizeEntries) { for (i = 0; i <= NumRandomSizeEntriesMinus1; i++) { RandomSizeEntries[i] *= scale; } } MaxSize *= scale; SizeRandom *= scale; } // The particle buffer never receives a Set_Transform/Position call, // evem though its bounding volume changes. Since bounding volume // invalidations ordinarily occur when these functions are called, // the cached bounding volumes will not be invalidated unless we do // it elsewhere (such as here). We also need to call the particle // emitter's Emit() function (done here to avoid order dependence). void ParticleBufferClass::On_Frame_Update(void) { Invalidate_Cached_Bounding_Volumes(); if (Emitter) { Emitter->Emit(); } if (Is_Complete()) { WWASSERT(Scene); Scene->Register(this,SceneClass::RELEASE); } } void ParticleBufferClass::Notify_Added(SceneClass * scene) { RenderObjClass::Notify_Added(scene); scene->Register(this,SceneClass::ON_FRAME_UPDATE); } void ParticleBufferClass::Notify_Removed(SceneClass * scene) { scene->Unregister(this,SceneClass::ON_FRAME_UPDATE); RenderObjClass::Notify_Removed(scene); } void ParticleBufferClass::Get_Obj_Space_Bounding_Sphere(SphereClass & sphere) const { // This ugly cast is done because the alternative is to make everything // in the class mutable, which does not seem like a good solution // (Update_Bounding_Box can potentially update the particle state) ((ParticleBufferClass *)this)->Update_Bounding_Box(); // The particle buffer's transform is always identity, so // objspace == worldspace. // Wrap sphere outside bounding box: sphere.Center = BoundingBox.Center; sphere.Radius = BoundingBox.Extent.Length(); } void ParticleBufferClass::Get_Obj_Space_Bounding_Box(AABoxClass & box) const { // This ugly cast is done because the alternative is to make everything // in the class mutable, which does not seem like a good solution // (Update_Bounding_Box can potentially update the particle state). ((ParticleBufferClass *)this)->Update_Bounding_Box(); // The particle buffer's transform is always identity, so // objspace == worldspace. box = BoundingBox; } void ParticleBufferClass::Prepare_LOD(CameraClass &camera) { if (Is_Not_Hidden_At_All() == false) { return; } // Estimate the screen area of the particle buffer. We shall take the lesser of two // metrics: the standard bounding-sphere projection (which for many particle systems may // grossly overestimate the actual screen area), and a measurement based on the screen area of // individual particles times the maximum number of particles (in the case of densely // overlapping particles this metric can also give numbers which are too high, which is why we // use the bounding sphere as backup). Note - to find the area of individual particles we // treat them as all being the maximum size and being in the center of the bounding sphere). Vector3 cam = camera.Get_Position(); ViewportClass viewport = camera.Get_Viewport(); Vector2 vpr_min, vpr_max; camera.Get_View_Plane(vpr_min, vpr_max); float width_factor = viewport.Width() / (vpr_max.X - vpr_min.X); float height_factor = viewport.Height() / (vpr_max.Y - vpr_min.Y); const SphereClass & sphere = Get_Bounding_Sphere(); float dist = (sphere.Center - cam).Length(); float bounding_sphere_projected_radius = 0.0f; float particle_projected_radius = 0.0f; if (dist) { float oo_dist = 1.0f / dist; bounding_sphere_projected_radius = sphere.Radius * oo_dist; particle_projected_radius = MaxSize * oo_dist; } float bs_rad_sq = bounding_sphere_projected_radius * bounding_sphere_projected_radius; float p_rad_sq = particle_projected_radius * particle_projected_radius * MaxNum; float proj_area = WWMATH_PI * MIN(bs_rad_sq, p_rad_sq) * width_factor * height_factor; // Filter the area over time so we don't get as many pops in the LOD algorithm ProjectedArea = 0.9f * ProjectedArea + 0.1f * proj_area; int minlod = Calculate_Cost_Value_Arrays(ProjectedArea, Value, Cost); // Ensure lod is no less than minimum allowed if (Get_LOD_Level() < minlod) Set_LOD_Level(minlod); PredictiveLODOptimizerClass::Add_Object(this); } void ParticleBufferClass::Increment_LOD(void) { if (DecimationThreshold > 0) DecimationThreshold--; } void ParticleBufferClass::Decrement_LOD(void) { if (DecimationThreshold < LodCount) DecimationThreshold++; } float ParticleBufferClass::Get_Cost(void) const { return(Cost[(LodCount - 1) - DecimationThreshold]); } float ParticleBufferClass::Get_Value(void) const { return(Value[(LodCount - 1) - DecimationThreshold]); } float ParticleBufferClass::Get_Post_Increment_Value(void) const { return(Value[LodCount - DecimationThreshold]); } void ParticleBufferClass::Set_LOD_Level(int lod) { lod = Bound(lod, 0, (int)LodCount); DecimationThreshold = (LodCount - 1) - lod; } int ParticleBufferClass::Get_LOD_Level(void) const { return((LodCount - 1) - DecimationThreshold); } int ParticleBufferClass::Get_LOD_Count(void) const { return LodCount; } int ParticleBufferClass::Calculate_Cost_Value_Arrays(float screen_area, float *values, float *costs) const { unsigned int lod = 0; // Calculate Cost heuristic for each LOD (we currently ignore pixel costs for particle systems) // The cost factor is later multiplied by the LOD level. The LOD level is the numerator of the // fraction of particles rendered, where 16 is the denominator. For this reason the cost factor // is based on a 1/16 (0.0625) of the total. float cost_factor=0.0f; switch (RenderMode) { case W3D_EMITTER_RENDER_MODE_TRI_PARTICLES: cost_factor = (float)MaxNum * 0.0625f; break; case W3D_EMITTER_RENDER_MODE_QUAD_PARTICLES: cost_factor = (float)MaxNum * 2.0f * 0.0625f; break; case W3D_EMITTER_RENDER_MODE_LINE: cost_factor = (float) (2*MaxNum-1) * 0.0625f; break; case W3D_EMITTER_RENDER_MODE_LINEGRP_TETRA: cost_factor = (float)MaxNum * 4.0f * 0.0625f; break; case W3D_EMITTER_RENDER_MODE_LINEGRP_PRISM: cost_factor = (float)MaxNum * 8.0f * 0.0625f; break; } for (lod = 0; lod < LodCount; lod++) { costs[lod] = cost_factor * (float)lod; // If cost is zero set it to a small nonzero amount to avoid divisions by zero. costs[lod] = (costs[lod] != 0) ? costs[lod] : 0.000001f; } // Calculate Value heuristic. First, all LOD levels for which // MaxScreenSize is smaller than screen_area have their Value set to // AT_MIN_LOD, as well as the first LOD after that (unless there are no // other LODs): for (lod = 0; lod < LodCount && LODMaxScreenSizes[lod] < screen_area; lod++) { values[lod] = AT_MIN_LOD; } if (lod >= LodCount) { lod = LodCount - 1; } else { values[lod] = AT_MIN_LOD; } // Now lod is the lowest allowed - return this value. int minlod = lod; // Calculate Value heuristic for any remaining LODs based on normalized screen area: lod++; for (; lod < LodCount; lod++) { // Currently the cost happens to be equal to the poly count. We use a floating- // point poly count since costs[] contains an approximation to the true polycount which may // be less than one in some cases (we want to avoid 0 polycounts except for true null LODs) float polycount = costs[lod]; float benefit_factor = (polycount > WWMATH_EPSILON) ? (1 - (0.5f / (polycount * polycount))) : 0.0f; values[lod] = (benefit_factor * screen_area * LodBias) / costs[lod]; } values[LodCount] = AT_MAX_LOD; // Post-inc value will flag max LOD. return minlod; } void ParticleBufferClass::Reset_Colors(ParticlePropertyStruct &new_props) { unsigned int i; // Used in loops unsigned int ui_previous_key_time = 0; unsigned int ui_current_key_time = 0; ColorRandom = new_props.Rand; // If the randomizer is effectively zero and there are no keyframes, then we just create a // values array with one entry and store the starting value in it (the keyframes and random // table will not be used in this case). static const float eps_byte = 0.0038f; // Epsilon value - less than 1/255 bool color_rand_zero = (fabs(new_props.Rand.X) < eps_byte && fabs(new_props.Rand.Y) < eps_byte && fabs(new_props.Rand.Z) < eps_byte); if (color_rand_zero && new_props.NumKeyFrames == 0) { // Release Color, ColorKeyFrameTimes and ColorKeyFrameDeltas if present. Reuse // ColorKeyFrameValues if the right size, otherwise release and reallocate. if (Color) { Color->Release_Ref(); Color = NULL; } if (ColorKeyFrameTimes) { delete [] ColorKeyFrameTimes; ColorKeyFrameTimes = NULL; } if (ColorKeyFrameDeltas) { delete [] ColorKeyFrameDeltas; ColorKeyFrameDeltas = NULL; } if (ColorKeyFrameValues) { if (NumColorKeyFrames > 1) { delete [] ColorKeyFrameValues; ColorKeyFrameValues = new Vector3 [1]; } } else { ColorKeyFrameValues = new Vector3 [1]; } NumColorKeyFrames = 0; NumRandomColorEntriesMinus1 = 0; ColorKeyFrameValues[0] = new_props.Start; } else { // Create the color array if not present if (!Color) { Color = NEW_REF( ShareBufferClass , (MaxNum) ); } // Check times of color keyframes (each keytime must be larger than the // previous one by at least a millisecond, and we stop at the first // keytime of MaxAge or larger. (If all keyframes below MaxAge, color is // constant during the last segment between last keyframe and MaxAge). ui_previous_key_time = 0; for (unsigned int ckey = 0; ckey < new_props.NumKeyFrames; ckey++) { ui_current_key_time = (unsigned int)(new_props.KeyTimes[ckey] * 1000.0f); WWASSERT(ui_current_key_time > ui_previous_key_time); if (ui_current_key_time >= MaxAge) break; ui_previous_key_time = ui_current_key_time; } bool color_constant_at_end = (ckey == new_props.NumKeyFrames); // Reuse ColorKeyFrameValues, ColorKeyFrameTimes and ColorKeyFrameDeltas if the right size, // otherwise release and reallocate. unsigned int new_num_color_key_frames = ckey + 1;// Includes start keyframe (keytime == 0). if (new_num_color_key_frames != NumColorKeyFrames) { if (ColorKeyFrameTimes) { delete [] ColorKeyFrameTimes; ColorKeyFrameTimes = NULL; } if (ColorKeyFrameValues) { delete [] ColorKeyFrameValues; ColorKeyFrameValues = NULL; } if (ColorKeyFrameDeltas) { delete [] ColorKeyFrameDeltas; ColorKeyFrameDeltas = NULL; } NumColorKeyFrames = new_num_color_key_frames; ColorKeyFrameTimes = new unsigned int [NumColorKeyFrames]; ColorKeyFrameValues = new Vector3 [NumColorKeyFrames]; ColorKeyFrameDeltas = new Vector3 [NumColorKeyFrames]; } // Set color keyframes (deltas will be set later) ColorKeyFrameTimes[0] = 0; ColorKeyFrameValues[0] = new_props.Start; for (i = 1; i < NumColorKeyFrames; i++) { unsigned int im1 = i - 1; ColorKeyFrameTimes[i] = (unsigned int)(new_props.KeyTimes[im1] * 1000.0f); ColorKeyFrameValues[i] = new_props.Values[im1]; } // Do deltas for all color keyframes except last for (i = 0; i < NumColorKeyFrames - 1; i++) { ColorKeyFrameDeltas[i] = (ColorKeyFrameValues[i + 1] - ColorKeyFrameValues[i]) / (float)(ColorKeyFrameTimes[i + 1] - ColorKeyFrameTimes[i]); } // Do delta for last color keyframe (i is NumColorKeyFrames - 1) if (color_constant_at_end) { ColorKeyFrameDeltas[i].Set(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); } else { // This is OK because if color_constant_at_end is false, NumColorKeyFrames is equal or // smaller than color.NumKeyFrames so color.Values[NumColorKeyFrames - 1] and // color.KeyTimes[NumColorKeyFrames - 1] exist. ColorKeyFrameDeltas[i] = (new_props.Values[i] - ColorKeyFrameValues[i]) / (new_props.KeyTimes[i] * 1000.0f - (float)ColorKeyFrameTimes[i]); } // Set up color randomizer table if (color_rand_zero) { if (RandomColorEntries) { // Reuse RandomColorEntries if the right size, otherwise release and reallocate. if (NumRandomColorEntriesMinus1 != 0) { delete [] RandomColorEntries; RandomColorEntries = new Vector3 [1]; } } else { RandomColorEntries = new Vector3 [1]; } NumRandomColorEntriesMinus1 = 0; RandomColorEntries[0].X = 0.0f; RandomColorEntries[0].Y = 0.0f; RandomColorEntries[0].Z = 0.0f; } else { // Default size of randomizer tables (tables for non-zero randomizers will be this size) unsigned int pot_num = Find_POT(MaxNum); unsigned int default_randomizer_entries = MIN(pot_num, MAX_RANDOM_ENTRIES); if (RandomColorEntries) { // Reuse RandomColorEntries if the right size, otherwise release and reallocate. if (NumRandomColorEntriesMinus1 != (default_randomizer_entries - 1)) { delete [] RandomColorEntries; RandomColorEntries = new Vector3 [default_randomizer_entries]; } } else { RandomColorEntries = new Vector3 [default_randomizer_entries]; } NumRandomColorEntriesMinus1 = default_randomizer_entries - 1; float rscale = new_props.Rand.X * oo_intmax; float gscale = new_props.Rand.Y * oo_intmax; float bscale = new_props.Rand.Z * oo_intmax; for (unsigned int j = 0; j <= NumRandomColorEntriesMinus1; j++) { RandomColorEntries[j] = Vector3(rand_gen * rscale, rand_gen * gscale, rand_gen * bscale); } } } } void ParticleBufferClass::Reset_Opacity(ParticlePropertyStruct &new_props) { unsigned int i; // Used in loops unsigned int ui_previous_key_time = 0; unsigned int ui_current_key_time = 0; OpacityRandom = new_props.Rand; // If the randomizer is effectively zero and there are no keyframes, then we just create a // values array with one entry and store the starting value in it (the keyframes and random // table will not be used in this case). static const float eps_byte = 0.0038f; // Epsilon value - less than 1/255 bool alpha_rand_zero = (fabs(new_props.Rand) < eps_byte); if (alpha_rand_zero && new_props.NumKeyFrames == 0) { // Release Alpha, AlphaKeyFrameTimes and AlphaKeyFrameDeltas if present. Reuse // AlphaKeyFrameValues if the right size, otherwise release and reallocate. if (Alpha) { Alpha->Release_Ref(); Alpha = NULL; } if (AlphaKeyFrameTimes) { delete [] AlphaKeyFrameTimes; AlphaKeyFrameTimes = NULL; } if (AlphaKeyFrameDeltas) { delete [] AlphaKeyFrameDeltas; AlphaKeyFrameDeltas = NULL; } if (AlphaKeyFrameValues) { if (NumAlphaKeyFrames > 1) { delete [] AlphaKeyFrameValues; AlphaKeyFrameValues = new float [1]; } } else { AlphaKeyFrameValues = new float [1]; } NumAlphaKeyFrames = 0; NumRandomAlphaEntriesMinus1 = 0; AlphaKeyFrameValues[0] = new_props.Start; } else { // Create the alpha array if not present if (!Alpha) { Alpha = NEW_REF( ShareBufferClass , (MaxNum) ); } // Check times of opacity keyframes (each keytime must be larger than the // previous one by at least a millisecond, and we stop at the first // keytime of MaxAge or larger. (If all keyframes below MaxAge, alpha is // constant during the last segment between last keyframe and MaxAge). ui_previous_key_time = 0; for (unsigned int akey = 0; akey < new_props.NumKeyFrames; akey++) { ui_current_key_time = (unsigned int)(new_props.KeyTimes[akey] * 1000.0f); WWASSERT(ui_current_key_time > ui_previous_key_time); if (ui_current_key_time >= MaxAge) break; ui_previous_key_time = ui_current_key_time; } bool alpha_constant_at_end = (akey == new_props.NumKeyFrames); // Reuse AlphaKeyFrameValues, AlphaKeyFrameTimes and AlphaKeyFrameDeltas if the right size, // otherwise release and reallocate. unsigned int new_num_alpha_key_frames = akey + 1;// Includes start keyframe (keytime == 0). if (new_num_alpha_key_frames != NumAlphaKeyFrames) { if (AlphaKeyFrameTimes) { delete [] AlphaKeyFrameTimes; AlphaKeyFrameTimes = NULL; } if (AlphaKeyFrameValues) { delete [] AlphaKeyFrameValues; AlphaKeyFrameValues = NULL; } if (AlphaKeyFrameDeltas) { delete [] AlphaKeyFrameDeltas; AlphaKeyFrameDeltas = NULL; } NumAlphaKeyFrames = new_num_alpha_key_frames; AlphaKeyFrameTimes = new unsigned int [NumAlphaKeyFrames]; AlphaKeyFrameValues = new float [NumAlphaKeyFrames]; AlphaKeyFrameDeltas = new float [NumAlphaKeyFrames]; } // Set alpha keyframes (deltas will be set later) AlphaKeyFrameTimes[0] = 0; AlphaKeyFrameValues[0] = new_props.Start; for (i = 1; i < NumAlphaKeyFrames; i++) { unsigned int im1 = i - 1; AlphaKeyFrameTimes[i] = (unsigned int)(new_props.KeyTimes[im1] * 1000.0f); AlphaKeyFrameValues[i] = new_props.Values[im1]; } // Do deltas for all alpha keyframes except last for (i = 0; i < NumAlphaKeyFrames - 1; i++) { AlphaKeyFrameDeltas[i] = (AlphaKeyFrameValues[i + 1] - AlphaKeyFrameValues[i]) / (float)(AlphaKeyFrameTimes[i + 1] - AlphaKeyFrameTimes[i]); } // Do delta for last alpha keyframe (i is NumAlphaKeyFrames - 1) if (alpha_constant_at_end) { AlphaKeyFrameDeltas[i] = 0.0f; } else { // This is OK because if alpha_constant_at_end is false, NumAlphaKeyFrames is equal or // smaller than opacity.NumKeyFrames so opacity.Values[NumAlphaKeyFrames - 1] and // opacity.KeyTimes[NumAlphaKeyFrames - 1] exist. AlphaKeyFrameDeltas[i] = (new_props.Values[i] - AlphaKeyFrameValues[i]) / (new_props.KeyTimes[i] * 1000.0f - (float)AlphaKeyFrameTimes[i]); } // Set up alpha randomizer table if (alpha_rand_zero) { if (RandomAlphaEntries) { // Reuse RandomAlphaEntries if the right size, otherwise release and reallocate. if (NumRandomAlphaEntriesMinus1 != 0) { delete [] RandomAlphaEntries; RandomAlphaEntries = new float [1]; } } else { RandomAlphaEntries = new float [1]; } NumRandomAlphaEntriesMinus1 = 0; RandomAlphaEntries[0] = 0.0f; } else { // Default size of randomizer tables (tables for non-zero randomizers will be this size) unsigned int pot_num = Find_POT(MaxNum); unsigned int default_randomizer_entries = MIN(pot_num, MAX_RANDOM_ENTRIES); if (RandomAlphaEntries) { // Reuse RandomAlphaEntries if the right size, otherwise release and reallocate. if (NumRandomAlphaEntriesMinus1 != (default_randomizer_entries - 1)) { delete [] RandomAlphaEntries; RandomAlphaEntries = new float [default_randomizer_entries]; } } else { RandomAlphaEntries = new float [default_randomizer_entries]; } NumRandomAlphaEntriesMinus1 = default_randomizer_entries - 1; float ascale = new_props.Rand * oo_intmax; for (unsigned int j = 0; j <= NumRandomAlphaEntriesMinus1; j++) { RandomAlphaEntries[j] = rand_gen * ascale; } } } } void ParticleBufferClass::Reset_Size(ParticlePropertyStruct &new_props) { unsigned int i; // Used in loops unsigned int ui_previous_key_time = 0; unsigned int ui_current_key_time = 0; SizeRandom = new_props.Rand; // If the randomizer is effectively zero and there are no keyframes, then we just create a // values array with one entry and store the starting value in it (the keyframes and random // table will not be used in this case). static const float eps_size = 1.0e-12f; // Size scale unknown so must use very small epsilon bool size_rand_zero = (fabs(new_props.Rand) < eps_size); if (size_rand_zero && new_props.NumKeyFrames == 0) { // Release Size, SizeKeyFrameTimes and SizeaKeyFrameDeltas if present. Reuse // SizeKeyFrameValues if the right size, otherwise release and reallocate. if (Size) { Size->Release_Ref(); Size = NULL; } if (SizeKeyFrameTimes) { delete [] SizeKeyFrameTimes; SizeKeyFrameTimes = NULL; } if (SizeKeyFrameDeltas) { delete [] SizeKeyFrameDeltas; SizeKeyFrameDeltas = NULL; } if (SizeKeyFrameValues) { if (NumSizeKeyFrames > 1) { delete [] SizeKeyFrameValues; SizeKeyFrameValues = new float [1]; } } else { SizeKeyFrameValues = new float [1]; } NumSizeKeyFrames = 0; NumRandomSizeEntriesMinus1 = 0; SizeKeyFrameValues[0] = new_props.Start; MaxSize = SizeKeyFrameValues[0]; } else { // Create the size array if not present if (!Size) { Size = NEW_REF( ShareBufferClass , (MaxNum) ); } // Check times of size keyframes (each keytime must be larger than the // previous one by at least a millisecond, and we stop at the first // keytime of MaxAge or larger. (If all keyframes below MaxAge, size is // constant during the last segment between last keyframe and MaxAge). ui_previous_key_time = 0; for (unsigned int skey = 0; skey < new_props.NumKeyFrames; skey++) { ui_current_key_time = (unsigned int)(new_props.KeyTimes[skey] * 1000.0f); WWASSERT(ui_current_key_time > ui_previous_key_time); if (ui_current_key_time >= MaxAge) break; ui_previous_key_time = ui_current_key_time; } bool size_constant_at_end = (skey == new_props.NumKeyFrames); // Reuse SizeKeyFrameValues, SizeKeyFrameTimes and SizeKeyFrameDeltas if the right size, // otherwise release and reallocate. unsigned int new_num_size_key_frames = skey + 1;// Includes start keyframe (keytime == 0). if (new_num_size_key_frames != NumSizeKeyFrames) { if (SizeKeyFrameTimes) { delete [] SizeKeyFrameTimes; SizeKeyFrameTimes = NULL; } if (SizeKeyFrameValues) { delete [] SizeKeyFrameValues; SizeKeyFrameValues = NULL; } if (SizeKeyFrameDeltas) { delete [] SizeKeyFrameDeltas; SizeKeyFrameDeltas = NULL; } NumSizeKeyFrames = new_num_size_key_frames; SizeKeyFrameTimes = new unsigned int [NumSizeKeyFrames]; SizeKeyFrameValues = new float [NumSizeKeyFrames]; SizeKeyFrameDeltas = new float [NumSizeKeyFrames]; } // Set size keyframes (deltas will be set later) SizeKeyFrameTimes[0] = 0; SizeKeyFrameValues[0] = new_props.Start; for (i = 1; i < NumSizeKeyFrames; i++) { unsigned int im1 = i - 1; SizeKeyFrameTimes[i] = (unsigned int)(new_props.KeyTimes[im1] * 1000.0f); SizeKeyFrameValues[i] = new_props.Values[im1]; } // Do deltas for all size keyframes except last for (i = 0; i < NumSizeKeyFrames - 1; i++) { SizeKeyFrameDeltas[i] = (SizeKeyFrameValues[i + 1] - SizeKeyFrameValues[i]) / (float)(SizeKeyFrameTimes[i + 1] - SizeKeyFrameTimes[i]); } // Do delta for last size keyframe (i is NumSizeKeyFrames - 1) if (size_constant_at_end) { SizeKeyFrameDeltas[i] = 0.0f; } else { // This is OK because if size_constant_at_end is false, NumSizeKeyFrames is equal or // smaller than new_props.NumKeyFrames so new_props.Values[NumSizeKeyFrames - 1] and // new_props.KeyTimes[NumSizeKeyFrames - 1] exist. SizeKeyFrameDeltas[i] = (new_props.Values[i] - SizeKeyFrameValues[i]) / (new_props.KeyTimes[i] * 1000.0f - (float)SizeKeyFrameTimes[i]); } // Find maximum size (for BBox updates) MaxSize = SizeKeyFrameValues[0]; for (i = 1; i < NumSizeKeyFrames; i++) { MaxSize = MAX(MaxSize, SizeKeyFrameValues[i]); } // If last delta is positive, there may be a larger size keyframe: float last_size = SizeKeyFrameValues[NumSizeKeyFrames - 1] + SizeKeyFrameDeltas[NumSizeKeyFrames - 1] * (float)(MaxAge - SizeKeyFrameTimes[NumSizeKeyFrames - 1]); MaxSize = MAX(MaxSize, last_size); MaxSize += fabs(new_props.Rand); // Set up size randomizer table if (size_rand_zero) { if (RandomSizeEntries) { // Reuse RandomSizeEntries if the right size, otherwise release and reallocate. if (NumRandomSizeEntriesMinus1 != 0) { delete [] RandomSizeEntries; RandomSizeEntries = new float [1]; } } else { RandomSizeEntries = new float [1]; } NumRandomSizeEntriesMinus1 = 0; RandomSizeEntries[0] = 0.0f; } else { // Default size of randomizer tables (tables for non-zero randomizers will be this size) unsigned int pot_num = Find_POT(MaxNum); unsigned int default_randomizer_entries = MIN(pot_num, MAX_RANDOM_ENTRIES); if (RandomSizeEntries) { // Reuse RandomSizeEntries if the right size, otherwise release and reallocate. if (NumRandomSizeEntriesMinus1 != (default_randomizer_entries - 1)) { delete [] RandomSizeEntries; RandomSizeEntries = new float [default_randomizer_entries]; } } else { RandomSizeEntries = new float [default_randomizer_entries]; } NumRandomSizeEntriesMinus1 = default_randomizer_entries - 1; float sscale = new_props.Rand * oo_intmax; for (unsigned int j = 0; j <= NumRandomSizeEntriesMinus1; j++) { RandomSizeEntries[j] = rand_gen * sscale; } } } } void ParticleBufferClass::Reset_Rotations(ParticlePropertyStruct &new_props, float orient_rnd) { unsigned int i; // Used in loops float oo_intmax = 1.0f / (float)INT_MAX; unsigned int ui_previous_key_time = 0; unsigned int ui_current_key_time = 0; /* ** NOTE: Input rotations are in rotations per second. These will be converted to rotations per millisecond. */ RotationRandom = new_props.Rand * 0.001f; InitialOrientationRandom = orient_rnd; // If both randomizers are effectively zero and rotation is constant zero, then all arrays are NULL. static const float eps_orientation = 2.77777778e-4f; // Epsilon is equivalent to 0.1 degree static const float eps_rotation = 2.77777778e-4f; // Epsilon is equivalent to one rotation per hour (in rotations / second) bool orientation_rand_zero = fabs(orient_rnd) < eps_orientation; bool rotation_rand_zero = fabs(new_props.Rand) < eps_rotation; if (orientation_rand_zero && rotation_rand_zero && new_props.NumKeyFrames == 0 && fabs(new_props.Start) < eps_rotation) { // Release Arrays, REF_PTR_RELEASE(Orientation); if (RotationKeyFrameTimes) { delete [] RotationKeyFrameTimes; RotationKeyFrameTimes = NULL; } if (HalfRotationKeyFrameDeltas) { delete [] HalfRotationKeyFrameDeltas; HalfRotationKeyFrameDeltas = NULL; } if (RotationKeyFrameValues) { delete [] RotationKeyFrameValues; RotationKeyFrameValues = NULL; } if (OrientationKeyFrameValues) { delete [] OrientationKeyFrameValues; OrientationKeyFrameValues = NULL; } NumRotationKeyFrames = 0; NumRandomRotationEntriesMinus1 = 0; NumRandomOrientationEntriesMinus1 = 0; } else { // Create the array if not present if (!Orientation) { Orientation = NEW_REF( ShareBufferClass , (MaxNum) ); } // Check times of the keyframes (each keytime must be larger than the // previous one by at least a millisecond, and we stop at the first // keytime of MaxAge or larger. (If all keyframes below MaxAge, the value is // constant during the last segment between last keyframe and MaxAge). ui_previous_key_time = 0; for (unsigned int key = 0; key < new_props.NumKeyFrames; key++) { ui_current_key_time = (unsigned int)(new_props.KeyTimes[key] * 1000.0f); WWASSERT(ui_current_key_time > ui_previous_key_time); if (ui_current_key_time >= MaxAge) break; ui_previous_key_time = ui_current_key_time; } bool rotation_constant_at_end = (key == new_props.NumKeyFrames); // Reuse RotationKeyFrameValues, RotationKeyFrameTimes, RotationKeyFrameDeltas and // OrientationKeyFrameValues if the right size, otherwise release and reallocate. unsigned int new_num_key_frames = key + 1;// Includes start keyframe (keytime == 0). if (new_num_key_frames != NumRotationKeyFrames) { if (RotationKeyFrameTimes) { delete [] RotationKeyFrameTimes; RotationKeyFrameTimes = NULL; } if (RotationKeyFrameValues) { delete [] RotationKeyFrameValues; RotationKeyFrameValues = NULL; } if (HalfRotationKeyFrameDeltas) { delete [] HalfRotationKeyFrameDeltas; HalfRotationKeyFrameDeltas = NULL; } if (OrientationKeyFrameValues) { delete [] OrientationKeyFrameValues; OrientationKeyFrameValues = NULL; } NumRotationKeyFrames = new_num_key_frames; RotationKeyFrameTimes = new unsigned int [NumRotationKeyFrames]; RotationKeyFrameValues = new float [NumRotationKeyFrames]; HalfRotationKeyFrameDeltas = new float [NumRotationKeyFrames]; OrientationKeyFrameValues = new float [NumRotationKeyFrames]; } // Set rotation keyframes (deltas will be set later) RotationKeyFrameTimes[0] = 0; RotationKeyFrameValues[0] = new_props.Start * 0.001f; for (i = 1; i < NumRotationKeyFrames; i++) { unsigned int im1 = i - 1; RotationKeyFrameTimes[i] = (unsigned int)(new_props.KeyTimes[im1] * 1000.0f); RotationKeyFrameValues[i] = new_props.Values[im1] * 0.001f; } // Do deltas for all rotation keyframes except last for (i = 0; i < NumRotationKeyFrames - 1; i++) { HalfRotationKeyFrameDeltas[i] = 0.5f * ( (RotationKeyFrameValues[i + 1] - RotationKeyFrameValues[i]) / (float)(RotationKeyFrameTimes[i + 1] - RotationKeyFrameTimes[i]) ); } // Do delta for last rotation keyframe (i is NumRotationKeyFrames - 1) if (rotation_constant_at_end) { HalfRotationKeyFrameDeltas[i] = 0.0f; } else { // This is OK because if rotation_constant_at_end is false, NumRotationKeyFrames is equal or // smaller than new_props.NumKeyFrames so new_props.Values[NumRotationKeyFrames - 1] and // new_props.KeyTimes[NumRotationKeyFrames - 1] exist. HalfRotationKeyFrameDeltas[i] = 0.5f * (new_props.Values[i] * 0.001f - RotationKeyFrameValues[i]) / (new_props.KeyTimes[i] * 1000.0f - (float)RotationKeyFrameTimes[i]); } // Calculate orientation keyframes by integrating the rotation at each keyframe OrientationKeyFrameValues[0] = 0.0f; for (i = 1; i < NumRotationKeyFrames; i++) { float delta_t = (float)(RotationKeyFrameTimes[i] - RotationKeyFrameTimes[i - 1]); OrientationKeyFrameValues[i] = OrientationKeyFrameValues[i - 1] + delta_t * (RotationKeyFrameValues[i - 1] + HalfRotationKeyFrameDeltas[i - 1] * delta_t); } // Set up rotation randomizer table if (rotation_rand_zero) { if (RandomRotationEntries) { // Reuse RandomRotationEntries if the right size, otherwise release and reallocate. if (NumRandomRotationEntriesMinus1 != 0) { delete [] RandomRotationEntries; RandomRotationEntries = new float [1]; } } else { RandomRotationEntries = new float [1]; } NumRandomRotationEntriesMinus1 = 0; RandomRotationEntries[0] = 0.0f; } else { // Default size of randomizer tables (tables for non-zero randomizers will be this size) unsigned int pot_num = Find_POT(MaxNum); unsigned int default_randomizer_entries = MIN(pot_num, MAX_RANDOM_ENTRIES); if (RandomRotationEntries) { // Reuse RandomRotationEntries if the right size, otherwise release and reallocate. if (NumRandomRotationEntriesMinus1 != (default_randomizer_entries - 1)) { delete [] RandomRotationEntries; RandomRotationEntries = new float [default_randomizer_entries]; } } else { RandomRotationEntries = new float [default_randomizer_entries]; } NumRandomRotationEntriesMinus1 = default_randomizer_entries - 1; float scale = new_props.Rand * 0.001f * oo_intmax; for (unsigned int j = 0; j <= NumRandomRotationEntriesMinus1; j++) { RandomRotationEntries[j] = rand_gen * scale; } } // Set up orientation randomizer table if (orientation_rand_zero) { if (RandomOrientationEntries) { // Reuse RandomOrientationEntries if the right size, otherwise release and reallocate. if (NumRandomOrientationEntriesMinus1 != 0) { delete [] RandomOrientationEntries; RandomOrientationEntries = new float [1]; } } else { RandomOrientationEntries = new float [1]; } NumRandomOrientationEntriesMinus1 = 0; RandomOrientationEntries[0] = 0.0f; } else { // Default size of randomizer tables (tables for non-zero randomizers will be this size) unsigned int pot_num = Find_POT(MaxNum); unsigned int default_randomizer_entries = MIN(pot_num, MAX_RANDOM_ENTRIES); if (RandomOrientationEntries) { // Reuse RandomOrientationEntries if the right size, otherwise release and reallocate. if (NumRandomOrientationEntriesMinus1 != (default_randomizer_entries - 1)) { delete [] RandomOrientationEntries; RandomOrientationEntries = new float [default_randomizer_entries]; } } else { RandomOrientationEntries = new float [default_randomizer_entries]; } NumRandomOrientationEntriesMinus1 = default_randomizer_entries - 1; float scale = orient_rnd * oo_intmax; for (unsigned int j = 0; j <= NumRandomOrientationEntriesMinus1; j++) { RandomOrientationEntries[j] = rand_gen * scale; } } } } void ParticleBufferClass::Reset_Frames(ParticlePropertyStruct &new_props) { unsigned int i; // Used in loops float oo_intmax = 1.0f / (float)INT_MAX; unsigned int ui_previous_key_time = 0; unsigned int ui_current_key_time = 0; FrameRandom = new_props.Rand; // If the randomizer is effectively zero and there are no keyframes, then we just create a // values array with one entry and store the starting value in it (the keyframes and random // table will not be used in this case). static const float eps_frame = 0.1f; // Epsilon is equivalent to 0.1 frame bool frame_rand_zero = (fabs(new_props.Rand) < eps_frame); if (frame_rand_zero && new_props.NumKeyFrames == 0) { // Release Arrays, Reuse KeyFrameValues if the right size, // otherwise release and reallocate. REF_PTR_RELEASE(Frame); REF_PTR_RELEASE(UCoord); if (FrameKeyFrameTimes) { delete [] FrameKeyFrameTimes; FrameKeyFrameTimes = NULL; } if (FrameKeyFrameDeltas) { delete [] FrameKeyFrameDeltas; FrameKeyFrameDeltas = NULL; } if (FrameKeyFrameValues) { if (NumFrameKeyFrames > 1) { delete [] FrameKeyFrameValues; FrameKeyFrameValues = new float [1]; } } else { FrameKeyFrameValues = new float [1]; } NumFrameKeyFrames = 0; NumRandomFrameEntriesMinus1 = 0; FrameKeyFrameValues[0] = new_props.Start; } else { // Create the array if not present if ((RenderMode==W3D_EMITTER_RENDER_MODE_LINEGRP_TETRA) || (RenderMode==W3D_EMITTER_RENDER_MODE_LINEGRP_PRISM)) { if (!UCoord) { UCoord = NEW_REF( ShareBufferClass, (MaxNum) ); } } else { if (!Frame) { Frame = NEW_REF( ShareBufferClass , (MaxNum) ); } } // Check times of the keyframes (each keytime must be larger than the // previous one by at least a millisecond, and we stop at the first // keytime of MaxAge or larger. (If all keyframes below MaxAge, the value is // constant during the last segment between last keyframe and MaxAge). ui_previous_key_time = 0; for (unsigned int key = 0; key < new_props.NumKeyFrames; key++) { ui_current_key_time = (unsigned int)(new_props.KeyTimes[key] * 1000.0f); WWASSERT(ui_current_key_time > ui_previous_key_time); if (ui_current_key_time >= MaxAge) break; ui_previous_key_time = ui_current_key_time; } bool frame_constant_at_end = (key == new_props.NumKeyFrames); // Reuse FrameKeyFrameValues, FrameKeyFrameTimes and FrameKeyFrameDeltas if the right size, // otherwise release and reallocate. unsigned int new_num_key_frames = key + 1;// Includes start keyframe (keytime == 0). if (new_num_key_frames != NumFrameKeyFrames) { if (FrameKeyFrameTimes) { delete [] FrameKeyFrameTimes; FrameKeyFrameTimes = NULL; } if (FrameKeyFrameValues) { delete [] FrameKeyFrameValues; FrameKeyFrameValues = NULL; } if (FrameKeyFrameDeltas) { delete [] FrameKeyFrameDeltas; FrameKeyFrameDeltas = NULL; } NumFrameKeyFrames = new_num_key_frames; FrameKeyFrameTimes = new unsigned int [NumFrameKeyFrames]; FrameKeyFrameValues = new float [NumFrameKeyFrames]; FrameKeyFrameDeltas = new float [NumFrameKeyFrames]; } // Set keyframes (deltas will be set later) FrameKeyFrameTimes[0] = 0; FrameKeyFrameValues[0] = new_props.Start; for (i = 1; i < NumFrameKeyFrames; i++) { unsigned int im1 = i - 1; FrameKeyFrameTimes[i] = (unsigned int)(new_props.KeyTimes[im1] * 1000.0f); FrameKeyFrameValues[i] = new_props.Values[im1]; } // Do deltas for all frame keyframes except last for (i = 0; i < NumFrameKeyFrames - 1; i++) { FrameKeyFrameDeltas[i] = (FrameKeyFrameValues[i + 1] - FrameKeyFrameValues[i]) / (float)(FrameKeyFrameTimes[i + 1] - FrameKeyFrameTimes[i]); } // Do delta for last frame keyframe (i is NumFrameKeyFrames - 1) if (frame_constant_at_end) { FrameKeyFrameDeltas[i] = 0.0f; } else { // This is OK because if frame_constant_at_end is false, NumFrameKeyFrames is equal or // smaller than new_props.NumKeyFrames so new_props.Values[NumFrameKeyFrames - 1] and // new_props.KeyTimes[NumFrameKeyFrames - 1] exist. FrameKeyFrameDeltas[i] = (new_props.Values[i] - FrameKeyFrameValues[i]) / (new_props.KeyTimes[i] * 1000.0f - (float)FrameKeyFrameTimes[i]); } // Set up frame randomizer table if (frame_rand_zero) { if (RandomFrameEntries) { // Reuse RandomFrameEntries if the right size, otherwise release and reallocate. if (NumRandomFrameEntriesMinus1 != 0) { delete [] RandomFrameEntries; RandomFrameEntries = new float [1]; } } else { RandomFrameEntries = new float [1]; } NumRandomFrameEntriesMinus1 = 0; RandomFrameEntries[0] = 0.0f; } else { // Default size of randomizer tables (tables for non-zero randomizers will be this size) unsigned int pot_num = Find_POT(MaxNum); unsigned int default_randomizer_entries = MIN(pot_num, MAX_RANDOM_ENTRIES); if (RandomFrameEntries) { // Reuse RandomFrameEntries if the right size, otherwise release and reallocate. if (NumRandomFrameEntriesMinus1 != (default_randomizer_entries - 1)) { delete [] RandomFrameEntries; RandomFrameEntries = new float [default_randomizer_entries]; } } else { RandomFrameEntries = new float [default_randomizer_entries]; } NumRandomFrameEntriesMinus1 = default_randomizer_entries - 1; float scale = new_props.Rand * oo_intmax; for (unsigned int j = 0; j <= NumRandomFrameEntriesMinus1; j++) { RandomFrameEntries[j] = rand_gen * scale; } } } } void ParticleBufferClass::Reset_Blur_Times(ParticlePropertyStruct &new_blur_times) { unsigned int i; // Used in loops float oo_intmax = 1.0f / (float)INT_MAX; unsigned int ui_previous_key_time = 0; unsigned int ui_current_key_time = 0; BlurTimeRandom = new_blur_times.Rand; // If the randomizer is effectively zero and there are no keyframes, then we just create a // values array with one entry and store the starting value in it (the keyframes and random // table will not be used in this case). static const float eps_blur = 1e-5f; // Epsilon is equivalent to 1e-5 units per second bool blurtime_rand_zero = (fabs(new_blur_times.Rand) < eps_blur); if (blurtime_rand_zero && new_blur_times.NumKeyFrames == 0) { // Release Arrays, Reuse KeyFrameValues if the right size, // otherwise release and reallocate. if (BlurTimeKeyFrameTimes) { delete [] BlurTimeKeyFrameTimes; BlurTimeKeyFrameTimes = NULL; } if (BlurTimeKeyFrameDeltas) { delete [] BlurTimeKeyFrameDeltas; BlurTimeKeyFrameDeltas = NULL; } if (BlurTimeKeyFrameValues) { if (NumBlurTimeKeyFrames > 1) { delete [] BlurTimeKeyFrameValues; BlurTimeKeyFrameValues = new float [1]; } } else { BlurTimeKeyFrameValues = new float [1]; } NumBlurTimeKeyFrames = 0; NumRandomBlurTimeEntriesMinus1 = 0; BlurTimeKeyFrameValues[0] = new_blur_times.Start; } else { // Check times of the keyframes (each keytime must be larger than the // previous one by at least a millisecond, and we stop at the first // keytime of MaxAge or larger. (If all keyframes below MaxAge, the value is // constant during the last segment between last keyframe and MaxAge). ui_previous_key_time = 0; for (unsigned int key = 0; key < new_blur_times.NumKeyFrames; key++) { ui_current_key_time = (unsigned int)(new_blur_times.KeyTimes[key] * 1000.0f); WWASSERT(ui_current_key_time > ui_previous_key_time); if (ui_current_key_time >= MaxAge) break; ui_previous_key_time = ui_current_key_time; } bool blurtime_constant_at_end = (key == new_blur_times.NumKeyFrames); // Reuse BlurTimeKeyFrameValues, BlurTimeKeyFrameTimes and BlurTimeKeyFrameDeltas if the right size, // otherwise release and reallocate. unsigned int new_num_key_frames = key + 1;// Includes start keyframe (keytime == 0). if (new_num_key_frames != NumBlurTimeKeyFrames) { if (BlurTimeKeyFrameTimes) { delete [] BlurTimeKeyFrameTimes; BlurTimeKeyFrameTimes = NULL; } if (BlurTimeKeyFrameValues) { delete [] BlurTimeKeyFrameValues; BlurTimeKeyFrameValues = NULL; } if (BlurTimeKeyFrameDeltas) { delete [] BlurTimeKeyFrameDeltas; BlurTimeKeyFrameDeltas = NULL; } NumBlurTimeKeyFrames = new_num_key_frames; BlurTimeKeyFrameTimes = new unsigned int [NumBlurTimeKeyFrames]; BlurTimeKeyFrameValues = new float [NumBlurTimeKeyFrames]; BlurTimeKeyFrameDeltas = new float [NumBlurTimeKeyFrames]; } // Set keyframes (deltas will be set later) BlurTimeKeyFrameTimes[0] = 0; BlurTimeKeyFrameValues[0] = new_blur_times.Start; for (i = 1; i < NumBlurTimeKeyFrames; i++) { unsigned int im1 = i - 1; BlurTimeKeyFrameTimes[i] = (unsigned int)(new_blur_times.KeyTimes[im1] * 1000.0f); BlurTimeKeyFrameValues[i] = new_blur_times.Values[im1]; } // Do deltas for all frame keyframes except last for (i = 0; i < NumBlurTimeKeyFrames - 1; i++) { BlurTimeKeyFrameDeltas[i] = (BlurTimeKeyFrameValues[i + 1] - BlurTimeKeyFrameValues[i]) / (float)(BlurTimeKeyFrameTimes[i + 1] - BlurTimeKeyFrameTimes[i]); } // Do delta for last frame keyframe (i is NumBlurTimeKeyFrames - 1) if (blurtime_constant_at_end) { BlurTimeKeyFrameDeltas[i] = 0.0f; } else { // This is OK because if frame_constant_at_end is false, NumBlurTimeKeyFrames is equal or // smaller than new_props.NumKeyFrames so new_props.Values[NumBlurTimeKeyFrames - 1] and // new_props.KeyTimes[NumBlurTimeKeyFrames - 1] exist. BlurTimeKeyFrameDeltas[i] = (new_blur_times.Values[i] - BlurTimeKeyFrameValues[i]) / (new_blur_times.KeyTimes[i] * 1000.0f - (float)BlurTimeKeyFrameTimes[i]); } // Set up frame randomizer table if (blurtime_rand_zero) { if (RandomBlurTimeEntries) { // Reuse RandomBlurTimeEntries if the right size, otherwise release and reallocate. if (NumRandomBlurTimeEntriesMinus1 != 0) { delete [] RandomBlurTimeEntries; RandomBlurTimeEntries = new float [1]; } } else { RandomBlurTimeEntries = new float [1]; } NumRandomBlurTimeEntriesMinus1 = 0; RandomBlurTimeEntries[0] = 0.0f; } else { // Default size of randomizer tables (tables for non-zero randomizers will be this size) unsigned int pot_num = Find_POT(MaxNum); unsigned int default_randomizer_entries = MIN(pot_num, MAX_RANDOM_ENTRIES); if (RandomBlurTimeEntries) { // Reuse RandomBlurTimeEntries if the right size, otherwise release and reallocate. if (NumRandomBlurTimeEntriesMinus1 != (default_randomizer_entries - 1)) { delete [] RandomBlurTimeEntries; RandomBlurTimeEntries = new float [default_randomizer_entries]; } } else { RandomBlurTimeEntries = new float [default_randomizer_entries]; } NumRandomBlurTimeEntriesMinus1 = default_randomizer_entries - 1; float scale = new_blur_times.Rand * oo_intmax; for (unsigned int j = 0; j <= NumRandomBlurTimeEntriesMinus1; j++) { RandomBlurTimeEntries[j] = rand_gen * scale; } } } } // This informs the buffer that the emitter is dead, so it can release // its pointer to it and be removed itself after all its particles dies // out. void ParticleBufferClass::Emitter_Is_Dead(void) { IsEmitterDead = true; // We do not have a ref for the emitter (see DTor for detailed explanation) // Emitter->Release_Ref(); Emitter = NULL; } // This set's the buffer's current emitter - this should usually be // called only by the emitter's copy constructor after it clones a // buffer. void ParticleBufferClass::Set_Emitter(ParticleEmitterClass *emitter) { if (Emitter) { // We do not have a ref for the emitter (see DTor for detailed explanation) // Emitter->Release_Ref(); Emitter = NULL; } Emitter = emitter; if (Emitter) { // We do not add a ref for the emitter (see DTor for detailed explanation) // Emitter->Add_Ref(); } } NewParticleStruct * ParticleBufferClass::Add_Uninitialized_New_Particle(void) { // Note that this function does not initialize the new particle - it // returns its address to a different function which performs the actual // initialization. // Push new particle on new particle queue. If it overflows, just adjust // queue to remove oldest member (which is the one which was overwritten). NewParticleStruct *ptr = &(NewParticleQueue[NewParticleQueueEnd]); if (++NewParticleQueueEnd == MaxNum) NewParticleQueueEnd = 0; if (++NewParticleQueueCount == (signed)(MaxNum + 1)) { // Overflow - advance queue start: if (++NewParticleQueueStart == MaxNum) NewParticleQueueStart = 0; NewParticleQueueCount--; } return ptr; } void ParticleBufferClass::Update_Cached_Bounding_Volumes(void) const { // This ugly cast is done because the alternative is to make everything // in the class mutable, which does not seem like a good solution // (Update_Bounding_Box can potentially update the particle state). ((ParticleBufferClass *)this)->Update_Bounding_Box(); // Update cached bounding box and sphere according to the bounding box: CachedBoundingSphere.Init(BoundingBox.Center, BoundingBox.Extent.Length()); CachedBoundingBox = BoundingBox; Validate_Cached_Bounding_Volumes(); } void ParticleBufferClass::Update_Kinematic_Particle_State(void) { // Note: elapsed may be very large indeed the first time the object is // updated, but this doesn't matter, since it is actually only used in // Update_Non_New_Particles(), which is never called on the first update. unsigned int elapsed = WW3D::Get_Sync_Time() - LastUpdateTime; if (elapsed == 0U) return; // Get new particles from the input buffer and write them into the circular // particle buffer, possibly overwriting older particles. Update each // according to its age. Get_New_Particles(); // Kill all remaining particles which will pass their max age this update. Kill_Old_Particles(); // Update all living, non-new particles by a uniform time interval. if (NonNewNum > 0) Update_Non_New_Particles(elapsed); // Mark all new particles as non-new. End = NewEnd; NonNewNum += NewNum; NewNum = 0; LastUpdateTime = WW3D::Get_Sync_Time(); BoundingBoxDirty = true; } void ParticleBufferClass::Update_Visual_Particle_State(void) { // NOTE: The visual state (color/alpha/size) is "stateless" in that each time it is calculated // without referring to what it was before. This is important for when we optimize the particle // systems/pointgroups in the future to chunk triangles into reusable small buffers. // If all visual state is constant do nothing. // Linegroup modes have a visual state that always have to be updated though bool is_linegroup=( (RenderMode==W3D_EMITTER_RENDER_MODE_LINEGRP_TETRA) || (RenderMode==W3D_EMITTER_RENDER_MODE_LINEGRP_PRISM)); if (!Color && !Alpha && !Size && !Orientation && !Frame && !UCoord && !is_linegroup) return; // In the general case, a range in a circular buffer can be composed of up // to two subranges. Find the Start - End subranges. unsigned int sub1_end; // End of subrange 1. unsigned int sub2_start; // Start of subrange 2. if ((Start < End) || ((Start == End) && NonNewNum ==0)) { sub1_end = End; sub2_start = End; } else { sub1_end = MaxNum; sub2_start = 0; } unsigned int current_time = WW3D::Get_Sync_Time(); // The following back-to-back pair of "for" loops traverses the circular // buffer subranges in proper order. unsigned int ckey = NumColorKeyFrames - 1; unsigned int akey = NumAlphaKeyFrames - 1; unsigned int skey = NumSizeKeyFrames - 1; unsigned int rkey = NumRotationKeyFrames - 1; unsigned int fkey = NumFrameKeyFrames - 1; unsigned int bkey = NumBlurTimeKeyFrames -1; unsigned int part; Vector3 *color = Color ? Color->Get_Array(): NULL; float *alpha = Alpha ? Alpha->Get_Array(): NULL; float *size = Size ? Size->Get_Array(): NULL; uint8 *orientation = Orientation ? Orientation->Get_Array(): NULL; uint8 *frame = Frame ? Frame->Get_Array(): NULL; float *ucoord = UCoord ? UCoord->Get_Array() : NULL; Vector3 *tailposition = TailPosition ? TailPosition->Get_Array() : NULL; Vector3 *position=NULL; if (PingPongPosition) { int pingpong = WW3D::Get_Frame_Count() & 0x1; position = Position[pingpong]->Get_Array(); } else { position = Position[0]->Get_Array(); } for (part = Start; part < sub1_end; part++) { unsigned int part_age = current_time - TimeStamp[part]; // Ensure the current color keyframe is correct, and calculate color state if (color) { // We go from older to younger particles, so we go backwards from the last keyframe until // age >= keytime. This loop must terminate because the 0th keytime is 0. for (; part_age < ColorKeyFrameTimes[ckey]; ckey--); color[part] = ColorKeyFrameValues[ckey] + ColorKeyFrameDeltas[ckey] * (float)(part_age - ColorKeyFrameTimes[ckey]) + RandomColorEntries[part & NumRandomColorEntriesMinus1]; } // Ensure the current alpha keyframe is correct, and calculate alpha state if (alpha) { // We go from older to younger particles, so we go backwards from the last keyframe until // age >= keytime. This loop must terminate because the 0th keytime is 0. for (; part_age < AlphaKeyFrameTimes[akey]; akey--); alpha[part] = AlphaKeyFrameValues[akey] + AlphaKeyFrameDeltas[akey] * (float)(part_age - AlphaKeyFrameTimes[akey]) + RandomAlphaEntries[part & NumRandomAlphaEntriesMinus1]; } // Ensure the current size keyframe is correct, and calculate size state if (size) { // We go from older to younger particles, so we go backwards from the last keyframe until // age >= keytime. This loop must terminate because the 0th keytime is 0. for (; part_age < SizeKeyFrameTimes[skey]; skey--); size[part] = SizeKeyFrameValues[skey] + SizeKeyFrameDeltas[skey] * (float)(part_age - SizeKeyFrameTimes[skey]) + RandomSizeEntries[part & NumRandomSizeEntriesMinus1]; // Size (unlike color and alpha) isn't clamped in the engine, so we need to clamp // negative values to zero here: size[part] = (size[part] >= 0.0f) ? size[part] : 0.0f; } // Ensure the current rotation keyframe is correct, and calculate orientation state if (orientation) { // We go from older to younger particles, so we go backwards from the last keyframe until // age >= keytime. This loop must terminate because the 0th keytime is 0. for (; part_age < RotationKeyFrameTimes[rkey]; rkey--); float f_delta_t = (float)(part_age - RotationKeyFrameTimes[rkey]); float tmp_orient = OrientationKeyFrameValues[rkey] + (RotationKeyFrameValues[rkey] + HalfRotationKeyFrameDeltas[rkey] * f_delta_t) * f_delta_t + RandomRotationEntries[part & NumRandomRotationEntriesMinus1] * (float)part_age + RandomOrientationEntries[part & NumRandomOrientationEntriesMinus1]; orientation[part] = (uint)(((int)(tmp_orient * 256.0f)) & 0xFF); } // Ensure the current frame keyframe is correct, and calculate frame state if (frame) { // Frame and ucoord are mutually exclusive WWASSERT(ucoord==NULL); // We go from older to younger particles, so we go backwards from the last keyframe until // age >= keytime. This loop must terminate because the 0th keytime is 0. for (; part_age < FrameKeyFrameTimes[fkey]; fkey--); float tmp_frame = FrameKeyFrameValues[fkey] + FrameKeyFrameDeltas[fkey] * (float)(part_age - FrameKeyFrameTimes[fkey]) + RandomFrameEntries[part & NumRandomFrameEntriesMinus1]; frame[part] = (uint)(((int)(tmp_frame)) & 0xFF); } // Ensure the current frame keyframe is correct, and calculate frame state // ucoord is the same as frame but in float if (ucoord) { // Frame and ucoord are mutually exclusive WWASSERT(frame==NULL); // We go from older to younger particles, so we go backwards from the last keyframe until // age >= keytime. This loop must terminate because the 0th keytime is 0. for (; part_age < FrameKeyFrameTimes[fkey]; fkey--); ucoord[part] = FrameKeyFrameValues[fkey] + FrameKeyFrameDeltas[fkey] * (float)(part_age - FrameKeyFrameTimes[fkey]) + RandomFrameEntries[part & NumRandomFrameEntriesMinus1]; } if (tailposition) { // We go from older to younger particles, so we go backwards from the last keyframe until // age >= keytime. This loop must terminate because the 0th keytime is 0. float blur_time = BlurTimeKeyFrameValues[0]; if (BlurTimeKeyFrameTimes) { for (; part_age < BlurTimeKeyFrameTimes[bkey]; bkey--); blur_time = BlurTimeKeyFrameValues[bkey] + BlurTimeKeyFrameDeltas[bkey] * (float)(part_age - BlurTimeKeyFrameTimes[bkey]) + RandomBlurTimeEntries[part & NumRandomBlurTimeEntriesMinus1]; } tailposition[part]=position[part]-Velocity[part]*blur_time*1000; } } for (part = sub2_start; part < End; part++) { unsigned int part_age = current_time - TimeStamp[part]; // Ensure the current color keyframe is correct, and calculate color state if (color) { // We go from older to younger particles, so we go backwards from the last keyframe until // age >= keytime. This loop must terminate because the 0th keytime is 0. for (; part_age < ColorKeyFrameTimes[ckey]; ckey--); color[part] = ColorKeyFrameValues[ckey] + ColorKeyFrameDeltas[ckey] * (float)(part_age - ColorKeyFrameTimes[ckey]) + RandomColorEntries[part & NumRandomColorEntriesMinus1]; } // Ensure the current alpha keyframe is correct, and calculate alpha state if (alpha) { // We go from older to younger particles, so we go backwards from the last keyframe until // age >= keytime. This loop must terminate because the 0th keytime is 0. for (; part_age < AlphaKeyFrameTimes[akey]; akey--); alpha[part] = AlphaKeyFrameValues[akey] + AlphaKeyFrameDeltas[akey] * (float)(part_age - AlphaKeyFrameTimes[akey]) + RandomAlphaEntries[part & NumRandomAlphaEntriesMinus1]; } // Ensure the current size keyframe is correct, and calculate size state if (size) { // We go from older to younger particles, so we go backwards from the last keyframe until // age >= keytime. This loop must terminate because the 0th keytime is 0. for (; part_age < SizeKeyFrameTimes[skey]; skey--); size[part] = SizeKeyFrameValues[skey] + SizeKeyFrameDeltas[skey] * (float)(part_age - SizeKeyFrameTimes[skey]) + RandomSizeEntries[part & NumRandomSizeEntriesMinus1]; // Size (unlike color) isn't clamped in the engine, so we need to // clamp negative values to zero here: size[part] = (size[part] >= 0.0f) ? size[part] : 0.0f; } // Ensure the current rotation keyframe is correct, and calculate orientation state if (orientation) { // We go from older to younger particles, so we go backwards from the last keyframe until // age >= keytime. This loop must terminate because the 0th keytime is 0. for (; part_age < RotationKeyFrameTimes[rkey]; rkey--); float f_delta_t = (float)(part_age - RotationKeyFrameTimes[rkey]); float tmp_orient = OrientationKeyFrameValues[rkey] + (RotationKeyFrameValues[rkey] + HalfRotationKeyFrameDeltas[rkey] * f_delta_t) * f_delta_t + RandomRotationEntries[part & NumRandomRotationEntriesMinus1] * (float)part_age + RandomOrientationEntries[part & NumRandomOrientationEntriesMinus1]; orientation[part] = (uint)(((int)(tmp_orient * 256.0f)) & 0xFF); } // Ensure the current frame keyframe is correct, and calculate frame state if (frame) { // Frame and ucoord are mutually exclusive WWASSERT(ucoord==NULL); // We go from older to younger particles, so we go backwards from the last keyframe until // age >= keytime. This loop must terminate because the 0th keytime is 0. for (; part_age < FrameKeyFrameTimes[fkey]; fkey--); float tmp_frame = FrameKeyFrameValues[fkey] + FrameKeyFrameDeltas[fkey] * (float)(part_age - FrameKeyFrameTimes[fkey]) + RandomFrameEntries[part & NumRandomFrameEntriesMinus1]; frame[part] = (uint)(((int)(tmp_frame)) & 0xFF); } // Ensure the current frame keyframe is correct, and calculate frame state // ucoord is the same as frame but in float if (ucoord) { // Frame and ucoord are mutually exclusive WWASSERT(frame==NULL); // We go from older to younger particles, so we go backwards from the last keyframe until // age >= keytime. This loop must terminate because the 0th keytime is 0. for (; part_age < FrameKeyFrameTimes[fkey]; fkey--); ucoord[part] = FrameKeyFrameValues[fkey] + FrameKeyFrameDeltas[fkey] * (float)(part_age - FrameKeyFrameTimes[fkey]) + RandomFrameEntries[part & NumRandomFrameEntriesMinus1]; } if (tailposition) { // We go from older to younger particles, so we go backwards from the last keyframe until // age >= keytime. This loop must terminate because the 0th keytime is 0. float blur_time = BlurTimeKeyFrameValues[0]; if (BlurTimeKeyFrameTimes) { for (; part_age < BlurTimeKeyFrameTimes[bkey]; bkey--); blur_time = BlurTimeKeyFrameValues[bkey] + BlurTimeKeyFrameDeltas[bkey] * (float)(part_age - BlurTimeKeyFrameTimes[bkey]) + RandomBlurTimeEntries[part & NumRandomBlurTimeEntriesMinus1]; } tailposition[part]=position[part]-Velocity[part]*blur_time*1000; } } } void ParticleBufferClass::Update_Bounding_Box(void) { // Ensure all particle positions are updated. If bounding box still not // dirty, return. Update_Kinematic_Particle_State(); if (!BoundingBoxDirty) return; // If there are no particles, generate a dummy bounding box: if (NonNewNum == 0U) { BoundingBox.Init(Vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), Vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)); BoundingBoxDirty = false; return; } // Find min/max coord values for all points: int pingpong = 0; if (PingPongPosition) { pingpong = WW3D::Get_Frame_Count() & 0x1; } Vector3 *position = Position[pingpong]->Get_Array(); Vector3 max_coords = position[Start]; Vector3 min_coords = position[Start]; // In the general case, a range in a circular buffer can be composed of up // to two subranges. Find the Start - End subranges. unsigned int sub1_end; // End of subrange 1. unsigned int sub2_start; // Start of subrange 2. unsigned int i; // Loop index. if ((Start < End) || ((Start == End) && NonNewNum ==0)) { sub1_end = End; sub2_start = End; } else { sub1_end = MaxNum; sub2_start = 0; } for (i = Start; i < sub1_end; i++) { max_coords.X = max_coords.X >= position[i].X ? max_coords.X : position[i].X; max_coords.Y = max_coords.Y >= position[i].Y ? max_coords.Y : position[i].Y; max_coords.Z = max_coords.Z >= position[i].Z ? max_coords.Z : position[i].Z; min_coords.X = min_coords.X <= position[i].X ? min_coords.X : position[i].X; min_coords.Y = min_coords.Y <= position[i].Y ? min_coords.Y : position[i].Y; min_coords.Z = min_coords.Z <= position[i].Z ? min_coords.Z : position[i].Z; } for (i = sub2_start; i < End; i++) { max_coords.X = max_coords.X >= position[i].X ? max_coords.X : position[i].X; max_coords.Y = max_coords.Y >= position[i].Y ? max_coords.Y : position[i].Y; max_coords.Z = max_coords.Z >= position[i].Z ? max_coords.Z : position[i].Z; min_coords.X = min_coords.X <= position[i].X ? min_coords.X : position[i].X; min_coords.Y = min_coords.Y <= position[i].Y ? min_coords.Y : position[i].Y; min_coords.Z = min_coords.Z <= position[i].Z ? min_coords.Z : position[i].Z; } // Extend by maximum possible particle size: Vector3 size(MaxSize, MaxSize, MaxSize); max_coords += size; min_coords -= size; // Update bounding box: BoundingBox.Init(MinMaxAABoxClass(min_coords,max_coords)); BoundingBoxDirty = false; } // NOTE: typically, the number of new particles created in a frame is small // relative to the total number of particles, so this is not the most // performance-critical particle function. New particles are copied from the // new particle vector into the circular buffer, overwriting any older // particles (including possibly other new particles) so that the newest // particles are preserved. The particles are initialized to their state at // the end of the current interval. void ParticleBufferClass::Get_New_Particles(void) { unsigned int current_time = WW3D::Get_Sync_Time(); // position is the current frame position, prev_pos is the previous frames position (only if // we have enabled pingpong position buffers) Vector3 *position; Vector3 *prev_pos; if (PingPongPosition) { int pingpong = WW3D::Get_Frame_Count() & 0x1; position = Position[pingpong]->Get_Array(); prev_pos = Position[pingpong ^ 0x1]->Get_Array(); } else { position = Position[0]->Get_Array(); prev_pos = NULL; } for (; NewParticleQueueCount;) { // Get particle off new particle queue: NewParticleStruct &new_particle = NewParticleQueue[NewParticleQueueStart]; if (++NewParticleQueueStart == MaxNum) NewParticleQueueStart = 0U; NewParticleQueueCount--; // Get particle birth time stamp, calculate age. If not under maxage // skip this particle. TimeStamp[NewEnd] = new_particle.TimeStamp; unsigned int age = current_time - TimeStamp[NewEnd]; if (age >= MaxAge) continue; float fp_age = (float)age; // Apply velocity and acceleration if present. Otherwise, just apply // velocity. if (HasAccel) { position[NewEnd] = new_particle.Position + (new_particle.Velocity + 0.5f * Accel * fp_age) * fp_age; Velocity[NewEnd] = new_particle.Velocity + (Accel * fp_age); } else { position[NewEnd] =new_particle.Position + (new_particle.Velocity * fp_age); Velocity[NewEnd] = new_particle.Velocity; } // If pingpong enabled, store starting position in prev_pos[]. if (PingPongPosition) { prev_pos[NewEnd] = new_particle.Position; } // Advance the 'end of new particles' index. NewEnd++; if (NewEnd == MaxNum) NewEnd = 0; // Update the new particles count. NewNum++; // If we have just overflowed the total buffer, advance Start. if ((NewNum + NonNewNum) == (signed)(MaxNum + 1)) { Start++; if (Start == MaxNum) Start = 0; NonNewNum--; // If this underflows the 'non-new' buffer, advance End. if (NonNewNum == -1) { End++; if (End == MaxNum) End = 0; NonNewNum = 0; NewNum--; } } } } void ParticleBufferClass::Kill_Old_Particles(void) { // Scan from Start and find the first particle which has an age less than // MaxAge - set Start to that position. // In the general case, a range in a circular buffer can be composed of up // to two subranges. Find the Start - End subranges. unsigned int sub1_end; // End of subrange 1. unsigned int sub2_start; // Start of subrange 2. unsigned int i; // Loop index. if ((Start < End) || ((Start == End) && NonNewNum ==0)) { sub1_end = End; sub2_start = End; } else { sub1_end = MaxNum; sub2_start = 0; } unsigned int current_time = WW3D::Get_Sync_Time(); // Stop when the current particle is young enough to be alive. bool broke = false; for (i = Start; i < sub1_end; i++) { if ((current_time - TimeStamp[i]) < MaxAge) { broke = true; break; } NonNewNum--; } if (!broke) { for (i = sub2_start; i < End; i++) { if ((current_time - TimeStamp[i]) < MaxAge) break; NonNewNum--; } } Start = i; // NOTE: we do not scan the new particles, because they have been already // preculled to be under MaxAge. } void ParticleBufferClass::Update_Non_New_Particles(unsigned int elapsed) { // In the general case, a range in a circular buffer can be composed of up // to two subranges. Find the Start - End subranges. unsigned int sub1_end; // End of subrange 1. unsigned int sub2_start; // Start of subrange 2. unsigned int i; // Loop index. if ((Start < End) || ((Start == End) && NonNewNum ==0)) { sub1_end = End; sub2_start = End; } else { sub1_end = MaxNum; sub2_start = 0; } float fp_elapsed_time = (float)elapsed; // Update position and velocity for all particles. if (PingPongPosition) { int pingpong = WW3D::Get_Frame_Count() & 0x1; Vector3 *position = Position[pingpong]->Get_Array(); Vector3 *prev_pos = Position[pingpong ^ 0x1]->Get_Array(); if (HasAccel) { Vector3 delta_v = Accel * fp_elapsed_time; Vector3 accel_p = Accel * (0.5f * fp_elapsed_time * fp_elapsed_time); for (i = Start; i < sub1_end; i++) { position[i] = prev_pos[i] + Velocity[i] * fp_elapsed_time + accel_p; Velocity[i] += delta_v; } for (i = sub2_start; i < End; i++) { position[i] = prev_pos[i] + Velocity[i] * fp_elapsed_time + accel_p; Velocity[i] += delta_v; } } else { for (i = Start; i < sub1_end; i++) { position[i] += Velocity[i] * fp_elapsed_time; } for (i = sub2_start; i < End; i++) { position[i] += Velocity[i] * fp_elapsed_time; } } } else { Vector3 *position = Position[0]->Get_Array(); if (HasAccel) { Vector3 delta_v = Accel * fp_elapsed_time; Vector3 accel_p = Accel * (0.5f * fp_elapsed_time * fp_elapsed_time); for (i = Start; i < sub1_end; i++) { position[i] += Velocity[i] * fp_elapsed_time + accel_p; Velocity[i] += delta_v; } for (i = sub2_start; i < End; i++) { position[i] += Velocity[i] * fp_elapsed_time + accel_p; Velocity[i] += delta_v; } } else { for (i = Start; i < sub1_end; i++) { position[i] += Velocity[i] * fp_elapsed_time; } for (i = sub2_start; i < End; i++) { position[i] += Velocity[i] * fp_elapsed_time; } } } } void ParticleBufferClass::Get_Color_Key_Frames (ParticlePropertyStruct &colors) const { int real_keyframe_count = (NumColorKeyFrames > 0) ? (NumColorKeyFrames - 1) : 0; bool create_last_keyframe = false; // // Determine if there is a keyframe at the very end of the particle's lifetime // if ((ColorKeyFrameDeltas != NULL) && ((ColorKeyFrameDeltas[NumColorKeyFrames - 1].X != 0) || (ColorKeyFrameDeltas[NumColorKeyFrames - 1].Y != 0) || (ColorKeyFrameDeltas[NumColorKeyFrames - 1].Z != 0))) { real_keyframe_count ++; create_last_keyframe = true; } colors.Start = ColorKeyFrameValues[0]; colors.Rand = ColorRandom; colors.NumKeyFrames = real_keyframe_count; colors.KeyTimes = NULL; colors.Values = NULL; // // If we have more than just the start color, build // an array of key times and color vatues // if (real_keyframe_count > 0) { colors.KeyTimes = new float[real_keyframe_count]; colors.Values = new Vector3[real_keyframe_count]; // // Copy the keytimes and color values // unsigned int index; for (index = 1; index < NumColorKeyFrames; index ++) { colors.KeyTimes[index - 1] = ((float)ColorKeyFrameTimes[index]) / 1000; colors.Values[index - 1] = ColorKeyFrameValues[index]; } // // Add a keyframe at the very end of the timeline if necessary // if (create_last_keyframe) { colors.KeyTimes[index - 1] = ((float)MaxAge / 1000); // // Determine what the value of the last keyframe should be // Vector3 start_color = ColorKeyFrameValues[index - 1]; Vector3 &delta = ColorKeyFrameDeltas[NumColorKeyFrames - 1]; float time_delta = MaxAge - ColorKeyFrameTimes[index - 1]; colors.Values[index - 1] = start_color + (delta * time_delta); } } return ; } void ParticleBufferClass::Get_Opacity_Key_Frames (ParticlePropertyStruct &opacities) const { int real_keyframe_count = (NumAlphaKeyFrames > 0) ? (NumAlphaKeyFrames - 1) : 0; bool create_last_keyframe = false; // // Determine if there is a keyframe at the very end of the particle's lifetime // if ((AlphaKeyFrameDeltas != NULL) && (AlphaKeyFrameDeltas[NumAlphaKeyFrames - 1] != 0)) { real_keyframe_count ++; create_last_keyframe = true; } opacities.Start = AlphaKeyFrameValues[0]; opacities.Rand = OpacityRandom; opacities.NumKeyFrames = real_keyframe_count; opacities.KeyTimes = NULL; opacities.Values = NULL; // // If we have more than just the start opacity, build // an array of key times and opacity values // if (real_keyframe_count > 0) { opacities.KeyTimes = new float[real_keyframe_count]; opacities.Values = new float[real_keyframe_count]; // // Copy the keytimes and opacity values // unsigned int index; for (index = 1; index < NumAlphaKeyFrames; index ++) { opacities.KeyTimes[index - 1] = ((float)AlphaKeyFrameTimes[index]) / 1000; opacities.Values[index - 1] = AlphaKeyFrameValues[index]; } // // Add a keyframe at the very end of the timeline if necessary // if (create_last_keyframe) { opacities.KeyTimes[index - 1] = ((float)MaxAge / 1000); // // Determine what the value of the last keyframe should be // float start_alpha = AlphaKeyFrameValues[index - 1]; float &delta = AlphaKeyFrameDeltas[NumAlphaKeyFrames - 1]; float time_delta = MaxAge - AlphaKeyFrameTimes[index - 1]; opacities.Values[index - 1] = start_alpha + (delta * time_delta); } } return ; } void ParticleBufferClass::Get_Size_Key_Frames (ParticlePropertyStruct &sizes) const { int real_keyframe_count = (NumSizeKeyFrames > 0) ? (NumSizeKeyFrames - 1) : 0; bool create_last_keyframe = false; // // Determine if there is a keyframe at the very end of the particle's lifetime // if ((SizeKeyFrameDeltas != NULL) && (SizeKeyFrameDeltas[NumSizeKeyFrames - 1] != 0)) { real_keyframe_count ++; create_last_keyframe = true; } sizes.Start = SizeKeyFrameValues[0]; sizes.Rand = SizeRandom; sizes.NumKeyFrames = real_keyframe_count; sizes.KeyTimes = NULL; sizes.Values = NULL; // // If we have more than just the start opacity, build // an array of key times and opacity values // if (real_keyframe_count > 0) { sizes.KeyTimes = new float[real_keyframe_count]; sizes.Values = new float[real_keyframe_count]; // // Copy the keytimes and size values // unsigned int index; for (index = 1; index < NumSizeKeyFrames; index ++) { sizes.KeyTimes[index - 1] = ((float)SizeKeyFrameTimes[index]) / 1000; sizes.Values[index - 1] = SizeKeyFrameValues[index]; } // // Add a keyframe at the very end of the timeline if necessary // if (create_last_keyframe) { sizes.KeyTimes[index - 1] = ((float)MaxAge / 1000); // // Determine what the value of the last keyframe should be // float start_size = SizeKeyFrameValues[index - 1]; float &delta = SizeKeyFrameDeltas[NumSizeKeyFrames - 1]; float time_delta = MaxAge - SizeKeyFrameTimes[index - 1]; sizes.Values[index - 1] = start_size + (delta * time_delta); } } return ; } void ParticleBufferClass::Get_Rotation_Key_Frames (ParticlePropertyStruct &rotations) const { int real_keyframe_count = (NumRotationKeyFrames > 0) ? (NumRotationKeyFrames - 1) : 0; bool create_last_keyframe = false; /* ** NOTE: Rotations are stored internally in rotations per millisecond. These will be converted to rotations per second. */ // // Determine if there is a keyframe at the very end of the particle's lifetime // if ((HalfRotationKeyFrameDeltas != NULL) && (HalfRotationKeyFrameDeltas[NumRotationKeyFrames - 1] != 0)) { real_keyframe_count ++; create_last_keyframe = true; } // Convert the rotation values from rotations per millisecond to rotations per second. rotations.Start = RotationKeyFrameValues ? RotationKeyFrameValues[0] * 1000.0f : 0; rotations.Rand = RotationRandom * 1000.0f; rotations.NumKeyFrames = real_keyframe_count; rotations.KeyTimes = NULL; rotations.Values = NULL; // // If we have more than just the start rotation, build // an array of key times and rotation values // if (real_keyframe_count > 0) { rotations.KeyTimes = new float[real_keyframe_count]; rotations.Values = new float[real_keyframe_count]; // // Copy the keytimes and rotation values // unsigned int index; for (index = 1; index < NumRotationKeyFrames; index ++) { rotations.KeyTimes[index - 1] = ((float)RotationKeyFrameTimes[index]) / 1000; rotations.Values[index - 1] = RotationKeyFrameValues[index] * 1000.0f; } // // Add a keyframe at the very end of the timeline if necessary // if (create_last_keyframe) { rotations.KeyTimes[index - 1] = ((float)MaxAge / 1000); // // Determine what the value of the last keyframe should be // float start_rotation = RotationKeyFrameValues[index - 1]; float delta = 2.0f * HalfRotationKeyFrameDeltas[NumRotationKeyFrames - 1]; float time_delta = MaxAge - RotationKeyFrameTimes[index - 1]; rotations.Values[index - 1] = (start_rotation + (delta * time_delta)) * 1000.0f; } } return ; } void ParticleBufferClass::Get_Frame_Key_Frames (ParticlePropertyStruct &frames) const { int real_keyframe_count = (NumFrameKeyFrames > 0) ? (NumFrameKeyFrames - 1) : 0; bool create_last_keyframe = false; // // Determine if there is a keyframe at the very end of the particle's lifetime // if ((FrameKeyFrameDeltas != NULL) && (FrameKeyFrameDeltas[NumFrameKeyFrames - 1] != 0)) { real_keyframe_count ++; create_last_keyframe = true; } frames.Start = FrameKeyFrameValues[0]; frames.Rand = FrameRandom; frames.NumKeyFrames = real_keyframe_count; frames.KeyTimes = NULL; frames.Values = NULL; // // If we have more than just the start rotation, build // an array of key times and frame values // if (real_keyframe_count > 0) { frames.KeyTimes = new float[real_keyframe_count]; frames.Values = new float[real_keyframe_count]; // // Copy the keytimes and frame values // unsigned int index; for (index = 1; index < NumFrameKeyFrames; index ++) { frames.KeyTimes[index - 1] = ((float)FrameKeyFrameTimes[index]) / 1000; frames.Values[index - 1] = FrameKeyFrameValues[index]; } // // Add a keyframe at the very end of the timeline if necessary // if (create_last_keyframe) { frames.KeyTimes[index - 1] = ((float)MaxAge / 1000); // // Determine what the value of the last keyframe should be // float start_frame = FrameKeyFrameValues[index - 1]; float &delta = FrameKeyFrameDeltas[NumFrameKeyFrames - 1]; float time_delta = MaxAge - FrameKeyFrameTimes[index - 1]; frames.Values[index - 1] = start_frame + (delta * time_delta); } } return ; } void ParticleBufferClass::Get_Blur_Time_Key_Frames (ParticlePropertyStruct &blurtimes) const { int real_keyframe_count = (NumBlurTimeKeyFrames > 0) ? (NumBlurTimeKeyFrames - 1) : 0; bool create_last_keyframe = false; // // Determine if there is a keyframe at the very end of the particle's lifetime // if ((BlurTimeKeyFrameDeltas != NULL) && (BlurTimeKeyFrameDeltas[NumBlurTimeKeyFrames - 1] != 0)) { real_keyframe_count ++; create_last_keyframe = true; } blurtimes.Start = BlurTimeKeyFrameValues[0]; blurtimes.Rand = BlurTimeRandom; blurtimes.NumKeyFrames = real_keyframe_count; blurtimes.KeyTimes = NULL; blurtimes.Values = NULL; // // If we have more than just the start rotation, build // an array of key times and blur time values // if (real_keyframe_count > 0) { blurtimes.KeyTimes = new float[real_keyframe_count]; blurtimes.Values = new float[real_keyframe_count]; // // Copy the keytimes and frame values // unsigned int index; for (index = 1; index < NumBlurTimeKeyFrames; index ++) { blurtimes.KeyTimes[index - 1] = ((float)BlurTimeKeyFrameTimes[index]) / 1000; blurtimes.Values[index - 1] = BlurTimeKeyFrameValues[index]; } // // Add a keyframe at the very end of the timeline if necessary // if (create_last_keyframe) { blurtimes.KeyTimes[index - 1] = ((float)MaxAge / 1000); // // Determine what the value of the last keyframe should be // float start_blurtime = BlurTimeKeyFrameValues[index - 1]; float &delta = BlurTimeKeyFrameDeltas[NumBlurTimeKeyFrames - 1]; float time_delta = MaxAge - BlurTimeKeyFrameTimes[index - 1]; blurtimes.Values[index - 1] = start_blurtime + (delta * time_delta); } } return ; } void ParticleBufferClass::Set_LOD_Max_Screen_Size(int lod_level,float max_screen_size) { if ((lod_level <0) || (lod_level > 17)) { return; } LODMaxScreenSizes[lod_level] = max_screen_size; } float ParticleBufferClass::Get_LOD_Max_Screen_Size(int lod_level) { if ((lod_level <0) || (lod_level > 17)) { return NO_MAX_SCREEN_SIZE; } return LODMaxScreenSizes[lod_level]; } int ParticleBufferClass::Get_Line_Texture_Mapping_Mode(void) const { if (LineRenderer != NULL) { return LineRenderer->Get_Texture_Mapping_Mode(); } return SegLineRendererClass::UNIFORM_WIDTH_TEXTURE_MAP; } int ParticleBufferClass::Is_Merge_Intersections(void) const { if (LineRenderer != NULL) { return LineRenderer->Is_Merge_Intersections(); } return false; } int ParticleBufferClass::Is_Freeze_Random(void) const { if (LineRenderer != NULL) { return LineRenderer->Is_Freeze_Random(); } return false; } int ParticleBufferClass::Is_Sorting_Disabled(void) const { if (LineRenderer != NULL) { return LineRenderer->Is_Sorting_Disabled(); } return false; } int ParticleBufferClass::Are_End_Caps_Enabled(void) const { if (LineRenderer != NULL) { return LineRenderer->Are_End_Caps_Enabled(); } return false; } int ParticleBufferClass::Get_Subdivision_Level(void) const { if (LineRenderer != NULL) { return LineRenderer->Get_Current_Subdivision_Level(); } return 0; } float ParticleBufferClass::Get_Noise_Amplitude(void) const { if (LineRenderer != NULL) { return LineRenderer->Get_Noise_Amplitude(); } return 0.0f; } float ParticleBufferClass::Get_Merge_Abort_Factor(void) const { if (LineRenderer != NULL) { return LineRenderer->Get_Merge_Abort_Factor(); } return 0.0f; } float ParticleBufferClass::Get_Texture_Tile_Factor(void) const { if (LineRenderer != NULL) { return LineRenderer->Get_Texture_Tile_Factor(); } return 1.0f; } Vector2 ParticleBufferClass::Get_UV_Offset_Rate(void) const { if (LineRenderer != NULL) { return LineRenderer->Get_UV_Offset_Rate(); } return Vector2(0.0f,0.0f); } ParticleBufferClass::TailDiffuseTypeEnum ParticleBufferClass::Determine_Tail_Diffuse() { // if there is a texture, the assumption is that the artist // is controlling the fadeoff ramp using the texture // thus, the ARGB of the tail should be the same as the head TextureClass *tex=Get_Texture(); if (tex) { REF_PTR_RELEASE(tex); return SAME_AS_HEAD; } ShaderClass shader=Get_Shader(); //Multiplicative RGB is white (A is don't care) //Additive RGB is Black (A is don't care) //Screen RGB is Black (A is don't care) //Alpha Same RGB as head but A is 0 //Alpha test blend Same ARGB as head but A is 0 //Alpha test Same ARGB as head //Opaque Same ARGB as head // Multiplicative if (shader.Get_Dst_Blend_Func()==ShaderClass::DSTBLEND_SRC_COLOR) return WHITE; // Additive else if ((shader.Get_Src_Blend_Func()==ShaderClass::SRCBLEND_ONE) && (shader.Get_Dst_Blend_Func()==ShaderClass::DSTBLEND_ONE)) return BLACK; // Screen else if ((shader.Get_Src_Blend_Func()==ShaderClass::SRCBLEND_ONE) && (shader.Get_Dst_Blend_Func()==ShaderClass::DSTBLEND_ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR)) return BLACK; // Alpha else if ((shader.Get_Src_Blend_Func()==ShaderClass::SRCBLEND_SRC_ALPHA) && (shader.Get_Dst_Blend_Func()==ShaderClass::DSTBLEND_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA)) return SAME_AS_HEAD_ALPHA_ZERO; // Alpha test else if (shader.Get_Alpha_Test()==ShaderClass::ALPHATEST_ENABLE) return SAME_AS_HEAD_ALPHA_ZERO; return SAME_AS_HEAD; } TextureClass * ParticleBufferClass::Get_Texture (void) const { if (PointGroup) return PointGroup->Get_Texture(); else if (LineGroup) return LineGroup->Get_Texture(); else if (LineRenderer) return LineRenderer->Get_Texture(); return NULL; } void ParticleBufferClass::Set_Texture (TextureClass *tex) { if (PointGroup) PointGroup->Set_Texture(tex); else if (LineGroup) LineGroup->Set_Texture(tex); else if (LineRenderer) LineRenderer->Set_Texture(tex); } ShaderClass ParticleBufferClass::Get_Shader (void) const { if (PointGroup) return PointGroup->Get_Shader(); else if (LineGroup) return LineGroup->Get_Shader(); else if (LineRenderer) return LineRenderer->Get_Shader(); WWASSERT(0); return ShaderClass::_PresetOpaqueShader; }