**	Command & Conquer Renegade(tm)
**	Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc.
**	This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
**	it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
**	the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
**	(at your option) any later version.
**	This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
**	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
**	GNU General Public License for more details.
**	You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
**	along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

 ***              C O N F I D E N T I A L  ---  W E S T W O O D  S T U D I O S               ***
 *                                                                                             *
 *                 Project Name : Combat																		  *
 *                                                                                             *
 *                     $Archive:: /Commando/Code/wwui/popupdialog.cpp         $*
 *                                                                                             *
 *                       Author:: Patrick Smith                                                *
 *                                                                                             *
 *                     $Modtime:: 1/02/02 11:25a                                              $*
 *                                                                                             *
 *                    $Revision:: 14                                                          $*
 *                                                                                             *
 * Functions:                                                                                  *
 * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */

// Disable warning about exception handling not being enabled. It's used as part of STL - in a part of STL we don't use.
#pragma warning(disable : 4530)

#include "popupdialog.h"
#include "assetmgr.h"
#include "texture.h"
#include "stylemgr.h"

//	Local constants
const int	TITLE_BORDER_WIDTH	= 10;
const int	TITLE_BORDER_HEIGHT	= 8;

//	PopupDialogClass
PopupDialogClass::PopupDialogClass (int res_id)	:
	DialogBaseClass (res_id)
	//	Configure the renderers
	StyleMgrClass::Configure_Renderer (&BackgroundRenderer);
	StyleMgrClass::Configure_Renderer (&BlackoutRenderer);
	StyleMgrClass::Assign_Font (&TextRenderer, StyleMgrClass::FONT_HEADER);

	//	Force this renderer to always render
	BlackoutRenderer.Get_Shader ()->Set_Depth_Compare (ShaderClass::PASS_ALWAYS);

	// By default, popup backgrounds are dark
	IsBackgroundDarkened = true;

	return ;

//	~PopupDialogClass
PopupDialogClass::~PopupDialogClass (void)
	return ;

void PopupDialogClass::Set_Title(const WCHAR* title)

//	On_Init_Dialog
PopupDialogClass::On_Init_Dialog (void)
	//	Generate the backdrop
	Build_Background_Renderers ();

	DialogBaseClass::On_Init_Dialog ();

	//	Play the sound effect
	StyleMgrClass::Play_Sound (StyleMgrClass::EVENT_POPUP);
	return ;

//	Build_Background_Renderers
PopupDialogClass::Build_Background_Renderers (void)
	//	Configure this renderer
	BackgroundRenderer.Reset ();
	BlackoutRenderer.Reset ();
	BackgroundRenderer.Enable_Texturing (false);
	BlackoutRenderer.Enable_Texturing (false);

	//	Darken the background if IsBackgroundDarkened is set
	if (IsBackgroundDarkened) {
		BlackoutRenderer.Add_Quad (Render2DClass::Get_Screen_Resolution(), RGBA_TO_INT32 (0, 0, 0, 236));

	//	Determine which color to draw the outline in
	int color	= StyleMgrClass::Get_Line_Color ();
	int bkcolor	= StyleMgrClass::Get_Bk_Color ();

	//	Draw the control outline
	RectClass rect = Rect;
	BackgroundRenderer.Add_Rect (rect, 1.0F, color, bkcolor);

	if (Title.Get_Length () > 0) {

		//	Determine what scale to use
		float scale_x = Render2DClass::Get_Screen_Resolution().Width () / 800;
		float scale_y = Render2DClass::Get_Screen_Resolution().Height () / 600;

		//	Calculate the title bar rectangle
		Vector2 text_extent = TextRenderer.Get_Text_Extents (Title);
		if (text_extent != Vector2(0,0)) {
			RectClass text_rect;
			text_rect.Left		= Rect.Left;
			text_rect.Right	= Rect.Left + int(text_extent.X + (TITLE_BORDER_WIDTH * 2 * scale_x));
			text_rect.Top		= Rect.Top - int(text_extent.Y + (TITLE_BORDER_HEIGHT * 2 * scale_y));
			text_rect.Bottom	= Rect.Top;

			//	Draw the title bar
			BackgroundRenderer.Add_Rect (text_rect, 1.0F, color, bkcolor);

			//	Draw the title text
			StyleMgrClass::Render_Text (Title, &TextRenderer, text_rect, true, true, StyleMgrClass::CENTER_JUSTIFY);

	return ;

//	Render
PopupDialogClass::Render (void)
	//	Render the backdrop
	BlackoutRenderer.Render ();
	BackgroundRenderer.Render ();
	TextRenderer.Render ();

	//	Render the controls
	DialogBaseClass::Render ();
	return ;