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** Command & Conquer Renegade(tm)
** Copyright 2025 Electronic Arts Inc.
** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program. If not, see <>.
*** Confidential - Westwood Studios ***
* *
* Project Name : Commando *
* *
* $Archive:: /Commando/Code/Commando/datasafe.h $*
* *
* $Author:: Steve_t $*
* *
* $Modtime:: 1/31/02 12:13p $*
* *
* $Revision:: 20 $*
* *
* Functions: *
* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
#ifndef _DATASAFE_H
#define _DATASAFE_H
** Adapted from original code by Jeff Brown
** //=============================================================================
** // DataSafe.h
** // Public header file for the datasafe
** // Author: Jeff Brown
** // Date: Apr 16, 1999
** //=============================================================================
** Class Overview. ST - 7/11/2001 8:19PM
** DataSafeHandleClass.
** Used to manage handles to items stored in the data safe.
** DataSafeEntryClass and DataSafeEntryDataClass<T>.
** Represent a single item as stored in the data safe. DataSafeEntryClass has the header
** information used to retrieve the item from the safe and the derived DataSafeEntryDataClass
** also includes the actual type specific data payload.
** DataSafeEntryListClass
** This is a manager class for a linked list of DataSafeEntryDataClass<T>'s. Only the same
** type of DataSafeEntryDataClass<T> classes can currently be linked together and exist in
** the same list.
** DataSafeEntryTypeClass
** Every object put into the data safe is allocated a type ID so that like types (with the
** same ID) can be identified for linking and swapping purposes. DataSafeEntryTypeClass is
** a covenient holder for type information.
** GenericDataSafeClass and DataSafeClass<T>
** The safe itself consists of one static GenericDataSafeClass and many DataSafeClass<T>'s -
** one DataSafeClass<T> for every type of data we want to store in the data safe.
** Also included is an array of DataSafeEntryListClass's that act as pointers to the data safe
** entries.
** SafeDataClass
** This is a convenience class used to automate insertion and removal of items and provide
** a set of operators for common types. Using this class, adding existing data to the data safe
** can be as simple as just changing how it's declared. e.g.
** int SomeData;
** becomes
** SafeDataClass<int> SomeData;
** There are also some macros provided to make declaration easier so you could also just say
** safe_int SomeData;
** Currently, only a subset of operators are defined but more can easily be added as needed.
** Some changes to code will be required where operators are not available. For example
** SomeData += 10;
** would be a problem because the += operator is not defined. However the 'int' operator, the
** = operator and the conversion operator () are defined so you could change the code to read
** SomeData = (int)SomeData + 10;
** or
** SomeData = SomeData() + 10;
** You can pretty much throw anything into the data safe using this class to automate isertion
** and retrieval. Some examples.
** safe_float HideyFloat;
** safe_double CantFindMe[256];
** SafeDataClass<SomeNamedClass> ASafeClass;
** SafeDataClass<SomeOtherType> ASafeType;
** For types without existing macros, you will have to declare a new DataSafeClass<T> once for
** each type in DataSafe.cpp using the DECLARE_DATA_SAFE macro. So in the above example, you
** would have to add the following lines in DataSafe.cpp to allow storage of the new types
** DECLARE_DATA_SAFE(SomeNamedClass);
** DECLARE_DATA_SAFE(SomeOtherType);
** Known external dependencies.
** DynamicVectorClass
** FreeRandom - Renegade random number generator.
** WWDEBUG_SAY - Equivalent to DebugString in C&C. Just a formatted debug output.
** Includes.
#ifndef _ALWAYS_H
#include "always.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <memory.h>
#include <windows.h>
#endif //_ALWAYS_H
#ifndef _TIMEMGR_H
#include "timemgr.h"
#endif //_TIMEMGR_H
#ifndef _WWDEBUG_H
#include "wwdebug.h"
#endif //_WWDEBUG_H
//#ifndef MMSYS_H
//#include "mmsys.h"
//#endif //MMSYS_H
#include "systimer.h"
** Use Renegade assert.
#define ds_assert WWASSERT
#else //WWASSERT
#define ds_assert assert
#endif //WWASSERT
** TEMP. Profile builds don't have asserts.
#ifndef DEBUG
#undef ds_assert
#define ds_assert(x)
#pragma warning(disable : 4189)
#endif //DEBUG
#ifndef WWDEBUG
#pragma warning(disable : 4101)
** Enable this define to make the datasafe thread safe (there is a performance penalty).
** Number of linked lists we can create for data safe items. Only like sized items can be stored in the same list.
** The maximum number of different data types that can be stored in the data safe. This should normally fit into a byte for
** handle encoding reasons.
** Max number of entries in a single list before we have to create a second list for items of the same size. The smaller this
** value, the quicker we will be able to retrieve data from the safe. The larger we make it, the more secure the data safe will
** be.
** How often the data safe entries get shuffled around and re-keyed. This is the delay between each shuffle.
** The delay between each integrity check on the data safe. This is a slow operation.
** The number of copies of objects of any one type that can exist in an unencrypted state. These copies are only used as return
** values and changes to the copies can never be propagated back into the safe.
** Sentinel values. Used to see if someone just zeroes the whole safe or tampered with the get function.
#define SENTINEL_ONE 0x29874362
#define SENTINEL_TWO 0x0bad0bad
** Defines to allow convenient use of built-in types inside the data safe.
#define safe_int int
#define safe_unsigned_int unsigned int
#define safe_long long
#define safe_unsigned_long unsigned long
#define safe_float float
#define safe_double double
#define safe_int SafeDataClass<int>
#define safe_unsigned_int SafeDataClass<unsigned int>
#define safe_long SafeDataClass<int>
#define safe_unsigned_long SafeDataClass<unsigned int>
#define safe_float SafeDataClass<float>
#define safe_double SafeDataClass<double>
** Make sure we pulled in the right timer defines.
#if TICKS_PER_SECOND != 1000
#error Code assumes TICKS_PER_SECOND == 1000
** We want to inline functions within inline functions to make the code harder to hack by having multiple copies of it.
#pragma inline_recursion(on)
#pragma inline_depth(4)
#pragma warning(disable : 4714)
** Data safe handle.
** This consists of a linked list number, an entry identifier and a type.
** The whole shooting match can just be treated like an int.
class DataSafeHandleClass
** Consturctor.
DataSafeHandleClass(int val = 0) {
Handle.Whole.WholeHandle = val;
** Validity check.
bool Is_Valid(void) const {
return(Handle.Whole.WholeHandle != -1);
** Convenience functions and operators to handle setting or getting a handle using an int.
inline int operator = (const int &val) {
Handle.Whole.WholeHandle = val;
inline operator int (void) {
inline operator int (void) const {
inline int &operator () (void) {
** Handle data.
union tHandle {
struct {
** All the handle components conveniently together in an int.
int WholeHandle;
} Whole;
struct {
** ID is basically the index of the item in the linked list. It's a little more complex
** than that since an ID can be re-used after the original user is removed from the
** list but the whole list is searched for a matching ID when retrieving anyway.
unsigned char ID;
** The type of object this handle represents.
unsigned char Type;
** The list number where we can find this object.
unsigned short List;
} Part;
} Handle;
** Known packing is required here otherwise the default alignment is the same as the largest member
** of the structure. When combined with an expansion of DataSafeEntryDataClass<T> for doubles, the
** packing alignment becomes 8 (the size of a double) thus the offset of Data is not always as expected.
** i.e. you can no longer use sizeof(DataSafeEntryClass) to get the offset of the Data member of
** the derived class. This also prevents bloating (due to the bool member) when using large expansions
** for 'T'
#pragma pack(push)
#pragma pack(4)
** This class represents an internal data safe entry minus the actual data. In practice, this class will never be used
** except to refer to a DataSafeEntryDataClass<T> which actually contains the type specific data.
class DataSafeEntryClass
** Identifying handle.
DataSafeHandleClass Handle;
** Linked list next and prev.
** Note: These can point to a DataSafeEntryDataClass expanded for any type.
DataSafeEntryClass *Next;
DataSafeEntryClass *Prev;
** Size of data.
unsigned long Size;
** Is this a slop (fake, to allow swapping with only 1 real entry) entry?
bool IsSlop;
** This is a complete internal data safe entry including the header and the encrypted data.
template<class T>
class DataSafeEntryDataClass : public DataSafeEntryClass
T Data;
#pragma pack(pop)
** This class represents a single data safe entry list. There can be mutiple lists in a data safe but all entries in a single
** list must be of the same type.
class DataSafeEntryListClass
** Constructor.
DataSafeEntryListClass(void) {
SafeList = NULL;
EntryCount = 0;
EntryType = -1;
SlopCount = 0;
memset(HandleIDUsage, 0, sizeof(HandleIDUsage));
** Pointer to the head of the list.
DataSafeEntryClass *SafeList;
** Number of entries in the list.
int EntryCount;
** Type of entry in this list.
int EntryType;
** Number of slop entries in this list.
int SlopCount;
** Handle IDs used in this list.
** This class describes a type of entry in the data safe. It's important to keep track of the types of objects we add since
** only similar types can be swapped in memory. This class is just a convenient container to help us match type codes with
** unique IDs.
class DataSafeEntryTypeClass
DataSafeEntryTypeClass(void) {
TypeCode = 0;
ID = -1;
Size = 0;
** A unique number used to match and assign type IDs. This can come from anywhere as long as it's different for every type.
unsigned long TypeCode;
** This is the user friendly ID that is stored along with entries in the data safe and returned in the handle that's
** given out when something is added to the safe.
** It's also the index into the type list.
int ID;
** The size of this type of object. Must be a multiple of 4 bytes for the data safe. (This is redundant now that we
** have a type/size lookup table).
int Size;
** GenericDataSafeClass
** This class represents a single data safe. It can only function as the base class to one or more instances of
** DataSafeClass<T>.
** This class functions as a base class for all the templated 'DataSafeClass'es so that they can all share a single set of
** static data. Normally, static data in a templated class is duplicated for each expansion of the class.
** Even though there may be many instances and expansions of the derived DataSafeClass<T> there is only ever one global
** data safe and that is represented by this class.
class GenericDataSafeClass
** Constructor.
** Query functions.
static DataSafeEntryClass * Get_Entry(DataSafeHandleClass handle);
static int Get_Entry_Type(DataSafeHandleClass handle);
** System timer reset.
static void Reset_Timers(void);
** Thread safety. This is normally handled automatically but if you need to manually lock the safe for a period of time
** to do a read/hold/write then this is the way to do it.
static void Lock(void);
static void Unlock(void);
** Stats, debug helpers.
static void Dump_Safe_Stats(char *dump_buffer, int buffer_size);
static void Print_Safe_Stats_To_Debug_Output(void);
static void Reset(void);
static void Set_Preferred_Thread(unsigned int){};
static void Set_Preferred_Thread(unsigned int thread_id) {PreferredThread = thread_id;};
** Cleanup.
void Shutdown(void);
** Query functions.
static DataSafeEntryClass * Get_Entry_By_Index(int list, int index);
** Security
static void Shuffle(bool forced = false);
static void Swap_Entries(DataSafeEntryClass *first, DataSafeEntryClass *second, int type);
static void Encrypt(void *data, int size, unsigned long key = SimpleKey, bool do_checksum = true);
static void Decrypt(void *data, int size, unsigned long key = SimpleKey, bool do_checksum = true);
static void Mem_Copy_Encrypt(void *dest, void *src, int size, bool do_checksum);
static void Mem_Copy_Decrypt(void *dest, void *src, int size, bool do_checksum);
static __forceinline void Security_Check(void);
static __forceinline void Security_Fault(void);
static void Say_Security_Fault(void);
** Insertion support.
static int Get_Random_List_For_Insertion(int type);
static void Random_Insertion(DataSafeEntryClass *entry, int list, int type, bool is_slop = false);
static int Create_Safe_List(int type);
static int Get_Handle_ID(int list);
** Deletion support. Just used to make sure we are doing type safe deletion.
static void Remove_From_List(int list, DataSafeEntryClass *entry_ptr);
static void Free_Handle_ID(int list, int id);
** Type identification.
static inline int Get_Type_Size(int type);
** Thread safety.
class ThreadLockClass
** Constructor. Grabs the mutex.
inline ThreadLockClass(void) {
int deadlock = WaitForSingleObject(GenericDataSafeClass::SafeMutex, 10 * 1000);
if (deadlock == WAIT_TIMEOUT) {
WWDEBUG_SAY(("Data Safe: Timeout waiting for data safe mutex\n"));
ds_assert(deadlock != WAIT_TIMEOUT);
** Destructor, releases the mutex.
inline ~ThreadLockClass(void) {
** If thread safety is not required, this class compiles out to nothing when used in release mode.
class ThreadLockClass
#ifdef WWDEBUG
__forceinline ThreadLockClass(void) {
if (GenericDataSafeClass::PreferredThread != GetCurrentThreadId()) {
WWDEBUG_SAY(("DATASAFE.H - PreferredThread = %08X, GetCurrentThreadId() == %08X\n", GenericDataSafeClass::PreferredThread, GetCurrentThreadId()));
ds_assert(GenericDataSafeClass::PreferredThread == GetCurrentThreadId());
#endif //WWDEBUG
static unsigned int PreferredThread;
friend ThreadLockClass;
** Static data. We only need one each of these, regardless of how many DataSafeClass 'types' there are.
** Simple key value used for xoring.
static unsigned long SimpleKey;
** Key used for encrypting handles.
static unsigned long HandleKey;
** Number of valid entries in the Safe list.
static int NumLists;
** Array of pointers to data lists. We can't use a dynamic vector class here because the handles we give out include
** an index into this array. Dynamic vector class moves entries around to remove gaps in the array which would leave
** the handles pointing to the wrong element.
static DataSafeEntryListClass *Safe[MAX_DATASAFE_LISTS];
** Integrity check.
static unsigned long Checksum;
** Shuffle delay.
static unsigned long ShuffleDelay;
** Security check delay.
static unsigned long SecurityCheckDelay;
** List of types that are stored in the data safe.
static DataSafeEntryTypeClass TypeList[MAX_DATASAFE_TYPES];
static int TypeListCount;
** Mutex to ensure thread safety.
static HANDLE SafeMutex;
** Sentinels. Can't use 'SafeDataClass' as it's constructor adds data to the safe - i.e. us.
static DataSafeHandleClass SentinelOne;
static DataSafeHandleClass SentinelTwo;
** Number of CRC errors so we can report it in the game results.
static int CRCErrors;
** Statistics - debug only.
#ifdef WWDEBUG
static unsigned long LastDump;
static int NumSwaps;
static int NumFetches;
static int SlopCount;
static int NumSecurityChecks;
static int NumShuffles;
#endif //WWDEBUG
** DataSafeClass<T>
** This templated class is used to provide type specific functionality in the data safe. There must be at least one instance
** of this class for each type of data we want to store in the safe. This, along with 'GenericDataSafeClass' represents
** a single global data safe.
template<class T>
class DataSafeClass : public GenericDataSafeClass
DataSafeClass(T *bogus_ptr = NULL, int slopcount = 3);
** Query functions.
static bool Get(DataSafeHandleClass handle, T* &item);
static inline bool In_Return_List(T *ptr) {
if (ptr) {
void *temp = (void*)ptr;
if (temp >= &ReturnList[0][0] && temp < &ReturnList[MAX_OBJECT_COPIES][0]) {
if (((unsigned long) temp - (unsigned long)(&ReturnList[0][0])) % sizeof(T) == 0) {
** Set functions.
static bool Set(DataSafeHandleClass handle, T *data);
** Add functions.
static DataSafeHandleClass Add_Entry(T &value, bool is_slop = false);
** Removal functions.
static void Delete_Entry(DataSafeHandleClass handle);
** Type identification.
static int Get_Type_ID(unsigned long type_code, int size);
static unsigned long Get_Type_Code(void);
** Type of this DataSafe.
static int Type;
** Min slop entries for this type of safe.
static int MinSlop;
** Copies of items in the data safe. Only used to return copies of items in the safe.
** The number of elements in this list is the number of times you can call the 'Get' function before you start to
** invalidate the data you got 'n' calls ago. For this reason, you should always make a copy of data retrieved from
** the safe if you plan to use it more than once.
static char ReturnList[MAX_OBJECT_COPIES][sizeof(T)];
static int ReturnIndex;
** Macros to help in declaring data safe types.
#define DECLARE_DATA_SAFE(type) \
DataSafeClass<type> DataSafe##type; \
int DataSafeClass<type>::Type; \
char DataSafeClass<type>::ReturnList[MAX_OBJECT_COPIES][sizeof(type)]; \
int DataSafeClass<type>::ReturnIndex; \
int DataSafeClass<type>::MinSlop;
** SafeDataClass.
** This class is for convenience when using the data safe. Just expand this class for the type you want to add to the data safe
** and it will keep track of the handle and automate the adding in, and removal of, data in the safe.
extern char ErrorVal[1024];
template<class T>
class SafeDataClass
** Constructor, destructor.
SafeDataClass(T data);
** Copy constructor. This is a bad thing to call.
SafeDataClass(SafeDataClass &) {
** Helper functions for data safe class storage.
inline T* Get_Ptr(void) const;
inline bool Commit(T* data_ptr) const;
** Operators.
inline T &operator () (void) const;
inline T &operator = (T const &data);
inline T &operator = (SafeDataClass<T> &safedata);
inline operator int(void) const;
inline operator unsigned int(void) const;
inline operator long(void) const;
inline operator unsigned long(void) const;
inline operator float(void) const;
inline operator double(void) const;
inline bool operator == (T const &data);
inline bool operator == (SafeDataClass<T> &safedata);
inline bool operator != (T const &data);
inline bool operator != (SafeDataClass<T> &safedata);
inline bool operator > (T const &data);
inline bool operator > (SafeDataClass<T> &safedata);
inline bool operator >= (T const &data);
inline bool operator >= (SafeDataClass<T> &safedata);
inline bool operator < (T const &data);
inline bool operator < (SafeDataClass<T> &safedata);
inline bool operator <= (T const &data);
inline bool operator <= (SafeDataClass<T> &safedata);
inline T &operator + (T const &data);
inline T &operator + (SafeDataClass<T> &safedata);
inline T &operator += (T const &data);
inline T &operator += (SafeDataClass<T> &safedata);
inline T &operator - (T const &data);
inline T &operator - (SafeDataClass<T> &safedata);
inline T &operator -= (T const &data);
inline T &operator -= (SafeDataClass<T> &safedata);
inline T &operator * (T const &data);
inline T &operator * (SafeDataClass<T> &safedata);
inline T &operator *= (T const &data);
inline T &operator *= (SafeDataClass<T> &safedata);
inline T &operator / (T const &data);
inline T &operator / (SafeDataClass<T> &safedata);
inline T &operator /= (T const &data);
inline T &operator /= (SafeDataClass<T> &safedata);
inline T &operator ++ (void);
inline T &operator -- (void);
inline T &operator ++ (int);
inline T &operator -- (int);
** Query and set functions.
DataSafeHandleClass Get_Handle(void) {return(Handle);};
T Get(void);
void Set(T);
** This is the handle that represents this classes data in the datasafe.
DataSafeHandleClass Handle;
#ifdef WWDEBUG
T DebugData;
#endif //WWDEBUG
** File separation.
** Simple functions, suitable for inline expansion.
** GenericDataSafeClass functions.
* GenericDataSafeClass::Get_Type_Size -- Get the size of this type *
* *
* *
* *
* INPUT: Type ID of object *
* *
* OUTPUT: Size of object *
* *
* WARNINGS: None *
* *
* 6/27/2001 12:47PM ST : Created *
inline int GenericDataSafeClass::Get_Type_Size(int type)
ds_assert(type >= 0);
ds_assert(type < MAX_DATASAFE_TYPES);
ds_assert(type < TypeListCount);
* GenericDataSafeClass::Security_Fault -- Security fault handler *
* *
* __forceinline used to make sure there are multiple copies of this code. It's bloaty *
* but it makes it harder to hack out (but only a little bit) *
* *
* *
* INPUT: Nothing *
* *
* OUTPUT: Nothing *
* *
* WARNINGS: None *
* *
* 7/9/2001 2:20PM ST : Created *
__forceinline void GenericDataSafeClass::Security_Fault(void)
WWDEBUG_SAY(("Data Safe:Security fault\n"));
* GenericDataSafeClass::Security_Check -- Look for security problems. *
* *
* __forceinline used to make sure there are multiple copies of this code. It's bloaty *
* but it makes it harder to hack out (but only a little bit) *
* *
* *
* INPUT: Nothing *
* *
* OUTPUT: Nothing *
* *
* *
* 7/9/2001 1:08PM ST : Created *
__forceinline void GenericDataSafeClass::Security_Check(void)
ThreadLockClass locker;
** Flag to prevent recursion.
static bool _checking = false;
** Only check the time every n calls.
static unsigned long _calls = 0;
_calls = 0;
** See if SimpleKey has been zeroed out.
if (HandleKey - SimpleKey == HandleKey) {
WWDEBUG_SAY(("Data Safe: Simple Key compromised!\n"));
** See if HandleKey has been zeroed out.
if (SimpleKey - HandleKey == SimpleKey) {
WWDEBUG_SAY(("Data Safe: Handle Key compromised!\n"));
** Use the checksum to verify the whole data safe.
** Yes, the whole safe. A teeny bit slow maybe.
** Since we are going through the whole safe here, we might as well make a note of where slop
** needs to be added or removed and count how many total slop entries we have.
unsigned long time = TIMEGETTIME();
if (time < SecurityCheckDelay || (time | SecurityCheckDelay) == 0 || (time - SecurityCheckDelay) > SECURITY_CHECK_TIME) {
#ifdef WWDEBUG
SlopCount = 0;
#endif //WWDEBUG
** If toooo much time has gone by then do it anyway.
if (!_checking) { // || (time - SecurityCheckDelay) > SECURITY_CHECK_TIME * 5) {
_checking = true;
//WWDEBUG_SAY(("Data Safe: Performing security check\n"));
SecurityCheckDelay = time;
unsigned long checkey = ~SimpleKey;
** Loop through every list.
for (int i=0 ; i<NumLists ; i++) {
ds_assert(Safe[i] != NULL);
if (Safe[i] != NULL && Safe[i]->EntryCount > 0) {
** Dereference stuff - make sure the list makes sense.
DataSafeEntryClass *entry_ptr = Safe[i]->SafeList;
unsigned long *data = NULL;
ds_assert(entry_ptr != NULL);
int data_size = entry_ptr->Size;
ds_assert((data_size & 3) == 0);
data_size = data_size >> 2;
if (entry_ptr) {
** Go through each entry in the list.
for (int j=0 ; j<Safe[i]->EntryCount ; j++) {
#ifdef WWDEBUG
** Count slop entries for debug purposes.
if (entry_ptr->IsSlop) {
#endif //WWDEBUG
** Add in the handle.
checkey ^= entry_ptr->Handle;
** Add in the data.
data = (unsigned long *) (((char*)entry_ptr) + sizeof(*entry_ptr));
for (int z=0 ; z<data_size ; z++) {
checkey ^= *data++;
** Next entry.
entry_ptr = entry_ptr->Next;
if (checkey != Checksum) {
WWDEBUG_SAY(("Data Safe: Incorrect checksum!\n"));
** Check the values of the sentinels.
if (NumLists) {
int *val = NULL;
if ((int)SentinelOne != 0) {
bool got = DataSafeClass<int>::Get(SentinelOne, val);
if (!got || val == NULL || *val != SENTINEL_ONE) {
WWDEBUG_SAY(("Data Safe: Incorrect sentinel value!\n"));
val = NULL;
if ((int)SentinelTwo != 0) {
bool got = DataSafeClass<int>::Get(SentinelTwo, val);
if (!got || val == NULL || *val != SENTINEL_TWO) {
WWDEBUG_SAY(("Data Safe: Incorrect sentinel value!\n"));
#ifdef WWDEBUG
#endif //WWDEBUG
_checking = false;
** DataSafeClass functions.
* DataSafeClass::DataSafeClass -- Class constructor *
* *
* *
* *
* INPUT: Bogus pointer. Pointer that isn't referenced. It's only used for type info *
* Number of 'slop' entries to create *
* *
* OUTPUT: Nothing *
* *
* WARNINGS: None *
* *
* 6/25/2001 1:51PM ST : Created *
template <class T>
DataSafeClass<T>::DataSafeClass(T*, int slopcount)
ThreadLockClass locker;
** Clear out the return list.
memset(ReturnList, 0, sizeof(ReturnList));
ReturnIndex = 0;
** Get the type info for 'T'. Different types get stored in different places in the safe. Only similar types can be in the
** same safe list.
int data_size = sizeof(T);
int type_code = Get_Type_Code();
** Get_Type_ID will return the Type ID for this type code (instruction pointer). It will create a new type if this one
** doesn't already exist.
int id = Get_Type_ID(type_code, data_size);
Type = id;
MinSlop = slopcount;
** Add some slop entries here. These are just bogues entries than can be swapped in memory with real entries. The less
** commonly added data types should be give more slop entries.
for (int i=0 ; i<slopcount ; i++) {
** We need to make sure the constructor gets called for this object type before it's added to the safe. But we must
** also make sure that the destructor *isn't* called when we go out of scope here - it will be called explicitly
** when the datasafe is destructed. By using _alloca, and doing an in-place new, the memory that the object sits in
** will be freed when it goes out of scope but the destructor for 'T' won't be called.
void *stackmem = _alloca(sizeof(T));
T *slop_ptr = new (stackmem) T;
Add_Entry(*slop_ptr, true);
* DataSafeClass::~DataSafeClass -- Class destructor. Removes remaining slop entries. *
* *
* *
* *
* INPUT: Nothing *
* *
* OUTPUT: Nothing *
* *
* WARNINGS: None *
* *
* 7/5/2001 11:38AM ST : Created *
template <class T>
ThreadLockClass locker;
** Remove all slop enries of our type from all lists. Note that this will delete non-slop entries too if any remain at this
** time.
for (int i=0 ; i<NumLists ; i++) {
ds_assert(Safe[i] != NULL);
if (Safe[i] != NULL && Safe[i]->EntryType == Type && Safe[i]->EntryCount > 0) {
while (Safe[i]->EntryCount > 0) {
** Delete the first entry in the list.
int entries = Safe[i]->EntryCount;
DataSafeHandleClass handle = Safe[i]->SafeList->Handle ^ SimpleKey;
handle = handle ^ HandleKey;
** Safety check. If something goes wrong and we didn't delete the entry then we will never get out of this loop
** so check for that case.
ds_assert(entries == Safe[i]->EntryCount+1);
if (entries != Safe[i]->EntryCount+1) {
* DataSafeClass::Get_Type_Code -- Get a unique code per type without using RTTI *
* *
* *
* *
* INPUT: Nothing *
* *
* OUTPUT: Type code *
* *
* WARNINGS: None *
* *
* 7/2/2001 11:17AM ST : Created *
template <class T>
unsigned long DataSafeClass<T>::Get_Type_Code(void)
** Make sure this function gets expanded multiple times for different types by referencing the type.
volatile int data_size = sizeof(T);
data_size = data_size;
** Since we aren't using RTTI I need some other way of distinguishing types in the safe. Because it's templatised, this
** code will get expanded once for each type it's used with. I will use the location in memory of the function to
** uniquely identify each type. What a cunning plan.
static unsigned long instruction_pointer;
instruction_pointer = 0;
__asm {
lea eax,here
mov [instruction_pointer],eax
ds_assert(instruction_pointer != 0);
* DataSafeClass::Get_Type_ID -- Get the id for the given type and size *
* *
* *
* *
* INPUT: Type identifier code *
* Size of type *
* *
* OUTPUT: Type ID *
* *
* WARNINGS: None *
* *
* 6/27/2001 12:44PM ST : Created *
template <class T>
int DataSafeClass<T>::Get_Type_ID(unsigned long type_code, int size)
int id = 0;
** See if we already have an ID for this type code.
for (int i=0 ; i<TypeListCount ; i++) {
if (TypeList[i].TypeCode == type_code) {
ds_assert(TypeList[i].Size == size);
** Create a new type entry.
ds_assert(TypeListCount < MAX_DATASAFE_TYPES);
if (TypeListCount < MAX_DATASAFE_TYPES) {
ds_assert(TypeList[TypeListCount].TypeCode == 0);
ds_assert(TypeList[TypeListCount].Size == 0);
TypeList[TypeListCount].TypeCode = type_code;
TypeList[TypeListCount].ID = TypeListCount;
TypeList[TypeListCount].Size = size;
id = TypeListCount++;
* DataSafeClass::Add_Entry -- Create a new data safe entry and init it to the value provided *
* *
* *
* *
* INPUT: Value *
* *
* OUTPUT: Handle *
* *
* WARNINGS: None *
* *
* 6/19/2001 8:34PM ST : Created *
template <class T>
DataSafeHandleClass DataSafeClass<T>::Add_Entry(T &value, bool is_slop)
ThreadLockClass locker;
** Allocate memory for the new entry.
DataSafeEntryClass *entry_ptr = (DataSafeEntryClass*) new char [sizeof(DataSafeEntryDataClass<T>)];
if (entry_ptr) {
** Init the data safe entry to reasonable values.
entry_ptr->Next = NULL;
entry_ptr->Prev = NULL;
entry_ptr->Size = sizeof(value);
entry_ptr->IsSlop = is_slop;
** Copy the data to the safe entry.
DataSafeEntryDataClass<T>* data_ptr = (DataSafeEntryDataClass<T>*) entry_ptr;
Mem_Copy_Encrypt(& data_ptr->Data, &value, sizeof(value), true);
** Find out which list we will be adding the entry to.
int list = Get_Random_List_For_Insertion(Type);
ds_assert(list >= 0 && list < MAX_DATASAFE_LISTS);
ds_assert(Safe[list] != NULL);
if (list != -1 && Safe[list] != NULL) {
** Now we know the list, we can get the next index id for that list and build a handle for the entry.
int index = Get_Handle_ID(list);
ds_assert(index >= 0 && index < MAX_ENTRIES_PER_LIST);
DataSafeHandleClass handle;
handle.Handle.Part.List = list;
handle.Handle.Part.ID = index;
handle.Handle.Part.Type = Type;
** We have a handle. Better encrypt it.
DataSafeHandleClass encrypted_handle = handle ^ SimpleKey;
Checksum = Checksum ^ encrypted_handle;
** Store it in the entry so we can do a search and match to get this entry out again.
entry_ptr->Handle = encrypted_handle;
** Insert the entry into the chosen list.
Random_Insertion(entry_ptr, list, Type, is_slop);
** Maybe add slop here if there is only one entry in the list.
** It will get removed later as more entries are added.
if (Safe[list]->EntryCount == 1 && !is_slop) {
for (int i=0 ; i<MinSlop ; i++) {
entry_ptr = (DataSafeEntryClass*) new char [sizeof(DataSafeEntryDataClass<T>)];
if (entry_ptr) {
entry_ptr->Next = NULL;
entry_ptr->Prev = NULL;
entry_ptr->Size = sizeof(T);
entry_ptr->IsSlop = true;
** Encrypt the garbage data in the uninitialized memory we just allocated for the
** object. It has to be encrypted to keep the CRC right.
Encrypt(&((DataSafeEntryDataClass<T>*)entry_ptr)->Data, sizeof(T), SimpleKey, true);
** Get a handle ID. Not really needed since we won't be returning a handle but it
** keeps the ID usage list neat. Fill in the rest of the handle to make it valid.
DataSafeHandleClass slop_handle;
slop_handle.Handle.Part.ID = Get_Handle_ID(list);
slop_handle.Handle.Part.List = list;
slop_handle.Handle.Part.Type = Type;
DataSafeHandleClass encrypted_slop_handle = slop_handle ^ SimpleKey;
Checksum = Checksum ^ encrypted_slop_handle;
entry_ptr->Handle = encrypted_slop_handle;
** Insert the slop entry.
Random_Insertion(entry_ptr, list, Type, true);
ds_assert(Safe[list]->SlopCount == MinSlop);
ds_assert(Safe[list]->EntryCount == MinSlop + 1);
** Maybe remove some slop if the list is filling up.
if (Safe[list]->SlopCount != 0 && Safe[list]->EntryCount > Safe[list]->SlopCount * 2 && !is_slop) {
** Lots of entries here. Remove all slop by building a list of slop entries then
** removing them one by one.
entry_ptr = Safe[list]->SafeList;
ds_assert(entry_ptr != NULL);
DataSafeHandleClass removal_list[MAX_ENTRIES_PER_LIST];
int removal_count = 0;
if (entry_ptr) {
** Go through each entry in the list.
for (int j=0 ; j<Safe[list]->EntryCount ; j++) {
** If this is a slop entry then mark it for removal.
if (entry_ptr->IsSlop) {
DataSafeHandleClass decode_handle = entry_ptr->Handle ^ SimpleKey;
decode_handle = decode_handle ^ HandleKey;
removal_list[removal_count++] = decode_handle;
** Next entry.
entry_ptr = entry_ptr->Next;
** Remove all marked entries. Delete_Entry will fix up the lists slop count.
for (int j=0 ; j<removal_count ; j++) {
ds_assert(Safe[list]->SlopCount == 0);
** Return the handle, encrypted using the handle key.
handle.Handle.Whole.WholeHandle ^= HandleKey;
** Allocation error.
* DataSafeClass::Delete_Entry -- Delete an entry from the data safe *
* *
* *
* *
* INPUT: Handle to entry *
* *
* OUTPUT: Nothing *
* *
* WARNINGS: None *
* *
* 6/25/2001 1:32PM ST : Created *
template <class T>
void DataSafeClass<T>::Delete_Entry(DataSafeHandleClass handle)
** Locals.
ThreadLockClass locker;
int list;
int id;
** Asserts.
** Check safe integrity.
** The handles we give out are encrypted so we need to decrypt temporarily to extract the list number.
DataSafeHandleClass new_handle = handle ^ HandleKey;
list = new_handle.Handle.Part.List;
id = new_handle.Handle.Part.ID;
** Check that list number.
ds_assert(list >= 0);
ds_assert(list < NumLists);
ds_assert(Safe[list] != NULL);
** Get a pointer to the actual entry in the safe list.
DataSafeEntryClass *entry_ptr = Get_Entry(handle);
ds_assert(entry_ptr != NULL);
if (entry_ptr != NULL) {
** Apply the current data key to the handle to fix up the checksum.
DataSafeHandleClass match_handle = new_handle ^ SimpleKey;
Checksum ^= match_handle;
** We found the entry for this handle. We need to fix up the list pointers and delete the memory.
** Since we originally memcpy'ed this object into place we will have to call the destructor explicitly. The explicit
** destructor call will have no effect if the object doesn't have a destructor defined.
** We need to decrypt the object in place before calling the desturctor otherwise it will have a hard time acting on
** it's own data. This has the bonus of fixing up the checksum too.
DataSafeEntryDataClass<T> *whole_entry_ptr = (DataSafeEntryDataClass<T>*) entry_ptr;
Decrypt(&whole_entry_ptr->Data, Get_Type_Size(Safe[list]->EntryType), SimpleKey);
if (!whole_entry_ptr->IsSlop) {
Remove_From_List(list, entry_ptr);
Free_Handle_ID(list, id);
delete [] (void*) entry_ptr;
** No match found.
WWDEBUG_SAY(("Datasafe: No item found for handle %08x\n", (int)handle));
* DataSafeClass::Get -- Get a copy of an item in the data safe. *
* *
* *
* *
* INPUT: Handle to data safe entry *
* (out) Pointer to copy of object *
* *
* OUTPUT: True if object retrieved OK *
* *
* WARNINGS: None *
* *
* 7/2/2001 11:07AM ST : Created *
template <class T>
bool DataSafeClass<T>::Get(DataSafeHandleClass handle, T* &item)
ThreadLockClass locker;
** Get a pointer to the entry.
DataSafeEntryClass *entry_ptr = Get_Entry(handle);
if (entry_ptr == NULL) {
DataSafeEntryDataClass<T> *data_entry_ptr = (DataSafeEntryDataClass<T>*) entry_ptr;
** Copy the object from the data safe and decrypt it in one pass. Don't adjust the checksum as the object is staying
** the same in the safe.
Mem_Copy_Decrypt(&ReturnList[ReturnIndex][0], &data_entry_ptr->Data, sizeof(T), false);
** Return the object.
item = (T*)(&ReturnList[ReturnIndex][0]);
** Fix up the return list index.
if (ReturnIndex >= MAX_OBJECT_COPIES) {
ReturnIndex = 0;
** Move stuff around.
** Check safe integrity.
* DataSafeClass::Set -- Set the value of an entry in the data safe *
* *
* *
* *
* INPUT: Handle to data in the safe *
* New value to set *
* *
* OUTPUT: True if handle was valid *
* *
* WARNINGS: None *
* *
* 7/3/2001 12:11PM ST : Created *
template <class T>
bool DataSafeClass<T>::Set(DataSafeHandleClass handle, T *data)
ThreadLockClass locker;
** Get a pointer to the entry.
DataSafeEntryClass *entry_ptr = Get_Entry(handle);
if (entry_ptr == NULL) {
DataSafeEntryDataClass<T> *data_entry_ptr = (DataSafeEntryDataClass<T>*) entry_ptr;
** Decrypt the old entry just to fix up the checksum.
Decrypt(&data_entry_ptr->Data, sizeof(T), SimpleKey, true);
** Copy the object into the data safe and encrypt it in one pass.
Mem_Copy_Encrypt(&data_entry_ptr->Data, data, sizeof(T), true);
** Move stuff around.
** Check safe integrity.
** SafeDataClass functions.
* SafeDataClass::SafeDataClass -- Class constructor. Adds the data to the data safe *
* *
* *
* *
* INPUT: Initial value to store in the safe *
* *
* OUTPUT: Nothing *
* *
* WARNINGS: None *
* *
* 7/3/2001 11:50AM ST : Created *
template <class T>
inline SafeDataClass<T>::SafeDataClass(T data)
Handle = DataSafeClass<T>::Add_Entry(data);
#ifdef WWDEBUG
DebugData = data;
#endif //WWDEBUG
* SafeDataClass::SafeDataClass -- Class constructor. Adds the fetches a safe handle *
* *
* *
* *
* INPUT: Nothing *
* *
* OUTPUT: Nothing *
* *
* WARNINGS: None *
* *
* 7/3/2001 11:50AM ST : Created *
//warning C4700: local variable 'data' used without having been initialized
//#pragma warning(push, 0)
//#pragma warning(disable : 4700)
template <class T>
** The data here isn't initialised since no default value was provided. I have to provide *some* sort of
** init though as the bloody compiler won't let me turn off the 'local variable 'data' used without having been initialized'
** message. Grrrr.
** Allocating the memory on the stack then doing an in place new seems to mollify the compiler so we don't get the warning
** and it does much the same thing as just declaring 'T data'. It also has the benefit that the destructor won't be called
** for the slop object when we exit this function but the memory will be freed.
void *stackmem = _alloca(sizeof(T));
T *data = new (stackmem) T;
** Add the entry to the data safe and note the handle.
Handle = DataSafeClass<T>::Add_Entry(*data);
#ifdef WWDEBUG
DebugData = *data;
#endif //WWDEBUG
//#pragma warning(pop)
* SafeDataClass::~SafeDataClass -- Class desturctor. Removes the data from the data safe *
* *
* *
* *
* INPUT: Nothing *
* *
* OUTPUT: Nothing *
* *
* WARNINGS: None *
* *
* 7/3/2001 11:51AM ST : Created *
template <class T>
inline SafeDataClass<T>::~SafeDataClass(void)
if (Handle.Is_Valid()) {
* SafeDataClass::operator = - assignment operator. *
* *
* *
* *
* INPUT: Data to assign *
* *
* OUTPUT: Data assigned *
* *
* WARNINGS: None *
* *
* 7/3/2001 12:05PM ST : Created *
template <class T>
inline T &SafeDataClass<T>::operator = (T const &data)
** If we have a valid handle, then set the data into the data safe.
if (Handle.Is_Valid()) {
#ifdef WWDEBUG
bool ok =
#endif //WWDEBUG
DataSafeClass<T>::Set(Handle, (T*) &data);
#ifdef WWDEBUG
DebugData = data;
#endif //WWDEBUG
* SafeDataClass::operator = - assignment operator for assigning from other SafeDataClass's *
* *
* *
* *
* INPUT: Data to assign *
* *
* OUTPUT: Data assigned *
* *
* WARNINGS: None *
* *
* 7/3/2001 12:05PM ST : Created *
template <class T>
inline T &SafeDataClass<T>::operator = (SafeDataClass<T> &safedata)
** Locals.
T *other_value = NULL;
** Asserts.
ds_assert(GenericDataSafeClass::Get_Entry_Type(Handle) == GenericDataSafeClass::Get_Entry_Type(safedata.Get_Handle()));
** If we have a valid handle, then get the data for this handle from the data safe.
if (Handle.Is_Valid()) {
** Get the value for the other safe data class
** and set it into the safe entry with our handle.
other_value = safedata.Get_Ptr();
ds_assert(other_value != NULL);
if (other_value) {
#ifdef WWDEBUG
bool ok =
#endif //WWDEBUG
DataSafeClass<T>::Set(Handle, (T*) other_value);
#ifdef WWDEBUG
DebugData = *other_value;
#endif //WWDEBUG
} else {
** Bad error case, have to return something so use the value we already have.
* SafeDataClass::operator == - Equality check operator. *
* *
* *
* *
* INPUT: Data to compare against *
* *
* OUTPUT: true if equal *
* *
* WARNINGS: None *
* *
* 7/3/2001 12:05PM ST : Created *
template <class T>
inline bool SafeDataClass<T>::operator == (T const &data)
T *data_ptr = NULL;
** If we have a valid handle, then check the value against the supplied data.
if (Handle.Is_Valid()) {
#ifdef WWDEBUG
bool ok =
#endif //WWDEBUG
DataSafeClass<T>::Get(Handle, data_ptr);
if (data_ptr) {
return(*data_ptr == data);
* SafeDataClass::operator == - Equality check operator. *
* *
* *
* *
* INPUT: Safe Data to compare against *
* *
* OUTPUT: true if equal *
* *
* WARNINGS: None *
* *
* 7/3/2001 12:05PM ST : Created *
template <class T>
inline bool SafeDataClass<T>::operator == (SafeDataClass<T> &safedata)
** Locals.
T *data_ptr = NULL;
T *other_value = NULL;
** Asserts.
ds_assert(GenericDataSafeClass::Get_Entry_Type(Handle) == GenericDataSafeClass::Get_Entry_Type(safedata.Get_Handle()));
** If we have a valid handle, then check the value against the supplied data.
if (Handle.Is_Valid()) {
#ifdef WWDEBUG
bool ok =
#endif //WWDEBUG
DataSafeClass<T>::Get(Handle, data_ptr);
if (data_ptr) {
** Looks like we have the value for this safe data class. Get the value for the other one.
other_value = safedata.Get_Ptr();
ds_assert(other_value != NULL);
if (other_value) {
** Check them against each other,
return(*data_ptr == *other_value);
* SafeDataClass::operator != - Inequality check operator. *
* *
* *
* *
* INPUT: Data to compare against *
* *
* OUTPUT: true if not equal *
* *
* WARNINGS: None *
* *
* 7/3/2001 12:05PM ST : Created *
template <class T>
inline bool SafeDataClass<T>::operator != (T const &data)
T *data_ptr = NULL;
** If we have a valid handle, then check the value against the supplied data.
if (Handle.Is_Valid()) {
#ifdef WWDEBUG
bool ok =
#endif //WWDEBUG
DataSafeClass<T>::Get(Handle, data_ptr);
if (data_ptr) {
return(*data_ptr != data);
* SafeDataClass::operator != - Inequality check operator. *
* *
* *
* *
* INPUT: Data to compare against *
* *
* OUTPUT: true if not equal *
* *
* WARNINGS: None *
* *
* 7/3/2001 12:05PM ST : Created *
template <class T>
inline bool SafeDataClass<T>::operator != (SafeDataClass<T> &safedata)
** Locals.
T *data_ptr = NULL;
T *other_value = NULL;
** Asserts.
ds_assert(GenericDataSafeClass::Get_Entry_Type(Handle) == GenericDataSafeClass::Get_Entry_Type(safedata.Get_Handle()));
** If we have a valid handle, then check the value against the supplied data.
if (Handle.Is_Valid()) {
#ifdef WWDEBUG
bool ok =
#endif //WWDEBUG
DataSafeClass<T>::Get(Handle, data_ptr);
if (data_ptr) {
** Looks like we have the value for this safe data class. Get the value for the other one.
other_value = safedata.Get_Ptr();
ds_assert(other_value != NULL);
if (other_value) {
** Check them against each other,
return(*data_ptr != *other_value);
* SafeDataClass::operator > - > operator. *
* *
* *
* *
* INPUT: Data to compare against *
* *
* OUTPUT: true if greater than *
* *
* WARNINGS: None *
* *
* 7/3/2001 12:05PM ST : Created *
template <class T>
inline bool SafeDataClass<T>::operator > (T const &data)
T *data_ptr = NULL;
** If we have a valid handle, then check the value against the supplied data.
if (Handle.Is_Valid()) {
#ifdef WWDEBUG
bool ok =
#endif //WWDEBUG
DataSafeClass<T>::Get(Handle, data_ptr);
if (data_ptr) {
return(*data_ptr > data);
* SafeDataClass::operator > - > operator. *
* *
* *
* *
* INPUT: Safe Data to compare against *
* *
* OUTPUT: true if greater than *
* *
* WARNINGS: None *
* *
* 7/3/2001 12:05PM ST : Created *
template <class T>
inline bool SafeDataClass<T>::operator > (SafeDataClass<T> &safedata)
** Locals.
T *data_ptr = NULL;
T *other_value = NULL;
** Asserts.
ds_assert(GenericDataSafeClass::Get_Entry_Type(Handle) == GenericDataSafeClass::Get_Entry_Type(safedata.Get_Handle()));
** If we have a valid handle, then check the value against the supplied data.
if (Handle.Is_Valid()) {
#ifdef WWDEBUG
bool ok =
#endif //WWDEBUG
DataSafeClass<T>::Get(Handle, data_ptr);
if (data_ptr) {
** Looks like we have the value for this safe data class. Get the value for the other one.
other_value = safedata.Get_Ptr();
ds_assert(other_value != NULL);
if (other_value) {
** Check them against each other,
return(*data_ptr > *other_value);
* SafeDataClass::operator >= - >= operator. *
* *
* *
* *
* INPUT: Data to compare against *
* *
* OUTPUT: true if greater than or equal *
* *
* WARNINGS: None *
* *
* 7/3/2001 12:05PM ST : Created *
template <class T>
inline bool SafeDataClass<T>::operator >= (T const &data)
T *data_ptr = NULL;
** If we have a valid handle, then check the value against the supplied data.
if (Handle.Is_Valid()) {
#ifdef WWDEBUG
bool ok =
#endif //WWDEBUG
DataSafeClass<T>::Get(Handle, data_ptr);
if (data_ptr) {
return(*data_ptr >= data);
* SafeDataClass::operator >= - >= operator. *
* *
* *
* *
* INPUT: Safe Data to compare against *
* *
* OUTPUT: true if greater than or equal *
* *
* WARNINGS: None *
* *
* 7/3/2001 12:05PM ST : Created *
template <class T>
inline bool SafeDataClass<T>::operator >= (SafeDataClass<T> &safedata)
** Locals.
T *data_ptr = NULL;
T *other_value = NULL;
** Asserts.
ds_assert(GenericDataSafeClass::Get_Entry_Type(Handle) == GenericDataSafeClass::Get_Entry_Type(safedata.Get_Handle()));
** If we have a valid handle, then check the value against the supplied data.
if (Handle.Is_Valid()) {
#ifdef WWDEBUG
bool ok =
#endif //WWDEBUG
DataSafeClass<T>::Get(Handle, data_ptr);
if (data_ptr) {
** Looks like we have the value for this safe data class. Get the value for the other one.
other_value = safedata.Get_Ptr();
ds_assert(other_value != NULL);
if (other_value) {
** Check them against each other,
return(*data_ptr >= *other_value);
* SafeDataClass::operator < - < operator. *
* *
* *
* *
* INPUT: Data to compare against *
* *
* OUTPUT: true if less than *
* *
* WARNINGS: None *
* *
* 7/3/2001 12:05PM ST : Created *
template <class T>
inline bool SafeDataClass<T>::operator < (T const &data)
T *data_ptr = NULL;
** If we have a valid handle, then check the value against the supplied data.
if (Handle.Is_Valid()) {
#ifdef WWDEBUG
bool ok =
#endif //WWDEBUG
DataSafeClass<T>::Get(Handle, data_ptr);
if (data_ptr) {
return(*data_ptr < data);
* SafeDataClass::operator < - < operator. *
* *
* *
* *
* INPUT: Safe Data to compare against *
* *
* OUTPUT: true if less than *
* *
* WARNINGS: None *
* *
* 7/3/2001 12:05PM ST : Created *
template <class T>
inline bool SafeDataClass<T>::operator < (SafeDataClass<T> &safedata)
** Locals.
T *data_ptr = NULL;
T *other_value = NULL;
** Asserts.
ds_assert(GenericDataSafeClass::Get_Entry_Type(Handle) == GenericDataSafeClass::Get_Entry_Type(safedata.Get_Handle()));
** If we have a valid handle, then check the value against the supplied data.
if (Handle.Is_Valid()) {
#ifdef WWDEBUG
bool ok =
#endif //WWDEBUG
DataSafeClass<T>::Get(Handle, data_ptr);
if (data_ptr) {
** Looks like we have the value for this safe data class. Get the value for the other one.
other_value = safedata.Get_Ptr();
ds_assert(other_value != NULL);
if (other_value) {
** Check them against each other,
return(*data_ptr < *other_value);
* SafeDataClass::operator <= - <= operator. *
* *
* *
* *
* INPUT: Data to compare against *
* *
* OUTPUT: true if less than or equal *
* *
* WARNINGS: None *
* *
* 7/3/2001 12:05PM ST : Created *
template <class T>
inline bool SafeDataClass<T>::operator <= (T const &data)
T *data_ptr = NULL;
** If we have a valid handle, then check the value against the supplied data.
if (Handle.Is_Valid()) {
#ifdef WWDEBUG
bool ok =
#endif //WWDEBUG
DataSafeClass<T>::Get(Handle, data_ptr);
if (data_ptr) {
return(*data_ptr <= data);
* SafeDataClass::operator <= - <= operator. *
* *
* *
* *
* INPUT: Safe Data to compare against *
* *
* OUTPUT: true if less than or equal *
* *
* WARNINGS: None *
* *
* 7/3/2001 12:05PM ST : Created *
template <class T>
inline bool SafeDataClass<T>::operator <= (SafeDataClass<T> &safedata)
** Locals.
T *data_ptr = NULL;
T *other_value = NULL;
** Asserts.
ds_assert(GenericDataSafeClass::Get_Entry_Type(Handle) == GenericDataSafeClass::Get_Entry_Type(safedata.Get_Handle()));
** If we have a valid handle, then check the value against the supplied data.
if (Handle.Is_Valid()) {
#ifdef WWDEBUG
bool ok =
#endif //WWDEBUG
DataSafeClass<T>::Get(Handle, data_ptr);
if (data_ptr) {
** Looks like we have the value for this safe data class. Get the value for the other one.
other_value = safedata.Get_Ptr();
ds_assert(other_value != NULL);
if (other_value) {
** Check them against each other,
return(*data_ptr <= *other_value);
* SafeDataClass::operator + - + operator. *
* *
* *
* *
* INPUT: Data to add *
* *
* OUTPUT: Result *
* *
* WARNINGS: None *
* *
* 7/3/2001 12:05PM ST : Created *
template <class T>
inline T &SafeDataClass<T>::operator + (T const &value)
** Locals.
T *data_ptr = NULL;
** Asserts.
** If we have a valid handle, then get the current value and apply the change
if (Handle.Is_Valid()) {
#ifdef WWDEBUG
bool ok =
#endif //WWDEBUG
DataSafeClass<T>::Get(Handle, data_ptr);
if (data_ptr) {
*data_ptr = *data_ptr + value;
** Error case, have to return something.
* SafeDataClass::operator + - + operator *
* *
* *
* *
* INPUT: Data to add *
* *
* OUTPUT: Result *
* *
* WARNINGS: None *
* *
* 7/3/2001 12:05PM ST : Created *
template <class T>
inline T &SafeDataClass<T>::operator + (SafeDataClass<T> &safevalue)
** Locals.
T *data_ptr = NULL;
T *other_value = NULL;
** Asserts.
ds_assert(GenericDataSafeClass::Get_Entry_Type(Handle) == GenericDataSafeClass::Get_Entry_Type(safevalue.Get_Handle()));
** If we have a valid handle, then get the data for this handle from the data safe.
if (Handle.Is_Valid()) {
#ifdef WWDEBUG
bool ok =
#endif //WWDEBUG
DataSafeClass<T>::Get(Handle, data_ptr);
if (data_ptr) {
** Looks like we have the value for this safe data class. Get the value for the other one.
** and do the math.
other_value = safevalue.Get_Ptr();
ds_assert(other_value != NULL);
if (other_value) {
*data_ptr = *data_ptr + *other_value;
} else {
** Bad error case, have to return something so use the value we already have.
** Error case, have to return something.
* SafeDataClass::operator += - += operator. *
* *
* *
* *
* INPUT: Data to add *
* *
* OUTPUT: Result *
* *
* WARNINGS: None *
* *
* 7/3/2001 12:05PM ST : Created *
template <class T>
inline T &SafeDataClass<T>::operator += (T const &value)
** Locals.
T *data_ptr = NULL;
** Asserts.
** If we have a valid handle, then get the current value and apply the change
if (Handle.Is_Valid()) {
#ifdef WWDEBUG
bool ok =
#endif //WWDEBUG
DataSafeClass<T>::Get(Handle, data_ptr);
if (data_ptr) {
*data_ptr = *data_ptr + value;
#ifdef WWDEBUG
bool ok =
#endif //WWDEBUG
DataSafeClass<T>::Set(Handle, data_ptr);
#ifdef WWDEBUG
DebugData = *data_ptr;
#endif //WWDEBUG
** Error case, have to return something.
* SafeDataClass::operator += - += operator *
* *
* *
* *
* INPUT: Data to add *
* *
* OUTPUT: Result *
* *
* WARNINGS: None *
* *
* 7/3/2001 12:05PM ST : Created *
template <class T>
inline T &SafeDataClass<T>::operator += (SafeDataClass<T> &safevalue)
** Locals.
T *data_ptr = NULL;
T *other_value = NULL;
** Asserts.
ds_assert(GenericDataSafeClass::Get_Entry_Type(Handle) == GenericDataSafeClass::Get_Entry_Type(safevalue.Get_Handle()));
** If we have a valid handle, then get the data for this handle from the data safe.
if (Handle.Is_Valid()) {
#ifdef WWDEBUG
bool ok =
#endif //WWDEBUG
DataSafeClass<T>::Get(Handle, data_ptr);
if (data_ptr) {
** Looks like we have the value for this safe data class. Get the value for the other one.
** and do the math.
other_value = safevalue.Get_Ptr();
ds_assert(other_value != NULL);
if (other_value) {
*data_ptr = *data_ptr + *other_value;
#ifdef WWDEBUG
ok =
#endif //WWDEBUG
DataSafeClass<T>::Set(Handle, data_ptr);
#ifdef WWDEBUG
DebugData = *data_ptr;
#endif //WWDEBUG
} else {
** Bad error case, have to return something so use the value we already have.
** Error case, have to return something.
* SafeDataClass::operator - - - operator. *
* *
* *
* *
* INPUT: Data to subtract *
* *
* OUTPUT: Result *
* *
* WARNINGS: None *
* *
* 7/3/2001 12:05PM ST : Created *
template <class T>
inline T &SafeDataClass<T>::operator - (T const &value)
** Locals.
T *data_ptr = NULL;
** Asserts.
** If we have a valid handle, then get the current value and apply the change
if (Handle.Is_Valid()) {
#ifdef WWDEBUG
bool ok =
#endif //WWDEBUG
DataSafeClass<T>::Get(Handle, data_ptr);
if (data_ptr) {
*data_ptr = *data_ptr - value;
** Error case, have to return something.
* SafeDataClass::operator - - - operator *
* *
* *
* *
* INPUT: Data to subtract *
* *
* OUTPUT: Result *
* *
* WARNINGS: None *
* *
* 7/3/2001 12:05PM ST : Created *
template <class T>
inline T &SafeDataClass<T>::operator - (SafeDataClass<T> &safevalue)
** Locals.
T *data_ptr = NULL;
T *other_value = NULL;
** Asserts.
ds_assert(GenericDataSafeClass::Get_Entry_Type(Handle) == GenericDataSafeClass::Get_Entry_Type(safevalue.Get_Handle()));
** If we have a valid handle, then get the data for this handle from the data safe.
if (Handle.Is_Valid()) {
#ifdef WWDEBUG
bool ok =
#endif //WWDEBUG
DataSafeClass<T>::Get(Handle, data_ptr);
if (data_ptr) {
** Looks like we have the value for this safe data class. Get the value for the other one.
** and do the math.
other_value = safevalue.Get_Ptr();
ds_assert(other_value != NULL);
if (other_value) {
*data_ptr = *data_ptr - *other_value;
} else {
** Bad error case, have to return something so use the value we already have.
** Error case, have to return something.
* SafeDataClass::operator -= - -= operator. *
* *
* *
* *
* INPUT: Data to subtract *
* *
* OUTPUT: Result *
* *
* WARNINGS: None *
* *
* 7/3/2001 12:05PM ST : Created *
template <class T>
inline T &SafeDataClass<T>::operator -= (T const &value)
** Locals.
T *data_ptr = NULL;
** Asserts.
** If we have a valid handle, then get the current value and apply the change
if (Handle.Is_Valid()) {
#ifdef WWDEBUG
bool ok =
#endif //WWDEBUG
DataSafeClass<T>::Get(Handle, data_ptr);
if (data_ptr) {
*data_ptr = *data_ptr - value;
#ifdef WWDEBUG
bool ok =
#endif //WWDEBUG
DataSafeClass<T>::Set(Handle, data_ptr);
#ifdef WWDEBUG
DebugData = *data_ptr;
#endif //WWDEBUG
** Error case, have to return something.
* SafeDataClass::operator -= - -= operator *
* *
* *
* *
* INPUT: Data to subtract *
* *
* OUTPUT: Result *
* *
* WARNINGS: None *
* *
* 7/3/2001 12:05PM ST : Created *
template <class T>
inline T &SafeDataClass<T>::operator -= (SafeDataClass<T> &safevalue)
** Locals.
T *data_ptr = NULL;
T *other_value = NULL;
** Asserts.
ds_assert(GenericDataSafeClass::Get_Entry_Type(Handle) == GenericDataSafeClass::Get_Entry_Type(safevalue.Get_Handle()));
** If we have a valid handle, then get the data for this handle from the data safe.
if (Handle.Is_Valid()) {
#ifdef WWDEBUG
bool ok =
#endif //WWDEBUG
DataSafeClass<T>::Get(Handle, data_ptr);
if (data_ptr) {
** Looks like we have the value for this safe data class. Get the value for the other one.
** and do the math.
other_value = safevalue.Get_Ptr();
ds_assert(other_value != NULL);
if (other_value) {
*data_ptr = *data_ptr - *other_value;
#ifdef WWDEBUG
ok =
#endif //WWDEBUG
DataSafeClass<T>::Set(Handle, data_ptr);
#ifdef WWDEBUG
DebugData = *data_ptr;
#endif //WWDEBUG
} else {
** Bad error case, have to return something so use the value we already have.
** Error case, have to return something.
* SafeDataClass::operator * - * operator. *
* *
* *
* *
* INPUT: Data to multiply by *
* *
* OUTPUT: Result *
* *
* WARNINGS: None *
* *
* 7/3/2001 12:05PM ST : Created *
template <class T>
inline T &SafeDataClass<T>::operator * (T const &value)
** Locals.
T *data_ptr = NULL;
** Asserts.
** If we have a valid handle, then get the current value and apply the change
if (Handle.Is_Valid()) {
#ifdef WWDEBUG
bool ok =
#endif //WWDEBUG
DataSafeClass<T>::Get(Handle, data_ptr);
if (data_ptr) {
*data_ptr = *data_ptr * value;
** Error case, have to return something.
* SafeDataClass::operator * - * operator *
* *
* *
* *
* INPUT: Data to multiply by *
* *
* OUTPUT: Result *
* *
* WARNINGS: None *
* *
* 7/3/2001 12:05PM ST : Created *
template <class T>
inline T &SafeDataClass<T>::operator * (SafeDataClass<T> &safevalue)
** Locals.
T *data_ptr = NULL;
T *other_value = NULL;
** Asserts.
ds_assert(GenericDataSafeClass::Get_Entry_Type(Handle) == GenericDataSafeClass::Get_Entry_Type(safevalue.Get_Handle()));
** If we have a valid handle, then get the data for this handle from the data safe.
if (Handle.Is_Valid()) {
#ifdef WWDEBUG
bool ok =
#endif //WWDEBUG
DataSafeClass<T>::Get(Handle, data_ptr);
if (data_ptr) {
** Looks like we have the value for this safe data class. Get the value for the other one.
** and do the math.
other_value = safevalue.Get_Ptr();
ds_assert(other_value != NULL);
if (other_value) {
*data_ptr = *data_ptr * *other_value;
} else {
** Bad error case, have to return something so use the value we already have.
** Error case, have to return something.
* SafeDataClass::operator *= - *= operator. *
* *
* *
* *
* INPUT: Data to multiply by *
* *
* OUTPUT: Result *
* *
* WARNINGS: None *
* *
* 7/3/2001 12:05PM ST : Created *
template <class T>
inline T &SafeDataClass<T>::operator *= (T const &value)
** Locals.
T *data_ptr = NULL;
** Asserts.
** If we have a valid handle, then get the current value and apply the change
if (Handle.Is_Valid()) {
#ifdef WWDEBUG
bool ok =
#endif //WWDEBUG
DataSafeClass<T>::Get(Handle, data_ptr);
if (data_ptr) {
*data_ptr = *data_ptr * value;
#ifdef WWDEBUG
bool ok =
#endif //WWDEBUG
DataSafeClass<T>::Set(Handle, data_ptr);
#ifdef WWDEBUG
DebugData = *data_ptr;
#endif //WWDEBUG
** Error case, have to return something.
* SafeDataClass::operator *= - *= operator *
* *
* *
* *
* INPUT: Data to multiply by *
* *
* OUTPUT: Result *
* *
* WARNINGS: None *
* *
* 7/3/2001 12:05PM ST : Created *
template <class T>
inline T &SafeDataClass<T>::operator *= (SafeDataClass<T> &safevalue)
** Locals.
T *data_ptr = NULL;
T *other_value = NULL;
** Asserts.
ds_assert(GenericDataSafeClass::Get_Entry_Type(Handle) == GenericDataSafeClass::Get_Entry_Type(safevalue.Get_Handle()));
** If we have a valid handle, then get the data for this handle from the data safe.
if (Handle.Is_Valid()) {
#ifdef WWDEBUG
bool ok =
#endif //WWDEBUG
DataSafeClass<T>::Get(Handle, data_ptr);
if (data_ptr) {
** Looks like we have the value for this safe data class. Get the value for the other one.
** and do the math.
other_value = safevalue.Get_Ptr();
ds_assert(other_value != NULL);
if (other_value) {
*data_ptr = *data_ptr * *other_value;
#ifdef WWDEBUG
ok =
#endif //WWDEBUG
DataSafeClass<T>::Set(Handle, data_ptr);
#ifdef WWDEBUG
DebugData = *data_ptr;
#endif //WWDEBUG
} else {
** Bad error case, have to return something so use the value we already have.
** Error case, have to return something.
* SafeDataClass::operator / - / operator. *
* *
* *
* *
* INPUT: Data to divide by *
* *
* OUTPUT: Result *
* *
* WARNINGS: None *
* *
* 7/3/2001 12:05PM ST : Created *
template <class T>
inline T &SafeDataClass<T>::operator / (T const &value)
** Locals.
T *data_ptr = NULL;
** Asserts.
ds_assert(value != 0);
** If we have a valid handle, then get the current value and apply the change
if (Handle.Is_Valid()) {
#ifdef WWDEBUG
bool ok =
#endif //WWDEBUG
DataSafeClass<T>::Get(Handle, data_ptr);
if (data_ptr) {
*data_ptr = *data_ptr / value;
** Error case, have to return something.
* SafeDataClass::operator / - / operator *
* *
* *
* *
* INPUT: Data to divide by *
* *
* OUTPUT: Result *
* *
* WARNINGS: None *
* *
* 7/3/2001 12:05PM ST : Created *
template <class T>
inline T &SafeDataClass<T>::operator / (SafeDataClass<T> &safevalue)
** Locals.
T *data_ptr = NULL;
T *other_value = NULL;
** Asserts.
ds_assert(GenericDataSafeClass::Get_Entry_Type(Handle) == GenericDataSafeClass::Get_Entry_Type(safevalue.Get_Handle()));
** If we have a valid handle, then get the data for this handle from the data safe.
if (Handle.Is_Valid()) {
#ifdef WWDEBUG
bool ok =
#endif //WWDEBUG
DataSafeClass<T>::Get(Handle, data_ptr);
if (data_ptr) {
** Looks like we have the value for this safe data class. Get the value for the other one.
** and do the math.
other_value = safevalue.Get_Ptr();
ds_assert(other_value != NULL);
if (other_value) {
ds_assert(*other_value != 0);
*data_ptr = *data_ptr / *other_value;
} else {
** Bad error case, have to return something so use the value we already have.
** Error case, have to return something.
* SafeDataClass::operator /= - /= operator. *
* *
* *
* *
* INPUT: Data to divide by *
* *
* OUTPUT: Result *
* *
* WARNINGS: None *
* *
* 7/3/2001 12:05PM ST : Created *
template <class T>
inline T &SafeDataClass<T>::operator /= (T const &value)
** Locals.
T *data_ptr = NULL;
** Asserts.
ds_assert(value != 0);
** If we have a valid handle, then get the current value and apply the change
if (Handle.Is_Valid()) {
#ifdef WWDEBUG
bool ok =
#endif //WWDEBUG
DataSafeClass<T>::Get(Handle, data_ptr);
if (data_ptr) {
*data_ptr = *data_ptr / value;
#ifdef WWDEBUG
bool ok =
#endif //WWDEBUG
DataSafeClass<T>::Set(Handle, data_ptr);
#ifdef WWDEBUG
DebugData = *data_ptr;
#endif //WWDEBUG
** Error case, have to return something.
* SafeDataClass::operator /= - /= operator *
* *
* *
* *
* INPUT: Data to divide by *
* *
* OUTPUT: Result *
* *
* WARNINGS: None *
* *
* 7/3/2001 12:05PM ST : Created *
template <class T>
inline T &SafeDataClass<T>::operator /= (SafeDataClass<T> &safevalue)
** Locals.
T *data_ptr = NULL;
T *other_value = NULL;
** Asserts.
ds_assert(GenericDataSafeClass::Get_Entry_Type(Handle) == GenericDataSafeClass::Get_Entry_Type(safevalue.Get_Handle()));
** If we have a valid handle, then get the data for this handle from the data safe.
if (Handle.Is_Valid()) {
#ifdef WWDEBUG
bool ok =
#endif //WWDEBUG
DataSafeClass<T>::Get(Handle, data_ptr);
if (data_ptr) {
** Looks like we have the value for this safe data class. Get the value for the other one.
** and do the math.
other_value = safevalue.Get_Ptr();
ds_assert(other_value != NULL);
if (other_value) {
ds_assert(*other_value != 0);
*data_ptr = *data_ptr / *other_value;
#ifdef WWDEBUG
ok =
#endif //WWDEBUG
DataSafeClass<T>::Set(Handle, data_ptr);
#ifdef WWDEBUG
DebugData = *data_ptr;
#endif //WWDEBUG
} else {
** Bad error case, have to return something so use the value we already have.
** Error case, have to return something.
* SafeDataClass::operator ++ - prefix increment operator. *
* *
* *
* *
* INPUT: Nothing *
* *
* OUTPUT: Result *
* *
* WARNINGS: None *
* *
* 7/3/2001 12:05PM ST : Created *
template <class T>
inline T &SafeDataClass<T>::operator ++ (void)
** Locals.
T *data_ptr = NULL;
** Asserts.
** If we have a valid handle, then get the current value and apply the change
if (Handle.Is_Valid()) {
#ifdef WWDEBUG
bool ok =
#endif //WWDEBUG
DataSafeClass<T>::Get(Handle, data_ptr);
if (data_ptr) {
#ifdef WWDEBUG
ok =
#endif //WWDEBUG
DataSafeClass<T>::Set(Handle, data_ptr);
#ifdef WWDEBUG
DebugData = *data_ptr;
#endif //WWDEBUG
** Error case, have to return something.
* SafeDataClass::operator -- - prefix decrement operator. *
* *
* *
* *
* INPUT: Nothing *
* *
* OUTPUT: Result *
* *
* WARNINGS: None *
* *
* 7/3/2001 12:05PM ST : Created *
template <class T>
inline T &SafeDataClass<T>::operator -- (void)
** Locals.
T *data_ptr = NULL;
** Asserts.
** If we have a valid handle, then get the current value and apply the change
if (Handle.Is_Valid()) {
#ifdef WWDEBUG
bool ok =
#endif //WWDEBUG
DataSafeClass<T>::Get(Handle, data_ptr);
if (data_ptr) {
#ifdef WWDEBUG
ok =
#endif //WWDEBUG
DataSafeClass<T>::Set(Handle, data_ptr);
#ifdef WWDEBUG
DebugData = *data_ptr;
#endif //WWDEBUG
** Error case, have to return something.
* SafeDataClass::operator ++ - postfix ++ operator *
* *
* *
* *
* INPUT: int (not used, denotes postfix operator) *
* *
* OUTPUT: Nothing *
* *
* WARNINGS: None *
* *
* 7/23/2001 3:54PM ST : Created *
template <class T>
inline T &SafeDataClass<T>::operator ++ (int)
** Just call the prefix version of the operator.
return(this->operator ++ ());
* SafeDataClass::operator -- - postfix -- operator *
* *
* *
* *
* INPUT: int (not used, denotes postfix operator) *
* *
* OUTPUT: Nothing *
* *
* WARNINGS: None *
* *
* 7/23/2001 3:54PM ST : Created *
template <class T>
inline T &SafeDataClass<T>::operator -- (int)
** Just call the prefix version of the operator.
return(this->operator -- ());
* SafeDataClass::operator () - Conversion operator used for data retrieval *
* *
* *
* *
* INPUT: nothing *
* *
* OUTPUT: Copy of data in safe *
* *
* WARNINGS: None *
* *
* 7/3/2001 12:05PM ST : Created *
template <class T>
inline T &SafeDataClass<T>::operator () (void) const
T *data_ptr = NULL;
** If the handle we have is valid then use it to get a pointer to a temporary copy of the data safe contents for this
** handle.
if (Handle.Is_Valid()) {
#ifdef WWDEBUG
bool ok =
#endif //WWDEBUG
DataSafeClass<T>::Get(Handle, data_ptr);
if (data_ptr) {
** Error case. Need to return some valid value.
static T oh_dear;
* SafeDataClass::operator int -- Return the data for this class as an int *
* *
* *
* *
* INPUT: Nothing *
* *
* OUTPUT: Data cast to int *
* *
* WARNINGS: None *
* *
* 7/6/2001 11:47AM ST : Created *
template <class T>
inline SafeDataClass<T>::operator int (void) const
ds_assert(sizeof(T) == sizeof(int));
T *data_ptr = NULL;
#ifdef WWDEBUG
** Check that T is safe to return as an int
T x = 0;
int y = (T)x;
ds_assert(x == y);
#endif //WWDEBUG
** If the handle we have is valid then use it to get a pointer to a temporary copy of the data safe contents for this
** handle.
if (Handle.Is_Valid()) {
#ifdef WWDEBUG
bool ok =
#endif //WWDEBUG
DataSafeClass<T>::Get(Handle, data_ptr);
if (data_ptr) {
** Error case. Need to return some valid value.
static int oh_dear;
* SafeDataClass::operator unsigned int -- Return the data for this class as an unsigned int *
* *
* *
* *
* INPUT: Nothing *
* *
* OUTPUT: Data cast to unsigned int *
* *
* WARNINGS: None *
* *
* 7/6/2001 11:47AM ST : Created *
template <class T>
inline SafeDataClass<T>::operator unsigned int (void) const
ds_assert(sizeof(T) == sizeof(unsigned int));
T *data_ptr = NULL;
#ifdef WWDEBUG
** Check that T is safe to return as an unsigned int
T x = 0;
unsigned int y = (T)x;
ds_assert(x == y);
#endif //WWDEBUG
** If the handle we have is valid then use it to get a pointer to a temporary copy of the data safe contents for this
** handle.
if (Handle.Is_Valid()) {
#ifdef WWDEBUG
bool ok =
#endif //WWDEBUG
DataSafeClass<T>::Get(Handle, data_ptr);
if (data_ptr) {
return(*((unsigned int*)data_ptr));
** Error case. Need to return some valid value.
static unsigned int oh_dear;
* SafeDataClass::operator long -- Return the data for this class as a long *
* *
* *
* *
* INPUT: Nothing *
* *
* OUTPUT: Data cast to long *
* *
* WARNINGS: None *
* *
* 7/6/2001 11:47AM ST : Created *
template <class T>
inline SafeDataClass<T>::operator long (void) const
ds_assert(sizeof(T) == sizeof(long));
T *data_ptr = NULL;
#ifdef WWDEBUG
** Check that T is safe to return as a long
T x = 0;
long y = (T)x;
ds_assert(x == y);
#endif //WWDEBUG
** If the handle we have is valid then use it to get a pointer to a temporary copy of the data safe contents for this
** handle.
if (Handle.Is_Valid()) {
#ifdef WWDEBUG
bool ok =
#endif //WWDEBUG
DataSafeClass<T>::Get(Handle, data_ptr);
if (data_ptr) {
** Error case. Need to return some valid value.
static long oh_dear;
* SafeDataClass::operator int -- Return the data for this class as an unsigned long *
* *
* *
* *
* INPUT: Nothing *
* *
* OUTPUT: Data cast to unsigned long *
* *
* WARNINGS: None *
* *
* 7/6/2001 11:47AM ST : Created *
template <class T>
inline SafeDataClass<T>::operator unsigned long (void) const
ds_assert(sizeof(T) == sizeof(unsigned long));
T *data_ptr = NULL;
#ifdef WWDEBUG
** Check that T is safe to return as an unsigned long
T x = 0;
unsigned long y = (T)x;
ds_assert(x == y);
#endif //WWDEBUG
** If the handle we have is valid then use it to get a pointer to a temporary copy of the data safe contents for this
** handle.
if (Handle.Is_Valid()) {
#ifdef WWDEBUG
bool ok =
#endif //WWDEBUG
DataSafeClass<T>::Get(Handle, data_ptr);
if (data_ptr) {
return(*((unsigned long*)data_ptr));
** Error case. Need to return some valid value.
static unsigned long oh_dear;
* SafeDataClass::operator int -- Return the data for this class as a float *
* *
* *
* *
* INPUT: Nothing *
* *
* OUTPUT: Data cast to float *
* *
* WARNINGS: None *
* *
* 7/6/2001 11:47AM ST : Created *
template <class T>
inline SafeDataClass<T>::operator float (void) const
ds_assert(sizeof(T) == sizeof(float));
T *data_ptr = NULL;
#ifdef WWDEBUG
** Check that T is safe to return as a float
T x = 0;
float y = (T)x;
ds_assert(x == y);
#endif //WWDEBUG
** If the handle we have is valid then use it to get a pointer to a temporary copy of the data safe contents for this
** handle.
if (Handle.Is_Valid()) {
#ifdef WWDEBUG
bool ok =
#endif //WWDEBUG
DataSafeClass<T>::Get(Handle, data_ptr);
if (data_ptr) {
** Error case. Need to return some valid value.
static float oh_dear;
* SafeDataClass::operator int -- Return the data for this class as a double *
* *
* *
* *
* INPUT: Nothing *
* *
* OUTPUT: Data cast to double *
* *
* WARNINGS: None *
* *
* 7/6/2001 11:47AM ST : Created *
template <class T>
inline SafeDataClass<T>::operator double (void) const
ds_assert(sizeof(T) == sizeof(double));
T *data_ptr = NULL;
#ifdef WWDEBUG
** Check that T is safe to return as a double
T x = 0;
double y = (T)x;
ds_assert(x == y);
#endif //WWDEBUG
** If the handle we have is valid then use it to get a pointer to a temporary copy of the data safe contents for this
** handle.
if (Handle.Is_Valid()) {
#ifdef WWDEBUG
bool ok =
#endif //WWDEBUG
DataSafeClass<T>::Get(Handle, data_ptr);
if (data_ptr) {
** Error case. Need to return some valid value.
static double oh_dear;
* SafeDataClass::Get_Ptr - Get a pointer to a decrypted version of a class in the data safe *
* *
* *
* *
* INPUT: nothing *
* *
* OUTPUT: Ptr to copy of data in safe *
* *
* WARNINGS: None *
* *
* 7/3/2001 12:05PM ST : Created *
template <class T>
inline T *SafeDataClass<T>::Get_Ptr(void) const
T *data_ptr = NULL;
** If the handle we have is valid then use it to get a pointer to a temporary copy of the data safe contents for this
** handle.
if (Handle.Is_Valid()) {
#ifdef WWDEBUG
bool ok =
#endif //WWDEBUG
DataSafeClass<T>::Get(Handle, data_ptr);
if (data_ptr) {
** Error case.
* SafeDataClass::Commit -- Write decrypted data safe data back into the safe *
* *
* *
* *
* INPUT: Ptr to data (must be from prior return list) *
* *
* OUTPUT: True if commited back into the safe *
* *
* WARNINGS: None *
* *
* 7/13/2001 2:28PM ST : Created *
template <class T>
inline bool SafeDataClass<T>::Commit(T *data_ptr) const
** If the handle is valid, and the data pointer is one of our temporary return buffers
** then copy the data back into the safe.
if (Handle.Is_Valid()) {
** Verify it's one of our temp data pointers.
if (DataSafeClass<T>::In_Return_List(data_ptr)) {
#ifdef WWDEBUG
DebugData = *data_ptr;
#endif //WWDEBUG
return(DataSafeClass<T>::Set(Handle, data_ptr));
#pragma warning(default : 4189)
#pragma warning(default : 4101)
#endif //_DATASAFE_H